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1. Historians prefer more original materials during their study for the purpose of its
A. Tangibility B. Simplicity C. Nearness D. Accessibility
2. Which of the following historical writings makes a history different from writing a fiction?
A. The art of tracing event in time framework
B. Presenting events in readable and understandable way C. Presenting information based
on evidence D. Narrating all the necessary points to be included
3. Any information about the past can qualify as history when it is
A. Written by a professional historian B. Written by a mature historian
C. Supported by primary sources D. Supported by evidence
4. How does the discipline of history help positively influence the future?
A. by providing models from the past that can be copied B. by enabling us all to be
C. by teaching us about our past glories and making us proud D. By enabling us learn from the
past and avoid repeating mistakes
5. Identify an event that took place during the middle stone age
A. Invention of stone tools B. the beginning of taming dog C. the discovery of fire
D. domestication of plants and animals
6. What was the most important transformation mankind achieved during the Neolithic revolution
A. the beginning of production of cloths B. the introduction of iron works
C. the begging of food production D. The use of stone tools for the first time
7. A remarkable achievement that the ancient Indian civilization contributed to the world was
A. progress in engineering and architectural fields’ B. invention of printing and gun powder
C. utilization of underground tunnels to avoid evaporation
D. The introduction of decimal system and zero symbols
8. Why the ancient Romans regarded the ancient Greeks as ‘’ empty word-mongers’’? because
A. Ancient Romans believed they devoted to practice while the Greeks were to theoretical part
B. Ancient Greeks lacked cultural and intellectual achievements that the Romans possessed
C. Ancient Romans were the first to use an alphabetic writing system, while the Greeks adopted from
D. Ancient Greeks were more talkative while Romans were innocent people, too
9. Which come first?
A. Bishops B. Priests C. Deacons D. Archbishops
10. Which of the following Germanic tribes invaded Spain in about 416?
A. Visigoths B. angles C. Saxons D. Vandals
11. Acheulean tools are associated with
A. Hominids B. Homo erectus C. Homo habils D. Homo sapiens
12. Which of the following Islamic legal schools of thought has been dominant in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and
A. Hanafi B. Malik c. shafi’i and hanafi D. Hanbali
13. What did the kingdom of kaffa and sheka share in common?
A. They both established in the omo valley B. They used similar royal title
C. Both, once conquered by the mecha Oromo D. Both incorporated by Minilik before Adwa
14. The benefit that king sahle silassie of Shewa gained from the 19 th century’s considerable visits of
European envoys was
A. It enabled him to get firearms that facilitated his territorial expansion
B. He got the submission of Omotic state due to Europeans’ support
C. It enabled him to adopt some elements of western capitalism
D. His kingdom enjoyed economic property following their arrival
15. Which of the following market centers of the 19 thC long distance trade in the Ethiopian region was not
belong to the north-western trade route
A. Basso B. Dierta C. Asandabo D. Soddo
16. Which one of the following kingdom has a history that goes back to the Aksumite Period?
A. The kingdom of Kaffa B. The kingdom of Walayta
C. The kingdom of Enarya D. The kingdom of Damot
17. Which of the following regional entities in southern Ethiopia had succeded in maintaining its relative
autonomy until the Italian invasion and occupation?
A. Kaffa B. Jimma C. Walayta D. leqa Nekemte
18. Leqa Qellam was founded by
A. Kumsa Moroda B. Bakare Godana C. Jote Tullu D. Tullu
19. The main source of long distance trade items in the Ethiopian region was?
A. Southeastern region B. Northeastern region
C. Southwestern region D. Northwestern region
20. To achieve German unification Bismarck waged three was against three countries: - these were
A. Britain, France and Italy B. Denmark, Austria and Italy
C. Austria, France and Denmark D. Denmark, Sweden and Austria
21. Which of the following medieval Muslim sultanates of the Ethiopia region had established a strong
political marriage with the rulers of the Christian highland kingdom?
