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Just A Nigerian Man


No part of this book should be reprinted, reproduced or re-

published without the express authorization of Great Ogbeiwi
a.k.a Just A Nigerian Man

copyright. 2022

Just A Nigerian Man


How To Text A Girl You Just Met

How To Text Her In The Talking Stage

How To Be A More Interesting Boyfriend



You Took The Right Step!

As a man, I feel your pain. I know how hard it is to attract

women, I know how hard it is to approach, engage and foster
amazing and fulfilling relationships with women. This book
is designed to help you with one of these – Engaging Women
(through text).

Now you are here, I want you to know this fact. The barrier
between you and the kind of relationships you want with women
is simply KNOWLEDGE.

Most men are clueless when it comes to women and

dating, they have no idea how to build healthy and fulfilling
relationships, little wonder they try to use money to buy the
affection and attention of women and they wonder why they are
still unsuccessful with women and why these women still leave
them after using and manipulating them.

It’s necessary to have money as a man but it should never

be used to win the affection and attention of a woman. The
RIGHT MINDSET is the only thing that can deliver you from
this disempowering behavior.

When I started talking to guys about women, one of the

most common question I was asked was “how do I text girls”,
“how do I become more interesting”, “I am too boring”, “I am
Just A Nigerian Man

too shy”. These questions are now common placed among men
because most men do not know how to go about improving their
dating lives, the bulk of the dating process has been put on men
by society and it’s our job to do it well.

Some guys are averagely good with ladies while others know
nothing about women altogether. This e-book is for both the
former and latter. There is always more to learn.

As you read, please pick out the best information you need
and tweak others when necessary.



Just A Nigerian Man

The First Text

After getting a girls’ number, you should not want to be

another one of her “chat buddies”. You should be texting her to
set up a date or hangout with her. You almost can never make a
girl like you through just texting her, yes it adds to your “game” if
you are a good “texter” but you cannot get a girl hooked through
texting only.

You’ve got to be planning the first date from the first time
you text her. If she’s not willing to see you physically then please
MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE. She isn’t worth the stress. Girls
who give out their numbers to guys without the intent of meeting
up physically are either not interested in these guys or are just
attention seekers. They will waste your time, play around with
you online, bill you or ask for favors and anytime you don’t do as
they please, they disappear.

When you’re talking to a potential date (girl) for the first

time, you have to look and sound like fun, tell her the things you
love to do and subtly ask her to join. For instance, you could say.

YOU: You sound like fun!

HER: It depends on your idea of fun.

YOU: Fun is anything that makes me happy, I like to dance.

Can you dance?

HER: Well, I can’t dance so well, but I try!

YOU: Perfect, I should teach you sometime.


Girls will always love “fun” and “new experiences”. This is the
kind of man you should be naturally whether through texting or
in-person. Focus on being a charismatic and witty person when
interacting with girls rather being her comedian.

Let’s say you met this girl during the course of your day,
and immediately you get home, you pull out your phone, go to
WhatsApp and text her “Hi, Its Charles”, you wait a few hours
later and still no reply. You then text her “Remember me, we met
this morning”.

You check the next day and she hasn’t still replied and you
get paranoid. Time goes by and you forget about her, you meet a
new girl and the cycle continues.

This happens most times when guys do not know the proper
way to get a girls’ contact or when they engage with girls who are
not interested in them but just give out her number for the fun
of it.

When you meet a girl in person for the first time, you have
to make sure you get her interest in you up a bit before collecting
her number if not she’s just going to give you her number and not
reply you or use you for what I call “online attention”.

This is what you do, when you meet a girl, you shouldn’t
be texting her within the first few minutes or hours, if you do,
it tells her you have been thinking about her and you don’t have
anything better to do. That’s too much validation for someone
you just met and if she can read your desperate energy, it kills the
Just A Nigerian Man

mystery and puts you at a disadvantage.

Let’s say you met this girl in the afternoon at the fragrance
section of a mall, you walk up to her, calmly with two perfume
bottles in your hands and say;

YOU: Do you have any idea which is better, I want to buy a

perfume and I’m having a hard time choosing.

HER: Oh well, I literally have no idea about male perfumes.

YOU: It’s for a friend, I’m getting it for a friend.

