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Cambridge IGCSE™


Paper 2 Document Production, Data Manipulation and Presentations October/November 2022
Maximum Mark: 80


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for

Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2022 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE™, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some Cambridge O Level

This document consists of 14 printed pages.

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0417/02 Cambridge IGCSE – Mark Scheme October/November 2022
Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the
specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these
marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the
scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the
question as indicated by the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently, e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level

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Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may
be limited according to the quality of the candidate responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or
grade descriptors in mind.

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Header text 100% accurate
separate line - name, centre number, candidate number both right aligned 1 mark

Title text 100% accurate 1 mark
Section break - applied to correct text 1 mark
TSR-title seen modified in EV3, correct formatting applied:
2 columns, 1.5 cm column spacing 1 mark
Serif 30pt, centred, bold and italic only, single line spacing,
0pt before, 0pt after 1 mark

Subheads (6)
TSR-subhead style matches EV2, applied to 6 subheads
(serif 18pt, centred, italic, underline, single line, 0pt before, 4pt after) 1 mark

Image inserted in correct paragraph 1 mark
Image reflected so the flag on right 1 mark
Resized to 2.5 cm wide with aspect ratio maintained 1 mark
Aligned to top of text and right margin with text wrapped 1 mark

Column 1, 8 rows merged 1 mark
Column 1, text rotated left 90º 1 mark
Column 1, text centred vertically and horizontally 1 mark
Column 1, shaded grey background 1 mark
Column 2, 4 rows merged (4 August) 1 mark
Column 2, 4 August text centred vertically 1 mark
Borders and all data fit within column width, row height, data and
table structure unchanged, data on one line 1 mark
1pt internal and external gridlines printed 1 mark
Automated page numbers centre aligned 1 mark

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Bullets applied to correct data 1 mark

Bullets indented 1cm from left margin 1 mark
Single line spacing, 0pt space after, 6pt after last item 1 mark

Document Presentation
No changes to body or table styles, consistent 6pt space after body text, 6pt space after table 1 mark
Document complete/paragraphs intact, landscape, consistent margins, pages and columns
aligned at top, no widows/orphans, list and table not split, no blank pages 1 mark

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Correct, 100% accurate 1 mark

Sail_Area(m2), Hull(m) and Beam(m) stored and presented as 2dp 1 mark

Top Female Multihull Results

Skipper_Name Nationality Yacht_Class Hull_Type Sail_Area(m2) Hull(m) Beam(m)
Artina Einarsson ISR Monsoon 17 Multihull 20.00 5.25 2.59 27
Polina Sumarokova BGR Monsoon 17 Multihull 20.00 5.25 2.59 23
Francesca Wells GBR Monsoon 17 Multihull 20.00 5.25 2.59 22
Orla Nelsson DNK Monsoon 17 Multihull 20.00 5.25 2.59 18
Alicia Ledner PRY Monsoon 17 Multihull 20.00 5.25 2.59 15
Natascha Brandenberger CHE Monsoon 17 Multihull 20.00 5.25 2.59 12
Hannah Schmidt AUT Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 30
Celina Janus POL Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 27
Juana Ramirez MEX Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 27
Allis Jonassen NOR Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 24
Katona Gabor HUN Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 19
Demetria Metrou GRC Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 18
Cristina Melo PRT Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 17
Ciara Doherty IRL Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 16
Izabela Novak SVN Mystic Multihull 16.91 4.70 2.35 11
Rebecca Bergeron CAN SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 30
Sharona Blomstein ISR SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 30
Elizabeth Hernandez USA SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 30
Sadie Stewart CAN SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 29
Carolina Barreto BRA SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 29
Mila Petrov BGR SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 27
So Yeo-Jin KOR SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 26
Gemma Rutherford GBR SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 26
Aisling McCarthy IRL SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 25
Antonela Nicolaou CYP SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 25
Liliana Amaral PRT SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 22
Marta Orel UKR SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 18
Samira Rechsteiner CHE SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 17
Anastasia Belinsky BGR SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 15
Adriana Torres MEX SirenFX Multihull 19.23 4.88 2.20 14
Lowest points score 11
Name, centre number, candidate number
Minimum value positioned end of report under Points 1 mark
Label 100% accurate, to left of value 1 mark

Sorts ascending Yacht_Class and descending Points 1 mark Select records (30)
Specified fields, correct order, headings match the data 1 mark Hull_Type is Multihull 1 mark
Portrait, fits a single page, all fields present, no truncation 1 mark Skip_Gender is Female 1 mark
No page number displayed 1 mark Points is 30 or less 1 mark

