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Lecturer: Rimas Eesa

(ACCA Affiliate)

106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw, Kohuwala, Nugegoda

337/1, Negambo Road, Wattala
Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

1) Sariah owns a business selling ladies’ clothing. She maintains a system of double entry
The following occurred during September 2020.
1 Purchased a motor vehicle on credit from Sharpe Motors $6350
2 Ruhee, a credit customer, was declared bankrupt owing Sariah $1200. The debt is to be
x written off.

(a) Prepare journal entries to record the above transactions. Narratives are not required.

Details Debit ($) Credit ($)

Sariah is preparing her financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2020. She provides
the following information for fixtures and fittings.
2019 $
October 1 Fixtures and fittings at cost 28 600
Provision for depreciation of fixtures and fittings 6185
January 31 Sold fixtures and received a cheque 1150
The fixtures had been purchased on 1 February 2018 for $1500
March 31 Purchased new fixtures paying by cheque 3 500

Sariah’s policy is to provide depreciation on fixtures and fittings at 10% per annum using the
reducing balance method. A full year’s depreciation is charged in the year of purchase but
none in the year of disposal.

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 077 462 2742 1

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

(b) Prepare the following accounts for the year ended 30 September 2020. Close the accounts
bb by balancing or by making an appropriate year end transfer.
Fixtures and fittings account

Date Details $ Date Details $

Provision for depreciation of fixtures and fittings account

Date Details $ Date Details $

Disposal account

Date Details $ Date Details $

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate)
Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

2) Rod’s financial year ends on 31 December. On 1 January 2020 Rod will purchase a new delivery
a vehicle for his business. The details are as follows:

Cost $12 000

Estimated economic value 3 years
Estimated residual value $1500

Rod is undecided whether to charge depreciation on the new delivery vehicle by using the
straight-line method or diminishing (reducing) balance method. If he decided to use the
diminishing (reducing) balance method this would be at a rate of 50% per annum.

(a) Define the term ‘depreciation’.

(b) Calculate the depreciation which would be charged on the new delivery vehicle for each of
d the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 using the straight-line method and diminishing (reducing)
d balance method.
Insert your answers in the table provided. Use the space provided on the next page to show
your workings.

Year Straight line method ($) Diminishing (reducing)

Balance method ($)




Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 077 462 2742
Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,


Rimas Eesa(ACCA Affiliate) 4

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

Rod has estimated the following to help him decide which method of depreciation he should use
for the delivery vehicle.

Year Market value of delivery Annual maintenance

gg vehicle ($) costs ($)

2020 6000 0

2021 3500 3000

2022 2000 4500

(c) Explain one advantage of using the straight-line method to depreciate the delivery vehicle.

(d) Explain one advantage of using the diminishing (reducing) balance method to depreciate the m
l delivery vehicle.

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 5

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

Rod has been advised by a friend that he could use the revaluation method to depreciate the
delivery vehicle.

(e) Explain how the annual depreciation would be calculated using the revaluation method.

On 30 June 2019 Rod sold his old office computer. The following information is available.
Balances at 31 December 2018
Office computer $
CostCost 4400 4400
Provision for depreciation
Provision for depreciation
Rod has the following depreciation policy for the office computer:
depreciation is charged at the rate of 25% using the diminishing (reducing) balance method.
depreciation is charged for each month of ownership in the year of sale.

All non-current asset disposals are recorded in a disposal account.

Rod sold the old office computer for $900, receiving payment by cheque.

(f) Calculate the profit or loss on the sale of the old office computer.

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 6

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

(g) State the entries Rod would make in his accounting records on 30 June 2019 to record the s
d disposal of the old office computer.

account to be debited $ account to be credited $

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 7

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

3) Sandbury Products owned two motor vehicles on 1 April 2017 : Motor vehicle A and Motor
s s Vehicle B.
The following information relates to the motor vehicles for the year ended 31 March 2018.
1 April 2017 Balances $
Motor vehicles account (at cost) 30 000
Provision for depreciation motor vehicles account 10 800
30 June 2017 Sale of Motor Vehicle B
Cost 14 000
Accumulated depreciation 5 040
Sold on credit to X Garage 9 500
1 July 2017 Purchase of Motor Vehicle C
Cost 18 000
Additional information
1 Motor Vehicles are depreciated at the rate of 20% per annum using the diminishing (reducing) n
n balance method.
2 No depreciation is charged in the year of disposal.
3 A full year’s depreciation is charged in the year of purchase.

(a) Explain the meaning of the term ‘depreciation’.

(b) State two causes of depreciation of a motor vehicle

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 077 462 2742 8

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

(c) Calculate the profit or loss on the sale of Motor Vehicle B.

