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Stepwise approach to continuous glucose

monitoring interpretation for internists and family

Emily D. Szmuilowicz & Grazia Aleppo

To cite this article: Emily D. Szmuilowicz & Grazia Aleppo (2022) Stepwise approach to
continuous glucose monitoring interpretation for internists and family physicians, Postgraduate
Medicine, 134:8, 743-751, DOI: 10.1080/00325481.2022.2110507

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2022, VOL. 134, NO. 8, 743–751


Stepwise approach to continuous glucose monitoring interpretation for internists

and family physicians
Emily D. Szmuilowicz and Grazia Aleppo
Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Molecular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois, USA


Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) use has expanded rapidly in recent years among people with both Received 13 April 2022
type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In concert with the globally increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes, the Accepted 3 August 2022
majority of whom receive diabetes care from internists or family physicians rather than specialists, it is
becoming increasingly incumbent upon physicians within internal medicine and family practice to
Continuous glucose
interpret and utilize CGM data in real-world clinical practice. It is therefore of paramount importance monitoring; CGM
that internists and family physicians have access to the tools which will enable them to (1) interpret CGM interpretation; diabetes
data, and (2) utilize CGM data to guide therapeutic modifications for their patients with type 2 diabetes. mellitus; type 2; diabetes
Given the limited amount of time available to internists and family physicians to address multiple technology; time in range;
complex topics in a typical office visit, a pragmatic, simple, and systematic approach to CGM interpreta­ internists; family physicians
tion is crucial. This article aims to provide internists and family physicians with a simplified and systematic
approach to CGM interpretation that can be easily and efficiently implemented in a brief office visit.
Plain Language Summary
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) allows people with diabetes to automatically monitor glucose
levels throughout the day and night, helps them to make informed decisions about food choices and
physical activity, and assists people with diabetes and their healthcare providers in adjusting diabetes
medications. CGM use has increased greatly in recent years among people with both type 1 and type 2
diabetes. As the number of people with type 2 diabetes increases around the world, internists and
family physicians increasingly need to understand CGM data and guide their patients who use CGM. As
a result, internists and family physicians need to have the tools which will enable them to (1) interpret
CGM data, and (2) use CGM data to help their patients adjust their diabetes therapies. Since internists
and family physicians have limited time to address many medical issues in a typical office visit, a simple
and systematic approach to CGM interpretation is needed. This article aims to provide internists and
family physicians with a simple and orderly approach to CGM interpretation that can be easily and
efficiently used in a brief office visit.

1. Introduction
adjustments. Furthermore, HbA1c measurements are com­
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) use has expanded monly discordant from average glucose measurements due
rapidly in recent years [1] and imparts well-established bene­ to non-glycemic factors such as hemoglobinopathies or com­
fits in terms of glycemia and well-being among people with monly encountered conditions in which red-cell turnover is
both type 1 and type 2 diabetes [2–7]. Hemoglobin A1c altered, such as iron-deficiency anemia, chronic hemolysis, and
(HbA1c), which reflects average glycemia over the preceding chronic kidney disease [9].
8–12 weeks, remains a cornerstone of diabetes diagnosis and In contrast, CGM data provide direct information about
treatment monitoring, enables cross-sectional comparison of personalized glucose trends which enable tailored thera­
glycemia across populations, and correlates with risk for peutic adjustments, as well as critical information regard­
microvascular diabetes complications in clinical studies [8]. ing the timing and degree of hypoglycemia,
However, this measure of average glycemia does not provide hyperglycemia, and glucose variability in an individual.
information about individual glycemic patterns, glucose Real-time CGM data alert the user immediately to poten­
trends, the presence or absence of hypoglycemia, or glycemic tially dangerous impending hypo- or hyperglycemia, allow­
variability. Thus, while an elevated HbA1c does indicate that ing interventions in real-time to prevent their occurrence
therapeutic action is needed, it does not provide actionable or mitigate their severity. In addition, retrospective analysis
information that can be harnessed to guide therapeutic of either blinded or real-time CGM data enables the

