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Exercise A

Complete the sentences and change to reported speech.

1. I explained, "The game won't be so easy".
I explained that the game wouldn’t be so easy.
2. She said, "I can see the Eiffel Tower from here":
She said that she could see the Eiffel Tower from there.
3. He asked me, "Did you see John yesterday?"
He asked me if I had seen John the day before.
4. Dad said, "Don't drive so fast !"
Dad advised me not to drive so fast.
5. My friend said, "I will have to go to London next week."
My friend said that he/she would have to go to London the following week.
6. The doctor warned her, "Don't smoke any more cigarettes!"
The doctor warned her not to smoke any more cigarettes.
7. The boy asked, "Can we go out if the rain stops?"
The boy wanted to know if they could go out if the rain stopped.
8. I said, "The film will be very interesting."
I said that the film would be very interesting.
9. She asked us, "Who do you normally visit on Sundays?"
She wanted to know who we normally visited on Sundays.
10. The instructor explained to us , "Tennis is not an easy game to play.
The instructor explained that tennis is/was not an easy game to play.
11. Ann asked Jim, "Please close the door."
Ann asked Jim to close the door.
12. Jack told us, "I have been enjoying my new job ".
Jack told us that he had been enjoying his new job.

Exercise B
Fill in the correct introductory verbs (from the box).
admitted begged complimented congratulated demanded
denied encouraged offered refused suggested

1. I know you can do it . Take the exam again.

He encouraged him to take the exam again.
2. The accident was all my fault.
She admitted that the accident was her fault.
3. That's a very elegant dress you're wearing , Sonia.
He complimented her on wearing such an elegant dress.
4. Well done ! You have got great exam results.
She congratulated him on getting great exam results.
5. I want to speak to the manager ! - NOW !!
He demanded to speak to the manager at once.
6. Shall we spend a quiet evening at home ?
She suggested spending a quiet evening at home.
7. There is no way I am going on holiday with mom and dad.
He refused to go on holiday with mom and dad.
8. Oh please ! Let me go to the party , mum.
She begged mum to let her go to the party.
9. No, it wasn't me. I didn't eat the last chocolate biscuit
He denied eating the last chocolate biscuit.
10. Those bags look heavy. Can I give you a hand ?
She offered to give him a hand with the bags.

Exercise C
Turn the following sentences into reported speech. Be aware of the tenses!
1. Tim: "She works in an office."
Tim said (that) she worked in an office.
2. Jessica: "I am going to clean the room."
Jessica told me (that) she was going to clean the room.
3. Jeff: "They like the song."
Jeff said (that) they liked the song.
4. Ian and Marvin: "We need new shoes."
Ian and Marvin remarked (that) they needed new shoes.
5. Kathy: "He can speak Spanish."
Kathy told us (that) he could speak Spanish.
6. Teacher: "Rachel has never been to Philadelphia."
The teacher said (that) Rachel had never been to Philadelphia.
7. Lucy: "The train didn't arrive on time."
Lucy said (that) the train hadn't arrived on time.
8. Emma: "I'm sitting on the chair."
Emma said (that) she was sitting on the chair.
9. Nick: "Walter doesn't eat meat."
Nick told us (that) Walter didn't eat meat.
10. Holly: "Abby and Nathan will travel to Alaska."
Holly said/remarked (that) Abby and Nathan would travel to Alaska.

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