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Configuration: D6H & D6H LGP TRACTORS / POWER SHIFT / 4RC00001-03999 (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3306 ENGINE

Systems Operation
Media Number -SENR3240-01 Publication Date -01/11/1992 Date Updated -11/10/2001

Systems Operation

NOTE: For Specifications with illustrations, make reference to Specifications For D6H Tractor
Power Train, Form No. SENR3239. If the Specifications in Form SENR3239 are not the same as in
the Systems Operation and the Testing and Adjusting, look at the printing date on the cover of each
book. Use the Specifications given in the book with the latest date.

Power Train (Power Shift)

General Information
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Power Train Components

(1) Clutches and Brakes (steering). (2) Drives (final). (3) Engine (diesel). (4) Tracks. (5) Divider (torque). (6) Shaft (main
drive). (7) Gears (transfer and bevel). (8) Transmission (power shift).

Power from diesel engine (3) is sent through torque divider (5), main drive shaft (6), power shift
transmission (8), transfer and bevel gears (7), steering clutches and brakes (1), final drives (2) and
then to tracks (4).

Diesel engine (3) sends power from the flywheel to the torque divider.

Torque divider (5) sends the power to main drive shaft (6) through a planetary gear system and torque

Power through main drive shaft (6) goes to transmission (8). Transmission (8) has three speeds in
Forward and in Reverse. Speed and direction of the transmission is controlled manually by the
operator. When the control lever for the transmission is moved to a speed and direction position,
power through the transmission goes to transfer and bevel gears (7).

Transfer and bevel gears (7) turn two inner axle shafts that send the power to steering clutches and
brakes (1).

Steering clutches are used to turn the tractor and the brakes stop the tractor as well as give assistance
to the steering action of the steering clutches. Power through steering clutches and brakes (1) is used
to turn the two outer axle shafts that turn final drives (2).

Final drives (2) give a double reduction through the use of planetary gears and send the power to
tracks (4) that move the machine.
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Power Train/Hydraulic System

Power Train Hydraulic System Schematic

(1) Valve (priority). (2) Plate (orifice). (3) Cooler (oil). (4) Drive (pump). (5) Converter (torque). (6) Valve (torque
converter outlet relief). (7) Sump (torque converter housing). (8) Breather. (9) Pump (power train oil). (10) Case (power
train oil tank). (11) Valve (selector and pressure control). (12) Filter (transmission oil). (13) Valve (steering and brake
control). (14) Sump (transmission case). (A) Charging section (transmission). (B) Lubrication section (steering clutch and
brake). (C) Scavenge section (transmission and torque converter).

The hydraulic system for the power train uses a three-section oil pump (9). The pump is mounted on
the front of the case and is driven by an auxiliary drive shaft from the engine. The case is used as the
power train oil tank and has internal tubes that move oil to and from oil pump (9).

Transmission and torque converter scavenge section (C), the first section of oil pump (9), takes oil
from torque converter sump (7) and transmission sump (14) and returns it to case (10).

Steering clutch and brake lubrication section (B), the second section of oil pump (8), takes oil from
case (10) and sends it to each steering clutch and brake for lubrication.

Transmission charging section (A), the third section of oil pump (9), takes oil from case (10) and
sends it to oil filter (12). Oil through the oil filter goes to priority valve (1) and steering and brake
control valve (13).

Priority valve (1) makes sure that oil pressure is available for the steering and brake control and then
the transmission controls. Oil through the transmission controls is used to engage transmission
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clutches and is also sent to torque converter (5). From the torque converter, oil goes through outlet
relief valve (6) to oil cooler (3). Oil through the oil cooler goes to the lubrication circuits of the
transmission and then returns to the transmission sump.

Implement and winch pump drive (4) gets lubrication oil from inlet oil to the torque converter.

Breather (8) vents air from the torque converter housing.

Transmission Oil Filter (All Machines)

Location Of Transmission Oil Filter

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Oil Filter Components

(1) Valve (bypass). (2) Spring. (3) Passage (outlet). (4) Passage [inlet (from pump)]. (5) Element (filter). (6) Housing

Pressure oil, from the pump, goes in the filter housing through inlet passage (4) and fills the space
between the inside of housing assembly (6) and filter element (5). During normal operation, the oil
goes through the element and out through outlet passage (3) to the remainder of the hydraulic system.
Filter element (5) stops any debris that is in the oil.

If the filter element becomes full of debris, the restriction to the flow of oil causes a pressure increase
inside the filter. The pressure oil fills passage (4) and causes bypass valve (1) to move against the
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force of spring (2). The oil then goes past the open bypass valve and to the remainder of the hydraulic
system. When the oil does not go through the filter element, the debris in the oil will cause damage to
other components in the hydraulic system.

Correct maintenance must be used to make sure that filter element (5) does not become full of debris
and stop the flow of clean oil to the hydraulic system.

Priority Valve

Location Of Priority Valve

Components Of The Priority Valve

(1) Passage (inlet). (2) Body. (3) Slug. (4) Spacers. (5) Poppet. (6) Spool assembly. (7) Passage (outlet).
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The priority valve is fastened to the rear of the transmission selector and pressure control valve group.
Body (2) supports the bellcranks for the speed and direction spools and is also a manifold for oil
going in and out of the pressure control valve.

The priority valve makes sure the oil pressure is first available for steering and braking and then for
transmission operation. The priority valve is set to open to the transmission controls at 2900 kPa (420

Oil from the transmission charging section of the power train oil pump goes through the transmission
oil filter to inlet passage (1). From inlet passage (1) the oil goes through a hole in spool assembly (6)
into the chamber between poppet (5) and slug (3). The pressure oil can now move spool assembly (6)
to the right against the force of the spring. When the pressure of the oil in the chamber becomes
higher than the force of the spring, spool assembly (6) moves. The movement of the spool lets
pressure oil flow to outlet passage (7). From outlet passage (7) the pressure oil goes to the
transmission selector and pressure control valve.

Oil Cooler (All Machines)

Location Of Oil Cooler

(Power Shift Tractor Shown)

Transmission Oil Cooler (Schematic)

(1) Cooler (oil).
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Coolant from the engine comes in at the end. The coolant goes through the many long tubes that are in
the cooler. After the coolant goes through the tubes, it goes out through the other end of the cooler
and returns to the engine cylinder block.

Hydraulic system oil with a high temperature comes from the torque converter outlet. This oil comes
in at the side of the cooler. The flow of oil is around and along the many tubes inside the cooler. In
this procedure, heat is removed from the oil and is given to the coolant of the engine. The engine
coolant goes through the tubes inside the cooler and takes the heat from the oil. The coolant is then
cooled by the cooling system of the engine.

After the oil goes along the tubes in the cooler, it goes out through another passage at the side and has
a lower temperature. The colder oil then goes to the transmission for lubrication and cooling.

Torque Divider

Torque Divider
(1) Flywheel. (2) Gear (ring). (3) Housing. (4) Impeller. (5) Passage (outlet). (6) Carrier. (7) Yoke. (8) Gear (sun). (9)
Gears (planet). (10) Carrier (planet). (11) Turbine. (12) Stator. (13) Passage (inlet). (14) Shaft (output).

The torque divider connects the engine to the planetary transmission. This connection is both a
hydraulic connection and a mechanical connection. The hydraulic connection is through a torque
converter. The mechanical connection is through a planetary gear set.
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The torque converter uses oil from the transmission charging pump to multiply the torque to the
transmission. When the machine works against a low load, the torque multiplication is low. When the
machine works against a high load, the torque multiplication is higher. A higher torque can then be
sent to the transmission during high load conditions. The planetary gear set also multiplies the torque
from the engine by making an increase in the mechanical advantage through its gears. This torque
multiplication also makes an increase as the load on the machine becomes higher. During no load
conditions, neither the torque converter or the planetary gear set can multiply the torque from the

The torque divider is installed into the engine flywheel (1). The torque divider housing is installed on
the engine flywheel housing. Output shaft (14) is connected to yoke (7). Yoke (7) is connected to the
planetary transmission through a drive shaft.

The components of the planetary gear set are: sun gear (8), planet carrier (10), planet gears (9) and
ring gear (2). Sun gear (8) is connected to the flywheel by splines. Planet carrier (10) is connected to
output shaft (14) by splines. Planet gears (9) are held by planet carrier (10) and are engaged with the
sun gear (8) and ring gear (2).

The components of the torque converter are: housing (3), impeller (4), turbine (11) and stator (12).
Housing (3) is connected to flywheel (1) by splines. Impeller (4) is connected to housing (3). Turbine
(11) is connected to ring gear (2) by splines. Stator (12) is connected to carrier (6) and can not turn.

Torque Converter Operation

Torque Converter
(1) Flywheel. (2) Gear (ring). (3) Housing. (4) Impeller. (5) Passage (outlet). (6) Carrier. (7) Yoke. (8) Gear (sun). (9)
Gears (planet). (10) Carrier (planet). (11) Turbine. (12) Stator. (13) Passage (inlet). (14) Shaft (output).

Oil for the operation of the torque converter goes through inlet passage (13) in carrier (6) to impeller
(4). The rotation of the impeller gives force to the oil. The impeller sends the oil toward the outside of
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the impeller, around the inside of housing (3) to turbine (11). The force of the oil hitting the blades of
the turbine causes the turbine to turn. Since the turbine is connected to ring gear (2), torque is sent to
planet gears (9). At this point in time, the torque given to the turbine by the force of the oil from the
impeller can not be more than the torque output of the engine to the impeller.

As the oil goes from the turbine, it moves in a direction opposite to the direction of impeller (4)
rotation. Stator (12) causes the oil to change direction. Since the stator is connected to carrier (6) and
can not turn, most of the oil is sent back to impeller (4). The remainder of the oil goes from the stator
through outlet passage (5) to the oil cooler.

