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INDEX NO: 20400004034


YEAR: 2022
This is my original work and has not been presented in any other institution. All rights are
reserved and no part of this document may be duplicated, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, and recording without prior
permission from the owner.

Student Name:


Supervisor Name:


I am proud to dedicate this piece of work to:

 My loving and supporting family

 My school, Starehe Boys’ Centre and School
 My teacher, Mr. Ndede

I am most grateful to all the support and guidance through my project.

I would first like to acknowledge Starehe Boys’ Centre and School for facilitating the required
resources to accomplish my project.

I would also like to acknowledge my teacher, Mr. Ndede, for guiding me through this project.

Finally, I would like to thank my guardians and loving family who supported me during the
development of my project and always providing the necessary resources.


TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................................viii
a) Problem Definition...............................................................................................................1
b) Existing System.................................................................................................................1
i) Overview...........................................................................................................................1
ii) System Structure............................................................................................................1
c) Proposed System...................................................................................................................2
i) Objectives..........................................................................................................................2
ii) Scope of the system.......................................................................................................3
iii) Benefits..........................................................................................................................3
iv) Feasibility......................................................................................................................3
SYSTEM DESIGN..........................................................................................................................6
a) System flow chart.................................................................................................................6
b) Table Design.....................................................................................................................7
c) Input Design........................................................................................................................10
d) Output Design.................................................................................................................14
SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION........................................................................................................17
a) Tables/entities.....................................................................................................................17
(i) Farmers Table..............................................................................................................17

(ii) Package Payment Table...............................................................................................17
(iii) Package Table..............................................................................................................17
(iv) Products Payment Table..............................................................................................18
(v) Rendered Services Table.............................................................................................18
(vi) Rendered Transport Services Table............................................................................18
(vii) Services Table..........................................................................................................18
(viii) Trainee’s Table........................................................................................................19
(ix) Transport Table...........................................................................................................19
b) Relationships...................................................................................................................20
c) Input Forms.........................................................................................................................21
(i) Farmers Entry Form....................................................................................................21
(ii) Package Payment Form...............................................................................................21
(iii) Products Payment Form..............................................................................................22
(iv) Rendered Services Form.............................................................................................22
(v) Rendered Transport Services Form.............................................................................23
(vi) Trainee’s Entry Form..................................................................................................23
(vii) Services Reference Form.........................................................................................24
(viii) Package Reference Form.........................................................................................24
d) Data Manipulation...........................................................................................................25
(i) Payments to farmers for delivery................................................................................25
(ii) Payment for services to farmers..................................................................................25
(iii) Income from Training.................................................................................................25
(iv) Sales to clients.............................................................................................................26
(v) Transport earnings.......................................................................................................26
(vi) Total Income to the company......................................................................................27
(vii) Company profit........................................................................................................27
e) Output Screens/Reports......................................................................................................29
(i) Company Payments to Farmers...................................................................................29
(ii) Earnings from sales.....................................................................................................29
(iii) Earnings from services................................................................................................30

(iv) Earnings from training.................................................................................................30
(v) Earnings from transport...............................................................................................31
f) Main Form..........................................................................................................................32
g) Splash Screen..................................................................................................................33
USER MANUAL...........................................................................................................................34
System Installation.....................................................................................................................34
Loading Process.........................................................................................................................34
Procedure for generating output................................................................................................35
Navigation guide........................................................................................................................35
Appendix I.................................................................................................................................41
Symbols used.........................................................................................................................41
Appendix II................................................................................................................................42
Definition of terms.................................................................................................................42

Table 1: Comparison of manual and automated system..................................................................4
Table 2: Farmers’ Table...................................................................................................................7
Table 3: Farmers’ Table...................................................................................................................7
Table 4: Trainee’s Table..................................................................................................................7
Table 5: Products Table...................................................................................................................8
Table 6: Transport Table.................................................................................................................8
Table 7: Payments Table.................................................................................................................8
Table 8: Service Table.....................................................................................................................9
Table 9: Purchase Table...................................................................................................................9

