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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila



Quarter 1 Week 3

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Know the importance of being knowledgeable in the origin
and history of Journalism.

Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other tasks
that will disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below
to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back - This section will measure what learnings and skills that you
understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Activities - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking and other
competencies. This can be done with or without a partner depending on the
nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Checking your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from the
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

History and Origin
of Journalism
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

❖ To identify the important people who have contributed to the history of the
❖ To assess one’s understanding of terms and operations relevant to
❖ To become aware of the role of a journalist in the challenges of the changing

Let us start your journey in learning about the history of Journalism. I am sure you are
ready and excited to answer the Pre-test. Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Write T if the sentence is correct and F if it is false.

_______1. La Solidaridad is the first newspaper printed in Madrid, Spain under the
editorship of Graciano Lopez Jaena.

________2. Ang Kalayaan is the first revolutionary newspaper of KKK.

________3. Dr. Jose Rizal was best known as a novelist rather than a journalist
though he was able to work with Graciano Lopez Jaena.

________4. The Japanese Era gave birth to Liwayway magazine and Liwayway
________5. The Manila Times newspaper was established during the American
Period and can still be enjoyed until now.

________6. Acta Diurna was introduced in Rome.

________7. Spaniards introduced printing in the Philippines

________8. Liberation Period gave Philippines a fresh start with almost everything.

________9. Fake News is still news therefore we can believe it.

________10. Acta Diurna is a hand-written newspaper

Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your facilitator to check
your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!


Directions: Many types of journalism have evolved from people's willingness to share
and express their opinion, observations, and thoughts. Adjust the "jumbled letters"
to form the word(s) related to Journalism. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. S S T R O P _M N I L A S R J U O – It is a form of writing that reports

on sporting topics and competitions. _ _ _ _ _ _ __________

2. O O I I N N P _M N I L A S R J U O – It is a type of journalism that makes no

claim of objectivity. Its product may be only one component of a
generally objective news outlet, rather than the dominant feature of an entire
publication or broadcast network. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________

3. N N N T T T E E E R A I M _M N I L A S R J U O - Any form of journalism

that focuses on popular culture and the entertainment business and its
products. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________

4. I I L L O T C P A _M N I L A S R J U O - Is a broad branch of journalism

that includes coverage of all aspects of politics and political science. _
________ __________

5. I L A S R J U O - The activity or profession of writing for newspapers,

magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast. _

History of Journalism:
We always think about the origin or starting point of every human activity and
journalism is no difference. It has its origin and it has a story.

• The word Journalism comes from the French word Journal which means
“daily” or Diurnal in Latin.

• The Acta Diurna is a handwritten account of daily important events in ancient
Rome. It is estimated that it was written and began to be made public by
sticking it to designated parts of public places in ancient Rome in 59BCE. In
world history, Acta Diurna was the first written newspaper.

• The Father of Journalism, Joseph Pulitzer or Jozsef Politzer is a journalist

and publisher born on April 10, 1847 in Hungary.

• The Father of Modern Journalism, Walter Lippmann was born in New York
on September 23, 1889. He was called the Father of Modern Journalism
because of the honors he received. He won the Pulitzer Prize twice. The first,
for his newspaper column “Today and Tomorrow”, which was published in
many popular American newspapers. The second was his 1961 interview with
Nikita Khrushchev, a famous Russian Premiere of his time. He is also praised
as the "Most Influential Journalist of the 20th Century"

History of Journalism in the Philippines:

With the growth of commerce and human knowledge, Journalism has not only
remained in one part of the world. It reached Asia and in the Philippines it started
during the Spanish period.

Spanish Period:

During this time the first printing was born in the person of Tomas Pinpin who
was also called the Father of the Philippine Press. In his time the first "Philippine
Newsletter" was published which was printed under the name of Successos Felices.
The printing then were mainly focused on RELIGION, BUSINESS, WINNING WARS,

(pictures taken from


• One of the important contributions of the Spaniards to the press was the legacy
of the printing press to the Filipinos.

Revolution Period:

Although printing began in the Philippines during the Spanish period, the
revolution period presented an ever-changing and unpredictable press conditions. Due
to the lack of agreement between the editors, the continued printing of the newspapers
was unsure. Most newspapers during this period did not last long in circulation. It was
also during this time where newspapers focused on weekly bullfighting, poetry,
science and the arts, literary works, agriculture, reviews and illustrations.