The force of the oil from the stator can now add to the torque output from the engine to the impeller.
This extra force can give an increase to the torque output of the engine to the turbine. The larger the
difference between the speeds of the impeller and the turbine, the larger the amount of force of the oil
from the stator. Since it is the load on the machine that changes the speed of the turbine, the higher the
load, the larger the difference in the speeds of the impeller and the turbine. It is the different loads on
the machine that control the amount of torque multiplication that the force of the oil from the stator
can add.

Torque Divider Operation

The torque converter is driven by the engine through housing (3). The planetary gear set is driven by
the engine through sun gear (8). These connections let the torque output of the engine go in two
separate directions. Because of the larger radius of ring gear (2), most of this torque is sent by the
torque converter through the ring gear to planet gears (9). The remainder of the torque is sent by sun
gear (8) to planet gears (9). If planet carrier (10) has no resistance to rotation (no load), sun gear (8),
planet gears (9), planet carrier (10) and ring gear (2) will turn at the same speed. The torque from the
converter and from the planetary gear set is now through the planet carrier to output shaft (14) and the
planetary transmission. Neither the torque converter or the planetary gear set can multiply the torque
from the engine when they turn at the same speed.

When the machine has a load, planet carrier (10) has a resistance to rotation. Since sun gear (8) is
turning at the rpm of the engine, this resistance to rotation causes planet gears (9) to turn on their
shafts. Their rotation is opposite the rotation of ring gear (2). This causes a decrease in the speed of
the ring gear. Since turbine (11) is connected to the ring gear, a decrease in speed will cause the
torque converter to multiply the torque of the engine from housing (3). The torque multiplication is
sent to planet carrier (10) and the output shaft through the ring gear.

With the decrease in the speed of the ring gear, the torque of the engine through sun gear (8) and the
planetary gear set also multiplies. This torque multiplication is also sent to planet carrier (10) and the
output shaft.

If the resistance to rotation of planet carrier (10) becomes higher (more load on the machine), the
speed of the ring gear will decrease more. The slower speed will let the torque multiplication through
both the torque converter and the sun gear become higher. If the resistance to rotation of the planet
carrier becomes high enough, the ring gear will stop. During some very high load conditions, the
rotation of the planet carrier and the output shaft will also stop. This will cause the ring gear to turn
slowly in the opposite direction. At this time the torque multiplication of the torque converter and the
sun gear is at its maximum.
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Torque Divider Lubrication

Oil for the lubrication of the torque divider bearings and the planetary gear set comes from the supply
used for the operation of the torque converter. The bearings constantly run in oil. Bearings and gears
in planetary gear set and the pilot bearing get lubrication through passages in the output shaft.

Outlet Relief Valve

Location Of Outlet Relief Valve

Components Of The Relief Valve

(1) Body. (2) Passage (inlet). (3) Passage (outlet). (4) Tap (pressure). (5) Spool (valve). (6) Shims. (7) Spring.

The outlet relief valve for the torque converter is fastened to the torque converter case.

The outlet relief valve maintains the maximum pressure in the torque converter. The setting of the
outlet relief valve is about 290 kPa (42 psi). From the outlet relief valve, the oil goes through outlet
passage (3) to the power train oil cooler.
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Oil goes into body (1) through inlet passage (2). The oil moves valve spool (5) against the force of
spring (7) when the pressure of the oil becomes greater than the force of the spring. The movement of
valve spool (5) permits the oil to flow through outlet passage (3).


Clutch Operation (Typical Example)

(1) Piston. (2) Spring. (3) Plates. (4) Ring gear. (5) Discs. (6) Clutch housing.

The transmission has five hydraulically activated clutches that give three speeds FORWARD and
three speeds REVERSE. Speed and direction are both manually selected.

The five transmission clutches are the disc-type and in separate housings. Each clutch has discs (5)
and plates (3). The inside teeth of discs (5) are engaged with the outside teeth of ring gear (4) Notches
on the outside diameter of plates (3) are engaged with pins in the clutch housing. The pins keep the
plates from rotation.

In the example above, springs (2) are between clutch housing (6) and piston (1). The springs keep the
clutches disengaged (not engaged). The clutches are engaged when oil is sent into the area behind
piston (1). When the pressure of the oil in the area behind the piston increases, the piston moves to the
right. The piston moves against the force of spring (2) and pushes the discs and plates together. The
clutch is now engaged. The discs keep ring gear (4) from rotation. When the clutch is released, the
pressure in the area behind piston (1) decreases and the force of spring (2) moves the piston to the left.
The discs and plates are now apart. The clutch is not engaged.
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A speed clutch and a direction clutch must both be engaged to send power through the transmission.
The chart gives the combination of the clutches engaged for each FORWARD and REVERSE speed.

Transmission Components
(1) Gear [ring (No. 1 clutch)]. (2) Clutch [No. 1 (reverse)]. (3) Carrier (No. 2 and No. 3). (4) Clutch [No. 2 (forward)]. (5)
Gear [ring (No. 2 clutch). (6) Clutch [No. 3 (third speed)]. (7) Gear [ring No. 3 clutch. (8) Clutch [No. 4 (second speed)].
(9) Gear [ring (No. 4 clutch)]. (10) Clutch [No. 5 (first speed)]. (11) Hub. (12) Carrier (No. 1). (13) Carrier (No. 4). (14)
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Gear (No. 4 sun). (15) Gear (No. 1 sun). (16) Gear (No. 1 planetary). (17) Shaft (input). (18) Gear (coupling). (19) Gear
(No. 2 sun). (20) Gear (No. 4 planetary). (21) Gear (No. 3 planetary). (22) Gear (No. 3 sun). (23) Gear (No. 4 planetary).
(24) Shaft (output).

The transmission is fastened to the case at the rear of the machine. Power from the torque divider is
sent to input shaft (17) by a drive shaft. Power flows from the transmission, through output shaft (24),
and then to the transfer gears.

The transmission has five hydraulically activated clutches that give three speeds FORWARD and
three speeds REVERSE. Speed and direction are both manually selected.

The No. 1 and No. 2 clutch, at the rear of the transmission, are the direction clutches. The No. 1 clutch
is the REVERSE direction clutch. The No. 2 clutch is the FORWARD direction clutch.

The No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 clutches are the speed clutches. The No. 3 clutch gives THIRD speed. the
No. 4 clutch gives SECOND speed and the No. 5 clutch gives FIRST speed.

The No. 5 clutch is the only clutch that turns.


Power Flow In Neutral (No. 3 Clutch Engaged)

(3) Carrier (No. 2 and No. 3). (6) Clutch [No. 3 (third speed)]. (7) Gear [ring No. 3 clutch. (17) Shaft (input). (24) Shaft

When the transmission is in NEUTRAL, No. 3 clutch (6) is engaged. The No. 3 clutch holds ring gear
(7) stationary. Ring gear (7) is connected to No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (3).
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Since only one clutch, No. 3 clutch (6), is engaged, input shaft (17) turns but output shaft (24) stays

First Speed Forward

Power Flow In First Speed Forward (No. 2 and No. 5 Clutches Engaged)
(3) Carrier (No. 2 and No. 3). (4) Clutch [No. 2 (forward)]. (5) Gear [ring (No. 2 clutch). (7) Gear [ring No. 3 clutch. (10)
Clutch [No. 5 (first speed)]. (11) Hub. (13) Carrier (No. 4). (14) Gear (No. 4 sun). (17) Shaft (input). (19) Gear (No. 2
sun). (20) Gear (No. 2 planetary). (21) Gear (No. 3 planetary). (22) Gear (No. 3 sun). (24) Shaft (output).

When the transmission is in FIRST SPEED FORWARD, No. 5 clutch (10) and No. 2 clutch (4) are
engaged. The No. 2 clutch holds ring gear (5) for the No. 2 clutch stationary. The No. 5 clutch locks
(connects) hub (11) to No. 4 carrier (13) and No. 3 ring gear (7).

Input shaft (17) turns No. 2 sun gear (19). No. 2 sun gear turns No. 2 planetary gears (20). Since ring
gear (5) is held stationary by the No. 2 clutch, planetary gears (20) move around the inside of the ring
gear. The movement of planetary gears causes No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (3) to turn in the same direction
as input shaft (17). As the No. 2 and No. 3 carrier turns, No. 3 planetary gears (21) turn. The No. 3
planetary gears turn ring gear (7) for the No. 3 clutch and No. 3 sun gear (22). The No. 3 sun gear
turns output shaft (24). Ring gear (7) turns No. 4 carrier (13). The No. 4 carrier (13) is connected to
hub (11) (through the engaged No. 5 clutch). This lets power go from carrier (13) to the No. 5 clutch,
and then through hub (11) to the output shaft.

As a result, torque to output shaft (24) is divided through No. 3 sun gear (22) and hub (11). From the
output shaft, power goes through the transfer and bevel gears to the steering clutches and brakes.
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Second Speed Forward

When the transmission is in SECOND SPEED FORWARD, No. 4 clutch (8) and No. 2 clutch (4) are
engaged. The No. 2 clutch holds ring gear (5) for the No. 2 clutch stationary. The No. 4 clutch holds
ring gear (9) for the No. 4 clutch stationary. Input shaft (17) turns No. 2 sun gear (19). No. 2 sun gear
turns No. 2 planetary gears (20).

Since ring gear (5) is held stationary by the No. 2 clutch, planetary gears (20) move around the inside
of the ring gear. The movement of planetary gears (20) causes No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (3) to turn in
the same direction as input shaft (17). As the No. 2 and No. 3 carrier turns, No. 3 planetary gears (21)
turn. The No. 3 planetary gears turn ring gear (7) for the No. 3 clutch and No. 3 sun gear (22). No. 3
sun gear (22) turns output shaft (24). Ring gear (7) turns No. 4 carrier (13).

