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Oscar English Grammar

According to new paper style for board exam

Standard – 12
Functional English grammar
Answers of all the exercises are given in a separate book

- Suresh Mangukiya

C h il d i s S pec
ry ia



Since -2008

Excellent English by Suresh Mangukiya 1

Oscar English Grammar

Annual Exam
SECTION : A (Objective – 17 marks)
• Tick mark True or False against the following statements : [04]
• Find and write the nearest meaning : [03]
• Select the most appropriate language function given in the bracket and write against
the sentence : [03]
• Select the most appropriate response : (M.C.Q.) [04]
• Select the most appropriate question to get the underlined word / phrase as answer:
(M.C.Q.) [03]
SECTION : B (Reading comprehension - 19 marks)
• Read the extract and answer the questions : [10]
• Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the brackets : [03]
• Write a short note focusing on the questions : [06]
SECTION : C (Reading comprehension 20 marks
• Read the following passages and answer the questions given below it : [05]
• Summary writing. [05]
• Read the news clipping and answer the questions : [05]
• Read the stanza and answer the questions : [05]
SECTION : D (Functions : 20 Marks)
• Transformation [04]
• Reported speech [04]
• Complete the sentence using the functions given in the brackets : [05]
• Synthesis [03]
• Editiing [04]
SECTION : E (Writing : 24 Marks)
• Information transfer [05]
• Paragraph writing [08]
• Application writing or Speech writing [06]
• Email writing or Report writing (Either is asked) [05]

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Oscar English Grammar

Section - A

Write whether the sentences are True or False:

(1) Customer was technically powerful.
(2) Customer cannot install LOVE while several programmes are running.
(3) The customer informed that four programmes were running then.
(4) The programme will remain in memory but it will disrupt other programmes.
(5) She had the advanced programme.
(6) The customer had an error message.
(7) The programme has been set up to run on external HEART.
(8) The system will remove any faulty file and programmes.
(9) Then customer should empty the recycle bin.
(10) Customer should not share and she would get back neat modules.
(11) Walt is no more but he lives as a live influence in creations.
(12) Walt hasn't given memorable cartoons, nature films feature film etc.
(13) People think Walt is still alive.
(14) Walt was matchless, imaginative and creative.
(15) Walt provided a lot of fun and pleasure through his creations.
(16) Walt was full of impractical dreams that he made them come true.
(17) Walt sketched his first birds.
(18) The new fashioned train was Walt's first attraction for his Disneyland.
(19) In Chicago, Walt studied cartooning.
(20) Walt started Animation Company in Kansa.
(21) Walt was not well-to- do when he came to Bollywood.
(22) At first, Walt started his cartoon series Alice in Cartoonland.
(23) Walt was not disappointed though he didn't earn a lot initially.
(24) A lot of people saw the movie of Mickey, watched series on TV end read a lot from the books and
(25) Roy Edward liked Walt's way of storytelling than he finished movie.
(26) Walt always took humour lightly.
(27) Walt always asked for the views from his colleagues before the final decision.
(28) Walt always involved himself in everything while making a creation.
(29) He hoped that Disneyland would be unique.
(30) It was opened in July-1955.
(31) He saved a lot of money.
(32) Our mind, body and emotions work together.
(33) We can study and take right decision with our physical capacity.
(34) Sometimes one has to make rational decision based on the current circumstances.
(35) Some good exercises help us build better resilience and rebalance oneself.
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(36) Concentrate on what is not wrong at present.

(37) One is likely to make mistakes.
(38) Expect that you are lucky.
(39) Over thinking releases pressure.
(40) Don't have more expectations.
(41) You will start doubting yourself due to over thinking.
(42) You will feel less energetic than actually you are.
(43) You will feel everything going right due to over thinking.
(44) Watch the film as an outside observer.
(45) Practise positive thinking only wherever and whenever it is impossible.
(46) Hectic life and pessimism cannot make us successful and positive.
(47) The focus on positive aim will make you think mort clearly.
(48) The exercise like 'anticipating success' can drive away the negativity from your mind.
(49) Nana was not taken to the funeral of the author's grandmother.
(50) We were scared for Nana's health and we want to expose him to further trauma.
(51) Nana was fifty eight when his wife died.
(52) Sometimes they would not talk to each-other for a few days together.
(53) Nana might have got married at the age of twenty five.
(54) The grandmother fought with the author's step mother.
(55) The Nana defended the author's step mother and favoured her.
(56) Nani will regret the day Nana die.
(57) Nana didn't allow the author and his family members to take away the bed of his wife.
(58) Nana stayed locked in his bed room.
(59) Nana asked for a new bottle of cough syrup though he had cough.
(60) Nana refused for haircut though he needed it.
(61) Nana began to talk in a feminine way more and more.
(62) Dr. Kamble was a physiotherapist.
(63) He was suffering from dissociative personality disorder.
(64) The doctor advised the author to make adjustment with his grandfather.
(65) In the old age, the suffering of the author's grandfather was curable.
(66) Ants share work to each other.
(67) Ants help each other to reach to the top.
(68) The behaviour showing the adeptness of ants has been noticed and studied by none.
(69) They are called umbrella ants because they carry large pieces of leaf over their heads like
(70) Ants do farming in their own way.
(71) When ants need slaves, they attack the nests of others and abduct some of their children.
(72) From their birth ants are taught to disobey
(73) The people living in the houses flee when driver ants pass from their house.
(74) Driver ants eat small insects.
(75) Ants play games, nurse the sick and bury the dead.

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(76) Helen Keller speaks based on authentic material.

(77) Helen Keller cannot read various magazines himself.
(78) The author is going to speak impartially.
(79) The fight is against the preparedness and economic system.
(80) Helen warms the workers that there are enemies all round their country.
(81) The speaker demotivated them to be ready for the protest.
(82) The enemies of the masters are their workers.
(83) They are ready to fight though they are not rewarded properly.
(84) The workers are innocent childish and silly.
(85) They have sacrificed many a times yet they a are not well off.
(86) They are ready to fight for even other people.
(87) The workers have liberties.
(88) No free and democratic country has ever existed.
(89) They have to face the dangers of transport, construction etc..
(90) At last, they get nominal salary and the war compensations.
(91) What masters need is reorganization and reconstruction of their whole life.
(92) The statesmen and government have always ignored what the worker want.
(93) It is the duty of the workers to force such reforms.
(94) The author advises them to be ready for war for their good.
(95) They are also advised not to be the ode obedient salves.
(96) The father and the son were arranging chess.
(97) The mother was sitting by fire and knitting.
(98) He was posted in India and retired after completing his tenure.
(99) The family was mesmerized by the description of Mumbai.
(100)The paw hadn't a spell on it.
(101)An old and holy fakir had put a spell on the paw. was mesmerized by the description of Mumbai.
(102)The paw would fulfill desire but cause deep sadness.
(103)He threw the fire upon the paw.
(104)He was curious and he wanted to test the powers of the paw.
(105)He took the paw back from the fire.
(106)At first, he wished to get 200 dollars.
(107)His son was employed by Maw and Meggins.
(108)He got 200 pounds but he had lost his son.
(109)When he heard about his son's death, he became unconscious.
(110)After a few days, his mother wished to see their grandson alive.
(111)Her husband warned her against her wish that she might be afraid to their son's decayed body.
(112)But she insisted on having her wish come true.
(113)On demanding his third wish, there were sound of cracks and thunder.
(114)The house collapsed and rushed out and sighed in disappointment.
(115)The spell of the monkey's paw has worked a bit.
(116)He has lost his son and house.

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(117)It is a very complex problem.

(118)To enjoy nature, we must have open mind.
(119)There should be no pre-concept in mind.
(120)To be free is more than to be dependent.
(121)The intelligent cannot be free person.
(122)One should study the whole environment and all kind of influences.
(123)The surrounding people and condition should not inter fear if you want to be free.
(124)Fear is a bar to freedom.
(125)Common people have different kinds of fear.
(126)The desires or expectations are meant for self-assurance and a sense of importance.
(127)A desire to be something must be renounced if we love real freedom.
(128)After all the examinations do not give us position or twice make you somebody.
(129)The real cause for the desire to be something is title, position and knowledge.
(130)Generally, the students are encouraged to imitate a hero.
(131)When you understand that all the encouragements are hopes lead you to imitation, you are free.
(132)The freedom lies in understanding what one is from moment to moment.
(133)When you revolt for tradition, you can get freedom.
(134)The real function of education is to cultivate freedom.
(135)No freedom without leaving imitation.
(136)Headache is a great curse to human beings.
(137)Sometimes headache works as a password.
(138)Generally it is used at school by students.
(139)Many students used it to skip lunch hours.
(140)No other ailment can be so easily mentioned with impunity.
(141)Headache could be used at social gathering and none would doubt it.
(142)Only indisposition is superior to headache.
(143)Only the eminent people can use it.
(144)The person inflicted directly can use it.
(145)The secretary of eminent people can use it. can write it.
(146)Headache is an elegant falsehood.
(147)Many people use headache to avoid the favourable function.
(148)If a common person uses it at school he is likely to be punished.
(149)Headache is such a common ailment that some people would carry balm or tablet as its cure
(150)We should join hands with government to save environment.
(151)We all must follow some Dos and Don'ts to save our planet.
(152)CO2, and carbon footprints are less dangerous for us.
(153)Greenhouse gases are emitted by transport.
(154)We can completely eliminate the emission of greenhouse gases.
(155)Every aspect of our economy depends on fossil fuels.
(156)The emission of CO2, and carbon footprints will go very high very shortly.
(157)We must rely on alternative sources of energy.

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(158)We all must fight together against the menace of global warming.
(159)Solar energy should be used as much as it is impossible.
(160)The paper industry consumes a lot of trees.
(161)The pamphlets should never be given to the concerned people only.
(162)The discarded pamphlet causes a lot of burden of carbon foot prints.
(163)The low cost air-conditioners save a lot of electricity.
(164)The battery driven vehicles should be used more and more.
(165)Enough facility of sunlight in the house is advisable.
(166)The use of cars should be encouraged.
(167)Forest should be protected, conserved and increased.
(168)There should be cultivation of bio-fuel crops on large scale.
(169)Composting should be done both at individual houses and the community houses.

Find and write the nearest meaning:

(1) Expensive : cheap, gorgeous, precious, moderate
(2) Eligibility : qualification, demolition, nation, abolition
(3) acknowledged : well known, grateful, eligible, qualified
(4) Give up : pilgrim, digest, quit, quiet
(5) Survey : change, sight, analysis, bravery
(6) Motivation : legacy, heirloom, unaware, encouragement
(7) Legacy : heirloom, costly, heirloom, unaware
(8) Gaze : see, watch, look, stare
(9) Vow : sight, alter, approach, oath
(10) Routine : daily, often, never, rare
(11) soccer : volleyball, hockey, football, chess
(12) Vigorous : deserve, efficient, challenge, opportunity
(13) anticipation : provision, prediction, mindset, anticorruption
(14) Mindset : belief, convince, convince, vigorous
(15) Slam : challenge, eliminate, pound, regret
(16) Intense : faint, shy, focus, extreme
(17) Slam : regret, blame, eliminate, pound
(18) Unconscious : faint, belief, extreme, daily
(19) awesome : severe, flexible, quarrelsome, serious
(20) agitated : excited, cerebral, costive, none of these
(21) conquer : quarrel, overcome, overwhelm, give fight
(22) Conquer : loose, frighten, overcome, enhance
(23) fathom : complicated, understand, fashion, shape
(24) Eliminate : remove, strategy, decision, focus
(25) eliminate : remove, add, recognize, investigate
(26) Blame : accuse, skill, competence, focus
(27) Intuition : balanced, conquer, instinct, win
(28) Competence : ability, shy, negativity, unconscious
(29) Energetic : dynamic, excellent, advance, memory

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(30) appreciate : praise, attract, amaze, take care

(31) Conversation : memory, communication, energetic, fire
(32) Hopes : worries, awesome, wreck, aspiration
(33) Anxieties : awesome excellent, worries, rare
(34) Incident : accident, dent, prudence, ever
(35) counsel : writes, directors, leaders, absolute rulers
(36) Patience : patient, courage, stare, endurance
(37) patience : forbearance, calmness, obedience, impudent
(38) Adulthood : childhood, youth, maturity, neighbourhood
(39) Attraction : allurement, mishap, maturity, attitude
(40) dictators : writers, directories, absolute rulers
(41) Strength : conquer, instinct, power, poverty
(42) Ambitious : energetic, memory, aspiring, worried
(43) Hardworking : disciple, dispute, industrious, reluctant
(44) Hesitate : conquer, mishap, reluctant, gaze
(45) Focus : skill, competence, characteristic, concentrate
(46) Dispute : conduct, conflict, concrete, confide
(47) Dispute : ambitious, confine, conflict, status
(48) Pandemonium : noisy and uncontrolled behavior people, good manners,
(49) Ignorance : uproar, forbidden, anxious, illiteracy
(50) Ignore : avoid, barrier, debate, conduct
(51) Ego : mission, devotee, hesitate, psyche
(52) Barrier : identity, opium, dispute, hurdle
(53) barriers : ignorance, blocks, stones fruits
(54) deliberately : accidentally, intentionally, automatically, without choice
(55) Deliberate : balance, brittle, vigour, intentional
(56) Stamina : abandon, resilience, attack, bloom
(57) Summit : beak, peak, steep, risk
(58) catch up with : succeed in reaching, keep something within reach, undergo
something, recall something
(59) Onslaught : exposure, blossom, attack, fragrance
(60) Vigor : zest, jest, joke, brittle
(61) vigorous : tough, eager king, victorious
(62) Forbidden : not allowed, forgiven, dismissed
(63) Upset : confide, confused, argue, blossom
(64) Ignorance : uproar, forbidden, anxious, illiteracy
(65) Swallow : digest, chew, absorb, boring
(66) Anxious : uproar, ignorance, illiteracy, afraid
(67) Investigate : whoop, inspect, escape, argue
(68) Stagger : walk unsteadily, walk steadily, move on the hands and knees, shout
(69) collapse : collect, fall down, construct, leap
(70) Collapse : exhausting, crash, investigate, fence
(71) splayed out : aggravate, spread out, advocated, snarled
(72) Stomach : dumb, nostrils, waist, belly

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(73) Insomnia : sleeplessness, exhausting, ignorance, investigate

(74) insomnia : inability to remember, inability sleep, inability to speak clearly
(75) Remedy : hunt, fence, medicine, diet
(76) exhausting : enlarge, haunting, effortful, existing
(77) frustrated : confused, annoyed, laugh, angry
(78) growl : crumble, grumble, rumble, shout
(79) Enemy : opponent, foe, bachelor stab
(80) Enemy : friend, starve, strain, foe
(81) Stab : pierce, shoot, starve, waist
(82) Made up of broils : full of difficulties, full of full of tensions, hot water, full of
(83) Intention : tease, insomnia, objective, dumb
(84) Tease : strain, remedy, annoy, gasp
(85) Plight : ingratitude, gruffly, fault, condition
(86) plight : great fight, flight, slow, difficult situation
(87) Satisfaction : contentment, equivalent, population, primeval
(88) equivalent : different together, distinguished, same
(89) pilgrims : people who make a journey to holy place, people who give money in
charity, people who give money in building temples, None of these
(90) Pilgrim : boundary, wayfarer, glorious, view
(91) destination : decision, explanation, terminus, anticipation
(92) primeval : aboriginal, modern, anticipation, traditional
(93) Magnificent : swallow, chew, digest, glorious
(94) tedious : interesting, exciting quarrelsome, boring
(95) Tedious : boring, view, wayfarer, identical
(96) integral : important, fundamental, ordinary, internal
(97) Disapproval : rejection, communication, integral
(98) disapproval : denial, agree, consent
(99) deceptive : illusory, imaginative, real, sharp
(100)Dominant : Impart, impressive, slant, saying
(101)Ornithology : study of vegetation, study of birds, study of animals, study of
(102)acknowledge : refuse something, accept a fact, appreciate, invite
(103)Limit : confine, confident, confidence, confide
(104)conceal : hide, concrete, uncover, None of these
(105)trival : very large, small, exceptional, terrific
(106)Pursuit : attempt at achieving something, understand something, attempt at
avoiding, something, None of these.
(107)Conservator : a person who attempts to save environment, a person who
advocates new thing, a person who knows values very we a
person who protects values or things.
(108)a large arena : a large hall, a large stadium, a big late, a large complex
personality, controlled behaviour of people.
(109)detained : Prevented from living somewhere, Prevented from leaving or doing
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something, being punished, attained

(110)Slink away : To get drowned, To move away, To get caught, To get shocked
(111)'in a continual hot water' : in high temperature, in a difficult situation, in
tention, in a flowing water
(112)conservation : reservation, deserve, constitution, preservation,
(113)receptive : deceptive, acceptive, conceive, attractive
(114)Explore : analyse, visit, motivate, legacy
(115)Energetic : dynamic, excellent, advance, memory
(116)Ego : mission, devotee, hesitate, psyche
(117)Emphasis : devotee psyche, mission, insistence
(118)Odour : steep, summit, fragrance, stamina
(119)Clueless : approach, sight, unaware, witness
(120)Quiet : gaze, calm, exit, quit
(121)Strenuous : arduous, large, great, serious
(122)synonymous : similar, right, easy, new name
(123)pound : hit, mould, easy, rapid

Select the most appropriate function given in the bracket and write against the sentence-03

(1) (Showing Purpose, Comparing People, Showing Contrast, Describing process, Showing result)
(1) The artist worked hard with a view to running a better livelihood.
(2) The colour of this trouser is good but the quality is the Worst.
(3) The ledge was so high that the leopard could not reach.
(2) (Showing Purpose, Comparing People, Showing Contrast, Describing process, Showing result)
(1) My selection of colours is as good as yours.
(2) Two tablespoon yeast are added.
(3) The students come to school in order to learn.
(3) (Showing Purpose, Comparing People, Showing Contrast, Describing process, Showing result)
(1) Inspite of his being qualified, he does not get a Government job.
(2) Prepare such a book that everyone will appreciate Mr.. Raval.
(3) No other cricketer is as cool as MS Dhoni.
(4) (Conditioning the past, offering advice, Reporting, Making Supposition, Deer is not important)
(1) The English teacher asked me why I was absent.
(2) The thief was caught today morning.
(3) Before exam the students should work really hard.
(5) (Conditioning the past, offering advice, Reporting, Making Supposition, Deer is not important)
(1) Khudabaksh sing the song as if he were Sukhwinder Singh.
(2) If it rains, we will not go to Central Mall.
(3) The boy told his father that he wanted to buy a new bicycle.
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(6) (Conditioning the past, offering advice, Reporting, Making Supposition, Deer is not important)
(1) The patient had been saved very intelligently.
(2) Mayur had beter meet Psychiatrist.
(3) Deepak Patel played guitar as if he were a rock star
(7) (Connecting Information, Comparing, Describing habitual action, Expressing manner of action,
Showing purpose)
(1) The labourers are working day and night so that the over bridge can be built up early.
(2) Tea is the best
(3) Moksha tries to dance as Deepika Padukone.
(8) (Connecting Information, Comparing, Describing habitual action, Expressing manner of action,
Showing purpose)
(1) Run fast otherwise you will miss the train.
(2) I used to blow whistle when I was in college.
(3) Prabhas gained his weight in order to make his body fit for Bahubali - II.
(9) (Connecting Information, Comparing, Describing habitual action, Expressing manner of action,
Showing purpose)
(1) The monkey is more naughty than many other animals.
(2) He behaves like his father.
(3) Neither Virat nor Raina performed well in this IPL.
(10) (Comparing things, Talking about people / place relation to something, reporting, describing
person making supposition)
(1) This city is totally different from the city we have lived in.
(2) Do you know who is the founder of Whatsapp is Facebook?
(3) Visnagar is not so hot as Ahmedabad.
(11) (Comparing things, Talking about people / place relation to something, reporting, describing
person making supposition)
(1) Kinjal asked Viral if she could give him cham che bangadi vali gaadi '.
(2) Rakesh Rajgor was totally unaware about the issue though he were not informed.
(3) He is the same guy as we have seen in Kashmir.
(12) (Comparing things, Talking about people / place relation to something, reporting, describing
person making supposition)
(1) The leader assigned the work to those persons wer he had full trust.
(2) Gold is one of the costliest metals.
(3) The culprit wished the priest good morning.
(13) (Synthesizing expressions, Doer is not important, Showing Contrast, Expressing choice,
Expressing Manner of action)
(1) she would rather have spent money on a holiday.
(2) How can I say that Jadeja Sir will be available at his office on Monday morning?
(3) Sanjay has so many friends but the best friend is Sandeep.
(14) (Synthesizing expressions, Doer is not important, Showing Contrast, Expressing choice,
Expressing Manner of action)

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(1) Try to follow the lifestyle as successful people have lived.

(2) For making garlic bread, garlic butter is applied on bread.
(3) Nakul would rather go to GMDC ground on Sunday morning.
(15) (Synthesizing expressions, Doer is not important, Showing Contrast, Expressing choice,
Expressing Manner of action)
(1) In Africa, a lion wakes up in the morning and searches for the food everywhere.
(2) Maanu has fast today yet she looks energetic.
(3) Nougat OS is like Marshmallow.
(16) (Doer is not important, connecting information, reporting, showing result, making supposition)
(1) Five terrorists were killed in Maharashtra.
(2) Congress wins in Gujarat but Bharatiya Janata Party wins in Bihar.
(3) Windshield of the car was broken yesterday.
(17) (Doer is not important, connecting information, reporting, showing result, making supposition)
(1) While India was celebrating Uttarayan, the soldiers were fighting for the country.
(2) Doctor said that Nana had a problem.
(3) Alpesh is laughing as if he were a cartoon.
(18) (Doer is not important, connecting information, reporting, showing result, making supposition)
(1) The teacher said that headache is not a serious sickness.
(2) Arunima Sinha was bold enough to fight with ruftians.
(3) People move in the Imagica as if they were in heaven.
(19) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation It to something, expressing the manner,
expressing supposition, giving opinion) .
(1) English teachers are clever enough to understand students' ideas.
(2) Rohit speaks as if he were Sherlock Holmes.
(3) Headache differs from other sickness.
(20) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation It to something, expressing the manner,
expressing supposition, giving opinion)
(1) Everybody believe that Granny is no more.
(2) Like Rakesh, Himanshu is intelligent.
(3) Both Walt and Roy were almost in the same way.
(21) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation It to something, expressing the manner,
expressing supposition, giving opinion)
(1) Roy Disney knows that Walt will never leave.
(2) Shivani is too shy to answer.
(3) Roshni thinks as if she were a slave.
(22) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation to something, expressing the manner, expressing
supposition, giving opinion)
(1) Gopi is too confused to talk with Dr.. Pandey.
(2) Kanubhai suggests as if he were his relative,
(3) Mr., Brown talks like a magician.

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(23) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation to something, expressing the manner, expressing
supposition, giving opinion)
(1) Dr. Kambli think that they should bring Nana with them.
(2) I saw such a man as you have suggested to meet.
(3) Unlike Akki, Ranvir Singh's films are more famous.
(24) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation to something, expressing the manner, expressing
supposition, giving opinion)
(1) We mean that love is a powerful feeling.
(2) This mobile is so costly that Veena can't buy it.
(3) Ajay Devgan looked at him as if he were blind.
(25) (Showing result, expressing condition in the past, showing contrast, giving suggestion, making
(1) Had they been here, they would have created new World.
(2) You should do strike against war.
(3) He speaks as if he were homeless.
(26) (Showing result, expressing condition in the past, showing contrast, giving suggestion, making
(1) Though Maya was a woman, nobody helped her.
(2) You had better sit with Arunirma.
(3) Mr.s. Mary was too worried to ask for other wish.
(27) (Showing result, expressing condition in the past, showing contrast, giving suggestion, making
(1) He keeps his head in his hand as if he were a fool.
(2) Amitabh speaks as if he were a politician.
(3) They make progress but they can't make India free from pollution.
(28) (Giving opinion, connecting expressions, expressing manner, showing result, talking about place in
relation to something)
(1) Unlike Baroda, Gandhinagar is pollution free city.
(2) The school clerk works as politicians work.
(3) Kalpana Chawla went too far to come back.
(29) (Giving opinion, connecting expressions, expressing manner, showing result, talking about place in
relation to something)
(1) Mr. Morris talked as a real magician performs on the stage.
(2) Like Mosko, Abu Dhabi is the capital of UAE.
(3) Doraemon is such a famous cartoon that everybody knows.
(30) (Giving opinion, connecting expressions, expressing manner, showing result, talking about place in
relation to something)
(1) The Narrator knew that Nana was changed.
(2) Everybody thinks is a holy place while Mt. Abu is a - picnic place.
(3) scientists say that we should reduce production of deadly gases.

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(31) (Showing Result, habitual action in the past, expressing manner of action, doer is not important,
comparing people)
(1) Pooja is too shy to talk to her fiance.
(2) This is such a powerful mobile that it can work as a computer.
(3) Gulabrao Maharaj used to wear his devotee's clothes.
(32) (Showing Result, habitual action in the past, expressing manner of action, doer is not important,
comparing people)
(1) Mr.s. Sharma speaks like Mother Teresa talked with poor people.
(2) Mr.. Jani was waiting for Mr.. Joshi as a fanatic.
(3) Aajwa - Nimeta was visited many times.
(33) (Showing Result, habitual action in the past, expressing manner of action, doer is not important,
comparing people)
(1) I was advised how to behave with Grandpa.
(2) ChilDr.en in my family used to go to watch magic - show in Hyderabad.
(3) Hitler was more dangerous than other leaders.
(34) (Showing result, synthesizing expressions, talking about person in relation to something, showing
purpose, making supposition)
(1) Naina behaves as if she were Priyanka Chopra.
(2) Switzerland is such a place that we all wish to visit.
(3) Anandiben Patel went to Delhi in order to meet our PM.
(35) (Showing result, synthesizing expressions, talking about person in relation to something, showing
purpose, making supposition)
(1) The doctor treated the child as if he were his relatives.
(2) China is too large a country to move in a day.
(3) I believe that one should love himself before he loves others.
(36) (Showing result, synthesizing expressions, talking about person in relation to something, showing
purpose, making supposition)
(1) Shiv wanted magic stick with a view to fulfilling his wishes.
(2) The doctor knew that Granny would not be cured soon
(3) Gujarat is such a state as you have never seen.
(37) (Connecting expressions, describing process, expressing manner of action, making supposition,
showing result)
(1) Robin Uthappa played so fast that none could beat him
(2) Unlike Mr. Bhatiya, Mr. Desai is very talkative.
(3) Kirti walks as if he were a girl.
(38) (Connecting expressions, describing process, expressing manner of action, making supposition,
showing result)
(1) This year's board question paper was easy enough to score good.
(2) Like Viru, Jay believes in 'We are the First.'
(3) Not only CO2, but also Carbon foot print is responsible for Global Warming.

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(39) (Connecting expressions, describing process, expressing manner of action, making supposition,
showing result)
(1) We can control Global Warming, if we grow more trees,
(2) The water in the fridge was too chilled to be Dr.unk
(3) Cheese is spread on pizza,
(40) (Showing result, expressing condition in the past, showing contrast, giving suggestion, making
(1) If Swami Vivekanand had lived longer, he would have created other new World.
(2) Workers had better strike against war.
(3) The begger asked for money as if he were hungry.
(41) (Showing result, expressing condition in the past, showing contrast, giving suggestion, making
(1) Though Ilaben was a woman, none helped her.
(2) You ought to sit with your father - in - law.
(3) Shiv was too worried to ask for other wish.
(42) (Showing result, expressing condition in the past, showing contrast, giving suggestion, making
(1) Nakul keeps his head in his hand as if he were the boss.
(2) Jaival Bhatt speaks as if he were a politician.
(3) We make progress but we can't make India free from slavery.
(43) (Giving opinion, connecting expressions, expressing manner, showing result, talking about place in
relation to something)
(1) Unlike Chandigarh, Bombay is a polluted city.
(2) Khalil Gibran speaks as astrologer speaks.
(3) Saniya went too far to come back.
(44) (Giving opinion, connecting expressions, expressing manner, showing result, talking about place in
relation to something)
(1) Dynamo performs on the road as a real magician performs on the stage.
(2) Like Shakespear, Kalidas is the Shakespear of India.
(3) Chhota Bheem is such a famous cartoon that GET everybody knows about it.
(45) (Giving opinion, connecting expressions, expressing manner, showing result, talking about place in
relation to something)
(1) Raval sir knew that Nayanbhai was changed.
(2) Ambaji is a holy place while Polo Forest is a picnic place.
(3) Environmentalists say that we should reduce production of deadly gases.
(46) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation to. something, expressing the manner,
expressing suppositions, giving opinion)
(1) Jital is too egoist to talk with her boss.
(2) Dhirubhai suggests as if he were the proprietor of the firm.
(3) Kavya met the same boy as had got the first prize.

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(47) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation to. something, expressing the manner,
expressing suppositions, giving opinion)
(1) I think that they should bring the chilDr.en with them.
(2) I saw such a man as you have suggested to meet him.
(3) Unlike Dharmen Dr.a, Amitabh is more famous.
(48) (Showing result, talking about a person in relation to. something, expressing the manner,
expressing suppositions, giving opinion)
(1) We all believe that love is a powerful feeling.
(2) This lappy is so costly that I can't buy it.
(3) Hrithik looks at him as if he were a blind.
(49) (Showing result, talking about a person in relations to something, expressing the manner,
expressing supposition, giving opinion)
(1) Art teacher, Mr. Bakulbhai is clever enough to understand student's ideas.
(2) Ashish Desai speaks as if he were Mr.. Kapadiya.
(3) Kidney stone differs from other pains.
(50) (Showing result, talking about a person in relations to something, expressing the manner,
expressing supposition, giving opinion)
(1) Everybody believe that Becharbha is no more.
(2) The peon behaves as the principal orders.
(3) Both John and Joseph were almost in same way.
(51) (Showing result, talking about a person in relations to something, expressing the manner,
expressing supposition, giving opinion)
(1) Roy Disney knows that Walt will never leave.
(2) Rupalee Jagga is too shy to answer.
(3) Kantabai thinks as if she were still slave.
(52) (doer is not important, connecting information, reporting, showing result, making supposition)
(1) Nine civilians were killed in Rajauri area.
(2) Prakashbhai won the election but he is not happy.
(3) Split AC of beDr.oom was cleaned yesterday.
(53) (doer is not important, connecting information, reporting, showing result, making supposition)
(1) While I was celebrating Diwali, they were working hard to succeed.
(2) Doctor said that Navinbhai had a problem of Vitamin B12.
(3) They were laughing as if they were a cartoons.
(54) (doer is not important, connecting information, reporting, showing result, making supposition)
(1) The doctor said that cold and cough is not a serious illness,
(2) Nirma was bold enough to fight with the ruffians.
(3) We move in the Disneyland as if we were in heaven.

Section - A

Select and write the most appropriate responses (Focusing given

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(1) Ami : Why didn't he reach in time?
Anita : __________(Expressing Result)
(a) He got up late.
(b) Because he was lazy.
(c) He got up too late to get the school bus.
(d) He walked fast enough to get the school.
(2) Sonal : How was the way to Maldiv hill ?
Honey : __________(Expressing Result)
(a) The way was so hilly that we couldn't drive.
(b) The way was too hilly for us not to drive.
(c) The way was not so good.
(d) The way was so as we had an accident.
(3) Jinal : Vaidehi cannot write speedily.
Jiya : __________(Expressing Result)
(a) She has got an injury.
(b) She is too weak to write speedily.
(c) She is so weak that she can write speedily.
(d) She is weak enough to write speedily.
(4) Jensi : Asha and Sweta never come together.
Jasna : __________(Expressing Result)
(a) Because they fought with each other yesterday.
(b) They are too friendly to come together.
(c) They are too quarrelsome to come together.
(d) They are to quarrelsome to came together.
(5) Prachi : __________(Expressing Result)
Anita : It is always like this.
(a) This summer is too hot to bear.
(b) Summer is very hot this year.
(c) Summer is enough hot to bear.
(d) Summer is very hot that we cannot bear.
(6) Roma : How is his score ?
Rekha : __________(Expressing Result)
(a) He has scored so well.
(b) His performance is too good to impress us.
(c) His performance is so good that none could satisfy.
(d) His performance is good enough to satisfy all.
(7) Rinkan : Why did Priya come back ?
Rima : __________(Expressing Result)
(a) She walked so slowly that she could not get the bus.
(b) As she did not walk fast, she missed the bus.

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(c) She walked too slowly to miss the bus.

(d) She walked enough slowly to get the bus.
(8) Ayushi : How is Roy?
Amita : ___________(Expressing Result)
(a) Roy is not so simple man to understand easily.
(b) Roy is too complex for us understand.
(c) Roy is quite a simple man.
(d) Roy is too complex that we cannot understand him easily.
(9) Pooja : Our country don't accept Western Culture.
Parul : __________(Expressing Result)
(a) Since we are orthodox, we don't accept western culture.
(b) We are so rigid to accept western culture.
(c) We are too traditional to accept western culture.
(d) We are generous enough to accept western culture.
(10) Bhoomi : Why don't you go there?
Bhoomika : __________(Expressing Result)
(a) I don't go there because I am fine here.
(b) I don't like to go there.
(c) It is so far that I don't go there.
(d) Though I am eager to go, I don't go there.
(11) Krisha : Why don't you join the party, Nitin?
Diya : __________ (Showing result)
(a) Because 1 don't like parties.
(b) I can't join the party because I have been ill.
(c) I am too tired to join the party.
(d) I had better join the party.
(12) Komal : Nitin wants to start his preparation for Board Exam from February.
Kinjal : __________ (Expressing Result)
(a) Nitin is too late to get good result.
(b) Nitin is late enough to get good result.
(c) Nitin cannot get good result in Board Exam because he is very late to start
(d) It is so late that he / Nitin will not get good result in Board exam.
(13) Aarohi : Why do you want to settle in U.S.A.
Aarvi : __________(Talking about Place)
(a) I like U.S.A. very much.
(b) Like India, USA gives me full freedom.
(c) I want to settle in USA to become rich.
(d) USA is better than India.
(14) Janu : Whom do you admires you more ?
Janvi : __________(Talking about Pelople)

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(a) I admire Mr. Modi more.

(b) Virat plays very well so I admire him more.
(c) I admire Mr. Yogi like Mr. Modi.
(d) Mr. Modi is very different.
(15) Seema: Which mobile phone will you buy?
Sonal : __________(Talking about Thing)
(a) I will buy such a mobile phone as has better camera.
(b) I will buy same mobile phone as you have.
(c) I would rather buy I phone than Samsung.
(d) I will buy a mobile phone as you suggest.
(16) Bhavna : Which dialogue are you going to speak?
Bhargavi : __________(Talking about People)
(a) I am going to speak Gabbarsing's dialogue.
(b) I speak my dialogue as the director instructs.
(c) I speak my dialogue as if I were Gabbar.
(d) I will speak the same dialogue as Gabbar singh has spoken in 'Sholay'.
(17) Shweta : What will you do next year?
Richi : __________(Talking about Thing)
(a) I will do quite different from my friends next year.
(b) I will join N.C.C. next year.
(c) I would like to make a new short film next year.
(d) I will work hard to got admission in MBBS.
(18) Hetvi : Mr. Vyas looks rich. Have you seen his bungalow?
Hetal : __________(Talking about Place)
(a) His bungalow is bigger than a palace.
(b) His bungalow is quite big a like Ambani's Antellia.
(c) His bungalow is big enough to surprise us.
(d) He is so rich that he can buy such a bungalow.
(19) Krisha: How is your new friend?
Krupa : __________(Talking about People)
(a) My new friend is very clever.
(b) My new friend is as brave as shital.
(c) Like Katarina, My new friend is beautiful.
(d) My new friend is so kind that I like her.
(20) Aayushi : How are Mr. Bhatt and Mr. Shah ?
Mansi : __________(Talking about People)
(a) Mr. Bhatt is very kind but Mr. Shah is very unkind.
(b) Mr. Bhatt is more intelligent than Mr. Shah
(c) Either Mr. Bhatt or Mr. Shah is intelligent.
(d) Unlike Mr. Bhatt, Mr. Shah always orders everyone.
(21) Rekha : Why was Uthappa not selected in the last match ?

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Urvashi : __________(Talking about People)

(a) Like Hardik Pandya, Uthappa cannot play fast.
(b) Uthappa cannot play as if he were Virat.
(c) Uthappa can't play faster than Rishabh pant.
(d) Uthappa was injured so he was not selected.
(22) Rashmi : How does Mr. Patel run ?
Rashmika : __________(Talking about People)
(a) Mr. Patel runs so fast that he always wins the race.
(b) Mr. Patel runs fast in order to win the race.
(c) Unlike Milkhasingh, Mr. Patel runs at snail's speed.
(d) Mr. Patel can not run fast because he is lame.
(23) Janak : Which car are you planning to buy?
Amit : __________(Talking about Thing)
(a) I am going to buy such an Audy car as Dr. Raval has.
(b) I will buy one of the costliest cars.
(c) I will buy a car as you will suggest.
(d) I want to buy a second hand car because I have low budget for it.
(24) Pankaj : I don't like watching serials.
Rakesh : Oho, me too,_____________(Talking about Thing)
(a) I also hate serials.
(b) Our thoughts are quite a like.
(c) I don't like serials because they are nothing but the waste of time.
(d) Though, I don't like serials, I always watch historical serials.
(25) Kamini : Nanaji walks slowly.
Kajal : __________ (Manner of an action)
(a) Nanaji walks as if he was an old man.
(b) Nanaji walks as an old man does.
(c) Nanaji cannot walk very fast.
(d) Though Nanaji is old, he can walk fast.
(26) Deepika : He runs fast.
Priyanka : __________ (Supposition of action)
(a) He runs fast as Usain Bolt runs.
(b) He runs fast as if he is Usain Bolt.
(c) He runs fast a like Usain Bolt.
(d) He runs fast as if he were Usain Bolt.
(27) Rucha : She is obedient.
Mittal : __________ (Manner of an action)
(a) She does as her parents instruct.
(b) She behaves as if she were and old lady.
(c) She always follows every instructions of her parents.
(d) Like an obedient person, she is punctual.

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(28) Neeta : Shiv ls a very clever students

Niyati : __________ (manner of an action)
(a) He is as clever as Dhiren.
(b) He is so clever that he can get the first rank.
(c) He answers the questions as an expert teacher does.
(d) He answers as if he were an expert teacher.
(29) Reshma : I want to be famous.
Rashmi : ___________ (Manner of an action)
(a) You should d something worthwhile.
(b) Do as I advise.
(c) Feel as if you were a successful person.
(d) Follow the great men to be famous.
(30) Komal : Jethalal is very talkative.
Kaju : __________ (Making Supposition of an action)
(a) He talks as if he were the director.
(b) He talks as the director suggests.
(c) He does not get chance to speak at home so b talks very much at the studio.
(d) He talks very much in order to impress Babitaji.
(31) Khushi : She completes her work in time.
Krisha : Yes__________ (Making Supposition of an actions)
(a) She is hard working so she completes her work.
(b) She works as if she were a machine.
(c) She completes her work as her master does.
(d) She tries hard with a view to completing her work.
(32) Janu : Rehana looked old.
Janvi : __________ (Making Supposition of an action)
(a) Though she was young, she looked old.
(b) She walked as an old man does.
(c) She walked as if she were old.
(d) She walked so slowly that she looked old.
(33) Monal : Shital dances gracefully.
Monika : __________ (Making Supposition of an action)
(a) Shital dances as Madhuri dances.
(b) Shital dances as if she is Madhuri Dixit.
(c) Shital dances better than Madhuri Dixit.
(d) Shital dances as if she were Madhuri Dixit.
(34) Sejal : Praful Dave sang good bhajans.
Suman : __________ (Manner of An action)
(a) Praful Dave sang bhajans as well as Anup Jalota.
(b) Like Anup Jalota, Praful Dave sang Bhajans.
(c) Praful Dave sang bhajans Anup Jalota does.

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(d) Praful Dave sang bhajans as if he were Anup Jalota.

(35) Jalpa : your house seems to be brighter
Gopi : __________(Describing Process)
(a) We have recently whitewashed it.
(b) Our house has recently been whitewashed.
(c) Painters have whitewashed our house.
(d) Our house shines like a new building.
(36) Bhavini : The test was very tough.
Gopi : Not at all.__________(Describing Process)
(a) Yes, the questions were out of syllabus.
(b) The test was too taught for us to score more.
(c) Though the test was tough, I could write most of the answers.
(d) Yes, most of the questions were twisted in the test.
(37) Tanvi:__________(Describing Process)
Riya : We will have a lot of fun in next Vacation
(a) Tacking camp will be organised for us in next 20 vacation.
(b) We will have no school in next vacation.
(c) We will go for tracking in next vacation
(d) There will be IPL Matches in next vacation.
(38) Tanisha : What happened yesterday ?
Tabbu : __________(Describing Process)
(a) The principal was absent yesterday.
(b) There was no free period yesterday.
(c) Language functions were taught in English period.
(d) Parth broke my pen yesterday.
(39) Diya : This picture looks beautiful.
Divya : __________(Describing Process)
(a) Our drawing teacher has painted this picture.
(b) It is painted with perfect colour combination.
(c) It is not painting but a photo copy
(d) it looks beautiful because it is between two bad paintings
(40) Hiral : How is the question paper ?
Heena : __________(Describing Process)
(a) The question paper is too difficult to write all the answers.
(b) The question paper is quite easy.
(c) The questions are as our teacher has taught.
(d) Most of the questions are taken from textual exercises.
(41) Nirali : Why did you sell your old computer ?
Parul : __________(Describing Process)
(a) I sold my computer with a view to buying a new.
(b) My computer was repaired twice and it was formatted again and again.

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(c) I sold my old computer because it was slow.

(d) I didn't use my computer so I sold it.
(42) Dipali : What are they doing there in the library?
Ekta : __________(Describing Process)
(a) They are reading books in the library.
(b) News papers and magazines are being read in library.
(c) A librarian is arranging books in the cupboard.
(d) They are chatting in social sites with their Friends.
(43) Ankita : By whom was India ruled over?
Anal : __________(Describing Process)
(a) Mogals came and ruled over India.
(b) The French became the rulers of some parts of india.
(c) India was ruled over by the Britishers.
(d) The Britishes ruled over India for more than years.
(44) Krishna : What will be there in the oral exam?
Karisha : __________(Describing Process)
(a) Teacher will ask us to read any lesson.
(b) We must show our homework and project work.
(c) We should not be absent during oral exam.
(d) We are asked to speak some sentences on any topic.
(45) Aarohi : What did you observe in the zoo?
Aarvi : __________(Describing Process)
(a) I observed many wild animals in the zoo.
(b) I visited the zoo in order to observe different bi and animals of other countries.
(c) I observed how birds and animals were treated the zoo.
(d) I observed rules and regulations of the zoo.
(46) Naina: It was a major accident.
Anita : __________(Describing Process)
(a) Bharat drove his car roughly and collided with truck.
(b) Bharat was injured badly and was taken to hospital soon.
(c) Bharat lost all his family members in an accident.
(d) The accident was so terrific that doctors could save any one.
(47) Bhavesh : How does he perform on the stage?
Rajesh : __________ (Supposition of an action)
(a) He performs the dance very well.
(b) He dances as well as Michel Jackon.
(c) He dance as if he were Remo Desoza.
(d) He dances as he is Prabhudeva.
(48) Janit : Deepti and Sheetal are obedient students
Janak : I agree.__________ (Manner of an action)
(a) Deepti is as obedient as Sheetal.

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(b) Sheetal is more obedient than Deepti.