A. Ifat B. Dawaro C. Fatagar D. Hadya
22. Mikricho was to the kingdom of kaffa what was to the kingdom of Yem
A. Goqa B. Astesor C. Erasho D. Bushasho
23. The main factor for the rise of Muslim states in the Ethio-Sudanese frontier like Asosa and komosha
A. The growth of trade and agriculture B. The influence of Islam and border trade
C. The rise of strong leaders and agriculture D. The rise of Egyptian power and Mahdists

24. What was the immediate trigger for the American civil war of 1861-1865?
A. Abraham Lincoln’s election B. Disagreements on the issue of slavery
C. Disagreements over the respective powers of the federal and local government
D. The secession of a number of southern states from the union
25. Which state become a wall against Russia’s south word expansion
A. Austria B. Britain C. France D. Ottoman Turkey
26. What did the theory of indirect rule refers to colonial Africa?
A. Rule through educated African bureaucrats B. Rule through propaganda
C. Rule through traditional rulers D. Rule through missionaries and religious institutions
27. Cameroon was the colony of
A. Britain B. France C. Germany D. Belgium
28. Which of the following describes the thinking of scholar officials of ancient china?
A. China is always behind the western world B. China should open up to outside world
C. Chinese civilization is superior to all others D. Change in social and cultural life should be
29. ’’ No taxation without representation’’ was the slogan of
A. Amerindians B. Americans in Britain’s 13 American colonies
C. The British parliament D. The British Bourgeoisie
30. What was social Darwinism?
A. A popular revolutionary movement led by Darwin
B. The belief that people and societies must compete for survival
C. The theory that society should not impede the freedom of its individual members
D. The belief that human should carefully manage their natural environments to survive
31. Which one of the following paved the way for the wollo oromo to play an anctive role in the
Gondarine court?
A. Ras Wolde leul’s promotion to the rank of Ras Bitwoded
B. Emperor Bakaffa’s marriage to Mentwab C. Emperor Iyassu II’s marriage to Bersabeh
D. Shoa’s isolation and growing autonomy for Gondarine rule
31. After suppressing the growing opposition against Mentwab her faction for which he was called to
Gondar in 1767, Ras Michael Sehul
A. Returned to Tigray immediately B. Stayed in Gondar married to Mentwab, but disengaged
from politics C. Marched to Shoa to subdue the rebellious rulers of that province
D. Stayed in Gondar deeply involved in the struggle for power
32. The core provinces of the Gondarine kingdom
A. Gojjam, Eritrea and wollo B. Shewa, Tigray and wollo
C.Simen, Shewa and Gojjam D. Begemidri,Gojjam, Simen and Tigray
33. What was the so-called Boston Tea party?
A. Apolitical party organized by tea producers B. A meeting of Boston’s tea exporters to
protest British rules C. A political gathering of American colonists at which tea was
served D. The dumping of tea in the harbor to protest the imposition of import taxes
on tea
34. On which of the following principles did the majority of enlightenment philosophers reached a
common consensus
A. The capacity of human beings for reasoning B. A republic as the best form of government
C. Irrelevance of religion for the common people D. Revolution as the only means of avoiding
tyranic rule
35. An influential Portuguese missionary who convert king suseniyos /1607—1632/ in to catholic was?
A. Andre de Oviedo B. Bermudez C. Alfonso Mendez D. Pedro Peaz
36. Which of the following were the immediate measure taken by king Fasiledas /1632-1667/ right after
his coronation?
