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Interchange of Parts of Speech

1. Mr Sivasanker scrutiny.
subjected him to a
[Use 'scrutiny' as a verb)
2. Leela gave cry of joy.
a [Use the adverb form of joy'

3. His company made her supremely happy.

[Use the adjective form of supremely'|
Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of the moon.
Use the noun form of keenly']
8.Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of the moon.
[Use the adjective form of keenly]
6. He covered the ball tightly with his fingers.
[Use the adjective form of the word 'tightly']
7. Leela clapped her hands. Use the noun form of 'clapped'|
8. She screamed in wonder. Use the noun form of the 'verb']
9.It gave her great joy to play the teacher to Sidda.
Use the verb form of joy]
10. She pitied him. Use the noun formn of the 'verb'


11. She accompanied him when he was sent on errands.

[Use the noun form of the 'verb'


12. Her mother gave her a slap. [Use the verb form of 'slap'} \
13. Leela's mother threw a glance at him.
Use the verb form of glance'] :

4 His throat went dry. se the verh form of 'dry

16.He blinked and answered that he did not know.

Use 'answer as a noun

16. Mr Sivasanker grew very excited over all this.

Use the noun form of'ecited
17.Why are you so
rough? Use the noun form of 'rough',
18.The thought of Sidda made her panicky.
Use the verb form of panicky',
19.1 think he is angry with us. [Use the noun form of'angry
20.By the time Sivasanker returned, Leela had tallen
asleep. Use the noun form of return']
21.It seems he is an old criminal.

Use the adverb form of seems

22.He had been in jail half a dozen times.
[Use jail as a verb
23.The police know his haunts. Use the noun form of know']

24.The inspector was furious.


Use the noun form of furious']

25.Leela's face became red.
Use red' as a verb] [Annual Examination 2015]
26. Leela replied haughtily. [Use the adjective form of haughtily]
27.Leela felt disgusted with the whole business.
- - -

Use the noun form of felt'/disgusted'1

28. Leela felt disgusted with the whole business.
[Use 'disgust' as a verb]
29.You are not at all a reliable prosecution witness.
Use the noun form of 'reliable']
30.The inspector observed humorously.
Use the adjectiveform ofhumorously
Si. He looked at her mutely. [Use the adjective form of 'mutely'7
2.These fellows who have been in jail once or twice lose
all fear. [Use the adjectiveform of fear7 ;

S3.Nothing can make them confess.

Use the noun form of"conjess

4It was unmistakably Leela's chain.

Use the adjectiveform of
.It was unmistakably Leela's 'mistake')
Rewrite by using
- - -

made in India.
was obviously
form of'obriousty
du. The mirror
Use the adjective glanced)

form of
watch. Use the noun and
38. He glanced at his an air
of pity
mirror with smiled);
at the form of
E. Sir MC
Mohan smiled
Use the noun
patronage. turban. flattened7;
flattened his of
The coolie form
se the adjective
- -

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