Since ring gear (9) is held stationary by the No. 4 clutch, planetary gears (23) move around the inside
of the ring gear. The movement of planetary gears (23) causes No. 4 sun gear (14) to turn. The No. 4
sun gear turns output shaft (24).

As a result, torque to output shaft (24) is divided through No. 3 sun gear (22) and No. 4 sun gear (14).
From the output shaft, power goes through the transfer and bevel gears to the steering clutches and

Third Speed Forward

When the transmission is in THIRD SPEED FORWARD, No. 3 clutch (6) and No. 2 clutch (4) are
engaged. The No. 2 clutch holds ring gear (5) for the No. 2 clutch stationary. The No. 3 clutch holds
ring gear (7) for the No. 3 clutch stationary. Input shaft (17) turns No. 2 sun gear (19). No. 2 sun gear
turns No. 2 planetary gears (20).

Since ring gear (5) is held stationary by the No. 2 clutch, planetary gears (20) move around the inside
of the ring gear. The movement of planetary gears (20) causes No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (3) to turn in
the same direction as input shaft (17).

Since ring gear (7) is held stationary by the No. 3 clutch, the movement of No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (3)
causes No. 3 planetary gears (21) to move around the inside of the ring gear. The movement of
planetary gears (21) causes No. 3 sun gear (22) to turn. No. 3 sun gear turns output shaft (24). From
the output shaft, power goes through the transfer and bevel gears to the steering clutches and brakes.

First Speed Reverse

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Power Flow In First Speed Reverse (No. 1 and No. 5 Clutches Engaged)
(1) Gear [ring (No. 1 clutch)]. (2) Clutch [No. 1 (reverse)]. (3) Carrier (No. 2 and No. 3). (7) Gear [ring No. 3 clutch. (10)
Clutch [No. 5 (first speed)]. (11) Hub. (12) Carrier (No. 1). (13) Carrier (No. 4). (15) Gear (No. 1 sun). (16) Gear (No. 1
planetary). (17) Shaft (input). (18) Gear (coupling). (20) Gear (No. 2 planetary). (21) Gear (No. 3 planetary). (22) Gear
(No. 3 sun). (24) Shaft (output).

When the transmission is in FIRST SPEED REVERSE, No. 5 clutch (10) and No. 1 clutch (2) are
engaged. The No. 1 clutch holds ring gear (1) for the No. 1 clutch stationary. The No. 5 clutch locks
(connects) hub (11) to No. 4 carrier (13) and No. 3 ring gear (7). Input shaft (17) turns No. 1 sun gear
(15). No. 1 sun gear turns No. 1 planetary gears (16). No. 1 carrier (12) is a direct mechanical
connection with ring gear (1).

Since ring gear (1) is held stationary by the No. 1 clutch, so is No. 1 carrier (12). The rotation of No. 1
planetary gears (16) on their shafts causes coupling gear (18) to turn in the opposite direction as input
shaft (17). Coupling gear (18) is direct mechanical connection with No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (3). As the
No. 2 and No. 3 carrier turns, No. 3 planetary gears (21) turn. The No. 3 planetary gears turn ring gear
(7) for the No. 3 clutch and No. 3 sun gear (22). No. 3 sun gear (22) turns output shaft (24). Ring gear
(7) turns No. 4 carrier (13).

The No. 4 carrier is connected to hub (1) (through the engaged No. 5 clutch). This lets power go from
carrier (13) to the No. 5 clutch, and then through hub (11) to output shaft (24).

As a result, torque to output shaft (24) is divided through No. 3 sun gear (22) and hub (11). From the
output shaft, power goes through the transfer and bevel gears to the steering clutches and brakes.

Second Speed Reverse

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When the transmission is in SECOND SPEED REVERSE, No. 4 clutch (8) and No. 1 clutch (2) are
engaged. The No. 1 clutch holds ring gear (1) for the No. 1 clutch stationary. The No. 4 clutch holds
ring gear (9) for the No. 4 clutch stationary. Input shaft (17) turns No. 1 sun gear (15). No. 1 sun gear
turns No. 1 planetary gears (16). No. 1 carrier (12) is a direct mechanical connection with ring gear

Since ring gear (1) is held stationary by the No. 1 clutch, so is No. 1 carrier (12). The rotation of the
No. 1 planetary gears (16) on their shafts causes coupling gear (18) to turn in the opposite direction as
input shaft (17). Coupling gear (18) is a direct mechanical connection with No. 2 and No. 3 carrier. As
the No. 2 and No. 3 carrier turns, No. 3 planetary gears (21) turn. The No. 3 planetary gears turn ring
gear (7) for the No. 3 clutch and No. 3 sun gear (22). No. 3 sun gear (22) turns output shaft (24). Ring
gear (7) turns No. 4 carrier (13).

Since ring gear (9) is held stationary by the No. 4 clutch, planetary gears (23) move around the inside
of the ring gear. The movement of planetary gears (23) causes No. 4 sun gear (14) to turn. The No. 4
sun gear turns output shaft (24).

As a result, torque to output shaft (24) is divided through No. 3 sun gear (22) and No. 4 sun gear (14).
From the output shaft, power goes through the transfer and bevel gears to the steering clutches and

Third Speed Reverse

When the transmission is in THIRD SPEED REVERSE, No. 3 clutch (6) and No. 1 clutch (2) are
engaged. No. 1 clutch holds ring gear (1) for the No. 1 clutch stationary. The No. 3 clutch holds ring
gear (7) for the No. 3 clutch stationary. Input shaft (17) turns No. 1 sun gear (15). No. 1 sun gear turns
No. 1 planetary gears (16). No. 1 carrier (12) is a direct mechanical connection with ring gear (1).

Since ring gear (1) is held stationary by the No. 1 clutch, so is No. 1 carrier (12). The rotation of No. 1
planetary gears (16) on their shafts causes coupling gear (18) to turn in the opposite direction as input
shaft (17). Coupling gear (18) is a direct mechanical connection with No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (3).

Since ring gear (7) is held stationary by the No. 3 clutch, the movement of No. 2 and No. 3 carrier (3)
causes No. 3 planetary gears (21) to move around the inside of the ring gear. The movement of
planetary gears (21) causes No. 3 sun gear (22) to turn. No. 3 sun gear turns output shaft (24). From
the output shaft, power goes through the transfer and bevel gears to the steering clutches and brakes.

Transmission Lubrication
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Transmission Lubrication
(3) Carrier (No. 2 and No. 3). (11) Hub. (12) Carrier (No. 1). (17) Shaft (input). (25) Cavity. (26) Passage. (27) Cavity.
(28) Tube assembly. (29) Manifold. (30) Cavity.

The oil for lubrication of the transmission comes from the oil cooler.

Oil from the cooler goes through tube assembly (28) to manifold (29). Oil from manifold (29) goes
through passage (26), formed by the clutch housings, to cavity (30) and the drilled passages in input
shaft (17).

Cavity (30) sends oil through to cavity (25). Drilled passages in No. 1 carrier (12) and No. 2 and No.
3 carrier (3) send oil to the directional clutches and the No. 3 clutch. Oil is metered to the directional
cluthes through drilled passages in the forward and reverse ring gears.

Oil through the drilled passages in input shaft (17) goes to the clearance between the input shaft and
output shaft. This oil lubricates bearing at both ends of the output shaft and also goes through drilled
passages in the output shaft to cavity (27) and hub (11).

Planet bearings and thrust discs get oil from cavities (30) and (27) through the drilled passages in the
planet shafts.

Drilled passages in hub (11) and the ring gear for No. 4 clutch send oil to the No. 5 and No. 4 clutches
for lubrication.

The remainder of the components in the transmission get lubrication from oil thrown inside the
transmission, released at points of pressure.
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Lubrication oil through the clutches drains to the bottom of the transmission case.

Transmission Hydraulic Controls

Transmission Hydraulic Controls

(1) Tube [oil (inlet from filter)]. (2) Tube [oil (outlet to torque converter)]. (3) Valve (priority). (4) Manifold (top). (5)
Valve (selector and pressure control). (6) Spool (directional). (7) Spool (speed). (8) Plate. (9) Bellcrank (directional
spool). (10) Bellcrank (speed spool). (11) Plate and manifold (bottom).
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Bottom View Of Plate And Manifold

(11) Plate and manifold (bottom). (12) Opening (No. 1 clutch). (13) Opening (No. 2 clutch). (14) Opening (No. 3 clutch).
(15) Opening (No. 4 clutch). (16) Opening (No. 5 clutch).


The transmission hydraulic controls are fastened to the planetary transmission inside the transmission

Inlet oil from the transmission charging pump goes through the transmission oil filter then through oil
tube (1) to priority valve (3). From priority valve (3) the pressure oil goes to selector and pressure
control valve (5).

Transmission control linkage is connected to bellcranks (9 and 10). The bellcranks are connected to
directional spool (6) and speed spool (7). The movement of directional spool (6) sends pressure oil to
either of the direction clutches (No. 1 or No. 2) in the planetary transmission. The movement of speed
spool (7) sends pressure oil to either one of the speed clutches (No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5).

Oil flows from the selector pressure control valve, through plate (8) and bottom plate and manifold
(11). The oil is then sent to the speed clutch and directional clutch through the respective opening
(12), (13), (14), (15), or (16).

Selector And Pressure Control Valve

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Selector And Pressure Control Valve

(1) Spool (speed selector). (2) Valve (modulation relief). (3) Piston (load). (4) Passage [inlet (from transmission oil pump).
(5) Passage [outlet (to torque converter). (6) Valve (ratio). (7) Valve (pressure differential). (8) Spool (direction selector).