A. He launched a military expedition against pashas of swakin
B. He expelt the Jesuit missionaries to Europe
C. He ordered the building of 45 Orthodox Church in Gondar
D. He publically hanged many catholic converts and the Jesuits
37. During the 1789 French revolution who were the representatives of the big bourgeoisie?
A. The Girondians B. The Jacobins C. The General Assembly D. The Estate
38. What did Thomas Paine emphasis on his pamphlet entitled ‘’Common sense’’ during the American
A. He blamed Americans for their fighting of the mother land England
B. He criticized the domination of a smaller England over a longer America
C. He appreciated the introduction of Stamp Act
D. He encouraged American patriots to assist the French Revolution
39. Which of the following had nothing with the characteristics of a capitalist economy?
A. Absence of private property B. Absence of slavery and serfdom
C. Legal equality of all members of society D. Land sold like any other commodities
40. The French Revolution of 1789 was not due to
A. The influence of British bourgeoisie B. The French monarch was bankrupt
C. The influence of the French philosophers C. The role of Americans military assistance
41. One region did not engage in the war of the zemene mesafint (Era of warlords)
A. Tigrai B. Wollo C. Gojjam D. Shewa
42. According to Karl Marx’s philosophy
A. workers have to continue their struggles until they gain their equality
B. The capitalists have to give incentives for their workers
C. A class struggle between capitalists and workers is natural
D. Social inequality never stops though workers continue their struggle
43. Napoleon Bonaparte’s ‘’continental system ‘’ was aimed
A. Breaking British resistance against Napoleon empire
B. Spreading the ideas of equality and the rule of law in Europe
C. Promoting the ideas of free trade throughout Europe and north America
D. forming a common front with allies such as Russia and Prussia
44. The residents of Paris attacked the Bastille in July 1789 because
A. it symbolized the oppressive and unjust features of the ancient regime
B. It contained a large number of prisoners who were arrested without
C. The believed that it was being used as a base to launch attacks against the common people
D. They received information that it contained flour for making bread
45. Which one of the following was a cause of conflict between Charles II and parliament in the English
A. Parliament’s opposition to the king grating extensive lands to the Queen that was exempt from taxes
B. Charle’s practice of collecting taxes without parliamentary approval which was seen as illegal
C. the uncovering of Charle’s plan to convert England into a catholic country
D. The antagonism created by the demand of the abolition of the monarchy
46. Why did France support the cause of the 13 British colonies of America during the revolutionary
A. Because of the anti-colonial stance of the French government of the time
B. Because of the age-long rivalry between Great Britain and France
C. Because the France wanted to replace Britain as a new colonial master of the continent
D. Because of the ideological commitment of the French revolutionaries against British tyrants
47. What was the motive of the 16thc Portuguese attempt to establish a bilateral relation with the Christian
highland kingdom of Ethiopia?
