PE 10 Q2 2nd Modules

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Republic of the Philippines


School of Education
Estancia, Iloilo

PE 10
Quarter 2

Active Recreation: Health and Wellness
This lesson contains guidelines on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and assessment of your
wellness lifestyle. At the end of this lesson, you are expected to start practicing some of the
guidelines and determine changes necessary for future health and wellness lifestyle.

What I Know
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a given statement.
1. What are some thing you can do to be healthy?
a. eating innutritious foods
b. performing physical inactivity
c. participating midnight activity
d. doing mental exercise
2. How can you ensure that your wishes about your healthcare are known by your family or friends?
a. by not talking about it
b. by writing down my wishes
c. by talking with family and friends
d. by keeping it with myself
3. Depression in can be hard to detect. However, the earlier it is detected the easier it can be treated.
Which of the following is a symptom of depression?
a. increased of energy
b. increased interest in usual activities
c. complained about memory problems
d. enhanced self-appreciation
4. Eating a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of developing health problems, such as:
a. stroke
b. binge disorder
c. aneurism
d. heart disease
5. The six dimensions of wellness include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. emotional wellness
b. environmental wellness

c. spiritual wellness
d. dietary wellness
6. Physical wellness includes:
a. self-awareness
b. self-confidence
c. compassion
d. selfless
7. Optimism, trust, and self-confidence are components of:
a. physical wellness
b. emotional wellness
c. spiritual wellness
d. interpersonal wellness
8. A capacity to think critically is an example of:
a. emotional wellness
b. intellectual wellness
c. interpersonal
d. spiritual wellness
9. Best describes emotional wellness?
a. taking time to explore your thoughts
b. getting regular medical check-ups
c. being open to new ideas
d. finding principles by which to live your life
10. Exercise is mainly a component of .
a. spiritual wellness
b. interpersonal wellness
c. emotional wellness
d. physical wellness
11. How might someone demonstrate intellectual wellness?
a. faith
b. social connections
c. critical thinking

d. muscularity
12. Ayehssa is someone who is confident and exhibits a good sense of self-esteem. These
characteristics mark as someone with .
a. physical wellness
b. intellectual wellness
c. interpersonal wellness
d. emotional wellness
13. The definition of wellness is .
a. the state of optimal health with in mind, body, and spirit
b. the state of feeling fantastic
c. the state of not being ill
d. the state of great physical health
14. Wellness is the balance of .
a. the mind and spirit
b. the body and mind
c. the body and spirit
d. the mind, body, and the spirit
15. How a person interacts with the area they live in and how we avoid hazards in it is called
a. social wellness
b. intellectual wellness
c. personal wellness
d. emotional wellness

What’s In
Make a word search from a
word puzzle of Health and
Wellness. You can find the
words in the grid by looking
Diagonal, Forward, Backward,
Up, and Down. Circle them with
a pencil or marker to highlight
letters. Most of all HAVE FUN!!!

1. nutrition
2. fitness
3. exercise
4. family
5. lifestyle
6. walking
7. healthy

What is It

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and
fulfilling life. Wellness lifestyle is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change
and growth. It is a state of complete well being.
The six areas of wellness lifestyle are: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, interpersonal
and enviromental.

What’s More
A. Identify whether the following statements are Fallacy or Fact. Write your answer in the space
1. All fats are bad for you.
2.Skipping meals will help you lose weight.
3.Sweating is a part of the physical activity process.
4.As long as people work out, they can eat whatever they want.
5.Regular exercise and a balance diet go hand in hand.
6.Exercise can turn fat into muscles.
7.Fat is the main fuel of the body.
8.The best time of the day to exercise is one that fits one’s schedule.
9.Warm up must be done before engaging physical activity.
10.Healthy young individuals do not require physical activity.

B. Identify whether the statement belongs to physical wellness, spiritual wellness, emotional wellness,
intellectual wellness, interpersonal wellness and enviromental wellness.
1. Volunteering to do things for your community.
2. Praying for the safety of your family.
3. The way you recognize and deal with your feelings.

4. Keeping clean of sorroundings to prevent the spread of disease.
5. Showing respect for other people.
6. Solving problems with little trouble.
7. Sharing your true feelings with your friends.
8. Dealing with sadness appropriately.
9.Opening your mind to new ways of doing things.
10. Jogging for 2 to 3 times a week.

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a given statement.
1. What are some thing you can do to be healthy?
a. eating innutritious foods
b. performing physical inactivity
c. participating midnight activity
d. doing mental exercise
2. How can you ensure that your wishes about your healthcare are known by your family or friends?
a. by not talking about it
b. by writing down my wishes
c. by talking with family and friends
d. by keeping it with myself
3. Depression in can be hard to detect. However, the earlier it is detected the easier it can be treated.
Which of the following is a symptom of depression?
a. increased of energy
b. increased interest in usual activities
c. complained about memory problems
d. enhanced self-appreciation
4. Eating a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of developing health problems, such as:
a. stroke
b. binge disorder
c. aneurism
d. heart disease

5. The six dimensions of wellness include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. emotional wellness
b. environmental wellness
c. spiritual wellness
d. dietary wellness
6. Physical wellness includes:
a. self-awareness
b. self-confidence
c. compassion
d. selfless
7. Optimism, trust, and self-confidence are components of:
a. physical wellness
b. emotional wellness
c. spiritual wellness
d. interpersonal wellness
8. A capacity to think critically is an example of:
a. emotional wellness
b. intellectual wellness
c. interpersonal
d. spiritual wellness
9. Best describes emotional wellness?
a. taking time to explore your thoughts
b. getting regular medical check-ups
c. being open to new ideas
d. finding principles by which to live your life
10. Exercise is mainly a component of .
a. spiritual wellness
b. interpersonal wellness
c. emotional wellness
d. physical wellness
11. How might someone demonstrate intellectual wellness?

a. faith
b. social connections
c. critical thinking
d. muscularity
12. Ayehssa is someone who is confident and exhibits a good sense of self-esteem. These
characteristics mark as someone with .
a. physical wellness
b. intellectual wellness
c. interpersonal wellness
d. emotional wellness
13. The definition of wellness is .
a. the state of optimal health with in mind, body, and spirit
b. the state of feeling fantastic
c. the state of not being ill
d. the state of great physical health
14. Wellness is the balance of .
a. the mind and spirit
b. the body and mind
c. the body and spirit
d. the mind, body, and the spirit
15. How a person interacts with the area they live in and how we avoid hazards in it is called
a. social wellness
b. intellectual wellness
c. personal wellness
d. emotional wellness


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