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2013 Revisi 2018 - Ask and Give Information about Someone or Something Characteristic

Contoh Soal Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Kurikulum 2013

Revisi 2018 - Ask and Give Information about Someone or
Something Characteristic

  Handy  Agustus 30, 2020

Choose the correct answer!

The following picture is for questions 1 - 3

1. The girl . . . wearing a beautiful costume.

     A. is
     B. am
     C. are
     D. has
2. She is dancing a . . . dance.
     A. Bali
     B. the Bali
     C. Balinese
     D. Bali people

3. She has . . . eyes.

     A. big
     B. small
     C. close
     D. bright

4. What is the bedroom look like?

     A. dark
     B. neat
     C. messy
     D. slippery

5. The girl has lost her pet.

    She looks so . . .
     A. tired
     B. upset
     C. happy
     D. excited

6. Turn on the lamp, please. It's . . . here.

     A. dark
     B. silent
     C. bright
     D. crowded

7. It's . . . here. Please, turn on the fan.

     A. quiet
     B. nice
     C. hot
     D. big

8. The room is . . . rubbish is everywhere.

     A. nice
     B. dirty
     C. large
     D. beautiful

9. The street is . . . because there are big trees on its side.

     A. far
     B. long
     C. wide
     D. shady

10.  I'm so . . . . Let's go to the canteen.

       A. sad
       B. smart

11. Look! The butterfly is . . . . I like its colour,

       A. rich
       B. ugly
       C. slow
       D. pretty

12. Handy : What do you think of our new teacher?

      Heni    : I think she is . . . . She talks to the students nicely.
       A. rude
       B. cruel
       C. silent

13. The woman . . . my English teacher.

       A. is
       B. am
       C. are
       D. are not

14. You . . . my classmate.

       A. is
       B. am
       C. are
       D. is not

15. The children . . . playing in the yard.

       A. am not
       B. am
       C. are
       D. is
16. Which sentence does NOT go along with the picture.?

       A. The tree is big.

       B. The tree is thin
       C. The tree is shady
       D. The tree has many leaves

17. Look at the picture.

       The dog is . . .
       A. big
       B. tiny
       C. little
       D. short

18. Look at the picture.

      The girl's hair is . . .
       A. far
       B. big
       C. thick
       D. short

19. Look at the picture.

      The room is . . . and . . .

       A. dirty - tidy
       B. clean - tidy
       C. dirty - messy
       D. clean - messy

20. Look at the picture.

      The fruit is . . . and . . .

       A. soft-sour
       B. sour-juicy
       C. bitter-hard
       D. sweet-juicy
21. Look at the picture.

      Which sentence does NOT go with picture

       A. They are wearing jeans.
       B. They are standing.
       C. They look happy.
       D. They are sitting

22. Look at the picture. It is . . . and . . ..

       A. red and ugly

       B. white and ugly
       C. blue and pretty
       D. white and pretty

23. Handi has just got one hundred for his maths test.
      He looks . . .
       A. tired
       B. fresh
       C. upset
       D. happy

24. Heni is celebrating her eleventh birthday.

      She looks . . .
       A. sad
       B. smart
       C. sleepy
       D. cheerful

25. I'm so tired. I need some . . .

       A. fun
       B. rest
       C. food
       D. books

26. Wake me up in the morning, please, I don't want to be . . . for school.

       A. late
       B. early
       C. happy
       D. hungry

27. This bag is not new, it is . . .

       A. old
       B. big
       C. cheap
       D. expensive

28. The car is not sick, it is . . .

       A. healthy
       B. cheap
       C. fluffy
       D. thin
The following text is for questions 29 - 30.
Handy : Do you know Farhan form 7A?
Heni   : Yes I do. He is my neighbor.
Handy : Really? What is he like?
Heni   : He is very kind and polite. He is
             diligent, too. He likes helping
             other kids.

29. From the text, we know that Farhan is not . . .

       A. kind
       B. rude
       C. polite
       D. helpful

30. Where does Farhan live?

       A. At school
       B. Near Heni's house.
       C. Far from the school.
       D. Near Handy's house.

The following text is for questions 31 - 34

From : Handy
I am in the hotel now. I'm very tired, but the hotel room is nice, so I can have some good rest.
The bed is big and comfortable. There is a big TV, too. There is also a unique couch in the
corner. See you tomorrow, dad. Miss you so much.

31. Where is Handy right now?

       A. In a hotel with her mother
       B. In a hotel room
       C. In a coach
       D. At home

32. What is the room like?

       A. Big
       B. Hot
       C. Nice
       D. Unique

33. How is the couch?

       A. Big
       B. Hot
       C. Nice
       D. Unique

34. From the text, we know that Handy will go home . . .

       A. the next day
       B. tonight
       C. today
       D. late

35. Look at the woman.

      She is wearing a silk outfit.

      It is an . . . sari
       A. India
       B. Indian
       C. Indonesia
       D. Indonesian
36. The girl is wearing a . . . custome.

       A. Japan
       B. in Japan
       C. Japanese
       D. Japan people

The following text is for questions 37 - 40.

From : Ghania

Hi, Aisyah. Glad to hear from you again. Do you remember Kitty, the kitten? She is big now.
She has soft fur. She is cute and has a pink nose. She's not picky so I feed her with several
types of food.

37. What is the name of the cat?

       A. Kitty
       B. Picky
       C. Kitten
       D. fur

38. What is the fur like?

       A. Big
       B. Sort
       C. Cute
       D. Hard
39. What is the color of the nose?
       A. Red
       B. Pink
       C. Black
       D. Brown

40. What does it eat?

       A. Many kinds of food
       B. Fish only
       C. Cheese
       D. Mice

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