Tata Multicap Fund KIM

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(An open ended equity scheme investing
across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks)
(SCHEME CODE TATA/O/E /MCF/22/10/0053)

Issue of Units of Tata Multicap Fund at Face Value of Rs. 10/- per unit during the
New Fund Offer Period and at NAV based prices upon re-opening

This product is suitable for investors who are Scheme Risk O Meter Benchmark Risk O Meter
seeking*: (Nifty 500 Multicap 50:25:25 TRI)

• To Generate Long Term Capital Appreciation.

• An open ended equity scheme investing across
large cap, mid cap and small cap stocks
*Investors should consult their financial
advisors if in doubt about whether the product is
suitable for them

# It may be noted that risk-o-meter specified above is based on the internal assessment during NFO. The same shall be reviewed & updated at the frequency specified by SEBI.

New Fund Offer Opens On 16 January, 2023

New Fund Offer Closes On 30 January, 2023
Scheme reopens for continuous
sale and repurchase on or before 09 February, 2023

This Key Information Memorandum (KIM) sets forth the information, which a prospective investor ought to know before investing.
For further details of the scheme/Mutual Fund, due diligence certificate by the AMC, Key Personnel, investors' rights & services, risk
factors, penalties and pending litigations, etc. investors should, before investment, refer to the Scheme Information Document (SID)
and Statement of Additional Information (SAI) available free of cost at any of the Investor Service Centres or distributors or from the
website www.tatamutualfund.com

The Scheme particulars have been prepared in accordance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations
1996, as amended till date, and filed with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The units being offered for public
subscription have not been approved or disapproved by SEBI, nor has SEBI certified the accuracy or adequacy of this KIM.

Name of the AMC

Name of the Mutual Fund Offer for Units at
Tata Asset Management Pvt. Ltd.
Tata Mutual Fund NAV Based Prices upon reopening
CIN: U65990-MH-1994-PTC-077090

1903, B Wing, Parinee Crescenzo, G Block, BKC, Bandra East, Mumbai – 400 051
Call: (022) 6282 7777 (Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm)
E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.tatamutualfund.com
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE g) The Scheme may invest in securities with special features viz. subordination
to equity (absorbs losses before equity capital) and /or convertible to
The investment objective of the scheme is to generate long-term capital
equity upon trigger of a pre-specified event for loss absorption in
appreciation from a portfolio of equity and equity related securities across
accordance with SEBI Circular No SEBI/HO/IMD/DF4/CIR/P/2021/032
market capitalization.
dated March 10,2020 & Valuation will be done in accordance with Circular
However, there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF4/CIR/P/2021/034 dated 22nd March’2021
of the Scheme will be achieved. The scheme does not assure or guarantee
The scheme shall not invest –
any returns.
a. more than 10% of its NAV of the debt portfolio of the scheme in such
instruments; and
Under normal circumstances, the asset allocation of the Scheme will be as
b. more than 5% of its NAV of the debt portfolio of the scheme in such
instruments issued by a single issuer.
Indicative allocations Risk
(% of total assets) Profile The above limit will be within the overall limit for debt instruments issued by
Instruments a single issuer as specified at clause 1 of the Seventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual
Minimum Maximum High/
Fund) Regulations,1996.
Low The Scheme does not seek to participate in repo/reverse repo in corporate
Equity and Equity related debt securities.
75 100
instruments as follows: The Scheme does not seek to participate in credit default swaps.
Equity & Equity related instruments
25 50 Investment in ADR /GDR/ Foreign Securities / Overseas ETFs etc would be
of Large Cap companies
in compliance with SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.7/104753/07 dated
Equity & Equity related instruments September 26, 2007, SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 122577/08 dated April 8, 2008, SEBI
25 50 Very High
of Mid Cap companies circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF3/CIR/P/2020/225 dated November 5, 2020
Equity & Equity related instruments and SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II/DOF3/P/CIR/2021/571 June 3, 2021 as may be
25 50
of Small Cap companies amended from time to time.
Debt & Money market instruments 0 25 Medium to The Scheme may invest up to US $ 50 million in ADR/GDR/Foreign Securities/
(including Fixed Income Derivatives) * Low Overseas ETFs in the six months post closure of NFO. Post completion of
Units of REITs & InvITs 0 10 Very High the six months, the relevant provisions of SEBI Circulars dated November 5,
ADR/GDR/Foreign securities/ 0 20 Very High 2020 and June 3, 2021 shall be applicable. Thereafter, on an ongoing basis,
Overseas ETFs the scheme shall comply with the SEBI circular HO/IMD/DF3/CIR/P/2020/225
dated November 05, 2020 and/or as permitted by SEBI from time to time.
Mutual Fund Units 0 20 Very High
*Including securitized debt, other structured obligations (SO), credit The cumulative gross exposure through equities (including foreign
enhanced debt (CE), debt instruments with special features etc. securities), along with other debt securities and money market securities,
REITs & InvITs and derivatives shall not exceed 100% of the net assets of the
At present the large Cap, Mid Cap & Small Cap companies are classified as Scheme. Cash or cash equivalents with residual maturity of less than 91 days
below: may be treated as not creating any exposure.
a. Large Cap: 1st -100th company in terms of full market capitalization. Change in Investment Pattern
b. Mid Cap: 101st -250th company in terms of full market capitalization. Pursuant to SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2021/024 dated March 04, 2021, the
c. Small Cap: 251st company onwards in terms of full market capitalization. tentative portfolio break-up mentioned above with minimum and maximum
asset allocation can be altered for a short-term period on defensive
The scheme will invest across large cap, mid cap and small cap stocks. Large considerations. In this event where the asset allocation falling outside
Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap companies are those companies which are classified
as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) or Association the limits specified in the asset allocation table due to defensive
of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) from time to time. In case of subsequent considerations, the Scheme will rebalance the portfolio within thirty (30)
updation /change suggested by SEBI/AMFI, fund manager will rebalance the calendar days.
portfolio within the stipulated period within 30 days. Pursuant to SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II DOF3/P/CIR/2022/39 dated
As per clause 4 of Seventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations March 30, 2022, in the event where the asset allocation is falling outside
1996, the scheme may invest in another scheme under the same asset the limits specified in the asset allocation table due to passive breaches
management company or any other mutual fund without charging any fees, (occurrence of instances not arising out of omission and commission of
provided that aggregate inter-scheme investment made by all schemes under AMC), the Scheme will rebalance the portfolio within thirty (30) business
the same management or in schemes under the management of any other days. However, if market conditions do not permit the Fund Manager to
asset management company shall not exceed 5% of the net asset value of rebalance the portfolio of the Scheme within the stipulated period of thirty
the mutual fund. (30) business days, justification in writing including details of efforts taken
to rebalance the portfolio for the same shall be provided to the Investment
Within the limit mentioned in the above paragraph i.e. in clause 4 of Seventh Committee. The Investment Committee shall then decide on the course
Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996, investment by the scheme of action and if they so desires can extend the timelines up to sixty (60)
in another scheme under the same asset management company or any other business days from the date of completion of mandated rebalancing period.
mutual fund without charging any fees, will be restricted to 20% of the net Further, compliances relating to disclosures etc. shall be adhered in line with
assets of the scheme. the said circular.
The Scheme may take exposure to: In case the portfolio of schemes is not rebalanced within the aforementioned
a) Overseas /Foreign Securities to the extent of 20% of the net assets. mandated plus extended timelines, AMCs shall:
b) Derivative instruments (excluding the hedge position) to the extent of i. not be permitted to launch any new scheme till the time the portfolio is
50% of net assets. The Scheme will comply with all the applicable circulars rebalanced.
issued by SEBI as regard to derivatives viz. SEBI Circular no. SEBI/MFD/ ii. not to levy exit load, if any, on the investors exiting such scheme.
CIR No. 03/ 158 /03 dated June 10, 2003, no. DNPD/Cir-29/2005
dated September 14, 2005, no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 9/108562/07 dated AMC shall adhere to SEBI guidelines regarding the rebalancing of asset
November 16,2007, no. Cir/ IMD/ DF/ 11/ 2010 dated August 18, 2010 allocation norms as stipulated from time to time.
& SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2017/109 dated September 27,2017. Deployment of NFO Proceeds in Triparty Repo on Government Securities
c) Securitised debt up to 50% of debt portfolio. The Scheme shall not invest or Treasury Bills or any other instrument as may be permitted by SEBI:
in foreign securitized debt and credit default swaps. Mutual funds are allowed to deploy NFO proceeds in Triparty repo on
d) Stock lending up to 20% of net assets. Not more than 5% of the net Government Securities or treasury bills or any other instrument as may
assets of the scheme will be deployed with any single intermediary in be permitted by SEBI before the closure of NFO period. However, AMCs
accordance with Securities Lending Scheme, 1997, SEBI circular no MFD/ will not charge any investment management and advisory fees on funds
CIR/01/047/99 dated February 10, 1999 , SEBI circular no MRD/DoP/SE/ deployed in Triparty repo on Government Securities or treasury bills or
Cir-14/2007 dated December 20, 2007 , SEBI circular no SEBI / IMD / CIR any other instrument as may be permitted by SEBI during the NFO period.
No 14 / 187175/ 2009 dated December 15, 2009 and SEBI circular no The appreciation received from such investment SEBI shall be passed on to
CIR/MRD/DP/122/2017 dated November 17, 2017 investors. Further, in case the minimum subscription amount is not garnered
by the scheme’s during the NFO period, the interest earned upon investment
e) The scheme may write call options under covered call strategy of NFO proceeds in such instruments shall be returned to investors, in
f) Imperfect hedging using IRFs up to maximum of 20% of the net assets of proportion of their investments, along-with the refund of the subscription
the scheme. amount.

Risk Profile of the Scheme Securities Lending Risks
Mutual Fund Units involve investment risks including the possible loss of It may be noted that this activity would have the inherent probability of
principal. Please read the SID carefully for details on risk factors before collateral value drastically falling in times of strong downward market trends,
investment. Scheme specific Risk Factors are summarized below: rendering the value of collateral inadequate until such time as that diminution
in value is replenished by additional security. It is also possible that the
Risks associated with investing in equity/equity related instruments
borrowing party and/or the approved intermediary may suddenly suffer
• Equity and equity related securities are volatile and prone to price severe business setback and become unable to honour its commitments.
fluctuations on a daily basis. The liquidity of investments made in the This, along with a simultaneous fall in value of collateral would render
Scheme may be restricted by trading volumes and settlement periods. potential loss to the Scheme. Besides, there will also be temporary illiquidity
Settlement periods may be extended significantly by unforeseen of the securities that are lent out and the Scheme(s) will not be able to sell
circumstances. The inability of the Scheme to make intended securities such lent out securities until they are returned.
purchases, due to settlement problems, could cause the Scheme to miss
Interest Rate Risk
certain investment opportunities. Similarly, the inability to sell securities
held in the Scheme’s portfolios would result at times, in potential losses As with debt instruments, changes in interest rate may affect the price of
to the Scheme, should there be a subsequent decline in the value of the debt instrument(s) and ultimately Scheme’s net asset value. Generally,
securities held in the Scheme’s portfolio. the prices of instruments increase as interest rates decline and decrease as
interest rates rise. Prices of long-term securities fluctuate more in response
• Investments in equity and equity related securities involve a degree of
to such interest rate changes than short-term securities. Indian debt and
risks and investors should not invest in the Scheme unless they can afford
government securities markets can be volatile leading to the possibility
to take the risk of losing their investment.
of price movements up or down in fixed income securities and thereby to
• The liquidity and valuation of the Scheme’s investments due to its possible movements in the NAV.
holdings of unlisted securities may be affected if they have to be sold
Credit Risk
prior to the target date of disinvestment.
Credit risk or Default risk refers to the risk that an issuer of a fixed income
• Securities which are not quoted on the stock exchanges are inherently
security may default (i.e. the issuer will be unable to make timely principal and
illiquid in nature and carry a larger liquidity risk in comparison with
interest payments on the security). Because of this risk corporate debentures
securities that are listed on the exchanges or offer other exit options to
are sold at a higher yield above those offered on Government Securities which
the investors, including put options. The AMC may choose to invest in
are sovereign obligations and free of credit risk. Normally, the value of fixed
unlisted securities that offer attractive yields within the regulatory limit.
income securities will fluctuate depending upon the changes in the perceived
This may however increase the risk of the portfolio. Additionally, the
level of credit risk as well as any actual event of default. The greater the credit
liquidity and valuation of the Scheme’s investments due to its holdings
risk, the greater the yield required for someone to be compensated for the
of unlisted securities may be affected if they have to be sold prior to the
increased risk.
target date of disinvestment
Reinvestment Risk
Investment Risks
This risk refers to the difference in the interest rate levels at which cash
The price of securities may go up or down depending on a variety of
flows received from the securities in the scheme is reinvested. The additional
factors and hence investors may note that AMC/Fund Manager’s investment
income from reinvestment is the “interest on interest” component. The risk
decisions may not be always profitable. Although it is intended to generate
is that the rate at which interim cash flows are reinvested may be lower than
capital appreciation and maximize the returns by actively investing in equity
that originally assumed.
securities and utilising debt and money market instruments as a defensive
investment strategy. The price of securities may be affected generally by Risks associated with Derivatives
factors affecting capital markets such as price and volume, volatility in the
• Derivative products are leverage instruments and can provide
stock markets, interest rates, currency exchange rates, foreign investment,
disproportionate gains as well as disproportionate losses to the investors.
changes in Government and Reserve Bank of India policy, taxation, political,
Execution of such strategies depends upon the ability of the Fund
economic or other developments, closure of the Stock Exchanges etc.
Manager to identify such opportunities. Identification and execution of
Investors should understand that the investment pattern indicated, in line
the strategies to be pursued by the Fund Manager involved uncertainty
with prevailing market conditions, is only a hypothetical example as all
and decision of Fund Manager may not always be profitable. No assurance
investments involve risk and there is no assurance that the Fund’s investment
can be given that the Fund Manager will be able to identify or execute
objective will be attained or that the Fund may not be in a position to
such strategies.
maintain the indicated percentage of investment pattern under exceptional
circumstances. There is no guarantee the investment / dis-investment • Derivative products are specialized instruments that require investment
decision will result into profit. techniques and risk analysis different from those associated with stocks
and bonds. Derivatives require the maintenance of adequate controls
The fund may use techniques and instruments for efficient portfolio
to monitor the transactions entered into, the ability to assess the risk
management and to attempt to hedge or reduce the risk. However, these
that a derivative add to the portfolio and the ability to forecast price of
techniques and instruments if imperfectly used have the risk of the fund
securities being hedged and interest rate movements correctly. There is
incurring losses due to mismatches particularly in a volatile market. The
a possibility that a loss may be sustained by the portfolio as a result of
Fund’s ability to use these techniques may be limited by market conditions,
the failure of another party (usually referred to as the “counterparty”)
regulatory limits and tax considerations (if any). The use of these techniques
to comply with the terms of the derivatives contract. Other risks in
is dependent on the ability to predict movements in the prices of securities
using derivatives include the risk of mis-pricing or improper valuation
being hedged and movements in interest rates. There exists an imperfect
of derivatives and the inability of derivatives to correlate perfectly with
correlation between the hedging instruments and the securities or market
underlying assets, rates and indices.
sectors being hedged. Besides, the fact that skills needed to use these
instruments are different from those needed to select the Fund’s / plan’s • The risks associated with the use of derivatives are different from or
securities. There is a possible absence of a liquid market for any instrument possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in
at any particular time even though the futures and options may be bought securities and other traditional investments”.
and sold on an organised exchange. The use of these techniques involves • The Scheme may face execution risk, whereby the rates seen on the screen
possible impediments to effective portfolio management or the ability to meet may not be the rate at which the ultimate execution of the derivative
repurchase / redemption requests or other short-term obligations because of transaction takes place.
the percentage of the Fund’s assets segregated to cover its obligations.
• The Scheme may find it difficult or impossible to execute derivative
Liquidity and Settlement Risks transactions in certain circumstances. For example, when there are
The liquidity of the Scheme’s investments may be inherently restricted by insufficient bids or suspension of trading due to price limit or circuit
trading volumes, transfer procedures and settlement periods. From time breakers, the Scheme may face a liquidity issue.
to time, the Scheme will invest in certain securities of certain companies, • Investments in index futures face the same risk as the investments in a
industries, sectors, etc. based on certain investment parameters as adopted portfolio of shares representing an index. The extent of loss is the same
internally by AMC. While at all times the AMC will endeavour that excessive as in the underlying stocks.
holding/investment in certain securities of industries, sectors, etc. by the
Scheme(s) are avoided, the funds invested by the Scheme in certain securities • The Scheme bears a risk that it may not be able to correctly forecast
of industries, sectors, etc. may acquire a substantial portion of the Scheme’s future market trends or the value of assets, indices or other financial or
investment portfolio and collectively may constitute a risk associated with economic factors in establishing derivative positions for the Scheme.
non-diversification and thus could affect the value of investments. Reduced • There is the possibility that a loss may be sustained by the portfolio as a
liquidity in the secondary market may have an adverse impact on market result of the failure of another party (usually referred to as the “counter
price and the Scheme’s ability to dispose of particular securities, when party”) to comply with the terms of the derivatives contract. The counter
necessary, to meet the Scheme’s liquidity needs or in response to a specific party may default on a transaction before settlement and therefore, the
economic event or during restructuring of the Scheme’s investment portfolio. Scheme is compelled to negotiate with another counterparty at the then
prevailing (possibly unfavourable) market price.

• The risk of loss in trading futures contracts can be substantial, because of dissolution of the trust, potential delisting of units on the exchange etc,
the low margin deposits required, the extremely high degree of leverage the time taken by the Mutual Fund for liquidating the investments in the
involved in futures pricing and the potential high volatility of the futures scheme may be high in the event of immediate redemption requirement.
markets. Investment in such securities may lead to increase in the scheme portfolio
• Where derivatives are used for hedging, such use may involve a basic risk
where the instrument used as a hedge does not match the movement in • Reinvestment Risk: Investments in REITs & InvITs may carry reinvestment
the instrument/underlying asset being hedged. The risk may be inter- risk as there could be repatriation of funds by the Trusts in form of
related also e.g. interest rate movements can affect equity prices, which buyback of units or dividend pay-outs, etc. Consequently, the proceeds
could influence specific issuer/industry assets. may get invested in assets providing lower returns.
Other risks in using derivatives include the risk of mispricing or improper • Regulatory/Legal Risk: REITs and InvITs being new asset classes, rights
valuation of derivatives and the inability of derivatives to correlate perfectly of unit holders such as right to information etc may differ from existing
with underlying assets, rates and indices. capital market asset classes under Indian Law.
Risks Factors associated with transaction in Units through stock The above are some of the common risks associated with investments in
exchange(s) REITs & InvITs. Investment results may vary substantially on a monthly,
quarterly or annual basis.
In respect of transaction in Units of the Scheme through BSE and / or NSE,
allotment and redemption of Units on any Business Day will depend upon Risks associated with investment in units of mutual fund:
the order processing / settlement by BSE and / or NSE and their respective
Investment in Mutual Fund Units involves investment risks, including but not
clearing corporations on which the Fund has no control.
limited to risks such as liquidity risk, volatility risk, default risk including the
Risks Associated with Securitised Debt possible loss of principal.
Risk due to prepayment: In case of securitized debt, changes in market • Liquidity risk – The liquidity of the scheme’s investments is inherently
interest rates and pre-payments may not change the absolute amount of restricted by trading volumes and settlement periods. In the event of an
receivables for the investors but may have an impact on the reinvestment of inordinately large number of redemption requests, or of a restructuring of
the periodic cash flows that an investor receives on securitized papers. In the the scheme’s investment portfolio, these periods may become significant.
event of pre-payment of the underlying debt, investors may be exposed to In view of the same, the right to limit redemptions will be in accordance
changes in tenor and yield. with SEBI circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/57 dated May 31,
Liquidity Risk: Presently, despite recent legal developments permitting the
listing of securitized debt instruments, the secondary market for securitized • Volatility risks: There is the risk of volatility in markets due to external
debt in India is not very liquid. Even if a more liquid market develops in the factors like liquidity flows, changes in the business environment,
future, secondary transactions in such instruments may be at a discount to economic policy etc. The scheme will manage volatility risk through
initial issue price due to changes in the interest rate structure. diversification across companies and sectors.
Limited Recourse and Credit Risk: Certificates issued on investment in • Default risk - Credit risk is risk resulting from uncertainty in counterparty’s
securitized debt represent a beneficial interest in the underlying receivables ability or willingness to meet its contractual obligations. This risk pertains
and there is no obligation on the issuer, seller or the originator in that to the risk of default of payment of principal and interest. Government
regard. Defaults on the underlying loan can adversely affect the pay outs Securities have zero credit risk while other debt instruments are rated
to the investors and thereby, adversely affect the NAV of the Scheme. While according to the issuer’s ability to meet the obligations.
it is possible to repossess and sell the underlying asset, various factors can
Risk of Writing of Call Option Under a Cover Call Strategy
delay or prevent repossession and the price obtained on sale of such assets
may be low. Under a delivery settlement a call writer will have to part with the physical
holding of security which was originally intended for long term holding.
Bankruptcy Risk: If the originator of securitized debt instruments in which
the Scheme invests is subject to bankruptcy proceedings and the court in The risk associated with covered calls is the loss of upside, i.e. if the
such proceedings concludes that the sale of the assets from originator to shares are assigned (called away), the option seller forgoes any share price
the trust was not a ‘true sale’, then the Scheme could experience losses appreciation above the option strike price. The scheme may write covered
or delays in the payments due. Normally, care is taken in structuring the call option only in case it has adequate number of underlying equity shares
securitization transaction so as to minimize the risk of the sale to the trust as per regulatory requirement. This would lead to setting aside a portion of
not being construed as a ‘true sale’. investment in underlying equity shares. If covered call options are sold to the
maximum extent allowed by regulatory authority, the scheme may not be
Risk of Co-mingling: Servicers in a securitization transaction normally
able to sell the underlying equity shares immediately if the view changes to
deposit all payments received from the obligors into a collection account.
sell and exit the stock. The covered call options need to be unwound before
However, there could be a time gap between collection by a servicer and
the stock positions can be liquidated. This may lead to a loss of opportunity
depositing the same into the collection account. In this interim period,
or can cause exit issues if the strike price at which the call option contracts
collections from the loan agreements by the servicer may not be segregated
have been written become illiquid. Hence, the scheme may not be able to
from other funds of the servicer. If the Servicer fails to remit such funds due
sell the underlying equity shares, which can lead to temporary illiquidity of
to investors, investors in the Scheme may be exposed to a potential loss.
the underlying equity shares and result in loss of opportunity. The writing
Risks associated with investing in Securities Segment and Tri-party Repo of covered call option would lead to loss of opportunity due to appreciation
trade settlement: in value of the underlying equity shares. Hence, when the appreciation in
equity share price is more than the option premium received the scheme
The mutual fund is a member of securities segment and Tri-party Repo trade
would be at a loss. The total gross exposure related to option premium paid
settlement of the Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL). All transactions of
and received must not exceed the regulatory limits of the net assets of the
the mutual fund in government securities and in Tri-party Repo trades are
scheme. This may restrict the ability of scheme to buy any options.
settled centrally through the infrastructure and settlement systems provided
by CCIL; thus reducing the settlement and counterparty risks considerably for Risks associated with Segregated Portfolio
transactions in the said segments. The members are required to contribute
Investor holding units of segregated portfolio may not able to liquidate their
an amount as communicated by CCIL from time to time to the default fund
holding till the time recovery of money from the issuer. Security comprises of
maintained by CCIL as a part of the default waterfall (a loss mitigating
segregated portfolio may not realise any value.
measure of CCIL in case of default by any member in settling transactions
routed through CCIL). CCIL shall maintain two separate Default Funds in Listing of units of segregated portfolio in recognised stock exchange does
respect of its Securities Segment, one with a view to meet losses arising out not necessarily guarantee their liquidity. There may not be active trading of
of any default by its members from outright and repo trades and the other for units in the stock market. Further trading price of units on the stock market
meeting losses arising out of any default by its members from Triparty Repo may be significantly lower than the prevailing NAV.
trades. The mutual fund is exposed to the extent of its contribution to the Risks associated with Imperfect Hedging using Interest Rate Futures
default fund of CCIL, in the event that the contribution of the mutual fund is (IRF)
called upon to absorb settlement/default losses of another member by CCIL,
as a result the scheme may lose an amount equivalent to its contribution to Liquidity/execution risk – IRF are relatively new instruments traded on
the default fund. the exchanges and don’t have as much liquidity as the OTC market in the
underlying bond. This could expose the hedge to liquidity (execution and
Risk Factors Associated with Investments in REITs and InvITS: wider bid-offer spread) risk and associated impact cost.
• Market Risk: REITs and InvITs Investments are volatile and subject to price Spread risk – The IRF is based on government securities and treasury bills.
fluctuations on a daily basis owing to factors impacting the underlying Imperfect hedging can be applied on portfolios comprised of corporate
assets. AMC/Fund Manager’s will do the necessary due diligence but bonds as well. Corporate bond yield theoretically comprises of the risk free
actual market movements may be at variance with the anticipated trends. rate and a credit spread. IRF would hedge out only the risk free rate. Any
• Liquidity Risk: As the liquidity of the investments made by the Scheme(s) compression/expansion of credit spread of the underlying portfolio would
could, at times, be restricted by trading volumes, settlement periods, not be hedged by the IRF.

Yield curve slope risk – The IRF hedge is done on a modified duration basis. Interest Rate Risk: where there is no defined maturity, it may yield lower
This means that the maturity of the underlying instrument and the maturity of interest especially when the interest rates are rising.
the IRF could be different. The hedge ratio is arrived at using the prescribed
Liquidity Risk: There is no surety that bond holder will get your principal
formula. This hedges the risk arising from a parallel shift in the yield curve.
back on the call date as the issuer may choose to extend the tenure of bonds
Any change in the slope of the yield curve (flattening/steepening) remains
at a future date. Bond holder has the option of selling these bonds in the
unhedged as residual risk.
secondary market but bond holder may have to exit at a loss as the bond’s
Unwinding risk – An unexpected change in market conditions may require price may differ from the cost price. Also, some of these are bonds are thinly
unwinding the derivative positions at disadvantageous prices during periods traded, which means there are limited buyers.
of heightened volatility e.g. if the yields slide lower due to a surprise RBI rate
The above risk factors may result in losses to the scheme.
cut, participants with short Interest Rate Futures positions would seek to
cut their losses and exit, leading to an increase in the price of the IRF, and Risk factors for Structured Obligation and Credit Enhancement:
negative price impact on the hedged portfolio there from. The risk of investing in structured obligation is similar to risks associated
Correlation risk – As per the extant regulation, the IRF has to have a 0.90 with fixed income instruments. However, they carry following additional
correlation coefficient with the underlying bond/portfolio, for the past 90 risks:
days, to be considered for imperfect hedging. If the correlation deteriorates • Liquidity Risk: Typically, the liquidity of structured obligations could
going forward, the hedge may have to be rebalanced with attendant impact be lower as compared to debt securities as the market for structured
costs. products is not very deep. Hence, they may carry higher liquidity risk.
Risk associated with potential change in Tax structure • Default Risk: In case of default from this portfolio, there could be limited
This summary of tax implications given in the taxation section (Units and recourse available for recovery subject to the specific transaction terms
Offer Section III) is based on the current provisions of the applicable tax and dependent on the legal terms. Hence, they could carry higher default
laws. This information is provided for general purpose only. The current risk.
taxation laws may change due to change in the ‘Income Tax Act 1961’ or any • Credit enhancements are specified by Credit Rating Agencies. However,
subsequent changes/amendments in Finance Act/Rules/Regulations. Any the credit enhancement stipulated in a securitization transaction
change may entail a higher outgo to the scheme or to the investors by way represents a limited loss cover only.
of securities transaction taxes, fees, taxes etc. thus adversely impacting the
scheme and its returns. • Counterparty risk associated with credit enhancement: Credit
enhancement can be provided by guarantee or cash collateral. For
Risk Associated with overseas investments instance, in case of guarantee, the investors are exposed to the credit
To the extent the assets of the schemes are invested in overseas financial quality risk of corporate entity providing the guarantee. Similarly, if the
assets, there may be risks associated with currency movements, restrictions cash collateral is the fixed deposit of a financial institution, the investor
on repatriation and transaction procedures in overseas market. Further, is exposed to the credit risk associated with that financial institution.
the repatriation of capital to India may also be hampered by changes in Risk related to ‘Right to Restrict Redemption or Suspend Redemption in
regulations or political circumstances as well as the application to it of the scheme
other restrictions on investment. In addition, country risks would include
events such as introduction of extraordinary exchange controls, economic The AMC/Trustee, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to impose restriction
deterioration, bi-lateral conflict leading to immobilization of the overseas on redemption (including switches) or suspend redemption (including
financial assets and the prevalent tax laws of the respective jurisdiction for switches) from the Scheme in the general interest of the Unitholders of the
execution of trades or otherwise. Scheme and keeping in view the unforeseen circumstances/unusual market
The Scheme may also invest in ADRs / GDRs / Other Foreign Securities as
permitted by Reserve Bank of India and Securities and Exchange Board of Imposition of such restriction will be subject to following conditions:
India from time to time. To the extent that some part of the assets of the a) Restriction on redemption may be imposed when there are circumstances
Schemes may be invested in securities denominated in foreign currencies, leading to a systemic crisis or event that severely constricts market
Indian Rupee equivalent of the net assets, distributions and income liquidity or the efficient functioning of markets such as:
may be adversely affected by the changes in the value of certain foreign
currencies relative to the Indian Rupee. The repatriation of capital also may i. Liquidity issues - when market at large becomes illiquid affecting
be hampered by changes in regulations concerning exchange controls or almost all securities rather than any issuer specific security.
political circumstances as well as the application to it of other restrictions on ii. Market failures, exchange closures; i
investment as applicable.
iii. Operational issues – when exceptional circumstances are caused by
As the investment may be made in stocks of different countries, the portfolio force majeure, unpredictable operational problems and technical
shall be exposed to the political, economic and social risks with respect to failures.
each country. However, the portfolio manager shall ensure that his exposure
b) Restriction on redemption may be imposed for a period not exceeding 10
to each country is limited so that the portfolio is not exposed to one country.
working days in any 90 days period.
Investments in various economies will also diversify and reduce this risk.
c) When restriction on redemption is so imposed, the following procedure
In respect of the corpus of the Scheme that is invested in overseas mutual
shall be applied:
fund schemes, investors shall bear the proportionate recurring expenses
of such underlying scheme(s), in addition to the recurring expenses of the i. No redemption requests of value up to Rs.2 lakhs shall be subject to
Scheme. Therefore, the returns attributable to such investments by the such restriction.
Scheme may be impacted or may, at times, be lower than the returns that the
ii. For redemption request of value above Rs.2 lakhs, the first Rs.2 lakhs
investors could obtain by directly investing in the said underlying scheme.
shall be redeemed without such restriction and the restriction shall
Currency Risk: The scheme may invest in securities denominated in a apply for the redemption amount exceeding Rs.2 lakhs.
broad range of currencies and may maintain cash in such currencies. As a
Any restriction on Redemption or suspension of redemption (including
consequence, fluctuations in the value of such currencies against the currency
switches) of the Units in the Scheme shall be made applicable only after
denomination of the relevant scheme will have a corresponding impact
specific approval of the Board of Directors of the AMC and the Trustee
on the value of the portfolio. Furthermore, investors should be aware that
Company and thereafter, immediately informing the same to SEBI.
movements in the rate of exchange between the currency of denomination
of a fund and their home currency will affect the value of their shareholding It is clarified that since the occurrence of the abovementioned eventualities
when measured in their home currency. have the ability to impact the overall market and liquidity situation, the same
may result in exceptionally large number of Redemption requests being
Risk Associated with investment in Instruments having Special Features:
made and in such a situation the indicative timelines (i.e. within T+3 Business
Credit Risk/Principal at risk: The issuer has the option to write off the Days for schemes) , for processing of requests for Redemption may not be
principal in times of severe financial stress. Since these bonds are unsecured applicable.
investor will have any recourse to recover money in case issuer write off the
The AMC / Trustee reserves the right to change / modify the provisions of
principal. Such bonds may get converted into equity on happening of certain
right to restrict or suspend redemption of Units in the Scheme, subject to the
pre-defined event.
applicable regulatory provisions from time to time.
Central Bank may instruct issuer of the bonds to write down the entire
Unitholders will not been able to liquidate units of the scheme during the
value of its outstanding AT1 bonds, if it thinks the bank has passed the
period when restriction on redemption is imposed.
Point of Non Viability (PONV), or requires a capital infusion to remain a
going concern.
Also, issuer may not pay interest under certain circumstances. Such interest
can not be recovered in future also.

