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File Test 5

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


1 Complete the sentences with the correct perfect form of the verb in brackets.
Example: They ’ve been playing computer games for ages. (play)
1 On no! I ________________ my ticket. (lose)
2 Bella ________________ for her passport all morning. I hope she finds it. (look)
3 How long ________ you ________ your motorbike? (have)
4 A Do you know where Ravi is?
B I think he ________________ to the post office. He'll be back soon. (go)
5 ________________ you ________________ writing that report yet? (not finish)
6 We’re looking for a new TV, but we ________________ one we like yet. (not find)
7 How long ________ Andrea ________________ Japanese? (learn)
8 I'm very healthy. I ________________ to the doctor's for about six years. (not be)
9 David's hands are covered in paint. What ________ he ________________? (paint)
10 That was the best documentary we ________ ever ________ (see).

2 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: They got married in Las Vegas three years ago.
’ve got have been getting got
1 A Have you ever ________ to Rio de Janeiro?
B Yes, I went there with my girlfriend in 2016.
been gone went
2 Ali and Samir have known each other ________ about 10 years.
from for since
3 My sister ________________ home at the age of 16.
has left left has been leaving
4 We ________________ for hours now. Are we nearly there?
've been driving 've driven are driving
5 A Would you like a sandwich?
B That's kind but I've ________ eaten lunch, thanks.
yet been already
6 We ________________ in this traffic jam for over half an hour now.
’ve sat ’ve been sitting ’re sitting
7 Gabriel’s been running the family business ________ his dad retired.
since for during
8 He ________________ a shower at the moment. Can you call back later?
’s been having ’s having has
9 A Have you been in the new house long?
B No, we’ve ________ moved in.
just still yet
10 I________________ much TV recently.
don't watch haven't been watching 'm not watching
Grammar total 20

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 5
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

3 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap. They are all related to
the country.
Example: The donkey always stays in the barn during the winter months.
1 That w________ was the only source of water in my great-grandparents' time.
2 Sheila lives in a cottage with a wooden f________ around it and a little gate.
3 I've been learning to drive my uncle's t________ around the farm.
4 Is it true that cows only eat g________?
5 The children watched the sheep and their tiny l________ in the fields.
6 We keep h________ because we like having fresh eggs to eat.
7 Don't go swimming in the l________ because the water isn't very clean.
8 From the top of this hill, you can see across the v________ to the other side.

4 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap.

Example: The TV’s much too loud. Turn it down now!
1 It's a lovely day. Why don't you turn ________ the TV and go outside instead?
2 Can you turn the TV ________? I can’t hear what the contestants are saying.
3 I wasn't enjoying the film on Channel 5 so I turned ________ to Channel 4 to watch the
4 Can you turn the TV ________, please? My favourite programme starts in 5 minutes.
5 A Do you want to watch Star Wars tonight?
B Maybe. What time is it ________?

5 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each gap. They are all related to
Example: We only watch current affairs programmes and the news.
1 We often watch q________ sh________ together and try to answer the questions.
2 Why can I never find the r________ c________ when I want to change channel?
3 Martyna likes watching interviews with famous people on ch________ sh________.
4 Oliver watches a lot of l________ s________ – mainly football and tennis.
5 A Have you seen the w________ f________ today?
B Yes, it's going to snow later on.
6 My friend's job is to do historical research for p________ dramas.
7 Laura loves all the old Walt Disney c________, especially Sleeping Beauty.
Vocabulary total 20

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 5
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


6 Match the words with the same sound.

stone volume wood drama leaf sitcom

Example: farm drama

1 pick ________
2 cockerel ________
3 donkey ________
4 show ________
5 bush ________

7 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: ad|vert
1 do|cu|men|tary
2 cook|e|ry
3 har|ve|sted
4 re|a|li|ty
5 e|pi|sode
Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 5
Reading and Writing A

Read the article about a family who moved from a town to the countryside.
Five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences A–G the one
which fits each gap (1–5). There is one extra sentence which you do not
need to use.

