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Antonia Clare• JJ Wilson· Damian Williams

with key

of English
. . .. .


with key

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Antonia Clare • JJ Wilson

Damian Williams
1 LIFE Page 5
1.1 ·� GRAMMAR I question forms GRAMMAR I present perfect + ever/never
VOCABULARY I free time VOCABULARY I make and do
READING I Make yourself happy! READING I More than a hobby
1.2 GRAMMAR I past simple WRITING I correcting mistakes
VOCABULARY I relationships GRAMMAR I can, have to, must
LISTENING I The story of Chris and Amy VOCABULARY I education
WRITING I linking words LISTENING I interview about different types of learner
1.3 FUNCTION I making conversation FUNCTION I giving advice
VOCABULARY I conversation topics VOCABULARY I language learning
LEARN TO I sound natural LEARN TO I respond to advice

2 WORK Page 10
2.1 GRAMMAR I present simple and continuous GRAMMAR I past simple and past continuous
READING I Fun at work LISTENING I story about a German tourist
WRITING I an email GRAMMAR I verb patterns
2.2 GRAMMAR I adverbs of frequency VOCABULARY I travel items
VOCABULARY I jobs READING I My top travel tips
LISTENING I On safari WRITING I using sequencers
2.3 FUNCTION I expressing likes/dislikes FUNCTION I asking for/giving directions
VOCABULARY I types of work LEARN TO I show/check understanding
LEARN TO I respond and ask more questions VOCABULARY I tourism

3 TIME OUT Page 1s

3.1 GRAMMAR I present continuous/be going to for future GRAMMAR I present perfect+ for/since
READING I Three things to do in ... New York LISTENING I news report
WRITING I invitations GRAMMAR I may, might, will
3.2 GRAMMAR I questions without auxiliaries VOCABULARY I food
VOCABULARY I places to visit READING I How to eat less
LISTENING I conversation about a work of modern art WRITING I sentence structure
3.3 FUNCTION I making a phone call FUNCTION I seeing the doctor
VOCABULARY I collocations VOCABULARY I illness
LEARN TO I manage phone problems LEARN TO I predict information
LISTENING I three phone conversations

Review 1 Page 20 _ Review2 Page 38

VOCABULARY I verbs + prepositions VOCABULARY I describing a city
READING I Before they were famous ... READING / Where is the city of love?
WRITING I paragraphs WRITING I using formal expressions
7.2 GRAMMAR I purpose, cause and result GRAMMAR / present/past passive
VOCABULARY I collocations VOCABULARY I crime and punishment
LISTENING I radio programme LISTENING I What annoys you about modern life?
7.3 FUNCTION I finding out information FUNCTION I complaining
VOCABULARY I facilities VOCABULARY I problems
LEARN TO I check and confirm information LEARN TO / sound firm, but polite

GRAMMAR I relative clauses il�.1 GRAMMAR I present perfect
VOCABULARY I money VOCABULARY I communication
READING I The real money makers READING I Maria Amelia Lopez and her blog
8.2 GRAMMAR I too much/many, enough, very WRITING I pronouns
VOCABULARY I multi-word verbs 11�2 GRAMMAR I real conditionals+ when
LISTENING I true story VOCABULARY I feelings
WRITING I adding emphasis LISTENING I Are new computer games changing the
8.3 FUNCTION I buying things way we live?
VOCABULARY I shopping H.3 FUNCTION I giving opinions
LEARN TO I describe things VOCABULARY I internet terms
LISTENING I shopping conversations LEARN TO I disagree politely

9 NATURE Page s1
9.1 GRAMMAR I comparatives/superlatives GRAMMAR I reported speech
READING I Making the world a greener place: LISTENING I famous film lines
grow your own vegetables! 12.2 GRAMMAR I hypothetical conditionals
WRITING I similar sounding words VOCABULARY I suffixes
9.2 GRAMMAR I articles READING I The biggest music video ever
VOCABULARY I the outdoors WRITING I paragraphs
LISTENING I life in the outdoors 12.3 FUNCTION I requests and offers
9.3 FUNCTION / making guesses VOCABULARY I collocations
VOCABULARY I animals LEARN TO I ask for more time
LEARN TO I give yourself time to think LISTENING I requests and offers

Review 3 Page 56 Review4 Page 74



· .

1 Match phrases 1-10 with pictures A-J.

1 go shopping
2 go on holiday
3 spend time with family
4 spend money
5 eat out
6 eat with friends
7 have time off
8 have a barbecue
9 play volleyball
10 play the guitar

GRAMMAR ··x��;, , " 3 Write questions for the answers. Use the question
QUESTION FORMS words in the box.
Wftefe what why when who how often
2 Put the words in the correct order to make which how many what
1 is I birthday I when I your? 1 A: Where ore }'.'.OU [!om ?
When is your birthday? B: I'm from Poland.
2 A: ?
2 English I time I lessons I your I start I what I do?
B: I'm a student.
3 A: with?
3 friends I cook for I often I you I how I your I do?
B: I live with my friend Olga.
4 k ?
4 in I many I family I how I are I your I people?
B: Only two people live in the house, Olga and
5 come I does I mother I where I your I from? s k ?
B: In our free time we like to go to the cinema or
6 sell I you I did I why I house I your? go out with friends. We both love reading, too.
6 A: ________________ ?
7 glasses I in I of I many I day I water I you I how I B: We go to the cinema about once a week.
drink I a I do? 7 A: ________________ ?
B: I'm studying English because I would like to
8 is I where I the I classroom? work in this country.
8 A: ------------ - ZA or 3A?
9 your I best I see I did I friend I when I last I you? B: I'm in class ZA. Pre-intermediate,
9 A: ________________ ?
10 go I shopping I where I did I you? B: I started learning English when I was at
B Read the article again. Are the
sentences true (T) or false (F)?
4A Read the article and match headings A-F with paragraphs 1-6. 1 Doing exercise makes
A Call a friend you tired.
B Just smile 2 Having friends is an important
part of being happy.
C Do something nice for someone
3 Doing a difficult job uses all
D Be active
your energy.
E Do that difficult job
4 Planning fun things to do can
F Plan for some future fun
make you feel happy.
5 If you do something to make
someone else feel good, you
MAKE YOORSELF HAPPY! will feel good yourself.
6 Smiling when you're not happy
Six tips to make you happier in the next hour can make you feel bad.

You can make yourself happier starting now. In the next hour, C Read the article again and answer the
do as many of these things as possible. Each thing you do questions.
will help you to feel happier. 1 What should you do when you talk on
1 : stand up and walk around while you talk on the phone?
the phone. Or go for a quick ten-minute walk outside. Doing
exercise gives you energy and makes you feel better. 2 Why is it important to stay in touch with
2 : arrange to meet someone for lunch or send an friends?
email to a friend you haven't seen for a long time. Having
good relationships with other people is one of the things that 3 What kinds of jobs are on a 'things to
makes us happy, so stay in touch with your friends. do' list?
3 : answer a difficult email or call to make
that dentist's appointment. Do it now, don't wait. Cross 4 Why is it a good idea to organise
something off your list of things to do, to give yourself something fun to do in the future?
4 : order a book you want to read, plan a trip to 5 How will you feel if you buy someone
a museum or a night out with friends. If you look forward flowers or carry their bag?
to doing something fun in the future, it will make you feel
happy right now.
6 What happens when you smile?
5 : buy someone flowers, carry their bag, tell
them they look nice. Do good, feel
good - this really works. If
O Complete the definitions with words
you do something nice for
from the article.
someone, it makes you feel
better. 1 do : do some kind of
6 activity like walking or playing tennis
: even when
you don' t feel happy. 2 have good with people:
always try to smile. Put a be friendly with people
smile on your face right 3 stay in with people:
now - it will make you contact people regularly (by phone,
feel better! email, etc.)
Tick things off the 4 something off a list: mark
list when things on a list when you do them
you do them. 5 look to something: be
Do you feel excited about something which will
happier yet? happen in the future
3 Complete the story with the past simple form of the
verbs in the box.
become decide meet send get propose
1 Look at the pictures and complete the story about have not tell start arrive live talk
when Harry met Sally. Use the words in the box.
proposed got engaged have a fiancee met •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
got married accepted got on well fell in love Many years ago, before it was fashionable to date on
the internet, I ' a Swedish lady online.
We 2 ----- on well from the first minute we
_____ chatting, and she soon
_____ my friend. The only problem
was that I 5·
----- in the UK and she was in
Sweden. For a couple of years, we 6_____ a
long-distance relationship. We 7 _____ on the
phone and 0-----,-- emails to each other. We
_____ our friends how we met be.cause we
1 Harry didn't 2 He _____
have a girlfriend. Sally in a cafe. were embarrassed. After a while, 1 10

They _____ to leave England and move to Sweden. When I

11 _____ , 112 _____ to her and she
said yes.. Now, we are happily married and we have four
children. I think online dating is fantastic. I met my wife

because of it!

4 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of

3 They ____ 4 He ____ to her the verbs in brackets.
and she ____ 1 A: Where ----- (you/stay)?
They ____ B: We (find) a hotel near the station.
2 We _____ (eat) in the hotel restaurant and
the food (be) delicious.
3 Mara and Steve (not have) a barbecue
on Sunday because it (rain) all day.
4 We (go) to the cinema, but I
_ ____ (not like) the film. I _____
(think) it was really boring.
5 I (spend) the weekend studying
because I've got an exam tomorrow.
6 He (be) really busy yesterday, so he
5 They ____ _____ (not have) time to call you.
7 She (write) a long letter explaining
the problem, but her friend still _ ____
GRAMMAR �-� (not understand).
PAST SIMPLE 8 They (give) her some beautiful flowers
for her birthday.
2A Mark the verbs in the box regular (R) or irregular (I). 9 A: What time (you/get) back home
last night?
fall/ ask decide know stop like go say
B: At about midnight.
see spend study try meet walk work get 10 I (start) this job four years ago, when I
_____ (move) to Rome.
B Write the past simple form of the irregular verbs in
Exercise 2A.
S A Say the words and circle the verb ending which WRITING .1 <��
sounds different. LINKING WORDS
1 played stayed tried ended
2 asked kissed arrived talked ? Correct the linking words in italics in the sentences.
3 finished decided pretended wanted because
4 studied happened invented stayed 1 I didn't like the film/.. s-e it was scary.
5 walked helped stopped started
2 We saw Pompeii but we thought it was wonderful.
B � 1.1 Listen and check.

3 She didn't like her job, because she decided to leave.

4 They couldn't get married and her father wouldn't
6 A � 1.� Listen to Chris's story of how he met Amy. allow it.
Number the sentences in the correct order.
a) Chris met Amy in Spain. 5 He started taekwondo lessons but he wanted to
b) Chris met Amy in London. get fit.
c) Chris went on holiday with his friends.
d) They got married and had a son. 6 They wanted to buy the house, so the bank didn't
e) They decided to stop writing to each other. give them the money.
f) They fell in love.

B Listen again and answer the questions. 7 I wanted to go to the concert, because I couldn't find
a ticket.
1 How old was Chris when he met Amy?

2 Where were they? 8 I didn't sleep very well, but I'm very tired today.

3 What did they promise to do after the holiday?

8 Join the sentences. Use and, so, but or because.
1 We decided to sell the car. We needed the money.
4 Why did they decide to stop writing to each other?
We decided to sell the car because we needed the
5 When did they meet again?
2 Jon met Ella in an online group. They got on really
6 How did they feel when they saw each other?

3 I didn't want to be late. I left home early.

7 What's their son's name?

4 Matt proposed to Fiona. She said no.

C Read audio script 1.2 on page 77 and find words
that match these meanings. 5 I like Clara. She can be a bit rude sometimes.
1 friends
2 lying in the sun 6 We got married two years ago. We had a baby a year
3 knew who somebody was when you saw them later.

4 very surprised 7 The film was terrible. They left early.

5 spending time with someone

8 I'm studying medicine. I want to be a doctor.

FUNCTION ·_;: ,,

1 A Find six verbs in the puzzle. 2 Complete the conversations with the words
and phrases in the box.
G 0 s s I p T do you work here see you did you
I'm sorry my friend isn't it was terrible
D F A s N R K would you good weekend

1 A: Hi, Helen. This is Joshua.

w E y L T s D B: Hi, Joshua. Pleased to meet you.
2 A: Did you have a ?
Q H R T E L L B: Yes, thanks. I didn't do much.
3 A: Nice day, ?
w B: Yes, it's lovely.
4 A: So, do you ?
B: No, I'm just visiting.
T T s A R I I 5 A: like a drink?
B: Thanks. I'd love a glass of water.
H A v E u 0 u 6 A: watch the film last
H L v G p s T B: Yes. It was brilliant.
7 A: Where exactly come
R K s u T I L
B: I'm from Bolton, near Manchester.
8 A: Sorry I'm late. I had some bad news
13 Complete the sentences with verbs from Exercise lA. at home.
Use one of the verbs twice. B: Oh, to hear that.
1 We often _____ interesting conversations in our 9 A: Did you watch the match last night?
English class. B: Yes, it
2 You shouldn't _____ so much about people at work. 10 A: I'll see you later.
It's not very nice. B: Yes, soon.
3 You look sad. Shall I you _____ a joke?
4 What did your mum when you got home late
last night? LEARN TO ::
5 So, Judy, _____ me about your new job. SOUND NATURAL
6 What did you about with your sister last night?
7 Why do you always
of a story? I hate that!
me when I'm in the middle 3 � 1.3 listen and mark the linked words.
1 Do�you like�it here?
2 Where are you going?
3 I come from Italy.
4 It's a beautiful day.
5 I'm afraid I can't remember.
6 Where did you buy it?
7 I'm sorry, but I don't understand.

4 � 1.4 Listen and write what you hear.

3 Complete the conversations with the present
WORK simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
1 Read the clues and complete the puzzle. What's 1 A: Why (you/smile)?
the mystery word? B: Ahmed just told me a very funny joke!
1 a business that makes or sells things or provides 2 A: How many people (you/know)
services here?
2 extra money a worker gets B: No one except you!
3 everyone who works in a company 3 A: Did you hear that noise next door?
4 a job you have to do B: Yes! What they/do)?
5 a person who manages the workers 4 A: What (you/drink)?
6 someone who works for a business B: Apple juice. But I don't want any more, thanks.
7 a place where many people work at desks 5 A: (he/be) an actor?
8 money you get regularly when you do a job B: No, that's his famous twin brother.
6 A: Which one is Sharon?
C O M P A N Y B: (she/wear) the blue dress.

4 A Complete the text with the present simple or

4 present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
' Here are some photos of my new friends. This is
Amei. She 1 (be) an artist, but at
the moment she 2 (work) as a teacher.
She 3 (not like) teaching very much!
And this is Bruce, her husband. This is Hernan. He's
from Santiago, Chile. He 4 (be) a
Mystery word:---------- maths teacher. but he 5 (do) his
Master's in education in the USA at the moment. In
the photo he 6 (smile) because he
passed an exam that day! This is Julio from
PRESENT SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS Colombia. He 7 (have) a job in an oil
company. In the picture he 8 (play) his
guitar - he's really good! The other picture is
2 Match the sentence halves.
Natasha from Trinidad. She graduated last year and
1 a) I'm doing my homework, she 9 (look) for a job. Her parents
b) I do my homework 10
(visit) her at the moment.
i) on the bus most days.
ii) so I can't come to the party with you. B Read the text again and label the people in the
2 a) I'm not enjoying this film - pictures.
b) I don't enjoy films -
i) can we watch the other DVD?
ii) I prefer reading.
3 a) I'm looking for
b) I look for
i) new artists. It's an interesting job.
ii) Maria. Have you seen her?
4 a) I'm standing
b) I stand
i) on the bridge every day and watch the boats.
ii) on the bridge. I can see you!
5 a) The train is arriving
b) The train arrives
i) late sometimes.
ii) in London now. See you in five minutes.
6 a) Are you using
b) Do you use
i) this pen? No? OK, I'll use it for amoment.
ii) a pen and paper or do you do everything on
the computer?
READING , ';�, - C Find words in the article that match
these meanings.
5 A Read the article and choose the best summary. 1 a place where you can go bowling
1 how one company keeps its workers happy (paragraph 1)
2 things that companies do to motivate their workers
3 working for the world's best companies 2 a room in a building that is below the
level of the ground (paragraph 1)

FUNATWt>RI< 3 other possibilities (paragraph 2)

4 clothes that everyone in a company or

Are they great ideas or just crazy? Here are some group wears (paragraph 2)
ways that companies keep their employees happy.
D sport can be a good way for busy workers to
relax. Wright, Newman & Fischer, a group of lawyers
5 important or famous people from the
past (paragraph 2)
based in London, has a small golf course in the office
The first part of the course is on the fifth floor. When 6 a visit to a place (paragraph 3)
your ball drops down the ninth hole, the course
continues on the fourth floor. An even more relaxing
sport is bowling. Maybe ·this is why a company called
Permatech has a complete bowling alley in the WRITING . 3:'.,
basement. The employees go bowling after work and AN EMAIL
really enjoy it.
What about alternatives to boring suits and 6A Underline the correct alternatives. Which
company uniforms? one company has 'fancy­ email is formal? Which is informal?
dress Fridays'. on the last Friday of every month,
each department chooses a theme and the workers
dress up accordingly. one department came as
Dear!Hi Mr Yevgeny,
famous actors, with the boss dressed as Brad Pitt. I am writing 2 aboutlfor the
Another department chose historical figures; there advertisement for a hotel cleaner
were three Julius Caesars and two Genghis Khans! that I saw in Jobs Monthly. I have
· And how about this idea from a company called attached my CV.
LineHut, in Paris: they hold moustache-growing
competitions for employees and customers! I look forward to 3
For men only, of course! from you.
Yours sincerely/Bye for now,
Some companies like to take their employees
Milly Clapton
out of the office. Finchley Management takes
its workers on a trip every year. The workers go to
the airport, but they don't know what country they
are flying to! Trips in the past have included Rio 5
Bye!Hi Dave,
de Janeiro, Bangkok and the Bahamas. In another
company, Wicked Shakes, the staff go on free skiing
6 /t's!There's about the party.
holidays. And if workers stay with the US-based you bring your laptop and some
Indulgence Swiss Chocolate Company for five years, MP3s?
they get a free trip to Switzerland to taste 7
See!Speak you soon.
the chocolate! 8
Yours sincerely/Cheers,
B Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Where exactly is the golf course at Wright, Newman & Fischer?
B Your company has decided to have
2 How can the employees at Permatech relax after work? 'fancy-dress Fridays'. Write a formal email
to your colleagues (50-100 words). Include
3 What are 'fancy-dress Fridays'? the information below.
1 Say what you are writing about.
4 What surprise do the employees of Finchley Management get 2 Explain what 'fancy-dress Fridays' are.
every year? 3 Invite ideas for fancy dress.

1 Who's talking? Match the jobs in the box with what 4A Underline the correct alternatives to complete the
the people say. quotes.
1 'People who work sitting down always/never get paid
metercycle courier sales rep fashion designer more than people who work standing up.'
foreign correspondent personal trainer
2 'The successful people are occasionally/usually the
IT consultant rescue worker
ones who listen more than they talk.'
1 'The biggest problem in my job is the number of 3 'Politicians always/never believe what they say, so
cars in the city.' motorcycle courier they are surprised when other people do.'
2 'I like my job because I travel the world and see 4 'Once in a while/Usually teachers will open a door, if
important events.' _______ ___ _ you're lucky, but you have to enter alone.'
3 'We believe in making clothes for normal 5 'Great artists like van Gogh rarely/sometimes live to
people, not only for beautiful models.' see their success.'
6 'Doctors are the same as lawyers. The only difference
4 'In my job, you need to love computers and is that lawyers rob you, but doctors rob you and kill
technology.' __________ _ you occasionally/usually.'
5 'In my team, we save about ten lives a year.' 7 'Find something you love doing and you'll
sometimes/never have to work a day in your life.'
6 'My job is easier when I like the product that I'm 8 'The only place where success hardly ever/always
trying to sell.' ___________ comes before work is in the dictionary.'
7 'I like helping people to get stronger and fitter.'
B [H 2.2 Listen and check.

2 A Look at the jobs in Exercise 1 again. How many 5 A What do these people think about accidents? Read
syllables does each job have? Write the job next to the quotes and complete the sentences with the
the number of syllables. words in the box and happen.
7 syllables: motorcycle courier
6 syllables: _____
I A-a-fC!-1-y-evef never rarely often
5 syllables: __________ ____ _ 1 'My job is really safe. In twenty years, I've only heard
4 syllables: ____ _ of one accident.' (estate agent)
2 syllables: ____ _ Accidents hardly ever happen
2 'Bad accidents happen once every two or three
B Underline the stressed syllables in the words in years.' (plumber)
Exercise 2A. Accidents-----------
3 'It's a very dangerous job. A lot of people die.'
C � 2.1 Listen and check. (fisherman)
Accidents __________ _
3 Complete the job advertisements with the words in
4 'We have a completely safe job. The only danger is
the box.

to your eyes from reading too much!' (university
j team holidays salary El-ea! with pressure risk lecturer)
Accidents ___________
- IT CONSULTANT - B What do these people think about accidents? Read
needed for six-month contract in Abu Dhabi. You will need the quotes and complete the sentences with the
to 1 deal with IT problems in the head office at
words in the box and happen.
Magran James Manufacturers. You must be good at working
in a 2 and working under 3_____ I once in a while occasionally always
Benefits: very good 4 ($240,000, tax-free)
and excellent corJditions. House provided. 1 'In ten years I've heard about one or two accidents
when animals have attacked.' (vet)
If you want a job with long 5 . come and speak Accidents-----------
to Safari Travel Inc. We are looking for qualified safari 2 'Danger is part of the job. When you work with guns,
guides. You don't need to 6 your life fighting accidents happen every day.' (soldier)
lions and crocodiles. but you must know about outdoor living Accidents-----------
and be good at dealing 7 customers. 3 'Three or four times a year there are serious
Call the number below for more information. accidents.' (electrician)
0802 276 6671 Accidents ___________
LISTENING ' -..;;)-
6A Label the picture with the words in the box.
I� safari guide tourists male elephant pool

1 tour bus

B � 2.3 Listen to two people talking about what happened in O Circle the correct meaning for the
the picture. Answer the questions. phrases in bold.
1 Who is speaking in each story? 1 They cou Id get off the bus.
a) stay on the bus
2 Why was it a frightening experience? b) leave the bus
2 The elephant charged at us.
3 What happened in the end? Was anyone injured? a) ran at us very fast
b) looked at us and made a loud noise
3 The tourists were screaming.
C Read the sentences. Are they from Story 1 or Story 2?
a) making a loud noise because they were
Listen again to check.
1 I had a bus full of tourists. There were fifteen b) getting angry
of them. Story 1
4 I started driving as fast as possible.
2 There were twenty of us tourists. Story 2
a) not very quickly
3 It was a beautiful, clear evening and about
b) very quickly
seven o'clock we saw some elephants.
4 One evening, at about six o'clock, we went for E Read audio script 2.3 on page 77 and
a drive in the tour bus. check your answers.
5 I told the tourists to walk very slowly back to
the bu�.
6 [He] told us to run back to the bus as fast as

1 A Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 3 Match sentences 1-8 with types of work A-H.
1 I deal with the money that goes in and out
don't on absolutely can't
of the company. A
very love mind keen
2 I prepare fresh sandwiches for our customers.
" 3 I design clothes.
1 I'm very _____c!OITT cooking and•I· 4 I teach teenagers maths and science.
_____ love great food. 5 I organise advertising for the company's
products and speak to customers.
2 I _____ riding my m·otorbike. 6 I show people all the best places to visit
----- st�nd sitting in an office all day. and things to do in my city.
7 I act in films and in the theatre.
3 I'm quite keen technology 8 I work in a shop, selling products to
and I don't dealing with,.other our customers.
people's computer problems. '· "
A works in accounts B works in retail J

4 I'm keen on worrking C works in education D works in sales and marketing j

with money and I like i
people wasting it on stupid things. E works in the fashion industry I
F works in the entertainment industry J
B � 2.4 Listen and check.
G works in the tourist indus!2'.._J
C Match jobs a)-d) with sentences 1-4 in Exercise lA. H works in the food industry
a) accountant
b) chef
c) IT consultant LEARN TO 'fi
d) motorcycle courier RESPOND AND ASK MORE QUESTIONS
2A Put the words in the correct order to make 4A Complete the words in the conversations.
Conversation 1
1 like I team I you I a I do I in I working?
A: On Saturday I went to a conference about the
Z-phone, this amazing new technology.
2 working I can't I pressure I I I stand I under B: 1 R_ _ lly? I read about that last week. It 2 s__nds
3 my I not I I'm I very I on I boss I keen A: Well, everybody's talking about it.
B: 3 _nd wh_t _b_ _t the cost?
4 colleagues I don't I my I like I I A: Oh, I don't know. I had to leave before they
discussed that.
5 dealing I don't I customers I I I mind I with Conversation 2
A: Today I was offered a job as a babysitter.
6 keen I sport I you I on I are? B: "Th_t's gr_ _t!
A: Not really. They only offered me five pounds an hour.
B: Oh, I 5s_ _. So did you accept the job?
B Match responses a)-f) with sentences 1-6 in
A: No. I'm going to look for something better.
Exercise 2A.
B: 6 R_ ght. What did you tell them?
a) Why? What's wrong with her?
A: I said, 'Dad, I know the baby is my sister, but I want a
b) I'm not surprised. They don't seem
better salary!'
very friendly.
c) That's good because it's important B � 2.5 Listen and check.
for a sales assistant.
d) I love it, especially football. C � 2.6 Listen and repeat B's responses. Notice the
e) Why? Do you get stressed? intonation. Copy the intonation to sound interested.
f) Yes, I do. Actually, I hate working alone.
B Match answers a)-j) with questions 1-10 in
Exercise 2A.
a) Nobody. I'm just going to eat some
salad and fruit. 2
1 Complete the sentences with verbs.
b) Six o'clock. We're going out for a meal.
1 I'm going to see a music band tonight. My
c) Yes, we're getting married in the summer. __
sister says they're really good.
d) I'm going to read as much as possible
2 I usually the bus to work because
in English.
it's easy and it's cheap.
e) Next Tuesday- in the morning.
3 We like to to a museum at the
f) No. I'm going to Greece next summer,
weekend. You can learn new things and it's better
but I'm not going anywhere this year.
than watching television.
g) Yes, I'm playing tennis with Jim on Friday.
4 Did you the photographic
exhibition in the Sainsbury Centre? It was h) Some friends are coming to stay, so
brilliant. we're taking them up to the mountains.
5 I'm really hungry. Can we stop and _____ i) No, I'm going out for dinner.
a snack from this cafe? j) Yes, do you want to come?
6 We're going to a drink in the cafe
later. Do you want to meet us there?
3 Complete the conversations with the phrases in
the box.
7 I really want to performing. I haven't
been for ages! are you coming going to look for are you going
8 Why don't we sightseeing? We can 'm speaking are you doing 're going
spend the whole day walking around the city. are meeting 'm staying
9 Where do you want to dinner?
There's a nice restaurant around the corner. 1 A: Hi, Boris. What _____ later?
B: Nothing much. I _____ at home
2 A: What are your plans for the summer?
B: I'm a job.
FOR FUTURE 3 A: Have you seen Anita?
B: No, but I to her later.
2A Put the words in the correct order to make 4 A: When does your brother arrive?
questions. B: My parents him at the station
1 going I holiday I are I you I away I year I this I on? at 6.30p.m.
5 A: to the party on Saturday?
2 is I dinner I evening I who I your I cooking I B: I'm not sure. I haven't been invited.
this? 6 A: Where for your holiday?
B: We cycling in the Netherlands.
3 are I going I to I dentist I when I the I you?

4 weekend I are I this I doing I you I what?

5 play I are I sport I you I to I this I any I going I


6 you I marry I are I to I going I Roberto?

7 what I meeting I you I time I your I are I sister?

8 are I to I English I do I your I what I improve/

going I you I to?

9 you I a I the I are I party I at I weekend I


10 gym I work I are I to/ the I you I after I going?

·--------- ---
Start by spending some time in Central city are from the 'Top of the Rock' -the top
Park. With over 25,000 trees and lots floor of the GE (General Electric) building,

TO DO IN ... of different types of birds, it's easy to

forget you're in a big city. Relax and
a skyscraper in the middle of the city. At
260 metres high, it's the fourteenth tallest

NEW YORK enjoy the fresh air or go for a tour in a

horse and carriage. In summer you can
building in New York, and from the top
you can have a fantastic view of the city.
There are so many things to see go out on the lake in a boat or kayak, Many people visit the famous Statue of
and do in New York, sometimes and in winter you can go ice-skating' Liberty by ferry, but also on the way is
it's difficult to know where to start. After all that activity you'll be hungry, the Immigration Museum on Ellis Island.
In this week's guide, we look at so have lunch at the famous Tavern on This was the place where people first
three things you can't miss when the Green. Great concerts take place in arrived from 1892 to 1954, many after
you visit the city. Central Park, too. Every year the New a long and difficult journey from other
York Philharmonic Orchestra gives a free countries. Most of the island is closed
open-air concert and there's also the New to the general public, but you can visit
York Shakespeare Festival at the theatre the museum and find out about the
in the park. many people who arrived here. You can
They say that Paris has the Eiffel Tower, also go on a tour with a guide to visit
London has the London Eye and New some of the old, unused buildings on
York has the Empire State Building. But the island. A very interesting day out
for everyone.

WRITING . . <·I·

4A Read the article and complete the
sentences with a name or a number.
5 Find and correct eight grammatical mistakes in the messages.
1 There are more than trees
in Central Park.
2 The famous restaurant in Central Park is Hi Mike, Dan,
called the _____ I'm playing I'm sorry, but I busy
3 Every year, the New York _____ +-play football later with a tonight. I take Leila out
few of the boys from work. for a meal. Wish me luck!
Festival has plays in the park.
Would you like to coming? Thanks anyway.
4 The top floor of the GE building is called
the' _____ Dan Mike

S On Ellis island you can visit the

_____ Museum.
Hi guys, Hi Emma,
6 People from other countries started
arriving on Ellis Island in _____ A few of us is going out for a curry on I love to. See
Friday night. Do you want come with us? you there.
B Read the article again and answer the We're meet at the Indian Tree at 8p.m.
questions. Emma

1 Why is it'easy to forget you're in a big city'

when you visit Central Park?
6 A Complete the invitations using the prompts.
2 What can you do in Central Park in winter?
(I I have I party) at my (Julie I get I tickets I for I th eatre)
3 What is the GE building? house on $aturday. next Wednesday.

4 How do you get to Ellis Island and the Statue (you I wa,:it I come)? (we go I see I Shakespeare's Hamle�.
of Liberty? 3
(we I go I have I music) and
plenty of food. Bring your (would I like I come)? The tickets
5 What else, apart from the museum, can are £17.50.
friends too. Just let me know.
you visit on Ellis island?
Kristoph Becca

B Write your own answers to the emails in Exercise 6A, explaining

why you would like to/can't come. Write 50-100 words.
2 A Look at the picture. What do you think the other
man says?
1 A Match 1-8 with a)-h) to make compound nouns.
Then write them in the spaces below. Which
compound nouns are two words? Which are one word?
WkC1t do yov tkiV\k, Terry?
1 night a) field
2 shopping b) front

3 water c) hall
4 nature d).club
5 concert e) trail
6 street f) side
7 sports g) market
8 country h) mall
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 �������� 8

B Match the photos with words from Exercise lA. B �· 3.l Listen to the conversation. Are the
sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Terry doesn't like the painting.
2 The painting is black and white.
3 David thinks you don't always have to
understand art.
4 The painting was expensive.
5 Terry thinks he can paint it in five days.
6 Mary will be back in five minutes.

