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Revision02, Sept’22



Revision02, Sept’22


Revision02, Sept’22

Revision02, Sept’22

Revision02, Sept’22


Dear New Team Member,

Congratulation on your appointment and welcome to OFO Tech Sdn. Bhd.

The Employee Handbook serves as an introduction to the Company’s Scheme of Services,

benefits and other related matters pertaining to the employee’s service.

The Company Managements, Head of Departments, or any other person of OFO Tech
authorized by any or all of them may from time to time within their respective Limit of
Authorities, amend, add to, delete or vary any terms or conditions of the Handbook. Such
amendments will be announced by the Human Resource Department of OFO Tech and
henceforth shall form part of the Handbook.

The Employee of OFO Tech is expected to use the Handbook as a reference to be read together
with and forming part of their individual Employment Offer Letters and Letter of Undertakings.
Where if there is any ambiguity or conflict difference in respect to the meaning or
interpretation of any matter arising, Human Resource Department shall be referred for
clarification and resolution.

The Handbook is to be kept in strictly confidential. It shall not be reproduced in any manner,
in whole or in part.

The success of the Company highly depends on your commitment and professionalism, and
the combination of great team effort would undoubtedly provide the highest level of service
needed to be the best in your field.

We look forward to your contribution and support to OFO Tech Sdn. Bhd.


OFO Tech’s Management

Revision02, Sept’22



Employee Job Classification and Grade

Job Classification Category Position

 Group CEO
Senior  C-Level Executive
SM Director/Partner
Management  Director
 Senior Partner

 Principal
Management M1 Principal
 Associate Director

 Senior Manager
Management M2 Manager
 Manager

Management M3 Assistant Manager  Assistant Manager

 Supervisor
Executive E1 Supervisor  Team Lead
 Head of Department (HOD)

 Senior Executive
Senior Executive  Senior Administration
Executive E2
 Senior Associate
 Senior Consultant

 Semi-Senior Executive
Semi-Senior  Semi-Senior Administration
Executive E3
Executive  Semi-Senior Associate
 Semi-Senior Consultant

 Junior Executive
 Junior Administration
Executive E4 Junior Executive
 Junior Associate
 Junior Consultant

 Field Technician/Executive
Field Executive /
General Executive NE  Clerk/Receptionist
 Dispatch/Driver

Revision02, Sept’22


Every new employee will be given an appointment letter by the HR Department

before reporting for duty in his or her respective Supervisor/ Head of Department.

The Company has the right to verify information given in the Job Application Form.
Any misrepresentation of facts in application form shall be sufficient grounds for
immediate dismissal.

All employees shall be subject to the terms and condition stated in this handbook.

Employee Personal Information

It shall be the responsibility of every employee to notify the HR Department of any

changes in status concerning family, address, telephone number or latest
educational attainment. This will enable the Company to maintain up-to-date

Orientation Programs

Orientation programs have been designed for all new employees to ensure assimilation
into the Company:

General Orientation - The general orientation will be conducted by the HR

Department for all new employees to ensure that they: understand the Company policies and benefits understand the nature of business and structure of the Company

Departmental Orientation - The departmental orientation will be conducted by the

Supervisor/Head of Department of the new employee.

Probation and Confirmation

All permanent employees are required to serve on probation from the date of
appointment as follows:

Job Classification Period

All 3 months

An employee will be required to attend a confirmation evaluation interview with

the employee’s Supervisor/Head of Department at the end of the probationary

Revision02, Sept’22

The probationary period will be extended for another period of not more than
three (3) months if the employee’s performance does not meet with company

The Company shall inform an employee in writing, as to whether the employee has
been confirmed in the employment or otherwise.

An employee shall remain on probation as long as the Company has not confirmed
the employment in writing.

The Company reserves the right to terminate an employee on performance ground

if he does not fulfil the Company expectations during or at the end of the
probationary period or extended probationary period.

In the event where the employee on temporary employment is offered permanent

employment in a position of a job scope that is different from his temporary
employment, he shall be required to undergo a probationary period as per

Revision02, Sept’22



Clock-In and Clock-Out

Working hours are defined as eight (8) hours daily on weekdays (Monday-Friday),
with total weekly commitment of forty (40) hours. The official working hours for the
Company per week are as follows:

Day Time
Monday to Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm
(Inclusive 1-hour rest)
Saturday & Sunday Rest Day

All employees are compulsory to clock in and clock out (attendance) with GPS
enable through attendance system.

Flexible Working Hours (FWH)

Flexible working hours give employees the ability to choose their working hours. The
flexibility helps the employees to fulfil their work hours obligation but vary the work hours.

It may be for a temporary period or a prolonged period in order to adjust for a

planned or unplanned, short-notice, or sporadic event.

Employees may choose any of the below FWH hours which shall include one (1)
hour lunch break:

Options Flexi Work Hours Core Hours

Option 1 8.00am – 5.00pm
Option 2 8.30am – 5.30pm
9.30am – 4.30pm
Option 3 9.00am – 6.00pm
Option 4 9.30am – 6.30pm

Meetings or team discussions shall be arranged during core hours.

Revision02, Sept’22

Permission/Time Off
Permission/time off is taken away from work during business hours that does not
amount to a half day. The duration time off ranges between 30 minutes to a
maximum of 3 hours.

Where permission/time off can be foreseen, the employee has to notify the
Supervisor/Head of Department and the time off application must be completed
and submitted to HR Department.

Permission/time off taken without supporting document submitted to HR

Department within 2 days, will be considered as half day Unpaid Leave.

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Federal and State Public Holidays

An employee shall be entitled to paid holidays on all gazette Federal and State
Public Holidays relevant to the state in which the employee is employed at his
ordinary rate of pay in any one (1) day calendar year.

If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, the next working day shall automatically be
considered a replacement holiday.

If an employee is working outstation in a state that does not observe the Company
observed public holidays, the employee will be given a replacement day off.
Alternatively, if an employee observes a state public holiday that is not observed
by the Company, the employee shall make good accordingly by way of service
subsequently, unless prior arrangements can be made with the client concerned
to work on that day.

Annual Leave
Annual leave is granted to all employees for purpose of rest, relaxation, the
pursuit of leisure activities and to attend to personal matters.

Annual leave entitlements are calculated on a calendar year basis and all employees
shall be entitled to paid annual leave per calendar year as follows:

Length of service Number of Days of Annual Leave

Less than 2 years 14 working days
2 years or more 16 working days
5 years or more 18 working days
10 years or more 22 working days

A confirmed employee, who has not completed a full year of service as at 31

December, shall be given proportionate annual leave.

An employee who fails to take such leave at the end of each calendar year shall
be allowed to carry forward a maximum of five (5) days of such annual leave to
the following year. All leaves carried forward must be consumed within the first
three (3) months of the year to which it is carried forward otherwise it shall be

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An employee who is indisposed or injured while on annual leave shall have a

entitled medical leave for the day(s) on which he is certified by a Registered Medical
Practitioner as being unfit for work, provided that in such case, the employee shall
notify the Company within forty-eight (48) hours from the day of the medical leave.
However, the employee must obtain the prior approval of his Supervisor/Head of
Department if he/she wishes to extend the vacation days by the number of medical
leave obtained. Otherwise, the Company reserves the right to give an alternative
day off on another occasion.