Country life
Plenty of people fantasise about moving to the countryside but not so many actually do it. We met up with
the Fishers who made the change a year ago, moving from Bicester (population 30,000 and rising) to
Mithian (population 500). 0 A

It was for Elliot really. I just felt that he was missing out on experiencing a healthy, natural environment
and, I was fed up with the noise and pollution you get in a town. Also, Elliot wasn't really happy at primary
school and the other schools in the town were all very similar. 1

We moved to be near the sea. That's not the only reason but true to some extent because I always
wanted to live near the coast. Bicester was more than an hour and a half away from the sea in any

"So what are the pros and cons of country life?" we asked.

I was worried that people in Mithian would treat us like outsiders but that's not happened at all. It might be
because there are four other families here who have done exactly the same as us. 2 Anyway, settling
in hasn't been a problem. One issue is that there isn't much work around here and that has had an impact
on us financially. But because I have time on my hands, I've been volunteering at the village school for a
couple of months. It's very rewarding being a classroom helper. As a family, we've been having fun
getting to know the woods and beaches nearby. Elliot is having the natural, outdoor life I wanted for him
and he's happy.

3 I didn't know about the terrible traffic jams so that's been a real shock and I'm not happy about
wasting so much time on the road. On the plus side, of course, I have the sea not far away so I can't
complain really. My weekends and days off are perfect – surfing with Elliot, walking with friends and
nights in the village pub.

My school is tiny! There are only 32 children in the whole school. 4 The teacher gives us different work
to do and we help the younger ones. It's a bit strange when mum comes into my class but usually she
works in the other one. I love our cottage. I can run out of the back gate and be in the woods
straightaway. I like the beach and this summer I've been learning to surf which is brilliant. I thought we
were going to live right by the sea but we have to drive there so that's not so good but at least I can cycle
to my friend Jason's. He lives on a farm with cows and a donkey and his dad has let me drive the tractor.
Most of my Bicester friends are jealous that I live in Cornwall because they only get to go there on
holiday. 5

A We asked them 'Why did you do it?"

B It was a bit weird to begin with because there are different ages in the same class.
C I could imagine that he'd do better in a small village school.
D I've been back twice and nothing much has changed there.
E Unfortunately, I spend more time getting to work now.
F So it feels as if we've lived here longer than just one year.
G One family is even from Bicester though we didn't know them there.
Reading total 15

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 5
Reading and Writing A


Write a review of a TV series or one episode of a series you have recently

watched (140–180 words). Include the following information:
• give the name of the series
• say what the series or episode was about
• explain why you liked / didn’t like the series or episode and why
Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 5
Listening and Speaking A

1 Listen to an interview with Natalie, a sociology student, about screen time.

Choose the correct answer.
1 According to Natalie, ___
A she has more screen time than younger teenagers.
B research is unclear about screen time.
C it is unhealthy to have too much screen time.
2 She says she uses her mobile phone ___
A to check her messages.
B to find out information.
C to watch TV.
3 Natalie's grandmother ___
A only watches soap operas.
B has watched the same series for a long time.
C can't concentrate on her soap opera any more.
4 Natalie ___ a particular series last weekend.
A reached the same point as her friends in
B watched many episodes of
C downloaded episodes of
5 Natalie will occasionally ___
A watch a live event.
B watch the news.
C have the TV on in the background.

2 Listen to five people talking about a TV series they like. What does each
person say about the series?
A The series has just started.
B It isn't typical of the genre.
C It's a very popular series.
D They enjoy spotting actors they know in it.
E One of their relatives likes the series too.
F The series isn't in English.
Speaker 1 
Speaker 2 
Speaker 3 
Speaker 4 
Speaker 5 
Listening total 10

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 5
Listening and Speaking A


1 Make questions and ask your partner.

1 What / your favourite type / TV programme?
2 / you watch / reality TV? Why / Why not?
3 What / TV series / popular / in your country?
4 What / you think / binge watching?
5 / you like / place / you / live? Why? / Why not?

Now answer your partner’s questions.

2 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree or disagree. Give
‘There are many benefits to living in a city rather than living in the countryside.’

3 Listen to your partner talking about living in the countryside. Do you agree
with him / her?

Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

English File fourth edition Intermediate Plus Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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