Risk Control / Mitigation measures for equity investments and related 8% of its NAV in debt and money market securities rated AA; or
6% of its NAV in debt and money market securities rated A and below
Investment in equity has an inherent market risk which cannot be mitigated issued by a single issuer.
completely. However, following measures have been implemented with an
The above investment limits may be extended by up to 2% of the NAV
objective to mitigate /control other risks associated with equity investing:
of the scheme with prior approval of the Board of Trustees and Board of
Directors of the AMC, subject to compliance with the overall 12% limit.
Nature of Risk Mitigation Measures
Regulatory Risk Online monitoring of various exposure limits by
the Front Office System. Also, as a back up, manual The long-term rating of issuers shall be considered for the money
controls are also implemented. market instruments. However, if there is no long-term rating available
Poor Portfolio Pre-approved universe of stocks based on strong for the same issuer, then based on credit rating mapping of CRAs
Quality fundamental research. New stock addition only with between short term and long-term ratings, the most conservative long-
the prior approval of investment committee. term rating shall be taken for a given short term rating.
Performance Risk Periodical review of stock wise profit & loss. Review Exposure to government money market instruments such as TREPS on
of scheme performance vis. a vis.  Benchmark index G-Sec/ T-bills shall be treated as exposure to government securities.
as well as peer group.
4A A mutual fund scheme shall not invest in unlisted debt instruments
Liquidity Risk Periodical review of the liquidity position of each scrip
including commercial papers, except Government Securities and other
(Market capitalization, average volume in the market
vis. a vis. Portfolio Holding) money market instruments: Provided that Mutual Fund Schemes may
invest in unlisted non-convertible debentures up to a maximum of 10%
Concentration Risk Cap on maximum single sector exposure. Cap on of the debt portfolio of the scheme subject to such conditions as may
maximum single stock exposure.
be specified by the SEBI from time to time:
The Scheme will try and mitigate this risk by investing
in sufficiently large number of companies (and across Provided further that mutual fund schemes shall comply with the norms
sectors) so as to maintain optimum diversification and under this clause within the time and in the manner as may be specified
keep stock-specific concentration risk relatively low. by the SEBI:
Further, with respect to investments in overseas securities, apart from other Provided further that the norms for investments by mutual fund
risks, there is an inherent risk of currency fluctuation which cannot be schemes in unrated debt instruments shall be specified by the SEBI from
mitigated. However, the fund will strive to minimize such risk by hedging in time to time.
the Forex market as and when permitted.
Risk Control / Mitigation measures for Debt and related Investments:
a) SEBI vide circular dt. 1st October 2019 & 28th April 2020 has issued
Nature of Risk Mitigation Measures following guidelines wrt investment in unlisted debt & money market
Liquidity Risk • Focus on good quality paper at the time of portfolio instruments.
construction b) Mutual fund scheme may invest in unlisted non-convertible debentures
• Portfolio exposure spread over various maturity (NCDs) that have a simple structure (i.e with fixed and uniform coupon,
buckets to inline with maturity of a scheme. fixed maturity period, without any options, fully paid up upfront,
Credit Risk • In house dedicated team for credit appraisal without any credit enhancements or structured obligations) and are
rated and secured with coupon payment frequency on monthly basis.
• Issuer wise exposure limit
• Rating grade wise exposure limit Investment restrictions as given below:-
• Periodical portfolio review by the Board of AMC c) Maximum investment in unlisted NCDs will be 10 % of the debt portfolio
Interest Rate • Close watch on the market events of the scheme
Risk • Active duration management d) investment in unrated debt and money market instruments, other
than government securities, treasury bills, derivative products such as
• Portfolio exposure spread over various maturities.
Interest Rate Swaps (IRS), Interest Rate Futures (IRF), etc. by mutual fund
Regulatory Risk Online monitoring of various exposure limits by the schemes shall be subject to the following:
Front Office System also as a back up, manual control
are implemented. I. Investments should only be made in such instruments, including
bills re-discounting, usance bills, etc., that are generally not rated,
Further, the Investment Manager endeavours to invest in REITs/InvITs, where
and for which separate investment norms or limits are not provided
adequate due diligence and research has been performed by the Investment
in SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996 and various circulars issued
Manager. The Investment Manager also relies on their own research as
well as third party research. The analysis will focus, amongst others,
on the predictability and strength of cash flows, value of assets, capital II. Exposure of mutual fund schemes in such instruments, shall not exceed
structure, business prospects, policy environment, strength of management, 5% of the net assets of the schemes.
responsiveness to business conditions, etc. III. All such investments shall be made with the prior approval of the Board
I. Restrictions on Investments (as per seventh schedule of SEBI of AMC and the Board of trustees.
{Mutual Fund} Regulations 1996) 5. The scheme shall not make any investment in;
1. The scheme shall not invest more than 10 per cent of its NAV in the a) any unlisted security of an associate or group company of the sponsor;
equity shares or equity related instruments of any company. or
2. All investments by the scheme in equity shares and equity related b) any security issued by way of private placement by an associate or
instruments shall only be made provided such securities are listed or to group company of the sponsor; or
be listed.
c) the listed securities of group companies of the sponsor which is in
3. The Mutual Fund under all its scheme(s) shall not own more than ten excess of 25% of the net assets.
percent of any company’s paid up capital carrying voting rights.
6. Transfers of investments from one scheme to another scheme in the
4. A mutual fund scheme shall not invest more than 10% of its NAV in debt same mutual fund shall be allowed only if:-
instruments comprising money market instruments and non-money
market instruments issued by a single issuer which are rated not below (a) such transfers are done at the prevailing market price^ for quoted
investment grade by a credit rating agency authorized to carry out such instruments on spot basis.
activity under the Act. Such investment limit may be extended to 12% of Explanation- “spot basis” shall have same meaning as specified by stock
the NAV of the scheme with the prior approval of the Board of Trustees exchange for spot transactions.
and the Board of directors of the asset management company:
(b) the securities so transferred shall be in conformity with the investment
Provided that such limit shall not be applicable for investments in objective of the scheme to which such transfer has been made.
government securities, treasury bills and Tri Party Repo on Government
Securities or treasury bills. ^Note: SEBI vide circular no SEBI/HO/IMD/DF4/CIR/P/2019/102 dt.
September 24, 2019 has prescribed the methodology for determination
Provided further that investment within such limit can be made of price to be considered for inter scheme transfers. Inter scheme
in mortgaged backed securitised debts which are rated not below transfers (ISTs) will be done in accordance with additional safeguard
investment grade by a credit rating agency registered with the Board. prescribed in terms of SEBI Circular No SEBI/HO/IMD/DF4/CIR/P/
A mutual fund scheme shall not invest more than: 2020/202 dated October 8 th‘2020.

10% of its NAV in debt and money market securities rated AAA; or

If any security gets downgraded following ISTs, within a period of Fund) Regulations,1996.
four months, Fund Manager of buying scheme has to provide detailed
No Mutual Fund under all its schemes shall own more than 10% of such
justification /rationale to the trustees for buying such security.
instruments issued by a single issuer
7. The scheme may invest in another scheme under the same asset
These investment limitations / parameters (as expressed / linked to the
management company or any other mutual fund without charging
net asset / net asset value / capital) shall in the ordinary course apply as
any fees, provided that aggregate interscheme investment made by
at the date of the most recent transaction or commitment to invest, and
all schemes under the same management or in schemes under the
changes do not have to be effected merely because, owing to appreciations
management of any other asset management company shall not exceed
or depreciations in value, or by reason of the receipt of any rights, bonuses
5% of the net asset value of the mutual fund.
or benefits in the nature of capital or of any scheme of arrangement or
8. Every mutual fund shall buy and sell securities on the basis of deliveries for amalgamation, reconstruction or exchange, or at any repayment or
and shall in all cases of purchases, take delivery of relevant securities redemption or other reason outside the control of the Fund, any such limits
and in all cases of sale, deliver the securities: would thereby be breached. If these limits are exceeded for reasons beyond
its control, TAMPL shall adopt as a priority objective the remedying of that
Provided that a mutual fund may engage in short selling of securities in
situation, taking due account of the interests of the Unitholders.
accordance with the framework relating to short selling and securities
lending and borrowing specified by the SEBI: In addition, certain investment parameters (like limits on exposure to
Sectors, Industries, Companies, etc.) may be adopted internally by TAMPL,
Provided further that a mutual fund may enter into derivatives
and amended from time to time, to ensure appropriate diversification /
transactions in a recognized stock exchange, subject to the framework
security for the Fund. The Trustee Company / TAMPL may alter these above
specified by the SEBI.
stated limitations from time to time, and also to the extent the SEBI (Mutual
9. The mutual fund shall, get the securities purchased or transferred in Funds) Regulations, 1996 change, so as to permit the Scheme to make its
the name of the mutual fund on account of the concerned scheme, investments in the full spectrum of permitted investments for mutual funds
wherever investments are intended to be of long term nature. to achieve its investment objective. As such all investments of the Scheme(s)
10. Pending deployment of funds of a Scheme in terms of investment will be made in accordance with SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996,
objectives of the scheme, a mutual fund may invest them in short term including Schedule VII thereof.
deposits of schedule commercial banks, subject to SEBI circular no. Restrictions with respect to Overseas Investments:
SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 1/91171/07 dated April 16, 2007 & SEBI/HO/IMD/
SEBI Vide Circular SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II/DOF3/P/CIR/2021/571 dated June 3
DF4/CIR/P/2019/093 dated August 16, 2019.
2021 has revised the aggregate ceiling for the mutual fund industry to invest
a. The term ‘short term’ for parking of funds shall be treated as a period in following securities Up to US $ 7 billion, and within this limit of US $ 7
not exceeding 91 days. billion, individual Mutual Fund can make overseas investments in following
b. Such deposits shall be held in the name of each Scheme. securities to a maximum of US $ 1 billion.

c. Each Scheme shall not park more than 15% of its net assets in the short SEBI vide circular dt. September 26, 2007 has permitted mutual funds to
term deposit(s) of all the scheduled commercial banks put together. invest in following types of foreign securities:
However, it may be raised to 20% with the prior approval of the Trustee. • ADRs/GDRs issued by Indian companies or foreign companies, Equity of
Also, parking of funds in short term deposits of associate and sponsor overseas companies listed on recognized stock exchanges overseas
scheduled commercial banks together shall not exceed 20% of total
• Initial and follow on public offering for listing at recognized stock
deployment by the Mutual Fund in short term deposits.
exchange overseas
d. Each Scheme shall not park more than 10% of its net assets in short
• Foreign debt securities in the countries with fully convertible currencies,
term deposit(s) with any one scheduled commercial bank including its
short term as well as long term debt instruments with rating not below
investment grade by accredited/registered credit rating agencies
e. Trustees /AMC will ensure that no funds of a scheme is parked in Short
• Money market instruments rated not below investment grade
term deposit of a bank which has invested in that scheme and the bank
in which a scheme has short term deposit do not invest in that scheme • Repos in the form of investment, where the counterparty is rated not
until the scheme has short term deposit with such bank. below investment grade; repos should not however, involve any borrowing
of funds by mutual funds
The above provisions do not apply to term deposits placed as margins
for trading in cash and derivative market. • Government securities where the countries are rated not below investment
11 The scheme shall not make any investment in any fund of funds scheme.
• Derivatives traded on recognized stock exchanges overseas only for
12 The scheme will not advance any loan for any purpose.
hedging and portfolio balancing with underlying as securities
13 The fund shall not borrow except to meet temporary liquidity needs of
• Short term deposits with banks overseas where the issuer is rated not
the mutual funds for the purpose of repurchase/ redemption of units
below investment grade
or payment of interest or income distribution cum capital withdrawal to
the unitholders. • Units/securities issued by overseas mutual funds or unit trusts registered
with overseas regulators and investing in (a) aforesaid securities, (b) Real
14 The fund shall not borrow more than 20 per cent of the net asset of the
Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) listed in recognized stock exchanges
scheme and the duration of such a borrowing shall not exceed a period
overseas or (c) unlisted overseas securities (not exceeding 10% of their
of six months.
net assets).
15 The Scheme may invest in the units of REITs and InvITs subject to the
SEBI Vide Circular SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II/DOF3/P/CIR/2021/571 dated June 3
2021, permitted Mutual Funds to make investments in overseas Exchange
(a) No mutual fund under all its schemes shall own more than 10% of units Traded Fund (ETF(s)) subject to a maximum of US $ 300 million per Mutual
issued by a single issuer of REIT and InvIT; and Fund , within the overall industry limit of US $ 1 billion.
(b) The scheme shall not invest – To the extent that the assets of the Scheme will be invested in securities
i. more than 10% of its NAV in the units of REIT and InvIT; and denominated in foreign currencies, the Indian Rupee equivalent of the net
assets may be adversely affected by changes in the value of certain foreign
ii. more than 5% of its NAV in the units of REIT and InvIT issued by a single currencies relative to the Indian rupee. The repatriation of capital to India
issuer. may also be hampered by changes in regulations concerning exchange
16. The Scheme may invest in securities with special features viz. controls or political circumstances or any other restriction applicable to it.
subordination to equity (absorbs losses before equity capital) and / To manage risk associated with foreign currency and interest rate exposure
or convertible to equity upon trigger of a pre-specified event for and for efficient portfolio management, the fund may use derivatives such
loss absorption in accordance with SEBI Circular No SEBI/HO/IMD/ as cross currency swaps etc. The use of currency derivatives would be in
DF4/CIR/P/2021/032 dated March 10,2020 and SEBI/HO/IMD/DF4/ accordance with the prevailing regulations.
CIR/P/2021/034 dated 22nd March’2021. Portfolio of overseas / foreign securities shall be managed by a dedicated
The scheme shall not invest – Fund Manager. While selecting the securities, the Fund Manager may rely on
the inputs received from internal research or research conducted by external
a. more than 10% of its NAV of the debt portfolio of the scheme in such agencies in various geographies. The fund may also appoint overseas
instruments; and investment advisors / managers to advise / manage portfolio of foreign
b. more than 5% of its NAV of the debt portfolio of the scheme in such securities in case of need.
instruments issued by a single issuer. The investment in such Overseas Financial Assets shall not exceed the limit
The above limit will be within the overall limit for debt instruments issued by as may be imposed by SEBI/ RBI from time to time.
a single issuer as specified at clause 1 of the Seventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual

AMC believes that overseas securities offer new investment and portfolio • Derivatives (which includes but is not limited to stock and index futures or
diversification opportunities into multi-market and multicurrency products. such other derivatives as are or may be permitted under the Regulations
However, such investments also entail additional risks. The Fund may, where and/or RBI from time to time);
necessary, appoint other intermediaries of repute as advisors, sub-managers,
• Convertible debentures;
or sub custodians for managing and administering such investments. The
appointment of such intermediaries shall be in accordance with the applicable • Preference shares/Convertible Preference Shares.
requirements, if any, of SEBI. Investment in Debt Securities:
To manage risk associated with foreign currency and interest rate exposure Investment in Debt and Money Market securities will include securities
and for efficient portfolio management, the fund may use derivatives such as such as:
cross currency swaps etc. The use of derivatives would be in accordance with
the prevailing regulations. • Domestic fixed income Instruments like Commercial Paper, Certificate
of Deposit, Non Convertible Debentures, Treasury Bills, CBLO, Repo in
All investment restrictions shall be applicable at the time of making Government Securities.
• Zero Interest Bonds, Deep Discount Bonds, Floating Rate Bonds.
These investment limitations / parameters (as expressed / linked to the
net asset / net asset value / capital) shall in the ordinary course apply as • Government Securities.
at the date of the most recent transaction or commitment to invest, and • Short term deposit of the schedule commercial banks, subject to
changes do not have to be effected merely because, owing to appreciations compliance with the SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/Cir No. 1/ 91171/07
or depreciations in value, or by reason of the receipt of any rights, bonuses dated April 16,2007.
or benefits in the nature of capital or of any scheme of arrangement or
• Domestic Interest Rate Derivatives like interest rate swaps, forward
for amalgamation, reconstruction or exchange, or at any repayment or
redemption or other reason outside the control of the Fund, any such limits rate agreement, interest rate futures, options and such other derivative
would thereby be breached. If these limits are exceeded for reasons beyond instruments as permitted by SEBI / RBI from time to time.
its control, TAMPL shall adopt as a priority objective the remedying of that • Cash & Cash equivalent includes CBLO, Repo, Fixed Deposit and all money
situation, taking due account of the interests of the Unitholders. market instruments with residual maturity of less than 91 days.
In addition, certain investment parameters (like limits on exposure to • Units of debt and liquid category schemes of mutual funds
Sectors, Industries, Companies, etc.) may be adopted internally by TAMPL,
Any other like instruments as may be permitted by SEBI/RBI from time to
and amended from time to time, to ensure appropriate diversification /
security for the Fund. The Trustee Company / TAMPL may alter these above
stated limitations from time to time, and also to the extent the SEBI (Mutual The above lists are illustrative and not the exhaustive and may include other
Funds) Regulations, 1996 change, so as to permit the Scheme to make its money market securities as may be available / introduced in the market.
investments in the full spectrum of permitted investments for mutual funds
The securities mentioned above could be listed, to be listed, privately placed,
to achieve its investment objective. As such all investments of the Scheme
secured, unsecured, rated or unrated and of any maturity. The securities
will be made in accordance with SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996,
may be acquired through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), secondary market
including Schedule VII thereof.
operations, private placement, rights offer or negotiated deals. Please refer
Investment by the Asset Management Company to the Clause “Liquidity & Settlement Risks” under Specific Risk Factors to
understand the liquidity risk associated with securities.
TAMPL (the AMC) may invest in the scheme(s)/plan(s)/fund(s), either in the
initial issue or on an ongoing basis such amount, as they deem appropriate. Derivatives and Hedging Products:
The AMC shall not be entitled to charge any management fees on this
The Scheme may invest in Derivative Instruments to the extent permitted
investment in the scheme(s) / plan(s) / fund(s). Investments by the AMC will
under SEBI Circulars DNPD/Cir-29/2005 dated September 14, 2005, DNPD/
be in accordance with Regulation 25(17) of the SEBI (MF) Regulations, 1996.
Cir-29/2005 dated January 20, 2006, SEBI/DNPD/Cir-31/2006 dated
As per the amended regulations i.e. sub-regulation 16(A) in Regulation 25 of September 22, 2006 and CIR/IMD/DF/11/2010 dated August 18, 2010 &
SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations,1996 (‘MF Regulations’), asset management SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2017/109 dated September 27,2017.
companies (‘AMCs’) are required to invest such amount in such scheme(s)
of the mutual fund, based on the risk associated with the scheme. The AMC
will comply with SEBI circular HO/IMD/IMD-IDOF5/P/CIR/2021/624 dated A futures contract is an agreement between the buyer and the seller for
September 2, 2021 in this respect. the purchase and sale of a particular asset at a specific price on a specific
future date. The price at which the underlying asset would change hands
in the future is agreed upon at the time of entering into the contract. The
In line with the investment allocation pattern of the scheme, the scheme actual purchase or sale of the underlying asset involving payment of cash
will predominantly invest in: and delivery of the instrument does not take place until the contracted date
of delivery. A futures contract involves an obligation on both the parties to
i) Equity and equity related instruments (such as options and futures.)
fulfill the terms of the contract. Currently, futures contracts have a maximum
ii) Debt and money market instruments of across maturity and expiration cycle of 3-months. A futures contract on the stock market index
duration including Fixed Income Derivatives gives its owner the right and obligation to buy or sell the portfolio of stocks
iii) Units of Mutual Fund Schemes characterized by the index. Stock index futures are cash settled; there is no
delivery of the underlying stocks.
iv) ADR/GDR/Foreign securities/Overseas ETFs as permitted by Reserve Bank
of India and Securities and Exchange Board of India. Options:

v) Units of REITs & InvITs. An option gives a person the right but not an obligation to buy or sell
something. An option is a contract between two parties wherein the buyer
vi) Any other securities / instruments as permitted by SEBI /RBI from time to receives a privilege for which he pays a fee (premium) and the seller accepts
time subject to regulatory approvals an obligation for which he receives a fee. The premium is the price negotiated
“REIT” or “Real Estate Investment Trust” shall have the meaning assigned in and set when the option is bought or sold. A person who buys an option is
clause (zm) of sub-regulation 1 of regulation 2 of the Securities and Exchange said to be long in the option. A person who sells (or writes) an option is said
Board of India (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014. REITs are to be short in the option.
companies that own and lease out commercial or residential real estate. The An option contract may be of two kinds:
rental incomes from the properties are shared among REIT investors, who are
allotted units. These units are tradeable on exchanges. 1) Call option: An option that provides the buyer the right to buy is a call
option. The buyer of the call option can call upon the seller of the option
“InvIT” or “Infrastructure Investment Trust” shall have the meaning assigned and buy from him the underlying asset at the agreed price. The seller of
in clause (za) of sub-regulation (1) of regulation 2 of the Securities and the option has to fulfil the obligation upon exercise of the option.
Exchange Board of India (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations,
2014. InvITs are similar to REITs, except these own infrastructure assets not 2) Put option: The right to sell is called a put option. Here, the buyer of the
real estate. option can exercise his right to sell the underlying asset to the seller of
the option at the agreed price.
Investment in Equities:
Option contracts are classified into two styles:
Investment in equity and equity related instrument will include securities
such as: (a) European Style

• Equity shares of listed and to be listed companies; In a European option, the holder of the option can only exercise his
right on the date of expiration only.
• Equity Warrants;
(b) American Style
In an American option, the holder can exercise his right anytime
between the purchase date and the expiration date.
Interest Rate Swap & Forward Rate Agreements APPLICABLE NAV
An interest rate swap is a financial contract between two parties exchanging
a stream of interest payments for a notional principal amount on multiple At the Applicable NAV after the scheme opens for repurchase. The Scheme
occasions during a specified period. will reopen for subscriptions /redemptions, within 5 business days from the
date of allotment.
Typically, one party receives a pre-determined fixed rate of interest while
the other party, receives a floating rate, which is linked to a mutually agreed Applicable NAV for Subscription / Switch-in:
benchmark with provision for mutually agreed periodic resets.
Particulars Applicable NAV
Investment in Securities of Group Companies Valid applications received (time-stamped) upto The closing NAV of
As per SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996, the Fund shall not make any 3.00 p.m. and where the funds for the entire the same day.
investments in any un-listed securities of associate/ group companies of amount are available for utilization before the cut-
off time i.e. credited to the bank account of the
the Sponsors. The Fund will also not make investment in privately placed
scheme before the cut-off time.
securities issued by associate / group companies of the Sponsors. The Fund
may invest not more than 25% of the net assets in listed securities of Group Valid applications received (time-stamped) after The closing NAV of
companies. 3.00 p.m. and where the funds for the entire the next Business
amount are credited to the bank account of the Day.
Scheme Strategy scheme either on the same day or before the cut-
The Scheme aims to generate capital appreciation by investing in a diversified off time of the next Business Day i.e. available
for utilization before the cut-off time of the next
portfolio of equity & equity related instruments across market capitalization.
Business Day.
The scheme will predominantly invest in equity and equity related instruments
of well researched and growth oriented companies. The fund would follow Valid applications received (time-stamped) upto The closing NAV of
a mix of Top Down and Bottom up approach towards construction of the 3.00 p.m. and where the funds for the entire the next Business
diversified equity portfolio. amount are credited to the bank account of the Day.
scheme after the cut-off time on the same day i.e.
The Scheme would invest in companies based on various criteria including available for utilization after the cut-off time of the
sound professional management, track record, industry scenario, growth Day.
prospects, liquidity of the securities, etc. The Scheme will emphasise on well Where the application is time stamped any day The closing NAV of
managed, good quality companies with above average growth prospects. before the credit of the funds to the scheme but such subsequent
The Fund may invest in derivatives instruments such as Futures, Options or the funds for the entire amount are credited to the Business Day
bank account of the scheme before the cut-off time on which funds
such other instruments as may be permitted under the regulations.
on any subsequent Business Day i.e. available for are available for
Any change in the asset allocation affecting the investment profile of the utilization before the cut-off time on that Business utilisation.
scheme shall be effected only in accordance with the provisions of sub- Day.
regulation 15A of regulations 18 of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996.
In case application is time stamped after cut off timing on any day, the same
PLANS AND OPTIONS will be considered as deemed to be received on the next business day.
The Scheme has the following Plans across a common portfolio: In case funds are realised after cut-off timing on any day, the same will be
Regular Plan: This Plan is for investors who wish to route their investment considered as deemed to be realised /available for utilisation on the next
through any distributor. business day.

Direct Plan: This Plan is only for investors who purchase /subscribe units in For Switch-ins including Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), Systematic
a scheme directly with the Fund and is not available for investors who route Transfer Plan (STP) of any amount:
their investments through a Distributor. For determining the applicable NAV, the following shall be ensured:
Regular Plan (For applications routed through Distributors): • Application for switch-in is received before the applicable cut-off time.
The Scheme has following options: • Funds for the entire amount of subscription / purchase as per the switch-
• Growth Option in request are credited to the bank account of the Scheme before the
cut-off time, and the funds are available for utilization before the cut-off
• Payout of Income Distribution Cum Capital Withdrawal Option time.
• Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option • In case of switch/STP transactions, funds will be made available for
Direct Plan (For applications not routed through Distributors) utilization in the switch-in-scheme based on the redemption payout cycle
of the switch out scheme.
The Scheme has following options:
For investments through systematic investment routes such as Systematic
• Growth Option Investment Plans (SIP),
• Payout of Income Distribution Cum Capital Withdrawal Option Systematic Transfer Plans (STP), Dividend Transfer Plan (DTP), etc. the units
• Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option will be allotted as per the closing NAV of the day on which the funds are
available for utilization by the Target Scheme irrespective of the installment
Compulsory Reinvestment of Income Distribution Cum Capital
date of the SIP, STP or record date of dividend etc.
Redemption /Switch Out: In respect of application received upto 3 p.m.,
In order to reduce the expenses of the scheme and also for the convenience
closing NAV of the day of receipt of application shall be applicable and in
of the investors, the income distribution cum capital withdrawal shall be
respect of application received after 3 p.m. closing NAV of next business day.
compulsorily reinvested (for investors of non-electronic mode) within the
scheme at the applicable ex-dividend NAV if income distribution cum capital Outstation cheques/demand drafts will not be accepted.
withdrawal amount is Rs.100 or less in the same option of the respective Valid application for “switch out” shall be treated as redemption and for
plans of the scheme at the ex- dividend rate. “switch in” shall be treated as purchases and the relevant NAV of “Switch
Investor shall note that when units are sold, and sale price (NAV) is higher in” and “Switch Out” shall be applicable accordingly.
than face value of the unit, a portion of sale price that represents realized While determining the price of the units, the fund will ensure that the
gains shall be credited to an Equalization Reserve Account and which can repurchase price is not lower than 95 per cent of the Net Asset Value.
be used to pay income distribution cum capital withdrawal. Hence income
distribution cum capital withdrawal amounts can be distributed out of MINIMUM APPLICATION AMOUNT / NUMBER OF UNITS UNDER EACH PLAN
investors capital (Equalization Reserve), which is part of sale price that Minimum subscription amount for the scheme: Rs 5,000/- and in multiple
represents realized gains. of Re.1/- thereafter
Additional Purchase: Rs.1000/-& in multiples of Re.1/-thereafter.
The Redemption request can be made for a minimum of Rs.500/50 units or
folio balance whichever is lower.
Switch during NFO:
In case of investors opting to switch into the Scheme from existing Schemes
of Tata Mutual Fund (Subject to completion of lock in period, if any) during
the New Fund Offer period, the minimum amount is Rs. 5,000/- and in
multiple of Re.1/- thereafter.

There is no minimum amount requirement, in case of investors opting to correct code is not received within 30 calendar days, the AMC shall reprocess
switch “all units” from any existing schemes of Tata Mutual Fund to this the transaction under Direct Plan from the date of application without any
Scheme. exit load.
The request for switch from existing scheme(s) to Tata Multicap Fund will be NAME OF THE FUND MANAGER
accepted on all business days during NFO period. Switch-out from an existing
Rahul Singh (Equity Portfolio), Tejas Gutka (Equity Co-Fund Manager), Murthy
scheme to this scheme during the NFO period will be processed at the NAV
Nagarajan (Debt Portfolio), Arvindkumar Chetty (Overseas Portfolio).
applicable on date of acceptance of switch request.
Tata Trustee Co. Pvt Ltd.
The redemption proceeds will be dispatched to the unit holders within 3
business days of the date of acceptance of the redemption request at the PERFORMANCE OF THE SCHEME
authorised centre of the Tata Mutual Fund.
The Scheme offered under the Scheme Information Document is a new
BENCHMARK INDEX scheme and does not have any performance track record.
Nifty 500 Multicap 50:25:25. Total Return variant of the index (TRI) will be Expenses of the Scheme
used for performance comparison. (i) Load Structure
Growth Option: Exit Load:
The income / profits received / earned would be accumulated by the Fund as Redemption/Switch-out/SWP/STP on or before expiry of 365 days from the
capital accretion, aimed at achieving capital growth and reflected in the NAV. date of allotment: If the withdrawal amount or switched out amount is not
more than 12% of the original cost of investment - NIL
Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal Option:
Redemption/Switch-out/SWP/STP on or before expiry of 365 days from the
The profits received / earned and so retained and reinvested may be
date of allotment: If the withdrawal amount or switched out amount is more
distributed as Income at appropriate rates (after providing for all relevant
than 12% of the original cost of investment-1%
ongoing expenses, etc.) and at appropriate intervals as may be decided by
the AMC and/or Trustee Company. It will be distributed to the unitholders Redemption/Switch-out/SWP/STP after expiry of 365 days from the date of
who hold the units on the record date of declaration of the Income. allotment - NIL

Please note that the income distribution cum capital withdrawal and its Goods & Services Tax on exit load, if any, shall be paid out of the exit load
frequency is subject to availability of distributable surplus and at the proceeds and exit load net of Goods & Services tax, if any, shall be credited
discretion of the trustees to the scheme.
The AMC reserves the right to change/modify exit load, depending upon
The Fund reserves a right to modify the periodicity and manner of payout
the circumstances prevailing at any given time. However, any change in the
of such distribution as they deem fit without giving any further notice to
load structure will be applicable on prospective investment only. At the time
of changing the load structure, the AMC will adopt the following measures:
The Fund does not assure any targeted annual return / income nor any
• The addendum detailing the changes may be attached to Scheme
capitalisation ratio. Accumulation of earnings and / or capitalisation of
Information Documents and Key Information Memorandum. The
bonus units and the consequent determination of NAV, may be suspended
addendum may be circulated to all the distributors/brokers so that
temporarily or indefinitely under any of the circumstances as stated in the
same can be attached to all Scheme Information Documents and Key
clause “Suspension of Ongoing Sale, Repurchase or Switch out of Units”.
information memoranda already in stock.
Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal Option: • The investor is requested to check the prevailing load structure of the
Unitholders under this option also have the facility of reinvestment of the scheme before investing. For any change in load structure arrangement
income so declared, if so desired. The income declared would be reinvested may be made to display the addendum in the Scheme Information
in the scheme on the immediately following ex-dividend date. Document in the form of a notice in all the investor service centers and
Compulsory Reinvestment cum Capital Withdrawal Option: distributor/ brokers’ office.

In order to reduce the expenses of the scheme and also for the convenience • The introduction of the exit load along with the details may be stamped
of the investors/-, the distribution of income cum capital withdrawal shall in the acknowledgement slip issued to the investors on submission of the
be compulsorily reinvested( for investors of non-electronic mode) within the application form and may also be disclosed in the statement of accounts
scheme at the applicable ex-dividend NAV if IDCW amount is Rs.100 or less issued after the introduction of such load.
in the same option of the respective plans of the scheme at the ex- dividend • A public notice shall be given in respect of such changed in one English
rate. daily newspaper having nationwide circulation as well as in a newspaper
Default Option: Default Option: Investor should appropriately tick the publishes in the language of region where the Head office of Mutual Fund
‘option’ (Growth or Payout of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal is situated.
option, Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal (ii) Annual Recurring expenses
option) in the application form while investing in the Scheme. If no option A. Fees & expenses:
is mentioned / indicated in the application form by the investor then the The maximum recurring expenses of the scheme is estimated below:
units will, by default, be allotted under the Direct Plan- Growth Option. If
no income distribution cum capital withdrawal sub-option is mentioned % of daily Net
Ref Expenses Head
/ indicated in the application form by the investor then the units will, by Assets #
default, be allotted under the Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum Investment Management and Advisory Fees
capital withdrawal option. Trustee fee
Investors are requested to note the following scenarios for the applicability Audit fees
of “Direct Plan (application not routed through distributor) or Regular Plan Custodian fees
(application routed through distributor)” for valid applications received under Other Expenses
the scheme: RTA Fees
Scenario Broker Code Plan mentioned by Default Plan to be Marketing & Selling expense incl. agent commission
mentioned by the the investor captured Cost related to investor communications
Cost of fund transfer from location to location
1 Not mentioned Not mentioned Direct Plan Cost of providing account statements and income
2 Not mentioned Direct Plan Direct Plan distribution cum capital withdrawal, redemption Upto 2.25%
3 Not mentioned Regular Plan Direct Plan cheques and warrants
Costs of statutory Advertisements
4 Mentioned Direct Plan Direct Plan
Cost towards investor education & awareness (at
5 Direct Plan Not Mentioned Direct Plan least 2 bps)
6 Direct Plan Regular Plan Direct Plan Brokerage & transaction cost over and above 12
7 Mentioned Regular Plan Regular Plan bps and 5 bps for cash and derivative market trades
8 Mentioned Not Mentioned Regular Plan
Goods & Services Tax on expenses other than
In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN codes mentioned on the investment and advisory fees
application form, the application shall be processed under Regular Plan. The Goods & Services Tax on brokerage and transaction
AMC shall contact and obtain the correct ARN code within 30 calendar days of cost
the receipt of the application form from the investor/ distributor. In case, the

% of daily Net 3) The fund shall update the current expense ratios on the website
Ref Expenses Head (www.tatamutualfund.com) at least three working days prior to the
Assets #
effective date of the change. The exact web link for TER is http://www.
Maximum total expense ratio (TER) permissible
(a) Upto 2.25%* tatamutualfund.com/our-funds/total-expense-ratio.
under Regulation 52 (6) (c) (i) and (6) (a)
(b) Additional expenses under regulation 52 (6A) (c) Upto 0.05% 4) Illustration of impact of expense ratio on scheme return:
Additional expenses for gross new inflows from Particulars Regular Direct
(c) Upto 0.30%^
specified cities under regulation 52 (6A) (b) Plan Plan
* Excluding Goods & Services Tax on investment and advisory fees Amount Invested (Rs) 10,000 10,000

# Note: Expenses of Direct Plan will be lower than expenses of the Regular Gross Returns-assumed 15% 15%
Plan as no commission/distribution expenses will be charged in the case of Closing NAV before expenses (Rs.) 11,500 11500
Direct Plan. All fees and expenses charged in a direct plan (in percentage Expenses (Rs)
terms) under various heads including the investment and advisory fee shall • Expenses Other than Distribution 175 175
not exceed the fees and expenses charged under such heads in a regular expenses 75 NIL
plan. NAV of the Direct Plan will be different than the NAV of Regular Plan. • Distribution Expenses
In case of a scheme invest invests a minimum of sixty-five percent of its Total NAV after charging expenses (Rs) 11,250 11325
net assets in equity and equity related instruments, the scheme will be Net returns to investor 12.50% 13.25%
considered as equity oriented scheme for the purpose of total expense ratio.
Illustration is given to understand the impact of expense ratio on a
The maximum recurring expenses for the scheme shall be subject to scheme return and this should not be construed as an indicative return
following limits** of the scheme.
a) on the first Rs.500 crores of the daily net assets: 2.25% Transaction Charges:
b) on the next Rs.250 crores of the daily net assets: 2.00% Pursuant to SEBI Circular No. Cir/ IMD/ DF/13/ 2011 dated August 22, 2011,
transaction charge per subscription of Rs.10, 000/- and above be allowed to
c) on the next Rs.1250 crores of the daily net assets :1.75%
be paid to the distributors of the Tata Mutual Fund products. The transaction
d) on the next Rs.3000 crores of the daily net assets : 1.60% charge shall be subject to the following: 1. There shall be no transaction
e) on the next Rs.5000 crores of the daily net assets : 1.50% charges on direct investments.2. For existing investors in a Mutual Fund,
the distributor may be paid Rs.100/- as transaction charge per subscription
f) On the next Rs. 40000 crores of the daily net assets: total expense ratio of Rs.10,000/- and above.3. For first time investor in Mutual Funds, the
reduction of 0.05% for every increase of Rs.5000 crores of daily net assets distributor may be paid Rs.150/- as transaction charge for subscription of
or part thereof. Rs.10,000/- and above.4.The transaction charge shall be deducted by the
g) on the balance of the assets : 1.05% AMC from the subscription amount and paid to the distributor and the
balance amount shall be invested.5. The statement of account shall clearly
**in addition to the above the scheme may charge additional limit of 0.05%
state that the net investment as gross subscription less transaction charge
(The AMC shall not charge additional expenses under Regulation 52(6A)(c) in
and give the number of units allotted against the net investment.6. There
case exit load is not levied/ not applicable) specified in sub regulation (6A)
shall be no transaction charge on subscription below Rs. 10,000/- 7. In
(c) of Regulation 52 of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 excluding tax
case of SIPs, the transaction charge shall be applicable only if the total
on investment management & advisory fees and expenses not exceeding of
commitment through SIPs amounts to Rs. 10,000/- and above. In such cases
0.30 per cent of daily net assets as stated in regulation 6A(b) of SEBI ( Mutual
the transaction charge shall be recovered in 3 installments.8. There shall be
Funds) Regulation, 1996.
no transaction charge on transactions other than purchases/ subscriptions
^ Expenses not exceeding of 0.30 per cent of daily net assets, if the new relating to fresh/additional purchase.
inflows from such cities as specified by SEBI from time to time are at least:
The transaction charges would be deducted only in respect of those
(i) 30 per cent of gross new inflows in the scheme, or; transactions where the concern distributor has opted for opt in for levying
(ii) 15 per cent of the average assets under management (year to date) of the transaction charge. In case distributor has chosen ‘Opt Out’ of charging
scheme, whichever is higher: the transaction charge, no transaction charge would be deducted from
transactions registered.
Provided that if inflows from such cities is less than the higher of sub-clause
(i) or sub- clause (ii), such expenses on daily net assets of the scheme shall It may further be noted that distributors shall have also the option to either
be charged on proportionate basis: opt in or opt out of levying transaction charge based on type of the product.