Figure 1: System Flowchart.............................................................................................................6
Figure 2: Farmers' Entry Form......................................................................................................10
Figure 3: Trainers Entry Form.......................................................................................................10
Figure 4: Trainees Entry Form......................................................................................................11
Figure 5: Products Entry Form......................................................................................................11
Figure 6: Transport Entry Form.....................................................................................................12
Figure 7: Payments Entry Form.....................................................................................................12
Figure 8: Service Entry Form........................................................................................................13
Figure 9: Purchase Entry Form......................................................................................................13
Figure 10: Farmers Report.............................................................................................................14
Figure 11: Trainer's Report............................................................................................................14
Figure 12: Trainees Report............................................................................................................15
Figure 13: Products Report............................................................................................................15
Figure 14: Transport Report..........................................................................................................15
Figure 15: Payments Report..........................................................................................................16
Figure 16: Service Report..............................................................................................................16
Figure 17: Purchase Report...........................................................................................................16
Figure 18: Farmers Table...............................................................................................................17
Figure 19: Package Payment Table...............................................................................................17
Figure 20: Package Table..............................................................................................................17
Figure 21: Products Payment Table...............................................................................................18
Figure 22: Rendered Services Table..............................................................................................18
Figure 23: Rendered Transport Services Table.............................................................................18
Figure 24: Services Table..............................................................................................................19
Figure 25: Trainee's Table.............................................................................................................19
Figure 26: Transport Table............................................................................................................19
Figure 27: Relationships................................................................................................................20
Figure 28: Farmers Entry Form.....................................................................................................21
Figure 29: Package Payment Form................................................................................................21
Figure 30: Products Payment Form...............................................................................................22
Figure 31: Rendered Services Form..............................................................................................22
Figure 32: Rendered Transport Services Form..............................................................................23
Figure 33: Trainee's Entry Form....................................................................................................23
Figure 34: Services Reference Form.............................................................................................24
Figure 35: Package Reference Form..............................................................................................24
Figure 36: Company Payments to Farmers Query........................................................................25

Figure 37: Services offered to clients............................................................................................25
Figure 38: Income from Training..................................................................................................26
Figure 39: Sales made by the company.........................................................................................26
Figure 40: Transport earnings........................................................................................................26
Figure 41: Total income design view............................................................................................27
Figure 42: Total income.................................................................................................................27
Figure 43: Company Profit design view........................................................................................27
Figure 44: Company Profit............................................................................................................28
Figure 45: Company Payments to Farmers...................................................................................29
Figure 46: Earnings from sales......................................................................................................29
Figure 47: Earnings from services.................................................................................................30
Figure 48: Earnings from training.................................................................................................30
Figure 49: Earnings from transport................................................................................................31
Figure 50: Main Screen.................................................................................................................32
Figure 51: Splash Screen...............................................................................................................33

Nekta is a company that offers beekeeping services as well as the selling of honey and its related
products. The company sells beehives and its accessories to farmers, sets up beehives for
farmers, trains farmers on beekeeping and buys honey related products from the beekeepers for

Nekta sells beekeeping accessories in three packages which include a Single hive package, where
one beehive and its accessories are sold, a Mini package which consists of six beehives,
accessories, beehive setup and offers training for one person for one day and a Full package
which consists of twelve beehives, an extractor, offers training for two people for one day and a
harvesting kit for two people.

The company also offers other services such as training of farmers, sales of accessories, honey
harvesting kits and honey extractors.

The new system will allow the automation of all transactions, allow efficient management and
maintenance of the system and store up to date records ensuring easy retrieval of information.

a) Problem Definition
Also known as the preliminary investigation, problem definition is a stage whereby an outline of
the problems facing the current manual system is identified.

Some of the problems facing the manual system include:

• The existing system stores records in record books which take up a lot of space.