An employee shall apply for his annual leave three (3) days in advance in the Leave
Application system. Where the application for leave is more than five (5) working
days, employees shall apply for approval two (2) weeks in advance. Leave
application that is applied less than the approved notice will be considered as
Emergency Leave.

No employee shall go on leave for more than three (3) days in a row per month,
except with the prior approval of the Company.

No employee shall go on leave without the prior approval of the Company. If an

employee is absent from work for more than two (2) days without prior approval
and notifications, HR Department will issue a warning letter.

During the notice period of resignation, no employee shall be permitted to take

his available annual leave during this period, except with the prior approval of the

The Company has the full discretion to allow an employee to take his available
annual leave partially or in full during the notice period of resignation.

The Company reserves the right at any time to recall an employee who is on leave
or cancel his approved leave if the exigencies of service require the employee’s

In the event where an employee is recalled for duty, the annual leave shall be
reinstated by the Company.

Pay in-lieu of annual leave will not be given upon resignation or termination of
services unless prior approval has been obtained from the Company.

Medical and Hospitalization Leave

Subject to the provisions of the Employment Act, 1955, an employee shall be

entitled to paid medical leave, when no hospitalization is necessary, as follows:

Number of Days of Medical

Length of service
Less than 2 years 14 working days
2 years or more 16 working days

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5 years or more 18 working days

10 years or more 22 working days

All paid medical leave shall be granted upon recommendation by a Registered

Medical Practitioner approved by the Company and supported by a medical

In the event where hospitalization is necessary, the employee is entitled to sixty

(60) days of hospitalization leave in aggregate in each calendar year.

Where recommended by the Registered Medical Practitioner, confirmed employees

shall be granted treatment and hospitalizations in a ward which is applicable to
the employee’s category of group medical care (Refer to Clause 4.4).

In the event where an employee is certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner to

be ill enough to be hospitalized but is not hospitalized for whatever reason, the
employee shall be deemed to be hospitalized for the purpose of this section.

An employee who reports to a Registered Medical Practitioner and who is

subsequently not granted medical leave shall report for duty directly after
completion of the medical examination.

In the event where an employee over-consumes or does not comply with the
medical/hospitalizations leave procedures in utilizing his medical/hospitalizations
leave entitlement, the leave taken shall then be off set against the annual leave.

In the event where the employee is not eligible for annual leave, it shall then be
considered as leave without pay.

An employee who is on medical leave shall immediately inform his Supervisor/Head

of Department and HR Department of the medical leave, the nature of the illness
and the expected duration of absence before 11.00 am on the day he is on medical

The Company reserves the right to take disciplinary action against an employee
who abuses the medical leave privilege.

Upon returning to work, the employee shall submit the Leave Application and
medical certificate to the HR Department.

In the event of hospitalizations, the employee or his next of kin shall immediately
inform the Supervisor/Head of Department and HR Department. Upon returning to
work, the employee shall submit the Leave Application Form and Medical certificate
to the HR Department.

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Emergency Leave
An employee may be granted emergency leave for the purpose of attending to
unforeseen domestic emergencies requiring his personal attendance. This leave will
be set-off against the annual leave.

An employee shall inform her Supervisor/Head of Department within 4 hours of

absence. Otherwise, it will be deemed to absent form work without leave.

Reasons for taking any emergency leave will have to be clearly stated in the leave
application before submitted to HR Department. An employee shall inform her
Supervisor/Head of Department within 4 hours of absence. Otherwise, it will be
deemed to absent form work without leave.

Emergency leave taken without submitted to HR Department within two (2) days
following the leave, will be considered as Unpaid Leave (regardless of whether there
is annual leave remaining).

Maternity Leave
All female employees shall be entitled to maternity leave for a maximum period of
sixty (60) consecutive days in accordance with the provision of the Employment Act,

A female employee shall be entitled to paid maternity leave if: She has worked for a continuous period of ninety (90) days during the
nine (9) months period before the day of the confinement and; She is an employee at any time during the four (4) months before the

The maternity leave may be taken on, before and/or immediately after the day
of delivery.

The employee shall apply for maternity leave not less than six (6) weeks prior
commencement of the intended maternity leave period.

During the maternity leave, the employee shall be paid in the normal manner.

The entitlement of sixty (60) days maternity leave is inclusive of rest days and any
applicable Public Holiday that falls within the maternity leave period.

An employee shall not be entitled to paid maternity leave if she has five (5) or
more surviving children at the time of the confinement.

Leave on account of miscarriage prior to the 28th week of pregnancy shall not be
considered as maternity leave but as normal medical leave.

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In the event where the employee submits her resignation prior to or during her
maternity leave, the Company shall reserve the right to disregard the maternity
leave period as part of the notice period of resignation.

The employee shall be required to notify her Supervisor/Head of Department of

her intended period of maternity leave and submit the Leave Application to the HR
Department not less than six (6) weeks prior commencement of the intended
maternity leave period for approval.

Special Leave
The following special leaves shall be granted at the discretion of the Company and subject
to exigencies of the Company business.

Marriage leave - An employee who has been confirmed and in continuous

employment with the Company for at least one (1) year, on the occasion of his 1st
legal marriage, shall be entitled to two (2) working days paid marriage leave while
in the service of the Company. The employee shall be required to produce documentary evidence (e.g.

marriage application form) in support of his application for marriage leave. This privilege shall only be granted once. The employee shall apply seven
(7) days in advance from the intended date.

Paternity Leave A male employee who has been confirmed and in continuous
employment with the Company for at least one (1) year shall be entitled to two (2)
working days paternity leave on the birth of every child to his 1st legal wife up to
five (5) deliveries. The employee shall be required to produce documentary evidence (e.g.

birth certificate) in support of his application. The employee shall notify to the Supervisor/Head of Department and HR


Compassionate Leave - An employee shall be eligible for two (2) working days
of compassionate leave per event of a death of a family member. The employee shall be required to produce documentary evidence (e.g.

death certificate) to the satisfaction of the Company in support and to
qualify for such leave upon his return to work. The employee shall notify to the Supervisor/Head of Department and HR


Examination / Study Leave - An employee shall be eligible for one (1) working
day of examination/study leave per subject (inclusive of the examination days) for
their first attempt while pursuing courses that are approved by the Company.

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Revision02, Sept’22 The employee shall be required to produce documentary evidence of

examination registration and examination schedule in support of his
application. The employee shall apply for the leave at least seven (7) days in
advance from the intended date.

In the event where an employee over-consumes or does not comply with the
procedures in utilizing his special leaves entitlement, the leave taken shall then be
off set against the annual leave.

In the event where the employee is not eligible for annual leave, it shall then be
considered as leave without pay.

An employee shall fill up the Leave Application and attach it together with the
relevant documentary evidence where applicable to support the application.

The Leave Application shall be submitted to the HR Department within three (3)
working days from the leave period.

