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College of Letters and Science General Education Requirements / 1

College of Letters and Science General Education Requirements

For Freshmen Who Entered Fall Quarter 2002 and Transfer Students Who Entered Fall Quarter 2004 and Later
Updated July 2009
Refer to the GE search in the Schedule of Classes for the most current GE listings. plain, translate, and transform their diverse experiences of the world through such media as language, literature, philosophical systems, images, sounds, and performances. The courses introduce students to the historical development and fundamental intellectual and ethical issues associated with the arts and humanities and may also investigate the complex relations between artistic and humanistic expression and other facets of society and culture. All Foundation of the Arts and Humanities courses carry a minimum of 5 units.

Foundations of Knowledge
General education courses are grouped into three foundational areas: Foundations of the Arts and Humanities, Foundations of Society and Culture, and Foundations of Scientific Inquiry. Ten courses (48 units minimum) are required. GE-approved Writing II courses may fulfill an appropriate foundational area. Students who complete a GE Cluster series (1) fulfill the Writing II requirement, (2) complete nearly a third of their general education requirements, and (3) receive laboratory/demonstration credit where appropriate.

Literary and Cultural Analysis

Afrikaans (Germanic Languages) 40. From Oppressed to Oppressor and Beyond: Literature in Afrikaans from Preapartheid to Postapartheid Era in English Translation Ancient Near East (Near Eastern Languages) *10W. Jerusalem: Holy City (W) *130. Ancient Egyptian Religion Art History *50. Ancient Art *54. Modern Art *55B. Introduction to Pre-Columbian Art *56A. Art of India and Southeast Asia *56B. Chinese Art *57. Renaissance and Baroque Art and Ideology Asian (Asian Languages) 60. Introduction to Buddhism 60W. Introduction to Buddhism (W) *61. Introduction to Zen Buddhism Asian American Studies 30. Asian American Literature and Culture 30W. Asian American Literature and Culture (W) Central and East European Studies (Slavic Languages) 91. Culture and Society in Central and Eastern Europe Chicana and Chicano Studies *10A. Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: History and Culture Chinese (Asian Languages) 50. Chinese Civilization Classics *10. Discovering Greeks *20. Discovering Romans *30. Classical Mythology 40W. Reading Greek Literature: Writing-Intensive (W) 41W. Reading Roman Literature: Writing-Intensive (W) *42. Cinema and Ancient World *51A. Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece *51B. Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome *87GE. General Education Seminar Sequences *88GE. General Education Seminar Sequences *148. Early Greek Medicine and Thought Comparative Literature 1A. World Literature: Antiquity to Middle Ages 1B. World Literature: Middle Ages to 17th Century 1C. World Literature: Age of Enlightenment to 20th Century

Note: Effective Fall Quarter 2009, the College of Letters and Science has discontinued the GE seminar (or second Writing II) requirement for current students. GE seminar courses taken previously still carry GE credit and can be applied to the listed Foundation categories.

Foundations of the Arts and Humanities

Three 5-unit courses, one from each subgroup: Literary and Cultural Analysis Philosophical and Linguistic Analysis Visual and Performance Arts Analysis and Practice

Foundations of Society and Culture

Three 5-unit courses, one from each subgroup and one from either subgroup: Historical Analysis Social Analysis

Foundations of Scientific Inquiry

Four courses, two from each subgroup. One 5-unit course from each subgroup must include a laboratory or demonstration or carry Writing II credit. Each of the other two courses may be 4 units: Life Sciences Physical Sciences *** The following notations are used in the GE course lists: (L/D) denotes a laboratory or demonstration component (W) denotes a Writing II course * Courses marked with an asterisk are listed in more than one category but can fulfill GE requirements in only one of the cross-listed categories

Foundations of the Arts and Humanities

The aim of courses in this area is to provide perspectives and intellectual skills necessary to comprehend and think critically about our situation in the world as human beings. In particular, the courses provide the basic means to appreciate and evaluate the ongoing efforts of humans to ex-