Examples of newspapers during the Revolution:

(pictures taken from


Period of Change:

It was during this time when the slogan "it is possible to love the
Philippines without hating Spain and to love Spain without hating the
Philippines" was printed but it was not very popular. Also launched in this time
was a newspaper designed for lawyers because it contains guidelines for
justice and peace. It can be said that newspapers during this time were
published with negative content, exposure of corruptions, open, bold and
aggressive comments against the friars. It was also said to be a time of change
due to the liberal rule of Governor General Eulogio Despujal. Newspapers during
this period contain conflicting and contradicting statements developed to
respond to the counter-friars declaration. It was in this era where newspapers
focused was not just about opposition and politics, it also contained topics about
education and profession, entertainment, religious activities, and comics page.

Popular newspapers in this era that made a mark in the History:

● La Solidaridad, First appeared on February 15, 1889 in Madrid, Spain.

Funded by Dr. Pablo Riazares under the editorship of Graciano Lopez Jaena.

● Diaryong Tagalog, has the slogan "it is possible to love the Philippines without
hating Spain and to love Spain without hating the Philippines”. It is said that
the idea of slogan did not appeal to many consumers so it only lasted 5

(pictures taken from


● Ang Kalayaan- The first revolutionary newspaper of the “Kataastaasang

Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga anak ng bayan” (Supreme Honorable
Katipunan). It is considered the most important newspaper in Philippine
history because of its purpose in expressing to everyone the abuse and greed
of the friars and Spanish officials. The newspaper was founded on January
18, 1896.

(pictures taken from


● La Independencia- Founded by General Antonio Luna with the help of his

brother Juaquin on September 3, 1898. It was one of the most important
newspapers during the revolution.

● El Heraldo de la Revolucion Filipina- Published in Malolos, Bulacan on
September 29, 1898. It became the official newspaper during the time of
General Emilio Aguinaldo's revolution.

(pictures taken from


● The Newspaper La Republica Filipina- Established in Mandaluyong, Rizal

on September 15, 1898 under the editorship of Pedro A. Paterno. It soon
became an official government newspaper in 1901 when General Douglas Mac
Arthur wrote as Secretary of War.

American Occupation:
From being a colony of Spain, Philippines were occupied by America. Because the
newspaper was established in the Philippines since the time of the Spaniards, it was
no longer new to the Filipinos. Newspapers topics during the time of the Americans
often talk about the battles won by the Americans, articles on politics and the armed
forces. The creators and founders of newspapers then are often professionals and
some of the newspapers of those times were still enjoyed today. Below are the
newspapers during the American period in the Philippines.

● Bounding Billow- The first American newspaper to announce General

Dewey's victory fought in Manila Bay. It is a four pages newspaper measuring
12x8 inch and can be bought for .25 cents.

(pictures taken from


● The Manila Times- First newspaper under the American government. It is a
daily newspaper edited by Thomas Cowan and a businessman named George

● El Grito Del Pueblo- It was also called "Ang Sigaw / Tinig mg Bayan"
Founded by Pascual Poblete in 1900.

(pictures taken from


• El Renacimineto- Also called "Rebirth". It was founded by Rafael Palma in


• Manila Daily Bulletin- It is also one of the daily newspapers of 1900 that we
enjoy to this day.

Japanese Occupation:
The Japanese occupation did not last long and during this time only three
newspapers existed: The Daily Tribune News, Manila Bulletin, and The Daily Herald.
Liwayway Magazine and Comics also appeared during the Japanese period. But, even
before the arrival of the Japanese, magazines and Comics already existed in the

(pictures taken from

Liberation Period:
During this time everything in the Philippines, including the press or
newspapers, became vibrant. After the atrocities of the Japanese and World War II
in general, Manila was freed on February 3, 1945. At that time came a rapid
proliferation of publications with most of them simply printed like flyers or in single-
sheets. Manila Free Philippines became the first post-Liberation newspaper
published by the US Office of War Information. The paper circulated from February
- September 1945.

Some of the periodicals closed by the Japanese made comebacks but those
used for propaganda one by one perished. Those that disappeared included
Philippine Liberty News by Manuel F. Manahan, Manila Post edited by Abelardo
Subido and wife Trinidad Tarrosa-Subido, Manila Tribune edited by Vicente Albino-
Pacis and a certain Morning Sun.

(pictures taken from


Those that were revived included The Manila Bulletin, further developed in
1947, Philippines Herald, Manila Chronicle, started as "The People's Newspaper" and
was later bought by Eugenio Lopez in 1947 and Manila Times, re-established by the
Roces family. Likewise, Ramon Roces, son of Don Alejandro, also put out Manila's
first afternoon newspaper called Evening News. Furthermore, his Graphic, renamed
as Kislap-Graphic, Liwayway and vernacular sister publications: Bisaya, Bannawag
and Hiligaynon were also re-launched. (

Martial Law:
Ferdinand Marcos, (president of the Philippines from 1965 to 1985) ordered
the closure of all newspapers and broadcasting stations when he declared martial
law and dissolved Congress in 1972. He aims to oust the media oligarchs and forcibly
bring journalists and publishers to jail.