All approved compassionate leave has to be taken on the day the event occurs or
as close as possible to the event and shall not be accumulated or carried forward
to the following year.

Replacement Leave
All replacement leaves must be utilized within the three (3) months to which it is
carried forward otherwise it shall be forfeited.

Unpaid Leave
Unpaid leave is not encouraged and prior approval for unpaid leaves have to be
obtained from the Supervisor/Head of Department.

Periods of unpaid leave taken in one (1) year will be taken into account for the
computation of increments, bonus and promotions.

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Outpatient and Specialist Medical

The Company shall provide medical and specialist medical benefits to confirmed
employees only.

Medical Benefit:

Job Grade Annual Entitlement

All Levels RM500.00 per year For any specialist treatment, all employees are required to obtain
referral letters from panel clinic before proceeding for treatment. The medical benefit shall exclude the following:

I. Self-inflicted injuries, unlawful acts, or provoked assault,
illness or disease caused by misconduct, sexually transmitted
diseases and injuries resulted from participation in riots or
unlawful assemblies;
II. Attempted suicide or the use of drugs;
III. Abortion;
IV. Treatment of mental disorders, as determined by a medical
specialist; and
V. Cosmetic surgery and other non-prescribed medical

Dental OR Optical Benefit

The following categories of employees shall also be eligible for dental benefits of
claiming for dental treatment sought or optical care and treatment in accordance
with the Health Plan Policy from a Registered Practitioner as follows:

Job Grade
Entitlement per calendar year
For Permanent Staff Only
M2 and above RM200.00
M3 and below RM150.00
E2 and below RM100.00

The coverage of dental treatment shall exclude dental treatment of cosmetic


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The medical and dental or optical benefits are annual reimbursement benefits and
unutilized benefits shall be forfeited at the end of each calendar year.

Prolonged Illness

An employee who is diagnosed with prolonged illness during his tenure of

employment shall be entitled to the following provisions for the subsequent six (6)
months period:

Period Benefits
1st – 3rd month Full pay leave
th th
4 – 6 month No pay leave

At the end of the six (6) months period, if the employee is still certified unfit to work
by a Registered Medical Practitioner, the Company shall reserve the right to
terminate the employment on medical grounds.

An employee shall be eligible for the prolonged illness benefit only upon
submission of the original medical report issued by the Registered Medical
Practitioner to substantiate his claim. Otherwise, the Company shall reserve the
right to withhold the provision.

An employee who has been officially diagnosed with a prolonged illness shall
immediately inform his Head of Department/Line Manager of his medical status
and submit his medical report from the Registered Medical Practitioner to the HR
Department for verification.

Company Insurance Coverage

Group Hospitalisation & Surgical (GHS) The Company shall provide the following Company Insurance coverage
for permanent employees only. The coverage for employee under the Company Hospitalisation policy
shall be as follows:

Basic Group Hospitalisation & Surgical

RB140 (RM)
Room and Board 140
Overall Annual Limit 30,000 An employee shall be required to obtain a referral letter from a general

practitioner to be eligible for the hospitalisation and surgical benefit

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Revision02, Sept’22 The employee can refer to the HR/Admin Department for the schedule of
benefits for the Company Hospitalisation Policy.

Group Term Life (GTL) The coverage for employees under the Company Personal Accident shall
be as follows:

Group Term Life (GTL) Plan 5 (RM)

Death (all causes) or Total and Permanent
Disability (all causes) or Partial and
1 100,000
Permanent Disability (all causes) or
Terminal Illness, whichever is earlier
GTL Options Benefit
1 Accidental Death and Disablement 100,000
2 Additional Critical Illness 100,000
3 Accelerated Critical Illness 100,000 The Company reserves the right to make any adjustment and changes to
the coverage in accordance to the policies made available by the
insurance companies. An employee shall immediately inform the HR Department and Head of

Department in the event where he is being referred to be hospitalized
by the general medical practitioner. This requirement shall be exempted
for accident case. In the event of an accident, an employee or his next of kin shall

immediately inform the Head of Department in the event of any accident,
where possible. In the event where the actual bill exceeds the coverage provided for
by the insurance Company, the employee shall settle the difference on his

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Reimbursement of Travelling Claims

An employee who is required to travel on Company business purposes shall be

entitled to the specific type of mileage claims, in the event where, you are required
to use own transportation.

The rate of mileage claim (inclusive of toll and parking expenses) is as follows:

Transportation Type Entitlement

Car RM 0.70
Motorcycle RM 0.30

The mileage claims are not applicable for travelling to and from the employee’s home
to base office and vice versa. The cut-off date is a week before of the month. The
claim is required to be submitted three (3) days from the cut-off date.

An employee shall be eligible to reimbursement of travelling claims and petrol

allowance only if the claim is attached with relevant supporting documents.
Otherwise, the Company shall reserve the right to reject the claim made by an

Outstation Travel Benefits

Domestic Travelling Outstation allowance shall only be given to the employee who are required to
work outside of Wilayah Persekutuan (KL & Putrajaya), Selangor & Negeri
Sembilan (Seremban) or outside of place of employment, that require to stay of
more than eight (8) hours inclusive travel time. Employees who are assigned to conduct Company business that require to be
stationed outside of place of employment shall be entitled to travel allowance
accordingly as follows:

Job Grade
Domestic Travelling M1 & E2 &
SM E4 & NE
below below
Full Day Outstation Trip
Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah,
RM 40.00 RM 35.00 RM 30.00 RM 25.00
Sarawak, Labuan

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Partial Day Outstation Trip

Breakfast 20% of Full Day Allowance
Lunch 40% of Full Day Allowance
Dinner 40% of Full Day Allowance

International Travelling Employees who are assigned to conduct Company’s business that require to
be stationed outside of Malaysia shall be entitled to travel allowance accordingly
as follows for all countries.

Job Grade
Travelling M1 & E2 &
SM E4 & NE
below below
Full Day Outstation Trip
Min. USD 15.00
(Subject to country’s currency)
Partial Day Outstation Trip
Breakfast 20% of Full Day Allowance
Lunch 40% of Full Day Allowance
Dinner 40% of Full Day Allowance

Offshore Allowance Employees who are assigned to conduct Company business that require to be
stationed in offshore shall be entitled to offshore allowance as follows:

Job Grade
Offshore Travelling M1 & E2 & E4 &
below below NE
Full Day Offshore Trip
Offshore of Peninsular Malaysia, RM RM RM RM
Sabah, Sarawak, Labuan 300.00 250.00 180.00 100.00

Accommodation For project related personnel, regarding any request of accommodation for
outstation, employees shall get prior approval from HR Department prior to the
departure. All accommodation and travelling expenses including 3rd party bills and invoices
made without prior approval will be rejected and any amount that company will
need to pay will be deducted from the employee’s salary or claims.

