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Acceptability Assessment of Banana Blossom Cupcake to the People of

Davao Oriental


The province of Davao Oriental, Philippines, is a good source of the different

varieties of banana. The purpose of this research is to determine the assessment and

acceptability of Banana blossom Cupcake. The study utilized a descriptive survey

method. Data will be through structured questionnaires and will be assess using a Likert

scale. The questionnaires will be distribute to 50 trained and untrained respondents who

were faculty and students at Davao Oriental State University. Sensory evaluation will be

employ on the Banana Blossom Cupcake in terms of the following parameters: taste,

texture, appearance, color, aroma, and presentation. This study specifically addresses

the use of banana blossoms to exploit its potential and to support local farmers and

growers to maximize their profit


The food industry continually develops new products by keeping up with

consumer preferences, which are shifting more and more toward ready-to-eat foods.

Freshly cut fruits and vegetables are at the top of every consumer's list among these.

The market has expanded quickly in recent years due to changes in consumer

behavior. Therefore, in order to attain general market acceptance, it is imperative to

identify new approaches to product creation.

Bananas are the one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world because of

its taste, nutritional value and potential health benefits. It is ranked fourth among the

world’s food crops in monetary value. Americans consume more bananas than apples

and oranges combined. Banana plant finds a special place when compared with other

food plant, as it is one of the very few plants in the world whose all the parts can serve

some purpose, either food or non-food purposes. Fruits being the most common form of

consumption, is eaten both in raw as well as ripe form (Bhaskar, 2011).

Banana blossom has outstanding medicinal properties, also known as a banana

blossom. It has a potent nutritional profile. Banana blossom is packed with essential

minerals such as phosphorous, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium and iron, vital

for several bodily functions. Banana heart seems to be very effective in treating

infections in natural ways. The extract in banana heart has ethanol which prevents the

growth of pathogenic bacteria (Putman, 2022).

According to the study published in the Journal of Food and Agriculture (2020),

banana blossom extracts promoted glucose uptake, which in turn reduces blood sugar

levels. Banana blossom contains phenolic acids, tannins, flavonoids and various other

antioxidants. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals, prevent oxidative damage, and

reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer. The richness of iron in banana blossom

can remarkably pump iron stores and improves symptoms associated with anemia such

as fatigue, tiredness, irregular heartbeat, pale skin, cold feet and hands. Regular

addition of banana blossomt in the meal increases the levels of red blood cells and

combats iron deficiency anemia.

On the other hand, cupcakes are usually brought for children as a sweet and

appetizing dessert for them to enjoy. Also, adults and teenagers buy them due to its

convenience, appearance and taste. The proposed study sees cupcake as a great

product because they could easily fuse the banana heart and cupcake. Using cupcakes,

the proposed could accomplish their two goals: providing a healthy product while eating

an appetizing dessert like cupcakes and help teenagers and children consume banana


Although the banana blossom is highly valued for its fiber content and medicinal

value, consumption may be constricted due to lack of knowledge on its preparation;

hence, menu from banana heart is limited as cupcake and as ingredients in other

menus. It is for this reason that this research be conducted to evaluate the acceptability

of banana blossom turn into cupcake which is a delicious but low cost food.

Research Objective

The aim of this study was to determine the market acceptability of banana heart

cupcake among the people in the Province of Davao Oriental.

1. To determine the banana heart cupcake procedure.

2. To know the related studies on banana heart cupcake.

3. Determine the level of acceptability of banana heart cupcake in terms of

appearance, texture, aroma, taste.

Review of Related Literature

This part of the study will be discussing the relevant literature connected with the

acceptability of banana heart cupcake. This part of the study accounts the works that

has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers.


As a tropical country, the Philippines grow an abundant variety of fruit crops

primarily for local consumption and export market. Banana is considered as the most

important fruit crop in the country in terms of volume of production and export earnings.

