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Direct : “Come to my home at 9 o’clock tonight!”, Jessie told.

Indirect : Jessie told me … to her home at o’clock that night.

a. Come
b. To come
c. Coming
d. Came

– reported speech bentuk perintah, polanya :

– S + Told / Ordered / Warned + O + to infinitive

2. Interrogative

Direct : The manager asked, “Will you resign from the company tomorrow?”
Indirect : The manager asked me … I would resign from the company the following day.

a. Did
b. Whether
c. . Will
d. . Can
– reported speech bentuk pertanyaan yes or no
– Polanya :
S + asked / wondered + If / whether + Reported word

3. Imperative

Direct : Daddy told, “Turn on the TV !”

Indirect : Daddy told me … the TV.

a. turn off
b. turned off
c. to turn off
d. turning off
– reported speech bentuk perintah, polanya :
– S + Told / Ordered / Warned + O + to infinitive

4. Interrogative

Direct : Johan asked, “Did you come to maria’s party yesterday?”

Indirect : Johan asked me … I had come to Maria’s party the previous day.

a. If
b. Did
c. Would
d. Could

– reported speech bentuk pertanyaan yes or no

– Polanya :

S + asked / wondered + If / whether + Reported word

5. Negafive Imperative

Direct : The government warned, “Don’t go anywhere during this pandemic!”

Indirect : The government warned us … anywhere during this pandemic.

a. don’t go
b. didn’t go
c. not go
d. not to go
b. – reported speech bentuk perintah, polanya :
– S + Told / Ordered / Warned + O + not to infinitive

6. Negative Imperative

Direct : Fendy Ordered, “Don’t cheat while doing the exam if you don’t want to be punished!”
Indirect : Fendy ordered me … while doing the exam if I don’t want to be punished.

a. don’t cheat
b. didn’t cheat
c. not cheat
d. not to cheat
b. reported speech bentuk perintah, polanya :
c. – S + Told / Ordered / Warned + O + not to infinitive

7. Affirmative

Direct : My grandfather said, “I retired from the company to start my own business”.
Indirect : My grandfather said that he … from the company to start his own business.

a. retired
b. has retired
c. had retired
d. would retire
b. – Subjek + said / explained + that + Reported words
– perubahan tenses : simple past tense menjadi past perfect tense, polanya had + Verb 3.

8. Interrogative

Direct : My mom asked, “What was happening last night ?”

Indirect : My mom asked me what … the previous night.

a. happened
b. is happening
c. had happened
d. had been happening
b. – S + asked / wondered + Q.word + Reported word
– perubahan tenses : past continuous tense menjadi past perfect continuous tense, polanya :
had been + Verb -ing.

9. Affirmative

Direct : Dessy said, “I am so starving”.

Indirect : Dessy said that she … so starving.
a. is
b. was
c. were
d. had been
b. Subjek + said / explained + that + Reported words
– perubahan tenses simple present tense menjadi simple past tense.

10. Interrogative

Direct : My teacher asked, “Why were you absent two days in a row ?”
Indirect : My teacher asked me why I … absent two days in a row.

a. was
b. were
c. am
d. had been
b. S + asked / wondered + Q.word + Reported word
– perubahan tenses simple past tense menjadi past perfect tense, polanya : had been

11. Affirmative

Direct : He said, “Water boils at 100 degrees celcius.

Indirect : He said that water … at 100 degrees celcius.

a. boils
b. boilling
c. boiled
d. to boil

12. Affirmative

Direct : My mom said, ” The sun sets in the west”.

Indirect : My mom said that the sun … in the west.

a. sets
b. setting
c. to set
d. to setting

13. Interrogative

Direct : The Doctor asked, “Were you smoking?”

Indirect : The Doctor asked me if I …

a. were smoking
b. was smoking
c. had been smoking
d. had smoked
b. – S + asked / wondered + Q.word + Reported word
– perubahan tenses simple past tense menjadi past perfect tense, polanya had + Verb

14. Interrogative
Direct : The Policeman asked, “Why don’t you wear your mask ?”
Indirect : The Policeman asked me why I … my mask.

a. don’t wear
b. didn’t wear
c. hadn’t woren
d. wasn’t wearing
b. – S + asked / wondered + Q.word + Reported word
– perubahan tenses simple present tense menjadi simple past tense, pakai verb-2

15. Imperative

Direct : Andy told, “Close the window !”

Indirect : Andy told me … the window.

a. close
b. closing
c. closed
d. to close
b. reported speech bentuk perintah, polanya :
– S + Told / Ordered / Warned + O + to infinitive

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