(c) I agree. They work as they are told.
(d) They work as if they were obedient.
(49) Pankaj : Why is he late ?
Rakesh : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) He has got up late today .
(b) Some guests have arrived his home .
(c) On the way , he has met a very old helpless man and he has to help him reach his home .
(d) He used to come late .
(50) Nilesh : Who won the race ? Against which team ?
Vrajesh : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) India won the match Kohli played well .
(b) Since Kohli played well , India , won the match .
(c) India won the match easily .
(d) Pakistan could not win the match .
(51) Amit : Who will come with you ? When ?
Akshay : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) I will go alone .
(b) Nobody will come with me .
(c) My friend sweety will come with me . She will come tomorrow .
(d) Whenever I will call my friend Sweety , she will accompany me .
(52) Rohit : Where did Mr . Patil work ? since when ?
Dhiren : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) Mr . Patil worked in Cadila Pharma before 1999 .
(b) Mr . Patil worked here . It was the year 1999 .
(c) Mr . Patil did not work here .
(d) Mr . Patil has been working here .
(53) Mukesh : What did Mr Vyas give to Mr Patil ? Why ?
Rajesh : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) Mr . Vyas gave a magic stick . Mr . Patil can fulfil his desire with it .
(b) Mr . Vyas gave a magic stick to Mr . Patil to fulfil his desire .
(c) Mr Vyas didn ' t give anything to Mr . Patil .
(d) A gift was given to Mr . Patil by Mr . yas .
(54) Ramu : Who was given prize ? Why ?
Raju : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) Mehul was given a prize . He won the game .
(b) Anjali got the the first rank . She won the prize .
(c) Dhaval did not win the prize .
(d) Prachi spoke very well in the elocution competition - so she was given the prize .
(55) Kanu : Whose message was not sent ? Why ?
Manu : __________(Synthesising Expressions)

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(a) Kavya did not send the message .

(b) Kavya sent a message to her friend .
(c) Kavya ' s message was not sent because of insufficient balance in her mobile phone .
(d) Kavya ' s message was sent to her friend .
(56) Jay : Where did you go last year ? Why ?
Vijay : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) I went to Mumbai so that I could meet Katrina Kaif .
(b) I wanted to Meet Katrina Kaif . I went to Mumbai .
(c) I didn ' t go anywhere .
(d) I go to Mumbai last year to meet Katrina Kaif .
(57) Ram : Who wins ? Why ?
Krish : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) India wins . Virat is in form .
(b) Virat and Dhoni played well so India wins .
(c) Since Virat and Dhoni are in form , India wins .
(d) India could not win any match .
(58) Kirti : When will you come ? with whom ?
Chandu : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) I will not go anywhere .
(b) I will not come tomorrow .
(c) I will come with my friend Anil next week .
(d) My friend will come tomorrow .
(59) Kush : How is my son ' s study ? What about his progress ?
Joy : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) Your son is very clever . He will get good result .
(b) Your son should work hard . We can ' t expect more from him .
(c) Your son grasps very fast and his progress is up to the mark .
(d) You should take care of him at home .
(60) Akshay : With whom are you going to Manali ? For howmany days ?
Ajay : __________(Synthesising Expressions)
(a) We are going to Manali . We will go with our friends . : Perhaps we will stay there for 10 days .
(b) We are not going to anywhere .
(c) We are going to Manali with our friends for 10 days .
(d) My freinds are going to Manali .
(61) Preksha ; What did Mr . Joshi ask them ?
Sumitra : __________(Reporting)
(a) Mr . Joshi asked the class teacher if the students came regularly .
(b) Mr . Joshi asked the class teacher that he would not come .
(c) Mr . Joshi asked the class teacher where he is going now .
(d) Mr . Joshi asked the class teacher if to take care of in every student .
(62) Rekha : What did the message say ?

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Reshma : __________(Reporting)
(a) The report say corruption cannot be stopped .
(b) The report said that petrol price would be raised still more .
(c) The report said we stop pollution strictly .
(d) The report said that the why do some Indian people - support Pakistan .
(63) Manisha : What did your father advise you ?
Mansi : __________(Reporting)
(a) I should not waste my time .
(b) My father advises me to work hard .
(c) My father advised me that I must get up early .
(d) My father advised me to write answers completely .
(64) Monika : What did Kavita order to her friend ?
Meena : __________(Reporting)
(a) Kavita ordered her friend to bring some chocolates for her .
(b) Kavita ordered her friend why she did not bring water for her .
(c) Kavita ordered her friend to wrote her homework .
(d) Kavita orderted her friend that she would telephone her .
(65) Meeta : What did smita ask Bittu ?
Apeksha : __________(Reporting)
(a) Smita asks Bittu to help her .
(b) Smita asked Bittu that why was he late .
(c) Smita asked Bittu where he was going .
(d) Smita asked , “ Bittu , what are you doing ? ”
(66) Janvi : What news do you get ?
Hetvi : __________(Reporting)
(a) I got the news about farmer ' s strike . .
(b) The news said that 44 soldiers were killed in terrorist attack of Pulvama .
(c) India won the world cup . This is the news .
(d) I got the news what Mr . Modi has announced .
(67) Krishma : What did she say ?
Karina : __________(Reporting)
(a) She said to her parents that she would come .
(b) She requested her parents that she didn't ' t want to study .
(c) She told her father that she wanted to go abroad .
(d) She said , “ I want to donate my eyes after my death "
(68) Priyanka : What did Kohali say about his victory ?
Priya : __________(Reporting)
(a) India won the cup because players played well .
(b) Kohali played fast so India won the world cup .
(c) Kohali said that the victory was due to the team efforts .
(d) Kohali wanted to congratulate the players for the victory .

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(69) Prachi : What did Arzu suggest ?

Aditi : __________(Reporting)
(a) Arazu suggested “ Let us go to eat Panipuri ”
(b) Arazu suggested that they should go to eat Panipuri .
(c) Arazu Suggested if they would go to eat Panipuri .
(d) Arazu suggested that Let ' s go to eat Panipuri her .
(70) Binal : What did Kavya request Anil ?
Babli : __________(Reporting)
(a) Kavya requested Anil that he should not disturb .
(b) Kavya requested Anil to please help her .
(c) Kavya requested Anil not to tease her .
(d) Kavya requested Anil if he would give her his book .
(71) Sweta : What did Mr Chaudhary tell in this matter ?
Anjali : __________(Reporting)
(a) Mr . Chaudhary told him that he does not know " anything in this matter .
(b) Mr . Chaudhary told him that he did not know anything in that matter .
(c) Mr . Chaudhary told him he did not know anything in that matter .
(d) Mr . Chaudhary asked him that he did not know anything in this matter .
(72) Jinal : It was the last day for the students of 12th Standard in the school .
Jaya : __________(Reporting)
(a) The class teacher told them that enjoy now .
(b) All the students were very happy because they had holidays now .
(c) The principal advised them to join computer course in vacation .
(d) The students decided to go for tracking somewhere .
(73) sanjay : with whom was you going at 7 p.m. Yesterday.
Abhay : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) I going with Tusharbhai at 7 p.m. yesterday . He is a famous doctor.
(b) I was going with Tusharbhai who is a famous doctor.
(c) Tusharbhai is a doctor . He lives in Baroda.
(d) Dr . Tusharbhai met me yesterday .
(74) Dhiren : Who is your favourite actor ? Why ?
Shlok : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) I like most of the actors but Axay is my favourite actor because his films
always give us a positive message .
(b) Salman is my favourite action . He is handsome .
(c) Shahrukh is very romantic . He is my favourite actor .
(d) I don ' t like film actors .
(75) Piyush : What have you read to pass GPSC Exam.
Abhik : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) I have used Vraj Prakashan reference books .
(b) I have read the textbooks of std . 8 to 12

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(c) I have read textbooks as well as magazines and is news papers to pass GPSC .
(d) I haven ' t started reading yet .
(76) Abhijit : Why are they late ?
Daya : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) They have not got bus . They have not got train .
(b) They get up very late .
(c) They have hired taxi and reached in time .
(d) They are late because they could neither get bus nor any train .
(77) Aryan : Who will accompany you ?
Girish : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) Anjali will accompany me .
(b) I will go with Heli .
(c) Either Anjali and Heli or Shital and Pankti will accompany me .
(d) I don ' t need any body ' s company .
(78) Mahesh : What did you do to win the game ?
Ramesh : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) I have joined coaching classes .
(b) The game can be won with hard work only .
(c) I practiced more so I could win the game .
(d) India ' s best couch could help us .
(79) Ramu : What did you think about next election
Raju : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) If Modi takes stern actions against terrorism and corruption , B.P.J. will
(b) Congress party must win
(c) I haven ' t any interest in politics
(d) I am not sure
(80) Jitendra : What did Priya want to be ?
Dhiren : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) Priya wanted to be a PSI
(b) Priya was good at accounts . She could be a CA .
(c) Priya wanted to serve the poor people so she wanted to be a doctor .
(d) Priya will be a teacher because she likes children very much .
(81) Mayank : Who are your favourite actors ?
Jay : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) Amirkhan is my favourite Hero .
(b) Shastriji is my favourite national hero .
(c) I respect sardar patel very much .
(d) Mahatma Gandhi who is the father of the nation is my favourite national
hero .
(82) Jeel : What do you like ?

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Yash : __________(Connecting Information)

(a) I like films very much .
(b) I like to do social service and to help the needy .
(c) I like swimming .
(d) I like singing .
(83) Ashok : How did you get TAT cleared ?
Dhaval : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) I joined one of the best coaching classes .
(b) I worked hard .
(c) It was my good luck .
(d) I joined one of the best coaching classes and worked hard to clear TAT .
(84) Rushit : Why are they not on time ?
Raj : __________(Connecting Information)
(a) They are always late . .
(b) They used to come late .
(c) They should leave their house early .
(d) They are not on time because there for has got punctured .
(85) Avani : Rutva has not finished her assignments .
Anika : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) Rutva had better work fast.
(b) If she asks me , I will help her
(c) If she had asked me , I would have helped her
(d) Rutva did not work hard
(86) Dipti : Priya could not pay the fees due to less cash .
Dipika : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) If she had applied for an educational loan , she could pay her fees .
(b) Had she got an educational loan , she could have paid her fees .
(c) If she has more cash , she will pay her fees .
(d) She should take help from her friends to pay her fees .
(87) Urmi : Rutul did not go to Ambaji .
Usha : He had not reserved hotel room __________.(Condition in the Past)
(a) If he had reserved a room in any hotel , he could have gone to Abu .
(b) He ought to reserve a room in any hotel .
(c) He had reserved a room with a view to going to Ambaji .
(d) He had to reserve a room in a hotel so that he could go to Ambaji .
(88) Manjula : Mr . Sharma ' s wish was not fulfilled satisfactorily .
Anju : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) If he has asked for his selfish wish , he would have fulfilled it .
(b) Unless he had asked for his selfish wish , it would have been fulfilled .
(c) Had he not asked for his selfish wish , it would have fulfilled .
(d) He would not have asked such a wish that could not be fulfilled .

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(89) Ami : He could not download that application .

Amisha : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) He should buy the latest mobile phone .
(b) He had not enough space to download the app .
(c) If he had deleted some un useful apps , he could have downloaded that
application .
(d) Unless he had deleted some videos from his mobile , he could have
downloaded that application .
(90) Mansi : Prem Chopra was not able to love others.
Manju : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) He ought to love himself first .
(b) He had to improve his impression so that anybody could love him .
(c) He was such a bad person that he could not love anyone .
(d) If he had loved himself , he could have loved others .
(91) Shreya : We could not visit Assam in our college days .
Shital : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) Unless there had been more rain , we must visit Assam in our college
(b) If there had been peaceful atmosphere in Assam , we would have planned
a tour for there .
(c) Had we get permission from our parents , we would have visit Assam in
our college days .
(d) We should have got more fund in order to visit Assam in our college days.
(92) Amisha : He did not help me .
Krishna : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) He should have helped me .
(b) I had to ask him for his help .
(c) If I had helped him , he would have helped me .
(d) Had I asked him , he could help me .
(93) Rinku : Shreya had not seen Disneyland .
Rinkan : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) Shreya had no relative in USA so she had not seen Disneyland .
(b) Shreya is too poor to visit Disneyland .
(c) If shreya had gone to USA , she could have seen Disneyland .
(d) When shreya had been to USA , she used to visit Disneyland .
(94) Kokila : Mira had never prepared good food .
Ramila : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) She did not have any interest in cooking .
(b) She had better learn cooking from her childhood .
(c) Had she seen Rasoi show ' regularly , she could prepare good food .
(d) If she had joined cooking class , she could have prepared good food .

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(95) Mahi : It was a good seminar.

Dixita : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) Had you attended the seminar , your would have - come to know about the
soft skills.
(b) If you attend the seminar , you will come to know about the soft skills.
(c) You had better attend the seminar.
(d) The seminar was so good that it would be helpful for us so much.
(96) Parul : Why did you purchase Maruti Suzuki Alto 800? ?
Shweta : __________(Condition in the Past)
(a) Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 is one of the best low budget cars.
(b) I purchased Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 because I had not much money.
(c) If I had more money. I would have purchased a new BMW car.
(d) I purchased a Maruti Suzuki Alto 800 so that I could take my family on
(97) Rekha : Why do you admire Sachin?
Jiya : __________(Comparing Person)
(a) Sachin plays not so bad.
(b) Sachin is best cricketer in the world.
(c) Sachin plays better than most other batsmen.
(d) I admire Sachin because he has made many world records.
(98) Janu : Why do you help Tanya?
Janvi : __________(Comparing )
(a) She is as clever as me.
(b) She is not as rich as me.
(c) Very few girls are as poor as Tanya.
(d) Tanya is one of the most poor girls in the class.
(99) Rakhi : Which car is your choice? Why?
Ramila : __________(Comparing)
(a) My choice is a BMW car because it is very nice car.
(b) I like audi because it is most famous car.
(c) Any other car is so powerful as Fortuner so it is my favourite car.
(d) Since ' Honda Armaze ' is the cheapest model in all sedan look , I will
choose is the first.
(100)Mittal : What are the similarities between Ram and Shyam?
Monal : __________(Comparing )
(a) Ram is gooder than Shyam.
(b) Ram is as respectable as Shyam.
(c) Both Ram and Shyam are the great persons.
(d) Shyam is more happier than Ram.
(101)Arpita : Why is Soniya selected?
Smrita : __________(Comparing )

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(a) No other candidate is so talented as Soniya.

(b) Soniya is one of the most beautiful woman.
(c) Soniya is better than many other women.
(d) Since Soniya is intelligent , she is selected
(102)Priti : Raju is given anward of the best sports man of the school.
Vishwa : __________(Comparing )
(a) Yes , Raju played very well in all the games
(b) Yes , Raju ' s performance in sports is better than any other student in the
(c) Yes , Raju played not so bad as any other player in the school.
(d) Yes , Raju played best.
(103)Simona : Why don ' t you buy Woodland shoes?
Sohini : __________(Comparing)
(a) because I don ' t like its pattern.
(b) Woodland shoes are costly than other shoes.
(c) No other brand of shoes is as famous as Woodland.
(d) Woodland shoes are heavier than most other shoes.
(104)Koman : Chetan Bhagat ' s books are not sold in this city, Why?
Bhoomi : __________(Comparing)
(a) Chetan Bhagat ' s books are costlier than many other book.
(b) Because the price of Chetan Bhagat ' s books is very high.
(c) Chetan Bhagat is not so more famous as other Writers.
(d) Chetan Bhagat ' s writing is too difficult to understand.
(105)Hansha : Mr. Bhatt is selected as an education officer.
Heena : __________(Comparing)
(a) Mr. Bhatt is honester than any other candidate.
(b) Very few candidate is as clever as Mr. Bhatt.
(c) Mr. Bhatt is the most learned person.
(d) Mr. Bhatt is not so dishonest as any other officer.
(106)Ketki : Why did you buy this car?
Kinjal : __________(Comparing )
(a) Because this is my favourite car.
(b) This car is cheaper than any other car.
(c) This car is better than most other car.
(d) This is one of the best car.
(107)Asha : Shiv is given the best sports man of the school award.
Rita : __________(Comparing Person)
(a) Shiv plays any games very well.
(b) Shiv is week in study but clever at sports.
(c) Shiv is the best player in the school.
(d) Shiv lives to play so many games.

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(108)Smita : Why don ' t you buy Woodland shoes?

Nikita : __________(Comparing Thing)
(a) I don ' t buy woodland shoes because I don ' t like them.
(b) Woodland shoes are so costly that I cannot buy them.
(c) Woodland shoes are heavier than other shoes.
(d) Though Woodland shoes are good in quality. don ' t like its shape and
(109)Father : Beta, your hand writing is not good.
Son : __________(Contrasting)
(a) My had writing is not so bad as others.
(b) Though I tried hard, I can ' t improve it.
(c) I will try my best to improve it.
(d) I have tried enough to improve my hand writing.
(110)Shreya ; Why were you absent yesterday?
Moksha : __________(Contrasting)
(a) However fast walked, I missed the school bus.
(b) I got up late and so I was absent.
(c) I had better get up early.
(d) I run fast with a view to reaching early.
(111)Smita : You have increased your weight.
Arti : __________(Contrasting)
(a) I am trying hard to decrease my weight.
(b) My wait is not so much as you have.
(c) Very little as I eat, my weight is increasing.
(d) When I was young, my weight is less.
(112)Priya : How much have you saved from your salary?
Paresh : __________(Contrasting)
(a) I have saved 50 Lakh Rs. from my salary.
(b) I do not buy unnecessary things with a view to saving money.
(c) I have started a part time job so that I can save more money.
(d) Inspite of my higher salary, I have not saved much.
(113)Nilesh : Mr. Dave was very dishonest. Did people, respect him?
Yamini : __________(Contrasting)
(a) Mr. Dave was very dishonest but people respected him.
(b) Mr. Dave should be honest in order that people I would respect him.
(c) Mr. Dave was too dishonest to be respected.
(d) Mr. Dave was honest so people respected him.
(114)Supriya : Mr. Pande is very rich. He does donate more to the institution.
Priya : __________(Contrasting)
(a) Mr. Pande has a big family so he does not donate more to the institution.
(b) Rich as Mr. Pande is, he is miser.

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(c) Mr. Pande is not so rich as you think.

(d) Mr. Pande does not donate because he is poor.
(115)Vibha : You are weak. You cannot carry this bag.
Vishwa : __________(Contrasting)
(a) I cannot carry this bag because it is very heavy.
(b) This beg is too heavy for me to carry.
(c) However weak I am can carry this bag.
(d) I will try hard in order to carry this bag.
(116)Riya : Pranav went to U. S. A as he was invited - there.
Keyur : __________(Contrasting)
(a) Pranav should go to USA because he was invited.
(b) Pranav went to USA with a view to earning many - dollars.
(c) Pravan is so intelligent that he would be invited by USA.
(d) Though Pranav was invited by USA, he should work - for India.
(117)Shlok : The wood cutters were firm to cut down the trees, Could they do it?
Shretul : __________(Contrasting)
(a) No, they could not cut down the trees.
(b) No, however firm the woodcutters were to cut down the trees, they could
not do so.
(c) The poet protested so abrasively that other woodcutters couldn't cut down
the trees.
(d) The woodcutters were too weak to cut down the trees,
(118)Rehana : The bear was very huge. Could it kill the leopard?
Ruchita : __________(Contrasting)
(a) As the leopard was cruel, it would easily kill the bear.
(b) The bear could not kill the leopard because of its weakness.
(c) However huge the bear was, its couldn ' t kill the bear.
(d) The leopard is stronger than the bear so the bear could not kill the leopard.
(119)Teacher : Why didn ' t you come on time?
Student : __________(Contrasting)
(a) I missed the school bus so I didn ' t come on time.
(b) However fast the driver drove the school rickshaw, I could not come an
(c) I was too late to come on time.
(d) I didn ' t come on time because I was ill.
(120)Teacher : Why you have not submitted your I homework?
Student : __________(Contrasting)
(a) I haven ' t written my homework therefore I haven ' t submitted it,
(b) I have already submitted my homework, sir.
(c) Though I have written my homework, I have forgotten my notebook.
(d) since my friend Anil has taken my notebook.

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(121)Montu : I want to go to Canada for higher study

Arpan : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) You should pass the IELTS with more than 6 bands.
(b) You had better worked hard to go to Canada.
(c) You are so clever that you can go to Canada.
(d) You are homesick yet you will go to Canada.
(122)Umang : I haven ' t got PUC of my car, sir.
Traffic Police : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) You have to pay penalty because of not having PUC.
(b) If you have got PUC, you can drive safely.
(c) You ought to have PUC of your car.
(d) You should got the PUC of your car.
(123)Dhruvi : I want to go out to play.
Father : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) You can play as you wish.
(b) You must not waste your time.
(c) You had better finish your homework first.
(d) You are requested not to play game.
(124)Khushi : My friend wants to be a doctor.
Jhanvi : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) He had better joined the science stream.
(b) If he improves his maths and science, he will be doctor.
(c) Do as I say to be a doctor, doctor.
(d) He ought to choose B group in 12th science to be a doctor.
(125)Katha ; I have high fever, sir.
Doctor : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) You should take medicines twice a day regularly.
(b) If you do not follow my advice, you will be die.
(c) You could be well soon so don ' t worry.
(d) I am clever enough to cure your fever.
(126)Prachi : I am not a professional dancer but I like to dance.
Harsha : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) You are interested in dancing so much that you can be a good dancer.
(b) You ought to join the dance classes.
(c) If you had practised hard, you could have become a good dancer.
(d) You can dance as if you were Madhuri Dixit.
(127)Arpan : I can ' t speak English fluently, sir.
Teacher : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) You are very weak in English so you can ' t speak fluently.
(b) Unless you try to speak in English, You can ' t speak English fluently.
(c) You should not have any fear while speaking English.

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(d) You practice so much that you can speak fluently.

(128)Raj : What is importance to live happy life?
Mr. Raval : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) You should have satisfaction with what you have and enjoy every moment
in life.
(b) You are better do meditations to live peaceful happy life.
(c) You must install love app in your heart.
(d) Unless you leave grudge, resentment of past hurt. you cannot live happy
(129)Vinay : Let me check the wiring of this room.
Vaidehi : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) If you cheak it carefully, you will find many faults.
(b) You should disconnect the power supply first.
(c) You had better used insulated instrument.
(d) You can use either tester or a well insulated
(130) Abhik : Yug has some problem with my eye sight.
Shlok : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) He ought visit to the doctor.
(b) He must not read in a dim light.
(c) If he switch on the light, there will not be any problem in reading for him.
(d) He had better consult an eye specialist without any delay.
(131)Kalpana I want to go to abroad for higher study.
Sudha : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) If you have command over English. You can go to any country for higher
(b) It is too tough to go to abroad for higher study.
(c) You should clever IELTS with more than 6.5 band to go to abroad for
higher study.
(d) India is the best for higher study.
(132)Dhiren : How can I be an actor?
Shlok : __________(Offering suggestion)
(a) Like Varun Dhavan, you are handsome.
(b) You had better join film academy of Mumbai.
(c) You performs on the stage as if you were Amhitabh.
(d) If you had any god father in Bollywood, You could have been an actor.
(133)Amit : Arun Gavli didn ' t like to be arrested by the police.
Janak : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) He had better hide himself somewhere.
(b) He left the country so that he could not be arrested,
(c) He would rather die than go to jail.
(d) Though he tried hard to hide himself, he was arrested by the police.

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(134)Divyesh : Jay has to reach office today to attend a meeting

Nilesh : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) He would rather go by taxi than by bus.
(b) He should get up early.
(c) He has to hurry up with a view to reaching the office in time.
(d) If Jay do not waste time, he will reach his office to attend a meeting.
(135)Nimesh : We can ' t get the tickets of the zoo now.
Bhavesh : __________.(Alternative Choice)
(a) We should give up our plan to visit the 200.
(b) We would visit the zoo rather on Sunday than today.
(c) If we want to visit the zoo, we will have to buy tickets in advance.
(d) We are so late that we cannot get any ticket.
(136)Narendra : You drove carelessly and struck with I a car.
Piyush : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) I must not drive very fast.
(b) I have to drive safely in order to avoid accident.
(c) I would rather drive carefully than very fast.
(d) If I had not driven my car roughly, I might have - 1 avoided the accident.
(137)Naresh : Vaidehi does not get up early.
Kamlesh : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) Vaidehi should get up early.
(b) Vaidehi would rather get up early than sleep till - o the sun rises.
(c) Vaidehi watches TV till late night so she does not get up early.
(d) Vaidehi used to get up early in her childhood.
(138)Priya : Prachi wasted her time in idle talks and failed.
Jhanvi : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) If Prachi had not wasted her time in idle talks, she would not have failed.
(b) Prachi should not waste her time.
(c) Prachi failed because she wasted time in idle talks.
(d) Prachi would rather work hard than talk uselessly.
(139)Kajal : Riddhi is sick yet she has to attend school.
Kamini : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) Riddhi would rather take rest than attend the school.
(b) Riddhi ought to consult a good doctor.
(c) And Riddhi not been sick, she could have attended the school.
(d) Riddhi would do as the doctor advises her.
(140)Alpesh : My friend met with an accident ' while he was crossing the road.
Vishvas : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) If he had not gone out, he could not have met with an accident.
(b) He would rather stay home than go out.
(c) He was so careless that he had met with an accident.

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(d) He had better be careful while crossing the road.

(141)Manan : I am weak in English I can ' t apply. I the Visa.
Nidhi : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) You should do as I say.
(b) You practise so much that you will get Visa easily.
(c) You would rather join IELTS class than - was your precious time.
(d) You have to read English newspaper with a view to improving English.
(142)Harsha : My car got punctured and couldn't attend the meeting.
Umang : __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) You should keep your spare wheel ready.
(b) If you had a puncture kit with you, you and have repaired your punctured
(c) You could not attend the meeting because your car got punctured.
(d) You would rather hire a taxi than repair punctured wheel.
(143)Manan : Would you like to stay at home?
Montu : I __________(Alternative Choice)
(a) I would rather go out than stay at home.
(b) I have headache so I will stay at home.
(c) I ought to stay at home.
(d) If I am tired, I will stay at home
(144)Teacher : Dhruvi don ' t like Maths and Science.
Student : Ami __________.(Alternative Choice)
(a) She should join a good coaching classes.
(b) She does not try to take interest in those subjects - so she don ' t like them.
(c) She would rather join Arts stream rather than science stream.
(d) Her Maths and science teacher is very strict. So - she doesn't like those
(145)Riya : Did you wear Half Pant in Canada?
Richa : __________(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) Yes, but I cannot wear it in India.
(b) I should wear half pant in Canada.
(c) I used to wear half pant in Canada.
(d) If I were a Canadian. I would wear it.
(146)Shyam : Do you know the secret of my fit body?
Khushi : __________(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) You used to do exercises regularly to keep your body fit.
(b) You have a strong body by birth.
(c) You have joined gym so that you can keep your body fit.
(d) You keep your body fit better than me.
(147)Chintu : How did you maintain the garden green?
Grishma : __________(Describing Habitual Action)

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(a) I always weeded the flowerbeds.

(b) I give fertilizers to the plants regularly.
(c) I have a gardener maintain my gardener.
(d) I used to water the plants of my garden regularly.
(148)Riddhi : How can you speak English fluently, sir?
Mr. Raval : __________..(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) I practiced hard to speak in English.
(b) When I was a student, I used to speak in English with my friends,
relatives and teachers.
(c) I speak in English as if I were a foreigner.
(d) My teachers have taught me well so I can speak English fluently.
(149)Nayan : Tell me something about your young age.
Raman : __________(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) When I was young, I was very handsome.
(b) I saw many films in my young age.
(c) I used to distribute newspapers early morning to support my family.
(d) I worked hard to get good result.
(150)Anandi : What is the secret of your success?
Mr. Modi : __________.(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) I had to sell tea with my father at the Vadnagar Railway station.
(b) I did Yoga and meditation in my childhood.
(c) I used to work hard in my young age.
(d) People gave me full support to win any election.
(151)Shlok : What did sachin do to become a great success?
Vishvas : __________.(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) Sachin got the best coaching from Acharekar Sir.
(b) Sachin used to practise hard from morning to S evening regularly.
(c) Sachin has followed rules and regulations very strictly and become
(d) Sachin used a heavy bat with a view to making huge score and becoming
(152)Zeel : Please tell us about Sardar Patel.
Mr. Nandlal : __________(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) Sardar Patel was an Iron man of India.
(b) Sardar Patel was as great as Mahatma Gandhi.
(c) Sardar Patel used to live very simple life.
(d) Sardar has merged more than 560 small states in order to make united
(153)Prachi : What is the reason for your we Frachi eyesight?
Yug : __________(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) My eyes are weak by birth.

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(b) If I use spectacles regularly, my eyes will not b weak.

(c) I used to watch T. V. very closely when I was child.
(d) In my childhood, I liked to play games on mobile till late night every day.
(154)Nilesh : What did Gandhiji do when he was it Sabarmati Ashram?
Alpesh : __________(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) Gandhiji used to eat simple food and drink milk of goat when he was in
the Sabarmati Ashram.
(b) Like a youngman, Gandhiji walked fast.
(c) Gandhiji liked to sing ' Vaishnav Jan ' song in the prayer in Sabarmati
(d) When Gandhiji was in sabarmati Ashram, he never wasted water though
he was on the bank of the river Sabarmati.
(155)Neeta ; What was your favourite pass time?
Nisha : __________.(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) I like swimming very much.
(b) When I was student, I used to paint in my time.
(c) I would rather sing and dance than lay down idly.
(d) I always watch old movies when I feel bored.
(156)Meena : In which game did you participate in your school days?
Nisha : __________(Describing Habitual Action)
(a) I used to play Volleyball in my school days.
(b) I play cricket very well.
(c) Though Kabaddi was my favourite game, I was a C captain of my school
(d) I didnot play any game in my school days.
(157)Vidhi : Why do you study?
Nidhi : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) I study so much that I will get the job easily.
(b) I study so that I can be a learned person.
(c) Since I am poor. I have to study well
(d) I want to study but my financial condition is very If week.
(158)sona : Why do you watch TV serials?
Mona : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) I watch TV serials with a view to getting entertainment.
(b) When I am bored, I watch TV.
(c) I watch only historical serials because they are helpful in our study.
(d) We should not watch TV serials much.
(159)Shivani : Why did Mr. Modi come to Ahmedabad '?
Suhani : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) As the elections were near, Mr. Modi com : Ahmedabad.
(b) Mr. Modi used to come to Ahmedabad during elections.

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(c) Mr. Modi came to Ahmedabad in order to attend a metting with Shinjo
(d) Mr. Modi was invited to Ahmedbad by Mr. Rupani.
(160)Kavya : Why do you do exercise regularly?
Radha : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) We ought to do exercise regularly.
(b) I do exercise regularly as Baba Ramdev does.
(c) I do exercise regularly to remain fit.
(d) I do exercise so much that I will be a body builder.
(161)Krisha : Why should we take simple food?
Brinda : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) We should at simple food because heavy and fast food causes many
(b) We should eat so much simple food that we can live long.
(c) We should eat such food as is simple.
(d) We should take simple food for avoiding stomach problems.
(162)Parul : Do you use computer? Why?
Kokila : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) Since computer is very accurate, I use it regularly.
(b) Yes, I use computer with a view to saving any important data.
(c) Yes, I use computer as my computer teacher e instructs.
(d) Yes, Computer is advisable for our job to use.
(163)Dhruvi : Why did the Board introduce new syllabus?
Hetal : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) The Board Introduced new syllabus with a view to enhancing student ' s
performance in JEE and NEET Exams.
(b) The Board introduced new syllabus because the current syllabus was not
(c) The Board has to change the syllabus every ten years.
(d) The Board was ordered to change the old syllabus.
(164)Janvi : Why did Mr. Vaghela finish his lecture early?
Janu : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) Mr. Vaghela finished his lecture early because he was not so well.
(b) Mr. Vaghela was too hurry to continue his lecture - anymore.
(c) Mr. Vaghela had better finish his lecture early.
(d) Mr. Vaghela finished his lecture early so that he I could attend another
(165)Pranci : Why did the government conduct a detailed survey '?
Naina : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) Unless the government conduct any survey it is I not possible to imply any

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(b) The government conducted a detailed survey in order to know people ' s
(c) The government conducted a detailed survey because the poor people
could not get any benefit from government ' s scheme.
(d) However well the government conducted a detailed survey, no follow-up
work would be done.
(166)Harsha : Why did people always keep weapons wit) them in the past?
Varsha : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) Since people had to feed on hunting, in the past they always kept weapons
with them.
(b) The reason why people kept weapons with them in the past was that they
did not need any licence for them.
(c) In the past people kept weapons with them in order that they could protect
(d) Though the people were never afraid of any body, they kept weapons
with them.
(167)Tirth : You were absent yesterday, why?
Tithi : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) I was ill so I was absent yesterday.
(b) I had better come to school.
(c) I was absent yesterday so that I could help my mother.
(d) If guests had not come to our home. I would not - have been absent
(168)Kavya : Why do you study English?
Khushi : __________(Showing Purpose)
(a) I study English with a view to going to U.S.A.
(b) I study English in order to going to U.S.A.
(c) I study English in order that go to U.S.A.
(d) I study English with a view to go to U.S.A.
(169)Teacher : Who is absent in the class today?
Student : __________.(Describing Person)
(a) Vrajesh is absent in the class today.
(b) Vrajesh who is from Jodhpur is absent in the class today.
(c) Vrajesh is absent in the class today who plays flute very well.
(d) Vrajesh whose the principal awarded yesterday is absent today.
(170)shankar : What a great man Gandhiji was !
Parvati : __________(Describing Person)
(a) Gandhiji was one of the greatest men in India.
(b) Gandhiji fought with britishers so bravely that India has got freedom.
(c) Gandhiji was the leader whom we call Bapu with respect.
(d) Gandhiji was born in Parbandar who has sacrificed - his whole life for the

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freedom of Nation.
(171)Jay : What? You don ' t know about Nelson Mandela !
Vijay : __________.(Describing Person)
(a) Nelson Mandela whom we can compare with Gandhiji was a great
president of South Africa.
(b) Nelson Mandela fought for the rights of the black people who was
imprisoned for 27, years.
(c) Nelson Mandela whom was called “ The Gandhiji ' of Africa had spent 27
years in a jail.
(d) Nelson Mandela was as great as Gandhiji.
(172)Jeel : Whom you met in London?
Mili : __________(Describing Person)
(a) I met my close friend in London.
(b) I went to London with a view to meeting my friend.
(c) I met Mr. Raval in London whom brother is in my city.
(d) Imet Mr. Anilbhai who owned a big motel in London.
(173)Teacher : Who plays volleyball well?
student : __________.(Describing Person)
(a) Kavach plays volleyball very well.
(b) Kavach who is very tall and thin in our class plays volley ball very well.
(c) Kavach whose the teacher praised on the Annual day plays volley ball
very well.
(d) Kavach plays volley ball as if he were an international player.
(174)Sandeep : Do you know Walt Disney?
Uttam : __________(Describing Person)
(a) Yes, he was the most creative person.
(b) Yes, I know what Disney who created Micky Mouse.
(c) Walt was the owner of Disneyland so he is popular.
(d) Everyone knows walt for his Disnay world.
(175)Seema : Who died in the village today?
Meera : __________.(Describing Person)
(a) Manubhai died in the village yesterday.
(b) Though Manubhai was healthy he died yesterday.
(c) Manubhai whom, the people call all rounder died in the village yesterday.
(d) Manubhai who son is a doctor died in the village yesterday.
(176)Child : which city is known as the Pink city?
Mother : __________.(Describing Place)
(a) Jaipur is known as the pink City because all the buildings are pink in
(b) Jaipur is known as the pink city where most of the buildings are pink.
(c) Jaipur is decorated with pink buildings so it is known as the Pink city.

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(d) The reason why Jaipur is known as ' Pink City ' is that all the buildings
have pink colour.
(177)Girl : Do you like to visit hill - stations?
Boy : __________(Describing Place)
(a) Yes, I like to visit the places where there are hill or mountains.
(b) Yes, I like hill - stations very much.
(c) All the hill stations a have pleasant atmosphere therefore I like to visit hill
(d) On account of cool and fresh air of hill stations, like to visit there.
(178)Asha : Where is the set of “ Tarak Mehta Ulta Chasma? ”
Meena : __________(Describing Place)
(a) The set off Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma ' is somewhere in Mumbai.
(b) The set of Tarak Mehta ka Ulta Chasma is known as Gokuldharm society.
(c) The set of “ Tarak Mehta ka Ulta Chasma ' is Borivali where my brother
(d) Borivali is the place of Tarak Mehta ka Chasra ' s set
(179)Dipal : I live in Sanskrut lat,
Dharati : __________(Describing Place)
(a) It is one of the most luxurious flats of Ahmedabad.
(b) It is so peaceful that I feel relaxed here.
(c) Though I have a garden villa, I like to live in sanskrut flat.
(d) This is the flat where our P. M. Modi took a last year.
(180)Neeta : Is this place appropriate to stay?
Mukesh : __________(Describing Place)
(a) This place is better than the former one.
(b) This is the most appropriate place to stay.
(c) This is the place where no one stays for a night.
(d) No, I don ' t like this place because it is a little horrible.
(181)Husband : Where is the remote of AC?
Wife : __________(Describing Place)
(a) It is one the table.
(b) It is near the bed where we sleep.
(c) I have put it in the drawer.
(d) I don ' t know. Find it yourself.
(182)Sneha : Where will we go tomorrow?
Father : __________(Describing Place)
(a) We will go to Goa.
(b) We will visit Agra where Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal.
(c) We will go either Mumbai or Delhi.
(d) We should go to Kashmir.
(183)Principal : The students got bored.

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Teacher : __________(Describing Time)

(a) The students got bored because it was their fourth period without any
(b) They had been writing since they came to school.
(c) It was their excuse to get rid of studying.
(d) The students mostly used to get bored
(184)Pinky : When do the birds leave their nests?
Kalpana : __________(Describing Time)
(a) When the sun rises, the birds leave their nests.
(b) The birds leave their nests with a view to searching for food.
(c) The birds leave their nests in the morning
(d) The birds ought to leave their nests to find food and dwellings.
(185)Students : Sir, I want to go home.
Teacher : __________(Describing Time)
(a) You may not go home now.
(b) Before you go home, finish your homework first.
(c) If you go home, I will not allow you to enter again.
(d) You should finish your work first.
(186)Child : When was Gandhiji born?
Father : __________(Describing Time)
(a) Gandhiji was born on 2 october 1869.
(b) Gandhiji was born in Porbandar.
(c) After the first freedom revolt of 1857 had been over, Gandhiji was born.
(d) Unless Gandhiji was born, India could not get the freedom.
(187)Patient : Is Doctor available now?
Doctor : __________(Describing Time)
(a) The doctor will come tomorrow.
(b) The doctor is not available now.
(c) Though the doctor is here, he will not meet any case as is ill.
(d) As soon as the doctor will finish the operation, he will be available for
(188)Prakash : Will you complete this work?
Hiren : __________(Describing Time)
(a) No, I have no time now.
(b) If I had got your help, I would have completed this work.
(c) I will complete this work whenever I will get time.
(d) I ought to complete this work in time.
(189)Father : Come here, beta.
Boy : __________(Describing Time)
(a) When you give me a chocolate, I will come.
(b) If I come, you will punish me

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(c) Tell me the reason why I should come

(d) I will come after Dhaval.
(190)Wife : Can I disturb you?
Husband : __________(Showing Reason)
(a) No, you can ' t disturb me.
(b) Please don ' t disturb me because I am busy with my important Office
(c) You should never ask such question.
(d) You used to disturb me in my every.
(191)Student : sir, Tomorrow I will not be able to come.
Teacher : __________(Showing Reason)
(a) You had better come to school tomorrow.
(b) Though you are ill, you will have to come tomorrow.
(c) As there will be inspection in our school, you will have to come
(d) If you don ' t come, I will punish you.
(192)Raju : Today I will come early from office.
Neeta : __________(Showing Reason)
(a) I know you are telling a lie.
(b) After you come, I will cook food.
(c) If you come early, we will go out for the dinner and watch a movie.
(d) You never come early because you don ' t love your family.
(193)Visitor 1 : What does the notice say?
Visitor 2 : __________(Showing Reason)
(a) As the notice says, “ Don ' t pluck the flowers.
(b) The notice says that we should not throw rubbish everywhere.
(c) The notice says, “ Don ' t go near the cage because the monkey snatches
away the spectacles. ”
(d) “ The mobile phones should be switched off or on silent mode ” says the
(194)Shiv : Where are you going?
Shivani : __________(Showing Reason)
(a) Ian going hone.
(b) Since I have headache, I am going home.
(c) I am suffering from fever so I am going home.
(d) I am going home and I will come tomorrow.
(195)Teacher : Why were you absent?
Raj : __________(Showing Reason)
(a) I had to go to my farm to help my father so I was absent Yesterday.
(b) I was absent yesterday because of my illness.
(c) Inspite of my sickness, I will absent.

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(d) I ought to be absent yesterday.

(196) Rohit : How did you meet with an accident?
Ronak : ___________ (Expressing result)
(a) I drove so carelessly that I met with an accident.
(b) I drive so carefully that I met with an accident.
(c) I drive so carelessly that I met with an accident
(d) I drove so carefully that I met with an accident.
(197) Kavya : All the material for panipuri is ready.
Mita : ___________ (Doer is not important)
(a) Who will prepare Panipuri?
(b) Is Panipuri prepare by you?
(c) Will Panipuri prepared by you?
(d) By whom will Panipuri be prepared?
(198) Mr. Raval : Your handwriting is very poor.
Priyanshu : sir,___________. (Showing contrast)
(a) Though hard I tried, I cannot improve my handwriting
(b) Inspite of trying hard, I cannot improve my - handwriting,
(c) However trying hard, I cannot improve my handwriting.
(d) Hard as I trying, I cannot improve my handwriting.
(199) Nidhi : Listen, Dhyani is singing a song.
Juli : ___________ (Making supposition)
(a) Dhyani sings as if she is Sunidhi Chauhan.
(b) Dhyani sing as if she were Sunidhi Chauhan.
(c) Dhyani sings as if she were sunidhi Chauhan.
(d) None of these
(200) Nurse : The patient died.
Aalok : ___________ (Condition in the past)
(a) If the doctor had reached in time, the patient could - have been saved.
(b) If the doctor reached in time, the patient could have saved.
(c) Had the doctor reach in time, the patient have been Saved.
(d) Had the doctor reached in time, the patient could have saved.
(201) Shyam : Why did Montu go to Canada?
Raj : ___________ (Showing purpose)
(a) Montu went to Canada for higher education.
(b) Montu went to Canada in order to get higher - education.
(c) Monu went to Canada with a view to get higher education.
(d) Montu went to Canada in order that get higher education.
(202) Janvi : Oh! I am very much bored today.
Khushi : ___________ (Expressing Choice)
(a) You should have watched the TV.
(b) You can watch the TV, for entertainment.

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(c) You would rather watch ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’

(d) None of these
(203) Shlok : Which place is cool? Shimala or Manal
Prachi : ___________ (Comparing)
(a) Manali is more cool.
(b) Manali is more cooler as Shimala.
(c) Manali is cooler then Shimala.
(d) Manali is cooler than Shimala.
(204) Manan : I can't remember formulas of Maths
Mr. Shah : ___________ (Asking for advice)
(a) You had better work hard.
(b) You had better worked hard.
(c) You should have worked hard.
(d) You don't work hard.
(205) Rohit : Did you win the match yesterday?
Kohli : ___________ (Expressing Contrast)
(a) We won the match because we lost four wickets early.
(b) We lost four wickets early so we won the match.
(c) As we lost four wickets early, we won the Match.
(d) Though we lost four wickets early, we won the Match.
(206) Deep : Sir, I want to go two periods before school ends,
Mr. Pancholi : ___________. (Asking for reason)
(a) Where do you want to go two periods before?
(b) When do you want to go two periods before?
(c) Why do you want to go two periods before?
(d) All of these
(207) Het : Where did Gandhiji stay in Ahmedabad
Hetvi : ___________. (Habitual Past)
(a) Gandhiji had the habit of staying in the Sabarmati Ashram.
(b) Gandhiji stayed in the Sabarmati Ashram.
(c) Gandhiji used to stay in the Sabarmati Ashram.
(d) Gandhiji stayed in the Sabarmati Ashram in the past.
(208) Sumitra : Let's go to Himalaya Mall.
Renuka : ___________. (Expressing result)
(a) I am very much tired. Please, forgive me.
(b) I am so tired that I cannot accompany you.
(c) A tired person like me cannot accompany you,
(d) (a) and (b)
(209) Nipa : Arijit Singh is a nice singer.
suhagi : ___________. (Talking about person in relation I to something)
(a) Arijit Singh is such a lovely singer that no one can sing like him.

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(b) Arijit Singh sings very sweetly so no one dislikes him.