HER: A female friend?

YOU: Yes, It’s her birthday in a few days’ time.

HER: Wow, that’s so thoughtful of you, I think the Chanel

works better.

YOU: Thank you so much, you have been very helpful. I

didn’t quite get your name?

HER: Oh I’m Monica.

YOU: That’s nice, I’m Harry, you come here very often?

HER: yeah I do!

YOU: I come here very often too, how is it possible that we’ve
never bumped into each other, I could say you’ve been avoiding

HER: (laughs) far from it, I haven’t. I just come to get stuffs
and off I go.


YOU: What are you buying today?

HER: I came to get anything else asides perfumes but this

particular one caught my eyes (she says pointing to the perfume

YOU: Groceries, you like to stay healthy yeah? I see you are
in your workout wear.

HER: Yeah I’m just coming from the gym; I love to exercise
a lot.

YOU: That’s so cool, I have always wanted to work out but

I’ve been so indecisive, I’ve never found the right time.

HER: I totally understand you, it was hard for me too, I was

reluctant to start but as soon as I did, I never wanted to stop.

YOU: You sound like a motivational speaker right now, I

feel motivated, if I had a gym partner like you, I would work out
every day.

HER: Well we could always work on that.

YOU: Cool (giving her your phone), we should exchange

contacts and hangout this weekend to talk it over.

HER: That’s a nice idea, I would have to check my schedule

for the weekend and see.

YOU: Ok then, let me have your phone so I put my number

in it (you take her phone, input your digits and save it as “Harry

HER: (She laughs at the name) What the hell, am I permitted

to continue with my shopping now, I really have a lot to buy.
Just A Nigerian Man

YOU: Ok then, thanks for your help, I’m really grateful.

HER: You are welcome, have a nice day.

Now this is a perfect case scenario of how to get a girls’

number. This is just a template and will never be a scenario that
applies to you but if you are a beginner in approaching women,
tweak the above conversation according to your situation but
stick to the same structure.

Public places are good to start approaching women, so

you can ease your social anxiousness. Though other things are
involved in approaching women (like your posture, tone, pace of
speech etc.). There’s never enough pre-training than just actively
approaching women and putting yourself out there to get rejected
and ridiculed most times.

In the above conversation, you see how you implanted in

her subconscious mind;

A reason to see you again

A reason to see you again for a fun idea

A reason to see you again for a fun idea that interests and
benefits her

Firstly, you came off to her as a thoughtful person. Only

thoughtful people go out shopping for their friends’ birthday gift
and even go the extra mile to ask for recommendations from a
total stranger just to make the right buy.


Secondly, you have to come off as a fun guy, one thing you
can never separate women from is fun, they love to have fun and
experience new things. Using lines like “I could say you’ve been
avoiding me” tells her subconsciously that you are a confident
and witty guy. It scores you some extra points.

Thirdly, you seeded a reason for you guys to meet again, this
is the most important strategy, this will get her thinking about
the next time she’ll see you again and what you have planned out
for the date, if she’s already interested enough. There is no set date
or place for the next time you guys meet and this would create
a subconscious sensation of the possibility of she not having the
most fun she’s ever had in her life.

Fourthly, you made sure she had your name and number
stored in her phone, you don’t want her replying you with “who
is this” after you send the first text. Which is very unlikely since
you saved your name as “Harry Perfume”. It’s both funny and
positively corny. It gets her remembering the fun you elicited on
your first meet and it also makes you unforgettable.

You should always make sure to save your number in her

phone for two reasons;

Firstly, it gives you a way to gauge her interest as it gives her a

chance to initiate communication with you assuming you forget
to message her. I assume you’re a busy man, who has things and
other women going on, if you don’t, you are going to portray this
to her in your attitude, you are going to be very needy and want
to be in contact with her all the time, this will kill her attraction
for you.

No woman will want or respect a man who has all the time
Just A Nigerian Man

and attention to give her without making out time and attention
for other things and people that matter in life. If she first initiates
contact, If she calls or texts first before you do, it tells you that
she has really high interest and you were successful in showing
her you are her kind of man from just the first interaction.

