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Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560

CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]

ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

Student Assessment Tasks

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes
Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

Introduction 3
Assessing Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 4
Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio 10

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasksfor RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes.
These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have
learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Civil Construction Works Student User Guide. The Student User
Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.


For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – Students must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Project – Students must work through a range of activities and complete
a Project Portfolio.

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B


Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Civil
Construction Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.


Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the
Civil Construction Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is
provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with
an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Complete the following table about legislation that you need to know about in relation to civil
works design processes.

List three different Identify the purpose of Outline how the legislation applies
legislation relevant to legislation to civil works design processes –
civil works design give one example.

The important subject on The laws help in making a

The legislation which the state government planned development apart from
can pass the law important individual plot or land owner buyer
subject includes police of under construction party as well
trade commerce agriculture as property
and local government
It also established health Manual handling operation
and safety executives and regulations
General legislation this act approach to health
and safety
The construction project its It should be noted that building
special nature also has control is separate from planning
Specific legislation specific legislation permission although health and
safety factor

2. Complete the following table about Standards that you need to know about in relation to civil
works design processes.

List three different Identify the purpose of the Outline how the Standard
Australian Standards Standard applies to civil works design
relevant to civil works processes – give one
design processes example.

Formal standards formal standard setting through Most researcher have state
organization has numerous the cost time budget and
benefits for customer including management
multiple market participants
reduce [production cost
interchange ability
informal standards It establishing the overall Informal project under for
concept for the structure renovation exterior building
improvements and project
management service
Proprietary standard Specification for hardware or This is less to protect
software that are controlled by themselves from theft and
one company more in order to stop other
companies from creating
compatible or competing

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

3. Complete the following table regarding policies and procedures and general documentation
you need to know about in relation to civil works design processes.

Policies and Purpose of policy/procedure/document in relation to civil

procedures/document works design processes

Risk analysis is based on hazard identification and generally

contain following steps scope definition, hazard identification
Risk assessment and and modelling of hazard scenarios estimation of probabilities
management estimation of consequences estimation of risk and decision

Design must takes the account for general principles of

prevention when preparing design avoid risks, evalute
Work health and safety unavoidable risk combat risk at source, adapt the place of
work to technical process

The most significant quantifiable impact contributes air

pollution drinking water pollution and landfill waste the aim of
Environmental environmental management to detail the environmental
management impacts and the mitigation to employed to inimise these
potential impacts

Built environment townscapes, archaeological) natural

Cultural and heritage AGRICULTURE HERITAGE) artefacts( books, documents
management objects, pictures)these includes social values and tradition
custom practices other aspects of human activity

The analysis of the soil structure between these conditions

and proposed engineered structure and the design of
Geotechnical management functional structure accomplish the establish objective

Accident caused by flood and rainstorm during constructive

Hydrological and
will be reduced effectively with the help of reliable
meteorological hydrological and meteorological forecast which also provide
management critical technical support

A participatory process that underpin genuine community

development it enables to articulate their own concerns and
Community relations and identify the appropriate responses

It is a project or contract specific plan developed by the

contractor appropriate quality management processes to plan
Quality management plan and deliver the project ensure conformity with the

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

It helps establish employee expectation around specific roles

outline resources available to them and provide the structure
Performance management for employee appraisals the best steps in designing a
performance management endorsed from top management
and align with the need of business

It is the general process that a construction manager or

project manager might use to organize and store contracts
Documentation and other document necessary day to day
management (and to
ensure all workplace
recording and reporting

PDF copy of the AutoCAD drawing would be CIRCULATED

IN RECEIPT TO all concerned approving for their information
Civil works design process, and evaluation
including approval and Separate file for each drawing shall be created an e office by
review processes for civil initiating unit
works designs

The collecting of final project phase of lifecycle

System close outs (project

4. Choose a structure that you may complete a civil works design for. Complete a frathe following
table identifying two materials that can be used for this type of structure and two
characteristics and two limitations of the material.

Include the type of structure

you have chosen here.

Material type Characteristics (2) Limitations (2)

A frame structure is any A frame structure permits In frame structures have

material is one that is made greater freedom in planning span lengths are usually
stable by the skeleton Large open space can be restricted to 40ft length
material such as wood, steel easily provided within the normal reinforced concrete
and reinforced concrete building and provisions of Otherwise spans greater
which are strong both in panel walls than that can cause lateral
tension and comprehensions deflections

Load bearing structure less Load wearing walls provide It construction is slow
loading and single or double better acoustic insulation It consume a large number
floor structure owing to their thickness of masonry units
Construction material used

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
are economically

5. Choose a type of CAD software that you may use to complete a civil works design. Complete
the following table identifying two types of CAD software and two characteristics and two
limitations of the software.