• There is redundancy in storing customer records.

• The records are currently updated manually.

• Retrieval of information is time consuming.

• Farmer details are easily lost.

b) Existing System
Currently the existing system is handled manually.

i) Overview
The existing system allows only manual data entry, manipulation, updating and retrieval of

ii) System Structure

The system is made up of records manually written on logbooks. It consists of grouping related
files in a storage cabinet. This helps one to easily locate a specific file without necessarily having
to go through each and every file.

When the data is recorded on a piece of paper it is put on a file with related type of data. Each
record is stored with other files in a predefined section of a storage cabinet for ease of retrieval of

During data retrieval one must locate the section of the cabinet containing the required record
then the required file and finally the desired document.

Advantages of the existing system

 It is cheaper to acquire compared to a computerized system.

 It requires no specialized skill training hence it is easy to implement and understand.
 It creates job opportunities for many people e.g. data entry clerks.

Disadvantages of the existing system

 The overall cost is higher than that of a computerized system since it involves paying of
salaries to many workers.
 Data retrieval is difficult and time consuming.
 Records of farmers and transactions are liable to theft and physical damage.
 Errors made during record keeping are not easy to find and correct.
 Data entry and calculation take a longer time if compared to a computerized system.
 There is no guaranteed security of data stored manually since it can be easily altered.

c) Proposed System
The new proposed system would be fully automated and would require a computer and other
data entry peripheral devices for day to day activities.

i) Objectives
The new system would hopefully accomplish the following goals:

 Reduce retrieval time of the information stored.

 Organise the information stored.
 Minimises the chance of redundancy while entering the data.
 Ensure security of the data stored in the database.
 Allow manipulation of data and information stored.
 Minimise wastage of storage when storing the data.

ii) Scope of the system
The new system will be able to do the following:

 It will maintain records of bee and trainee farmers.

 It will capture details of purchase from farmers.
 It will capture payments for each package.
 It will capture income from various sales and training services.
 It will also be able to generate appropriate reports

iii) Benefits
The benefits of coming up with the new system include:

 The new system will be able to store the records of farmers for a long time.
 The system is flexible in case a new entity is introduced.
 It would be easy and fast to search for data.
 Less storage space would be required to store the records.
 Once data is stored, it would be consistent, that is, it would appear the same in all other
 Easier to enforce security since passwords can be used in the databases that store the data.

iv) Feasibility
This is the study that determines whether a project should be carried out or not in terms of
objectives to be achieved.

The following feasibility studies were carried out on the new proposed system:

 Economic feasibility

This study establishes whether the system to be developed is cost effective. Though it is
expensive to install the new system, once installed the cost of production and maintenance would
be much cheaper. The new system would also reduce the number of staff working in the
company hence reducing the cost of paying the staff.

Entity Current system (manual) Automated system

Machinery 5000 100000

Stationery 100000 10000
Salaries 250000 50000
Electricity 10000 50000
Total 365000 210000
Table 1: Comparison of manual and automated system

 Technical feasibility

This study establishes if there is appropriate technology to use, required hardware, software and
personnel. A new technology is to be implemented and the current staffs were updated with the
technical knowledge of the new system and how to troubleshoot in case there is a problem.

 Social feasibility

This study establishes the effect of the newly installed system on the employees together with the
customers. The new system was not taken lightly since many staff members lost their jobs while
the new jobs for the remaining staff was deskilling. Duplication of duties, however, has been
minimised and in the end the company has generally benefited from the new system installed.

 Legal feasibility

The newly implemented system does not interfere with the organisation’s ability to discharge its

 Schedule feasibility

This establishes whether the development of the proposed system will be accomplished within
the planned time. The project was to be completed in 7 months’ time and implemented.

