Gravitation Circle

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GravitationCircle [183 marks]

1. A car travels in a horizontal circle at constant speed. At any instant the resultant [1 mark]
horizontal force acting on the car is
A. zero.
B. in the direction of travel of the car.
C. directed out from the centre of the circle.
D. directed towards the centre of the circle.

This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about forces. Part 2 is about internal energy.
Part 1 Forces
A railway engine is travelling along a horizontal track at a constant velocity.

2a. On the diagram above, draw labelled arrows to represent the vertical forces that act on [3 marks]
the railway engine.

2b. Explain, with reference to Newton’s laws of motion, why the velocity of the railway [2 marks]
engine is constant.

The constant horizontal velocity of the railway engine is 16 ms –1. A total horizontal
2c. The constant horizontal velocity of the railway engine is 16 ms –1. A total horizontal [2 marks]
resistive force of 76 kN acts on the railway engine.
Calculate the useful power output of the railway engine.

2d. The power driving the railway engine is switched off. The railway engine stops, from its [2 marks]
speed of 16 ms–1, without braking in a distance of 1.1 km. A student hypothesizes that
the horizontal resistive force is constant.
Based on this hypothesis, calculate the mass of the railway engine.

Another hypothesis is that the horizontal force in (c) consists of two components. One
2e. Another hypothesis is that the horizontal force in (c) consists of two components. One [5 marks]
component is a constant frictional force of 19 kN. The other component is a resistive
force F that varies with speed v where F is proportional to v3.
(i) State the value of the magnitude of F when the railway engine is travelling at 16 ms –1.
(ii) Determine the total horizontal resistive force when the railway engine is travelling at 8.0 ms –

2f. On its journey, the railway engine now travels around a curved track at constant [3 marks]
speed. Explain whether or not the railway engine is accelerating.

A spherical planet of uniform density has three times the mass of the Earth and twice
3. A spherical planet of uniform density has three times the mass of the Earth and twice [1 mark]
the average radius. The magnitude of the gravitational field strength at the surface of
the Earth is g. What is the gravitational field strength at the surface of the planet?
A. 6 g
B. 3
C. 4
D. 2

4. A cyclist rides around a circular track at a uniform speed. Which of the following [1 mark]
correctly gives the net horizontal force on the cyclist at any given instant of time?

5. A spacecraft travels away from Earth in a straight line with its motors shut down. At one [1 mark]
instant the speed of the spacecraft is 5.4 km s–1. After a time of 600 s, the speed is 5.1
km s-1. The average gravitational field strength acting on the spacecraft during this time interval

1. 5.0×10–4 N kg–1
2. 3.0×10–2 N kg–1
3. 5.0×10–1 N kg–1
4. 30 N kg–1

6. A particle of mass m is moving with constant speed v in uniform circular motion. What is[1 mark]
the total work done by the centripetal force during one revolution?
A. Zero
B. 2

C. mv2
D. 2πmv2

This question is about circular motion.

This question is about circular motion.
A ball of mass 0.25 kg is attached to a string and is made to rotate with constant speed v along
a horizontal circle of radius r = 0.33m. The string is attached to the ceiling and makes an angle
of 30° with the vertical.

7a. (i) On the diagram above, draw and label arrows to represent the forces on the ball in [4 marks]
the position shown.
(ii) State and explain whether the ball is in equilibrium.

7b. Determine the speed of rotation of the ball. [3 marks]

This question is about a probe in orbit.

This question is about a probe in orbit.
A probe of mass m is in a circular orbit of radius r around a spherical planet of mass M.

8a. State why the work done by the gravitational force during one full revolution of the probe[1 mark]
is zero.

8b. Deduce for the probe in orbit that its [4 marks]

(i) speed is v = √ GM
r .

(ii) total energy is E = − GM


It is now required to place the probe in another circular orbit further away from the
8c. It is now required to place the probe in another circular orbit further away from the [2 marks]
planet. To do this, the probe’s engines will be fired for a very short time.
State and explain whether the work done on the probe by the engines is positive, negative or

9. The mass of a planet is twice that of Earth. Its radius is half that of the radius of Earth. [1 mark]
The gravitational field strength at the surface of Earth is g. The gravitational field
strength at the surface of the planet is
A. 2
B. g.
C. 2g.
D. 8g.

10. A ball is tied to a string and rotated at a uniform speed in a vertical plane. The diagram [1 mark]
shows the ball at its lowest position. Which arrow shows the direction of the net force
acting on the ball?