CAD Software Characteristics (2) Limitations (2)

Auto CAD is likely to best Auto CAD IS A GLOBAL Limited file formats number
known CAD program of all APPLICATION of file formats not import or
time it considered by many Auto CAD has the ability to export
as the grandfather of CAD create section planes
software with the desktop Non- parametric
application available in its
wide array of features

CAD design is used by Choice in smart methods Work can be lost because of
architects construction Smart components sudden breakdown of
manager and engineers and computers
has replaced annual drafting Work is prone to viruses

6. Explain the use of safe work method statements (SWMS) with regard to identifying and
evaluating potential site hazards, constraints and conditions.


A state work method statement is a document that sets out the high risk construction activities
to be carried out workplace the hazard arising from these activities and the measure to be put
in place to control the risk

It is generally different from other documentation that focus on specific tasks and hazards A
SWMS is not intended to be procedure rather it is tool to help supervisors and workers

The principle contractor builder and subcontractor should consult work is best placed who is
best position to pre[are SWMS.

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
7. Outline a best practice technique for preparing a civil works functional specification.


Civil works means building or civil engineering works which involve the construction
maintenance repair or replacement of physical infrastructure where the greater proportion of
work involves the construction of bridges dams and the like but excluding work designs of
building electrical and mechanic part

Hire the best professionals

Deconstructing the construction team

Taking big view on time and budget

8. Outline a step by step approach for identifying and evaluating design options.


Option 1 works and is simple to implement

Option 2 also work but is more complex to implement compared o option one

Option one requires that each web tier node updates itself by calling the very slow rest connector
which might cause unpleasant user experience on the initial lode option two when easier user
never see the initial delay because the web tier node that their has node level DP has queried
fast to load local active data

These two designs option provide a trade off between time to implement and to maintain improved
user experience the recommended option depends on which factor as more important ption
one may be acceptable and desirable option due to its simplicity option two guarantees on
improved initial user experience may be preferable

Option three is similar to option one but leverages the load data method to request data page load
at some point earlier in the process

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
9. Explain the process that you would follow to develop and implement a design plan. In your
answer include an example of the latest technology that you could use to develop a design


In design development the schematic plans and elevation are reviewed are expanded to
incorporate all the details and specifications required for construction project components are
looked at to the smallest detail these include interior and exterior building materials and

Future and technology always go hand in hand give ever shinning results when the upcoming
result in technology and urge to get the best service and techno equipped surroundings
architecture is follow similar trends, there are new applications architecture technology making
job of architects easily at the same time more easier/

10. Outline two cost estimating techniques that can be used for calculating design costs.


Two cost estimation techniques are listed below-:

Expert judgement

Analogous estimating

 Expertise should be considered from individuals or groups with specialized knowledge

or training in term and physical resources planning and estimating

Expert judgment guided by historical information provided valuable insights about the
environment and information prior similar projects

 Analogous estimating method-; analogous cost estimating uses the values such as
scope cost budget and duration or measure of scales such as size weight and
complexity from a precious similar projects as the basis parameter or measurement

 When estimating costs this technique relies on the cost of previous similar projects as
the basis for estimating the cost of current project

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

11. Explain the benefit of using CAD for drafting and presenting engineering designs.


CAD allows experts to create design representations. CAD replaced manual design drafting
allowing design development alteration and optimization it enables engineers to craft more
precise designs manipulate them virtually , it software calculate how multiple material relate

This feature is particularly crucial as more specs added by contractors

CAD program boost many features an have became in foundational construction in site
architecture and engineering designs it advancement has changed these industries and all
process involved in implementing complex project

CAD integrated into different professions-:

 Architecture

 Product design

 Graphic design

 Engineering

12. List two communication techniques that are useful when managing a civil works design
process and that will assist with the collaboration process with clients, other external
stakeholders and colleagues.


The next step is to identify the varieties of communication that can be used during the course
of construction in every basic terms there are two types of communication verbal and non

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
In helpful communication method for construction site communication comes in many forms
including email, text, phone calls in- person meetings and hand signals if your communication
flows smoothly so will your project

Some strategies for collaboration process with clients-;

- A paradox

- Creating a collaborative environment

- Make client communication easy

- Adapt good communication style

13. List three types of communication equipment that can be used during a civil works design


The three helpful communication methods for any civil work design

Clear communication is a general contractor key is improving safety productivity organization

and cost effectiveness on the job it’s crucial to establish helpful communication methods for
any construction site

Verbal communication-: verbal communication occur when we engage in speaking with others

Non verbal-; what we do while speaking often says more than the actual words

Written communication

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
14. Outline a method that you could use to review and validate a design.


