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Aglagadan, Gian Kaye V.

Assignment #1
2 – BSA-4

1. In relation to the four characteristics of successful strategies

in Figure 1.1, assess the US government's Middle East strategy
since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Focusing on the current crisis has resulted in consistent failures in the
US system's management of Iraq and the Middle East during the last
two decades, turning two unambiguous "victories" into certifiable losses.
From the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003 to the present, the US
has never had a functioning excellent system for Iraq, nor any
foreseeable goals and actions that go beyond current events. The US
has never articulated useful national strategic objectives, made
compelling attempts to build a stable post-conflict Iraq, or demonstrated
to the Iraq populace that its presence truly serves their interests. At the
same time, the Pentagon announced that it spent more than $765 billion
on the Iraq war. as well as the fight against ISIS as of March 31, 2019 -
and this is only a small portion of the immediate cost. Despite the fact
that there is no clear stream of investigations into State or USAID
spending, it appears to have reached a new high of $100 billion.
Iraq, as one of the main producers of oil in the Middle East, put their
country's government support at jeopardy. Also, western nations,
particularly the United States, which are recognized for their brilliance
when it comes to advancing and controlling benefits over other
countries, chose to tamper with Iraq. In 1958, Iraq was governed by a
British-backed dictator, therefore the British decided to take advantage
of their oil resources. The center east faced an emergency as
Abdal-Karim Qasim, an Iraqi armed forces brigadier, ordered an
overthrow to maintain military power, which ousted the government.
They made do after that.
Iraq has transformed into a republic with a progressive gathering to
address the atrocities. They focused on women's liberties, better
education, and distributing wealth to the needy people. The western
abilities have froze as a result of the Iraqi republic's sudden
improvement. However, the country continued to move through with its
plans to nationalize oil transportation and standardize relations with
Russia. Furthermore, as a result of Qasim's unexpected decision during
his 5-year presidency, former President Kennedy gave the order to
stage an uprising, diverting attention away from Qasim's execution and
his organization's label as an anti-communist group. Sooner or later, the
Iranian dissatisfied saw how the western powers manipulated
everything to gain their acceptance, resulting in Iran's transformation
into an anti-western religious state. When the Iran-Iraq conflict broke
out, the western powers expressed support for both countries, but
clearly chose Iraq to provide them with weapons. Despite the fact that
Iraq makes the US organization acutely aware of major atrocities
committed with compound weapons and systems provided by the US,
they have remained silent. Fearing that the fight would spread across
Aglagadan, Gian Kaye V. Assignment #1
2 – BSA-4
the Middle East, the United States disguised an overwhelming strategy
against Iraq by refusing to stop them, despite their knowledge of Iraq's
plans to attack neighboring Middle Eastern countries. However, it did
not absorb the majority of the previous day's US decision to use their
advantage and restrain a powerful US international strategy, which
kicked off the US invasion on Iraq. Examining the system that the US
used in bombing Iraq and obtaining assets from Iraq, I may claim that it
was possibly ruthless, however they had an incredible technique.
However, it also demonstrated that if a party fails to grasp the four
characteristics of an effective procedure, their technique has a high
likelihood of failing. In truth, they only have one goal, which is to attack
Iraq and take advantage of its resources. However, just because you
have a single and extreme goal does not mean you are focused on it, as
I saw, read, and saw that the US was effectively lost from the start since
they routinely made short-term decisions. However, they succeeded in
passing the following phase by acclimating their abilities to the climate
by supporting Iraq and focusing on how the republic functioned, which
they also used as a development. Likewise, they also learned more
about their power's strengths and weaknesses, which is why they
offered compound weaponry and hardware (their solidarity) to gain
Iraq's trust. Finally, they consistently worked on their technique.
2. What is your career strategy for the next five years? To what
extent does your strategy fit with your long‐term goals, the
characteristics of the external environment, and your own
strengths and weaknesses?
For the past few years, I've been working on a list of potential careers
that I should pursue in the future. In any case, these vocations are
ordered in such a way that they are choices for each other rather than
decisions. Since secondary school, when I first began to open my eyes
to more practical open doors, I've learned one thing: "The only constant
in this world is change," and as a temperamental understanding, I've
realized that I am and will be prone to a plethora of vulnerabilities, and
that I will continue to resemble that until I figure out how to achieve the
fruitful profession/s I desire. I've been doing it since that day until now. I
don't have a reliable source of income. As the years pass,
circumstances change, which has a major impact on the methods that I
used, resulting in a constant change. As a result, I was able to draw
down a more versatile procedure. I made the decision to stick to a set of
rules and regulations. Other minor nuances were sacrificed due to the
constant changing of circumstances.