(c) Arijit Singh is so lovely singer that no one can sing like him.
(d) Arijit Singh is a very good singer.
(210) Anil : Apeksha is afraid of exams.
Alpesh : ___________. (Giving advice)
(a) She must worry about exams.
(b) She is very clever so she doesn't afraid of it.
(c) She can get many marks easily.
(d) She should not worry.
(211) Ved : ___________ (Connecting Information)
vedansh : That's why he was dismissed.
(a) He behaved very rudely with the mangoes.
(b) The manager warned him but he did not listen to him,
(c) The manager has done injustice.
(d) None of these
(212) Aryan : Why does shiv want to buy Jaguar Bentley car?
Ayan : ___________ (Comparing things).
(a) because he has much money.
(b) because it is one of the better car.
(c) because it is one of the best cars.
(d) because he always prefers the best.
(213) Vimal : ___________ (Inquiring about place).
Kiran : It is near the Sun Temple.
(a) What is near the Sun Temple?
(b) What do you know about this monument?
(c) How is this society?
(d) Where is Shreeji Society?
(214) Rudra : Where are the staying?
Rohini : ___________ (Specifying place)
(a) They are staying in Hotel Mansarovar.
(b) They will not stay anywhere.
(c) They are free to do what they like.
(d) All of these.
(215) Mauvi : Heli prepared well yet she failed.
Anjali : ___________ (Showing condition)
(a) Heli should have asked to her teacher.
(b) If Heli had prepared well, she would not have failed.
(c) Heli may have not wasted her time in useless talks.
(d) (b) and (c)
(216) Principal : ___________ (Doer not important)
Teacher : I don't know who deleted it.

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(a) Who has deleted many important files.

(b) You must know who deleted important files.
(c) Many important files have been deleted from the computer.
(d) Many important files are missing from the computer.
(217) Chintu : What is love?
Pintu : ___________ (Comparing)
(a) Love is a kind of feeling that everyone has.
(b) Love is one type of feelings which we should have.
(c) Love is more powerful than any other feelings.
(d) Love is one of the most powerful feelings.
(218) Prarthana : Arunima could not save her from injury.
Astha : ___________ (Showing contrast)
(a) Arunima could not save herself from injury so she fought bravely.
(b) As Arunima fought bravely, she could not save herself from injury.
(c) Despite Arunima could not save herself from injury, she fought bravely.
(d) Bravely as Arunima fought, she could not save her from injury.
(219) Darshana : Why should we keep our house clean?
Prashant : ___________ (Showing purpose)
(a) We should keep our house clean so that we may not fall ill.
(b) We should keep our house clean in order to stopping illness.
(c) We should keep our house clean with a view to stop illness.
(d) All of these.
(220) Malav : Why didn't you buy that dress?
Mauli : ___________.(showing result)
(a) That dress was very costly.
(b) That dress was so costly that I didn't buy it.
(c) I didn't like that dress so I didn't buy it.
(d) You mind your own business, don't interfere.
(221) Hitanshu : What did the teacher advise you
Dhyani : ___________ (Reporting)
(a) The teacher advised me that I had made a mistake.
(b) The teacher told me that I was performing well.
(c) The teacher advised me to work hard.
(d) The teacher advised me that do your work honestly.
(222) Mr. Verma : Our mind never remains free.
Mr. Sharma : ___________ (Connecting Information)
(a) We try to remain free beauty our mind invites thoughts from anywhere.
(b) We should be very careful in this matter.
(c) Mind is such a complex thing.
(d) All of these
(223) Riddhi : What do you say about using more vehicles?

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Dhruvi : ___________ (Giving opinion)

(a) We are so careless regarding this.
(b) People are not aware about environment.
(c) I believe that more vehicles will cause Global Warming.
(d) All of these
(224) Pratham : What did our forefathers use in place of electricity?
Prapti : ___________ (Past habit).
(a) They used lanterns in place of electricity.
(b) They used to use lanterns.
(c) They had the habit of live in darkness.
(d) They had lanterns to use.
(225) Shreya : How is your new car?
Shrey : ___________.(Comparing)
(a) It is good than the previous one.
(b) It is better then the previous one.
(c) It is better than the previous one.
(d) It is good as the previous one.
(226) Mitesh : How does Khushi sing on the stage?
Mitali : ___________ (Making supposition)
(a) Khushi sings as if she were a great singer.
(b) Khushi sings like a great singer.
(c) Khushi is really a great singer.
(d) Khushi sings much melodious songs.
(227) Mr Shah : Why didn't you come in time?
Peon : ___________ (Condition in the past)
(a) I had not got bus in time.
(b) There was a heavy traffic so I didn't come in time.
(c) I have no scooter or bike that is why I was late.
(d) Had I not got up late, I would have come in time.
(228) CEO : Our profit has reduced too much.
Manager : ___________. (Showing result)
(a) We should raise our product's price high enough to make profit.
(b) We should take some strict steps in this matter.
(c) The management should not ignore the workers’ demands.
(d) Our profit has reduced because the management became careless.
(229) Vishvas : I am confused a little more.
Alpesh : ___________ (giving suggestion)
(a) You are not afraid of anything.
(b) You had thought freely.
(c) You had better take rest and think freely.
(d) You will have to ask to your elders.

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(230) Rakesh : I have too much work load.

Jayesh : ___________ (Expressing choice)
(a) You should not take too much stress.
(b) You would rather divide your work load among your team members.
(c) You will divide your work load and feel free.
(d) None of these.
(231) Dr. Kamble : Why had you not taken Nana, the funeral spot?
The writer : ___________.(condition in the past)
(a) Naua was unable so we had not taken him to the funeral spot.
(b) We did not want to become Nana unhappy.
(c) If we had taken Nana to the funeral spot, he would have been more
(d) Some relatives had advised us to do so.
(232) DR. Kamble : ___________.(talking about people in relation to something)
The Writer : No, Nana is a short tempered person.
(a) Like Nani, does Nana behave calmly?
(b) Unlike Nani, Is Nana a good person?
(c) How is Nana?
(d) None of these.
(233) service Provider : Have you located your heart?
Customer : ___________.(Contrasting)
(a) No, I have not yet located my heart.
(b) Yes, I have located my heart just now.
(c) No, I haven't so you can do nothing.
(d) Yes, I have located it but don't know what to do'
(234) Mr. White : Why did you bring the Monkey's paw with you?
Mr. Morris : ___________ (Showing purpose).
(a) I brought the Monkey's paw to fulfil my desire.
(b) I brought the Monkey's paw so that I could fulfil my desire.
(c) I brought the Monkey's paw in order to fulfil my desire.
(d) All of these
(235) Mr. White : What happened to Herbert?
Mr. Morris : ___________ (Doer is not important()
(a) someone injured Herbert seriously.
(b) Herbert met with an accident.
(c) Herbert was badly injured.
(d) Herbert got two hundred pounds.
(236) A visitor : What is walt's first love?
Roy Disney : ___________. (alternative choice)
(a) Either Cartoon or a Dream Land is walt's first love.
(b) Walt's first love is his dream of Disneyland.

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(c) To enjoy a burger and chilly is walt's first love.

(d) Walt loves nothing except the Disneyland.
(237) Simta : ___________ (Expressing choice)
Shailesh : It be much more comfortable.
(a) I will either sleep or watch TV.
(b) I would neither sleep nor watch TV.
(c) I would rather sleeping than watching TV.
(d) I would rather sleep than watch TV.
(238) Kunjan : What has the principal said?
Pinal : ___________ (Reporting)
(a) The principal has said that we would go on tour to Goa.
(b) The principal made an announcement about the tour.
(c) The principal has said about we would go on tour to Goa. -
(d) (a) and (c)
(239) Arpan : Why do you get up early?
Umang : ___________ (Showing purpose)
(a) I get up so early that I can take exercise.
(b) I get up early in order that I can take exercise.
(c) I get up early enough to take exercise.
(d) I get up early even though I take exercise.
(240) Srushti : I like these mangoes very much.
Nisarg : ___________ (Showing result)
(a) These are nice mangoes so I will eat all of them.
(b) These mangoes are ripe so that I will eat them all.
(c) These mangoes are so ripe that I can eat all of - them.
(d) These mangoes can be eaten because they are ripe.
(241) Purvi : Why did you leave the party?
Purvesh : ___________. (Showing result)
(a) It was such a boring party that I left it.
(b) It was a boring party and I left it.
(c) I left the party because of it was boring.
(d) I left the party still it was boring.
(242) Garv : Jadeja has performed very well today.
Gauri : ___________ (Expressing exclamation)
(a) Oh no!
(b) What a pity!
(c) How superb!
(d) None of these
(243) Abhik : Kavachh does not like to watch films now.
Yug : ___________ (habitual action in the past)
(a) Films are o boring now that Kavach does not watch them.

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(b) Kavach would have watched films earlier.

(c) Films are released too much so Kavach does not Watch them.
(d) Kavach used to watch films in his college days.
(244) Teacher : ___________ (Comparing)
Hardik : Yes sir, you are right.
(a) You have got more marks than any other student.
(b) No other student has got more marks than any other student.
(c) You have got the more marks.
(d) All of these.
(245) Suhash : Subhangi runs very fast.
Saumil : ___________ (Expressing manner of action)
(a) Subhangi runs as if she were a great runner.
(b) Subhangi runs as like a great runner.
(c) Subhangi runs as a great runner does.
(d) Subhangi runs like as if a great runner does.
(246) Asha : Isn't is surprising that Raj failed in science?
Usha : ___________ (Expressing Contrast)
(a) I don't think he failed.
(b) Inspite of laziness he failed,
(c) yes, in spite of his being very intelligent, he failed.
(d) No, he failed in Maths.
(247) Ravi : Why didn't they win the match?
Kavi : ___________ (Expressing condition in past)
(a) If they work hard, they will win the match.
(b) If they had worked hard, they would win. the match.
(c) If they had worked hard, they would have won the match.
(d) They did not won because they did not work hard.
(248) Teacher : Why did he leave the meeting early yesterday?
Student : ___________ (Expressing purpose)
(a) He was too early to leave the meeting.
(b) He left the meeting early in order to attend a lecture.
(c) He left the meeting inspite of his illness.
(d) He left the meeting because he was ill.
(249) Suresh : ___________. (Describing Habitual Action)
Krish : Why did you stop then?
(a) I visited temple every morning in my childhood.
(b) I used to visit temple every morning in my childhood.
(c) I wanted to visit temple every morning in my childhood.
(d) Despite very busy I visited temple every morning in my childhood.
(250) Ramubhai : I am not feeling well today. I will not go I to office.
Ramilaben : ___________ (offering suggestion)

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(a) you should work hard.

(b) you had better take rest.
(c) you ought to take rest.
(d) both (a) and (b)
(251) Student : sir, what do you think I should do to improve my performance in
Teacher : ___________ (Giving advice)
(a) Did you attend the classes regularly?
(b) You had better attend the classes regularly.
(c) work hard so that you can improve your performance.
(d) You could not improve it despite hard work.
(252) A : I wan't to be a successful person.
B : ___________. (showing purpose)
(a) you had better work hard to be a successful person.
(b) work hard in order to being a successful person.
(c) work hard so that you can succeed.
(d) You could not improve it despite hard work.
(253) A : Raju got 85 % of marks in the last exam.
B : ___________ (Comparing)
(a) No other student obtained so good result as Raju.
(b) Raju got better result than any other student.
(c) He worked hard and obtained better result.
(d) both (a) and (b).
(254) Sneha : Do you know why Malhar went to Canada?
Neha : ___________. (Expressing purpose)
(a) Malhar went to Canada in order to join a Master's course.
(b) No I don't know why he went to Canada.
(c) I Would have told you if I knew it.
(d) yes, Malhar should have gone to Canada.
(255) A : should he buy a mobile phone worth 10000?
B : ___________. (Showing result)
(a) The mobile phone is so costly that he cannot Buy it.
(b) The mobile phone should have been cheap.
(c) If the phone were not costly, he could buy it.
(d) Mobile phone must buy despite being costly.
(256) A : Could they walk comfortably?
B : ___________ (Showing result)
(a) The road was so hilly that they could not comfortably.
(b) The road was too hilly for them to walk comfortably.
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) Though the road was hilly they could not walk properly.

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(257) Arushi : Hey, Sneha, look at those bangles in the imitation jewellery shop.
Sneha : Wow! wonderful golden glitter.
Arushi : ___________ (Talking about something in relation to something)
(a) yes, they seem to be real ornaments.
(b) They have the same golden glitter as real gold ornaments have.
(c) Though they glitter they are not real ornaments.
(d) They are too far to be real ornaments.
(258) Sneha : Are you thinking of your mamma's choice?
Arushi : You are right, Sneha, ___________ (Talking about people in
relation to someone)
(a) My mamma prefers the same imitation jewellery as I prefer.
(b) Though I prefer imitation jeweller, my mamma doesn't like.
(c) I prefer imitation jewellery because my mother like it.
(d) My mamma and I prefer imitation jewellery.
(259) A : I can't study these days.
B : ___________ (Making supposition)
(a) If you study, you will be a successful person.
(b) If I were you, I would study more.
(c) Though you try, you cannot study.
(d) I don't know the reason of it.
(260) Mitesh : Virsinh is not a king but he walks in style of a king.
Hitesh : Yes, you are right. ___________. (Expressing the manner of action)
(a) Virsinh's style is that of a king.
(b) Virsing wants to be a king.
(c) Virsingh is walking to be a king.
(d) Virsingh is walking as if were a king.
(261) A : I am tired of doing this job. It's boring for me.
B : Oh, really?
A : Yes, ___________ (Making supposition)
(a) I should quit my job.
(b) If I were not in debit, I would quit my job.
(c) Though I am tired, I will quit this job.
(d) I would quit my job to relax.
(262) A : What did you see during rescue operation?
B : I saw that ___________ (Describing process)
(a) they wanted to move away the car from the ditch.
(b) it was difficult to pull the car.
(c) the car was being moved away from the ditch slowly.
(d) I saw the car fallen in the ditch.
(263) A : Do you know that ___________ (connecting information)
B : No, I want to know about his condition.

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(a) his condition is improving day by day?

(b) unless his condition is improving day by day?
(c) what is his condition?
(d) How is his condition?
(264) A : ___________ (Operating e - command)
B : I don't know how to do it.
(a) Have you opened your e - mail account?
(b) Do you browse the inbox in your mail account?
(c) where is your computer?
(d) Give your e - mail Id.
(265) A : Tell me ___________ (connecting information)
B : I saw Mr. Joshi at the party.
(a) why you are late.
(b) who helped you at the party.
(c) whom you saw at the party.
(d) where is your bag.
(266) A : Have see a line there?
B : No, we haven't ___________ (expressing condition in past)
(a) Had we gone earlier, we could have seen a line there.
(b) Though we went there on time, we could not see a line there.
(c) If we go there later on, we will see lion.
(d) we went there earlier so that we could see a lion there.
(267) Krisha : I work hard but cannot understand study topics.
Ujas : ___________ (Giving advice)
(a) If you meet your teacher, he can help you.
(b) you had better meet your teacher.
(c) you ought to meet your teacher.
(d) both (b) and (c).
(268) Meena : ___________ (showing contrast)
Suraj : How did you reach there?
Meena : By taxi.
(a) If I ran fast, I could have caught the train..?
(b) I ran fast with a view to catching train.
(c) Though I ran fast, I could not catch the train.
(d) I ran fast so as to catch the train.
(269) Rahul : Why did you go there?
Komal : ___________ (showing purpose)
(a) I went there though I was tired.
(b) I went there so that I could complete my project
(c) If I went there, I could complete my project.
(d) None of these

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(270) Dipal : The Narmada is a very long river in Gujarat.

Komal : Yes, you are right. ___________. (comparing)
(a) No other river in Gujarat is so long as the Narmada.
(b) The Narmada is said to be a very long river in Gujarat.
(c) The Narmada is said to be the longest river in Gujarat.
(d) I am sure it is a very long river.
(271) Vikas : Do you play cricket?
Viran : No, these days I don't get time but ___________. (habitual past)
(a) I played it many times in school,
(b) I used to play it in my school days.
(c) I am used to playing it in my school days,
(d) I got the chance to play it yesterday.
(272) A : Do you do the comprehension exercise in English?
B : Yes, I have also grammar exercise but ___________.(preference)
(a) I would rather work more for the comprehension part in English.
(b) I want to work more for the comprehension part in English.
(c) If I do grammar exercises, I will miss the comprehension part.
(d) Though grammar exercises are important, I cannot avoid comprehension
(273) A : Look at that crane.
B : What are they doing?
A : ___________. (Describing process)
(a) A strong rope is seen tied to the crane by other helpers.
(b) A strong rope is being tied to the crane by other I helpers.
(c) A strong rope is found on the crane.
(d) If you look at it, you will understand.
(274) Mrs. Mehta : Where are you going, beta? It's time to study.
Samir : I have told you many times not to ask every now and then.
Mrs. Mehta : But, you see, ___________. (showing result).
(a) you should begin for preparation of exams.
(b) If you begin for preparation, it will be good for I exam.
(c) it's already too late to begin for preparation of exam.
(d) though it's too late, you should start for preparation.
(275) Ami : I was used to walking for hours together when I did not have a
Vidhi : The same here. ___________. Now my life is easier than that life.
(past habit).
(a) I used to working hard in the farm with my father.
(b) I worked hard in the farm with my father.
(c) I used to work hard in the farm with my father.
(d) My father told me to work hard.

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(276) Riya : Please mum, can I use the computer?

Mother : ___________ (Refusing Permission)
(a) you should not use computer while going to bed.
(b) No, dear you can't. It's time to go to bed.
(c) Have you not used computer today?
(d) Why do you want to we computer?
(277) Rina : ___________ (Asking for permission)
Ritaben : Sure! But try to sleep early.
(a) Should I read a story before I sleep?
(b) Why shouldn't I read a story before I sleep.
(c) May I read a story before I sleep?
(d) I will read a story before I sleep.
(278) A : ___________. (Expressing condition)
B : I know, sir. I ought to work harder specially for my vocabulary.
(a) Work harder in order to improve your skills.
(b) If you want to improve your skills, you have to Work harder.
(c) Though you work hard, you have to improve your skills.
(d) Work hard and improve your skills.
(279) A : Shreya has the same command over English Riya.
B : ___________. (alternative choice).
(a) Both Riya and Shreya can help us.
(b) If Riya helps us, Riya also helps us.
(c) Either Riya or Shreya can help us.
(d) Neither Riya nor Shreya can help us.
(280) A : Our English is not good. What about Riya?
B : ___________ (Comparison)
(a) Riya's English is better than us.
(b) If Riya's English is better, our English is better
(c) Riya wants to learn better English.
(d) I don't know about Riya's English.
(281) Mr. Khan : I want to buy that smart phone for you.
Zoya : ___________. (showing Result)
(a) But I don't know how costly it is.
(b) But it may be too costly for you to buy.
(c) Why do you want to buy a costly phone?
(d) When you buy phone, think about its cost.
(282) A : How was the road? Was it smooth?
B : ___________ (Showing Result)
(a) It was such a smooth road that they could walk properly.
(b) If the road was smooth, they could walk properly.
(c) Though the road was smooth, they could not walk properly.

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(d) The road should be smooth to walk properly.

(283) Anil : ___________. (Giving Suggestion)
Viput : I can't. I have to complete my project tonight.
(a) Why should you not go to the movies tonight?
(b) Why don't you go to the movies tonight?
(c) It will be alright if you go to movies.
(d) Do you want to go to the movie tonight?
(284) A : Would you please help me solve this problem?
B : Have you tried to solve it yourself?
A : Yes, ___________. (contrasting).
(a) in spite of repeated attempts, I could not solve it.
(b) Though I attempted repeatedly, I could not solve it.
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) I tried so that I could solve it.
(285) A : My brother wants to earn money.
B : He should work hard ___________. (comparing)
(a) If he works hard, he can earn money.
(b) The harder he works, the more money he can earn.
(c) Because of hard work, he can earn money.
(d) None of these.
(286) Asha : Let's watch movie.
Viput : It's such a nice weather, ___________. (Expressing Choice)
(a) Why don't we sit in the garden?
(b) I don't want to watch TV at this moment.
(c) I would rather sit in the garden rather than watch TV.
(d) If I sit in the garden, I will enjoy.
(287) A : Smoking is very dangerous to health.
B : You are right. ___________. (Past habit)
(a) I am used to smoking but I will not smoke now.
(b) I used to smoke but I gave up a few years ago.
(c) I smoked before few years.
(d) I wanted to smoke earlier.
(288) A : what did he say about his absence.
B : ___________. (Reporting)
(a) he said that he had been absent in the class the previous day because of his
(b) I was absent in the class yesterday because of my illness,
(c) He was absent in the class because of his illness.
(d) He said that he is absent in the class because of my illness,
(289) A : What would you take - team or coffee? -
B : ___________. (Preference)

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(a) I would like to have lunch as it's time for a meal.

(b) I would take neither tea nor coffee.
(c) What is ready tea or coffee?
(d) Sorry, I have just taken tea.
(290) A : Where does he live?
B : ___________. (Talking about places in relation to someone.)
(a) He lives in my house.
(b) I tell you that he lives in my house.
(c) He lives in the same house as I do.
(d) We both live in the same house.
(291) A : What are you talking about 2 do you know :
B : ___________. (Synthesising Expressions)
(a) I should know it.
(b) I know what I am talking about.
(c) I will tell you that.
(d) If I know it, I will tell you about it.
(292) A : He was not selected in team.
B : Yes, ___________. (Making Supposition)
(a) If he were taller, he could be selected in team.
(b) Though he was tall, he could not be selected in team.
(c) He was not selected because he was not sufficient tall.
(d) None of these.
(293) A : He was injured during competition.
B : ___________. (Slewing Contrast)
(a) If he was not injured, he would not give up.
(b) yes, I know it.
(c) Although he was injured, he did not give up.
(d) As he was injured, he gave up.
(294) Manan : Hey, buddy, did you watch the IPL Match yesterday?
Shreyansh : Yes, I am cricket crazy, you know _______.(Showing result)
(a) Kohli played the game well so that his team could win.
(b) If Kohli had not played well, his team could not win.
(c) Though Kohli played well, his team could not win.
(d) Kohli played the game marvellously enough to make his team win.
(295) A : Dipak's handwriting was not good, he would not be liked by other.
B : You are right. ___________. (Showing Result)
(a) If his handwriting was not good, he would not be liked by others.
(b) Though his handwriting is good, he is not liked by others.
(c) His handwriting is good so that he is liked by others.
(d) He has such a beautiful handwriting that he is liked by others.

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Select and write the most appropriate questions to get the underline
words/ phrases as their answers: 03
(1) Gandhiji was born in Porbandar.
(a) Why was Gandhiji born?
(b) When was Gandhiji born?
(c) Where was Gandhiji born?
(d) In which was Gandhiji born?
(2) Sumanbhai has joined BSNL in 1992.
(a) When has Sumanbhai joined BSNL?
(b) Who has Sumanbhai joined BSNL?
(c) When Sumanbhai joined BSNL?
(d) When Sumanbhai has joined BSNL?
(3) Rajiv met the principal to get admission.
(a) Who Rajiv met to get admission to?
(b) Who met Rajiv to get admission?
(c) Who met Rajiv to get admission?
(d) Who did Rajiv meet to get admission?
(4) Atulbhai, a great businessman, was the chief guest of our function.
(a) Who was Atulbhai?
(b) What was Atulbhai?
(c) What was the cheif guest of our function?
(d) Who was the cheif guest of our function?
(5) Arunima's achievement was her climbing Everest an artificial leg.
(a) What Arunima's achievement was?
(b) What was Arunima's achievement?
(c) What did Arunima achieve?
(d) All of these
(6) Lajja went to Puna to get coaching.
(a) Why did Lajja go to Puna?
(b) What did Lajja do?
(c) Where did Lajja go?
(d) (a) and (b)
(7) Terrorism must be stopped.
(a) Who must be stopped?
(b) Why it must be stopped?
(c) What must be stopped?

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(d) Whom must be stopped?

(8) About 150 students participated in the sports day celebration.
(a) Howmany students participated in the sports day celebration?
(b) Who participated in the sports day celebration?
(c) How much students participated in the sports day celebration?
(d) All of these
(9) The girls climbed on the ledge to save themselves from the leopard's attack.
(a) Where did the girls climb to save themselves from the leopard's attack?
(b) What did the girls do to save themselves from the leopard's attack?
(c) Why did the girls do to save themselves from the leopard's attack?
(d) How did the girls do to save themselves from the leopard's attack?
(10) Arunima was a national level volley ball player.
(a) What was a national level volleyball player'?
(b) Whom was a national level volleyball player?
(c) Who was a national level volleyball player?
(d) None of these
(11) The girl in a black dress is the cleverest girl in my class.
(a) Who is the cleverest girl in my class?
(b) What is the cleverest girl in my class?
(c) Whose girl is the cleverest girl in my class?
(d) Which girl is the cleverest girl in my class?
(12) Shastriji lived a very simple life and made no shor, of his high position.
(a) How did Shastriji live?
(b) What did Shastriji do?
(c) How did Shastriji do?
(d) (b) and (c)
(13) Preeti went to England so that she could get higher education.
(a) Why did Preeti go to England?
(b) Why Preeti went to England?
(c) What did Preeti do to go to England?
(d) What did Preeti do?
(14) Mr.Pancholi has been teaching English for the last 20 years.
(a) Since when has Mr.Pancholi been teaching English?
(b) When has Mr.Pancholi been teaching English?
(c) For when has Mr.Pancholi been teaching English?
(d) All of these
(15) Piya told her classmates about her pet animal.
(a) Whom did Piya tell her classmates?
(b) Who told Piya about her classmates?
(c) What did Piya tell her classmate?
(d) Whose Piya told her classmates?

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(16) The forests help us to keep the temperature down.

(a) How dies the forests help ups?.
(b) How the forests help us?
(c) How do the forests help us?
(d) (b) and (c)
(17) We should perform yoga to keep our body fit.
(a) How should we perform yoga?
(b) When should we perform yoga?
(c) What should we perform yoga?
(d) Why should we perform yoga?
(18) Parth filed ten litres of petrol to go to Ahmedabad.
(a) How much liters of petrol Parth filled to go to Ahmedabad?
(b) How much petrol Parth filled to go to Ahmedabad?
(c) How much petrol did Parth fill to go to Ahmedabad?
(d) How much petrol did Parth filled to go Ahmedabad?
(19) We should meet the MLA of our area to complain about water crisis.
(a) Who should we meet to complain about water crisis?
(b) Whom should we meet to complain about water crisis?
(c) Whose should we meet to complain about water crisis?
(d) Which person should we meet to complain about water crisis?
(20) Mrs. Desai's Activa was stolen.
(a) Which Activa was stolen?
(b) Whose Activa was stolen?
(c) What was stolen?
(d) Who Activa was stolen?
(21) 'Anaconda' is the biggest snake.
(a) Which is the biggest snake?
(b) Who is the biggest snake?
(c) What is the biggest snake?
(d) Whom is the biggest snake?
(22) Mr. Franks was 80 years old.
(a) What was Mr. Franks old?
(b) How much was Mr. Franks old?
(c) How many was Mr. Franks old?
(d) How was Mr. Franks old?
(23) Khushboo watched TV very much so she failed in the examination.
(a) How did she fail in the examination?
(b) What did Khushboo do?
(c) Why did Khushboo fail in the examination?
(d) How Khushboo failed in the examination?
(24) Ajay is working in Reliance Industries, Jamnagar.

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(a) Where is Ajay working'?

(b) When is Ajay working?
(c) What is Ajay doing?
(d) Where is Ajay doing?
(25) Dhiren likes Amitabh's Films the most.
(a) Whom Dhiren likes the most?
(b) Whose films does Dhiren like the most?
(c) Whose films Dhiren likes the most?
(d) Whose films do Dhiren like the most?
(26) The Aswan dam is in Egypt.
(a) Where is the Aswan dam built
(b) Where the Aswan dam is?
(c) Where is the Aswan dam?
(d) All of these
(27) India has got the freedom in 1947.
(a) When has India got the freedom.
(b) When India has got the freedom?
(c) When India has the freedom got?
(d) When has India got the freedom?
(28) The depth of this well is 70 feet.
(a) How is the depth is of this well?
(b) How the depth is of this well?
(c) How much the depth of this well is?
(d) How much is the depth of this well?
(29) Gandhinagar is 20 k.m. away from Ahmedabad.
(a) How far is Gandhinagar away from Ahmedabad?
(b) How much is Gandhinagar away from Ahmedabad?
(c) How long is Gandhinagar away from Ahmedabad?
(d) How many k.m. is Gandhinagar away from Ahmedabad?
(30) Lajia has won the medal in the Asian Games for twice.
(a) How much time has Lajja won the medal in the Asian Games?
(b) How many times has Lajja won the medal in the Asian Games?
(c) How long has Lajja won the medal in the Asian Games?
(d) None of these
(31) samir's hobby is to collect the postal stamps.
(a) How is Samir's hobby?
(b) Why is Samir's hobby?
(c) What is Samir's hobby?
(d) Which is Samir's hobby?
(32) The result of Board exam will be declared on 30th May.
(a) When will be the result of the Board exams I declared?

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(b) When the result of the Board exams will be declared?

(c) When will the result of the Board exams be declared?
(d) All of these
(33) Priyank laughed like a mad man.
(a) What did Priyank do?
(b) Why did Priyank laugh?
(c) How Priyank laughed?
(d) How did Priyank laugh?
(34) Vidhey missed the bus because he got up very late.
(a) What was responsible for Vidhey missed the bus?
(b) What was responsible for Vidhey's missed the bus?
(c) Why Vidhey missed the bus?
(d) Why did Vidhey miss the bus?
(35) The P.T. Teacher has selected 20 students for the School team.
(a) How many students has the P.T. teacher selected s for the school team?
(b) Whom has the P.T. teacher selected for the school team?
(c) Which students has the P.T. teacher selected for the school team?
(d) (b) and (c)
(36) Rajeshbhai bought one of the costliest ferrari cars.
(a) What Rajeshbhai bought?
(b) What did Rajeshbhai buy?
(c) Which car did Rajeshbhai buy?
(d) Which car Rajeshbhai bought?
(37) Bachendri Pal encouraged Arunima.
(a) Whom did Bachendri Pal encourage?
(b) Whom encouraged Bachendri Pal?
(c) Whom Bachendri Pal encouraged?
(d) Whom did Bachendri Pal encouraged?
(38) A bear was about to attack on Alibhai.
(a) What was about to attack on Alibhai?
(b) Which was about to attack on Alibhai?
(c) Who was about to attack on Alibhai?
(d) Whom was about to attack on Alibhai?
(39) Alibhai guessed that it must be a bear.
(a) What did Alibhai do?
(b) What did Alibhai gussed?
(c) What gussed Alibhai?
(d) What did Alibhai guess?
(40) The problem for Mary was her poverty.
(a) What was the problem for Mary?
(b) Who was the problem for Mary?

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(c) Which was the problem for Mary?

(d) Why was the problem for Mary?
(41) Mr. Maheta is a practical man.
(a) What is Mr. Maheta?
(b) Who is Mr. Maheta?
(c) How is Mr. Maheta?
(d) Whom is Mr. Maheta?
(42) Sureshbhai believes in superstition.
(a) Who does believe in Superstition?
(b) What does believe in Superstition?
(c) Who believes in superstition?
(d) What believes in superstition?
(43) Navin likes religious books.
(a) What books does Navin like?
(b) What does Navin like?
(c) How books does Navin like?
(d) Which books does Navin like?
(44) Janvi meets me on every Sunday.
(a) Where does Janvi meets me?
(b) When does Janvi meet me?
(c) When do Janvi meets me?
(d) Where do Janvi meets me?
(45) Abhik is very kind and helpful.
(a) How is Abhik?
(b) What kind of a boy is the Abhik?
(c) What is Abhik?
(d) (a) and (c).
(46) Gobinda was a famous idol maker.
(a) Who was Gobinda?
(b) What was Gobinda?
(c) How was Gobinda?
(d) Which was Gobinda?
(47) Prakashbhai has sold his car because it was very old.
(a) Why did Prakashbhai sell his car?
(b) Why did Prakashbhai sold his car?
(c) Why Prakashbhai has sold his car?
(d) Why has Prakashbhai sold his car?
(48) Viral asked for a lift in my car.
(a) Whom did Viral ask for a lift?
(b) In whose car did Viral asked for a lift?
(c) In whom car did Viral ask for a lift?

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(d) None of these.

(49) Manan likes Sonaxi from all the heroines.
(a) Which heroines does Manan like?
(b) Which heroine does Manan like?
(c) Which heroine Manan likes?
(d) Which heroines do Manan like?
(50) Shital requested me to solve her problem.
(a) What did Shital request me?
(b) How did Shital request me to do?
(c) Why did Shital request me to do?
(d) For what Shital requested me?
(51) Nehru only visited some of the towns in the lower region of Garhwal.
(a) When did Nehru visit the Garhwal lower region?
(b) Who visited the Garhwal lower region?
(c) Which regions of Garhwal did Nehru visit?
(d) What did Nehru visit?
(52) The fight lasted only for a few minutes.
(a) What lasted for a few minutes?
(b) How long did the fight last?
(c) Which fight lasted for a few minutes.
(d) Why did the fight last only for a few minutes?
(53) You should consult an orthopaedic doctor?
(a) What should you consult?
(b) Why should you consult?
(c) Whom should you consult?
(d) When should you consult an orthopaedic doctor?
(54) Love is a powerful feeling installed in our heart.
(a) What is love installed?
(b) Where is a powerful feeling, love installed?
(c) What type of feeling is love?
(d) How is love installed
(55) The morning light falling on the snow covered mountains is very soft and bright.
(a) What is falling on the snow covered mountains?
(b) How is the morning light?
(c) Where is the morning light falling?
(d) Why is the morning light very soft and bright?
(56) The atmosphere is filled with mist in the early morning time.
(a) Who is filled with mist in the early morning time?
(b) What is filled with mist in the early morning time?
(c) With what is the atmosphere filled in the early morning time?
(d) Why is the atmosphere filled with mist?

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(57) Every time they showed a new picture at Disneyland.

(a) What did they show at Disneyland?
(b) How did they show a new picture?
(c) Where did they show a new picture every time?
(d) Why did they show a new picture every time?
(58) I visited him in the hospital the night before he died.
(a) Why did you visit him in the hospital?
(b) Whom did you visit in the hospital?
(c) When did you visit him in the hospital?
(d) Where did you visit him?
(59) You will feel calmer mentally and emotionally.
(a) Why will you feel calmer mentally and emotionally?
(b) How will you feel mentally and emotionally?
(c) Who will feel calmer mentally and emotionally.?
(d) Where will you feel calmer?
(60) When I went in, I found him sitting on her bed.
(a) When did you find him sitting on her bed?
(b) What did you find when you went in?
(c) Why was he sitting on her bed?
(d) When did you go in?
(61) The kind of labour people do varies from country to country.
(a) Who varies from country to country?
(b) What kind of labour varies from country to country?
(c) What varies from country to country?
(d) Why does the labour vary from country to country?
(62) He had lived prosperously for about twenty years.
(a) Why had he lived prosperously?
(b) Who had lived prosperously?
(c) How long had he lived prosperously?
(d) How had he lived for about twenty years?
(63) Herbert was playing chess in their small living room of villa.
(a) When was Herbert playing chess?
(b) Why was Herbert playing in their small living room of villa?
(c) Who was playing chess?
(d) Where was Herbert playing chess?
(64) We all want to be famous people.
(a) What do we all want to be?
(b) What kind of people do we all want to be?
(c) Why do people want to be famous?
(d) Who want to be famous people?
(65) It is your duty to insist upon still more radical measure.

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(a) How is your duty?

(b) Whose duty is it to insist upon still more radical measure?
(c) What is your duty?
(d) Why is it your duty to visit upon still more radical measure?
(66) I was only a few miles away from the border of India and Tibet.
(a) Where were you from the border of India and Tibet?
(b) How far were you from the border of India and Tibet?
(c) What is said about the border of India and Tibet?
(d) Why were you away from the border?
(67) The tree was planted by the poet's grandfather.
(a) What was planted?
(b) How was the tree planted?
(c) Which tree was planted?
(d) By whom was the tree planted?
(68) A canal was being dug by the workers.
(a) Who was digging the canal?
(b) What was being dug by the workers?
(c) How was a canal being dug by the workers?
(d) Why was a canal being dug?
(69) The girl whose brother is coming today is absent.
(a) Which girl is absent?
(b) Who is absent?
(c) Whose brother is coming?
(d) Why is the girl absent?
(70) We went to a fabulous show in new York?
(a) How was a show in New York?
(b) Where did you go in New York?
(c) When did you go to a fabulous show in New York?
(d) Who went to New York?
(71) Dipal is appointed as a new manager in this company.
(a) What is appointed as a new manager in this company?
(b) Why is Dipal appointed as a new manager in this company?
(c) Who is appointed as a new manager in this company?
(d) Where Dipal appointed as Manager?
(72) She invited her relatives at her party.
(a) Who was invited by her at her party?
(b) Whom did she invite at her party?
(c) Why did she invite her relatives at her party?
(d) Where did she hold her party?
(73) She was chosen to speak on behalf of a company.
(a) Who was chosen to speak on behalf of a company

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(b) Why was she chosen to speak on behalf of a company?

(c) Why was she chosen?
(d) On whose behalf was she chosen?
(74) She has started that work since morning.
(a) How much work has she done since morning
(b) Since when has she started that work?
(c) Who has started that work?
(d) What has she started since morning?'
(75) About the age of 9, she was auctioned off to an English man.
(a) At which age was she auctioned off to an English man?
(b) Why was she auctioned off to an English man?
(c) Whom was she auctioned off?
(d) What happened at the age of 9?
(76) She run away with only her youngest child.
(a) Why did she run away
(b) How was her child?
(c) What did she do with only her youngest child?
(d) Whom did she run away with?
(77) We can approach freedom very simply and directs.
(a) What can we approach very simply and directly?
(b) How long can we approach freedom?
(c) How can we approach freedom?
(d) How is freedom?
(78) The moment you want to be somebody you are no longer free.
(a) Why are you no longer free?
(b) When are you no longer free?
(c) What do you want to do?
(d) How long are you free?.
(79) You must break through all the influences that
(a) What must you do to all the influence that enslave you?
(b) Why must you break through all the influences that enslave you.
(c) How can you break through all the influences that enslave you.
(d) None of these
(80) Millions of households are still lacking basic facility of electricity.
(a) What are millions of households still lacking?
(b) Who are still lacking basic facility of electricity?
(c) Why are they still lacking basic facility of electricity.
(d) since when are they lacking basic facility of electricity
(81) The family was fascinated.
(a) How was the family?
(b) Who was fascinated?

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(c) Why was the family fascinated?

(d) Where was the family?
(82) The poem describes beautiful Nature.
(a) What does the poem describe?
(b) What is described by the poem?
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) How is the Nature?
(83) Mr. Baxi started his new business last week.
(a) When did Mr. Baxi start his new business?
(b) Who started new business?
(c) What did Mr. Baxi start?
(d) Why did Mr. Baxi start new business?
(84) The story of Disneyland illustrates Walt's vision.
(a) Why does the story of Disneyland illustrate Walt's vision?
(b) What does the story of Disneyland illustrate?
(c) How does the story of Disneyland illustrate Walt's vision?
(d) Which story illustrates Walt's vision?
(85) Vedant is sitting in a local train to reach Mumbai urgently.
(a) In which train is vedant sitting to reach Mumbai urgently?
(b) Who is sitting in a local train?
(c) What does vedant want?
(d) Why is Vedant sitting in a local train?
(86) Nani brought the grand children to her home.
(a) Who brought the grand children home?
(b) Whom did Nani bring to her home?
(c) What did Nani do?
(d) why did Nani bring the grand children to her home?
(87) He only swallows the pills on her behalf.
(a) Who swallows the pills?
(b) Why does he swallow the pills?
(c) On whose behalf does he swallow the pills?
(d) What does he swallow on her behalf?
(88) He had spent nearly sixty years with Nani?
(a) Why had he spent nearly sixty years with Nani?
(b) Who had spent sixty years with Nani?
(c) How many years had he spent with Nani?
(d) with whom had he spent sixty years?
(89) They can accomplish a difficult task with mutual co - operation.
(a) What can they accomplish?
(b) How can they accomplish a difficult task?
(c) How is the task?

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(d) Who can accomplish a difficult task?

(90) Some ants need followers to work for them.
(a) Who need followers to work for them?
(b) Why do some ants need followers?
(c) What did some ants need?
(d) Whom do some ants need?
(91) The children were injured badly.
(a) How were the children injured?
(b) Who were injured badly?
(c) What happened to the children?
(d) Why were the children injured baldy?
(92) He wrote lots of stories for her.
(a) For whom did he write lots of stories?
(b) Why did he write lots of stories?
(c) What did he write for her?
(d) When did he write for her?
(93) Hiren made a big mistake.
(a) Who made a big mistake?
(b) What did Hiren do?
(c) How did Hiren make a big mistake?
(d) Why did Hiren make a big mistake?
(94) It began three years ago.
(a) How did it begin?
(b) Why did it begin?
(c) Where did it begin?
(d) When did it begin?
(95) He dropped the cup on the floor.
(a) Where did he drop the cup?
(b) Why did he drop the cup?
(c) How did he drop the cup?
(d) What did he do on the floor?
(96) The lesson passed quickly.
(a) How did the lesson pass?
(b) Why did the lesson pass quickly?
(c) When did the lesson pass quickly?
(d) What did pass quickly?
(97) He ran across the street.
(a) Who ran across the street?
(b) What did he do across the street?
(c) Where did he run?
(d) Why did he run across the street?

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(98) She said it very politely.

(a) What did she say very politely?
(b) How did she say it?
(c) When did she say it?
(d) Who said it very politely?
(99) I spent my holidays in Switzerland.
(a) Where did you spend your holidays?
(b) Who spent holidays in Switzerland?
(c) When did you spend your holidays?
(d) How did you spend your holidays?
(100)My brother teaches me a lot.
(a) What does your brother do?
(b) Why does your brother teach you a lot?
(c) Who teaches you a lot?
(d) How does your brother teach you?
(101)They gave up job on Monday.
(a) When did they give up job?
(b) Why did they give up job?
(c) How did they give up job?
(d) Who gave up job?
(102)They started the climb on Sunday morning.
(a) When did they start the climb?
(b) How did they start the climb?
(c) What did they start on Sunday morning?
(d) On what day did they start the climb?
(103)The children go to the counter.
(a) Where do the children go?
(b) Who goes to the counter?
(c) Why do the children go to the counter?
(d) How do the children go to the counter?
(104)They met at the station.
(a) Where did they meet?
(b) Who met at the station?
(c) Why did they meet at the station?
(d) When did they meet at the station?
(105)The men come a little closer.
(a) Why do the men come a little closer?
(b) How do the men come a little closer?
(c) Who comes a little closer?
(d) What do the men do?
(106)The two women come from Delhi.

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(a) From where do the two women come?

(b) Who comes from Delhi?
(c) Why do the two women come from Delhi?
(d) How do the two women come from Delhi?
(107)They worked carefully.
(a) How did they work?
(b) Who worked carefully?
(c) Why did they work carefully?
(d) Where did they work carefully?
(108)The jacket is? 1000 /-
(a) What is the jacket?
(b) How much is the jacket?
(c) Where is the jacket?
(d) Why is it 1000/-?
(109)They took the children home.
(a) Why did they take the children home?
(b) Where did they take the children?
(c) Whom did they take home?
(d) Who took the children home?
(110)He went to the baker.
(a) Where did he go?
(b) How did he go to the baker?
(c) When did he go to the baker?
(d) Who went to the baker?
(111)They went to the airport by taxi.
(a) Where did they go by taxi?
(b) How did they go to the airport?
(c) Why did they go to the airport by taxi?
(d) Who went to the airport by taxi?
(112)Jitesh opened the door.
(a) What did Jitesh do?
(b) Why did Jitesh open the door?
(c) Who opened the door?
(d) How did Jitesh open the door?
(113)They have got five cars.
(a) What have they got?
(b) How have they got the cars?
(c) Why have they got cars?
(d) How many cars have they got?
(114)He bought a house to live comfortably?
(a) What did he buy?

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(b) Why did he buy a house?