There are list of design validation methods presented in this article by no means
comprehensive there are books upon books on design validation and right so might we add

Here are good overview of the design validation methods.

Quantitative ---- data analysis

- a/b testing

- data analysis

- metrics monitoring

- pilot test

- usability

- user feedback

- eye tracking

- pilot user test

Validate ---------

- heuristic analysis

- eye tracking

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
15. List three best practice techniques that you can use to review performance of those involved in
the civil works design process.


The three best practices are discussed below-:

 Limit distraction-: this a tip many people know but rarely follow limit your potential
distraction of course it is impossible to remove distractions all the time.

 Set milestones-: larger task often cause procrastination. But if you break projects
down into steps on a simple to do list they feel often more manageable.

 Set clear and achievable goals-: be realistic when it comes to goals we all want to be
super producers but we should be mindful of our energy levels

16. Outline two techniques that can be used for negotiating with clients.


The two techniques can be used are listed below-:

 Distributive negotiation;- this is also referred to as positional or hard bargaining


 Integrative negotiation;- this is the softer side of the two forms of negotiation offer
to referred as win-win

This techniques play attention to preparation

Feel comfortable with the initial offer

Discus politely

Recognizes the sign

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

17. Outline three techniques that can be used for leading and coordinating a team.


The are three techniques can be used for leading a mechanism:


Mutual adjustment - standardization - direct supervision

Of employee skills

Of work process

Of outputs

Mutual adjustment

This mechanism is based on the simple process of informal communication. It is based in very
small companies such as five person software shop or for a very complicated task such as
putting the first person on the moon. Mutual adjustment is the same mechanism used by
furniture movers to through a house or paddlers to take a canoe downriver or jazz musicians
playing a engagement.

Direct supervision

Achieves coordination by having one person take responsibility for the work of others
issuing instructions and monitoring their actions. An example is the offensive unit.


A third mechanism of coordination is standardization here the coordination is achieved on

the drawing board if you like not during the action the coordination is pre- programmed in one
of three way

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
Work process


18. Outline two principles of effective team management.


Two principles of effective team management-:

- Successful teams develop strong relationships and

incorporate effective group processes

- Successful team works together to establish and

meet agreed upon goals

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B



In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and completing and submitting a Project Portfolio.
You will need access to:

 a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a

meeting space and computer and internet access

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 Project Portfolio template

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Civil Construction
Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.


Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the
Civil Construction Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is
provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with
an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This assessment task requires you to manage civil works design processes for two
projects. If you are completing this in your RTO, this will be as per the project
information provided to you by your assessor. If you are completing this based on a
workplace, this will be for two projects of your choice.

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills
that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career.
For this reason, basing your project on real projects will mean that you are applying
your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical and meaningful way!

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project

When it comes to finding the job and encouraging professionals to excel in their
career path make sure that graduates have the skills they need for position playsan
essential role. Students who do not have the necessary skills and quickly find
themselves struggling in their new position thwy may stat to lose confidence and
feel unsure about what to do.
Vocational education and training allows students to gain practice experience in
their chosen career path before even graduate
Students who finish rigorous programs have the credentials and training they need
to get started away right in their chosen path not only do the students feel confident
in their abilities but the employer themselves know that they have made a solid
The importance of vocational training for carer development.
Skill development and employability
The value of graduating with work skills
Finding a job following graduation
Building strong networks for student before graduating
Those interested in pursuing a vocational pathway for education and career in one
of the many exciting trade areas serve should carefully

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
2. Design requirements and options.

You are required to interpret and scope design requirements for your two civil
works design projects, as well as identify project design options and a preferred
design. This involves:

 Accessing the requirements for the project, including all relevant

documentation and legislation and policies and procedures.

 Interpreting the requirements for each project based on a review of

requirements and documentation.

 Clarifying any areas in relation to each project and confirming your

understanding of the design requirements.

 Summarising environmental and community impacts and solutions.

 Preparing functional specifications for each project.

 Identifying innovative procedures that can be used to develop the design


 Investigating and analysing potential design concepts.

Work on Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. The Project Portfolio includes separate
sections for you to document your work in relation to Project 1 and Project 2.

When you have completed the steps above, you are to prepare to present your
work in the next activity.
This means developing a presentation that can be provided to a team (your
assessor and fellow students) that addresses all the work you have completed so
far and for both projects.
The purpose of your presentation will be to:

 Present the work you have completed.

 Collaborate with the client (your assessor and fellow students) to make any
improvements required and resolve any issues.