CONTACT Emily D. Szmuilowicz [email protected] Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Molecular Medicine, Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine, 645 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 530, Chicago, IL 60611
Social media username: Twitter handle: @NMEndocrinology
© 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

recognition, by both people with diabetes and their provi­ and/or distracted by excessive data. Table 1 summarizes our
ders, of important glycemic patterns critical to tailored suggested stepwise approach.
diabetes management strategies. Common glycemic pat­
terns easily detected by CGM use, but not apparent via
2.1 Before starting: is there enough data to be
HbA1c measurement or periodic capillary blood glucose
measurements, include nocturnal hypoglycemia, postpran­
dial hyperglycemia, reactive hyperglycemia following Before starting, one must first assess if there are enough data
hypoglycemia, and dawn phenomenon. available in the analysis period to enable meaningful interpre­
With the widespread adoption of CGM use, coupled with the tation and to guide therapeutic decision-making. That is, one
continually increasing global prevalence of type 2 diabetes [10] must first determine if the test is valid for interpretation. In
and projected shortages of and disparate geographic access to defining data sufficiency, the International Consensus on Time
endocrinologists [11], internists and family practice providers in Range recommends that the percentage of time CGM is
are increasingly being called upon to interpret CGM data in active be at least 70% of data from 14 days [13]. Analysis
real-world clinical practice. It is therefore of paramount impor­ periods with less data than the above should generally not
tance that primary care providers have access to the tools be used, as lower values may signify an unrepresentative data
which will enable them to (1) interpret CGM data, and (2) utilize sample or selective inclusion of days or times of day when
CGM data to guide therapeutic modification for their patients glucose values are either higher or lower than usual. In the
with type 2 diabetes. A significant obstacle in the widespread case of intermittently scanned CGM (isCGM) systems, this
could reflect disproportionate selective scanning by the user
use of CGM in primary care is the lack of familiarity with CGM
at times of concern for either hypo- or hyperglycemia, or
interpretation and the overwhelming amount of data gener­
conversely disproportionate selective omission of scans during
ated by these devices. Given the limited amount of time avail­
times of concern for abnormal glucose levels (for instance,
able to internists and family physicians to address often
after high-carbohydrate meals or desserts).
multiple complex topics in a typical office visit [12], it is essen­
tial for internists and family physicians to have a pragmatic,
simple, and systematic approach to CGM interpretation. This 2.2 Step 1: what is the problem?
article aims to provide physicians within internal medicine and Once data sufficiency is established as above, the next step is
family practice with a simplified and systematic approach to defining what challenges exist: (1) excessive hypoglycemia, (2)
CGM interpretation that can be easily and efficiently implemen­ excessive hyperglycemia, or (3) both. This is determined by
ted in a brief office visit. assessment of standardized CGM metrics that are easily gleaned
from all commonly used CGM software systems. Standardized
CGM metrics with corresponding target ranges are shown in
2. Systematic approach to CGM interpretation
Table 2 [13]. More conservative targets, with a priority placed
A systematic and stepwise approach to CGM interpretation on avoidance of hypoglycemia and severe hyperglycemia,
enables efficient extraction of the key data needed to guide should be used for elderly patients and/or those at high risk of
therapeutic modifications without becoming overwhelmed hypoglycemia or its complications, with hypoglycemia

Table 1. Stepwise approach to CGM interpretation.

Question Where to find the answer
Before starting Is there enough data to be analyzed? % time CGM is active
Step 1 What is the problem? CGM metrics
Step 2 Where is the problem? Ambulatory Glucose Profile
Step 3 How to adjust therapy? Daily glucose data
CGM: continuous glucose monitoring.

Table 2. Standardized CGM metrics.

Target for adults with type 1 or 2 Target for older/high-risk adults with type 1 or 2
CGM metric DM† DM†
Time above range (TAR): % of readings and time >250 mg/dL <5% (<1 h, 12 min) <10% (<2 h, 24 min)
(>13.9 mmol/L)
Time above range (TAR): % of readings and time >180 mg/dL <25% (<6 h) <50% (<12 h)
(>10.0 mmol/L)*
Time in range (TIR): % of readings and time 70–180 mg/dL (3.9– >70% (>16 h, 48 min) >50% (>12 h)
10.0 mmol/L)
Time below range (TBR): % of readings and time <70 mg/dL <4% (<1 h) <1% (<15 min)
(<3.9 mmol/L)**
Time below range (TBR): % of readings and time <54 mg/dL <1% (<15 min) 0%
(<3.0 mmol/L)
Glycemic variability (%CV) target ≤36%
DM: diabetes mellitus; TAR: time above range; TIR: time in range; TBR: time below range; CV: coefficient of variation.
*Includes percentage of values >250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L)
**Includes percentage of values <54 mg/dL (3.0 mmol/L)