The selector and pressure control valve is connected to the planetary transmission. The valve is
completely enclosed by the transmission case.

Speed selector spool (1) and direction selector spool (8) are connected by linkage to the transmission
selector lever.
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Operation Of Transmission Hydraulic Controls

Transmission Hydraulic Controls (Engine Running, Transmission in Neutral)

(1) Valve (priority). (2) Spool (speed selector). (3) Body (valve). (4) Valve (modulation relief). (5) Piston (load). (6)
Orifice. (7) Valve (ratio). (8) Valve (pressure differential). (9) Orifices. (10) Spool (direction selector).

Engine Running (Transmission in Neutral)

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When the engine is started, the transmission charging pump pulls oil from the case reservoir. The
pump sends the oil through a filter to priority valve (1) and then to pressure control valve for the

When the transmission control lever is in NEUTRAL, speed selection spool (2) is in the position
shown in the schematic. Direction selection spool (10) can be in either the FORWARD or REVERSE

The position of speed selection spool (2) opens the No. 3 clutch to pump oil. Speed clutches No. 4 and
No. 5 are opened to the reservoir. The position of direction selection spool (10) opens the right end of
pressure differential valve (8) to the reservoir.

Oil from the pump, goes to modulation relief valve (4). It fills the chamber around the modulation
relief valve. The oil goes through an orifice in the valve spool and opens the poppet valve. The oil
fills the slug chamber at the left end of the valve spool.

Pump oil also goes through the flow control orifice to direction selection spool (10). The oil can then
flow to ratio valve (7) and pressure differential valve (8). The oil also flows from the direction
selection spool to speed selection spool (2). From the left end of the speed selection spool, the oil
flows to No. 3 clutch.

The oil to the pressure differential valve, goes through orifice (6) in the valve spool. Oil starts to fill
the chamber at the left end of the valve spool. When the transmission selector lever is in NEUTRAL,
orifices (9) can not send oil to the reservoir because the passage around the orifices is filled with
pump oil. This lets the differential valve move a small amount to the right (to the SET position). In
this position, orifices (9) are closed by the valve body. The pressure differential valve can move no
farther to the right because of the drain passage at the left end of the valve. In this position, no oil is
sent to the directional clutches.

Operation of Modulation Relief Valve

Pump oil, that flows to the pressure differential valve, also goes through an orifice to the right end of
load piston (5). The right end of the load piston is closed to the reservoir by the position of pressure
differential valve (8). The flow of oil to load piston (5) is restricted by the orifice.

When No. 3 clutch is full of oil, the pressure in the speed clutch circuit starts to increase. The increase
is felt in the slug chamber at the left end of modulation relief valve (4). When the pressure in the
speed clutch circuit is at the initial setting of the modulation relief valve, the modulation relief valve
moves to the right. This lets extra oil go to the lubrication circuit.

The pressure felt by the modulation relief valve is also felt on the right end of load piston (5). The
orifice in the supply passage to the load piston causes a short delay in the pressure increase at the right
end of the load piston. This pressure increase at the end of the load piston moves the piston to the left.
The movement to the left increases the force of the springs and moves modulation relief valve (4) to
the left also. This causes a pressure increase in the slug chamber and moves the modulation relief
valve back to the right.

This left and right movement of the modulation relief valve, along with the movement to the left of
the load piston causes the clutch pressure to increase gradually. This gradual increase in pressure is
known as modulation.
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The load piston movement to the left stops when the load piston moves to the drain passage. At this
time, modulation stops. As oil goes out the drain passage, oil comes through the supply passage to the
load piston chamber. This keeps the load piston in position without any further movement. Pressure in
the system will be limited by the spring force on the modulation relief valve. At this time, the valve is
opened to let oil flow to the lubrication circuit.

Operation of Ratio Valve

Ratio valve (7) for the torque converter controls the maximum pressure to the converter. Its primary
purpose is to prevent damage to the converter components when the engine is started with cold oil.

The pressure to the torque converter, caused by restrictions to flow, is felt against the left end of the
valve spool. This pressure pushes against the whole diameter of the valve spool.

Pressure from the speed clutch circuit is felt in the slug chamber of the valve spool. This pressure
pushes against only the diameter of the slug.

The pressure (on the left end of valve) needed to move the valve to the right is less than the pressure
(in slug chamber) needed to move the valve to the left.

When the inlet pressure to the torque converter gets to its maximum, the valve spool moves to the
right. This lets the extra oil go to the reservoir. When the pressures are again in balance, spring force
moves the valve back to the left.

All oil, not used by the clutches, goes to the ratio valve for the torque converter.

Engine Running (Neutral to First Speed Forward)

Transmission Hydraulic Controls (Engine Running, Neutral to First Speed Forward)

(1) Valve (priority). (2) Spool (speed selector). (3) Body (valve). (4) Valve (modulation relief). (5) Piston (load). (6)
Orifice. (7) Valve (ratio). (8) Valve (pressure differential). (9) Orifices. (10) Spool (direction selector).
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When the transmission control lever is moved to FIRST SPEED FORWARD, speed selector spool (2)
and direction selector spool (10) move to the positions shown in the schematic.

The position of direction selector spool (10) opens a passage to No. 2 clutch. It also opens a passage
from No. 1 clutch to the reservoir.

The position of speed selector spool (2) opens a passage to No. 5 clutch to pump oil. It also opens No.
3 clutch and No. 4 clutch to the reservoir.

When the shift from NEUTRAL to FIRST SPEED FORWARD is made, the No. 3 clutch is opened to
the reservoir. The pressure in the system decreases. Springs move modulation relief valve (4) toward
the left. Pressure differential valve (8) moves until the oil from the right end of load piston (5) can go
to the reservoir. This lets the load piston move to the right.

No. 5 speed clutch starts to fill. When it is full of oil, the pressure increases in the system. This
pressure increase is felt through orifice (6) and against the left end of the pressure differential valve.
This moves the pressure differential valve until the right end of load piston (5) is closed to the
reservoir. The differential valve also lets oil go to No. 2 clutch and it starts to fill. The pressure
differential valve will keep a 380 kPa (55 psi) pressure difference between the oil to the speed clutch
and direction clutch. This lets the speed clutch engage before the direction clutch.

When the end of the load piston is closed to the reservoir, the pressure oil starts to fill the load piston
chamber again. The load piston starts to move to the left and modulation starts.

This movement of the load piston compresses the springs and moves the modulation relief valve to
the left. This causes the pressure of the pump oil in the slug chamber to go higher and moves the
modulation relief valve back to the right.

This modulation goes on until the clutches reach full pressure. At this time the load piston will be
completely to the left and the modulation relief valve will let oil go to the lubrication circuit.

Starting the Engine (Transmission in a Speed and Direction)

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Transmission Hydraulic Controls (Starting Engine with Transmission in a Speed and Direction)
(1) Valve (priority). (2) Spool (speed selector). (3) Body (valve). (4) Valve (modulation relief). (5) Piston (load). (6)
Orifice. (7) Valve (ratio). (8) Valve (pressure differential). (9) Orifices. (10) Spool (direction selector).

When the transmission is started with the control lever in a forward or reverse speed, the operation of
pressure differential valve (8) prevents movement of the machine.

When the engine is started, the transmission charging pump sends oil to modulation relief valve (4)
and also across flow control orifice (10). From the direction selection spool the oil can go to ratio
valve (7) and pressure differential valve (8). The oil also flows to speed selection spool (2) and starts
to fill the No. 5 clutch.

Oil that flows to pressure differential valve (8) goes through orifice (6) and fills the chamber on the
left end of the spool. Small orifices (9) are open to reservoir because of the position of the speed
selection spool. The pressure on the left end of the differential valve can not go high enough to move
the valve to the right. Because of this, oil can not flow to the direction clutch and the machine will not

Before the operator can move the machine, he must make a shift to NEUTRAL. This closes the
passage around orifices (9) so that oil can not flow to the reservoir. This lets the pressure increase
inside the differential valve and it moves right to the SET position (see TRANSMISSION IN
NEUTRAL). The operation of the hydraulic controls will then be normal when a shift is made to a
forward or reverse speed.

Transfer And Bevel Gears

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Transfer And Bevel Gears

(1) Gear (transfer). (2) Pinion. (3) Gear (transfer). (4) Shaft (transmission input). (5) Shaft (transmission output). (6) Gear
(bevel). (7) Gear (bevel).

A drive shaft assembly connects the yoke on the torque divider to the yoke assembly on the gear case.
The gear case yoke assembly is connected to transmission input shaft (4) by splines. When a speed
and direction clutch are engaged, power is sent from the planetary transmission to transmission output
shaft (5) then to transfer gear (3). Transfer gear (3) turns transfer gear (1). Transfer gear (1) is
connected to pinion (2) by splines. Pinion (2) turns bevel gear (6). Bevel gear (6) is fastened to bevel
gear shaft (7) by bolts. The inner axle shafts connect to bevel gear shaft (7) and send the power to the
steering clutches and brakes.

The bevel gear, pinion, and transfer gears get lubrication oil from the lubrication system. This oil
flows through passages in the transfer case, and then into a tube in the bevel gear case. The oil flows
from this tube for lubrication of the gears (spray lubrication).

Power Train (Direct Drive)

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Power Train Components

(1) Clutches and Brakes (steering). (2) Drives (final). (3) Engine (diesel). (4) Tracks. (5) Shaft (main drive). (6) Bevel gear
and pinion. (7) Transmission. (8) Clutch.

General Information
Power from diesel engine (3) is sent through main drive shaft (5), clutch (8), transmission (7), bevel
gear and pinion (6), steering clutches and brakes (1), final drives (2) and then to tracks (4).

Diesel engine (3) sends power from the crankshaft through an adapter to the main drive shaft.

Main drive shaft (5) sends the power through an input shaft to the clutch.