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1D. Great Books from World at Large 2AW. Survey of Literature: Antiquity to Middle Ages (W) 2BW. Survey of Literature: Middle Ages to 17th Century (W) 2CW. Survey of Literature: Age of Enlightenment to 20th Century (W) 2DW. Survey of Literature: Great Books from World at Large (W) 4AW. Literature and Writing: Antiquity to Middle Ages (W) 4BW. Literature and Writing: Middle Ages to 17th Century (W) 4CW. Literature and Writing: Age of Enlightenment to 20th Century (W) 4DW. Literature and Writing: Great Books from World at Large (W) English 10A. English Literature to 1660 *M40. Structure of English Words (Same as Linguistics M10) *M50. Introduction to Visual Culture (Same as Film and Television M50) 80. Major American Authors 85. American Novel 88A. Special Topics in English: Medieval Literature 88B. Special Topics in English: Renaissance Literature 88C. Special Topics in English: 17th-Century Literature 88D. Special Topics in English: 18th-Century Literature 88E. Special Topics in English: Romantic Literature 88F. Special Topics in English: Victorian Literature 88G. Special Topics in English: 20th-Century British Literature 88H. Special Topics in English: Colonial American Literature 88I. Special Topics in English: 19th-Century American Literature 88J. Special Topics in English: 20th-Century American Literature 88K. Special Topics in English: History of English Language 88L. Special Topics in English: Folklore and Mythology 88M. Special Topics in English: Literature and Society 90. Shakespeare 95A. Introduction to Poetry 95B. Introduction to Drama 95C. Introduction to Fiction English Composition 5W. Literature, Culture, and Critical Inquiry (W) Ethnomusicology *35. Blues, Society, and American Culture *40. Music and Religion Film and Television (Film, Television, and Digital Media) *M50. Introduction to Visual Culture (Same as English M50) French (French and Francophone Studies) 14. Introduction to French Culture and Civilization in English 14W. Introduction to French Culture and Civilization in English (W) *41. French Cinema and Culture 60. French and Francophone Novel German (Germanic Languages) 50B. Great Works of German Literature in Translation: Romanticism to Present *56. Figures Who Changed World 57. Hollywood and Germany 58. Knights and Ladies, Sex and Power at Medieval Court *59. Holocaust in Film and Literature *61A. Transatlantic Culture: Modern City in Central Europe Berlin *61B. Transatlantic Culture: Modern City in Central Europe Weimar *61C. Transatlantic Culture: Modern City in Central Europe Vienna *61D. Transatlantic Culture: Modern City in Central Europe Prague *100C. War, Politics, Art 122. Fairy Tales and Fantastic History *8A. Colonial Latin America *8AH. Colonial Latin America (Honors) *9A. Introduction to Asian Civilizations: History of India *11A. History of China: To 1000 *11AH. History of China: To 1000 (Honors) Honors Collegium 5. Representing Cleopatra: History, Drama, and Film *7. Saint and Heretic: Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais, History and Myth 10. Colonial Legacies: Childhood and Islam in Francophone Africa 11W. Postmodern Culture (W) 13. Fantastic Voyage: From Homer to 2001 *26. Representing Medicine: Art, Literature, and Film 59W. Literature and Culture of the American South (W) *62. Community and Self-Interest in History of American Culture 83W. Politics and Rhetoric of Literature (W) 85. Mestizaje and Memory in Americas Italian *42A. Italy through the Ages in English: Holy Roman Empire to Sack of Rome *42B. Italy through the Ages in English: Late Renaissance to Postmodern Period 42C. Italy through the Ages in English: Food and Literature in Italy 46. Italian Cinema and Culture in English 50A. Masterpieces of Italian Literature in English: Middle Ages to Baroque 50B. Masterpieces of Italian Literature in English: Enlightenment to Postmodernity Japanese (Asian Languages) 50. Japanese Civilization 70. Images of Japan: Literature and Film Jewish Studies (Near Eastern Languages) 10. Social, Cultural, and Religious Institutions of Judaism 75. Modern Hebrew Literature Made into Films Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies *M114. Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (Same as Womens Studies M114) Linguistics *M10. Structure of English Words (Same as English M40) Music History (Musicology) *63. Bach *65. Blues in American Music Near Eastern Languages *50A. First Civilizations *50B. Origins of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 50C. Modern Middle Eastern Cultures Philosophy *1. Beginnings of Western Philosophy *5. Philosophy in Literature Portuguese (Spanish and Portuguese) 40B. Portuguese, Brazilian, and African Literature in Translation *46. Brazilian Culture and Civilization Russian (Slavic Languages) 25. Russian Novel in Translation 25W. Russian Novel in Translation (W) *90A. Introduction to Russian Civilization 90BW. Russian Civilization in the 20th Century (W) Scandinavian 50. Introduction to Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures 50W. Introduction to Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures (W) Slavic (Slavic Languages) *90. Introduction to Slavic Civilization South Asian (Asian Languages) *60. Religion in Classical India: Introduction