I aspire to be a capable bookkeeper, financial manager, and legal
advisor. Furthermore, regardless of the inconsistencies, these goals will
never change. I wanted to enroll in a state-funded college right away,
use my school store for minor expenses, and use the extra money to
start my own business and juggle managing it with thinking. However,
Aglagadan, Gian Kaye V. Assignment #1
2 – BSA-4
because to my weaknesses, I was unable to enlist in a state-funded
institution, implying that my school asset would not be overabundant. In
any event, I can't hope to make a difference with it, which is why I
decided to make tiny nuances and short-term targets flexible and
malleable solely for my long-term ambitions to be predictable. Normally,
my procedure has the ability to modify. Regardless, my long-term goals
have been and will continue to be consistent.
My solidarity is that I am an enthusiastic individual who will not be
deterred once my aims are set, which is in some ways my fault because
I frequently devote a great deal of effort and time to a few unimportant
tasks. In this way, I believe my system accommodates my long-term
goals, the outside environment, and my strengths and weaknesses
admirably and solidly. Since my procedure figured out how to make my
goals adjustable, adaptive, and predictable all at the same time.
I also add here what I have planned for my stategies over the next few
1. Self-exploration is an opportunity to consider your talents,
interests, values, and whether or not you've integrated these into
previous work.
2. Researching firms, organizations, and functions of interest is
part of statistical surveying.
3. The center is the meeting place of the first two phases,
combining your interests with what's on the horizon and establishing a
goal for your entry-level job search.
4. Making your advertising materials to suit your unique brand is
referred to as arranging. The primary goal of the important arranging
process is to facilitate an arrangement, although the value of the activity
is frequently found in the process itself.
5. Execution is the stage of the mission where you go to job fairs,
organizational exercises, and job interviews, interviewing for jobs and
then effectively haggle for the best offer.
6. The term "vocation management" refers to the transition into a
new work, as well as periodic evaluations of your profession and the
flow back into the next phase of the employment cycle.
3. The discussion of the evolution of business strategy (see the
section “From Corporate Planning to Strategic Management”)
established that the characteristics of a firm's strategic plans and
its strategic planning process are strongly influenced by the
volatility and unpredictability of its external environment. On this
basis, what differences would you expect in the strategic plans
and strategic planning processes of Coca‐Cola Company and
Spotify SA, the Swedish‐based music streaming service?
Aglagadan, Gian Kaye V. Assignment #1
2 – BSA-4
We had the choice to dig deeper into the development from corporate
planning to strategic administration in the part "From Corporate
Planning to Strategic Management." This shift could be related to a rise
in market volatility and the business climate's eccentricity. Firms are
less likely to design technology in a precise manner as the external
environment becomes more chaotic. This will most likely result in
differences in how companies dealing with method making deal with
diverse industry conditions. Spotify SA should pay special attention to
societal patterns. They must also give evolving technology a lot of
thought, as a lot of the services they provide are centered on new and
working on portable innovation.
If we discuss the distinctions in the key strategies and organizing of
these two organizations, I assume there will be a lot because they have
different strengths and target markets. To begin with, Coca-Cola is a
conglomerate with various brands, but it is also a multinational
Its main focus is on the refreshment industry, where it has found out
how to become the number one drink company. However, the
Coca-Cola Company, like any other beverage company, is subject to
Market immersion, which means that the amount of an item or service in
a commercial center has been increased. An organization might be
immersed in its environment. achieve additional development by
developing new products and stealing market share from competitors or
by an increase in client interest in general. The improvement of the
things will be the process they will use. They could also link
improvements or new things to current trends through bundling,
promotions, and other exciting activities that will urge the market to buy
in addition to the quality. Furthermore, Spotify SA will focus on their
target market. age and inclination. They will most likely commission a
research or other sort of data collection to learn more about the age
range of their supporters and compare it to the market's preferences.
For example, the age range is 13 to 20, and their current interest is
underappreciated music, therefore the company will focus on serving
the market's age and inclination.