Clutch (8) is hydraulically actuated and moves (transfers) power from the input shaft to the input gear
of the transmission.

Transmission (7) has six speeds in Forward and in Reverse. Speed and direction of the transmission
are controlled by the two control levers that are manually operated. When the control levers are
moved to a speed and direction position and the clutch is engaged, power is sent through the
transmission gears to the bevel gear and pinion.

Bevel gear and pinion (6) turn two inner axle shafts that send power to steering clutches and brakes

Steering clutches are used to turn the tractor and the brakes stop the tractor as well as give assistance
to the steering action of the steering clutches. Power through steering clutches and brakes (1) is used
to turn the two outer axle shafts that turn final drives (2).

The final drives give a double reduction through the use of planetary gears and send the power to
tracks (4) that move the machine.
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Power Train / Hydraulic System

Power Train Hydraulic System Schematic

(1) Valve [clutch control (part of clutch and transmission brake control valve)]. (2) Valve (transmission lubrication relief).
(3) Pump (power train oil). (4) Pump (case). (5) Pump (transmission). (6) Valve [transmission brake control (part of clutch
and transmission brake control valve)]. (7) Filter (oil). (8) Valve (steering and brake control). (A) Scavenge section
(flywheel housing). (B) Lubrication section (steering clutch and brake). (C) Charging section (clutch control). (D) Flow
section (main). Clutch.

The hydraulic system for the power train uses a four section oil pump (3). The pump is mounted on
the front of the case and is driven by an auxiliary drive shaft from the engine. The case is used as the
power train oil tank and has internal tubes that move oil to and from oil pump (3).

Flywheel housing scavenge section (A), the first section of oil pump (3), takes oil from the flywheel
housing sump and returns it to case sump (4). The oil in the flywheel housing sump is lubrication oil
from the pump drive.

Steering clutch and brake lubrication section (B), the second section of oil pump (3), takes oil from
transmission sump (5). The oil is then sent to the steering clutches and brakes for lubrication and the
excess is returned to case sump (4).

Clutch control charging section (C), the third section of oil pump (3), gets oil from oil filter (7). The
oil is then sent to the clutch and transmission brake control valve and steering and brake control valve
(8). A priority valve in clutch control valve (1) makes sure steering and brake control valve (8) and
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transmission brake control valve (6) get oil before clutch control valve (1). Oil through the clutch and
transmission brake control valve is also sent to the clutch and transmission for lubrication.

Main flow section (D), the fourth section of oil pump (3), takes oil from case sump (4) and sends it to
oil filter (7). Oil from the filter goes to pump section (C), the pump drive and the oil cooler. Oil
through the oil cooler goes to the clutch and transmission for lubrication.

The oil cooler and oil filter are the same as the ones used for the power shift tractors.

Clutch And Transmission Brake Control Valve

Location Of Clutch And Transmission Brake Control Valve

The clutch and transmission brake control valve is installed at rear of the transmission. This control
valve is used to control the engagement and disengagement of the clutch and transmission brake when
a shift of the transmission takes place. The actuation of the control valve is controlled by the operator.
When the operator pushes the clutch pedal, clutch pedal linkage moves the control valve linkage that
is connected to the valve spools. The control valve linkage first moves input piston (1) until the clutch
disengages. Then the linkage moves input piston (1) and brake valve (7) together until the
transmission brake engages. All of this goes along (coincides) with the full travel of the clutch pedal.

The main components of the clutch and transmission brake control valve are input piston (1), priority
valve (2), clutch relief valve (3), lube relief valve (4), clutch modulation valve (5), brake relief valve
(6) and brake valve (7).

Input piston (1) and clutch modulation valve (5) work together to send controlled pressure oil to the
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Schematic Of Control Valve With Engine Stopped

(1) Piston (input). (2) Valve (priority). (3) Valve (clutch relief). (4) Valve (lube relief). (5) Valve (clutch modulation). (6)
Valve (brake relief). (7) Valve (brake).

Priority valve (2) makes sure that pressure oil is first available to the steering clutch and brake control
valve, the transmission brake and then to the clutch control valve. The priority valve is set to open at
2900 kPa (420 psi).

Clutch relief valve (3) keeps the pressure of the oil to the clutch constant and also limits the maximum
pressure to approximately 1790 kPa (260 psi).

Lube relief valve (4) limits the maximum lubrication oil pressure to the clutch and transmission to 380
kPa (56 psi).

Brake relief valve (6) limits the maximum oil pressure in the transmission brake piston to 2070 kPa
(300 psi).

Brake valve (7) sends oil to the transmission brake after the clutch has disengaged.
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Operation Of Clutch And Transmission Brake Control Valve

Oil flow to the control valve comes from the power train oil pump. The third and fourth sections of
the pump send oil to the manifold which is part of the control valve group. The manifold sends oil
from the third section of the pump to priority valve (2) and brake valve (6) in the control valve. Oil
from the fourth section of the pump goes through the oil filter and then the oil cooler before it goes to
the manifold. The manifold sends the oil to lube relief valve (4) and then to the transmission and
clutch for lubrication.

Oil to priority valve (2) and brake valve (6) also goes to the steering and brake control valve. When
these valves (passages and chambers) are full of oil, the pressure of the oil at priority valve (2)
increases and the valve spool moves to the right. This lets oil go to input piston (1), clutch relief valve
(3) and clutch modulation valve (5).

Schematic Of Control Valve With Clutch Pedal Fully Pushed (Clutch Disengaged And Brake Engaged)
(1) Piston (input). (2) Valve (priority). (3) Valve (clutch relief). (4) Valve (lube relief). (5) Valve (clutch modulation). (6)
Valve (brake relief). (7) Valve (brake). (8) Chamber. (9) Orifice. (10) Chamber. (11) Chamber. (12) Chamber. (13)
Chamber. (14) Chamber. (15) Orifice. (16) Check valve. (17) Chamber.

When the operator starts the engine, the clutch pedal must be fully pushed (depressed), even if the
transmission is in NEUTRAL. The clutch pedal linkage, along with the control valve linkage, closes a
neutral start switch (part of the control valve group) when the clutch pedal is fully pushed (depressed).

After the engine starts, oil from the power train oil pump goes to chambers (8), (17) and steering and
brake control valve. After the steering and brake control valve and the chambers are full of oil, the
pressure begins to increase. When the pressure in chamber (8) reaches approximately 2900 kPa (420
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psi), priority valve (2) moves to the right and oil goes in chamber (10). Oil to chamber (10) then goes
through internal passages to chambers (14), (13) and (11).

Oil to chamber (14) first goes through orifice (15) and then goes around input piston (1). Orifice (15)
controls the pressure increase in chamber (14), so that the pressure does not go against input piston (1)
with a sudden force which would be felt through the clutch pedal by the operator. Oil in chamber (14)
also goes to check valve (16). Check valve (16) lets oil be displaced from chamber (14) quickly when
input piston (1) is moved toward the chamber. This reduces the operator effort required to push the
clutch pedal.

Oil to chamber (13) is blocked by clutch modulation valve (5) and this keeps the clutch disengaged.

When the pressure of the oil to chamber (11) and around clutch relief valve (3) goes to approximately
1790 kPa (260 psi), valve (3) moves to right and sends oil to chamber (12). Oil through chamber (12)
goes to the clutch and transmission for lubrication.

With brake valve (7) in the brake engaged position, oil from chamber (17) goes through the drilled
passages in valve (7) to the transmission brake. If the pressure to the brake goes over approximately
2070 Pa (30 psi), brake relief valve (6) opens and sends the excess oil back to the transmission sump.

Schematic Of Control Valve With Clutch Pedal Fully Released (Clutch Engaged And Brake Disengaged)
(1) Piston (input). (2) Valve (priority). (5) Valve (clutch modulation). (7) Valve (brake). (8) Chamber. (9) Orifice. (10)
Chamber. (13) Chamber. (17) Chamber. (18) Pin. (19) Chamber (slug). (20) Chamber. (21) Springs.

When the operator releases the clutch pedal to either move the tractor forward or backward or to just
let the engine idle, first the transmission brake disengages and then the clutch engages.
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As the clutch pedal is released, input piston (1) and brake valve (7) move together until the brake
valve contacts pin (18). At this point, oil flow from chamber (17) through the brake valve is stopped
and the transmission brake is released but the clutch is still disengaged.

Further movement of the clutch pedal causes input piston (1) to move against clutch modulation valve
(5). This causes springs (21) to be compressed, which forces clutch modulation valve (5) to the right.
As the modulation valve (5) moves to the right, oil in chamber (13) goes to chamber (20) and to the
clutch. Oil also goes through the drilled passages in the valve to slug chamber (19). When the oil
pressure to the clutch increases, the increase is felt in slug chamber (19). The oil pressure increase in
slug chamber (19) causes modulation valve (5) to move back to the left and stop oil flow to chamber
(20). As input piston (1) continues to move, the reaction between springs (21) and oil pressure in slug
chamber (19) causes the clutch pressure to modulate to full pressure. At this point, the clutch is fully
engaged if the clutch pedal is released completely. If the transmission is in gear, the tractor should be

When the clutch is engaged and the pressure in chamber (8) decreases enough to let priority valve (2)
stop oil flow to chamber (10), orifice (9) will then let enough flow go to the clutch to keep it full.

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(1) Shaft (bevel pinion). (2) Gear (bevel). (3) Shaft (reverse). (4) Countershaft. (5) Shaft (input). (6) Shaft (input transfer).
(7) Shaft (input). (A) Gear (reverse). (B) Collar. (C) Gear (forward). (D) Gear (first speed). (E) Gear (second speed). (F)
Gear (third speed). (G) Gear (fourth speed). (H) Gear (fifth speed). (I) Gear (sixth speed). (J) Gear (reverse idler). (K)
Gear (reverse pinion). (L) Gear (forward pinion). (M) Collar. (N) Gear (input drive). (O) Gear (first speed drive). (P) Gear
(second speed drive). (Q) Gear (third speed drive). (R) Collar. (S) Gear (fourth speed drive). (T) Gear (fifth speed drive).
(U) Collar. (V) Gear (sixth speed drive). (W) Gear (input transfer).