 Operational feasibility

This feasibility study establishes whether the users will be comfortable with the new system if
implemented. The members of staff were happy with the implemented system since it reduced
their work in office and also increased their productivity.


a) System flow chart

Figure 1: System Flowchart

b) Table Design
Farmers’ Table

Farmer_ID(PK) Text Farmers’ number
F_Name Text Farmer’s first name
L_Name Text Farmer’s last name
Address Text Farmer’s postal address
Town Text Farmer’s Location
Table 2: Farmers’ Table
Trainer’s Table


Trainer_ID(PK) Text Trainer’s number
F_Name Text Trainer’s first name
L_Name Text Trainer’s last name
Trainee_ID Text Trainee’s number
Table 3: Farmers’ Table
Trainee’s Table


Trainee_ID(PK) Text Trainee’s number
F_Name Text Trainee’s first name

L_Name Text Trainee’s last name

Trainer_ID Text Trainer’s number

Days_of_training Number Number of days of training

Table 4: Trainee’s Table

Products Table


Product_ID(PK) Text Product’s number

Product_Name Text Product’s name
Cost_of_Product Currency Product’s price
Table 5: Products Table
Transport Table


Transport_ID(PK) Text Transport number
Order_NO Text Order number
Quantity_Transported Number Number of transported items
Cost Currency Transport cost
Farmer_ID Text Farmer’s number
Table 6: Transport Table
Payments Table


Cheque_No(PK) Text Cheque receipt received by the farmers
Product_ID Text Product’s number
Method_of_Payment Text Method of payment

Date_of_Purchase Date/Time Date of purchase

Quantity Number Number of products purchased

Cost Currency Cost of the bought products

Farmer_ID Text Farmer’s number

Table 7: Payments Table

Service Table


Service_ID(PK) Text Service number
Service_Type Text Type of service offered
Cost Currency Cost of service provided
Farmer_ID Text Farmer’s number
Trainee_ID Text Trainee’s number
Table 8: Service Table
Purchase Table


Receipt_No(PK) Text Receipt number of customer
Item_Code Text Item’s code
Farmer_ID Text Farmer’s number that identifies them
Date_Of_Purchase Date/Time Date the item was purchased
Quantity Number Number of items
Cost Currency The cost of the items bought
Table 9: Purchase Table

c) Input Design
Farmers form
The Figure below is a design of the Farmer’s entry form.

Figure 2: Farmers' Entry Form

Trainers Form

The figure below is a design of the trainers’ entry form

Figure 3: Trainers Entry Form
Trainees Form

The figure below is a design of the Trainees’ entry form

Figure 4: Trainees Entry Form

Products Form

The figure below is a design of the Products entry form

Figure 5: Products Entry Form

Transport Form

The figure below is a design of the Transport entry form

Figure 6: Transport Entry Form

Payments form

The figure below is a design of the payments entry form

Figure 7: Payments Entry Form

Service Form

The figure below is a design of the service entry form

Figure 8: Service Entry Form

Purchase Form

The figure below is a design of the Purchase entry form

Figure 9: Purchase Entry Form

d) Output Design
Farmers Report

The figure below is a design of the Farmers Report

Figure 10: Farmers Report

Trainers Report

The figure below is a design of the trainers report

Figure 11: Trainer's Report

Trainees Report

The figure below is a design of the trainees report

Figure 12: Trainees Report
Products Report

The figure below is a design of the products report

Figure 13: Products Report

Transport report

The figure below is a design of the transport report

Figure 14: Transport Report

Payments Report

The figure below is a design of the payments report

Figure 15: Payments Report

Service report

The figure below is a design of the payments report

Figure 16: Service Report

Purchase Report

The figure below is a design of the purchase report

Figure 17: Purchase Report

This chapter deals with the actual conversion of the design logic into an executable program. The
program contains tables, relationships between the specified tables, input forms, output screens,
main form and splash screen

a) Tables/entities
The following tables are used in Nekta Management System:

(i) Farmers Table

This table contains details about the farmers of Nekta Management System.

Figure 18: Farmers Table

(ii) Package Payment Table
This table contains details about the payments by farmers for different package items.