C Listen again. What are the answers to Terry's

1 How much did the painting cost?

2 Has Mary seen the painting?

3 Does Mary like modern art?

D Read audio script 3.1 on page 78 and find words

that match these meanings.
1 very bad

2 everywhere (2 words)

3 an idea in a film, painting, etc. that someone is

trying to tell people about

4 a person who paints pictures

5 not here

6 something you don't expect

4 Write questions for the underlined answers. Start
with who, what, whose or how many.
1 Larry Page and Sergey Brin started Google in the
3 A Complete the questions with the phrases in late 1990s.
the box. Who started Google in the late 1990s?
2 Dr James Naismith invented basketball in 1891.
I Who invented Who earned How many Who uses French Which city Who spends I
/ at country Which painting Which Caribbean
3 Canadians spend over forty hours a month online.
1 ___________ makes the most films
every year?
2 the World Wide Web?
3 by van Gogh cost more: 4 Charles Miller brought football to Brazil from
Sunflowers or Portrait of Dr Gachet? England in the nineteenth century.
4 country invented the
modern version of the dance called salsa?
5 ___________ museum appears in the 5 Jerry Seinfeld's sitcom is one of the most successful
novel The Do Vinci Code?
TV shows of all time.
6 more time outdoors:
people in New Zealand or people in Canada?
7 people visit the Eiffel
Tower every year? 6 lepe Rubingh first developed the sport of chess
8 ___________ the internet more: boxing in the 1990s.
Canadians or Americans?
9 $1 million for each
episode of The Big Bang Theory in 2014?
7 Germany won the World Cup in 2014.
10 has the most famous
carnival every year?

B Match answers a)-j) with questions 1-10 in

8 The Carcross Desert in Canada is the smallest desert
Exercise 3A.
in the world.
a) the Louvre
b) Canadians

9 Elvis Presley's daughter is called Lisa Marie.

c) Portrait of Dr Gachet
d) Cuba
e) nearly seven million
f) Jim Parsons, for his role as Sheldon Cooper
g) Tim Berners-Lee 10 Nearly seven million people visit the British Museum
h) people in New Zealand every year.
i) India
j) Rio de Janeiro
VOCABULARY , ''.}· 4 Number the sentences in the correct order to make a
COLLOCATIONS phone conversation.
a) Yes. I'm going to be twenty minutes late.
1A Find seven verbs in the puzzle. b) Thank you very much. See you soon.
c) One moment. Who's calling please?
\A R R A N G E' v d) Hello. Can I speak to Kim?
e) Thanks for calling. Bye.
c A N c E L M 0
f) Good morning. Craven Beauty Parlour.
H B y H A v E D Beverley speaking.
A 0 E E I G p I g) No problem. I'll tell her.
N 0 s c L F N T h) It's Liz Holder here.
i) Hi, Liz. Oh, I'm afraid Kim's at lunch.
G K T K p E L A Is it about today's appointment?
E R 0 0 c T K L j) Bye. 10
B There is a verb missing in each sentence. Complete
the sentences with verbs from Exercise lA. MANAGE PHONE PROBLEMS
1 Did you J to meet friends? If you didn't, we can meet 5 Put the words in the correct order to complete the
later. questions.
2 She called me because she wanted to a chat. 1 A: Hi, I'm waiting for a delivery of fifteen chocolate
3 Please a table for us at the Blue Fin Restaurant tonight. rabbits. Have you sent them yet?
4 There's been a problem and I can't attend, so I'm B: One moment. ?
calling to my reservation. (name, I the I please I what's)
S Don't forget to the train times before you leave for 2 A: Hello, this is Hillary Kenton, calling from Newark.
the station. B: Sorry, . (catch I that I
6 I'd like to come to the 4.30 performance, not the 6.30 didn't I I) Did you say Hillary Clinton from New York?
one, and I'm calling to my ticket. 3 A: Hello, my name is Aloysius Venoziak Menkovsky.
7 The manager of Triad Books is on the phone. He B: ? (repeat I you I can I that)
wants to business.
4 A: Hi, um ... I'm ... um ... waiting for a ... er ... a

package from Dublin.
(speak I you I up, I can I please)
MAKING A PHONE CALL S A: Hello. I'd like to order two Pentium Bidmark 6.40
large photocopiers, three Ribdale Energy Star fax
2 Match the sentence halves. machines, five Rubicon Jump Drives, and ...
1 Who's---- a) calling. B: Sorry, ?
2 Hello, this b) to call you back. (down, I slow I you I can I please)
3 Can I speak c) leave a message?
4 Can I d) is John.
s I'm afraid she's e) calling?
6 I'll ask her
7 Thanks for
not here at the moment.
to Alexandra, please?
6 � 3.2 Listen to three phone conversations and
complete the notes.
3 Find and correct four mistakes in the conversation. l Pavli11 e ca Iii 119. No----- f or tJ,,e
A: Hello. I'm Jim. Is Trudy there? co11cert_Call back to11i9M _____
B: I'm afraid but she's not here at the moment.
A: Oh really? Can I leave the message?
B: Of course. 2 Elire called. M eet attJ,, e
A: Can you tell her that we need to discuss
the party on Friday?
B: Yes, I will. I'll ask her for calling you back.
A: Thanks a lot. � Rov11dJ..ovse Bar:_ and �.rill
B: You're welcome. Bye. doesn't take _____
Com e b efore•. _____
A: Bye.

1A Complete the questions with a question word or an 3 Complete the article with the past simple form of the
auxiliary verb. verbs in brackets.
1 When does the film start?
2 often do you see your grandmother? ANGRY MOTHER PUNISHES SIXTY-ONE­
3 are my keys? I can't find them. YEAR-OLD SON
4 you enjoy watching films? An angry mother 1 (take) the house keys and
S you know Sabina? She's my best friend. money <Jway
• from her sixty-one-year-old son because he
6 do you usually go on holiday?
2 (stay) out late at night and 3-----
7 _____ many hours do you work? (not tell) her where he planned to go when he 4_____
(go ot1t). The mother, who is eighty-one years old, even went
8 _____ time did you get here? I'm sorry I'm late.
, to the ·police in Caltagione, Italy, the town where she lives. She
B Match answers a)-h) with questions 1-8 in (ask) the police to tell her son that he should
Exercise lA. "grow up' and behave in a better way towards his mother.
a) About five minutes ago. Don't worry, The son 6 (complain) that it was his mother
it's no problem. who 7 (be) the problem. 'It's not my fault,' he
b) No, I don't. Hi, Sabina. --�-- (tell) reporters. 'She always treats me badly.
And her cooking is really awful 1'
c) Once or twice a year.
d) We usually go to Spain. My aunt has a A policeman 9 (talk) to the mother and the
house there. son, and they finally 10 (decide) to go home
e) Here they are. They were on the television! together.
f) Yes, I do. But I don't like horror films.
g) Usually about thirty-five hours a week.
h) In half an hour.
4A Complete the words in the conversations.
VOCABULARY PHRASES WITH GET. GO, HAVE. 1 A: Hello. My name's Felipe. It's n_!_cg_ to meet you.
SPEND B: Hi, I'm Magda. Nice to meet you, t__.
2 A: Nice day, i__'t it?
2 A Write the words in the box in the correct column. B: Yes, it's l_v_ly.
jmarried children money on clothes a barbecue 3 A: S_, where exactly do you c_m_from?
B: Zaragoza. It's a small c_ty in Northern Spain.
I time off work the bus time with family on well
on holiday to the cinema sightseeing 4 A: Did you have a g__d w__k__d?
B: Yes, it was OK. I didn't d m ch.
get go have spend S A: So, w___d you l_k_a dr__k?
married B: Yes, I'd l_v_ a glass of w_t_r.
6 A: I'll s__ you l_t_r.
B: s __ you s__n.

B � Rl.1 Listen and check.

B Which phrases from Exercise 2A would you use for
situations 1-7?
1 You meet someone you like and want to spend your
life together. get married
2 You travel home on public transport.
5 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
don't like
1 I not liking fish.
3 You visit your mother every day.
2 I stay with some friends for a few days so I can look
for somewhere to live.
4 You do this to watch a film.
3 I'm not knowing what time the lesson starts.
4 They spend time with their family in Germany at the
S You eat in the garden and the food is cooked over moment.
a fire. ----------
S We're usually going out for a pizza about once a week.
6 You have a good relationship with someone.
6 I'm not understanding where Ian is. He never arrives
7 You visit the places tourists see in a city. 7 Do you watch this programme. or can I watch the
football on the other channel?

6 The words in bold are in the wrong place in the 9 Complete the words in the sentences.
sentences. Correct the sentences. 1 Pete gets a good s_l_ry, but he doesn't like his
1 We �ere. It's the best cafe in the area. b SS.
2 Hardly ever I see her because she works for a 2 I love going s_ghts_ _ _ng when I'm on holiday.
different company. 3 We w_rk under a lot of pr _ss_re in the busy months.
3 My occasionally parents help us when we're busy. 4 There were some wonderful photographs in the
4 I get up at usually about 6.30a.m. exh_b_t_ _n.
5 Sal's very upset - she wants to see him never again. 5 The best thing about the job is that I g_t very l_ng
6 We go to once in a while Scotland. h_l_d_ys.
7 Rarely I have the chance to spend time with my sister. 6 We bought this painting from that new _rt
8 I take the children every day to school. g_ll_r _ in West Street.
7 I love their music and I really wanted to go to their
c_nc_rt, but I didn't have enough money for the
8 I enjoy my job because I can always find an
7 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same interesting t_sk to do.
meaning as the first sentence. Use the words in brackets.
1 I don't enjoy getting up early. (not very keen)
I 'm not very keen on getting up early.
2 I like pop music very much. (absolutely)
I pop music.
10 A The auxiliary verb is missing in eight of the
3 I hate sales reps who try to sell me products on the questions. Add the missing auxiliary where necessary.
telephone (stand) is
I sales reps who try to 1 Who j.your teacher?
sell me products on the telephone.
4 Marjorie isn't very keen on doing housework. (like) 2 Where you come from?
Marjorie doing 3 Who forgot to bring the keys?
5 I'm quite happy to do physical jobs. (mind) 4 Why David leave his job?
I doing physical jobs. 5 How often you play football?
6 John really doesn't like eating spicy food. (hate)
6 How much it cost to fly to Russia?
John eating spicy food.
7 I'm happy working in a team. (like) 7 Which class won the competition?
I in a team.
8 Who wrote The Jungle Book?
8 I enjoy walking in the countryside. (keen)
I walking in the 9 When you last go to a concert?
10 Whose bag is that?
11 Why you learning English?
TO FOR FUTURE 12 Where you buy that coat?

8 Underline the correct alternatives. B Match answers a)-1) with questions 1-12 in
Exercise lOA.
1 I'm going/I going to go shopping later. Do you want to
come? a) Our class did. We won the competition!
2 My sister is/is going to having a party on Friday, but I b) About €300.
don't know what to wear. c) It's mine. Sorry, I left it there.
3 He starting/'s going to start karate lessons in January. d) I come from Argentina.
4 So, are you/are you going to staying with your e) I want to study in the USA.
parents for the weekend? f) Zavier. He always forgets things.
5 I'm not coming/going to coming to the lesson this g) I play once or twice a week.
evening. h) He didn't like his boss.
6 We're/We're going to flying to Italy on 19 December. i) Two months ago. I saw a really good jazz trio. __
j) Rudyard Kipling.
k) I bought it in Toronto last year.
l) Her name's Mrs Taylor.
Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 16 I can't computer games. I really hate
1 What the time? them.
a) be b) 's c) are a) hate b) stand c) keen
2 When start work? 17 It's important to good relationships
a) do you b) are you c) you do with the other employees.
3 They married in 2013. a) get b) make c) have
a) get b) are getting c) got 18 I look forward to from you.
4 I €100 on these boots and they're a) hearing b) heard c) hear
broken. 19 It's a dangerous job: you your life
a) spend b) spent c) paid every day.
5 Why you sad? Is there a problem? a) work b) deal with c) risk
a) do b) is c) are 20 We a lot of different problems.
6 We _____ in love the first time we saw each a) work b) deal with c) risk
other. 21 I'm not very keen _____ violent films.
a) fell b) felt c) fall a) of b) about c) on
7 When _____ to the UK? 22 Eve to Australia next month.
a) moved you b) did you move c) did you moved a) is going b) went c) go
8 She and walked away. 23 I dinner tonight. I'm just going to
a) smile b) smiled c) smiles have a snack.
9 When I _____ college, I started looking for a) don't have b) 'm not having c) don't having
a job. 24 to come out on Saturday night?
a) leave b) am leaving c) left a) Do you like b) Would you like c) Are you liking
10 Did you _____ a good weekend? 25 I'm afraid Ella isn't here at the moment. Can I
a) have b) get c) like _____ a message?
11 Where do you come from? a) make b) give c) take
a) absolutely b) really c) exactly 26 I bought these souvenirs at a market
in Greece.
12 I usually to Helen when I have a
problem. a) street b) shopping c) nature
a) am talking b) talk c) talked 27 We can't go to the restaurant, so we'll have to
_____ our reservation.
13 We like to keep our prices low. This makes our
_____ happy. a) arrange b) book c) cancel
a) customers b) employee c) staff 28 Hello. Petra . Can I help you?
14 I'm looking for a job with a higher ----- a) is speaking b) speaking c) I'm speaking
a) boss b) salary c) task 29 Hi, Mike. Pleased you. I'm Nia.
15 At the moment I a book about a a) of meeting b) I met c) to meet
young boy in Afghanistan. 30 What are your plans for the weekend?
a) 'm reading b) read c) going to read _____ anything nice?
a) Are you doing b) Did you do c) Do you do

•;•I 130
3 Circle the correct sentence in each pair.
MAKE AND DO 1 a) I've first played the guitar when I was a
1A Complete the phrases with make or do. b) I first played the guitar when I was a teenager.
1 __ _ a speech 2 a) When you worked in Hollywood, have you
ever met anyone famous?
2 __ well/badly
b) When you worked in Hollywood, did you ever
3 ___ a project
meet anyone famous?
4 __ a phone call
3 a) Have you ever eaten sushi? Try some!
5 business
b) Did you ever eat sushi? Try some!
6 a decision
4 a) Last night I read until Za.m.
7 ___ my homework
b) Last night I've read until Za.m.
8 a meal
5 a) Did you ever see the film No Country for Old
B Write answers beginning with I made or I did. Men? I have the DVD.
Use the words in brackets. b) Have you ever seen the film No Country for Old
1 How did you lose weight? (decision) Men? I have the DVD.
I made a decision co start eating healthily. 6 a) In 1989 the government did something that
changed the world.
2 How did you contact her? (phone)
b) In 1989 the government has done something
that changed the world.
3 How do you know Ben Garmin? (business)
7 a) She has never been to the theatre.
b) She has ever been to the theatre.
4 I heard the restaurant was closed, so what did
8 a) I've ever worked in retail in my life.
you do? (meal)
b) I've never worked in retail in my life.
5 What type of work did you do at school today? 4 Underline the correct alternatives.
Hi Janine,
6 What did you do in the library after school?
I was/'ve been here for a week now and already

I 2made/'ve made lots of friends. I share a room
7 How did the Public Speaking conference finish?
with a man called Don. Yesterday he asked me,
3 'Did you ever spend/ Have you ever spent time in
a place like this?' I told him, 'I 4 went/have been
8 How was the singing competition? (well) camping when I was ten.' He 5/aughed/has
laughed! He 6spent/has spent half his life here!
There are lots of things to do: there's a gym, a
cinema, a library and a few cafes. I 7 didn't have/
GRAMMAR: ·.:i haven't had time to go any cafes yet, but this
PRESENT PERFECT + EVER/NEVER afternoon we 8watched/have watched a film in the
2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect
form of the verbs in brackets. The only bad thing is the food. I 9didn 't ever
1 I 've never been (never I be) on TV. eat/'ve never eaten such terrible food before in my
2 __________ _ (you I ever I sing) to whole life!
an audience? Best wishes,
3 Sheena and Rick Bob
(never I travel) by train.
4 My granddad
(never I use) a computer.
5 __________ (she I ever I make)
a speech?
6 __________ (you I ever/ lie) to
your best friend?
8 Lisa _____ _____ (never I eat)
7 ---------- (you I ever I win)
a competition?
Gordon Ramsay Winston Churchill Woody Allen

1 When Wallace Stevens walked into his office every morning, 3 A number of politicians first made their name in other
his colleagues didn't know about his secret: Stevens lived jobs. Most people know that Arnold Schwarzenegger had
a double life. By day he worked for an insurance company. a very successful acting career before becoming Governor
The rest of his life was spent becoming one of the greatest of California. Winston Churchill, prime minister of Great
American poets of the twentieth century. Britain, also had another talent: he wrote great history books.
Churchill's books won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in
2 Secret talent is more common than we think, even with 1953. Vaclav Havel, who was the first president of the Czech
people who are already famous in one area. Take Luciano Republic, was also a great writer.
Pavarotti, who was one of the world's greatest classical
singers. Not many people know that before he became a 4 There are also musicians and actors who have secret talents.
singer, he was an outstanding football player. The same is Paul McCartney and David Bowie are both painters, Paul
true of TV chef Gordon Ramsay, who is now well-known for Newman was a racing car driver and actor Colin Farrell is
his brilliant cooking and his bad language. Ramsay played a professional line performer. And only those who go to a little
professional football for Glasgow Rangers, one of Scotland's hotel cafe in New York City every Monday would know that
best teams. one of the best clarinet players in town is actor and film
directorWoody Allen. He certainly plays the clarinet better
than Bill Clinton plays the saxophone!

5 A Do you recognise any of the people in the photos?
Why are they famous? What else are/were they good
at? Read the article to find out.
6 Find and correct nine mistakes in the text: three
grammar (gr}, three spelling (sp) and three
punctuation (p).
B Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)?
1 The people in the text are famous for
one thing, but also good at another thing. THE GREATEST
2 Wallace Stevens' colleagues didn't know
he was a poet.
3 Gordon Ramsay was a chef before he
became a famous footballer. belong (gr)
4 Churchill and Havel were both actors Most of fiction's great minds EleleA§S A either to
and politicians.
criminals or to the men and women who catch
5 Woody Allen plays the clarinet and
the saxophone. them. A greatest of these is probably Sherlock

C Circle the correct meaning for the words and Holmes. The Holmes stories were written by Sir
phrases from the text.
Arthur Conan Doyle a docter from edinburgh,
1 lived a double life (paragraph 1)
a) had two very different lifestyles Scotland. Conan Doyle knew a lot about the
b) had a difficult life
human body and pollice work, and he has used
2 the same is true of (paragraph 2)
a) this situation is very different from this information in his books. Very quickly, Conan
b) this situation is very similar to
Doyle's hero beccame popular. When Holmes
3 bad language (paragraph 2)
a) speaking badly about another person was killed in one story, thousands of readers
b) saying bad words
protested. Conan Doyle changed his mind, and
4 made their name (paragraph 3)
a) became famous Holmes appeared in another story
b) learnt to do something

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. 2 Read the advertisements and complete the conversations with
. can, can't, have to or don't have to.
Always wanted to play the drums? Or the guitar? Want to try the piano?
Come and join us for fun music lessons. Try any instrument you want,
and we'll help you learn to play. No previous experience necessary.
We supply the instruments, so you don't need to bring your own.
Children and adults welcome.

Conversation 1
Susan: Hi. I'd like to come to the beginners' music class.
Do I 1 have to be able to play an instrument?
Teacher: No, you 2 play an instrument. You
_____ choose your instrument here, and we'll
help you to learn.
Susan: I come to a lesson first to see if I like it?
Teacher: Well, I'm afraid you 5 come to the lessons
unless you sign up for the whole course.
Susan: OK. 6 I bring children?
1 One of the best things about going to
university is that you make a lot Teacher: Yes, you 7 • Children love it.

of new friends. Susan: Do I 8 bring my own instrument?

4 On Friday, we have to do a _____ Teacher: No, we have instruments here you 9 use.
so I need to learn the vocabulary.
7 I'd love to play the , but our
flat is too small to have one - so I play the Join our Arabic language and culture course
guitar instead! Full price: £180 Reduced rates for students: £130
8 At my school we play a lot of Just come along to the first class. No need to register first, just bring
_____. It keeps us fit. an enrolment fom, with you. Pay after the class if you wish to enrol.
10 I don't study very often
because I don't have internet access at
home. Conversation 2
11 I have to _____ an exam at the Student: I'm a student. How much do I 1_____ pay?
end of the year.
Secretary: It's a reduced rate, so you only 2 pay £130.
Down Student: Do I 3 register first?
1 I don't like speaking French because I Secretary: No, you 4 to register. You 5_____
make a lot of _____ come along to the first class. If you like the class, you
2 At the end of the year all the students 6 complete the form at the end of the
give a _____ lesson.
3 When you art, you learn Student: I pay by cheque?
about painters like Picasso and Salvador Secretary: Yes, you 8_____ pay by card or cheque on the
Dalf. night.
5 I'd like to study foreign like
Russian and Spanish. 3 A � 4.1 Listen and complete the sentences.
6 At school we didn't have to wear a 1 How much pay?
_____. We wore our own clothes. 2 park here?
9 Every week we games like 3 _____ visit her before we leave.
tennis or netball. 4 _____ stay in this hotel.
5 _____ wear that!
6 _____ tell anyone.

B Practise saying the sentences.

." - 0
4A Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined LISTENING ·:
words with phrases with can/can't.
1 You are not allowed to have your mobile phone 6 A Ct],· 4.2 Listen to the first part of an interview
switched on. about different types of learner. Match the pictures
2 You have to register before it's possible to use the with the types of learner.
3 I'm afraid it isn't possible for her to speak to you at II
the moment.
4 It's OK to use my computer if you want to.

B Rewrite the sentences. Replace the underlined

words with phrases with have to/don't have to or
must/mustn't. There may be more than one possible
1 It's necessary to be good at foreign languages if you
want to learn Mandarin.
2 It's important to be there on time or they won't let
us in.

3 It isn't necessary for us to have a licence to fish here.
4 It's important that you don't tell him I'm here.

5 Look at the exam rules and complete the conversation

with can/can't, have to/don't have to or must/mustn't.
There may be more than one possible answer.

mobile phones )(
1 Picture : holist - learns lots of information
talk to other students )( about a topic, but in no particular order
arrive on time ,/ 2 Picture ___ : serialist - learns things in sequence
from the bottom up
eat/drink in the examination room )( :(but water OK)
B �· 4.3 Listen to the second part of the interview.
have a dictionary ,/ Are the sentences about serialists (S) or holists (H)?
1 This learner likes to
Teacher: Are there any questions? understand detail.
Can we bring our mobile 2 This learner reads instructions
Dan: Yes. 1
phones into the room? before using a new piece
of equipment.
Teacher: No, you 2 . You -----

turn them off and leave them outside in 3 This learner might read a chapter
your bag. from the middle of a book first.
Julie: Is it OK to eat during the exam? 4 This learner makes a careful plan
before writing.
Teacher: No. You 4 have a bottle of
water, but you 5 have anything 5 This learner reads around the
else to eat or drink. topic and makes lots of notes
before writing.
Marco: Do we 6 leave our dictionaries
in our bags? C Circle the correct option to complete the
Teacher: No, you 7 bring dictionaries statements.
into the examination.
1 Students
Dan: What happens if we arrive late?
a) are always either serialists or holists.
Teacher: You 8_____ arrive on time or you
b) often use both serialist and holist approaches.
_____ come into the examination
room. 2 Serialists like to learn things
Julie: 10
we talk to other students? a) in the correct order.
b) in any order.
Teacher: No. You 11 talk at all during
the examination. Now, does everybody 3 A holist likes to have an idea of the 'big picture' and
understand? Is everything clear? a) doesn't worry about detail.
b) thinks that the detail is very important.
3 Read the problems and complete the advice using the
words in brackets.

1 Complete the words in the sentences.

1 I find remembering new words very difficult, so I
try to m____ise five to ten words a day. I write
each word in a sentence and then say the sentence
again and again in my head. ------ (think I should) sit down and
2 If I don't understand the meaning of a word, 11__k work out what is making you feel unhappy.
it u_ in a dictionary.
"� 2
3 Sometimes I rer d an article for a second time, (why not) write a list of the
looking for new words and phrases. things that you are happy about in your life, and
a list of the things that are not right?
4 I like to ch__ on the internet. I speak to other
learners from all over the world.
______ (try I talk) about your problems
5 I like watching films in English, especially ones with
with your friend. Does he understand?
6 It's a good idea to g_on____ to read websites
in English .
7 I always n___ d___ any new words or phrases
in my vocabulary notebook, then look back at them
later and try to use them.
______ (not think I good idea) leave the
university. If you've studied hard, you probably
FUNCTION ,.·f;r_ have nothing to worry about.
------ (why I you I try) talking to your

2 Read the questions asking for advice. Put the words

university professor? He/She can probably
in the correct order to complete the answers.

______ (think I should) try some

I'm thinking about changing my hairstyle. Any ideas?
relaxation techniques to help you with the
exam stress.
_______________ (think I
don't I you I I I should) change it. It looks great.

-------------- (try I why I LEARN TO 'J�f

you I don't) red and black stripes? It's cool. RESPOND TO ADVICE
I don't know what to buy my husband for his birthday.
His only interest is watching sport.
4A Match advice 1-6 with responses a)-f). Then
complete the responses.
1 Why don't we go to the cinema tonight?
(should I think I I I get I you) him a pair of 2 I don't think you should buy that car.
trainers and tell him to do some sport instead 3 I think we should organise a party.
of watching it all day! 4 Maybe you should say sorry.
5 You shouldn't play so many computer games.
----------- (you I don't I why I 6 I think you should study more.
buy) him some tickets to a football match?
a) I _____ so. I'll call Louise later.
I'm going to babysit for my nephew (3) and niece (6). b) right. I need to get out more.
I've never done this before. Can anyone help? c) That's idea. Do you know what's on?
d) I suppose . I want to do well in
--- ------ (try I think I I I should I the exam.
you) to make a simple recipe, like chocolate
e) I'm not _____ a good idea. We're too busy.
biscuits or a cake. They'll enjoy helping you.
f) You're . It's too expensive.

B � 4.4 Listen and check.

(idea I it's I think I a I to I good) about the
things you enjoyed doing as a child: colouring, C � 4.5 Listen to the advice again. Say the
making things, singing songs, etc. responses.

1 A Find fourteen types of transport in the word 2 Match the sentence halves.
snake. 1 The last time they spoke to Marina
biket rammopedaer0
i motor
s n p !)(
2 The teacher explained the exercise
::J to us, but
3 Were there any calls for me
r >.o"­
8!L\Jeo:u a::id o:::> !la L.p eoq paad s,d 4 It started to rain
.}> >.
5 My mobile phone rang while
6 I fell asleep while I
'6 cJ
{l o · nibl..l5 7 Were you doing something important
onundergr oundm1 8 I didn't go out last night

a) while we were playing football.

B Complete the word web with the types of b) when I phoned you?
transport in Exercise lA. c) while I was shopping?
d) I was cooking.
WATER e) because I was studying.

f) we weren't listening.
g) she was working in a bar.
OR MORE 9_____ 11
taxi 10 h) was watching TV.

3 Complete the conversations with the past simple
or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Conversation 1
TRANSPORT A: I came to see you yesterday, but you weren't at

home. What 1 were you doing
B: I was here, but I 2 __________

(play) with my son in the garden, so I

(CITY) 3 (not hear) the
----- -----
Conversation 2
A: I heard you broke your leg. How

C What types of transport are the people talking

---------- (it/happen)?
B: It happened when I 5 __________
(climb) a mountain two weeks ago. I fell and I
1 'I always call one to get home at night.' ---------- (land) badly.
taxi Conversation 3
2 'I use it every morning to get to work. The roads A: Wendy told me you 7 _________ _
are full of cars, so it's the quickest way to travel.' (see) Jim last week.
B: Yes. I 8__________ (study) in the
3 'It's my dream to travel in one of these, to feel library and he 9 (say)
the wind in my face and look down at the world 'hello'.
below.' _____
Conversation 4
4 'We enjoy touring foreign cities in them. They
A: I hear you crashed the car again.
are perfect for groups of thirty or forty people.' 10 (you/drive) too fast?
B: No! It wasn't my fault! I
5 'I drive it for twelve hours a day. It's my job. I 11 (go) at thirty
transport products for food companies across
miles an hour when this other car suddenly
the country.' _____ 12 (come) out of a
6 'I can take you to your house. It's big enough for side street.
two people and I have two helmets.' _____
Conversation 5
7 'It's the fastest way to travel on water. I use mine A: I 13 __________ (see) you on your
for waterskiing.' _____
bicycle yesterday. Where
8 'In the past, everyone used these to visit other 14__________ (you/go)?
continents. It took three weeks to get to the USA!
B: 1 15 (go) to the shops,
Now this type of travel is only for rich people.'
but 1 16 (drop) my
wallet on the way!
A Match the phrases in the box with the pictures. LISTENING 'f
drop his ticket try to sleep 6 A � 5.2 Listen to a story about a German tourist.
decide to use his mobile phone go for a walk Choose the map which shows his journey.
go through security pay the taxi driver



��-:::� ,._-::_I U\l'......-,.r.

B Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 A German man wanted to visit his
girlfriend in Sydney, Australia.
2 When he was booking his ticket. he made
a mistake.
3 His flight took him to the wrong town
Complete the story with the past simple or past in Australia.
continuous form of the phrases in Exercise 4A.
4 He was wearing summer clothes because
This is the story of Tim Bobo's first trip in an aeroplane. the weather in Montana was hot.
He was very excited, but as he was going out of the house, 5 His parents and friends sent him
he 1 dropped his ticket on the floor. He took a taxi warm clothes.
to the airport, but while he 2 ________ 6 After a few days, he bought a ticket
someone took his bag. Luckily, there was nothing important to Australia.
in the bag. He checked in, but while he
3 , he found some keys in his pocket. ? A Read the sentences from the recording. Can you
Soon he was on the aeroplane. When it was taking off, remember the rest of the second sentence?
he 4 . around the plane! The flight 1 A twenty-one-year-old German tourist called
attendant told him to sit down immediately. Then soon Tobi Gutt wanted to visit his girlfriend in Sydney,
after this he noticed that everyone seemed unhappy, so he
started singing. Unfortunately, the other passengers
Australia. Unfortunately, -----------
-------- and they told him to be quiet. A 2 When he looked at the plane to Sidney, he became
few hours later, he made one more mistake: while the plane confused. Strangely, -----------�
was landing, he 6 his mobile phone!
3 A few friendly people helped him with food and
drink until eventually, ------------
5 A � 5.1 Listen to the pronunciation of was and
were in the sentences. Then listen again and repeat.
B C£l 5.3 Listen, check and complete the sentences.
Read audio script 5.1 on page 79. Listen again,
read and repeat.
7 My passport was in my __________ ,
but I took it off when I went swimming.
TRAVEL ITEMS 8 Thirty kilos. I'm afraid your is too
heavy. You'll need to pay extra.
1 A Read the clues and complete the crossword. 9 I wanted to take some photos, but I left my
----- at home.
R 2 Underline the correct alternatives.
p 1 I really enjoy to read/reading in bed before I go to sleep.
R 2 My brother wants to see/seeing you before he leaves.
3 We chose to get/getting married in Venice because
that's where we first met.
0 4 My parents love spend/spending time with their
F grandchildren.
5 It always seems to rain/raining when I come to stay.
6 The company decided to refund/refunding the
L money we paid for the tickets.
0 7 We should avoid to travel/travelling when there is
too much traffic.
8 The builders need to finish/finishing their work
H before we can paint the house.
E 9 We hope to see/seeing you again soon.
s 10 I must finish to write/writing this letter.
11 Just imagine to live/living in a place as beautiful as this!
Across 12 I hate to go/going to the supermarket.
3 You use this to take photos and put them on your
computer. 3 Write sentences using the prompts.
7 You write names, addresses and ideas in this. 1 the children I love I play I on beach I in sun
8 You put this on your head when the sun is very hot. The children love playing on the beach in the sun.
9 You pack your clothes in this. It is hard and 2 I I expect I hear from I travel agent I later today
sometimes has wheels.
Down 3 we I want I go I on holiday I but I we I too busy
1 You wear these when it rains.
2 You wear these on your feet when you climb a 4 we I seem I go back I same place I every year
mountain or go for a long walk.
4 You buy these to remember the places you visited. 5 Alan I chose I stay I in hotel
5 You use these to look at birds and animals that are
far away.
6 we I enjoy I walk I and look at I beautiful countryside
6 You carry important documents and money in this
so they are safe.
7 I I decided I travel I on my own
B Complete the sentences with the words in Exercise lA.
1 I wrote her phone number in my notebook . 8 we I avoid I visit I tourist resorts I in summer
2 Before we leave for the airport, I'd like to buy some
_____ for my friends. 9 we I need I book I our flights I before I prices I
3 It's very hot. You'll need to wear a _____ go up

4 These __________ are new and my

feet are really hurting.
5 It's raining. We'll have to wear some _____

6 Can you see that beautiful bird? Have a look through

the _____
READING '):� C Find words in the article that match these meanings.
1 things you put in your ears to keep out noise
4 A Read the article and match topics a)-d) with (paragraph 1):
paragraphs 1-4. 2 places where you can eat and sleep cheaply for a
a) dealing with problems short time (paragraph 1):
b) having the best experience 3 able to wait calmly (paragraph 2):
c) doing something different 4 a machine where you can get money from your bank
d) preparing for your trip (paragraph 2): _____
S abilities; things you can do (paragraph 3):

6 from the place where you are (paragraph 4):

My top travel tips
Sandy Graves is an experienced travel
writer who regularly travels all over the world.
Here she shares some of her top tips. USING SEQUENCERS
1 When you start packing, leave your suitcase open
5A Look at the pictures of two stories. Put sentences
somewhere. As you think of something you need to take.
pack it. Don't leave it until later or you might forget. . a)-i) in the correct order to tell the stories.
Make photocopies of all your important documents and a) We had a great night out.
put them in your suitcase, too, If you lose your passport. b) First, we met in a bar in town.
having a copy will make it easier to get a new one. Pack
earplugs. They're great for long flights and noisy hostels,
c) Finally, when we arrived, the hotel didn't have our
when you really need to sleep,
d) After the meal, we went dancing.
2 While you're travelling, be patient. Everybody wants to e) Then, our taxi broke down on the way to the hotel.
leave on time, but it doesn't always happen, Buses can f) First, the flight was cancelled.
be late, you can have problems with your documents
or your card might not work in the ATM. Don't worry,
g) The holiday was a disaster.
there's always a way to get there. Smile and enjoy it - h) Then we went out for a pizza.
you won't have another chance to! i) We waited, and after a while we had to fly to a
different airport.
If you want more than just a holiday, try volunteering,
3 spending some time learning new skills and meeting
new people, You can travel anywhere in the world to do
all kinds of different jobs, from building in Tanzania to
looking after elephants in Thailand, Just think what you
could do.