Secondly, it subconsciously makes her feel like a contributor,

when you take her number without giving out yours,
subconsciously it feels like you just took something from her and
ran off. I have had more success with girls when we exchange
numbers than with girls whom I just “took” their numbers. This
might not be so in every case but it increases her probability
of engaging with you after. What’s the harm in trying this out?
None. So please apply it.

When I began approaching women, I was rejected most of

the time, I set a goal to approach a maximum of three people
a day and I was doing this for months, at the gym, in school,
in church, on my street, just to overcome my approach anxiety.
Note that I was not only approaching women, so experience
in this case is definitely the best teacher. You just have to put
yourself out there.

I could go on and on about the right things to say and how

to properly approach a lady, but this will be all on this topic for
this e-book.

I’ve put you guys on some free “approach” game here already
so please feel free to have a good time and remember to be fluid


with this information.

Do not try to use the above template word for word even if
you find yourself in the exact same situation. It’s going to be a
total disaster. Don’t try it.

Remember “practice makes progress”. If you are not willing

to consistently approach women despite the probability of being
rejected, insulted and rebuffed, then “you neva ready!” If you
need more help with approaching, attracting and engaging
women send me a DM on Instagram
justanigerianman I will probably write a book on all these in the

Just A Nigerian Man

Now, let’s get back to TEXTING.

You get home after coming from the mall, you send her the
default message every guy sends when texting a lady for the first

“Hey Monica, how are you doing, Its Harry, hope you
remember me”

This is not a bad first message but why not continue being
the fun guy you were in-person?

Here’s a better first text, you could send;

“It’s been a long while I tried it, but I bet I can do more
pushups than you in one go!”

Now this is better. Let’s do the analysis together;

In the first instance, you come off as a person who is not

sure of himself. For God Sake she has your number already and
probably expecting your text message.

There’s no reason to ever re-introduce yourself to a lady in

the first text, if you would just follow my golden rule of making
sure you “exchange” phone numbers instead of you “taking” her
phone number.

When you only take her number, it puts you in a weaker plate
on a relational balance scale, but when you exchange numbers,
even though you asked for her phone to input your number in it,
she will almost never remember that you did that, and she will
feel as if it was an equal transaction.


If you were asked how you got the numbers of most of

your close friends today, you probably will not remember. Don’t
bother about how awkward it might be to demand for her phone.
Just do it with a calm tone, she will almost never remember it.

There are some key awkward moments in our lives that

we remember vividly and feel embarrassed whenever we think
about them and we even think the people who were present when
they happened still remember them. But truth be told, they have
all forgotten. Remember everyone has their own embarrassing
moments to think about, there’s no real time space for yours in
their memory. If we always had this thinking, I feel we would put
ourselves in more situations which we thought to be awkward,
like approaching women and dancing on the road when the
music hits right or praying in a public bus while travelling. This
works for me every time. No one really cares bro.

If you don’t want to ask for her phone, you could also call
her phone right there, so she can have it and make sure to tell her
your name so she saves it.

The second instance just continues the fun online using call
back humor, she will be so excited and pumped up to reply you
while smiling once she sees your text message because it shows
she’s been on your mind and that you are committed to talking
about what you both have an interest in. It’s also a fun idea which
can engage her interest in exercising.

Just A Nigerian Man


Before, I begin. I want you to engrave these statements in

your conscious and unconscious mind

“set up the first date”

“catch cruise”

These are the only two reasons why you should be texting a
girl you just met, except she left town a day after you met her or
you met her online.

If she’s going to be away from town for a long while, you

should only text her to “catch cruise”. You should be texting
her once in a while since she’s not close to your vicinity at the
moment and nothing physical can happen. This will make you
not come off to her as a needy person who has got nothing else to
do but chat up girls all the time. You should want to see her face
to face and not join her band wagon of boys texting her with no
aim. Differentiate yourself from the pack and you stand a higher
chance of winning the game. Love is a game. A game with no
losers if played well.

If you met her online, you should be planning for the first
visit within a month of conversation, except there are tangible
hindrances, perhaps she stays in another country or she stays in
the same country but in a state very far from you or it could be

that she has no transport money and you don’t have too, then I
would wonder if you’ve got your priorities right.