But when some of the newspaper companies reopened they were subjected to
strict government management. The media became the property of Marcos' relative
or friend. News gathering is closely monitored by military censors mandated by the
Mass Media Council, aiming to ignore controversial and critical stories that could
disrupt the "silence of the environment" or disrupt the existing government that time.
The lack of freedom of the press is often attributed to the Martial Law era.

Current or Modern Time:
Perhaps one of the best things a person can feel and experience is the ability
to express and be understood. The freedom to express one's thoughts, opinion,
experiences, observations, and feelings, to witness events as they unfold and other
things that make our creativity work, is very important for someone.

With the advancement of technology and modernization, journalism is open

to everyone. One click, one tap, one swipe, and one shot can turn a “netizen” into an
instant journalist. Journalism today is no longer just through newspapers,
television, and radio.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogs and Vlogs are here. The news was already
available online, but with the growth and development of technology comes the
proliferation of "Fake News" too. Added to this problem is the lack of adequate
understanding of what a journalist or one who dreams and intends to become a
journalist should and should not do. This dilemma continues to get worse with each
passing day. In the current era, the press has become more independent, but it is
also at this time where it is more difficult to get reliable news from trusted sources.

Activity 1:
Directions: Fill each blank to form the names of the most popular newspapers in
each era that existed in the Philippines:

Spanish Period = S _ _ _SS_S _ _ _ _ _ _ S

= _ _ _ S_ _ _ P_ _ _ _ _ O

Revolutionary Period = EL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ L

Period of Change = _ _ S_ L _ D _ _ _ _ _ _

= EL I _ _E_ _ _ _ E_ _ _ _

American Occupation = THE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M_ _

Japanese Occupation = T _ _ D _ _ _ Y H_ _ _ _ D

= _ A_ I _ A B_ _ _TT_ _

= L_ W_Y W_ _

Liberation Period = T_ _ _S

Activity 2:
Directions: (Essay) Select one of the two topics below and expound it by writing a
short article consisting of 3 to 4 sentences. Put a short but appealing title on top of
your article. Please be guided by the rubrics below in grading your work.

a. What do you think is the effect of this Pandemic to Journalism?

b. As a young journalist, what do you think is your role during this



Topics Relevance to Originality Proper Use of Total

the Topic Words
(40pts) (30 pts) (30 pts) (100pts)

What do you
think is the
effect of this
Pandemic to

As a young
what do you
think is your
role during


Spanish Period, this era gave birth to the first printing in the person of Tomas Pinpin
who was also called the father of the Philippine Press. The printing then mainly
focused on religion, business, winning wars, sports events and opinions. Sucessos
Felices was the first “Philippine Newsletter”.

Revolutionary Period, this period presented an ever-changing and unpredictable

press conditions. Most newspaper during this period did not last long in circulation
because printing was unsure. El Porvenir Social and Revista Mercantil were the few
samples of the newspapers during this period.

Period of Change, it was in this period where newspapers focused was not just about
opposition and politics, it also contained topics about education, profession,
entertainment, religious activities, and comic page. La Soladaridad, Diaryong
Tagalog, Ang Kalayaan, La Independencia, El Heraldo de la Revolucion Filipina, La
Republica Filipina were the newspapers that made a mark in history during the
Period of Change.

American Occupation, the creators and founders of newspapers during this period
were often professionals and some of the newspapers of those times were still enjoyed
today. Newspapers during the American period are: Bounding Billow, The Manila
Times, El Grito Del Pueblo or Ang Sigaw/Tinig ng Bayan, El Renacimineto, Manila
Daily Bulletin.

Japanese Occupation, the era that did not last long and during this time only three
newspapers existed: The Daily Tribune News, Manila Bulletin, and The Daily Herald.
Liwayway Magazine and Comics also appeared during the Japanese period.

Liberation Period, During this time everything in the Philippines, including the
press or newspapers, became vibrant. After the atrocities of the Japanese and World
War II in general, Manila was freed on February 3, 1945. At that time came a rapid
proliferation of publications with most of them simply printed like flyers or in single-
sheets. Manila Free Philippines became the first post-Liberation newspaper
published by the US Office of War Information. The paper circulated from February
- September 1945.

Some of the periodicals closed by the Japanese made comebacks but those
used for propaganda one by one perished. Those that disappeared included
Philippine Liberty News by Manuel F. Manahan, Manila Post edited by Abelardo
Subido and wife Trinidad Tarrosa-Subido, Manila Tribune edited by Vicente Albino-
Pacis and a certain Morning Sun.