Banana is a delicious and very popular fruit throughout the world. Banana is produced

throughout the year in all areas of Bangladesh. At the end of the bananas' bunch, a

leafy marooned colored cone, known as banana blossom, could be seen. The blossom

of banana is a very good source of high-quality protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals

such as magnesium, iron and copper; it also a good source of flavonoids. Banana

blossom is generally consumed as a vegetable in Bangladesh. The blossom is

consumed with rice or wheat bread, as a salad by the people indifferent countries of


Banana is an edible fruit produced mainly in any tropical country where the

climate contributes to the flavor and quality enhancement of this fruit. It usually comes in

many sizes and color depending on the planted variety. Accordingly, this fruit has been

said to contribute a sum amount of money to the economic development of one’s

country because of its ability of producing variety of products (Clark, J. 2015). Not only

used as main dish but in bakery products as well. It has also been said that cultivating
such plant will not require the producer to throw any waste since every part or so to say

all parts of this tree has its own benefits. The leaves of it are used as traditional foil in

the preparation of bibingka and in different finished products among Filipinos. The fact

that its fruit is so delicious, it can be also used as part of the diet. Banana blossom is a

part of banana plant that was proven edible.

Musa, a plant genus of extraordinary significance to human societies, produces

the fourth most important food in the world today after rice, wheat, and maize (Scot C.

et al. 2006). Musa species attained a position of central importance within Pacific

societies: the plant is a source of food, beverages, fermentable sugars, medicines,

flavourings, cooked foods, silage, fragrance, rope, corsage, garlands, shelter, clothing,

smoking material, and numerous ceremonial and religious uses.

The Philippine banana industry contributes significantly to the agriculture sector

and the economy in general. Banana production is a source of income and employment

in the countryside with more than 5.6 million smallholder farmers dependent on it

(Horwood C. (2006). In 2000, the banana sector contributed about 7% to the total value

of production in agriculture. Banana is also one of the country’s top export earners.

Banana ( Musa sp.) is grown in all regions of the Philippines throughout the year.

Banana Blossom

Banana blossom is often consumed as a vegetable in many Asian countries such

as Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. In Sri Lanka more than 32 million

banana bunches are produced annually. Banana blossom is a popular dish in Sri

Lankan cuisines. It is consumed as a curry as well as a boiled or deep fried salad with
rice and wheat bread. Banana blossom is generally valued as a fiber-rich source.

Dietary fiber has demonstrated its benefits in health and disease prevention in medical

nutrition therapy (Chandalia et al. 2000). Along with dietary fibers, proteins and

unsaturated fatty acids, banana flowers are also rich in vitamin E and flavonoids (Glenn

K. (2011) . Banana flowers, similarly to the fruits are an excellent source of potassium,

plus the Vitamin’s A, C and E. According to research at the Chinese Academy of

Tropical Agricultural Sciences (2009) which studied the flowers of musa paradisiaca,

banana flowers have tremendous nutritional value. It is a good source of fiber and

protein. The flowers contain a class of phytochemicals known as saponins. Saponins

lower LDL , or bad cholesterol, boost our immunity against infection and are thought to

inhibit the growth of cancer cells. They also have antioxidant activity and so can reduce

our risk of chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease. Banana flowers are also an

excellent source of flavonoids. These phytochemicals found in many plant based foods

help prevent damage to DNA cells by neutralizing free radicals. They also help lower

cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and anti-aging.

Nutritional Benefits of Banana Blossom

Banana blossom, similarly to bananas are an excellent source of potassium, plus

the vitamin A, C and E. Banana blossom have tremendous nutritional value. They are a

good source of fibre and protein. The flowers contain a class of phytochemicals known

as saponins. Saponins lower bad cholesterol, boost our immunity against infection and

are through to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. They also have antioxidant activity and

so can reduce our risk of chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease. Banana

flowers are also an excellent source of flavonoids. These phytochemicals found in many
plant based foods help prevent damage to DNA cells by neutralizing free radicals. They

also help lower cholesterol, are anti-inflammatory, anticancer and anti-aging (Nann,



Cupcakes are small, tasty snack cakes that are favored for their portability and

portion-control. They are batter cakes baked in a cup-shaped foil or temperature

resistant paper. A cupcake can be prepared from a variety of formulations and can be

decorated with cream and icings. Its composition is not that different from traditional

high-ratio layer cakes. The only difference is the cupcakes higher batter viscosity, an

important aspect for better processing and baking tolerances. While the first official

mention of the word cupcake was in the early 19th century, this dessert seems also to

be referenced in 1796 as “a light cake to bake in small cups.” Today, one can find a

wide variety of cupcakes, ranging from the simple to the sublime, and entire businesses

have emerged in the last decade focused solely on cupcakes.