The transmission is a constant mesh countershaft design that has six FORWARD and six REVERSE
speeds. The selection of the direction is done by the direction control lever. The direction control
lever is connected to collar (B) by a shift fork. The selection of the speed is done by the speed control
lever. The speed control lever is connected to collars (M), (R) and (U) through three shift forks.

Power from the engine goes through the main drive shaft to input shaft (7). Input shaft (7) is
connected to the clutch group. When the clutch is engaged, power through it goes to input transfer
shaft (6). Input transfer gear (W) is fastened (splined) to shaft (6). Input transfer gear (W) turns input
drive gear (N) that turns input shaft (5). The drive gears fastened (splined) to the input shaft turn the
speed gears on countershaft (4). The speed gears are not fastened (splined) to countershaft (4), so as
long as the transmission is in NEUTRAL, countershaft (4) can not turn.

Location Of Shafts (Rear View)

(1) Shaft (bevel pinion). (3) Shaft (reverse idler). (4) Countershaft. (5) Shaft (input). (6) Shaft (input transfer).
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When the speed control lever is moved to a speed position, one of three collars (M), (R) and (U)
fastened (splined) to the countershaft is moved to engage one six speed gears (D), (E), (F), (G), (H)
and (I). These speed gears are used for both FORWARD and REVERSE speeds.

Forward drive gear (L) and reverse drive gear (K) are fastened (splined) to countershaft (4). forward
drive gear (L) turns forward gear (C) and reverse drive gear (K) turns reverse idler gear (J) and it
turns reverse gear (A). Forward gear (C) and reverse gear (A) are not fastened (splined) to bevel
pinion shaft (1).

When the direction control lever is moved to a direction position, collar (B) fastened (splined) to the
bevel pinion shaft is moved to engage the forward or REVERSE gear. This turns bevel pinion shaft
(1) which turns bevel gear (2) and power through these is sent to the tracks to move the machine in
the desired direction.

The chart that follows gives the power flow through the transmission for each speed.
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Transmission Lubrication
(8) Passage. (9) Passage. (10) Passage. (11) Passage.
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Lubrication Lines
(12) Tube. (13) Tube. (14) Adapter. (15) Sleeve. (16) Tube.

Transmission Lubrication

Lubrication oil comes from the oil cooler and goes to the clutch control valve. From the control valve
oil goes through a passage in the transmission case cover to the clutch manifold. A passage in the
clutch manifold sends oil to sleeve (15). Sleeve (15) sends oil to adapter (14) and from there oil goes
through tubes (16), (13) and (12). Oil through the tubes goes in drilled passages (8), (10), (9) and (11)
to lubricate the gear and shaft bearings.

Oil through passage (10) goes to a tube on the front of the transmission case. The tube sends oil in
two directions back into the transmission. The oil is sent through two tubes to provide splash
lubrication for the bevel gear and pinion and the gears on the countershaft and input shaft.

Shift Mechanism And Interlock

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Shift Mechanism And Interlock

(1) Lever (direction selector). (2) Lever (speed selector). (3) Lever. (4) Fork (first and second speed). (5) Fork (third and
fourth speed). (6) Shaft [speed shift (three)]. (7) Fork (fifth and sixth speed). (8) Plunger [interlock (four)]. (9) Bellcrank
(interlock). (10) Guide (three). (11) Lever. (12) Guide. (13) Shaft (direction shift). (14) Shaft (interlock). (15) Fork
(forward and reverse). (16) Rod [control (interlock)].

The speed of the transmission is controlled by lever (2) and the direction is controlled by lever (1).
Both levers are used together with the clutch pedal to control the movement of the tractor.

Speed lever (2) is connected to lever (3) and lever (3) fits in the notch of one of three guides (10). The
side-to-side movement of lever (3) determines which guide (10) will be moved by lever (3). Guides
(10) are connected to speed shift shafts (6) and forks (4), (5) and (7) are connected to speed shift
shafts (6). The forks fit in the notch of the sliding collars installed on the countershaft. The forward or
backward movement of lever (3) causes speed shift shaft (6) to move forward or backward. This
causes the fork on the speed shift shaft to move the sliding collar to engage the desired speed gear.

Direction lever (1) is connected by linkage to lever (11). Lever (11) fits in the notch of guide (12) that
is connected to direction shift shaft (13). Fork (15) is connected to direction shift shaft (13) and fork
(15) also fits in the notch of the sliding collar installed on the pinion shaft. The forward or backward
movement of lever (1) causes lever (11) to move direction shift shaft (13) forward or backward. This
causes fork (15) to move the sliding collar to engage the forward or reverse gear.

When the clutch pedal is pushed all the way down, the linkage connected to the clutch pedal moves a
lever on the clutch and transmission brake control valve. The movement of the lever causes the clutch
to disengage and activates the transmission brake. This lever also causes bellcrank (9) to move, which
is connected to shaft (14) by interlock control rod (16). The movement of bellcrank (9) moves
interlock control rod (16) which causes shaft (14) to rotate counterclockwise. The rotation of shaft
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(14) lets plungers (8) be moved when the direction and a speed shift shaft are moved. Plungers (8) fit
in the notches of the shift shafts.

When the clutch pedal is released, shaft (14) rotates back to its original position. This prevents
plungers (8) from being moved, which prevents a shift of the transmission with the clutch engaged.

Clutch And Transmission Brake

Clutch And Transmission Brake

(1) Manifold (clutch). (2) Housing (clutch). (3) Piston. (4) Plates and Discs (clutch). (5) Disc (brake). (6) Gear (input
transfer). (7) Hub. (8) Shaft (input). (9) Brake (transmission). (10) Pads (brake). (11) Pistons. (12) Passage. (13) Shaft
(input transfer). (14) Passage. (15) Passage.

The clutch is hydraulically actuated and sends power from input shaft (8) through input transfer shaft
(13) to input transfer gear (6). The transmission brake is also hydraulically actuated and stops the
rotation of input transfer shaft (13) and input transfer gear (6) after the clutch has been disengaged.
This lets the transmission be shifted without interference (grinding) of the gears.

The clutch is manually operated by a clutch pedal in the cab. Linkage connects the clutch pedal to the
clutch and transmission brake control valve. When the clutch pedal is not being pushed by the
operator, oil from the power train oil pump goes through the clutch and transmission brake control
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valve to passage (15) in clutch manifold (1). Oil in passage (15) goes to passages (14) in clutch
housing (2). Pressure from the oil in passages (14) pushes piston (3) against clutch plates and discs
(4). The clutch plates are connected to clutch housing (2), which turns with input shaft (8). The clutch
discs are connected to hub (7), which is connected to input transfer shaft (13). When piston (3) pushes
against clutch plates and discs (4), hub (7) will turn, which turns input transfer shaft (13). Input
transfer gear (6) turns with input transfer shaft (13) and sends power to operate the transmission gears.

When the clutch pedal is pushed by the operator, oil flow through the clutch and transmission brake
control valve is blocked by the clutch valve spool. This stops oil flow to passages (14) which releases
piston (3) and lets the clutch discs, the hub and the input transfer shaft and gear turn freely.

After the clutch is disengaged and the operator has the clutch pedal fully pushed, the clutch and
transmission control valve sends oil through the transmission brake valve to a tube connected to
passage (12). Oil through the tube to passage (12) goes in transmission brake (9). The oil pressure
pushes pistons (11) against brake pads (10) and the pads stop the rotation of brake disc (5). Brake disc
(5) is connected to input transfer shaft (13), which stops its rotation, as well as hub (7), the clutch
discs, input transfer gear (6) and the rest of the gears in the transmission. This lets shifts be made in
the transmission.

Steering Clutches And Brakes

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Steering Clutch And Brake (Earlier Models)

(1) Retainer (clutch). (2) Plates and Discs (clutch). (3) Housing (clutch). (4) Piston (clutch). (5) Retainer (brake). (6) Plates
and Discs (brake). (7) Piston (brake). (8) Spring (belleville). (9) Housing (brake). (10) Chamber (brake pressure). (11)
Hub (output). (12) Chamber (clutch pressure). (13) Hub (input). (14) Shaft (outer axle). (15) Shaft (inner axle).

The steering clutches and brakes are modules that transfer power from the bevel gear to the final
drives. The main components of the steering clutches are clutch retainer (1), clutch plates and discs
(2), clutch piston (4) and clutch housing (3). The brake components are brake retainer (5), brake
plates and discs (6), brake piston (7), Belleville spring (8) and brake housing (9).

The steering clutches are oil pressure engaged by pressure oil sent from the steering and brake valve.
The brakes are engaged by Belleville spring (8) and released by pressure oil sent from the steering
and brake valve.

Power from the bevel gear is sent through inner axle shaft (15) to hub (13). Hub (13) is connected to
clutch housing (3) by clutch plates and discs (2). Clutch housing (3) is connected to hub (11) and
brake plates and discs (6) by splines on the clutch housing. Hub (11) is connected to outer axle shaft
(14) and the outer axle shaft connects to the final drives.
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Steering Clutch And Brake (Later Models)

(1) Retainer (clutch). (2) Plates and Discs (clutch). (3) Housing (clutch). (4) Piston (clutch). (5) Retainer (brake). (6) Plates
and Discs (brake). (7) Piston (brake). (8) Spring (belleville). (9) Housing (brake). (10) Chamber (brake pressure). (11)
Hub (output). (12) Chamber (clutch pressure). (13) Hub (input). (14) Shaft [outer axle (not shown)]. (15) Shaft [inner axle
(not shown)].

