Unit 6a-B

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Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns

Vocabulary: food and drink, food o rders, catering
Professional skills: meeting customers' needs
Case study: rescue a restaurant

1 Match 1-6 with a-f. Use a dictionary if necessary. Which word in a-f is not part of
the group?

1 fish a mango, lettuce, banana, apple, ora nge, pineapple

2 meat b potato, carrot, onion, cabbage, egg, cucumber
3 fruit c m ilk, cheese, dessert, yoghurt, cream, butter
4 vegetables d beef, chicken, prawn, duck, rabbit, lamb
5 dairy products e bread, pasta, noodles, rice, breakfast cereal, garlic
6 grain products f cod, salmon, tuna, carp, mushroom, trout

2 Label the photo with the words in the box.

fork glass knife napkin/serviette plate spoon

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3 Read the article about Danny Ammaniti's working day. What kind of restaurant
does he work in and what is his job?

The Inside Story

I start work at 10 a.m. most days. The waiting I'm the front of house manager for Surfers so I
staff set the tables for lunch and sometimes move greet people as they arrive. I also walk around
tables around if a big party is coming in. Surfers is making sure they are enjoying their meal, and I'm
a large seafood restaurant and we often get group responsible for dealing with any complaints from
bookings. unhappy customers.
Some days, I do training with the new servers. I The evenings are our busiest time with about 195
show them how to look after their station, how covers a night. Before the evening shift, there is
to anticipate guest needs and how to process a a short meeting with the waiting staff to tell them
customer's order and bill. about the specials we want to promote. These
At 12 p.m. the lunchtime customers start to arrive. promotions can increase sales for the restaurant
and their tips.

4 Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the article in Exercise 3.
1 Waiters are also called in the USA.
2 '_ _ ' refers to how many customers eat during a sh ift.
3 A serve r's - - · is the group of tables he or she is respo nsib le for.
4 The dishes that a restaurant is especially p romoting are t he _ _ .
5 _ _ are extra money that wa iters receive from customers for good service .
6 When you _ _ a table, you put knives, forks, etc. on it before a meal.
7 The area where the customers are served and wait ing staff primari ly work
is the
8 An _ _ is the food and drink requested by a customer.

5 ll)t.IM Listen to a shop assistant in a sandwich bar and two customers. What do
they order? How much do they pay? irLanguage.com
6 ID Listen again and complete what the shop assistant says. Practise saying the
1 To eat in or 1_ _?

2 __ sliced bread or a baguette?
3 Would you like any 3_ _ ?
4 And what wou ld you like 4_ _ with that?
5 5_ _ or large?
6 Would you like ___ ? We have a great sele ction o f 7 _ _ and m uffins.
7 Would you like to pay for that 8_ _ or 9_ _?
8 So that's fifteen _ _ fifty altogether, please.

7 Work in pairs. What were the customers' replies to the phrases in Exercise 6?
Check your answers in audio script 6.1 on page 123.



8 Work in pairs. Turn to File 18, page 1 05.
1 Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the questions.
1 When catering for a large group, which is better- a formal dinner or a buffet? Why?
2 Is it better to prepare al l the food in advance or to prepare some at the e vent? Why?
3 How can a catering company avoid long queues for drinks?
2 Read the article and check your answers in Exercise 1.

Sandra Kellerman Catering for a crowd

When you're planning a large event, which is better- a sit-down meal or
a buffet? Sandra Kellerman, executive chef and owner of London-based
Kellerman Catering, says that buffets are better for parties with thousands of
guests. 'Buffets give hungry guests access to food immediately,' she says.
She gives the example of the 25th anniversary party of a company, which
Kellerman did the catering for the previous week. They set long tables with
hors d'oeuvres so that the 3,000 employees could serve themselves when
they arrived. Twelve large buffet stations offered both hot and cold items,
and chefs at action stations provided both food and entertainment- the
chefs cooked as guests watched. Kellerman also prepared a lot of food
before the event. 'Some items we don't cook until required,' Sandra explains.
'lt ensures the culinary team doesn't run out of food but that there isn't too
much waste either.'
The quantity of food necessary is one of the hardest things to judge. The
number and type of guests are a guideline. At last week's event 'seventy
percent of the guests were men, so we knew the amount of meat was key.
Many large events use disposable products but at last week's event we
used real plates, glassware and cutlery,' Kellerman explains. As for the drink
service, 'the tables are designed so that there is enough room for the staff to
serve three people at a time. Each table had 12 serving staff. All of them had
experience working at stadiums and other big venues. These guys know how
to make drinks fast.'

3 Read the article in Exercise 2 again and circle the correct answer in italics.
1 Last week's event was a birthday party I business event I wedding anniversary.
2 There we re three hundred I thirteen hundred I three thousand guests.
3 There were twe lve tables of buffet items I hors d 'oeuvres I drinks.
4 Most of the people at the e vent were men I women I children.
5 There were three staff on each drinks table I twelve drinks tables I twelve staff on
each drinks table.
4 Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the article in Exercise 2.
1 A___ is a food service option offered in which waiters serve food to guests at their
2 ___ are areas at a catered event where guests can watch how their food is cooked.
3 ___ is the knives, forks and spoons used for eating and serving food.
4 When you ___ something, you use all of it and don't have any more.
5 The is the unwanted food after an event.
6 If something is ___ , it is intended to be used for a short time and then thrown away.

Countable nouns have a singular and plural form . Uncountable nouns only have a singular form.
You can count them, e .g. apples, eggs, pizzas. You cannot count them, e.g. water; rice, money.
I have an apple. I have some rice.
I have some apples. I have a lot of rice.
I have a lot of apples. I don 't have much/ a lot of rice.
I don't have an apple. I don 't have any rice.
I don't have many/a lot of apples. How much rice do you have?
I don 't have any apples. See Grammar reference, page 114.
How many apples do you have?

5 Study the Grammar box and put the words in the box into the correct group:
countable (C), uncountable (U) or both (B). Use a dictionary to help you.

chocolate coffee food fruit meal milk omelette

potato prawn salt sandwich vegetable

6 l))t.ta Listen and complete Sandra's notes.

Client: P&K Sports

Date of event: 1_ _ _ __
Expected number of guests: 2_ _ _ __

Type of event: 3_ __ __
Venue: Marley's 4_ _ _ __

7 D Complete the conversation. Then listen again and check your answers.
H = Henry Martins, S = Sandra Kellerman
H: W e're expecting 1_ _ people and we need 2_ _ food.
S: Just give me 3_ _ details. How 4_ _ guests are you expecting?
H: How 5_ _ will it cost?
S: There's 6_ _ space there .
S: So, you don't need 7_ _ beverages?
S: How 8_ _ time do we have to prepare the buffet?


Search the internet for a selection of catering
menus. Enter the key words: catering, events,
8 Work in pairs. Student A turn to File 19, page 106. buffet, menu and find a menu for breakfast, lunch
Student B turn to File 39, page 111 . and dinner that you th ink is interesting, good
value and caters for special diets. Present your
findings to the class.

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