4. I have noted that a firm's strategy can be described in terms of the
answers to two questions: “Where are we competing?” and “How
are we competing?” Applying these two questions, provide a
concise description of Lady Gaga's career strategy (see Strategy
Capsule 1.2).
Lady Gaga has shown a respectable commitment to the goal of
superstardom, which she has pursued with zeal since she was a child.
Different aspects of her life were either subordinated to or absorbed into
her professional goals. Rather than waiting for industry trends to
emerge, she has taken steps to influence her general environment. She
believes that she has had a burning desire to become a celebrity for
Aglagadan, Gian Kaye V. Assignment #1
2 – BSA-4
nearly as long as she can remember; to enthrall and inspire others to do
so. She was and continues to be open about her concept of fame:
"Some people are simply conceived stars. You either have it or you
don't, and I was certainly conceived one." In the same way that Lady
Gaga has created career plans and long-term goals to achieve success,
businesses should have a vision of where they want to go and how they
will go to get there.
There are five major focuses in her approach. The first is that she is
aware of her own image well. When you ask people to offer you an
unusual or unusual trademark, many of them will effectively give you the
name "Lady Gaga" because it is her image. Her clothing, music
recordings, and eve melodies and interviews all reflect the personality
of her image. She is so familiar with her image that she can readily tie
everything about herself to her well-known visual trademark. The
second reason is that she is well-versed in her industry. We all know her
image is about colors and weird people, and what gathering or
orientation has a creative mind like her that would profit from her
personality? The LGBTQIA+ community, which is well-known and
respected. As you can see, she used her personality openly for that
particular neighborhood, which ended up having the largest impact on
everything and everyone. Third, from her first collection, "The Fame," to
her most recent "Chromatica," you can see how the subtleties are linked
to the latest item, and if they aren't, she starts a trend or ensures that
every last detail of her collections is explored and shown, detail by detail.
Fourth, Lady Gaga has figured out how to be in the spotlight all of the
time. From the release of a new collection or from the red rugs and her
unusual design. She never permitted the media or her market ignore
her, even if it was only for a brief time. She re-invents strategies that
aren't working. Her fan base grew as a result of her appearances on
television. It might be from a meeting, an honorary pathway, design
news, a TV show, or even a movie.
5. Using the framework of Figure 1.6, describe the strategy of the
university or school you attend.
New Era University places God at the center of everything they do. It
has its own vision, mission, theory, goals, and objectives. Fill in as a
technique that enables you to oversee and compete with other
universities in the most efficient way possible. A world-class educational
institution with a unique Christian culture of excellence, discipline, and
administration to humanity.
6. Your business school is considering appointing as dean someone
whose entire career has been spent in business management.
What challenges might the new dean face in applying her strategic
management skills to a business school?
Senior employees of business institutions have a large and intricate role
in the fabric of the colleges and networks that their programs serve.
Aglagadan, Gian Kaye V. Assignment #1
2 – BSA-4
Many gleaming new dignitaries, on the other hand, discover that the
experiences they gain while climbing the ranks of academia or industry
do not fully prepare them for their new responsibilities. While some
deans have worked in office occupations where they dealt with a small
group of coworkers, being a dignitary requires them to manage a
greater range of challenges and activities. They accept responsibility for
a school's research portfolio rather than focusing on particular initiatives.
Rather of managing relationships with a small number of coworkers,
they take on the responsibility of establishing relationships with internal
staff and external partners, such as donors, graduates, the media, and
the business community. Furthermore, deans accept responsibility for
their school's funds and contribution to the larger college, and they
should advocate for their business college's interests among a college's
senior leadership, givers, and government partners in order to obtain
the necessary resources to support existing programs or develop new
ones. Similarly, without the assistance of others, corporate expertise
alone may not be sufficient to prepare a chief went dignitary to properly
pick employees or investigate changes in an academic culture.
Approaching business college dignitaries in this climate is extremely
difficult. Dignitaries are responsible for positioning their schools for the
future and ensuring that enough resources, such as money, staff,
students, and physical resources, are in place to meet that objective.
Today, schools are being put to the test in order to develop global
leaders, adjust to the digitization of instruction, and change educational
programs in order to strike a balance between greater specialization
and broader leadership qualities. As a result, many projects are
scrambling to fulfill the changing needs of the commercial centers
where their graduates are stationed. Furthermore, rising competition
among programs places a strategic essential on improving the value
and relevance of the instruction they provide to understudies.

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