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Research · September 2022

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32838.96322


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2 authors, including:

Hebbare Manikantha Rao

KVR Government College for Women (Autonomous), Kurnool.


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K.V.R. Govt. College for Women (Autonomous), Kurnool.
Estd: 1958



Name of the student : S.Valiva

Hall Ticket No . 21400001048
Academic Year :2021-2022
Class & Group : B.Com General
Project Guide :H.Manikantha Rao
CSP Area : ward-46,, Sachivalayam-121,
Dharmapeta, Kurnool.

SL.No Name of the Chapter Page

1 Introduction

2 Scope of Study on Survey of Agricultural


3 Problems analyzed and analysis of problems

4 Findings & Suggestions

5 Community Awareness Programmes

6 Recommendations and conclusion

7 Other relevant:

8 Bibliography
I hereby declare that the project entitled “Community
Service Project on Agricultural Products” submitted by me to
controller of examinations, K.V.R. Government College for
Women (Autonomous), Kurnool in partial fulfilment of the
requirement of the award of the Bachelor of Commerce
Degree. This is a record of actual project work carried out by
me under supervision of H.Manikantha Rao, Lecturer in
Department of Hindi and Mentor for the Community Service
Project. I further declare that the work reported in this project
has not submitted and will not be submitted, either in part or
in full, for the award of any degree in this institute or any other
institute or university.

Name :
Date :
This is to certify that the project entitled “Agricultural
Products” in ward-46, Dharmapeta sachivalayam No.121,
Kurnool is Bonafide project work of S.Valiva, B.Com General-
I, Hall Ticket No.21400001048 done under supervision of
H.Manikantha Rao, Lecturer in Department of Hindi and
Mentor for the Community Service Project.

Signature of the Student

Signature of the Mentor

Signature of the Examiner

Signature of the Principal

Grade sheet

Sl.No. Assessment Componant Maximum Marks

Marks Awarded

1 Project Log 20

2 Project Implementation 30

3 Project Report 25

4 Project Presentation 25

Total= 100
I am extremely grateful to my beloved principal
Dr.M.Indira Shanthi garu, K.V.R. Govt. College for Women (A),
Kurnool for my CSP orientation.

The entire CSP work has been of carried out of our

mentor of H.Manikantha Rao garu, Lecturer in Department of
Hindi, and I express deep sense gratitude and sincere thanks
to my mentor for spending his precious time with me in
discussing various typical problems relating to this Community
Service Project and their kind of Co-Operation.
1. Introduction: -
In every student’s Course work in college, community
service is considered crucial as it gives the student a clear
picture of outside world. Community Service calls as Volunteer
work where we help those who need help for example homes
for aged, children homes, getting awareness of Agricultural
Products, in CSP Area People, Anganwadi & Primary schools,
and in slums. It helps students to develop civic and social
responsibility skills and become more aware of what their
community needs.

I also done community service project by the guidance of

our mentor and I have chosen topic is “Agricultural Products”.
To do survey near our community area.

In my Community Area: ward No.46, Dharmapeta,

Kurnool Town. Here one canal is passing through Dharmapeta
actually drainage – waste water mixing and flowing this
through Nala cum Canal. But whenever water level increases
then the local area people are catching fishes from this canal
for eating and selling in nearby market.
The reason of why digestion problems & health problems are
increasing in society. By doing this project I have gained
knowledge about food habits and its effect on health. due to
parents, society etc., and all over India literacy effect also on
food habits among all the states.

Rural and Urban lifestyle, Food habits are the ways

in which individuals or groups of persons respond to social and
cultural pressures, choose and consume and make use of
available foods. As populations becomes more westernized,
dietary compositions changes to include more saturated fats
and less fibre.

What are India's major agricultural products?

India has become a very important player on the global
market, especially for rice, cotton, sugar, and beef (buffalo). In
addition to these products, India has also become a sizeable
exporter of soybean meal, guar gum, corn, and wheat, as well
as a diverse range of other products.

Urban diet include superior grains, more milled and polished

grains, higher fat content, more animal products, more sugar
and more prepared and processed food.

• Vegetables
• Fruits
• Milk
• Curd
• Honey
• Sugarcane etc.,
• Ghee etc.,

Scope of the Study:-

The topic ‘Agricultural Products’. I have done this project
survey in houses of ward-46, Dharmapeta, Kurnool Urban. By
doing this project survey so much info I have got to analyze
various issues and to find solutions & done this survey in the
form of questionnaire.