Figure 19: Package Payment Table

(iii) Package Table
This table contains details about the packages sold by the company.

Figure 20: Package Table

(iv)Products Payment Table
This table contains details about the payments by farmers for different product items.

Figure 21: Products Payment Table

(v) Rendered Services Table
This table maintains a record of the services rendered to the farmers.

Figure 22: Rendered Services Table

(vi)Rendered Transport Services Table

This table maintains a record of the transport services rendered to the farmers.

Figure 23: Rendered Transport Services Table

(vii) Services Table

This table maintains a record of the different services that the company offers.

Figure 24: Services Table

(viii) Trainee’s Table

This table maintains a record of the trainees undergoing training from the company.

Figure 25: Trainee's Table

(ix)Transport Table
This table maintains a record of the transport services that the company offers.

Figure 26: Transport Table

b) Relationships
All tables in the system are interlinked as follows:

Figure 27: Relationships

c) Input Forms
The following forms are used to enter data into the various tables in the system:

(i) Farmers Entry Form

This form provides an interface for entry of the farmers’ data into the system.

Figure 28: Farmers Entry Form

(ii) Package Payment Form

Figure 29: Package Payment Form

(iii) Products Payment Form

Figure 30: Products Payment Form

(iv) Rendered Services Form

Figure 31: Rendered Services Form

(v) Rendered Transport Services Form

Figure 32: Rendered Transport Services Form

(vi) Trainee’s Entry Form

Figure 33: Trainee's Entry Form

(vii) Services Reference Form

Figure 34: Services Reference Form

(viii) Package Reference Form

Figure 35: Package Reference Form

d) Data Manipulation
Various queries were used in the making of the system such as:

(i) Payments to farmers for delivery

This query is used to calculate the total amount the company paid to the farmers after it
purchasing products from the farmers themselves.

Figure 36: Company Payments to Farmers Query

(ii) Payment for services to farmers
This query is used to calculate the cost of services offered to the farmers by the company.

Figure 37: Services offered to clients

(iii) Income from Training
This query is used to compute the total cost of training offered to farmers by the company.

Figure 38: Income from Training
(iv) Sales to clients
This computes the total amount the company made from the sales made to different farmers.

Figure 39: Sales made by the company

(v) Transport earnings
This computes the total amount the company made from the transport services offered.

Figure 40: Transport earnings

(vi) Total Income to the company
This shows the total amount the company earned from all its services.

Figure 41: Total income design view

Figure 42: Total income

(vii) Company profit
This show the amount the company made after the expenses have been done to the total income.

Figure 43: Company Profit design view

Figure 44: Company Profit

e) Output Screens/Reports
Reports are used to give a summary of data in the organization.

(i) Company Payments to Farmers

This report gives output of the payments made by the company to the farmers who delivered
their products to the company.

Figure 45: Company Payments to Farmers

(ii) Earnings from sales
This report gives a summary of the amount of money the company gained from sales to its

Figure 46: Earnings from sales

(iii) Earnings from services
This report gives a summary of the amount of money the company gained from the services it
offered to its clients.

Figure 47: Earnings from services

(iv) Earnings from training
This report gives a summary of the amount of money the company gained from the training
services it offered.

Figure 48: Earnings from training

(v) Earnings from transport
This report gives a summary of the amount of money the company gained from the transport
services it offered.

Figure 49: Earnings from transport

f) Main Form
The main form contains routes for access of the various forms and queries in the system.

Figure 50: Main Screen

g) Splash Screen
This is the first interface that opens once the system is opened. The system main form closes
when “Exit” is pressed.

Figure 51: Splash Screen

This section will outline how the system will be installed and its operation by the end users of
Nekta Management System.