Provided further that expenses charged under this clause shall be utilised for SEBI vide Circular dated Sept 13, 2012 has directed mutual funds to
distribution expenses incurred for bringing inflows from such cities: capture the unique identity number (EUIN) of the employee/sales person
of the distributor interacting with the investor for the sale of mutual funds
Provided further that amount incurred as expense on account of inflows from products in addition to the valid AMFI registration number (ARN) code of the
such cities shall be credited back to the scheme in case the said inflows are distributor, ARN code of the sub broker. In the interest of the investors, it
redeemed within a period of one year from the date of investment. is urged to ensure that the box/space provided for EUIN number, ARN code
Additional TER can be charged based on inflows only from retail investors for distributor and ARN code of the sub broker in the application form to
(i. e other than corporates and institutions) from B 30 cities as defined in be properly filed up. It is out-most important to provide the EUIN number
the SEBI circular SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2019/42 March 25, 2019.Retail particularly in advisory transactions, which will assist in tackling the problem
Investor means transaction from individual investors where inflow is upto Rs. of mis-selling even if the employee/relationship manager/sales person on
2,00,000/- per transaction. whose advice the transaction was executed leaves the employment of the
distributor or his/her sub broker.
How the fund is different from other existing schemes of Tata Mutual
1) Brokerage & transaction costs (including tax) which are incurred for the
purpose of execution of trade may be capitalised to the extent of 12bps
and 5bps for cash market transactions and derivatives transactions Tata Multicap Fund aims to generate long term capital appreciation by
respectively. GST on brokerage and transaction cost paid for execution investing in a diversified portfolio consisting of equity and equity related
of trades shall be within the limit prescribed under regulation 52 of the instruments across market capitalization. The scheme is an open ended
SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996. Any payment towards brokerage equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks is a new
and transaction cost, over and above the said 12 bps and 5bps for scheme offered by Tata Mutual Fund and is not a minor modification of any
cash market transactions and derivatives transactions respectively may other existing scheme/product of Tata Mutual Fund.
be charged to the scheme within the maximum limit of Total Expense
Ratio (TER) as prescribed under regulation 52 of the SEBI (Mutual Funds)
Regulations, 1996.
2) AMC shall annually set apart atleast 2 basis point on daily net assets for
investor’s education and awareness initiatives.

Below mentioned is the comparison of this fund with other schemes of Tata Mutual Fund:
Comparison with existing schemes:
Scheme Name Asset Allocation Pattern Primary Investment Focus AUM (Rs. Crore) No. of Folios
as on 16.12.2022 as on 16.12.2022
Tata Mid Cap 65% to 100% investment in Equity and equity Primary investment focus on equity and equity
Growth Fund related instruments and up to 35% in debt and related securities of well researched growth
money market instruments. oriented mid cap stocks. 1,786.23 1,50,000
At present we do not have other similar
Tata Large & Mid Large Cap Equity -35% to 65%,Mid Cap Equity Primary focus on investing in equity and equity
Cap Fund -35% to 65%,Other Equity/Securities-0% to 30%. related instruments of Large- Large Cap Equity
-35% to 65%,Mid Cap Equity -35% to 65%,Other
Equity/Securities-0% to 30% 3,726.24 2,76,474

At present we do not have other similar

Tata Equity P/E 70% to 100% investment in Equity and Equity Primarily at least 70% of the net assets would
Fund related – Companies whose rolling P/E at the be invested in equity shares whose rolling
time of investment is lower than the rolling P/E ratio on past four quarter earnings for
P/E of the S&P BSE SENSEX up to 30% in other individual companies is less than rolling P/E of 5,377.93 2,32,291
equities and up to 30% in debt instruments. the S& P BSE SENSEX stocks.
At present we do not have other similar
Tata Large Cap 80% to 100% investment in equity & equity Primarily investment in equity and equity
Fund related instruments of large cap companies, related instruments of large market cap
0% to 20% in other equity including overseas companies. 1,422.93 1,00,268
securities, & 0-20% investment in Debt and At present we do not have other similar
Money Market instruments. scheme.
Tata Small Cap 65%-100% in Equity & Equity related instrument The scheme will predominantly invest in equity
Fund of small cap companies,0-35% in equity & or equity related instrument of small cap
equity related instrument of other than small companies. The scheme can also invest some
cap companies or debt or money market portion in other than small cap companies. 3,103.34 1,95,501
instrument or Units of REITS and InvITs. At present we do not have other similar
Tata India Tax The scheme invests atleast 80% of the investible Primarily invest in equity and equity related
Savings Fund funds in equity/equity related instruments and instruments It is an open ended equity linked
balance amount (0-20%) in debt and money saving scheme with a statutory lock in period
market instruments. of three years from the date of allotment. As
per the provisions of section 80C of Income
Tax Act, 1961, investments made by the
Individuals & HUFs in this scheme (along with 3,225.42 3,25,032
other prescribed investments) will qualify for a
deduction upto Rs. 1.50 Lac from Gross Total
At present we do not have other similar
Tata Focused 65% to 100% investment in Equity and equity The scheme aims to generate long term capital
Equity Fund related instruments Subject to overall limit of appreciation by predominantly investing in
30 stocks across market capitalisation and up a concentrated portfolio of equity & equity
to 35% in debt and money market instrument related instruments of maximum 30 stocks 1,307.19 72,912
across market capitalisation.
At present we do not have other similar
Tata 80% to 100% investment in Equity & Equity Primarily focus on equity / equity related
Infrastructure related Instruments of companies in the instruments of the companies in the
Fund infrastructure sector. Up to 20% investment Infrastructure sector in India. 974.84 84,482
in other equities and or Debt & money Market At present we do not have other similar
instruments. scheme.
Tata Banking & 80%-100% in Equity and Equity related Primarily focus on equity / equity related
Financial Services instruments of companies in the Banking & instruments of the companies by investing in
Fund Financial Services Sector & 0-20% in debt & banking & financial Services Sector in India. 1,303.83 69,476
money market instruments. At present we do not have other similar
Tata India 80%-100% in Equity and Equity related Primarily focus on equity / equity related
Consumer Fund instruments of companies in the consumption instruments of the companies by investing in
oriented sectors & 0-20% in debt & money consumption oriented sectors in India. 1,412.41 96,837
market instruments. At present we do not have other similar
Tata Digital India 80%-100% in Equity and Equity related Primarily focus on equity / equity related
Fund instruments of companies in the Information instruments of the companies by investing in
Technology Sector & 0-20% in debt & money Information technology sector . 6,495.59 13,07,798
market instruments. At present we do not have other similar
Tata India 80%-100% in Equity and Equity related Primarily focus on equity / equity related
Pharma & instruments of companies in the Pharma & instruments of the companies by investing in
Healthcare Fund Healthcare Sector & 0-20% in debt & money the Pharma & Healthcare Sector in India. 515.60 66,386
market instruments. At present we do not have other similar
Tata Resources & 80%-100% in Equity and Equity related Primarily focus on equity / equity related
Energy Fund instruments of companies in the Resources instruments of the companies by investing in
& Energy Sectors& 0-20% in debt & money the Resources & Energy Sectors in India. 260.85 45,464
market instruments. At present we do not have other similar

Scheme Name Asset Allocation Pattern Primary Investment Focus AUM (Rs. Crore) No. of Folios
as on 16.12.2022 as on 16.12.2022
Tata Quant Fund 80%-100% in equity and equity related investing in equity and equity related
instruments selected based on a quantitative instruments selected based on a quantitative
model (Quant Model) & 0-20% in debt & money model (Quant Model) 42.34 7,380
market instruments At present we do not have other similar
Tata Ethical Fund 80% to 100% investment in equity & equity Primarily focus on investing in equity and
Shariah complaint companies and 0-20% in equity related instruments of Shariah
other shariah complaint instruments including complaints listed, to be listed and unlisted
cash. securities of companies and in other shariah 1,500.04 72,723
complaint instruments.
At present we do not have other similar
Tata Flexi Cap 65% to 100% investment in Equity and equity Primarily investing in a diversified portfolio
Fund related instruments and up to 35% in debt consisting of equity and equity related
instruments. instruments across market capitalization.
The scheme is an open ended dynamic equity
scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, 2,237.91 1,52,143
small cap stocks.
At present we do not have other similar
Tata Dividend 65% to 100 % investment in Equity and equity Predominantly investing in dividend yielding
Yield Fund related instruments of Dividend Yielding stocks. The investment objective is to
Companies and upto 0-35% in other equity provide capital appreciation and/or dividend
instruments of other companies, debt & distribution by predominantly investing in a
money market instruments & 0-10% in Reits & well-diversified portfolio of equity and equity 547.92 30,816
Invits. related instruments of dividend yielding
At present we do not have other similar
Tata Business 80% to 100% investment in Equity and equity An open-ended equity scheme following
Cycle Fund related instruments selected on the basis business cycles based investing theme. The
of business cycle, 0-20% in other equity focus will be to generate long-term capital
related instruments, debt & money market appreciation by investing with focus on riding
instrument,Gold ETF, 0-10% in Reits & Invits. business cycles through allocation between 952.94 61,851
sectors and stocks at different stages of
business cycles.
At present we do not have other similar
Tata Housing 80% to 100% in Equity and equity related Primarily focus will be to generate long term
Opportunities instruments of entities engaged in activities capital appreciation by investing in companies
Fund of Housing theme, 0 to 20% in Other Equity in housing theme.
& Equity related Instruments including units At present we do not have other similar 380.46 28,890
of mutual fund,, 0 to 20% in Debt and Money scheme
market instruments including units of mutual
fund and 0 to 10% in Units issued by REITs &

TAX TREATMENT FOR INVESTOR OF INVESTMENTS IN MUTUAL FUNDS • 10% where total income exceeds Rs. 50 lakhs but does not exceed Rs. 1
Certain tax benefits as described below are available, under present taxation
laws to the Unitholders holding Units of Mutual Fund Scheme as an investment. Further, “Health and Education Cess” is to be levied at 4% on aggregate of
The information set out below is included for general information purposes base tax and surcharge.
only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. In view of the individual
Capital Gains Taxation
nature of the tax consequences, each investor is advised to consult his or
her own tax consultant with respect to specific tax implications arising Resident Investors/NRI’s $ Domestic Company @
out of their participation in the Scheme. Income Tax benefits to the mutual Rate of Tax
fund and to the unitholder is in accordance with the prevailing tax a law as Tax on Capital Gains (Payable by the Investors )
certified by the mutual funds tax consultant.
Capital Gains:
As per the Explanation to Section 115T of Income Tax Act 1961, an equity
Long Term 10%* 10%*
oriented fund is defined as a fund whose investible funds are invested in
equity shares of domestic companies to the extent of more than 65% of the Short Term 15% 15%
total proceeds of such fund. The percentage of equity share holding of the *As per Finance Act ,2018, levy of income tax at the rate of 10% (without
fund shall be computed with reference to the annual average of the monthly indexation benefit) on long term capital gains exceeding Rs.1 lakh provided
average of the opening and closing figures. transfer of such units is subject to Securities Transaction Tax (STT).
The Finance Act, 2020 abolished income distribution tax and instead $Surcharge to be levied at:
introduced taxing of income from mutual fund units in the hands of the unit
• 37% on base tax where specified income exceeds Rs. 5 crore;
• 25% where specified income exceeds Rs. 2 crore but does not exceed Rs.
Type of Investor Withholding Tax Rate 5 crore;
Resident 10%* • 15% where total income exceeds Rs. 1 crore but does not exceed Rs. 2
NRI 20%** crore; and
* Tax not deductible if dividend income in respect of units of a mutual fund • 10% where total income exceeds Rs. 50 lakhs but does not exceed Rs. 1
is below Rs. 5,000 in a financial year. crore.
** The base tax is to be further increased by surcharge at the rate of: Further, Health and Education Cess to be levied at the rate of 4% on aggregate
• 37% on base tax where total income exceeds Rs. 5 crore; of base tax and surcharge.

• 25% where total income exceeds Rs. 2 crore but does not exceed Rs. 5 @ Surcharge at 7% on base tax is applicable where total income of domestic
crore; corporate unit holders exceeds Rs 1 crore but does not exceed 10 crores and
at 12% where total income exceeds 10 crores. However, surcharge at flat rate
• 15% where total income exceeds Rs. 1 crore but does not exceed Rs. 2 of 10 percent to be levied on base tax for the companies opting for lower rate
crore; and of tax of 22%/15%. Further, “Health and Education Cess” to be levied at the
rate of 4% on aggregate of base tax and surcharge.

In case of NRI investors, short term /long term capital gain tax (along with (www.amfiindia.com). Tata Mutual Fund will provide physical copy of the
applicable surcharge and Health and Education Cess will be deducted at the statement of scheme portfolio without any cost, on specific request received
time of redemption of units as per Income Tax Act. from a unitholder.
Securities Transaction Tax Unaudited Financial Results: Tata Mutual Fund/ Tata Asset Management
Pvt Ltd shall within one month from the close of each half year, that is on
Securities Transaction Tax (“STT”) is applicable on transactions of purchase
31st March & on 30th September, host a soft copy of its unaudited financial
or sale of units of an equity oriented fund entered into on a recognized stock
results on its website in the format specified in Twelfth Schedule of SEBI
exchange or on sale of units of equity oriented fund to the Fund. The STT
(Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996.
rates as applicable are given in the following table:
Tata Mutual Fund / Tata Asset Management Pvt Ltd shall publish an
Taxable securities transaction Payable Rate
by (as a % of advertisement disclosing the hosting of such financial results on their
value of the website, in atleast one English daily newspaper having nationwide circulation
transaction) & in a newspaper having wide circulation published in the language of the
region where the Head Office of the fund is situated.
Purchase/ Sale of an equity share in a company Purchaser/ 0.1%
where Seller
• the transaction of such purchase is entered
into in a recognized stock exchange; and The NAVs will be calculated and disclosed on every Business Day. The AMC
will prominently disclose the NAVs under a separate head on the website of
• the contract for the purchase of such share the Fund (www.tatamutualfund.com) and of the Association of Mutual Funds
is settled by the actual delivery or transfer
in India-AMFI (www.amfiindia.com) by 11 p.m on every Business Day.
of such share
Purchase of a unit of an equity oriented fund, Purchaser NIL Investor may write to AMC for availing facility of receiving the latest NAVs
where through SMS.

a) the transaction of such purchase is entered Investor can call us on (022) 6282 7777 (Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to
into in a recognized stock exchange; and 5:30 pm)
b) the contract for the purchase of such unit is For Investor Grievances:
settled by the actual delivery or transfer of
Please contact
such unit
Sale of a unit of an equity oriented fund, where Seller 0.001% Name and Address of Registrar:

a) the transaction of such sale is entered into Computer Age Management Services (Private) Limited (Cams), Unit: Tata
in a recognized stock exchange; and Mutual Fund. 178/ 10, Kodambakkam High Road, Opp. Hotel Palmgrove,
Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034. Email: [email protected] (Tata
b) the contract for the sale of such unit is
Mutual Fund email address)
settled by the actual delivery or transfer of
such unit
Sale of an equity share in a company or a unit of Seller 0.025%
an equity oriented funds on non-delivery basis Tata Asset Management Pvt Ltd.
Sale of option in securities Seller 0.05% 1903 B Wing Parinee Crescenzo G Block BKC Bandra East, Mumbai – 400
Sale of an option securities, where option is Purchaser 0.125% 051. Call: (022) 6282 7777 (Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm), Fax:
exercised 22613782, Email: [email protected], Website: www.tatamutualfund.com
Sale in a future in securities Seller 0.01% Name of the Investor Relations Officer: Ms. Kashmira Kalwachwala
Sale of unit of an equity oriented fund to the Seller 0.001%

The Fund is responsible for collecting the STT from every person who sells How to Apply: Please refer to the Scheme Additional Information and
the Unit to it at the rate mentioned above. The STT collected by the Fund Application form for the instructions.
during any month will have to be deposited with the Central Government by Additional mode of payment through Applications Supported Blocked
the seventh day of the month immediately following the said month. Amount (ASBA)
Stamp Duty In line with SEBI circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No 18/ 198647/2010 dated March
With effect from 1st July 2020 a stamp duty @ 0.005% of the transaction 15,2010 and Cir/IMD/DF/6/2010 dated July 28,2010 all the new scheme
value would be levied on mutual fund investment transactions. Accordingly (NFOs) launched by TMF on or after October 01,2010 shall offer ASBA facility
the number of units allotted on purchases, switch-ins, SIP/STP installments to the investors subscribing to New Fund Offer (NFOs) of Tata Mutual Fund
and including dividend reinvestment to the unitholders would be reduced to Schemes. This facility shall co –exist with the current process, wherein
that extent. cheques/demand drafts are used as a mode of payment.

If any tax liability arising post redemption on account of change in tax Units will be allotted within five working/business days from the date of
treatment with respect to Dividend Distribution Tax/Capital Gain Tax, by the closure of the NFO.
tax authorities, shall be solely borne by the investors and not by the AMC or Allotment of Units
Trustee Company.
Subject to the Scheme receiving the minimum subscription, full allotment will
For further details on taxation please refer the clause on taxation in SAI. be made to all valid applications received during the New Fund Offer (NFO)
The information stated above is based on Tata Mutual Fund understanding period. Allotment of Units on Application shall be made in the following
of the tax laws and only for the purpose of providing general information manner:
to the unit holders of the schemes. In view of the individual nature of tax At the discretion of the investors, the units under the Scheme shall either be
implications, each unit holder is advised to consult with his or her own tax allotted in dematerialized form (if investor has Demat account and he has
advisors with respect to the specific tax and other implications arising out of provided the details of depository account in the application form) or by way
the restructuring. of issuing the physical account statement.
For further details on taxation please refer the clause on taxation in SAI. The investors who wish to hold units in Demat mode need to furnish the
Portfolio Disclosures / Half Financial Results details of their depository account in the Application Form. The Units allotted
in electronic form will be credited to the investor’s Beneficiary Account with
Portfolio Disclosure: Tata Mutual Fund shall disclose portfolio (along
a Depository Participant (DP) of CDSL or NSDL as per the details furnished by
with ISIN) in user friendly and downloadable spreadsheet format, as on the
the investor in the Application Form within five business days from the close
last day of the month/half year for all their schemes on its website www.
of the New Fund Offer.
tatamutualfund.com and on the website of AMFI www.amfiindia.com within
10 days from the close of each month/half year. Those investors who have not provided Demat account details shall be issued
account statement specifying the number of units allotted. A statement of
In case of unitholders whose email addresses are registered, Tata Mutual
accounts specifying the number of units allotted to the applicant or issue
Fund will send via email both the monthly and half yearly statement of
units in the dematerialized form as soon as possible but not later than five
scheme portfolio within 10 days from the close of each month /half year
working days from the date of closure of the initial subscription list or from
the date of receipt of the application.
Tata Mutual Fund will publish an advertisement every half-year, in the all
Please note that where the investor has furnished the details of their
India edition of at least two daily newspapers, one each in English and Hindi,
depository accounts in the Application Form, it will be assumed that the
disclosing the hosting of the half yearly statement of the schemes portfolio
investor has opted for allotment in electronic form and the allotment will be
on the AMC’s website www.tatamutualfund.com and on the website of AMFI
made only in electronic form as default.

Kindly refer clause “Account Statements” in section “B: ONGOING OFFER Stockinvests, Outstation Cheques/DD, Post Dated Cheques, Money Orders
DETAILS” for provisions relating to dispatch of Account Statement. Please and Postal Orders will not be accepted and such applications will not be
note that the Account statement is not transferable. In case unit holder considered for allotment. All investment cheques should be current dated.
wish to dematerialize the units, he/she shall comply with the procedures
MICR / RTGS & Transfer cheques will be accepted till the end of business
prescribed by the AMC / Depository from time to time.
hours upto 30 January, 2023. Allotment is subject to realization of funds. In
The process of allotment of Units will be completed within 5 (five) working/ case funds are not realized before the allotment date then such applications
business days from the date of closure of the New Fund Offer Period. will be rejected.
The units are freely transferable in demat or non demat mode. Transfer of SEBI vide Circular no. CIR/MIRSD/66/2016 dated July 21, 2016 and circular
units shall be subject to payment of applicable stamp duty by the unitholders no. CIR/MIRSD/120/2016 dated November 10, 2016 has intimated about the
and as per applicable laws. operationalization of Central KYC Records Registry (“CKYCR”).
Unitholders desirous of transferring units shall submit the transfer request in AMFI vide Best Practice Guideline circular no. 135/BP/68/2016-17 dated
the prescribed form and with other documents as may be mandated by AMC. December 22, 2016 has prescribed guidelines including Central KYC (“CKYC”)
forms for implementing the CKYC norms. In this regard, any individual
The allotment of units is subject to realization of the payment instrument.
customer who has not done KYC under the KYC Registration Agency (KRA)
The AMC/ Trustee are entitled, in its sole and absolute discretion, to reject
regime shall fill the new CKYC form. If such new customer uses the old KRA
any Application. Tata Mutual Fund will send the Consolidated Account
KYC form, such customer would either fill the new CKYC or provide additional
Statement (CAS) to investors as follows:
/ missing information in the Supplementary CKYC form.
Tata Mutual Fund will send the Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) to
Option to hold Units in dematerialized (demat) form: Mutual Fund shall
investors as follows:
provide an option to investors to hold units in demat mode. Hence investors
1. A single Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) on basis of PAN (PAN of opting for allotment of units in demat form shall mention demat account
the first holder & pattern of holding, in case of multiple holding) will details in the application form. Demat facility is available for all schemes
be dispatched to unitholders having Mutual Fund investments & holding of Tata Mutual Fund except for subscription by way of way of Systematic
Demat accounts by Depositories as per the specified timeline specified by Investment Plan and for Plans / Options where income distribution frequency
board at the end of the month in which transaction (the word ‘transaction’ is less than one month.
shall include all financial transactions in demat accounts/Mutual Fund
Annual Report: Annual report or Abridged Summary, in the format prescribed
folios of the investor) takes place.
by SEBI, will be hosted on AMC’s website www.tatamutualfund.com and on
2. The CAS will not be received by the investors for the folio(s) not updated the website of AMFI www.amfiindia.com.
with PAN details. The Unit holders are therefore requested to ensure that
The scheme wise annual report or an abridged summary thereof, in the
the folio(s) are updated with their PAN. Such investors will get monthly
format prescribed, shall be sent by way of e-mail to the investor’s registered
account statement from Tata Mutual Fund in respect of transactions
e-mail address not later than four months from the date of closure of the
carried out in the schemes of Tata Mutual Fund during the month on or
relevant accounts year.
within fifteenth day of the succeeding month.
Investors who have not registered their email id, will have an option of
3. In other cases i.e. where unitholders having no Demat account & only MF
receiving a physical copy of the Annual Report or Abridged Summary thereof.
units holding, Tata Mutual Fund shall continue to send the CAS as is being
send on or within fifteenth day of the succeeding month in which financial Tata Mutual Fund will provide a physical copy of the abridged summary of
transaction takes place. the Annual Report, without charging any cost, on specific request received
from a unitholder. Physical copies of the report will also be available to the
4. In case statements are presently being dispatched by e-mail either by the
unitholders at the registered offices at all times.
Fund or the Depository then CAS will be sent through email. However the
Unitholders have an option to receive CAS in physical form at the address Tata Mutual Fund will publish an advertisement every year, in the all India
registered in the Depository system. edition of at least two daily newspapers, one each in English and Hindi,
disclosing the hosting of the scheme wise annual report on the AMC website
5. The dispatch of CAS by Depositories to Unitholders would constitute
(www.tatamutualfund.com) and on the website of AMFI (www.amfiindia.com). 
compliance by Tata Asset Management Pvt Ltd / the Fund with the
requirements under Regulation 36(4) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations Eligibility for Application
The following persons (subject, wherever relevant to, purchase of Units being
6. Each CAS issued to the investors shall also provide the total purchase permitted under their respective constitutions and relevant State Regulations)
value / cost of investment in each scheme. are eligible to apply for the purchase of the Units:
7. In case if no transaction has taken place in a folio during the period • Adult individuals, either singly or more than one (not exceeding three) on
of six months ended September 30 and March 31, the CAS detailing first holder basis or jointly on an either or survivor/any one basis.
the holdings across all schemes of all mutual funds, shall be emailed
• Parents, or other lawful Guardians on behalf of Minors.AMC will follow
on half yearly basis, as per the specified timeline specified by board of
uniform process ‘in respect of investments made in the name of a
succeeding month, unless a specific request is made to receive the same
minor through a guardian’ by SEBI vide circular no SEBI/HO/IMD/DF3/
in physical form.
CIR/P/2019/166 dated December 24, 2019.
8. Half-yearly CAS shall be issued to all Mutual Fund investors, excluding
• Companies, corporate bodies, public sector undertakings, trusts, wakf
those investors who do not have any holdings in MF schemes and where
boards or endowments, funds, institutions, associations of persons or
no commission against their investment has been paid to distributors,
bodies of individuals and societies (including Co -operative Societies)
during the concerned half-year period on or within twenty first day of
registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (so long as the
the succeeding month. Further, CAS issued for the half-year(September/
purchase of Units is permitted under their respective constitutions).
March) shall also provide:
• Mutual Funds (including any Scheme managed by AMC or any Scheme of
a. The amount of actual commission paid by Tata AMC/Mutual Fund to
any other Mutual Fund); (in accordance with Regulation 44(1) read with
distributors (in absolute terms) during the half-year period against the
Clause 4 of Schedule VII, of the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Mutual
concerned investor’s total investments in each mutual fund scheme. The
Funds) Regulations, 1996).
term “commission” here refers to all direct monetary payments and other
payments made in the form of gifts / rewards, trips, event sponsorships • Asset Management Company (AMC); (in accordance with Regulation 24(3)
etc. by Tata AMC/MF to distributors. Further, a mention may be made in of the Securities & Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations,
such CAS indicating that the commission disclosed is gross commission 1996).
and does not exclude costs incurred by distributors such as Goods & • Partnership firms, in the name of the partners.
Services Tax (wherever applicable, as per existing rates), operating
expenses, etc. • Hindu Undivided families (HUF) in the sole name of the Karta.

b. The scheme’s average Total Expense Ratio (in percentage terms) along • Financial and Investment Institutions/ Banks.
with the break up between Investment and Advisory fees, Commission paid • Army/ Navy / Air Force, para military Units and other eligible institutions.
to the distributor and Other expenses for the period for each scheme’s
• Religious and Charitable Trusts provided these are allowed to invest as per
applicable plan (regular or direct or both) where the concerned investor
statute and their bylaws.
has actually invested in.
• Non-resident Indians/ persons of Indian origin residing abroad (NRIs) on
The allotment of units is subject to realisation of the payment instrument.
a full repatriation basis.
The AMC/ Trustee are entitled, in its sole and absolute discretion, to reject
any Application.

a) Foreign Portfolio Investor (Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI) as defined Applicants are required to refer to the “FATCA information” section in the
under Regulation 2(1)(h) of Security Exchange Board of India (Foreign application and mandatorily fill/sign off on the same. Applications without
Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014. this information / declaration being filled/signed off will be deemed as
incomplete and are liable to be rejected. Investors are requested to note that
• International Multilateral Agencies approved by the Government of India.
the contents of the information to be provided/ declaration in the application
Applicants who cannot Invest: form may undergo a change on receipt of communication / guidelines from
• A person who falls within the definition of the term “U.S” Person” under Government of India or AMFI or SEBI or any other regulatory authority.
the US Securities Act of 1933 and corporations or other entities organised Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
under the laws of the U.S.
On similar lines of FATCA, the Organization of Economic Development (OECD),
• A person who is resident of Canada. along with the G 20 countries, of which India is a member, has released
• OCB (Overseas Corporate Bodies) as defined under Income Tax Act, 1061 a ‘Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information in
and under Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999. Tax matters’ . In order to combat the problem of offshore tax evasion and
avoidance and stashing of unaccounted money abroad, the G 20 & OECD
Compliance under Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) countries have together developed a common reporting standard (CRS) on
regulations: automatic exchange of information (AEOI). On June 3,2015 India has joined
United States of America (US) has introduced chapter no. 4 in the US Internal the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement (MCAA) on AEOI. The CRS
Revenue Code as a part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment on AEOI requires the financial institutions of the ‘source’ jurisdiction to
(HIRE) Act, which was enacted by the US legislature to create employment collect and report information to their tax authorities about account holders
opportunities in US. The HIRE Act includes Foreign Account Tax Compliance ‘resident’ in other countries. The information to be exchanged relates not
Act (FATCA), which now forms a part of the US-IR Code. The regulations for only to individuals, but also to shell companies and trusts having beneficial
FATCA have undergone revision since 2010 and the final regulations make ownership or interest in the ‘resident’ countries.
the FATCA provisions effective from July 1, 2014. In view of India’s commitment to implement the CRS on AEOI and also the IGA
The objective of FATCA is to detect “US Persons”, who evade US taxes by with USA and with a view to provide information to other countries necessary
using financial account maintained outside US. The US persons are defined as legislative changes has already been made in Finance Act & by inserting
those who have either US citizenship or US residency. The FATCA stipulates Rules 114F to 114H and Form 61B to provide a legal basis for the Reporting
reporting on - Financial Institutions (RFIs) for maintaining and reporting information about
the reportable accounts.
i. US taxpayers about certain foreign financial accounts and offshore assets.
Applicants are required to refer to the “FATCA/CRS information” section in the
ii. Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) about financial accounts with them of
application and mandatorily fill/sign off on the same. Applications without
US tax­payers or foreign entities in which US taxpayers hold substantial
this information / declaration being filled/signed off will be deemed as
ownership interest.
incomplete and are liable to be rejected. Investors are requested to note that
FFIs (including mutual funds in India) are required to periodically report the contents of the information to be provided/ declaration in the application
information on accounts of US persons, who maintain balances above a form may undergo a change on receipt of communication / guidelines from
threshold. In the event of a default in the reporting of information on accounts Government of India or AMFI or SEBI or any other regulatory authority.
of US taxpayers, a withholding of 30% of the payment made from US sources
With the change in guidelines, investors may be called for additional
will be imposed on the recalcitrant account holders and non-participating
information required by the law. Investors are requested to keep Mutual
Financial Institutions. SEBI vide its circular no. CIR/MIRSD/2/2014 dated June
Fund updated with change in information already submitted by them with
30, 2014, has advised that Government of India and US Government have
Mutual Fund. FATCA provisions are relevant not only at on-boarding stage
reached an agreement in substance on the terms of an Inter-Governmental
of investor(s)/unit holder(s) but also throughout the life cycle of investment
Agreement (IGA) to implement FATCA and India is now treated as having an
with the Fund/the AMC. In view of this, Investors should immediately intimate
IGA in effect from April 11, 2014. Tata Asset Management Company Private
to the Fund/the AMC, in case of any change in their status with respect to
Limited (TAMPL) is classified as a Foreign Financial Institution (FFI) under the
FATCA/CRS related declaration provided by them previously.
FATCA provisions and in accordance therewith, the AMC would be required to
comply with the rules & regulations of FATCA, from time to time. Investors(s)/Unit holder(s) should consult their own tax advisors to
understand the implications of FATCA/CRS provisions /requirements.
In order to ensure compliance with FATCA and other rules / directions /
notifications as may be issued by Government of India or other regulatory With the change in guidelines, investors may be called for additional
authority, Mutual Funds are required to institute a process to identify US information required by the law. Investors are requested to keep Mutual Fund
Person investors and report the same. updated with change in information already submitted by them with Mutual

Date: 19 December, 2022

Thank you for your Interest in Tata Mutual Fund
5 simple steps to open your Investment Account

Step 1 Complete the relevant sections of this Application Form in English and In CAPITAL.
Step 2 Sign and date this Application Form.
Step 3 Enclose your Investment Cheque/DD drawn in favour of “Tata Multicap Fund”, dated, signed and crossed ‘A/c Payee only.’
Step 4 Attach the relevant documents as per the list below.
Step 5 Submit your application form to the Nearest Collection Centre. List of the Centre available on our website
www.tatamutualfund.com and on page nos. 43 to 48.

/ Trusts / NRI/
Documents Societies/ OCI/ Minor
Partnership PIO
Firms / LLP
1. Board/ Committee Resolution/ Authority Letter 
2. List of Authorised Signatories with Specimen Signature(s) @  
3. Notarised Power of Attorney 
4. Account Debit Certificate in case payment is made by DD from NRE / FCNR A/c. where  
5. PAN Proof    
6. KYC Acknowledgement Letter / Print out of KYC Compliance Status    
7. Proof of Date of Birth 
8. Proof of Relationship with Guardian 
9. PIO / OCI Card (as applicable) 
10. Ultimate Beneficial Owner  
11. FATCA & CRS    
@ Should be original or true copy certified by the Director / Trustee / Company Secretary / Authorised Signatory / Notary Public, as applicable.
# If PAN/PEKRN/KYC proof of Minor is not available, PAN/PEKRN/KYC proof of Guardian should be provided.