(c) How did he buy a house?
(d) When did he buy a house?
(115)The flowerpot fell on the floor yesterday.
(a) What fell on the floor?
(b) When did the flowerpot fall on the floor?
(c) How did the flowerpot fall on the floor?
(d) Why did the flowerpot fall on the fall?
(116)They sell 20 kilos of sugar a day.
(a) How much sugar do they sell a day?
(b) How many kilos of sugar do they sell a day?
(c) What do they sell a day?
(d) What do they do a day?
(117)He found Prerna’s key.
(a) What did he find?
(b) Who found Prema’s key?
(c) Whose key did he find?
(d) How did he find Prema’s key?
(118)The boys play football on the school playground.
(a) Who plays football on the school playground?
(b) What the boys do on the school playground?
(c) Where do the boys play football?
(d) Why do the boys play football on the school playground?
(119)They came late because they had an accident.
(a) Why did they come late?
(b) What did they have?
(c) How did they have an accident?
(d) When did they have an accident?
(120)He lives in a remote village.
(a) Why does he live in a remote village?
(b) Where does he live?
(c) How does he live in a remote village?
(d) Who lives in a remote village?
(121)His car was broken down.
(a) What was broke down?
(b) Why was his car broken down?
(c) When was his car broken down?
(d) How was his car broken down?
(122)He ate two packets of crisp.
(a) How many packets of crisps did he eat?
(b) What did he eat?

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(c) When did he eat packets of crisp?

(d) How much packets of crisp did he eat?
(123)She goes to school early in the morning.
(a) Where does she go early in the morning?
(b) When does she go to school?
(c) How does she go to school early in the morning?
(d) Why does she go to school early in the morning?
(124)The glass was broken by the naughty boy.
(a) What was broken by the naughty boy?
(b) By whom was the glass broken?
(c) Who broke the glass?
(d) How was the glass broken?
(125)They like him because he is always friendly.
(a) Who like him?
(b) How is he?
(c) Why do they like him?
(d) What do they like?
(126)The Miller lives in a cottage.
(a) Where does the miller live?
(b) Where is the cottage?
(c) Why do the miller live in a cottage?
(d) Who lives in a cottage?
(127)She played tennis from 1980 to 1987.
(a) When did she play tennis?
(b) How did she play tennis?
(c) Where did she play tennis?
(d) Why did she play tennis?
(128)They stole Mohan’s bike.
(a) Who stole Mohan’s bike?
(b) How did they steal Mohan’s bike?
(c) Why did they steal Mohan’s bike?
(d) Whose bike did they steal?
(129)The cat ate pizza.
(a) What did the cat eat?
(b) How did the cat eat pizza?
(c) When did the cat eat pizza?
(d) Why did the cat eat pizza?
(130)They left Mumbai three days ago.
(a) Who left Mumbai three days ago?
(b) When did they leave Mumbai?
(c) Why did they leave Mumbai?

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(d) How did they leave Mumbai?

(131)She bought a new car because her old one broke down.
(a) Why did she buy a new car?
(b) What did she buy?
(c) When did she buy a new car?
(d) From where did she buy a new car?
(132)He lived in Limbdi from May to October.
(a) Where did he live?
(b) When did he live in Limbdi?
(c) Why did he live in Limbdi?
(d) How did he live in Limbdi?
(133)Mother is a wonderful creation of God?
(a) What is a wonderful creation of God?
(b) How is a mother wonderful creation of God?
(c) Why is a mother wonderful creation of God?
(d) Is a mother a wonderful creation of God?
(134)Dashrath Manjhi became popularly known as the ‘Mountain Man’.
(a) What became the ‘Mountain Man’?
(b) Why did Dashrath Manjhi became popularly known as the ‘Mountain Man’?
(c) Who became popularly known as the ‘Mountain Man’?
(d) When did Dashrath Manjhi became popularly known as the ‘Mountain Man’?
(135)Vivek has recently joined the gym for building his body.
(a) When has Vivek joined the gym?
(b) What has Vivek joined the gym?
(c) Who has recently joined the gym?
(d) Why has Vivek joined the gym?
(136)The cook added a little red chilli powder in the sauce.
(a) What did the cook add in the sauce?
(b) How much red chilli powder did the cook add in the sauce?
(c) Who added the red chilli powder?
(d) Why did the cook add red chilli powder in the sauce?

Section - B

Read the extracts and answer the questions: 10

(1) Customer Service Rep : Can you install LOVE?
Customer : I can do that. I'm not very technical, but I think I am ready to install now What do I do
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Customer Service Rep : The first step is to open your HEART. Have you located your HEART
Question :
(1) Does the customer have technical knowledge?
(2) What is the first step?
(2) Customer : Yes I have, but there are several programmes running right now Is it okay to install
while they are running?
Customer Service Rep : What programmes are running ma'am?
Customer : Let me see..... I have PASTHURT.EXE, LOWESTEE M.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE, and
RESENTMENT.COM running right now.
Question :
(1) What does the customer ask?
(2) What programmes are running right now?
(3) Customer Service Rep : No problem. LOVE will automatically erase PASTHURT.EXE from your
current operating system, It may remain in your memory, but it will no longer disrupt other
programmes. LOVE will eventually overwrite LOWESTEEM.EXE with a module of its own
called HIGHESTEEM.EXE. However, you have to completely turn off GRUDGE. EXE and
RESENTMENT.COM. Those programmes prevent LOVE from being properly installed.
Question :
(1) What can automatically erase PASTHURT.EXE?
(2) Will it be completely removed?,
(4) LOVE will eventually overwrite LOWESTEEM.EXE with a module of its own called
HIGHESTEE M.EYE However, you have to completely turn of GRUDGE.EXE and
RESENTMENT.COM. Those programmes prevent LOVE from being properly installed.
Question :
(1) What is highesteem.EXE?
(2) What can stop LOVE from being properly installed?
(5) Customer : I don't know how turn them off. Can you tell me how?
Customer Service Rep : My pleasure. Go to your Star menu and invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE. Do
this as many times as necessary until GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT. COM have been
completely erased
Question :
(1) What does' My pleasure' mean?
(2) What should the customer do? How often?
(6) Customer : Okay, I'm done. LOVE has started installing itself automatically. Is that normal?
Customer Service Rep : Yes it is. You should receive a message that says it will reinstall for the
life of your HEART. Do you see that message?
Customer : Yes I do. Is it completely installed?
Question :
(1) Is the installing of LOVE normal?
(2) 'Yes I do', what does it mean here?

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(7) Customer Service Rep : Yes, but remember that road have only the base programme. You need to
begin connecting to other HEARTS in order to get the upgrades.
Question :
(1) What should the customer remember?
(2) Why should she begin connecting to other HEARTS?
(8) Customer : Oops. I have an error message already. What should I do?
Customer Service Rep : What does the message say?
What does that mean?.
Question :
(1) Why does she say 'oops'? What does it show?
(2) What does the message say?
(9) Customer Service Rep : Don't worry ma'am, that's a common problem. It means that the LOVE
programme is set up to run on external HEARTS but has not yet been ran on your HEART. It is
one of those complicated programming things, but in non - technical terms it means you have to "
LOVE " your own machine before it can " LOVE ” others.
Question :
(1) Why is she advised not to worry?
(2) What does it mean?
(10) It is one of those complicated programming things, but non - technical terms it means you have to
" LOVE " of your own machine before it can “ LOVE ” others.
Question :
(1) Is it simple technical thing?
(2) What does she have to do to make it ‘LOVE’ others?
(11) Can you find the directory called " SELF ACCEPTANCE "?
Customer : Yes, I have it.
Customer Service Rep : Excellent, you are getting good at this.
Customer : Thank you.
Question :
(1) What is she asked to find?
(c) SELF - ACCEPTANCE (d) None of these
(2) Here the word 'Excellent' shows ______ .
(a) Praise (b) Anger
(c) Resentment (d) Fear
(12) My brother Walt is no more, yet his influence lingers like a living presence over the studio where
he turned Out the cartoons, nature films and feature movies that made him known and loved
around the world.
Question :
(1) The writer feels the presence of Walt Disney in the studio. True / False

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(2) What made Walt Disney world famous?

(13) Every time we show a new picture, or open a new feature at Disneyland, someone is bound to say,"
I wonder how Walt would like it? " And when this happens, I personally realize that it was
something he himself had planned. For rip imaginative, industrious brother left enough projects in
progress to keep the rest of us busy for many, many years.
Question :
(1) When someone would say, “ I wonder how Walt would like it ”?
(2) Which describing words (adjectives) are used for Walt?
(14) To the bankers who financed us, I'm sure he seemed like a wild man, hell-bent for bankruptcy. To
me, he was my amazing kid brother, full of impractical dreams that he made come true.
Question :
(1) What do you mean by ‘impractical’?
(2) What does the author think about Walt?
(15) Our Uncle Mike was an engineer and he'd blow his whistle one long and two shorts -just for us
Walt never lost his love of trains. Years later, an old-fashioned train was one of the first attractions
at Disneyland.
Question :
(1) What would Uncle Mike do for them?
(2) What does the sentence, "Walt never lost his love for trains. Years later an old-fashioned train
was one of the first attractions of Disneyland?" prove?
(16) He studied cartooning in Chicago, and then started a little animated-cartoon company in Kansas
City that flopped. I was in Los Angeles when Walt, just 21, decided to try his luck in Hollywood.
Question :
(1) Did the animated cartoon company start successfully at first?
(2) When did Walt decide to try his luck in Hollywood?
(17) He was carrying a cheap suitcase that contained all of his belongings. We borrowed $500 from an
uncle, and Walt started a cartoon series called Alice in Cartoon land It was tough going
Question :
(1) Can you say Walt did not have much money?
(2) What did Walt start after borrowing $ 500?
(18) “We haven’t got a deal,” Walt admitted. “The distributor copy-righted Oswald and he's taking over
the series himself.” Strangely, Walt did not seem downhearted. “We’re going to start a new series,”
he enthused “It’s about a mouse, And this time we'll own the mouse.”
Question :
(1) Did Walt get the deal? How did he feel/ react?
(2) What was his plan?
(19) The rest is history. Walt's mouse, Mickey, celebrated his 40th birthday in 1968, and a happy 40th it
was. A quarter of a billion people saw Disney movie in 1968, 100 million watched a Disney TV
show, nearly a billion read a Disney book or magazine and almost ten million visited Disneyland.
And Mickey, as Walt used to say, started it all.
Question :

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(1) How many people visited the Disneyland?

(2) What does his paragraph tell us about?
(20) Once, when my son Roy Edward had the measles, Walt came and told him the story of Pinocchio,
which he was making at that time.
Question :
(1) Who was Roy Edward?
(2) What did Walt do when Roy had measles?
(21) Young Roy was so wide eyed at Walt's graphic telling of the fairy tale that he forgot all about his
measles. Later, when he saw the finished picture, he was strangely disappointed. "It didn't seem as
exciting as when Uncle Walt told it," he said.
Question :
(1) Why did Roy forget about measles?
(2) What did Roy like more; the finished picture or Walt's story telling?
(22) As usual, though, he infused all of us with his own enthusiasm when he finally told us about the
project. Someone asked, "Walt, how should the Disneyland look?" Quick, came the reply, "It
should look like nothing else on this earth. "Predictably, we had trouble raising money, but
Disneyland did open, in July 1955.
Question :
(1) What was Walt's imagination about the Disneyland?
(2) When was the Disneyland opened?
(23) Since that first day, millions of people have flocked to see the unique creation of Walt's
imagination. Like a kid with a new toy the biggest, shiniest toy in the world- Walt used to wander
through the park, gawking as happily as any tourist.
Question :
(1) What is the Disneyland for Walt?
(2) A lot of people have visited the Disneyland. True/ False?
(24) The overwhelming success of Walt's "crazy idea" triggered a dramatic about-face in the Disney
fortunes. Yet success never changed Walt. He remained the simplest of men. He hated parties, and
his idea of a night out was a burger and chilli at some little restaurant. His only extravagance was a
miniature railroad that ran around the grounds of his home.
Question :
(1) What was the effect of the success of Walt's 'crazy idea'?
(2) What did Walt love even after having so much success or earning money?
(25) "What do you do with all your money?" a friend once asked him. Pointing at the studio, Walt said,
"I fertilize that field with it. "And it's true that Walt ploughed money back into the company almost
as fast as it came in.
Question :
(1) Where did Walt invest the money?
(2) "I fertilize that with it" what do you mean by that here?
(26) Being solvent for the first time since he started business gave Walt a chance to develop other ideas.
These included the development of Mineral Kind (an alpine-like valley high in the Sierra

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Mountains) ; a California Institute of Art, for which he donated the land and several million
dollars; and, most ambitious of all, a 100-million-dollar Disney World and City of Tomorrow in
Question :
(1) Walt wasted his money in food and drink True/false
(2) He donated a lot of money for the development o California Institute of Art and the Disney
World and The City of Tomorrow in Florida True/False
(27) Tragically, in the midst of all this activity, Walt was stricken with this fatal illness. I heard him
refer to this cruel blow only once. "Whatever it is I've got, he told me, "don't get it." I visited him
in the hospital the night before he died. Although desperately ill, he was full of plans for the future
as he had been all his life.
Question :
(1) What was Walt stricken with later in his life during all the activities?
(2) What did Walt have even during his illness?
(28) Mind, emotions and body are all closely interlinked and always work together It helps you
distinguish them more clearly if you try to understand them separately. Your mental capacities are
your abilities to concentrate, to take in new information, to remember old and new information and
to be in a position to think logically.
Question :
(1) What are closely related? How do they work?
(2) What do you mean by 'mental abilities'?
(29) Do you find yourself reacting in any of the following ways?
- You find it difficult to concentrate on things.
- Your memory is letting you down frequently.
- You have lots of different things on your mind but cannot grasp a clear thought.
- You are often undecided these days and this is untypical for you.
- You make longer to do tasks that you were able to quite quickly before.
- You start lots of things but don't finish any.
If yes, then it gives a sign of mental stress present in you: The better you deal with stress, the less
your mental capacity will be affected
Question :
(1) How many difficulties have been given?
(2) What should we do to lessen the bad effects on our mental capacity?
(30) Mental quick fixes
Put on some music you like and dance through the room. This creative activity exercises the right
side of the brain and helps rebalance your brain. Get a fish tank and watch the fish swim around
languidly. This allows your mind to calm down.
Question :
(1) What creative activity helps rebalance our brain?
(2) What does the activity of observing the fish swimming slowly in a tank do?

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(31) Nobody is perfect and who wants to be nobody? Mistakes are OK. Delete the phrase "I can't" from
your vocabulary. It isn't constructive and blocks your view of possible solutions
(1) Is everyone likely to make mistakes?
(2) What is constructive?
(32) Basically, the day hasn't even started but you are already in a tizz. What is happening is that your
mind is racing ahead of you and anticipating how tired and stressed you will feel once you have
completed all the tasks ahead. These frantic thought starts weakening your energy and as a with
only half of your normal energy. you are entering into a busy day
(1) "Basically day hasn't started but you are already in a tizz" What does the underlined part mean?
(2) What is the effect of such thinking?
(33) In order to have the maximum energy available at the start of a busy day, use 'I have no
expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when it happens' as a form of mantra.
You will notice how your body starts relaxing at the thought of 'no expectations'. This relaxation
tells you that you have just stopped yourself from wasting valuable energy. You will feel calmer
mentally and emotionally as a consequence.
(1) What mantra should be followed for maximum energy?
(2) How will one feel as a result of the mantra?
(34) You can use this self-hypnosis state to relieve mental stress. Try the following exercise. It becomes
easier with your eyes closed. Settle back in a chair and close your eyes. Start counting backwards
from 99 to 70.Count slowly to fit in with your breathing.
(1) What should one do to relieve mental stress
(2) What should one do at first and thereafter?
(35) When emotions have taken you over, it becomes nearly impossible to think clearly. Then it
becomes very easy to make unwise decisions or to agree to something which is not to your
advantage. The Screen Exercise shows you how to step back and emotionally detach yourself from
your current situation so that you can see more clearly what is going on.
(1) What is the problem when emotions have taken over?
(2) What shows the way how to step back and detach oneself from problem emotionally?
(36) When life becomes too hectic, we can end up feeling mentally tied in knots. Nothing seems easy
and positive. Pessimism sets in and we cannot see a way out of our current problems. We can open
a source of optimism with the technique of anticipating success.
(1) What happens when life becomes hectic?
(2) The opposite of 'optimism from the text is
(37) Make sure you don't get all tangled up in considerations about how the situation will resolve itself.
It will look after itself as long as you keep your aim firmly in mind If you stay focused on a
positive outcome, you can think more clearly and you will make better decisions which will
eventually lead to the desired results
(1) 'Make sure you don't get tangled up in considerations about how the situation will resolve itself'
What do you understand by the underlined word?
(2) What should one do to be able to think clearly and take better decisions?

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(38) It was a mistake not to take Nana, our grandfather, to the funeral of our grandmother, our Nani.....
With heavy hearts we hoisted Nani's bier over our shoulders. I turned to look, just once, and found
Nana stepping away from the balcony into the room, pulling the door shut after him
(1) Who does the author talk about?
(2) What had Nana suffered from?
(39) With heavy hearts we hoisted Nani's bier over our shoulders. I turned to look, just once, and found
Nana stepping away from the balcony into the room, pulling the door shut after him. He had lived
with Nani for over half a century, seen her radiant face every day of those years.
(1) 'With a heavy heart', we hoisted Nani's bier over our shoulders. What does the underlined
phrase mean?
(2) Who was younger, Nana or Nani?
(40) He would keep quibbling with her, as if they were two people who had just married in the first
flush of love and were still discovering each other
(1) ‘He would keep ______’ what does 'He mean?
(2) Both behaved as if they were trying to understand each other.' Say true or false.
(41) He imprisoned himself in the bedroom. We removed a few of Nani's belongings to make the room
liveable for Nana but he did not let us cart away Nani's bed in dry, hollow rasp, he said, 'Let it
be...where else is she going to sleep?
(1) How did he behave?
(2) What does Nani's belonging mean?
(42) The day we had to take Nani's ashes away for immersion, that day too Nana stayed locked in the
room. When I went in, I found him sitting on her bed. He just touched the urn and said, 'Take him
away...all my life he just kept fighting with me. The shift was gradual. I did not pay much heed to
it that first day but later it became more evident."
(1) Where was Nana sitting?
(2) The author took notice of Nana that first day.' Is it true?
(43) He paused, threw me a look and said, 'When this bottle gets over, get me a new one. ‘I was a little
taken aback. I had never heard him coughing. But this was nothing compared to the shock he gave
me a few days later.’
(1) What did he request the author to do?
(2) ‘I was taken aback.’ What do you understand?
(44) His intonation was nasal, exactly like Nani’s. It seemed as if it was Nani who was speaking. moved
back, a little worried. When I told Mother about it, she said, ‘These days he’s begun to miss
mother too much. I have seen him talking to her photograph. He has even begun to sleep in her
(1) Who was speaking as if he were Nani?
(2) 'He has begun to miss mother too much. Who said this?
(45) His entire constitution had begun to morph. He had increasingly begun to talk in a feminine way. I
was beginning to get worried about him. I had a friend, Dr K.D. Kamble, a psychiatrist. I called
him over.
(1) Why was the author worried?

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(2) Who was a psychiatrist?

(46) He talked to Nana at length - for hours. Most of the time, Nana kept quiet. He did not answer most
of Dr Kamble's queries. But when he did, he spoke like Nana normally did and in his own voice.
(1) Did Nana answer mostly?
(2) What was strange during the talk?
(47) I drove the good doctor back to his home. He said that Nana was suffering from a sort of
dissociative personality disorder. The condition was little understood, he said, and there was no
sure cure for it.
(1) What was Nana suffering from?
(2) Was it curable?
(48) I was late coming back home, but I did feel quite unburdened by what Dr. Kamble had said, a lot
less worried. I thought the way Nana had made his adjustments with Nani; we too should make
adjustments with him.
(1) Who had lessened the author's burden?
(2) Who should make adjustments with Nana?
(49) The following behaviour was noticed by a scientist who was making a study of ants. A number of
ants were down in a pit, where they had killed some flies and other insects for food. The ants began
fetching the small bits of these insects up to their anthill.
(1) What was the scientist doing?
(2) What did the ants have as their food?
(50) This was arduous work for them. The sides of the pit were steep and, considering the size of the
ants, the loads they were carrying were very heavy.
(1) This text informs us about the laborious work of the ants. Is it true?
(2) Why does the author say they were carrying very heavy loads?
(51) Near the top of the pit, however, there was a small part of the way which was completely smooth
and steep. Here there were no footholds. The ants came up to these points and there their progress
stopped. It seemed that, after all, they had been defeated.
(1) Where did their progress stop?
(2) Why did they seem to have been defeated?
(52) The ants at the top began climbing down into the pit backward, each holding the tail end of another
ant in front. In this way an ant-chain was soon formed which slowly dropped down the steep side.
When it reached the ants waiting with their loads, they easily climbed up the chain and came out at
the top.
(1) Did the ant climb down backward into the pit?
(2) How did the other ants climb up?
(53) Such behaviour, showing the adeptness of ants, has been noticed and studied by many.
Now science has discovered some things about ant life which seem to show that the intelligence of
these tiny creatures is very close to human intelligence.
(1) What does such behaviour show?
(2) The ants are almost as intelligent as human being (True/False) Is it true?

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(54) They are called by that name because they are often seen carrying large pieces of leaf over their
heads like umbrellas. They take these pieces of leaf to their nests, where they chew them up nicely.
Afterwards they make heds of these chewed -up leaves. On these beds grows a kind of fungus,
which is the food of ants.
(1) Why are they called umbrella ant?
(2) How do they get food from leaves?
(55) What we have called 'cow' are a kind of greenfly. These are found on rose leaves and on the leaves
of beans. They give out a sweet, honey-like liquid which the ants relish a lot.
(1) What is the 'cow' here?
(2) The ants enjoy the sweet honey like liquid. False/True.
(56) Ants, we are told, play games, nurse their sick and bury their dead. They see that each one in the
nest does its share of the work, and that no one is allowed to be indolent. All this suggests that ants
have a highly developed social sense and perhaps some system of government.
(1) What are we told about ants?
(2) No one was allowed to be lazy" Do you agree with it?
(57) There are ants that keep other ants as slaves. One such type is a powerful red ant which is found in
Europe. Their slaves are taken from a type of black ant which is smaller in size. When the red ants
want slaves, they ambush the nests of the black ants and abduct some of their eggs.
(1) Where are the red ants found?
(2) What do they do when they want slave?
(58) The most ferocious kind of ants are the 'driver' ants of Africa. They have no fixed home but are
always on the move. They are completely blind, but they march in long lines, many million along,
and they devour any animal that happens to be in their path. Even large animals, like tigers and
elephants, live in fear of them.
(1) Which ants are very ferocious?
(2) What is very special characteristic of them?
(59) To begin with, I have a word to say to my good friends, the editors, and others who are moved to
pity me Some people are grieved because they imagine I am in the hands of unprincipled persons
who persuade me to adopt unpopular causes and make me the mouthpiece of their propaganda.
(1) Whom does Helen advise? What does she advise?
(2) What do they hope from the speaker?
(60) They are not free when they are compelled to work twelve or ten or eight hours a day. They are not
free when they are ill paid for their exhausting toil. They are not free when their children must
labour in mills and factories or starve, and when their women may be driven by poverty to lives of
shame. They are not free when they are clubbed and imprisoned because they go on strike for a
raise of wages and for the basic justice that is their right as human beings.
(1) How are the lives of workers?
(2) What is the right of the workers as human beings?
(61) We are not free unless the men who frame and erecute the laws represent the interests of the lives
of the people and no other interest. The ballot does not make a free man out of a wage slave. There
has never existed a truly free and democratic nation in the world.

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(1) When can we be called free?

(2) Has any democratic country ever existed totally free in the world?
(62) This terrible sacrifice would be comprehensible if the thing you die for and call country fed,
clothed, housed and warmed you, educated and cherished your children I think the workers are the
most unselfish of the children of man; they toil and live and die for other peoples country, other
people's continents, other people's liberties and other people's happiness!
(1) What would be a better sacrifice?
(2) Why are the workers called unselfish?
(63) All I ask, gentlemen, is a fair field and no favour. I have entered the fight against preparedness and
against the economic system under which we live. It is to be a fight to the finish, and I ask no
(1) All I ask, gentlemen is a fair field and no favours. What do you mean by the underlined word?
(2) What is the fight against?
(64) Will the workers walk into this trap? Will they be fooled again? I am afraid so. The people have
always been susceptible to oratory of this sort. The workers know they have no enemies except
their masters. They know that their citizenship papers are no warrant for the safety of their wives
and children.
(1) Who are enemies of the workers according to the speaker?
(2) What does the word 'warrant' mean here?
(65) Daily they face the dangers of railroad, bridge, skyscraper, freight train, stokehold, stock yard and
training at the docks, on the railroads and underground and on the seas. They move the traffic and
pass from land to land the precious commodities that make it possible for us to live. And what is
their reward? A scanty wage, often poverty, rents taxes, tributes and war compensations.
(1) What is the condition of the workers along with the growth of civilization?
(2) What do the workers get as reward?
(66) It is your business to force these reforms on the Administration. Let there be no more talk about
what a government can or cannot do. All these things have been done by all the belligerent nations
in the turmoil of war. Every fundamental industry has been managed better by the governments
than by private corporations.
(1) What does the speaker advise the workers not to do?
(2) What has managed the industry better?
(67) It is your business to make them pay you a living wage. It is your business to see that this kind of
preparedness is carried into every department on the nation, until everyone has a chance to be well
born, well nourished rightly educated, intelligent and serviceable to the country at all times.
(1) Against what does the speaker advise the workers?
(2) What chance should everyone get?
(68) Strike against all ordinances and laws and institutions that continue the slaughter of peace and the
cruelty of war Strike against war for without you no battles can be fought. Strike against
manufacturing scrap bombs and all other tools of murder Strike against preparedness that means
death and misery to millions of human beings.. Be not dumb, obedient slaves in an army of
destruction. Be heroes in an army of construction pup

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(1) Against what does the speaker advise the workers to strike?
(2) According to Helen, what should the workers be finally?
(69) He put a spell on it so that three separate men could each have three wishes from it.". "It would
bring a disaster" continued sergeant. "It has caused enough trouble already" and threw the paw
upon the fire.
(1) What was the result of the spell on it?
(2) What did the sergeant do?
(70) The next morning, a gentleman knocked on the door, "I come from Maw and Meggins your son's
employer" The old lady looked surprised. "Is anything wrong?" she asked breathlessly. "Has
anything happened to my son, Herbert? What is it?" The visitor looked down. "Badly hurt," he said
quietly "But he's not in any pain. Oh, thank God, thank God for that!"
(1) Who knocked on the door the next morning?
(2) What did the visitor inform the old lady?
(71) But his wife pulled him towards the door "Bring him back. Do you think I'm frightened of my own
son?" Mr White took out the monkey's paw and raised his hand. "I wish my son alive again."
(1) What did his wife want?
(2) What did Mr White wish?
(72) But the sinister meaning of the visitor's assurance suddenly became clear to the old lady and she
looked at him. His face was turned away, confirming her worst fears. She caught her breath and
put her trembling hand on her husband's. There was a long silence.
The stranger expressed grief and handed over an envelope containing some amount of money as
(1) Why did she have worst tears?
(2) What was given as compensation?
(73) The paw fell on the floor and after a few moments a knock was heard at the floor "Who could that
be?" enquired Mr White. "That must be my son." replied the old lady and ran towards the door.
"Don't let it in, for God's sake" cried Mr White shivering in fear.
"You're afraid of your own son. Let me go. I'm coming, Herbert, I'm coming!"
(1) What was heard soon after the paw had fallen on the floor?
(2) Who is Herbert?
(74) He was a family friend and had been posted in India and was back after completing his tenure.
"There he is" said Herbert, hearing the gate shut loudly and heavy footsteps coming to door
"Sergeant Major Morris" said Mr White introducing him. Mr White welcomed Morris and offered
him a drink. The family was mesmerized by the Morris's description of India.
(1) Who was Mr. Morris?
(2) Which sentence proves that they were surprised a lot?
(75) "What wish?" he asked. "Wish our boy alive again. 0Bring him back," cried the old woman. Mr
White explained that not only had Herbert been dead ten days but also that his body had been
decayed beyond recognition.
(1) What was then second wish?
(2) What did Mr. White explain her?

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(76) Morris said, "An old fakir put a spell on it. He was a very holy man and he wanted to show that
fate ruled people's lives, and that to interfere with fate, only caused deep sadness.
(1) What did the fakir do?
(2) What would happen if one tried to interfere with fate?
(77) "It has caused enough trouble already" and threw the paw upon the fire. But Mr White was curious
and wanted to test the powers of the monkey's paw. He bent down and quickly retrieved it from the
fire. He said, "If you don't want it, give it to me." Morris, after reluctantly explaining the
appropriate manner for making the wishes warned him that he could have the paw but at his own
risk and departed soon afterwards.
(1) Why Mr. White did take the paw out from fire?
(2) What did he tell the sergeant Morris?
(78) After the guest left, Mr White held the paw in his hand and said, "I wish for 200 pounds." "It
moved," he cried, glancing with disgust at the object on the floor "As I wished, it twisted in my
hand like a snake."
(1) What did Mr. White wish?
(2) What happened as Mr. White wished?
(79) "How much?" "200 pounds," was the answer Mr White found it very difficult to comprehend and
became unconscious. He was filled with sorrow at the turn of events. His wish was granted at the
cost of his son's life.
(1) Mr. White found it difficult to comprehend and became unconscious word?
(2) Why did Mr. White become unconscious
(80) Mr White and his son, Herbert, were playing chess in their small living room of Villa, while Mrs
White, sitting by the fire, knitting and talking to them occasionally. They were expecting a guest
named Sergeant Morris.
(1) How was the weather?
(2) What were they doing?
(81) Suddenly there were sound of cracks and thunder. The house started collapsing. The roof, walls
and staircase started falling down. They rushed towards the ground and sighed in disappointment
and then ran towards main gate of the villa. Outside, the street lamp was spreading its light over a
calm and empty road. The spell of the Monkey's paw had worked.
(1) What happened suddenly?
(2) What did they do at last?
(82) Suddenly there were sound of cracks and thunder. The house started collapsing. The roof, walls
and staircase started falling down. They rushed towards the ground and sighed in disappointment
and then ran towards main gate of the villa. Outside, the street lamp was spreading its light over a
calm and empty road. The spell of the Monkey's paw has worked.
(1) What did Morris do at first?
(2) What warning did Morris give?
(83) Mr White searched frantically for the monkey's paw fearful of what was likely to happen. As he
heard the chain rattle back and the bottom bolt drawn slowly and stiffly from the socket, he found

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the paw and made his the third and last wish. The sound of knocking stopped O at once, though its
echoes could be heard within the house
(1) How was Mr. White's condition when he searched for the paw?
(2) What happened when he made his third wish?
(84) To be free is to be intelligent, but intelligence does not come into being by just wishing to be free;
it comes into being only when you begin to understand your whole environment, the social,
religious, parental and traditional influences that are continually closing in on you.
(1) When we become intelligent?
(2) What become hurdles in our way to attaining freedom?
(85) I wonder if you have ever stopped to observe the marvellous glow in the west as the sun sets, with
the shy young moon just over the trees? Often at that hour the river is very calm, and then
everything is reflected on its surface: the bridge, the train that goes over it, the and presently, as it
grows dark the tender moon 4 stars
(1) What is the author's appeal to the reader?
(2) What does the author talk about next?
(86) To understand all these and become free from them requires deep insight; but you generally give
into them because inwardly you are frighten.
(1) Why do we need deep insight?
(2) Why do we generally give in?
(87) And that is why you should seek the right kind of education; for it is only when you grow in
freedom that you can create a new world not based on tradition or shaped according to the
idiosyncrasy of some philosopher or idealist. But there can be no freedom as long as you are
merely trying to become, or imitate a noble example.
(1) What can a free person create?
(2) What could there be if a person tries to imitate someone?
(88) It must not be occupied with problems, with worries with speculations. It is only when the mind is
very quiet that you can really observe, for then the mind is sensitive to extraordinary beauty
(1) It must not be occupied with problems.' What do you mean by 'it' here?
(2) When is mind sensitive to beauty?
(89) Don't most of us want to be safe? Don't we want to be told what marvellous people we are, how
lovely we look, or what extraordinary intelligence we have Otherwise we would not put letters
after our names Al that kind of things gives us self-assurance, a sense of importance. We all want
to be famous people and the moment we want to be something, we are no longer free.
(1) What do the expectations 'to be safe' 'to extraordinary' etc. give us?
(2) When are we no longer free?
(90) But the man or woman who sees the absurdity of all these things and whose heart is therefore
innocent, and therefore not moved by desire to be somebody- such a person is free. If you
understand the simplicity of it you will also understand its extraordinary beauty and depth.
(1) What kind of persons are free?
(2) ‘_____and therefore not moved by desire ’_____What does the underlined word mean?

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(91) After all, examinations are for that purpose; to give you a position, to make you somebody. Titles,
position and knowledge encourage you to be something.
(1) Why are the examinations?
(2) What encourages us to be something?
(92) Whereas, if you look at what you actually are and understand it, then that very understanding there
is a transformation. So freedom lies, not in trying to become something different, nor in doing
whatever you happen to feel like doing, nor in following the authority of tradition, of your parents,
of your teacher, but in understanding what you are from moment to moment.
(1) When is there a transformation?
(2) Where does freedom lie?
(93) and it is possible to understand all that only when you don't want to be somebody, when you don't
imitate, when you don't follow- which means, really, when you are in revolt against the whole
tradition of trying to become something. That is the only true revolution leading to extraordinary
freedom. To cultivate this freedom is the real function of education.
(1) When is it possible to understand oneself?
(2) What is the real function of education
(94) I would like to discuss with you the problem of freedom. It is a very complex problem, needing
deep study and understanding. We hear much talk about freedom, religious freedom, and the
freedom to do what one would like to do.
(1) What is the author going to talk about?
(2) Is the problem of freedom complex? Why?
(95) Of all the blessings conferred on mankind by a benign providence, the most useful is the headache.
But for it, there would be many great embarrassments in life Factual explanations are not always
either palatable or feasible.
(1) What is the meaning of benign providence?
(2) Why people give false excuse of having headache instead of telling truth?
(96) We used to have drill after school hours (which I still think is an unfair and undesirable
practice).We disliked this hour On the drill ground almost all appeared to be afflicted with
"Splitting headache, Sir,"
(1) Why did the author think the drill an unfaith act?
(2) What was the most common excuse for almost everyone?
(97) Some people feel lost unless they carry tube of some headache remedy in their pockets all the time,
and opticians give glasses guaranteed to relieve headache. These are instances to show that
mankind easily begins to believe in its myths.
(1) What do some people carry always?
(2) What do the author call a myth?
(98) A clerk who writes to his master, "I am not attending the office today because I am not inclined to
look at any paper today," will lose his job, whereas he is quite at liberty to say that he is down with
(1) I am not attending the office today because I am not inclined to look at any paper today"- What
does T stand for in the text?

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(2) What would happen to the office clerk who would write to his master "I am not attending the
office today because I am not inclined to look at any paper"?
(99) On the contrary, they just accept it at its face value and pass on to the next item. They indisposition
could be used only at a particular level, not by all and sundry. A schoolboy who says, "As I am
indisposed, I want to be let off." will have his ear twisted for his precociousness.
(1) Can all use indisposition 'as an excuse?
(2) What would happen if a student uses 'indisposition as an excuse?
(100) "Mr. So-and-So regrets his inability to attend the meeting today owing to indisposition. People
will understand accept the statement and will not question. "What is that indisposition?" Is he
down with flu or malaria or cold or rheumatism?
(1) Mr. so and so regrets his inability to attend the meeting today owing to indisposition'. What
does 'regrets' mean here?
(2) Which ailments are mentioned here?
(101) It does not sound very well for anyone to write directly. "Owing to indisposition, I am not
attending your meeting." It sounds unconvincing. It sounds better in the third person. It implies that
the gentleman is an eminent one, has a secretary or a deputy who can speak for him.
(1) How would it sound if any common man uses indisposition as an excuse or his absence?
(2) Who can use indisposition as an excuse for his inability to attend any gathering?
(102) "There is no such thing as headache or indisposition. It is all just an excuse, an elegant falsehood,
nor have 1 not seen dozens of headache cases walking or driving about gaily to be seen everywhere
accept where they O ught to be at the particular hour!"
(1) What does the author think about indisposition?
(2) 'For have I not seen dozens of headache cases' What do you mean by the underlined words?
(103) What exactly is this indisposition? I have never been able to understand it except that it sounds
very well in press notes or health bulletins or in messages from eminent men to gatherings to
which they have been invited. Indisposition' cannot generally be said by the person directly
(1) Where is the word 'indisposition' used generally?
(2) Can a common affected /ill person use indisposition?
(104)Headache gives the sufferer a touch of importance. All aches sound crude and psychological, and
sensitive people would not mention them. No other ailment can be so openly mentioned with
impunity. You could mention headache in the most elegant social gathering and no one would be
shocked by it.
(1) Why does headache give the sufferer a touch of importance?
(2) '_____ and no one would be shocked by it. What do you mean by 'it' here.
(105) Climate change and global warming are dramatically urgent and serious problems that can lead to
calamitous (tragic) consequence (results). We do not need to wait for government alone to find
solutions to these terrible problems.
(1) Which are the dangerous problems?
(2) What shall we have to face due to them?

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(106) Each individual can play an important part by simply adopting a more responsible lifestyle,
beginning with some little, everyday Dos and Don'ts. It's the only reasonable way to save our
planet, before it is too late
(1) What can one do as a solution?
(2) When should one start to save environment?
(107) It is important for us all to think in terms of first reducing our emissions of CO2 or Carbon
Footprints The carbon footprint is a subset of the ecological footprint. A carbon footprint is the
total set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (release) caused by an organization, event, product or
(1) What should be thought of/taken care of at first?
(2) What is carbon foot print?
(108) Greenhouse gases can be emitted through transport, land clearance, and the production and
consumption (use) of food, fuels, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads buildings, and
services. For simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide
or its equivalent of other GHGS, emitted
(1) What things/places emit greenhouse gases?
(2) Which word means 'released'?
(109) Every single aspect (facet/part) of our economy from manufacturing to transportation, and
agriculture to health care is dependent on fossil (the remains or impression of a prehistoric plant or
animal embedded in rock and preserved in petrified form) fuel derived energy and resources.
(1) What is dependent on fossil fuel?
(2) What is a fossil?
(110) As we seek and develop alternative sources of energy, and as we begin to think and live in more
efficient ways, we are still left with the undeniable reality that considerable CO2 emissions from
economic activity in the globe will continue and perhaps escalate over (rise/ go high) the
foreseeable (expected/predictable) future. The only cogent (strong and logical) way to take this
issue head on is to offset (counteract/balance) the emissions we cannot yet eliminate (remove).
(1) The amount and emission of CO2 is very high and is going higher. - True/ false
(2) Can we remove it completely? What else can we do?
(111) Solar Lanterns should be used for households in remote and inaccessible areas. Awareness
campaign may be initiated (began) for using solar lanterns. NGO's can play a vital role this
regards. Millions of household are still lacking basic facility of electricity. This will prove a boon
for them.
(1) What do you understand by 'initiate'?
(2) What will be a boon? For whom?
(112) People should be encouraged to use battery driven scooters which involve zero-emission.
Technological advancements are needed for sure to augment (enlarge by adding to) their present
single run which is around 70 km at present. Such vehicles should be given government subsidy
also because the carbon footprint is negligible (insignificant/small)
(1) Why should the battery driven scooters be encouraged?
(2) What can the government do?

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(113) We should re-orient (change the focus of) our electricity consumption habits both at home and
office. For Instance, we should switch off fan, cooler, or AC whenever not required or not in use.
Generally, people are careless at offices Lights can be seen on even at unwarranted places or hours.
Houses and offices should be constructed to receive natural sunlight, obviating (avoiding) use of
lamps in the daytime.
(1) What care should we take while using electricity for appliances?
(2) What kind of buildings should be constructed?
(114) Use of bicycle should be made popular We should observe 'cycle day once in a month and, on
that day cycle riding alone should be allowed barring emergencies People used to go for their daily
chores on cycle in old times. Why can't we do the same today? In recreational trips, we can opt for
bicycle instead of car or motorbike.
(1) How can the use of bicycle be made more popular?
(2) "Only cycle riding should be allowed on 'cycle day' no other vehicle should be allowed on that
day at all" - True/ False
(115) Bio-degradable plastics certainly have a pronounced ecological edge over conventional plastics.
Bio - pasties are derived from renewable bio-mass sources.
(1) Is bio-gradable plastic safer?
(2) What are bio-plastic derived from?
(116) Judicious (sensible/careful) and Calibrated (standardized) use of water is the need of the hour.
Every action pertaining to (related to) water consumption should be well calibrated. As we have
already seen, water is a scarce (in short supply) and precious commodity (goods/ thing). Scarcity
(1) What is the demand of the hour?
(2) Do we have more than enough supply of water?
(117) Imbibe three more Rs with respect to water, viz. (namely) Repair Reclaim' and Restore in
addition to the three conventional ones -Recycle, Reduce and Re-use. We easily throw away old
electronic watches and toys etc. We should repair and use them. If an old bicycle lays unused.
Instead of buying new one, the old one should be cleaned, oiled serviced and restored. These six
Rs should be the buzzwords (fashionable terms) for the ensuing (consequent) decades until we
restore global environment back on its original track.
(1) What do the six 'Rs' stand for?
(2) Can we restore the global environment? How?