4 Do your best to try everything around you. Try the local

food. buy the terrible, cheap souvenirs (they won't feel
terrible when you're back home) and take lots of photos.
And talk to local people - you can get so much more Story 1
out of your trip if you do. Keep an open mind, and don't
criticise the local culture, You might see or experience
things which seem strange to you. but are normal there.

B Read the article again. Are the statements true (T)

or false (F)?
1 Try to pack things at the same time as
you think of them.
2 It's a good idea to take earplugs for when
you want to go swimming. Story 2
3 It's best not to worry when you
have problems.
4 There aren't many opportunities to
B Write about a time when you went on holiday or
do anything different when you travel.
had a good night out. Write 50-100 words. Use the
S Don't buy souvenirs if they're not good. sequencers in the box.
6 Try to accept things which seem
strange to you. I first then after that/after a while finally
LEARN TO · ·.: ':1�.

1 Match the sentence halves. 4A Put the words in the correct order to complete the
1 There were a tot of conversations.
2 I always wanted to be a tour Conversation 1
3 We went on a guided A: Excuse me. 1 __________________
4 They saw a tot of tourist (help I you I me I can) I'm looking for the Science Museum.
attractions,including B: Go straight on . 2 _________________
5 I realty enjoyed the boat trip (can't I you I it I miss)
6 The best thing about Corsica is
A: OK,so it's easy! -,-________________?
the scenery,which
(map I you I the I me I on I can I show)
7 Our boat took us under a
B: Yes, of course.
a) the History Museum and the National Art
Conversation 2
A: Excuse me. I'm trying to find the internet cafe.
b) guide because I love showing people my city. 4
? (the I this I way I right I is)
c) tour around the churches of Rome.
B:Yes. Keep going. 5_________________
d) includes mountains, beaches and forests. (it I see I of I front I in I you I you'll)
e) waterfall,which was fifty metres high.
f) down the River Nile. A:6
_________ _ _ _ _ ___ ? (walk I can) I I
g) tourists in our hotel. B:Yes,you can. 7____--,------------�
(about I minutes I it I ten I takes)

Conversation 3
A: 8
______________ to the tube? (far I it I is)
ASKING FOR/GIVING DIRECTIONS B: No. It's about two minutes' walk.

A:OK. 9_____________________ ?
2 Underline the correct alternatives. Where
(to I need I left I so I the I go I at I I I cinema)
no word is necessary, choose (-).
B: That's right. It's easy!
1 For the police station, go straight in/over/
on and you can't miss it. B � 5.5 Listen and check.
2 Go (-)/for/along the main road until you
see the sports field.
3 To reach the train station,you need to go Bar
up/through/in the centre of town.
4 Keep going (-)/on/by until you reach the �
c: :
corner of King's Road.
0 ,.
5 You'll find the bar up/at/of the corner. "i:: l
6 Walk for two minutes and you'll see the ,------0 "
school in front of/by/to you. ------ :'.2: �· ;;;:���
Hemingway Road
7 Take to/(-)/on the second left after the
library and you'll see my house. Bellow
8 For the post office, go past/through/on
the turning for the station.
3 A � 5.4 Look at the map and listen to the Bar
directions. Where is the man trying to go?
1 restaurant
4 ----------------

B Read audio script 5.4 on page 79 to

check your answers.

Complete the texts with the words in the box. 2 Complete the conversations with the present
perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
running fresh caffeine junk worrying fizzy
1 A: How long has Carlos worked here? (Carlos/
vitamins alcohol relaxing exercise
B: About four years. He ________
here for four years. (be)
2 A: Did you see that comedy film last night?
B: Yes, it was the funniest film I
I have a healthy _______ _ ! (ever/watch)
life, I think. I buy lots 3 A: Do you know where Morris
of ' fruit _______ ? (go)
and vegetables and B: No. I _______ him all day. (not see)
use these to cook
4 A: your homework? (you/
with. I don't like to
eat 2 food
like hamburgers or B: No. I it yet. (not start)
crisps and I never drink 5 A: Do you know if my parcel ?
---- - not (arrive)
B: Just a minute. I'll have a look for you.
6 A: your watch? (you/find)
B: Yes, it was under the sofa.
7 A: How long ________ Marissa?
I'm not as healthy as B: Not very long. We ________
I would like to be. I work in friends for long at all. (not be)
the city and spend a lot of 8 A: ________ my news? (you/hear)
time 4 about my
B: No. ________ to leave your job?
work. I don't eat very well
because I don't have much (you/decide)
time, but I make sure I get
enough 5 from 3 Write sentences using the prompts. Use the
fruit and vegetables. I wish present perfect with for/since.
I could spend more time
6 at home with
1 I I know I Imelda I ages
my family. I've known Imelda for ages.
2 he I work I for that company I six months

3 we I live I Turkey I 2013

4 I I not be I to the cinema I a long time

5 they I be here I two months now

Food isn't very important to me,
really. Sometimes I don't eat all day. 6 I I not clean I the house I last Monday
I'm addicted to' though!
I drink about ten cups of coffee a day
and have lots of• drinks,
7 she I not listen to I that music I she was a teenager
too. What's really important to me
is keeping fit. I go to 9____ 8 we I not hear I from him I he left
classes twice a week and at the
weekend I go 10____
9 Bob I be a builder I more than forty years

10 the phone I not ring I 10 o'clock

11 l I want I to climb a mountain I I was a child

i rLanguage com
4 Underline the correct alternatives.
I = Interviewer J = Joy
I: So, Joy, you 1have started/started the 6 A �· 6.2 Listen to the first part of a news report and circle the
Laugh to Live organisation in 2012. correct option.
J: That's right. 1 The reporter went to a table tennis centre for people aged
I: Why 2did you start/have you started it?
What 3did you want/have you wanted a) under fifteen b) under fifty c) over fifty
to do? 2 People should eat portion(s) of fruit and vegetables
J: I 4started/have started Laugh to Live a day.
because I 5felt/have felt I had something a) five b) one c) eight
I wanted to share with people. In my life 3 Living a healthy life can add years to your life.
I 6have lived/Jived and worked in four a) four b) fourteen c) forty
different countries, in four different
continents, so 7/'ve had/I had a lot of B � 6.3 Listen to the whole report. Are the statements true
experience and 8/'ve worked/I worked with (T) or false (F)?
people from all over the world. 1 The people at the centre play table tennis four
I: And what have you learnt from these times a week.
experiences? 2 The first woman says playing table tennis gives her
J: I think I've learnt something very a great feeling.
important in life. Most people just want 3 Scientists studied 20,000 people for fifteen years.
to live a simple, happy life. But they don't 4 They found that people who don't smoke, exercise
know where to look for happiness. Years regularly and eat lots of fruit and vegetables every
ago, when I 9travelled/have travelled to day live longer.
Africa, I 10met/have met poor children in
5 Doctors say that only big changes to your lifestyle
the jungle who had nothing. But they had
can help improve your health.
the biggest smiles 11 1 have ever seen/
I saw. This taught me that happiness and 6 The second woman says she always eats five portions
laughter are inside us all. I have a few of fruit and vegetables a day.
techniques which 1 12 have used/used to C Read the sentences from the recording. Match the words in
help people learn to laugh more often, bold 1-5 with meanings a)-e).
especially when things are difficult in
their lives. And because they now laugh 1 I feel fabulous.
more, they 13have become/became happier 2 Scientists have now worked out that you can live longer if you
people. have a healthy lifestyle.
I: Thank you, Joy. And good luck with your 3 They did some research.
work. 4 People who don't smoke, who do regular exercise and who eat
lots of fresh fruit and vegetables every day ...
5 A� 6.1 Listen and tick(� the sentence 5 It's part of the fun.
you hear.
1 a) I've known her for ages. a) happening once a week/once a month, etc.
b) She's known it for ages. b) studied something carefully to find out information
2 a) They travelled a lot. c) very good, wonderful
b) They've travelled a lot. d) one of the things you enjoy
3 a) He's never seen it before. e) calculated
b) He's never been here before.
4 a) Nothing has changed.
b) Nothing changed.
5 a) I've worked in other countries.
b) I worked in other countries.

B Listen again and repeat.


1 Find seven types of fruit using these letters. You can 3 Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.
use the letters more than once. 1 A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: I'm not sure. We go to the seafood
p �
� a) may b) will c) won't
0 2 A: Will that cafe on Wardour Street be open
� tomorrow?
. B: I don't know. It be .
a) will b) won't c) might
0 n 3 A: I've cooked little Johnny some vegetables for
tonight's dinner.
B: Thanks, but he eat them.
2 Complete the words in the menu and the recipe. a) might b) will c) won't
4 A: Can I try your food?
B: Be careful. It be too hot for you.
THE TERRACE a) may b) won't c) may not
BISTRO MENU 5 A: Do we need to buy any ingredients for this
B: Maybe. We have enough garlic. Can
you check?
Tender baby 'c h_ck_n g ril led in a 2l_m_n a) won't b) might not c) will
and her b sauce. 6 A: You know Melissa's a vegetarian, don't you?
Served with rice and 3 br_c c_l_.
B: OK, I cook meat.
a) won't b) will c) may
MEAT-EATER'S DELIGHT 7 A: Are you going to that new bar before you leave
4 B__ fst__k m arinaded in a c ream B: I don't know. I hope so, but we _____
and 5sp_n_ch sauce. have time.
Served with 6p_t_t_es. a) won't b) will c) may not
8 A: What are your predictions for food in the future?
KING'S FEAST B: The good news is I think it be more
Roasted 7 l __g _f l_m b wit h rice, 8 c_bb__ge a) won't b) will c) might not
and fresh ly steamed 9 c__ rg_tt_s.
4 Put the words in the correct order to make six
predictions about food.
1 more I eat I know I people I what I about I will I
Pasta Atlantica People will know more about what they eat.
2 future I we I animals I the I eat I won't I in
• Fry SOg of 10shr_mps in a pan with a little
butter. 3 eat I food I we I more I organic I may

• Add 1 _n _ _ ns and 12
g_rl_c to the pan. 4 might I illegal I junk I become I food
• Boil 50g of 13m_ss_ls. 5 fatter I people I West I will I the I get I in
• Cook the pasta.
6 the I left I may I there I sea I not I be I in I fish I
• Mix the pasta and seafood and put in a tray. any
• Add a layer of 14ch _ _ s_ on top and cook in
the oven for twenty minutes until brown.
B Read the text again and circle the correct option.
1 Why did Wansink do the experiments?
5 A Read the text and match pictures A-D with a) to improve the food we eat
paragraphs 1-4. b) to discover why people eat more than they need
2 How did Wansink do his experiments?
a) He asked questions about what people ate.
b) He gave free food to people and then watched them.
3 Who ate more?
a) the people who thought their food was expensive
b) the people who thought their food was cheap
4 What was interesting about the popcorn experiment?
a) The popcorn didn't taste good.
b) The popcorn had different colours.
5 Who ate more chicken?
a) the people with messy tables
b) the people with clean tables
6 Who ate more sweets?
a) the people whose sweets had seven colours
b) the people whose sweets had ten colours
C Match the words in bold in the text with these

How to eat less meanings.

1 giving your attention to something
Brian Wansink of Cornell University did some experiments·to 2 many different types of things
show why we eat too much. Here are some of the results. 3 scientific tests to find information
4 based on a calculation of what
1 Wansink invited a group of people to lunch. He told half
most people do
of them they were eating something expensive and delicious:
Royal Italian Bolognese with haricots verts. He told the other
half they were eating cheap food from a can. In fact, both
groups ate the same food. He secretly watched them. The ones
who thought they were eating expensive food ate much more SENTENCE STRUCTURE
than the others.
CONCLUSION: If people think the food sounds good and is 6 A Join the sentences with and, but or when. Use each
expensive. they think it tastes better. word twice.
2 Wansink did an experiment at a cinema in Chicago. He gave 1 I have always liked cooking. I cook every day.
everyone a free bag of popcorn, but the popcorn was old and
tasted bad. Most people noticed this, but they still ate almost 2 I was very young. I cooked my first meal.
all of it.
CONCLUSION: How much we eat depends on: where we are 3 I don't eat much meat. I eat a lot of fish.
(in the cinema): what we are doing (concentrating on a film, not
on food); what other people are doing (eating popcorn). These 4 I was working as a chef in a horrible hotel. I decided
things may be more important than the taste of the food. to open my own restaurant.
3 Wansink went to a sports bar and gave the customers free
chicken. The waiters cleaned half the tables every few minutes 5 I don't drink alcohol. I use a little wine in some of
and took away the chicken bones. No cne cleaned the other the dishes I prepare.
tables The people with clean tables ate seven pieces of chicken
on average. The others ate five. 6 I like meeting customers at my restaurant. I ask
CONCLUSION: When we see how much we're eating, we eat them about the food.
less. When we can't see how much we're eating, we eat more.
4 Wansink invited people to watch a video. He gave them B Put the words and and also in the correct place in
each a bag of sweets to eat during the film. Half the bags had the sentences.
sweets with seven different colours. The other bags had sweets
with ten different colours. The people whose sweets had more 1 My favourite types of food are pasta fresh fish. I like
colours ate forty-three more sweets than the others.
2 Every morning I buy vegetables herbs from the
CONCLUSION: When there is a big variety, people want to try
market. I buy meat there.
everything, so they eat more.
3 I find that the food in the market is fresher better
quality. It's cheaper.
VOCABULARY :,."'� 3 A Some of the lines in the conversations have words
ILLNESS missing. Write the missing word, or put a tick if the
sentence is correct.
Read the clues and complete the crossword. D = Doctor P = Patient
Conversation 1
D: Good morning. How can I help?./
'M P: I'm worried my leg.
E D: Your leg? What's matter with it?
D P: Well, very painful. It hurts when I walk.
D: I see. How long have you the problem?
c P: Since yesterday.
D: Can I a look?
N P: Yes, of course.
E Conversation 2
D: Hello. What's matter, Mr Smith?
P: I feel terrible.
D: All right. Where does hurt?
P: Everywhere. And I can't sleep.
D: Ah. Have you got temperature?
P: I don't know.
Across D: OK. Can I have look?
5 It's very painful. I'm taking _____ P: Yes, of course.
7 She fell down the stairs and she's _____ D: That's fine. It's nothing worry about.
her leg. P: But I feel terrible!
9 The doctor's given me some to stop
B � 6.4 Listen and check.
the infection.
10 My arm hurts. I think I need to go to the hospital for
an _____
1 We've got some for your cough. PREDICT INFORMATION
2 I don't feel well. I think I've caught a _____
3 I'm tired. I need to get some _____ 4A Predict what the doctor says using the words in
4 He feels hot. He's got a high _____ brackets.
6 My head hurts. I've got a _____ D = Doctor P = Patient
8 I can't speak. I've got a throat. Conversation 1
D: Good afternoon. 1 (matter)?

. FUNCTION : :r�.. P: I've got a sore throat and a headache.

D: I see. 2 (long)?
SEEING THE DOCTOR P: About two weeks.
D: 3 (temperature)?
Match the sentence halves. P: Yes. It's 38.5, so I've taken some aspirin.
Doctor D: I see. I think 4 __________ (cold).
1 What's the You need 5__________ (rest) and
a) hurt?
__________ (drinks).
2 How long have you b) pills/antibiotics/medicine.
3 Where does it c) had this problem? Conversation 2
4 Can I have a d) worry about. P: I think I've broken my arm.
5 It's nothing to e) matter? D: Oh dear. 1 __________ (look)?
6 I'll give you some f) look? P: Yes. Here you are.
D: So, 2__________ (where/hurt)?
Patient P: Here, and here.
7 I feel g) about my leg. D: 3__________ (how/do)?
8 It h) very painful.
P: I fell over.
9 It's i) sleep. D: I think you should 4 __________ (go/
10 I'm worried j) hurts when I walk. hospital/X-ray).
11 I can't k) sick/terrible.
B � 6.5 Listen and check.
3 Complete the conversations with words in the box.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple
s-lwt:tki- think why suppose
or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
shouldn't sure should
1 He has never travelled (never/travel) abroad.
2 I (never/visit) Ella: What do you think I 1__s_h_o_u_/d __ wear to the
Amsterdam, but I'd like to go in the future. interview? z_____ 1 wear jeans?
3 My grandparents ___________ Beth: No, you 3 ! You have to try and look
(come) to this country in 1956. smart.
4 So far on this trip, we ___________ Ella: I� so. What about this? This dress
(be) to ten countries. will be OK, won't it?
5 Jane (get) her exam Beth: I'm not 5 that's a good idea. It's a
results yesterday. bit short.
6 When you lived in Germany, Ella: Oh yes, maybe you're right.
___________ (you/go) to Frankfurt? Beth: I6 you should wear trousers and a
7 I hear Lindsay's girlfriend is very nice, but I jacket.
----------- (not meet) her yet. Ella: A jacket? I haven't worn a jacket since I was at
8 (not hear) you come school!
in last night. Beth: I've got a nice jacket. Here. 7_____ don't
9 That girl started playing tennis three years ago, you try this on?
but she (never/win)
a match!
10 I know your mother likes foreign food, but
__________ (she/ever/eat) snails?
4 Underline the correct alternatives.
This story 'happened/was happening while Guillermo Diaz
GRAMMAR CAN, HAVE TO, MUST 2 studiedlwas studying English at a community college in the USA.
Diaz was a very bad student who never attended classes. One evening
2 Circle the correct options to complete the text. when he 3 satlwas sitting in a bar, he •saw/was seeing another student,
Arturo, who told him about an exam the next day. Arturo said the
To enter the university library, everyone 1_·____ exam was in Room 52. but Diaz thought he said Room 62. The next
show a current student or staff ID. No exceptions. To borrow day, when Diaz was doing the exam. he 5 realisedlwas realising that
books, you z take the books to the front he didn't know any of the answers. He tried to ask another student
desk and show your ID. You 3 take out a for the answers while the professor 6 didn 't look/wasn't looking, but
maximum of eight books. There are some books that you the other student 7 didn't help/wasn't helping him. The exam 8 hadlwas
4 take out. These are marked Refe;ence Only. having multiple-choice questions, so Diaz guessed all of the answers.
There is a late fee of 20p per day, but you 5_____ A week later, while Diaz 9 watchedlwas watching TV at home, he
10receivedlwas receiving his results by post. He scored 100 percent in
renew the books on line for an extra week. If you have
renewed the books before the due date, you 6_____ the exam ... on American history!
pay the fee. To order books that are not in the library, you
fill in the form at the front desk, marked GRAMMAR VERB PATTERNS
Special Orders. You 8 write the full title of
the book, the author and the ISBN. We 9_____
5 Each sentence has a verb missing. Complete the
guarantee a date for the arrival of these books. You sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs
10 write in the books; anyone who is caught in the box.
doing this will pay a fine.
[ ee drive cook lose get up clean write shopj
_ _
to be
1 a) must b) have to c) can
1 We expect J.. home by 2.30.
2 a) doesn't have to b) has to c) have to
2 I want a great book so I can become famous!
3 a) can't b) mustn't c) can
3 I need early tomorrow, so I'm going to bed now.
4 a) don't have to b) can't c) have to
4 We usually avoid at this time because of all the traffic.
5 a) can b) has to c) don't have to
5 Do you enjoy meals for large groups of people?
6 a) don't have to b) must c) can't
6 They decided the whole house after the party.
7 a) has to b) don't have to c) have to
7 She loves for clothes.
& i\) Cctfl't b) must t) don't nave to 8 I always seem something when I travel - usually my
9 a) doesn't have to b) can't c) has to plane ticket!
10 a) don't have to b) has to c) mustn't
P: About two weeks.
6 Match the sentence halves. D: Can I have a look? 4_____
1 The restaurant is in a) bridge. P: Here. 5 Sometimes I can't sleep
2 Go along b) through the centre of town. because of the pain.
3 Take the c) second right. D: OK, I'll give you some medicine for it. And you
shouldn't do any heavy work for a few weeks.
4 Keep going until d) the main road.
5 You'll see the bar e) you reach the cinema. P: 6 I'm a builder.
6 Go f) at the corner. D: I'll write a note. OK?
P: OK. Thanks, Doctor.
7 Cross the g) front of you.
C [B_ R2.1 Listen and check.
7 Cross out the incorrect alternative in each sentence.
1 They've been waiting here since the office opened/for 10 Write a word from Units 4-6 to match these
hours/sinee-t:en-ffliflttres. meanings. The first letter of each word is given.
2 I've played the guitar since 2012/for six years/since 1 a : a school subject which involves
painting and drawing
3 They haven't visited us since last Christmas/for 2 b : you look through these to see
January/for several weeks.
things far away
4 Have you known Sourav since you were at school/for : it's in coffee and tea and it makes
3 c
a long time/since years?
you feel active
5 I haven't eaten for the last meal/for hours/since last night. 4 d : you make this when you decide to
6 We've lived in the USA for a very long time/since the do something
government changed/for now.
5 e : a formal test
7 My team hasn't won a game for three years/since
6 f drink: a drink with gas
months/since they won the cup last year.
7 g : we play these (e.g. football, tennis)
8 h : students do this after school for
GRAMMAR MAY, MIGHT, WILL their teacher
9 i : the subject of
8 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. computers; what IT stands for
1 I don't will go to the cinema tonight because I'm busy. 10 j f : food that isn't
2 I may to send her an email. healthy because it has lots of fat or sugar
3 We not might have time to go to the museum. 11 first aid k : a bag of medicines,
4 The weather report on TV said there might to be storms. bandages, etc., to treat ill/injured people
5 Joshua may not be go to the game. 12 l : books, poems, plays
6 I'm might be late to class tonight. 13 m : a fast form of transport with two
14 n _____ : it's got empty pages and you write
15 o _____ : connected to the internet
9 A Who says phrases a)-f), the doctor (D) or the 16 p : a small round piece of medicine
patient (P)? that you put in your mouth and swallow
a) How long have you had this problem? 17 r : a sport for which you have to wear
b) It's very painful. special boots with wheels
c) What's the problem? 18 s : a large boat that carries people or
d) But I'm worried about missing work. things across the sea
e) Doctor, I feel terrible. 19 t : an electric street train
f) Where does it hurt? 20 u : special clothes that students have
to wear at school
B Complete the conversation with phrases a)-f) from 21 v : potatoes, carrots, onions and peas
Exercise 9A. are this type of food
D = Doctor P = Patient 22 w : clothes that don't allow water to
D: Good morning. 1 enter are this
P: z I have a backache all the time and it 23 y : an activity that helps relax the
hurts when I walk. body and mind
Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 16 I've decided law.
1 Everyone likes that film, but I it. a) studying b) study c) to study
a) saw b) don't see c) haven't seen 17 Keep walking until you the river.
2 I started writing ten years ago, but I _____ a) at b) reach c) get
anything. 18 The cafe is in front you.
a) have never published b) don't publish a) to b) by c) of
c) didn't publish 19 Did you travel train?
3 He his friend in 2014. a) on b) by c) the
a) did meet b) met c) has met 20 You look tired - you should some
4 You _____ have a passport to get into the rest.
country. a) catch b) make c) get
a) has to b) have to c) can 21 I've known Rami my first year at
5 She do any homework tonight so she college.
can come with us. a) since b) for c) because
a) doesn't have to b) can c) has to 22 She has worked with us three years.
6 You _____ see the dentist about that tooth. a) since b) by c) for
a) should b) try c) don't 23 They haven't been here 1987.
7 _____ don't you ask your friend to help you a) for b) since c) until
with this? 24 You _____ need a special visa, but I'm not
a) How b) Should c) Why sure.
8 She has to an appointment with a a) will b) have c) might
dentist. 25 In the future, cars use oil because it
a) start b) do c) make will be too expensive.
9 He too many mistakes and failed the a) will b) can't c) won't
exam. 26 I come to the lesson because I have
a) made b) did c) wrote to work late.
10 I usually new words in a dictionary. a) may not b) am not c) will
a) study up b) look up c) take up 27 You've caught a _____
11 I along the street when I met Dave. a) backache b) cold c) cough
a) walked b) am walking c) was walking 28 Where does it ?
12 The radio was on, but nobody _____ a) sore b) hurt
c) pain
a) did listen b) was listening c) listened 29 I aerobic twice a week.
13 She her arm while she was skiing. a) do b) play c) exercise
a) was broke b) broke c) was breaking 30 We try to _____ some exercise every day.
14 They expect this game easily. a) make b) play c) do
a) win b) winning c) to win
15 Try to avoid
your brother is sleeping.
a lot of noise because
a) making b) to make c) make
VOCABULARY'".,.. 4 Read the text and look at the pictures. Then write
sentences with used to/didn't use to using the
1 Underline the correct alternatives. Ten years ago
1 After waiting for/to/about months, James decided it
was the right time travel for/to/around the world.
2 I'm moving to/on/in the USA in August. At the
moment I'm waiting of/about/for my visa.
3 I was born in Pakistan in a village with no school.
I've always dreamt in/about/for going to/back/
from there to open a school for the children.
4 Sal's thinking in/to/about doing an art course.
She's looking about/in/for someone who can
teach her how to paint.

2 Match the sentence halves.

1 When are a) to Berlin because they James Turnbull and Harry Potts left their office
you going want to be near his family.
jobs in London to move to Tobago and open a cafe
2 I'm looking b) for me here - I'll only be a
on the beach. Now, ten years later, they own two
3 She's few minutes.
travelling c) back home? Have you hotels and a restaurant . When James told
4 He's OK. booked your ticket yet? his colleagues at work about his plans, they
He's waiting d) about it for a while and thought he was crazy. So when the pair opened
5 They moved tell me later? their first cafe, they called it The Crazy Cafe. It's been
6 Please wait e) for my bag. Have you seen a great success.
7 Do you want it anywhere?
to think f) around America at the Now
moment on a bus.
g) for a friend.


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

used to and the verbs in the box.

not visit not like spend not come

stay run study read be
1 James and Harry I work I London
1 We didn't use to visit our cousins very often when James and Harry used to work in London.
we were young. 2 they I dream I a life on the beach
2 I a lot of books as a
child, but now I only read the newspapers. 3 they I sit in traffic I on the way to the office
3 (you) French at
school? 4 Harry I wear I a suit to work
4 There a cinema in
the town centre, but it's closed now. 5 James I not spend I his time I sitting on the
5 (you) a lot of time beach
with your grandparents?
6 We---------- in a small hotel 6 they I not eat I tropical fruit for breakfast
by the sea every summer.
7 My father was always very fit. He
7 they I not wear I shorts and a T-shirt to work
__________ eight kilometres
every morning.
8 He her because he 8 they I not go I surfing at the end of the day
thought she was rude. Now he's fallen madly in love\
9 Tourists here very 9 James' colleagues I think I he was crazy
often, but now the place is very popular.
5 A CE! 7.1 Listen and complete the sentences. 7 Read the article again. Are the sentences
1 She very shy. true (T) or false (F)?
2 I a car. 1 Madonna left her job at Dinky Donuts
3 My granddad ______ me sweets. because she wanted to be famous.
4 I never at school. 2 Bryan Cranston was a police officer for
in America. many years.
5 They
3 Johnny Depp worked in sales.
6 Did you to the cinema?
4 He thought the job was boring.
B [El 7.2 Listen and repeat. Focus on the pronunciation of 5 Rachel McAdams was very good at her job
used to and didn't use to. at the fast food restaurant.
6 Kanye West used to sing his songs in a
clothes shop.

6 Read the article and match photos A-F with paragraphs 1-6.

8 Read the text and number the sentences in

each paragraph in the correct order.
1 introduces the main idea
2 supports the idea
3 finishes or concludes the paragraph


2_ Or do you dream about living the life you
really want to live 7 The good news is that

it's always possible to make changes that
will improve your life.


3 _ Here are some tips.
1 _ Do you wake up in the morning excited
about what the day will bring?
1 Did you know that Brad Pitt once delivered fridges and
George Clooney was a shoe salesman? If you find.. you are Set new goals
not doing very well and dream-about being famous, don't ___ What exactly do you want to change in
give up. Some of th� most famous celebrities started their,
your life7
working lives in some very simple jobs.
2 When Madonna first arrived in New York, looking for fame
___ Writing down your goals is the first step
towards achieving them.
and fortune, she only had thirty-five dollars in her pocket. She
took a job working at Dinky Donuts in Times Square, but later ___ Decide on some new goals to help you
lost her job for squirting jam at one of the customers. achieve this change and write them
3 Bryan Cranston, star of TV drama Breaking Bad, worked down.
on his grandparents' chicken farm while he was studying Do something different
Political Science at university. He originally wanted-to work
as a police officer before he discovered he had a talent for ___ Try not doing something for a while - like
acting. not watching television for one week.
4 Before being an actor, Johnny Depp used to sell pens. He ___ This will give you time to try doing
used to telephone people to sell them pens with. their names something different
printed on them. But he didn't enjoy the job, so sometimes he
tried using different voices on the telephone to make the job ___ Do you spend a lot of your time doing
more interesting. the same things every day7
5 As a teenager, Rachel McAdams worked at a fast food Think about now
restaurant during her summer holidays - for three years! It .. ___ If you try to focus on the present things
sounds like she wasn't a great employee, either, as st:ie spent
will seem easier.
a lot of time washing her hands! 'I was not a gre,at e,rnployee,'·
Rachel says. 'I broke the orange juice machine bne day.' ___ And don't worry about things which
6 Before Kanye West became famoµs, he worked as' a sales . haven't happened yet
assistant at GAP clothes shop. He raps about it in the song ___ Don't spend too much time thinking
Spaceship from his first album, The College Dropout: Let's about the past and worrying about
go back, back to the Gap! '
decisions you have already made.

1 Complete the words in the news headlines. 3 Find and correct the mistakes in eight of the
I worked hard for to pass my exams.

She was angry because we didn't do our homework.
I play a lot of sport because want to stay fit.
He drove for six hours to meeting you.