A. To record the history of legendary king prester John of India
B. To facilitate the process of catholization within the Christian Empire
C. To chase the ottoman Turks from the Red sea region after having the Christian’s support
D. To play their arbitration role in the conflict between the Adal and Christian kingdom
48. The major factor that contributed to the oromo’s successful occupation of a vast territory in Ethiopia
A. They allowed the non-oromo people to share with the oromos
B. They used modern weapons to fight their counterpart or enemy
C. They destroyed everything they so that they terrorized their enemy
D. The highland kingdom allowed the oromo’s to control vast lands
49. A congress of European powers was assembled in Vienna in 1815 to settle
A. The boundaries of Austria, Russia and Prussia B. The fate of Poland
C. The political organization of Italy and Germany D. All are the correct answers
50. Under the Gada system what was a criteria for same one to be elected as an officer?
A. Economic status B. Ability C. Social status D. Family
51. What was the impact of the story of the ‘’pester John of the Indies’’ on Ethiopia’s foreign relation of
the 15th c
A. It increased Turkish hatred and animosity towards Ethiopia
B. It attracted the Portuguese to establish closer relation with Ethiopia
C. It attracted the Turks to establish closer relation with Ethiopia
D. It shaped the religious policy of the Portuguese towards Ethiopia
52. What was the role of Balegult in the medieval Ethiopian feudal society?
A. Commanding the army during the time of regional and national crisis
B. Collecting tributes for the use of common people
C. Giving fertility prayer to increase population number
D. Giving guidance in the case of irrigation schemes
53. The most important political function of Amba Gishe was
A. Reduction of conflict over succession by confining princes
B. Education of princes in the art of politics
C. Giving legitimacy to emperors through anointing
D. Keeping the chief symbols of authority
54. The Emir who made continuous attacks against the Christian kingdom during the reigns of Eskindir
/r.1478-1508/ was
A. Mohammed Badly B. Nur Mujahid C. Mahfuz D. Abdullahi
55. Imam Ahmed’s policy towards the Christian kingdom was different from his predecessors, because
A. He succeeded in establishing an alliance with Yemen before launching his attacks
B. Rather than limit himself to frontier raids he aimed to conquer the Christian highland
C. He developed a navy that limited Christian contact with Portugal before launching his attacks
D. He gained the support of the muslim within the Christian kingdom before the beginning of his attacks
56. How did the Ottoman Turks involve in Ethiopian politics in the late 16thc?
A. By hindering the import of firearms to the kings of the Christian highland kingdom
B. By preventing the emperors from corresponding with Europe
C. By their alliance with the rebellions Falasha people
D. By supporting the rebellion of local notables like Bahir Negash Yishaq
57. Which one of the following was not true about Yekno- Amlak?
A. He was the founder of ‘’Solomonic’’ dynasty
B. His success was based on the support of clergy only
C. He established the center of his kingdom around Tagulet
D. He was a general in the Zagwe army before he became king
58. What was the central idea behind Calvinism?
A. Purity of heart and mind B. Justification by faith
C.Predestination D. Separation of church and state
59. Which one of the following was not a view advocated by Renaissance writers called Christian
A. A state free from war and poverty B. The separation of church and state
C. Freedom to criticize ideas D. The necessity of justice and freedom
60. Which one of the following is correct about Pan-Africanism?
A. The original founders of the movement were Marcus Garvey and Kwame Nkrumah
B. its ideas were first articulated by members of the African diaspota in the USA and cribean
C. it failed to achieve anyone of the major ideas articulated by its founders
D. It ended with the collapse of Marcus Garvey’s back to Africa movement
61. Which of the following is a point of difference between the OAU and the AU?
A. The former had the eradication of colonialism as its main agenda while the later does not
B. The former sought to bring about the political unity of continent while the later does not
C. The former had all of the continent’s 54 countries as members while the latter does not
D. The former had the full support of Europe and America while the latter does not
62. The main reason why West Africa colonies independence smoothly was that
A. there were brave fighters B. They enjoyed good literally
C. West Africa had no white settlers D. The impact of World War II too strong in the
63. Identify an African leaders who desposed from his power through military coup de’tet
A. Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya B. Anwar sadat of Egypt
C. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana D. Julius Nyerrere of Tanzania
64. What was the Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya?
A. Kikuyu protest against land alienation by the settlers B. War of independence by kenyas
against the British C. A civil war between the kikuyu and the kalenjin
D. A movement for equal pays Kenyan workers
65. Which of the following is true about the land reform proclamation of 1975 in Ethiopia?
A. It prohibited hired labor B. It promised up to 15-20 hectares of land per
C. It declared that all land will be owned by the state D. It declared that the sale and purchase of
land will be allowed under certain conditions
66. Which of the following developments acted as a trigger for the revolution of 1974?
A. Shortage of food B. Border conflict with Somalia C. The rebellion of the
military in Asmara D. Increase in oil prices
67. Which of the following events marked the radicalization of the student movement in Ethiopia?
A. The elaboration of the national question by walalegn Mokonnen B. the failure of the coup
attempt by Mengistu and Girmame C. The assassination of Tilahun Gizaw
D. The famine of 1972-1973
68. Which of the following sectors of the security forces in Ethiopia supported the coup makers in 1960?
A. The army and the police B. The police and central security
C. The army and central security D. The Imperial Body guard and the police
69. The first revolt against Haile Sellasie regime in February 1974 took place the
A. University students B. Peasants in the country side
C. Taxi drivers in Addis Abeba D. Mutiny of soldiers in the town of Negele Borana
70. Which of the following was rallying cry that was used as a propaganda material by the coup makers
of December 1960?