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Southeast Asian Studies *1. Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies Womens Studies *M114. Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (Same as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies M114) World Arts and Cultures 22. Introduction to American Folklore Studies Islamics (Near Eastern Languages) 110. Introduction to Islam Linguistics *1. Introduction to Study of Language 2. Language in the U.S. 5. Languages of World *M10. Structure of English Words (Same as English M40) 20. Introduction to Linguistics Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 60. Biomedical Ethics Near Eastern Languages M20. Visible Language: Study of Writing (Same as Asian M20, IndoEuropean Studies M20, Slavic M20, and Southeast Asian M20) Philosophy *1. Beginnings of Western Philosophy 3. Historical Introduction to Philosophy 4. Philosophical Analysis of Contemporary Moral Issues *5. Philosophy in Literature *6. Introduction to Political Philosophy 7. Introduction to Philosophy of Mind *8. Introduction to Philosophy of Science 22. Introduction to Ethical Theory 22W. Introduction to Ethical Theory (W) Portuguese (Spanish and Portuguese) M35. Spanish, Portuguese, and Nature of Language (Same as Spanish M35) Slavic (Slavic Languages) M20. Visible Language: Study of Writing (Same as Asian M20, IndoEuropean Studies M20, Near Eastern Languages M20, and Southeast Asian M20) *90. Introduction to Slavic Civilization South Asian (Asian Languages) *60. Religion in Classical India: Introduction Southeast Asian (Asian Languages) M20. Visible Language: Study of Writing (Same as Asian M20, IndoEuropean Studies M20, Near Eastern Languages M20, and Slavic M20) Southeast Asian Studies *1. Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies Spanish (Spanish and Portuguese) M35. Spanish, Portuguese, and Nature of Language (Same as Portuguese M35)

Philosophical and Linguistic Analysis

Ancient Near East (Near Eastern Languages) *130. Ancient Egyptian Religion Applied Linguistics 10W. Language in Action: Perspectives from Applied Linguistics (W) 30. Language and Social Interaction *30W. Language and Social Interaction (W) *40. Language and Gender: Introduction to Gender Differences and Stereotypes *40W. Language and Gender: Introduction to Gender and Stereotypes (W) 80. Language in Globalizing World: Second Language Interaction in Everyday Life and Academia 80W. Language in Globalizing World: Second Language Interaction in Everyday Life and Academia (W) *88GE. Sophomore Seminar: Special Topics in Applied Linguistics 101W. Introduction to Language Learning and Language Teaching (W) Asian (Asian Languages) M20. Visible Language: Study of Writing (Same as Indo-European Studies M20, Near Eastern Languages M20, Slavic M20, and Southeast Asian M20) Chicana and Chicano Studies *10A. Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: History and Culture Chinese (Asian Languages) 60. Introduction to Chinese Religions Classics *148. Early Greek Medicine and Thought 185. Origins and Nature of English Vocabulary Communication Studies M70. Origin of Language (Same as German M70 and Indo-European Studies M70) English *M40. Structure of English Words (Same as Linguistics M10) English Composition 6W. Language, Culture, and Discourse (W) German (Germanic Languages) *56. Figures Who Changed World *59. Holocaust in Film and Literature M70. Origin of Language (Same as Communication Studies M70 and Indo-European Studies M70) Honors Collegium 18. Trial of Socrates *23. Political Dissidence Today and in Ancient Greece: Trial and Death of Socrates in Its Classical and Legal Context 38W. Body-Mind Literacy (W) 50W. Writing Science (W) 60. Discovering and Explaining Anomalies of English Indo-European Studies M20. Visible Language: Study of Writing (Same as Asian M20, Near Eastern Languages M20, Slavic M20, and Southeast Asian M20) M70. Origin of Language (Same as Communication Studies M70 and German M70)