During straight movement of the machine, pressure oil is sent to chambers (10) and (12) through
internal passages. This pressure oil holds the brakes in the released position and holds the steering
clutches in the engaged position. Now when power from the bevel gear is sent through inner axle
shaft (15) to hub (13), clutch housing (3) turns hub (11) and outer axle shaft (14) sends power to the
final drives.

When one of the steering control levers is moved until a resistance is felt, the pressure of oil sent to
chamber (12) decreases to zero kPa (psi). This releases the steering clutch and although hub (13) still
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turns, no power is sent through the clutch to hub (11) that turns the outer axle shaft. This results in a
gradual turn of the machine.

When the one steering control lever is pulled all the way back, the steering clutch is released and the
pressure in chamber (10) decreases to approximately 500 kPa (72 psi). This lets Belleville spring (8)
push brake piston (7) to engage the brake. Clutch housing (3) then holds hub (11) and the outer axle
shaft stationary. A sharp (fast) turn is the result.

When the foot brake is pushed, pressure in chamber (10) to both brakes decreases to zero kPa (psi).
This gives maximum brake capacity and all components are stopped and can not turn. The machine is
completely stopped.

Oil for lubrication and cooling of the steering clutches and brakes comes from the steering clutch and
brake section of the oil pump, and flows through a passage in the brake housing. The oil then goes
through internal passages to the disc and plates.

Steering And Brake Control Valve

Earlier Models Only
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Steering And Brake Control Valve (Engine Started No Lever Movement)

(1) Shaft (parking brake). (2) Lever. (3) Valve (poppet). (4) Valve (check). (5) Passage (to pump). (6) Passage. (7) Shaft
(right turn). (8) Shaft (foot brake pedal). (9) Chamber. (10) Spool (right steering clutch). (11) Passage. (12) Plunger (right
steering clutch). (13) Passage. (14) Chamber. (15) Passage. (16) Chamber. (17) Passage (right clutch). (18) Chamber. (19)
Lever (right steering clutch and brake). (20) Spool (right brake). (21) Plunger (right brake). (22) Lever (both brakes. (23)
Passage (right brake). (24) Plunger (left brake). (25) Passage (drain). (26) Passage (left brake). (27) Lever (left steering
clutch and brake). (28) Spool (left brake). (29) Spool (left steering clutch). (30) Chamber. (31) Chamber. (32) Chamber.
(33) Chamber. (34) Passage (pump). (35) Chamber. (36) Passage (left clutch). (37) Passage. (38) Passage. (39) Shaft (left
turn). (40) Plunger (left steering clutch). (A) Shims. (B) Shims. (C) Shims. (D) Shims.

Later Models Only

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Steering And Brake Control Valve (Engine Started No Lever Movement)

(1) Shaft (parking brake). (2) Lever. (3) Valve (poppet). (4) Valve (check). (5) Passage (to pump). (6) Passage. (7) Shaft
(right turn). (8) Shaft (foot brake pedal). (9) Chamber. (10) Spool (right steering clutch). (11) Passage. (12) Plunger (right
steering clutch). (13) Passage. (14) Chamber. (15) Passage. (16) Chamber. (17) Passage (right clutch). (18) Chamber. (19)
Lever (right steering clutch and brake). (20) Spool (right brake). (21) Plunger (right brake). (22) Lever (both brakes). (23)
Passage (right brake). (24) Plunger (left brake). (25) Passage (drain). (26) Passage (left brake). (27) Lever (left steering
clutch and brake). (28) Spool (left brake). (29) Spool (left steering clutch). (30) Chamber. (31) Chamber. (32) Chamber.
(33) Chamber. (34) Passage (pump). (35) Chamber. (36) Passage (left clutch). (37) Passage. (38) Passage. (39) Shaft (left
turn). (40) Plunger (left steering clutch). (A) Shims. (B) Shims. (C) Shims. (D) Shims.

The steering and brake control valve is installed on the top of the case under the operator's seat. The
control valve is operated by linkage that connects the steering levers, the foot brake pedal and parking
brake lever to the valve.

The first movement of a steering lever causes the steering clutch to disengage and the tractor makes a
gradual turn. Further movement of the steering lever engages the brake and the tractor makes a sharp
turn. The foot brake pedal engages both brakes and stops the tractor. The parking brake lever engages
both brakes and prevents the tractor from moving.

Oil flow to the steering and brake control valve comes from the transmission charging section of the
oil pump. The pump first sends oil to the oil filter and from the oil filter the oil flow divides. Part of
the oil flows to the priority valve and then to the transmission controls and part flows to the steering
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and brake control valve. Oil to the control valve goes in the supply port and then to passages (34),
(11) and (5).

Oil to passages (34) and (11) goes through chambers (35) and (16) to the steering clutches. When the
clutches, passages and chambers are full of oil, pressure in chambers (35) and (16) starts to increase.
This oil pressure is sent through passages (37) and (15) to chambers (33) and (9). The oil pressure
starts to move spools (29) and (10) to the left against the spring force. When the oil pressure against
the spools is the same as the spring force, the spools will be in a position to let only enough oil go in
chambers (35) and (16) to make up for leakage and to keep the pressure on the clutches constant. The
pressure on the clutches is approximately 2240 kPa (325 psi) and can be adjusted by the addition or
subtraction of shims (A). Later models have adjustable spools and can be adjusted by loosening the
nut on the spool and turning the screw. When the clutch pressure is decreased to zero, the clutches are
released by the pressure of lubrication oil around the clutches.

Oil to passage (5) goes through check valve (4) to passage (6). Passage (6) moves oil to chamber (31)
and then to chambers (32) and (14). Oil through these chambers goes to the brakes. When the brakes,
passages and chambers are full of oil, pressure in chambers (32) and (14) starts to increase. This oil
pressure is sent through passages (38) and (13) to chambers (30) and (18). The oil pressure starts to
move spools (28) and (20) to the left against the spring force. When the oil pressure against the spools
is the same as the spring force, the spools will be in a position to let only enough oil go in chambers
(32) and (14) to make up for leakage and to keep the pressure on the brakes constant. The pressure on
the brakes is approximately 2750 kPa (400 psi) and can be adjusted by the addition or subtraction of
shims (B). Later models have adjustable spools and can be adjusted by loosening the nut on the spool
and turning the screw. When the brake pressure is decreased to zero, the brakes are engaged by spring

Gradual Right Turn (Steering Clutch and Brake Not Engaged)

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Steering And Brake Control Valve [Gradual Right Turn (Earlier Version Shown)]
(7) Shaft (right turn). (10) Spool (right steering clutch). (12) Plunger (right steering clutch). (16) Chamber. (19) Lever
(right steering clutch). (C) Shims.

When the operator starts to pull the right steering control lever, linkage turns shaft (7). Lever (19) is
connected to shaft (7) and is in contact with plunger (12). During the first movement of the steering
control lever, plunger (12) moves to the left until it contacts the spring retainer on spool (10). Further
movement of plunger (12) compresses the springs on spool (10) and this starts a modulated reduction
in the clutch pressure. The modulation of the clutch pressure starts at approximately 2205 kPa (290
psi). Shims (C) control the start of the modulation and shims can be added or subtracted to make
adjustments in the start of the modulation. As plunger (12) continues to move, the clutch pressure
gradually decreases to zero kPa (psi) and the clutch is released. This lets the tractor make a gradual
turn to the right.

Once the clutch pressure reaches zero kPa (psi) and plunger (12) comes in contact with spool (10),
any further movement of the plunger moves the spool to the left. This stops the flow of oil to chamber
(16) and opens chamber (16) and the clutch to drain.

Sharp Right Turn (Steering Clutch Not Engaged; Brake

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Steering And Brake Control Valve [Sharp Right Turn (Earlier Version Shown)]
(19) Lever (right steering clutch). (20) Spool (right brake). (21) Plunger (right brake). (D) Shims.

To make a sharp right turn, the operator pulls the steering control lever all the way back. During the
first movement of the control lever, the clutch pressure is modulated to zero kPa (psi) the same way it
is when a gradual right turn is made. As the operator continues to pull the control lever, lever (19)
comes in contact with plunger (21). Plunger (21) then moves to the left until it contacts the spring
retainer on spool (20). Further movement of plunger (21) compresses the springs on spool (20) and
this starts a modulated reduction in the brake pressure. As plunger (21) continues to move, the brake
pressure gradually decreases to approximately 225 kPa (33 psi) and the brake engages but not at
maximum capacity due to the residual pressure. This still results in a sharp right turn of the tractor.
The residual pressure is maintained on the brake to avoid harsh brake application during steering.
Shims (D) are used to adjust this residual pressure.

Brake Pedal Operation

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Steering And Brake Control Valve [Brake Pedal Pushed (Earlier Version Shown)]
(1) Shaft (parking brake). (2) Lever. (3) Valve (poppet). (4) Valve (check). (6) Passage. (8) Shaft (foot brake pedal). (14)
Chamber. (20) Spool (right brake). (21) Plunger (right brake). (22) Lever (both brakes). (24) Plunger (left brake). (25)
Passage (drain). (28) Spool (left brake). (31) Chamber. (32) Chamber.

When the operator pushes the foot brake pedal, linkage turns shaft (8). Lever (22) is connected to
shaft (8) and is in contact with plungers (21) and (24). Lever (22) moves plungers (21) and (24) to the
left until they contact the spring retainers on spools (20) and (28). Further movement of the plungers
compresses the springs on the spools and this starts a modulated reduction in the brake pressure. As
plungers (21) and (24) continue to move, the brake pressure gradually decreases to zero kPa (psi) and
the brakes are engaged. This brings the power shift tractor to a stop and puts the torque converter in a
stall condition. The direct drive tractor will stall the engine if the transmission is not neutralized.