D _________ YABOUT
The bus was late, so that we walked.
I spent time abroad because of I like travelling.
I'm going to the restaurant for meet my friends.
_ 8
He wanted to become a film star so he went to


9 I went to the shop for buying the book.


10 I live miles from my office, but so I get a train to

4 Complete the texts with to, so or because.

1 John Klimt changed his name eight times

'HOW I B _____ FAMOUS IN _____ he wanted to have the names of
his great-grandparents. He wanted to include the
women too, for a short time he was
II SHOCK AS TOP LONDON LAWYER IS t called Sara, Katrina, Jessica and Margit!

A ______ D FOR MURDER J 2 In 2005, a town called Clark, in Texas, changed its

..___.._.i name to Dish. Why? in 2005, DISH

TV network offered ten years of free satellite and
digital TV to everyone if the town changed its name.
_____ the town's residents agreed to do it!
3 In 2006, Australian singer Rebecca Swift changed
SIX MONTHS ABROAD her hair colour every day for 365 days. Why?
_____ be different. She is a fan of Madonna,
who changes her image all the time, _____
4 Epi Taione, a Tongan rugby player, changed his
1 name to Paddy Power during the 2007 Rugby World
Cup. Paddy Power is a company which gave money
to the Tongan team, Taione changed
Cross out the incorrect alternative in each sentence.
his name say thank you!
1 The doctor cured the il/ness/mecJicirie!Mrs Jones.
2 This is one way to become f,lm/famous/successful.
3 The killer spent twenty years in prison/time
abroad/many people.
4 She plays a role/a theatre/an important part
in the f,lm.
5 In the book, Mr Travis saves his son's life/some
money/a long way.
6 I really wanted to make a play/film/documentary.
7 Ms Maxwell has been arrested for murder/thief/
a crime.
B Listen again and complete the notes.

5 A Ct] 7.3 Listen to a radio programme and circle the correct • When a woman gets 1 ____�
she might want to go back to her
1 The programme is about people who change their original name.
• Cassius Clay became Muhammad
a) job b) nationality c) name
Ali because he changed his
2 People have for changing. 2
a) many reasons b) three reasons c) one main reason
• The name Freddie Mercury is
3 Susan explains that Muhammad Ali's _____
probably easier to 3 than
a) real name was Cassius Clay b) first religion was
Farookh Balsara.
Christian c) name is Arabic
4 The programme mentions several famous _____ • Another reason people want to
a) sportspeople b) writers c) singers change their name is to identify with
5 Many people change their names when they move to a new a new 4_____
country, especially in _____ • Angelina Jolie's father is an
a) Europe b) the USA and England c) films 5

6 The programme mentions Angelina Jolie's _____ • Oprah Winfrey is called Oprah
a) childhood b) father c) children because there was a 6_____
on her birth certificate.

C Read audio script 7.3 on page 80 and

find words that match these meanings.
1 ends a marriage
2 a sportsperson who fights
in matches
3 the person who sings the
most in a band
4 people who go to live in
a different country
5 feel that you understand
or have a connection with
someone or something
6 stopped using
7 a document that shows
when and where you
were born

D Complete the sentences with the words

in the box.

got divorced give an example real name

lead singer identify with birth certificate

1 To get a passport, you need to show your

2 I've lived in ten countries, but I don't really

___________ any of them.
3 That's a good point. Can you

4 Actor Michael Caine's

___________ is Maurice
5 They got married, but four years later
they ___________
6 Bono is the ___________ of
the band UZ.
VOCABULAR)' ""'�;-� A: 5kind you.
B: I can take you there if you like.
FACILITIES A: That's very 6tell.

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. Conversation 2

A: Do you 7opens if the cafeteria is open?
B: 8Thank?
A: Is the 9know open now?
B: Yes. I think it 10cafeteria at 8.30a.m.
A: 11 Sorry you.

Conversation 3
A: Excuse me. Could you 12 classroom me?
B: Yes.
A: Can you 13help me where my classroom is?
B: Have you got your registration form?
A: 14tell?
B: Your registration form. 15Thank I have your
registration form?
A: Yes, 16Sorry it is.
B: Your 17 Can is room 401. It's over there, near the
A: 18here you.

Across LEARN TO ..,..,::·1'

6 Let's meet for a coffee in the _____ CHECK A ND CONFIRM INFORMATION
8 Professor Morris is giving a presentation in the
_____ theatre at Zp.m. 3A Complete the responses using the clues in brackets.
9 I'm going to the to borrow a book. 1 A: It's next to the bookshop.
10 I want to buy a dictionary. I think there's a B: The bookshop? The one near the cafeteria?
_____ over there. (repeat key word/phrase)
Down A: That's right.
1 Do you know where the __________ 2 A: You can't bring your bag into the library.
is? I need to make a photocopy of this form. B: So, do I have to here? (rephrase)
2 I need to register for my course. Is this the A: That's right.
_____ _____ ? 3 A: The exam starts at 9 o'clock.
3 I'll take you to the . They B: Did ? (ask a checking question)
can tell you about your accommodation. A: That's right.
4 When you go into the building, ask for Mr Kubovsky 4 A: I need to buy a notebook.
at the ----- B: ? There's a stationery shop over
5 Is there a _____ _____ near here? there. (repeat key word/phrase)
I need to buy a notebook. A: Thank you.
7 Our lesson is in a different _____ today. 5 A: Can you tell me where the study centre is?
B: It's on the left as you go out of the building.
A: ? (ask for repetition)
FUNCTION '�, B: It's on the left as you go out of the building.
6 A: Where can I find Professor Adams?
2 The underlined words are in the wrong place in the B: He's in the lecture theatre.
conversations. Write them in the correct place. A: Did ? (ask a checking question)
Conversation 1 B: Yes, he's giving a presentation.
Excuse tell
A: 1Thank me, can you 2library me where the library is? B � 7.4 Listen and check.
6: The ,eception?

A: Yes, that's right.

B: It's next to the main 4excuse.

1 Put the letters in brackets in the correct order to complete the 3 Underline the correct alternatives.
sentences. 1 That's the woman who/where works
1 I'm going to pay by credit cord (rdtcie radc). in the supermarket.
2 I decided to pay by (hasc). 2 Hamburg is the city who/where
3 Can you (eldn) me some money? Lidia went to university.
4 Who's going to pay the (libl) for this meal? 3 Is that the cake that/who you made
5 I usually (woorbr) books from the library. for Claire's birthday?
6 In my country the (tosen) are green or brown 4 Did you take the money where/that
and have pictures of our presidents. was on the table?
7 I want a drink. Do you have any ______ (iosnc) for this 5 The hotel where/which we stayed
machine? on holiday was terrible.
8 Do you usually ______ (itp) taxi drivers in your country? 6 Have you seen that video of the
Lawyers (rane) a lot of money. man which/who can eat metal?
10 She decided to (nvites) her money in a small 7 Did you get the message who/which
printing business. I sent you last night?
11 How much is this painting (tohrw)? 8 Helen is the only person I know
where/that hates pizza.
12 They bought a boat and went out to sea to -----
(thun) for (searute). 9 That's the bar which/where Tina
met Dan.
2 Circle the correct options to complete the article. 10 I don't like films which/who make
me cry.

MONEY TAKERS - BIG >fAllURES 4 Join the sentences using relative

Steven Panjani was robbing a bank, but he needed a' bag for the money
He emptied his sports bag and put the money in it. Unfortunately, he
1 Callin is a private university. I
Left several things in the bank, including his wallet, a bank ' -'---- studied physics there.
a2 from the same bahk, an electricity 3 and his Callin is the private university
house keys. He Left these on the floor of the b;mk and was arrested where I studied physics.
twenty minutes Later. 2 Renata Samuels is a dentist. She
fixed my teeth.
A woman in Sri Lanka went to a company and said she wanted to
Renata Samuels is the dentist
some money in it. Then she gave them a fake $ I million
____ . These don't exist! The managerc called the police.
3 La Cosecha is a bar. You get free
A child robbed a sweet shop. He got a bag full of 6 , but food there.
he dropped them. He spent five minutes trying to pick them up and La Cosecha is a bar
finished at the same time as the police arrived.

A customer at a restaurant gave the waiter his coat, but Left his 4 Did you get my note? I left it on
wallet in it. Later the waiter, Emilio Delgado, was found with $400 in your table.
from the wallet. When arrested, Delgado said, 'It's a Did you get the note
____ from a customer! I 9 it this afternoon!' ?
5 Mannix Music is a shop. It sells old CDs.
Willy Finn booked into a US h9tel and paid by 10 • That night
Mannix Music is the shop
he robbed the reception. The police Looked at his registration, saw his
name and address, went to his house and arrested him.
6 Did you find the keys? I gave them
to your girlfriend.
1 a) cash b) statement c) coin Did you find the keys
2 a) tip b) cash c) credit card ?
3 a) bill b) cheque c) tip 7 David Bynes is a personal trainer.
4 a) earn b) lend c) invest He helped me get fit.
5 a) note b) credit card c) ATM David Bynes is the personal trainer
6 a) receipt b) ATMs c) coins
8 Konstanz is a town. I was born there.
7 a) cash b) statement c) bill
Konstanz is the town
8 a) cheque b) tip c) coin
9 a) lent b) earnt c) invested in
10 a) tip b) receipt c) cheque
B Read the text again and answer the questions.
5 Find and correct the mistakes in seven of the sentences.
that Who:
1 Are these the photos whe you were looking for? 1 helped a football club to sell T-shirts?
2 It's a place which you can really relax.
3 Do you still see your friend who she became a 2 made over a million dollars for every five minutes of
motorcycle courier? a film?
4 Clarissa started a company that it sells organic food.
5 The book is about a girl who finds a magic forest. 3 made an advertisement for perfume?
6 That's the house that I was born.
7 I don't like people which talk all the time. 4 sold a business?
8 What's the name of the cake that we ate yesterday?
9 Is this the iPod that you want it?
C Find words in the text that match these meanings.
1 people who like a team and want them to win
READING �;,!{. "' (paragraph 1)
2 a short or friendly name that is used by friends or
6 A Read the text. Which of these industries is not family (paragraph 1)
mentioned? 3 boxing matches (paragraph 2)
1 sports 4 the words an actor learns for a play or film
2 music (paragraph 3)
3 food 5 someone who has more than one billion dollars,
pounds, euros, etc. (paragraph 4)
4 films


·1 Junichi
When English football team Arsenal bought a Japanese player called
lnamoto, the team's fans gave him a nickname: 'T-shirt'. Why?
Because they thought the club bought him so that they could sell more
Arsenal T-shirts in Japan. lnamoto was a very good player, but he played
only five games in a year at Arsenal, none of them important. His name
and face did, however, sell a lot of T-shirts.
2 without
Junichi tnamoto
These days sportspeople around the world can make lots of money

l . - .,
even playing. Cristiano Ronaldo, the world's highest-paid
footballer in 2014, earned $80 million that year, and $28 million dollars
of this was just for advertising. His weekly salary at Real Madrid was
:t .. €398,000. If he played in two games a week, that was €132,666 per hour
of playing! Boxer Floyd Mayweather, one of the world's highest-paid
athletes, earned $105 million from just two fights.
3 money
Of course, it's not only football players and boxers who can make big
by the minute. Back in 1978, actor Marlon Brando played the role
of Superman's father in the film Superman. He appeared for less than
Dr Dre fifteen minutes in the film and didn't learn his lines. These had to be
written on various pieces of paper around the film set! For this he earned
$3.7 million. In 2004, Nicole Kidman made $2 million for a three-minute
advertisement for the perfume Chanel No. 5. The company said it was a
short film - a piece of art, not just an advertisement.
4 SoBill who else has made a lot of money in a short time? Of course, there is
Gates and the usual businesspeople: the Walton family, who own
Wal-Mart; Mexican telephone billionaire Carlos Slim Helu and Howard
Stern, a us radio DJ who made about £311 a minute in 2015. And what
about the music business? Perhaps surprisingly, Dr Dre has made huge
sums of money, earning $620 million in 2014 after selling his headphone
Nicole Kidman business for $3 billion.

Read the blog entries and underline the correct 4 Look at the pictures and the table. Complete the
alternatives. sentences with too, much, many, enough or very, and
the correct names.
Blame someone else!
My wife offered to look after our neighbour's dog when
they went on holiday. It's a huge dog which took 1 over I
up I in too space in our small flat. One day we went
out to the shops and left him in the flat. When we came
back, he had turned the living room 2 down I up I into a
war zone! When my neighbour returned, we couldn't wait
to give him 3back I to I out.

We started a club for people who wanted to give 4in I

round I up smoking. We spent our·time watching filrns
(no smoking allowed). I invited my friend, but after a
few weeks, he took 5 up I back I over the club. He loves
watching films. Now we watch films seven days a week -
we hardly speak to each other! We're all addicted.

Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1 I played squash for twenty years until I gave it
_____ last year.
2 The boss offered Julia a promotion, but she turned
it because she wanted to spend more
time with her family.
3 When are you going to give that book
you borrowed?
4 This desk takes too much space.
5 We expected things to change after we took
_____ the company.
food/drink exercise work TV sleep spends 30 44 hours 40 hours 12 hours
"c: €150 minutes a week a week a night
ADDING EMPHASIS :!: a week a week

3 A Read the product description and put the words in "' spends 38 hours 40 hours no TV 8 hours
brackets in the correct places. €80 a week a week a night
C/) a week
Hanser Lightman six-string acoustic
"' spends 5 hours 65 hours 7 hours 4 hours
guitar: €45 ·;:: €430 a week a week a week a night
The guitar is in good condition. (very)
0 a week
It sounds good. (really)
The guitar is easy to play. (fairly) 1 Melanie eats too much junk food.
It will be difficult to find a better offer than this' (extremely)
2 doesn't do exercise.
3 does too exercise.
4 ___ doesn't sleep
B Write a product description of one of these
products in 50-100 words. 5 ___ sleeps much.
6 is unhealthy.
7 works too hours a week.
8 watches too TV.
9 eats different types of
10 ___ spends much money on food.
5 Match the sentence halves. LISTENING .:f�
1 a) There isn't enough food here;
b) There's too much food here; 6 A � 8.1 Look at the pictures, which show a true story. What
do you think happened? Listen and check.
i) we won't need all of it.
ii) we need to buy some more.
2 a) He's too good at tennis
b) He's very good at tennis
i) and I love watching him play.
ii) for us - the game will be
boring if he plays.
3 a) There are too many
b) There's too much
i) traffic on the roads.
ii) cars on the roads.
4 a) This film is too
b) In this film there is too
i) long.
ii) much violence.
5 a) We don't have much time to
catch the bus,
b) We don't have enough time
to catch the bus,
i) so we have to be quick.
ii) so we'll take a taxi.
6 a) The homework was
very difficult,
b) The homework was
too difficult,
i) so I didn't finish it.
ii) but I finished it.
7 a) Oh no! I've been out in
the sun too long B Listen again. Find and correct five mistakes in the summary
b) I've had enough sun, of the story.
i) and I'm burnt now.
ii) so I'm going inside.
8 a) I spent too much Maggie and Joe Smith lived in the same house for /..1#1:eeA
b) I spent too many years. When Joe died. Maggie sold the house to David Jones.
i) time relaxing, so I failed
my course. A few years later. Maggie heard someone say that Jones had
ii) days away from my work, found some money in her old house. Jones told her there
so I lost my job. was $10.000 in the wall. He offered her $5.000. She agreed.
A few days later. Jones asked Maggie to sign a contract that
said she should accept $5.000 for any money found in the
garden. She didn't sign it Instead. she took Jones to court
In court he told the truth: there wasn't $10.000. There was
$1 5.000. Joe Smith. Maggie's husband. was putting money
in the wall for fifty years and he never told his wife. In the
end. the judge decided that Mr Jones should get all of the

3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
SHOPPING When I started in 1968. everything was different. Most
' people paid by 1 because credit cards
1 Read the clues and complete the puzzle. What's the weren't very common. Now you have to ask them to enter
mystery word? their 2 or 3 their name. Shops
were much smaller in those days, too. If a customer was
1 looking for something in • , like a dress in a
special colour. or if the shoes didn't 5 and they
,., needed a smaller 6 • we found it for them.

3 And you knew most of your customers. These days the

first thing you say is. ' 7 I help you?' In those '
4 days it was. 'Hello, John. How are you?'
1 a big shop where you can buy lots of different
things: a department ...
2 the particular type/name of a product (sometimes
famous, e.g. Levi Jeans, Ferrari cars)
4 Underline the correct alternatives.
1 A: Excuse me. I'm looking for one of those
3 a period of time when shops sell their products
stuff/things you use to open cans.
more cheaply than usual
4 how much you pay for something B: You mean a can opener? They're just over there.
5 the opposite of cheap 2 A: Excuse me. Do you have any of that stuff/things
for taking paint off walls?
6 a place where people buy and sell things, usually
outside B: You mean paint stripper? We have some just here.
3 A: I'm looking for some fusi!!i. It's type/a type of pasta.
Mystery word: _____ B: Oh, I'm afraid we're out of stock.
4 A: Do you have any books by Malcolm Gladwell? He's
FUNCTION .. ?\,,· kind a/a kind of journalist.
B: Oh yes. They're in the Popular Psychology section.

2 Put the words in the correct order to make

1 A: I I you I help I can? 5 A [El 8.2 Listen and match A-D with conversations 1-4.

B: looking, I just I I'm I thanks

2 A: particular I looking I you I anything I in I are I for?

B: hats I you I do I sell ?

3 A: these I you I larger I one I size I in I do I a I have I of?

B: just I look I I'll I have I a

4 A: I/on/these/try/can?

B: here I yes, I the I is I room I fitting

1 In conversation 1, what does the customer want?

5 A: card I you I cash I are I by I credit I or I paying?
2 In conversation 2, what two things does the shop
B: card I credit I by assistant show the customer? _____

6 A: you I PIN I your I enter I can? 3 In conversation 3, does the shop assistant find what
he's \oo((.ing for? _____
B: of I yes, I course 4 In conversation 4, how does the customer pay?
3 A � 9.1 Listen and circle the correct stress
NATURE pattern.
a) oOo b) Ooo c) ooO
Complete the nature words in the quiz. Then do
B Listen again and repeat.
the quiz and check your answers at the bottom.
C � 9.2 Listen and check your answers to
1 The world's largest _c __ n is Exercise 2. Then listen again and repeat.
a) the Pacific. b) the Atlantic.
4 Complete the sentences with the comparative or
2 The Gobi D_s_rt is in superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
a) Australia. b) Asia. 1 It's been (cold) winter in thirty
3 The m_ _ nt_ _ n r_ng_ where you can
2 The weather is getting (bad).
find Mount Everest is called
3 It's (popular) tourist destination in
a) the Andes. b) the Himalayas.
the country.
4 The second longest r_v_r in the world is 4 It's (cheap) to stay in a bed and
a) the Amazon. b) the Nile. breakfast than to stay in a hotel.
5 People are working (long) hours
5 At over 1,700 m deep, the deepest l_k_ in than before.
the world is 6 The summers are much (hot) than
a) Baikal. b) Victoria. they were.
7 In the winter, the days are (short).
6 The highest w_t_rf_ll in the world is 8 This sauce tastes (good) than the
a) Niagara Falls. b) Angel Falls. other one you made.
q 9 'e 5 'q p 'q £ 'q z 'e L :s,aMSU\;f 9 We've been on (long) journey of
our lives.
10 This is _____ (happy) day of my life!
GRAMMAR :'"'·1:�, 11 It's (funny) programme I've ever
COMPARATIVES/SUPERLATIVES 12 The exam was _____ (difficult) than I
Look at the table and complete the sentences
comparing France and Poland. Use the words in

France Poland
64 million people 38 million people
548,000 square km 313,000 square km
4,810 m (Mont 2,499 m (Rysy)
3° C -3 ° C

23 ° C 19° C

1 rhe population in France is bigger than

11,1opulation in Poland. (big)
2 Poland is France. (small)
3 M0nt Blanc in Francre is Rys� in
Poland. (high)
4 l'n January it is t::ham in F,�arlGe:
5 In July it is ttiam in Pelanq. (h0t)
Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Why does Brian Wallis think people enjoy gardening?
5 Look at the reasons for growing your own vegetables.
Then read the text. Which reasons are mentioned?
1 It's a good way to relax.
2 The food tastes better when you grow it yourself.
2 What can people learn at the Addison Road Centre,
3 It's cheaper than buying food in the supermarket.
outside Sydney?
4 It's a good way to earn some extra money.


3 How did Maxwell get his land?
We meet people from around the world who
enjoy growing their own food.
4 What do Maxwell and his brothers do with the food
UNITED STATES they grow?
When you think of Washington, you might not think of vegetable
patches, but there are lots of them. 'Community plots' where
people can grow their own food are getting more popular.
Brian Wallis, who works in banking, likes gardening in his free
time. And he's not alone. 'When you work in. the city, gardening 5 What is a 'dacha' in Russia?
is a great way to relax,' he says.

Outside Sydney there are more than fifty community gardens.
In the garden at the Addison Road Centre people grow all
6 What can people who live in Russian cities enjoy at
kinds of things, from bananas to coffee, herbs, beans and
vegetables. They also have lemon, peach and cherry trees. their 'dacha'?
People come here to learn new skills related to organic·
gardening and recycling.

In Kenya having a piece of land to grow food on is not just
a good way to relax, it's a way to earn some extra money.
Maxwell shares the land his father gave him with his six brothers. WRITING . _; �-
They grow bananas, coffee and sugar on the land, as well as
vegetables to eat at home. 'Some of the food we eat ourselves,'
he says, ' and some we sell at the market.'
? Find and correct the spelling mistakes in the sentences.
1 Is this you're coat?
Every weekend in the summer, the roads of Russia's big cities are
2 They gave us there car for the weekend.
full of traffic, with families escaping to their 'dacha'. A 'dacha'
can be anything from an old shed in a field to a huge house in 3 Have you got an extra ticket? I'd like to come to.
the countryside, but the reason they go is the same. People 4 We spent the weekend by the see.
from the city can enjoy the fresh air and grow some vegetables. 5 Do you know wear the office is?
Tatiana, who has a plot near the Black Sea, grows tomatoes and
cucumber in the summer and cabbage in the winter. 'It always 6 Are you sure this is the write way?
tastes much better when you grow it yourself,' she says.
8 Underline the correct alternatives.

How often do you use 1 you'relyourcar? I try to use

mine as little as possible. I walk or use my bike to
get around. I live in a small city though, so 2 it's/its
' quite easy. And it keeps me fit 3two/too. If I want to
go to the 4 see/sea for the weekend, or something
like that, then I usually get the bus or the train. I
dqn't think people should spend so much time in
· 5 thereltheir_ cars. It's not w�itelright.

Find eight words connected with the outdoors in 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box
the puzzle. and add a, an, the or - (no article).
January doctor weather Europe architect
rcF E A T u R E S') c camera fi-ght elephants noise Thursday sun

N D E R F s G c 0 1 My house is on the right

2 It's so cold in Iceland! I really hate _____

A I R 0 y z A E R 3 During our safari in Namibia we saw lots of

T s T p A R K N u 4 He loved buildings and wanted to be _____

5 I bought a camera and a bag. Then we went

u D E I F c x E R
travelling and I dropped and broke _____
6 When I was twenty, I travelled around _____

R s F c 0 p L R A
7 I'm working in December. but I'll be on holiday in

A D N A M E w y L
8 Let me see him! I can help. I'm _____
9 We didn't have a map to guide us, so we used

L w I L D L I F E 10 Bye! See you on _____

11 I heard a small noise. After a while, _____
got louder.
Complete the phrases with words from Exercise lA.
1 geographical __________ 3 Complete the book review with a, an, the or - (no
2 fresh __________ article).
3 national __________
4 beautiful ----------
5 ---------- centre A Walk on the Wild Side
6 ---------- rainforest
7 __________ area
by Giuseppe de Luca
8 __________ beauty
Giuseppe de Luca has been 1
Complete the sentences with phrases from adventurer all his life. He once ran away from
Exercise 1 B. home in 2 Sicily and survived on
1 We live in a polluted city, but in the countryside near fish that he caught from 3 river with
us you can breathe __________
his hands. De Luca's book explains why he can't
2 I hate cities. I prefer living in a
__________ because I grew up do 4
normal job. He has tried office
on a farm. work, building boats, driving lorries across Europe
3 Unfortunately, the was and looking for dinosaur bones in 5 _____
closed, so we didn't see the rare birds. Kenya. He couldn't do any of these for more
4 Mountains, waterfalls and volcanoes are examples of
than !\ few months. He finally finds
__________ you can find on
this continent. happiness living on 7
smallest beach
5 The Amazon is the world's biggest in Papua, New Guinea. But then he has some
__________ ; it has incredible plant 8
problems with the local police and
life because of all the rain. they send him back to Sicily. Why is his story so
6 Our biggest is Etosha.
interesting? It's his humour and his innocence.
You can drive around it and see wild animals.
He is shy with girls. He doesn't have 9
7 We went for a walk in the hills. Then we stopped to
take photos of the __________ email address and he has never touched
8 The Cotswolds is an area of 10
mobile phone. He clearly loves
__________. It's very green. living alone in 11
wild and his book

makes a great companion.

irLanguage com
C Match the words and phrases in bold in
1-8 with meanings a)-h).
4 A (f:J 9.3 Listen and match statements a)-d) with speakers 1-4. 1 That was fun.
2 It was enormous.
3 I played in a tree house.
4 You could be outside all day.
5 I go hiking.
6 There are all kinds of plants
and animals.
7 It's completely normal to see
animals around.
8 I really like feeding the pigs.

a) walking in the countryside

b) very common
c) giving food to
d) enjoyable
e) many different types of
f} a small house in a tree, usually for
g) extremely big
h) be in the open air, not in a building

D Read what Gyorgi says about his

experiences in nature. Complete the text
with the words and phrases in bold in
Exercise 4C.

a) He/She has spent a lot of time in the garden.

b) He/She lives on a farm. ' 'When I was younger, I lived in a very
c) He/She lives near a beach. cold part of Russia. It was
d) He/She comes from the USA. -------- for the
temperature to be minus twenty degrees
B Listen again and answer the questions. Do not use more than and in the winter, you might not
three words for each answer. ________ for many weeks.
1 a) Who does the speaker go for walks with these days? We spent a lot of time at home, playing
games and singing in front of the fire.
b) What did she see on the beach once? To be honest, it wasn't much
________ in winter, but in
summer we did 4 --------
2 a) What did the speaker invent as a child? enjoyable activities. Where I lived, there
were some mountains and forests and we
b) Where does she say she 'grew up'? sometimes went 5-�------
in the mountains with my parents.
And I remember we once built a
3 a) When does the speaker go hiking and camping? 6 in my garden. My
brother loved birds and he spent hours
b) What 'big' things does he say that Americans like? them different
types of fruit and nuts while he was
sitting in it. As a child, I always thought
4 a) What animals does the speaker work with? our garden was 8 , but when
I went back there a few years ago,
I saw that it was quite small.' '
b) What doesn't he like about living on a farm?
VOCABULARY":._". ed. � FUNCTION _ �:�

1 Look at the photos and complete the puzzle. What's 2 Find and correct the mistakes in five of the sentences.
the mystery word? 1 That animal might to be a chimpanzee or a monkey.
2 Maybe that's a glacier in the photo.
3 The waterfall don't can be here - it's too dry.
4 That bird can't be an eagle - it's too small.
5 Perhaps that the people scared all the animals away.
6 The mountain range in the picture could to be the
7 Those might be a bear's footprints on the ground.
8 That's definitely no a mosquito bite - it's too big.

3 Underline the correct alternatives.

1 The rainforest is home to thirty percent of all animal
and plant life on Earth and 2.5 million types of
insects. But it is disappearing because people cut
down the trees for money. We don't know how fast
it is disappearing, but satellite pictures show that
it might/definitely be 15,000 km every year. Some

I scientists think the rainforest could/can't disappear
completely by 2080.
2 We aren't sure exactly how many people died during

the tsunami, but it was might/perhaps as many as
1,000. The tsunami destroyed large parts of the city
4 and the complete reconstruction of houses and
other buildings can't/might take ten years or more.
3 Everyone knows Venice - it can't/might be Italy's
15 6
most famous city - but now it has a big problem:
being built on water, it is now sinking into the water.
7 The situation is very serious: maybe/could Venice will
be completely under water in the next sixty years.
4 Because of global warming, the ice is melting in
the Arctic and some scientists say there can't/might

19 I I be no ice there by 2060. Many animals that live

in the Arctic, for example polar bears and foxes,
could/perhaps be in danger.
Mystery word: ________

LEARN TO ,::_:ii':::

4 Put the letters in brackets in the correct order to

complete the conversations.
1 A: Are you coming to the party tonight?
B: (lelw), I hope so. But I have a
lot of homework to do.
2 A: How do you stop this machine?
B: (ahtt's a odgo eisunotq).
Perhaps it's that button there.
3 A: Who do you think is going to win?
B: (ti's dhra ot yas). But
Manchester United are a great team.
4 A: Where were you yesterday at 4.00?
B: (tel em ntkih). I was at home!
5 A: How old is Lina?
B: ________ (ml' tno eurs). Maybe thirty?
Or thirty-five?

