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Topic: What can we find in outer space?

- What do you know about the origin of life?

1. Draw two pictures about the origin of life: one on evolutionary theory and another on creationist theory in your
notebook describe them. (60 words)

Example: In these images I can see …………………

2. Observe and match the words with the correct picture about the passage “Beyond Our World”.

1. -device 4. -mindsets
2. -emptiness 5. -isolated
3. -shaped 6. -accurately

3. Match column A with the corresponding statement in column B. Write the letters next to the

1.__c__ isolated a. an object, machine, or piece of equipment that has been made for
some special purpose.
2._____ emptiness b. a particular way of thinking, a person’s attitude or set of opinions about
3.____ device c. separate from others.

4._____ shaped d. done in a way that is free from mistakes or errors..

5._____ mindsets e. a definite form or arrangement of something.

6._____ accurately f. Containing nothing.

Topic: Telescopes

1. Draw a picture about a telescope and identify its parts in your notebook or on a sheet of paper and describe it. (30

Example: In this image I can see ……….

2. Observe and match the words with the correct picture about things that can be seen with the telescope.

1. - moon 4. - galaxy
2. - black holes 5. - meteorite
3. - stars 6. - planets
3. Answer the following questions: (30 words)

- Why do people need a telescope nowadays?

People use it to watch distance objects and explore the outer space………………………….

- How is it important in people's lives?

It helps us to understand how the universe is constituted and the movement of solar bodies.


4. Listen the lecture and complete the following activities.

Fuente: 1ro. BGU – Module 2, track 3

People across cultures have always been curious about the stars, planets, Moom and Sun. This
interest has led many inventors, scientists or even common people to build something that would help see
what is beyond the clouds. The telescope as we know it has passed through massive transformation since it
was first patented in 1608. Galileo constructed his own telescope and used it to see the moon and its
craters as well as the Milky Way. He was the first to see the rings of Saturn and some of Jupiter's moons.
Another famous scientist who made other significant contributions to the development of the telescope
was Johannes Kepler. Kristen Huygens does the most powerful and colossal telescope of his time in 1655,
which could be used to see and study the solar system in detail. Then Isaac Newton built the first reflecting
telescope which was smaller and more portable with the same power. By 1789 the first six-meter-long
giant telescope was built for astronomical observation to see Uranus and its moons. As technology and
investigation Advanced telescopes were improved and made possible to see more in space. By 1845 the
M51 nebula, a giant spiral cloud of dust and gas was discovered. Radio telescopes appeared on the scene,
the images were much clearer and meteors could be seen. Finally, the most powerful telescopes, space
telescopes, such as the Hubble made it possible to see incredible images from outer space. Hubble is going
to be replaced soon by the James Webb Space Telescope
Based on the reading, circle the right answer in the following sentences. If it is false, correct it to make it

a. Humans have always been interested in learning about the sky. True False
b. The telescope has always been the same. True False
The telescope has passed massive transformations.
c. The first telescope was patented in 1608 and was used to see the sky. True False
d. Galileo Galilei was the first person to see the moon and its craters. True False
He was the first to see the rings of Saturn.
e. The first telescope was invented in 1694 by Christian Hygens. True False
f. Isaac Newton invented a smaller, portable telescope. True False
g. M51 is a star. True False
h. Giant telescopes were built in the XVIII century. True False
i. Radio telescopes were invented before giant telescopes. True False
j. Space telescopes are the most powerful telescopes. True False
Topic: How did we start visiting outer space?

1. Draw a picture about “Laika”, the dog who traveled the moon in your notebook or on a sheet of paper and
describe them. (40 words)

Example: In this image I can see ……….

3. Draw a picture with each brown word from the reading to explain its meaning. Observe and match the words
with the correct picture about the text “Laika”.

1. –launch 4. – death
2. – race 5. – sorrow
3. – overheating 6. – tales

3. Match column A with the corresponding statement in column B. Write the letters next to the

1.__c__ launch a. a feeling of sadness or grief caused especially by the loss of someone or

2.____ race b. to cause (something) to become too hot.

3.____ overheating c. to send or shoot (something, such as a rocket) into the air or water or into
outer space.

4._____ death d. an exciting story that may not be completely true..

5._____ sorrow e. a contest or competition in which different people or teams try to win
something or to do something first.
6._____ tales f. End of life
4. Before reading, answer the following question:

What do you know about astronauts? (30 words)

Astronaut is the person who has a rigorous training. He goes to space to do investigations ……………..

Read this text about Laika.

During the era of the space race between the USA and USSR, the Soviet Union launched the first living thing into
space. It was a dog named Laika. The objective of the trip was to prove that space travel for humans was safe, but
technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring ships back yet. Laika was a street dog that became an astronaut
because of her size and calmness. After some training, she was ready to go into space. Her ship, called Sputnik 2,

was launched on November 3, 1957. Laika was supposed to orbit the planet some days and the first reports from
Russian space programs said so. However, in 1993, some Russian space program scientists revealed that Laika
died soon after leaving the planet’s atmosphere because of stress and overheating. Many people in the world were
in great sorrow because of her death. Since then, her story has spread around the world and has inspired many
tales, songs, and poems. Some of them say that Laika became a star in the sky.

5. Based on the reading, circle the right answer in the following sentences. If it is false, correct it.

a. The objective of the trip wasn’t to prove that space travel for humans was safe. True False
-The objective of the trip was to prove that space travel for humans was safe.
b. In 1957, technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring ships back yet. True False

c. Laika was supposed to orbit the planet some days. True False

d. Laika died soon after leaving the planet’s atmosphere. True False

e. Many people were inspired by Laika to create songs, tales, and poems. True False

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