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Revision02, Sept’22 Accommodation has to be arranged by the Company for an employee who is

travelling on duty at designated hotels whereby the Company can enjoy corporate
rates. If the hotel provides breakfast, the company shall reduce 20% of the
entitlement outstation allowance (refer to If no hotel arrangements are made prior to the journey, the employee will be
reimbursed based on the actual figure printed on the receipt in accordance to
their level of position and eligibility. The employee shall receive full amount of
outstation allowance according to level of position, eligibility and subject to
company approval. If there are more than one employee are on duty, they shall require share rooms,
hence only one of the employees shall be able to claim accommodation
allowances. The amount of claim shall not be more that the eligible rate. For managerial level of employees, you are entitled to a single room although you
may be travelling with one or more person on the same trip. However, you are
encouraged to stay in the hotel room sharing basis according to the eligible rate
for double room. The Company will reimburse claims against receipts for room charges only. All
other miscellaneous charges such as mini bar, personal telephone calls, meals,
cable TV, massage, cigarettes, room service, soft drinks and others shall be borne
by the employees. All employees shall be entitled maximum to the provision of accommodation

upon outstation as follows:

Job Grade
Room Type SM M1 & E2 & E4 &
below below NE
Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, Labuan
Standard Single Room
120.00 100.00 90.00 80.00
Standard Double Room, Double Bed or RM RM RM RM
equivalent 200.00 180.00 150.00 130.00 The Company shall reimburse the full payment for accommodation expenses and
other necessary expenses (e.g. fax and/or secretarial services) based on actual
receipts/bills submitted, subject to company approval. In the event where no receipt/bill is submitted because the employee travelling
to his hometown or any other state, wishes to stay at his home address or on his
own arrangement, the Company shall reimburse him for accommodation at a rate
of RM30 per night.

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Revision02, Sept’22 Male and female employees are prohibited from sharing the same room. The Company reserve the right to reject any claim if there is no original bill/receipt
to be submitted for the claim. An employee who has incurred outstation travel expenses shall submit the
respective claims three (3) days from the cut-off date to the HR Department for
recommendation. The cut-off date is a week before of the month. The claim is
required to be submitted three (3) days from the cut-off date. An employee who has incurred outstation travel expenses shall submit the
Claim Form, attached with the relevant original receipts/bills, to the HR
Department for approval before forwarding to the Finance Department for
verification. The outstation travel allowance shall be payable only if the outstation travel
involves overnight stay or if the duration of the trip is more than eight (8) hours
from the time of departure to time of arrival at state/country of workplace.

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Payment of Salary

All salary payment will be credited into the employee bank account before the 30th
of each month or 28th of February. If the payday falls on a non-working day, the salary
will be payable on the proceed working day.

Upon resignation or termination of employment, the employee’s final salary will be

paid only after all the necessary clearances from the various departments have been

Employee Provident Fund (EPF)

The Company shall contribute to the employee’s KWSP the basic 12% for all
employees who receive wages/salary exceeding RM5,000 and an additional 1% for
employees who receive wages/salary of RM5,000 and below.

All fixed income i.e. basic salary and all fixed allowances shall be subject to EPF

Social Security Contribution (SOCSO)

The Company shall contribute to the PERKESO according to the regulations

stipulated the Employees’ Social Security Organisation Act, 1969 (Act 4).

For the purposes of SOCSO contributions, “wages” are defined as payments made to
employees such as: Salary; Overtime payments; Commission; Payment for leave such as annual, sick and maternity leave, rest
days and public holidays; Allowances such as incentive, Cost of Living allowance; and Service charge.

Income Tax

The Company shall make the Income Tax deduction for all employees in accordance
to the prevailing rates as stipulated in the latest Income Tax Schedule published for
each year.

All forms of income paid to an employee shall be subject to Income Tax deduction.

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All employees are responsible for settling their own salary tax liabilities unless
otherwise specified in the employment terms.

Increment and Bonus

The annual increment and bonus payment shall be at the discretion of the Board and
Shareholders and shall not constitute a legal entitlement on the part of the employee
and it shall be based on annual performance appraisal, as well as past performance
improvement, dependability, attitude, cooperation, disciplinary action taken,
adherence to all employment policies, and the salary range of the employee’s


Overtime or additional work hours is none claimable and reimbursable, as it is not

encouraged and not of Company’s practice.

However, in the rare event that it is required, or the necessity arises where an
employee is required to work beyond the above working hours, the extra hours can
be set-off from the total weekly commitment of forty (40) hours.

An employee who intends to do overtime shall get the approval from Head of
Department/Supervisor and Human Resource for verification and approval. Without
the approval from the Head of Department/Supervisor and Human Resource, the
overtime application shall be considered invalid.

Work done during the following times shall not be considered as overtime: Lunch time Annual leave, medical leave and other such leave of absence

An employee who is required to work on his rest day or public holiday shall be given
replacement leave on condition that. Staff perform a full day’s work and The replacement leave is taken on another working day. An employee who is required to work on Rest Day shall be given
Replacement Leave on a conversion rate of accumulative 8 hours for 1
normal day off. An employee who is required to work on Public Holiday, shall be given
Replacement Leave on a conversion rate of accumulative 4 hours for 1
normal day off.

An employee who intends to do overtime shall get the approval from Head of
Department/Supervisor and Human Resource for verification and approval. Without
the approval from the Head of Department/Supervisor and Human Resource, the
overtime application shall be considered invalid.

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Work done during the following times shall not be considered as overtime: Lunch time Annual leave, medical leave and other such leave of absence

An employee who attends training which is determined by the Company during

his off/rest day shall not be entitled for overtime claims, but shall be given
replacement leave.

All Supervisor/Head of Department shall plan the work of their subordinates such
that there is minimum overtime work and the Company is not obliged to pay an
employee who works in excess of the normal working hours without any prior
approval of the Supervisor/Head of Department.

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Long Service Award

The Company values commitment and loyalty of employees and shall reward
employees who exhibits these qualities in the form of long service awards.

All confirmed employees shall be eligible for long service awards upon completion
of specific periods of continuous service with the Company, subject to a clean
disciplinary record.

Periods of No Pay Leave shall not be counted towards the continuous service period.

The corresponding award value for the long service award shall be as follows:

Years of Continuous
Service Award Value Award Type
3 years RM800 Token of appreciation
5 years RM1,200 Meal vouchers or Shopping/
10 years RM2,000 Retail/Spa vouchers
15 years RM3,000
Meal vouchers,
20 years RM4,500
Shopping/Retail/Spa vouchers, or
25 years RM6,000 Travel packages
30 years RM9,000

Long service awards are not exchangeable for cash.

The eligibility for long service awards for employees who have completed the
requisite period of continuous service with disciplinary records shall be at the sole
discretion of the Company.

Commitment Incentive

A confirmed employee who does not utilise any of his medical leave and/or
emergency leave entitlement within the relevant assessment period shall be eligible
for the following commitment incentive, provided they have been punctual during
the relevant assessment period:

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Type of Leave Unutilized Commitment Incentive/year

Medical Leave RM150.00
Emergency Leave RM150.00
Medical and Emergency Leave RM350.00

The disbursement of the commitment incentive shall be paid within two (2) months
immediately after the end of each assessment period (end of year).

There shall be no pro-rating of the commitment incentive and new employees who
join the Company within the assessment period shall have to wait till the completion
of the next full assessment period to qualify forthe commitment incentive.