Visual and Performance Arts Analysis and Practice

Afro-American Studies M107. Cultural History of Rap (Same as Ethnomusicology M119) M110A, M110B. African American Musical Heritage (Same as Ethnomusicology M110A, M110B) Architecture and Urban Design 30. Introduction to Architectural Studies Art 31A, 31B, 31C. Modernism Art History *50. Ancient Art 51. Medieval Art *54. Modern Art *55A. Introduction to Arts of Africa *55B. Introduction to Pre-Columbian Art *56A. Art of India and Southeast Asia *56B. Chinese Art *57. Renaissance and Baroque Art and Ideology

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Arts and Architecture 10. Arts Encounters: Exploring Arts Literacy in 21st Century Chicana and Chicano Studies *10A. Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: History and Culture M108A. Music of Latin America: Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean Isles (Same as Ethnomusicology M108A) M116. Chicano/Latino Music in U.S. (Same as Ethnomusicology M116) Classics *42. Cinema and Ancient World *51A. Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece *51B. Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome *87GE. General Education Seminar Sequences Design | Media Arts 9. Art, Science, and Technology 10. Design Culture: Introduction English *M50. Introduction to Visual Culture (Same as Film and Television M50) Ethnomusicology 5. Music Around World 20A, 20B, 20C. Musical Cultures of World 25. Global Pop *30. Music and Media *35. Blues, Society, and American Culture *40. Music and Religion 45. Music of Bollywood and Beyond 50A, 50B. Jazz in American Culture M108A. Music of Latin America: Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean Isles (Same as Chicana and Chicano Studies M108A) 108B. Music of Latin America: Latin South America M110A, M110B. African American Musical Heritage (Same as AfroAmerican Studies M110A, M110B) M116. Chicano/Latino Music in U.S. (Same as Chicana and Chicano Studies M116) M119. Cultural History of Rap (Same as Afro-American Studies M107) 136A. Music of Africa Film and Television (Film, Television, and Digital Media) *M50. Introduction to Visual Culture (Same as English M50) 106A. History of American Motion Picture 106B. History of European Motion Picture 106C. History of African, Asian, and Latin American Film 108. History of Documentary Film 110A. American Television History 112. Film and Social Change 114. Film Genres French (French and Francophone Studies) *41. French Cinema and Culture Honors Collegium *26. Representing Medicine: Art, Literature, and Film *51. Music and Society M154. Interpreting Performance: Examination of Social, Historical, and Cultural Models for Performing Arts (Same as Theater M112) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies *M137. Gay and Lesbian Perspectives in Pop Music (Same as Music History M137) Music 15. Art of Listening Music History (Musicology) 3. Introduction to Classical Music 5. History of Rock and Roll 7. Film and Music 8. History of Electronic Dance Music 60. American Musical 62. Mozart *63. Bach 64. Motown and Soul: African American Popular Music of 1960s *65. Blues in American Music *66. Getting Medieval 68. The Beatles 70. Beethoven 72. Sacred Music 75. History of Jazz 135A. History of Opera: Baroque and Classical Periods 135B. History of Opera: Romantic Period 135C. History of Opera: 20th Century M136. Music and Gender (Same as Womens Studies M136) *M137. Gay and Lesbian Perspectives in Pop Music (Same as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies M137) Slavic (Slavic Languages) *90. Introduction to Slavic Civilization Southeast Asian Studies *1. Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies Theater 10. Introduction to Theater M112. Interpreting Performance: Examination of Social, Historical, and Cultural Models for Performing Arts (Same as Honors Collegium M154) Womens Studies M136. Music and Gender (Same as Music History M136) World Arts and Cultures 47. World Dance Histories

Foundations of Society and Culture

The aim of courses in this area is to introduce students to the ways in which humans organize, structure, rationalize, and govern their diverse societies and cultures over time. The courses focus on a particular historical question, societal problem, or topic of political and economic concern in an effort to demonstrate how issues are objectified for study, how data is collected and analyzed, and how new understandings of social phenomena are achieved and evaluated. All Foundation of Society and Culture courses carry a minimum of 5 units.

