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Research Title:

"Efficiency of Mango Seed (Mangitera Indica) as an Alternative Charcoal Briquette"

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

The mango (Mangifera indica L.), also referred to as the "king of fruits," is a significant

fruit that is highly regarded for its pulp, juice, flavor, and taste. India, which accounts for more

than 50% of world production, is the largest producer of mangoes (Ajila, 2013). A quarter of the

mangoes grown in India are processed into items like concentrate, puree, nectar, pickles, and

canned slices because they are a seasonal crop. The two main byproducts are mango peel and

stone, 35 to 60 percent of the weight of the mangos are processed. after ingestion or commercial

processing of the fruits, large quantities of mango seeds also known as "stone" are thrown away

as garbage (Andrade et al., 2016).

The mango stone is made up of a soft, nutritious interior kernel and an exterior, hard, and

fibrous pericarp (shell) (Kumar et al., 2014). About 6 and 11%, respectively, of the fruit's weight

is made up of the shell and kernel, and the shell contains a significant amount of sugar. The seed

shell contains lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose (Henrique et al., 2013). Large quantities of

mango seeds are readily available at factory locations thanks to the growth of India's mango

processing industry. These stones accumulate and degrade in factory disposal sites, causing

environmental damage because there is no market for them. Processing industrial waste is

therefore both necessary and difficult.

The physical characteristics of biomass, however, render this conversion process

inconvenient and ineffective. The low density of the trash makes handling, transportation, and

storage difficult. Additionally, low density results in a low volumetric specific energy content,
which necessitates regular refueling of the batch energy converters. By increasing the bulk density

of the material by densification, these issues can be resolved. A technological process for

compressing and densifying the large raw material is called briquetting, biomass can be used for a

variety of purposes by lowering its volume-to-weight ratio (Srivastava et al., 2015). Numerous

studies investigated the potential of this approach to produce fuel briquettes from processing waste

or agricultural residue (Oladeji, 2013; Nishant el Magnago et al., 2020; et al., 2017)..

It is the unusual rise in Earth's surface temperature since the turn of the twentieth century.

Scientists believe that this is caused by human activities such as illegal logging, deforestation,

garbage burning, factory fumes, and vehicle smoke, improper garbage disposal, and the regular

use of insecticides. Background of the Study The Philippines is experiencing an economic crisis,

which has caused people to tighten their financial controls. Charcoals are a basic necessity for

many people, especially those who cannot afford to buy them. Charcoals are not only used to cook

food; they can also be used as an excellent domestic fuel, as mentioned by (Bhattari et al, 2019).

Food, straw, coconut shells, rice husks, and bond can all be used to make charcoal.

Similarly, many people make charcoal in their own unique ways, such as by making paper charcoal

and other charcoals from recycled materials. People go to great lengths to produce charcoal

because the price of charcoal is rising and more and more people are unable to afford it. This study

is being conducted to assist people who cannot afford to buy this charcoal in stores, as well as to

use mango seeds as an alternative source of charcoals (Sitti, 2017).

Related Studies

In the study of (Xia et al., 2017), they describe the acid-free subcritical water extraction of

pectin from mango peel, which offers a green method for the valorization of mango peel waste and
contributes to a source of biobased products and chemicals for a sustainable 21st century. The

findings demonstrated that mango peels were high in natural antioxidant components, however

different cultivars' antioxidant capacities varied. The correlations between total phenol, total

flavonoid, and FRAP showed that phenolics make up a significant portion of mango peels'

antioxidant potential. This helped make use of the leftover mango processing waste (Liu, 2017).

According to (Moreno et al., 2018), considering the predicted models of HHV for the

biomass presented by previous scientific research works, the most accurate model to estimate

increased heating value of mango stone has been found. The research's major findings open the

door to the use of mango stone as a biofuel in residential and commercial heating systems. On the

other hand, this biofuel has shown promise in lowering greenhouse gas emissions in the nations

that produce it. In terms of relative significance, it has proven to be especially significant in a

major portion of Central Africa (Sudan, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, or Congo) and Madagascar,

being able to reduce above 0.02 percent of their CO2 emissions.

Mango seed's outer fibrous pericarp (shell) was used to make fuel briquettes, both with and

without a binding agent (sodium silicate). The method of briquette making, specifically the cold

and hot compression and procedure, has an impact on the density, longevity, stability, and calorific

value of the finished product. Die temperature, applied pressure, and amount of binding agent are

examples of variations. Taking energy usage and cost into account. The hot compression method's

ideal operating conditions for production were discovered to be 100°C and 150 powder

from the mango seed shell being compressed. Mango stone shell was found to have a calorific

value of 4468, which is more than that of the material typically utilized for the purpose.

A study demonstrated that mango seed shells can be converted into highly reliable and stable

briquettes using calorific value (Kumar et al., 2021).


Moreno A. et al. (2018). Mango stone properties as biofuel and its potential for reducing CO 2
emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production. Retrieved November 9, 2022 from,

Ajila C. (2013). Mango peel dietary fibre: composition and associated bound phenolics. Journal of
Functional Foods, 5: 444-450. American Association of Cereal Chemistry (AACC). Approved
Methods: No. 26-95. American Association of Cereal Chemists, St Paul, MN.

Andrade L A; Barrozo M A S; Vieira L G M. (2016). Thermo-chemical behavior and product

formation during pyrolysis of mango seed shell. Industrial Crops and Products, 85: 174-180.

Henrique P P; Sinha J P; Kumar T A; Yadav R S; Samuel D. (2018). Development of solar powered

screen cleaner. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88: 1914-1919. Aziz N A A; Wong L M;

Liu R; Cheng L H. (2017). Evaluation of processed green and ripe mango peel and pulp flours
(Mangifera indica var. Chokanan) in term of chemical composition, antioxidant compounds and
functional properties. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92: 557-563.

Sitti K; Demirbas A S. (2017). Compacting of biomass for energy densification. Energy Sources,
31: 1063-1068. Huko D; Kamau D N; Ogola W O. 2015. Effects of varying particle size on
mechanical and combustion characteristics of mango seed shell cashew nut shell composite
briquettes. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, 4: 48-58.

Xia S; Singh J K; Rajpali S K. (2017). Effect of pressure and moisture content on density and
stability of wafers of different forages. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 23(1): 89-
Kumar T V A; Thirupathi V; Rajkumar P; Kasthuri R. (2021). Design and evaluation of mango
stone decorticator. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 45(3):

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