An employee who is serving out his notice period of resignation/termination shall

not be entitled for the commitment incentive.

Training and Development

All employees shall be eligible to attend approved training programmes and/or

preferred training programmes up to a maximum of forty (40) training hours
(including internal training) except those who are serving their notice period as a
result of resignation/domestic inquiries. In such cases, they are not entitled to attend
any internal or external training programmes, subject to Company’s approval.

A Training Needs Analysis shall be conducted annually to determine the training and
development requirements of the employees.

The employee shall fill in the Training Evaluation Form and submit it to the HR/Admin
Department within two (2) working days for monitoring, review and record and
provide a copy of the Training Nomination Form to the HR/Admin Department for
filing in the employee’s personal filefor monitoring and record.

Client Introduction Incentive

A confirmed employee who secures a new client (services) deal (i.e. upon signing
of the business contract) for the Company shall be entitled to a cash incentive based
on a percentage of the total fees per job upon full collection as follows:

Total Fees of New Client Client Introduction

(Services) Deal Incentive Rate
Less than RM50,000 1%
RM50,000 to RM100,000 1.5%
More than RM100,000 2.5%

In the event where the securing of the new client (services) deal is a shared effort
between two (2) or more employees, the proportion of the client introduction

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incentive to be shared and distributed shall be subject to the discretion of the Senior
Partner and Company Management.

The disbursement of the client introduction incentive shall only be paid on the
nearest month following the full collection of the total fees.

The client introduction incentive shall no longer be applicable in the event where
there is an extension/renewal of contract or the securing of a different contract from
the same client, with the exception as stated in Clause 7.4.2 above.

The rate of cash incentive shall be subject to review by the Senior Partner and
Company Management as and when deemed necessary.

An employee must be in the employment of the Company or have not served his
notice of resignation at the time of disbursement.

An employee who wants to introduce a new client to the Company shall refer
the new client to the Company Management or any one of the Partners for

Upon the confirmation and signing of deal with a new client introduced by the
employee, the Company Management shall be notified the Finance Department of
the total fees of the secured deal and the name of the employee who has made the
introduction, or the names and proportion of the incentive to be received in the event
where more than one (1) employee is eligible for the incentive and the employee in
charge of the new client referred.

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Policy Brief & Purpose

Company vehicles policy describes the guidelines for using company vehicles. A
“company vehicle” is any type of vehicle our company assigns to employees to
support their transportation needs for their jobs. Company vehicles belong to the

This policy refers to all of the employees who are eligible to use a company vehicle
and those who drive one as part of their daily job duties.

Prerequisites to Drive a Company Vehicle

An employee is only allowed to drive a company vehicle if they:

Have a valid driver’s license.

Have a clean driving record for at least 2 years. This means they must not have been
held at fault for a vehicle’s accident, or arrested on charges of violating vehicle and
traffic laws (e.g. driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol).

Driver’s Obligations

The company expect employees who drive company vehicles to follow rules. They
should: Drive safe and sober. Respect traffic laws and fellow drivers. Document any driving-related
expenses, like fuels and tolls. Check their vehicles regularly to ensure gas,
tire pressure and all vehicles fluids are at appropriate levels. Report any damages or problems with their assigned vehicles to HR as soon
as possible. Avoid double-parking, blocking entrances and engaging in other traffic
violations that may result in fines.

If employees have their driver’s licenses suspended or revoked, they must inform HR

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Employees who are fatigued and/or sick should avoid driving if they feel their driving
ability is impaired. If sickness occurs during a business trip that requires the use of a
company vehicles, employees should take regular breaks while driving or ask HR for
overnight accommodations, if needed.

Employees are not allowed to: Smoke inside of a company vehicle. Lease, sell or lend a company vehicle. Violate distracted driving laws by using a phone or texting while driving. Use a company vehicle to teach someone how to drive. Leave the company vehicles unlocked, unattended or parked in dangerous
areas. Allow unauthorized people to drive a company vehicle, unless an
emergency mandates it.

Accidents Procedure

If employees are involved in an accident with a company vehicle, they should contact
our HR department immediately, so HR can get in touch with the insurance provider.
Employees shouldn’t accept responsibility or guarantee payment to another party in
an accident without company authorization.

Employees should follow legal guidelines for exchanging information with other
drivers and call local police if accidents are serious.

Do not guarantee a payment or accept responsibility without company authorization.

Company’s Obligations

The company want to ensure that all our employees are safe at work and preserve
our company’s legality. For these reasons, the company will: Make sure vehicles are safe to drive before assigning them to employees. Schedule periodical maintenance to ensure company vehicle remain in
good condition. Provide a copy of this policy to all employees who are assigned company
vehicle. Insure vehicles with a reliable insurance provider.

The company are not responsible for: Paying fines employees accumulate while driving company vehicles that
they are responsible for (e.g. for driving too fast.

31 | P a g e
Revision02, Sept’22 Bailing out employees arrested while driving company vehicles. Any damage or failure that causes by the employee and that is not covered
by insurance provider will be borne by themselves.

Disciplinary Consequences

Employees will face disciplinary consequences if they don’t follow this policy’s rules.
For minor offenses, like allowing unauthorized people to drive a company vehicle or
receiving more than three (3) fines, we may issue reprimands and warning letter.

The Company may terminate an employee and/or take legal action as needed for
more serious offenses. That can include leasing out a company vehicle for personal
financial gain, or causing an accident while driving intoxicated.

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Transfer and Secondment

The Company may at its absolute discretion transfer and second an employee to
any section, department or division based on such business requirement as follows: Service or expertise required by the receiving agency Employee has been in the same position for a long time Reorganisation of the Company Staffing of newly created positions Staffing of vacant positions

An employee who refuses or rejects the transfer or secondment order shall be

deemed to have breached the service contract with the Company and may be
subject to disciplinary actions being taken by the Company.


The Company at its absolute discretion may consider promoting suitable employee
to a higher position, which may be available in the Company.

An employee selected for promotion shall be required to serve a promotion

probationary period of three (3) months.

In the event where the employee is unable to perform and meet the higher
responsibility and expectations satisfactorily and thus not confirmed in his new
position, he shall be reverted to his former position and withdraw his acting
allowance without prejudice to his future prospect within the Company.

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Termination of Employment

Either party may terminate the contract of service by giving to the other party the
following notice in writing or payment in lieu as follows:

Period Job Classification Notice Period

M3 and above 2 months
During Probation
E1 and below 1 months
M3 and above 3 months
Upon Confirmation
E1 and below 2 months

The termination notice stated above shall not be applicable in cases of breach of
contract or termination on disciplinary grounds.

An employee who has abandoned his job shall not be eligible for re-hire and shall
not be entitled to any recourse against the Company.

The Company shall reserve the right to continue to keep any employee who has
passed his retirement age in employment under a separate contract of employment
for a specified period which may be renewed at the absolute discretion of the

The Company shall reserve the right to terminate the service of any employee for
poor performance or for failure to achieve minimum targets set.