Historical Analysis
Afro-American Studies *M5. Social Organization of Black Communities (Same as Sociology M5) M10A. History of Africa to 1800 (Same as History M10A) Ancient Near East (Near Eastern Languages) *10W. Jerusalem: Holy City (W) Anthropology *8. Archaeology: Introduction Architecture and Urban Design 10A. History of Architecture and Urban Design: Prehistory to Mannerism 10B. History of Architecture and Urban Design: Baroque to Contemporary Moment Art History *50. Ancient Art *54. Modern Art *55A. Introduction to Arts of Africa Asian (Asian Languages) *61. Introduction to Zen Buddhism

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Asian American Studies 10. History of Asian Americans 10W. History of Asian Americans (W) Chicana and Chicano Studies *10B. Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: Social Structure and Contemporary Conditions Classics *10. Discovering Greeks *20. Discovering Romans *87GE. General Education Seminar Sequences *88GE. General Education Seminar Sequences Geography 4. Globalization: Regional Development and World Economy German (Germanic Languages) *56. Figures Who Changed World *61A. Transatlantic Culture: Modern City in Central Europe Berlin *61B. Transatlantic Culture: Modern City in Central Europe Weimar *61C. Transatlantic Culture: Modern City in Central Europe Vienna *61D. Transatlantic Culture: Modern City in Central Europe Prague *100C. War, Politics, Art History 1A. Introduction to Western Civilization: Ancient Civilizations, Prehistory to Circa A.D. 843 1AH. Introduction to Western Civilization: Ancient Civilizations, Prehistory to Circa A.D. 843 (Honors) 1B. Introduction to Western Civilization: Circa A.D. 843 to Circa 1715 1BH. Introduction to Western Civilization: Circa A.D. 843 to Circa 1715 (Honors) 1C. Introduction to Western Civilization: Circa 1715 to Present 1CH. Introduction to Western Civilization: Circa 1715 to Present (Honors) *2B. Social Knowledge and Social Power 2C. Religion, Occult, and Science: Mystics, Heretics, and Witches in Western Tradition, 1000 to 1600 2D. Religion, Occult, and Science: Science, Magic, and Religion, 1600 to Present 3A. Introduction to History of Science: Scientific Revolution 3B. Introduction to History of Science: History of Science from Newton to Darwin 3C. Introduction to History of Science: History of Modern Science, Relativity to DNA 3CH. Introduction to History of Science: History of Modern Science, Relativity to DNA (Honors) 3D. Themes in History of Medicine 4. Introduction to History of Religions *8A. Colonial Latin America *8AH. Colonial Latin America (Honors) 8B. Political Economy of Latin American Underdevelopment, 1750 to 1930 8BH. Political Economy of Latin American Underdevelopment, 1750 to 1930 (Honors) 8C. Latin American Social History 8CH. Latin American Social History (Honors) *9A. Introduction to Asian Civilizations: History of India 9C. Introduction to Asian Civilizations: History of Japan 9CH. Introduction to Asian Civilizations: History of Japan (Honors) 9D. Introduction to Asian Civilizations: History of the Near and Middle East 9E. Introduction to Asian Civilizations: Southeast Asian Crossroads M10A. History of Africa to 1800 (Same as Afro-American Studies M10A) 10B. History of Africa, 1800 to Present *11A. History of China: To 1000 *11AH. History of China: To 1000 (Honors) 11B. History of China: 1000 to 1950 11BH. History of China: 1000 to 1950 (Honors) 13A. History of the U.S. and Its Colonial Origins: Colonial Origins and First Nation Building Acts 13B. History of the U.S. and Its Colonial Origins: 19th Century 13C. History of the U.S. and Its Colonial Origins: 20th Century 20. World History to A.D. 600 21. World History, Circa 600 to 1760 22. Contemporary World History, 1760 to Present *88GE. Sophomore Seminar: Special Topics in History Honors Collegium *7. Saint and Heretic: Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais, History and Myth *20. What Is This Thing Called Science?: Nature of Modern Science *23. Political Dissidence Today and in Ancient Greece: Trial and Death of Socrates in Its Classical and Legal Context *51. Music and Society *58. Time in Society and History *62. Community and Self-Interest in History of American Culture *147. Feminism Around the World: Past and Present Italian *42A. Italy through the Ages in English: Holy Roman Empire to Sack of Rome *42B. Italy through the Ages in English: Late Renaissance to Postmodern Period Korean (Asian Languages) 50. Korean Civilization Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies *M137. Gay and Lesbian Perspectives in Pop Music (Same as Music History M137) Music History (Musicology) *66. Getting Medieval *M137. Gay and Lesbian Perspectives in Pop Music (Same as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies M137) Near Eastern Languages *50A. First Civilizations *50B. Origins of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Portuguese (Spanish and Portuguese) M44. Civilization of Spanish America and Brazil (Same as Spanish M44) *46. Brazilian Culture and Civilization Russian (Slavic Languages) *90A. Introduction to Russian Civilization Scandinavian *138. Vikings Slavic (Slavic Languages) *40. Christianities East and West Sociology *M5. Social Organization of Black Communities (Same as Afro-American Studies M5) Spanish (Spanish and Portuguese) M44. Civilization of Spanish America and Brazil (Same as Portuguese M44)