Women have travelled across continents to visit men that

were able to charm them through texts and calls and this could
happen to you as long as you can engage her emotions and get
her to borrow money to come see you and also spend on you.
Most younger women will not pay their transport fare to come
see you and older women might (out of desperation). Well, this
is highly unlikely to be and not what you should be aspiring
for. You cannot compete with the guys in her physical vicinity
because you are a good “texter”. You cannot “lash” her over text
so I wonder why you want to spend months chatting back and
forth until she shows you pity, gets tired of her offline smasher(s),
decides to try some new gbola and pays you a visit. If she doesn’t
want to see you after months of chats and calls, then MOVE ON
with your life bro.

Just A Nigerian Man


You should be aiming to take her out within a week of your

first meet, all things being equal. Her availability for you will help
you ascertain and measure her level of interest and eagerness to
see you again.

There are certain dos and don’ts when texting a girl you just


Always keep your texts simple and short: Remember you

just met her, you don’t want to scare her with long paragraphs. It
kills the fun. If you have a lot to say, call her instead.

No one wants to read these days, when you send her long
note texts, you come off as a try hard. It tells her that you put in
too much effort into sending just a text and that you have so much
time on your hands instead of being productive. Altogether, it’s
never an advisable thing to do. It turns off most women when
they see a long text from a guy they just met.

It screams boring and needy. You can send her whatever

length of texts you want when you guys are comfortable with
each other, you can even send her a book if you like, but for now
keep it simple and short and also keep your texts open ended to
increase your chance of getting a reply, instead of texts like “I

just got back from work some minutes ago” say “guess how long
it took me to get back from work” though this is not a perfect
example but you get my point. The latter increases your chances
of getting a quick reply by about 80%. It brings her into the
conversation and makes her engage with you.

Always be fun, flirty and assertive: You should concentrate

on providing her with good emotions and energy through
text, nothing negative should be brought up during your
communication following up your first date, this is something
you have to intentionally try to avoid as she could never want
to see you, if she gets any vibe that you not fun or playful to an
extent. Always be positive and assertive when texting her.

Be sure of yourself and tease her a bit through text, flirt with
her and make jokes that can be understood through text so that
they might not be taken out of context by her or you having to
explain your joke. It kills the fun.

Always set up the date: As a man, you are in charge of setting

up the date, the logistics and activities to be carried. I always
recommend an ACTION DATE or a DRINKS DATE, no dinner

This is because, the first date should be the date where you
get to know her, talk extensively and get to know each other at a
deeper level, this can almost never be done through a dinner date
with food in your mouths or a meal actively digesting in your
gastrointestinal system. That’s no fun. On the first date you have

Just A Nigerian Man

to be light and carefree, having fun, laughing, sharing a drink,

getting high and having a good time. An action date could be
taking a walk with drinks in your hands, going to an amusement
park, going horse riding, hiking, driving around town at high
speed etc. Action dates are a sure way to make her want to see
you again, each time she remembers how excited and enthralled
she was on the date, that positive feeling will be associated with


Never Double Text: Double texting happens when you send

a follow up message to a previously sent one because she hasn’t
responded. For instance, you send her a text while she’s online
and after a few minutes you receive no reply from her, then you
go ahead to send a follow-up message thinking it will get her to
reply you or chat with you. This a mistake almost all guys have

I can bet you with all my money that she saw your first text
come in, and just didn’t want to reply you. In my opinion sending
another message to make her reply you or notice you is stupid.

In this modern world, everyone is with their phones

throughout the day and are communicating with who they
choose to. If you send her a text and she doesn’t reply, let her
be. When she’s ready, she will reply you and for your own sake
please dish out the same energy. Don’t reply her as soon as you
see her text after she left you hanging for hours, that’s low level


behavior. You either tell her outrightly that you don’t like her
energy or you move on with your life. It shows that she doesn’t
value communication with you as much, so you have to tread

Never Be Texting All The Time: The last way you want to
come off to her is as a creepy try-hard guy who texts her at odd
hours of the day when you guys literally just met. It’s a huge turn
off. You want to be texting her probably towards late evenings
at the cool of the day or around 8am in the morning at the
beginning of work hours. Usually a very short and simple text
will work here (in the morning). Something like

“Hey Monica, I feel great today, it seems like a good day for
me, hopefully it extends to you. Have a great day.”