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Title Calculated field

Correct, 100% accurate 1 mark Heading 100% accurate 1 mark
Select records (43) New points calculated 1 mark
Yacht_Name contains sun 1 mark Value display as integer 1 mark
Group is Blue or Red 1 mark
Morning Race Results
Skipper_Name YOB Sail_No Yacht_Name Make Yacht_Class Group Handicap Points New_Points
Ana Maria Guardado 2005 ESP9865 Affinity Suneata Bersterhogen Yachts Monsoon 14 Blue 0.9611 31 30
Andras Kovacs 2007 HUN6125 Albatros Sun Hispanic Yachts Hoper Blue 0.9519 38 36
Nae Jiyeon 1984 KOR4013 Always Misunderstood Balandro Calypso SniperFX Blue 1.1050 27 30
Riccardo Bellotti 1994 ITA9902 Amarula Sun Hispanic Yachts Sniper Red 1.0956 26 28
Austin Robinson 1978 USA7680 Bosun Escapade Belmonte Yachts Sniper Red 0.8920 27 24
Dieter Schumacher 1987 DEU8924 Bosun King Bodega Dreams Sniper Red 1.0590 25 26
Colin Garcia 1965 USA5326 Capri Sunrise Arnis Yachts Sniper Red 0.8556 26 22
Fabienne Steiner 1984 CHE2268 Cherokee Sun Alto Navi Marine PaladinFX Blue 0.7767 20 16
Adriane Keller 1981 DEU2016 Dancing Sunlight Belmonte Yachts SirenFX Blue 1.0583 42 44
Pravat Rungrueang 1997 THA6836 Delaware Sunrise Apex Nautical Sniper Red 0.9168 31 28
Claude Gagnon 1974 CAN1753 Golden Medisun Savedra Swan Sniper Blue 1.0326 26 27
Sveta Kozlova 1969 SWE8036 Golden Sundew Piemonte Yachts Monsoon 17 Blue 1.0270 27 28
Josephine Houteveen 2009 NLD4797 Golden Sundrops Sevier Luna HoperFX Blue 0.9315 33 31
Marco Fankhauser 1994 CHE7443 Golden Sunset Sevier Luna Sniper Red 0.9106 15 14
Miguel Alonso 1986 MEX1209 Halcyon Sunopsis Apex Nautical Sniper Red 1.1119 27 30
Manuel Lopez 1978 MEX9056 Hasuna Harmony Donado Mirage Sniper Red 1.1177 38 42
Rebecca Bergeron 1972 CAN4994 Hazy Sunday Zeusman Marine SirenFX Blue 0.8651 30 26
Josias Epstein 2009 ISR1584 Laguna Satsunan Sevier Luna Hoper Blue 0.8801 28 25
Jonas Schmid 1990 CHE4520 Lazy Sunrise Sevier Luna Monsoon 17 Blue 0.9525 33 31
Elizabeth Hernandez 1987 USA4820 Maximum Sun Belmonte Yachts SirenFX Blue 0.9458 30 28
Lubor Novak 1996 CZE5928 Maysuna Oceano Cruisers Paladin Blue 1.0131 25 25

Sorts ascending Yacht_Name 1 mark Format/Display

Specified fields, correct order, headings match the data 1 mark Handicap stored and presented to 4dp 1 mark
Landscape, single page wide, fits 2 pages only, all base fields present, no truncation 1 mark