A. The backwardness of Ethiopia B. The call for land for the tillers
C. Call for the restoration of Eritrea D. The ravaging famine in northern Ethiopia
71. One of the following is false about the effect of 1944 Anglo-Ethiopian agreement
A. It allowed Emperor Haile Sellasie to recuit non British personnel
B. It allowed Ethiopia to use the Djibouti railway line as outlet
C. It recognized Ethiopia as a sovereign state
D. Britain agreed to replace its army by Ethiopian army force
72. In Ethiopian history the period of American was characterized by
A. Nominal power for the emperor due to USA’s intervention
B. Increase in Ethiopia’s economic influence at global level
C. The achievement of some sort of diplomatic recognition for Ethiopia
D. The wide spread of chaos and political upheavals in the entire state
73. Who was appointed as governor of Bale following the end of peasant rebellion in 1970?
A. General Jagama Kello B. General Waqo Gutu C. General Tadesse Birru
D. Colonel Alemu Kitesa
74. One of the following was among factors that encouraged the establishment of political parties in
Eritrea since early 1940s
A. British allowed the right to form political parties
B. Italian colonial masters allowed multi- party system in Eritrea
C. OAU’s pressure on Eritrean rulers to encourage political parties
D. Emperor haile silahse’s enlightened view towards multi-party system
75. The programme known as the development through cooperation campaign was aimed at
A. Implementing a literacy program in the ruler areas
B. Division of rural land to the landless peasants
C. Facilitating sanitation program to the masses
D. defending the country’s boundary from foreign attacks
76. Why President Siyad Barre of Somalia ordered a full scale of invasion against Ethiopia in 1970s?
A. He hoped that the 1974 revolution weakened Ethiopia
B. He was encouraged by soviets union and Cuba
C. His intention was to divert public attention to the outside issues
D. He was invited by the Ethiopian Somalis to combat Mengistu’s regime
77. The Golan Heights of Syria and Gaza strip of Egypt seized by Israel during the
A. Six days Arab-Israel war B. By the first Arab-Israel war
C. By the Yum Kippur war D. By the Suez canal crisis
78. Why did USA give support to France against the Vietnamese in the Indo-china war?
A. It wanted to get a revenge for its defeat in the hands of nationalists
B. It believed that the spread of communism would threaten US interest in the region
C. It wanted to support a member of NATO alliance which was in difficulty
D. it believed that rapid independence for Asia was detrimental to its interests
79. Which of the following was a consequence of ‘’ the Great leap forward ‘’ in china?
A. The outbreak of a terrible famine across china
B. the transformation of china from a liberal to a communist state
C. The weakening of Mao’s personality cult
D. The development of a conflict between the china and the USSR
80. What was the idea behind the Nuclear Non- proliferation treaty of 1968?
A. That nuclear weapons should not be possessed by non western countries
B. That nuclear weapons should not be used in any kind of military conflict
C. Those countries already possessing nuclear weapons should begin to dismantle them
D. Those nuclear weapons should not expand beyond those countries that already possessed them
81. What was the purpose of ’’ The Long March’’ of Chinese communist’s forces in 1934?
A. Escape from attack B. Retreating in the face of popular rebellion
C. Escape from encirclement by the Kuomintang D. Establishing a base of operation in a strategic area
82. In 1956 Indonesia won her independence from
A. Japan B. Netherland C. Britain D. France
83. One of the great supporters of the principles of non-violent struggle in the world was
A. Fidel Castro B. George Marshal C. Mahtama Gandhi D. Mao Zedong
84. Winston Churchill’s speech of 1946 ‘’ an iron curtain is drawn between Europe East and West’’ was
intended to signify?
A. The action of communist governments of Eastern Europe blocking their people’s communication with
west Europe
B. The underlying of iron curtain that hindered east European communication with west Europe
C. The political decision reached to draw a new map for Europe by the Warsaw pact of 1955
D. The establishment of sophisticated iron bridges that would enhance east –west communication
85. Which of the following states is not among the founding members of the northern Atlantic Treaty
Organization /NATO/
A. Canada B. Greece C. Iceland D. Luxemburg
86. What did the idea of ‘’civil disobedience’’ mean in the peaceful struggle against British colonial rule
in India?