(d) Prepare journal entries to record the sale of Motor Vehicle B. Narratives are not required.

General Journal

Debit ($) Credit ($)

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 9

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

(e) Calculate the depreciation to be charged on motor vehicles for the year ended
fff 31 March 2018.

(f) Complete the table by placing a tick ( ) to show whether each of the following is capital
n expenditure, a capital receipt, revenue expenditure or a revenue receipt.

Sandbury Products owns other types of non-current assets.

(g) State the method which would be most appropriate for depreciating each of the following.
(i) Buildings

(ii) Loose tools

(iii) Computers

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 10

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

4) Nyat provided the following information at 1 January 2019

Account $

Motor vehicles at cost 48 000

Motor vehicles provision for depreciation 16 000

On 30 September 2019 Nyat sold a motor vehicle for $13 250 and received a cheque
in full settlement. This motor vehicle had been purchased on 1 July 2018 for $16 400
Nyat’s policy is to depreciate motor vehicles at 25% per annum using the reducing
balance method. A full year’s depreciation is charged in the year of purchase but none
in the year of sale.
(a) Prepare the provision for depreciation- motor vehicles account for the year
ended 31 December 2019 showing the transfer to the income statement.
Balance the account at this date and bring the balance down at 1 January 2020.

Provision for depreciation- Motor Vehicles Account

Date Details $ Date Details $

(b) Prepare the disposal account showing the transfer to the income statement.

Disposal Account

Date Details $ Date Details $

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

5) Amayi owns a manufacturing business. Her financial year ends on 30 April.

She has the following depreciation policy:
Machinery is depreciated at the rate of 25% per annum using diminishing (reducing)
axaxa balance method
Office furniture is depreciated at the rate of 10% per annum using the straight-line sw
dd method.
Loose tools are depreciated using the revaluation method.
A full year’s depreciation is charged on assets in the year of purchase but no depreciation
ddd is charged in the year of sale.

(a) Give two reasons why depreciation should be charged.

(b) Suggest one reason why the diminishing (reducing) balance method might be the most
dd appropriate method for Amayi to depreciate her machinery.

The following information is available for the year ended 30 April 2011.
1 Balances 1 May 2010

Non-current assets at cost $

1 Machinery 80 000
2 Office furniture 15 000
Provisions for depreciation
Machinery 60 000
Office furniture 5000

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 077 462 2742
Platinum Business Academy
106,106, S.D.S
S.D.S Jayasinghe
Jayasinghe Mw,
Mw, Kohuwala,

2 On 31 July 2010, additional machinery, $18 000, was purchased

3 On 20 February 2011, office furniture, which had cost $1 000 on 1 May 2008, was
xx sold for $550 cash.
4 On 1 May 2010, loose tools, cost price $1 600, were valued at $1 050.
Additional loose tools were purchased during the year for $630.
On 30 April 2011 loose tools were valued at $1 400

(c) Calculate the depreciation to be charged on each of the following for the year ended qs
q 30 April 2011.

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 13

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

(d) Calculate the profit or loss on the office furniture sold on 20 February 2011.

(e) Calculate the net book value on 30 April 2011 of

(i) Machinery

(ii) Office furniture

(f) Identify by ticking the appropriate box, whether each payment is capital expenditure
dedor revenue expenditure.

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 14

Platinum Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

(6) Atto Electrical had the following non-current assets on 31 March 2013.
Net book value
Motor Vehicles (cost $50 000) 48 000
Premises (cost $16 000) 12 000
Computers 6000

Atto Electrical has the following depreciation policy:

Premises are depreciated at the rate of 2% per annum by straight-line method.
Motor vehicles are depreciated at the rate of 25% per annum by diminishing (reducing) q q
q balance method
Computers are depreciated by revaluation method.
A full year’s depreciation is charged on all non-current assets owned at the end of the financial
Zusätzliche Informationen
1 There were no purchases or sales of non-current assets during the year ended 31 March sd
s 2014.
2 The following purchases of non-current assets were made during the year ended 31 March
ww 2015. Payments were made by cheque.
Premises 30 000
Motor Vehicles 9 000
Computers 3 200

3 Computer were valued as follows:

31 March 2014 4 200
31 March 2015 6 000

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate) 077 462 2742 15

Platinum Business
Business Academy
No 106, S.D.S Jayasinghe Mw,

(a) Explain the term depreciation.

(b) State one cause of depreciation of a computer.

(c) Complete the table to show the depreciation to be charged to the income statement for each
we of the years ended 31 March 2014 and 31 March 2015.

Year ended Year ended

31 March 2014 ($) 31 March 2015 ($)


Motor vehicles


Affiliate) 45

Rimas Eesa (ACCA Affiliate)

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