The above graph clearly shows that in future there is

more opportunities in this sector and economic growth also in
Agricultural Products Marketing and Business areas.
A healthy Agricultural Products food habit means the
habit of eating a variety of foods that give the nutrients which
is needed for our body to maintain the health. I am visited
near ward houses and survey by questionnaire and asked
some more questions related to our main topic and sub-topics
according to Food habits – Hygiene. I have noted the answers
in questionnaire and collected the information by visiting
households and our mentor selected and allotted the area of
our convenience.

In this study I am going to analyze how are the changes

occurring in the food habits around the world and the main
reasons for the change and the declivity of eating habits. I will
also compare the Agricultural Products food habits of older
generation to the food habits of this generation.

• Chemicals not used

• Pure ghee, milk, curd, etc.,

The above factors directly reflect as nutrition levels in our


Where nutritional transition occurs, the impacts are usually

seen at first among affluent than lower income groups.
The history of agriculture began thousands of
years ago. After gathering wild grains beginning at least
105,000 years ago, nascent farmers began to plant them
around 11,500 years ago. Pigs, sheep, and cattle were
domesticated over 10,000 years ago. Plants were
independently cultivated in at least 11 regions of the

Background: (Packaged food products eating )Worldwide,

obesity trends are causing serious public health concern and
in many countries threatening the basic health care delivery.
It is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. In
recent decades we are witnessing increase in obesity
prevalence even among children & adolescents. This changing
trends is mainly been attributed to life style and dietary habits
of our youngsters. So this study Agricultural Products intends
to know the dietary habits & life style of adolescents of towns
and villages.
Analysis :-
In this study research approach was used. 10 samples
were taken for the study. Randomly samples were selected
from CSP Area through Questionnaire sampling technique.
Community Service Project People Literacy Analysis



up to 10th class Intermediate degree

education education2 education3

Report: by the above analysis I have found many school going

children in my CSP Area through survey.
Eating frequent junk food meals is increasing rapidly among
Profession Analysis :-
In this study research approach was used. 10 samples
were taken for the study. Randomly samples were selected
from CSP Area through Questionnaire sampling technique.
Profession of Rspondents ( CSP Area)






farmers tailor Students Daily wages business Employee

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Report: by the above analysis I have found below 24 students are in

my CSP Area.
Annual Income Analysis:
Annual Income Analysis







Below 50,000 50,000 to 1 lakh 1 lakh and above

Below 50,000 50,000 to 1 lakh 1 lakh and above

During CSP Survey I found this, people are belonging to poor
family through economic analysis. And, they are working as
daily wages workers like., tailor, barber shop, bakery, working
in companies., some of them are farmer, doctor and book
shop. Some of them are employee teacher, etc.,

Due to economic problems and to manage family. Some of

them are not able to buy nutritious Agricultural Products
food and fruits.
Transport Usage Analysis :-
Mode of Transport

private / self Public

• 60% people in my CSP Area are using public transport.
• 40% own vehicles to travel.

I suggested to my CSP Area people to don’t use vehicles during

walkable distance. Because some people are using vehicle to
reach near by shop.
Mobile Usage :-
• Android Mobile Users = 100%
• Keypad Mobile Users = nil

Report: its useful to identify their economic status of csp

area people and how many of they are aware about digital
transactions, expenses and online education., etc.,
Findings Latest Business Ideas are:-
agriculture business ideas that provide good

• Agricultural Farm Business. ...

• Organic Farming. ...
• Poultry Farming. ...
• Organic Fertilizer. ...
• Flower Business. ...
• Fertilizer Distribution. ...
• Mushroom Farming. ...
• Sunflower Farming.

Suggestions :-
I strongly recommend citizens to have Agricultural food
products to protect our self from various new diseases.
Agricultural products having good fiber, fat, sugar, vitamins,
proteins, nutrients.

Community Awareness Programmes:-

I have visited near by houses & shops with CSP Mentor
and conducted awareness Programmes through showing
charts & Quotations on food habits, hygiene and its effect on
health. Comparative charts about how Agricultural products
food habits are changed from 1980 to 2020.

Latest demand:
• Rice. In India consumption of rice is highest from
other agriculture commodities. ...
• Milk. India is the highest producer of milk throughout
the world. ...
• Wheat. In India, wheat is consumed and produced at
a wide range. ...
• Mangoes. Mango in India is a king of fruits. ...
• Guavas. ...
• Sugarcane. ...
• Cotton. ...
• Bananas.
Recommendations and conclusion:-
I strongly recommend that to follow hygiene - cooking,
eating habits and serving dishes with fresh vegetables and
importance of fruits, vitamins, minerals.