A. General Instructions: inaccurate, then the transactions are liable to be reversed with all
i. Please read the Key Information Memorandum (KIM)/ Scheme costs and consequences to the investor. It is the responsibility
Information Document(s) (SID) of the Scheme and Statement of of the Non-individual investors to inform TAMPL /TMF about any
Additional Information (SAI) and addenda issued from time to time change to the Authorized Signatory List or Board resolution.
(Scheme Documents) carefully before investing in the Scheme. ix. Upon signing and submitting the Application Form and tendering
ii. The Application Form should be completed in ENGLISH and in payment it will be deemed that the investors have accepted, agreed
BLOCK LETTERS only. to and shall comply with the terms and conditions detailed in the
Scheme Documents.
iii. Please tick in the appropriate box for relevant options wherever
applicable. Do not overwrite. For any correction / changes in the x. Applications incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.
Application Form, the Applicant(s) shall enter the correct details Tata Asset Management Private Limited (the AMC) / Tata Trustee
pursuant to cancellation of incorrect details and authenticate the Company Private Limited (Trustee) have absolute discretion to
corrected details by counter-signing against the changes. The reject any such Application Forms.
AMC reserves the right to reject the application forms, in case the xi. Units will be allotted subject to realization of payment proceeds.
investor(s) has/have not countersigned in every place where such xii. Despatch of Account Statement:
corrections/overwriting has/have been made.
a. On acceptance of application, a confirmation specifying the
iv. Investors/Unitholders already having a folio with the Fund should number of Units allotted will be sent by way of e-mail and/
fill in folio number, section1, section 4, section 5, section 6, section or SMS to the applicant’s registered e-mail address and/or
9 and section 10 only. The personal and the Bank Account details mobile number within five business days from NFO closure
as they feature in the existing folio would apply to this investment and the date of transaction for ongoing scheme. The unit
and would prevail over any conflicting information, if any, furnished balance(s) in the account statement is subject to realisation of
in this form. In case the name of the Unit holder as provided in Cheque accompanying the purchase request, PAN validation
this application does not correspond with the name appearing in and KYC compliance.
the existing folio, the application form may be rejected, at the
discretion of the AMC/ Fund. New investors wishing to make SIP b. Tata Mutual Fund shall send first account statement for a
investment will need to complete and submit both the Application new folio separately with all details registered in the folio by
Form and the SIP Registration Form. way of a physical account statement and/or an e-mail to the
investor’s registered address/email address not later than five
v. Applications complete in all respects, may be submitted at the business days from the date of subscription.
Official Points of Acceptance (OPAs) of Tata Mutual Fund (TMF, the
Fund). c. Thereafter a Single Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) on
basis of PAN (PAN of the first holder & pattern of holding,
vi. The Application form number, PAN and Name of the Applicant in case of multiple holding) will be dispatched to unitholders
should be written by the Applicants on the reverse of the cheques having Mutual Fund investments & holding Demat accounts
and bank drafts accompanying the Application Form. by Depositories within ten days from the end of the month
vii. Copies of the supporting documents submitted should be in which transaction (the word ‘transaction’ shall include all
accompanied by originals for verification. In case the original financial transactions in demat accounts/Mutual Fund folios
of any document is not produced for verification, Mutual Fund/ of the investor) takes place. In case there is no transaction in
AMC reserves the right to seek attested copies of the supporting any of the mutual fund folios &demat accounts then CAS with
documents. holding details will be sent to the Unitholders on half yearly
viii. Non-individual investors (Corporate, Societies, Trusts, etc.) are basis.
required to submit specified documents such as bylaws, trust d. In other cases, i.e. where unitholders having no Demat
deed, board resolutions, Authorized Signatory List and other account & only MF units holding, Tata Mutual Fund shall
similar documents along with the subscription application. Units continue to send the CAS as is being send presently within ten
allotted to the non-individual investors are subject to receipt days from the end of the month in which financial transaction
and confirmation of correctness of such statutory documents. If takes place & on half yearly basis in case there is no financial
required document(s) provided by the non-individual investors are transaction in any of the mutual fund folios.

e. In case statements are presently being dispatched by e-mail v. Transaction Charges:
either by the Fund or the Depository then CAS will be sent In accordance with SEBI circular No. Cir/ IMD/ DF/13/ 2011
through email. However, the Unitholders have an option to dated August 22, 2011, Tata Asset Management Private Limited/
receive CAS in physical format the address registered in the Mutual Fund will deduct Transaction Charges from the purchase/
Depository system. subscription amount received from the investors investing through
f. Investors are requested to check contents of the account a valid ARN Holder i.e. AMFI registered Distributor (provided the
statement on receipt. Any discrepancy should be reported Distributor has opted to receive the Transaction Charges).
to the AMC / Registrar within 7 calendar days of the receipt Transaction Charge of Rs.150 (for a first-time investor across
of the statement; else contents of the statement would be mutual funds) or Rs. 100 (for investor other than first time mutual
presumed to be correct and binding. fund investor) per purchase / subscription of Rs. 10,000 and
xiii. Investors will be sent Account Statements & Cheques by courier/ above are deductible from the purchase / subscription amount and
UCP /registered post. The courier and the postal department as payable to the Distributor. The balance amount shall be invested.
the case may be shall be treated as agents of the investor. Delivery Transaction charges in case of investments through SIP:
of the statement and cheques to the courier / postal department Transaction Charges in case of investments through SIP are
shall be treated as delivered to the investor. The mutual fund / deductible only if the total commitment of investment (i.e. amount
registrars are not responsible for any delayed delivery or non- per SIP installment x No. of installments) amounts to Rs.10,000 or
delivery or any consequences thereof. more. In such cases, Transaction Charges shall be deducted in 3-4
xiv. The Fund will disclose details of the investor’s account and all installments.
his transactions to the intermediary whose stamp appears on the Transaction Charges shall not be deducted:
application form. In addition, the Fund will disclose details as
necessary, to Fund’s and Investor’s bankers to the Mutual Fund, its a. where the Distributor of the investor has not opted to receive any
Sponsor/s, Trustees, Asset Management Company, its employees, Transaction Charges
agents and third party service providers, SEBI registered b. for purchases / subscriptions / total commitment amount in case
intermediaries for single updation/ submission, any Indian or of SIP of an amount less than Rs. 10,000/-;
foreign statutory, regulatory, judicial, quasi- judicial authorities/ c. for transactions other than purchases / subscriptions relating to
agencies including but not limited to Financial Intelligence Unit- new inflows i.e. through Switches / Systematic Transfers / IDCW
India (FIU-IND) etc without any intimation/advice to the investor. Transfers/ IDCW Reinvestment, etc.;
xv. Where an application is rejected in full or in part, application money d. for purchases / subscriptions made directly with the Fund (i.e. not
will accordingly be refunded to the applicant. No interest will be through any Distributor); and
paid on the amount so refunded. Letters of regret together with
Refund Cheques/Orders if any will be despatched to the applicant. e. for purchases / subscriptions routed through Stock Exchange(s).
Refund will be made by cheques or pay order drawn on the Bankers TAMPL/ Fund will endeavor to identify the investor as “first time”
of Tata Mutual Fund. or “existing” based on the Permanent Account Number (PAN) at
xvi. As per the RBI circular “Introduction of Legal Entity Identifier for the First/ Sole Applicant/ Guardian level. If the PAN details are
Large Value Transactions in Centralised Payment Systems” vide available, then the First / Sole Applicant / Guardian will be treated
notification RBI/2020-21/82 DPSS.CO.OD No.901/06.24.001/2020- as existing investor (i.e. Rs. 100 will be deducted as Transaction
21 dated 5th January 2021. RBI vide this notification has decided to Charge)
introduce the LEI system for all payment transactions of value INR vi. Direct Investment:
50 crore and above undertaken by entities (non-individuals) using
Investors subscribing under Direct Plan of the scheme will have
Reserve Bank-run Centralised Payment Systems viz. Real Time Gross
to indicate “Direct Plan” in the “Broker / ARN –Code” field and
Settlement (RTGS) and National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT).
against the scheme plan in the application form. Investors should
From April 1, 2021, it will be mandatory to include 20-digit Legal
also indicate “Direct” in the ARN column of the application form.
Entity Identifier (LEI) information while initiating any transaction of
However, in case Distributor code is mentioned in the application
value INR 50 crore and above by entities (non-Individual).
form, but “Direct Plan” is indicated against the scheme name, the
B. Advisor / Distributor Information application will be processed under Direct Plan. Further, where
i. Investments through distributors: application is received for Regular Plan without Distributor code
or “Direct” mentioned in the ARN Column, the application will be
As per directions of Securities and Exchange Board of India processed under Direct Plan.
(SEBI), Investors can route their application forms directly and /or
through the distributors /employees of the distributor who hold a C. Account Holder’s Information:
valid certification from the National Institute of Securities Markets i. The Name of the Applicants should be as mentioned in the PAN
(NISM) and ARN provided by Association of Mutual Funds in India and the KYC acknowledgement.
(AMFI). Further, no agents / distributors are entitled to sell units of
ii. To enable electronic credits the Name of the 1st applicant should
mutual funds unless the intermediary is registered with AMFI.
match in the bank account.
ii. Employee Unique Identification Number (EUIN):
iii. All communication and payments shall be made by the fund in
Every employee/ relationship manager/ sales person of the the name of and favoring the First/ sole applicant. In case of
distributor of mutual fund products to quote the EUIN obtained by applications made in joint names without indicating the Mode of
him/her from AMFI in the Application Form. Investors are requested Holding, Mode of Holding will be deemed as ‘Anyone or Survivor’
to verify the AMFI registration details from their Distributor. and processed accordingly.
However, in case of any exceptional cases, where there is no
iv. Applicants who cannot Invest:
interaction by the employee/ sales person/relationship manager
of the distributor/sub broker with respect to the transaction and • A person who falls within the definition of the term “U.S.
EUIN box is left blank, you are required to provide the duly signed Person” under the US Securities Act of 1933, and corporations
declaration to the effect as given in the form. or other entities organized under the laws of the U.S.
iii. New cadre distributors: • A person who is resident of Canada
Postal agents, retired government and semi-government officials • OCB (Overseas Corporate Bodies) as defined under Income
(class III and above or equivalent), retired teachers and retired Tax Act, 1961 and under Foreign Exchange Management Act,
bank officers (all such retired persons with at least 10 years of 1999.
service) and other similar persons (such as Bank correspondents) • AMC will not onboard Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) in the
as may be notified by AMFI/ the AMC from time to time as new scheme, as this scheme will invest in ETCDs. However, in case
cadre distributors are permitted to sell eligible schemes of the FPIs are permitted by Regulators to participate in ETCDs, the
Fund. However these schemes are not eligible to be sold by such scheme may onboard FPIs in future.
distributors. In case your application for subscription is receive
• The Fund reserves the right to include / exclude new / existing
through such distributor, it is liable to be rejected.
categories of investors to invest in the scheme from time to
iv. Overseas Distributors: time, subject to SEBI Regulations and other than prevailing
For, overseas Distributors, the ARN Code provided by AMFI is statutory regulations, if any.
required to be incorporated in the space provided. However, such v. Applications in the name of minors:
Overseas Distributors are exempt from obtaining NISM certification
a. The minor shall be the first and the sole holder in an account.
and AMFI registration as per AMFI circular No. CIR/ ARN-14/12-13
dated July 13, 2012 and the EUIN requirement as per AMFI Circular b. No Joint holders will be allowed in case the first holder is a
No.135/ BP/33/2012-13 dated December 31, 2012. However, minor. In case investor provides joint holder/s details in the
such Overseas Distributors are required to comply with the laws, application, those details will not be captured.
rules and regulations of jurisdictions where they carry out their c. Guardian in the account / folio on behalf of the minor should
operations in the capacity of distributors. be either a natural guardian (i.e. father or mother) or a court
appointed legal guardian.

d. Guardian should mention the relationship with minor on the promotional information/ materials, please write to us at service@
application tataamc.com or submit a written application at any of the Investor
e. A document evidencing the relationship should be submitted Service Centres (ISC) of the Fund. Please quote your PAN and folio
along with application for the first time during the opening number(s) while communicating with us to help you serve better.
of account. Guardian should submit any one of the following viii. WHATSAPP SERVICE:
documents: The user is subscribing to the WhatsApp service & promotional alerts
 Birth certificate of the minor or from Tata Mutual Fund. The user can unsubscribe to the channel
 School leaving certificate / mark sheet of Higher Secondary at any time by sending an email to us at [email protected].
Board of respective states, ICSE, CBSE etc. or Please note this channel cannot be used for grievance redressal or
reporting fraud as of now, Tata Mutual Fund will have no liability if
 Passport of the minor or any such incidents are reported on this channel. It is advisable for
 Any other suitable proof evidencing the relationship customers who have subscribed to this service to delete WhatsApp
when changing their device. These terms and conditions may be
f. Date of birth of the minor should be mentioned on the
withdrawn/ superseded/ modified at any time whatsoever, by Tata
application and as a proof, following supporting documents
Mutual Fund without any prior notice. Customers shall not submit
to be furnished:
or transmit any content through this service that is: Obscene,
 Birth certificate of the minor or Vulgar, Pornographic, Political, Religious, etc. Encourages the
 School leaving certificate / mark sheet of Higher Secondary commission of a crime or violation of any law Violates any state
Board of respective states, ICSE, CBSE etc. or or Central law in India and/or the jurisdiction in which you reside
and/or any applicable law. Infringes the intellectual or copyrights
 Passport of the minor or
of a third party. Under no circumstances shall Tata Mutual Fund, or
 Any other suitable proof evidencing showing the date of birth its agents, affiliated companies, officers, directors, employees, and
of the minor. contractors be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental,
g. Payment for investment by means of Cheque, Demand Draft special, or consequential damages that result from the use of, or
or any other mode shall be accepted from the bank account inability to use, this service or for receipt of any answer provided by
of the minor or from a joint account of the minor with the the program running at the back-end. The customer understands
guardian only. that using WhatsApp application may carry extra risks and may
not be secured. Further any message and information exchanged
h. The folio(s) held on behalf of a minor Unit holder shall be
is subject to the risk of being read, interrupted, intercepted, or
frozen for operation by the natural parent/legal guardian
defrauded by third party or otherwise subject to manipulation by
on the day the minor attains majority and no transactions
third party or involve delay in transmission. Tata Mutual Fund shall
henceforth shall be permitted till requisite documents
not be responsible or liable to the customer or any third party for
evidencing change of status from ‘minor’ Unit holder are
the consequences arising out of or in connection with using of this
i. Further, in case of SIP/STP/SWP registration requests, the
The customer is responsible for keeping security safeguard of his
Mutual Fund/ the AMC will register SIP/STP/SWP in the folio
WhatsApp account linked to the registered mobile number. Tata
held by a minor and the SIP/STP/SWP will continue till the date
Mutual Fund has the right to retract the service anytime it deems
of Minor investor attaining majority
fit. The customer agrees that he shall not have any claim against
vi. Applications under a power of attorney or by a limited company or Tata Mutual Fund on account of any suspension, interruption,
a body corporate or an Eligible institution or a registered society or non-availability or malfunctioning of the service due to any link/
a trust or limited liability partnership (LLP) or Partnership must be mobile/system failure at Tata Mutual Fund ’s end for any reason
accompanied by the original power of attorney/ board resolution or thereof. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any
a Certified true copy/duly notarized copy of the same. Authorized time and will be updated at Tata Mutual Fund ’s discretion without
officials should sign the Application form under their official notice.
designation. A list of specimen signatures of the Authorized
ix. The AMC / Trustee reserves the right to send any communication
officials duly certified / attested should also be attached to the
in physical mode.
application form.
E. Investment Instrument Details
vii. Investors agree that in case required, transactions will be
processed by AMC/Registrar based on the signature as available in i. Payment may be made by MICR, RTGS & Transfer cheques will be
KRA records. accepted till the end of business hours upto 30th January 2023.
Allotment is subject to realization of funds. In case funds are not
D. Contact Details:
realized before the allotment date then such applications will be
i. Address and contact details like telephone, mobile and email rejected.
address must be written in full.
ii. The investment cheque should be drawn in favour of the “Tata
ii. On successful validation of the investor’s PAN for KYC, the 1st Multicap Fund”.
Applicants address provided in the KYC form / KRA records will
iii. Bank charges for outstation demand drafts will be borne by the
override the address mentioned in this form.
AMC and will be limited to the bank charges stipulated by the State
iii. Overseas address is mandatory for Non- Resident Individuals and Bank of India. Outstation Demand Draft has been defined as a
Overseas Investors in addition to the mailing address. demand draft issued by a bank where there is no OPA available for
iv. E-mail Communication: If the investor has provided an email Investors.
address, the same will be registered in our records and will be The AMC will not accept any request for refund of demand draft
treated as your consent to receive, Allotment confirmations, charges
consolidated account statement/account statement, annual
iv. Payments received from NRIs, PIOs, OCIs:
report/abridged summary and any statutory / other information
as permitted via electronic mode /email. These documents shall be a. In the case of NRIs/PIOs/OCIs, payment may be made either
sent physically in case the Unit holder opts/request for the same. by inward remittance through normal banking channels or
out of funds held in the NRE / FCNR in the case of purchases
v. The scheme wise annual reports are available on our website and
on a repatriation basis or out of funds held in the NRE / FCNR
on the website of AMFI. The physical copies are available at our
/ NRO account, in the case of Purchases on a non-repatriation
registered offices at all times.
basis. In case Indian rupee drafts are purchased abroad or
Investor who have not registered the email address need to ‘Opt- payments from FCNR or NRE accounts, an account debit
in’ to receive facility to receive physical copy of the scheme-wise certificate from the Bank issuing the draft confirming the
annual report or abridged summary thereof. Even if the investor debit and/or foreign inward remittance certificate (FIRC) by
has not selected the ‘Opt-in’ facility can submit a request for a Investor’s banker shall also be enclosed.
physical or electronic copy of the scheme wise annual report or
v. Stock invests, Outstation Cheques, Post Dated Cheques,
abridged summary thereof.
Money Orders and Postal Orders will not be accepted, and such
vi. Should the Unit holder experience any difficulty in accessing the applications will not be considered for allotment. All investment
electronically delivered documents, the Unit holder shall promptly cheques should be current dated.
intimate the Fund about the same to enable the Fund to make
vi. Cheques once returned in clearing will not be represented and the
the delivery through alternate means. It is deemed that the Unit
accompanying applications may not be considered for allotment.
holder is aware of all security risks including possible third-party
interception of the documents and contents of the documents vii. Third Party payments: TAMPL / TMF will not accept applications
becoming known to third parties. for subscriptions of units accompanied with Third Party Payments
except in exceptional cases as mentioned below. “Third Party
vii. CONSENT FOR TELEMARKETING: TAMPL shall treat this as an
Payment” means
explicit consent by the Unit Holder/(s) to send promotional
information/ material to the mobile number(s)/ email id provided a. Payment made through an instrument issued from a bank
by the Unit Holder/(s) in this Application Form and such consent account other than that of the first named applicant / investor
shall supersede all the previous consents/ registrations by the mentioned in the application form.
Unit Holder/(s) in this regard. If you do not wish to receive such
b. In case of payment instruments issued from a joint bank redemption / Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal (IDCW)
account, the first named applicant / investor must be one of proceeds. In order to protect the interest of Unit holders from
the joint holders of the bank account from which the payment fraudulent encashment of redemption / IDCW cheques, SEBI has
instrument is issued. made it mandatory for investors to provide their bank details.
c. For Example: Applications without complete bank details are liable for rejection.

1. Illustration 1: An Application submitted in joint names of A, B ii. In case the bank account provided for encashment of redemption
& C along with cheque issued from a bank account in names / IDCW proceeds is different from the bank account from which
of C, A & B. This is a valid application. the investment is made, applicants need to mandatorily provide
an unsigned cancelled cheque leaf/ bank statement/any other
2. Illustration 2: An Application submitted in joint names of A & documentary proof or banker’s confirmation (where the name of the
B & C along with cheque issued from a bank account in names First /Sole investor and the bank account number are mentioned)
of B, C & Y. This is an invalid application. to ascertain the ownership of the bank account mentioned. Note:
3. Illustration 3: An Application submitted in joint names of A, B The above documents shall be submitted in Original. If copies are
& C along with cheque issued from a bank account in name of furnished, the same must be submitted at the Official Point of
A. This is a valid application. Acceptance (OPAs) of the Fund where they will be verified with the
original documents to the satisfaction of the Fund. The original
d. Following are the exceptional cases where third party
documents will be returned across the counter to the applicant
payments will be accepted subject to submission of requisite
after due verification. In case the original of any document is not
documentation / declarations.
produced for verification, then the copies should be attested by the
1. Payment by employer on behalf of employee under Systematic bank manager with his / her full signature, name, employee code,
Investment Plan (SIP) facility through payroll deductions; bank seal and contact number.
2. Custodian on behalf of an FII or a Client. iii. Further, in exceptional cases where Third Party Payments as
e. Investors submitting their applications through the above mentioned in Section E (vii) are accepted, the investor is required
mentioned ‘exceptional cases’ are required to comply with to submit any one of the documentary proofs for the payout bank
the following, without which applications for subscriptions account.
for units will be rejected / not processed / refunded. iv. Investors are requested to note that applications for new folio
f. Mandatory KYC for all investors (guardian in case of minor) creation submitted (wherein pay-out bank details is different from
and the person making the payment i.e. third party. In order pay-in bank details) without any of the above mentioned documents
for an application to be considered as valid, investors and relating to pay-out bank account details, the pay-in bank details will
the person making the payment should attach their valid KYC be captured for redemption/ IDCW payouts
Acknowledgement Letter to the application form. v. DIRECT CREDIT FACILITY FOR REDEMPTION / INCOME DISTRIBUTION
The Mutual Fund shall adopt operational procedures to CUM CAPITAL WITHDRAWAL (IDCW)/ REFUND PAYOUTS:
ascertain whether payments are Third Party Payments. a. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)/National Electronic Funds
F. Investment Details Transfer (NEFT):
i. For the minimum Application amount is Rs.5000/- and in multiples 1. The AMC provides the facility of ‘Real Time Gross Settlement
of Re.1/- thereafter. (RTGS)’ and ‘National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)’
offered by Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which aims to provide
ii. Investors are required to indicate their choice of Plan, Option
credit of redemption and IDCW payouts (if any) directly into
available are Growth and Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal
the bank account of the Unit holder maintained with the banks
(IDCW) Option and IDCW Sub options are IDCW Reinvestment and
(participating in the RTGS/ NEFT System).
IDCW Payout for which subscription is made at the time of filling up
the Application Form. 2. NEFT is electronic fund transfer mode that operate on a
deferred net settlement (DNS) basis which settles transactions
iii. Investors subscribing under Direct Plan of a Scheme/Plan will have
in batches. Contrary to this, in RTGS, transactions are
to indicate “Direct Plan” in the application form by ticking the
processed continuously throughout the RTGS business hours.
appropriate box.
The minimum amount to be remitted through RTGS is Rs. 2
iv. Direct Plan is only for investors who purchase /subscribe Units in lakhs. There is no upper ceiling for RTGS transactions. No
a Scheme directly with the Fund & is not available for investors minimum or maximum stipulation has been fixed for NEFT
who route their investments through a Distributor. Direct Plan transactions.
shall have a lower expense ratio excluding distribution expenses,
3. Unit holders can check the list of banks participating in the
commission, etc. & no commission for distribution of Units will be
RTGS / NEFT System from the RBI website i.e. www.rbi.org.
paid / charged under Direct Plan.
in or contact any of our Investor Service Centres. However, in
v. Default under Direct / Regular Plan: the event of the name of Unit holder’s bank not appearing in
Scenario Broker Code Plan mentioned Default Plan to the ‘List of Banks participating in RTGS/ NEFT updated on RBI
website www.rbi.org.in, from time to time, the instructions of
mentioned by by the investor be captured
the Unit holder for remittance of redemption/ IDCW (if any)
the investor proceeds via RTGS / NEFT System will be discontinued by Fund
1 Not mentioned Not mentioned Direct Plan / AMC without prior notice to the Unit holder and the payouts
of redemption / IDCW (if any) proceeds shall be effected by
2 Not mentioned Direct Plan Direct Plan
sending the Unit holder(s) a cheque / demand draft.
3 Not mentioned Regular Plan Direct Plan
b. Direct Credit: Tata Mutual Fund have arrangement with the following
4 Mentioned Direct Plan Direct Plan banks to directly credit the redemption/IDCW/Refund payout into
5 Direct Plan Not Mentioned Direct Plan the investor’s Bank account: ICICI Bank Ltd.; HDFC Bank Ltd.; Kotak
Mahindra Bank; Citi Bank; State Bank of India (Core banking centers
6 Direct Plan Regular Plan Direct Plan
only - subject to validation) to directly credit the redemption/IDCW/
7 Mentioned Regular Plan Regular Plan Refund payout into the investor’s Bank account. Investors need
8 Mentioned Not Mentioned Regular Plan to provide a cancelled cheque leaf having core banking account
number and name of the investor printed on it for verification. The
vi. In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN codes mentioned on list of banks is subject to change from time to time.
the application form, the application shall be processed under
Regular Plan. TAMPL shall contact and obtain the correct ARN code c. In the absence of a specific request from the Unit holder exercising
within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the application form from their choice of the mode of payment offered by the Fund from
the investor/ distributor. In case, the correct code is not received time to time, the payment of redemption /IDCW proceeds shall be
within 30 calendar days, the TAMPL shall reprocess the transaction effected via the RTGS / NEFT mechanism only. Where this payment
under Direct Plan from the date of application without any exit mode is not feasible / available, the payment of such proceeds will
load. be made by DC / DD as may be feasible.

vii. In case of discrepancies in the amount received from the investor d. Any charges levied by the investor’s bank for receiving payment
and the amount mentioned in the application, the unit will be through ECS/RTGS/NEFT will be borne by the investor. The Mutual
allotted for amount received in our bank account. Fund / AMC will not accept any request for refund of such bank
viii. Default option for schemes: Growth in case Growth option or IDCW
option is not mentioned. IDCW Reinvestment in case the Payout e. Investors to note that the instruction to the bank for Direct Credit/
mode (Payout / Reinvestment) is not mentioned. NEFT/ECS will be given by the Mutual Fund & such instruction will
be adequate discharge of Mutual Fund towards redemption/IDCW/
G. Bank Account Details refund proceeds. Tata Mutual Fund will not be responsible in case
i. Investors have to provide their bank details viz. name of bank, the bank does not credit the investor’s bank account with/without
branch, address, account type and number, bank’s Indian Financial assigning any reason thereof or if the transaction is delayed or not
System Code (IFSC), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) or effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information.
National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) / Magnetic Ink Character Tata Mutual Fund will not be liable for any losses/claims, etc.
Recognition (MICR) code(s). etc. to the Mutual Fund to receive arising on account of processing the direct credit of redemption /

IDCW proceeds on the basis of the Bank Account details as provided exceeds Rs. 50,000, such an application will be rejected. Fresh/
by the investor in the application form. Additional Purchase & Systematic Investment Plans will be covered
f. A separate advice regarding credit of amount(s) via electronic mode in the limit of Rs. 50,000. Investors may switch their investments
will be sent to the Unitholder. It should be noted that while the Fund to other Schemes. However, if the amount per switch transaction
will make all efforts, there is no commitment that the electronic is Rs. 50,000 or more, in accordance with the extant Income Tax
payment facility will be made available to all desirous investors. rules, investors will be required to furnish a copy of PAN to the
Applicants in cities not covered under ECS facility or in case the Mutual Fund. The detailed procedures/requirements for accepting
NEFT/RTGS details are not available will receive redemption/ IDCW applications shall be as specified by the AMC/Trustee from time to
payments, if any by cheques or demand drafts and the same will be time & their decision in this behalf will be final & binding.
mailed to the Unit holders. * HUFs and other categories are not eligible for such investments.
g. The AMC will not be responsible for any loss arising out of J. Know Your Customer (KYC) Compliance:
fraudulent encashment of cheques / warrants and / or any delay / i. KYC registered under KYC Registration Agency (KRA):
loss in transit.
a. Units held in account statement (non-demat) form: It is mandatory
vi. Multiple Bank Account Registration: An investor may register for the Investors to quote the KYC Compliance Status of each
multiple bank accounts (currently up to 5 for Individuals and 10 for applicant (guardian in case of minor) in the application and attach
Non – Individuals) for receiving redemption/ IDCW proceeds etc. proof of KYC Compliance viz. KYC Acknowledgement Letter for all
by providing necessary documents and filing up of Multiple Bank purchases/ switches/ registrations for Systematic Investment Plan
Accounts Registration form. (SIP)/ Systematic Transfer Plan (STP)/ Dividend Transfer Plan (DTP).
vii. Mode of Payment for Unit holders holding Units in Demat form Applicants intending to apply for units through a Power of Attorney
Investors will receive their redemption payout/ IDCW proceeds (PoA) must ensure that the issuer of the PoA and the holder of the
directly into their bank accounts linked to the demat accounts. PoA must mention their KYC Compliance Status and attach proof
Please ensure to furnish the Bank Account details. For investors, of KYC Compliance at the time of investment. SEBI has introduced
who have invested through the offline mode and subsequently a common KYC Application Form for all the SEBI registered
dematerialized the units, Investors will receive their redemption/ intermediary. New investors are therefore requested to use the
IDCW payouts directly into the bank account registered with their common KYC Application Form and carry out the KYC process
demat account ONLY irrespective of the account registered with us including In-Person Verification (IPV) with any SEBI registered
at the time of offline application. intermediaries including mutual funds. The KYC Application
H. Joint Applicants Forms are also available on our website www.tatamutualfund.
com. Existing KYC compliant investors of the Fund can continue
i. If there is more than one applicant, please fill in all details as the practice of providing KYC Acknowledgement Letter/ Printout
requested in the relevant section. of KYC Compliance Status downloaded from KRA website using the
ii. Applicants should specify the mode of holding. If the mode of PAN at the time of investment. Once the investor has done KYC with
holding is not specified or is ambiguous, the default option for any SEBI registered intermediary, the investor need not undergo the
such applications will be ’Any one or Survivor’. same process again with the Fund. However, the Fund reserves the
right to carry out fresh KYC of the investor in its discretion.
iii. PAN / KYC compliance and other KYC details are mandatory for all
applicants, irrespective of mode of holding. Units held in electronic (demat) form: For units held in demat form,
the KYC performed by the Depository Participant of the applicants
iv FATCA and supplementary KYC details are mandatory for all
will be considered as KYC verification done by the Trustee / AMC.
applicants, irrespective of mode of holding
In the event of non-compliance of KYC requirements, the Trustee/
v. In the case of joint holders and irrespective of mode of holding, AMC reserves the right to freeze the folio of the investor(s) and
the sole/first-named Applicant/unit holder will receive all account effect mandatory redemption of unit holdings of the investors at
statements, IDCW or redemption/ Refund payments, and all other the applicable NAV, subject to payment of exit load, if any. For
relevant correspondences. further details, please refer Section ‘Know Your Customer (KYC)
I. Permanent Account Number (PAN) Compliance’ under Statement of Additional Information available
on our website www.tatamutualfund.com
i. SEBI has made it mandatory for all applicants except PAN Exempt
KYC applicants (in the case of application in joint names, each of ii. Central KYC Records Registry (CKYCR): The Government of India
the applicants) to mention his/her Permanent Account Number vide their Notification dated November 26, 2015 authorized the
(PAN) irrespective of the amount of purchase. Where the applicant Central Registry of Securitization Asset Reconstruction and Security
is a minor, and does not possess his/ her own PAN, he/ she shall Interest of India (CERSAI) to act as and to perform the functions of
quote the PAN of his/ her father or mother or the guardian, as the the Central KYC Records Registry under the said rules, including
case may be. However, PAN is not mandatory in the case of Central receiving, storing, safeguarding and retrieving the KYC records
Government, State Government entities and the officials appointed under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. SEBI required
by the courts e.g. Official liquidator, Court receiver etc. (under the all the market intermediaries to update/upload KYC details of the
category of Government) for transacting in the securities market. new customer/investors (not KYC-KRA compliant) on CERSAI’s
PAN card copy is not required separately if KYC acknowledgement online platform. CERSAI is a centralized repository of KYC records
letter is made available. Tata Mutual Fund reserves the right to of customers/investors in the financial sector with uniform KYC
ascertain the status of such entities with adequate supporting norms and inter-usability of the KYC records across the sector with
documents. Applications not complying with the above requirement an objective to reduce the burden of producing KYC documents
may not be accepted/processed. Additionally, in the event of any and getting those verified every time when the customer/investors
application form being subsequently rejected for mismatch of creates a new relationship with a financial entity. Central KYC
applicant’s PAN details with the details on the website of the Income (CKYC) will store all the customer/investor information at one
Tax Department, the investment transaction will be cancelled & central server that is accessible to all the financial institutions.
the amount may be redeemed at the applicable NAV, subject to After opening a KYC account under the CKYC, customer/investor
payment of exit load, if any, please contact any of the Investor will get a 14-digit identification number (“KYC Number”) and that
Service Centres / CAMS / Distributors or visit our website www. the same may be quoted by the investor wanting to invest in mutual
tatamutualfund.com for further details. funds. Further, the Mutual Fund/AMC is required to check whether
the PAN of the investor has been updated in CKYCR. In case the
ii. PAN Exempt Investments
PAN has not been updated, the Mutual Fund/AMC shall collect a
SEBI vide its circular dated July 24, 2012 has clarified that self-certified copy of the investor’s PAN card and update/upload
investments in mutual funds schemes (including investments in the same in CKYCR. In case the Investor uses the old KRA KYC
SIPs) of up to Rs. 50,000 per investor per year across all schemes of form for updating of any KYC information, such investor shall be
the Fund shall be exempt from the requirement of PAN. Accordingly, required to provide additional/missing information only by using
individuals (including Joint Holders who are individuals, NRIs but the supplementary CKYC form or fill the new “CKYC form”.
not PIOs, Minors) & Sole proprietary firms who do not possess a
K. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Details
PAN (“Eligible Investors”) * are exempt from submission of PAN
for investments up to Rs. 50,000 in a rolling 12-month period or i. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified Rules 114F to
in a financial year i.e. April to March. However, Eligible Investors 114H, as part of the Income Tax Rules, 1962, which require Indian
are required to undergo Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure financial institutions to seek additional personal, tax and beneficial
with any of the SEBI registered KYC Registration Authorities (KRA). owner information and certain certifications and documentation
Eligible Investors must quote PAN Exempt KYC Reference Number from all account holders and/or applicants.
(PEKRN) issued by the KRA under the KYC acknowledgement letter ii. Applicants/Unit holders are required to mandatorily provide
in the application form & submit a copy thereof along with the the relevant information for FATCA and CRS, including Ultimate
application form. In case the applicant is a minor, PAN/PEKRN Beneficial Ownership (UBO) details in case of Non-Individual
details of the Guardian shall be submitted, as applicable. Eligible investors. In case of any change in any information provided, Unit
Investors (i.e. the First Holder) must not possess a PAN at the time holders should ensure to advise the Fund/RTA promptly i.e. within
of submission of application form. Eligible investors must hold only a period of 30 days.
one PEKRN issued by any one of the KRAs. If an application for
investment together within investments made in a financial year

iii. All Applicants/Unit holders, individuals and non-individuals, iv. Nomination in respect of the units stands rescinded upon the
must be aware that the failure to providing all relevant details in transfer of units.
relevant section and/or relevant forms will result in rejection of v. Transfer of units in favour of Nominee(s) shall be valid discharge
their investment application form, refund of application money, by the Asset Management Company (AMC) against the legal heirs,
reversal of units allotted and the Fund will not be liable for any executors, administrators, etc.
consequent loss to the Applicants/Unit holders.
vi. The cancellation of nomination can be made only by those
iv. Applicants like Individuals (including in the name of sole individuals who hold units in their own name, either solely or
proprietorship firm), joint applicants, HUF, are required to provide jointly and who have originally made the nomination.
details, as mentioned in this section, like Place and Country of birth,
vii. On cancellation of the nomination, the nomination shall stand
Country of Citizenship/Nationality mandatorily. If the applicant/s
rescinded & the Asset Management Company (AMC) shall not
have any countries of tax residency other than India, details of all
be under any obligation to transfer the units in favour of the
such countries and relevant tax identification number needs to be
provided. If the space in the form is not adequate, applicants are
required to attach additional sheets with information duly signed. viii. Nomination can be made for maximum number of three nominees.
In case of multiple nominees, the percentage of the allocation/
v. All Non-Individuals should fill and submit a separate form for
share should be in whole numbers without any decimals making
FATCA and CRS declaration. Non-Individual entities, including
a total of 100% (in the event of the unitholders not indicating the
partnerships, (other than those listed on a recognized stock
percentage of allocation/share for each of the nominees, the AMC,
exchange in India or is a subsidiary or related or controlled
by invoking default option shall settle the claims equally amongst
by such listed company) should also fill and submit a form for
all the nominees).
Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) details.
ix. Nomination will not be allowed in a folio held on behalf of a Minor.
vi. For any questions about the tax residency or other definitions or
terms used, Investors should contact their tax advisor. US citizen x. Nomination by a unit holder shall be applicable for investments in
should include United States in the foreign country information all schemes in the folio or account.
field along with the US Tax Identification Number (TIN). xi. In case a folio has joint holders, ALL Joint holders should sign
vii. It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent if the the request for nomination/cancellation of nomination, even if the
country in which you are tax resident issues such identifiers. If no mode of holding is not “Joint”.
TIN is yet available or has not yet been issued, please provide an xii. Every new nomination for a folio/account will overwrite the
explanation and attach to the form. existing nomination.
viii. Applicants should note that they also specifically authorize to xiii. Investors who do not wish to nominate must sign separately
disclose, share, remit in any form, mode or manner, all or any confirming their non-intention to nominate.
of the information provided by, including all changes, updates to
such information as and when provided, to the Mutual Fund, its xiv. Nomination by a unit holder shall be applicable for investments in
Sponsor, Asset Management Company, trustees, their employees / all schemes in the folio.
associated parties / RTAs (‘the Authorized Parties’) or any Indian or M. Demat Account
foreign governmental or statutory or judicial authorities / agencies i. Investors have an option to hold the units in dematerialized form
including but not limited to the Financial Intelligence Unit-India for all schemes except for the funds where the units are offered
(FIU-IND), the tax / revenue authorities in India or outside India and under the Daily / Weekly/ Fortnightly IDCW Options.
other investigation agencies without any obligation of advising the
applicant of the same. Further, applicant also authorizes to share ii. Applicants must ensure that the sequence of names as mentioned
the given information to other SEBI Registered Intermediaries in the application form matches that of the account held with
to facilitate single submission / updation and for other relevant the Depository Participant. Client ID, Names, Address and PAN
purposes. details, other KYC norms mentioned in the application form will
be verified against the Depository data which will be downloaded
ix. Applicant undertakes to keep the Mutual Fund informed in writing from Depository master.
about any changes / modification to the above information
in future and also undertake to provide any other additional iii. To capture correct depository account details, investors are
information / documentary proof as may be required. required to submit Client Master.

x. Please note that applicants/unit holders may receive more than iv. Only those applications where the details are matched with the
one request for information if they have multiple relationships/ depository data will be treated as valid applications for allotment
accounts/folios. Therefore, it is important that the applicant of units in dematerialised form.
responds to each of our request, even if they believe, they have v. If the details mentioned in the application are incomplete /
already supplied any previously requested information. incorrect, not matched with the depository data, the application
xi. In case any of the specified information provided by the applicant/ shall be treated as invalid and shall be liable to be rejected / units
unit holder is found to be false or untrue or misleading or will be issued / allotted by issuing physical account statements.
misrepresenting, applicant/unit holder will be solely liable and vi. For units held in demat form, the KYC performed by the Depository
will indemnify the Mutual Fund, it’s Sponsor, Asset Management Participant of the applicants will be considered as KYC verification
Company, Trustees, their employees / associated parties and the done by the Trustee/AMC.
RTAs. vii. Please note that where the applicant has furnished the details
xii. In case applicant/unit holder has any of the Indicia, pertaining to a of their depository accounts in the Application Form, it will be
foreign country and yet declares self to be non-tax resident in the assumed that the investor has opted for allotment in electronic
respective country, customer to provide relevant details as may be form & the allotment will be made only in electronic form as
asked for. default.
L. Nomination Details viii. For purchase in an Ongoing Scheme, the units will be allotted
As per SEBI regulations, you can assign a nominee to the investments, in demat form based on the applicable NAV as per the terms of
to whom the amounts will be payable on death of the some or all Unit the respective SID and will be credited to the Investors’ demat
holders as the case may be. It is mandatory to fill this section and sign account on weekly basis on realization of funds. For e.g. Units
in the specified place; even if you do not wish to nominate anybody will be credited to Investor’s Demat Account every Monday on the
it is mandatory for you to select the option for the same. If you wish basis of realization status received during the last week (Monday
to appoint multiple nominees, please fill up the Application Form for to Friday).
Multiple Nominations and submit it along with this form. N. Declarations and Signatures
i. The nomination can be made only by individuals applying for/ i. Signature(s) should be in English or in any of the Indian languages
holding units on their own behalf singly or jointly. Non-Individuals specified in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
including society, trust, body corporate, partnership firm, Karta ii. Thumb impressions and signatures in languages not specified in
of Hindu Undivided Family, holder of Power of Attorney cannot the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India should be attested
nominate. If the units are held jointly, all joint holders will sign the by a magistrate or a Notary Public or a special Executive Magistrate
nomination form if the purchase application is received through a under his/her official seal.
PoA holder, the nomination section should be separately signed by
the unitholder. iii. Applications by minors should be signed by their guardians.
ii. Minor(s) can be nominated & in that event, the name, address iv. In the case of an HUF, the Karta should sign on behalf of the HUF.
& signature of the guardian of the minor nominee(s) along with v. Authorized officials should sign the form under their official
Proof of Date of Birth of the nominee(s) and Proof of relationship designation and company seal. A list of specimen signatures of
with Guardian shall be provided by the unit holder. the authorized officials, duly certified and attested, should also be
iii. The nominee shall not be a trust (other than religious and attached to the application form.
charitable trust), society, body corporate, partnership firm, and vi. In the case of a trust fund, a resolution from the trustee(s)
member of Hindu undivided Family or a Power of Attorney holder. authorizing such purchase or investment should be submitted.
A non-resident Indian can be a Nominee subject to the policy of
exchange control for the time being in force.

