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Burlington International English B1+ Unit 3 Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Choose the word or phrase that best describes each statement.

a. That doesn’t sound like a good idea.
i. Discourage
ii. Take a risk

b. You deserve a break.

i. Take it easy
ii. Take a deep breathe

c. I doubt it’s possible but you never know.

i. Long shot
ii. Safe bet

d. They started before us.

i. Front runners
ii. Head start

e. Let me give you a word of advice

i. Stunt
ii. Tip

f. I’m not sure I really want to do that.

i. Reluctant
ii. Eager

g. I’ll try to find one for you.

i. On the lookout for
ii. Take into account

h. Jane is always ready to do something new and exciting.

i. Adventurous
ii. Down-to-earth

i. I did as much work as everyone else.

i. A far cry from
ii. My fair share of

2. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in bold.

a. People go to the hospital / police station when they have an injury.
b. This is a top priority so do it later / right away.
c. It’s so difficult / popular. That’s why it is in great demand.
d. I think the picture / carnet is upside down.
e. We like to go hiking in the mountains / ocean.
f. I’m under pressure because I’ve got too much / nothing to do.
g. There was almost a collision between two cars / planes in mid-air.
h. You’ll be in deep water if you go swimming / don’t ask for permission.
Burlington International English B1+ Unit 3 Vocabulary and Grammar

3. Decide whether the following words or phrases have got a positive (P) or negative
(N) meaning.
a. Down to earth.
b. Dull.
c. Intolerant.
d. Setback.
e. Turn down.
f. Inspiring.

4. The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the correct word next to each
a. Fortunately, his head upbringing wasn’t serious.

b. Kate didn’t get the job because she was impressive.

c. The company is working on the injury of a new kind of running shoe.

d. Mark scored a very remote goal in yesterday’s game.

e. Lucas fell off his bike when he tried to do a development in front of his friends.

f. Alice had a very strict wheelie when she was young.

g. Ed went to Africa and stayed in a small, overconfident village for six months.

5. Choose the correct answer.

a. I can’t swim so I didn’t go skydiving / rafting.
b. Julia was afraid of getting lost, so she turned up / turned back.
c. Peter is tall, besides / unlike his brother who is short.
d. Anne’s talk was so discouraging / inspiring that we immediately
volunteered to help.
e. Thomas is very annoying. How can you tolerate / impress him?

6. Complete the text with the words or expressions below. Write the answers. Make
any necessary changes.


In November 2016, members of football team Chapecoense, were flying to Medellin in
Colombia for a very important football match. The team from a small town in Brazil was
not a major team in their country and no one had __________________________ them
to reach the final of the Copa Sudamericana. But they made it to final and they
__________________________ from many people in Brazil and abroad. It was going to
Burlington International English B1+ Unit 3 Vocabulary and Grammar

be a difficult game against Atletico Nacional, but they weren’t

__________________________ - in fact they were very optimistic. It was a great
__________________________ to show the rest of South America what they could do.
However, tragedy struck as they approached Medellin and the plane crashed.
__________________________, it became clear that very few people had survived –
only six out of seventy-seven passengers and crew on the plane. It
__________________________ that the plane hadn’t had enough fuel to get to its
destination. Families and friends made very emotional clips about their loved ones who
had been killed. The world shared their sadness as many of these clips
__________________________ on Facebook and other social networks. As the mayor
of Medellin said, “What was supposed to be a celebration has
__________________________ a tragedy.”

7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect
continuous or past perfect continuous. Write the answers.
a. We __________________________ (follow) him all day, but we haven’t got a

good photo yet.

b. Don’t worry, I __________________________ (not wait) long.

c. Everyone was miserable because it __________________________ (rain) for


d. Helen’s eyes red. __________________________ she

__________________________ (cry)?

e. The waiter didn’t come. Although we __________________________ (call)

him for half an hour.

f. There you are! I __________________________ (look) for you!

g. He plays the piano very well. How long __________________________ he

__________________________ (have) lessons?

h. They decided to vote since they __________________________ (discuss) the

issue all morning.

Burlington International English B1+ Unit 3 Vocabulary and Grammar

8. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use a perfect tense (simple or
continuous). Write the answers.

a. Where’s Diana? I __________________________ her all day.

b. The baby fell asleep after he __________________________ for an hour.

c. Ronald felt ready for the concert as he __________________________ for


d. None of the work is finished! What __________________________ you

__________________________ all day?

e. Nicole was upset because she __________________________ her contact


f. I’m tired. I __________________________ enough sleep.

9. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the past
simple or a perfect tense (simple or continuous).

Reporter: Congratulations on your Best Actress award! How

__________________________ you (feel) when your name was announced?

Actress: I was shocked! In fact I __________________________ (want) to win this

award since I was a child, and I still don’t believe I won!

Reporter: __________________________ you __________________________

(enjoy) the ceremony?

Actress: It was one of the best experiences of my life! And that includes talking with

some of the fans who __________________________ (wait) all day to watch

everyone, including me, on the red carpet.

Burlington International English B1+ Unit 3 Vocabulary and Grammar

Reporter: Now, what __________________________ you

__________________________ (work) on for the past few months?

Actress: Nothing! I __________________________ (relax) for these last few months!

But lately, I __________________________ (consider) a part in a romantic comedy. In

recent years, I __________________________(do) mostly serious, dramatic roles, and

I’d like to try something different.

Reporter: We all look forward to seeing your next film!

10. Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the
original meaning of the sentences.
a. I got my driving licence when I was 17.

I’ve ____________________________________________________________

b. We studied all afternoon. Then we decided to take a break.

After __________________________________________________________

c. I haven’t heard from Charles in two weeks.

The last time ____________________________________________________

d. This is his first acting role.

He’s never______________________________________________________

e. When did you start to work in this company?

How long ______________________________________________________?

f. He started playing for Chelsea when he left Hull city.

He has _________________________________________________________

11. Rewrite the following sentences with the words in brackets. Do not change the
original meaning of the sentences.
a. She began talking on the phone an hour ago. (been)


b. I expected him at 9:00. He finally arrived at 12.00. (waiting)

Burlington International English B1+ Unit 3 Vocabulary and Grammar


c. I am visiting London for the first time. (never)


d. Paul met Julie in primary school. (known)


e. Mark left and Nancy cried for an hour. (after)


12. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present
perfect simple, present perfect continuous, past perfect simple, past perfect
continuous or past simple.

Rovers Fan Page: Another Bad Week

I can’t believe we lost to Northhampton at home yesterday. 1-5!! They’re bottom of

the league and they __________________________ (not win) a single match all

season. Up until yesterday, we __________________________ (already / give away)

five points in the last two matches. We drew at home against Grimsby last week, 1-1

and we __________________________ (lose) 1-0 against Watford before that. The

worst thing is that we __________________________ (play) really badly recently. I

think the players just __________________________ (not be) able to adapt to the new

manager’s style. Before Lopez came to the club, I think the team

__________________________ (do) fine – I mean, they won the Champion’s Cup last

year and by the time the league finished, they __________________________ (score)

over 70 goals! But then during the summer, the club sold two of our best players –

both Hamilton and Conti __________________________ (go) to other clubs. The new

players don’t know what they’re doing, we __________________________ (have) no

Burlington International English B1+ Unit 3 Vocabulary and Grammar

luck with injuries, and the manager __________________________ (not settle) yet. I

wonder if it’s because he doesn’t speak English very well.

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