This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about a simple pendulum. Part 2 is about the Rutherford
This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about a simple pendulum. Part 2 is about the Rutherford
model of the atom.

Part 1 Simple pendulum

A pendulum consists of a bob suspended by a light inextensible string from a rigid support. The
pendulum bob is moved to one side and then released. The sketch graph shows how the
displacement of the pendulum bob undergoing simple harmonic motion varies with time over
one time period.

On the sketch graph above,

11a. (i) label with the letter A a point at which the acceleration of the pendulum bob is a [2 marks]
(ii) label with the letter V a point at which the speed of the pendulum bob is a maximum.

11b. Explain why the magnitude of the tension in the string at the midpoint of the oscillation [3 marks]
is greater than the weight of the pendulum bob.

A pendulum bob is moved to one side until its centre is 25 mm above its rest position and then
A pendulum bob is moved to one side until its centre is 25 mm above its rest position and then

11c. (i) Show that the speed of the pendulum bob at the midpoint of the oscillation is [5 marks]
0.70 m s−1 .
(ii) The mass of the pendulum bob is 0.057 kg. The centre of the pendulum bob is 0.80 m
below the support. Calculate the magnitude of the tension in the string when the pendulum bob
is vertically below the point of suspension.

Part 2 Rutherford model of the atom

Part 2 Rutherford model of the atom

The isotope gold-197 (197 199

79 Au) is stable but the isotope gold-199 ( 79 Au) is not.

11d. (i) Outline, in terms of the forces acting between nucleons, why, for large stable [4 marks]
nuclei such as gold-197, the number of neutrons exceeds the number of protons.
(ii) A nucleus of 199 199
79 Au decays to a nucleus of 80 Hg with the emission of an electron and
another particle. State the name of this other particle.

12. The weight of an object of mass 1 kg at the surface of Mars is about 4 N. The radius of [1 mark]
Mars is about half the radius of Earth. Which of the following is the best estimate of the
ratio below?

mass of Mars
mass of Earth
A. 0.1
B. 0.2
C. 5
D. 10

A particle P is moving anti-clockwise with constant speed in a horizontal circle.

13. A particle P is moving anti-clockwise with constant speed in a horizontal circle. [1 mark]
Which diagram correctly shows the direction of the velocity v and acceleration a of the particle P
in the position shown?

14. A small sphere X of mass M is placed a distance d from a point mass. The [1 mark]
gravitational force on sphere X is 90 N. Sphere X is removed and a second sphere Y of
mass 4M is placed a distance 3d from the same point mass. The gravitational force on sphere
Y is
A. 480 N.
B. 160 N.
C. 120 N.
D. 40 N.

15. An aircraft is flying at constant speed in a horizontal circle. Which of the following [1 mark]
diagrams best illustrates the forces acting on the aircraft in the vertical plane?

For a particle moving at constant speed in a horizontal circle, the work done by the
16. For a particle moving at constant speed in a horizontal circle, the work done by the [1 mark]
centripetal force is
A. zero.
B. directly proportional to the particle mass.
C. directly proportional to the particle speed.
D. directly proportional to the (particle speed) 2.

17. The mass of Earth is ME , its radius is RE and the magnitude of the gravitational field [1 mark]
strength at the surface of Earth is g. The universal gravitational constant is G. The ratio
is equal to

D. 1

18. A communications satellite is moving at a constant speed in a circular orbit around [1 mark]
Earth. At any given instant in time, the resultant force on the satellite is
A. zero.
B. equal to the gravitational force on the satellite.
C. equal to the vector sum of the gravitational force on the satellite and the centripetal force.
D. equal to the force exerted by the satellite’s rockets.

This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about solar radiation and the greenhouse effect. Part 2 is
This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about solar radiation and the greenhouse effect. Part 2 is
about orbital motion.
Part 1 Solar radiation and the greenhouse effect
The following data are available.

19a. State the Stefan-Boltzmann law for a black body. [2 marks]

19b. Deduce that the solar power incident per unit area at distance d from the Sun is given [2 marks]
σR2T 4

Calculate, using the data given, the solar power incident per unit area at distance d
19c. Calculate, using the data given, the solar power incident per unit area at distance d [2 marks]
from the Sun.

19d. State two reasons why the solar power incident per unit area at a point on the surface [2 marks]
of the Earth is likely to be different from your answer in (c).