TATA MUTUAL FUND This product is suitable for investors who are
Scheme Risk O Meter Benchmark Risk O Meter
(Nifty 500 Multicap 50:25:25 TRI)
Mulla House, Ground Floor, M. G. Road, Fort, l To Generate Long Term Capital Appreciation.
l An open ended equity scheme investing across
Mumbai - 400 001 large cap, mid cap and small cap stocks.
*Investors should consult their financial
Application Form For Tata Multicap Fund advisors if in doubt about whether the product
(SCHEME CODE TATA/O/E /MCF/22/10/0053) is suitable for them
1. Advisor / Distributor Information Refer Sec. B
ARN / RIA ^ Code Sub-Broker ARN Code Sub-Broker / Bank Branch Code EUIN Code

Internal Code OR Declaration for “execution-only” transaction – I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction
without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any,
provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor and the distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction.
In case the subscription amount is ` 10,000 or more and your Distributor has opted to receive transaction charges, ` 150/- (for First time mutual fund investor) or ` 100/- (for investor
other than First time mutual fund investor) will be deducted from the subscription amount and paid to the distributor. Units will be issued against the balance amount invested. Upfront
commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.
^ By mentioning RIA code, I / we authorize you to share with the SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) the details of my / our transactions in the schemes(s) of Tata Mutual Fund

Sign here Sole / 1st Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 2nd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 3rd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

2. Applicant’s Information Refer Sec. A, C & J

The Name of the Applicants should be as mentioned in the PAN and the KYC acknowledgement. There can be upto 3 holders. No joint holders allowed
with 1st applicant as a minor. Any applicants should not be a resident of Canada or a person who falls within the definition of the term “U.S. Person” under
the US Securities Act of 1933 and corporations or other entities organised under the laws of the U.S. For Investors New to Tata Mutual Fund, mention the
C-KYC No. Incase C-KYC No. is not available kindly complete the Know Your Client (KYC) form attached herewith.

Ist Applicant’s Details Folio No.

The first applicant >> Mr. Ms. M/s. PAN / PEKRN C-KYC
will be the primary
holder and all
correspondence will be
sent to him/her. Name
Only the first holder
can be a minor.
Existing Investors may Date of Birth (DOB) / Date of Incorporation
mention the Folio no. In case of Minor: Proof of DOB: Birth certificate School leaving certificate
and proceed to Sec. 4. D D / M M / Y Y Y Y Passport Others ………….............
Investors to ensure
that PAN is linked to Mobile No. Mobile belongs to
Aadhaar. Self Parent Sibling
Spouse Child Guardian
I hereby authorize TAMPL/ TMF to send important information and transaction updates to me on WhatsApp mobile number.

Contact Person - Designation (Non Individual Investors) / Power of Attorney (POA) / Proprietor / Guardian details (minor applicant)
POA / Proprietor / PAN / PEKRN
Guardian Details Mr. Ms.


For Non Individual >> Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Number

To be filled by >> Relationship with the Minor Applicant Proof of Relationship

Guardian Mother Father Legal Guardian Birth certificate School leaving certificate Passport Others ………............
Mobile No. Date of Birth C-KYC
D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Tax Status
Resident Individual Sole Proprietorship Body Corporate Overseas Citizen of India
NRI-Repatriation Hindu Undivided Family Limited Liability Partnership Foreign National Resident in India
NRI-Non-Repatriation Partnership Body of Individuals Person of Indian Origin
Minor - Resident Individual Company Society / Club Others (Please specify)
Minor - NRI Trust Non Profit Organization ........................................................
3. Contact Details Refer Sec. D
Mailing address is >>
required for initial
communication. We
will overwrite this
address with the 1st City
Applicants address
as per the KRA
records PIN State Country

Residence Phone (prefix STD Code) Office Phone (prefix STD Code)
Email Email belongs to
Self Parent Sibling
Spouse Child Guardian
For investors who do not have email address on record:
I/We wish to receive physical copy of the scheme-wise annual report or abridged summary thereof Yes No
% %
Sr. No.:
Acknowledgement Slip
Received from Mr./Ms./M/s. ______________________________________________________________________ PAN _________________________________ ` _________________________________
for purchase in Tata Multicap Fund : Plan: Regular Direct Subject to verification and realisation.
Option: IDCW Reinvestment IDCW Payout
Overseas address
Mandatory for Non-
Resident Individuals
and Overseas
Investors in addition
to the mailing City

State ZIP Code Country

4. Investment Instrument Details Refer Sec. E

The name of the >> Gross Amount (`) (A) DD Charges (`) (if any) Net Amount (`) (Cheque / DD Amount)
first applicant (B) (A - B)
should be available
on the investment
Cheque. Account Number A/c Type Dated

Cheque/ DD to be D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
drawn in favour
of ‘Tata Multicap Drawn on Bank Cheque / DD No.
Fund ’

Branch Branch City

5. Investment Scheme Details Refer Sec. F & Product Labels

Amount Allocation Lumpsum Lumpsum + SIP

Scheme Name >> Tata Multicap Fund

>> Regular Direct
(select any one)

Option >> Growth IDCW

IDCW Payout Option

>> IDCW Reinvestment IDCW Payout
(select any one)

IDCW - Income Distribution cum Capital Withdrawal.

6. Bank Account Details Refer Sec. G

The bank account details provided below will be held on record and considered as default bank mandate to pay redemption
proceeds and IDCW payouts (if applicable).
This must be an
Bank Name Branch
Indian account. The
1st applicant should
be a holder in this
account. Account number A/C type Savings Current NRO




City PIN State

% %

Cheque Details Acknowledgement Slip

Cheque/DD No. _______________________ dated ______________________ A/c. No. __________________________________ Bank ______________________________
Call (022) 6282 7777 (Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm) Subject to realisation.
7. Joint Applicant’s Details Refer Sec. H & I

Mode of Holding Single Joint Any one or Survivor (Default)

IInd Applicant’s Details Investors to ensure that PAN is linked to Aadhaar.

Mr. Ms. Status PAN / PEKRN

Resident Individual NRI
Name Date of Birth

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Mobile No. Mobile belongs to C-KYC

Self Parent Sibling
Spouse Child Guardian
IIIrd Applicant’s Details Investors to ensure that PAN is linked to Aadhaar.

Mr. Ms. Status PAN / PEKRN

Resident Individual NRI
Name Date of Birth

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Mobile No. Mobile belongs to C-KYC

Self Parent Sibling
Spouse Child Guardian

8. Know Your Customer (KYC) Details Refer Sec. J

Occupation >> Private Sector Service Retired Private Sector Service Retired Private Sector Service Retired
Public Sector Service Business Public Sector Service Business Public Sector Service Business
Government Sector Agriculturist Government Sector Agriculturist Government Sector Agriculturist
Professional Forex Dealer Professional Forex Dealer Professional Forex Dealer
Housewife Student Housewife Student Housewife Student
Others (please specify) ....................... Others (please specify) ........................... Others (please specify) ........................
Gross Annual Income >> Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs Below 1 Lac 1-5 Lacs
5-10 Lacs 10-25 Lacs 5-10 Lacs 10-25 Lacs 5-10 Lacs 10-25 Lacs
>25 Lacs-1 crore >1 crore >25 Lacs-1 crore >1 crore >25 Lacs-1 crore >1 crore
Networth in (Mandatory for Non-individual) Networth in Networth in
` ..................................................... as on ` ........................................................... as ` ................................................... as on
D D / M M / Y Y Y Y D D / M M / Y Y Y Y D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
(not older than 1 year) (not older than 1 year) (not older than 1 year)
Others >> Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Politically Exposed Person Politically Exposed Person Politically Exposed Person
Related to Politically Exposed Person Related to Politically Exposed Person Related to Politically Exposed Person
Additional KYC Details for Non - Individuals
For Non Individuals >> Is the company a Listed Company or Subsidiary of Listed Company or Controlled by a Listed Company: Yes No
(if No, mandatory to attach the UBO declaration)
only (Companies,
Non Individual investors involved/providing any of the mentioned services
Trust, Partnership
Foreign Exchange / Money Changer Services Gaming / Gambling / Lottery / Casino Services
etc.) Money Lending / Pawning None of the above
9. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) & CRS Details Refer Sec. K
Country of Birth >>

Place of Birth >>

Nationality >> Indian U. S. Indian U. S. Indian U. S.

Others (Please specify) _________________ Others (Please specify) _________________ Others (Please specify) _________________
Type of address given at KRA >> Residential or Business Residential Residential or Business Residential Residential or Business Residential
Registered Office Business Registered Office Business Registered Office Business
Are you also a resident in >> No Yes No Yes No Yes
any other country(ies) for tax
purposes? If yes, complete section below.
Country of Tax Residency 1 >>

Tax Identification Number 1 >>

Identification Type 1 >>

If TIN is not available please >> Reason A B C Reason A B C Reason A B C

tick the reason A, B or C *
Country of Tax Residency 2 >>

Tax Identification Number 2 >>

Identification Type 2 >>

If TIN is not available please >> Reason A B C Reason A B C Reason A B C

tick the reason A, B or C *
* Reason A: The country where the Account Holder is liable to pay tax does not issue Tax Identification Numbers to its residents; Reason B: No TIN required (Select this reason
only if the authorities of the respective country of tax residence do not require the TIN to be collected); Reason C: Others- Please state the reasons thereof
FATCA & CRS Related Details for Non Individuals: Please submit Form W8 BEN-E / Specified declaration (Enclosed)
10. Nomination Details (Mandatory) Refer Sec. L
You can nominate up to 3 persons to receive the Units allotted to you in your folio in the unfortunate event of death of all unit holders. All payments and settlements
made to such Nominee(s) and Signature of the Nominee(s) acknowledging receipt thereof, shall be a valid discharge by the AMC/ Mutual Fund/ Trustees.
Select any one >> Register nomination as below I do not wish to nominate.
1 Nominee
Name PAN / PEKRN Date of Birth
D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Relationship with Sole/1st Holder Allocation (%) Signature of Nominee / Guardian

Address of Nomnee / Guardian (in case of Minor Nominee)

State PIN Country

Guardian Name in case of Minor Nominee Guardian PAN Relationship of Guardian with Nominee

2nd Nominee Name PAN / PEKRN Date of Birth

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Relationship with Sole/1st Holder Allocation (%) Signature of Nominee / Guardian

Address of Nomnee / Guardian (in case of Minor Nominee)

State PIN Country

Guardian Name in case of Minor Nominee Guardian PAN Relationship of Guardian with Nominee

3rd Nominee Name PAN / PEKRN Date of Birth

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Relationship with Sole/1st Holder Allocation (%) Signature of Nominee / Guardian

Address of Nomnee / Guardian (in case of Minor Nominee)

State PIN Country

Guardian Name in case of Minor Nominee Guardian PAN Relationship of Guardian with Nominee

Sign here 1st Applicant Signature / 2nd Applicant Signature / 3rd Applicant Signature /
Thumb Impression Thumb Impression Thumb Impression

11. Demat Account Details Refer Sec. M

The sequence of NSDL Depository Participant Name DP ID No. Beneficiary Account No.
names as mentioned
in the application form I N
matches with that of the
account held with DP. CDSL Depository Participant Name Target ID No.
In case of discrepancy,
Units will be allotted in
physical mode.
Enclosures Client Masters List (CML) Transaction cum Holding Statement Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS)

12. Declaration and Signatures Refer Sec. N

I/We am/are not prohibited from accessing capital markets under any order/ruling/judgment etc., of any regulation, including SEBI. I/We confirm that my application is in compliance with applicable Indian and foreign laws. I / We hereby confirm
and declare as under:-
(1) I / We have read, understood and hereby agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the scheme, related documents and apply for allotment of Units of the Scheme(s) of Tata Mutual Fund (‘Fund’) indicated in this application form.
(2) I/We am/are eligible Investor(s) as per the scheme related documents and am/are authorised to make this investment. The amount invested in the Scheme(s) is through legitimate sources only and is not for the purpose of contravention
and/or evasion of any act, rules, regulations, notifications or directions issued by any regulatory authority in India.
(3) The information given in / with this application form is true and correct and further agree to furnish such other further/additional information as may be required by the Tata Asset Management Private Limited (TAMPL)/ Fund and
undertake to inform the AMC / Fund/Registrars and Transfer Agent (RTA) in writing about any change in the information furnished from time to time.
(4) That in the event, the above information and/or any part of it is/are found to be false/ untrue/misleading, I/We will be liable for the consequences arising therefrom.
(5) I/We hereby authorize you to disclose, share, remit in any form/manner/mode the above information and/or any part of it including the changes/updates that may be provided by me/us to the Mutual Fund, its Sponsor/s, Trustees, Asset
Management Company, its employees, agents and third party service providers, SEBI registered intermediaries for single updation/ submission, any Indian or foreign statutory, regulatory, judicial, quasi- judicial authorities/agencies
including but not limited to Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND) etc without any intimation/advice to me/us. I/We hereby authorize you to share the account statement of the folio with the distributor /broker / advisor on record.
(6) I/We will indemnify the Fund, AMC, Trustee, RTA and other intermediaries in case of any dispute regarding the eligibility, validity and authorization of my/our transactions.
(7) The ARN holder (AMFI registered Distributor) has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode), payable to him/them for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from
amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us.
(8) I/We hereby confirm that I/We have not been offered/ communicated any indicative portfolio and/ or any indicative yield by the Fund/AMC/its distributor for this investment.
(9) I / We agree that the unit balance(s) reflecting in the account statement is subject to realisation of Cheque accompanying the purchase request, PAN validation and KYC compliance.
(10) For Foreign Nationals Resident in India only: I/We will redeem my/our entire investment/s before I/We change my/our Indian residency status. I/We shall be fully liable for all consequences (including taxation) arising out of the failure to
redeem on account of change in residential status.
(11) For NRIs/ PIO/OCIs only: I/We confirm that my application is in compliance with applicable Indian and Foreign laws.
(12) I/We hereby accord my/our consent to TATA AMC for receiving the promotional information/ material via email, SMS, telemarketing calls, etc. on the mobile number and email provided by me/us in this Application Form.
Date: _____________________

Sign here Sole / 1st Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 2nd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 3rd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression
Debit Mandate Form NACH (One Time Mandate - OTM) Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
[Applicable for Lumpsum Additional Purchases as well as SIP Registrations]
UMRN Office use only
Choose (P)
Sponsor Bank Code Office use only Utility Code Office use only
ý MODIFY I/We hereby authorize TATA MUTUAL FUND to debit (P) ¨ SB ¨ CA ¨ CC ¨ SB-NRE ¨ SB-NRO ¨ Other
Bank A/c No.:

With Bank: Bank Name & Branch IFSC MICR

an amount of Rupees Amount in Words `

FREQUENCY ý Monthly ý Quarterly ý Half Yearly  As when presented (default) DEBIT TYPE ý Fixed Amount  Maximum Amount
Reference / Folio No. Email Id

Scheme / Plan reference No. All Schemes of Tata Mutual Fund Mobile
I agree for the debit of mandate processing charges by the bank whom I am authorising to debit my account as per latest schedule of charges of the bank.
From Signature of First Account Holder Signature of Second Account Holder Signature of Third Account Holder
D D M M Y Y Y Y Sign Sign Sign
to D D M M Y Y Y Y

or Until Cancelled 1. 2. 3.
Name as in Bank Records Name as in Bank Records Name as in Bank Records
• This is to confirm that the declaration has been carefully read, understood & made by me/us. I am authorising the user Entity / Corporate to debit my account, based on the instructions as agreed and signed by me.
• I have understood that I am authorised to cancel / amend this mandate by appropriately communicating the cancellation / amendment request to the user entity / corporate or the bank where I have authorised the debit.

SIP Registration (For OTM Registered Investors only)

Please tick () as applicable: Registration of SIP Registration of MICRO SIP
Advisor Details (Transaction Charges for Applications routed through distributor/agents only (Kindly refer Instruction 8 overleaf)
ARN / RIA ^ Code Sub-Broker ARN Code Sub-Broker / Bank Branch Code EUIN Code

Internal Code OR Declaration for “execution-only” transaction – I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank
by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/
sales person of the above distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/
relationship manager/sales person of the distributor and the distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction.
^ By mentioning RIA code, I / we authorize you to share with the SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) the details of my /
our transactions in the schemes(s) of Tata Mutual Fund.

Sign here Sole / 1st Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 2nd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 3rd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

Investor Details Application No. Folio No.

1st Holder Name PAN

2nd Holder Name PAN

3rd Holder Name PAN

First SIP Cheque Details

Cheque No. Cheque Amount in Rs. Cheque Date

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Bank Name Branch City

SIP Scheme/Option/ Plan: Regular Direct SIP Instalment Frequency SIP Start Date SIP End Date
Sub Option Amount (`) (*Default) (Default : 31 December 2099)
Daily ^
Tata Multicap Fund D D / M M / Y Y Y Y D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Option: Growth IDCW
Monthly *
IDCW Option: IDCW Reinvest IDCW Payout
Daily SIP - Monday to Friday - On Business Days only
Quarterly SIP Transactions will start from 03rd March 2023.

Day of the week for weekly frequency : Monday Tuesday Wednesday (Default) Thursday Friday

 SIP Top-up Top-up Amount (Rs.) SIP Top Up Frequency   Upper SIP Amount (Rs.)
(Optional) (In multiples of Rs. 500/- only)
 Half Yearly   Yearly (default)

Declaration and Signatures : To - The Trustee, Tata Mutual Fund, Mumbai. Having read & understood the contents of SAI/SID/KIM of Tata Mutual Fund
Scheme/s and terms and conditions overleaf, I/We hereby apply for the respective Units of Tata Mutual Fund Scheme/s at NAV based resale price & agree to
abide by terms, conditions, rules & regulations of scheme/s. I/We hereby declare that the particulars given are correct & complete & express my willingness
to make payments towards SIP installments referred above through participation in ECS/Direct Debit/Standing Instruction. The ARN Holder, where applicable,
has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (trail commission or any other mode), payable to him for the different cometing Schemes of various Mutual Funds
from amoungs which the Scheme is being recommended to me /us.

Sign here Sole / 1st Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 2nd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 3rd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

Received for Folio No. / Application No. in Tata Multicap Fund  OTM Debit Mandate Form   SIP Form
CALL: (022) 6282 7777 • SMS: TMF To 57575 • Email: [email protected]

A. Instructions to fill one-time mandate (OTM) for reasons not attributable to the negligence and/or misconduct
on the part of the AMC.
1. Investors who have already submitted a One Time Mandate (OTM)
form or already registered for OTM facility should not submit OTM 16. Investors agree to abide by the terms and conditions that may be
form again as OTM registration is a one-time process only for each intimated to them by the AMC/Bank with respect to the NACH/
bank account. However, if such investors wish to add a new bank Direct Debit/SI from time to time.
account towards OTM facility may fill the form.
17. The investors hereby authorize the representatives of Tata Asset
2. Investors, who have not registered for OTM facility, may fill the Management Private Limited, Investment Manager to Tata Mutual
OTM form and submit duly signed with their name mentioned. Fund carrying this mandate form to get it verified and executed.

3. Mobile Number and Email Id: Unit holder(s) should mandatorily 18. The investors authorize the Bank to debit their bank account for any
provide their mobile number and email id on the mandate form. charges towards mandate verification, registration, transactions,
Where the mobile number and email id mentioned on the mandate returns, etc, as applicable for participation in NACH/Direct Debit/
form differs from the ones as already existing in the folio, the SI.
details provided on the mandate will be updated in the folio. All
future communication whatsoever would be, thereafter, sent to the 19. Note: Accordingly, with effect from November 15, 2010 TMF will
updated mobile number and email id. TMF / TAMPL reserves the not accept applications for subscriptions accompanied with third
right to use Electronic Mail (email) as a default mode to send various party payment instruments except in exceptional situations. Third
communication which include account statements for transactions Party Payment is defined as:
done by the investor(s). The Investor/(s) agree/s and acknowledge, a. Payment made through an instrument issued from an account
irrespective of their registration of the above mobile number in the other than that of the beneficiary investor.
‘DO NOT DISTURB (DND)’, ‘or in any similar register maintained
under applicable laws, at the time of application or subsequent to b. In case of payments from a joint bank account, the 1st holder
the date hereof, they consent to the Bank/AMC communicating with of the mutual fund folio has to be one of the joint holders of
them in any manner whatsoever on the registered mobile number the Bank Account from which payment is made.
with respect to the transactions carried out in their bank account(s).
c. Investments from the investor’s account with a different bank
4. Investors are required to provide an original cancelled cheque (or i.e., the pay-in & payout banks are different, if the pay-in bank
a copy) with name and account number pre-printed of the bank mandate could not be established to be that of the investor, it
account to be registered or bank account verification letter for will also be treated as third party investment.
registration of the mandate failing which registration may not be
accepted. The Investors cheque/ bank account details are subject The exceptional situations where the same will not be applicable
to third party verification. The investors cheque/ bank account are as follows:
details are subject to third party verification. In case the investor is a. Payment by Parents/Grandparents/related persons on behalf
not able to submit the Original cancelled cheque or do not have the of a minor in consideration of natural love and affection or
name of the investor on the face of the cheque. Then submit any as gift for a value not exceeding Rs. 50,000/- (each regular
one of the following: purchase or per SIP installment);
a. Copy of the bank passbook attested by bank / Original bank b. Payment by employer on behalf of employee under Systematic
statement with name, address and bank account number of Investment Plan (SIP) facility through payroll deductions;
the investor.
20. In case SIP/ Micro SIP investments are made through “Third Party
b. A letter from the bank on its letter head certifying that the Payments” i.e. payment made through an instrument issued from
investor maintains an account with the bank, along with the a bank account other than that of the first named applicant/
information like the bank account number, bank branch, investor mentioned in the application form, Investors are required
account type, the MICR code of the branch and the IFSC code. to additionally fill up and submit the “Third Party Declaration Form”
5. Investors are deemed to have read and understood the terms and (available at our ISCs and website www.tatamutualfund.com) along
conditions of OTM Facility, SIP registration through OTM facility, with the SIP enrollment form.
the Scheme Information Document, Statement of Additional 21. The investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH
Information, Key Information Memorandum, Instructions and facility of NPCI, Direct Debit facility of Banks, and facilities of RBI.
Addenda issued from time to time of the respective Scheme(s) of Tata Mutual Fund (TMF) / TAMPL, its registrars and other service
Tata Mutual Fund. providers shall not be held responsible or will not be liable for
6. Date and the validity of the mandate should be mentioned in DD/ any damages and will not compensate for any loss, damage etc.
MM/YYYY format. incurred to the investor. The investor assumes the entire risk of
using this facility and takes full responsibility. Investor will not hold
7. Utility Code of the Service Provider will be mentioned by Tata TMF / TAMPL, its registrars and other service providers responsible
Mutual Fund. if the transaction is delayed or not effected or the investor bank
account is debited in advance or after the specific SIP date due
8. Tick () on the respective option to select your choice of action and to various clearing s of Auto Debit / local holidays. TMF shall
instruction. endeavors to register the one-time mandate and SIPs through NACH
9. The numeric data like Bank account number, Investors account however if for any reason what so ever the registrations of OTM is
number should be left padded with zeroes. unsuccessful; TMF shall endeavor to register the SIP through other
debit modes like Direct Debit, Standing Instructions etc.
10. Please mention the Name of Bank and Branch, IFSC / MICR Code
also provide An Original Cancelled copy of the cheque of the same B. Instructions for SIP Registration form (OTM already registered)
bank account registered in One Time Mandate. 1. SIP Registration form should be completed in English and in Block
11. Amount payable for service or maximum amount per transaction Letters only. Please tick () in the appropriate box () where boxes
that could be processed in words. The amount in figures should be have been provided. Registration form complete in all respects,
same as the amount mentioned in words, in case of ambiguity the should be submitted at any of the Official Point of Acceptance of
mandate will be rejected. Tata Mutual Fund.

12. For the convenience of the investors the frequency of the mandate 2. New Investors who wish to enroll are required to fill (i) OTM Mandate
will be “As and When Presented” Form (ii) SIP Registration Form and (iii) the respective Scheme
Application form (included in the Key Information Memorandum).
13. The mandate will be valid till 31/12/2099 New Investors can apply for SIP into respective Scheme / Plans /
Option without any existing investment /folio.
14. Please affix the Names of customer/s and signature/s as well as
seal of Company (where required) and sign the undertaking. 3. This SIP registration form has to be filled where a onetime mandate
is already registered in a folio for a bank account, and there
15. Investors agree and acknowledge that they will not hold the AMC is no need of a separate cheque to be given along with the SIP
responsible for any delay and/or failure in debiting his bank account Registration Form.

4. Where the mandate form and the SIP registration form are submitted a. where the Distributor of the investor has not opted to receive
together, debits for the SIP may happen only on successful any Transaction Charges
registration of the mandate by the Unit holder(s) bank. The Fund
/ AMC would present the SIP transactions or lumpsum purchase b. for purchases / subscriptions / total commitment amount in
transactions without waiting for the confirmation of the successful case of SIP of an amount less than Rs. 10,000/-;
registration from the Unit holder(s)’ bank. 9. In case there are more than one OTM mandates registered for
5. In case the onetime mandate is successfully registered, new SIP the folio, investor has to specify the Bank Name and the account
registration will take upto five days. The first debit may happen any number which needs to be debited for the SIP. In case the bank
time thereafter, based on the dates opted by the Unit holder(s). name and the account numbers are not mentioned, or there is any
ambiguity, the SIP request is liable for rejection.
6. W.e.f 1st January 2011, KYC is mandatory for all investors including
SIP investments. This is a one-time KYC compliance process; a 10. Investors should indicate the Plan (viz. Direct Plan/ Regular Plan) for
copy of the KYC compliance letter is mandatory to be submitted which the subscription is made by indicating the complete scheme
while investing the amount for the first time. Existing investors name with the Plan, option and sub option in the appropriate box
need to comply and submit KYC during Renewal of SIP if not provided for the purpose in the application form. Default options:
submitted earlier. Applications for subscriptions without a valid If Growth or IDCW Option is not mentioned: Growth; Default Sub-
KYC compliance may be rejected. In the event of non-compliance of Option: IDCW re-investment option. In case of valid applications
KYC requirements, the Trustees/AMC reserves the right to freeze received without indicating any choice of Plan, the application with
the folio of the investor(s) and effect mandatory redemption of be processed for the Plan as under:
unit holding’s of the investors at the applicable NAV, subject to Default under Direct / Regular Plan:
payment of exit load (as applicable) and recovery of unamortized
Broker Code mentioned Plan mentioned Default Plan to
NFO expenses. KYC is required for Micro SIP as well. Please refer to Scenario
SAI for more details. by the investor by the investor be captured
1 Not mentioned Not mentioned Direct Plan
7. Investments through distributors: As per directions of Securities and 2 Not mentioned Direct Plan Direct Plan
Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Investors can route their application 3 Not mentioned Regular Plan Direct Plan
forms directly and /or through the distributors /employees of the 4 Mentioned Direct Plan Direct Plan
distributor who hold a valid certification from the National Institute 5 Direct Plan Not Mentioned Direct Plan
of Securities Markets (NISM) and ARN provided by Association of 6 Direct Plan Regular Plan Direct Plan
7 Mentioned Regular Plan Regular Plan
Mutual Funds in India (AMFI). Further, no agents / distributors are
8 Mentioned Not Mentioned Regular Plan
entitled to sell units of mutual funds unless the intermediary is
registered with AMFI. 11. In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN codes mentioned on
the application form, the application shall be processed under
Employee Unique Identification Number (EUIN): Further, SEBI has Regular Plan. TAMPL shall contact and obtain the correct ARN code
made it compulsory for every employee/ relationship manager/ within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the application form from
sales person of the distributor of mutual fund products to quote the investor/ distributor. In case, the correct code is not received
the EUIN obtained by him/her from AMFI in the Application Form. within 30 calendar days, the TAMPL shall reprocess the transaction
EUIN would assist in addressing any instance of mis-selling even under Direct Plan from the date of application without any exit load.
if the employee/relationship manager/sales person later leaves
the employment of the distributor. Hence, if your investments are 12. The provisions mentioned in the respective SID regarding
routed through a distributor please ensure that the EUIN is correctly Applicable NAV, Risk Factors, Load etc. shall be applicable. The
filled up in the Application Form. However, if the transaction provision for “Minimum Application Amount” as specified in the
is executed without any interaction or advice of the employee/ respective SID will not be applicable for SIP Investments. e.g. the
relationship manager / sales person of the distributor the EUIN box minimum application amount for new investor in Tata Multicap
may be left blank. In this case you are required to provide a duly Fund is Rs.5000/-. However, in case of SIP investments, an investor
signed declaration to this effect in the form. can enter the Scheme with minimum amount of Rs.150/-.

Overseas Distributors: Overseas Distributors are exempt from 13. Minimum application amount for Daily, Weekly or Monthly SIP
obtaining NISM certification and AMFI registration as per AMFI Option –12 instalments of Rs. 150/- each and in multiples of Re. 1
circular No. CIR/ ARN-14/12-13 dated July 13, 2012 and the EUIN thereafter. For Quarterly SIP option – 4 instalments of Rs. 1,500/-
requirement as per AMFI Circular No.135/BP/33/2012-13 dated each and in multiples of Re. 1 thereafter. For MICRO SIP maximum
December 31, 2012. However, such Overseas Distributors are SIP amount can be Rs.4000/- Per Month or Rs. 12000/- Per Quarter
required to comply with the guidelines/ requirements as may be across all his folios.
issued by AMFI /SEBI from time to time and also comply with the
14. Daily SIP will be processed on all business days from Monday to
laws, rules and regulations of jurisdictions where they carry out
Friday. Daily SIP will be registered for a maximum period of 5 years
their operations in the capacity of distributors
only. It is mandatory to mention the SIP start date and SIP end date,
New cadre distributors: Postal agents, retired government and in case the form is received after the SIP start date the SIP will start
semi-government officials (class III and above or equivalent), retired as per the following business rules:
teachers and retired bank officers (all such retired persons with at
i. Daily SIP: From the date of confirmation of registration
least 10 years of service) and other similar persons (such as Bank
correspondents) as may be notified by AMFI/ the AMC from time ii. Weekly SIP: from the SIP Day as required post the confirmation
to time as new cadre distributors are permitted to sell eligible of registration (default: Wednesday).
schemes of the Fund. However these schemes are not eligible to be
sold by such distributors. In case your application for subscription iii. Monthly and Quarterly: From the same date as the SIP start
is receive through such distributor, it is liable to be rejected. date however from following month.

8. Transaction Charge: In accordance with SEBI circular No. Cir/ IMD/ If the frequency is not mentioned, then the default frequency is
DF/13/ 2011 dated August 22, 2011, TAMPL/TMF will deduct Monthly. If the SIP period for monthly and Quarterly Frequency is
Transaction Charges from the purchase/ subscription amount not specified, SIP will be registered to start after 10th March 2020
received from the investors investing through a valid ARN Holder subject to mandate being registered. If end date is not specified,
i.e. AMFI registered Distributor (provided the Distributor has opted SIP will be registered till 31st December 2099 or end date of
to receive the Transaction Charges). mandate, whichever is earlier. Note, daily SIP will be registered for
a maximum period of 5 years only.
Transaction Charge of Rs. 150 (for a first time investor across
mutual funds) or Rs. 100 (for investor other than first time mutual 15. If any time during the SIP period, the onetime mandate is to be
fund investor) per purchase / subscription of Rs. 10,000 and modified to reduce the validity period which is more than SIP end
above are deductible from the purchase / subscription amount and period registered through OTM, investor should first cancel the SIP
payable to the Distributor. The balance amount shall be invested. and thereafter modify the OTM end period.