In the event of a termination of contract due to a medical board out, the award of
medical compensation shall be at the sole discretion of the Company.

In the event of a termination of contract due to retrenchment, the award of

retrenchment benefits shall be at the sole discretion of the Company.

An employee shall also be required to settle all outstanding liabilities, loans and
other obligations owed to the Company prior the last day of work, failing which, the
Company shall offset the monies and liabilities from all payment due to the
employee i.e. salary, allowances and leave balances.

The Company shall reserve the right to execute legal action and report the employee
to the Labour and Industrial Relations office in the event the employee fails to settle
any of the outstanding payment due to the Company.

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The employee who has resigned from the Company shall not be eligible for re-hiring
three (3) years from his resignation except with the approval from the Senior
Partner/Company Management.

The Company reserves the right to carry out any retrenchment exercise.

Termination Procedure
An employee’s service can be terminated by either the Company or the employee by
serving the other party a written notice or payment in lieu of the notice period as
specified in Clause 10.1.1.

Upon termination of services whether by resignation or otherwise, the employee shall

surrender all Company property and settle all monies and liabilities due to the
Company before leaving the service of the Company.

An employee will be eligible to receive all unused accrued leave for the calendar year
provided you have complied with all the exit procedures of the Company.

Job Abandonment

In the event an employee fails to report for work without notifying the Head of
Department for two (2) or more consecutive workdays, it will be construed as job
abandonment in accordance to Section 15-2 of the Employment Act, 1955.

If an employee has abandoned his/her job, the employee will be terminated with
immediate effect and shall not be eligible for rehire and shall not be entitled to any
recourse against the Company.


On his/her birth date of Fifty-Five (55) years, an employee will have reached the
official age for retirement.

The Company may however at its absolute discretion offer re-employment on a

contractual basis to the employee who has retired. The employee shall then no
longer be a permanent employee of the Company but instead shall be a contractual

Exit Interview

When an employee’s employment with the Company ends, he/she may be

required to attend an “exit interview” with the Head of Department/Company

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Performance Appraisal

To ensure that all employees perform their jobs to the best of their ability, the
Company has instituted a performance appraisal system which stresses the
importance of employees being recognized for good performance and receiving
appropriate suggestions for improvement as necessary.

Consistent with this goal, performance will be evaluated in writing every annually by
Head of Department through the Company Performance Management System.

This performance appraisal also provides an opportunity for employees to discuss

with their Head of Department any concerns they may have regarding their position
or performance.

The goal of the performance appraisal is to enhance the employee’s job

performance while establishing good communication platform between the
employee and the Head of Department.

Performance Interview

The purpose of the performance evaluation meeting is to provide the Head of

Department and the employee an opportunity to discuss job performance during the
previous performance cycle and to plan for future performance objectives.

The evaluation meeting requires careful planning and preparation part of the Head
of Department and employee. The Head of Department should be prepared to
discuss what input/feedback was considered in the employee’s evaluation; the
rationale for each of the individual and overall performance ratings; future
performance expectations and employee development results.

If employees disagree with their performance evaluation, they should be given ample
opportunity to explain their rationale. The supervisor may change any ratings that
are warranted based on information provided by the employee. If the Head of
Department decide to change a rating, the reviewer must be consulted before the
change is made and must initial the change.

At the end of the evaluation meeting the employee should review the performance
evaluation, write any comments and sign the form indicating that the results have
been discussed. If the employee refuses to sign the evaluation, the Head of
Department should indicate this on the performance evaluation.

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The Company is committed to the highest standards of ethical business conduct. This
Code of Conduct is binding on all employees, whose actions must always be such
as to avoid any impropriety. In addition, the Company and its employees are subject
to the Laws of Malaysia in every respect.

The Company will deal only with those organizations having ethical standards
compatible with its own declared policy. The employee will report promptly to the
appropriate authority (ies) whenever it knows or is informed by a reliable source, that
a client, supplier, subcontractor or other participant (including employees) in a
project of the Company is acting illegally or unethically. Employees found to be in
breach of these ethical guidelines also will be subject to the Company’s disciplinary

Employees who have any doubts on the appropriate course of action involving
matters of business ethics should consult their Head of Department or Company

To ensure that all employees are aware of their ethical obligations, a copy of this
Code is provided to all new staff which is to be read and, when fully understood,
acknowledged by the employee by signing the attached sheet.

Employee Obligations
Employees are expected to give their best efforts at all times so as to provide our
clients with quality service and products. This obligation extends to the protection of
the physical and intellectual assets of the Company and its client(s). Accordingly,
employees: shall keep confidential all proprietary information of the Company and its
client(s), which includes commercial and human resource data, design and
intellectual property of all forms; shall not speak to the media or publish anything about the Company or
client business unless authorized; shall inform the Company Management or the Head of Department about
breaches of the law and safety matters as soon as they become aware of
them; and where the concerns raised are not answered by the Company,

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are free to communicate these concerns to an appropriate government

agency. Whenever an agency of government conducts an investigation,
employees should cooperate fully; must use the resources of the Company and its client(s) only for relevant
business purposes. This applies both to physical (e.g. materials) and non-
physical resources (e.g. software, intellectual property, etc); shall keep accurate and sufficient records organized in a manner so as to

inform fairly and honestly those who receive (or have use for) the
information, in the conduct of the Company business or that of its client(s);
and shall observe established delegation of financial and personnel


Integrity of Business Practices

Employees of the Company have the obligation to inform the senior management
as soon as they become aware of practices or circumstances, which may involve
them in unethical conduct or conflict of interest. This obligation applies when
dealing both within the Company and externally. In doing business with any
organization the following standards apply: employees must deal fairly and equitably with their colleagues and external
contacts; employees must deal fairly and equitably with their colleagues and external
contacts; employees must not misrepresent themselves or the Company to
anyone. If a misunderstanding occurs, immediate clarification should be
made once this becomes evident; employees must not engage in any ‘collusive’ practices which may lead to
a client of the Company receiving less than a fair and competitive service; unauthorized copying or use of software and other data or

documentation can result in criminal liabilities. The improper use of
such proprietary information is strictly forbidden; gifts and entertainment shall not be offered or accepted where there is any
obligation incurred or such offer or acceptance can be construed as a bribe.
The provisions of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance shall apply in all
respects. In this regard the acceptance of souvenirs, advertising and
promotional items of nominal value only is permitted. Items of more
substantial value should be declined or recorded and disposed of in
accordance with stated Company procedures;

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Revision02, Sept’22 entertainment in the form of customary business amenities such as meals

with associated drinks may be accepted or offeredprovided it is not unduly
lavish or frequent; the Company will meet all reasonable expenses associated withyour travel,
food and accommodation on company recognized business. Such
arrangements should not be accepted from suppliers unless at the
supplier’s facilities or otherwise unavailable through normal commercial

Personal Behavior

The personal behavior of employees should reflect the ethical standards of the
Company and respect the rights of the Company and its client(s) to your services as
an employee. A conflict of interest exists if an employee has any interests or activities
held outside the Company that may be advanced at the expense of the Company or
its client(s).