19e. The average power absorbed per unit area at the Earth’s surface is 240Wm –2. By [2 marks]
treating the Earth’s surface as a black body, show that the average surface
temperature of the Earth is approximately 250K.

Explain why the actual surface temperature of the Earth is greater than the value in (e).
19f. Explain why the actual surface temperature of the Earth is greater than the value in (e).[3 marks]

Part 2 Orbital motion

Part 2 Orbital motion
A spaceship of mass m is moving at speed v in a circular orbit of radius r around a planet of
mass M.

19g. (i) Identify the force that causes the centripetal acceleration of the spaceship. [4 marks]
(ii) Explain why astronauts inside the spaceship would feel “weightless”, even though there is a
force acting on them.

19h. Deduce that the speed of the spaceship is v = √ GM . [2 marks]

19i. The table gives equations for the forms of energy of the orbiting spaceship. [4 marks]

The spaceship passes through a cloud of gas, so that a small frictional force acts on the
(i) State and explain the effect that this force has on the total energy of the spaceship.
(ii) Outline the effect that this force has on the speed of the spaceship.

This question is about the thermodynamics of a car engine and the dynamics of the car.
This question is about the thermodynamics of a car engine and the dynamics of the car.
A car engine consists of four cylinders. In each of the cylinders, a fuel-air mixture explodes to
supply power at the appropriate moment in the cycle.
The diagram models the variation of pressure P with volume V for one cycle of the gas, ABCDA,
in one of the cylinders of the engine. The gas in the cylinder has a fixed mass and can be
assumed to be ideal.

20a. At point A in the cycle, the fuel-air mixture is at 18 °C. During process AB, the gas is [1 mark]
compressed to 0.046 of its original volume and the pressure increases by a factor of
40. Calculate the temperature of the gas at point B.

20b. State the nature of the change in the gas that takes place during process BC in the [1 mark]

Process CD is an adiabatic change. Discuss, with reference to the first law of

20c. Process CD is an adiabatic change. Discuss, with reference to the first law of [3 marks]
thermodynamics, the change in temperature of the gas in the cylinder during process

20d. Explain how the diagram can be used to calculate the net work done during one cycle. [2 marks]

56 m s−1
The car is travelling at its maximum speed of 56 m s−1 . At this speed, the energy provided by
the fuel injected into one cylinder in each cycle is 9200 J. One litre of fuel provides 56 MJ of

20e. (i) Calculate the volume of fuel injected into one cylinder during one cycle. [3 marks]
(ii) Each of the four cylinders completes a cycle 18 times every second. Calculate the
distance the car can travel on one litre of fuel at a speed of 56 m s−1 .

20f. A car accelerates uniformly along a straight horizontal road from an initial speed of [4 marks]
12 m s−1 to a final speed of 28 m s−1 in a distance of 250 m. The mass of the car is
1200 kg. Determine the rate at which the engine is supplying kinetic energy to the car as it

A driver moves a car in a horizontal circular path of radius 200 m. Each of the four tyres will not
A driver moves a car in a horizontal circular path of radius 200 m. Each of the four tyres will not
grip the road if the frictional force between a tyre and the road becomes less than 1500 N.

20g. (i) Calculate the maximum speed of the car at which it can continue to move in the [6 marks]
circular path. Assume that the radius of the path is the same for each tyre.
(ii) While the car is travelling around the circle, the people in the car have the sensation that
they are being thrown outwards. Outline how Newton’s first law of motion accounts for this

The force F between particles in gravitational and electric fields is related to the
21. The force F between particles in gravitational and electric fields is related to the [1 mark]
separation r of the particles by an equation of the form
F = a bc

Which of the following identifies the units for the quantities a, b and c for a gravitational field?

22. A body moves with uniform speed around a circle of radius r. The period of the motion [1 mark]
is T. What is the speed of the body?
A. T
B. r
C. Zero
D. T

23. The magnitude of the gravitational field strength at the surface of a planet of mass M [1 mark]
and radius R is g. What is the magnitude of the gravitational field strength at the surface
of a planet of mass 2M and radius 2R?
A. 4
B. 2

C. g
D. 2g

A car on a road follows a horizontal circular path at constant speed. Which of the
24. A car on a road follows a horizontal circular path at constant speed. Which of the [1 mark]
following correctly identifies the origin and the direction of the net force on the car?