Transaction charges in case of investments through SIP: Transaction 16. While the Tata Mutual Fund (Fund) and Registrar and Transfer Agent
Charges in case of investments through SIP are deductible only if (RTA, CAMS) reserve the right to enhance the SIP period to ensure
the total commitment of investment (i.e. amount per SIP installment minimum installments as per respective scheme offer documents,
x No. of instalments) amounts to Rs. 10,000 or more. In such even if the investor has submitted the form late or requested for
cases, Transaction Charges shall be deducted in 3-4 instalments. a period less than minimum installments, they may reject the
Transaction Charges shall not be deducted: applications for less than minimum installments.

17. In case of Micro SIP application without PAN, the investor/s hereby duly completed and signed by all the unit holders. This request
declare that they do not have any existing Micro SIPs with Tata should be received to us at least 15 business days prior to the next
Mutual Fund which together with the current application will result due date of SIP.
in aggregate investments exceeding Rs. 50,000 in a year.
25. TAMPL reserves the right to reject any application without assigning
18. An investor can opt for Monthly or Quarterly frequency. The default any reason thereof. TAMPL in consultation with Trustees reserves
frequency is monthly. An investor shall have the option of choosing the right to withdraw these offerings, modify the procedure,
for 1 or more than 1 SIP in the same scheme and in the same month. frequency, dates, load structure in accordance with the SEBI
Regulations and any such change will be applicable only to units
19. The default option in a case end date for enrolment period will transacted pursuant to such change on a prospective basis.
be 31st December 2099. In case an investor, subsequently intends
to discontinue the same, a written communication thereof will be C. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ONE TIME MANDATE
required to be furnished. In case the SIP end date is not mentioned
while submitting the application, the SIP mandate will be construed C. I. General
to be 31st December 2099, till instruction to the contrary is received 1. One Time Mandate (OTM) is a facility (herein after referred as
from the investor. ‘facility’) whereby the Unit holder(s) can register a onetime mandate
20. Instructions for Any day SIP: to debit their bank account up to a certain limit per transaction, as
per their choice, with Tata Mutual Fund (‘Fund’) and authorizing
a. In case of ambiguity of SIP date, the default date will be the Fund or Tata Asset Management Private Limited (‘TAMPL’) and
considered as 10th of every month/quarter. the bank to debit their bank account for payment towards various
purchases or SIP instalments submitted through various modes
b. Investors should take note that despite the date of debit of the offered or as may be offered from time to time by TAMPL.
bank account as mentioned the NAV applicability will be on
the basis of the provision of NAV applicability as mentioned in 2. This facility is an authorization to the bank, as indicated by the
the SID of the respective scheme. Unit holder(s) in the OTM form, to debit their bank account up to
a certain limit in a particular folio per registration per transaction,
c. If the date of debit to our account happens to be a non- based on their instruction to the Fund, whenever they choose to
business day as per the Mutual Fund, execution of the SIP will invest or start a SIP.
happen on the day of holiday & allotment of units will happen
as per the Terms & Conditions listed in the KIM/SID/SAI of the 3. Unless otherwise specified, the term ‘mandate’ in these terms and
Mutual Fund. conditions refers to the specific bank and bank account number of
the investor/s or unit holder/s as mentioned by them in the OTM
21. Allotment of units would be subject to realisation of credit. form (mandate form) to be used for debits for payment towards
22. In case there are three consecutive SIP transaction reversals, the lump sum purchases or SIP instalments.
subsequent SIP instalments will be automatically ceased. 4. This facility is available to all categories of investors who are eligible
23. Top-up SIP is a facility whereby an investor has an option to increase to invest in the schemes of the Fund from time to time. TAMPL
the amount of the SIP Installment by a fixed amount at pre-defined reserves the right to restrict or withdraw or discontinue the OTM
intervals. This will enhance the flexibility of the investor to invest facility to certain categories of investors or to any specific investor
higher amounts during the tenure of the SIP. Terms and conditions anytime at its discretion without assigning any prior reason thereof.
of top-up SIP are as follows: 5. To avail of this Facility, the investors/Unit holder(s) of the Fund
i. The Top-up option must be specified by the investors while shall be required to submit the onetime mandate, complete with
enrolling for the SIP facility. all the details in the designated mandate form. TAMPL may in
its absolute discretion and in the Unit holder(s) interest, request
ii. The minimum SIP Top-up amount is `500 and in multiples of the Unit holder(s) for a verbal, fax or written confirmation of any
`500. registration request or subsequent transaction request and/or any
additional information with respect to the mandate or Unit holder(s)
iii. The Top-up details cannot be modified once enrolled. In order authorization.
to make any changes, the investor must cancel the existing SIP
and enroll for a fresh SIP with Top-up option. 6. When a mandate is successfully registered with unit holders’ bank
and upon confirmation from the Fund, the Unit holder(s) shall have
iv. In case of Monthly SIP, Half-yearly as well as Yearly frequency the flexibility to make lump sum purchases or register new SIPs in
are available under SIP Top-up. If the investor does not specify any of the schemes through various modes not limited to physical
the frequency, the default frequency for Top-up will be mode without a cheque, or any other mode introduced in future or
considered as Yearly. to any other mode to which this facility is extended in future; up
v. In case of Quarterly SIP, only the Yearly frequency is available to the maximum amount of the mandate so registered. There is no
under SIP Top-up. requirement of filling a mandate form every time for a new SIP, as
long as the amount of the instalments for the SIPs registered are
vi. Top-up SIP will be allowed in all schemes in which SIP facility is within the mandate amount.
being offered.
7. In a folio, the Unit holder(s) can register only a single onetime
vii. Investors can opt for an upper limit for the SIP with top up facility. mandate with a particular bank account number. In other words, for
Maximum amount of debit (SIP+Top-Up) per instalment should the same bank account number, the unit holder(s) cannot submit
not exceed the upper limit of the OTM mandate registered. more than one mandate in a folio. However, the Unit holder(s) can
The investment SIP Top up will be discontinued once the SIP register multiple mandates of different bank account numbers
upper limit is reached. However, the SIP will continue till the maintained with the same bank or different banks.
entire enrolment period as opted by the investor.
8. Mobile Number and Email Id: Unit holder(s) should mandatorily
e.g. provide their mobile number and email id on the mandate form.
Where the mobile number and email id mentioned on the mandate
SIP enrollment period: 2- Sep -2022 to 3- Mar - 2026; form differs from the ones as already existing in the folio, the
Monthly SIP amount: Rs. 2000 details provided on the mandate will be updated in the folio. All
future communication whatsoever would be, thereafter, sent to the
Top Up Amount: Rs. 500; updated mobile number and email id.

Top Up frequency: Half yearly. 9. Default Mandate: Where unit holder/s register more than one
mandate in a folio various periods of time. The last updated
Upper SIP Amount: Rs. 3000 successfully registered mandate would be treated as the Default
From date To date Monthly SIP SIP Top Up Total Mandate. In the absence of any specific bank account number
Installment (`) Amount (`) Amount of mentioned for lump sum purchases or new SIP registrations, default
SIP (`) mandate and it’s bank account will be considering for debiting
2-Sep-22 2-Feb-23 2000 NA 2000 towards payment of additional purchases and SIPs.
2-Mar-23 3-Aug-23 2000 500 2500
2-Sep-23 2-Feb-24 2500 500 3000 10. Modification of the Mandate: Unit Holder(s) have the option to
2-Mar-24 2-Aug-25 3000 - 3000 modify the mandate to a higher amount by submitting the OTM -
24. Procedure for Cancellation of Existing SIP: Investor needs to submit NACH Update/ Cancellation form by ticking on the provision in the
a letter from the investor OR the prescribed SIP Discontinuity form, form “AMEND” and providing all details on the mandate, duly signed
by all the Unit holder(s) and the bank account holder(s) and submit

it to TAMPL/RTA. Request on any other forms or paper will not be Service Providers will not be responsible or liable for any loss,
accepted/ processed and will be rejected. The new higher amount claims, liability that may arise on account of any incorrect and / or
will be applicable only after confirmation of successful registration erroneous data/ information supplies by the Unit holder(s).
from the Unit holder(s) bank. In case where the unit holder chooses
to reduce the existing mandate amount, he should discontinue the 4. Unit holder(s) need to provide along with the mandate form an
existing SIPs (covered under the higher mandate amount) to avoid original cancelled cheque (or a copy) with name and account
failed transaction or reversals. number pre-printed of the bank account to be registered or bank
account verification letter for registration of the mandate failing
11. Cancellation of the Mandate: Unit holder(s) will have to submit the which registration may not be accepted. The Unit holder(s) cheque/
OTM - NACH Update/ Cancellation form by ticking on the provision bank account details are subject to third party verification.
in the form “CANCEL” and providing all details on the mandate,
duly signed by all the Unit holder(s) and the bank account holder(s) 5. In case of folios where the mode of holding is ‘Joint’, the mandate
and submit it to TAMPL/RTA. Request on any other forms or paper has to be signed by all the joint account holders and it would be
will be not be accepted or processed and will be rejected. In case of expressly understood that the signatories to the mandate have
cancellation, future instalments of all SIPs registered under the said granted an express instruction to TAMPL /RTA to treat the mode
mandate will also stand to be ceased. Unit holders are requested to of holding to ‘Anyone or Survivor’ for availing this facility only
send mandate cancellation request at least 15 days in advance duly specifically through SMS or any other mode as may be offered by
signed. Any debit towards purchase or SIP instalments during the TAMPL, so that these facilities can be availed by any of the joint
intervening period may be processed and Unit holder(s) account Holders.
would be debited. The unit holders’ agree that the cancellation/
termination/ withdrawal request is an authority to TAMPL/Registrar In case of unit holder(s) other than the individuals, it is expressly
to instruct the debit bank on discontinuation of onetime mandate understood that the signatories to the mandates are authorized
and Customer will not hold Bank responsible for any Standing and empowered to do so and transact using the said facility.
Instruction cancellation based on TAMPL instruction. The Fund/TAMPL/RTA would purely act based on the valid mandate
12. Expiry of the Mandate: The mandate will expire on 31st December as well as transactions submitted, and all the Unit holder(s) would
2099. As a result of the expiry of the mandate, future instalments be bound by all the terms and conditions and would not hold the
after expiry date of all SIPs registered under the said mandate may Fund/ TAMPL /RTA for any loss or potential loss, in whatsoever
also automatically cease. manner.

13. TAMPL reserve the right to reject any application without assigning 6. It will be the sole responsibility of the unit holder(s)’ bank and its
any reason thereof. branch to ensure proper registration of the Mandate and confirm
registration. It is expressly clarified that TAMPL /RTA/Service
14. The investor thereby declares that the particulars in one time providers only act as a unit holder’s messenger to unit holders’
mandate and any subsequent transactions provided will be correct bank to register the mandate and will not be responsible for any
and complete. action or inaction on part of the unit holders’ bank. By signing
the onetime mandate form, Unit holder(s) and the bank account
15. Please refer the SID, SAI and Key information Memorandum, all holders hereby agree to the authorized TAMPL/RTA to register the
Instructions, Addenda issued from time to time and available on mandate and process any transactions received thereafter.
Fund’s website towards Applicable NAV, Risk Factors, Loads and all
other information related to various requirements of the respective 7. If no confirmation of registration or rejection is received from unit
Scheme/ Plan before investing. It is deemed that the investor has holders’ bank, TAMPL /RTA/it’s agents will deem the mandate to be
agreed to all the terms and conditions of the scheme, as prevailing as registered. The Fund will endeavor to inform the Unit holder(s)
on the date of the application and investment. through email/SMS for cases where confirmation on successful
registration/ rejection of the mandate is received from the Unit
16. Unit holder(s) hereby confirms, acknowledges and undertakes to holder(s) bank.
make payments for subscription of units from their respective
bank account(s) only in compliance with applicable provisions 8. The Unit holder(s) agree that the Fund/ TAMPL /RTA and their
relating restriction on third party payments as detailed in the SID/ agents shall not be held liable for any unsuccessful registration and
SAI and that the payment will be through legitimate sources only. or transaction due to any action or inaction of the Unit holder(s)
bank including but not limited to reasons mentioned below and
17. The Mutual Fund, its Registrars, Banks and other service providers agree to indemnify the Fund/ TAMPL /RTA for all liabilities, losses,
shall not be liable for, nor be in default by reason of, any failure damages and expenses which they may consequent sustain or
or delay in completion of its obligation under this facility, where incur either directly or indirectly:
such failure or delay is caused, in whole or in part, by any acts of
God, civil war, civil commotion, riots, strike, mutiny, resolution, a. Loss of the mandate forms in transit from point of acceptance
fire, flood, fog, war, lightening, earthquake, change of Government of the form to RTA head office and further to the Unit holder(s)’
policies, unavailability of bank’s computer system, force majeure bank branch;
events, or any other cause of peril which is beyond their reasonable
control and which has the effect of preventing the performance of b. Non-acceptance or rejection of the mandate for whatsoever
contract by them. reason by the Unit holder(s)’ bank branch, with or without any
reason assigned by the Unit holder(s) bank;
C.II. Mandate Registration Related
c. Non-registration of the Debit Mandate by the Unit holder(s)’
1. Banks and the branches which are available for the facility of bank and branch;
onetime mandate registration may change from time to time.
Please note that the list of banks and branches may be modified/ d. Deemed registration due to non-confirmation of registration
updated/changed/removed at any time in future at the sole or rejection by the bank and any subsequent rejection of debit
discretion of TAMPL without assigning any reason or prior notice. of bank account for funds;
Some banks and branches may levy charges (in whatsoever manner) e. Non availability of funds in the bank account of the Unit
for mandate registration and /or transactions to their bank account holder(s) at the time of debit;
holders, which will be borne by the account holder only and will not
be borne by TAMPL or the Fund. f. Rejection of registration or transaction debit for any reason or
without assigning any reason whatsoever.
2. The onetime mandate form signed by the Unit holder(s) and the
account holder(s) will be lodged by TAMPL /RTA at its discretion, g. Signatories to the mandates or transaction debit for any
depending on the availability of the facility with different banks reason or without assigning any reason whatsoever.
either under NACH (Debits) or where TAMPL may have a specific
Direct Debit tie-up with the bank. Unit holder(s) agree to have h. Any late registration of the onetime mandate with the bank
authorized TAMPL or its representatives to register the mandate for whatsoever reason or rejection of lump sum purchases
under any of the available facility of NACH (Debits). The mandates or SIP registration or instalments with or without any reason,
would be lodged by TAMPL /RTA within a period of ten to thirty days and will not be liable for any transactions not processed or
based on NACH processing timelines, without any responsibility on reversed or rejected or any late debits to the bank account, till
the part of TAMPL. the mandate registration is successful.

3. The responsibility of providing correct bank account information 9. The Investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH
the onetime mandate or any other application form for this facility facility of National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI), facilities of
solely rests with the Unit holder(s) and TAMPL / Fund/ RTA/ Banks/ Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as applicable at the time of investment
and as may be modified or amended from time to time.

C.III. Transaction Related of debit to the investor’s account happens to be a non Business
Day as per the Mutual Fund, execution of the Direct Debit / SI may
1. Unit holder(s) of the Fund can start investing using this Facility happen on non business day however the allotment of Units will
only after successful registration of the onetime mandate with their happen as per the terms and conditions listed in the SID, SAI, KIM
bankers and receipt of confirmation letter/SMS/email from TAMPL. and all relevant Addenda of the scheme concerned.
2. Unitholder/s or Investors can make additional purchases; start new 8. The Unit holder(s) shall check their bank account records carefully
SIPs in any of the schemes of Tata Mutual Fund using this facility and promptly. The Unit holder(s) will promptly inform the Fund
and through physical forms or any facility added in future. in case of any erroneous or unauthorized transaction/s being
3. Where multiple mandates with different bank account numbers are processed, any erroneous debits. The Unit holder(s) should inform
registered in a folio, the Unit holders(s) will have to specify the bank the Fund for such discrepancy within a period of ten days. Failing
account from which the debit towards lump sum purchases, SIP which it will be deemed that there is no any discrepancy in the
registration should happen. In the absence of any such instruction, transactions which were processed.
default mandate would be used for debiting towards lump sum 9. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reason of
purchases, new SIP registration subject to the mandate amount incomplete or incorrect information or due to any reason by the
being sufficient to process such transactions. investor’s banker, the investor would not hold the Mutual Fund or
4. The Unit holder(s) hereby agrees and confirms that the Fund is the Bank responsible.
authorized to rely on any instruction received or purported to have 10. For the purpose of lump sum purchases, SIP instalments, the
been received from the Unit holder(s) through physical mode or investor and/or bank account holders authorizes TAMPL, its
through any other facility, as offered/ introduced by Fund/ TAMPL registrars, bankers, correspondent bankers and service providers,
from time to time and such instructions shall be conclusive and to raise a debit on the mentioned account with the bank branch.
binding on the Unit holder(s). The investor and/or bank account holders hereby authorizes
5. Applicable NAV for the transactions will be dependent upon the time the bank to honor all such requests received through TAMPL, its
of receipt of the transaction through physical mode into TAMPL or registrars, bankers and service providers to debit their Account
RTA offices or server, electronically time-stamped and other factors with the amount requested, for due remittance of the proceeds
like scheme, type of transaction, amount of transaction, date and to TAMPL as per the mandate. The investor/s or the bank account
time of realization of clear fund through banking channels, as per holders shall not dispute or challenge any valid debit, raised under
detailed provisions mentioned in Scheme Information documents this facility, on any ground whatsoever. Investors will not have any
and will be treated on par transactions received through other claim against TAMPL, service providers, bankers, correspondent
modes. For the purpose of this Facility, such TAMPL/RTA offices/ bankers and other service providers jointly and or severally
servers would be considered as an Official Point of Acceptance of indemnified, from time to time, against all claims, actions suits,
the transaction. for any loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses incurred by
them, by reason of their acting upon the instructions issued by the
6. It may happen that some transaction may be rejected by the Unit named authorized signatories/beneficiaries.
holder(s) bank. The Bank may charge the Unit holder(s) for any
failed transactions and it will have to be borne by the Unit holder(s) Investors agree that TAMPL may discontinue OTM facility as well as
and not by the Fund or TAMPL. The Fund may endeavor to give any SIP registrations for any investor/ folio entirely at its discretion
preference to the SIP instalments and the lump sum purchases may and advice banks for cancellation of Standing Instruction in case
be debited on the following days. one or more debits are rejected and funds not received for any
7. The bank account of the customer may be debited towards
purchases either on the same day of due date or within one to The unit holder shall always abide by the aforesaid terms and
seven business days depending on NACH settlement s. TAMPL/ RTA conditions while availing the facility and hereby undertake not to
shall attempt to settle the transaction and debit the bank account misuse the same and in the event of any damage shall indemnify
by requesting the registered bank for release of funds generally TAMPL/RTA for any loss arising there from.
within a period of one to seven banking working days. The investor TAMPL may amend the above terms and conditions, at any time
undertakes to keep sufficient funds in their bank accounts till the without prior notice to the unit holders and such amended terms
date of debit. However, in case of non-receipt of the funds, for and conditions will there upon apply to and will be binding on the
whatsoever reasons, the transaction shall stand cancelled/null and unit holders.
void and the units allotted, if any would be reversed. If the date

Mulla House, Ground Floor, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
1. ADVISOR DETAILS Refer Instruction 2.
ARN / RIA ^ Code Sub-Broker ARN Code Sub-Broker / Bank Branch Code EUIN Code

Internal Code OR Declaration for “execution-only” transaction – I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as
this is an “execution-only” transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above
distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of
the distributor and the distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction. ^ By mentioning RIA code, I / we authorize you
to share with the SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) the details of my / our transactions in the schemes(s) of Tata Mutual Fund.

Sign here Sole / 1st Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 2nd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 3rd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression


1st Holder Name

C-KYC Date of Birth PAN

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Number

2nd Holder Name

C-KYC Date of Birth PAN

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
3rd Holder Name

C-KYC Date of Birth PAN

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y


Payment Mode : Cheque Fund Transfer NEFT / RTGS OTM Facility (Registered in folio)

Scheme Name Tata Multicap Fund Plan Regular Direct

Growth IDCW
(select any one)
IDCW Option
IDCW Reinvestment IDCW Payout
(select any one)
Gross Amount (A)

Account Number Account Type Dated

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Drawn on Bank Cheque / UTR No.

4. SWITCH OUT DETAILS Refer Instruction 4.

From Scheme / Plan / Option

To Scheme Name
Tata Multicap Fund Plan Regular Direct

Growth IDCW
(select any one)
IDCW Option
IDCW Reinvestment IDCW Payout
(select any one)
Amount Units
` OR OR All Units
(in figure) (in figure)


I/We have read, understood and hereby agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the scheme, related documents including the key information
Memorandum and apply for allotment of Units of the Scheme(s) of Tata Mutual Fund (“Fund”) indicated in this application form. I/We will indemnify the Fund,
AMC, Trustee, RTA and other inermediates in case of any disputes regarding the eligibility, validity and authorization of my/our transactions. The ARN holder
(AMFI registered Distributor) has disclosed to me / us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode), payable to him /them for
the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us. I/We hereby confirm that I/We
have not been offered /communicated any indicative portfolio and/ or any indicative yield by the Fund/AMC/its distributor for this investment. I/We hereby
accord my/our consent to TATA AMC for receiving the promotional information/ material via email, SMS, telemarketing calls, etc. on the mobile number and
email provided by me/us in this Application form. Date _____________________.

Sign here Sole / 1st Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 2nd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression 3rd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

% %
Acknowledgement Slip
Folio No. _____________________________________ Purchase Switch in Tata Multicap Fund
For Amount of `______________________________ or Units ____________________________ (details overleaf)

1. The Statement of Additional Information (SAI), Scheme Information Document (SID) viii. Investors are required to indicate their choice of Plan, Option for which subscription
and Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of the Tata Multicap Fund . Investors having is made at the time of filling up the Application Form.
read and understood the terms of SAI, SID and KIM of the Tata Multicap Fund must ix. Investors subscribing under Direct Plan of a Scheme/Plan will have to indicate “Direct
refer SID/KIM for default values and minimum subscription / redemption values. Plan” in the application form by ticking the appropriate box.
2. Advisor / Distributor Information x. Direct Plan is only for investors who purchase /subscribe Units in a Scheme directly
i. Investments through distributors: As per directions of Securities and Exchange with the Fund & is not available for investors who route their investments through
Board of India (SEBI), Investors can route their application forms directly and a Distributor. Direct Plan shall have a lower expense ratio excluding distribution
/or through the distributors / employees of the distributor who hold a valid expenses, commission, etc & no commission for distribution of Units will be paid
certification from the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) and ARN / charged under Direct Plan.
provided by Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI). Further, no agents / xi. Default under Direct / Regular Plan:
distributors are entitled to sell units of mutual funds unless the intermediary
is registered with AMFI. Sn. Broker Code Plan Default Plan to
ii. Employee Unique Identification Number (EUIN): Every employee/ relationship mentioned by the mentioned by be captured
manager/ sales person of the distributor of mutual fund products to quote the Investor the investor
EUIN obtained by him/her from AMFI in the Application Form. Investors are 1 Not mentioned Not mentioned Direct Plan
requested to verify the AMFI registration details from their Distributor. However, 2 Not mentioned Direct Plan Direct Plan
in case of any exceptional cases, where there is no interaction by the employee/
sales person / relationship manager of the distributor/sub broker with respect 3 Not mentioned Regular Plan Direct Plan
to the transaction and EUIN box is left blank, you are required to provide the 4 Mentioned Direct Plan Direct Plan
duly signed declaration to the effect as given in the form. 5 Direct Not mentioned Direct Plan
iii. Transaction Charges: 6 Direct Regular Plan Direct Plan
In accordance with SEBI circular No. Cir/ IMD/ DF/13/ 2011 dated August 7 Mentioned Regular Plan Regular Plan
22, 2011, Tata Asset Management Private Limited/ Mutual Fund will deduct 8 Mentioned Not mentioned Regular Plan
transaction Charges from the purchase/ subscription amount received from the
investors investing through a valid ARN Holder i.e. AMFI registered Distributor xii. Default options: Growth in case Growth option or IDCW option is not mentioned.
(provided the Distributor has opted to receive the transaction Charges). IDCW Reinvestment in case the Payout mode (Payout / Reinvestment) is not
transaction Charge of Rs. 100 per purchase / subscription of Rs. 10,000 mentioned.
and above are deductible (per Scheme Plan - Option) from the purchase / xiii. In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN codes mentioned on the application
subscription amount and payable to the Distributor. the balance amount shall form, the application shall be processed under Regular Plan. TAMPL shall contact
be invested. and obtain the correct ARN code within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the
Transaction Charges shall not be deducted: application form from the investor/ distributor. In case, the correct code is not
a. where the Distributor of the investor has not opted to receive any Transaction received within 30 calendar days, the TAMPL shall reprocess the transaction under
Charges Direct Plan from the date of application without any exit load.
b. for purchases / subscriptions / total commitment amount in case of SIP of an xiv. In case of discrepancies in the amount received from the investor and the amount
amount less than Rs. 10,000/-; mentioned in the application form the units will be allotted for amount received in
c. for transactions other than purchases / subscriptions relating to new inflows i.e. our bank account.
through Switches / Systematic Transfers / IDCW Transfers/ IDCW Reinvestment, xv. Units will be allotted subject to realization of payment proceeds.
etc.; xvi. ADDITIONAL PURCHASE THROUGH OTM FACILITY: If you are making payment
d. for purchases / subscriptions made directly with the Fund (i.e. not through through OTM facility registered in your folio, please tick the relevant box and do
any Distributor); and not attach any cheque. If more than one bank account is registered in your folio
e. for purchases / subscriptions routed through Stock Exchange(s). under OTM facility, please mention the bank account number and bank name where
you wish the debit to happen. If the same is not mentioned or is not registered,
iv. Direct Investment: default bank mandate under OTM facility will be considered to debit the purchase
Investors subscribing under Direct Plan of the scheme will have to indicate amount.
“Direct” in the “Broker/ ARN –Code” field and against the scheme plan in the xvii.As per the RBI circular “Introduction of Legal Entity Identifier for Large Value
application form. Investors should also indicate “Direct” in the ARN column of Transactions in Centralised Payment Systems” vide notification RBI/2020-21/82 DPSS.
the application form. However, in case Distributor code is mentioned in the CO.OD No.901/06.24.001/2020-21 dated 5th January 2021. RBI vide this notification
application form, but “Direct Plan” is indicated against the scheme name, the has decided to introduce the LEI system for all payment transactions of value INR
application will be processed under Direct Plan. Further, where application is 50 crore and above undertaken by entities (non-individuals) using Reserve Bank-run
received for Regular Plan without Distributor code or “Direct” mentioned in the Centralised Payment Systems viz. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) and National
ARN Column, the application will be processed under Direct Plan. Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT). From April 1, 2021, it will be mandatory to include
3. Investment Information 20-digit Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) information while initiating any transaction of
i. It is mandatory to provide the folio number. value INR 50 crore and above by entities (non-Individual).
ii. The Application form number / Folio number / PAN and Name of the Applicant 4. Instructions for Switch
should be written by the Applicants on the reverse of the cheques and bank i. Investors can switch-out amount /units, subject to meeting the minimum amount
drafts accompanying the Application Form. criterion of the switch-in schemes.
iii. For investment a cheque/DD amounting to the value of investment must be ii. The condition for minimum amount in the switch-in schemes is not applicable for
drawn in favour of “Tata Multicap Fund ” dated, signed and crossed ‘A/c Payee “ALL UNITS” switch out.
only.’ MICR, RTGS & Transfer cheques will be accepted till the end of business iii. The request for switch from existing scheme(s), to Tata Multicap Fund will be
hours upto 30th January, 2023. Allotment is subject to realization of funds. In accepted on all business days during NFO period.
case funds are not realized before the allotment date then such applications
will be rejected. Switch-out from an existing scheme to this scheme during the NFO period will be
processed at the NAV applicable on date of acceptance of switch request.
iv. Bank charges for outstation demand drafts will be borne by the AMC and will
be limited to the bank charges stipulated by the State Bank of India. Outstation iv. Separate Switch-out request is required for Regular Plan and Direct Plan. Switch-out
Demand Draft has been defined as a demand draft issued by a bank where request is required to clearly contain the name of the Plan / option failing which
there is no Official Point of Acceptance available for Investors. the below mentioned business rule will apply:
The AMC will not accept any request for refund of demand draft charges a. If the folio has both the Plans / option and Both plans have unit balance under
same option then switch-out will be processed in Regular Plan.
v. Cash, Stock invests, Outstation Cheques/DD, Post Dated Cheques, Money
Orders and Postal Orders will not be accepted and such applications will not b. If the folio has both the Plans / option and One plan has NIL balance and other has
be considered for allotment. All investment cheques should be current dated. unit balance under same option, switch-out will be processed from Plan / option
which has unit balance
vi. Cheques once returned in clearing will not be represented and the accompanying
applications may not be considered for allotment. c. If the Folio has only one Plan / option then switch-out will be processed from that
vii. Third Party payments: TAMPL / TMF will not accept applications for subscriptions
of units accompanied with Third Party Payments except in exceptional cases as d. Folio has both the Plans and Both plans have unit balance under different options
mentioned below. “Third Party Payment” means then the switch request will be rejected
a. Payment made through an instrument issued from a bank account other than ix. REGISTRAR:
that of the first named applicant / investor mentioned in the application form. Computer Age Management Services Ltd.: New No. 10 (Old No. 178), M. G. R. Salai,
b. In case of payment instruments issued from a joint bank account, the first Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034. E-mail: [email protected]
named applicant/ investor must be one of the joint holders of the bank account x. IMP NOTE: In case there is any change in your KYC information please update the
from which the payment instrument is issued. same by using the prescribed ‘KYC Change Request form’ and submit the same at
c. Following are the exceptional cases where third party payments will be accepted the Point of Service of any KYC Registration Agency.
subject to submission of requisite documentation / declarations. 6. Applications incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. Tata Asset
1. Payment by employer on behalf of employee under Systematic Investment Plan Management Private Limited (the AMC) / Tata Trustee Company Private Limited
(SIP) facility through payroll deductions; (Trustee) have absolute discretion to reject any such Application Forms.
2. Custodian on behalf of a Client. 7. In case there is any change in your KYC information, please update the same
by using the prescribed ‘KYC Change Request Form’ and submit the same at
the Point of Service of any KYC Registration Agency.

% %
Acknowledgement Slip
Cheque Details
Cheque No.__________________________ Dated ___________________________ A/c. No. _______________________________ Bank_______________________________________________________________
Call (022) 6282 7777 (Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm) Subject to realisation.
Mulla House, Ground Floor, M. G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
Contact No.: (022) 6282 7777 Fax: (022) 22613782
Website: www.tatamutualfund.com Email: [email protected]
Opens On : 16th January, 2023
Closes On : 30th January, 2023
Application No.


Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service
rendered by the distributor.
I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction
without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor or notwithstanding Signature for Sole/First Applicant
the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor & the (Mandatory)
distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction.
APPLICANT DETAILS (Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS with black/blue ink, use one box for one alphabet leaving one box blank
between two words)
(For existing unitholder(s) please furnish your Common Account / Folio No.)

PAN Common Account / Folio No.

INVESTOR CATEGORY (Please  as applicable; Refer Instruction No. 4)



(Do not abbreviate)

Account No. Branch Name

(Please provide the full account number)


For Residents For Non-Residents

Account Type (Please )
Savings Current NRO NRE Repatriable Non-Repatriable Others
Amount to be blocked (`)

Amount in words


Option(s) Please () ISIN
the Option Number National Securities Depository Limited
Depository Participant (DP) Name
Tata Multicap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth
Tata Multicap Fund - Direct Plan - IDCW Beneficiary Account Number - 16 digit target number
Tata Multicap Fund - Direct Plan - IDCW
Central Depository Services (India) Limited
Tata Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Depository Participant (DP) Name
Tata Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - IDCW
Reinvestment DP ID Beneficiary Account Number
Tata Multicap Fund - Regular Plan - IDCW I N

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP (To be filled and attached by the Applicant with the NFO Application Form)

Opens On : 16th January, 2023

TATA MULTICAP FUND Closes On : 30th January, 2023

Received from __________________________________________________________ (sole / first applicant) ASBA Form dated ____________________ details of

which are as follows:

Application No._____________________________________________________ Amount Blocked (`) _________________________________________________
SCSB (Bank and Branch) _____________________________________________ Bank Account No. ___________________________________________________
Date of Submission ________________________________________________
(1) I/ We hereby undertake that, I/ we have read and understood the instructions contained in this Form and Terms and Conditions
concerning ASBA as contained in the Scheme Information Document (SID) / Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of the above
mentioned Scheme and Statement of Additional Information (SAI) of Tata Mutual Fund. Further, I/we understand that if the details
as provided by me/us in this Form are different from those in the NFO Application Form, then in such a case; the application is
liable to be rejected. I/we further confirm and undertake that I am/ we are eligible ASBA applicants(s) as per the relevant provisions
of the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2009.
(2) In accordance with provisions of ASBA in the SEBI ICDR Regulations, 2009 and as disclosed in the SAI, I/We authorize
(a) the SCSB to do all acts as are necessary to make an application in the New Fund Offer of above mentioned Scheme, including
uploading of application details, blocking the amount to the extent mentioned above under “DETAILS OF BANK ACCOUNT FOR
BLOCKING OF FUNDS” or unblocking of funds in the bank account maintained with the SCSB specified above, transfer of funds
to the Tata Mutual Fund’s account on receipt of instructions from the Registrar to Tata Mutual Fund after finalisation of the
basis of allotment, entitling me/us to receive mutual fund units on such transfer of funds, etc.
(b) Registrar to issue instructions to the SCSB to unblock the funds in the bank account specified above upon finalisation of the
basis of allotment and to transfer the requisite money to the Tata Mutual Fund’s account.
(3) In case the amount available in the bank account specified above is insufficient, the SCSB shall reject the application.
(4) If the DP ID, Beneficiary or PAN is not provided by me/us or the details on the same as furnished in the form are incorrect or
incomplete or not matching with the depository records, my/ our application is liable to be rejected and Tata Mutual Fund or SCSB
shall not be liable for losses, if any.