unawareness, or with cognitive/physical impairments, comorbid­ a growing body of literature has demonstrated that TIR is
ities, or assisted care requirements which complicate the treat­ associated with risk of microvascular [16–18] and macrovascu­
ment regimen and increase risk of adverse treatment effects lar [19] complications in people with diabetes. Thus, TIR is
(Table 2). increasingly emerging as not only a meaningful diagnostic
Time in Range (TIR) has been shown in multiple studies to and therapeutic tool in clinical practice, but also a seemingly
correlate well with HbA1c, as well as with risk of diabetes powerful predictor of diabetes complications.
complications. In many ways, TIR provides a more meaningful
metric of overall glycemia than HbA1c, since measures of
average glycemia such as HbA1c can be well within target,
2.3 Step 2: where is the problem?
even in the setting of alternating, sometimes severe and
potentially dangerous, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. TIR The ambulatory glucose profile (AGP) provides a visual sum­
is emerging as an intuitive indicator of current glycemia that is mary of glucose values measured during the specified analysis
easily understood by both patients and providers. TIR of 70% period (typically the most recent 14 days), and as such provides
corresponds to HbA1c of ~7.0% [14,15]. TIR has been shown to a straightforward means of visually identifying the times of day
correlate well with HbA1c, and each 10% increase in TIR (that during which episodes of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia
is, 2.4 more hours per day within the target range) corre­ requiring clinical action occur (Figure 1). The ‘modal day’ display
sponds to a decrease of 0.6–0.8% in HbA1c on average of glucose values, in which the glucose data collected over
[14,15]. Even seemingly minor (for example 5%) increases in a specified time period (typically 14 days) is aggregated into
TIR may signify clinically relevant progress [13]. In addition, a single 24-hour period, allows one to visually pinpoint the

Figure 1. Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) examples from two different continuous glucose monitor (CGM) manufacturers. (a) The interquartile range (IQR) is
represented by the blue ribbon surrounding the median line and is indicated by the blue arrows. The dashed outer lines (10th and 90th percentiles) are indicated by
the green arrows. (b) The IQR is represented by the blue ribbon surrounding the median line and is indicated by the blue arrows. The dashed outer lines (5th and
95th percentiles) are indicated by the green arrows.

time(s) of the day when specific glycemic patterns exist and glucose is below 70 mg/dL for more than 1 hour of the day. The
when glucose levels repeatedly deviate from the target range. practice of addressing hypoglycemia first is supported by two
Indicating typical mealtimes on the AGP can be helpful in important clinical principles: (1) even rare episodes of hypogly­
determining whether hypoglycemia and/or hyperglycemia cemia can be dangerous; and (2) ‘hypoglycemia begets hyper­
patterns occur fasting, postprandially, or both. The interquar­ glycemia’ when intrinsic counterregulatory mechanisms are
tile range (IQR; represented by the dark ribbon surrounding activated in response to hypoglycemia and/or defensive eating
the median line, indicated by blue arrows in Figure 1(a,b) is required to correct hypoglycemia.
represents the 25th to 75th percentile range. Stated another In contrast, when assessing for patterns of hyperglycemia,
way, 25% of glucose values fall below the lower boundary of look for any times of day when the upper boundary of the IQR
the IQR, 25% of glucose values fall above the upper boundary (dark ribbon), rather than the extreme percentile curves, crosses
the upper end of the target range (180 mg/dL). Since the goal is
of the IQR, and the majority (50%) lie within the IQR. The
to achieve <25% Time Above Range (TAR), action is needed
dashed outer lines (5–10th percentile curves and 90–95th per­
when the 75th percentile (the upper boundary of the IQR, which
centile curves depending on the software brand, indicated by
contains the majority of glucose values) crosses above this
green arrows in Figure 1(a,b) represent the more extreme
upper target, but not when the more extreme percentile curves
values; for example, 5% of glucose values fall below the 5th cross into the hyperglycemia range. When only the highest
percentile curve and 5% of glucose values fall above the 95th percentile line (90–95th percentile) crosses the upper target,
percentile curve. and thus the frequency of hyperglycemia is limited to no
When assessing for patterns of hypoglycemia, look for any more than 5–10% of the day, no immediate action is needed,
times of day when the lowest percentile curve displayed (5–10th since hyperglycemia occurring 5–10% of the time (5–10% TAR)
percentile curve depending on the software, represented by the is acceptable (Table 2). These infrequent episodes of hypergly­
dotted line) crosses 70 mg/dL; this is clinically significant because cemia should prompt discussion of potential causes with the
the goal is to achieve <4% Time Below Range (TBR), and <1% for patient, as they may represent unusually high-carbohydrate
older/high-risk patients (Table 2). That is, action is needed even meals, day-to-day variation, irregular meal/medication timing,
when only >5–10% of glucose values fall in the hypoglycemia or other atypical patterns that do not constitute the norm. As
range. The recommendations (Table 2) to achieve <4% (<1 hour) such, they do not warrant immediate therapeutic modification.
of the day below 70 mg/dL and <1% (<15 minutes) of the day
below 54 mg/dL (and <1% [<15 minutes] below 70 mg/dL in
older/high-risk adults) reflects the fact that both the amount and
2.4 Step 3: how to adjust therapy?
severity of hypoglycemia should be considered in adjusting
therapy. Accordingly, action is warranted when glucose is Once the problem is identified in Step 1 (excessive hypoglyce­
below 54 mg/dL for more than just 15 minutes of the day, or if mia, hyperglycemia, or both), and the hyperglycemic and/or