In contrast to the study to be conducted by the researchers, the cited source

used banana blossom cupcake as their product. They also used a different

experimental model to determine the overall acceptability of their product.

Banana blossom formulated by the research has been found delicious and

nutritious. It is considered more valuable than an ordinary cupcake recipe because it

contains essential nutrients that are need by the body. It is well received by the

respondents, taking consideration the taste, odor and texture of the product.

Research Design

This study used the experimental method of research which determined the

production process of banana heart turns into cupcake. This method of research seeks

to answer questions about causation by providing a systematic method of controlling.

This study used the score card sheets as the primary tool for the researchers to

examine the condition of the judges in order to collect data for analysis and

interpretation. Informal interview was also utilized to clarify issues and checked the

authenticity of the answers provided in the score sheets.

In addition, the study also engaged with a quantitative type of approach to be

able to assess the banana heart cupcake in terms of appearance, aroma, taste and

overall acceptability. With this, the indicators in the questionnaire will be assessed as to

how much satisfactory index it resulted upon the evaluation process. Furthermore, the

study used purposive sampling in gathering responses to acquire reliable feedbacks

and comments from the chosen experts in the field of food processing.

Research Locale

The study will be conduct in the City of Mati. The respondents to be interviewe

through survey questionnaire are the randomly selected participants of the city who

reside in the locality and do consume a healthy cupcake

Research Instrument

The research instrument use in the study is a simple questionnaire to help the

researchers determine the acceptability of the Banana Heart Cupcake. The

questionnaire will be created by the researchers while taking in consideration the four

factors: Aroma, Taste, Texture and Appearance.

Before conducting the survey, the questionnaire will create by the researchers by

following the guidelines:

It should be easily understood and answerable by the respondents.

It would yield valuable data.

This ensures that the questionnaire will formulate to give the researchers the

most reliable data needed to justify the study. The questionnaire is divided into five

integral parts: Demographic Profile, Taste, Aroma, Texture and Overall Appearance of

the Product.

Population and Samples

The researcher will use a random sampling from the faculty and students at

Davao Oriental State University in which both trained and untrained and is likewise

included as respondents using the same technique of sampling.

Procedure in Banana Blossom Cupcake Making

1. Prepare all the needed tools, ingredients, material and equipment to be use

2. Peel the maroon leaves and remove the clusters of florets.

3. Chop the banana’s blossom into small pieces.

4. Put 2 tablespoon of iodized salt and squeeze it to remove sticky white.

5. Put water to remove salty and silky white in the banana’s heart.

6. Put a chooped banana’s blossom inside the blender and put evaporada,

condensed milk to blend.

7. Blend it until it will become small pieces like a powder.

8. Set aside and put the blended banana’s heart in strainer.

9. Squeez again the blended banana’s heart to lose the milk.

10. Put the blended banana’s blossom in flat sheet.

11. Ready to put inside the dehydrator.

12. After 2 hours, remove it from dehydrator.

13. Set aside and let it cold. After 1 minute, put it inside the blender and ready to


14. Strain the blended banana’s blossom to separate the powederized banana’s

blossom and to remove the big particles.

15. Combine all the dry ingredients in mixing bowl and mix it well using the whisk.
16. After combining all the dry ingredients, put 3 pieces of egg, ¼ cup of vegetable

oil, ¼ cup of water and 1 teaspoon of banana flavor.

17. Mix it well to combine all the ingredients.

18. After mixing, put it in cupcake molder.

19. Pre-heat the oven and set it in 170 temperature in 18 minutes.

20. After pre-heating, put the already mixed ingredients to the cupcake molder and

ready to cook.

21. After 18 minutes, remove it from oven and the banana’s heart cupcake is ready

to serve.

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