1. An ASBA investor shall submit a duly filled up ASBA Application form, physically or electronically, to the Self Certified Syndicate Bank
(SCSB) with whom the bank account to be blocked, is maintained.
• In case of ASBA application in physical mode, the investor shall submit the ASBA Form at the Bank branch of SCSB, which is
designated for the purpose and the investor must be holding a bank account with such SCSB.
• In case of ASBA application in electronic form, the investor shall submit the ASBA Form either through the internet banking
facility available with the SCSB, or such other electronically enabled mechanism for subscribing to units of Mutual Fund scheme
authorising SCSB to block the subscription money in a bank account.
2. Investors shall correctly mention the Bank Account number in the ASBA Application Form and ensure that funds equal to the
subscription amount are available in the bank account maintained with the SCSB before submitting the same to the designated
3. Upon submission of an ASBA Form with the SCSB, whether in physical or electronic mode, investor shall be deemed to have agreed
to block the entire subscription amount specified and authorized the Designated Branch to block such amount in the Bank Account.
4. On the basis of an authorisation given by the account holder in the ASBA application, the SCSB shall block the subscription money in
the Bank Account specified in the ASBA application. The subscription money shall remain blocked in the Bank Account till allotment
of units under the scheme or till rejection of the application, as the case may be.
5. If the Bank Account specified in the ASBA application does not have sufficient credit balance to meet the subscription money, the
ASBA application shall be rejected by the SCSB.
6. The ASBA Form should not be accompanied by cheque, demand draft or any mode of payment other than authorisation to block
subscription amount in the Bank Account.
7. All grievances relating to the ASBA facility may be addressed to the AMC / RTA to the Issue, with a copy to the SCSB, giving
full details such as name, address of the applicant, subscription amount blocked on application, bank account number and the
Designated Branch or the collection centre of the SCSB where the ASBA Form was submitted by the Investor.
8. ASBA facility extended to investors shall operate in accordance with the SEBI guidelines in force from time to time.

Registrar: Computer Age Management Services Ltd., No. 178/10,

Mulla House, Ground Floor, M. G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
Kodambakkam High Road, Opp. Hotel Palmgrove, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600 034.
Tel: (022) 66578282 Fax: (022) 22613782
Venkatesh Pai Tel. No. 044 - 6109 5563, 6109 5565, 6109 5567
Website: www.tatamutualfund.com Email: [email protected]
Fax 28283 613 [email protected]
Mulla House, Ground Floor, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
(Please consult your professional tax advisor for further guidance on FATCA & CRS classification)

1. Entity Details
Name of the Entity

Type of address given Residential or Business Residential Business Registered Office

at KRA

Address of tax residence would be taken as available in KRA database. In case of any change, please approach KRA & notify the changes
Application No. Folio No.

PAN Number Date of Incorporation

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
City of Incorporation Country of Incorporation

Entity Constitution Partnership Firm HUF Private Limited Company Public Limited Company Society AOP/BOI
Trust Liquidator Limited Liability Partnership Artificial Juridical Person Others specify
Please tick the Is “Entity” a tax resident of any country other than India: Yes No
applicable tax
(If yes, please provide country/ies in which the entity is a resident for tax purposes and the associated Tax ID number below.)
resident declaration

Country Tax Identification Number% Identification Type (TIN or Other, please specify)

%In case Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide its functional equivalent.
In case TIN or its functional equivalent is not available, please provide Company Identification number or Global Entity Identification Number or GIIN, etc.

In case the Entity’s Country of Incorporation / Tax residence is U.S. but Entity is not a Specified U.S. Person, mention Entity’s exemption code here ______________________
Please refer to para 3(vii) exemption code for U.S. persons in FATCA Instructions & Definitions

2. FATCA & CRS Declaration

PART A (to be Filled by Financial Institutions or Direct Reporting NFEs)

1 We are a,
Financial institution3
or Note: If you do not have a GIIN but you are sponsored by another entity, please provide your sponsor’s
GIIN above and indicate your sponsor’s name below
Direct reporting NFE4
(please tick as appropriate) Name of sponsoring entity

GIIN not available (please tick as applicable) Applied for

If the entity is a Financial institution, Not required to apply for - please specify 2 digits sub-category10
Not obtained – Non-participating FI

PART B (please fill any one as appropriate “to be filled by NFEs other than Direct Reporting NFEs”)
1 Is the Entity a listed company (that is, a Yes (If yes, please specify any one stock exchange on which the stock is regularly traded)
company whose shares are regularly traded on
an established stock exchanges) Name of stock exchange ____________________________________________________________________________
2 Is the Entity a related entity of a listed Yes (If yes, please specify name of the listed company name of and one stock exchange(s) on where
company (a company whose shares are this stock is regularly traded) No
regularly traded on an established stock
exchanges) Name of listed company ____________________________________________________________________________

Nature of relation: Subsidiary of the Listed Company Controlled by a Listed Company

Name of stock exchange ____________________________________________________________________________

3 Is the Entity an active1 NFE Yes No

Nature of Business __________________________________________________________________________________

Please specify the sub-category of Active NFE

4 Is the Entity a passive2 NFE Yes No (If yes, please fill UBO declaration in the next section.)

Nature of Business __________________________________________________________________________________

Refer 2 of Part D | 2
Refer 3(ii) of Part D | 3
Refer 1(i) of Part D | 4
Refer 3(vi) of Part D | 10
Refer 1A of Part D
3. Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) Details for Passive NFE
# If passive NFE, please provide below additional details for each of controlling persons. (Please attach additional sheets if necessary)

Name Occupation Type - DOB - Date of Birth

PAN / Any other Identification Number Service, Business, Others Gender - Male, Female, Other
(PAN, Aadhar, Passport, Election ID, Govt. ID, Nationality
Driving Licence, NREGA Job Card, Others)
Father’s Name -
City of Birth - Country of Birth
Mandatory if PAN is not available

1. Name _______________________________ Occupation Type ________________________________ D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

PAN _______________________________ Nationality ______________________________________
Gender Male Female Other
City of Birth _______________________________ Father’s Name __________________________________

Country of Birth_______________________________

2. Name _______________________________ Occupation Type ________________________________ D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

PAN _______________________________ Nationality ______________________________________
Gender Male Female Other
City of Birth _______________________________ Father’s Name __________________________________

Country of Birth ______________________________

3. Name _______________________________ Occupation Type ________________________________ D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

PAN _______________________________ Nationality ______________________________________
Gender Male Female Other
City of Birth _______________________________ Father’s Name __________________________________

Country of Birth _______________________________

# Additional details to be filled by controlling persons with tax residency / permanent residency / citizenship / Green Card in any country other than
India: * To include US, where controlling person is a US citizen or green card holder.
% In case Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide functional equivalent.

4. FATCA - CRS Terms and Conditions

The Central Board of Direct Taxes has notified Rules 114F & 114H, as part of the Income Tax Rules- 1962, which rules required Indian financial Institution
such as the bank to seek additional personal, tax and beneficial owner information and certain certifications & documentation from all our accounts
holders. In relevant cases, information will have to be reported to Tax authorities/appointed agencies. Towards compliance, we may also be requested
to provide information to any institutions such as withholding agents for the purpose of ensuring appropriate withholding from the account or any
proceeds in relation thereto.
Should there be any change any information provided by you, please insure your advice us promptly, i.e. within 30 days.
If any controlling person of any utility is US citizen or Green card holder, please include United States in the foreign country information field along with
the US Tax Identification number.
It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent if the country in which you are tax resident issued such identification. If no, TIN is yet available
or has not been issued, please provide an explanation and attach this to the form.

5. Declaration and Signatures

I/We have understood the information requirements of this Form (Read along with FATCA & CRS Instructions) and hereby confirm that information
provided by me / us on this Form is true, correct & complete. I/We also confirm that I/We have understood the FATCA & CRS Terms & Conditions below
and thereby accept the same.



Sign here Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory

Place: _________________________ Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y


(Note: The Guidance Note/notification issued by the CBDT shall prevail in 2. Active Non-financial entity (NFE) : (any one of the following): Refer
respect to interpretation of the terms specified in the form) Explanation (A) to 114F (6) of Income Tax Rules, 1962 for details
1 (i) Financial Institution (FI) - The term FI means any financial institution Code Sub-category
that is a Depository Institution, Custodial Institution, Investment
Entity or Specified Insurance company, as defined. 01 Less than 50 percent of the NFE's gross income for the preceding
financial year is passive income and less than 50 percent of the
(ii) Depository institution: is an entity that accepts deposits in the assets held by the NFE during the preceding financial year are
ordinary course of banking or similar business. assets that produce or are held for the production of passive
(iii) Custodial institution: is an entity that holds as a substantial portion income;
of its business, holds financial assets for the account of others 02 The stock of the entity is regularly traded on an established
and where it’s income attributable to holding financial assets securities market or the non-financial entity is a related entity
and related financial services equals or exceeds 20 percent of the of an entity, the stock of which is regularly traded on an
entity’s gross income during the shorter of- established securities market.
(i) The three financial years preceding the year in which 03 The NFE is a Governmental Entity, an International Organization,
determination is made; or a Central Bank, or an entity wholly owned by one or more of the
(ii) The period, during which the entity has been in existence, foregoing;
whichever is less. 04 Substantially all of the activities of the NFE consist of holding
(iv) Investment entity is any entity: (in whole or in part) the outstanding stock of, or providing
(a) That primarily conducts a business or operates for or on financing and services to, one or more subsidiaries that engage
behalf of a customer for any of the following activities or in trades or businesses other than the business of a Financial
operations for or on behalf of a customer Institution, except that an entity shall not qualify for this status
if the entity functions as an investment fund, such as a private
(i) Trading in money market instruments (cheques, bills, equity fund, venture capital fund, leveraged buyout fund, or
certificates of deposit, derivatives, etc.); foreign exchange; any investment vehicle whose purpose is to acquire or fund
exchange, interest rate and index instruments; transferable companies and then hold interests in those companies as
securities; or commodity futures trading; or capital assets for investment purposes;
(ii) Individual and collective portfolio management; or 05 The NFE is not yet operating a business and has no prior
(iii) Investing, administering or managing funds, money or operating history, but is investing capital into assets with the
financial asset or money on behalf of other persons; intent to operate a business other than that of a Financial
or Institution, provided that the NFE shall not qualify for this
exception after the date that is 24 months after the date of the
(b) The gross income of which is primarily attributable to initial organization of the NFE;
investing, reinvesting, or trading in fi nancial assets, if the
entity is managed by another entity that is a depository 06 The NFE was not a Financial Institution in the past five years,
institution, a custodial institution, a specifi ed insurance and is in the process of liquidating its assets or is reorganizing
company, or an investment entity described above. An entity with the intent to continue or recommence operations in a
is treated as primarily conducting as a business one or more business other than that of a Financial Institution;
of the 3 activities described above, or an entity’s gross income 07 The NFE primarily engages in financing and hedging
is primar-ily attributable to investing, reinvesting, or trading transactions with, or for, Related Entities that are not Financial
in financial assets of the entity’s gross income attributable Institutions, and does not provide financing or hedging services
to the relevant activities equals or exceeds 50 percent of the to any Entity that is not a Related Entity, provided that the group
entity’s gross income during the shorter of : of any such Related Entities is primarily engaged in a business
(i) The three-year period ending on 31 March of the year other than that of a Financial Institution;
preceding the year in which the determination is made; or 08 Any NFE that fulfills all of the following requirements:
(ii) The period during which the entity has been in existence. • It is established and operated in India exclusively for
The term “Investment Entity” does not include an entity that religious, charitable, scientific, artistic, cultural, athletic,
is an active non-financial entity as per codes 04, 05, 06 and or educational purposes; or it is established and operated
07 - refer point 2c.) in India and it is a professional organization, business
league, chamber of commerce, labor organization,
(v) Specified Insurance Company: Entity that is an insurance company agricultural or horticultural organization, civic league or
(or the holding company of an insurance company) that issues, an organization operated exclusively for the promotion of
or is obligated to make payments with respect to, a Cash Value social welfare;
Insurance Contract or an Annuity Contract.
• It is exempt from income tax in India;
1 (vi) FI not required to apply for GIIN: Refer Rule 114F(5)
of Income Tax Rules, 1962 for the conditions to be • It has no shareholders or members who have a proprietary
satisfied as “Non- Reporting Financial Institution and or beneficial interest in its income or assets;
Guidance issued by CBDT in this regard The applicable laws of the NFE's country or territory of residence
A. Reasons why FI not required to apply for GIIN: or the NFE's formation documents do not permit any income
or assets of the NFE to be distributed to, or applied for the
Code Sub-category
benefit of, a private person or non-charitable Entity other than
Governmental Entity, International Organization pursuant to the conduct of the NFE's charitable activities, or
or Central Bank as payment of reasonable compensation for services rendered,
Treaty Qualified Retirement Fund; a Broad or as payment representing the fair market value of property
Participation Retirement Fund; a Narrow which the NFE has purchased; and
02 Participation Retirement Fund; or a Pension The applicable laws of the NFE's country or territory of residence
Fund of a Governmental Entity, International or the NFE's formation documents require that, upon the NFE's
Organization or Central Bank liquidation or dissolution, all of its assets be distributed to
Non-public fund of the armed forces, an a governmental entity or other non-profit organization, or
03 employees' state insurance fund, a gratuity fund escheat to the government of the NFE's country or territory of
or a provident fund residence or any political subdivision thereof.
Entity is an Indian FI solely because it is an Explanation.- For the purpose of this sub-clause, the following
investment entity shall be treated as fulfilling the criteria provided in the said
05 Qualified credit card issuer sub-clause, namely:-
Investment Advisors, Investment Managers & (i) an Investor Protection Fund referred to in clause (23EA);
Executing Brokers (ii) a Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Small Industries referred
07 Exempt collective investment vehicle to in clause 23EB; and
08 Trust (iii) an Investor Protection Fund referred to in clause (23EC), of
09 Non-registering local banks section 10 of the Act;
10 FFI with only Low-Value Accounts
3. Other definitions
Sponsored investment entity and controlled (i) Related entity
foreign corporation An entity is a ‘related entity’ of another entity if either entity controls
12 Sponsored, Closely Held Investment Vehicle the other entity, or the two entities are under common control For this
purpose, control includes direct or indirect ownership of more than 50%
of the votes and value in an entity

(ii) Passive NFE (v) Specified U.S. person – A U.S person other than the following:
The term passive NFE means (i) a corporation the stock of which is regularly traded on one or more
(i) any non-financial entity which is not an active non-financial entity; established securities markets;
(ii) an investment entity defined in clause 1(iv)(b) of these instructions (ii) any corporation that is a member of the same expanded affiliated
(iii) a withholding foreign partnership or withholding foreign trust; group, as defined in section 1471(e)(2) of the U.S. Internal Revenue
(iii) Passive income Code, as a corporation described in clause (i);
The term passive income includes income by way of: (iii) the United States or any wholly owned agency or instrumentality
(1) IDCW, thereof;
(2) Interest (iv) any State of the United States, any U.S. Territory, any political
subdivision of any of the foregoing, or any wholly owned agency or
(3) Income equivalent to interest, instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing;
(4) Rents and royalties, other than rents and royalties derived in the (v) any organization exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of
active conduct of a trade or business conducted, at least in part, by the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or an individual retirement plan as
employees of the NFE defined in section 7701(a)(37) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code;
(5) Annuities (vi) any bank as defined in section 581 of the U.S. Internal Revenue
(6) The excess of gains over losses from the sale or exchange of Code;
financial assets that gives rise to passive income (vii) any real estate investment trust as defined in section 856 of the
(7) The excess of gains over losses from transactions (including U.S. Internal Revenue Code;
futures, forwards, and similar transactions) in any financial assets, (viii) any regulated investment company as defined in section 851 of
(8) The excess of foreign currency gains over foreign currency losses the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or any entity registered with the
(9) Net income from swaps U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment
Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-64);
(10) Amounts received under cash value insurance contracts
(ix) any common trust fund as defined in section 584(a) of the U.S.
But passive income will not include in case of a non-financial entity Internal Revenue Code;
that regularly acts as a dealer in financial assets, any income from
any transaction entered into in the ordinary course of such dealer’s (x) any trust that is exempt from tax under section 664(c) of the U.S.
business as a such dealer. Internal Revenue Code or that is described in section 4947(a)(1) of
the U.S. Internal Revenue Code;
(iv) Controlling persons are natural persons who exercise control over an
entity and includes a beneficial owner under sub-rule (3) of rule 9 of the (xi) a dealer in securities, commodities, or derivative financial
Prevention of Money-Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005. instruments (including notional principal contracts, futures,
forwards, and options) that is registered as such under the laws of
In determining the Beneficial Owner, the procedure specified in the the United States or any State;
following circular as amended from time to time shall be applied,
namely:- (xii) a broker as defined in section 6045(c) of the U.S. Internal Revenue
Code; or
(i) DBOD.AML.BC. NO.71/14.01.001/2012-13, issued on the 18th
January, 2013 by the Reserve Bank of India; or (xiii) any tax-exempt trust under a plan that is described in section
403(b) or section 457(g) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
(ii) CIR/MIRSD/2/2013, issued on the 24th January, 2013by the
Securities and Exchange Board of India; or (vi) Direct reporting NFE

(iii) IRDA/SDD/GDL/CIR/019/02/2013, issued on the 4th February, A direct reporting NFE means a NFE that elects to report information
2013 by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority. about its direct or indirect substantial U.S. owners to the IRS.

In the case of a trust, the controlling person means the settlor, the Exemption code for U.S. persons (Refer 114(9) of Income Tax Rules, 1962
trustees, the protector (if any), the beneficiaries or class of beneficiaries, for details
and any other natural person exercising ultimate effective control over
the trust. In the case of a legal arrangement other than a trust, the said Code Sub-category
expression means the person in equivalent or similar positions
A An organization exempt from tax under section 501(a) or any
individual retirement plan as defined in section 7701(a)(37)
(A) Controlling Person Type:
B The United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities
Code Sub-category
C A state, the District of Columbia, a possession of the United
01 CP of legal person - ownership
States, or any of their political subdivisions or instrumentalities
02 CP of legal person - other means
D A corporation the stock of which is regularly traded on one or
03 CP of legal person - senior managing official more established securities markets, as described in Reg. section
04 CP of legal arrangement - trust - settlor
E A corporation that is a member of the same expanded affiliated
05 CP of legal arrangement - trust - trustee group as a corporation described in Reg. section 1.1472-1(c)(1)(i)
06 CP of legal arrangement - trust - protector F A dealer in securities, commodities, or derivative financial
07 CP of legal arrangement - trust - beneficiary instruments (including notional principal contracts, futures,
forwards, and options) that is registered as such under the laws
08 CP of legal arrangement--trust-other of the United States or any state
09 CP of legal arrangement - Other - settlor equivalent G A real estate investment trust
10 CP of legal arrangement - Other - trustee equivalent H A regulated investment company as defined in section 851 or
an entity registered at all times during the tax year under the
11 CP of legal arrangement - Other - protector equivalent
Investment Company Act of 1940
12 CP of legal arrangement - Other - beneficiary
I A common trust fund as defined in section 584(a)
J A bank as defined in section 581
13 CP of legal arrangement - Other - other equivalent
K A broker
14 Unknown
L A trust exempt from tax under section 664 or described in section
M A tax exempt trust under a section 403(b) plan or section 457(g)

Mulla House, Ground Floor, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
Declaration for Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) / Controlling Persons
(Mandatory for Non-individual Investors)
1. Entity Details
Name of the Entity

PAN Number

2. Applicable for Listed Company / Subsidiary Company

(i) I We Hereby declare that-
Our Company is a Listed Company listed on recogised stock exchange in India Our Company is a Subsidary of a Listed Company
Our Company is Controlled by a Listed Company
(ii) Details of the Listed Company ^
Stock Exchange on which it is listed ____________________________________________________________ Security ISIN __________________________________________
^ The Details of holding/parent company to be provided in case the applicant / investor is a subsidary company

3. Applicable for Non Individuals other than Listed Company / its Subsidiary Company
Category (Please tick applicable category):
Unlisted Company Partnership Firm Limited Liability Partnership Company
Unincorporated association / body of individuals Public Charitable Trust Religious Trust Private Trust
Others (please specify ___________________________________________ )
Please list below the details of controlling person(s), confirming ALL countries of tax residency / permanent residency / citizenship and ALL Tax Identification Numbers for EACH controlling person(s)^.

Name - Beneficial owner / Controlling person Address - Include State, Country, PIN / ZIP Code & Tax ID Type - TIN or Other, please specify
Country - Tax Residency* Contact Details Beneficial Interest - in percentage
Tax ID No. - Or functional equivalent for each country% Address Type - Type Code - of Controlling person

Address _________________________________________
Tax ID Type ____________________________________
1. Name ____________________________________ _________________________________________________

State: _______________ Country: _________________ Beneficial Interest _______________________________

Country ____________________________________
PIN/ZIP Code Type Code _____________________________________

Tax ID No.% ___________________________________ Add. Type Residence Business Registered office

Address _________________________________________
Tax ID Type ____________________________________
2. Name ____________________________________ _________________________________________________

State: _______________ Country: _________________ Beneficial Interest _______________________________

Country ____________________________________
PIN/ZIP Code Type Code _____________________________________

Tax ID No.% ___________________________________ Add. Type Residence Business Registered office

Address _________________________________________
Tax ID Type ____________________________________
3. Name ____________________________________ _________________________________________________

State: _______________ Country: _________________ Beneficial Interest _______________________________

Country ____________________________________
PIN/ZIP Code Type Code _____________________________________

Tax ID No. ___________________________________

Add. Type Residence Business Registered office

1. PAN _______________________________ Occupation Type ________________________________ D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

City of Birth _______________________________ Nationality ______________________________________
Country of Birth_______________________________ Father’s Name __________________________________ Gender Male Female Other

2. PAN _______________________________ Occupation Type ________________________________ D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

City of Birth _______________________________ Nationality ______________________________________
Country of Birth ______________________________ Father’s Name __________________________________ Gender Male Female Other

3. PAN _______________________________ Occupation Type ________________________________ D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

City of Birth _______________________________ Nationality ______________________________________
Gender Male Female Other
Country of Birth _______________________________ Father’s Name __________________________________
# Additional details to be filled by controlling persons with tax residency / permanent residency / citizenship / Green Card in any country other than India:
* To include US, where controlling person is a US citizen or green card holder. % In case Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide functional
equivalent. ^Attach sheets if necessary.

4. Declaration and Signatures

I/We acknowledge and confirm that the information provided above is/are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. In the event any of the above information is/are found
to be false/incorrect and/or the declaration is not provided, then the AMC/Trustee/Mutual Fund shall reserve the right to reject the application and/or reverse the allotment of units and the
AMC/Mutual Fund/Trustee shall not be liable for the same. I/We hereby authorize sharing of the information furnished in this form with all SEBI Registered Intermediaries and they can rely
on the same. In case the above information is not provided, it will be presumed that applicant is the ultimate beneficial owner, with no declaration to submit. I/We also undertake to keep
you informed in writing about any changes/modification to the above information in future and also undertake to provide any other additional information as may be required at your end.

Authorised Signatory Authorised Signatory Authorised Signatory

Place: _________________________ Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

Pursuant to SEBI master circular vide ref. no. CIR/ISD/AML/3/2010 dated December 31, 2010 on anti money laundering standards and
guidelines on identification of Beneficial Ownership issued by SEBI vide its circular ref. no. CIR/MIRSD/2/2013 dated January 24, 2013,
investors (other than Individuals) are required to provide details of Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) (“UBO(s)”) and submit proof of identity (viz.
PAN with photograph or any other acceptable proof of identity prescribed in common KYC form) of UBO(s)). Attached Documents should
be self-certified by the UBO and certified by the Applicant/Investor Authorised Signatory/ies.
(1) The Ultimate Beneficial Owner means:
• For Investor other than Trust:
A ‘Natural Person’, who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, exercises control through ownership
or who ultimately has a controlling ownership interest.
Controlling ownership interest means ownership of / entitlements to:
i. more than 25% of shares or capital or profits of the juridical person, where the juridical person is a company;
ii. more than 15% of the capital or profits of the juridical person, where the juridical person is a partnership; or
iii. more than 15% of the property or capital or profits of the juridical person, where the juridical person is an unincorporated
association or body of individuals.
iv. In cases where there exists doubt as to whether the person with the controlling ownership interest is the beneficial owner or
where no natural person exerts control through ownership interests, the identity details should be provided of the natural person
who is exercising control over the juridical person through other means (i.e. control exercised through voting rights, agreement,
arrangements or in any other manner).
v. However, where no natural person is identified, the identity of the relevant natural person who holds the position of senior
managing official should be provided.
• For Trust :
The settler of the trust, the trustees, the protector, the beneficiaries with 15% or more of interest in the trust and any other natural
person exercising ultimate effective control over the trust through a chain of control or ownership.
(2) Documents to be provided:
Provide copy of PAN with photograph or valid KYC Compliance proof or any other acceptable identity proof of UBO as below
i. UID (Adhar)
ii. Passport
Voter ID
iv. Driving Licence
If UBO is not KYC compliant, request to complete KYC formalities and send the intimation to CAMS /Fund. Attach valid address proof.
Attach valid documentary proof like Shareholding pattern duly self attested by Authorized Signatory / Company Secretary.
Note: Attached documents should be self-certified by the UBO and certified by the Applicant/Investor Authorized Signatory/ies
(3) If the BO is minor proof of date of birth (i.e. birth certificate) and proof of relationship with the guardian and the copy of PAN with
photograph of the guardian is mandatory.
(4) Exemption in case of listed companies:
The provisions w.r.t. Identification of UBO are not applicable to the investor or the owner of the controlling interest is a company listed
on a stock exchange, or is a majority-owned subsidiary of such a company.
(5) Applicability for foreign investors:
Not Applicabile.
(6) In case the information is not provided, it will be presumed that applicant is the ultimate beneficial owner, with no declaration to
submit. In such case, the concerned SEBI registered intermediary reserves the right to reject the application or reverse the allotment of
units, if subsequently it is found that applicant has concealed the facts of beneficial ownership.
(7) UBO - Type Codes

Ownership of / entitlement to more than 25% of shares of capital or profits of the juridical person, where the juridical
UBO - 01
person is a company
Ownership of / entitlement to more than 15% of the capital or profits of the juridical person, where the juridical person
UBO - 02
is a partnerhip
Ownership of / entitlement to more than 15% of the property or capital or profits or the juridical person, where the
UBO - 03
juridical person is an unicorporated association or body of individuals
Natural person who is exercising control over the juridical person through other means i.e. control exercised through
voting rights, agreement, arrangements or in any other manner. (In case where there exist doubt as to whether the
UBO - 04
person with the controlling ownership interest is the beneficial owner or where no natural person exerts control through
ownership interests)
Person who holds the position of senior managing official like CEO, MD, Managing Partner etc. (In case any Ultimate
UBO - 05
Beneficial Owner/s does not own over 25% or 15%).
UBO - 06 The settlor(s) of the Trust
UBO - 07 Trustee(s) of the Trust.
UBO - 08 The Protector(s) of the Trust (if applicable).
UBO - 09 The beneficiaries with 15% or more interest in the trust if they are natural person(s)
UBO - 10 Natural person(s) exercising ultimate effective control over the trust through a chain of control or ownership.

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Maharashtra Bikaner: Behind Rajasthan Patrika, In front of Vijaya Bank, 1404, Amar Singhpura, Bikaner – 334001, Rajasthan, Email: camsbkn@
camsonline.com Tel: 0151-2970602, Fax: 2205499 Bilaspur: Shop No.B-104, 1st Floor, Narayan Plaza, Link Road, Bilaspur – 495001, Chattisgarh,
Email: [email protected] Tel: 07752490706 Bokaro: Mezzanine Floor, F-4, City Centre, Sector 4, Bokaro Steel City, Bokaro – 827004,
Jharkhand, Email: [email protected] Tel: 06542 - 359182, Fax: (6542) 233807 Burdwan: No. 399, G T Road, 1st Floor, Above Exide
Showroom, Burdwan, West Bengal - 713101. Tel: (0342) 3551397, Email: [email protected] Calicut: 29/97G, 2nd Floor, Gulf Air
Building, Mavoor Road, Arayidathupalam, Calicut – 673016, Kerala, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0495) 6060031 Chandigarh: Deepak
Tower, SCO 154-155, 1st Floor, Sector 17, Chandigarh – 160017, Punjab, Email: [email protected] Tel: 0172-4735028, Fax: 2711325
Chandrapur: Opp Mustafa Décor, Behind Bangalore Bakery, Kasturba Road, Chandrapur, Maharashtra - 442 402. Email: camscpu@camsonline.
com Tel: (07172) 253108 Chennai: Ground Floor, No.178/10, Kodambakkam High Road, Opposite Hotel Palmgrove, Nungambakkam, Chennai
– 600034, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: (044) 39115561 / 62 / 63 / 65, Fax: 28283613 Chennai (Satellite ISC): No.158,
Rayala Tower-1, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600002, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: (044) 28432650 Chhindwara: 2nd Floor,
Parasia Road, Near Surya Lodge, Sood Complex, Above Nagpur CT Scan, Chhindwara - 480001 Madhya Pradesh. Email: [email protected]
Tel: 9203900507, 9425895771 Chittorgarh: 3, Ashok Nagar, Near Heera Vatika, Chittorgarh – 312001, Rajasthan, Email: camscor@camsonline.
com Tel: (01472) 244566 Cochin: Modayil, Door No. 39/2638 DJ, 2nd Floor, 2A, M. G. Road, Cochin - 682 016, Tel: 0484-2350112, Email:
[email protected] Coimbatore: Old No. 66 New No. 86, Lokamanya Street (West) Ground Floor, R. S. Puram, Coimbatore – 641002,
Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0422) 4208642 / 4208648, Fax: 3018003 Cuttack: Near Indian Overseas Bank, Cantonment
Road, Mata Math, Cuttack – 753001, Orissa, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9238120072, Fax: 2303722 Darbhanga: Ground Floor,
Belbhadrapur, Near Sahara Office, Laheriasarai Tower Chowk, Laheriasarai, Darbhanga – 846001, Bihar, Email: [email protected] Tel:
8405804906 Davangere: 13, 1st Floor, Akkamahadevi Samaj Complex, Church Road, P. J. Extension, Davangere – 577002, Karnataka, Email:
[email protected] Tel: (08192) 230038, Fax: 230038 Dehradun: 204/121, Nari Shilp Mandir Marg, Old Connaught Place, Dehradun –
248001, Uttarkhand, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0135) 6455486, Fax: 2713233 Deoghar: SSM Jalan Road, Ground Floor, Opp. Hotel
Ashoke, Caster Town, Deoghar – 814112, Jharkhand, Email: [email protected] Tel: 06432-222635, Fax: 224468 Dhanbad: Urmila
Towers, Room No. 111 (1st Floor), Bank More, Dhanbad – 826001, Jharkhand, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0326) 2304675, Fax:
2304675 Dharmapuri: 16A/63A, Pidamaneri Road, Near Indoor Stadium, Dharmapuri – 636701, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected]
Tel: (04342) 296522 Dhule: House No. 3140, Opp. Liberty Furniture, Jamnalal Bajaj Road, Near Tower Garden, Dhule – 424001, Maharashtra
Email: [email protected] Tel: 02562 – 241281, Fax: 241281 Durgapur: City Plaza Building, 3rd Floor, City Centre, Durgapur – 713216,
West Bengal, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0343) 2545420 / 430, Fax: 2548190 Erode: 197, Seshaiyer Complex, Agraharam Street,
Erode – 638001, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0424) 6455440, Fax: 4272073 Faizabad: Amar Deep Building 3/20/14, 2nd
Floor, Niyawan, Faizabad – 224001, Uttar Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 7355713347, Fax: 223623 Faridabad: B-49, 1st Floor,
Nehru Ground, Behind Anupam Sweet House, NIT, Faridabad – 121001, Haryana, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0129) 6510516, Fax:
2410098 Firozabad: 53, 1st Floor, Shastri Market, Sadar Bazar, Firozabad - 283203. Tel: (0561) 2240495, Email: [email protected]
Gandhidham: Shyam Sadan, First Floor, Plot No 120,Sector 1/A, Gandhidham - 370201. Tel: (02836) 233220, Email: [email protected]
Gandhinagar: No. 507, 5th Floor, Shree Ugati Corporate Park, Opposite Pratik Mall, Near HDFC Bank, Kudasan, Gandhinagar - 382421. Tel: (079)
23600400. Email: [email protected] Ghatkopar (East): Platinum Mall, Office No.307, 3rd Floor, Jawahar Road, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai
- 400 077, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9336800261 Gaya: C/o Sri Vishwanath Kunj, Ground Floor, Tilha Mahavir Asthan, Gaya -
823001. Tel: 9472179424. Email: [email protected] Ghaziabad: First Floor, C-10 RDC Rajnagar, Opp. Kacheri Gate No.2, Ghaziabad
- 201 002. Tel: (0120) 6510540, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0120) 6510540, Fax: 4154476 Goa: Goa (Panaji): Office No. 103, 1st
Floor, Unitech City Centre, M. G. Road, Panaji, Goa - 403 001 Email: [email protected] Tel: (0832) 6450439, 6450441, Fax: 2424527
Gondal (Parent Rajkot): A/177, Kailash Complex, Opp. Khedut Décor, Gondal – 360311, Gujarat, Email: [email protected] Tel:
8000920007 Gorakhpur: Shop No. 3, 2nd Floor, The Mall Cross Road, A.D. Chowk Bank Road, Gorakhpur – 273001, Uttar Pradesh, Email:
[email protected] Tel: 9336800281, Fax: 2344065 Gulbarga: Pal Complex, 1st Floor, Opp. City Bus Stop, Super Market, Gulbarga –
585101, Karnataka, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9606410909, Fax: 221728 Guntur: Door No 5-38-44, 5/1 Brodipet, Near Ravi Sankar
Hotel, Guntur – 522002, Andhra Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0863) 4005611 Fax: 6680838 Gurgaon: Unit No-115, First
Floor, Vipul Agora Building, Sector-28, Mehrauli, Gurgaon Road, Chakkar Pur, Gurgaon - 122 001. Tel: (0124) 4048022. Email: camsgur@
camsonline.com, Fax: 4082660 Guwahati: A. K. Azad Road, Rehabari Tinali, Old Post Office Lane, Opp Nirmal Sagar Apartments. Guwahati –
781008, Assam, Email: [email protected] Tel: (361) 2607771, 7896035933, Fax: 2139038 Gwalior: G-6 Global Apartment, Kailash
Vihar Colony, Opp. Income Tax Office, City Centre, Gwalior – 474002, Madhya Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9203900504, Fax:
2427662 Haldia: Mouza-Basudevpur, J. L. No. 126, Haldia Municipality, Ward No. 10, Durgachak, West Bengal, Haldia - 721602. Tel: 9800089225,
Fax: 276655. Email: [email protected] Haldwani: Durga City Centre, Nainital Road, Haldwani – 263139, Uttar Pradesh, Email: camshdw@
camsonline.com Tel: 9219401825, Fax: 224116 Haridwar: F - 3, Hotel Shaurya, New Model Colony, Haridwar, Uttarakhand – 249408. Tel:
7900777785, Email: [email protected] Hazaribag: Municipal Market, Annanda Chowk, Hazaribag – 825301, Jharkhand, Email:
[email protected] Tel: 9234300462, Fax: 223959 Himmatnagar: D-78, 1st Floor, New Durga Bazaar, Near Railway Crossing,
Himmatnagar – 383001, Gujarat, Email: [email protected] Tel: 02772-244332, Fax: 244332 Hisar: 12, Opp. HDFC Bank, Red Square
Market, Hisar, Haryana - 125 001, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9254303804, Fax: 283100 Hoshiarpur: Near Archies Gallery, Shimla
Pahari Chowk, Hoshiarpur – 146001, Punjab, Email: [email protected] Tel: (1882) 650104 Hosur: Survey No.25/204, Attibele Road, HCF
Post, Mathigiri, Above Time Kids School, Opp. Kuttys Frozen Foods, Hosur - 635 110. Tel: 9344861916. Email: [email protected] Hubli:
No.204 - 205, 1st Floor, B - Block, Kundagol Complex, Opp. Court, Club Road, Hubli – 580029, Karnataka, Email: [email protected] Tel:
(0836) 4258576, Fax: 4255255 Hyderabad: 208, 2nd Floor, Jade Arcade, Paradise Circle, Hyderabad – 500003, Telengana, Email: camshyd@
camsonline.com Tel: (040) 48585696, Fax: 39182472. Indore: 101, Shalimar Corporate Centre, 8-B, South Tukogunj, Opp. Greenpark, Indore
– 452001, Madhya Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9203900531, Fax: 2528609 Jabalpur: 8, Ground Floor, Datt Towers, Behind
Commercial Automobiles, Napier Town, Jabalpur – 482001, Madhya Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9203900548, Fax: 4017146