Figure 2. Therapeutic modifications based on CGM patterns.

Suggested therapeutic modifications are for people with type 2 diabetes only.bMultiple options for GLP-1 RA therapy are clinically available, including daily and weekly formulations. While
some comparative data between agents exist in regards to glycemic efficacy, selection of the specific agent among patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or with indicators of
high risk is additionally guided by differences in cardiovascular outcome data, and often by patient preference and payer coverage among patients without cardiovascular disease or
indicators of high risk [22]. GLP-1 RA: glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; SGLT-2: sodium-glucose co-transporter 2; DPP-4: dipeptidyl peptidase 4.

hypoglycemic patterns are localized in Step 2 (assessment of decrease in glucose overnight, suggestive of hyperglycemia
AGP), the final step is determining appropriate therapeutic throughout the day and night, we suggest adding or increas­
modifications. For this, we suggest reviewing the most recent ing a therapeutic agent which either lowers fasting glucose
7–14 days of daily glucose data, which can be found at the (basal insulin) or which lowers both fasting and postprandial
bottom of the AGP profile report or in the daily glucose reports. glucose (metformin, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist
Reviewing the daily patterns provides granular details about [GLP-1 RA], sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 [SGLT-2] inhibitor,
glucose trends over the day and thus enables one to assess the or dipeptidyl peptidase 4 [DPP-4] inhibitor). If there is a large
glycemic impact of medication doses, medication timing, and decrease in glucose overnight and no nocturnal hypoglycemia
the impact of behaviors such as physical activity and alcohol is observed, therapeutic modifications aimed at treating post-
intake. When repeated patterns of hypoglycemia or hypergly­ dinner hyperglycemia should be recommended (Figure 2),
cemia are identified, one should then suggest therapeutic mod­ with the expectation that this intervention will also decrease
ifications that address the specific patterns identified (Figure 2). fasting glucose on the following day.
Common hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic patterns, and
general suggested therapeutic approaches for people with
3. Case studies
type 2 diabetes, are described in Figure 2. One key principle
of therapeutic adjustment is to always address hypoglycemia 3.1 Case example #1
first [20]. That is, treatment modifications aimed at reduction
A 71-year-old man with type 2 diabetes and hyperlipidemia
in hypoglycemia should be undertaken prior to interventions
takes insulin degludec 24 units once daily (basal insulin),
directed at improving hyperglycemia. As described above,
metformin 1000 mg twice daily, dulaglutide 1.5 mg subcuta­
even rare episodes of hypoglycemia can be clinically danger­
neously once per week (GLP-1 RA), and empagliflozin 25 mg
ous, and additionally hypoglycemia can be a major contributor
once daily (SGLT-2 inhibitor). He has no other significant med­
to subsequent hyperglycemia. In these instances, therapeutic
ical history and has intact cognitive and functional status. CGM
modifications aimed at reduction of hypoglycemia are an
data are shown in Figure 3(a).
effective therapy for the subsequent hyperglycemia (since
instrinsic counterregulatory responses will be quelled, and Before starting: Is there enough data to be analyzed?
defensive eating will no longer be necessary).
Yes, there is >70% of data from 14 days.