1 Complete the second sentence using used to. Write 3 A Add the missing letters and write the sentences.
two words in each gap. Contractions count as two 1 Cid u hip me?
1 I went to the cinema every week when I was a 2 Cn u tll me whr th offc is?
student. Now I hardly ever go.
I used to go to the cinema a lot. 3 Whr en I fnd a pst offc?
2 William paints every day. He never did this before.
William use to paint every day. 4 Wht tm ds th lbrry opn?
3 I drank fizzy drinks all the time when I was younger.
Now I never drink them.
5 Whn do th lssns strt?
I used fizzy drinks all the time.
4 These days she reads a lot. In the past she read
6 Is th swmmng pl opn on Sndys?
very little.
She didn't read much.
7 I nd t spk t th director of studies.
5 I recognise that woman. Did she live near us?
Did to live near us?
6 When I was young, I played the guitar, violin, drums B �· R3.1 Listen and check.
and flute. Now I don't play anything.
I used _____ lots of musical instruments.
7 I remember your cousins. Did they visit you VOCABULARY REVISION
regularly years ago?
_____ cousins use to stay with you? 4 Complete the conversations with the words in the box.
8 My father always called me 'Princess' when I was documentary cure about moves for
a child. Now he calls me by my real name. spent back travel desk room
My father call me 'Princess' when
I was little. 1 A: I'm thinking becoming a doctor.
9 I hated classical music when I was a teenager. Now B:So you can peop�?
I love it. 2 A: I a year abroad after university.
I didn't like classical music. I went to Spain, Italy and Poland.
10 When I was younger, I was a teacher. Now I'm a tour B: That sounds great! I'd love to _____
guide. around Europe.
I used a teacher. 3 A: Oh no! I left my book in the photocopying

GRAMMAR PURPOSE, CAUSE AND RESULT B: You'll have to go _____ and get it.
4 A: Excuse me. Where's the registration _____?
2 Complete the sentences with so, to or because. B: I don't know. I'm also looking _____ it!
5 A: I hear that film director is making a _____
1 Sarah was unhappy because I forgot her
birthday. B: Yes. It's about a British woman who -----
to the Amazon rainforest.
2 I ate the bread I was hungry.
3 The tickets were too expensive, we
didn't go to the concert. GRAMMAR RELATIVE CLAUSES
4 Yuko was ill, she didn't come to class.
5 Ben went to Liberia ----- make a 5 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.
documentary. Use relative clauses.
6 She was unhealthy _____ she smoked and we drove to California my son was born
ate fatty foods. you work quietly or borrow books
7 I bought a money belt _____ keep my builds his own hospital in lnclta
passport and cash safe. designs computer systems for businesses
8 It was really hot, _____ Pilar wore her sunhat.
9 They are here take an exam. 1 The programme is about a Swiss doctor who builds
10 I went to the shops buy some milk. his own hospital in India
11 Sandra was cold and tired, she went 2 That's the car --------------
home. 3 France is the country ___________
12 Jacob didn't buy anything _____ he didn't 4 I work for an IT company __________
have any money. 5 A library is a place ____________

Underline the correct alternatives. 10 Complete the text with a, an, the or - (no article).
1 A: Do we have enough rice?
B: Enough? We have far too many/much/very!
_A_ plane carrying 2___ actor, 3 ___
2 A: Do you want some more to eat? politician, a monk and a cleaner is going to
B: No, thanks. I've eaten much/many/enough.
crash. There are only 4 ___ three parachutes.
___ actor says, 'I entertain ___ millions of
5 6
3 A: What do you think of this photographer?
people, so I should live.' He takes one of ?___
B: I think she's much/enough/very good. parachutes and jumps out of 8___ plane. The
4 A: Do you like your new house? politician says, 'I'm 9___ most intelligent
B: Not really. It's too/much/many small for six people. person in 10___ England, so I should live. He
5 A: Are you enjoying life in the city? also takes 11 ___ parachute and jumps. The
B: It's OK, but we don't have much/very/many friends. monk says, 'I'm 12 ___ old man and I have lived
1:1 ___· good long life. You take 14___ last
6 A: Shall we study here?
B: No. There's too many/much/very noise. parachute .' The cleaner says, 'Don't worry. The
most intelligent man in 15 ___ country just
A Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. jumped out with my 16___ rucksack on his back!'
1 Excuse me. Do you to sell binoculars?
2 Do you have one these in a larger size?
3 Are you looking for anything in particularly? FUNCTION MAKING GUESSES
4 It isn't fitting me.
5 Can you just to sign here, please? 11 Cross out the incorrect alternatives.
6 Where's the fit room? 1 A: Is that Richard in the photo?
B: He has the same hair colour, but I'm not sure. It
Who says the sentences in Exercise 7A: the could/�/might be him.
customer (C) or the sales assistant (5)?
2 A: Are you going to the meeting tomorrow?
B: I don't really know. Maybell definitely will/Perhaps.
VOCABULARY MONEY; MULTI-WORD VERBS; 3 A: What's the answer to question 3?
SHOPPING B: I don't know, but it can't be/it's definitely not/it
mightn't be c, because Moscow is in Russia.
Underline the correct alternatives. 4 A: Is Paris as expensive as London?
1 Which means 'give money to someone for a short B: It could/can't/might be. When I went there a few
time': lend or borrow? years ago, I paid €12 for a coffee!
2 Which are made of paper: notes or coins? 5 A: Why hasn't she moved to a place nearer work?
3 Which means 'put money in a company': invest in or B: I don't know, but it can't be/perhaps it's/it might be
earn? too expensive.
4 Which do you do when you buy a company: take over
5 Which means 'stop doing something': give back or OUTDOORS, ANIMALS
give up?
6 Which can be outside on the street: a department
store or a market?
12 Write the words in the box in the correct column.

whale monkey fresh air ocean pigeon shark

dolphin coastline eagle geographical features
cheetah wildlife centre mosquito lake bear

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

natural land animals animals
1 elephants/ lions I are I than I bigger places/the animals that fly that live in
outdoors water
2 gold I silver I than I cheaper I is

3 this I years I is I for I weather I worst I the I many

4 Russia I world/ largest I the I in I is I the I country?

5 a I than I more I Mercedes I Toyota I expensive I is I a

CHECK :·_ti..
Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 16 I can't close my bag because I bought
1 I to live in Valladolid in Spain. _____ many souvenirs!
a) was b) use c} used a} too b} enough c} very
2 She didn't _____ to smoke. 17 Can I try these jeans?
a) used b} regularly c} use a} on b} in c} up
3 Who did you _____ to play with when you 18 This shirt doesn't _____
were a child? a) right b) fitting c} fit
a} use b} using c} used 19 Can you _____ me some money?
4 I studied for six years become a doctor. a} do b} lend c} borrow
a} so b} to c} for 20 She gave eating meat last year.
5 I borrowed some money I wanted to a} up b} out c} back
buy a car. 21 That was the meal I've ever eaten.
a) because b} for c} so a} good b} best c} better
6 The lecture was boring, we left early. 22 Jane is before.
a} because b} why c} so a} the happier b} the happiest c} happier than
7 This is _____ important problem at the 23 Your boat is beautiful than ours.
moment. a} the b} most c} more
a) the least b} more c} least 24 At a party yesterday I met who
8 you tell me where the housing office is? knows you.
a} Shall b} Could c} Do a} man b} a man c} the man
9 One day I'm going to travel _____ the world. 25 My dog is always barking at _____
a) everywhere b} on c} around a} a moon b} moon c} the moon
10 He wanted to ----- famous. 26 She's best player in the team.
a} become b} make c} have a} the b} a c) most
11 This is the shop I worked for ten years. 27 We _____ go to Spain this summer, but we
a} that b} what c) where aren't sure.
12 She's the woman gave me a fifty- a} definitely b) might c} maybe
dollar tip last week. 28 Harry can help you with this exercise.
a} which b} who c} how a) Perhaps b} He might c} It's definitely
13 This is the restaurant serves terrible - 29 It's one of the biggest mountain _____ in
frozen food. the world.
a} who b} what c} that a} lines b} places c} ranges
14 I don't do exercise. 30 I used to live in a _____ area, far from the city.
a} a lot b} enough c} too a} rural b} wildlife c} park
15 There are still some trams in San Francisco,

but not _____
a} much b} very c} many /30

1 Add vowels to complete the words. 3 Complete the conversations using phrases with like.
1 There's a lot of tr_ff_c. 1 A: Did you choose the salmon starter?
2 It's very cr_wd_d. What's ?
3 The streets are cl_ _n and s_f_. B: It's delicious. Try some.
4 I love the n_ghtl_f_. 2 A: Do classical music?
5 There are lots of th_ngs t_ s_ _ and d_ B: No, I can't stand it. I only listen to rock.
6 The p_bl_c tr_nsp_rt syst_m is excellent. 3 A: What doing at the weekend?
7 In the city centre, there's quite a lot of cr_me. B: Nothing much. We like staying at home and
8 I usually find people are fr_ _ndly and p_l_t_. relaxing!
9 There are some lovely parks and gr_ _ n sp_c_s. 4 A: What your weekend
10 Some of the old b_ _ ld_ngs are beautiful. -----
8: It was great. We went out on Saturday and
2 Complete some people's descriptions of their had a really good time.
cities. Use the phrases in brackets to help you. 5 A: I haven't met your sister. What's ?
1 'There are lots of beautiful , like the B: She's really funny. I'm sure you'll like her.
museums and the cathedral.' (places like houses, 6 A: the weather at
with walls and a roof) the moment?
2 'The system B: It's raining, as usual.
is great. It's really cheap.' (buses, trams and 7 A: living in London?
underground) B: I love it. There are so many things to see and do.
3 'It's a problem in the morning because there's a 8 A: What that new restaurant by
lot of .' (a lot of cars) the river ?
4 'People are always very and B: It's lovely. We ate there last week.
_____ .' (stop to talk or help you; say
things like please and thank you) 4A Find and correct the mistakes in the questions.
5 'The thing I like best is the parks. There are lots Add, cross out or change a word.
of where you can go 1 A: What's your new ee teacher like?
for a walk or sit and enjoy the view.' (places with
B: She's really good. She makes the lessons
trees and plants) interesting.
6 'The problem is that there's a lot of
2 A: What's it to like living in the country?
_____ .' (illegal activity)
B: It's a bit quiet. I think I preferred the city.
7 'It's an industrial city, so it's very _____
3 A: Does your mother staying with you?
(the air and water are not clean)
B: She loves it. She comes to stay once a month.
8 'I don't like going into the city because it's very
_____.' (too many people in a small 4 A: Are you like eating out in restaurants?
space) B: I enjoy it sometimes, but I prefer to cook at home.
9 'It has a great with lots of clubs 5 A: Is it much more expensive to live there now?
staying open all night long.' (places to go out at What the prices like?
night) B: It's not too bad. But it's more expensive than
10 'I like it where I live. The streets are _____ it was.
and .' (no rubbish; crime) 6 A: Do your brother like it in Scotland?
B: He likes it a lot. He says it's beautiful.
7 A: Which's your new job like? Are you enjoying it?
B: It's brilliant. The people I work with are really
Which is the most romantic city in the world? Which is the cheapest?
We've travelled around the world to find the cheapest, most romantic
and safest cities. Can you find your perfect destination?

The world's most romantic city

Paris is the city of love. Most Europeans think Paris is the most romantic city in
Europe, although Vienna, Prague and Venice are popular, too. So what's the most
romantic thing you can do in Paris? Well it's not go to the top of the Eiffel Tower -
that's too crowded. Buy some bread and cheese and enjoy a picnic near the river.
Or spend the afternoon sitting outside a pavement cafe, just watching the people
go by. Paris is perfect for couples.

The cheapest city in the world

Mumbai in India is the least expensive city in the world. Twice a year there is a
list made which compares the cost of living in different cities around the world,
and cities like Moscow, London and Tokyo are always at the top. However,
Mumbai is at the bottom of the list, giving it the title of the cheapest city in the
world to live in:

� The safest city

Did you know that New York is now one of America's safest big cities? There
is less crime now and what was once one of the most da·ngerous cities in the
world is not any more. This is good news for the 55 million visitors who come
to New York every year for the great shopping, the museums, some of the best
restaurants in the world and, of course, to see the Statue of Liberty, Times Square
and other famo�s sights·.

WRITING ·.-:;�{
5 Try to guess the answers to the questions. Then read
the text to check.
8 Put the words in the correct order to write an email.
1 Which city is called the most romantic city in the
1 Mr I Smith, I dear
world by more than fifty percent of Europeans?
2 ask I college I am I courses I I I at I to I about I
2 Which is the cheapest city to live in?
your I writing
3 Which statement about New York is true?
3 you I know I have I I I would I to I in I like I August I
a) It's one of the safest big cities in the USA. courses I what
b) It's one of the most dangerous cities in the USA. 4 this, I prices I addition I to I in I know I the I like I
6 Read the text again and answer the questions. I/to/would
5 soon I to I I I from I forward I you I look I hearing
1 Do people think that Vienna is a romantic city?
6 sincerely, I Bridges I yours I Sally
2 What's the problem with going to the Eiffel Tower?
3 According to the article, are Moscow, London and 9 Write an email (80-100 words) asking for information
Tokyo expensive cities to live in? about the accommodation in the advertisement.
4 Has New York always been a safe city?
5 How many people visit New York every year?
6 What are two famous sights in New York? Host family accommodation available for
'1 Find words in the text that match these meanings.
students. Please email Sam Wellings for
1 that many people like (paragraph 1)
2 a meal you eat outside, especially in the countryside further details.
(paragraph 1)
3 walk past (paragraph 1)
4 the price of things like food, bills and public Sam Wellings, Accommodation Officer
transport (paragraph 2)
5 at some time in the past (paragraph 3) email: [email protected]
6 things that tourists visit in a city (paragraph 3)
4 Complete the texts with the past simple
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT active or passive form of the verbs in the box.
tell choose say catch give come
Complete the words in the sentences. arrest have
1 The p_l_ce _ff_c_r caught the th_ _f.
A girl in North Corolino 1 for
2 The j_dg_ gave her a long pr_s_n s_nt_nc_. theft. During her triol, she 2_____
3 A lot of sh_pl_ft_rs st_ _ I mobile phones. to go home . and get her favourite
4 The cr_m_n_l knew the v_ct_m. possession. She J bock with
her iPod. The judge threw it onto the floor
5 He was given a f_n_ for wr_t_ng gr_ff_t_ on a wall. ond broke it. 'Now you know how it feels
6 C_mm_n_ty s_rv_c_ isn't a good punishment for a crime to lose your favourite possession,' he
like fr_ _ d. said. 'Don't do it to anybody else.'

7 Last year he was _rr_st_d for sh_pl_ft_ng.

8 The police are _nv_st_g_t_ng the th_ft of a famous William Brown, aged nineteen, 4______
painting. stealing a TV from a house. Brown said the TV was
9 In the film, he br_ _ks into a bank and sh_ _ts a guard. for his little brother, who 5 a broken
leg and was bored in bed. The judge sentenced
Brown to no TV-watching for a year. Amazingly,
the victim of the crime 6 'It's OK.
I have two TVs. He can borrow one while his
PRESENT/PAST PASSIVE brother gets better.'

Match the sentence halves. Lucas Stepanovich drove through town playing
1 Over 4,000 foxes are loud music with his windows down. At his trial, he
2 Our academic courses are ______ a choice: pay a $100 fine or listen
3 This type of clothing is to loud classical music for six hours.
4 Until recently, charity workers weren't He 8______ the music.
5 The buildings were
6 Animal fat isn't S Complete the second sentence so that it
7 The thief was has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
8 That window wasn't Use the correct active or passive form of
a) used in our food. the verbs in brackets.
b) made in our factory in Milan. 1 Extra homework is given to the students
c) paid much money for their work. every day.
d) killed every year for their fur. The students ___________
______________. (give)
e) taken to prison.
2 His books aren't sold in the USA.
f) broken by my boys.
Bookshops in the USA ________
g) designed by French architects.
___________ . (not sell)
h) recognised by colleges all over the world.
3 The library was destroyed in an
Underline the correct alternatives. earthquake.
An earthquake __________
My favourite crime programme is CSI, an American series. ____________ . (destroy)
Usually, it has the same structure. Firstly, someone 1 kil/s/is 4 The children didn't break the window.
be killed/is killed mysteriously. After this, the CSI- officers The window ___________
2 are called/call/are call to solve the mystery. They collect ___________ . (not break)
evidence which 3 looks/is looked/is look at very carefully 5 Hundreds of products use plastic.
in the laboratory. Then the CSI officers 4are brought/ Plastic _____________
have brought/bring various people to their office and ask
____________. (use/in)
questions. More evidence 5has discovered/discovers/is 6 The thief was caught by the police.
discovered which allows the CSI officers to find the killer. The police ___________
_____________. (catch)
So, why do I like it? The most interesting thing is the way 7 No one told us about the exam.
the evidence 6is found/has found/is find. They never We ______________
are missed/miss/are miss anything - a hair, a contact lens, ___________ . (not tell)
even a dead insect. I also like the characters of the CSI 8 You don't find tigers in Africa.
officers. They are not perfect people, but they 8are done/ Tigers--------------
do/were done their job perfectly. ___________ . (not find)
B Listen again and choose the correct options.
1 Sophie
6 A m 10.3 Read the text and look at the pictures. a) is a teacher.
What issues do you think each person will talk about? b) works with technology.
Listen and check. c) is a schoolgirl.
2 Sophie thinks people concentrate better
a) when they use technology.
b) without technology.
c) when they wear headphones.
1 What annoys you about modern life? 3 Luis doesn't like
2 How can we stop it? a) newspapers and food in the tube.
b) food at work.
3 What punishments do you propose?
c) the government.
4 What punishment does Luis suggest?
We asked a sixteen-year-old, a thirty-five-year-old
a) cleaning the tube
and a seventy-year-old. You may find their answers
b) paying some money
surprising. Or maybe not! c) cleaning the streets
s Pamela loves
a) her older friends.
b) being old.
c) technology.
6 What punishment does Pamela suggest?
a) reading emails from her
b) writing spam messages
c) reading spam messages

? Read the sentences and find words that match the

1 'They spend their whole life wearing headphones.
I think it's realty rude.'
not polite: _____
2 'In my school they banned personal technology
during lessons.'
formally said that people must not do something:

3 'For me, the worst thing is titter on the street.'

unwanted paper, bottles, etc. that people leave in a
public place: _____
4 'People just leave their newspapers tying around.'
when something is left somewhere, in the wrong
place: _____
S '.Alt this paper is a real mess.'
untidy, with everything in the wrong place:

6 'The government has tried to introduce fines, but it

hasn't worked.'
money you have to pay as a punishment:

7 'Spam is so annoying.'
making you feel angry: _____
3A Look at the pictures and write sentences using the
PROBLEMS prompts.

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword.

1 there I problem I printer

Across 2 microphone I not work

1 when a computer suddenly stops working
3 when you have to wait for something because it's late
S when you can't move, e.g. in traffic or a small place
7 paper, cans, bottles, etc. that people do not want
and leave in public places
8 not working properly (e.g. for equipment)
2 help that is given to you in a restaurant or shop 3 been I here I over two hours
4 when people speak like this on their phone in a
public place, it can be very annoying
6 unwanted emails that advertise something B Match responses a)-c) with complaints 1-3 in
Exercise 3A.
a) I'm really sorry about that. I was stuck in
FUNCTION ·::,;;'. a traffic jam.
COMPLAINING b) I'll look into it right away. For now, you
can use the printer on the second floor.
2 Choose the correct options to complete the conversation. c) I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do at
A: Hello. Can I help at all? the moment . We don't have any electricity.
B: Yes, there's a 1 the television in my room.
A: What exactly is the problem?
B:lt2_____ LEARN TO .'?,
A: OK. I'll 3 it right away. Is there anything SOUND FIRM, BUT POLITE
else I can help you with?
B: Yes. I ordered room service this morning but I had to 4A Complete the sentences with a word that matches
wait 4 an hour. the stress pattern in brackets.
A: I'm really 5 that, sir. 1 Sorry, but there's a problem with my room. (Oo)
B: And my room was very noisy last night. 2 me. I've been here for over an hour. (oO)
A: I'm afraid there's nothing we can 6_____ 3 I speak to the manager? I'm not happy
that, sir. There's a disco downstairs. with the service. (0)
B: Every night? 4 Could you me? There's something
A: Oh no, sir. On Mondays there's a rock concert. wrong with this computer. (0)
1 a) problem with b) problem for c) big problem S I'm I have a problem. The air
2 a) isn't work b) not work c) doesn't work conditioner in my room doesn't work. (oO)
3 a) check into 6 I have to make a . The waitress was
b) look into. c) look up
rude to me. (oO)
4 a) at over b) for above c) for over
s a) sorry for b) sorry about c) very sorry B � 10.4 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
6 a) make about b) do for c) do about Focus on the stressed words in the sentences.
3Complete the sentences. Use just and the present
perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I'm still tired. I (wake up).
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 2 Well done. You (finish) all your
work for today.
le�-;�-..;_,ebpage Skype mobile post - bl;-g­ 3 I don't want any lunch, thanks. I _ ____
chat link video send (eat).
4 I don't believe it. Sam _____ (lose) his
1 Do you mind if I use your phone? phone again!
2 I've just started writing a new _____ S That's brilliant! Helen _____ (pass) her
where I write about politics, and lots of people
driving test.
are reading it.
6 I'm really sorry. I _____ (hear) the bad
3 Have you seen that video with the cat? Wait, I'll
share the so you can see it.
7 Hold on a minute, I'll check. Sheila _____
4 I'm just going to check my for new
(send) me a message.
8 Let's go for a walk. It _____ (stop) raining.
S Why don't you her an SMS?
9 Hurry up! The taxi (arrive).
6 If you're at home later, I'll you so
we can talk about the plans for the weekend. 10 You're a bit late. They (start) the
7 Have you updated the with our
new photos?
8 We don't see each other often, but we
----- a lot online.
9 I've lost my phone, so I'm going to _____
a message online asking people to send me their
10 I love filming birds in the park. I usually edit the
movies, then upload them to a _ ____
sharing site.

2 Put the words in the correct order to complete the

4A Complete the conversations using the prompts.
1 A: Are you ready for your holiday? 1 A: Have you {inished the book yet ?
(you I finish I book I yet)
B: packing I I I finished I yet I haven't
B: Yes, I've already started the next one.
2 A: ?
2 A: Don't forget to call Amy.
(you I cook I dinner I yet)
B: already I to I I've I her I spoken
B: No, _______________
(I I only I just I get home)
3 A: Hi. You look well! 3 A: -----------------?
B: just I from I we've I holiday I back I yes, I (you ask I wife I yet)
got I our B: N o, I'm going to speak to her later.
4 A: _________________?
4 A: Is that the new Shining Stars DVD? (you I decided I where I we're going I yet)
B: haven't I yet I it I watched I yes, I I I but B: Yes,--------------­
(we I just I book I a table I Mario's)
S A: my I results I just I exam I got I I've 5 A: Do you want to come and play football?
B: Tell me! How did you do? B: No, _______________
(I I already I play I twice I this week)
6 A: You need to buy a present for Josh.
B: money I but I already I all I I've I spent I my (you I see I Miranda)
B: Yes, _______________
(she I just I leave)

B � 11.1 Listen and check.

READING . . .·��� 6 Read the text again. Are the statements
true (T) or false (F)?
Read the text and choose the best title. 1 People from all around the world
a) The oldest blogger in the world hated the internet have read Maria Lopez's blog.
b) Spain's blogging granny was a huge a success 2 Lopez knew a lot about computers
c) Spanish granny used pen and paper before she started writing
the blog.
3 Lopez's grandson started the blog
for her a birthday present.
1 'No one listens
4 He knew that the internet would
to old people,'
change Lopez's life.
says Maria Amelia
5 Lopez always replied to the
Lopez on her emails she received.
blog. But she was
6 The internet put Lopez in touch
wrong. A lot of with younger people.
people listened
to her. When she ? Find words in the text that match these
died, aged ninety­ meanings.
seven, Lopez was 1 a message on a website/blog
thought to be the (paragraph 1)
world's oldest
blogger and 2 not generous; not wanting to spend
money (paragraph 1)
she was certainly one of the most successfuL
Her first post was made on her ninety-fifth
3 people who read/write a blog
birthday. It read, 'Today it's my birthday and my (paragraph 2)
grandson, who is very stingy, gave me a blog.'
2 A later post reads, 'Since that day I've had 4 ideas you believe in strongly
1,570,784 visits from bloggers from five (paragraph 2)
continents who have cheered up my old age.'
5 started (paragraph 3)
From cleaning ladies in Brazil to the Spanish
president, people have enjoyed reading what
6 all the people of about the same age
Lopez had to say. She was funny and friendly (paragraph 4)
and she had some strong opinions. 'Old people
need to wake up a bit,' she said. 'You have to
live life. Don't take pills and fall asleep in the
armchair.' WRITING .f;!.
3 At first, Lopez didn't know anything about PRONOUNS
computers. 'I thought a blog was a kind of
paper notebook,' she said. But her grandson, 8 Rewrite the second sentence in each pair
Daniel, who she lived with, set up a blog for using the pronouns in the box.
her as a birthday present. At the time he had I it here us #tefe her them
no idea how it would change their lives. Lopez
received hundreds of emails, many in languages 1 We went to the beach. We had a lovely
she didn't understand. Although she had other there
time/._ on the beach.
helpers, including Daniel, and friends she met
2 I visited my grandmother. I took my
on the internet, she couldn't reply to everyone.
grandmother out to lunch.
4 When she was on her own, Lopez loved reading 3 I'm seeing some friends. I haven't seen my
the online newspapers and chatting on the friends for a long time.
internet. She said it helped her to keep in touch 4 He's just started a new job. He's enjoying
with the younger generation. Teenagers wrote to the new job.
Lopez to tell her about their lives and ask her for 5 The waiter smiled at Mark and me. Then
advice. She thought that everybody should use he gave Mark and me the bill.
the internet. For Lopez, it was one of the best 6 This place is so beautiful. I'd like to stay in
this place for ever.
experiences of her life.
2 � 11.2 Listen to six people talking about feelings.
FEELINGS Match the feeling each speaker talks about 1-6 with
the things he/she says about it a)-f).
How would you feel in these situations? Match the 1 bored a) anything to do with numbers
situations with the words in the box. 2 lonely b) prefers to be busy
3 confused c) the beauty of nature
uncomfortable bored nervous lonely confused
4 amazed d) problems of the world
worried amazed excited
5 nervous e) call a friend/sister
1 It's your birthday and you're having a party. 6 worried f) organise a party/dinner

2 You've just bought a new computer and you are

trying to read the instructions.
3 You're standing on a crowded train, carrying heavy
bags, and you're hot. 3 Match the sentence halves.
1 We'll go for a walk
4 You have to give a talk to 300 people. 2 If she passes her exams,
3 We'll be there to meet you at the airport
5 You've decided to spend a year in another country, 4 I'm sure he'll make lots of new friends
but you haven't met any friends yet. 5 If you like the music,
6 If you're very busy now,
6 You've got a bad cough and you've had it for more 7 They'll hear us coming in
than six months.
8 If you plan your talk carefully,

7 You're waiting at a station and your train has been a) I'll get you a CD.
delayed for two hours. b) if we make too much noise.
c) when the plane arrives.
8 You're waiting in an airport and you see a friend who d) if the weather gets better.
you haven't seen for ten years. e) you'll be fine.
f) she'll go to university.
g) I'll come back later.
h) when he starts his course.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verbs in brackets.
1 If I _____ (be) late again, my girlfriend
_____ (be) furious!
2 _____ (call) you if there _____ (be)
a problem.
3 When I (see) Mary, I _____
(tell) her you were here.
4 If the taxi (not come) soon, we
_____ (be) late.
5 If I (get) another job, I _____
(earn) a bit more money.
6 I (buy) you some lunch if you
_____ (be) hungry.
7 They _____ (change) their minds when they
_____ (see) the hotel.
8 What _____ (you/do) if you _____
(lose) your job?
6 if I girlfriend I scream I snake I wake up
5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of
the verbs in the box.
7 if I snake I wake up I bite I friend
stay wait not know have (xZ) spend find
go (xZ) be look (xZ) 8 if I man I not cross I bridge I can keep I flowers
A: We need to book our summer holiday. If we
any longer, everything 2_____ 9 if I he I keep I flowers I it I be I a lot easier
fully booked.
B: You're right. But we still haven't decided where to go.
A: How about Spain?
B: If we 3 _____ to Spain, I'm sure we
_____ good weather. But we always go to
Spain. 7 � 11.3 Listen to two people answering the question
A: Paris? below. Circle the correct answers to the questions in
the table.
B: We could try, but if we 5 in Paris, we
_____ lots of money. Paris is really expensive.
A: OK. How about Romania or Bulgaria? Are new computer games
B: We could try that. But if we 1
_____ the language.
there, we changing the way we live?
A: That doesn't matter.
B: I know, and if we 9 on the internet, we Robert Miriam
might 10 some cheap deals. 1 Does he/she think computer yes I no yes I no
A: That's a good idea. If you 11 time later, games are changing the way we
(you)? live?
B: OK. But I'm not going to Paris. I don't have enough 2 Does he/she use a computer for yes I no yes I no
money! work?
3 Does he/she enjoy computer yes I no yes I no
6 Look at the picture and write sentences using the games?
4 Does he/she play a lot? yes I no yes I no

8 A Complete Robert and Miriam's statements.

1 I think they've already __________
the way we live.
2 This has made me a more
__________ person.
3 I spend most of my free time talking to other people
with the same ----------
4 These days I find it easier to
---------- to people I don't know.
5 There are lots of games I don't like, like the
1 when the man I cross I bridge I he I give I __________ games.
his friend I flowers 6 I don't spend all my time on the
When the man crosses the bridge, he will give his
friend the flowers. 7 And I think a lot of people are like
2 if I elephant I walk on bridge I the bridge I break
8 In our free time we---------- to
3 if I bridge I break I the elephant I fall. do other things.

B � 11.3 Listen again and check.

4 if I elephant I fall I the crocodiles I eat it

5 if I man I fall I friend I scream


1 Complete the words in the sentences. 3 Put the words in the correct order to make polite
1 I use Google a lot, but I use other s_ _ rch
_ng_n_s too. 1 don't I I I sorry, I think I right I I'm I but I that's
2 Sometimes I read the discussions on the
m_ss_g_ b_ _ rds. It's interesting to see what 2 disagree I totally I I'm I I I afraid.
other people think about things.
3 I don't use any of the s_c _ _ I n_tw_ _k_ng 3 not I about I I'm I sure I that I really
sites because I just don't have time. I prefer to talk
to friends on the phone or send them an email. 4 sorry, I don't I so I I'm I think I I I but
4 I look at tr_v_l w_bs_t_s when I'm planning
a holiday. It's useful to get ideas of where you
could go. A Read the conversation. Change the responses in
5 I read a few different _nl_n_ n_ws sites because brackets to make them more polite.
I like reading news from other countries. Manager: The project needs to be finished this week.
6 I get all my music from m_s_c d_wnl_ _d sites. Worker: . (That's not
7 When I've got a few minutes to spare, I look at the possible.)
ph_t _ sh_r_ng sites and find interesting pictures. Manager: Why not? Everything's possible.
Worker: . (I don't think
it is.) We're working hard, but we need
another two weeks to finish the job.
GIVING OPINIONS Manager: Two weeks? Can you try to finish by the end
of next week?
2 Complete the conversations with the words in the Worker: (I'm not sure.)
box. There's still a lot of work to do.
Manager: That's true. But you can get some
[ my true don't definitely that's sure totally
more staff so we can finish sooner.
1 A: It's always better to do your shopping online.
(I don't see what the problem is.)
B: I think that's true. It's not always
Worker: . (I disagree.)
The problem is that we don't have more
2 A: People who live in rich countries should give
staff. We can't find people to start work
money to people in poorer countries.
tomorrow, so ...
B: In opinion, that's not the best way
to solve the problem. B (El 11.4 Listen and check.
3 A: This bar is much nicer than the one we came to
last time. C (EJ 11.5 Listen and repeat. Copy the polite
B: _____ . I really like it here. intonation.
4 A: If you want people to work harder, you need to
pay them more money.
B: _____ right.
5 A: I think our product is the best on the market.
B: I'm not about that.
6 A: You need to control how many people move into
the country.
B: I disagree. I think people should be
allowed to live where they want.
7 A: Not everyone has a mobile phone, even
B: That's , although most people do.
3 Match the sentence halves.
1 John was cooking steak,
so I told him
2 Dave asked if we liked
Match the types of film in the box with the descriptions.
the theatre, but I told him
action film comedy blockbuster science fiction film biopic 3 I called Reuben on his
horror film thriller cartoon documentary mobile, but he said
4 Maisie invited me to dinner,
1 It tells a story from many years ago. historical drama so I said
2 It is animated with pictures. __________ 5 We invited him to work
3 It is funny. __________ with us, but he said
4 It tells the story of someone's life. __________ 6 I asked her if she felt OK
5 It shows something true or real and doesn't usually have actors. and she told me
7 They asked if it was a boy
6 It is frightening. __________ or a girl, so I said
7 It has lots of fights, guns and explosions. 8 I needed help with my algebra
homework, but Dad said
8 It might show people from another planet or technology of the 9 Jim asked about her tennis,
future.---------- but she told him
9 It is very successful. __________ 10 Our neighbour wanted a map
10 It is exciting because you don't know what will happen in the of London, but I told her
end. __________
a) we wouldn't know until June.
b) he couldn't do maths.
c) we preferred the cinema.
d) she wasn't playing any more.
e) he was working for another company.
f) we didn't have one.
g) I'd see if I was free tonight.
h) I didn't eat meat.
i) she always felt tired in the afternoon.
j) he couldn't hear me.

4 Report what Bill said.

1 Tm an actor.'
He said he was an actor
2 Tm starring in a TV series.'
He told me ---------
3 'I'll appear in a film next year.'

Tick (.I) the correct sentences. Cross {)() the incorrect sentences.
He said ----------,---
4 'The film is called Samba Nights.'
1 a) Sandra told us she would be here at 6.00. ./
He told me
b) Sandra said us she would be here at 6.00. )<
5 'I can work with any Hollywood
2 a) He said me he wanted to be a lawyer. directors I choose.'
3 a)
He told me he wanted to be a lawyer.
I bought orange juice because you said you didn't
He said ----------
6 Tm living in Beverly Hills.'
like apple juice.
He told me ---------
b) I bought orange juice because you told you didn't
7 'I'm getting married to Sonia
like apple juice.
Jeffers next month.'
4 a) The doctor said them he couldn't cure the illness.
b) The doctor told them he couldn't cure the illness.
He said ----------
8 'She is a famous actor, too.'
5 a) Mary told to us she was writing the great
He told me ---------
American novel.
9 'I'll text you next week.'
b) Mary said she was writing the great American novel.
He said ---------�
6 a) Luca and Giselle said us their plane would arrive
10 '\ can take you to some great
at 9.30.
b) Luca and Giselle told us their plane would arrive
He told me
at 9.30.
C Listen again and answer the questions.
1 How old was Drew Barrymore when she played Gertie?
5A Match the famous lines from films 1-5 to actors 2 How does the Terminator get into the police station
A-E. Do you know which film each line is from? when he returns?
3 Who came up with the line 'You talking to me?'
1 'ET phone home.' 4 When did Sean Connery first say the famous James
(film: ------------------ Bond line?
2 'I'll be back.' 5 What was shocking about the famous line from Gone
(film: ------------------ with the Wind?
3 'You talking to me?'
(film: ------------------ D Match the words in bold in sentences 1-5 with
4 'My name's Bond. James Bond.' dictionary definitions a)-e).
(film: ------------------ 1 One of these is the line, 'ET phone home.'.
5 'Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.' 2 It made her one of the biggest child
(film: ------------------ stars of the time.
3 In a scene in The Terminator in 1984,
Arnold Schwarzenegger tries to get into
a police station, but they don't let him in.
4 Sometimes words are connected to the role,
not the actor who says them.
5 This was perhaps the most famous line
ever said on screen.