 Clarify any aspects of the work.

 Seeking advice on the suitability of the new technology that may be used to
develop the design (see the section on innovative procedures).

 Check that you have been provided with all of the supporting information

 Obtain agreement for the work you have completed so far, including a
preferred design concept and confirming that it meets the client’s
Prepare your presentation in a format of your choice such as. PowerPoint for use
in the next session. Your presentation will be for approximately 15 minutes and
your assessor will advise you of the date and time.

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

Please note that at the presentation you will need to show that you present
information using civil works terminology and using listening and questioning
techniques so make sure you prepare for this as part of your presentation


Date; 5/11/2021

Time; 4; 30p.m


Tackling various activities such as the design and implementation of companies

offer require the assistance of a diverse team of specialists thanks to
advancement information technology these teams can now convience quickly to
meet any urgent needs these teams often to consist of people with high skill and
education all collaborating online after working on long distance

A paradox

Creating a collaborative environment

Some points to encourage client collaboration;-

-make client communication easy

-be consistent and quick in replying

-adapt good communication styles

Have an open minded –

This is critical you cant reach out with folded arms

Get help from the best



Use mind mapping

Collaboration sounds great someone schedule another aimless brainstorming

brings adverse people together can unleash their collective powers

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

Some questions on this

What is the problem or challenge that needs to be solved?

What result does the meeting need to produce?

3. Presentation.

You are now to provide your presentation to your team as per the instructions above.
During your presentation, your assessor will be looking to see that you have
interpreted and scoped the design requirements for each project, as well as
identified design options. The outcome will be to identify the preferred design.
Your assessor will also confirm that you use civil works terminology and listening
and questioning techniques.
Make notes on the feedback provided as you will need to document this in your
Portfolio and use it to make improvements/resolve issues.

i This should be viewed in person by your assessor as they will need to give you
feedback. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes
Following your presentation, document the feedback provided in your Portfolio.
Complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. The Project Portfolio includes separate
sections for you to document your work in relation to Project 1 and Project 2.


The gathering information you can including

- Plans and drawing
- Specifications
- Design tools
- Engineering survey information

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B

As part of monitoring and supporting the designs of civil works you will need to make
sure there are suitable and sufficient work resources
Human resources
Physical resources
Both of projects different management process
Judge its effectiveness
Improve risk actions
Internal and external influences
Organisation see as positive report to work always have a competitive edge

4. Civil works initiation, implementation, monitoring support and review.

You are required to initiate, implement, monitor, support and review your two civil
works design projects. This involves:

 Analysing and then selecting which resources, processes and systems are
required for each civil works design project.

 Developing an action plan for each civil works design project to ensure that all
required tasks are documented.

 Coordinating with others to achieve project requirements, including outcomes

and budget.

 Preparing and maintaining all of the documentation that is required for each
civil works design project.

 Reviewing the final design for each civil works design project.

 Implementing the actions plan you have developed for the project.

 Seeking feedback and evaluating design outcomes.

Work on Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. The Project Portfolio includes separate
sections for you to document your work in relation to Project 1 and Project 2.
Please note that your assessor will provide feedback on your working design and
the processes you have used. You will record this feedback in your Portfolio and
respond to it. Following this finalise your Portfolio and submit it as per the
instructions below for activity 5.

Some steps in the initiation and review of civil work designs communicating with

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks

Lower Ground 121 Queen Street Campbelltown NSW 2560
CAMPBELL Phone: 0422 092 884 • Email: [email protected]
ABN 28 157 907 339 | RTO Provider 52809 | CRICOS Code 03840B
stakeholders to understand the purpose and desired outcomes of the project the
seven phases include planning analysis design development testing
implementation and maintenance project implementation involves directly
managing a project to ensure it meets the objective

 Assess the project plan

 Execute the plan

 Make changes as needed

 Analyse project data

 Gather feedback

 Provide final reports

It is a method based on years of development focused on an organising

and planning project through foundational principles and defined phases
The prospective sponsors of the project evaluate the proposal and upon
approval provide the necessary financing
Final designs may design activities following preliminary design expressly
includes the preparation of final construction plan

5. Submit your completed Project Portfolio.

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary.
Submit to your assessor for marking.
To: assessor
Subject: project 1 and 2 detail
Dear assessor,
I have already discussed about project 1 and 2 detail design requirements and
options and one more is civil work design both projects some influences and
improvements have submitted have different work design discuss so all the
information talk on projects so you should marking my project in detail and overall
scope of project.
a- B- c

RIICWD601E Manage Civil Works Design Processes Student Assessment Tasks


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