Write short notes focusing on the questions:

Unit 1
(1) Language used in this read "Can you install love?"
1. Whose dialogue is present in this chapter? 2. What role is given to then? 3. What are the programmes
running now and what do they seem? 4. Which programmes are auto installed after love.exe is installed?
5. What are the requirements for upgrading love.exe? 6. What is the error while installing love.exe?
This read is full of computer related technical words. The role of customer represents a hurt person who

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wants to be normal again, and the customer representative who is consulting him; represents the
psychologist or a consultant giving him consultancy or treatment. A human's heart; or the combined
feelings and emotions of a human being are mentioned as the operating system in the chapter. Love is
mentioned as a useful and most-needed programme which is to be installed on the OS. Programmes
running now are PASTHURT, LOWESTEEM, GRUDGE AND RESENTMENT are currently running in
the OS and they seem to be the reason for stoppage of the love-installation on the OS. After the
programme love.exe is successfully installed; it will auto install some other needy programmes like
SMILE.EXE, it will upgrade the version of ESTEEM.EXE from low to high; it will also install PEACE,
CONTENTMENT, WARMTH programmes along with installation. For upgrading the programme
Love.exe, you must connect its server from your OS (heart) to other peoples' OS and also install LOVE in
their computers via your Love.exe; otherwise it will just work as a basic programme and will not be
updated. The error while installing love.exe is that it is not installing on the internal components of the
OS. It seems to be installed only on the outer shell of OS.
(2) Conditions for making love
1. What is the condition for love ? 2. Which are the hurdles of love ? 3. How can we be gentle ? 4. When
will you feel love for someone? 5. What will be the change to your heart after love? 6. What should you
do for making love with others?
Love is freeware yet there are hidden conditions for love. If someone's feelings were hurt by the person
whom he/she loved too much in the past, then it will be the most incurable and unseen wound/ damage to
mind. It cannot either be 'forgotten or completely be healed; even after starting new relations. The
emotions like bad experiences from past, the sense of grudge and anger, the evil thoughts of taking
revenge, prejudice for everybody; are the stoppages or barriers which are responsible for stopping one to
fall in love. A person, who wants to make love, must forget the bad experiences which he/she had in the
past; he/she must be free from the spirit of resentment and revenge. Only when you judge and interact
with people without any prejudices, you can make feelings' transfer. To have loving emotions or to love
others; first of all, you should understand and start loving yourself. Because if you can't love yourself,
your own heart will be very small and will not be able to create position/space for someone. First of all,
the heart will feel like you are in a heaven. There will be positive thoughts throughout the mind; and there
will not be any negative thoughts in any corner of the heart. Whole the life and emotions will be
reconstructed having the reinforcement of love in structure. You must accept yourself, your good sides,
your weak sides, faults of yours and mistakes to be a generous and loving person. You must accept others
as they are, and should not try to change them according to your own mindset; only then you will be able
to make love with others.
(3) Positive effects of love
1. What will be the immediate result of love? 2. What will be the feelings one will start to have after love?
3. What love changes to a loving person's face? 4. What will fallen-in-love person will do? 5. What are the
advantages of loving a compatible person? 6. Enlist three signs of love?
Love makes life lovable. It teaches us to love life. After falling in love, the person will immediately show
the signs of energy in personality. He/she will start looking happy and pretty than ever. The love changes
one's personality on such a big scale, that the person becomes full of positivity, kindness and confidence.
After a person starts loving someone, he/she will have feelings such as; caring to loved buddy, happiness,
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positivity, removing of negativity, kindness and goodness towards each section of life. Face of the person
who has fallen into love, will look more bright, shinier and more glowing than ever. There will always be
a smile on his/her face as love is giving positive strength. The fallen-in-love person will start growing
kindliness , generousness and the helping nature. He/she will greatly care about the loved one. All the
activities will have only one final goal, to make the loved one happy and far away from sorrow. If you
love a person who is compatible to your personality, you will never have big quarrels. Both of you will be
happy and satisfied in relationship. Maturity and stability of love will be more and more reinforced with
time, and your whole life will be full of good moments and memories. The first sign of love is that the
person starts behaving very kindly. The second sign is that he/she very frequently murmurs some romantic
words or songs. The third sign is that his/her concentration in other daily works decreases and he/she starts
making silly mistakes in routine. Though you are not success in love, take it positively.
Unit - 2
[1] Walt Disney's success from 'horse, to 'mouse'.
1. Describe Walt's figure. 2. What did he study? After the study what did he start? 3. What was his
decision at the age of 21? 4. Who helped him by money? 5. Which was his first series? 6. Which series
was a great success? 7. Describe Disneyland. 8. What did he do after being solvent?
Walt Disney was a common child like others but he was different from others too. He had an
extraordinary ability to think unbelievable thoughts. Walt was a complex man. It is very difficult to
understand him especially for them who worked with him. He had a dream to make something which is to
be again on this earth. He studied cartooning in Chicago and then started a little animated cartoon
company in Kansas City but that flopped. Then he decided to try his luck in Hollywood at the age of 21.
He borrowed 500 dollars from his uncle and the most successful journey began. Walt started a cartoon
series named "Alice in Cartoon land". That was very hard time for Walt and his brother. They tried to
make some money. The first series didn't make so many splashes. So Walt decided to start a new series
named "Oswald the Rabbit". It did better but some distributors made some trouble. Walt ignored all that
and continued his work. He started a new series about a mouse named: "Mickey". His journey for making
Disneyland starts from here. Mickey got an unbelievable success. By this series Walt became a rich
person. Walt's all dreams came true. Whatever he thought, he put all that in real. He got a great popularity
by the TV shows, magazines etc. His Disneyland is the most popular place on the earth still. His most
success was the result of his hard work and extraordinary ability to think. Being solvent for the first time
he started a business where he gave the chance to other people. So we can say that Walt was a very
humble and helpful person. He always tried to make something different and Disneyland is the result of
his great ability of genius. He will be remembered forever.
[2] Walt — A creative man.
1. Who was Walt Disney? What did he study? 2. Where did he decide to try his luck? Who helped him by
money? 3. Describe his first series. 4. Which series did make trouble? What was that? 5. Which was his
most popular series? 6. When did he open Disneyland? How was the reaction of people? 7. What
happened with him in the midst of his activity? 8. Walt was an enthusiastic person. How?
From childhood Walt was creative. He studied cartooning in Chicago and after that he started a little

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animated company which was flopped. Then he decided to try his luck in Hollywood at the age of 21. And
he borrowed some money from his uncle and reached at Los Angeles. Here he had faced many problems
of money. He did hard work to get some money in the beginning. He started his first series named "Alice
in Cartoonland" but it didn't make much splash. It was tough going for him but he didn't stop. He started
again a new series named "Oswald the Rabbit". It did better than the first. But here distributors of the
series made some trouble and denied to give money to Walt. Although Walt took all things easily and
announced that they were going to start a new series and it was about mouse named "Mickey". Then the
real journey of Disneyland started from here. Mickey got so much popularity. Walt opened Disneyland in
July 1955. Since that first day millions of people came to see the unique creation of Walt. He did try to
make something new every day in this park. He wanted to continue the curiosity of people. He was always
ready with new project and new thoughts. He was very down to earth. He did help those people who
wanted to create something new. He gave them a chance. Tragically in the midst of his activity he was
stricken with illness, although he didn't loose his hope and that time also he had a lot of thoughts to make
Disneyland extraordinary. He used to say that Disneyland should never be finished and it never will.

[3] Walt's creative world - Disneyland.

1. How was Walt Disney? From where did he start his journey? 2. Which was his first series and how was
it? 3. When did he start Disneyland? How was its first day? 4. What was the reply of Walt on the
Disneyland's look? 5. What was the first attraction of Disneyland? 6. What does Disneyland do with
Disneyland is one of the best creations of Walt. Walt Disney was an enthusiastic person. He started his
journey at the age of 21. He came to Los Angeles. He started here his first series named Alice in Cartoon
land which was flopped. Then he started another series named Oswald the Rabbit which did better. He
started Disneyland in July 1955. Millions of people have flocked to see the unique creation of Walt's
imagination. Disneyland perhaps did better than anything else. Someone asked him how should the
Disneyland look? His reply was that it should look like nothing else on this earth. Everyday there was
something new in the park. Walt always tried to make the park more unique. There was lot of amazing
projects in his mind to make park extraordinary. The very old fashioned train was one of the first
attractions of the Disneyland. There every day we see some new machines in the park. So Disneyland
would never be finished. Disneyland makes us play with children's toys and laugh at silly things.
Unit – 3
READ-1 Manage your stress
1. The ways to develop mental balance.
(1) What are the ways to find that you are suffering from mental stress? (2) Which are the ways to develop
mental balance? (3) How can we improve mental flexibility? (4) How are they related to each other? (5)
Which are the ways to face those problems? (6) Why is mental flexibility needed?
When you suffer from a problem in concentrating, concluding the things, taking decisions and grasping
the easy things; it becomes clear that you are suffering from mental stress. Mind, emotions and body play
important roles in developing mental balance. They are related to one another and always work together.
Regular exercises, dancing, singing, stopping over thinking, concentrating exercises, positive thinking and

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many more are the techniques to improve mental balance. Our bodies always react to how we think,
proves that the three important parts of our bodies are linked with one another. To build better stress
resilience and rebalance yourself, you have to do several practices like meditation, yoga, diet, exercises,
positive thinking, herbal remedies, singing, walking, expecting to be lucky, and avoiding negative
thoughts. Mental balance plays vital role in our body as it reduces our mental stress and other physical
health problems and makes our life happier and healthier than before.
2.The techniques to reduce stress.
(1) Describe the techniques to reduce stress (2) Explain the first technique in detail. (3) What are the
benefits of first technique? (4) Explain the second technique in detail (5) What are the benefits of the
second technique? (6) Why is it important to do mental exercises regularly?
There are two main techniques to help yourself during mental stress . They arc to step over thinking and
self-hypnosis. When you are overloaded and you have less time, mental pressure and stress start building
up in your mind. As a result, mind goes into over thinking. You have 'to stop over thinking and let your
mind relax and calm' in this technique. 'I have no expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when
it happens.' This mantra will help you to calm down your excitement and decrease stress level. The second
technique is about self-hypnosis which includes many steps. They are like settling back in a chair and
relax, counting backwards from 99 to 70 and breathe deeply, counting 69 to 30 and assuming yourself on a
staircase stretching ahead you, counting down from 29 to 0 and visualizing you are in a luxurious lift with
views of landscape outside. As you arrive at 0, you need to start imagining that you enter in a room that is
furnished just as you like. You should remain there in your imagination until you feel relaxed and rested.
Finally you should open your eyes again slowly. The benefit of first technique is that you can gain
maximum energy at the start of your day by just thinking about "No expectation" and stop over thinking.
The main benefit of self-hypnosis is that it increases our concentration power and we feel relaxed and
calm which is very important to maintain mental capacity. By doing abovementioned two exercises on
regular basis, we gain many things in our body itself. They reduce anger and frustration, boost our
confidence, lower the blood pressure, make your body lighten and many more.
3. The positive thinking and screen exercises method.
(1) What is the positive thinking? (2) What are the steps in the positive thinking and when is it used? (3)
How does the positive thinking method help to focus on a positive future? (4) What exactly does the
author want you to do in screen exercise method? (5) What arc the steps involved in the screen exercises
method? (6) What are the main outcomes of these. exercises?
In positive thinking method, the author actually wants you to anticipate about your future success. This
method also includes various steps. The first is to close your eyes and imagine that you can travel fon%
and into the day without crisis. Then, to think as your all problems resolved and you feel relax or calm.
Stay with those positive thoughts and bring them back with you into current situation. Then slowly open
your eyes. As this method includes all positive thoughts, it clearly pulls away all negative feelings from
your mind so that you can take better decision in your worse situation. It automatically leads to a great and
positive future. The screen exercise is the best example of showing you how to step back in your life and
how to emotionally detach yourself from the current situation so that your vision becomes clear and you
can see more clearly what is going on. When emotions take you over, it becomes nearly impossible for
you to think right and clearly. Now comes the role of the screen exercises. There are various steps which
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you need to follow for completing the screen exercise. The process starts with closing your eyes and
thinking about your stressful situation as film in front of you. Replace yourself with somebody else of
same gender and give advice to that person who is replacing you and lastly open your eyes and act on your
advice only. The main advantage of doing this exercise is that you yourself give advice to your stressful
situation by keeping your emotions aside. As a result of it you are satisfied with your given solutions and
can act upon it carefully.
Stress control exercises.
(1) What is short meditation-1 &2? (2) How will you provide enough oxygen in your brain? (3) What do
you get when your brain gets oxygen hit? (4) What is the crown pull technique? When is it used? (5) How
to do the crown pull? (6) Does this technique have any advantage on our body?
Meditation itself describes concentration of your mind in your body. Here author tells about 2 meditations
for your healthy and happy life. In short meditation-1, you need to close your eyes and think about the
words which give calmness to you like 'relax', 'peace' and 'harmony'. Then meditate on your chosen word
and after that you can open your eyes again. In short meditation-2, you need to pick some material like
cloth, stone, piece of paper or anything else that can appeal to you. Then, you should close your eyes and
explore the texture of this material, spend at least two minutes doing this. Sometimes when we are
stressed, we are unable to breathe properly, which results into insufficient oxygen supply in our brain. In
order to get adequate oxygen into your brain, you need to follow the steps like rubbing your hands and get
energy, placing your palms on the area just below your navel, breathing continuously into your belly, and
imagining breathing oxygen into your brain. When you get oxygen hit into your brain, you can concentrate
properly and reduce your stress level. When we are tense and don't breathe deeply enough, this can result
in cranial bones becoming slightly stuck together so that the cerebrospinal fluid cannot circulate properly.
It results into headache, stress etc. in our body. At that time the crown pull technique proves to be helpful.
First, you should place your hands on the top of your head in a way that your little fingers touch your
hairline. Then, you should press down on your scalp firmly. Now place your hands higher up on the
midline of your head and continue the procedure. You should do it on the back side of the scalp as well.
This influences the flow of the fluid move properly. It helps calm your nervous system and can also take
away a headache or stress-induced stomach ache. It also helps you in thinking clearly.
Unit - 4 READ-1 The Adjustment
(1)Relationship between Nana and Nani
(1) Who wrote this story ? (2) How many years did they live each other ? (3) How many children did they
have ? (4) Why did nani keep her daughter to her house ? (5) What happened at the end of their fight (6)
How did nana survive after the death of nani ?
Ans : Here writer expressed his feeling about nana and nani. There are so many incidents he described
here. Nana and nani lived for over half a century together. They both loved each other so much. But in
their sixty years of marriage they got a girl child only. One day there happened a tragedy with their
daughter and nani came first to help her.Their son in law did remarriage. She kept her in her house with
two grandsons. Nana did not like it. And he became angry on nani. But nani was very strong and she did
not give up. At the end nana accepted the death of nani. He accepted that nani was no more but he was

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living two lives. One was his own and other was of nani. He loved nani so much and that's why he could
not accept the reality. So here we can say that there was strong and very powerful bonding they had.
[2] Nani's funeral
(1) From where did the story start ? (2) How many years did nana and nani live together ? (3) From what
did nana suffer ? What was the suggestion of doctor ? (4) How was nana at the time of nani's death ? (5)
Express feelings of writer about nana on nani's funeral ? (6) Nana told to whisper something in nani's ear.
What was that ?
Ans. Here writer starts his story by the funeral of nani. Nana and nani lived over half a century together
and nana was three years older than nani. And he always used to say that he will be going first. But nani
went first and nana became alone. Before a very few days nana had a heart stroke. So all decided not take
him in the funeral. Nana was very weak and old at the time of nani's death. He had lived with nani for
many many years. So writer has many questions to present his feelings for nana and nani. Must he see her
face in death? Must he see her at a fire? But nana was very weak he could not go. He also agreed with the
situation and said go take her away. He told the grandson to whisper into her ears that he himself too was
on the way to death. So there is so many tragic moments in nani's funeral.
(3) Adjustment - Explain the title:
(1) About whose was the story ? (2) What did they try to do with each other ? (3) Who died first ? (4) How
did nana adjust without nani ? (5) From what did nana suffer ? (6) Title is apt. How ?
Ans. Here the title itself tells many things. In this story there is a couple who lived over half a century
together. Still they tried to adjust with each other. On all the points we all have to adjust a little or more.
Here in a relationship there is so much adjustment we have to do. Nana and nani also tried this formula till
the end. Nani died earlier to nana. So nana became so alone. He tried to adjust himself without nani. But
he could not. Then gradually he found the way to live with nani in illusion. And on some point nana
suffered from multiple disorder personality. So in his all whole life he tried to adjust with nani and after
the death of nani he also found a new way of adjustment. So we can say that all persons need to adjust on
some point. Life is also a part of adjustment. So the title is given to this content is very apt and
(4) Different nature of nana and nani
(1) How many years did nana and nani live together ? (2) How much older nana was to nani ? (3) What
was the difference in their personalities ? (4) How was the reaction of nana about their daughter's matter ?
(5) Sometimes nana had dominant sound in his personality. Explain. (6) Express your own views on their
Ans. Adjustment is a story about the writer's nana and nani. Two great souls lived over the half a century
together. They tried to adjust with each other till the end. Nana and nani both are very different
personalities. Both are very strong and kind. Here, nani was three years younger to nana. Nana was very
stone hearted sometimes but nani was very kind. Both had mostly different opinions on a matter. So there
were obvious arguments. Both would not give up at the end of the discussion. Instead they would become
silent and for few days would not talk to each other. Nani put her daughter with her because of her homely
issues. At that time, though nana did not like it, nani took care of her daughter and her two sons.
Sometimes there is dominant sound in nana's personality. Whatever they did was in fighting but that was

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also a truth that they both loved each other so much. Both had great understanding. So, yes we can say
here that nana and nani were different personalities but in some points they were equal and adorable.
Unit - 5 READ-1 ANTS
[1] Ant : An intelligent insect.
1. What did scientist observe? 2. How is ant different from other creatures? 3. Do you think that ants are
clever? Why? 4. How do ants work?
The scientists have observed ants behaviour many times and come to the conclusion that there are many
similarity between ant and human being. Like human being ants work in groups. They are co-operative.
They are hard working. They help one another. Even when someone is sick, they nurse him. So they are
described as intelligent creature. We too have notice it while they are working collectively nearby us. We
have seen how they carry heavy load and now they finish their task crossing many obstacles in their path.
All these make us believe that ants are really intelligent creatures sometimes we observe that pit is steep
and there is no place to get a foot hold. In such situation they arrange themselves in such a way that they
climb over them and complete their task.
[2] The Farmer Ants :
• 1. How are ants? 2. Which ants are known as the farmer ants? Why? 3. Why are they called umbrella
ant? 4. How do they grow fungus?
There are different types of ants in the world. There are some ants which do farming. It is surprising for us
to know that ants can do farming. The South American Ants do farming. These ants are called umbrella
ants also. They carry a big piece of green leave over their heads. They take them to their nest. While they
are carrying leaves, it looks that they are taking umbrella. They bring these leaves to their nest then they
chew them up nicely. After wards they make beds of these chewed-up leaves. Here they grow a kind of
fungus. This is the food of ants. They like this food. These ants are called farmer who do such type of
farming. There are also a type of ants which like to have honey-like liquid. They bring green flies to their
nest. They protect them. By pressing their sides they 'milk' them and enjoy honey like liquid from them.
[3] The Driver Ants :
1. Describe different types of ants. 2. Which ants are called the driver ants? 3. Which ants are ferocious
4. Why are they called such ants? 5. Why are all afraid of these ants?
The most ferocious kind of ants is the driver ants of Africa. They have no fixed home but are always in
move. They are completely blind, but they march in long lines. They are very strong and they devour any
animal that come in their way. Even large animals like tigers and elephants live in a fear of them. if a
python which is unable to move after his dinner, comes in their way, these creatures eat both the python
and the animal in its stomach. Some villagers of Africa tells the stories about babies who have been eaten
by this tiny creatures. And these stories may well be true. When the driver ants enter in to their house, the
people living in it flee into the forest and stay there until the ants have passed. When the people come
back, they find that every insect and spider in the house has been cleared away. How dangerous ants!
Unit - 6 Strike Against War

(1) The writer's thoughts about editors

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Ans. She has entered into the fight against the conventional economical and socio-political system which
exploits the rights of workers. Helen has entered the fight against authorities' injustice towards the
workers. She is in mood to fight till the end. Helen thinks that she has got some exceptional skills as
compared to most of the editors she met. She can easily read and understand research papers and
magazines from various countries like England, Germany, and France, that too without anybody else's
help. She emphasizes that her sources of information are reliable. That is why she denies to accept
sympathy and pity from such editors and other people from Opposition. According to Helen, the editors
are an over worked and misunderstood class. They have a lot of work to completed in a shorter duration.
Some people are grieved because they think that Helen's thoughts and thinking are totally different from
their own. The writer does not ask about any kind of help or support from others. She just wants an
unbiased place to speak.
[2] The, trap for workers
Ans. The authorities, and the masters for whom the workers work, are the biggest enemies of them. They
force a worker for around half-a-day's hard labour, and then give them insufficient wages. The masters
enjoy the fruits of pain and hard work, for which they don't deserve. The writer addresses workers as
childish because if their authorities will order them in an emotional way, to fight for country; they will
wear the army uniform themselves, take weapons into hands and will blindly go to the battlefield to die for
their real, hidden enemies. Authorities think that it is essential to reduce the wages of workers, and that is
why they do not want workers to protest and go on strike. According to authorities, people should be ready
to sacrifice and stop complaining about the lower wages for the sake of the nation and their own very
liberties. The workers should be ready to fight on the battlefront. Helen has the fear that people are truly
very emotional; and they think by emotions rather than mind when this type of propaganda is used on
them So the writer is afraid that the workers will be fooled again by these sweet talks and will stop their
strike against injustices towards them.
(3) Terrible effects of war
(1) When should the workers be ready to die for the authority's call ? (2) Against what, the workers are
said to protest and go on strike? (Consider in terms of war) (3) What should the workers not be in any
situation? (4) Explain the effect of war on young generation. (5) For what danger, the writer is afraid that,
nobody will be left even to cry on it ? (6) Why workers are called the most unselfish human beings ?
Ans. After the workers' death in the battle, fighting for country; if the country takes care about the secure
and well nourished present and future of their families and educates their children in such a way, that they
never feel loneliness then this terrible sacrifice would be acceptable. The writer asks workers to protest
against the production of all the weapons like gas-bombs, rifles and all other tools that can snatch
someone's life; as she believes that manufacturing all these is same as to manufacture scrap. The workers
should not be just the toys or weapon-carts of the hands of almighty authorities; who can use them
anytime, anyway and against anybody. The workers must not follow orders like a robot, they should think
on it and then decide whether to follow them or not. There will be mass disruption to the young generation
if war takes place. As only the youngsters are fit for army, millions of them will be killed into war. And
those who would not be killed will lose their organs and become handicap; their whole life will be ruined.
The writer is afraid for huge destruction of society and generations of the country. As the war is itself a
large scale tornado, it will swallow all the achievements, the traditions and the properties of the common
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people who earned them by hard work. Workers are called the most unselfish human beings; as for
whatever they work, doesn't concern or benefit them in anyway. They work to make others live normally;
they work to manufacture products for others' happiness. They fight and die in battles to protect others'
liberty and nation.

(4)The real duties of authority and government

Ans. Authorities must provide hygienic living conditions and enough salary to workers. It is their duty to
frame non-partial laws that favour workers' benefits! Also they must reconstruct and redevelop the society
till every born child get equal and best treatment till he/she achieves full ability to serve country. The
workers are said to go on strike against violation of their human rights, against low wages, against the
authorities who can't provide them a living environment; and against their masters if they force them for
overload or produce murder tools. The workers should force government to provide them clean streets,
free from dust-smoke and contestation. They should force government to make sure Rio child works in
any type of shop or industry. It is workers' duty to force government for making law frames in favour of
their human rights. The writer believes that the ballot-paper or voting system can't convert a human to
machine, or freemen to slaves. She also believes neither there were fully democratic nations existed ever,
nor they will exist in future. In her views, democracy is an enemy of workers. Those were the workers,
who built huge palaces, pyramids and incomparable temples & churches. But still they were not given the
proper repay of what they had done to 'authorities. They always barred injustice, and violence of human
rights. Other enjoyed their labour's results. According to the writer, complexly growing human civilization
is doing more and more injustice to the workers. It has converted workers to the machines. Their life's
value is not more than a machine spare-part in modern civilization.
Unit - 7 Read – 1 The Monkey’s Paw
1. The Spell of Monkey's Paw
(1) How did the paw appear ? (2) What did the fakir want to show ? (3) What was the spell put on
the paw? (4) Why did Mr White save the paw from getting burnt ? (5) What cautions did Mr.
Morris explain to Mr. white ? (6) Why was monkey's paw dangerous ?
Ans. The monkey's paw was a cut off dried paw of a monkey. The holy Indian fakir, who put a spell on
the monkeys paw, wanted to show that as many ways you try, you can't change whatever is written in your
fate; and if you try to change, it via black magic or negative energy, the outcome is really very dangerous
causing only disasters. The spell put on the paw was that three different humans will be able to have three
wishes from this paw. As soon as Mr. Morris thrown the paw to fire after showing it to Mr. White, White
took it out from the fire and saved it from burning. Mr. Mortis explained to Mr. White the risk underlying
the fakir's spell. It was not advisable to grant wish from monkey's paw: because if anything you want was
not in your fate at all, the paw's spell would interfere with the fate written by God and it will cause a great
disaster and trouble.
2. The first wish
(1) What was the first wish of Mr. White ? (2) What happened at the very next moment ? (3) Who
came to their home for giving money ? (4) For what the money was ? (5) Why Mr. White became
unconscious ? (6) What did the first wish cost ?

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Ans. The first wish of Mr. White was about money. He asked for 200 Pounds from the paw. And as soon
as he completed the process for making a wish, the paw acted like a living one and twisted in White's
hand. Then paw fell on the ground. Next day an agent from the company, "Maw and Meggins" came to
White's house. It was the company where Mr white's son was working. The agent was sent by company to
give Mr. White the amount of compensation given by company to family of any worker who suffers
accidental death. Mr. White became unconscious by the shock of his only son's death. He realized that the
wish of 200 pounds that he granted from paw, was fulfilled by killing his son and giving the death
insurance to him. White realized that his son was dead due to his greed of money. The first , wish cost the
life of their dear son Herbert.
3. The second and third wishes
(1) Who demanded the second wish and why ? (2) Why Mr. White was afraid of the second wish ?
(3) Why `Mr. White was scared of opening the door ? (4) What happened as soon as Mr. White
wished for 3rd and last time ? (5) What happened to their house after 3rd wish was demanded ? (6)
Imagine, what could be the 3rd wish of Mr. White ?
Ans. Mrs. White demanded the second wish after 10 days of Herbert's death. As being a mother, she was
in a deep sorrow of her son's uncertain death; and wanted to try each way to make him alive, even using
the paw whose black magic killed him. Mr. White was afraid of the second wish, as he thought that if a
small change with fate for 200 pounds can cause his son's death; then what will be the outcome of
demanding the life of that son whose death took place before many days, as it will be large-scale
interfering with fate. Mr. White was scared of opening the door; as he knew that his son was dead before
10 days and then his body would become decayed beyond recovery; and also quickly after wising life of
son the door was knocked, and White was afraid that a bigger Risk was waiting outside. As soon as Mrs.
White rushed towards the door to open it, Mr. White demanded for the 3rd and last wish, and just after his
demand, knocking on door was stopped, he thought that the danger was gone far away due to 3rd wish.
Just after his 3rd wish was demanded; sounds of cracking, breaking, thundering and lightening started as
they were about to break the. The house started collapsing and Mr. & Mrs. White ran away from the house
with a sigh of disappointment. The 3rd wish of Mr. White could be that,
"O mysterious paw, save me and my wife from the fear that is standing next to our door and knocking it;
throw the person standing at door away from us .
Read – 2 Sojourner Truth
1.A mind-blowing speech by Sojourner Truth
(1) Explain the workplace hardness she faced in life. (2) For what reason she cried and no one even
heard ? (3) In this speech, what does she say about double standards of Negros' community ? (4)
What is the logic given by a person for not providing equality to women, and how Sojourner
countered it ? (5) What does she believe about God and religion ? (6) In 2-3 sentences, explain the
background of this speech.
Ans.-At the places where Sojourner Truth worked as a slave, she faced many hardships. She had to work
in farms like oxen. She had to carry away heavy loads from one place to another on muddy roads. She was
punished with a brutal lash of whip, often with no reason. In workplace, she was treated as a thing or
machine, not a human being. She had given birth to 13 children when she was in the state of slavery, often

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forced to work hard. Before her eyes and against her will, all her children were sold as slaves; one by one
and she kept on weeping, but there was no one to listen to her except almighty God. In this speech,
Sojourner Truth mentions that everyone is discussing and murmuring about the equal rights for black and
whites, men and women, in both southern and Northern states. As no one helped her or any other African
slave woman for any of the hardships in the past. A person gave a logic that Jesus Christ was not a
woman, he was a man; and that is why women can't be given equality. Sojourner countered it with the fact
that, Jesus Christ was born by God and through a woman. She said that women are the sources of life
energy, if there would be a woman who founded religion, world would be much better than it is now.
What Sojourner Truth believed about religion was all that a modern open-minded liberal theist believes.
She strongly believed that, there shouldn't be any racism on the name of Lord. She believed that the very
founders of religions take birth via women; so women should be given respect, equal rights and equal
living facilities in all the fields. This speech was given by Sojourner Truth at The women's convention,
Akron, Ohio in the year 1851. The very years after the announcement of freedom for slaves. She was an
activist and working for women equality for a long time. In the speech, she presented her views about
racism and equality.
Unit - 8 For Youth
1. The real freedom
Even if we are independent, we do not feel so because we are afraid of what people say about us, we are
bound with so-called status of the society, we are about to follow or imitate somebody; there are a lot of
pressures on us regarding income, marriage, career and study. We generally think about having a famous,
rich, impressive and noble personality. We all want some praises from others and a self-pride in our mind
about us. All of us want to be like any hero, saint, good family member or anyone else who has set an
example. All we want is a safety/security. According to writer, the liberty of speaking anything you want,
or the liberty of expressing your thoughts is not the true meaning of freedom. All of these are,
undoubtedly, some parts of freedom, but they are not the whole freedom in their forms. Just by wanting to
be free, one can't develop Intelligence. For developing it, we must understand and go deep through the
surroundings like community, family members, nation, culture, tradition, economy and
background/history; only then our own intelligence will be developed. The true understanding of all the
things that we live in between, and also our own personality, without prejudice requires a deep insight. To
make sense of all, one must go thoroughly to his/her own mind's dark corners and find shining truth that is
to be revealed. Internally, we all are afraid of our parents, teachers, society, religious gurus and friends;
that what they will think about us, if we do these tasks. We are afraid of being alone and cut from the rest
of the world, and that's the reason for not drawing a different path.
2. No imitation is the real freedom
We want someone to praise about us; that how beautiful we look, how generous we are, at which high
level of success we are, how strong we are, etc. Actually we live and do most of the tasks only to be
praised or appreciated by people, we don't do thinks for our own self. Whenever you want to become like
someone, or to follow someone; at that very moment, you are turned to a slave of his/her personality. As
your own thoughts bound you, restrict and change your behaviour for being like someone, and so you do
not remain free. The ambition of a warrior is to be a hero in war, a doctor wishes to be very famous in his
profession, a saint wants his personality as symbol of religion and truth, a lawyer wants to be the 'never-
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losing' one and a businessman wants to be more & more richer. A human being can be free only when
he/she is beyond any kind of prejudices, any dreads or fears, want of praise, thoughts of 'what these/those
people will say" & reaches the true identity of himself/herself. After understanding freedom, you will
experience an extra-ordinary peace, highly positive thoughts, your own built personality changes and the
never-losing self-confidence that never lets you down.
3. The real function of Education
The main purpose of examinations in our system, is to get passed with good marks and make you someone
at a secure, high level. Examinations are taken just for boosting and testing our memory power, to be
converted in money and fame afterwards. The writer says to notice about the constant hammering of our
parents and teachers on us., advising us to be like someone successful from family, to copy the path of a
hero, to apply the thoughts of holy people or leaders. According to the writer, the education from primary
school to higher studies should be functioned as to make one best of his own personality, not to mould in
such a way to be fit into someone's imitation or image. To be what we are, is very tough because we have
to accept ourselves as we are. Whether we are beautiful or ugly, rich or poor, famous or infamous, good or
band, noble or ignoble; we must accept us. That is the reason that becoming our Own. personality is very
tough, indeed. Our current education system encourages us to become like someone, it encourages us to
follow the paths traced by some successor. It encourages us to imitate others' personalities and not making
our own, as it does not give safety-assurance. The real freedom exists. We are free only when we do not
want to become like someone, we revolt against whatever we think as wrong, we try to make our own
paths and go ahead on them without any fear. According to writer, the real freedom lies there only.
4. Hurdles in achieving the real freedom
Your are thoughts should be out of the tradition and the conventional theories. Your thinking must not be
copied from the literature we read. Our personalities must not be the imitations of best ones. That are the
essential requirements of freedom. According to me, current Indian education system needs some changes.
Education's function should be based on creativity or unique identity, not just based on the writing
capacity in examination hall or memory power. According to writer, imitating does not help, because it
makes us like somebody. Our own personality undergoes a dark shadow of that person. Imitating makes a
person, photocopy of someone, not known by its own. So, imitating does not help. The hope of new world
lies in the members of youth who really want to be free, or really want to grow freedom. It lies only when,
the youth creates new world according to its own path, not of any idealism or philosophy. You must revolt
against the unworthy and false traditional and conventional thoughts, against the people who enforce you
to become a copy of someone, against an education system that teaches you to increase memory rather
than creativity. Writer's views are the far twisted and miles away from the reality. In real world, we must
learn from the best examples, about their Mos and cons, to create a new world. In real, there must be an
ambition of becoming someone, as reinforcement of ambition is required for tall and strong structure of
successive personality.
Unit - 9 Headache
1. Headache: the blessings
1, Which is the most common excuse used by mankind? 2. Described the school incident of writer? 3.
Where does writer use headache as an excuse? How? 4. According to this essay define some examples? 5.
How does headache work? Explain. 6. Headache is the blessings. Give your views. Headache is the most
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common disease of mankind. But for it sometimes there would be many embarrassments in life. In some
situations headache acts as a sort of password. Headache is the very common excuse used by people. Here
writer says about his school incident. One day for the very first time letter writing lesson was taught to
them. It was something like this. "Respected sir, as I am suffering from headache, I request you grant me
leave." It shows that even in study also there is an example of headache. Headache is the very easy way to
deny for work. No one can blame you for that. The writer used to have drill after school hours. For him
headache was a boon at that time. All aches sound crude and psychological. but headache is different. You
could mention headache in the most elegant social gathering and no one could deny for that. Some
examples are given here : A man cannot say, "I am not attending the meeting because I do not like." A
clerk who could not write "I am not attending the office today because I do not like to see paper". If they
do so, will lose their jobs. However, if he says that he is down with headache, there will be no issue. So, in
many ways headache helps people to get relief. Therefore, in this entire situation we can say that headache
works as a blessing for the humankind.
2.Importance of headache
1. How does the writer determine other aches in the essay? 2. Which is the most useful ache? 3. What did
the writer learn in the first letter writing? 4. How is headache used in the office? 5. How is it used at the
home? - 6. Headache, as an excuse. Explain.
Headache works as the blessing for the humankind. There are many aches but all aches sound so rude and
psychological. But headache is the most common and most useful ache used by people. People do not like
to share other aches except headache. Everywhere headache is used to deny for work and any other things.
The excuse of headache is commonly used by people. However, there are many more benefits of it. If a
man does not like to attend the meeting, he could say that he has a headache. So no one can deny for that
on other way. If you do not like to attend any party, you could kindly say that you have a headache and
you are given permission. In a maintained relationship, headache is also used to get relief. If someone says
he has headache it means he may want to keep away from not only his friends and office colleagues but
would like his wife even not to pressurize him too much to fulfil his promise to take her out. So there is
much importance of headache to get relief from some work and promises etc. Here writer tries to clear that
not all time but many a times people use headache as an excuse.
Unit - 10 Green Charter
1. Global climate change
It is one of the most challenges to control pollution. Climate change and Global warming are mainly
responsible which create serious and dangerous environment nowadays. The responsibilities for climate
change fall on many shoulders, among them individuals are the first one who creates global warming
through their daily choices, habits and many more. It is not only the government's responsibility to find
solution for this situation but it is the duty of each and every citizen of the country to take some volunteer
steps and keep our environment clean and green by adapting a simple and healthy lifestyle and also with
their everyday Dos and Don'ts. Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the
atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community. The green
house gases are mostly produced through electricity, transportation, land use and forestry, by using fuels,
foods, roads, buildings etc. It is very vital to first of all think about how to reduce emissions of carbon
footprints and level of it in the environment as it is a very serious and dangerous issue which directly
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affects our health and lifestyle. The carbon footprint is most often considered as similar to carbon dioxide
and other green house gases which are emitted.
2. Alternatives of Fossil Fuels
As considerable emission of CO2 from economic and industrial activity will continue in the future by
human beings, it is very tough to state that alternative or renewable resources can completely replace
fossil fuels. We need to rely on alternative sources of energy such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro
power energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, and ocean energy to control pollution and reduce our
dependency on traditional fossil fuels and also to meet our daily needs. We need to adapt various habits in
our day to day life like 'reduce, reuse and recycle", deciease water usage, support clean energy sources, eat
organic food, use solar energy, avoid traffic, change driving style, use low carbon vehicle, investing in
renewable and many more. The alternative resources like solar, wind, power etc. are considered as energy
securities nowadays as they serve many purposes to human beings i.e. they provide improved air quality,
cost saving, energy storage for future generation, decreased emission of CO2, revenue generation,
environment friendly, uninterrupted power supply-etc. Traditional fossil-fuel based energy sources release
carbon dioxide in the air, resulting in what's known as the greenhouse effect; which, many believe, is
responsible for climate change. Since renewable energies don't result in CO2 emissions, they offer a viable
solution to this problem. The amount of climate change depends upon many things-like emission rate of
greenhouse gases, the amount of sunlight reaching the earth, chemical interaction, human actions etc.
3. The green and renewable resources
Solar water heaters, solar roof tops, solar lanterns and solar panels should be installed in each and every
house to save and conserve our valuable energy for future generations as well as to reduce pollution in the
environment. The NGO plays vital and primary role to create awareness and organize a campaign in the
rural areas, as thousands of households are still lacking in getting electricity and it will be a new initiatives
for them for creating a green and clean environment. The best way to save trees is to use less number of
papers in your routine and print-out should be taken after pre-checking and editing, this will result into
decreasing the wastage of papers and automatically we can save the trees. As an individual, it is our
responsibility to stop misuse of printing by avoiding irrelevant pamphlets which are later on discarded on
the streets. We should use low-consumption air conditioner instead of conventional one to reduce
electricity consumption up to 50% and also we must not leave appliances on standby mode. By adopting
above habits, we can save electricity. The government plays vital role in encouraging the people of its
country to use resources which are reusable. people should use battery driven scooters which involve zero
emission, The role of government is to give subsidy on such vehicles which are environment friendly.
4. The individual's responsibility towards environment
1. What should people use for transportation? 2. Which is the main reason to save forest? 3. What we can
do to save electricity? 4. How to use house waste? 5. How to control scarcity of water? Why? 6. What is
The people should use bicycle for their daily transportation and it should be popular among the public as it
is the most convenient way which do not require any fuels. People should use public transportation and
reduce the usage of private vehicles as much as possible and also they should adopt the habit of walking
and cycling. Forest consumes large quantity of carbon which is very important for healthy environment
and also it reduces emission of CO2. As an individual, it is our responsibility to save electricity by being
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less careless and pay attention to the usage of it like switch off the fan, AC, cooler, refrigerator and other
electronic appliances when they are not being used. Moreover, in the houses and offices, use more of solar
energy and construct the buildings in such a way that requires less electricity. The household waste should
be used as compost as It is environment friendly as well as it keeps the surrounding clean and keeps away
from epidemic. It can be made by individual and also it is available in the market at a cheap rate. As water
is scarce resource, we need to prevent them before our future generation suffers the unavailability of it.
People should opt various habits to save water like avoid excessive use of water, wash fruits and
vegetables in a pan instead of under the tap, reutilize water used for bathing to wash clothes after adding
anti-septic into it and many more. The six R's are "Repair, Reclaim, Restore, Reduce, Reuse, and Re-
cycle". The meaning of these six R's hold important place and also it is very vital to understand the
message behind these words because this will help in restoring our global environment back on its original

Fill the blanks with the appropriate words given in the brackets: 03
(1) (Kanchenjunga, dews, vapour)
It is a fascinating sight to see________ in the morning. The ________ cover the whole valley. The
queen shines with________. It looks that if the sun kisses the hills.
(2) (glow, peaks, robe)
The snow of the old mountain________ get melted and turns into tiny rills. It looks as the hills
________ in the morning light. dews, The mountains _______in the morning light.
(3) (humour, opinions, improve)
Like many people who work to create ________ Walt took it very seriously. He would often sit
glumly through the funniest cartoon, concentrating on some way to ________ it. Walt valued the
________ of those working with him but the final judgement was always unquestion his.
(4) (dissent, evident, rubber)
Once after viewing a new cartoon with ________ displeasure Walt called for comments from a
group of our people. One after another they spoke up, all echoing Walt's criticism. I can get
________ stamps that say. Then he wheeled and asked the projectionist what he thought. The man
sensed that ________ was in order.
(5) (simplest, overwhelming, changed)
The ________ success of Walt's crazy idea triggered a dramatic about face in the Disney fortunes.
Yet success never ________ Walt. He remained the ________ of men.
(6) (extravagance, parties, solvent)
He hated ________ And his idea of night out was a burger and chili at some little restaurant. His
only ________ was a miniature railroad that ran around the grounds of his home. Being ________
for the first time since he started in business gave Walt a chance to develop other ideas.
(7) (cerebrospinal, tense, microscopic)
When we breathe, there is a ________ movement of the cranial bones which in turn allows the
________ fluid to move freely through the spinal column and the skull. When we are ________ or
upset and don't breathe deeply enough, this can result in bones in the skull becoming slightly stuck
together so that the fluid cannot circulate properly.

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(8) (influences, crown, scalp)

The Crown Pull ________ the flow of fluid in a positive way. It helps calm you nervous system
and can also often take away a headache or stress-induced stomach ache, as well as helping you
think clearly. Place both of your hands with your fingers like combs on top of your head so that
your little fingers are touching your hairline at the front. Firmly press down on to your________
and pull your fingers away from the midline, combing outwards with each hand. Now place your
hands in the same way higher up on the midline of the head and repeat the procedure. Now place
hands even further back on your head, towards the ________, and repeat the procedure.
(9) (hectic, optimism, pessimism)
When life becomes ________we can end up feeling mentally tied in knots. Nothing seems easy
and positive. ________sets in and we cannot see a way out of our current problems. We can open a
source of ________with the anticipating technique of success.
(10) (tangled up, crisis, elation)
Settle back in a chair and close your eyes. Imagine you can travel forward in to the day when the
current ________ is resolved. Experience with all you senses what it feels like to have resolved the
problem and enjoy the resulting feelings of relief and ________Hang on to the positive feelings
and bring them back with you into the here and now. Open your eyes again. Make sure you don't
get all ________in considerations about how the situation will resolve itself.
(11) (irritated, turn, stepmother)
A few years down the line when our ________became pregnant, mother too came over to Nana's
for good. Nana got further ________.He would ________ his face away whenever he saw mother.
(12) (opinion, adamant, emissary)
Nani did her best to make him understand. But he stayed put, ________in his thinking. If there was
something to be done, his ________to be sought, it was us two brothers who would go to him as
mother's ________
(13) (speak, face, regret)
If anyone got her way with Nana it was nani. She would tell it to his ________, you will
________it the day I die. You don't ________ with the mother of these two children.
(14) (cart, imprisoned, removed)
He ________ himself in the bedroom. We ________ a few of Nani's belongings to make the room
liveable for Nana but he did not let us ________ away Nani's bed.
(15) (hollow, locked, ashes)
In a dry, ________ rasp, He said," let it be Where else is she going to sleep? The day we had to
take Nani's ________away for immersion, that Day too-Nana stayed ________in the room.
(16) (evident, evident, urn)
When I went in, I found him sitting on her bed. He just touched the ________and said, "take him
away.... All my ... fighting he just kept gradual with me." The shift was ________ . I did not pay
much heed to it that first day but later it became more ________ .
(17) (ferocious, completely, the driver)
The most ________kind of ants is ________ ants of America. They are ________blind.
(18) (flee, devour, path)

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They ________any animal that happens to be in their ________When these ants enter a house, the
people living in it ________into the forest. When they return they find all the insects and the
spiders in the house has been cleared away.
(19) (brotherhood, humanity, harvest)
We should live in ________ .Each has his right to respect his nation and ________ all the good for
his nation, but at the same time all ought to recognize their duty towards ________ .
(20) (remember, outrage, defile)
So neither betray nor ________beneath any circumstances. ________that it is the human earth that
we ________ .
(21) (endure, expect, happened)
"Friends," it says, "fellow workmen, patriots; your country is in danger! There are foes on all sides
on all sides of us. There is nothing between us and our enemies ________the Pacific Ocean and
Atlantic Ocean. Look at what has ________Belgium. Consider the fate of Serbia. Will you murmur
about low wages when your country, your very liberties, are in danger? What are the miseries you
________ compared to the humiliation of having a victorious German army sail up the East River?
(22) (be ready, susceptible, walk into)
Quit your grumbling get busy and prepare to defend your firesides and your flag. Get an army, get
a navy; ________to meet the invaders like the loyal-hearted freemen you are." Will the workers
________this trap? Will they be fooled again? I am afraid so. The people have always been
________to oratory of this sort.
(23) (radical measure, wage, congestion)
It is your duty to insist upon still more ________ . It is your business to see that no child is
employed in an industrial establishment or mine or store, and that no work in needlessly exposed to
accident or disease. It is your business to make them give you clean cities, free from smoke, dirt
and ________ .It is your business to make them pay you a living ________ .
(24) (ordinances, preparedness, scrap)
It is your business to see that this kind of ________ Is carried into every department on the nation,
until everyone has a chance to be well born, well nourished, rightly educated, intelligent and
serviceable to the country at all times. Strike against all ________and laws and institutions that
continue the slaughter of peace and the cruelty of war. Strike against war, for without you no
battles can be fought. Strike against manufacturing ________and gas bombs and all other tools of
(25) (curious, magic, spell)
Mr. While liked old temples and ________ .He always tried to read ________ written on ancient
book of magicians. Once the old fakir asked him not to interfere with destiny because it might
bring disaster yet Mr. White was ________ to test the power of magic.
(26) (orator, inn, slavery)
Sojourner was a well known ________. childhood in She passed her ________She was a slave of
Baum free who lived in The winter ________ .
(27) (tavern, jargon, brutally)

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He could not understand her, Dutch ________ so he punished her ________ .Her master owned a
________ in New York later on Sojourner Acquired, Idiomatic expressions and became an orator.
(28) (freedom, parential, insight)
To understand ________we need to understand whole environment around us. Social religious
________tradition influence on us to understand all these requires deep ________ but we
generally give in to them.
(29) (Imitate, accept, function)
The ________of education is to help us from childhood not to ________but to be ourselves. This
is a difficult thing to ________ ourselves;
(30) (ignoble, to feel like, ugly)
whether we are ________or beautiful envious or pleasant. To be ourselves is very difficult because
we think that we are ________ so freedom lies not in doing whatever. We happen ________ nor
in following our authority but to understand what we are actually.
(31) (boon, specimen, leave)
First time we use the word headache in a ________latter for ________in the school. It is a
________for those who want excuse.
(32) (afflicted with, drill, splitting)
When students are on ________ground, some of them say to the teacher " ________ headache,
sir!" so the drill instructor asks him to rest. Those who are ________pain are detained for other
(33) (importance, sufferer, sensible)
Some diseases give ________ a sort of ________ yet ________people do not mention some crude
(34) (be shocked by, headache, elegant)
________is mentioned in the most ________social gathering in such a way that no one would
________ it .
(35) ( dwellings, composting, shredded )
Household wet - waste should be composted separately . Pots made for receiving such waste could
be purchased from the market and the other material required , viz. sawdust , dry leaves , ________
paper etc . are cheap and eco - friendly . ________ could be done both for individual ' houses and
community ________.
(36) (cultivated, barren, imbibe)
This way we can produce a lot useful manure besides achieving cleanliness . ________ stretches of
land should be ________ and cultivation of bio - fuel crops should be encouraged . Ethanol &
Jatropha are promising bio fuels . Farmers at the same time should be collection of their crops.
________ three more R's with respect to water , viz. ( namely ) 'Repair' 'Reclaim' and 'Restore'
(37) (negligible, advancement, augment)
People should be encouraged to use battery driven scooters which involve zero-emission.
Technological ________ are needed for sure to ________their present single run which is around
70 km at present. Such vehicles should be given government subsidy also because the carbon foot-
print is ________ .