Something as simple as this could make her day bro. You

don’t have to go overboard to try to coin the perfect message.
Always be in touch with how you feel at each moment and
communicate that to her. Learn to reply her when you are not
busy and not reply her immediately if she texts you when you are
busy. This is crucial as it subconsciously increases your value in
her eyes and it gives you adequate time to think about a perfect
reply. No games.

Never Try to Impress Her Over Text: This is a common

Just A Nigerian Man

mistake most guys make. They try to impress a girl over text
either through jokes or amplifying themselves. This is the
wrong way to go. Women are very perceptive and most guys are
oblivious to this fact. She can read your energy and innuendos
almost immediately while conversing with you and detect foul
play or self-aggrandizement on your part. This is a huge turn
off for women. Just be your own same self over texts and if you
still want to play the self-aggrandizement game, at least play it
in-person. Texting jokes that are not clear or straight to the point
or have a corny innuendo to them can be taken the wrong way
by her, she just met you and doesn’t know you so well remember.

Being Too Friendly and Using Too Much Emojis or Stickers:

This is the fastest way to the friend zone, never give off too
much friendly vibes, always be making romantic and sexual
moves either directly(in-person) or indirectly (flirting). Emojis
and Stickers when overused seems childish and cringe. No girl
wants an overly childish man and it might cause repulsion at the
beginning of a relationship

Never Bring Up Any Negativity: You should focus on eliciting

only positive emotions in her. You want her to have a positive
feel any time you come to her mind. Please avoid negative talks
like picking on her or talking about her flaws and insecurities. It
paints you as an asshole.

Don’t Ask Boring Questions: Never ask her about her life
and family through text. This is better done verbally through a
phone call or in person. Most guys resort to asking her about her

life when they have used up all their texting mental capacity and
have nothing more to say. It is a wrong move.

Just A Nigerian Man


After I began to learn more about women, I began to set

up my dates over calls and I recorded tremendous success. It
reduced the number of flakes I encountered drastically. There’s
just something about a verbal conversation that makes women
want to commit more to her words than her text messages.

Usually women flake on dates for many reasons but I have

found that setting up a date over call improves the chances of
that date actually taking place. Now I know some of you are not
there yet and still prefer texting to calling. No worries I’ve got
something for you

When asking a girl out on a date, you should always be

implying that you are a person going for an outing as he always
does and is just asking for her companionship.

Words like “you”, “lets”, “should” and “we” should always

be in your statements when asking a girl out on a date. Avoid
phrases like “can we”, “please”, “can you”. Never beg a girl to see

For example, use this text the next time you want to ask a girl
out on a date. Instead of saying “Can I See You” or “When Are
We Seeing”, say “You should join me out for drinks tomorrow, so
we could talk better” or “Let’s go to the beach tomorrow, it will be
a perfect day” or “I want you to join me to the beach tomorrow,
lets ride horses and play in the sand” or ‘Let’s take a walk this
evening while gossiping about everyone who’s done us wrong”

These statements tell her that you are naturally an exciting

person and whether she’s involved or not, you are still going to
have fun with or without her.

Another statement you could use is;

“We should check out the new spot that just opened in town
last week, I heard it’s an amazing place”

This statement is another killer. It tells her that you think of

her as an interesting person and makes her subconsciously feel
she was part of the plan all along.

Another one of my favorite lines would be ;

“Let’s hangout this week, what’s your availability like?”

This one lets her know that you acknowledge that she might
be busy as you are also busy but you could make out time to
spend with her when she has the chance.

You could copy this lines word for word or you can
interchange them based on your scenario.

You want to always set dates at weekend, everyone likes to

go out at weekends to wind off and relax.

On the day of the date, always send her a reminder a few

hours to the date, something like;

“Just got back from work a while ago, preparing my fit, see
you soon”

This works in more ways that you think. It makes her know
you are sticking to the plan and that you gave a whole lot of
thought to your appearance. It also lets you remind her about
Just A Nigerian Man

the date without outrightly saying it. It also makes her know she
has to keep to her words and also gives her a chance to back out
earlier, if she can’t make it. You don’t want to get dressed before
reaching out to her.



Just A Nigerian Man

It’s been some days after you had the best date of your life
and you’re feeling positive about her, you both had a connection
and you felt the spark. She’s the one. She’s showing a healthy
amount of interest in you.