Social Analysis
Afro-American Studies *M5. Social Organization of Black Communities (Same as Sociology M5) American Indian Studies M10. Introduction to American Indian Studies (Same as World Arts and Cultures M23)

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Anthropology *8. Archaeology: Introduction 9. Culture and Society 33. Culture and Communication Applied Linguistics *30W. Language and Social Interaction (W) *40. Language and Gender: Introduction to Gender Differences and Stereotypes *40W. Language and Gender: Introduction to Gender and Stereotypes (W) *88GE. Sophomore Seminar: Special Topics in Applied Linguistics Art History *55A. Introduction to Arts of Africa Asian American Studies 20. Contemporary Asian American Communities Chicana and Chicano Studies *10B. Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: Social Structure and Contemporary Conditions Classics *30. Classical Mythology Communication Studies 10. Introduction to Communication Studies Design | Media Arts 8. Interact! Media, Art, and Society Ethnomusicology *30. Music and Media Geography 3. Cultural Geography 6. World Regions: Concepts and Contemporary Issues *7. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems German (Germanic Languages) *100C. War, Politics, Art Global Studies 1. Introduction to Global Studies History *2B. Social Knowledge and Social Power *88GE. Sophomore Seminar: Special Topics in History Honors Collegium 36. Gender, Work, and Family: Public Policy Challenge *51. Music and Society *58. Time in Society and History *147. Feminism Around the World: Past and Present Human Complex Systems *10A. Introduction to Complex Systems Science Information Studies 20. Introduction to Information Studies 30. Internet and Society Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies *M114. Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (Same as Womens Studies M114) *M137. Gay and Lesbian Perspectives in Pop Music (Same as Music History M137) Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology *50. Stem Cell Biology, Politics, and Ethics: Teasing Apart Issues Music History (Musicology) *M137. Gay and Lesbian Perspectives in Pop Music (Same as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies M137) Philosophy *6. Introduction to Political Philosophy Political Science 10. Introduction to Political Theory 20. World Politics 40. Introduction to American Politics 50. Introduction to Comparative Politics Scandinavian *138. Vikings Slavic (Slavic Languages) *40. Christianities East and West Society and Genetics *102W. DNA: Promise and Peril (W) Sociology 1. Introductory Sociology *M5. Social Organization of Black Communities (Same as Afro-American Studies M5) 10. Social Thought and Origins of Sociology Southeast Asian Studies *1. Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies Statistics 12. Introduction to Statistical Methods for Geography and Environmental Studies Womens Studies 10. Introduction to Womens Studies: Feminist Perspectives on Women and Society *M114. Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies (Same as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies M114) World Arts and Cultures M23. Introduction to American Indian Studies (Same as American Indian Studies M10)

Foundations of Scientific Inquiry

The aim of courses in this area is to ensure that students gain a fundamental understanding of how scientists formulate and answer questions about the operation of both the physical and biological world. The courses also deal with some of the most important issues, developments, and methodologies in contemporary science, addressing such topics as the origin of the universe, environmental degradation, and the decoding of the human genome. Through lectures, laboratory experiences, writing, and intensive discussions, students consider the important roles played by the laws of physics and chemistry in society, biology, Earth and environmental sciences, and astrophysics and cosmology.

Life Sciences
Anthropology 7. Human Evolution (5 units) 12. Principles of Human Evolution: Comparative Analysis (5 units) Astronomy (Physics and Astronomy) *5. Life in Universe (4 units) Earth and Space Sciences *3. Astrobiology (5 units) *15. Blue Planet: Introduction to Oceanography (5 units) (L/D) 16. Major Events in History of Life (4 units) 17. Dinosaurs and Their Relatives (4 units) *20. Natural History of Southern California (5 units) (L/D) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 10. Plants and Civilization (4 units) 11. Biomedical Research Issues in Minority Communities (5 units) 13. Evolution of Life (4 units) 17. Evolution for Everyone (5 units) 25. Marine Biology (5 units)