Robert De Niro Drew Barrymore


I n, [ CJ a sentence whicl'i someone say� jn·a play or film
I p,.r:ep + n during a film or a television P.rogram,me
E Complete an actor's post with words from Exercise

SD. Change the form if necessary.
·-----...... ..._,_,________
, ,_ .

Jack Jones
Just found out I'm going to be in a
Clark Gable Arnold Schwarzenegger _____ in this film with Emily Sharp!
She's my hero! I've seen her 2_____
lots of times and she's always brilliant. She's
going to be a big 3 . She has the

biggest 4
in the film - she plays
a reporter who discovers a city under the

Earth. I have two 5 to say where
I ask her a question and then say how I feel.
I can't wait!

Sean Connery

B � 12.1 Listen and check.

4 Write sentences using the prompts.
SUFFIXES 1 if I I be I famous I people I recognise I
me on the street
1 Complete the words with suffixes.
2 if she I have I more money I she I buy I a car
1 The guide contains lots of useM_ information.
2 He's quite famous now. He's been very
success in his career. 3 what I you I do I if you I lose I your job?
3 We've been married for forty years! We're having a
celebrat ___ 4 if I I lose I my job I I I have to I look for another one
4 You spent a week in the jungle? How adventur__
of you! 5 l I travel I to China I if I I can I speak Mandarin
5 Don't believe what that politic ___ says. He just
wants you to vote for him. 6 if Harry I have I more time I he I do I more sport
6 We've asked a professional photograph ___ to
take the photos. 7 if we I not have I a television I I I read I more books
7 It's been a wonder___ holiday. Thank you so
much. 8 if you I be I famous I how I your life I change?
8 I never ride motorbikes. They're too danger__.
9 Thank you so much. You've been very help ___ .
S Rewrite the sentences using hypothetical
2 A Write the words in the correct column for each conditionals.
stress pattern.
1 I'm very tired, so I'm not going out later.
adventurous politician wonderful musician If/ wasn't so tired, I would go out later.
celebrity scientist invention 2 The restaurant is very expensive, so we don't eat

1 ooOo 2o0oo 3 oOo 4000

3 You don't water the garden, so it doesn't look very
celebration photographer successful dangerous good.

4 I don't have Jodie's number, so I can't call her.

5 We don't have enough money, so we can't buy our

B � 12.2 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. own house.

6 I don't have any food in the house, so I won't invite

GRAMMAR :.¥i:. them in for lunch.

7 I don't practise every day, so I'm not very good at
the guitar.
3 Complete the hypothetical conditional sentences with
the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
8 I spend so much time answering my email that I
1 If he (not have) a lot of money, she don't finish my other work.
_____ (not be) interested in him.
2 If I (not have) an exam tomorrow,
9 The flights are expensive so we don't visit very often.
_____ (love) to come out with you.
3 We (be) so much happier if we
_____ (not argue) all the time. 10 I'm very late, so I'm walking quickly.
4 I'm sure she (ask) you if she
_____ (need) some help.
5 If it (not rain) so much, we
_____ (go out) more often.
6 You (not be) so tired if you
_____ (go) to bed earlier.
7 If l (have) my car here, I _____
(offer) to drive you home.
8 If he (can) find a job there, he
_____ (move) to Spain.
6 Read the text and complete the summary with one or two words
in each gap. 9A Put the sentences in the
correct order under the
headings to form three
On 21 December 2012, Gangnam Style, a music
video by Korean musician Psy, became the first Introduction/Early life
video in internet history to be watched by a billion
people. This was such a high number that YouTube _Q_,_,_,_,
had to update its software to work with so many Career
visitors. In May 20i4, YouTube said that the video had
two billion views - another world record. _,_,_,_,_
2 The song is about Seoul's fashionable Gangnam area (often compared to Personal life
Beverly Hills in California), and laughs at people who try to appear high
class by saying they are 'Gangnam Style'. Psy laughs at them by singing _,_,_,
oppan Gangnam style, saying he is 'Gangnam style' too.
3 The song has a unique dance, called the Horse Trot, where Psy dances
like he is riding a horse. He said it took him a month to invent the dance, a) During the 70s and 80s Clint starred in many
working with a professional dancer every day. They also tried moving like a successful films, but it wasn't until 1990 that he
panda and a kangaroo. Even important people such as Barack Obama and won an Oscar for Best Director and a nomination
David Cameron have tried the dance, with mixed results. And in 2012 UN for Best Actor, for his role in Unforgiven (1992).
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said it was something which could create
peace in the world!
4 The song was hugely successful. The South Korean govern'ment said that in b) Clint Eastwood is c) Although he
2012 it brought $13.4 million into the country. People in the music industry perhaps one of the most started, he never
said it helped develop the internet as a way of making music popular. This famous international finished his
means that music can come from anywhere, not just from North America
and Europe. Love it or hate it, everyone knows the song. Just don' t listen to film stars of the college degree in
twentieth century. business studies.
it first thing in the morning, or you'll be singing it all day!
d) He has been married twice and also had a long·
Gangnam Style is a 1
music video which has had over two term relationship with his co-star Sondra Locke.
______ views. The song is about the Gangnam area in
______, South Korea, and the people who go there. There
is a 4 which goes with the song, called the Horse e) All three films were hits. particularly the third, and
Trot. It took Psy a month to create. Many 5 have also Eastwood became an instant international star.
tried the dance. The song has been very successful and helped
bring a lot of 6 into the South Korean economy. It f) Eastwood has g) Instead, he found work
has also helped change the world's 7 industry. seven children, as an actor in B-movies
from five different and later in a well-known
women. television programme.
? Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 The video reached two billion views in 2012. h) In December 2014, after eighteen years together,
he and his second wife, Dina Ruiz, divorced.
2 The song makes a joke about people in the
Gangnam area.
3 Psy thinks he is really 'Gangnam Style'. i) Born in 1930, in San Francisco, Clint Eastwood
was the son of a steel worker.
4 The Gangnam Style dance tries to copy a panda
and a kangaroo.
5 Ban Ki-moon thought the song was a good thing j) After this success, he k) Around this
for the world. was given excellent roles time, he also
in films like Where Eagles started to direct
6 Gongnom Style is a difficult song to forget.
Dare, in which he starred films, as well as
9 Find words or expressions in the text to match these meanings. with Richard Burton. act in them.

1 change something to make it better/more modern

(paragraph 1) I) In the 1960s, Clint was given important roles in
2 popular at a particular time (paragraph 2) western films A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few
Dollars More (1965) and later The Good, the Bad
and the Ugly (1966).
3 the only one of its kind (paragraph 3)

4 make something happen or exist (paragraph 3) B Write your own biography (or invent one)
using the headings in Exercise 9A (100-150
5 extremely (paragraph 4) words).

1 Underline the correct alternatives.

-m 0�!-e' 0<iC;,.re,..
, � �i

4 Underline the correct alternatives.

1 A: Would it be possible to get an appointment with
Dr Jones?
Travel Big B: Can you get/give me a moment? I'll see if he has
any time this week.
What our customers say about us 2 A: Do you have Paula's phone number?
B: Hang on/off. I don't know where I put my mobile.
We paid a lot for our holiday with TravelBig, but it 3 A: Is this a good time to discuss the agenda for the
was definitely worth it. Lena. our guide, did so many meeting?
things for us' On the first night there was a concert we B: Just the/a moment. There's another caller on
wanted to go to and she I took/did/got tickets for us. the line.
On the second day we worked/rented/invited a car 4 A: Johnny! Open the door!
and drove around the nearby towns. She 'offered/ B: Hold inion! I'm in the shower!
requested/recommended a great place - the old ruins
just outside the town - and she even 'organised!
made/paid a private tour for us' On our final night LISTE NING ..,J:'
we · helped/offered/invited Lena to dinner and she
'bought/booked/rented a table in one of the best 5 A [H 12.3 Listen and match pictures A-C with
restaurants I have ever been to. I would definitely conversations 1-3.
recommend TravelBig.
Pablo Gonzalez

FUNCTIO N ''":!� ,._


2 Match the sentence halves.

1 I'd a) get me a ticket for the
2 Would it be concert?
3 Would you be able to b) table for four?
4 Could you recommend c) to ask for a better
5 Shall I book a seat?
6 Do you want me d) possible to invite my
7 Would cousin?
e) you like me to call a
f) a good dentist?
g) like to rent a boat for
six people.

Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box.

you recommend would like like me
be possible want me shall I able to

1 They _____ a holiday in a hot country. B Listen again and complete the table.
2 Would it to rent a car at the airport?
3 Would you be get me a ticket? 1 2 3
4 Could a good doctor? 1 What do the
5 speak to your teacher about the customers want?
6 Do you _____ to take that bag for you? 2 Do they get
7 Would you to find a good restaurant? what they want?

1 Complete the conversations using the 3 Underline the correct alternatives.

prompts in brackets. Use phrases with like.
Over $7,500 1 finds/was found in a shoe box by a lady who
1 A: What kind of music do you like ? 2 works/is worked in a charity shop in, the USA. Teodora Petrova,
(you) who recently 3 ar.rivedlwas arrived from Bulgaria, 4 found/was found
B: I like all kinds of things - indie and the money on her first day at work at the shop. Th� money
5 was hidden/hid inside a pair of shoes. When Teodora made the
·· discovery, she immediately 6gavelwas given the money to her
2 A: Is that the new John Grisham book? manager. The charity bosses 7 told/were told what happened and
_____ ? (what) they have said that they are looking for the person· who 6gavel
B: It's great. I can't put it down. was given the shoes to the shop, as they probably 9 leftlwas left
the money inside by accident. If the owner of the money
3 A: eating out in 10
is not found/does not find, the money will be kept by the charity.
restaurants? (you)
B: Not really. I prefer to go to someone's
4 A: I haven't met Amelie's new friend
yet. ? (he) 4 Complete the words in the sentences.
B: He's really nice. And he's handsome too. 1 Statistics show that short prison s_nt_nc_s are not as effective
5 A: Do you get on well with your sister? as community s_rv_c_ in stopping crimes.
_____ doing the same things? 2 The police took my car away and I had to pay a f_n_.
(you) 3 People who shop online can easily become victims of fr _ _d.
B: Yes, we do. We're both very sociable. We 4 An old man stopped the th_ _f as he tried to run away from
like going out to parties. the bank.
6 A: Is it cold there today? ? 5 He always drives too fast, so he was stopped for sp _ _ d_ng.
6 The sides of the trains are always covered in gr_ff_t_.
B: No, it's not cold at all. The sun's shining.


5 Complete the conversations with the present perfect form of
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the verbs in brackets.
the box. 1 A: Have you seen my files anywhere?
buildings pollution crime safe B: Yes, I've iust put (just/put) them on your desk.
polite transport traffic 2 A: Have you put the rubbish out yet?
B: Yes, I (just/do) it.
1 It's a very area. There's 3 A: Have you started the project?
hardly any crime at all.
B: Yes, but I (not finish/yet).
2 There are a lot of factories around the city,
4 A: Do we need to pay the electrician?
so the is quite bad.
B: No, I (already/pay) him.
3 I try to use public , so I get
5 A: Have you finished your work yet?
the bus or take the train.
B: No, I (just/start)!
4 It's a bad time of day to go by car. There's
so much ----- 6 A: Has the post arrived yet?
5 I love the cities in Italy. They have so many B: Yes, the postman _____ (just/bring) it.
beautiful _____
6 People in the shops are friendly and VOCABULARY INTERNET TERMS, PROBLEMS
_____ . They smile and say 'Good
morning'. 6 Put the letters in the correct order to complete the sentences.
7 The _____ in the area is much
1 I can't stand it! That's the third time my computer has
worse nowadays. It's dangerous to walk
_____ (desrach) this morning.
alone at night.
2 The printer doesn't work. I think it's (yaflut).
3 I'll send an (MSS) to his phone.
4 I'll book our tickets on that travel _____ (twiesbe).
5 I didn't know anything about it, so I looked on one of the
_____ (shecra) engines.
6 I can't stand it when people speak (lldoyu) on
their phones. It's really annoying.
7 Did you read Jake's post on that message (bdora)?
10 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
? Underline the correct alternatives. 1 Suzie told to me that they wanted to move house.
1 If I were you, I will/would talk to him about the problem. 2 We said her that we wouldn't be long.
2 If the traffic is bad, I will/would be late. 3 I called a taxi, but they told they were busy.
3 If I know/knew the answer, I would tell you. 4 They asked to move to a different table, but the
4 You will/would miss the train if you don't hurry up. waitress said them that it wasn't possible.
5 If I am/was the president, I would change the law. 5 Her boss told to her that she had to work late.
6 ff he works hard, he will/would get a pay rise.
7 I'm sure they'll have children if they get/got married. VOCABULARY FILM
8 If we leave/left the country, my mother wouldn't be
very happy. 11 Complete the sentences with types of film.
1 I watched a really good biopic about Winston
VOCABULARY FEELINGS Churchill's life last night.
2 It's a brilliant _____. I laughed so much!
8 Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 3 I can't watch ----- films. I'm too scared.
1 There's nothing to do here except lie on the beach. 4 It's an film, with a lot of car chases.
I'm really _____ 5 Atonement is a _____ drama about WWII.
a) confused b) bored 6 I don't like films about aliens coming
2 She spends a lot of time on her own. I think she's from outer space.
very _____
a) excited b) lonely
3 I didn't know anyone at the party, so I felt a little

a) uncomfortable b) amazed
12 A Complete the conversations with the phrases in
the boxes.
4 I've got an interview for a new job tomorrow and I'm
really _____ there's a problem I'm sorry about that
a) nervous b) bored could you help
5 Everybody is telling me to do different things. I'm
1 A: Excuse me, me?
really _____
B: Yes, of course. What can I do?
a) lonely b) confused.
A: with my key. It doesn't open
6 Paolo's not answering his phone. I'm _____
the door.
that something has happened to him.
B: ________ . I'll get you another one.
a) confused b) worried
there's nothing we can do I'm afraid I have
excuse me, could I speak to
2 A: the manager?
9 Add suffixes to the words in the box to complete the B: Yes. I'll just get him for you.
sentences. A: a complaint.
politic � photograph wonder help C: What seems to be the problem?
success A: We still haven't had our main course.
C: I'm sorry, but at the
1 Why do you drive so fast? It's dangerous . moment. We're very busy.
2 He's a very actor. Now he's a
millionaire. certainly would you like me to no problem
could you recommend
3 I studied politics at university, but I decided not to
become a -----
3 A: a good place to go shopping?
4 We told the receptionist about the problem, and she
B: . There's a new shopping
was really _____ centre not far from here. --------
5 It was a _____ evening. I enjoyed it very order you a taxi?
A: That would be great. Thank you.
6 I've always enjoyed taking photos. I've been a
professional for about ten years now.
B: ________
B � R4.1 Listen and check.
""· .
Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 16 In my , they should sell the house.
1 I haven't met the boss yet. she like? a) opinion b) thinking c) idea
a) What is b) What has c) How is 17 It's my husband's new car, so I'm very _____
2 So you're enjoying life in Argentina. What when I drive it.
_____ like about it? a) amazed b) confused c) nervous
a) are you b) is it c) do you 18 We're going on holiday tomorrow. I'm really
3 The toys here, not in Japan.
a) are made b) are making c) have made a) excited b) lonely c) bored
4 Everyone in the hotel by the police. 19 I've just my webpage - it looks much
They still don't know who did it. better now.
a) interviewed b) was interviewed a) downloaded b) updated c) written
c) has interviewed 20 Hi, everyone. Welcome to my weekly _____
5 People to prison when they commit a) blog b) search engine c) website
a crime. 21 I her we would be late.
a) send b) were sent c) are sent a) said b) asked c) told
6 The internet connection doesn't _____ 22 The tour guide we should stay here.
a) fix b) on c) work a) said b) told c) asked
7 We'll look into it away. 23 What would you do if she _____ her job?
a) right b) for c) go a) leave b) leaves c) left
8 Why is everyone talking so ? 24 If we had more money, we go on
a) loud b) loudly c) noisy expensive holidays.
9 There were terrible at the airport. a) would b) will c) won't
a) litter b) delays c) service 25 If I the lottery, I wouldn't tell anyone.
10 There are so many people at the party. The room is a) win b) will win c) won
very _____ 26 I watched a very good about police
a) crowded b) empty c) safe in South Africa.
11 Why do you keep calling him? You've _____ a) horror film b) blockbuster c) documentary
called him three times this morning! 27 Snakes, tortoises and crocodiles are _____
a) just b) yet c) already a) reptiles b) mammals c) insects
12 the invitations yet? 28 He's a great . I saw his exhibition.
a) Do you send b) Have you sent a) photography b) photographer c) photograph
c) Were they sent 29 You want to speak to Daniel? _____ a
13 If I pass my test, take you out to moment, here he is.
celebrate. a) Hold b) Just c) Give
a) I'd b) I'll c) I've 30 Can you hold _____ ? I'll be with you in a
14 I've read the instructions twice, but I'm minute.
_____. I still don't know how it works. a) up b) in c) on
a) bored b) confused c) lonely
15 I'm not _____ about that.
a) keen b) fine c) sure liJ=i·i•••I /30

l!miI• Recording 1 l•UliFM Recording 2 2 I was on a safari holiday. It was a

really beautiful place, very quiet.
1 played, stayed, tried, ended 1 People who work sitting down always One evening, at about six o'clock,
2 asked, kissed, arrived, talked get paid more than people who work we went for a drive in the tour bus.
3 finished, decided, pretended, wanted standing up. There were twenty of us tourists.
4 studied, happened, invented, stayed 2 The successful people are usually the Well, we soon saw some elephants.
ones who listen more than they talk. They were drinking at a pool. So we
5 walked, helped, stopped, started
3 Politicians never believe what they got out of the bus to take photos.
say, so they are surprised when other
l•WiI• Recording 2 people do.
Anyway, suddenly, this large male
elephant started looking very angry.
When I was eighteen, I went on holiday with 4 Once in a while, teachers will open a Then it walked towards us. The guide
a group of mates to Spain. We had a great door, if you're lucky, but you have to told us to run back to the bus as fast
time. Every day we went sunbathing on the enter alone. as possible. So we did. This was a
beach and at night we went out dancing. On 5 Great artists like van Gogh rarely live really bad idea because the elephant
the last night, I met an American girl called to see their success. followed us. Then the guide got into
Amy and we got on really well. We went to 6 Doctors are the same as lawyers. the bus and drove away very fast. We
a 24-hour cafe and talked all night. Soon it The only difference is that lawyers were really quiet and calm because we
was morning and we both had to go. rob you, but doctors rob you and kill didn't want to frighten the elephant.
We promised to write to each other you occasionally. But it wasn't a nice experience and we
when we got home, and at first we did. 7 Find something you love doing and were happy to get back to the hotel
But after a few months we decided that that night.
you'll never have to work a day in
it was too difficult because we lived in your life.
different countries, so we stopped. I
started university and forgot about her.
8 The only place where success always II):Iif.j Recording 4
comes before work is in the dictionary. 1 I'm very keen on cooking and I
Ten years later, I started a new job in
absolutely love great food.
London. On the first day, I walked into
the office and who do you think I saw? It Recording 3 2 I love riding my motorbike. I can't
was Amy! I recognised her immediately 1 I work on a safari as a guide. I take stand sitting in an office all day.
- she still looked the same. Of course, tourists to see the animals. Everyone 3 I'm quite keen on technology and
we were both really shocked to see each thinks my job is dangerous, but I I don't mind dealing with other
other. She explained that she now lived don't think so. Well, I didn't think so people's computer problems.
alone in London because of her job with until last month. So, what happened? 4 I'm very keen on working with money
the company. Well, of course, we got on Well, I had a bus full of tourists. and I don't like people wasting it on
really well again and we started hanging There were fifteen of them. It was a stupid things.
out with each other. I showed her round beautiful, clear evening and about
London and we went to museums,
concerts and restaurants. It wasn't long
seven o'clock we saw some elephants.
Everyone wanted to take photos, so I
11):jifM Recordings 5/6
until we fell in love! It felt right, so I told them they could get off the bus 1
proposed to her and she accepted! We for a few minutes. So there we were A: On Saturday I went to a conference
got married soon after and had our son, - these tourists taking photos of the about the Z-phone, this amazing
Jamie. We're very happy together! elephants. Then suddenly, the male new technology.
elephant turned. It looked at us. And B: Really? I read about that last week. It
II):IiI• Recording 3 I could see that it was angry. So I told
everyone to stand still. 'Don't move!'
sounds interesting.
A: Well, everybody's talking about it.
1 Do you like it here? Well, the elephant continued looking B: And what about the cost?
2 Where are you going? at us and I thought that it was going A: Oh, I don't know. I had to leave before
3 I come from Italy. to charge, you know, to run at us. I they discussed that.
4 It's a beautiful day. told the tourists to walk very slowly
5 I'm afraid I can't remember. back to the bus. Then the elephant
charged at us. I jumped into the bus A: Today I was offered a job as
6 Where did you buy it?
and started driving as fast as possible. a babysitter.
7 I'm sorry, but I don't understand. B: That's great!
The elephant came very close and
the tourists were all shouting and A: Not really. They only offered me five
II):IiI• Recording 4 screaming. But it was OK in the end. pounds an hour.
1 Did you have a nice weekend? We escaped. B: Oh, I see. So did you accept the job?
2 Where did you go? A: No. I'm going to look for
3 Would you like a drink? something better.
4 So, do you like it here? B: Right. What did you tell them?
5 It was nice to meet you. A: I said, 'Dad, I know the baby is my
6 Let's keep in touch. sister, but I want a better salary!'

II):Ii FM Recording 1
7 syllables: motorcycle courier
6 syllables: foreign correspondent
5 syllables: fashion designer, Ii
consultant, personal trainer
4 syllables: rescue worker
2 syllables: sales rep
II):liI• Recording 1 II):lifW Recording Z 5
A: So, would you like a drink?
D = David T = Terry 1
B: Yes, I'd love a glass of water.
D: So what do you think, Terry? I put it on A: You've reached Danny's voicemail.
Please leave a message. 6
this wall because of the light. A: I'll see you later.
T: Um. It's ... it's ... well, I want to say I B: Hi, Danny. It's Pauline here. I'm calling
about tomorrow night. Unfortunately, B: See you soon.
like it. But I don't.
there are no more tickets for the
D: You don't like it?
T: No, David, I don't. It's terrible.
concert. I called them at about two
o'clock, but they were already sold
11):n(:'I Recording 1
D: What? out. So, I don't know what you want 1 How much do I have to pay?
T: It's just black. All over. It's black on to do. Anyway, give me a call tonight 2 Can I park here?
black. It looks like a painting of a black after six. Bye. 3 We must visit her before we leave.
bird flying over a black building on a 2 4 We don't have to stay in this hotel.
black night. A: Hi, is Tricia there, please? 5 She can't wear that!
D: It's modern art, Terry. B: No, I'm afraid she isn't. 6 You mustn't tell anyone.
T: I know, I know. But it doesn't Who's speaking?
say anything.
D: What do you mean, it doesn't say
A: It's Elise here.
B: Hi, Elise. No, I'm afraid Tricia is out at
l•Wil:'I Recording 2
anything? It's art. It doesn't talk. the moment. Do you want to leave I= Interviewer P = Professor
T: You know what I mean. It has no a message? I: Professor Morris, we're looking at
message. I don't understand it. A: Yes, can you tell her I'll be at the learning and the different ways in
D: You don't have to understand it, Terry. station at eight. She's going to meet which people like to learn, and one of
It's art. It just exists. It's not there to me there. the things we can look at is the type
be understood. B: Sorry, can you repeat that? of learner. Is that right?
T: So why is it all black? Why not white? A: Yes. I'll be at the station at eight. P: Yes, research has shown that there
Or white and black? Or red, white B: Oh, OK. At eight. I'll tell her that: may be many different types of
and black? learner. But one way we can look
A: Thanks. Oh, and can you tell her that
D: Why don't you ask the artist? at this is to divide people into two
her mobile isn't working?
T: How much did it cost? groups: holists and serialists. Now,
B: Yes, OK. I think she needs to most people will probably use both
D: I'm not telling you. recharge it.
T: How much did it cost? approaches, but often we find people
A: Thanks. Bye. are quite strongly one or the other.
D: Why? B: Bye. I: Holists and serialists. So, what's the
T: I want to know. 3 difference between the two?
D: It was expensive. A: Roundhouse Bar and Grill. How can I P: Well, students who are serialists like
T: What does that mean? What's help you? to study taking one step at a time.
expensive? Fifty dollars? Fifty B: Oh hello there. I'd like to book They look at a subject or topic and
thousand dollars? a table for three people for work through the different parts of
D: Nearer fifty thousand. Wednesday evening. the topic in order.
T: Nearer fifty thousand dollars A: Oh, we don't take bookings, actually. I: And holistic learners? How are
than fifty? B: Oh really? they different?
D: Yes. Forty-five thousand. Forty-five A: Yeah, if you just show up at the door, P: The holists are very different. They like
thousand dollars. that'll be fine. to have a general understanding of
T: I can't believe it! You bought a black B: OK. the whole topic.And they find it easier
painting ... you spent forty-five to study and learn if they have an idea
A: Around eight is usually our busiest
thousand dollars ... of the 'big picture'.They don't worry
time, between eight and nine thirty.
D: I liked it. I like it. No, I love it. So if you come a bit before that ... so much about the detail.
T: It's black, David. Black on black. I could B: Great. Thanks very much for your help. I: Oh.That's me. I think I'm more of
paint it for you in five minutes. a holist.
A: You're welcome.
D: But you didn't. P: Are you? Well, you see ...
T: You didn't ask me to.
D: I didn't want you to. lal Recording 1 II):Ii(:'I Recording 3
T: Has Mary seen it? 1
A: Hello. My name's Felipe. It's nice to I= Interviewer P = Professor
D: Not yet. She's away. She'll be back
on Friday. meet you. I: So, tell me a little bit more about the
T: Does she know you bought it? B: Hi, I'm Magda. Nice to meet you, too. serialist. You said that they like to
D: No. It's a surprise. 2 learn things in sequence, in order.
T: Oh yes, it will be. A big surprise! Does A: Nice day, isn't it? P: That's right. So, they start at the
Mary even like modern art? B: Yes, it's lovely. beginning, and when they feel they've
fully understood one part, then they
D: Yes. She'll like this. 3
are ready to move on to the next part.
T: How do you know? A: So, where exactly do you come from? But it's very important to them that
D: I know. B: Zaragoza. It's a small city in they understand the detail.
T: How? Northern Spain. I: OK. These are the kind of people who
D: Because I know what Mary likes and 4 always read the instructions before
what Mary doesn't like. And she'll A: Did you have a good weekend? they try a new piece of equipment
like this. B: Yes, it was OK. I didn't do much. or machinery.
T: I hope so. Because if she doesn't, P: That's right.
you're dead.

I: And what about the holistic learners?