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(38) (unwarranted, re-orient, negligible)

We should ________our electricity consumption habits both at home and office. For instance, we
should switch off fan, cooler, or AC whenever not required or not in use. Generally, people are
careless at offices. Lights can be seen on even at ________places or hours. Houses and offices
should be constructed to receive natural sunlight, ________use of lamps in the daytime.
(39) (opt, daily chores, recreational)
Reduce number of kilometres by walking, cycling, carpooling and public transport. Use of bicycle
should be made popular. We should observe 'cycle day once in a month and, on that day cycle
riding alone should be allowed barring emergencies. People used to go for their ________ on cycle
in old times. Why can't we do the same today? In ________trips, we can ________ for bicycle
instead of car or motorbike.

Section - C

Read the following passages and answer the questions: 05

(1) His uncle who was equally clueless took him to the Bombay Natural History Society in the hope of
finding an answer. There, the honorary secretary. W. S Millard told him that the bird was the
Yellow Throated Sparrow. Millard also told him about the variety of sparrows. That day Salim
decided that he was going to be an ornithologist. No one would have imagined that the bird shooter
would become a bird lover and nature conservator one day!!
Inclination and choice of a novel career option made Salim's life full of hardship. As a young
man Salim had to face years of unemployment. He moved to Burma to look after the family
mining and timber business. It was a rewarding experience for the naturalist as there were endless
opportunities for exploring the forests of Burma.
Questions :
(1) What is BNHS?
(2) Who was the secretary of BNHS?
(3) Why did Salim Ali move to Burma?
(4) What is a person called who studies birds
(5) Find out a synonym for : New
(2) The Birdman is survived by his books on birds that a small group of people use to enjoy birding
and endeavour for the conservation of the wildlife. Dr Ali is no more but his legacy lives on.
Let's pay a tribute to the birdman by learning to identify a few birds around us. Before you start,
study the names of different body parts of a bird given in the picture. It will help you understand
the descriptions as well as will enable you to describe birds.
Questions :
(1) Who was called 'The Birdman' here?
(2) How can we pay tribute to Salim Ali?
(3) What lives on after the death of a great man?
(4) What do the writer request us to do before studying birds?
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(5) Find out synonym for 'various'.

(3) Mansi was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making purchase when the couple
approached the exit. Mansi observed the couple carefully. The man after paying the bill pulled out
a white stick and tapped his way towards the gate.
"He's a brave man" the clerk at the counter said "Most of us would give up if we were blinded at
such a young age. During his recovery, he made a vow that his life wouldn't change. So, as before,
he and his wife come in whenever there's a new art show.
" But what does he get out of the art?" Mansi asked. "He can't see "
What pleasure do you think a blind person gets in . Visiting a museum?
Can't see! You are wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or ! do," the clerk said. "His wife describes
each painting through his mind's eye. So he can see.
Questions :
(1) What was Mansi doing when the couple approached the exit?
(2) Who called the blind man as 'a brave man'?
(3) Who describes each painting through his mind's eye?
(4) Where was Mansi standing?
(5) The pharse 'give up' mean _______
(4) Can't see! You are wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or I do," the clerk said. "His wife describes
each painting through his mind's eye. So he can see.
Mansi learned something about patience, courage and love, that day. She saw the patience of
young wife describing paintings to a person without sight and the courage of a husband who would
not allow blindness to alter his life.
Mansi witnessed the love shared by the two people as she watched this couple walk away with
their arms interwined. "Really her words are his vision" said Mansi.
Questions :
(1) What did Mansi learn that day?
(2) What did Mansi witness?
(3) How can the blind man see?
(4) What did the blind man's wife describe?
(5) The ability to see or the sense of sight is called.
(5) Before the final game, life was ordinary, daily routine Each day I awakened with a mental list of
tasks I had to complete before the end of the day. My life wasn't too complicated : class, soccer
practice, studying and sleep. Often I returned home from soccer field after heavy practice to study
until the early hours of the morning.
Having accepted well to my daily routine, I never imagined it would be altered. However, my life
changed the day on the final game. It was the last game of the tournament ; and winner would
achieve 'championship. My team had been under rigorous physical training for the past four years
in anticipation of this day. But emotionally we were ready as well. I was ready. I entered the game
with the mindset that the title was in our hands. We deserved it because our desire to win was great
Questions :

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(1) Which game is indicated in this paragraph

(2) Which is the last game of the tournament
(3) What were they emotionally ready for?
(4) What made the author's life complicated?
(5) Find out the opposite word for 'easy'.
(6) When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a hospital bed, surrounded by family, friend and
teammates. Also at my side were doctors, the determiners of my future. In a matter of moments
they would tell me the severity of my injuries.
I was told that I would have to undergo an extremely rarer surgery This type of surgery had only
been performed a limited number of times, with a mere 50 percent success rate. After some
thinking, I decided to undergo the surgery, knowing that way, many challenges would await me.
Would I be able to finish my studies? What effect would it have on my social life, my grades?
these questions circled my head, and unfortunately, only time would provide answers.
Questions :
(1) Who were the determiners of her life according to the writer?
(2) Why did the writer decide to undergo surgery?
(3) What was the success ratio of such surgery
(4) Where did the writers find herself when she regained sense?
(5) Find out synonym for senses'.
(7) Hello. I'm Swayam Saxena..
When I was younger I was very shy. Whenever I even thought of speaking to new people
about anything, my whole head would turn red. I'm sure people could even see me withdrawn from
behind my back.
By the time I reached high school, I was so stressed out by the thought of answering questions and
doing group projects that my self confidence problem would get in the way of my ability to study.
I was nervous and agitated about being wrong and how people would react to me. My school and
work started to suffer. Because of my inferiority complex, I couldn't go out. I was afraid of even
going for shopping. I couldn't speak to people or make decisions. Ihid myself away and felt like a
real loser
Questions :
(1) At what age was Swayam shy?
(2) What was the obstacle in study?
(3) What was the writer suffering from?
(4) What was Swayam nervous about?
(5) Find out synonym for- 'bashful.'
(8) Once I discovered the techniques that worked for me, my confidence grew and I began to see
challenges as opportunities to move forward and succeed .
Now I enjoy meeting people and my relationships are much better, I have more friends and can
rely on them when I feel myself slipping back to where was before.
I am achieving my goals with ease because I have developed my self confidence.

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I no longer miss the opportunities that life offers. I am more optimistic and my mind no longer
limits me .
Life is finally good!
Questions :
(1) What happened when the writer discover the techniques?
(2) How did the writer react when his self confidence grew?
(3) What does the words "Life is finally good" mean?
(4) Find out the antonym of Pessimistic.
(5) Find out the synonym for 'rely on.
(9) Early in the autumn of 1984, my mother began writing the story of her life. She was an energetic
woman in her seventies. It was her desire to put down her thoughts and memories in her "MY
BOOK". Once she came for dinner and told me that she had to work on her book. I laughed and
asked her where the fire was. The fire was inside her. She finished her book in early December
Three days after Christmas, her cancer was discovered and three months later she was dead From
my mother's book:
I have loved family friend, nature, animals, music and many other things. It will be hard to say
good bye to those I love and to the leanly in the world
(1) Which season is mentioned in the passage?
(2) Give the name of the book written by the writer's mother.
(3) How was the writer's mother in her seventies?
(4) What did the writer's mother love?
(5) Find out the similar word for 'found out'.
(10) I have stepped out of the house in the middle of a summer night to watch the grass and flowers in
our garden. Suddenly my mother is at my side. Instead of sending me back to bed, she joins me,we
sit there together, Listening to bed noise made by cicadas "Look" she says pointing to a shooting
star But Fam looking at the light in her eyes. Later I fall asleep with my head in her lap.
I remember the day my mother asked that I write a last message from her to each member of the
family I wrote through my tears. I was aware that while my mother has accepted her death, I
hadn't. Over the next few days, my mother wanted to talk about her life so we began our long, final
comversation. As we talked, the picture of my mother's life grew stronger
Questions :
(1) Which season is mentioned in this paragraph?
(2) Why has the writer come out of his house?
(3) What was the writer aware of?
(4) Cicada is _______ .(Fill in the blank)
(5) Find out the antonym of 'rejected.
(11) The king had a very beautiful daughter One day he found out that she had fallen in love with a
poor young soldier in his army. The king was very angry. The soldier was arrested and taken to the
arena. The princess knew which door concealed the tiger and which one concealed the beautiful

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girl. However she was a very jealous princess and did not want the soldier to marry the girl behind
the door. Neither did she want to see her lover killed the tiger .
When the soldier was brought into the arena he looked and saw the princess sitting next to her
father .
Questions :
(1) With whom had the princess fallen in love?
(2) Why was the soldier taken to the arena?
(3) Who was very jealous?
(4) What did the princess not want the soldier to do?
(5) Find out synonym for 'hide'.
(12) Dear Mummy, Dear Papa,
I love you both.
Yesterday I saw a child on a merry go round. He waved at his parents every round. The parents
waved back too. The incident ran through my mind the whole day and I kept asking a question to
myself: Where do the parents get patience from to express love for their child in trivial activities of
life? For searching the answer went back to my childhood and realized that on each day of your
life, you made O deposits in the memory banks of your children. In bringing me and Asmi up, you
had built self-esteem first and our house later you had finger-paint more and pointed the finger
less. You had done less correcting but more connecting. You had run through more fields and
gazed at more stars for us.
Questions :
(1) What did Ananya see?
(2) Where did Ananya go to search the answer.
(3) What had Ananya's parents done to bring him up?
(4) Whom did the writer see?
(5) Find out synonyms for 'stared'.
(13) Today I am just crossing the border between my childhood and adulthood. I am no longer a child
now In these years of my adolescence, I have unlimited confusions. I have started feeling that
'growing up is quite scary, whereas being a grown up' has many attractions. The responsibilities
that go with growing age often come as surprise. I think now I have started developing an
understanding about why and how you did what for us.
For last several years, I have been talking about my freedom. I remember the day when you
objected to my dress and hair, That day you appeared to me hike an evil dictators' who would
never understand my style, my personality. The next day you did not allow me to go out. I was
fiercely angry on you.
Questions :
(1) When did the writer face many confusions?
(2) How did the responsibilities come according to the writer?
(3) What would Ananya's parents never understand?
(4) How many character are there in this paragraph?
(5) Find out the word which means 'absolute rulers'.

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(14) It is almost a week now. Vismay, a bright, ambitious Iv and hardworking student of 12th Science
looks confused to his class teacher One day during the recess, the teacher sat for lunch with
Vismay and asked, "You are hardworking and scoring very well in all the subjects then why are
you so much worried over something? If you have any problem you can share it with me. "
Vismay didn't speak for a while. He was staring at a tree outside the window. The teacher held
Vismay by his shoulder and said, "Feel free, and do not hesitate Every problem has a solution."
Vismay took a deep breath and said, "Actually... I am thinking about my studies after 12th. I don't
know much about aeronautics but I want to know more about it and wish to join the course
somewhere. But I....... don't know anything about a college that offers such course.
Questions :
(1) How does Vismay look to his classteacher?
(2) What was Vismay's problem?
(3) Which adjectives are used for Vismay?
(4) Which statement can help Vismay to feel free?
(5) Find out the synonym for: anxious
(15) I am sure you will learn as you start using search engines. Experience is the best teacher. There are
many more things to learn but own your own. I think the best way to start with is to start searching
additional information on your textbook topics. So, start using search engines and keep yourself
updated and abreast of the new information. Dear Vismay, internet is full of information on almost
all subjects. What you need to have is curiosity. All the best !!"
Questions :
(1) What is called the title of the webpage?
(2) What is the URL?
(3) Who is considered to be the best teacher?
(4) How can Vismay keep himself updated?
(5) Which proverb is mentioned in this paragraph?
(16) A heavy shower detained them midway at a rest-house. They resumed their journey after the rains
subsided. By the time they approached the town, it was past midnight. The capital was protected by
a high circular wall and the gates used to be locked at midnight by sentries who camped atop the
The guru and his disciples found three persons standing before the gate and shouting at one
another. They were about to come to blows. In the moonlight, the sentries seated atop the wall
were enjoying their quarrel.
Questions :
(1) How was the capital protected?
(2) What detained a guru and disciples at a rest house?
(3) Who was standing and shouting before the gate?
(4) What were the sentries doing?
(5) Which word is used for 'guards' in the passage?
(17) "Most of the arguments are like this-unrelated to reality. None of the three could have done what
he proposed to do. Yet he was eager to prove the superiority of his method over the other methods.

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What is more important, there was a method different from theirs-a simple and healthy method.
That was to give their identity to the sentries and request them to open the gates. They would rather
cling to their false and unreal methods than thinking of the simple and true method", observed the
The two disciples kept quiet. They understood what the guru had in mind-their conduct.
Many beliefs are imposed on others in the name of religion which are insignificant. Controversies
resulting from discussion over such issues are meaningless and avoidable. Often ignorance and ego
are the major barriers in solving complex situations. Whereas a humble mind can avoid
unnecessary debate and present a simple solution to even complex issues.
Questions :
(1) What would the three men prefer to do according to Guru?
(2) What was each of the three man trying to do?
(3) Which are major barriers in solving complex situations?
(4) What can a humble mind do?
(5) Find out similar word for : obstacles.
(18) I got up at 4:00 in the morning, melted snow and brewed tea.
After a light breakfast of a few biscuits and half a slab of chocolate, I left my tent at around 5:30
a.m. Ang Dorjee was standing outside.
Ang Dorjee was going to climb without oxygen. But because of this his feet would get very cold.
He thus wanted to avoid long exposure at heights and a night at the Summit Camp. He had
therefore to either get to the peak and back to the south Col the same day or abandon the attempt.
He was keen to start immediately and asked if I would like to go with him. Going to the top from
the South Col and back in a day would be Strenuous and tough and there was the risk of Ang
Dorjee turning back if his feet got too cold. I, however, had full confidence in Ang Dorjee as well
as in my stamina and climbing capability Besides no one else was ready to move at that time.
Questions :
(1) How was Ang Dorjee going to climb?
(2) Why did Ang Dorjee avoid long exposure?
(3) What would be strenuous and tough?
(4) What was the writers confident about?
(5) Find out synonym for give up.
(19) Lhatoo noticed that I had been climbing with oxygen at about two and a half litres per minute
against-the normal four for these heights. After he increased the oxygen flow on my regulator, I
found even the steeper stretches comparatively easy.
Beyond the South Summit, the breeze increased. At that height the eddies of strong winds whipped
up the powder snow, reducing visibility to nil. On many occasions, I had to get into a crouching
position with my back to the onslaught of the icy wind saturated with fine particles of bone dry
powder snow
Questions :
(1) What had the writer to do to secure herself?
(2) How was the climbing between the south summit and Hillary's step?

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(3) When did the writer feel thrilled?

(4) How many characters are there in this paragraph?
(5) Why was it very much tough to stand?
(20) The Tobors were strange were strange beings. They came during the Third World War when a lot
people were. They built a huge city and become the rules and they made the Nems their slaves.
The city was like a huge factory, with a silver roof The Nems had to live and work here, and they
never saw the sun. Most of them didn't care.
But some Nems did care. Nems like Derf and his friends Karan and Nor, They wanted to escape
from the city, and they met to talk about it.
There was a place in the city called The Centre. The Nems were never allowed to go there. Derf
was sure 10 this was their weak spot and that the Tobors got their power from here. Somehow,
soon they must break into The Centre and destroy the Tobors.
(1) Who built a huge city?
(2) How was the city?
(3) What was Derf sure of?
(4) When did the Tobors come?
(5) Find out synonyms for :-
(i) servants
(ii) to run aWay
(21) Derf watched them. The Tobors spoke to each other Then, they went out, Derf followed at once.
They were going to The Centre. He was sure of it. Nor and Kram joined him. Keeping out of sight,
they followed the Tobors. It was lucky that the Tobors were so, anxious to THe Centre. They did
not look back once .
On the way, Derf and his friends got a shock. They passed a room that was full of unhappy sounds.
The sounds were like Nems crying.
They went to look. The door had iron bars on it. Like a prison door It was true. There were Nems
inside. Both male and female. And they were crying.
Derf gasped. He knew what this was. It was the Memory unit. Anil the Nems had cages over their
heads. The cages were lit up. Their job was to take away the memory of the Nem prisoners.
Derf had seen Nems from the Memory unit before They were poor things. Completely lost. And,
they didn't live very long.
Derf's face became hard. The Tobors had a lot to answer for !
Questions :
(1) Who followed the Tobors?
(2) What was the purpose of the cages over the Nems heads?
(3) Why did the Tobors not look back?
(4) What did Derf and his friends see while following the Tobors?
(5) Find out synonyms for (i) jail (ii) Fortunate
(22) What is wrong with you, anyway?"
"Everything, doctor. Absolutely everything, I just can't sleep."

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Dr. Shalini replied :Hm..if you move to the chairs we could talk"
The dog rolled over on hisstomach and walked unsteadily Dr. Shalini cleared her throat.
"First of all, tell me how did you become so large?"
"One of my forefathers was Great Wolves."
"I see. Mixed up genes and all that." Muttere Dr Shalini and wrote down something rapidly on her
pad "How long have you been suffering from insomnia (inability to sleep) ?"
"Oh, nearly two months now."
"Any major change in diet in recent weeks?"
:Doctor, naturally. I have to eat more now to keep up my energy." said the patient painfully.
"And it shows. Particularly around the waist Wha time do you go to bed?
"Oh, around ten at night. I keep the same hours as humans as I work for them."
"Have you tried anything to promote sleep?
"Haven't I, now? I have tried a walk just before bedtime. I have tried a hot drink; I have tried a cold
10 drink. I have tried a full evening meal. I have tried no meal........ But nothing works."
Questions :
(1) What was the dog suffering from?
(2) What had the dog tried to promote sleep?
(3) What major change was there in the dog's diet?
(4) How long has the dog been suffering from insomnia?
(5) Find out synonyms for : (i) supper (ii) inability to sleep.
(23) "Well" said the doctor. "Doctors have recommended one remedy for sleeplessness counting
imaginary sheep. "
Do you agree to what the doctor suggested? How does it help?
The patient's eyes opened wide. His nostrils balooned. He jumped on his feet. "Doctor, don't
mention that word in my presence, for heaven's sake. I do nothing but count sheep all day. I am
Mil, the sheep dog !"
"That should not make you sleepless."
"Ah, but it does. It is those dumb things I chase around all day. I have to go looking for them up
the hills and down, in and out of bushes, behind fence, into caves.. "
"Relax, relax" said he doctor. "Don't take strain."
You would also get strained (tension) if you had to look after sheep for a living. It is the most
boring, uninspiring, exhausting and dead end hob. At the end of the day, I am so frustrated
(annoyed, upset) that I can't sleep. "
Questions :
(1) What was the sheep-dog doing all day?
(2) Where did the sheep-dog look for the sheep?
(3) What did the doctor advise the sheep-dog for?
(4) What did the doctor recommend to overcome sleeplessness?
(5) Find out synonyms for: (i) mute (ii) to take care of
(24) "There was a farmer, once, who was cross and surly and a very disagreeable man. Everyone who
knew him disliked him. He was sure to make the most of whatever went wrong about him; and the

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poor offender always met with severe punishment. There was not a boy in all the neighbourhood
who did not feel uncomfortable as he passed his gate; and the poor dog that barked at his geese, or
the neighbour s rooster that crowed on his wall, was speedily visited either with the lash of his
whip, or the shot from his gun. The very cat knew his footsteps, and slunk away from him in terror.
He was a complete pest, So much so to himself as to those about him. Every day brought him some
fresh trouble, and found him in continual hot water'; Indeed, his very life was made up of broils.
Questions :
(1) How was the farmer?
(2) Why did people dislike him?
(3) What would happen to the poor offender?
(4) What would he do to the dog or the rooster
(5) Find out the similar words of : (i) run away (ii) in fear
(25) Yes, the 'enemy' was 'killed without the loss of a single life, or shedding even a single drop of
blood. He went in the morning to confess his ingratitude to his kind neighbour, and to ask his
forgiveness, and the very man who had been noted for nothing but his wickedness became the
friend of all.
There is the great set difference in the world between conquering by power, and conquering by
kindness, The former is like building a dam across a stream of water It may stop its flow for a little
while, but presently the dam will give way, and then the stream will rush on with more force and
fury than ever. Conquering by power is like changing a lion; conquering by kindness keeps the lion
from doing harm, by changing his nature, and turning him into a lamb
Questions :
(1) How was the enemy killed?
(2) What does the writer say about the conquering by power and conquering
by kindness?
(3) Whose examples does the writer give to explain conquering by power?
(4) Why does the ill-natured farmer go to Mr. Green?
(5) Find out the synonyms of : (i) winning (ii) to submit
(26) if everything goes as per the plan in any event of travel, we may enjoy it but don't remember it
after some time. On the other hand if something doesn't happen as per plan, on successful
completion of the activity we feel greater satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment. I felt the same after
the trek of Manimahesh via Sari Pass.
Chamba Valley in the Himalaya is surrounded by high mountains from three sides. Ravi flows in
the centre. Pir Panjal Range is in the North and in the West one can enjoy panoramic view of the
Dhauladhar Range. Manimahesh in the Himalaya is a 18556 ft high mountain in the middle of
these ranges. At the feet of the mountain is the Manimahesh lake. Manimahesh Yatra is almost
equivalent to Amarnath Yatra. The traditional route goes from Bhrammaur, Hadsar to
Manimahesh. But we in a group of 15 ch0se an untraditional route l.e. Chamba -Holy Tyori -
Kalah - Jail Kahd - Sukhdali Sari Pass Manimahesh. Interesting names, aren't they?
Questions :
(1) On which track was the narrator travelling?

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(2) Which river flows in the chamba valley?

(3) Which mountains are in the North and in the West of the chamba valley?
(4) What is at the feet of the Manimahesh?
(5) Find out the similar words of : (i) similar (ii) The view which is a long
way over a wide area.
(27) As per plan, we started our trek from Tyori. We arrived at Holy by jeep and trekked up to Tyori.
We reached there in the evening and took shelter in the primary school with the help of the local
teachers. Every place in the Himalaya offers a view. The view of snow covered Talang Pass from
the school was soothing after 8 hrs journey by vehicle and two hours walk. It was a mixed group
with Shri Manmohansingh Bawa, running 76, the eldest and the most experienced trekker and
Gulal being the youngest at the age of 12.
The leader of the group, an experienced mountaineer and trekker, announced the next day's plan.
The next day, we left very early after the breakfast and reached Kalah in the late afternoon after
almost 11 km's trek. The trek was beautiful. We could see Ravi for some time as we gained height.
We discovered some villages on the slopes that we couldn't see before. At around I pm, the clouds
started gathering on the horizon and soon they covered the whole sky. It started gathering on the
horizon and soon they covered the whole sky. It started drizzling. Bawaji explained the young
trekkers a few characteristics of typical Himalayan weather. He said that it's always better to start
early and reach the next destination by afternoon, as late afternoon showers are common in the
Questions :
(1) Where did the trekkers take shelter?
(2) Who was the most senior trekker?
(3) Who was the youngest trekker? How old was he?
(4) What is the common characteristic of weather on the Himalayan Mountain
(5) Similar words : (i) Mountaineer (ii) light rain.
(28) The grown-ups then advised me to give up my drawings of boa constrictors, whether from the
inside or the outside, and to devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar
Thus I gave up a magnificent (very good) career as a painter at the age of six. I had been
disappointed by the lack of success of my drawing No.1 and my drawing No.2 Grown-ups never
understand anything by themselves. It is rather tedious (boring) for children to have to explain
things to them time and again.
So I had to choose another job and I learnt to pilot aeroplanes. I flew more or less all over the
world And indeed geography has been extremely useful to me. I am able to distinguish between
China and Arizona at a glance. It is extremely helpful if one gets lost in the night.
Questions :
(1) What did the grown-ups advised the writer to do?
(2) What did the writer give up at the age of six?
(3) Which subject had been extremely useful to the writer as a pilot?
(4) What career seems to be magnificent to the writer?

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(5) Similar words of (i) very much (ii) dedicate

(29) As a result of which I have been in touch, hrought my life, with all kinds of serious people. I have
spent a lot of time with grown-ups. I have seen them at ver close quarters which I'm afraid has not
greatly enhanced my opinion of them.
Whenever I met one who seemed reasonably clearsighted to me, I showd them my drawing No, I
which I have preserved 'as an experiment. I wanted to find out whether he or she was truly
understanding. But, the answer was always It is a hat. I would bring myself down to his or her
level and talk about bridge, golf, politics and neckties. And the grown-up would be very pleased to
have met such a sensible person.
Questions :
(1) With whom has the writer spent a lot of time?
(2) Whom did the writer show his drawing no.
(3) What was preserved by the writer as an experiment?
(4) What did the writer talk about to the grownups?
(5) Synonyms of : (i) types (ii) view
(30) Eye Contact. Maintaining a good eye contact shows respect and interest in what people have to
say. Posture is the next thing to master When the posture is right we automatically start feeling
better as it makes us feel good almost instantly. Chances are that we'll be slouched over with our
shoulders drooping down and inward. This collapses the best and inhibits good breathing, which in
turn can make us feel nervous or uncomfortable.
Head position is a great one to play around with, one self and others. When we want to feel
confident and self assured, keep the head level both horizontally as well as vertically. One can also
use this straight head position when one wants to be authoritative and what she is saying is to be
taken seriously. Conversely when one wants to be friendly and in the listening, receptive mode, tilt
the head just a little to one side or other. He can shift the tilt from left to right at different point
during the conversation.
Questions :
(1) What is shown by eye contact?
(2) If one straightens his head, what is he going to be?
(3) What does one's shifting the tilt from left to right show?
(4) What is the most important part of eye contact
(5) Find out the similar words :
(i) quickly (ii) honour
(31) Hand gestures are so numerous. But here are some basic ones. Palms slightly up and outward is
seen as open friendly. Palm down gestures are generally seen as dominant, emphasizing and
possibly aggressive, especially when there is no movement or bending between the wrist and the
forearm. This palm up palm down is very important when it comes to handshaking and where
Mouth movements can give away all sorts of clues We purse our lips and sometimes twist them to
the 'side when we 're thinking. Another occasion on which we might use this movement is to hold
back an angry comment we don't wish to reveal. Nevertheless, it will probably be spotted by other

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people and although they may not know the comment, they will get a feeling you were not pleased.
There are also different types of smiles and each gives off a corresponding feeling to its recipient
which we'll cover next time.
Questions :
(1) What does palm's down gestures show?
(2) What shows openness.
(3) When do we purse or twist our lips?
(4) _______ are also a part of body language.
(5) Find out synonymous for (i) incident (ii) numbers of
(32) After returning to India, Salim tried to get a job as an ornithologist with the zoological survey of
India. But was rejected since he did not have an M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree. He decided to study further
to acquire eligibility (ability to do something/ requirement) for the job. Salim went to Germany
and go trained under professor Stresemann, an acknowledged (well known) anthologist in Berlin.
However; when he came back to India, he found out that three were still hardly any opportunities
in his profession. Another man would have given up in disgust, but not Salim. He decided to create
an opportunity, He went to the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) and offered his free
services for conducting regional ornithological surveys.
Questions :
(1) Why Was Salim Ali not given a job as an ornithologist?
(2) Why did Salim Ali go to Germany?
(3) What brought disappointment for Salim Ali after his coming back from Germany?
(4) What you say about Salim Ali's can Determination?
(5) How did Salim Ali create opportunity for himself?
(33) In an attempt to block my shot, my opponent challenged me in midair But instead of heading the
ball, her body slammed into Mine leaving me unconscious in the middle of the field. My
teammates shorted cries of victory and horror at the same time .
When I regained consciousness, I found myself in a hospital bed, surrounded by family, friend and
teammates. Also at my side were doctors, the determiners of my future. In a matter of moments,
they would tell me the severity of my injuries.
I was told I would have to undergo an extremely rarer surgery. This type of surgery had only been
performed a limited number of times, with a mere 50 per cent success rate. After some thinking, I
Decided to undergo the surgery, knowing that either war, many challenges would await me. Would
I be able to finish my studies? What effect would it have on my grades? These questions circled
my head, and unfortunately, only time would provide answers.
Questions :
(1) How was the writer hurt?
(2) Why did the teammates of the writer shout two types of cries at the same time?
(3) What did the writer find when she regained consciousness?
(4) How was it a rare surgery?
(5) What thoughts crowded the writer's mind before deciding to undergo that rare surgery?
(34) I had to conquer (overcome) my low self-esteem (love for the self) . I had no other option.

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One day I made a decision to change, and I started to read everything I could about self help.
I wanted to be a speaker and an author Seems odd,
I know, but it was my lifelong dream. I saw other people standing up, making a difference, and
doing it with an ease that I couldn't even fathom (understand) . Why was it so difficult for me? I
realized them that I needed to:
Understand exactly why felt low .
- Figure out why I was thinking everything as negative The way people looked at me, their
comments, their actions .... it was literally destroying me.
- Understand how much harm I was causing myself.
- Find effective ways to pause, recognize my negative behavior. and eliminate (remove, get rid of
the obstacles I was creating for myself- I was the only one with the power to do it.
Questions :
(1) How cold the writer change himself? What did he start doing to achieve it?
(2) What was the writer's lifelong dream?
(3) What couldn't the writer fathom?
(4) What was destroying the writer?
(5) What effective ways did the writer decide to find?
(35) From my notes, dated January 21, 1985.
My mother continues to amaze me. Despite what is happening to her body, she continues to
appreciate nature and the small bits of life, Her room no. 235 has a large window. She enjoys
watching birds busily flying outside Her pain is awesome (server) . She can no longer sit up. Today
is her grandson's birthday, and somehow she managed to write a note to him. One day, I will tell
him of the unimaginable amount of effort his grandmother put into writing this note.
One warm day is February, I opened the window in her room. The soft, scented air spilled in. My
mother opened her eyes and asked, "Is the grass beginning to grow
I Closed my eyes and stream of memory ran across.
Questions :
(1) What was amazing about his mother for the writer?
(2) What did the writer's mother do even if she could not sit up longer?
(3) What will the writer tell his mother's grandson one day?
(4) What happened when the writer opened the window?
(5) The words : 'stream of memory ran across' means:
(a) 'forgot, everything'
(b) 'recalled many thing'.
(c) 'started losing memory'.
(36) Dear mummy, Dear papa,
I love you both.
Yesterday I saw a child on a merry-go-round. He waved at his parents every round. The parents
waved back too. The incident ran through my mind the whole day and I kept asking a question to
myself "Where do the parents get patience from to express love for their child in trivial (small)
activities c of life" For searching the answer, I went back to my childhood and realize that on each

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day of your life, you made deposits in the memory banks of your children. In bringing me and
Asmi up, you had built self-esteem first and our house later. You had fingerprint (painting the
fingers) more and pointed the finger less. You had done less correcting but more connecting. You
had run through more fields and gazed at more stars for us.
Today I am just crossing the border between my childhood and adulthood. I am no longer a child
now In these years of my adolescence, I have unlimited confusions. I have started feeling that
'growing up is quite scary, whereas being a grown up' has many attractions. The responsibilities
that go with growing age often come as surprise. I think now I have started developing an
understanding about why and how you did what for us.
(1) Which incident ran through the writer's mind the whole day?
(2) What motivated the writer to go back to his childhood?
(3) What had their parents to do for them in bringing poodan them hem up?
(4) What does the writer realize after entering adolescence?
(5) What comes as a surprise along with growing age, according to the writer?
(37) "I access the net for e-mail only.
"that's good. You will be able to understand quickly then. "
After the lunch, the teacher took Vismay to the computer lab, logged on to the internet and said,
"Here you it given all information on what is then." are!! Read this aeronautical engineering"
"Its' so did you do it within no time, sir? Can I get information on anything? Can I also
know about institutions that offer courses in aeronautical engineering? ", Vismay was excited.
"yes, my boy need not depend on libraries or any other source for getting information."
"What is this search Engine?" asked Vismay.
"A web search Engine is a tool designed to search for information on the world wide web. All you
nees to do is to enter a word or a phrase in the search Engine and it will display the list of websites
in which the word/phrase occurs", replied the teacher.
Questions :
(1) For what purpose does the writer access the net?
(2) Where did the teacher take Vismay? What did he do there?
(3) Why was Vismay excited?
(4) What is a search Engine?
(5) How can one access a website?
(38) "I access the net for e-mail only.
"that's good. You will be able to understand quickly then. "
After the lunch, the teacher took Vismay to the computer lab, logged on to the internet and said,
"Here you it given all information on what is then." are!! Read this aeronautical engineering"
"Its' so did you do it within no time, sir? Can I get information on anything? Can I also
know about institutions that offer courses in aeronautical engineering? ", Vismay was excited.
"yes, my boy need not depend on libraries or any other source for getting information."
"What is this search Engine?" asked Vismay.

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"A web search Engine is a tool designed to search for information on the world wide web. All you
nees to do is to enter a word or a phrase in the search Engine and it will display the list of websites
in which the word/phrase occurs", replied the teacher.
Questions :
(1) For what purpose does the writer access the net?
(2) Where did the teacher take Vismay? What did he do there?
(3) Why was Vismay excited?
(4) What is a search Engine?
(5) How can one access a website?
(39) "most of the arguments are like this - unrelated to reality. None of the three could have done what
he proposed to do. Yet he was eager to prove the superiority of his method over the other methods.
What is more important, there was a method different from theirs - a simple and healthy method.
That was to give their identity to the sentries and request them to open the gates. They would rather
cling to their false and unreal methods than thinking of the simple and true method," observed the
The tow disciples kept quiet. They understood what the guru had in mind-their conduct.
Many beliefs are imposed on others in the name of religion which are insignificant. Controversies
resulting from discussion over such issues are meaningless and avoidable. Often ignorance and ego
are the major barriers (blocks) in solving complex situations; whereas a humble mind can avoid
unnecessary debate and present a simple solution to even complex issues.
Questions :
(1) Why were most of the arguments made by the three men unrelated to
(2) What was each of the three men trying to do?
(3) What was the simplest method for them to get their purpose solved?
(4) What are the major barriers in solving complex situations?
(5) What can a humble mind do in critical situations?
(40) "He went in the morning to confess his in gratitude to his kind neighbour and to ask his
forgiveness, and the very man who had been noted for nothing but his wickedness, became the
friend of all."
There is the greatest difference in the world between conquering by power, and conquering by
kindness. The former is like building a dam across a stream of water. It may stop its flow for a
little while, but presently the dam will give way, and then the stream will rush on with more force
and fury than ever. Conquering by kindness keeps the lion from doing harm, by changing his
nature, and turning him in to a lamb.
Questions :
(1) What does the writer say about conquering by power and conquering by kindness?
(2) What does the writer want to say by giving an example of a dam?
(3) Why did the ill-natured farmer go to Mr Green?
(4) What change did come in the behaviour of the wicked man?
(5) Find out from the passage the words that mean _____ (a) winning (b) to submit

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(41) There was a farmer once who was cross and surly and a very disagreeable man. Everyone who
knew him disliked him. He was sure to make the most of whatever went wrong about him; and the
a boy in all the neighbourhood who did not feel uncomfortable as he passed his gate; and the poor
dog that barked at his geese, or the neighbour's rooster that crowed on his wall, was speedily
visited either the lash or his whip, or the shot from his gun. The very cat knew his footsteps, and
slunk away from him in terror. He was a complete pest, as much so to himself as to those about
him. Every day brought him some fresh trouble, and found him in continual 'hot water'; indeed, his
very life was made up of broils.
After a time, good farmer green came to live near him; and, as you may suppose he was soon told
the character of his over pleasant neighbour "well," said he, "If he treats me badly, ll very soon kill
Questions :
(1) What nature was the farmer?
(2) What would happen if a dog barked at the farmer's geese?
(3) How did Farmer Green React to his neighbour?
(4) Everyone who knew him, _____ (like) him.
(5) What did the boy feel when he passed his gate?
(42) After a time, good Farmer Green came to live near him; and, as you may suppose he was soon told
the character of his not over-pleasant neighbour. "Well" said he. "If he treats me badly, I'll very
soon kill him,"
This remark of Farmer Green's soon got abroad and all sorts of things were said about it. He
seemed the very last man to 'kill' any one, for his looks and words and actions, all told ofa loving
heart. Nobody could think for a moment of his becoming a murderer. Mr. Green's intention at
length came to the ears of the ill-natured farmer and you may be sure he was not at all pleased
about it. Everything he somehow or other the man who was to 'kill' this ugly-tempered farmer took
it all in good part and spoke as calmly and looked as kindly as ever
Questions :
(1) Why did people think that Mr. Green could kill no
(2) What was the reaction of Mr. Green when he heard about the character of his neighbour?
(3) What could the ill-natured neighbour of Mr. Green do to Mr. Green?
(4) Do You think Mr. Green was keen on killing his ill-tempered neighbour?
(5) Find out the synonyms for the following words from the passage : (a) Spread quickly (b)
(43) "Lhatoo was following us and caught up with us when we rested below the south summit. After
drinking some tea, we moved on. Lhatoo had brought a nylon rope so Ang Dorjee and I roped up
while Lhatoo walked in the middle, holding the rope with one hand more for balance than security.
Lhatoo noticed that I had been climbing with oxygen at about two and a half liters per minute
against the normal four for these heights. After he increased the oxygen flow on my regulator, I
found even the steeper stretches comparatively easy.
Questions :
(1) What was the result of increasing in the flow of Oxygen?

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(2) When did Lhatoo catch up with the other climbers?

(3) What did Lhatoo notice?
(4) Why did Lhatoo increase the flow of oxygen Bachendri's regulator?
(5) Lhatoo was holding the rope with one hand..
- more for precaution
- more for balance
- more for security
(44) Derf Looked at the front of the queue. What was wrong? It was a female Nem holding a bundle.
The bundle was crying.
The Tobor spoke.
"You cannot take this to work. It is forbidden The female Nem argued with him.
"But he won't be any trouble. I can still work hard. The Tobor's voice was as cold steel.
He wasn't angry. Tobors were never angry. They didn't seem to feel anything.
"It is forbidden." the Tobor said again. "Babies must go to the clinic. Take it away."
Questions :
(1) Whom did Derf see at the front of the queue
(2) How were the Tobors?
(3) What was the place for the babies in the eity
(4) Here 'It is forbodden' means -
(a) allowed
(b) strictly prohibited
(c) allowed with pleasure
(5) Who was crying actually?
(45) Soon after this, the team of the ill-natured man was in the same plight that his neighbour's had been
in. Mr green saw it. He ran for his oxen and chains, and set off to the bog. He spoke kindly, offered
his help. and began to render it; but what did he receive in reply? why, a fierce look and an angry
word! "I don't want your help! Take your oxen way.
"No", said the other "I must help you, for the night is coming on, and what is bad enough by day is
ten times worse in the dark." away pulled the oxen and the men, and soon all was set straight again.
That evening the ill-natured man had a strange feeling- something which he had never felt before.
And his wife gave him a strange look as he said, "Peg, Farmer Green has killed me ! He said he
would and he has done it.
Questions :
(1) Did the ill-natured man give in? How can you say so?
(2) What help was offered to the farmer in his plight by Mr. Green?
(3) When did the ill-natured farmer have a strange feeling?
(4) What reason did Mr. Green give for not withdrawing his help?
(5) What was the reply of the surly farmer to Mr. Green when he offered him
(46) I got up at got up at 4.00 in the morning, melted snow and brewed tea. after a light breakfast of a
few biscuits and half a slab of chocolate I left my tent at around 5.30 a.m. Ang Dorjee was

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standing outside. no one else was about. Ang Dorjee was going to climb without oxygen. But
because of this his feet would get very cold. He thus wanted to avoid long exposure at heights and
night a the summit camp. He had, Therefore, to either get to the peak and back to the south Col the
same day or abandon the attempt. He was keen to start immediately and asked if I would like to go
with him. Going to the top from the South Col and back in a day would be strenuous and tough and
there was the risk of Ang Dorjee turning back if his feet got too cold.
Questions :
(1) When did the writer get up? What did she take in breakfast?
(2) When did she leave her tent?
(3) What did Ang Dorjee want to do?
(4) Why had Ang Dorjee to come back to the South Col the same day?
(5) Going to the top from the South Col and back in a day was.......and....... .
(47) There was a farmer once who was cross and surly and a very disagreeable man. Everyone who
knew him disliked him. He was sure to make the most of whatever went wrong about him; and the
poor offender always met with severe punishment. There was not a boy in all the neighbourhood
who did not feel uncomfortable as he passed his gate; and the poor dog that barked at his geese, or
the neighbour's rooster that crowed on his wall, was speedily visited either the lash or his whip, or
the shot from his gun. The very cat knew his footsteps, and slunk away from him in terror He was
a complete pest, as much so to himself as to those about him. Everyday brought him some fresh
trouble, and found him in continual 'hot water'; indeed, his very life was made up of broils.
Questions :
(1) How was a farmer?
(2) What was the farmer sure to make?
(3) How did the poor offender meet?
(4) To whom was the farmer a complete pest?
(5) Find out and write the similar word from the above text :
(i) moved away (ii) to be full of tension
(48) One day Mr. Green sent to the wife of our surly friend a basket of nice plums; but her husband
wouldnt let her have them. He told the person who brought them, very gruffly, that it was only
done to get some of his pears in return, and he was not going to give any of them away.
At another time Mr. Green's team of oxen stuck fast in a bog and when he asked his neighbour for
a little help, he told him, in a very rough way, that he had enough to do to mind his own business,
and refused to help him.
"Never mind, " said Green to someone standing by, "I'll kill him very soon, see if I don't."
Questions :
(1) Why, according to the surly man, was the basket of plums sent to him?
(2) What happened to Mr. Green's oxen one day?
(3) What reason did Mr. Green's neighbour give for refusing the help?
(4) What oath did Mr. Green take for his neighbour?
(5) Find out words that are similar from the text :
(i) rudely (ii) wet spongy ground.

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* Read the following passage and write its summary. Suggest a suitable title to it.
(1) Orphaned at a very young age, Salim Ali was brought up by his maternal uncle. As a child Salim
was given an expensive air gun as a present and spent all his time shooting sparrows around the
house. One day he noticed that one of the sparrows he had shot at had a yellow throat. He couldn't
hold his curiosity and approached his uncle. His uncle who was equally clueless took him to the
Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) in the hope of finding an answer. There, the honorary
secretary, W.S. Milliard told him that the bird was the Yellow Throated Sparrow. Milliard also told
him about the variety of sparrows. That day Salim decided that he was going to be an ornithologist.
No one would have imagined that the bird shooter would become a bird lover and nature
conservator one day !!
(2) Says Salim Ali, "It is seldom one gets an opportunity in life to do what one wants to do. I think the
best results are those when you are doing something
worthwhile which you enjoy doing without the motivation of material reward."
It was his sincerity that won him many awards and medals from all over the world including the
Padma Shree and Padma Vibhushana.
Salim Ali was a true nature lover and his love for the wildlife is expressed in his autobiography
where he calls the wildlife a capital, an asset and says, "The interest on the capital must be used,
while leaving the capital itself intact. This is how I interpret wildlife conservation and believe that
future generations should enjoy the same fun with it that I had."
The BirdMan is-survived by his books on birds that a small group of people use to enjoy birding
and endeavour for the conservation of the wildlife. Dr. Ali Is no more but his legacy lives on.
(3) Mansi was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making purchase when the couple
approached the exit. Mansi observed the couple carefully. The man after paying the bill pulled out
a white stick and tapped his way toward the gate.
"He's a brave man", the clerk at the counter said. Most of us would give up if we were blinded at
such a young age. During the recovery, he made a vow that his life wouldn't change. So, as before,
he and his wife come in whenever there's a new art show."
"But what does he get out of the art ?" Mansi asked. "He can't see."
"Can't see! You are wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or I do," the clerk said. "His wife
describes each painting through his mind's eye. So he can see."
(4) One afternoon while waiting for her husband to finish a business meeting, Mansi toured an art
museum. She was looking forward to a quiet view of the masterpieces.
A young couple viewing the painitings ahead of her chattered nonstop between themselves. She
obeserved then a moment and found the lady talking all the time. Mansi thought of the man and
admired his patience for putting up with her constant parade of words.
Mansi gazed at them several time as she moved through the various rooms of art. Each time she
heard the lady's constant gush of words, she moved away quickly.