Another key principle, in determining the etiology and treat­
ment of fasting hyperglycemia, is the need to assess the trend Step 1: What is the problem?
in glucose overnight and between meals. For patients taking
basal insulin, a large decrease in glucose overnight from bed­ ● Time above range (TAR); % of readings and time
time (post-dinner) to morning (before breakfast) generally indi­ >250 mg/dL (target <5%; <1 h 12 min): 10%
cates an adequate or possibly excessive basal insulin dose.
Factors which may signal ‘overbasalization’ include basal insulin
dose more than ~0.5 units/kg/day and/or a large decrease in ● Time above range (TAR); % of readings and time
glucose level from bedtime to morning or from post-meal to >180 mg/dL (target <25%; <6 h): 25 + 10 = 35%
subsequent pre-meal [7,21]. Further increasing the basal insulin
dose in this situation can lead to nocturnal/fasting hypoglyce­
mia. The intervention that is typically needed to lower the ● Time in range (TIR); % of readings and time 70–180 mg/
fasting glucose in this situation (fasting glucose elevated, with dL (target >70%; 16 h 48 min): 65%
bedtime glucose on night prior even higher) is therapy aimed
at decreasing post-dinner/bedtime hyperglycemia from the
night prior, as decreasing evening postprandial glucose with ● Time below range (TBR); % of readings and time <70 mg/
a therapy that targets postprandial hyperglycemia will in turn dL (target <4%; <1 h): 0%
lower fasting glucose the next morning (Figure 2).
In general, we suggest honing in on the most salient issue
at each visit. Addressing only one CGM pattern at each visit ● Time below range (TBR); % of readings and time <54 mg/
allows the provider and patient to more clearly assess the dL (target <1%; <15 min): 0%
impact of the suggested therapeutic change and avoids over­
whelming the patient. As stated above, hypoglycemia should As shown above, TAR is above target, and TIR is below
always be addressed first. Once hypoglycemia is resolved or if target (due to excessive hyperglycemia), so the problem is
hypoglycemia is not present, then efforts should turn toward that there is excessive hyperglycemia.
treatment of hyperglycemia. For cases in which only postpran­
Step 2: Where is the problem?
dial (but not fasting) hyperglycemia is present, therapeutic
modifications aimed at treating postprandial hyperglycemia On the AGP, the 5th percentile line (dotted line) does not
should be recommended (Figure 2). For cases in which both cross or even approach 70 mg/dL, so there are no significant
fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia are present, we sug­ hypoglycemia patterns. The 75th percentile line (dark blue
gest assessment of the trend in glucose overnight (Figure 2) to band representing the IQR) crosses above 180 mg/dL after
help determine next steps in therapy. If there is minimal meals, suggesting postprandial hyperglycemia (purple arrows).

Figure 3. CGM data for case example #1, before (a) and after (b) therapeutic modification.

Figure 4. CGM data for case example #2, before (a) and after (b) therapeutic modification.

Step 3: How to adjust therapy? elevated postprandial bedtime glucose on the preceding
Review of the daily glucose trends (examples shown in night, and glucose decreased by ≥50 mg/dL (≥2.8 mmol/L)
Figure 3(a)) showed postprandial hyperglycemia following overnight from bedtime to fasting the next morning. This
most but not all meals. Of note, fasting hyperglycemia was pattern indicates that interventions targeting postprandial
noted on some days (red arrows); however, this followed hyperglycemia were needed (Figure 2), and these measures