Those that were revived included The Manila Bulletin, further developed in
1947, Philippines Herald, Manila Chronicle, started as "The People's Newspaper" and
was later bought by Eugenio Lopez in 1947 and Manila Times, re-established by the
Roces family. Likewise, Ramon Roces, son of Don Alejandro, also put out Manila's
first afternoon newspaper called Evening News. Furthermore, his Graphic, renamed
as Kislap-Graphic, Liwayway and vernacular sister publications: Bisaya, Bannawag
and Hiligaynon were also re-launched. (

Martial Law, the media became the property of Marcos' relative or friend. News
gathering is closely monitored by military censors mandated by the Mass Media
Council, aiming to ignore controversial and critical stories that could disrupt the
"silence of the environment" or disrupt the existing government that time. The lack
of freedom of the press is often attributed to the Martial Law era.

Current or Modern Time, with the advancement of technology and modernization,

journalism is open to everyone. One click, one tap, one swipe, and one shot can turn
a “netizen” into an instant journalist. Journalism today is no longer just through
newspapers, television, and radio. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogs and Vlogs are
here. The news was already available online, but with the growth and development
of technology comes the proliferation of "Fake News" too. Added to this problem is
the lack of adequate understanding of what a journalist or one who dreams and
intends to become a journalist should and should not do. This dilemma continues to
get worse with each passing day. In the current era, the press has become more
independent, but it is also at this time where it is more difficult to get reliable news
from trusted sources.

Journalism is as old as the human’s need to speak, listen, believe and share
what he or she knows. Everything has a history and origin and the ignorance of the
foundation of what we have today can jeopardize our ability to make decisions thus,
repeating same mistakes.

Journalism and newspapers have become instruments of history so that we

can relive the burning emotions of our ancestors. With each letter printed, the
newspaper brought to life its own colourful history of existence in each period of
colonizers in the Philippines.

The press has gone through many trials and tribulations, from oppressive
government to a free press that was once silenced during the Martial Law era. But,
it remains resilient and resists the challenges of time and situation. FREEDOM OF

You Can Do It!
Directions: Briefly state your opinion on the said situations or statements mentioned
below. Your answers will be graded based on the following criteria:

Critical Thinking Clarity of Answer Appropriateness of Total

Words and Terms Used Points
40 points 30 points 30 points 100 Points

1. What could be the reason or reasons for giving importance to the

announcements of the victories in the wars that were then printed on the

2. Could the Japanese culture have anything to do with why they only allowed
three newspapers to exist in the Philippines? Justify your answer.

3. Martial Law is remembered by people who suppressed the freedom of the

press. Do you think the suspension of ABS-CBN's operations and the threatened
cessation of airing its programs is the start of another era of martial law? Explain
your answer.

Directions: Using the given definition, rearrange the underlined letters to form the
correct headline vocabulary.

Newspaper Revolutionary Period of Gen. Antonio Facebook

Period Change Luna
Diyaryong Gen. Emilio Japanese Current or Netizen
Tagalog Aguinaldo Period Modern Time

1. ________________________ is the period known to be the most unstable time for

Philippine Journalism.

2. The ______________________ has the slogan "it is possible to love the Philippines
without hating Spain and to love Spain without hating the Philippines.

3. El Heraldo de la Revolucion Filipina, became the official newspaper at the time of

________________________ revolution.

4. Social Media users are called _________________.

5. _______________________ founded the newspaper La Independencia with the help of

his brother Juaquin.

6. The Daily Tribune News, Manila Bulletin, The Daily Herald, Liwayway Magazine
and Komiks are known during the ___________________.

7. ________________________ is a time when strong opinionS and conflicts arise

between newspapers. This period is known for the liberal rule of the governor general.

8. Not all posted on_______________________ should be relied on.

9. ____________________ will continue as long as there are readers.

10. Different ways and strategies to spread news and journalistic writings widened
during the ______________________.



Name: ________________________Grade and Section: ________________

A. I learned in this lesson that

B. This lesson inspired me to

Your answers above will be graded based on the following criteria:

Critical Thinking Clarity of Answer Appropriateness of Total

Words and Terms Used Points
40 points 30 points 30 points 100 Points


Maximo, Avigail G. 2014. Kumpletong Kasaysayan ng Pahayagan at Pahayagang

Pangkampus ng Pilipinas Retrieved from

Moore, Alec. 2016. Roman Contributions to Journalism: The Acta. Retrieved from
contributions- to-journalism-the-acta/

Carreon, Carla. Uri ng Pamamahayag. Retrieved from

Writer: Christie E. Arceo, Teacher 1
Lakan Dula High School

Editor/Reviewer Shirley Valones Nardo MT1

Ramon Avancena High School

Validator: Ayla Urrea, PSDS

In-charge of Secondary Journalism

Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division

Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS


You made a great effort to read the module and answer the questions. Let's see if you
got the right answers.


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