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(5) "Captains !" called the referee. I approached the centre of the field, and with confidence, looked in
the eyes of my opponent while giving her a powerful handshake, wishing her luck. As I took my
position on the field, I knew it was time for the final game to begin. I took a deep breath and
reassured myself that I would give this game best of my abilities as if it were the last game I ever
"Goalie, Goalie," called the man dressed in black and white. The two goalies simultaneously raised
their right hands in air, indicating that they were ready. The game could begin. This was it. The
whistle sounded, and the ball was soon kicked in my direction. I received the ball and kicked it
twenty feet toward the goal just in time for my teammate to meet it and pound it. right into the net.
"Goal", everyone shouted. The game had started out well .
But the power of the game soon grew intense as the opposing team came right back at us with a
goal to tie the game at one to one. The game continued at the extremely competitive level
throughout the first half and into the second. The score was still tied at one to one, until I received
the ball with one minute to go. I needed to put the ball in the net, and I did just that, making the
final score two to one.
(6) After the surgery, I was no longer the independent person as before. I had to depend on others to
assist me in even the simplest tasks. It was going to be a long tough road to recovery, and I knew I
couldn't get through it without a positive attitude. Gradually I could adjust to the changes in my
life. I began to realize that I didn't have to give up my old life completé and I focused my energy
on a favorite pastime: writing. I was able to produce work of art in the silence and solace of my
mind and spirit. Although I was not in physical control of half of my body, I still had control of my
Looking back on the situation as a whole I am glad that the final game was, in fact, my final
game. I have no regrets. I said, "I would give it best of my abilities and I did that and ultimately, I
came out a winner." Although my accident robbed me of my physical abilities, it left me with
power of mind and forced me to discover my inner self. That final game was more rewarding. Not
only did we win, but I was able to discover a new level within. I guess I gained two victories that
(7) Once I discovered the techniques that worked for me, my confidence grew and I began to see
challenges as opportunities to move forward and succeed.
Now I enjoy meeting people and my relationships are much better. I have more friends and can
rely on them when I feel myself slipping back to where I was before.
I am achieving my goals with ease because I have developed my self confidence.
I no longer miss the opportunities that life offers. I am more optimistic and my mind no longer
limits me.
Life is finally good !
(8) When I was younger, I was very shy. Whenever I even thought of speaking to new people about
anything, my whole would turn red. I'm sure people could even see me withdrawn from behind my
By the time I reached high school, I was so stressed out by the thought of answering questions and
doing group projects that my self-confidence problem would get in the way of my ability to study.

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I was nervous and agitated about being wrong and how people would react to me. My school and
work started to suffer. Because of my inferiority complex, I couldn't go out. I was afraid of even
going for shopping. I couldn't speak to people or make decisions. I hid myself away and felt like a
real loser.
That's when my negativity made me upset. There was nothing that I didn't over analyse and
criticise. The combination of my self-criticism, low self- confidence and bad self-image was
starting to destroy the life I wanted to build for myself.
(9) From my mother's book I haven't forgotten what it's like to be young all the hopes and anxieties
and the sensation in everything you do is going to advance or wreck your life. No in betweens
when you are young.
My ambition was to go on a stage. My sister and took dancing leassons and practised difficult
steps. In, those days I thought I'be a famous actress! It was all a dream of course.
Lying in the hospital, my mother had other dreams. One morning she awoke, and told me of her
dream. She had seen a man fall from a roof. All that day her thoughts were of falling.
"Don't be afraid", I reassured her. "Of course, I will catch you. For all those years when I was
growing up, tyou caught me. Now It's my turn."
Her face relaxed under the oxygen mask. But I knew there would come a time and soon when I
would have to let her go. And so would she.
(10) From my notes. March 1, 1985.
She is very weak and her breathing is irregular. But her spirit is still connected to the world. When
I held the pot of flowers close to her, she said delightedly, "Oh that's so pretty ! Isn't it wonderful
how life goes on ?"
That next to last evening of my mother's life, she stared out of the window into the blackness.
"What are you looking at ?" I asked her.
"Nothing." She replied.
"Well" I said, "Look at me.
More than anything else I wanted her last moments more than anything else. I wanted them to be
spent looking at the face of someone who loved her.
(11) There was once a King. If anyone committed a serious crime in the kingdom, the King did not
condemn him to death. Instead the criminal would be taken to a large arena. All the people would
come to see the show. In the arena there were two doors. Behind one door there was a fierce and
hungry tiger. Behind the other there was a beautiful young girl. The man would not know which
door was which. He would have to choose one of the two doors. If he chose well, he had to marry
the girl. If he chose badly....the tiger would eat him.
The king had a very beautiful daughter. One day he found out that she had falled in love with a
poor young soldier in his army. The king was very angry The soldier was arrested and taken to the
(12) Yesterday I saw a child on a merry go round. He waved at his parents every round. The parents
waved back too. The incident ran through my mind the whole day and I kept asking a question to
myself : 'Where do the parents get patience from to express love for their child in trivial activities
of life ?' Fo searching the answer, I went back to my childhood and realized that on each day of

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your life, you made deposits in the memory banks of your children. In bringing me and Asmi up,
you had buiit self-esteem first and ou
house later. You had finger paint more and pointed the finger less. You had done less correcting
but more connecting. You had run through mere fields and gazed at more stars for us.
(13) For last several years, I have been talking about my freedom. I remember the day when you
objected to my dress and hair. That day you appeared to me like an evil dictators, who would never
understand my style, my personality. The next day you did not allow me to go out. I was fiercely
angry on you. We were on opposite sides and there seemed no meeting grounds. Now, when I
recall this incident, I also remember how you appreciated my choice when we had to buy a gift for
Asmi. I also recall how after getting angry on me for the bad report card for a few hours, both of
you came into my room and explained what I should do to score more marks. I have both the types
of memory but now I would prefer to remember the best. The little and big mishaps between us
were just thoughtless reactions.
(14) It is almost a week now. Vismay, a bright, ambitious and hardworking student of 12th Science
looks Confused to his class teacher. One day during the recess, the teacher sat for lunch with
Vismay and asked, "You are hardworking and scoring very well in all the subjects then why are
you so much worried over something? If you have any problem you can share it with me."
Vismay didn't speak for a while. He was staring at a tree outside the window. The teacher held
Vismay by his shoulder and said, "Feel free, and do not hesitate. Every problem has a solution."
"Vismay took a deep breath and said, "Actually....I am thinking about my studies after 12th. I don't
know much about aeronautics but I want to know more about it and wish to join the course
somewhere. But.... I..... don't know anything about a college that offers such course."
(15) After entering the keywords and getting the results for the search, you can use the Search within
Results option to narrow down on the sites you are interested in. Scroll down the page and go to
Search within Results option. For example, you may specify the city of your choice by entering
name in the Search within results box.
"It's so easy. I can use a search engine to get additional information on the topics of my syllabus,
"Exactly Let me also show you how to read search results."
The search engine's goal is to provide you with results that are clear and easy to read.
(16) A guru had two disciples who were in the habit of arguing with each other. Often the two
accompanied the guru when he went out on a pilgrimage or went to visit his other dsiciples. While
he walked in silence, the disciples went on exchanging words heatedly. Each one stuck to his point
of view, unwilling to see any truth in the other.
One day the guru set out for the capital. The two disciples accompanied him. As usual, they argued
over many issues most of which were useless.
A heavy shower detained them midway at a rest- house. They resumed their journey after the rains
subsided. By the time they approached the town, it was past midnight. The capital was protected by
a high circular wall and the gates used to be locked at midnight by sentries who camped atop the

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(17) The guru observed the three men and listened to their angry exchanges. He soon understood the
cause of their dispute. The third were the residents of the town, but had been locked out as they
were late in returning from some pleasure-trip. One of them, who was drunk, proposed that they
should storm the gate and march into the town over the smashed metal-plated doors: "Heroes that
we are, this will be the right thing for us to do," he claimed.
The second man, who was under the influence of opium said that they should jump over the
wallThat is going to be as exciting as flying !" he asserted.
The third one who was under the influence of Ganja, insisted on creeping through the key-hole.
"That would be great fun !" he insisted.
(18) Ang Dorjee was standing outside. No one else was about. Ang Dorjee was going to climb without
oxygen But because of this his feet would get very cóld. He thus wanted to avoid long exposure at
heights and a night at the summit camp. He had therefore to either get to the peak and back to the
south col the same day or abandon the attempt.
He was keen to start immediately and asked if I would like to go with him. Going to the top from
the south col and back in a day would be strenuous and tough and there was the risk of Ang Dorjee
turning back if his feet got too cold. I, however, had full confidence in Ang Dorjee as well as in my
stamina and climbing capability. Besides no one else was ready to move at that time.
(19) The steep frozen slopes were as hard and brittle as sheets of glass. We had to use the ice- axe and I
had to kick really hard to get the front teeth of the crampons to bite in to the frozen surface. I took
every step very deliberately on the dangerous stretches. In less than two hours we reached the
Summit camp. Ang Dorjee looked back and asked if I was tired. I replied, "No," to his surprise and
delight. He told me that the earlier summit party had taken four hours to reach the summit camp
and added that if we should keep our present pace. we would be on the summit by 1:00 p.m.
(20) The Tobors were strange beings. They came during the Third world war when a lot of people were
killed. They built a huge city, became the rulers and they made the Nems their slaves. The city was
like a huge factory, with a silver roof. The Nems had to live and work here, and they never saw the
sun. most of them didn't care. But some Nems did care. Nems like Derf and his friends Kram and
Nor. They wanted to escape from the city, and they met to talk about it. There was place in the city
called the centre. The Nems were never allowed to go there. Derf was sure this was their weak spot
and that the Tobors got their power from here. Somehow, soon, they must break into the centre and
destroy the Tobors.
(21) The computer's voice was weak, and derf had to listen very carefully to the answers. "Robots were
made by men," it said, "Robots must never ill men. Robots must.... The voice died away. There
was silence. And then. Derf understood, "We' re not nems," he said to himself. "We are men. men
and women. As time passed the names got mixed up. It's all clear now. Nem is men. Tobor is robot
?" He stood and looked at the computer. Before the war, people had made robots to help them.
After the war. the robots took over. People become the slaves of machines. This must never happen
again." Derf said, We must make a new worlds outside this city from now on, machines must be
our slaves."
(22) "It always did. I used to howl in the arithmetic class at school."

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"Okay. We will drop counting, shall we ? Forget that you ever learnt to say 1,2,3,4.. Instead
imagine you are in a garden. With lots of beautiful, colourful flowers."
"Grass, too? Said the sheep- dog.
"Yes, yes."
"And a beach ball ? It is fun to chase a ball on-soft green grass.?
"Will you let me do the talking ?" said the doctor. In that garden, you won't be a sheep- dog, you
will be a honey bee. Going buzz- buzz- buzz from flower to. Simple, try it for a couple of days. It
works like a charm."
"I am hopeful. Thanks. See you on Friday"
(23) "And have you ever thought why you can't sleep." The dog kept quite. "It is because you bark at
the sheep all day. You growl by day and simply can't sleep by night. If you give the sheep more
freedom, you definitely sleep by night."
There was a silence in the room. Then slowly the sheep dog rose to his feet. "Hats off to you,
doctor" he said "I believe this time you have got it."
"Report back, will you.?"
"Sure" said the sheep- dog. He waged his tail and went off.
A week later. Dr. Shalini received a post with fees and at thank- you card.
(24) "There was a farmer once who was cross and surly and a very disagreeable man. Everyone who
knew him disliked him. He was sure to make the most of whatever went wrong about him ; and
poor offender always met with severe punishment. There was not a boy in all the neighbourhood
who did not feel uncomfortable as he passes his gate; and the poor dog that barked at his geese, or
the neighbour's rooster that crowed on his wall, was speedily visited either with the lash of his
whip, or the shot from his gun. The very cat knew his footsteps, and slunk away from him in terror.
He was a complete pest, as much so to himself as to those about him. Every day broug him some
fresh trouble, and found him in continual hot water: indeed his very life was made up of broils.
(25) There is the greatest difference in the world between conquering by power, and conquering by
kindness. The former is like building a dam across a stream of water. It may stop its flow for a
little while, but presently the dam will give way, and then the stream orwill rush on with more
force and fury than ever. Conquering by power is like chaining a lion: conquering by kindness
keeps the lion from doing harm, by changing his nature, and turning him into a lamb.
(26) That evening the ill- natured man had a strange feeling something which he had never felt before.
And his wife gave him a strange look as he said, "Peg, farmer Green has killed me? He said he
would and he has done it." Yes, the 'enemy' was killed without the loss of a single life, without
shedding drop of blood. He met in the morning to confess his ingratitude to his kind neighbour,
and to ask his forgiveness, and very man who had been noted for nothing but his wickedness,
become the friend of all."
(27) Everything was going as per the plan. The next day we started early in the morning to reach Jail
Khad. But the weather didn't favour us. Moreover, one of the team members ws tired and was
unable to walk. So we decided to halt early near a stream. There was a Gaddi already there with his
sheep. We cleaned and leveled the ground to erect the tents. We divided ourselves in different
tents. Meanwhile, the kitchen tent was also ready and we enjoyed hot soup before meal. The

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weather cleared in the evening and everyone was out of the tents. Bawaji took us to the Gaddi. We
were surprised to know that they live in such cold and hard Himaliyan weather without a tent or
even a sleeping bag for months together. His only company was a Himalyan Shepherd dog who
helped him in protecting and managing the sheep. The Gaddi informed us of heavy snow on the
pass and in Sukhadali, our next destination. Generally, the snow melts by late May but due to late
winter heavy snow all it was still there. When we returned to our tents we found one re group often
young and enthusiastic rekkers who was going on the same route.
(28) The grown-ups then advised me to give up my drawings of boa constictors, whether from the
inside or the outside, and to devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar.
Thus I gave up a magnificent career as a painter at the age of six. I had been disappointed by the
lack of success of my drawing No. 1 and my drawing No. 2. Grown- ups never understand
anything by themselves. It is rather tedious for children to have to explain things to them time and
So I had to choose another job and I learnt to pilot aeroplanes. I flew more or less all over the
world. And indeed geography has been extremely useful to me. I am able to distinguish between
China and Arizona at a glance. It is extremely helpful if one gets lost in the night.
(29) Eye Contact. Maintaining a Good eye contact shows respect and interest in what people have to
say Posture is the next thing to master. When the posture is right we automatically start feeling
better as if makes us feel good almost instantly. Chances are that we'll be slouched over with our
shoulders drooping down and inward. This collapses the best and inhibits good breathing, which in
turn can make us feel nervous or uncomfortable.
Head position is a great one to play around with, with one self and others. When we want to feel
confident and self assured, keep the head level both horizontally as well as vertically. One also use
this straight head position when one wants to be authoritative and what he is saying is to be taken
(30) The proverb "action speaks louder than words" holds true. In a given situation, even if you do not
communicate verbally, your body speaks by revealing your feelings and emotions. Certain
messages are better conveyed through your body language. Body language and nonverbal
communication go hand in hand. Body language is an integral part of the selection criteria at a job
interview. A candidate may not be aware that there is someone among the interview panel who is
studying his/her body language. Body language is. read by observing the body posture, the eye
movements and the rhythm of breathing. One of the skills a human resource manager should
possess is the ability to read the body language. This would help him while conducting interviews
or imparting training to employees. Reading body language is a skill that could be acquired
through training and practice.
(31) That evening the ill-natured man a strange feeling os thing which he had never felt before. And his
wife gave him a strange look as he said, "peg, Farmer Green has killed me. He said he would and
he has done it". Yes, the enemy was killed without the loss of a single life, or shedding one drop of
blood. He went in the morning to confess his ingratitude to his kind neighbour, and to ask his
forgiveness, and the very man who had been noted for nothing but his wickedness, became the
friend of all.

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(32) There is the greatest difference in the world between conquering by power and conquering by
kindness. The former is like building a dam across a stream of water. It may stop its flow for a
little while, but presently, the dam will give way, and them the stream will mash on with more
force and fury then ever. Conquering by power iS like chaining a lion; conquering by kindness
keeps the lion from doing harm, by changing his nature and turning him into a lamb.
(33) "Captains!" called the referee. I approached the centre of the field, and with confidence, looked in
the eyes of my opponent while giving her a powerful handshake, wishing her luck. As I took my
position on the field, I knew it were the last game I ever played.
"Goalie, Goalie," called the man dressed in black and white. The two goalies simultaneously.
Raised their right hands in air, indicating that they were ready The game could begin. This was it.
The whistle sounded, and the ball was soon kicked in my direction. I received the ball and kicked it
twenty feet toward the goal just in time for my teammate to meet it and pound(strike, hit) it right
into the net. "Goal" everyone shouted. The game had started. The game had started out well.
But the power of the game soon grew intense as the opposing team came right back at us with a
goal to tie the game at one to one. The game continued at the second. The score was still tied at one
to one, until I received the ball with one minute to go I needed to put the ball in the net, and I did
just that, making the final score two to one.
(34) From my mother's book :
I haven't forgotten what it's like to be young- all the hopes and anxieties and the sensation in
everything you do is going to advance or wreck your life, No in between when you are young.
My ambition was to go on a stage. My sister and I took dancing lesions and practiced difficult
steps. In those days, I thought I'd be a famous actress! It was all a dream of course.
Lying in the hospital, my mother had other dreams One morning she awoke, and told me of her
dream She had seen a man fall from a roof. All that day, her thoughts were of falling.
"Don't be afraid," I reassured her. "Of course, I will catch you For all those years when I was
growing up, you caught me. Now it's my turn."
Her face relaxed under the oxygen mask. But I knew there would come a time-and soon-when I
would have to let her go.
And so would she.
(35) Ang Dorjee was going to climb without oxygen. But because of this his feet would get very cold.
He thus wanted to avoid long exposure at heights and a night at the Summit Camp. He had
therefore to either get to the peak and back to the South Col the same day or abandon the attempt.
He was keen to start immediately and asked if I would like to go with him. Going to the top from
the South Col and back in a day would be strenuous and tough and there was the risk of Ang
Dorjee turning back if his feet got too cold. I, however, had full confidence in Ang Dorjee as well
as in my stamina and climbing capability. Besides no one else was ready to move at that time.
(36) It was terrifying to stand erect on a knife-edge- ridge with a sheer drop on either side. I had to dig
my ice-axe deep and secure myself by attaching the waist- strap to the ice-axe head. There was
some tricky climbing between the south summit and what is popularly known as Hillary's step.
Ang Dorjee and Lhatoo were already over it, but I was still negotiating its vertical face. When Ang
Dorjee gesticulated towards the top. I was thrilled. The goal was near with renewed vigour, I was

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on top of step in seconds. The sun had made the snow soft and climbing was easier than it had been
(37) Ang Dorjee was going to climb without oxygen But because of this his feet would get very cold He
thus wanted to avoid long exposure at heights and a night at the Summit Camp. He had therefore to
either get to the peak and back to the south Col the same day or abandon the attempt.
He was keen to start immediately and asked if I would like to go with him. Going to the top from
South Col and back in a day would be strenuous and tough and there was the risk of Ang Dorjee
turning back if his feet got too cold. I, however, had full confidence in Ang Dorjee as well as. In
my stamina and climbing capability. Besides no one else was ready to move at that time.
(38) I opened the bag and packed the boots in; and then, just as I was going to close it, a horrible idea
occurred to me. Had I packed my tooth-brush? I don't know how it is, but I never do know whether
I have packed my tooth-brush. My tooth-brush is a thing that haunts me when I'm travelling and
makes my life a misery. I dream that I haven't packed it and wake up in a cold perspiration and get
out of bed and hunt for it. And in the morning. I pack it before I have used it and have to unpack
again to get it and it is always the last thing I turn out of the bag; and then I repack and forget it
and have to rush upstairs for it at the last moment and carry it to the railway station wrapped up in
my pocket handkerchief.
(39) The computer's voice was weak, and Derf had to listen very carefully to the answers. "Robots were
made by men" It said. "Robots must never kill men- Robot must........ ." The voice died away.
There was silence. And then, Derf understood. "we're not Nems", he said to himself. "we are men -
men and women." As time passed, the names got mixed up. It's all clear now. Nem is men. Tobor
is robot !"
"He stood and looked at the computer. Before the war, people had made robots to help them. After
the war, the robots took over. People became the slaves of machines.
"This must never happen again" Derf said, "We must make a new world outside the city. From
now on machines must be our slaves."
(40) Soon after this, the team of the ill-natured man was in the same plight that neighbour's had been in
Mr. Green saw it. He ran for this oxen and chains and set off to the bog. He spoke kindly, offered
his help and began to render it; but what did he receive in reply ? why, a fierce look and an angry
"I don't want your help! Take your oxen away."
"No," said the other, "I must help you, for the night is coming on, and what is bad enough by day it
ten times worse in the dark." Away pulled the oxen and the men, and soon all was set straight
That evening the ill-natured man had a very strange feeling- something which he had never felt
before, And his wife gave him a strange look as he said, Peg, farmer Green has killed me ! He said
he would and he has done it."
(41) It was terrifying to stand erect on a knife-edge- ridge with a sheer drop on either side. I had to dig
my ice-axe deep and secure myself by attaching the waist- strap to the ice-axe head. There was
some tricky climbing between the south summit and what is popularly known as Hillary's step.

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Ang Dorjee gesticulated towards the top. I was thrilled. The goal was near. With renewed vigour I
was on top of step in seconds. The sun had made the snow soft and climbing was easier than it had
been earlier.
(42) One day Mr. green sent to the wife of our surly friend a basket of nice plums; but her husband
wouldn't let her have them. He told the person who brought them, very gruffly, that it was only
done to get some of his pears in return, and he was not going to give any of them away. At another
time Mr. Green's team of oxen stuck fast in a bog, and when he asked his neighbour for a little
help, he told him, in a very rough way, that he had enough to do to mind his own business, and
refused to help him.
(43) At 6:20 when Ang Dorjee and I stepped out from the south Col, it was a perfect day.
There was a gentle breeze but the cold was intense. I was, however, warm in my well-insulated
climbing gear. We climbed unroped. Ang Dorjee set a steady pace but I had no difficulty keeping
up with him.
The steep frozen slopes were as hard and brittle as sheets of glass. We had to use the ice-axe and I
had to kick really hard to get the front teeth of the crampons to bite into the frozen surface. I took
every step very deliberately on the dangerous stretches.
(44) Says Salim Ali, "It is seldom one gets an opportunity in life to do what one wants to do. I think the
best result are those when you are doing something worthwhile which you enjoy doing without the
motivation of material reward."
It was his sincerity that won him many awards and medals from all over the world including the
Padma Shree and Padma Vibhushana.
Salem Ali was a true nature lover and his love for the wildlife is expressed in his autobiography
where he calls the wildlife a capital, an asset and says, "The interest on the capital must be used,
while leaving the capital itself intact. This is how I interpret wildlife conservation and believe that
future generation should enjoy the same fun with it that I had."
The birdman is survived by his books on birds that a small group of people use to enjoy birding
and endeavour for the conservation of the wildlife. Dr. Ali is no more but his legacy lives on.

Read the news clipping and answer the questions: 05

(1) Demonetisation
In a surprise move, the Central government has demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes.
The move is aimed at fighting black money. Ever since the policy came into effect, people have
queued up outside ATMS and banks to withdraw notes or exchange old currencies. The opposition
has slammed the government with Trinamool's Mamata Banerjee Calling for a rollback.
Demonetisation has led to a logjam in Parliament. Demonetisation is a radical monetary step in
which a currency unit's status as a legal tender is declared invalid. This is usually done whenever
there is a change of national currency, replacing the old unit with a new one. In India, it was first
implemented in 1946 when the Reserve Bank of India demonetised the then circulated Rs 1,000
Questions :
(1) What has Demonetisation ultimately led to?
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(2) When was it first implemented in India?

(3) What are the effects ever since the policy came into effect?
(4) How has the government slammed the opposition?
(5) What is the move of Demonetisation aimed at ?
(2) Gujarat Lions a more balanced team now then last year : Sitanshu Kotak
Gujarat Lions assistant coach Sitanshu Kotak on Friday said the present team is much more
balanced as compared to the last year's squad.I think we have a much balanced side as compared to
our last year's squad, Sitanshu Kotak, who is in charge of Gujarat Lions practice session till the
arrival of head coach Brad Hodge, said. "We have more options, particularly in the bow- ling
department, which we didn't have last time and had to depend on couple of bowlers," he said. "Our
bowling was a bit weak last year and we had to depend on a couple of seam bowlers throughout the
season because of not having much options. But this time, the inclusion of two experienced
bowlers like Munaf Patel and Manpreet Gony and two young bowlers- Basil Thampi and Nathu
Singh- has put us in a position to change the bowling combination as per the conditions," he ples
According to Kotak, the team has plenty of options, particularly in the batting department as it has
openers like Brendon McCullum, Dwayne Smith, Jason Roy and Aaron Finch. "Who will open
will be decided by the team management once the head coach Brad Hodge joins the team, but we
have a very strong batting line up. Suresh Raina has always been a good and top-ranked batsman in
the shortest format of the game," he said Dinesh Karthik is in good form scoring century in
De0dhar trophy final, while Ravindra Jadeja too is in good form and useful in all the three
departments, Kotak said. "In the spin bowling department, we have two leg spinners - Tejas
Barokha and Subham Agarwal. So I think overall we have options can choose the eleven according
to the conditions", he said. Gujarat Lions will play their first match against Kolkata Knight Riders
(KKR) on April 7.The Lions had won their two matches against the KKR last time and Kotak feit
that last year's performance will help in every department and the team to have the upper hand
while playing against the KKR.
Questions :
(1) Which two experienced bowlers are included this year in GL?
(2) Who is the main coach of Gujarat Lions?
(3) Which player is useful in batting, bowling and fielding?
(4) When is the first match of GL? With whom?
(5) Who is a good and top ranked batsman in the shortest form of the game?
(3) Maharashtra, other states to follow Ahmadabad's heat action plan now
With intense heat waves becoming frequent, Ahmadabad's Heat Action Plan (HAP) will now be
replicated by Maharashtra and other states as it puts in place an early warning system to protect
residents from extreme heat. "The action plan has helped bring down mortality due to heat stroke,"
said Dr Dileep Mavalankar, Director of the Gandhinagar based Indian Institute of Public Health
(IIPH) to The Indian Express.
IIPH is among the several agencies involved in preparing HAP and Ahmedabad was the first city
in South Asia to inform citizens about extreme climates and how to take necessary action.
Ahmedabad had witnessed severe heat wave in 2010 with temperatures touching 47 degrees

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Celsius. In 2010 there were 274 cases of heat stroke and 65 deaths. But after HAP was
implemented, the cases came down in to 64 cases and 15 deaths in 2014 and 57 cases and 11
deaths in 2015. in diminishing the adverse impacts of The HAP has helped extreme heat by
launching an early Warning system for residents, preparing and training medical and Community
workers, raising public awareness related to health issues arising due to heat, and also indulging in
coordinating inter- agency emergency response efforts. The Indian Meteorological Department
defines heat wave as an increase of 5 degrees Celsius above the normal maximum temperature. An
increase of 7 degrees Celsius on the normal maximum constitutes a severe heat wave.
Questions :
(1) Which system will protect residents from extreme heat?
(2) Where is IIPH situated?
(3) What is the definition of a severe heat wave?
(4) In which year did the temperature touch 47 degree Celsius.
(5) Which city was the first city in south Asia to inform citizen about extreme climate?
(4) No sale of books, uniforms in school : CBSE
Ahmadabad : The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has asked its affiliated schools
across the country to shut down shops selling textbooks, stationery, school bags, shoes and similar
articles within uniforms, their premises. The board asked schools on Thursday to strictly comply
with its affiliation byelaws and "not indulge in commercial activities". This includes sales through
"selected vendors".
The board cited "19.1 (ii) of CBSE affiliation byelaws" which mandates that managements shall
ensure that the school is run as a community service and not as a business and that
commercialization will not take place in the school in any shape whatsoever. Naresh Shah,
president of Ahmadabad Parent's Association said, This illicit practice is not limited to just CBSE
schools, but I can give you several examples of Gujarat board schools which force parents to buy
uniforms and stationery from the school's premises or even of fixed brand. This should not be
tolerated." The directive comes close on the heels of the board's effort to make schools follow
NCERT textbooks and created an online link for schools to raise demand for these books in
February this year.
Questions :
(1) What has been asked by CBSE to its affiliated schools?
(2) What does "19.1 (ii) of CBSE affiliation byelaws" mandate?
(3) Who is the president of Ahmadabad Parent's Association?
(4) According to Naresh Shah, What should not be tolerated?
(5) What did the board ask the schools on Thursday?

(5) Rat in Pulao : Akshay Patra says not in their food

Ahmedabad : Following Wednesday's incident of a dead rat being found in vegetable pulao served
during mid-day meal at a government-run primary school in Jamla village, Kalol, the district health
department instituted a detailed inspection of Akshay Patra kitchen at Gandhinagar.

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In a press release issued on Thursday by Akshay Patra, it was claimed that the department has
expressed satisfaction over the quality and food safety standards maintained by the kitchen and that
it found pest control measures meeting standards of the Indian Pest Control Association (IPCA)
The cooking process was conducted in a hygienic centralized kitchen, the statement said, "It is
important to note that food is cooked at a temperature of about 95 to 99 degree centigrade and up
to 140 degree centigrade while seasoning in a through stirring and inspection process." read the
"The visuals shown in the reports clearly indicate that the incident Could have not occurred in our
kitchens," claimed the statement.
Akshay Patra claimed that it has received feedback from other School centres related to the same
distribution route which clarify that no illness of any kind was encountered after consumption of
the food supplied.
Questions :
(1) Where was a dead rat found in vegetable pulao?
(2) Who provides a mid-day meal at government run primary schools?
(3) Give the full form of IPCA.
(4) At what temperature is the food cooked at at Akshay Patra?
(5) According to the statement, where was the looking process conducted?
(6) Air Force Station Gandhinagar celebrates 50th anniversary
Ahmadabad : The Air Force Station at Gandhinagar celebrated its 50th anniversary on April 19,
2017. A cultural evening was organized at Air Force Station, Sector-27 in Gandhinagar, to
commemorate the Occasion.
This unit was originally formed at Gorakhpur and after various relocations, it was based at Sector-
27 in Gandhinagar. This unit participated in 1971 war, Exercise Brass tacks in May 87 and
Operation Parakram. The function was presided over by air defence commander Air Force Station
Gandhinagar. SWAC Air Marshal D Choudhury was the chief host of the event. The cultural
evening was attended by air veterans from and the Gujarat area and around.
Questions :
(1) Why was a cultural evening organized at Air Force Station in Gandhinagar?
(2) In Gandhinagar where is Air Force Station located?
(3) Who was the chief guest of the whole event?
(4) Where was Air Force Station formed originally?
(5) What was the major participation of this unit?
(7) Stent makers' offer : Buy 10, get three free
New Delhi : Stent makers are devising innovative methods such as "buy 10 and get 3 free" offers
to beat price caps imposed on them and push product sales through cardiologists and hospitals, the
drug price regulator has found.
The regulator has also received complaints of companies circum- venting the 8% cap on trade
margins for stents to be able to sell lower priced products at higher rates with both Indian and
multi-national firms indulging in such practices.

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"We have found at least two to three companies offering such schemes," a senior official told TOI
While the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) is examining the complaints, it has
cautioned Companies and hospitals of strict action against any violations.
"Therefore, all manufacturers/importer s/marketers of coronary stents and all hospitals /nursing
homes / institutions are once again directed to follow all instructions of NPPA which have been
issued so far, with regard to the price fixation of coronary stents. Non-compliance of these
instructions shall be taken up for prosecution under relevant provisions o Essential Commodities
Act," NPPA said in an office memorandum issued on Thursday.
Questions :
(1) Which offer is given by Stent makers?
(2) Whom has NPPA cautioned?
(3) What has been cautioned to companies and hospitals?
(4) How many companies have been found offering such schemes?
(5) What is NPPA?
(8) Harsha Bhogle's Cricbuzz videos grab 100 million eyeballs.
New Delhi : Cricbuzz, the leading cricket information destination on the web and mobile,
announced on Friday that its presenter Harsha Bhogle's videos have crossed the milestone figure of
100 million views across platforms.
Harsha's videos- which include match previews, reviews and special blogs on players and teams,
among other things- have generated, on an average, over five lakh views on a daily basis. These
numbers are unprecedented in the genre.
Cricbuzz roped in Harsha Bhogle as its Voice of Cricket' in Sept 2016 and has produced over 150
videos with the esteemed commentator. Thrilled by his debut on Harsha the digital platform, Harsh
Bhogle said, "I must admit I wasn't quite aware of how big CricBuzz was and, indeed, could
Pankaj Chhaparwal, CEO of Cricbuzz, said: "Our goal has always been to deliver cricket
information in the most entertaining and uplifting manner and getting Harsha Bhogle, arguably
cricket's best storyteller, on board has certainly been one of the high points.
Questions :
(1) What does Harsha's videos include?
(2) On an average, how many people view Harsha's videos?
(3) Where has Harsha Bhogle made his debut on digital platform?
(4) Who works as the CEO of Cricbuzz?
(5) Who has been the circket's best stroyteller?
(9) Virtual Reality may help autistic children
Autistic children are coping with phobias using virtual technology that recreates anxiety triggers. A
university in UK has come up with a revolutionary approach that it hopes can be used to help the
UK's 1,50,000 autistic children.
Its blue room facility uses screens, projectors and speakers to immerse children in a 360 degree
virtual world without having to wear a headset or goggles, which autistic children can find
distressing. psychologist, they are given breathing and relaxation exercises in Supported by a the

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safe, controllable virtual environment to help them learn to cope with tough situations. They are
observed by their parents via a video link so they can see the techniques being used to help their
child. And it's successful - eight out of nine children who used the room in trials were subsequently
able to tackle the situation they feared.
Questions :
(1) What recreates anxiety triggers?
(2) Which revolutionary approach has a University in UK has come up with?
(3) How will blue room facility work?
(4) What treatment is given to Autistic Children by psychologist?
(5) How are the Autistic children observed by their parents?
(10) Widow tries to kill herself at DRT office
Chandigarh: A 45 year old widow tried to commit suicide in the campus of the Debt Recovery
Tribunal (DRT) in sector 17 after a case filed against her by a nationalized bank for not repaying a
loan did not go in her favour. A resident of Karnal in Haryana, Saroj Verma, alleged consumed a
poisonous substance on Thursday noon soon after coming out of the tribunal's office.
Ranjit Singh, SHO of sector 17 police station, said Verma had taken the loan of Rs 15 lakh to
renovate her house in Kamal from the bank. Sources she had not paid back the bank in years. Bank
officials had then filed a case against her in DRT.
Questions :
(1) Where did the widow try to commit suicide?
(2) Who filed a case against the widow?
(3) Who took the loan of 15 lakh?
(4) Why has the widow taken the loan?
(5) why had the Bank official filed a case against Saroj Verma?
(11) NEW DELHI : The BJP is poised for handsome for gains in poll - bound Uttar Pradesh on
account of the central government's demonetization drive, two senior leaders involved in election
campaign told ET citing a survey conducted by the party.
The survey was conducted from November 15 to December 15 to gauge public mood following the
government's decision to withdraw old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes as legal tender, said one of the
leaders, who, did not wish to be identified. The elaborate survey entailed almost half an hour of
interview with each participant, he said.
'' The survey suggested unbelievably overwhelming support for the demonetization decision of
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, '' the leader said about the preliminary findings of the survey. He
said, many senior people in the party Wondered whether the survey presented the correct picture
given media reports of massive inconveniences faced by the people.
(1) For what is BJP poised in poll - Uttar Pradesh?
(2) Why was the survey conducted?
(3) What was the government's decision, according to one of the leaders?
(4) What did the survey suggest?
(5) What did many senior people in the party wonder?

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(12) New Delhi : In what could be termed as an unprecedented move, Prime Minister Narendra Modi
on Tuesday added a lethal edge to India's fight against black money by announcing that the
currencies in the denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1, 000 will be invalid when the clock strikes 12
midnight of 8 November.
The move was announced in a sudden address at 8 pm that was televised across all news channels
when the frenzy was otherwise with the US presidential polls.
The demonetization of Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes is a major assault on black money hoarders, fake
currency, and corruption.
In his 40 - minute address, first in Hindi and later in English, the Prime Minister said the notes of
Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 '' will not be legal tender from midnight tonight " and these will be '' just
worthless piece of paper. ''
However, he said that all notes in lower denomination of Rs 100, Rs 50, Rs 20, Rs 10, Rs 5, Rs 2
and Re 1 and all coins will continue to be valid.
He also announced that new notes of Rs 2,000 and Rs 500 will be introduced.
ATM withdrawals will be restricted to Rs 2,000 per day and withdrawals from bank accounts will
be limited to Rs 10,000 a day and Rs 20,000 a week
Banks will remain closed on Thursday and ATMs will also not function tomorrow and day after,
Modi said.
He expressed confidence that the staff of banks and post offices will rise to the occasion to
introduce the new order within the available time.
(1) what did Narendra Modi announce on Tuesday?
(2) What is the withdrawals policy relating to ATM and Banks?
(3) How long did The PM address the country?
(4) On whom will the demonetization attack, according to PM?
(5) Give synonyms of (1) limited (2) valueless
(13) By : Express News Service | Pune | February 21, 2017
Higher Secondary School (HSC) students who have missed practical examinations are being given
another chance. The board has arranged an out - of - turn round of examinations from February 8
to 25 for such students. Officials of Pune division of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and
Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) said the out - of - turn practical examinations will take
place on March 27 and 29 at three colleges in the city.
'' For whatever reasons, if students could not give practical examinations, they need not worry
about losing marks. They can give their practical's now. Junior colleges have been intimated to
inform the students of these centres and exam dates. The colleges will have to give the
Conformation of the student, such as seat number and challan for additional fee payment, at the
centre, '' said BK Dahiphale, secretary, MSBHSE Pune Division. The fee per subject, per student is
Rs 100.
(1) Which students will be given chance for practical examination?
(2) When will The Board arrange an out - of - turn round of ex Board arrange an out - of - turn
round of exam?
(3) How did the officials of MSBSHE console the students missing the practical exam?

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(4) What kind of information will the college provide?

(5) What is Mr. B K Dahipahle?
(14) NEW DELHI : '' India's successful launch of a record breaking 104 satellites into Orbit could serve
as a wake - up call for China's commercial space industry and there are a number of lessons for the
country to learn, '' the article stated.
On the cost - effectiveness of ISRO's recent PSLV - C37 mission, the newspaper commented, ''
The urgent action needed for China to expand its market share is to reduce the cost of putting
satellites into the Orbit.
" The launch indicated that India can send commercial satellites at lower costs, giving the country's
competitiveness in the global race for burgeoning commercial space business, " it said.
The newspaper also referred to ISRO's successful Mars Orbiter Mission, or Mangalyaan, and said,
'' In 2014, India became the fourth country to successfully send a spacecraft to orbit Mars,
signalling a regional rivalry with China, which suffered a failure in its Mars mission in 2012. ''
The article also said that despite developing into a major player in the space industry, China's
commercial space sector was still in its " infancy. "
Many of the world's satellites are made in or use parts from the US. However, satellites and
components made in the US are prohibited from being exported to China, making it very difficult
for China to get contracts for commercial satellite launches with other countries. ''
But while quoting the launch as " India's latest triumph for its space programme '', the Chinese
newspaper added that the impact of the was '' limited '' and stressed China's technological
(1) What is the record breaking news?
(2) What did the launch unbelievably indicate with reference to space
(3) Which comment did the article put about China's commercial space
(4) Which country makes satellites and components?
(5) What will be difficult for China?
(15) NEW DELHI : Delhi Police on Monday launched Sashakti, an initiative where girls would be
trained in easy0 learn - and - use self - defence techniques across the capital. Delhi Police aims to
train over 1 lakh girls and women under the programme.
The event, which was streamed live for people across the city, witnessed the participation of over
1, 500 girls from more than 50 schools and colleges, mostly from the west district. The crowd
cheered as a helium aerostat balloon, with the slogan 'surakshit Dilli ' was released in the air.
The girls also had officers answering queries about cybercrime and giving them tips on online
safety. Most questions were related to safety of content on Facebook and WhatsApp.
More than 20,000 girls, from various schools and colleges, have already been trained as a part of
the programme in 2016. '' We aim to train over 1 lakh girls and have to make sure that girls don't
feel vulnerable when they are travelling alone, '' said joint commissioner of police (south-western
range) Dependra Pathak.
(1) Which programme did Delhi Police launch? What was its purpose?

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(2) How many girls participated in the programme?

(3) How did the officers respond to girl's queries about cyber crime?
(4) How many girls have been trained under Sashakti programme in 2010?
(5) What did the Joint Commissioner of police make sure through the Sashaku
Heritage walke Touching the roots of Ahmadabad
Ahmadabad : On Sunday, citizens who join the TOI - Rediscover Your City Heritage Walk at
Dhal ni Pol, will for the first time get introduced to the beginning of Ahmadabad's story. It was to
this spot, that the Amdavadi can trace his or her roots from 600 years ago, when it was called
Ashawal, and ruled by Asha Bhil. Before the walk begins, visitors will be invited to the soul -
stirring sitar rendition by Amita Dalal, a pupil of Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt. Dalal's album ' sitar
Lounge ' was rated among the top fusion music albums released recently. The venue, SEWA ni
Haveli at Dhal ni Pol, from where the heritage walk begins, is the recently restored haveli, that
houses the Design SEWA unit. The building was restored under a special grant from the National
Culture Fund (NCF). A special heritage walk spanning around 1.6 km designed by a dedicated
team of the City Heritage Centre and locals of Dhal ni Pol will take participants to the highest
point in the Walled City, where Asha Bhil lived. This will be followed by tour of the Mama Jijia
sacred enclosure, the dargah of a sufi saint which is looked after by the Jain community. One will
also have a rare sight of Rani Sipri and Balaji temple sharing a common wall and beginning their
prayer services around the same time.
(1) with which program did the heritage walk begin? am did the heritage walk
(2) Who is Amita Dalal?
(3) What information is given in the news about the Ahmadabad of 600 years
(4) How do Amdavadi's present an example of communal harmony and
(5) What is the heritage of Ahmadabad mentioned in the news?
Ahmadabad railway division judged second best
alter Vadodara and Rajkot
AHMADABAD : Ahmadabad division has been ranked as the second best railway divisions in the
country behind , Vadodara and Rajkot division. The two divisions have been ranked the best
divisions in the country. In all, the ministry of railways had carried out a survey of over 400 rail
stations across the country, which included 152 stations from Gujarat. In the state, the railways had
selected two stations from Rajkot division, two from Bhavnagar division, six from Ahmadabad
division and five from Vadodara division of these ID stations, live, namely - Gandhidham,
Jamnagar, Surat, Rajkot and Ankleshwar - are among the top 10 clean stations Barring
Ahmadabad's Kalupur railway station, the remaining 14 stations are in the top 100 in the country.
(1) Which rail station is not included in the top 100 in the country?