The test to be applied is whether the combination of your job, the form and amount
of external investment and the external Company’s structure and involvement with
the Company could influence your actions as an employee of the Company. In
particular: your external personal activities must not give rise to real or perceived
conflicts of interest. Should any such occasion arise you must declare any
interest openly and abstain from the decision-making process; employees may not perform services in competition with the Company
either alone or in conjunction with another Company or person without the
prior consent of the Company; you must not use inside information, confidential material or non-public
information for your own financial benefit either directly or indirectly. In
additional to being a violation of law,it will be grounds for instant dismissal; you may not perform outside work or solicit non-Company business on
Company premises or in Company time nor may you use company or client
resources for outside work; you may not use your association with the Company or its client(s) to
sponsor, endorse or advance the interests of another organization except
where you have the prior written consent of the Senior Partner/Company
Management; employees may not accept nor may they offer money or any other benefit
or advantage in the performance of their duties other than as part of a
recognized commission or payment scheme which is available to all
suppliers or providers;

39 | P a g e
Revision02, Sept’22 employees should not borrow from or lend money to clients, suppliers or
contractors of the Company.

Breach of Conduct

The Company recognize that a breach of ethical business behaviour may result
in its removal from the list of suppliers and services to the Government. Accordingly,
the Company will regard any breach of these ethical guidelines by employees in the
most serious manner and implement immediate disciplinary action or dismissal.

Conflict of Interest

As an employee of the Company, you should avoid situations where your own
interests’ conflict with the best interests of the Company, or may appear to someone
else to do so.

A conflict of interest may occur, for instance, if you or a member of your immediate
family or a business or other Company with which you are associated would be
affected materially by decisions you make as part of the Company’s responsibility.
Or, a conflict might occur if you or a family member or associate stood to gain from
confidential the Company information to which you have access as part of your job.
A clear case of conflict arises if you accept gifts or valuable favours from individuals
or firms doing or wanting to do business with the Company or attempting to
influence some the Company’s decision.

If you are in a conflict of interest situation, or think you may be, discuss it with your
supervisor in confidence. You can also discuss the situation with the HR Department.

Gift Pre-requisites And Entertainment

For an employee to accept commissions, a share in profits, gifts in cash, gift

certificates, travel or other payments, materials, services, repairs or improvements at
no cost or at unreasonably low prices, excessive or extravagant entertainment or gifts
of merchandise of more than nominal value from any organization, firm or individual
doing or seeking to do business with the Company or any of its affiliate/subsidiary
without prior notice to the HR Department may seem to be committing a major

Utilization of Information Technology

All employees shall observe the following Information Technology guideline at all
times while in the employment of the Company and the Company reserves the right
to institute disciplinary action or institute grievance procedures for any breach of the
Code or where the breach constitutes a serious misconduct, the Company reserves
the right to dismiss any employee.

To object and use facilities for the purposes for which the employee is authorized.
Violations include:

40 | P a g e
Revision02, Sept’22 install your own software on the Company’s computing resources; installing illegal licensed software which is not meant to reside on the
Company’s computing facilities which is assigned to you; using another person’s account or attempting to capture other users’
passwords without consent; circumventing normal resource limits, log on procedures and security
regulations; trying to obscure your true identity as the sender of electronic mail using the Company’s computing resources for commercial purposes and using the Company’s computing resources to harass, intimidate or
threaten other users.

At all times respect the privacy of other users. Files, disks, electronic mail,
information, programs and data owned by individual users should be considered
private, whether or not the information is accessible by other users. Tampering with
electronic mail, interfering with or intercepting its delivery and using electronic mail
for criminal purposes may be criminal offences.

At all times respect the rights of others to make use of the Company’s computing
resources. Violations include: placing obscene or harassing material in areas that can be/arepublicly

accessed; sending/forwarding chain letters or deliberately flooding a user with
automatically generated mail; distributing information not intended for distribution by owner; printing or sending excessive copies of documents, files, data or
programs; attempting to modify or remove computer equipment; attempting to degrade or disrupt system security or performance: and damaging or vandalizing Company’s computing facilities, equipment,
software or computer files.

At all times faithfully and diligently obey and comply with respect appropriate
copyright laws, licenses, confidentiality and trade secret agreements. Much of the
software and data that resides on the Company’s computer facilities is protected by
copyright laws and license agreements from the owner of the copyright. The
number of copies and distribution of the copies may not be done in such a way that
the number of simultaneous users exceeds the number allowed.

At all times obey and comply with the established guidelines for any networks or
systems used inside or outside the Company. Accessing computer, software, data or
information, or networks without proper authorization, regardless of whether any
damage is done or whether the computer, software, data, information, or network
in question is owned by the Company, will be deemed as an abuse of your
Company’s computing privileges.

An employee who is authorized to add or delete files from a hard drive of a

Company’s computer must take reasonable and appropriate steps to see that all

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license agreements are faithfully executed on all systems, networks and servers for
which they have responsibility.

An employee must take reasonable precautions to guard against corruption of data

or software or damage to hardware or facilities of the Company and must treat
information about and information stored by the system’s users as confidential.

Where there is an indication that misuse has occurred, the alleged offence is to be
reported immediately by the employee to the Company for investigation and the
Company may restrict a user’s computing privileges.

An employee who is found abusing with the Company’s computing resources may
also be liable for civil or criminal prosecution. An employee should observe strictly
that nothing in this Information Technology guideline can preclude enforcement by
the Company under the laws and regulations.

Not at any time during the continuance employment with the Company attempt to
authenticate another computer user.

Not any time during the continuance employment with the Company play games on

Not any time during the continuance employment with the Company provide
content(s), which violates copyright or trademark laws. All software must be secured
to prevent copying except that which explicitly allows copying, such as public domain
software. It is the employee’s responsibility to know what the copyright laws are.

The employee is not allowed to run a business or charge any money for access,
contents or usage of their server. Any financial transaction is in direct violation of the
Company’s policies and may result in legal action.

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Policy Statement

An employee must at all times maintain reasonable standards of work and conduct.
In circumstances when an employee fails to meet the reasonable standard of work
and conduct, the Company reserves the right to undertake disciplinary action
against an employee in accordance to the principles of natural justice.

Grounds for Disciplinary Action

An employee shall at all times maintain reasonable standards of work, conduct and
discipline in accordance to expressed or implied obligationsto and expectations of
the Company.

The Company shall reserve the right to undertake disciplinary action on grounds of
misconduct against the employee concerned for any misconduct, indiscipline or any
breach of the Company’s rules and regulations in accordance to the general
principles of natural justice.

A serious misconduct shall be construed as the occurrence of a major misconduct or

a repetition of minor misconducts.