This question is about circular motion.

The diagram shows a car moving at a constant speed over a curved bridge. At the position
shown, the top surface of the bridge has a radius of curvature of 50 m.

25a. Explain why the car is accelerating even though it is moving with a constant speed. [2 marks]

25b. On the diagram, draw and label the vertical forces acting on the car in the position [2 marks]

Calculate the maximum speed at which the car will stay in contact with the bridge.
25c. Calculate the maximum speed at which the car will stay in contact with the bridge. [3 marks]

This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about electric charge and electric circuits. Part 2 is about
Part 1 Electric charge and electric circuits

26a. State Coulomb’s law. [2 marks]

In a simple model of the hydrogen atom, the electron can be regarded as being in
26b. In a simple model of the hydrogen atom, the electron can be regarded as being in [7 marks]
a circular orbit about the proton. The radius of the orbit is 2.0×10–10 m.
(i) Determine the magnitude of the electric force between the proton and the electron.
(ii) Calculate the magnitude of the electric field strength E and state the direction of the electric
field due to the proton at a distance of 2.0×10–10 m from the proton.
(iii) The magnitude of the gravitational field due to the proton at a distance of 2.0×10 –10 m from
the proton is H.
Show that the ratio HE
is of the order 10 –28C kg–1.

(iv) The orbital electron is transferred from its orbit to a point where the potential is zero. The
gain in potential energy of the electron is 5.4×10–19J. Calculate the value of the potential
difference through which the electron is moved.

An electric cell is a device that is used to transfer energy to electrons in a circuit. A

26c. An electric cell is a device that is used to transfer energy to electrons in a circuit. A [6 marks]
particular circuit consists of a cell of emf ε and internal resistance r connected in
series with a resistor of resistance 5.0 Ω.
(i) Define emf of a cell.
(ii) The energy supplied by the cell to one electron in transferring it around the circuit is 5.1×10 –
19J. Show that the emf of the cell is 3.2V.

(iii) Each electron in the circuit transfers an energy of 4.0×10 –19 J to the 5.0 Ω
resistor. Determine the value of the internal resistance r.

This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about gravitational force fields. Part 2 is about properties of a gas.

Part 1 Gravitational force fields

27a. State Newton’s universal law of gravitation. [2 marks]

A satellite of mass m orbits a planet of mass M. Derive the following relationship

27b. A satellite of mass m orbits a planet of mass M. Derive the following relationship [3 marks]
between the period of the satellite T and the radius of its orbit R (Kepler’s third law).
T2 = GM

A polar orbiting satellite has an orbit which passes above both of the Earth’s
27c. A polar orbiting satellite has an orbit which passes above both of the Earth’s [8 marks]
poles. One polar orbiting satellite used for Earth observation has an orbital period of
6.00 × 103s.
Mass of Earth = 5.97 × 10 24 kg

Average radius of Earth = 6.37 × 10 6 m

(i) Using the relationship in (b), show that the average height above the surface of the Earth for
this satellite is about 800 km.
(ii) The satellite moves from an orbit of radius 1200 km above the Earth to one of radius 2500
km. The mass of the satellite is 45 kg.
Calculate the change in the gravitational potential energy of the satellite.
(iii) Explain whether the gravitational potential energy has increased, decreased or stayed the
same when the orbit changes, as in (c)(ii).

28. What is the acceleration of an object rotating with constant speed v in a circle of radius [1 mark]
A. Zero
B. r towards the centre of the circle
C. r
away from the centre of the circle
D. r along a tangent to the circle

The centres of two planets are separated by a distance R. The gravitational force
29. The centres of two planets are separated by a distance R. The gravitational force [1 mark]
between the two planets is F. What will be the force between the planets when their
separation increases to 3R?
A. 9
B. 3

C. F
D. 3F

30. The acceleration of free fall of a mass of 2.0 kg close to the surface of Mars is 3.6 ms [1 mark]
What is the gravitational field strength at the surface of Mars in N kg–1?
A. 1.8
B. 3.6
C. 7.2
D. 9.8

Part 2 Satellite

31a. State, in words, Newton’s universal law of gravitation. [2 marks]

The diagram shows a satellite orbiting the Earth. The satellite is part of the network of
31b. The diagram shows a satellite orbiting the Earth. The satellite is part of the network of [3 marks]
global-positioning satellites (GPS) that transmit radio signals used to locate the
position of receivers that are located on the Earth.