Jaipur: R-7, Yudhisthir Marg, C-Scheme, Behind Ashok Nagar Police Station, Jaipur – 302001, Rajasthan, Email: [email protected] Tel:
6372805151, Fax: 5114500 Jalandhar: 144, Vijay Nagar, Near Capital Small Finance Bank, Football Chowk, Jalandhar City - 144001. Tel: (0181)
2452336, Email: [email protected] Jalgaon: Rustomji Infotech Services, 70, Navipeth, Opp. Old Bus Stand, Jalgaon – 425001, Maharashtra,
Email: [email protected] Tel: (0257) 6450111, Fax: 2235343 Jalna: Shop No 6, Ground Floor, Anand Plaza Complex, Bharat Nagar,
Shivaji Putla Road, Jalna – 431203, Maharashtra, Email: [email protected] Tel: (2482) 234766 Jammu: JRDS Heights, Lane Opp. S&S
Computers, Near RBI Building, Sector 14, Nanak Nagar, Jammu – 180004, Jammu & Kashmir Email: [email protected] Tel: 9906082698,
(0191) 2432601, Fax: 2432601 Jamnagar: 207, Manek Centre, P. N. Marg, Jamnagar – 361001, Gujarat, Email: [email protected] Tel:
(0288) 2661941, Fax: 2661942 Jamshedpur: Millennium Tower, “R” Road, Room No. 15, First Floor, Bistupur, Jamshedpur – 831001, Jharkhand,
Email: [email protected] Tel: (0657) 2320015, Fax: 2224879 Janakpuri: 306, 3rd Floor, DDA-2 Building, District Centre, Janakpuri, New
Delhi - 110 058, Email: [email protected] Jaunpur: 248, Fort Road, Near Amber Hotel, Jaunpur – 222001, Uttar Pradesh, Email: camsjnp@
camsonline.com Tel: (5452) 321630 Jhansi: Opp. SBI Credit Branch, Babu Lal Kharkana Compound, Gwalior Road, Jhansi – 284001, Uttar
Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9235402124, Fax: 2332455 Jodhpur: 1/5, Nirmal Tower, 1st Chopasani Road, Jodhpur – 342003,
Rajasthan, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9214245817, Fax: 2628039 Junagadh: Aastha Plus, 202-A, 2nd Floor, Sardarbag Road, Near
Alkapuri, Opp. Zansi Rani Statue, Junagadh – 362001, Gujarat, Email: [email protected] Tel: 0285-2633682, Fax: 2653682 Kadapa:
Bandi Subbaramaiah Complex, D. No: 3/1718, Shop No: 8, Raja Reddy Street, Kadapa – 516001, Andhra Pradesh, Email: camskdp@camsonline.
com Tel: (08562) 248695, Fax: 254122 Kakinada: No.33-1, 44 Sri Sathya Complex, Main Road, Kakinada – 533001, Andhra Pradesh, Email:
[email protected] Tel: (0884) 2358566, Fax: 2367891 Kalyani: Kalyani, A – 1/50, Block A, Kalyani - Nadia Dt, PIN- 741235, West Bengal,
Email: [email protected] Tel: 033-25022720, Fax: 25022720 Kannur: Room No. PP.14/435, Casa Marina Shopping Centre, Talap,
Kannur – 670004, Kerala, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9072260006 Kanpur: 0Ist Floor, 106 to 108, City Centre, Phase II, 63/ 2, The
Mall, Kanpur – 208001, Uttar Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 6387635727 Fax: 3918002 Karimnagar: HNo.7-1-257, Upstairs S.
B. H. Mangammathota, Karimnagar – 505001, Telangana, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0878) 2225594, Fax: 225594 Karnal: (Parent:
Panipat TP): 7, 02nd Floor, Opp Bata Showroom, Kunjapura Road, Karnal – 132001, Haryana, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0184)
4043407 Karur: 126-G, V. P. Towers, Kovai Road, Basement of Axis Bank, Karur – 639002, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel:
9244950001 Fax: 262130 Katni: 01st Floor, Gurunanak Dharmakanta, Jabalpur Road, Bargawan, Katni – 483501, Madhya Pradesh Email:
[email protected] Tel: 07622-404839 Khammam: Shop No: 11-2-31/3, 01st Floor, Philips Complex, Balajinagar, Wyra Road, Near
Baburao Petrol Bunk, Khammam – 507001, Telangana Email: [email protected] Tel: (08742) 229793 Kharagpur: Shivhare Niketan,
H.No. 291/1, Ward No-15, Malancha Main Road, Opp. Uco Bank, Kharagpur – 721301, West Bengal, Email: [email protected] Tel: 03222-
354801, Fax: (3222) 254121 Kolhapur: 2B, 03rd Floor, Ayodhya Towers, Station Road, Kolhapur – 416001, Maharashtra, Email: camskhp@
camsonline.com Tel: 0231-3500024, Fax: 2650401, Kolkata: 3/1, Shreeram Chambers, R. N. Mukherjee Road, 3rd Floor, Office space-3C,
Kolkata - 700 001, Email: [email protected] Tel: (033) 46022413 / 2414, Fax: (033) 30582288 Kolkata-CC (Kolkata Central): 2A,
Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Room No.3A, Commerce House, 04th Floor), Kolkata – 700013, West Bengal Tel: (033) 32011192 Kollam: Uthram
Chambers (Ground Floor), Thamarakulam, Kollam - 691 006. Email: [email protected], Tel:0474-2742823 Korba: Shop No. 6, Shriram
Commercial Complex, In front of Hotel Blue Diamond, Ground Floor, T. P. Nagar, Korba, West Bengal - 495677. Email: camskrba@camsonline.
com Tel: 7759 356037 Kota: B-33, Kalyan Bhawan, Triangle Part, Vallabh Nagar, Kota – 324007, Rajasthan, Email: [email protected] Tel:
(0744) 2502555 Kottayam: 1307-B, Puthenparambil Building, KSACS Road, Opp. ESIC Office, Behind Malayala Manorama, Muttambalam P.O.,
Kottayam - 686 501. Tel: 9207760018. Email: [email protected] Kumbakonam: No. 28/8, 1st Floor, Balakrishna Colony, Pachaiappa
Street, Near VPV Lodge, Kumbakonam - 612001. Tel: (0435) 2403747. Email: [email protected] Kurnool: H.No. 43/8, Upstairs Uppini
Arcade, N. R. Peta, Kurnool – 518004, Andhra Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: (8518) 650391, Fax: 329504 Lucknow: Office
no,107,1st Floor, Vaishali Arcade Building, Plot No. 11, 6 Park Road, Lucknow - 226001. Tel: 0522-4007938, Email: [email protected]
Ludhiana: U/ GF, Prince Market, Green Field, Near Traffic Lights, Sarabha Nagar Pulli, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana – 141002, Punjab, Email:
[email protected] Tel: (0161) 3018000/01/02/03, Fax: 5016811 Madurai: Shop No. 3, Suriya Towers, 2nd Floor, 272/273 – Goodshed
Street, Madurai - 625001. Email: [email protected] Tel: (0452) 4983515, Fax: 4381682 Malda: Daxhinapan Abasan, Opp. Lane of Hotel
Kalinga, S.M. Pally, Malda – 732101, West Bengal, Email: [email protected] Tel: (03512) 269071 / 9851456218, Fax: 268915 Mangalore:
No. G4 & G5, Inland Monarch, Opp. Karnataka Bank, Kadri Main Road, Kadri, Mangalore – 575003, Karnataka, Email: [email protected]
Tel: 9243600672, Fax: 4252525 Manipal: Basement Floor, Academy Tower, Opposite Corporation Bank, Manipal – 576104, Karnataka, Email:
[email protected] Tel: 9243689046, Fax: 2573333 Mapusa (Parent ISC: Goa): Office No. CF-8, 1st Floor, Business Point, Above Bicholim
Urban Co-op. Bank, Angod, Mapusa – 403507, Goa Margao: B-301, Reliance Trade Center, Opp. Grace Nursing Home, Near Cafe Tato, V. V. Road
(Varde Valaulikar) Margao – 400601, Goa, Email: [email protected] Tel: (832) 6480250 Mathura: 159/160, Vikas Bazar, Mathura –
281001, Uttar Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 7252000551, Fax: 2404229 Meerut: 108, Ist Floor, Shivam Plaza, Opp. Eves
Cinema, Hapur Road, Meerut – 250002, Uttar Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0121) 6454521, Fax: 2421238 Mehsana: 1st
Floor, Subhadra Complex, Urban Bank Road, Mehsana – 384002, Gujarat, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9228000256 Mirzapur: Ground
Floor, Canara Bank Building, Dhundhi Katra, Mirzapur Uttarpradesh - 231001. Tel: (05422) 220282. Email: [email protected] Moga: 9
No., New Town, Opp. Jaswal Hotel, Daman Building, Moga - 142001. Tel: (01636) 513234, Email: [email protected] Moradabad: H21-
22, Ist Floor, Ram Ganga Vihar Shopping Complex, Opposite Sale Tax Office, Moradabad – 244001, Uttar Pradesh, Email: camsmbd@camsonline.
com Tel: (0591) 6450125, Fax: 2493144 Mumbai: Rajabahdur Compound, Ground Floor, Opp. Allahabad Bank, Behind ICICI Bank, 30, Mumbai

Samachar Marg, Fort, Mumbai – 400023, Maharashtra, Email: [email protected] Tel: (022) - 62962100, Fax: 30282482 Muzaffarpur:
Brahman Toli, Durgasthan Gola Road, Muzaffarpur – 842001, Bihar, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0621) 2244086, Fax: 2246022 Mysore:
No.1, 1st Floor, CH.26, 7th Main, 5th Cross (Above Trishakthi Medicals), Saraswati Puram, Mysore – 570009, Karnataka, Email: camsmys@camsonline.
com Tel: (0821) 4053255, Fax: 2342182 Nadiad: F-142, First Floor, Ghantakarna Complex, Gunj Bazar, Nadiad, Gujarat - 387001. Tel: (0268)
2550075, Email: [email protected] Nagpur: 145, Lendra, New Ramdaspeth, Nagpur – 440010, Maharashtra, Email: camsnpr@camsonline.
com Tel: (0712) 2541449, Fax: 2432447 Namakkal: 156A / 1, 01st Floor, Lakshmi Vilas Building, Opp. to District Registrar Office, Trichy Road,
Namakkal – 637001, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9244900217. Nasik: 1st Floor, “ Shraddha Niketan” Tilak Wadi, Opp. Hotel
City Pride, Sharanpur Road, Nasik - 422 002, Email id: [email protected], Tel. No: 0253 - 6450102. Navsari: C/o Vedant Shukla Associates,
16 Shivani Park, Opp. Shankeshwar Complex, Kaliawadi, Navsari – 396445, Gujarat, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0861) 2302398, Fax:
248744 Nellore: 97/56, 01st Floor, Immadisetty Towers, Ranganayakulapet Road, Santhapet, Nellore – 524001, Andhra Pradesh, Email: camsnel@
camsonline.com Tel: 0861-2302398, Fax: 2302398 New Delhi: 401 to 404, 4th Floor, Kanchan Junga Building, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi - 110
001. Email: [email protected], Tel: (011) 61245468 Noida: E-3, Ground Floor, Sector 3, Near Fresh Food Factory, Noida - 201 301, Tel: (0120)
4562490 , Fax: 3043334, Email: [email protected] Palakkad: Door No. 18/507(3) Anugraha, Garden Street, College Road, Palakkad - 678
001, Kerala. Tel: (0491) 2548093. Email: [email protected] Palanpur: Gopal Trade Center, Shop No. 13-14, 3rd Floor, Near BK Mercantile
Bank, Opp. Old Gunj, Palanpur - 385001. Tel: 02742-254224 Email: [email protected] Panipat: SCO 83-84, 01st Floor, Devi Lal Shopping
Complex, Opp. RBL Bank, G. T. Road, Panipat – 132103, Haryana, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9254303801, Fax: 4009802, Patiala: 35 New
Lal Bagh, Opposite Polo Ground, Patiala – 147001. Email: [email protected], Tel: 175-6050002 Patna: G-3, Ground Floor, OM Complex, Near
Saket Tower, SP Verma Road, Patna – 800001, Bihar, Email: [email protected] Tel: (612) 6500367, Fax: 2322207 Pitampura: Aggarwal Cyber
Plaza-II, Commercial Unit No 371, 3rd Floor, Plot No C-7, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, New Delhi - 110 034, Email: [email protected],
Tel: 011 - 40367369 Pondicherry: S-8, 100, Jawaharlal Nehru Street (New Complex, Opp. Indian Coffee House), Pondicherry – 605001, Pondicherry,
Email: [email protected] Tel: (0413) 4900549, Fax: 4210030 Pune: Vartak Pride, 1st floor, Survey No 46, City Survey No 1477, Hingne
Budruk, D. P. Road, Behind Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Karvenagar, Pune - 411 052, Email: [email protected] Tel: (020) 65604571/572/573,
Fax: 30283001 Rae Bareli: 17, Anand Nagar Complex, Opposite Moti Lal Nehru Stadium, SAI Hostel Jail Road, Rae Bareilly – 229001, Uttar Pradesh,
Email: [email protected] Tel: 9889901201, Fax: 2205366 Rae Bareli (TP Lite): 17, Anand Nagar Complex, Rae Bareli - 229 001, Tel: (0535)
2210166 Raipur: HIG, C-23 Sector – 1, Devendra Nagar, Raipur, Chattisgarh – 492004, Chattisgarh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 0771-
4912040, Fax: 2888002 Rajahmundry: Door No: 6-2-12, 01st Floor, Rajeswari Nilayam, Near Vamsikrishna Hospital, Nyapathi Vari Street, T Nagar,
Rajahmundry – 533101, Andhra Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0883) 6665531 Rajapalayam: No. 59 A/1, Railway Feeder Road
(Near Railway Station), Rajapalayam – 626117, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9244950002 Rajkot: Office 207 - 210, Everest
Building, Harihar Chowk, Opp. Shastri Maidan, Limda Chowk, Rajkot – 360001, Gujarat, Email: [email protected] Tel: 0281-2227553 Ranchi:
4, HB Road, No. 206, 02nd Floor, Shri Lok Complex, Near Firayalal, Ranchi – 834001, Jharkhand, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0651)
2212133, Fax: 2226601 Ratlam: Dafria & Co, No.18, Ram Bagh, Near Scholar’s School, Ratlam – 457001, Madhya Pradesh, Email: camsrlm@
camsonline.com Tel: (04712) 400066, Fax: 235788 Ratnagiri: Orchid Tower, Ground Floor, Gala No. 06, S.V. No.301/Paiki 1/2, Nachane Munciple
Aat, Arogya Mandir, Nachane Link Road, At, Post, Tal. Ratnagiri, Dist. Ratnagiri - 415612. Email: [email protected] Tel: (02352) 222084, Fax:
222048 Rohtak: 205, 02nd Floor, Building No. 2, Munjal Complex, Delhi Road, Rohtak, Haryana, Email: [email protected] Tel: (1262)
2258436, 9254303802 Roorkee: 22, Civil Lines, Ground Floor, Hotel Krish Residency, Roorkee – 247667, Uttarkhand, Email: camsrke@camsonline.
com Tel: (01332) 796309 Fax: 273139 Rourkela: JBS Market Complex, 2nd Floor, Udit Nagar, Rourkela - 769 012. Email: [email protected]
Tel: (661) 2513098, 9238120073 Sagar: Opp. Somani Automobiles, Bhagwanganj, Sagar – 470002, Madhya Pradesh, Email: camssag@camsonline.
com Tel: (07582) 408402 / 246247, Fax: 408402 Saharanpur: 01st Floor, Krishna Complex, Opp. Hathi Gate, Court Road, Saharanpur – 247001,
Uttar Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0132) 6450137, Fax: 2712507 Salem: No. 2, 0Ist Floor, Vivekananda Street, New Fairlands,
Salem – 636016, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0427) 4041129, Fax: 2330592 Sambalpur: C/o, Raj Tibrewal & Associates, Opp.
Town High School, Sansarak, Sambalpur – 768001, Orissa, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9238120074, Fax: 2405606 Sangli: Jiveshwar
Krupa Bldg, Shop. No. 2, Ground Floor, Tilak Chowk, Harbhat Road, Sangli – 416416, Maharashtra, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0233)
6600510, 9326016616 Satara: 117 / A / 3 / 22, Shukrawar Peth, Sargam Apartment, Satara – 415002, Maharashtra, Email: camssat@camsonline.
com Tel: (2162) 645297, Fax: 281706 Shahjahanpur: Bijlipura, Near Old Dist. Hospital, Jail Road, Shahjahanpur – 242001, Uttar Pradesh, Email:
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camsonline.com Tel: 0364-3560860 Shimla: 01st Floor, Opp. Panchayat Bhawan Main Gate Bus Stand, Shimla – 171001, Himachal Pradesh, Email:
[email protected] Tel: (177) 2656161, Fax: 6190997 Shimoga: No.65 1st Floor, Kishnappa Compound, 01st Cross, Hosmane Extn., Shimoga
– 577201, Karnataka, Email: [email protected] Tel: (08182) 222706, Fax: 271706 Siliguri: 17B, Swamiji Sarani, Siliguri – 734001, West
Bengal, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9735316555, Fax: 2531024 Sirsa: M. G. Complex, Bhawna Marg, Beside Over Bridge, Sirsa – 125055,
Haryana, Email: [email protected] Tel: (1666) 233593, 9254303806 Sitapur: Arya Nagar, Near Arya Kanya School, Sitapur – 261001, Uttar
Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 05862-271399 Solan: 01st Floor, Above Sharma General Store, Near Sanki Rest House, The Mall, Solan
– 173212, Himachal Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: (1792) 640621, 220705 Solapur: Flat No. 109, 01st Floor, A Wing, Kalyani Tower,
126 Siddheshwar Peth, Near Pangal High School, Solapur – 413001, Maharashtra, Email: [email protected] Tel: 0217 – 2724547, Fax:
2724548 Sri Ganganagar: 18-L Block, Sri Ganganagar – 335001, Rajasthan, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9214245818, Fax: (0154)
2476742 Srikakulam: Door No. 4 - 4-96, 01st Floor. Vijaya Ganapathi Temple Back Side, Nanubala Street, Srikakulam – 532001, Andhra Pradesh

Email: [email protected] Tel: (08942) 228288 Sultanpur: 967, Civil Lines, Near Pant Stadium, Sultanpur – 228001, Uttar Pradesh, Email:
[email protected] Tel: 05362-227562. Surat: Shop No. G-5, International Commerce Center, Near Kadiwala School, Majura Gate, Ring Road,
Surat - 395 002. Email: [email protected] Tel: (0261) 6540128, 6540731, Fax: 6541930 Surendranagar: Shop No. 12, M.D. Residency,
Swastik Cross Road, Surendranagar - 363001. Tel: (02752) 232599. Email: [email protected] Tambaram: 3rd Floor, B R Complex, No. 66,
Door No. 11A, Ramakrishna Iyer Street, Opp. National Cinema Theatre, West Tambaram, Chennai - 600 045, Tel: (044) 22267030 / 29850030 Email:
[email protected] Thane: Dev Corpora, 1st floor, Office no. 102, Cadbury Junction, Eastern Express way, Thane (West) – 400 601. Email id:
[email protected], Tel. No: 022-62791000. Thiruvalla: 1st Floor, Room No - 61(63), International Shopping Mall, Opp. St. Thomas Evangelical
Church, Above Thomson Bakery, Manjady, Thiruvalla - 689105. Email: [email protected] Tiruppur: 1 (1), Binny Compound 2nd Street,
Kumaran Road, Tiruppur - 641 601, Tel: (0421) 4242134 Tinsukia: Bangiya Vidyalaya Road, Near Old Post Office, Durgabari, Tinsukia, Assam -
786125. Tel: 7896502265. Email: [email protected] Tirunelveli: No. F4, Magnem Suraksaa Apartments, Tiruvananthapuram Road, Tirunelveli
- 627 002. Email: [email protected] Tel: (0462) 6455081, Fax: 2333688 Tirupati: Shop No. 6, Door No. 19-10-8, (Opposite Passport Office),
AIR Bypass Road, Tirupati – 517501, Andhra Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0877) 6561003, Fax: 2225056 Thiruvalla: 24/590-14,
C.V.P Parliament Square Building Cross Junction, Thiruvalla, Kerala - 689 101, Tel: (0469) 2707999 Tirupur: 1 (1), Binny Compound, II Street,
Kumaran Road, Tirupur – 641601, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0421) 6455232, Fax: 4242134 Tiruvalla: 24/590-14, C.V.P
Parliament Square Building, Cross Junction, Tiruvalla – 689101, Kerala, Email: [email protected] Tel: (469) 6061004 Trichur: Room No. 26 &
27, Dee Pee Plaza, Kokkalai, Trichur – 680001, Kerala, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0487) 6060019, Fax: 245002 Trichy: No. 8, 01st Floor,
8th Cross West Extn, Thillainagar, Trichy – 620018, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0431) 4220862, Fax: 2741717 Trivandrum: R.
S. Complex, Opp. of LIC Building, Pattom PO, Trivandrum – 695004, Kerala, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9188184178 Tuticorin: 4B/A16,
Mangal Mall Complex, Ground Floor, Mani Nagar, Tuticorin – 628003, Tamilnadu, Email: [email protected] Tel: (461) 6455770 Udaipur: 32,
Ahinsapuri, Fatehpura Circle, Udaipur - 313 001. Email: [email protected] Tel: 0294-2461066, Fax: 2454567 Ujjain: 1st Floor, Siddhi
Vinayak Trade Center, Adjacent to our existing Office at 109, Shahid Park, Madhya Pradesh, Ujjain - 456010. Tel: (0734) 4030019. Email: camsujn@
camsonline.com Unjha (Parent: Mehsana): 10/11, Maruti Complex, Opp. B. R. Marbles, Highway Road, Unjha – 384170, Gujarat, Email: camsunj@
camsonline.com Vadodara: 103 Aries Complex, Bpc Road, Off R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara – 390007, Gujarat, Email: camsvad@camsonline.
com Tel: (0265) 3018032, 8031, Fax: 3018030 Valsad: 03rd Floor, Gita Nivas, Opp. Head Post Office, Halar Cross Lane, Valsad – 396001, Gujarat,
Email: [email protected] Tel: 9228000239 Vapi: 208, 02nd Floor, Heena Arcade, Opp. Tirupati Tower, Near G.I.D.C. Char Rasta, Vapi –
396195, Gujarat, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9104883239 Varanasi: Office No. 1, 02nd Floor, Bhawani Market, Building No. D-58/2-A1,
Rathyatra, Beside Kuber Complex, Varanasi – 221010, Uttar Pradesh, Email: [email protected] Tel: 9235405922, Fax: 2202126. Vashi: BSEL
Tech Park, B-505, Plot no 39/5 & 39/5A, Sector 30A, Opp. Vashi Railway Station, Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400705. Email id: [email protected].
Vasco (Parent Goa): No. DU 8, Upper Ground Floor, Behind Techoclean Clinic, Suvidha Complex, Near ICICI Bank, Vasco – 403802, Goa, Tel: (0832)
3251755 Vellore: No.1, Officer’s Line, 02nd Floor, MNR Arcade, Opp. ICICI Bank, Krishna Nagar, Vellore – 632001, Tamilnadu, Email: camsvel@
camsonline.com Tel: (0416) 2900062 Vijayawada: 40-1-68, Rao & Ratnam Complex, Near Chennupati Petrol Pump, M. G. Road, Labbipet, Vijayawada
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Vigneswara Plaza, 5th Lane, Dwarakanagar, Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam - 530 016, Tel: (0891) 2791940 Warangal: Hno. 2-4-641, F-7, 01st
Floor, A.B.K Mall, Old Bus Depot Road, Ramnagar, Hanamkonda, Warangal – 506001, Telengana, Email: [email protected] Tel: (0870)
6560141, Fax: 2554888 Yamuna Nagar: 124-B/R, Model Town Yamunanagar – 135001, Haryana, Email: [email protected] Tel: 01732-
796099, Fax: 225339 Yavatmal: Pushpam, Tilakwadi, Opp. Dr. Shrotri Hospital, Yavatmal – 445001, Maharashtra, Email: [email protected]
Tel: (07232) 237045, Fax: 237045.
Investor Service Centres - AMC OFFICES Call Free : (022) 6282 7777 (Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm)

West Zone:
Ahmedabad: 402, ‘Megha House’, Mithakhali - Law Garden Road, Netaji Marg, Ahmedabad - 380 006. Tel.: 079 - 26466080 / 40076949.
Bhopal: MF-12, Block-A, Mansarovar Complex, Near Habibganj Railway Station, Bhopal - 462 016. Tel.: 0755 - 2574198 / 4209752.
Borivali: Shop No. 1 and 2, Ground Floor, Ganjawalla Residency, Ganjawalla Lane, Borivali West, Mumbai - 400092. Tel.: 022- 28945923 /
8655421234. Goa: F- 4, 1st Floor, Edcon Tower, Next to Hotel Salida Del Sol, Near Apple Corner, Menezes Braganza Road, Panaji - Goa - 403
001. Tel.: 7888051135, Fax: 0832-2422135. Indore: 204, D.M. Tower, Race Course Road, Near Zanjeerwala Chourha, Indore - 452 003.
Tel.: 0731-4201806, Fax 0731-4201807. Jabalpur: Office No. 4, 1178, Napier Town, Home Science College Road, Jabalpur - 482 001(M.P.).
Tel.: 0761-4074263. Mumbai: Mulla House, Ground Floor, 51, M. G. Road, Near Flora Fountain, Mumbai - 400 001. Tel: 022- 66505243
/ 66505201, Fax: 022- 66315194. Nagpur: 102, Shivaji Complex, Near Times of India, Dharampeth, WHC Road, Nagpur - 440 010, Tel.:
0712 - 6630425 / 6502885. Nashik: 5, Samriddhi Residency, Opp Hotel City Pride, Tilakwadi, Nashik - 422 002. Tel.: (0253) 2959098, Fax:
0253-2579098. Navsari: Shop No.1, Swiss Cottage, Ashanagar Main Road, Navsari - 396 445. Tel: 02637 - 281991. Pune: Office No 33, 3rd
Floor, Yeshwant Building, Opp Lane No. 9, Prabhat Road, Pune – 411 004. Tel.: 020-41204949 / 950. Rajkot: 402, The Imperia, Opp. Shastri
Maidan, Limda Chowk, Rajkot - 360 001. Tel: (0281) 2964848 / 849 Surat: G-18, Ground Floor, ITC Building, Near Majuragate, Ring Road,
Surat – 395 002. Tel.: 0261 - 4012140, Fax: 0261-2470326. Thane: Shop No. 9, Konark Tower, Ghantali Devi Road, Thane (West) - 400 602.
Tel.: 022 – 25300912. Vadodara: Emerald One, 314, 3rd Floor, Jetalpur Main Road, Before Jetalpur Bridge, Jetalpur, Vadodara - 390 007.
Tel.: (0265) 2991037, Fax: 0265-6641999. Gurgaon: Unit No. 209, 2nd Floor, Vipul Agora Mall, Sector 28, M. G. Road, Gurgaon - 122 001.
East Zone:
Bhubaneswar: Room-309, 3rd Floor, Janpath Tower, Ashok Nagar, Bhubaneswar - 751009. Tel.: 0674 -2533818/ 7064678888. Dhanbad:
Shriram Plaza, 2nd Floor, Room No.202 (B), Bank More, Jharkhand, Dhanbad - 826 001. Tel.: 0326-2300304 / 9234302478. Durgapur:
8C, 8th Floor, Pushpanjali, C-71/A, Saheed Khudiram Sarani, City Centre, Durgapur - 713 216. Tel: (0343) 2544463/65. Guwahati: Jain
Complex, 4th Floor, Beside Axis Bank, G. S. Road, Guwahati - 781005. Tel: (0361) 2343084. Jamshedpur: Voltas House, Mezzanine Floor,
Main Road Bistupur, Jamshedpur - 831001. Tel.: 0657-2321302 / 363 / 6576911. Kolkata: Apeejay House, Ground Floor, 15 Park Street,
Kolkata – 700 016. Tel.: 033-4406 3300/01/33/19. Fax: 033-4406 3315. Patna: 301, 3rd Floor, Grand Plaza, Frazer Road, Patna - 800 001.
Tel.: (0612) 2216994. Raipur: Shop No. S-10, 2nd Floor, Raheja Tower, Near Fafadhi Chowk, Jail Road, Raipur (Chhattisgarh) 492001. Tel.:
0771-4040069 / 6537340. Ranchi: 406 - A, 4th Floor, Satya Ganga Arcade, Sarjana Chowk, Lalji Hirji Road, Ranchi - 834001. Tel.: 0651-
2210226 / 8235050200.
North Zone:
Ajmer: 02 Floor, Agra Gate Circle, P. R. Marg, Ajmer - 305 001. Tel: (0145) 2625316. Agra: Unit No. 2, 1st Floor, Block No. 54, Prateek
Tower Commercial Complex, Sanjay Place, Agra| - 282002. Tel.:- 0562-2525195. Allahabad: Shop No. 10, Upper Ground Floor, Vashistha
Vinayak Tower, Tashkand Marg, Civil Lines, Allahabad -211 001. Tel.:- 0532-2260974. Amritsar: Mezzanine Floor, S.C.O – 25, B Block,
District Shopping Complex, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar – 143 001. Tel.: 0183-5011181/5011190. Chandigarh: SCO - 2473-74, 1st Floor,
Sector- 22C, Chandigarh - 160 022. Tel.: 0172-5037205/5087322, Fax: 0172 - 2603770. Dehradun: Shop No. 19, Ground Floor, Shree
Radha Palace, 78, Rajpur Road, Dehradun – 248 001, Uttarakhand. Tel.: 0135-2740877 / 2741877. Jalandhar: Shop No.32, 5th Floor,
City Square Building, Near Kesar Petrol Pump, Jalandhar - 144 001, Tel.: 0181 - 5001024/25. Jaipur: Office Number 52-53, 1 Floor, Laxmi
Complex, Subhash Marg, M.I. Road Corner, C Scheme, Jaipur - 302 001. Tel.: 0141 - 5105177 / 78 / 2389387, Fax: 5105178. Jodhpur:
Sanskriti Plaza, 840, Mezzanine Floor, Devendra Singhvi Marg, Opp. HDFC Bank, 9th Chopasani Road, Sardarpura, Jodhpur - 342003. Tel:
(0291) 2631257. Kanpur: 4th Floor, Office No. 412 - 413, KAN Chambers, 14 / 113, Civil Lines, Kanpur - 208 001. Tel.: 0512-2306065 /
6066, Fax: 0512 - 2306065. Lucknow: 11 B & 12, Ground Floor, Saran Chamber II, Vikramaditya Marg, 5 Park Road, Lucknow - 226001.
Tel: (0522) 4001731 / 4308904 Ludhiana: Cabin No. 201, 2nd. Floor, SCO 18, Opp Ludhiana Stock Exchange, Feroze Gandhi Market,
Ludhiana - 141 001. Tel.: 0161-5089667 / 668, Fax: 0161-2413498. Meerut: G-13, Rama Plaza, Near Bachha Park, Western Kutchery
Road, Meerut (U.P.) – 250 001. Tel.: 0121-4035585. Moradabad: Ground Floor, Near Hotel Rajmahal, Civil Lines, Moradabad – 244 001,
Tel.: 0591-2410667. New Delhi: Flat No. 506 - 507, Kailash Building, 26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001.
Tel.: 011-66324101/102/103/104/105, Fax: 011-66303202. Udaipur: Office No - 4, 2nd Floor, Madhav Appartment, Opp GPO, Chetak
Circle, Udaipur - 313 001. Tel.: 0294-2429371, Fax: 0294-2429371. Varanasi: D-64/127, 2nd Floor, C-H Arihant Complex, Sigra, Varanasi
- 221010 Tel.: 0542-2222179 / 2221822.
South Zone:
Aurangabad: Plot No 66, Bhagya Nagar, Near S T Office, Kranti Chowk Police Station to Employment Office Road, Aurangabad - 431001.
Tel: (0240) 2351591/90. Bangalore: Unit 3A, 4th Floor, Sobha Alexander Plaza, 16/2-6, Commissariat Road, Bangalore – 560025. Tel.:
080 45570100. Fax: 080-22370512. Chennai: 3rd Floor, Sri Bala Vinayagar Square, No.2, North Boag Road, Near AGS Complex, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017. Tel.: 044 - 48641878 / 48631868 / 48676454. Fax: 044-43546313. Cochin: 2nd Floor, Ajay Vihar, Near Hotel Avenue
Regent, M. G. Road, Cochin - 682 016. Tel.: 0484-4865813 / 814 / 815. Fax: 0484 - 2377581. Coimbatore: Tulsi Chambers, 195-F, Ground
Floor, West T V Swamy Road, R S Puram, Coimbatore – 641002. Tel.: 0422-4365635, Fax: 2546585. Hyderabad: 1st Floor, Nerella House,
Nagarjuna Hills, Above Kotak Mahindra Bank, Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500082. Tel.: 040-67308989 / 8901 / 8902. Fax: 040-67308990.
Hubli: No 19 & 20, 1st Floor, Eureka Junction, T B Road, Hubli – 580029. Tel.: 0836 - 4251510 Fax: 4251510. Kottayam: CSI Ascention
Square, Logos Junction, Collectorate P. O., Kottayam - 686 002. Tel.: 0481 2568450. Mangalore: Essel Towers, 1st Floor, Bunts Hostel
Circle, Above UTI Bank, Mangalore - 575 003. Tel.: 0824 - 4260308. Madurai: 1st Floor, Old No. 11B, Opp. Sethupathy Higher Secondary
School, North Veli Street, Madurai – 625 001. Tel.: 0452-4246315 Fax: 0452-4246315. Mysore: CH-16, 1st Floor, Prashanth Plaza, 4th
Main, 5th Cross, Saraswathipuram, Mysore - 570009. Tel.: 0821 - 4246676 Fax: 4246676. Salem: Kandaswarna Shopping Mall, First Floor,
1/194/4, Saradha College Main Road, Fairlands, Salem - 636016, Tamil Nadu. Tel: (0427) 4042028. Thrissur: 4th Floor, Pathayappura
Buildings, Round South, Thrissur - 680 001. Tel.: 0487 - 2423330. Trivandrum: Ground Floor, Sai Kripa Building, TC-1956/3, Ganapthi
Temple Road, Vazhuthacaud, Trivandrum – 695 014. Tel.: 0471 - 4851431. Trichy: No.60/3, ‘Krishna’, 2nd Floor, Sastri Main Road, Tennur,
Trichy - 620 017. Tel.: 0431 - 4024060. Vijaywada: Ground Floor, D. No. 40 – 13 – 5, Sri Rama Chandra Complex, Chandra Mouli Puram,
M. G. Road, Benz Circle, Vijayawada – 520 010. Tel.: 0866-6632010. Visakhapatnam: Door No: 47-15-13/35, Navaratna Jewel Square, Shop
No. 7, 3rd Floor, Near Khajana to Jyothi Book Depot Station Road, Dwarakanagar, Visakhapatnam - 530016. Tel: (0891) 2503292.

Dec. 2022

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