The categories and examples of misconduct are as follows:

Major Misconduct Disclosing any confidential information, including confidential information
of the Company’s clients to third parties without proper authorization. Theft, arson, assault, or other serious crimes. Any material information intentionally excluded from, or misrepresented in
the Employment Application Form. Habitual absence without leave, or absence without leave for more than
three (3) consecutive working days. Falsification, defacement or destruction of any record of the Company,
including interfering with the record of attendance or recording attendance
on behalf of any other employee. Wilful insubordination or disobedience, whether alone or together with
others, to any lawful and reasonable order of a superior office or
customer/client of the Company. Defrauding or attempting to defraud. Misappropriation of Company funds. Serious pecuniary embarrassment.
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Revision02, Sept’22 Avoiding, evading, refusing or acting in a manner that discourages the

assigning of work by a staff-in-charge or other staff authorized to do so. Making noise or otherwise acting in a manner that disrupts the work of
other staff. Idling, leaving place of work or holding long conversations unrelated to
work and the general wasting of time. Suppressing and non-reporting of problems relating to work to immediate
superior. Spreading false, unpleasant or confidential information related to other
staff or the Company among staff or outsiders. Wilful, unauthorized obtaining and keeping of confidential information
related to another staff or the Company. Overstaying sanctioned leave without sufficient grounds, proper or
satisfactory explanation or without informing or attempting to inform his
superior of the excuse for such absence. Production of low quality or sub-standard work and slackness in
performance in meeting goals. Incurring debts or acting in any manner which would affect the public
image of the Company. Committing an immoral act within the Company premises. Drug abuse. Smoking in the office before, during and after office hours. Tardiness. Inefficiency. Dishonesty. Professional negligence. Insanity. Abuse of position of office or power. Judgement or order made in any civil suit or matter. Default against any of the terms and conditions of service. Any act which may cause the Company to be in dispute and submitted to
legal suit. Instigating fellow workers and/or creating dissatisfaction among workers
against superiors and/or Head of Department/Company
Management/Senior Partner. Borrowing money from employees or customers/clients. Any other act or neglect considered serious by the Company Soliciting or collection of contributions from other membersof the staff
for any purposes whatsoever at any time in the Company premises without
obtaining the permission of the Management. Use of abusive language towards other staff. Habitual Absenteeism. Scoring below 50 marks in Part A of the Performance Appraisal. Excessive use of the telephone for private calls.

Minor Misconduct: Absence without permission or valid cause. Coming late for work.

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Revision02, Sept’22 Any action that is contrary to the Company’s Rules and Regulations. Leaving place of work before the proper finishing time without
permission. Leaving the work place to conduct your personal errands without
permission. Committing an act of nuisance on Company premises. Improper care of Company properties entrusted to employee. Bringing friends without permission to the office. Careless use of Company facilities/utilities. Using Company stationery for private correspondence. Interfering with another person’s work during working or non- working
hours. Sending frivolous or offensive notes/memorandums/letters to and
behavior towards other staff. Lingering on Company premises at night (after working hours) without
plausible cause. Entertaining private visitors during office hours without permission. Loitering or malingering within or adjacent to Company premises after
office hours. Using Company’s equipment for personal business. Distributing or posting handbills or circulars on Companypremises without
approval from the Company.

The above list of major and minor misconduct is not an exhaustive one and only gives
an indication of the types of behavior that may be considered as misconduct.

General Principles of Natural Justice

The following general principles of natural justice shall apply to the execution of a
disciplinary procedure: -

No disciplinary action will be taken against the employee without investigation – and,
in serious cases, an official inquiry shall be conducted to establish the facts.

The investigation and inquiry, where called for, will be carried out as early as
The employee will be given details pertaining to the matter in writing where
necessary, and will be provided with an opportunity to be heard.

Where an inquiry is called for, the employee will be given reasonable time to
prepare for the case and given every opportunity to cross- examine all witnesses
produced if he/she so wishes.

When an investigation or inquiry is taking place, it will often be inappropriate for the
employee to continue his formal work; in such cases, the employee may be
suspended until a decision is reached.

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Disciplinary Action

Following to an inquiry, disciplinary action may be taken. The disciplinary action to be applied
will take into account the seriousness of the case and any mitigating circumstances. The
Head of Department or immediate superior may impose any one or combination of the
following disciplinary action against an employee: -

Verbal warning;

Written warning;

Final written warning;

Formal action, which will include but is not limited to: - Suspension with or without pay for a period of time; Deferring or withholding of increment and/or bonus for a period of time; Reduction of salary; Forfeiture of declared bonus; Downgrading; Dismissal with contractual notice; and Filing a legal suit against employee.

Disciplinary Measures

Disciplinary measures will be executed in the following manner: -

Infringement or lapses will be dealt with verbally by the employee’s Head of

Department. Such warnings should be recorded and placed in the personal file.

More serious or repeated infringements or lapses will be dealt with by the

employee’s Head of Department, who may give a written warning and a copy
placed in the employee’s personal file. This written warning may be a final warning
to the employee.

Where a verbal or a written warning is given, that warning should state the nature
of the offence or lapse and the time allowed for improvement to be achieved.

If after adequate warning, a further disciplinary measure becomes necessary, the

Head of Department will recommend to the Senior Partner/Company Management
to take whatever formal action appropriate to the seriousness of the case.

If dismissal is warranted, a recommendation to dismiss will be made to the Senior

Partner/Company Management.

If an employee wishes to appeal against a written warning or other formal

disciplinary action, he/she may ask for the case to be reviewed by the Senior
Partner/Company Management.

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Arrangement for review of the case shall be made within seven (7) working days
from the appeal date to the Senior Partner/Company Management. If the appeal
is not submitted within seven (7) days from the days, the Company shall consider
that the decision has been accepted.

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The Company recognizes that an employee may encounter problems and differences
arising from various aspects of their employment. In most cases, the problems can be
resolved by informal discussion within the Department. But there may be occasions, when
an employee wishes to pursue the matter through other formal channels to bring their
grievance to the notice of the Company.

It is the Company’s policy to settle any grievance at the point of origin. The services of the
HR/Admin Department are available to assist an employee at all stages of the grievance
procedure and a representative of the Department may be present at all formal meetings


Stage I - Speak to Immediate Superior or Head of Department

An employee having a grievance must first discuss it with his/her immediate superior/Head
of Department. It is the immediate superior’s /Head of Department’s responsibility to
investigate the grievance.

Stage II - Refer to Company Management

If the issue is not resolved within three (3) working days after meeting with the Head of
Department, the employee shall either verbally or in writing submit his request to the HR
Department to arrange a meeting with the Senior Partner/Company Management.

The Head of Department, together with the HR Department, shall brief the Senior
Partner/Company Management about the details and nature of the grievance.

The HR Department shall arrange a meeting within seven (7) days from the time the Senior
Partner/Company Management is notified of the grievance.

Following the meeting, the Senior Partner/Company Management will either confirm the
original decision by the Head of Department or decide to investigate the matter further. In
either case, the decision will be given to the employee by the Senior Partner/Company
Management in the presence of the Head of Department within three (3) working days of
the meeting.

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The Policies, Rules and Regulations contained in this Handbook may be amended from
time to time and they will be conveyed to you via Company circular.

Employees are also subjected to all the statutory legislations at time being in force where
otherwise any terms and conditions of service are not mentioned in this Handbook.

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21-1 Jalan Wangsa Delima 10
D’Wangsa Wangsa Maju
53300 Kuala Lumpur

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