When the satellite is directly overhead, the microwave signal reaches the receiver 67ms after it
leaves the satellite.
(i) State the order of magnitude of the wavelength of microwaves.
(ii) Calculate the height of the satellite above the surface of the Earth

(i) Explain why the satellite is accelerating towards the centre of the Earth even though
31c. (i) Explain why the satellite is accelerating towards the centre of the Earth even though[8 marks]
its orbital speed is constant.
(ii) Calculate the gravitational field strength due to the Earth at the position of the satellite.
Mass of Earth = 6.0×10 24kg
Radius of Earth = 6.4×10 6m
(iii) Determine the orbital speed of the satellite.
(iv) Determine, in hours, the orbital period of the satellite.

A mass at point X gives rise to a gravitational field strength g at point P as shown

32. A mass at point X gives rise to a gravitational field strength g at point P as shown [1 mark]

An identical mass is placed at point Y as shown below.

The resultant gravitational field strength at P is now

A. greater than 2g.

B. between 2g and g.
C. between g and zero.
D. zero.

33. A car moves at constant speed around a horizontal circular track. The resultant force on [1 mark]
the car is always equal to
A. the forward force from the engine.
B. the sideways friction between the tires and the track.
C. the weight of the car.
D. zero.

34. A pendulum bob is attached to a light string and is swinging in a vertical plane. [1 mark]

At the lowest point of the motion, the magnitude of the tension in the string is
A. less than the weight of the mass of the pendulum bob.
B. zero.
C. greater than the weight of the mass of the pendulum bob.
D. equal to the weight of the mass of the pendulum bob.

An astronaut of mass 60 kg is on board the International Space Station, which is in low

35. An astronaut of mass 60 kg is on board the International Space Station, which is in low [1 mark]
orbit around the Earth. The gravitational force of attraction between the Earth and
astronaut is approximately
A. zero.
B. 6 N.
C. 60 N.
D. 600 N.

36. Particle P is moving with uniform speed in a horizontal circle. Which of the following [1 mark]
shows the correct directions of the acceleration a and the velocity v of P at the position

Part 2 Gravitational fields

37a. State Newton’s universal law of gravitation. [3 marks]

37b. Deduce that the gravitational field strength g at the surface of a spherical planet of [2 marks]
uniform density is given by

where M is the mass of the planet, R is its radius and G is the gravitational constant. You can
assume that spherical objects of uniform density act as point masses.

37c. The gravitational field strength at the surface of Mars gM is related to the gravitational [2 marks]
field strength at the surface of the Earth gE by
gM = 0.38 × gE.
The radius of Mars RM is related to the radius of the Earth RE by
RM = 0.53 × RE.
Determine the mass of Mars MM in terms of the mass of the Earth ME.

(i) On the diagram below, draw lines to represent the gravitational field around the
37d. (i) On the diagram below, draw lines to represent the gravitational field around the [3 marks]
planet Mars.

(ii) An object falls freely in a straight line from point A to point B in time t. The speed of the
object at A is u and the speed at B is v. A student suggests using the equation v=u+gMt to
calculate v. Suggest two reasons why it is not appropriate to use this equation.

Part 2 Gravitational fields and electric fields

Part 2 Gravitational fields and electric fields

38. The magnitude of gravitational field strength g is defined from the equation shown [4 marks]

The magnitude of electric field strength E is defined from the equation shown below.

For each of these defining equations, state the meaning of the symbols
(i) Fg.
(ii) FE.
(iii) m.
(iv) q.

This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about fields, electric potential difference and electric
This question is in two parts. Part 1 is about fields, electric potential difference and electric
circuits. Part 2 is about thermodynamic cycles.
Part 1 Fields, electric potential difference and electric circuits

39a. The magnitude of gravitational field strength g is defined from the equation shown [4 marks]

The magnitude of electric field strength E is defined from the equation shown below.

For each of these defining equations, state the meaning of the symbols
(i) Fg.
(ii) FE.
(iii) m.
(iv) q.

In a simple model of the hydrogen atom, the electron is regarded as being in a circular
39b. In a simple model of the hydrogen atom, the electron is regarded as being in a circular [3 marks]
orbit about the proton. The magnitude of the electric field strength at the electron due
to the proton is Ep . The magnitude of the gravitational field strength at the electron due to the
proton is gp.
Determine the order of magnitude of the ratio shown below.


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