Name, centre number, candidate number

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Skipper_Name YOB Sail_No Yacht_Name Make Yacht_Class Group Handicap Points New_Points
Lina Schneider 1959 DEU8528 Morning Sunburst Sevier Luna Paladin Blue 0.9829 53 52
Mylene Stamm 2005 PRY4064 Northern Sun Neumann Opus Monsoon 14 Blue 0.9125 32 29
Augustus Hoffmann 1957 DEU1680 Southern Sun Barrington Boat Company Paladin Blue 1.0538 39 41
Kwok Tohyon 1975 KOR5040 Sun Ambassador Apex Nautical Corsair Blue 1.1033 21 23
Ingegerd Kaufmann 1969 CHE7033 Sun Bandit Zeusman Marine SniperFX Blue 0.9692 36 35
Antonio Cardenas 2005 MEX6267 Sun Catcher Apex Nautical Monsoon 14 Blue 1.1099 23 26
Eugene Petrakis 1987 GRC7893 Sun Express Arnis Yachts Monsoon 17 Blue 1.0657 20 21
Charlotte Tremblay 1998 CAN4548 Sun Odyssey Piemonte Yachts PaladinFX Blue 1.0340 24 25
Connor Murphy 1988 IRL5409 Sunburst Paradise Savedra Swan Siren Blue 0.9858 37 36
Karl Schmidt 1976 DEU7369 Sunila Kingfisher Bersterhogen Yachts Sniper Blue 1.0527 40 42
Paloma Montalbano 1986 ARG1232 Sunlight and Stars Sevier Luna PaladinFX Blue 0.8636 25 22
Wang Chen 1950 CHN2644 Sunrays Sevier Luna Paladin Blue 0.9800 32 31
Isaac Anderson 1974 NZL9368 Sunreef Solitude Oceano Cruisers Sniper Red 0.9193 40 37
Chiara Lehmannrecord - does not replace record Paloma
1984 CHE6928 Sunset Bay Montalbano 1 mark
Benedetti Mirage Monsoon 17 Blue 0.9880 31 31
New record
d Wang Chen entered once - 100% accurate 1 mark
Teodor Rozman 1986 SVN8850 Sunset Dreams Gladstone Swan Yachts Paladin Blue 0.8794 32 28
Mei Lam 1982 HKG7116 Sunset Serenade Bodega Dreams Sniper Red 1.0750 29 31
Nikita Vasin 2007 BGR2860 Sunshine Daydream Hispanic Yachts HoperFX Blue 0.9541 32 31
Semiha Mehmet 1968 TUR4192 Sunshine Living Donado Mirage Monsoon 17 Blue 1.0005 41 41
Adriana Torres 1984 MEX1956 Tequila Sunrise Fissau Marine SirenFX Blue 0.8366 14 12
Aemilie Lepik 1987 EST9908 The Sundowner Fissau Marine PaladinFX Blue 1.0479 34 36
Sesilia Jakobson 1991 EST9545 Turquoise Sunclipse Bersterhogen Yachts PaladinFX Blue 1.0518 24 25
Olivia Mulder 1968 NLD9925 Unsung Hero Alto Navi Marine SniperFX Blue 0.8085 15 12

Displays only name, centre number, candidate number

in page footer, on every page, no other data 1 mark

Name, centre number, candidate number

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Task 4 – Mail merge

Placeholders and <> replaced

Fields «Yacht_Name» | «Sail_Number» | «Yacht_Class» correct position 1 mark
Fields «Skipper_Name» | «Nationality» | «Race_Number» correct position 1 mark
Fields «Rule_Ref» | «Infringement» | «Penalty_Number» | «Action» correct position 1 mark
All fields - correct spacing, punctuation and alignment maintained 1 mark

Candidate details here replaced with name, centre number,

candidate number, master document printed with fields inserted 1 mark

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Result of merge – correct 4 forms printed

Ocean Romance, Sea Forever, La Dolce Vita, Stars and Stripes 1 mark

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Task 6 – Presentation

Vertical bar chart created, correct data, countries on x-axis, values on y-axis 1 mark
Chart title 100% accurate 1 mark
Accurate axis labels - value axis title Average Points, category axis title Country 1 mark
Values only displayed as data labels at top of each bar 1 mark
Value axis (y-axis) displays minimum 0, maximum 32 1 mark
Value axis (y-axis) increments set at 4 1 mark
Chart on correct slide, left of bullets, no legend 1 mark
Single correct full page chart slide printed in landscape 1 mark

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Presentation complete - slides imported, consistent title/bullet layout,

no blank slides, no text changed 1 mark
Master items
Slide number top left, name, centre number, candidate number any consistent position 1 mark
Thick (3-4pt) black horizontal line across slide width, 3cm from top with no overlap 1 mark
Text 2021 Event Statistics 100% accurate, large black font, top right, above line 1 mark

Slides 3 to 6 display numbered list, ascending order as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1 mark

All slides printed as handout with 6 slides to page 1 mark

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Step 1 - EVIDENCE 1
File saved as SAILING with evidence of correct file type 1 mark

Step 3 – EVIDENCE 2

TSR-subhead style created named correctly, based on Normal/Default 1 mark
Serif, 18pt, centre, italic, underline, single line, 0pt before, 4pt after 1 mark

Step 4 – EVIDENCE 3

TSR-title – style modified

TSR-title modified, name correct, based on Normal/Default 1 mark

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Step 11 - EVIDENCE 4

DB Structure
N2202SKIPPERS - all field names as given, correct data types 1 mark
N2202CLASS - all field names as given, correct data types 1 mark
Primary keys set Sail_No (skippers), Class_Code (class) 1 mark

Step12 - EVIDENCE 5

1-to-Many relationship between

N2202CLASS.Class_Code and N2202SKIPPERS.Class 1 mark

Step 14 - EVIDENCE 6

Database formula to calculate lowest Points value 1 mark

Step 17 - EVIDENCE 7
Evidence of date field code - formatting dddd, dd MMMM yyyy 1 mark

Step 19 - EVIDENCE 8

Evidence of automated filter to select

«Nationality» is USA 1 mark
Or «Nationality» is CAN 1 mark

Open Office:

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