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Third Term Examination - School Level 2019

Index No: ……………………… Total Marks:

Answer all question on this paper itself

1. Underline the synonyms words. One is done for you.

(1) Silent
A) Happy B) Quiet C) Peaceful D) Joyful
(2) Tasty
A) Sweet B) Polite C) Delicious D) Dangerous
(3) Gift
A) Present B) Things C) Clever D) Toys
(4) Intelligent
A) Brave B) Honest C) Clever D) Happy
(5) Beautiful
A) Simple B) Sweet C) Pretty D) Bright
(6) Modern
A) Difficult B) Hard C) Old D) New

(5 Marks)
2. Make compound words by matching A with B. One is done for you.

A) Foot ( ) 1. dresser

B) Ready ( ) 2. board

C) Well ( ) 3. print

D) Key ( ) 4. made

E) Full ( ) 5. moon

F) Hair ( 1 ) 6. Known

(5 marks)
3. Join A with B-(Antonyms). Write the correct number in the blanks. One is done for you.


(1) Near artificial ………………

(2) Narrow late ………………

(3) Early far ………1…….

(4) Win disagree ………………

(5) Natural lose ………………

(6) Agree wide ………………

(5 marks)

4. Read the notice given below and answer the questions.

Art Exhibition
Organized by: The Inventors’ Club

Time : 2 P.M. - 6 P.M.

Date : 3rd December 2019
Venue : School Main Hall
Age Group : 6 - 12 years

Contact No. 0712737522

The Inventors’ Club
Hindu College

(1) What is the notice about? ……………………………………………………...………………

(2) Who has organized it? ………………………………………………………...………………

(3) Where will it take place? ………………………………...……………………………………

(4) At what time does it start? ……………………………………………………….……………

(5) Which age group can participate? ……………………………………………………………..

(5 Marks)
5. Fill in the blanks with most suitable words from the brackets. One is done for you.

(1) My sister’s hand writing is …………..……… (good, better, best) than mine.

(2) The Everest is the …………………… (high, higher, highest) peak in the world.

(3) This is the ……………….………… (interesting, more interesting, most interesting) play I have
ever seen before.
(4) An ocean is certainly ……………………….(big, bigger, biggest) than the sea.

(5) My brother is as ……brave…… (brave, braver, bravest) as Nepolian, the great king.

(6) Kamal house is …………………….. (beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful) than his friend.

(5 Marks)

6. You want to join your school Environment Club. The teacher in charge of the club wants you
to fill in the given application.


1. Full Name :…………………………………………………………………………….

2. Address : ……………………………………………………………………………

3. Telephone Number : ……………………………………………………………………………

4. Date of Birth : ……………………………………………………………………………

5. Grade : ………………………………………………………………………….

6. Hobbies : ………………………………………………………………………….

7. Favourite Subject : ……………………………………………………………………………

8. Class Teacher Name: ………………………...…………………………………………………


Signature of applicant

(5 Marks)
7. Study the chart

Subject Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

I My Mine
We Our Ours
You Your Yours
He His His
She Her Hers
It Its Its
They Their Theirs

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun. One is done for you

(1) The biggest bed room in my house belongs to me and my sister. It’s …..Ours……...

(2) This bicycle belongs to me. It’s ………………..

(3) This pet belongs to my friend Kamal. It’s ………………..

(4) This pair of sandals belongs to my aunt. It’s ………………..

(5) This new dress belongs to you. It’s ………………..

(6) This new television belongs to them. It’s ………………..

B) Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in the brackets. One is
done for you.

(1) You keep ……your……. ( you ) classroom clean.

(2) She is ……………………....( we ) grandmother.

(3) My younger brother studies with ……………….( I ) uncle’s son.

(4) Could you give me ………………………….( you ) pencil please.

(5) Do you like ………………( he ) article published in the magazine?

(6) The grade 7 students went for the picnic with……………..(They) class teacher.

(10 Marks)
8. Study the picture and fill in the blanks in the text using the words given in the box.
This is a picture of a (1)………………………... There are five (2) …………………. and a teacher in

the classroom. There are (3) ……………….… desks, six (4) …………………and a table. The teacher

is drawing a picture of a (5) …………………… There is a cat (6) …………… the window. There is a

calendar hanging on the (7) ……………..……. The litter bin is close to the (8) ……table……There

is a (9) …………………… on the table. The door of the classroom is (10) ……………………….