The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge

regarding healthy food habits among the mothers of school
going children. The study was conducted among 10 samples
and Findings of this study help the workers to focus more on
their work especially on the nutritional part.

Other relevant:-

Nutritional Diet – (fresh) Agricultural Products of children

influence their present health status and intellectual
performance. Healthy food habits adopted during childhood
persist for life. Childhood malnutrition is one of major health
problem in developing countries. India is ranked second in the
world for children suffering from malnutrition. Thus, diet and
nutrition knowledge should be provided to the parents in
developing countries. In school going children, there are many
factors that are affecting the food habits. It can affect them
both physically and mentally. So it’s necessary to provide them
healthy food. AIM: To assess the knowledge regarding healthy
food habits among the mothers of school going children.

Additional Information & my views:-

• One canal is going through this ward, it’s drainage
water. It’s the cause for mosquitos in this area.
• 70% people interested to eat paneer, instead of meat.
• In this survey I found that 40% of people are using
motor cycle.
• 80% people preferred rice. 10% wheat and remaining
• 50% people are using bicycle to regular works.
• 90 % households are separating dup waste in separate
wet & dry dustbins. we have to create more awareness
to separate dump in dry and wet.
Mobile Devices :-

All the community service area people have little fear about
OTP etc., 100% Android Mobile users, 0% Keypad Mobile
users. But due to security reasons no one is sharing mobile
numbers. We can aware them through tele-awareness
more about food habits. Using mobile phones while eating,
sleeping also effects our health. And advertisements effect
directly on behavior while we, purchasing food. Due to
some online advertisements we automatically attract
towards junk food.

Present study clearly shows the dietary habits of our

adolescents are unhealthy so the need of hour is educate
them properly about healthy food habits.

Model Questionnaire
K.V.R. Govt. College for Women (Autonomous),

Website : Phone No.08518-221090

Name of the Student : Roll

Name of the Respondent:
Sachivalayam / Ward No:
Village / Town / City :
District : Kurnool.
Community Service Project

1. How many members in your home?

Name Age Education Occupation

2. Source of income
a. Agriculture b. Daily wages worker c. Self employment
3. Mode of transportation
a. Public b. private c. self d. All
4. Residence
a. Own house b. Rented house
5. Type of House ?
a. hut b. shop cum house c.Concrete slab
d.other ______
6. Alternate Electricity
a. UPS-Battery b. Solar C. None d.other ______

7. Is everyone in your home healthy?

A) Yes B) No
8. Is the ANM in your hometown helping in minor treatments?
A)Yes B) No
9. Are you using 108 free ambulance, provided by the government
in case ofemergency?
A) Yes B) No
10.Haveyou vaccinated?
A) Yes B) No
11.Annual Income of the family ?
a) 12,000 to 50,000 b) 50,001 to 1,00,000 c). above 1 lakh

12.What are the sources of drinking water?

A) Village B) Government supply C) Open well D) Bore well

13.What is the quality of water supply by public authorities?

A) Pure B) Muddy C) Coloured D) Odour
14.What is the distance of water source from where you get drinking
water?(1) A . Very near B) Far away C) Too far away d) None
15.What is the mode of transport for getting drinking water?
A)Bicycle B) Motor cycle C) Auto D) Other _______
16.Are there any water pollution problems in your locality?
A) Yes B) No
17.If there is pollution problem, what is the source for them?
A) Drainage water B) Agriculture waste water C) Industries D)
18. are you getting the benefits of Navaratnas?
if yes _____________, _________________, _______________,
_________________, __________________, _______________,
_________________, __________________, _______________.
19. all the family members having state / central health cards ?
A) yes B) No
20.Which type of mobile are you using ?
A) Key pad mobile phone B) Android Mobile Phone
21.Which type of stove do you use in your home ?
A.Wood burning stove (B) Gas heating stove (C)
Electric heating stove (D)Induction stove
22.Where do the people of your locality dump the waste ?
a) Dust bins B) Garbages vehicle C) Surroundings. D) None
23.Does the people of your locality dispose wastes as Wet and Dry
wastes ?
a. Yes No
24.Do you use your phone for any digital transactions?
A) No B) Yes phone pe,_Google pay, Paytm etc
25. Do you have agricultural land ?
Yes No
26. If yes, How many Acers / Cents land you have ?
27. Which products cultivation do you like in India ?
Wheat Vegetable Legume Fruit
28.Which milk are you regularly using in home / shop / out side ?
Refrigerated Pocket Milk fresh orgonic milk from the
29.Do you like Panneer ? instead of meat.
yes no
30. Which product is most expensive in your monthly budget ?
Milk Rice Wheat Oil

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