would be expected to improve the fasting glucose on the line (dark blue band representing the IQR) crosses above
next day as well. Indeed, fasting glucose levels were improved 180 mg/dL after lunch and dinner, suggesting postprandial
on days when postprandial hyperglycemia on the night prior hyperglycemia (purple arrows).
was less severe (green arrows), indicating that the basal insulin
Step 3: How to adjust therapy?
dose was adequate. The therapeutic modification recom­
mended was to increase dulaglutide to 3.0 mg once week to The major challenge for this patient is significant hypogly­
address the postprandial hyperglycemia. In addition, the daily cemia, which poses significant safety risks, particularly in the
glucose trends were reviewed with the patient to identify setting of CAD, increased fall risk, and other comorbidities. Of
which meal choices were associated with larger versus smaller note, the hypoglycemia occurred predominantly overnight,
postprandial glucose increases, in order to guide meal choices. when it would not typically be captured by traditional finger­
Following these interventions, there was significant improve­ stick glucose measurements and when the patient may not
ment in TIR (increased from 65% to 86%) and TAR (decrease experience symptoms of hypoglycemia. In addition, review of
from 35% to 14%; Figure 3(b)). the daily glucose trends (examples shown in Figure 4(a))
showed instances (yellow arrow showing representative exam­
ple) of hyperglycemia following hypoglycemic episodes (due
to the body’s intrinsic counterregulatory responses which
3.2 Case example #2 defend against hypoglycemia, as well as the patient’s practice
A 73-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes, coronary artery of eating exogenous carbohydrate in response to hypoglyce­
disease (CAD), history of thrombotic intracerebral stroke mia symptoms). Thus, it is imperative to address the hypogly­
with residual deficits of right leg weakness and poor bal­ cemia first, both due to the safety risks of hypoglycemia as
ance resulting in increased fall risk, hypertension, and well as the fact that hypoglycemia actually contributes to
hyperlipidemia presents for an initial visit. She takes the subsequent hyperglycemia (and treatment of hypoglycemia
following diabetes medications: insulin glargine 17 units typically improves the ensuing hyperglycemia). Therapeutic
once daily (basal insulin), glimepiride 1 mg daily, and modifications recommended were as follows: (1) decrease
metformin 1000 mg twice daily. CGM data are shown in insulin glargine to 12 units once daily and stop the glimepiride
Figure 4(a). (due to excessive hypoglycemia); and (2) continue metformin.
Once hypoglycemia resolved, the GLP-1 RA dulaglutide
Before starting: Is there enough data to be analyzed? 0.75 mg subcutaneously once per week was added to treat
Yes, there is >70% of data from 14 days. postprandial hyperglycemia, with a plan to subsequently
titrate the dose up to 1.5 mg weekly as tolerated (or higher
Step 1: What is the problem? if needed for persistent hyperglycemia). In addition, the daily
● Time above range (TAR); % of readings and time glucose trends, which revealed intermittent postprandial
>250 mg/dL (target <10%; <2 h, 24 min): 1% hyperglycemia following some but not all meals, were
reviewed with the patient to identify meal patterns associated
● Time above range (TAR); % of readings and time with improved postprandial glycemia (including pairing pro­
>180 mg/dL (target <50%; <12 h): 1 + 17 = 18% tein with carbohydrate, moderate carbohydrate consumption,
and lower glycemic-index carbohydrate choices). Following
● Time in range (TIR); % of readings and time 70–180 mg/ these interventions, there was significant improvement in
dL (target >50%; >12 h): 67% TBR (decreased from 15% to 1%) and TIR (increased from
67% to 85%; Figure 4(b)).
● Time below range (TBR); % of readings and time <70 mg/
dL (target <1%; <15 min): 9 + 6 = 15%
4. Conclusion
● Time below range (TBR); % of readings and time <54 mg/
dL (target 0%): 6% CGM use has revolutionized modern diabetes care by provid­
ing easily obtained and actionable information regarding gly­
As shown above, TBR is significantly above target, so the cemic trends that enables targeted and individualized
problem is that there is excessive hypoglycemia. Note that therapeutic modification. Internists and family physicians are
targets for older/high-risk adults are used based on the pre­ being increasingly called upon to interpret CGM data within
sence of multiple coexisting chronic illnesses and increased the time constraints of a primary care office visit, as CGM use
fall risk. becomes more widespread amidst a growing population with
type 2 diabetes. While the plethora of data provided by CGM
Step 2: Where is the problem? can be overwhelming to providers unfamiliar with its use,
On the AGP, the 5th percentile line (dotted line), and nota­ a simple, stepwise, and systematic approach to CGM interpre­
bly even the 25th percentile line (dark blue band representing tation enables the efficient identification of glycemic trends
IQR), both cross below 70 mg/dL overnight, indicating signifi­ requiring therapeutic action as well as the therapeutic mod­
cant overnight hypoglycemia (red arrow). The 75th percentile ifications needed.

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