Near the end of the brake pedal movement, plungers (21) and (24) come in contact with spools (20)
and (28). This moves the spools to the left, which stops the flow of oil to chambers (14) and (32) and
also opens the chambers and brakes to drain. This results in maximum brake capacity.

Parking Brake Operation (No Illustration)

When the operator engages the parking brake lever, linkage turns shaft (1). Lever (2) is connected to
shaft (1) and pushes poppet valve (3) down against check valve (4). This blocks the flow of oil
through passage (6) to chamber (31) and the brakes. This also opens passage (6), chamber (31) and
the brakes to drain through passage (25). With no oil pressure to the brakes, they engage to prevent
movement of the tractor.
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Final Drives

Final Drives
(1) Shaft (outer axle). (2) Segments (sprocket). (3) Gears (planetary). (4) Shafts (planetary). (5) Gear [sun (part of outer
axle)]. (6) Carrier. (7) Seals (Duo-Cone). (8) Hub. (9) Gear (ring).

The final drives take power from the steering clutches and sends it to the tracks. The final drives give
a single reduction through the use of planetary gears.
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The power from the steering clutches is sent to the final drive by outer axle shaft (1). Sun gear (5) is
part of the outer axle shaft. The rotation of the axle shaft and the sun gear causes planetary gears (3)
to turn.

Gears (3) are connected to carrier (6) by planetary shafts (4). Ring gear (9) is a stationary component.
As the planetary gears turn they will move around the inside of the ring gear. The movement of the
planetary gears around the inside of ring gear (9) causes carrier (6) and hub (8) to turn. This sends the
power to sprocket segments (2) and the track.

The final drives have their own oil supply. All components get lubrication oil as the gears move and
oil is thrown about (splash lubrication).


(1) Idler (front). (2) Frame (front roller). (3) Frame (rear roller). (4) Bar (pivot). (5) Idler (rear). (6) Track. (7) Rollers

The tractor undercarriage is nonsuspended and similar to other models of the elevated sprocket
design. The main components of the undercarriage are pivot bars (4), the equalizer bar, the track roller
frames [front frame (2) and rear frame (3)], track rollers (7), the idlers [front (1) and rear (5)] and
tracks (6).

Pivot bars (4) connect the roller frames at the rear of the tractor. Each roller frame can oscillate (turn)
at the pivot bar.

The equalizer bar connects the two roller frames at the front of the tractor. The oscillation of the roller
frames is controlled by the equalizer bar.

The track roller frames consist of front frame (2) and rear frame (3). Installed on the front frame is
front idler (1). Rear idler (5) and track rollers (7) are installed on the rear frame.
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Tracks (6) are sealed and lubricated for increased wear. A recoil group installed in front frame (3)
keeps the tracks adjusted.

Pivot Bar

Pivot Bar (Section Taken Through Track Roller Frame)

(1) Frame (tractor main). (2) Bushing. (3) Frame (track roller). (4) Bushing. (5) Bar (pivot).

Roller frames (3) are connected at the rear by pivot bars (5). The pivot bar is also connected to the
tractor main frame. Each roller frame can oscillate (turn) at the pivot bar. The frames oscillate on
large bronze bushings (2) and (4) in a sealed oil compartment in each roller frame.

Equalizer Bar
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Equalizer Bar
(1) Bar (equalizer).

The roller frames are connected together at the front by equalizer bar (1). Sealed and lubricated pins
are installed in each end of equalizer bar (1). Equalizer bar (1) pivots (turns) on pin (9).

A spherical bearing (5) is installed in both ends of equalizer bar (1). Pin (4) connects the roller frame
to the equalizer bar. Seals (3) keep foreign material out of the bearings.

Seals (7) keep foreign material out of the bearing inside of equalizer bar (1).
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Section B-B (Equalizer Bar)

(1) Bar (equalizer). (2) Frame (roller). (3) Seal. (4) Pin. (5) Bearing (spherical).
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Section A-A (Equalizer Bar)

(1) Bar (equalizer). (6) Frame (tractor main). (7) Seal. (8) Washer. (9) Pin.

Track Roller Frame

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Track Roller Frame

(1) Frame (rear roller). (2) Valves. (3) Cylinder assembly. (4) Frame (front roller). (5) Spring. (6) Tube. (7) Piston.

The track roller frame can be separated into two sections. Front roller frame (4) has a large tube
assembly which telescopes (slides) into rear roller frame (1). Inside the tube are recoil spring (5) and
track adjuster. A groove is machined in the outer diameter of the tube. A large cover with a key is
installed in rear roller frame (1). After assembly, the key is in alignment with the groove in the tube.
The key will prevent any rotation of the tube inside the rear section of the roller frame, but the tube
can slide in and out during recoil.

Valves (2) are used for moving the front roller frame to adjust the track. Grease is pumped in the fill
valve and causes piston (7) to move to the right. This movement causes the front roller frame to move
out of the rear roller frame. The movement of the recoil rod and front idler tightens the track. The
tension on the track is released by a relief valve.

Never visually inspect the vent holes or valves to see if grease or oil is
coming out of them. Make sure the vent holes are clean before the
tension is released on the track. Watch the cylinder to see that it moves.

Track Rollers
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Track Roller (Double Flange Shown)

(1) Pin. (2) Retainer. (3) Shaft. (4) Roller (track). (5) Washer. (6) Seals (Duo-Cone).

The track rollers are fastened to the roller frames. The track rollers are in contact with the inside
surfaces of the track links. Flanges on the track rollers prevent the movement of the track from side to
side. The inside surfaces of the track links give equal distribution of the weight of the machine along
the track.

Standard Undercarriage

The standard undercarriage has six track rollers, four single flange and two double flange. The
installation of the track rollers is as follows: 1. Start at the front of the machine and install one single
flange roller. 2. Then install one double flange roller. 3. Then install one single. 4. Then install one
double. 5. Then install one single. 6. Then install one single flange roller next to the rear idler.

Low Ground Pressure (LGP) Undercarriage

The low ground pressure (LGP) Undercarriage track rollers, four single flange and four double flange.
The installation of the track roller is as follows: 1. Start at the front of the machine and install one
single flange roller. 2. Then install one double flange roller. 3. Then install one single. 4. Then install
one double. 5. Then install one double. 6. Then install one single. 7. Then install one double. 8. Then
install one single flange roller next to the rear idler.

Extended Undercarriage
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The extended undercarriage has seven track rollers, four single flange and three double flange. The
installation of the track roller is as follows: 1. Start at the front of the machine and install one single
flange roller. 2. Then install one double flange roller. 3. Then install one single. 4. Then install one
double. 5. Then install one single. 6. Then install one double. 7. Then install one single flange roller
next to the rear idler.

Washers (5) get the side load on the roller. The amount of side movement or end clearance of the
shaft can not be adjusted.

The track rollers have Duo-Cone seals (6) at both ends of shaft (3).

The center of shaft (3) is an oil reservoir. The oil is used for lubrication of the bearing surfaces.


(1) Pin. (2) Retainer. (3) Shaft. (4) Idler. (5) Washer. (6) Seal (Duo-Cone).
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The tractor has a front and rear idler for each roller frame. The idler components are similar to the
track rollers.

Washers (5) get the side load on the idler. The amount of side movement or end clearance of the shaft
can not be adjusted. Idler (4) has Duo-Cone seals (6) at both ends of shaft (3). The center of shaft (3)
is an oil reservoir. The oil is used for lubrication of the bearing surfaces.


Track Assembly
(1) Link. (2) Bushing. (3) Hole. (4) Hole. (5) Link. (6) Seal assembly. (7) Stopper (rubber). (8) Plug (polyurethane). (9)
Pin. (10) Ring (thrust). (11) Link. (12) Link.
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Master Link And Master Shoe

(13) Shoe (master). (14) Bolts. (15) Link (master).

The machine has Sealed and Lubricated track. Each track assembly has links, pins, bushings, thrust
rings, polyurethane seal assemblies, rubber stoppers and polyurethane plugs.

Each of the track links (1 and 5) make a fit over the track links in front of them. Link (1) makes a fit
over link (11). Link (5) makes a fit over link (12). The connection of the track links make the track

Each link has a counterbore in the end which makes a fit with the link in front of it. Seal assemblies
(6) are installed in the counterbores of the links. Each seal assembly has a load ring and a seal ring.
The load ring pushes the seal ring against the end of bushing (2) and the link counterbore. The seal
ring gives a positive seal between the bushing and the link counterbore. The edge of the seal ring is
against the end of the bushing. The thrust rings (10) are installed on the pin (9). The thrust rings give a
specific amount of compression to the seal assemblies and control the end play (free movement) of
the joint. The arrangement of the seal assemblies and thrust rings keeps foreign materials out of the
joint and oil in the joint.

Pin (9) has a hole (4) almost the full length of the pin. Hole (3) is drilled radically in the pin near the
center of the pin. Radial hole (3) lets oil go to the surface between pin (9) and bushing (2) and to the
lip of the seal rings. The oil gives lubrication to the pin and bushing and also makes the lip of the seal
ring wet. The lip of the seal ring must be kept wet to prevent wear. Oil is kept in the pin by stopper (7)
and plug (8). The oil is installed in the pin through a hole in the center of stopper (7). When the
chambers in the pin are filled, plug (8) is installed in stopper (7).

Two piece master links (15) and master shoe (13) are held together with bolts (14).
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Each pin and bushing assembly is sealed and has its own lubrication. The result is no internal wear on
the joint. The interval for the turning of the track pins and bushings is much longer because the only
wear will be on the outside of the bushings and the links.

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