Now this is how you want things to be for a while until she’s
ready to be in a committed relationship with you.

There are some things you could do through text that can
kill her budding attraction for you and there are also things you
can do to make her want you more. Things you can do in person
to increase her attraction and craving for you are beyond the
scope of this book.

The talking state is a crucial stage in dating a girl you like

because it’s from this stage that that most guys become friend-
zoned and you don’t want that.

In the talking stage, you should be texting her to set up follow

up dates and increase her interest but I would advise at this stage
you reduce texting to 20% and increase meeting physically to
80% to strengthen the emotional bond.

I am not saying you should start seeing her everyday,

you guys could meet up twice a week probably midweek and
weekends. And I would advise you take her on an action date
most of the time, something engaging and fun not a dinner or
drink date (you can do this most of the time, though at this stage
that’s no fun anymore) you can do dinner dates again often when
she’s your girlfriend but for now you have to focus on having fun
and creating new experiences with her.


Catching Cruise Through Text

This is the only way to stand out from other guys texting her.
You have to show that you are different.

All the other guys in her inbox are texting her the same
boring way every day. Messages like

“hey, how are you doing”

“how was your day”

“have you eaten”

“When are you coming over”

You’ve got to be the guy that brings a different kind of energy

and elicit a whole new kind of emotion and feeling in her. Let me
show you ways to stand up from other guys through text.

Interesting Conversation Starters

Send Her Pictures: Images are more visual and provide a

realer experience than mere texting. You should be sending her
pictures at random of where you are at any given time, what
you are cooking, what you are eating, with good captions. For

Instead of telling her;

Just A Nigerian Man

“I have a lot to do at the office today”

You could just take a picture of your desk filled with

paperwork and send to her with a funny caption like;

“They are after my life at here”

This is bound to make her smile and you elicit positive

emotions by doing this.

You could also send a picture of you making a funny tired

face with the caption;

“If anything happens to me today, hold my company


This tells her that you are a fun and “creative” person.

Say you were cooking stew, you take a picture of it and send
it to her with the funny caption

“Let’s make a 5000 naira bet, my stew will taste better than

This puts her in challenge mode and makes her try to prove

and qualify herself to you

A right step in the right direction and definitely a good

conversation starter

Tell her your feelings: Wait a minute, I’m not telling you to
tell her how much you love her or how you can’t stop thinking
about her or how much you wished you were there with her. NO.

I mean you should tell her how you feel at any given moment
in time. This is a very crucial one and any mistakes done while
doing this could be fatal and irreparable. Make sure to have a
balance of positive and negative feels. You can’t be telling her you
feel bad all the time and you can’t be telling her you feel good all
the time. This is one of the fastest way to make a girl emotionally
attached to you and is best done verbally(in-person) but also
works through text. Send this to her,

“I feel so blessed and grateful today, I just want to scream

and shout God, Thank you!”

Then some days later you say,

“Today doesn’t just feel like a good day, I wish I could curl
up and hibernate for a few days”

These kind of texts are deeply emotional and they

Just A Nigerian Man

psychologically bring her into your world at that moment,

it lets her empathize with you when you are down and
ecstatic when you feel good. This rollercoaster of both
positive and negative emotions is one of the sure fire ways
to keep a girl hooked to you, if done properly. If you want to
learn more about this, send me a message on Instagram.

Give Her The Chance To Initiate Conversations With You: I

won’t say much here, most of you already know my take on this,
as soon as you notice that she is not showing as much interest as
you are or she isn’t initiating communication with you, the only
right thing to do is to pull back. Most guys make the mistake
of increases the frequency of communication with a girl who
is not showing interest thinking this will make her change her
behaviors towards you but it actually does the opposite. It repels
her. She might just not be ready yet for a relationship, probably she
just went through a heartbreak and is emotionally unavailable,
maybe other guys have her full attention, maybe she doesn’t just
want you, all these reasons are okay. It shouldn’t bother you that
she’s not reaching out to you. It shouldn’t at all. When you notice
these signs, the honorable thing to do is to take your leave. If she
finally initiates communication, please mirror her energy and
text her as frequently as she does you.



