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Story Writing

 Story writing allows us to give wings to our imagination and develop

our writing skills.
 Writing an interesting story is a challenging task.
 We need to keep several things in mind to make it engaging for the
 The story should have a beginning, middle and an end.
 It has characters who are involved in the action of the story.
 Limit the number of characters and describe the characters
 It has a plot or some interesting action.
 Make sure that the first paragraph is catchy.
 We use past tense to write a story.
 We can use direct speech, interjections, expressions and
contractions in a story.

Example :
Develop the following points into a readable story.

I was going for a walk…….. Get a purse …. Contains a lot of money …….
Address of the owner from the diary ……… goes in search of the owner
……… hands over …….. rewarded.

Honesty is the best policy

One day I was going for a walk. The sun was about to set and there
weren’t many people in the streets. As I was walking down the road, I saw
something lying near a big piece of rock. I bent down to pick it up. It was a
purse and it contained a lot of money. I looked around. Nobody was there. I
wanted to keep the money. I knew no one had seen me picking up the
purse. So why couldn’t I keep it? But then I thought about the poor man or
woman who lost it. Maybe it was the money they borrowed from a bank to
marry off their daughter. Or it could be the money they need to pay for a
dear one’s hospital bills. When such thoughts crossed my mind, I lost the
desire to take the money. I realized that it was cruel. Also it was immoral. It
was not my money so how could I take it? I felt that I must find the owner of
the purse and hand it over to them. So, I searched the purse and I found a
diary in it. I opened the diary and luckily it had the complete address of its
owner. I returned home and told everything to my parents. Together we
went in search of the owner and handed over the purse and its belongings
to him. I had guessed it right. The owner of the purse had borrowed the
money for his daughter’s marriage. He was very sad when he lost the
purse and was hoping that some kind soul would find it and return it. When
we reached his home and told him that we had found his lost purse, his joy
knew no bounds. He thanked us abundantly and as a token of appreciation
rewarded me with a nice gift. I was a bit hesitant to accept the gift but then
my parents told me that I deserved it.

Topics to create and write your stories : (For Extra Practice )

1. Write a story about a puppy with a penchant for solving puzzles—and
saving people!
2. Write a story about what life was like, for your grandmother as a
young girl.
3. Write a story about a weird new store that opens up in town and only
sells items that begin with the letter “P.”
4. Write a story about a friendly robot who has an unusual set of skills.
5. Write a story about a game of hide and seek that catches everyone
by surprise.
6. Write a story about what happens when one student accidentally
loses the class pet.
7. Write a story about a young pair of friends who wake up one day to
realize they can read one another’s minds.
Story For Reference :
Once upon a time there was an
extremely efficient hunter. He
used to kill lots of animals and
feed his family. One day Sage
Narada met this hunter. Sage
Narada told him that it was a sin
to kill animals that did not do
him any harm.

Then the hunter replied that he was doing it only to feed his family.
He also felt that the amount of sin
will not be much because it would
be shared between his family
members. Sage Narada wanted
the hunter to find out whether his
family members who shared the
income were willing to share his

The hunter decided to find out. To his surprise none of his family members
including his wife was willing to share the sin that he is committing. The
hunter went back to Sage Narada and told him, “Sir I do not want to
commit any more sin. Kindly help me to get pardon for all the sins names

committed by me.”
Sage Narada told, the only way I know is to chant the Names of “Rama”.
Though the hunter tries to repeat the
name “Rama”, somehow he was not
able to do it. Then sage Narada advised
him to chant the name “Mara”. The
Hunter started to repeat “Maraa,
Maraa”. He forgot all his surrounding
while chanting. Slowly an ant hill rose all
around him. Narada who again visited
the forest woke him up and told him that
he has got rid of all his sins. He also named him Valmiki after the ant hill
which was called Valmeeka in Sanskrit.

Valmiki became a great scholar due to his wisdom. Sage Narada asked him
“to write an epic on lord Rama. This epic then became famous as
Ramayana, the story of Lord Rama and Mother Sita which we all know.”

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