A. That Indians should disobey the British in the most civilized manner
B. That struggle against the British should focus on the civilian population
C. That Indians should refuse to carry out orders from the British without involving in violence
D. That individual Indians should disobey their British employers as long as their work was in civilian
87. Why the outcome of the Vietnam war of/1946-1973/ was said to be unique from that of the Korean
War of /1950-1953/? Because at the end of the war
A. The Vietnamese remained colonized while Koreans became independent
B. The Vietnamese became united while the Koreans disunited
C. The Vietnamese adopted capitalism while Korean embarrassed communism
D. The Vietnamese totally disappeared while Korean emerged as a single state
88. Which of the following events marked the beginning of world war second?
A. Pearl Harbour attack B. The outbreak of Sino-Japanese war
C. Germany’s invasion of Poland D. The bombing of London by the Luftwaffe
89. What strategy did the Germans use in defeating the polish army in 1939?
A. A coordinated rapid attack by ground and air forces B.A Coordinated attack by sea and air
C. A Surprise attack through the Baltic countries D. An internal uprising by German patriots
and air strikes
90. One of the following is true about the events took place during the Second World War?
A. The battle of Stalingrad /1943/ fought between Germany and France
B. USA’s entry of the war realized after the attack 0n pearl Harbor
C. The policy of appeasement hindered the expansion of fascist state
D. Hitler’s intention to invade USSR was to control oil fields of Siberia
91. What makes the Second World War unique from the preceding wars?
A. The establishment of international peace keeping organization
B. The application of modern artilleries including air places
C. Indirect participation of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945
D. Indiscriminate killings in the concentration camps
92. What is the origin of the veto power given to the five permanent members of the UN Security
A. They were the founding members of the UN
B. They are the largest contributors to the UN budget
C. they were on the winning side in the Second World War
D. They represent the most populous countries in the Northern Hemisphere
93. Which of the following was an act of appeasement towards Nazi Germany by British and France?
A. Their agreement to German annexation of the Sudetenland
B. Their failure to condemn the formation of the Rome-Berlin Axis
C. Their enthusiastic acceptance of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia
D. Their refusal to condemn the anti-communist alliance of Germany and Japan
94. The body of the United Nations authorized to take military action against an aggressor is?
A. The Security Council B. The Mandate commission
C. International court of Justice D. The General Assembly
95. In 1941 the forces that first captured Addis Ababa from Italians were those of
A. Haile Sellassie I B. Wingate C. Cunningham D. Baley Zeleke
96. 0f the following, who captured alive and killed by Italians?
A. Desta Damtew B. Mulugeta Yigazu C. Haile Selassie Gugsa D. Abebe Aregay
97. The February 1937 Massacre in Addis Ababa was
A. Saw only a few numbers of deaths B. Was ordered by Mussolini from Rome
C. Was the result of the attempted assassination on the life of the Italian viceroy
D. Was limited to the killing of Yewist Arbgnoch
98. Which European power gave guarantee to Austria-Hungary to take any measure against Serbia?
A.Britain B. Russia C. Germany D. France
99. Menelik’s territorial expansion to Southern Ethiopia was done mainly, because the south
A. Had started expansionist wars against Northern Ethiopia r. 1800 B. Had skilled manpower
C. Was rich in agricultural produce, as well as other marketable items such a gold
D. Followed Tradional Worship
100. Why did Tewodros II fail in his attempted reforms?
A. Because the reforms were too radical B. Because the Europeans did not support him
C. Because he was considered to be an illegitimate ruler D. Because he faced stiff
resistance from the church and reginal lords

Set by Dereje H/Mariam Tura

Part two

Choose the best answer for the following questions

1. Why Tewodros II did not successful in the attempted reforms?
a. Because the reforms were too radical
b. Because the Europeans did not support him
c. C. Because he was considered to be an illegitimate ruler of Solomonic dynasty
d. D. Because he faced stiff resistance from the church and regional
2. One of the following countries played a significant role in the formation of the League of Nation
at the end the First World War I?