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Geography 2. Biodiversity in a Changing World (5 units) (L/D) *5. People and the Earths Ecosystems (5 units) (L/D) *7. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (5 units) (L/D) *88GE. Seminar Sequence: Special Topics in Geography (5 units) Honors Collegium 8. Communication among Organisms (4 units) 14. Interaction of Science and Society (4 units) 64. Neuroscience and Psychology of Art and Biology of Aesthetics (5 units) 70A. Genetic Engineering in Medicine, Agriculture, and Law (5 units) (L/D) Life Sciences 1. Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity (5 units) (L/D) 2. Cells, Tissues, and Organs (5 units) (L/D) 15. Life: Concepts and Issues (5 units) Linguistics *1. Introduction to Study of Language (5 units) Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics 5. Science of Memory and Learning (4 units) 6. Microbiology for Nonmajors (4 units) 7. Developments in Biotechnology (4 units) 12. Biological Threats to Society: Bioterrorism and Emerging Infections (4 units) Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 40. AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (5 units) *50. Stem Cell Biology, Politics, and Ethics: Teasing Apart Issues (5 units) 80. Green World: Plant Biology for Now and Future (5 units) (L/D) Neuroscience 10. Brain Made Simple: Neuroscience for the 21st Century (4 units) Physiological Science 3. Introduction to Human Physiology (5 units) (L/D) 5. Issues in Human Physiology: Diet and Exercise (5 units) (L/D) 13. Introduction to Human Anatomy (5 units) (L/D) Psychology 15. Introductory Psychobiology (4 units) Society and Genetics 101. Genetic Concepts for Human Sciences (5 units) *102W. DNA: Promise and Peril (5 units) (W) Statistics *10. Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (5 units) 13. Introduction to Statistical Methods for Life and Health Sciences (5 units) (L/D) Chemistry and Biochemistry 2. Introductory Chemistry (4 units) 14A. Atomic and Molecular Structure, Equilibria, Acids, and Bases (4 units) 14B. Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Kinetics, and Organic Chemistry (4 units) 14BL. General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (3 units) (L/D) 20A. Chemical Structure (4 units) 20AH. Chemical Structure (Honors) (4 units) 20B. Chemical Energetics and Change (4 units) 20BH. Chemical Energetics and Change (Honors) (4 units) 20L. General Chemistry Laboratory (3 units) (L/D) Earth and Space Sciences 1. Introduction to Earth Science (4 units) 1F. Earth Science with Fieldwork (5 units) (L/D) *3. Astrobiology (5 units) 5. Environmental Geology of Los Angeles (4 units) 7. Perils of Space: Introduction to Space Weather (4 units) 8. Earthquakes (5 units) (L/D) 9. Solar System and Planets (4 units) 10. Exploring Mars, Red Planet (4 units) 13. Natural Disasters (5 units) *15. Blue Planet: Introduction to Oceanography (5 units) (L/D) *20. Natural History of Southern California (5 units) (L/D) Geography 1. Earths Physical Environment (5 units) (L/D) *5. People and the Earths Ecosystems (5 units) (L/D) *7. Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (5 units) (L/D) *88GE. Seminar Sequence: Special Topics in Geography (5 units) Honors Collegium *20. What Is This Thing Called Science?: Nature of Modern Science (5 units) 28. Perils of Living in Space: Introduction to Space Weather (5 units) Human Complex Systems *10A. Introduction to Complex Systems Science (5 units) Philosophy *8. Introduction to Philosophy of Science (5 units) Physics (Physics and Astronomy) 1A. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Mechanics (5 units) (L/D) 1AH. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Mechanics (Honors) (5 units) (L/D) 1B. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Oscillations, Waves, Electric and Magnetic Fields (5 units) (L/D) 1BH. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Oscillations, Waves, Electric and Magnetic Fields (Honors) (5 units) (L/D) 1C. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Electrodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity (5 units) (L/D) 1CH. Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Electrodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity (Honors) (5 units) (L/D) 6A. Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Mechanics (5 units) (L/D) 6AH. Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Statics and Dynamics (Honors) (5 units) (L/D) 6B. Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Waves, Electricity, and Magnetism (5 units) (L/D) 6BH. Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Sound, Light, and Hydrodynamics (Honors) (5 units) (L/D) 6C. Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Light, Fluids, Thermodynamics, Modern Physics (5 units) (L/D) 6CH. Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Electricity, Magnetism, and Transport (Honors) (5 units) (L/D) 10. Physics (4 units) Statistics *10. Introduction to Statistical Reasoning (5 units)