Hardware specifications:

• At least 516 MB RAM

• 2 GHz processor speed and above

• At least 64 GB Hard Disk

• A compatible Optical Disk

• Printer to generate outputs

Software requirements:

• An operating system windows 7 or higher

• Database Application (MS access)

• Microsoft Visual 8.1 or higher

System Installation
• Ensure that you have the correct operating with all hardware and software requirements
stated above.

• With administration/system developer permission insert the disk with the system.

• The system installation process may take approximately twenty minutes depending on the
processor speed after which the system will be ready for loading.

• Run the computer in the appropriate operating system.

• Click on the start button and go to My Computer.

• Click to open it and select the CD drive.


• Copy the database file to the desktop of your computer for easy access.

Loading Process
• Click the copied file and wait for the system to load.

• The system will open and from the splash screen you can opt to use the system by
pressing ‘ENTER’ and this will take you to the main switchboard.

• From the main switchboard you can access the desired destination by navigating through
the available and desired options on the main switchboard.

Procedure for generating output

The various modes of displaying information are:

Command buttons have been provided for switching into various reports.

The user has the ability to print the data stored in the forms. One should have a printer installed
properly and compatible with the host computer for printing purposes.

Navigation guide
 After opening the splash screen, press ‘ENTER’ and a form ‘Main Switchboard’ will be
 From here, there are options to:
 Open any form in edit mode.
 Open any report where you can view the available reports from the system.
 You can also sign out etc.
 Tables are made purposely to store data.
 Reports are generated to display summarized information from the database and can be
 If you wish to exit the system click the ‘CLOSE FORM’ button on the Main

System Changeover

The strategies for changeover from the current manual system to the new system may take place
using one of the following changeover strategies:

 Direct Changeover

This involves stopping the use of the old system immediately and starting of the new system in

 Phased Changeover

Is changing into the new system step by step but testing at the same time. Once one stage is
found acceptable, it is implemented and the next is tested then implemented.

 Parallel Changeover

This changeover strategy involves using the new and the old system at the same time. After some
time, which the company finds suitable, the old system is then dropped.

 Pilot Changeover

This is a type of system changeover strategy where a system is fully installed in a particular
department of an organization. Thereafter if the system proves its reliability it is then rolled out
fully in all other departments.

This section deals with other information about the system.

The new system will come a great way in boosting the operations of Nekta Management
Company. It will ease the operations of the company by enhancing efficiency in serving the new
and current farmers through: fast and precise registration process, processing purchases made by
clients, training of new farmers, administering services to farmers and purchasing products from
the farmers. The system will also come in handy in updating and accessing farmers’ details day
in day out. The system will thus be reliable for the operations of Nekta Management Company in
the long run.

The following modifications are recommended for the improvement of the new system:

 The system can be modified to work online using Internet.

 Advanced security measures can be employed to protect stored data from malicious
intentions. Such measures are like fingerprint reading and use of log in files.
 Modifying of the system so that the staff can work from wherever they are.
 Increasing of the memory and data handling capacity so that the database can hold more
 Modifying of the user-interface to make the best screen appearance.

NOTE. To modify the system however, one will need prior permission from the System Analyst.

In order to develop the system, I used various sources to get some guidance in the construction of
the system. The following are the sources that I used:

 Longhorn Computer studies Form3&4.

 Microsoft Office Help feature.
 The Internet.
 New and improved Computer Studies for Form 4 textbook.

Appendix I

Symbols used
The following is a table that shows the symbols used in the various flowcharts and their

Symbol Name Meaning

Arrow Direction of logic flow

Rectangle Process

Decision box Selection of options

Parallelogram Input

Magnetic disk Updates and accesses a file in

a magnetic disk

Document Opens a document or

generates a report

Display Display the information


Oval Indicates the beginning or
end of the flowchart.

Appendix II

Definition of terms
The following table shows the definition of some technical terms used:

Flowchart- is a diagrammatic representation of the flow of the system. It uses conventionally

accepted symbols to represent processes.

An Information System- is a major component consisting of smaller sets of components which

work towards achieving a common desired goal.


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