P: OK. Well. a holist never starts learning
i•l:iif.1i Recording 2 6 Go along Hemingway Road. Take the
first right on Morrison Road. Then take
A twenty-one-year-old German tourist the first left. There's a hospital. It's
about a topic at the beginning.
called Tobi Gutt wanted to visit next to the hospital.
They jump around and get lots of
his girlfriend in Sydney, Australia.
information. So, they might pick up
Unfortunately, he typed the wrong
a book about the topic and choose
a chapter in the middle and start
destination on a travel website. He ii):iil1i Recording S
landed near Sidney, Montana, in the 1
reading there.
United States, 13,000 kilometres away. A: Excuse me. Can you help me? I'm
I: That's like me. I choose the bit I'm This is his story.
most interested in. looking for the Science Museum.
Tobi left Germany for a four-week B: Go straight on. You can't miss it.
P: Exactly. But a serialist learner will holiday. He was wearing a T-shirt and
start at the beginning and read each A: OK, so it's easy! Can you show me on
shorts, perfect clothes for the Australian
chapter in order. the map?
summer. But the plane didn't land in
I: That's very interesting. What about Australia. It landed in freezing-cold B: Yes, of course.
writing? Is there a difference Montana in the United States. 2
there too? He had to take a connecting flight, but A: Excuse me. I'm trying to find the
P: Yes, absolutely. A serialist will make a when he looked at the plane to Sidney, internet cafe. Is this the right way?
careful plan of everything they have he became confused. Strangely, it was B: Yes. Keep going. You'll see it in front
to write and then begin to research very small. And then he realised his of you.
each area. But a holist will read about mistake. Sidney, Montana, was an oil A: Can I walk?
a lot of different things and have lots town of about 5,000 people. It was also in B: Yes, you can. It takes about
of bits of paper with notes. Then they the United States, not Australia. ten minutes.
will try to put the different pieces Tobi then spent three days waiting in the 3
together when they begin writing. airport. He had only a thin jacket in the A: Is it far to the tube?
I: That's very true. There is paper middle of winter, and no money. A few
everywhere. I think my tutors at B: No. It's about two minutes' walk.
friendly people helped him with food and
university would like me to be drink until eventually, his parents and A: OK. So I need to go left at the cinema?
more serialist. friends from Germany sent him some B: That's right. It's easy!
P: Yes, that's probably true ... money. He bought a ticket to Australia,
where, finally, he saw his girlfriend. II):jilfl Recording 1
11):jit1i Recordings 4/5 1 I've known her for ages.
1 11):jiJJi Recording 3 2 They've travelled a lot.
A: Why don't we go to the 1 A twenty-one-year-old German tourist 3 He's never seen it before.
cinema tonight? called Tobi Gutt wanted to visit 4 Nothing has changed.
B: That's a good idea. Do you know his girlfriend in Sydney, Australia. 5 I've worked in other countries.
what's on? Unfortunately, he typed the wrong
A: I don't think you should buy that car.
destination on a travel website.
2 When he looked at the plane to l•Ulilfl Recordings 2/3

B: You're right. It's too expensive. Sidney, he became confused. P = Presenter Wl =Woman 1
Strangely, it was very small. W2 =Woman 2 WJ =Woman 3
3 M =Man
3 A few friendly people helped him with
A: I think we should organise a party. food and drink until eventually, his Part 1
B: I'm not sure that's a good idea. We're parents and friends from Germany
too busy. P: We're in Manchester, and this is
sent him some money. table tennis for the over-fifties. The
people who play here play three
A: Maybe you should say sorry.
B: I suppose so. I'll call Louise later.
II):jij.Ji Recording 4 times a week, so you don't need to
tell them about how exercise makes
5 1 Go along Hemingway Road. Go past
you feel better.
The Bellow Club and take the first left.
A: You shouldn't play so many Wl: It gives you a great feeling. You feel
It's next to the Baldwin Bar.
computer games. fabulous. Any type of exercise is
2 Go along Hemingway Road, then take
B: You're right. I need to get out more. good for you, especially when you're
the first right. You'll be on Morrison
6 my age. It just makes you feel good.
Road. Go along Morrison Road for
A: I think you should study more. about five minutes, past the turning P: Scientists have now worked out
B: I suppose so. I want to do well in for the car park. It's in front of you. that you can live longer if you have
the exam. a healthy lifestyle. They did some
3 Go along Hemingway Road. Keep
research. They followed 20,000
going until you reach Carver Street.
people for more than ten years,
II):jiJJi Recording 1 Turn right on Carver Street and it's the
first building on your right.
and they looked at the different
1 We were open. We were opening lifestyles they had. The results
4 Go straight along Hemingway Road. are interesting. They showed that
the shop.
Take the second right. You'll be on people who don't smoke, who
2 I was fine. I was finding it difficult. Cheever Road. Go along Cheever Road.
3 They were right. They were writing do regular exercise and who eat
Go past the school. It's on your right. five portions of fresh fruit and
a book.
5 Go straight along Hemingway Road. vegetables every day actually live
4 It was you. It was using too much ga�. Keep going unti\ you reach Nabokov longer. These people actually live
5 She was clean. She was cleaning Street. Turn left on Nabokov Street. about fourteen years longer than
the house. Go straight on. There's a river, the the people who didn't have such
6 Where were you? Where were Faulkner River. Cross the bridge and healthy lifestyles. They lived longer
you going? it's in front of you. and they didn't have so many health
problems. Doctors say that even
making a small change to your
P: About two weeks.
D: Have you got a temperature?
l•):iil• Recording 3
lifestyle can make a big difference I = Interviewer S = Susan
P: Yes. It's 38.5, so I've taken
to your health. Also, don't worry if some aspirin. I: So, Susan, why do people change
you've got bad habits now. It's never D: I see. I think you've got a cold. You their names?
too late to start. So, does everyone need plenty of rest and hot drinks. S: There are many reasons. Some of
agree that it's a good idea to give them are quite simple. For example,
up smoking, eat healthily, and do when a woman gets divorced,
exercise in order to live longer? We P: I think I've broken my arm.
she might want to go back to her
asked people on the street to tell us D: Oh dear. Can I have a look? original name.
what they think. P: Yes. Here you are.
I: Right.
Part 2 D: So, where does it hurt? S: And, of course, other people just don't
W2: I don't know. I don't think it's that P: Here and here. like their names. But then there are
important. I mean, I don't eat five D: How did you do it? more interesting reasons.
portions of fruit and vegetables P: I fell over. I: Can you give us some examples?
every day. I don't like them, so I'm D: I think you should go to hospital for S: Well, the boxer Muhammad Ali was
not going to do that. an X-ray. originally called Cassius Clay. When he
W3: If I go out with my friends in the changed his religion, he also changed
evening, then I'm going to smoke.
Having a cigarette is social. It's part l1'll Recording 1 I:
his name to Muhammad Ali.
So, religious reasons.
of the fun. D = Doctor P = Patient S: Yes. And for famous people -
M: Absolutely. I think it's a great idea. D: Good morning. What's the problem? especially actors and singers - they
Do exercise, eat well, stop smoking.
P: Doctor, I feel terrible. I have a need a name that's easy to say and
And live a long and happy life.
backache all the time and it hurts easy to remember. So, for example,
Everyone should do it.
when I walk. the singer Farookh Balsara ...
P: The message is clear: scientists are
D: I see. How long have you had I: Who's that?
telling us that if we want to live a
this problem? S: Farookh Balsara was the real name of
long and healthy life, we need to
look at how we live. So, I'm going to P: About two weeks. Freddie Mercury.
have a game of table tennis. D: Can I have a look? Where does it hurt? I: From Queen.
P: Here. It's very painful. Sometimes I S: That's right. The lead singer of

II):ji(Ji Recording 4
can't sleep because of the pain.
OK, I'll give you some medicine for it.
Queen. And, of course, Freddie
Mercury is easier to remember
D = Doctorv P = Patient And you shouldn't do any heavy work than Farookh Balsara. Or Georgios
for a few weeks. Kyriacos Panayiotou.
P: But I'm worried about missing work. I: Who?
D: Good morning. How can I help?
I'm a builder. S: Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou
P: I'm worried about my leg.
D: I'll write a note. OK? is the real name of the singer
D: Your leg? What's the matter with it?
P: OK. Thanks, Doctor. George Michael.
P: Well, it's very painful. It hurts when
I: Ah.
I walk.
D: I see. How long have you had II):IiD Recording 1 S: It's the same with lots of singers,
actually. Sting's real name is Gordon
the problem? 1 She used to be very shy. Sumner.The singer from UZ, Bono -
P: Since yesterday. 2 I didn't use to have a car. his real name is Robert Hewson, and
D: Can I have a look? 3 My granddad used to give me sweets. so on and so on. Now another reason
P: Yes, of course. 4 I never used to study at school. people want to change their name,
2 especially if they are immigrants from
5 They used to live in America.
D: Hello. What's the matter, Mr Smith? another country, is to identify with
6 Did you use to go to the cinema?
P: I feel terrible. the new country. So maybe you're
from Germany and your real name is
D: All right. Where does it hurt?
Recording 2 Wilhelm. When you go to the United
P: Everywhere. And I can't sleep. States, you might change it to William.
D: Ah. Have you got a temperature? 1 used to be - She used to be very shy.
Or your name is Andreas and you
P: I don't know. 2 didn't use to have - I didn't use to to Andrew.
have a car.
D: OK. Can I have a look? I: This probably happens a lot in the
3 used to give - My granddad used to
P: Yes, of course. United States and England.
give me sweets.
D: That's fine. It's nothing to worry about. S: Exactly. People want to mix with
4 used to study - I never used to study
P: But I feel terrible! others. And having a name that's easy
at school.
to recognise and to pronounce helps

II):Ii IJi
5 used to live - They used to live a lot. Another reason people change
Recording 5 in America. their names is to separate themselves
D = Doctor P = Patient 6 did you use to - Did you use to go to from their family or from famous
the cinema? parents. Angelina Jolie's father is the
actor John Voight. She was originally
D: Good afternoon. What's the matter? called Angelina Jolie Voight.
P: I've got a sore throat and a headache. I: But she dropped the name Voight.
D: I see. How long have you had
the problem?
. . .

S: That's right. And another reason for there wasn't $10,000. There was $150,000 4 cold, colder, colder than - In January it
people changing their names is that in the walls, mainly in fifty-dollar or a is colder in Poland than in France.
there was a mistake. Oprah Winfrey's hundred-dollar notes. Joe Smith, Maggie's 5 hot, hotter, hotter than - In July it is
mother named her Orpah Winfrey. husband, was putting money in the wall hotter in France than in Poland.
0-r-p-a-h. But there was a mistake for fifty years and he never told his wife.
on her birth certificate and everyone
called her Oprah.
So what happened in the end? The judge
decided that Maggie Smith should get all l•Wi(. Recording)
of the money. David Jones got nothing. 1 I'm lucky living by the sea. Every
morning I see fishermen coming
11):jiQ Recording4
1 l•):lil:I Recording 2 in after work. There's always
something to do because the sea is
A: It's next to the bookshop. 1 always different. Every day you see
B: The bookshop? The one near A: Hi there. something different. When I was
the cafeteria? B: Hello. younger, we used to have parties
A: That's right. A: Do you sell towels? and sleep on the beach. We cooked
fish and listened to Bob Marley, and
2 B: Towels? Yes, we should have some in
that was fun. These days I still go for
A: You can't bring your bag into the bathroom section. It's just over
walks every day with my dog. We've
the library. there past the clothes.
seen dolphins here. And we saw a
B: So, do I have to leave it here? A: Great. Thanks very much.
dead whale on the beach once. It
A: That's right. 2 was enormous. It was on the beach
3 A: Good morning. Can I help you at all? for weeks.
A: The exam starts at 9 o'clock. B: No, I'm just looking, thanks. 2 As a child, I played in a tree house in
B: Did you say 9 o'clock? A: For anything in particular? We've got the garden. We were always outside.
A: That's right. these new jeans. These are just in last We invented games and we knew the
week. Or we've got T-shirts here. names of animals and insects. We
B: Um, OK, thanks. played in our garden or in our friends'
A: I need to buy a notebook.
A: Just let me know if you need any help. gardens. It was very safe in those days.
B: You need to buy a notebook? There's a You could be outside all day. When I
stationery shop over there. 3
was young, we didn't have computers
A: Thank you. A: Excuse me. Have you got any of that
or even the television. And there
stuff for killing insects?
5 wasn't as much crime, so we really
A: Can you tell me where the study B: Um ... do you mean an insecticide? grew up in the garden.
centre is? Like a spray?
3 I go hiking and camping in the
A: Yes, a spray. mountains. You can do that here in
B: It's on the left as you go out of
the building. B: Hang on. We should have some ... um the summer. In the winter it's too cold.
. .. give me a moment. I'll just check I think Americans like me enjoy the
A: Sorry, can you say that again, please?
we've got some in stock. Yeah, we've wild. We like big spaces, big skies. I'm
B: It's on the left as you go out of
got this one. just a few miles from a city, but there
the building.
A: That looks fine. are all kinds of plants and animals out
A: Thank you.
4 here. You can see deer and bears. It's
A: Who's next? pretty amazing.
A: Where can I find Professor Adams?
B: Hi. 4 I work with animals all the time. We
B: He's in the lecture theatre. have chickens, cows and pigs on the
A: Are you paying by cash or credit card?
A: Did you say 'in the lecture theatre'? farm. There are a lot of farms around
B: Credit card. You take Visa, don't you?
B: Yes, he's giving a presentation. here, so it's completely normal to see
A: Yeah, no problem. Can you enter your
animals around. I really like feeding
PIN, please? There you go.
the pigs 'cause they're quite funny to
Recording 1 B: Thanks. watch. One thing I don't like is getting
Maggie and Joe Smith lived in the same A: Thanks. Bye. up early. We do it every day. We get up
house for fifty years. When Maggie was at five in the morning and I'm always
eighty-six years old, Joe died. The house
was very big, so Maggie decided to move. II):IilfJj Recording 1 half asleep.

She sold the house to a businessman

called David Jones. A few weeks later,
bigger than
smaller than ID Recording 1
Maggie was at the hairdresser when she higher than 1 Could you help me?
heard someone say that the new owner, colder than 2 Can you tell me where the office is?
David Jones, had found some money in 3 Where can I find a post office?
hotter than
her old house. She contacted Mr Jones.
4 What time does the library open?
He told her there was $10,000 hidden in
the wall.Then he said they could share II):li(• Recording 2 5 When do the lessons start?
6 Is the swimming pool open
the money: $5,000 for him and $5,000 for 1 big, bigger, bigger than - The
her.She agreed. A few days later, Mr Jones on Sundays?
population in France is bigger than
visited Maggie Smith. He had a contract. 7 I need to speak to the director
the population in Poland.
The contract said that Maggie Smith of studies.
2 small, smaller, smaller than - Poland
should agree to accept $5,000 for any
is smaller than France.
money found in or around the house. Mrs
3 high, higher. higher than - Mont
Smith thought this was very strange. She
Blanc in France is higher than Rysy
didn't sign it. In fact, she took Mr Jones
in Poland.
to court. In court, Mr Jones told the truth:
. '

,Al:1010 SCRIPYS ·-
�?,, '· ._ '.

llmjf[•I Recording 1 S: Well, in my school they banned

personal technology during lessons
A: Have you decided where we're
1 and I think it was a really good going yet?
A: What's your new teacher like? idea. People can concentrate much B: Yes, we've just booked a table at
B: She's really good. She makes the better now. Mario's.
lessons interesting. 2 5
2 I: Luis, can you just introduce A: Do you want to come and
A: What's it like living in the country? yourself briefly? play football?
B: It's a bit quiet. I think I preferred L: Yeah, I'm thirty-five years old and I'm a B: No, I've already played twice this week.
the city. waiter. Shall I answer the questions? 6
3 I: Yes, go ahead. A: Have you seen Miranda?
A: Does your mother like staying L: OK. Well, for me the worst thing B: Yes, she's just left.
with you? is litter.

B: She loves it. She comes to stay once I: On the street?
a month. L: Litter on the street. People just throw
Recording 2
4 away bits of paper or drop food. But 1 I get bored very easily. I prefer being
A: Do you like eating out in restaurants? it's also on the tube. I'm a Londoner. busy, so I'm always doing things. Some
B: I enjoy it sometimes, but I prefer to I go to work every day by tube and people just like to sit down and do
cook at home. people just leave their newspapers nothing. But I can't do that. I need to
5 lying around. And all this paper is a be active.
real mess. 2 I feel lonely sometimes if my partner
A: Is it much more expensive to live
there now? What are the prices like? I: How can we stop it? goes away for work and I'm on my own
L: I don't think you can stop it. The at home. But then I call a friend or
B: It's not too bad. But it's more
government has tried to introduce my sister. Or I speak to someone who
expensive than it was.
fines, but it hasn't worked. I haven't spoken to for a long time.
6 Then I don't feel lonely any more.
I: What punishment would you suggest
A: Does your brother like it in Scotland? 3 I get really confused when I have to
for people who drop litter?
B: He likes it a lot. He says it's beautiful. do anything with numbers, like check
L: I'd make them clean the streets.
7 bills or bank rates and things like that.
A: What's your new job like? Are you I hate that kind of thing. I do find
I: If you just give your name and age.
enjoying it? numbers confusing.
P: All right. My name is Pamela and I'm
B: It's brilliant. The people I work with are 4 I am always amazed by nature - the
seventy years old. But I think I'm a
really friendly. beauty of nature. You can just stand
young seventy. Unlike most of my
in a beautiful place and look at it, and
older friends, I love technology and
l•l:lili•I Recording 2 I use email every day. But the one
it's just amazing.
5 I get nervous when I have to organise
1 What's your new teacher like? thing I hate about it is spam. It is
so annoying. I think the people who a social event - like if I'm having
2 What's it like living in the country? a party or lots of people round to
are responsible should be forced to
3 Does your mother like staying dinner. I get nervous about what I'm
sit down and read millions of spam
with you? going to cook and if I'll have time to
messages for six months.
4 Do you like eating out in restaurants? do everything.
I: That would teach them!
5 What are the prices like? 6 I worry about all kinds of things. Often
P: Of course it would.
6 Does your brother like it in Scotland? I feel worried about the world when
I see the news and all the problems.
7 What's your new job like?
IIJ:lill•I Recording4 There are so many problems in the

l•l:011•1 Recording 3 1 There's a problem with my room. world and a lot of the time I try not to
think about them and then suddenly,
2 Excuse me.
I = Interviewer S = Sophie L = Luis I'll start to worry.
3 Could I speak to the manager?
P= Pamela
Could you help me?
I'm afraid I have a problem. i•l:iilfl Recording 3
S: OK, right. My name is Sophie Dunston 6 I have to make a complaint. R = Robert M = Miriam
and I'm sixteen years old. Well, one
R: I think they've already changed the
thing I don't like is people using their
mobile phones or laptops or other Recording 1 way we live. I mean, a lot of people,
like me, spend a lot of their free time
technology at the wrong time. 1
playing online games - and this has
I: What do you mean by 'the A: Have you finished the book yet? made me a more sociable person. It's
wrong time'? B: Yes, I've already started the next one. difficult to play modern computer
S: For example, during lessons. Or any 2 games alone. When you start the
time when someone's trying to talk
A: Have you cooked the dinner yet? game, you also join a network of
to them.
B: No, I've only just got home. other people playing online, and you
I: Isn't this normal now?
3 can join a team to play with other
S: I don't think so. Some of my friends people around the world. I work as a
don't even hear their parents because A: Have you asked your wife yet?
lorry driver, so I spend a lot of time
they spend their whole life wearing B: No, I'm going to speak to her later.
alone on the road. When I used to
headphones.\ thin\<. it' s rea\\y rude. play computer games when I was
I: And how would you stop this? younger, I sat in my bedroom, closed
off from the world. Now when I play,
I'm constantly talking to other players
in real time. Because of this, I spend when she was only six years old. It made 2
most of my free time talking to other her one of the biggest child stars of A: Excuse me. Would it be possible to
people with the same interests. I used the time. change seats?
to be quite shy, but these days I find Another line which helped an actor's B: Um ... let's have a look.
it easier to talk to people I don't know. career was 'I'll be back.' In a scene A: Are those seats free?
So yes, I think computer games are in The Terminator in 1984, Arnold B: Yes, I think they are. Can you hold on a
changing the way we live, and it's a Schwarzenegger tries to get into a few minutes until they close the door?
good thing. police station, but they don't let him in.
A: Yes, of course.
M: Well, they're not changing the way I So he promises to return. And he does,
live very much. I mean, they're just by driving a car through the doors! B: Thanks.
games, like any other game. I quite Schwarzenegger used the same line 3
like computer games - some of again in many of his films. For many A: Hello.
them.There are lots of games I don't people, it's the first thing they think of B: Hello.
like, like the violent games, but for when they hear his name. A: How are you?
me it's just the same as the other When people think of Robert de Niro, B: Fine, thanks.
things I do. I mean, sometimes I read they also remember the famous line, A: Table for two?
a book or watch television to relax. 'You talking to me?' from the 1976 film
Sometimes I go out for a walk and B: Yes, please.
Taxi Driver. This line wasn't actually in the
sometimes I play a computer game. script. Robert de Niro just said it while A: Did you book?
It's not changing my life. I don't spend they were filming and it became the line B: No.
all my time on the computer. I use a people remembered most in the film. A: OK, let me see what we've got.
computer for work, so I don't want to Sometimes words are connected to the We're fairly busy, but we may have
be on the computer all the time at role, not the actor who says them. All something. Just a moment. OK, we've
home, too. And I think a lot of people James Bond actors so far have introduced got one free table. Would you come
are like me. In our free time we prefer themselves with the line, 'My name's this way?
to do other things. Bond. James Bond,' after Sean Connery
first said it in the film Dr No in 1962. ID Recording 1
i•Willl Recording4 'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.'
Now this was perhaps the most famous
M = Manager W = Worker line ever said on screen. Clark Gable A: Excuse me, could you help me?
M: The project needs to be finished said it at the end of Gone with the Wind, B: Yes, of course. What can I do?
this week. in 1939. It was used to show that his A: There's a problem with my key. It
W: I'm afraid that's not possible. character didn't care what happened to doesn't open the door.
M: Why not? Everything's possible. Scarlett O'Hara, even though he was in B: I'm sorry about that. I'll get you
W: I'm sorry, but I don't think it is. We're love with her. People thought the word another one.
working hard, but we need another damn was a very bad word in the USA 2
two weeks to finish the job. at the time. But this just made the line A: Excuse me, could I speak to
M: Two weeks? Can you try to finish by more powerful. the manager?
the end of next week? B: Yes. I'll just get him for you.
W: I'm really not sure about that. There's I•):IiIfJi Recording 2 A: I'm afraid I have a complaint.
still a lot of work to do. 1 celebration, politician C: What seems to be the problem?
M: That's true. But you can get some 2 photographer, adventurous, celebrity A: We still haven't had our main course
more staff so we can finish sooner. 3 successful, musician, invention C: I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can
I'm sorry, but I don't see what the do at the moment. We're very busy.
4 dangerous, wonderful, scientist
problem is. 3
W: I'm afraid I totally disagree. The
problem is that we don't have more l•Uhlf.j Recording 3
A: Could you recommend a good place to
go shopping?
staff. We can't find people to start 1 B: Certainly. There's a new shopping
work tomorrow, so ... A: Good afternoon. How can I help? centre not far from here. Would you
B: Hello. I'd like to go on a tour of like me to order you a taxi?
II):Ii111 Recording 5 the city. A: That would be great. Thank you.
W = Worker M = Manager A: OK. Are you thinking about a bus tour B: No problem.
or private tour or boat tour?
W: I'm afraid that's not possible.
B: A bus tour. Would you be able to
W: I'm sorry, but I don't think it is. recommend something?
W: I'm really not sure about that. A: Yes, we have regular tours throughout
M: I'm sorry, but I don't see what the the day. The bus leaves every hour
problem is. from outside the hotel.
W: I'm afraid I totally disagree. B: Oh, perfect.
A: Here's some more information.
i•UiilfJi Recording 1 B: Thank you.
Some lines in films are so famous that A: Would you like me to book you a seat?
people recognise them all over the world. You don't have to. You can just wait
One of these is the line, 'ET phone home,' outside the hotel if you like.
which Drew Barrymore said in her role as B: I'll just wait outside. Thanks
Gertie in ET the Extra-Terrestrial, in 1982. very much.
This line helped start her acting career A: You're welcome. Enjoy the tour.

ID fall - fell know - knew go - went
say - said see - saw spend - spent
2 Jon met Ella in an online group and
they got on really well.
1 meet - met get - got 3 I didn't want to be late, so I left home
lB 2E
6D 7F
SA 91 lOC 3 4 Matt proposed to Fiona, but/and she
1 met 2 got 3 started 4became said no.
2 S lived 6had 7 talked 8 sent S I like Clara, but she can be a bit rude
2 What time do your English lessons 9 didn't tell 10 decided 11 arrived sometimes.
start? 12 proposed 6 We got married two years ago and we
3 How often do you cook for your had a baby a year later.
friends? 4 7 The film was terrible, so they left early.
4 How many people are in your family? 1 did you stay, found 8 I'm studying medicine because I want
S Where does your mother come from? 2 ate, was to be a doctor.
6 Why did you sell your house? 3 didn't have, rained
4 went, didn't like, thought
7 How many glasses of water do you
drink in a day? S spent ID
8 Where is the classroom? 6 was, didn't have
7wrote, didn't understand
9 When did you last see your best
8 gave
10 Where did you go shopping? 9 did you get (G 0 s s I P) T
10 started, moved
3 D F A s N R K
2 What do you do
3 Who do you live 1 ended (ends in /Id/, the others end in w E � L T s D
4 How many people live with you/in the /cl/)
house/in your house 2 arrived (ends in Id!, the others end in Q H R (T E L L)
S What do you do/like to do in your free It/)
time 3 finished (ends in /t/, the others end in w J E E R G T
6 How often do you go to the cinema !Id/)
7 Why are you studying English 4 invented (ends in /Id/, the others end
in /cl/)
T T s A R I I
8 Which class are you in
9 When did you start learning English S started (ends in /Id/, the others end in
(H A v EJ u 0 u
4A H L v G p s T
lD 2A JE 4F SC 68 6A
aZ b4 cl d6 e3 f5
R -._K_.. s u '-----"
lF 2T JF 4T ST 6F B
1 He was eighteen (years old). B
c 2 They were in Spain. 1 have 2 gossip 3 tell
1 You should stand up and walk around. 3 They promised to write to each other. 4say Stell 6talk 7 interrupt
2 Having good relationships makes you 4 They decided to stop because it was
happy. too difficult . 2
3 Things like answering a difficult email S They met again ten years later. 1 my friend 2 good weekend 3 isn't it
and making a dentist's appointment. 6 They felt (really) shocked. 4 work here S Would you 6Did you
4 You will feel happy now because you 7 Their son's name is Jamie. 7do you 8 I'm sorry 9 was terrible
will look forward to the special thing. 10 see you
S You will feel good/better.
6 When you smile, you feel better. 1 mates 2 sunbathing 3 recognised 3
4shocked 6hanging out (with each 2 Where...,are""you going?
0 other) 3 I come from""ltaly.
1 exercise 2 relationships 4 lt's...,a beautiful day.
3 touch 4cross S forward S l'm...,afraid""I can't remember.
2 We saw Pompeii and we thought it
6 Where did""you buy""it?
was wonderful.
ID 3 She didn't like her job, so she decided 7 I'm sorry, but.,,! don't""understand.

1 to leave.
4 They couldn't get married because
2 met, got on well 3 fell in love 1 Did you have a nice weekend?
her father wouldn't allow it.
4proposed, accepted, got engaged 2 Where did you go?
S He started taekwondo lessons
s got married because he wanted to get fit.
3 Would you like a drink?
4 So, do you like it here?
2A 6 They wanted to buy the house, but
the bank didn't give them the money. S It was nice to meet you.
ask R decide R know I stop R 6 Let's keep in touch.
7 I wanted to go to the concert, but I
like R go I say I see I spend I couldn't find a ticket.
study R try R meet I walk R 8 I didn't sleep very well, so I'm very
work R get I tired today.
DI 2team 3pressure 4salary
5 holidays 6 risk 7 with
1 1
1 company 2 bonus 3 staff 4 task 4A 2get 3go 4see 5 get 6 have
5 boss 6 employee 7 office 8 salary 2 usually 3 never 4 Once in a while 7 go 8 go 9 have
Mystery word: customer 5 rarely 6 occasionally 7 never
8 always 2A
2 1 Are you going away on holiday this
1 a ii, b i 2a i, b ii 3a ii, b i 4a ii, b i
SA year?
5 a ii, b i 6 a i, b ii 2 rarely happen 3 ohen happen 2 Who is cooking your dinner this
4 never happen evening?
3 3 When are you going to the dentist?
1 are you smiling 2 do you know B 4 What are you doing this weekend?
3are they doing 4 are you drinking 1 happen once in a while/occasionally 5 Are you going to play any sport this
5 Is he 6 She's wearing happen week?
2 always happen 6 Are you going to marry Roberto?
4A 3 happen once in a while/occasionally 7 What time are you meeting your sister?
1 is 2 's/is working 3 doesn't like happen 8 What are you going to do to improve
4 's/is 5 's/is doing 6 's/is smiling
7 has 8 's/is playing 9 's/is looking 6A your English?
9 Are you having a party at the weekend?
10 are visiting 2safari guide 3male elephant 4pool 10 Are you going to the gym aher work?
5 tourists
1 Julio 2 Bruce 3 Natasha 4 Amei B
b7 c6 d8 e3 fl gs h4
5 Hernan 1 Story 1: a safari guide i 10 j9
Story2 : a tourist
SA 2 Because an elephant charged at them. 3
2 3 They escaped in the bus. No one was 1 are you doing, 'm staying
injured. 2going to look for 3'm speaking
c 4 are meeting 5 Are you coming
1 It is in the office (on the fourth and 6 are you going, 're going
fihh floors). 3 Story 1 4 Story 2 5 Story 1 6 Story 2
2 They can go bowling.
3 On the last Friday of every month, 1 25,000 2Tavern on the Green
each department chooses a theme lb 2a 3a 4b
3Shakespeare 4Top of the Rock
and the workers dress up accordingly. 5 Immigration 6 1892
4 They get a surprise trip.
c 1A 1 Because there are over25,000 trees
1 (bowling) alley 2basement and many different types of birds.
1 keen, absolutely 2love, can't
3 alternatives 4 uniforms 3on, mind 4very, don't 2 You can go ice-skating.
5 historical figures 6 trip 3 It's a skyscraper (in the middle of the
6A c city).
a4 bl c3 d2 4 By ferry.
1 Dear 2 about 3 hearing 5 (Some of the) old, unused buildings
4 Yours sincerely 5 Hi 6 It's 7 See 2A (on the island).

8 Cheers 1 Do you like working in a team?
2 I can't stand working under pressure.
The first email is formal. The second one 3 I'm not very keen on my boss. Hi Mike,
is informal. 4 I don't like my colleagues. I'm playing football later with a few of
5 I don't mind dealing with customers. the boys from work. Would you like to
6 Are you keen on sport? come?
1 B
2 foreign correspondent a3 b4 c5 d6 e2 fl Dan,
I'm sorry, but I'm busy tonight. I'm taking
3 fashion designer 4 IT consultant
5 rescue worker 6 sales rep
3 Leila out for a meal. Wish me luck!
7 personal trainer 2H 3E 4C SD 6G 7F 8B Thanks anyway.
2.AJB 4A
1 Really 2sounds interesting Hi guys,
6 syllables: fQreign corresQQ!!dent
A few of us are going out for a curry on
5 syllables: fushion designer, !I 3And what about 4That's great
5 see 6 Right Friday night. Do you want to come with
consultant.�sonal trainer
us? We're meeting at the Indian Tree at
4 syllables: rescue worker
2 syllables: sales rep 8p.m.