Physical Sciences
Astronomy (Physics and Astronomy) 3. Nature of Universe (5 units) (L/D) 4. Black Holes and Cosmic Catastrophes (4 units) *5. Life in Universe (4 units) 6. Cosmology: Our Changing Concepts of Universe (4 units) 7. Astronomy and Media (4 units) Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 1. Climate Change: From Puzzles to Policy (4 units) 1L. Climate Change: From Puzzles to Policy Laboratory (1 unit) (L/ D) 2. Air Pollution (4 units) 2L. Air Pollution Laboratory (1 unit) (L/D) 3. Introduction to Atmospheric Environment (4 units) 3L. Introduction to Atmospheric Environment Laboratory (1 unit) (L/D) 5. Climates of Other Worlds (4 units)

8 / College of Letters and Science General Education Requirements

Freshman General Education Cluster Program

The Freshman General Education Cluster program is a curricular initiative designed to strengthen the intellectual skills of entering freshmen by introducing them to faculty research and exposing them to the best practices in teaching such as seminars and interdisciplinary study. Clusters are yearlong, collaboratively taught, interdisciplinary courses that focus on a topic of timely importance, such as the global environment or interracial dynamics. The courses are taught by some of UCLAs most distinguished faculty members and seasoned graduate students and are open only to entering freshmen. During Fall and Winter Quarters, students attend lecture courses and small discussion sections and/or laboratories. In Spring Quarter, the same students enroll in one of a number of satellite seminars dealing with topics related to the cluster theme. See Students who complete all three quarters of the yearlong GE Cluster series (1) fulfill the Writing II requirement, (2) complete nearly a third of their general education requirements, and (3) receive laboratory/demonstration credit where appropriate. Note: To be eligible for enrollment in a Spring Quarter cluster Writing II course, the Writing I requirement must be satisfied in either Fall or Winter Quarter. See http://www.registrar.ucla .edu/soc/writing.htm for details of the Writing I and II requirements. Students who do not complete the yearlong cluster series must see their adviser to determine applicable GE credit.

M24A-M24B-M24CW. Work, Labor, and Social Justice in U.S. (Same as Labor and Workplace Studies M1A-M1B-M1C) One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Literary and Cultural Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Historical Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 25A-25B-25CW. Politics, Society, and Urban Culture in East Asia One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Literary and Cultural Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Historical Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 30A-30B-30CW. Never-Ending Stories: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Myth One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Literary and Cultural Analysis One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Philosophical and Linguistic Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 60A-60B-60CW. America in Sixties: Politics, Society, and Culture, 1954 to 1974 One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Literary and Cultural Analysis One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Visual and Performance Arts Analysis and Practice One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 66A-66B-66CW. Los Angeles: The Cluster One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Literary and Cultural Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Historical Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 70A-70B-70CW/70DW. Evolution of Cosmos and Life One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Life Sciences (L/D) One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Physical Sciences (L/ D) One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Life Sciences or Physical Sciences (depends on the seminar chosen) 71A-71B-71CW. Biotechnology and Society One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Philosophical and Linguistic Analysis One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Life Sciences (L/D) One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Life Sciences 72A-72B-72CW. Sex from Biology to Gendered Society One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Life Sciences Two courses in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 80A-80B-80CW. Frontiers in Human Aging: Biomedical, Social, and Policy Perspectives One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Life Sciences Two courses in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis

General Education Clusters

M1A-M1B-M1CW. Global Environment (Same as Environment M1AM1B-M1CW) One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Life Sciences (L/D) One course in Foundations of Scientific Inquiry Physical Sciences (L/ D) One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 20A-20B-20CW. Interracial Dynamics in American Culture and Society One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Literary and Cultural Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Historical Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 21A-21B-21CW. History of Modern Thought One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Philosophical and Linguistic Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Historical Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 22A-22B-22CW. Toward World Economy: Perils and Promise of Globalization One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Literary and Cultural Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Historical Analysis One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Social Analysis 23A-23B-23CW. Inside Performing Arts: Interdisciplinary Explorations of Performance in Society and Culture One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Literary and Cultural Analysis One course in Foundations of the Arts and Humanities Visual and Performance Arts Analysis and Practice One course in Foundations of Society and Culture Historical Analysis

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