If you followed all these steps correctly, you would have

already built a strong emotional connection with her by this
stage and knowing how and when to text her will be easy meat by
now. Texting your girlfriend shouldn’t be a herculean task since
you guys have already built a bond and know each other well.
Nevertheless, I will give you five ways to be a more interesting
boyfriend through text.

How To Be A More Interesting Boyfriend Through Text

Send Voice Notes: In my opinion, voice note is more effective

in communicating with a girl than phone calls because she has
to listen to you with no interruptions. A phone call is a two-way
conversation where you can be interrupted by her and the fact
is during phone calls most of us are always thinking of what to
say next, so we are not really listening to the other person. Social
media companies like WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger
were not stupid when they added the voice note feature to their
messaging platforms. They figured that bland texting wasn’t
going to cut it, and so thy added this very useful feature.

I know most guys are uncomfortable sending a voice note to

a girl, I used to be this way before, for some weird reasons I felt
insecure about my voice, I felt my voice was not just good enough
to be recorded and played back. So anytime I sent a voice note
(which happened rarely), I never played them back or listened to
Just A Nigerian Man

them. It took a long while before I became comfortable sending

voice notes to girls.

The truth remains that voice notes is not really a good way
to converse with a girl you just met, but it can be used from time
to time until you guys become comfortable with it. You have to
send voice notes often to become comfortable with using it in
the future.

When listening to your voice notes, it gives her a subconscious

feel of your presence and it brings the conversation to life.

An important factor to consider when sending voice notes

is the tone of your voice, make sure to mirror the tone of the
conversation when recording your voice. If she’s sad and unhappy,
reduce the volume of your voice and sound sad, if she’s happy,
mirror that energy, when recording your voice, sound excited
and jovial.

Voice notes should always be used instead of long paragraph

texts. It should also be used to tell jokes and flirt so that your
texts don’t get misconstrued by her.

Video Calls: This is another good way of communicating,

but should be done from time to time. You don’t want to make
it seem like you have nothing else to do besides conversing with
her. I prefer face to face conversations to video calling but it’s still

effective in involving her in your everyday life (showing her what

you are doing at that moment), making jokes and flirting.

Audio Calls: From time to time ditch normal phone calls

and call her through social media, it adds spice and life to your
online conversations.

Play Games: I will always say that girls love to have fun and
catch cruise and trips, so play games through text, go online and
search for games you can play through texts, pick about four you
can play through texts and have fun. Make sure not to play a
particular game all the time, that’s boring. There’s also iMessage
games, so have fun there and make sure to let her win some times.

Just A Nigerian Man


The truth is that texting can be a good way to get a girl

hooked on you but the fact remains that you have to also be well
versed in the other aspects of dating like approaching, attracting
and engaging women.

You have to improve the quality and standard of your life

through experience and exploration to be a genuine and totally
interesting and fun person to be around. This is the surest way to
solidify your personality in the long run because you don’t want
to be a good “texter” but a bad “face-to-face” guy. The incongruity
in your online and offline personalities will be a huge turn off to
her and she will definitely run off. You cannot fake it.

If you thought I was just going to give you word for word
texts in this book that you can use in all situations when texting
a girl, then you just read the wrong book. I gave some templates
you can use in some situations but the rest is up to you That
doesn’t work in the long term. You have to read this book a few
times to totally digest the information here.

Never rush to reply or text a girl, in my experience, whenever

I wait for just a few seconds or a few minutes or hours, and think
through I always reply with a better line.

You should always be asking yourself “what’s the reason why

I am sending this text” “How will this text affect my relationship
with her” what effect do I want this text to have on her” It’s hard
to be thinking about all these all the time you want to chat a girl
up but it’s important for you try to. With time it will be almost



It has happened so many times where your texting has

turned a girl off and made her never want to have anything to do
with you anymore. So many times you never knew this happened
because they just ghost you without telling you what you did
wrong or where you went wrong. I don’t want this to happen to
you again bro, That’s why I wrote this book. Cheers

Just A Nigerian Man

I am passionate about helping men improve their dating and

everyday life as a whole

If you are interested in seeking more knowledge and

improving the quality and quantity of your life(by networking
with other men across the globe), then I would advise you join
“My Men Group”

For more information about this send me a message on

Instagram @justanigerianman



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