Hi Emma,
I'd love to. See you there.
1 I'm having a party
2 Do you want to come
3 We're going to have music 2 How 3 Where 4 Do S Do
4 Julie is getting tickets for the theatre A R R A N G EJ v 6 Where 7 How 8 What
s We're going to see Shakespeare's c A N c E LJ M 0 B
a8 b5 cZ d6 e3 f4 g7 hl
6 Would you like to come H 'B y H A v EJ D
II.El A 0 E E I G p I
get: the bus, on well
. .
1A N 0 s c L F N T go: on holiday, to the cinema, sightseeing
have: children, a barbecue, time off work
1 d nightclub 2h shopping mall G K T K p E L spend: money on clothes, time with family
3 b waterfront 4 e nature trail
s c concert hall 6g street market ,..s R 0 0 c T K L B
7 a sports field 8 f countryside 2get the bus 3 spend time with family
T M F A E s I
R � 4go to the cinema Shave a barbecue
B 6get on well 7go sightseeing
A concert hall B nightclub B
c shopping mall D waterfront 2 She called me because she wanted to
E sports field F street market 1 took 2stayed 3 didn't tell
havea chat. 4 went out Sasked 6 complained
2B 3 Please booka table for us at the Blue
Fin Restaurant tonight.
7 was 8 told 9 talked 10 decided
lT 2F JT 4T SF 6F 4 There's been a problem and I can't 4A
attend, so I'm calling to cancelmy
c reservation.
1 too 2isn't, lovely 3 So, come, city
4good, weekend, do, much
1 45,000 dollars 2no 3 yes s Don't forget to checkthe train times s would, like, drink, love, water
D before you leave for the station. 6 see, later, See, soon
6 I'd like to come to the 4.30
1 terrible 2 all over 3 message
4 artist Saway 6 surprise
performance, not the 6.30, and I'm 5
calling to changemy ticket. 2 I stay 'm/am staying with some
3A 7 The manager of Triad Books is on the friends for a few days so I can look for
phone. He wants to talkbusiness. somewhere to live.
1 What country 2 Who invented
3 Which painting 4 Which Caribbean
s Which French 6 Who spends
2 3 I'm not lmowing don't knowwhat
time the lesson starts.
2d Jg 4c Sf 6b 7a 4 They 51*f16're spending time with
7 How many 8 Who uses
9 Who earned 10 Which city 3 their family in Germany at the
B A: Hello. +'.ffl It's/This isJim. Is Trudy
s We'-fe usually gei-Ag Weusually goout
a5 b8 c3 d4 e7 f9 gZ for a pizza about once a week.
B: I'm afraid btH: she's not here at the
h6 i1 j 10 6 I'm not uAderstandiAg don't
understand where Ian is. He never
4 A: Oh really? Can I leave ff'le amessage?
arrives late.
B: Of course.
2 Who invented basketball in 1891? 7 Do you watch Are you watching
A: Can you tell her that we need to
3 How many hours a month do this programme, or can I watch the
discuss the party on Friday?
Canadians spend online? football on the other channel?
B: Yes, I will. I'll ask her for calliAg to call
4 Who brought football to Brazil from
England in the nineteenth century?
you back. 6
s Whose sitcom is one of the most A: Thanks a lot.
B: You're welcome. Bye.
2 I hardly ever see her because she
successful TV shows of all time? works for a different company.
A: Bye. 3 My parents occasionally help us when
6 Who first developed the sport of
chess boxing in the 1990s?
7 What/Which country won the World
4 we're busy.
4 I usually get up at about 6.30a.m.
Cup in 2014?
a6 b8 c3 dZ e9 fl g7
s Sal's very upset - she never wants to
h4 i5 j 10
8 What is the smallest desert in the see him again.
9 Whose daughter is called Lisa Marie?
5 6 Once in a while we go to Scotland/We
go to Scotland once in a while.
1 What's the name, please
10 How many people visit the British 7 I rarely have the chance to spend time
2 I didn't catch that
Museum every year? with my sister.
3 Can you repeat that
8 I take the children to school every
4 can you speak up, please
day./Every day I take the children to
s can you slow down, please school.
1 tickets, after six/6/6.00
2 station, eight/8/8.00
3 bookings, eight/8/8.00

3 B
2absolutely love 3 can't stand lb 2b 3a 4a 1 You have to/must be good at foreign
4doesn't like 5 don't mind 6hates Sb 6a 7a Sb languages if you want to learn
7like working 8 'm/am keen on Mandarin.
4 2 We have to/must be there on time, or
8 1've been 2 've made they won't let us in.
1 I'm going 2is 3's going to start 3Have you ever spent 3 We don't have tohave a licence to
4are you 5 coming 6We're 4 went 5 laughed 6has spent fish here.
7haven't had 8 watched 4 You mustn'ttell him I'm here.
9 9 've never eaten
1salary, boss 2sightseeing 5
3work, pressure 4exhibition Se 2can't 3 must/have to 4can
5 get, long, holidays 6art gallery lT 2T 3F 4F SF 5 can't/mustn't 6have to 7can
7concert, ticket 8 task 8 must/have to 9 can't 10 Can
c 11can't/mustn't
10A la 2b 3b 4a
2 Where doyou come from? GA
3 ,/ 6 lA 28
4 Why did David leave his job? The Greatest Mind in Fiction
5 How often doyou play football? Most of fiction's great minds� B
6 How much doesit cost to fly to belong (gr) either to criminals or to 15 25 3H 45 SH
Russia? the men and women who catch them.
7 ,/ A The (gr) greatest of these is probably c
8 ,/ Sherlock Holmes. The Holmes stories lb 2a 3a
9 When didyou last go to a concert? were written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
Why are you learning English?
(p) a eeEffi doctor (sp) from ediABttrgh
Edinburgh (p), Scotland. Conan Doyle D1I
12 Where didyou buy that coat? knew a lot about the human body and
peHiEe police (sp) work, and he f!a5 (gr)
B 1memorise 2look, up 3reread
used this information in his books. Very
4 chat 5 subtitles 6go online
a7 b 6 c10 d2 e11 f3 g5 quickly, Conan Doyle's hero aeccaffie
7note down
h4 i 9 j 8 k 12 I 1 became (sp) popular. When Holmes was
killed in one story, thousands of readers
protested. Conan Doyle changed his
CHECK 1 mind, and Holmes appeared in another
1 I don't think you should
2 Why don't you try
lb 2a Jc 4b Sc 6a 7b story. (p)
3 I think you should get
8 b 9 c 10 a 11 c 12b 13a
4 Why don't you buy
14b 15 a 16b 17c 18 a 19 c
20 b 21c 22a 23b 24b 25 c D.I 5
I think you should try
It's a good idea to think
26a 27 c 28 b 29 c 30 a 1
Across: 4test 7piano 8 sport 3
UNIT4 10 online 11take 1 I think you should
Down: 1mistakes 2performance 2 Why don't you/Why not
Dll 3study 5 languages 6uniform 3 Try talking
9 play 4 I don't think it's a good idea to
1A 5 Why don't you try
1make 2do 3do 4make 5 do 2 6 I think you should
6make 7do 8 make Conversation 1: 2don't have to 3can
4 Can 5 can't 6 Can 7can 4A
B 8 have to 9 can le 2f 3e 4a Sb 6d
2 I made a phone call. Conversation 2: 1have to 2have to asuppose b You're ca good d so
3 I did business with him. 3have to 4don't have to 5 can esure that's fright
4 I made a meal. 6can 7 Can 8 can
5 I did a project.
6 I did my homework. 3
7 I made a speech. 1do I have to 2 Can I 3We must
8 I did (really) well. 4We don't have to 5 She can't

2 6You mustn't

2Have you ever sung 4A

3have never travelled 1 You can't have your mobile phone
4has never used switched on.
5 Has she ever made 2 You have to register before you can
6Have you ever lied use the site.
7has never eaten 3 I'm afraid she can't speak to you at
8 Have you ever won the moment.
4 You can use my computer if you want

DI 2souvenirs 3sun hat 4walking boots
5 waterproof clothes 6binoculars
1A 7money belt 8 suitcase 1
ship, motorbike, tram, moped, aeroplane, 9 digital camera 1 fresh 2junk 3alcohol 4worrying
lorry, speedboat, helicopter, coach, ferry, 5 vitamins 6relaxing 7caffeine
hot air balloon, underground, minibus 2 8 fizzy 9 exercise 10 running
1 reading 2to see 3 to get
B 4spending 5 to rain 6to refund 2
four wheels or more: taxi, lorry, coach, 7 travelling 8 to finish 9 to see 1 has been 2have ever watched
minibus 10 writing 11 living 12going Jhas gone, haven't seen
air: aeroplane, helicopter, hot air balloon 4 Have you finished, haven't started
water: ship, speedboat, ferry 3 5 has arrived 6 Have you found
two wheels: motorbike, moped 2 I expect to hear from the travel agent 7have you known, haven't been
public transport (city): tram, later today. 8 Have you heard, Have you decided
underground J We want to go on holiday, but we're
too busy. 3
c 4 We seem to go back to the same place 2 He's worked for that company for six
2underground Jhot air balloon every year. months.
4coach 5 lorry 6 motorbike/moped 5 Alan chose to stay in a hotel. 3 We've lived in Turkey since 2013.
7 speedboat 8 ship 6 We enjoy walking and looking at (the) 4 I haven't been to the cinema for a
beautiful countryside. long time.
2 7 I decided to travel on my own. 5 They've been here for two months
lg 2f Jc 4a Sd 6h 7b Se 8 We avoid visiting tourist resorts in now.
(the) summer.
3 9 We need to book our flights before
6 I haven't cleaned the house since
last Monday.
2 was playing Jdidn't hear (the) prices go up. 7 She hasn't listened to that music
4did it happen 5 was climbing
6landed 7 saw 8 was studying 4A since she was a teenager.
8 We haven't heard from him since he
9 said 10 Were you driving a2 b4 c3 dl left.
11 was going 12came 13 saw 9 Bob has been a builder for more
14were you going 15 was going e than forty years.
16dropped lT 2F 3T 4F SF 6T 10 The phone hasn't rung since 10
c o'clock.
11 I've wanted to climb a mountain
1 drop his ticket 2pay the taxi driver 1 earplugs 2hostels 3patient
since I was a child.
3go through security 4go for a walk 4ATM 5 skills 6local
5 try to sleep 6decide to use his
SA 4
mobile phone 2did you start Jdid you want
Story 1: b, h, d
4started 5 felt 6have lived
B Story 2: f, i, e, c
7 I've had 8 I've worked 9 travelled
2 was paying the taxi driver 10 met 11 I have ever seen
J was going through security
4went for a walk 5 were trying to sleep � 12have used 13 have become

6decided to use 1 SA
6A lg 2b Jc 4a Sf 6d 7e la 2b 3a 4a Sa
A 2 6A
1 on 2along 3through 4- 5 at le 2a 3b
6of 7 - 8 past
lT 2T JF 4F SF 6T B
3A lF 2T JF 4T SF 6F
2bar 3university hall 4theatre
1 he typed the wrong destination on a
5 park 6library c
travel website le Ze Jb 4a Sd
2 it was very small 4A
J his parents and friends from Germany
sent him some money
1 Can you help me
2You can't miss it OJI
3Can you show me on the map 1
4 Is this the right way
In any order: mango, plum, grape, apple,
5 You'll see it in front of you
orange, lemon, melon
6 Can I walk
(NB: Pear is also possible, but it does not
Across: 3 digital camera 7 notebook 7 It takes about ten minutes
appear in the Students' Book.)
8 sun hat 9 suitcase 81s it far
Down : 1 waterproof clothes 9 So I need to go left at the cinema
2 walking boots 4 souvenirs
5 binoculars 6 money belt
2 2 5
1chicken 2lemon 3broccoli Doctor: 1e 2c 3a 4f 5 d 6b 2 I want to writea great book so I can
4 Beefsteak 5 spinach 6potatoes Patient: 7k 8j 9h 10 g 11 i become famous!
7leg of lamb 8 cabbage 9 courgettes 3 I need to get upearly tomorrow, so
10 shrimps 11 onions 12garlic 3A I'm going to bed now.
13mussels 14cheese 1 4 We usually avoid driving at this time
P: I'm worried aboutmy leg. because of all the traffic.
3 D: Your leg? What's thematter with it? 5 Do you enjoy cookingmeals for large
la 2c 3c 4a Sb 6a 7c Sb P: Well, it'svery painful. It hurts when I groups of people?
walk. 6 They decided to clean the whole
4 D: I see. How long have hadyou the house after the party.
2 We won't eat animals in the future. problem? 7 She loves shopping for clothes.
3 We may eat more organic food. P: Since yesterday. ./ 8 I always seem to losesomething
4 Junk food might become illegal. D: Can I havea look? when I travel - usually my plane
5 People in the West will get fatter./ P: Yes, of course. ./ ticket!
People will get fatter in the West. 2
6 There may not be any fish left in the D: Hello. What's thematter, Mr Smith? 6
sea. P: I feel terrible . ./ lg 2d 3c 4e Sf 6b 7a
D: All right. Where does ithurt?
SA P: Everywhere. And I can't sleep. ?
lC 20 38 4A D: Ah. Have you got atemperature? 2since months 3for January
P: I don't know. ./ 4since years 5 for the last meal
B D: OK. Can I have alook? 6for now 7since months
lb 2b 3a 4a Sb 6b P: Yes, of course. ./
c D: That's fine. It's nothing toworry about.
P: But I feel terrible!./ 1 I doA't will won'tgo to the cinema
1concentrating 2variety tonight because I'm busy.
3experiments 4on average 4A 2 I may te send her an email.
1 3 We Aot ffiigAt might nothave time to
SA 1 What's the matter go to the museum.
1 I have always liked cooking and I cook 2 How long have you had the problem 4 The weather report on TV said there
every day. 3 Have you got/Do you have a might te be storms.
2 I was very young when I cooked my temperature 5 Joshua may not eego to the game.
first meal. 4 you've got a cold 6 lffl might be late to class tonight.
3 I don't eat much meat, but I eat a lot 5 plenty of rest
of fish. 6 hot drinks
4 I was working as a chef in a horrible 2 aD bP cD dP eP fD
hotel when I decided to open my own 1 Can I have a look
restaurant. 2 Where does it hurt
5 I don't drink alcohol, but I use a little 3 How did you do it le 2e 3a 4f Sb 6d
wine in some of the dishes I prepare.
6 I like meeting customers at my
4 go to hospital for an X-ray
restaurant and I ask them about the 1art 2binoculars 3caffeine
food. REVIEW 2 4decision 5 exam 6 fizzy 7games
8 homework 9 information technology
B 1 10 junk food 11 kit 12literature
1 My favourite types of food are pasta 13motorbike/moped 14notebook
2've/have never visited 3came
and fresh fish. I alsolike fruit. 15 online 16pill 17 rollerblading
4've/have been 5 got 6did you go
2 Every morning I buy vegetables and 7haven't met 8 didn't hear 18 ship 19 tram 20 uniform
herbs from the market. I alsobuy 9 's/has never won 21vegetables 22waterproof 23aerobic
meat there. 10 has she ever eaten
3 I find that the food in the market is
fresher andbetter quality. It's also 2 CHECK 2
cheaper. la 2c 3c 4b Sa 6a 7c le 2a 3b 4b Sa 6a 7c
8b 9b 10 c 8 c 9 a 10 b 11 c 12b 13 b

rD 3
14c 15 a 16c 17b 18 c 19 b
20 c 21a 22 c 23b 24 c 25 c
1 2 Should 3shouldn't 4suppose 26 a 27b 28 b 29 a 30 c
Across: 5 painkillers 7broken 5 sure 6think 7Why
9 antibiotics 10 X-ray
Down: 2cold 3rest 4temperature
6headache 8 sore 1happened 2 was studying
3was sitting 4saw 5 realised
6wasn't looking 7didn't help 8 had
9 was watching 10 received
ID 1 I worked hard fef to pass my exams.
2 ./
1 3 I play a lot of sport because I want to 1
1 for, to 2to, for 3 about, back stay fit. 2cash 3lend 4bill 5 borrow
4about, for 4 He drove for six hours to ffieetiAg 6notes 7coins 8 tip 9 earn
meet you. 10 invest 11 worth 12 hunt, treasure
2 5 The bus was late, so #tat we walked.
le 2e 3f 4g Sa 6b 7d 6 I spent time abroad because et: I like 2
travelling. lb 2c 3a 4c Sa 6c 7a
3 7 I'm going to the restaurant fef to 8b 9 b 10 c
2used to read 3 Did you use to study meet my friends.
4used to be 5 Did you use to spend 8 ./ 3
6 used to stay 7used to run 9 I went to the shop for buyiAg to buy 1 who 2 where 3that 4that
8 didn't use to like 9 didn't use to come the book. 5 where 6 who 7which 8 that
10 I live miles from my office, ettt so I 9 where 10 which
4 get a train to work.
2 They used to dream about a life on 4
the beach. 4 2 who/that fixed my teeth
3 They used to sit in traffic on the way 1 because, so 2 Because, So 3 where you get free food
to the office. 3To, so 4 SO, to 4 which/that I left on your table
4 Harry used to wear a suit to work. 5 which/that sells old CDs
5 James didn't use to spend his time SA 6 which/that I gave to your girlfriend
sitting on the beach. le 2a 3a 4c Sb 6b 7 who/that helped me get fit
6 They didn't use to eat tropical fruit for 8 where I was born
breakfast .
7 They didn't use to wear shorts and a 1 divorced 2religion 3 remember
4country 5 actor 6mistake
T-shirt to work. 2 It's a place where you can really relax.
8 They didn't use to go surfing at the 3 Do you still see your friend who 5fle
end of the day. c became a motorcycle courier?
9 James' colleagues used to think he 1 gets divorced 2boxer 3 lead singer 4 Clarissa started a company that fl: sells
was crazy. 4 immigrants 5 identify (with) organic food.
6 dropped 7birth certificate 5 ./
SA 6 That's the house #tat where I was
1 used to be 2didn't use to have 0 born.
3used to give 4used to study 1 birth certificate 2identify with 7 I don't like people wftiffi who/that
5 used to live 6use to go 3give an example 4real name talk all the time.
5 got divorced 6lead singer 8 ./
6 9 Is this the iPod that you want fl:?
18 2D 3C 4A SF 6E
? 1 3
lF 2F 3T 4T SF 6F
Across: 6cafeteria 8 lecture
8 9 library 10 bookshop
1 Junichi lnamoto 2 Marlon Brando
Down: 1 photocopying room
Set new goals: 1, 3, 2 3 Nicole Kidman 4Dr Dre
Do something different: 2, 3, 1 2registration desk 3welfare office
Think about now: 3, 2, 1 4main reception 5 stationery shop
1 fans 2nickname 3fights 4lines

ED 2 5 billionaire
3library 4 reception 5 Thank 6 kind
1 7know 8 Sorry 9 cafeteria 10 opens
2 documentary 3saves 4became 11 Thank 12help 13tell 14Sorry
5 arrested 6 spend 7 role 15 Can 16 here 17classroom 1
18 Thank
2 1 up 2into 3 back 4up 5 over

2film 3 many people 4 a theatre 3A 2

5 a long way 6 play 7thief 2 leave it/my bag 1 up 2down 3back 4up 5 over
3 you say 9 o'clock
4 (You need to buy) a notebook 3A
5 Sorry(, can you say that again, please) The guitar is in very good condition.
6 you say in the lecture theatre It sounds really good.
The guitar is fairly easy to play.
It will be extremely difficult to find a
better offer than this!
2 Melanie, enough 3Sandra, much 1 features 2 air 3 park 4 scenery
4 Doris, enough 5 Melanie, too 5 wildlife 6 tropical 7 rural 8 natural
6 Melanie, very 7 Doris, many
8 Melanie, much 9 Sandra, many 1 ocean 2 Desert 3 mountain range c
10 Doris, too 4 river 5 lake 6 waterfall 1 fresh air 2rural area
3 wildlife centre
5 2 4 geographical features
1 a ii, b i 2 a ii, b i 3 a ii, b i 4 a i, b ii 2smaller than 3higher than 5 tropical rainforest 6 national park
5 a i, b ii 6 a ii, b i 7 a i, b ii 8 a i, b ii 4 colder in Poland 5 hotter in France 7 beautiful scenery 8 natural beauty
6s 3A 2
Maggie and Joe Smith lived in the same b 2 the weather 3 elephants(-)
house for AAeefl fifty years. When Joe 4 an architect 5 the camera
died, Maggie sold the house to David 4 6 Europe(-) 7January(-) 8 a doctor
Jones. A few yed:f5 weeks later, Maggie 1 the coldest 2worse 9 the sun 10 Thursday(-)
heard someone say that Jones had found 3 the most popular 4 cheaper 11 the noise
some money in her old house. Jones 5 longer 6 hotter 7 shorter
told her there was S 10,000 in the wall. 8 better 9 the longest 3
He offered her $5,000. She agreed. A few 10 the happiest 11 the funniest 2- 3a/the 4a 5- 6a 7the
days later, Jones asked Maggie to sign 12more difficult 8- 9 an 10 a 11 the
a contract that said she should accept
$5,000 for any money found in� 5 4A
gaffieft or around the house. She didn't 1,2 and 4 a2 b4 cl d3
sign it. Instead, she took Jones to court.
In court, he told the truth: there wasn't 6 B
$10,000. There was� $150,000. 1 He thinks it helps people who work in 1 a her dog; b a(dead) whale
Joe Smith, Maggie's husband, was putting the city to relax. 2a games; b in the garden
money in the wall for fifty years and he 2 They can learn about organic 3 a in(the) summer; b spaces(and) skies
never told his wife. In the end, the judge gardening and recycling. 4 a chickens, cows, pigs; b getting up
decided that Mr Jones Maggie should get 3 His father gave it to him. early
all of the money. 4 They eat some of it and sell some at
the market. c
ld 2g 3f 4h Sa 6e 7b Sc
ID 5 It's a house in the country(sometimes
it's a very small house).
1 6 They can enjoy fresh air and growing
their own vegetables. 1 completely normal 2be outside
1 store 2brand 3sale 4price 3fun 4 all kinds of 5 hiking
5 expensive 6market 7 6tree house 7feeding 8 enormous
Mystery word: online 1 Is this yettte your coat?
2 2 They gave us fftefe their car for the
1 A: Can I help you?
B: I'm just looking, thanks.
3 Have you got an extra ticket? I'd like to 1
come te too. 1 camel 2bear 3ostrich 4cow
2 A: Are you looking for anything in
4 We spent the weekend by the see sea. 5 pigeon 6spider 7lion 8 eagle
5 Do you know wettf where the office is? 9 butterfly
B: Do you sell hats?
6 Are you sure this is the Wfite right Mystery word: crocodile
3 A: Do you have one of these in a
larger size?
B: I'll just a have look. 8
4 A: Can I try these on? 1 That animal might te be a chimpanzee
1 your 2 it's 3too 4 sea 5 their or a monkey.
B: Yes, the fitting room is here. 6right
5 A: Are you paying by cash or credit 2 ./
card/by credit card or cash? 3 The waterfall eon't ean can't be here -
B: By credit card. it's too dry.
6 A: Can you enter your PIN? 4 ./
B: Yes, of course. 5 Perhaps tf\al: the people scared all the
animals away.
1 cash 2 PIN 3sign
5 fit 6size 7Can
4particular -N
6 The mountain range in the picture
could te be the Himalayas.
7 ./
8 That's definitely fie not a mosquito
4 A I Rl 0 y z A E R bite - it's too big.
1 things 2 stuff 3a type 4 a kind of T s T p A R Kl N u 3
SA u D E I F c x E R 1 might, could 2perhaps, might
A3 84 Cl DZ 3might, maybe 4 might, could
R s F c 0 p L R A
B A D N A M E w :L L 4
1 towels 2jeans, T-shirts 3yes 1 Well 2That's a good question
4(by) credit card/Visa J:_ w I L D L I F E 3It's hard to say 4 Let me think
5 I'm not sure

2an 3a 4 - 5 The 6- 7the 1yes 2 It's very crowded. 3yes 4no
1 8the 9the 10 - 11 a 12an 13 a 555 million 6the Statue of Liberty and
2didn't 3to drink 4use to 14the 15the 16- Times Square
5she use 6to play 7 Did your
8used to 9 use to 10to be 11 ?
2 I definitely will 3it mightn't be 1popular 2picnic 3go by
2 4can't 5it can't be 4cost of living 5once 6sights
2because 3so 4so 5to
6because 7to 8so 9to 10to 12 B
11 so 12because natural places/the outdoors: fresh air, 1 Dear Mr Smith,
ocean, coastline, geographical features, 2 I am writing to ask about courses at
3 wildlife centre, lake your college.
1 Could you help me? land animals: monkey, cheetah, bear 3 I would like to know what courses you
2 Can you tell me where the office is? animals that fly: pigeon, eagle, have in August.
3 Where can I find a post office? mosquito 4 In addition to this, I would like to
4 What time does the library open? animals that live in water: whale, shark, know the prices.
5 When do the lessons start? dolphin 5 I look forward to hearing from you
6 Is the swimming pool open on soon.
Sundays? 6 Yours sincerely, Sally Bridges
7 I need to speak to the director of CHECK 3
studies. le 2c 3a 4b Sa 6c 7a Sb
9c 10a 11 c 12b 13 c 14 b
1about, cure 2 spent, travel
15c 16a 17a 18c 19b 20a 1
21b 22c 23c 24b 25c 26a
3room, back 4desk, for 1police officer, thief 2judge, prison
27b 28a 29 c 30 a
5documentary, moves sentence 3 shoplifters, steal
4criminal, victim 5 fine, writing graffiti
5 UNIT 10 6Community service, fraud 7arrested,
2 which/that we drove to California shoplifting 8 investigating, theft
3 where my son was born
4 which/that designs computer systems
mE 9breaks, shoots
for businesses 1 2
5 where you work quietly or borrow books 1traffic 2crowded 3clean, safe ld 2h Jb 4c Sg 6a 7e Sf
4nightlife 5things to see, do
6 6public transport system 7crime 3
1 much 2enough 3very 4too 8friendly, polite 9green spaces 1is killed 2are called 3is looked
5many 6much 10buildings 4bring 5is discovered 6is found
?we 2 7miss 8do
1 Excuse me. Do you te sell binoculars? C 1buildings 2public transport 4
2 Do you have one of these in a larger 3traffic 4 friendly/helpful, polite 1 was arrested 2was told 3came
size? C 5parks/green spaces 6crime 4was caught 5had 6said
3 Are you looking for anything in 7polluted 8 crowded 9nightlife 7 was given 8chose
particularly particular? S 10clean, safe
4 It isA't fittiAg doesn't fit me. C 5
5 Can you just te sign here, please? S 3 1 are given extra homework every day
6 Where's the #t fitting room? C 1it like 2you like 3do you like 2 don't sell his books
4was, like 5she like 6What's, like 3 destroyed the library
8 7 Do you like 8's, like 4 wasn't broken by the children
1lend 2notes 3invest in 5 is used in hundreds of products
4take over 5give up 6a market 4A 6 caught the thief
9 2 What's it te like living in the country?
3 Does your mother like staying with
7 weren't told about the exam
1 Elephants are bigger than lions. 8 aren't found in Africa
2 Silver is cheaper than gold. 6A
3 This is the worst weather for many 4 Ate Do you like eating out in
restaurants? Sophie talks about technology.
years./This weather is the worst for
5 Is it much more expensive to live Luis talks about litter.
many years.
there now? What are the prices like? Pamela talks about spam.
4 Is Russia the largest country in the
6 9e Does your brother like it in
world? B
5 A Mercedes is more expensive than a Scotland?
7 � What's your new job like? Are le 2b 3a 4c Sc 6c
you enjoying it?
5 1rude 2banned 3litter
1 Paris 2 Mumbai 3a 4 lying around 5mess 6fines
nm ? mo
1 1 post 2stingy 3bloggers 1
4strong opinions S set up
Across: 1 crash 3delay S stuck
1 search engines 2message boards
7litter Sfaulty 3 social networking 4travel websites
Down: 2service 4loudly 6spam e s online news 6music download
7photo sharing
2 2 I took her out to lunch.
la 2c Jb 4c Sb 6c
3 I haven't seen them for a long time.
4 He's enjoying it.
1 don't 2 my 3 Definitely 4That's
3A S Then he gave us the bill.
6 I'd like to stay here for ever.
S sure 6 totally 7 true
1 There's a problem with the printer.
2 The microphone doesn't work. 3
3 I've been here for over two hours. DE 1 I'm sorry, but I don't think that's right.
2 I'm afraid I totally disagree.
B 1 3 I'm really not sure about that.
a3 b1 c2 1 excited 2confused 3 uncomfortable 4 I'm sorry, but I don't think so.
4nervous S lonely 6worried
4A 7bored Samazed 4A
2 Excuse 3 Could/Can 4help 1 I'm afraid that's not possible.
S afraid 6complaint 2 2 I'm sorry, but I don't think it is.
lb 2e 3a 4c Sf 6d 3 I'm really not sure about that.
4 I'm sorry, but I don't see what the
UNIT 11 3 problem is.
lllD ld 2f 3c 4h Sa 6g 7b Se S I'm afraid I totally disagree.

1 4
1 mobile 2blog 3link 4email 1 'm/am, will be 2 'It/will call, 's/is UNIT 12
S send 6Skype 7 webpage Schat
9 post 10 video
3 see, 'ti/will tell
4 doesn't come, 'ti/will be Im
S get, 'ti/will earn 6 'It/will buy, 're/are 1
2 7 'It/will change, see Swill you do, lose 2cartoon 3comedy 4biopic
1 I haven't finished packing yet.
2 I've already spoken to her. 5 S documentary 6 horror film
7action film Sscience fiction film
3 Yes, we've just got back from our 1 wait 2will be 3 go 4'ti/will have 9 blockbuster 10 thriller
holiday. S stay 6'ti/will spend 7 go
4 Yes, but I haven't watched it yet. Swon't know 9 look 10 find 2
S I've just got my exam results. 11 have 12will you look 2a X, b .r 3a .r, b X 4a X, b .r
6 But I've already spent all my money. S a X, b .r 6a X, b .r
3 2 If the elephant walks on the bridge, 3
1 've/have just woken up the bridge will break. lh 2c 3j 4g Se 6i 7a Sb
2 've/have just finished 3 If the bridge breaks, the elephant will 9 d 10 f
3 've/have just eaten fall.
4 's/has just lost 4 If the elephant falls, the crocodiles will 4
S 's/has just passed eat it. 2 (that) he was starring in a TV series
6 've/have just heard S If the man falls, his girlfriend will 3 (that) he would appear in a film the
7 's/has just sent scream. following year
S 's/has just stopped 6 If the/his girlfriend screams, the snake 4 (that) the film was called Samba
9 's/has just arrived will wake up. Nights
10 've/have just started 7 If the snake wakes up, it will bite the/ S (that) he could work with any
his girlfriend. Hollywood directors he chose
4A S If the man doesn't cross the bridge, he 6 (that) he was living in Beverly Hills
2 A: Have you cooked the dinner yet can keep the flowers. 7 (that) he was getting married to
B: I've only just got home 9 If he keeps the flowers, it will be a lot Sonia Jeffers the following month
2 A: Have you asked your wife yet easier. S (that) she was a famous actor too
3 A: Have you decided where we're
going yet 7 9 (that) he would text me the
following week
B: we've just booked a table at Robert: 1 yes 2no 3 yes 4yes 10 (that) he could take me to some
Mario's Miriam: 1 no 2yes 3yes 4no great parties
4 B:
S A:
I've already played twice this week
Have you seen Miranda BA SA
B: she's just leh 1 changed 2 sociable 3 interests 1 B, ET the Extra Terrestrial
4talk S violent 6computer 7me
5 Sprefer
2 D, The Terminator 3A, Taxi Driver
4 E, Dr Na ·s C, Gone with the Wind
6 1 six 2 by driving through the doors
lT 2F 3T 4F SF 6T 3 Robert de Niro 4in 1962
S the word damn
D 6 5
ld 2b Jc 4a Se 2billion 3Seoul 4dance 2 've just done
5 important people 6money 7 music 3haven't finished (it) yet
E 4 've already paid
1scene 2on screen 3star 4role 7 5 've just started
5 lines lF 2T JF 4F ST 6T 6's just brought
8 6
IJ.E 1update 2fashionable 3unique 1crashed 2faulty 3SMS 4website
4create 5 hugely 5 search 6loudly 7board
2 successful 3 celebration 9A 7
4 adventurous 5 politician Introduction/Early life: b, i, c, g 1would 2will 3 knew 4will 5 was
6 photographer 7 wonderful Career: I, e, j, k, a 6 will 7get 8left
8dangerous 9 helpful Personal life: f, d, h
1politician 2adventurous, celebrity
3musician, invention
mo lb
2b Ja 4a Sb 6b

4wonderful, scientist 1 2successful 3politician 4helpful

1got 2rented 3recommended 5 wonderful 6photographer
3 4organised 5 invited 6booked
1 didn't have, wouldn't be 10
2 didn't have, 'd/would love 2 1 Suzie told te me that they wanted to
3 d/would be, didn't argue lg 2d Ja 4f Sb 6c 7e move house.
4 'd/would ask, needed 2 We 5iHd told her that/We said Ref that
5 didn't rain, 'd/would go out 3 we wouldn't be long.
6 wouldn't be, went 1would like 2be possible 3able to 3 I called a taxi, but they told me they/
7 had, 'd/would offer 4you recommend 5 Shall I 6 want me but they -tele said they were busy.
8 could, 'd/would move 7like me 4 They asked to move to a different
4 4 table, but the waitress 5iHd told them
that/but the waitress said t:fl€ffl that it
1 If I was/were famous, people would 1give 2on 3a 4on
wasn't possible.
recognise me on the street.
2 If she had more money, she would buy SA 5 Her boss told te her that she had to
A3 B2 Cl work late.
a car.
3 What would you do if you lost your
B 11
job? 2 comedy 3horror 4action
4 If I lost my job, I'd/would have to look 5 historical 6science fiction
for another one. 1 2 3
5 I'd/would travel to China if I could 1What a bus to a table 12
speak Mandarin. do the tour change for two 1 Could you help, There's a problem, I'm
6 If Harry had more time, he'd/would do customers (of the seats sorry about that
more sport. want? city) 2 Excuse me, could I speak to; I'm afraid
7 If we didn't have a television, I'd/ 2 Do they yes yes yes I have; there's nothing we can do
would read more books. get what 3 Could you recommend, Certainly,
8 If you were famous, how would your they want? Would you like me to, No problem
life change?
2 If the restaurant wasn't/weren't so
la 2c 3a 4b Sc 6c 7a 8b
expensive, we'd/would eat there.
3 If you watered the garden, it would 1 9 b 10 a 11c 12b 13b 14b
15 c 16a 17c 18a 19 b 20 a
look very good. 2What's it like 3 Do you like
21c 22a 23c 24a 25 c 26c
4 If I had Jodie's number, I'd/would 4 What's he like 5 Do you like
27a 28b 29 b 30 c
call her. 6 What's the weather like
5 If we had enough money, we'd/would
buy our own house. 2
6 If I had any food in the house, I'd/ 1safe 2pollution 3 transport
would invite them in for lunch. 4traffic 5 nightlife 6buildings
7 If I practised every day, I'd/would be 7polite 8crime
very good at the guitar.
8 If I didn't spend so much time 3
answering my email, I would finish 2 works 3arrived 4found
my other work. 5 was hidden 6gave 7were told
9 If the flights weren't so expensive, 8gave 9 left 10 is not found
we'd/would visit more often.
10 If I wasn't/weren't (so) late,\ wouldn't
be walking (so) quickly. 1sentences, service 2fine 3fraud
4thief 5 speeding 6graffiti
s 2ND

Discover English as it is really spoken

Speakout 2nd Edition is a comprehensive six-Level general English
course for adults that has been developed in association with
BBC Worldwide and BBC Learning English. The course integrates
authentic video from popular BBC programmes into every unit and
builds the skills and knowledge Learners need to express themselves
confidently in a real English-speaking environment.

The Speakout 2nd Edition Workbook contains a wide variety of

practice exercises that review all the Language areas covered in the
Students' Book:

• Grammar, vocabulary and functional Language exercises help to

consolidate and extend new Language
• Extra practice in reading, writing and Listening extends Learners' skills
• Regular review sections reinforce key Language and allow Learners
to check their progress

• Students' Book with DVD-ROM
• Students' Book with DVD-ROM and MyEnglishlab
• Class Audio CDs
• Workbook with Audio (with and without key)
• Teacher's Book with Resource and Assessment Disc
• ActiveTeach

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A2 . 81 . 82 .
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