There are some (11) ………………… in the book-shelf.

(5 Marks)

9. Fill in the blanks with most suitable question word given below in the box. One is done for
What, Where, When, Why, Who, How

(1) …..What…… do you usually have for your dinner?

Rice and Curry
(2) ……………… are you waiting here?
For the express train
(3) ……………… do your friends go to work?
By car
(4) ……………… grows the beautiful flowers?
My younger sister
(5) ……………… does your father work?
At the supermarket
(6) ……………… does it snow here?
In January and February (5 Marks)
10. Combine the sentences using the following conjunctions. One is done for you.
but, or, because, before, after, while

(1) Kamal likes music ………but……………he can’t dance

(2) You can play………………… finish your homework.

(3) You must clean the room ……….………you go out to play.

(4) Would you like a cup tea …………. coffee.

(5) I didn’t go to school last two days…….…………..i had a cold.

(6) The lights went out……………………….Mala watching was watching the cartoon. (5 marks)

11. Underline the correct words to get meaningful sentences. One is done for you.

(1) I …………..(can, should, must) drive a van.

(2) The children ………. (can, must, would) obey the elders.

(3) I think we all …………. (can, should, would) have been more careful.

(4) I ……………… (should, must, would) like to invite my friends on my birthday party.

(5) It ……………. (can, must, would) be difficult for Rani to keep the diary in English.

(6) Smoking ……………… (should, would, can) be harmful for health. (5 marks)

12. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

The Bermuda Triangles is known as the Devil’s Triangle or Hurricane Alley. It is in the western part
of the Atlantic Ocean. Numbers of aircraft and ships have disappeared under mysterious circumstances
and the Hurricanes are powerful storms that form in Tropical water. It is bounded by Miami, Bermuda
and Puerto Rico. It covers about 500,000 square miles.
(1) What are the other names of the Bermuda Triangle?


(2) Where is the Bermuda Triangle situated?


(3) Mention the reason for the disappearing of the aircraft and ships.


(4) How many Square miles are covered by the Bermuda Triangle?


(5) Are the Hurricanes formed in the Tropical water?

………………………………………………………………………………………… (10 Marks)

13. Read the following poem answer the question below.


I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree

A tree whose hungry mouth is priest

Against the Earth’s sweet flowing in breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,

And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair,

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;

Who intimately lives with rain?

Poems are made by fools like me,

But only God can make a tree.
By Joyce Killmer

(1) Who wrote this poem?


(2) What is the title of the poem?


(3) Where do the robins have their nests?


(6 Marks)

(4) Underline the correct answer?

a) Who looks at God all day?

(1) Robins (2) Tree (3) Man

b) Who can make a tree?

(1) God (2) Poet (3) Robin

(5) Write the rhyming words to the following

a) Wear - ………………………….. b) Latin - …………………………………..

(4 Marks)
14. Write the correct form of verb. One is done for you.

(1) I ……have been….. (be) in Kawathamunai since 1995. (Present perfect tense)

(2) Kamal ……………………………(study) English now. (Present continuous tense)

(3) We …………………….……….(visit) Kataragama last month. (Simple past tense)

(4) My father ………………… (not read) newspaper. (Past continuous tense)

(5) My little sister ……………………..………… (play) with her doll. (Future continuous tense)

(6) A guide ………………….………….. (explain) the history of the rock. (Past continuous tense)

(7) Vimal …………………………….. (go) to school every day. (Simple present tense)

(8) Child …………………….. (not eat) vegetable foods. (Simple present tense)

(9) Forests …………….……………… (turn) into desert one day (Simple future tense)

(10) Suraj ………………………………………. (lose) his keys. (Present perfect tense)

(11) sheela …………………..…….. (not cook) biriyani tomorrow. (Simple future tense)

(5 marks)

15. Match the instructions with the places. One is done for you.

garden exhibition bus children’s park library bank

Instructions Places

(1) Return books to their proper places. …….library………..

(2) Do not touch or meddle. ……………………….

(3) Do not pick flowers. ……………………….

(4) Use both hands when climbing on the slide. ……………………….

(5) Wait in the queue until your turn comes. ……………………….

(6) Reserved for clergy. ……………………….

(5 marks)
16. Write an essay on one of the following. Use about 75 words.

1. The person I like most

2. My ambition
3. The useful leisure time activities
(10 Marks)

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