a. France b. British c. USA d. Russia
3. From the first generation of African independent leaders, one of the following was advocator of
the creation of Africa as “A single United States of Africa”.
a. Jemal Abdurnasir of Egypt
b. Julius Nyrere of Tanzania
c. Habib Bourgiba of Tunisia
d. Emperor Hailesselasie of Ethiopia
4. Among the following choices, which local states incorporated since the battle of Adwa?
a. Gurage, Jimma and shewa
b. Keffa, Borena and Wolayita
c. Wellega, Harar and Arsi
d. Harar, Wolega and Keffa
5. One of the following county was benefited from the treaty of Wuchale?
a. Ethiopia b. Italy c. British d. none
6. All of the following are the reforms of Lij Iyasu (1913-1916). Except one
a. He introduced modern education in Ethiopia
b. The developed the system of auditing and tax payment
c. Introduced municipal police
d. Stop evil action in the country
7. The so-called Diarchy rule in ethiopia was the reign of
a. Tayitu and Ras Teferi Mekonin
b. The reign of Rs Teferi and Zewditu
c. The reign of Tayitu and Zewditu
d. The reign of Ras Bitweded Tesema Nadew and Ras Teferi Mekonin
8. What was the main aim of British in the agreement of Tripartite of 1906?
A. To control the area of rail way line of horn of Africa
b. To build railway that connect Eritrea and Italian Somaliland
c. To control the source of Nile River
d. To monopolize the horn of Africa
9. One of the following was not the result of colonialism in Africa?
a. Inter-conflict among Africans
b. The emergence of identity shock in Africa
c. Racial discrimination in Africa
d. Poverty and hunger
10. All are the product of political consequences of the First World War I? Except one
a. The expel of Russia from the war
b. The war gave recognition for African independence
c. USA emerged as power full state of the world
d. The disintegration of empires of the moment
11. The first military academy of Ethiopia set up at
a. Harar b. Addis Abeba c. Holeta d. Bishoftu
12. Empress Tayitu’s influences since the illness of Emperor Menilik II was serious threat to the
a. The local chief Yeju and Wollo
b. Ethiopian bishop and clergy
c. Showan nobilities
d. Neighboring colonial powers
13. In the course of the WWI, the first battle that the German army defeated by the alliance of British
and Belgium was at the battle of
a. Marne b. Flanders c. Tannenburg c. Juteland
14. Why British and Turkish fought in the course of the First World War?
a. To control the coast of Belgium coast
b. To show their power in the area of submarine
c. To control the Constantinople and Galipoli pensula
d. To control the Mediterranean coasts
15. One of the following peace treaty following the end of the WWI was highly affected Germany
a. Paris peace treaty of 1919
b. The st. Germain of 1920
c. The Versailles treaty of 1919
d. The Savres teaty of 1920
16. One of the following scholar of Pan-Africanism was popularized the values of Negritude’s in the
first pan-Africanism
a. William Sylvesters .
b. Dr Dubois
c. Leopard Sedsr Senghore
d. Kwame Nkruma
17. Among the conference of Pan-Africanisn, one was the considered as corner stone for African
a. The third conference
b. The fifth conference
c. The second conference
d. The fourth conference
18. All the following are the members of the Monrovia groups who opposed the Casablanca groups
Except one
a. Ethiopia b. Libya c. Algeria d. Togo
19. All are the achievements of the Organization of African Union except one
a. Work on the decolonization of Africa
b. It struggle against racism and Apartheid rule
c. Devoted his time to preserve the culture of Africa
d. It solve some of the internal problems of some African countries
20. The overall activities of the Organization of African Union is run by
a. The Assembly b. the Secretariat c. the Council of Ministers d. court of Justices
21. The assimilation policy of French colony was highly affected the following states of Africa
a. Algeria b. Senegal c. Togo d. Mali

Set by Dereje H/Mariam Tura

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