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(2) Which railway division is ranked as the best division in the country?
(3) Which railway division is ranked as the second best division in the
(4) How many rail stations of Gujarat are in the top 100 in the country?
(5) Name some of the cleanest rail stations in our state.
Radio to DTH
From mere curiosity and technical experiments Radio became a truly powerful and popular
medium of mass If communication, After it was developed in the west we had radio by the 1920s
and the First formal radio station was started in Bombay. One of the technological marvels of the
20 century was television invented in 1920 by Baird. In India television started in 1959 on an
experimental basis and the first television station was set up in Delhi. The beginnings were modest
and slow but television was popular and became available in colour in 1982. Today Doordarshan
has one of the largest television networks. From early 1990s satellite television also came to India
and later Direct to Home (DTH) television And the story goes on....
(1) Where was First Radio station started?
(2) By whom and when was television invented?
(3) When was colour television available?
(4) What is '' Doordarshan ''?
(5) What is the Full from of DTH?
World celebrate yoga day
Yoga is most important for everyone's life as it helps in balancing the relationship between body
and mind. It is type of exercise which helps in learning physical and mental discipline through
regular practice. It was Originated in India long years ago in ancient time. Various types of yoga
are Raja yoga, gnana yoga, Bhakti yoga, karma yoga, Hatha yoga, Generally Hatha yoga having
many asana s practiced by the people in India. A world level event is celebrated every year, called
'' International Day of Yoga '' in order to increase the awareness of yoga benefits among people all
over the world.
' International Day of Yoga ' or ' World Yoga Day ' has been declared by the united Nations
General Assembly to get celebrated on 21s of June after the suggestion and initiation of yoga. It
makes some positive changes to the internal is specific yoga for different purposes so only required
ones can be practiced.
(1) Where was Yoga originated?
(2) Usually how many types of yoga and which are those?
(3) which are those Who has declared the world yoga day?
(4) When do we celebrate world yoga day?
(5) What are the benefits of yoga?
'' Beti bachao... Beti Padhao '' a movment of government

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Beti Bachao Beti Padhao '' (means save the girl child and educate the girl child) is a scheme
launched by the government of January in 201(5) The purpose of launching this scheme was
generating awareness as well as improving the efficiency of welfare services for women and girl
child in the Indian society. The initial capital required for initiating this scheme was Rs. 100 corer.
The launch of this was very much required as according to census data of 2001, child sex ratio of
age group 0 - 6 years was 927 girls / 1000 boys in our country. It was Sean a huge drop in the sex
ratio 918 girls / 1000 boys in 2011.
Indian was ranked 41 among 195 countries worldwide by the UNICEF in 2012 that's why the
scheme for girls was very necessary to aware people about the safety of women all over India. This
scheme also makes a call to people to eradicate female feticides.
(1) By whom and when '' Beti Bachao Beti Padhao '' Scheme was launched?
(2) What is the purpose of '' Beti Bachao Beti Padhao ''?
(3) What was the sex ratio in 2011?
(4) According to UNICEF What was the Rank of sex ratio?
(5) What was the necessity of this Scheme?
Another Century of Virat
A Sensational Virat Kohali's Century - A Fourth in VIVO IPL 2016, and his 147 runs partnership
with his opening partner chris Gayle, was the highlight of Royal Challengers Bangalore's
Comprehensive win over Kings XI Punjab. This match was reduced to Fifteen over due to heavy
rain at the M. Chinnaswamy stadium, Bangalore. Kings XI Punjab won the toss and chose
bowling. Virat and Gayle were opening batsman of Royal challengers Bangalore. And both were
on Fire. Gayle has smashed 73 Rans. Captain Kohali matched him stroke - For - stroke at the other
end. He made 113 runs. From 50 balls and his inning was laced with 12 Fours and 8 sixes. Final
score of RCB was 211 runs on lose of 3 wickets in 15 overs. In compared with RCB, King XI
Punjab can manage only 120 Runs on lose of 9 wickets in 15 overs. So this was the great victory of
(1) Who were the opening partners and How many Runs partnership was there between them?
(2) Where was the match played?
(3) Which team won the toss?
(4) What was the final score of RCB?
(5) How many runs did Virat score?
Organic food a requirement remains Healthy
Organic food has become very popular. Making a Commitment to healthy eating is a great start
towards a healthier life. Beyond eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats,
however, there is the question of food safety, nutrition and sustainability. The term '' organic ''
refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed, specific requirements must be met
and maintained in order for products to be labelled as organic. Organic crops must be grown in
safe soil, have no modifications and must remain separate from conventional products. Farmers are
not allowed to use synthetic, petroleum based fertilizers. Organic food is ' GMO ' free (it means,

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genetically modified organism). Organic foods provide a variety of benefits. Some studies show
that nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their conventionally grown counterparts people with
allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives often find their lessen or go away when they eat only
organic foods.
(1) What is the meaning of ' organic '?
(2) In which atmosphere organic food are grown?
(3) Which materials are not allowed for growing the organic food?
(4) What is the Full from ' GMO '?
(5) What are the benefits of organic food?
Giant Dinosaur Footprint Discovered
Sep, 30, 2016
The Times of India
One of the biggest dinosaur footprints ever recorded has been unearthed in the Gobi Desert,
researchers said on Friday, offering a fresh clue about the giant creatures that roamed the earth
millions of years ago.
One of the veral footprints were discovered in the vast Mongolian desert the huge fossil was
discovered last month in a geological layer formed between 70 million and 90 million years ago,
researchers said.
The footprint is believed to have belonged to Titanosaur, a long - necked dinosaur, and could have
been more than 30 metres long and 20 metres tall, according to researchers. '' This is a very rare
discovery. '' said a statement issued by Okayama University of Science. The Japanese University
has been involved in the study with the Mongolian Academy of Science.
(1) What is the news about?
(2) How old was the fossil found by the researchers?
(3) What are the long - necked dinosaurs called?
(4) Which two institutes have taken up the study?
(5) In this clip talking about which type of animal footprints?

Read the stanzas and answer the questions: 05

(1) The vapours rise
To the morning skies,
Clad in a purple glory;
While the love-light glows
On the' Eternal Snows
(1) What do the vapours do? Where does it go ?
(2) Where does love light glow? How is it?
(2) Upon the summits hoary
And the Himalaya's Queen,

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Calm and serene,

Returns the heaven's greeting-
(1) Which word from 'upon the summits hoary' does mean the peak?
(2) What is Kangchenjunga called? How is it?
(3) In robes of white,
Bathed in golden light-
Where earth and sky are meeting.
(1) Which word mean attire / dress from 'In robes of white'?
(2) How does it look at horizon?
(4) And the morning dews
And mellow hues
Paint her cheeks with fairy fingers,
While o'er the rills
And the sun-kissed hills,
The love-light gently lingers.
(1) What are her cheeks painted with?
(2) Find out the pairs of rhyming words.
(5) And the breaking day
Sends the first faint ray
Of Love's undying fountains,
While the heart feels the thrills
Of the voice from the hills
And the Soul that dwells in the mountains.
(1) What does the heart feel? When?
(2) Can you find pairs of rhyming words ? Try.
In days gone by I used to be
A potter who would feel
His fingers mould the yielding clay
To patterns on his wheels;
But now through wisdom lately won,
That pride has died away;
I have ceased to be the potter
And have learned to be the clay.
(1) What did the potter do?
(2) Which is /are the rhyming word pairs?
In other days I used to be
A poet through whose pen
Innumerable songs would come
To win the hearts of men;

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But now through new-got knowledge

Which I had not had so long,
I have ceased to be the poet
And have learned to be the song.
(1) What did the poet do?
(2) What has the poet learned? Why?
I was a fashioner of swords
In days that now are gone
Which on a hundred battlefields,
Glittered and gleamed and shone;
But now that I am brimming with
The silence of the Lord,
I have ceased to be sword-maker
And have learned to be the sword.
(1) What was the poet?
(2) Which words mean 'to glow' in the stanza?
in bygone times I used to be
A dreamer who would hurl
On every side an insolence
Of emerald and pearl;
But now that I am kneeling
At the feet of the Supreme
I have ceased to be the dreamer
And have learned to be the dream.
(1) The dreamer would throw the precious stones and pearls yelling. Is it true?
(2) Which word is used for God?
In a dark cave flows a dark river,
And on Its stony bank there sits a man, Old as the sun or older,
(1) What kind of river it is?
(2) Where does it flow ?
In a dark cave flows a dark river,
And on Its stony bank there sits a man, Old as the sun or older,
(1) How is the river bank?
(2) How old is the man sitting on the river bank ?
Weaving a yarn of rainbow and humming a song.
But the blind, deaf fish that swim in the stream

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(1) What is the old man weaving?

(2) What is the old man humming?
Weaving a yarn of rainbow and humming a song.
But the blind, deaf fish that swim in the stream
(1) What was there in the stream?
(2) 'The fish can neither see nor hear'. Say true or false.
Weaving a yarn of rainbow and humming a song.
But the blind, deaf fish that swim in the stream
(1) What can the fish not see?
(2) Can the fish hear that man's everlasting songs?
Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon
Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.
They, too, aware of sun and air and water ,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long winter starv'd
(1) What does the poet want us to remember?
(2) What do we live on? What are we all aware of?
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
A labour not different from our own.
Remember they have eyes like ours that wake
Or sleep, and strength that can be won
By love. In every land is common life
That all can recognise and understand.
(1) What do we all do?
(2) How can we win strength?
Let us remember, whenever we are told
To hate our brothers, it is ourselves
That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.
Remember, we who take arms against each other
(1) What is the word that means 'disloyal' from the stanza?
(2) How do we harm ourselves?
It is the human earth that we defile.
Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence
Of air that is everywhere our own.

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Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.

(1) Who pollute the earth?
(2) We are all human being brothers and the earth is our common home. True/ False.
Where words come out from the depth of truth ;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
(1) What does the line 'where words come out from the depth of truth' suggest?
(2) What can you understand by the word to strive'?
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by
narrow domestic walls ;
(1) The country should not be divided in small parts.' Is it fair?
(2) '____by narrow domestic wall' What does the underlined phrase mean?
Where the mind is without fear and the head is high;
Where knowledge is free;
(1) What type of mind is expected?
(2) 'Where knowledge is free'. What do you understand?
Where the mind is led forward by Thee into ever widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
(1) What is said in the line 'where the mind is led forward by thee in to ever widening thought and
(2) What does my father stand for here?
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the
dreary desert sand of dead habit;
(1) What do you mean by 'Where clear stream of reason has not lost it way'?
(2) Does 'dead habit' mean old habits or new ones?

Section - D

* Do as directed: 04
(1) Ram worked hard. Laxman helped him. They were studious persons. They succeeded very much.
Start like this : Ram works hard_______
(2) The teacher is teaching now. Are all the students interested? Perhaps, they are not. The teacher
does not teach them well.
Start like this The teacher was _______
(3) We went to Ahmedabad yesterday. There was a funfair on the Municipal ground. We had various
tasty dishes there. We enjoyed too much
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Start like this : We will go _______

(4) Kavya obeys her parents. She does her work honestly. She does not ignore them. Isn't she an
obedient girl?
Start like this : Kavya obeyed _______
(5) Gabbarsinh is a cruel villian. He asks for money and grain from the people of Rampur. He has
escaped once from jail. He has killed Jay too.
Start like this : Gabbarsinh was a _______
(6) All around you can see, there are flowers and flowers. Green meadows and white clouds create a
panoramic view. What place is this? Can you guess?
Start like this : All around you could_______
(7) A national park had a defined boundary, through which no person could get into without
permission. The visitors could observe the park by a vehicle which routed through defined trails.
Right of people did not belong to people.
Start like this : A national park has a defined_______
(8) I know what his name is. It is Mitra, a friend. It can not walk. We feed him so that it may survive.
Start like this: I knew what _______
(9) "I don't know, mummy. It has just arrived." Reshma was puzzled. " It came from the sky," she
showed the route of the ball with her frightened eyes.
Start like this: I didn't know _______
(10) From Salim Ali's book 'Indian Birds' Khushi found out that it was a duck. Its beak was broad like a
shovel. It had bright blue feathers. At the moment it looked exhausted.
Start like this : From Salim Ali's book 'Indian brids Khusi will find _______
(11) India will have rich and prosperous society. We will be great and powerful in the world. We shall
have a long democratic history. We shall be the best.
Start like this: India has rich _______
(12) I opened the door and stepped of the foot board. I was deeply disappointed. I felt I had to do
something, I and So I ran up to the station master and asked, "Did you see the girl who sold
Start like this : I open the door _______
(13) Yoga offers a time-trusted technique for whole development. It is one of the most powerful
sciences. It is considered to be the most ancient science It has the capacity to bring about
fundamental transformation in the individual.
Start like this Yoga will offer a _______
(14) Sanjana requests you to look at the picture. What do you notice? Isn't it funny? There is a monkey
who has a newspaper in his hand and is reading it.
Start like this : Sanjana requested _______
(15) Jhanvi studied in her mother tongue and later joined Oxford University. She was like any other
child but her IQ powered her to the 1st rank in every year She spent 5 years at Cambridge college.
She was good in every activity.
Start like this: Jhanvi had studied _______

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(16) While the teacher was distributing papers, Manthan entered. All the students looked at him but
nobody responded. So, Manthan was surprised.
Start like this : While the teacher is distributing _______
(17) Having done my work, I went out. I saw that there was a huge crowd surrounding two men. There
was a quarrel between them. All enjoyed the scene but nobody interrupted.
Start like this : Having done my work, I shall go out _______
(18) I really feel relieved and happy with just a thought that I will pursuer a profession which has
incorporated my hobbies and my values. I will never be bored but witl enjoy working. Haven't you
done a great job, Mr. Raval?
Start like this I really felt relieved _______
(19) Shyam did everything sincerely. Did he do his duty seriously? Yes, he did because he wanted to
regain his fame which he had lost in the past. It seemed surprising to everyone.
Start like this : Shyam does everything _______
(20) The Annual Day will be celebrated on 12 May Mr. Modi will be present there. We shall present
sarious dances. Our cultural committee will hold the programme. Umang will handle the whole
Start like this : The Annual Day is Celebrated _______
(21) There are dark clouds in the sky. It may rain tonight. It will be troublesome for people. There can
be a shortage of many things so people are requested to be alert.
Start like this : There were dark clouds _______
(22) How much land does a man need? Have you ever thought? Man is not satisfied with what he has.
He struggles a lot and gets somethig. He has to try hard to survive.
Start like this : How much land did _______
(23) We haven't got a deal," Walt admitted. The distributor copy righted Oswald and he is taking over
the series himself. "Walt did not seem downhearted".
Start like this: We hadn't got a _______
(24) "What do you do with all your money?" A friend once asked him. Pointing at the studio, Walt said,
"I fertilize that field with it. I plough money back into the company almost as fast as it comes in."
Start like this: What did you do with _______
(25) Sergeant continued, "It would bring a disaster. It had caused enough trouble already." He threw the
paw upon the fire But Mr. White was curious and wanted to test the powers of the monkey's paw.
Start like this : Sergeant will continue _______
(26) Morris said, "An old fakir put a spell on it. He was a very holy man and he wanted to show that
fate ruled people's lives, and that to interfere with fate, only caused deep sadness."
Start like this : Morris will say _______
(27) Suddenly there were sounds of cracks and thunder. The house started collapsing. The roof, walls
and staircase started falling down. They rushed towards the ground and then ran towards main gate
of the villa.
Start like this : Suddenly there are _______
(28) Riddhi was reading a novel. Vaidehi entered. She asked her, "Why did you not attend school?"
Riddhi replied her that she did not remain absent but Vaidehi often left English lecture.

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Start like this : Riddhi is reading a novel _______

(29) There lived a very wise man who was famous for his wisdom. He would play practical jokes and
helped people. People did not disobey him and he also respected other people.
Start like this: there lives a very _______
(30) India won the gold medal in shooting. There was great celebration. There were many people at the
airport to welcome the champion. They cheered loudly. They also clapped for the winner.
Start like this: India had won _______
(31) The teacher will make me stand up. He will ask me "Will you be ready to sing a song? I shall say,
"No, I won't. Then, what will be done by him?"
Start like this The teacher made me _______
(32) We shall have exams in March. We will be given IMP questions. Sometimes, that will not be
enough for di students. They will have to study hard. The teacher will also make them learn well.
Start like this: We have exams in _______
(33) Will the workers walk into this trap? Will the fooled again? I am afraid so. The people have been
susceptible to oratory of this sort. The wor know they have no enemies except their mast.
Start like this : Would the workers walk _______
(34) The Annual Day is celebrated in March. The management does not charge any money from us. We
are given various tasks. Our teachers guide us. It is a great day for all of us.
Start like this : The Annual Day will be celebrated
(35) Ours will be a great society. There will be such situations where the elders should be respected.
One should not cheat others. One can help the. other so there will be a harmonious atmosphere in
the society.
Start like this : Ours is a great _______
(36) I do not take tea. I also do not take coffee. I will not also take it in future I am always aware of my
health. Have you ever tasted it?
Start like this: I did not take _______
(37) People celebrated many festivals. They were ford of them. Preparations were made many days ago.
People also spent much money. They enjoyed life.
Start like this : People will celebrate _______
(38) Urmi and Urvi are talking. Urmi is speaking and Ury is listening. "Do you do your work
regularly?" "No, I don't."
Start like this : Urmi and Urvi were _______
(39) Chintan will take medicine daily. So, he will be cured very soon. Now, he will not take heavy
meal. He will avoid sugar and will not take salt too.
Start like this : Chintan takes medicine _______
(40) Raj saw Jay. He went to him and asked, "Why are you standing here? What do you want? Have
you seen anybody standing there?
Start like this: Raj had seen Jay _______
(41) The kings enjoyed tasty food. They gave a lot of food to the poor. Many cooks made mouth-
watering dishes for the kings. The kings also rewarded the cooks generously.
Start like this : Tasty food was enjoyed………….

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(42) Many games are being played all over the world nowadays. Football is played almost everywhere
in Europe. The game has been made exciting by the professional players. These professional
players are paid lots of money.
Start like this : People are playing games_______
(43) We make mistakes everyday. We should know our mistakes. But last time we forgot them. We
must not repeat our mistakes.
Start like this : Mistakes are made_______
(44) My father looks after this account. We often put many responsibilities upon him. He does his
duties well. We pay great respect towards him.
Start like this : This account is looked after_______
(45) The students use the library magazines regularly. The librarian issues books to them. The children
also visit the library. They do not make noise while being in the library.
Start like this : The library magazines are used_______
(46) John has given me a coin. He has found it from the rags. I have never seen such a coin in my life.
Even I haven’t thought about it.
Start like this : I have been given_______
(47) Rahul was playing cricket. He saw a ball lying on the pitch. He called his friends for help. They
did not like it.
Start like this : Cricket was being played_______
(48) Our principal welcomed the new students. He also gave a speech. The students praised him. Our
principal thanked them.
Start like this : The new students are welcomed_______
(49) The clerk requests passengers to stand in a queue and he also tells them “If you do not follow this
instruction, I will not open the ticket window in time.”
Start like this : Passengers are requested_______
(50) Journalists and writers have written many articles in praise of Sachin. People call him Run
Machine because he has made the highest runs in ODIs. We can never forget his contribution.
Start like this : Many articles have been written_______
(51) Flower plants are grown in plenty. They are looked after very well. They are also watered
regularly. Then they are distributed to the members of the club.
Start like this : The gardner of the club grow flower plants_______
(52) Atlanta’s father left her in a jungle to die. But a boar took care of her. Hunters brought up her then
so she became a brave huntress. To avoid marriage she laid down a condition. No one could fulfill
it easily.
Start like this : Atlanta was left in jungle_______
(53) Tress give us many things. They provide shelter to birds. Why should we cut them down?
Shouldn’t we grow more trees?
Start like this : We are given many things_______
(54) What have you bought from the book fair. I have bought nothing. Then why did you visit it? I
visited it to pass my free time.
Start like this : What has been bought from the book fair_______

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(55) To prepare instant coffee, we boil milk first. Then we filter it into cups as per our requirement.
After that we add sugar and coffee powder as to meet our taste. Do you know who discovered
Start like this : To prepare instant coffee, first milk is boiled_______
(56) We can prevent noise pollution very easily. For that more than one mechanical device should not
be used. We should keep the volume of radios low. Thus the world can be made a quieter place.
Start like this : Noise pollution can be prevented_______
(57) We use money to buy things. We can buy food, clothing or play things with the help of the
currency notes. In olden days, people followed barter system. Now-a-days, people use E-card as
they are easy to carry.
Start like this : Money is used to buy things_______
(58) Who broke my new toy car? Mummy, now 1 do not like this old one. You have promised me to
buy a ‘Barbie’ doll. When will you buy it?
Start like this : By whom was my new toy car broken? _______
(59) Do you know how scientists invent new things? They perform many experiments. They give most
of their time in research work. Such newly invented things make our life comfortable.
Start like this : Do you know how new things are invented_______
(60) We write papers for the examination. First we read the questions. Then we write the answers and
submit the question papers.
Start like this : Papers are written_______
(61) Birds build their nests very intelligently. Some water birds lay eggs in the wet land. Birds like the
cuckoo never take such trouble. Do you know this fact?
Start like this : Birds’ nests are built_______
(62) Pure milk is always drunk by us. The rules of good health are never broken by us. The basic
instructions are always followed by us. We are always guided properly by our parents.
Start like this : We always drink pure milk_______
(63) We get wood from trees. Trees give shade to birds and animals. We should grow more trees. We
must not cut trees.
Start like this : Wood is got from trees_______
(64) Shreyans took the injured woman to the hospital. He admitted her to the emergency ward. He
called the doctor. He said that he would call her relatives then.
Start like this : The injured woman was taken_______
(65) The master called his servant. He gave him the keys. The servant locked the cupboard. He put the
keys on the table.
Start like this : His servant was called_______
(66) The policeman asked the stranger some questions. The stranger did not reply any questions. The
police man held him by his collar.
Begin like this: The stranger was asked some questions by the _______
(67) Birds build nests very intelligently. Some water birds lay eggs in the wet land. Birds like the
cuckoo never take such trouble. Do you know this fact?
Start like this : Bird’s nests are built_______

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(68) Pure milk is always drunk by us. The rules of good health are never broken by us. The basic
instructions are always followed by us. We are always guided properly by us parents.
Start like this : We always drink pure_______
(69) We get wood trees. Trees give shade to birds and animals. We should grow more trees. We must
not cut trees.
Start like this : Wood from trees is got by_______
(70) A man looking at the cage of monkeys. He was wearing spectacles. The man was reading a notice
on the cage. Suddenly a monkey snatched his spectacles.
Start like this : The cage of monkey was being looked at_______
(71) Gandhiji knew the children. They wanted answers from Gandhiji. Gandhiji told them that Krishna
had only one Arjuna to answer.
Start like this : The children were known by_______
(72) Many games were played by Krishna. Tricks were played by him, too. Butter liked very much by
little Krishna. One morning his friends were called for getting some butter.
Start like this : Krishna played many_______
(73) The princes ate tasty dished. The princesses saw them They did not select any of the prince. Why
did they not select them?
Start like this : Tasty dishes were eaten by_______
(74) The diamond plays an important role in modern industry. As it is known as the hardest substance,
people use it in tools for engraving, drilling and cutting. It is also used in making bulb filaments,
watches and smoothing of airplane runways.
Start like this : An important role is made in modern industry by.…….
(75) The old man called all his sons. He gave them a bundle of sticks. He told them to break the whole
bundle. Then they separated the sticks.
Start like this : The old man’s all sons were called._______
(76) A king rang the bell. Nobody answered him. He opened the door. He saw his servant sleeping with
his mother`s letter in his hand.
Start like this : The bell was rung by._______
(77) Gessler called the soldiers and ordered them to arrest William Tell. They carried out Gessler’s
order. They arrested W. Tell and his son. They brought them to the court.
Start like this : The soldiers were called and they were ordered …….
(78) We should grow more trees. We shouldn`t cut down them thoughtlessly. We should consider them
as friends. Some steps should be taken to protect the environment.
Start like this : More trees should be grown by us_______
(79) Mr. Mehta has just had some snacks. He has written some sentences on the blackboard. He has
asked us to write down them. I have writing all the sentences in my note book.
Start like this : Some snacks has just been had by_______
(80) The postman collects the post from the post office. He puts the letters into bag. He hangs the bag
on his shoulder. He does his duty well.
Start like this : The post from the post-office is collected by_______

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(81) Our maid servant looks after the children. We often out many responsibilities upon her. She does
her duties well. We pay her regularly.
Start like this : The children are looked after by_______
(82) Socrates advised the young people of Athens to think for themselves. According to him, "They
should seek the truth". He never gave them answers. He only raised questions.
Start like this : The young people of Athens were advised to_______
(83) My parents love me. They help me in my study. They solve my difficulties. They also encourage
me for different activities.
Start like this : I am loved by my parents._______
(84) Krishna played many games and tricks. Krishna who liked butter very much called his friends for
getting some butter in morning. But they could not get it so Krishna showed them a trick.
Start like this : Many games and tricks were played by._______
(85) We hear news on TV regularly. Last week it telecast the flood situation in Surat. People were
watching the news with horror. The government has started relief work.
Start like this : News is heard on TV by us regularly_______
(86) Last Sunday I visited a public garden. I saw an elephant ride there. It took me on its back. It carried
me near a water tank.
Start like this : Last Sunday a public garden was visited by_______
(87) Last Friday our school organized an inter school quiz competition. Mr. Varma was invited as the
Guest of honor. He inaugurated the function. He wished the participants best of luck.
Start like this :The previous Friday in inter-school quiz competition was organized by_______
(88) A cat sprang upon the table. She broke plates. She spilled milk. All the table without a meal.
Start like this : The table was sprung upon by_______
(89) We gather flowers from the garden plants. We make garlands from them. We put some flowers
before gods and offer the garlands to them.
Start like this : Flowers are gathered from the_______
(90) The captain of our cricket team bought a ball and a bat for us. Then he threw the ball at me. I
caught it. All the players praised me.
Start like this : We were bought a ball and bat by the captain ……….
(91) We allow no one to sit here. We prohibit loud noises. We keep our vehicles in a shade. They must
not disturb us.
Start like this : No one is allowed to sit here._______
(92) We will start our class work tomorrow. No pupil should neglect studies. You will learn every
lesson thoroughly. It can gives you full satisfaction.
Start like this : Our class work will be started tomorrow______________
(93) They open the gate. They see the watchman. They put questions before him. He answers them
Start like this : The gate is opened______
(94) You must trust your friend. He won`t cheat you. I assure you of his kindness. You can’t repay it.
Start like this : Your friend must be trusted________

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(95) We celebrate Diwali every year. We clean the house. Children buy crackers. Women draw
colourful rangolis.
Start like this : Diwali is celebrated by us_______
(96) Nikita is sick and she will go to the doctor. He will examine her body temperature. He will give an
injection. He will give also medicines. The doctor will give advice her to eat fresh and healthy
Start like this : Nikita is sick and she will go to the doctor _______
(97) Raju wrote a poem. Sunil read it. He won the first prize. The principal and our teachers
congratulated him. He was very happy.
Start like this : A poem was written by_______
(98) Yesterday, there was a birthday party. My friends cleaned the house. They decorated the room.
They wished me, "Happy birthday." My mother cooked food.
Start like this : Yesterday there was a birthday party_________(99) Keyur won the first prize. The
chief guest gave him a gold medal. His friends congratulated him. His parents gave him a bicycle.
Start like this : The first prize was won by__________
(100)Remember natural resources are limited. We should not cut trees. We should not waste food. We
should waste electricity. We should grow more trees.
Start like this : Remember: Natural resources are limited ._______
(101)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(102)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(103)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(104)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(105)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(106)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to

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Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________

(107)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(108)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(109)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(110)Mahagiri was an elephant. He was owned by merchant. A lot of work was taken by a merchant.
The elephant was sent to the forest by the merchant. People were carried by him from one place to
Start like this : Mahagiri was an elephant__________
(111)What are you doing here now? I have told you not to stand here. You should not waste time like
this. Did you dig the flowers beds?
Start like this : What is being done by you____________
(112)Why should we brush our teeth twice a day? Actually germs eat the bits of food. They will make
cavities in our teeth. It cause other diseases also.
Start like this : Why should our teeth be brushed by______________
(113)Tree give us food and wood. They should not be cut. Men destroyed forests. He was invited
troubles for him.
Start like this : We are given food and wood by___________
(114)Nikita is watching TV now. Has she completed her home work? She does her work regularly. But
she should not waste her time watching useless TV programmes.
Start like this : TV is being watched by Nikita now_________
(115)Vinod disturbed the class while the teacher was teaching a new lesson. The teacher has punished
him so many times but he does not take teacher`s advice seriously.
Start like this : The class was disturbed by Vinod___________
(116)While we were watching TV serial, some guests came. But we had already taken our dinner before
they came. So my mother cooked dinner once again. She served them food.
Start like this : While TV serial was being watched_________
(117)We must face difficult tasks and situations. We should not avoid them but face them boldly. Trying
helps us to be successful.
Start like this : Difficult tasks and situation must be faced _______
(118)Lincoln loved the common, poor, simple and honest people. He loved the Negro who were the
poorest of them all. As a young he had seen the mind to hit the system of slavery.
Start like this : The common, poor, simple and honest people were loved by__________

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(119)"Who will bring the tickets?" everybody asked. Everyone looked at Amir. But Amir didn`t say
anything. So everyone cancelled the plan of going to a movie.
Begin like this:"By whom will the tickets be brought?" ________
(120)Once Mulla and his wife celebrated their wedding anniversary. They invited many friends and
relatives. The guest enjoyed the party happily. They thanked Mulla while going home.
Start like this : The wedding anniversary of Mulla and his wife was once_________
(121)Chirag is playing with a toy. He brakes the toy while playing. His mother gives him another toy.
But he throws the other toy away.
Start like this : A toy is being played by Chirag_______
(122)The kings enjoyed tasty food. They gave a lot of food of the poor. Many cooks made mouth-
watering dishes for the kings. The king also rewarded the cooks generously.
Start like this : Tasty food was enjoyed by the kings_________
(123)Many games are played all over the world nowadays. One such game is football. It is played
almost everywhere in Europe. The game has been made exciting by the professional players. These
professional players are paid lots of money.
Start like this : People are playing many games all__________
(124)What can I do you? You can help me in any way. I need your help. Will you help me?
Start like this : What can be done for you by me?_________
(125)We make 'ghee' from milk. We take out milk cream and collect it for a few days. Then we boil the
milk cream or butter turn it into 'ghee'.
Start like this : 'Ghee' is made from milk by us_________
(126)All of us have heard the name of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He loved children. Children called him
'Chacha Nehru'. We celebrate the 14th of November as the Children`s Day.
Start like this : The name of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has been ________
(127)The Giant built a high wall around his garden. He put a notice on the gate. He said, "I will not
allow anybody to entre my garden." The children could not use the garden.
Start like this : A high wall was built around his___________
(128)All of you know me well. For years, poets and philosophers have written many books in praise of
me. They call me 'Mother Earth'. That is because for hundreds of years I have taken good care of
Start like this : I am known well by all of you_________
(129)We can prevent the noise pollution very easily. We should not use more than one mechanical
device at a time. We should keep the volume of radios low. We can make the world a quieter
Start like this : The noise pollution can be prevented ______________
(130)We use paper a lot in our life. We make it of trees. As we know we should not cut trees. So we
should not waste paper.
Start like this : Paper is used a lot in our_________
(131)Atlanta`s father left her in a jungle to die. But a boar took care of her. Hunters brought up her then
so she became brave huntress. To avoid marriage she laid down a condition.
Start like this : Atlanta was left in a jungle to die________

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(132)Noise pollution causes great damage to our environment. How can we reduce noise pollution?
What steps should we take to control noise pollution? The WHO has suggested several steps to
control pollution.
Start like this : Great damage is caused to our________
(133)The peon rang the bell. The teacher called the students. She taught a new lesson to the class. The
students opened the books.
Start like this : The bell was rung by the peon____________
(134)We celebrate the Independence Day with great joy. The British ruled over us for two hundred
years. Gandhiji led our freedom struggle. The British killed many young Indians.
Start like this : The Independence Day is celebrated by _______
(135)All the newspaper printed the news of Blackhat`s arrest. People congratulated Emil. He invited his
friends to his grandmother`s house. They celebrated the end of Blackhat.
Start like this : The news of Blackhat`s arrest was printed _______
(136)The readers use the library magazines from morning to evening. The librarian issues books to the
members of the library. The children also visit the special 'Kid Section' in the library. They do not
make noise while being in the library.
Start like this : The library magazines are used from__________
(137)The boy has given me a coin to shine it. He has found it from the old bag. I have never seen such a
coin in my life. Even I haven`t thought about it.
Start like this : I have been given a coin by the boy________
(138)The boys cleaned the house. They decorated the hall. The girls drew rangoli. Mother cooked food.
Start like this : The house was cleaned by______
(139)On Ganesh Chaturthi, people worship Ganpati. They bring idols of Ganesh at home. They worship
them with devotion. At the end of this festival, they take idols in procession to lakes, rivers of seas.
Start like this : On Ganesh Chaturthi Ganpati is worshipped_________
(140)Darshan likes stamps. Dhaval gently removes stamps from letters. Dhaval carefully separates them
according to their countries. Dhaval pastes them in his album neatly.
Start like this : Stamps are liked by Darshan___________
(141)In the recess, we play hide-and-seek. Some students take breakfast. The peon makes tea and the
teachers drink it.
Start like this : Hide-and-seek is played by us______________
(142)I write my homework in the evening. Then I play cricket with my friends. Sometimes I watch a TV
serial at night. My grandmother tells me a story at night.
Start like this : My homework is written by me in the ______________
(143)Prem opened the door. The watchman gave him the keys. Prem took the keys and kept them on the
Start like this : The door was opened by Prem______________
(144)Each candidate makes a speech. The teachers gives a ballot paper to every student. The students
cast only one vote. The teacher counts the votes.
Start like this : A speech is made by each candidate ______________

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(145)Tomorrow we shall visit Diu. We shall see a sea. We will play basket ball there. We will eat
Start like this : Diu will be visited by us tomorrow_________
(146)Yesterday we visited a zoo. There we saw many animals and birds. We ate ice-cream and drank
Start like this : Yesterday a zoo was visited by us___________
(147)He was flying kites at that time. He saw one caught in the wire. He called his friends for help but
they did not like it.
Start like this : Kites were being flown by him at that __________
(148)Who will catch this parrot? Will you do it? Yes I can think over it. But I do not like this activity.
Start like this : By whom will this parrot be caught?____ _______
(149)"Who will bell the cat?" The nice thought. One mouse has brought a special bell. Everyone looked
at it. But no mouse spoke anything.
Start like this : By whom will the cat be bell?__________
(150)The children drew nice pictures in the competition. They were given the best facility and fresh
snacks. They felt joy after the competition. They were also shown a film 'Paintings and carvings of
the Ajanta and Ellora'.
Start like this : Nice pictures were drawn by the________
(151)Nature may save us at any cost. Nature has benefited us a lot of ages. It gives us life. We must not
forget its blessings on us and we must try by all means to protect it.
Start like this : Nature must be saved at any cost by us _______
(152)We all make mistakes. We should know our mistakes. But last time we forgot it. We must not
repeat our mistakes.
Start like this : Mistakes are made by all of us______
(153)The boy took new brushes. They painted the whole colourful paints. The giant saw it. He advised
him to be cooperative with the children.
Start like this : New brushes were taken by the________
(154)We should use our mobile phones wisely. We should never misuse them. Their misuse can bring in
horrible results. We should take enough care for that.
Start like this : Our mobile phones should be used___________
(155)Doctors often advise us to keep in good health. So we should take regular exercise to keep
ourselves fit and fine. We should avoid over-eating. Smoking can also harm our health a lot.
Start like this : We are often advised by doctors_________
(156)It is very easy to prepare instant coffee. We boil milk first. Then we filter it into cups as our
requirement. After that we add sugar and coffee powder as to meet out taste. Do you know who
discovered coffee?
Start like this : It is very easy to prepare instant__________
(157)It is very important these days to know how we send e-mails. First we draft the mail/letter offline.
Then we go online and enter the recipient`s e-mail address into 'To Box'. Then we click the 'send
Start like this : It is very important these days to know ______________

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(158)Nikita is a girl of 15. She is a student of standard X. She lost her mother before six months.
Therefore she looks after her younger brother and sister. She does all the household work. She
does not spend enough time on study.
Start like this : Nikita is a girl of 15_________
(159)In the examination hall supervisors keep strict vigil over the examinees. Once they distribute
question papers, they do not allow the examinees to do any kind of interaction among themselves.
If the supervisors catch them doing any mischief, they penalize them.
Start like this : In the examination hall strict vigil is kept by _______
(160)We should play sports and games in the right spirit. We must not put into practice unfair means to
win them. If somebody makes such efforts, others must criticize them.
Start like this : Sports and games should be played by _______
(161)We must keep our vehicles in right order. Generally we don`t care for them they are in their right
order. But when they develop some defect, we get disturbed and search for a mechanic to sent
them right.
Start like this : Our vehicles must be kept in right __________
(162)A king built this palace in 16th century. We do not know the name of the King. But it is said that he
had killed all the workers who contributed in the construction. It had taken 12 years in building
that palace.
Start like this : This palace was built by a king in_____________
(163)People all over the earth have endangered our environment. They have cut down a large numbers
of trees and polluted air and water. They dispose harmful wastes, which is a great threat to our
Start like this : Our environment has been endangered _______
(164)It is said that an honest man is always rewarded. But in the world we find that the honest are
punished. Is this justice? Shouldn`t they be given reward for what they have suffered?
Start like this : People say that society always rewarded ______________
(165)Man uses animals for his selfish purposes. He kills them for inverting new medicines and vaccines.
He perform experiments on them to rest the effects of medicines and vaccines. He hunts them for
the sake of the entertainment.
Start like this : Animals are used by man for_____________
(166)The girl saw three men coming towards the hut. The girl could not understand their language. The
condition of the girl moved them. They washed her wounds with salt water.
Start like this : Three men were seen by the girl___________
(167)Our principal welcomed the new students. He also gave a speech. The students praised him. Our
principal thanked them.
Start like this : The new students were welcomed__________
(168)The clerk requests passengers to stand in a queue and he also tells them "If you do not follow this
instruction, I will not open the ticket window in time."
Start like this : The passengers are requested by_________
(169)Journalism and writers have many articles in praise of Sachin. People call him Run Machine
because he has made the highest runs in ODIs. We can never forget his contribution.

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Start like this : Many articles have been written by _________

(170)Flower plants are grown in plenty. They are looked after very well. They are also watered
regularly. Then they are distributed to the members of the club.
Start like this : We grow flowers plants in plenty_______
(171)A mock test was arranged in our class. We were asked to answer the questions in 35 minutes. The
questions were put on the board. The answer books were examined by the teacher.
Start like this : They arranged the mock test in___________
(172)What have you bought from the book fair. I have bought nothing. Then why did you visit it? I
visited it to pass my free time.
Start like this : What has been bought by you__________
(173)English is taught as a compulsory subject from class V. The teachers of English have been given
training to teach English. They are advised not to translate each and every line into mother tongue.
But it is not taught properly in many schools.
Start like this : The teachers teach English as a compulsory __________
(174)He spread the rumor. The male hen lays egg. He also founded an institution. I have already had a
message just now.
Start like this : The rumor was spread by him ___________
(175)We need money. We use money to buy things. We can buy food, clothing or play things with the
help of the currency notes. In olden days, people followed barter system. Now-a-days, people use
E-card as they are easy to carry.
Start like this : Money is needed by us__________
(176)The school welcomes good students every year. They welcomed me this year for participating at
national level in Yoga. They invited Mr. Mehta as the chief guest. He encouraged us by his words.
Start like this : Every year good students are welcomed ______________
(177)I can eat a dozen bananas at a time. I have won banana eating competition many times. But last
week could not win it! I was disappointed by it.
Start like this : A dozen bananas can be eaten by ______________
(178)Animals should be fed well. They should not be flogged. They should not be harassed. They
should be given food with love.
Start like this : We should feed the animals well__________
(179)Have I was going to school, I saw an accident. A truck driver knocked down a young boy! I gave
the boy first aid. I helped the boy.
Start like this : An accident was see by me_____________
(180)Have you ever seen a weaver bird? How does this small bird weave its nest? What does it use to
build the nest? How much time does it take to build the nest?
Start like this : Has a weaver bird ever been seen by you? ________
(181)We learn different subjects in the school. Our teachers teach us well. They do not give us more
homework. They solve our difficulties.
Start like this : Different subjects are learnt by us___________
(182)How do scientists invent new things? What do they do to invent new things? Well, they perform
many experiments. They spend most of their time in research work.

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Start like this : How are things invented by scientists? _______

(183)My papa took me to the book fair yesterday. My friend accompanied us to the fair. My friend and I
visited all the stalls. I bought some books on comics and science fiction from the fair.
Start like this : I was taken to the book fair by_________
(184)I never waste time. I do all my work myself, in time have formed good personal habits. I never
insult anybody.
Start like this : Time is never wasted by me_________
(185)We should not overuse our natural resources. We should keep our surroundings clean. We must not
throw rubbish anywhere we like. We should grow more and more trees.
Start like this : Our natural resources should not be ________
(186)See, the pupils are decorating their classrooms. Mona and Karima are fixing balloons to the
ceiling. Meeta and Rina are helping them. Kaveri and Jigisha are making a wonderful design at the
Start like this : See the classrooms are being decorated by _______
(187)The cultural committee of the school has finalized the date of the annual day. The members of the
committee have started preparation for the programme. They have already sent the invitation card
to the invitee. They have also booked the town hall for the cultural programme well in advance.
Start like this : The date of the annual programme has been_____
(188)I am Vinod Shah. I am a teacher. I work in my school called 'Saraswati Vidya Mandir. I teach my
students English. I make my students listen to the radio and watch the TV for the English
Start like this : She is Vibhooti Shah_______
(189)My father looks after this account. We often put many responsibilities upon him. He does his
duties well. We pay great respect towards him.
Start like this : My mother looks after this account. _______
(190)Yesterday was Uttarayan day. It was a holiday. Chintan, Parthiv, Amit, Bhairavi and Prutha were
at home. They were on the terrace.
Start like this : Today is Uttarayan day_______
(191)Shreyans took the injured woman to the hospital. He admitted her to the emergency ward. He
called the doctor. He said that he would call her relatives then.
Start like this : Shreya took the injured man to the hospital. _______
(192)John has given me a coin. He has found it from the rags. I have never seen such a coin in my life.
Even I have not thought about it.
Start like this : Divya has given Digvijay a coin. _______
(193)Rahul was playing cricket. He saw a ball lying on the pitch. He called his friends for help. They
did not like it.
Start like this : Rahul and Roshan are playing cricket. _______
(194)I left the car silently and entered the house. I went to my room and threw myself on the bed. I felt
that my father would never understand my feeling and me.
Start like this : She leaves the car silently and enters the house ……….

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(195)Miss Sullivan made some finger movements on Helen’s palm. That was an exciting experience for
Helen as she got interested in the play and started imitating the movements.
Start like this : Miss Sullivan makes some finger movements on ________
(196)The boys were in the library. The librarian was giving books to the boys. The peon was arranging
the books in the cupboard. Some boys were reading newspapers in the comer.
Start like this : The boys are in the library ._______
(197)On the first day, Miss Sullivan gave Helen a doll and made some finger movements on her palm.
Helen succeeded in imitating the movements correctly. Soon she learnt to spell.
Start like this : On the first day, Miss Sullivan gives Helen a doll ._______
(198)Hellen Keller became deaf and blind when she was very young. Since she was deaf, she could not
speak. One day her parents found Miss Sullivan, a teacher for the deaf and blind.
Start like this : Hellen Keller becomes deaf and blind_______
(199)Once, there lived a boy named Rohan. He never listened to his parents. One day he went to see the
Golden Temple with his parents. There he saw a pond full of fish.
Start like this : Once, there lived a girl named Rashmi. _______
(200)Topsy and Turvey are twin pandas who live alone. Topsy is very lazy and loves to eat turkey all
day long, so he is very fat. Topsy tries to eat turkey.
Start like this : Topsy and Turvey were twin pandas_______

Render the following dialogue into Indirect speech:04

(1) "What kind of a deal did you make, kid," I asked. "We haven't got a deal," Walt said, "The
distributor copy-righted Oswald and he's taking over the series him self." "We are going to start a
new series. It's all about a mouse," said I.
(2) " I come from Maw and Meggins, your son's employer," the visitor said.
" Is anything wrong? Has anything happened to my son, Herbert," said the old lady.
"Badly hurt:; But he is not in much pain."
"Oh. thank God," said the old lady.
(3) Ram singh asked, "Where have you been this time
"I went up the high mountains, up to the borders of India and Tibet," said Alibhai.
"Alone?", asked Nilam.
"I am used to it. I am not afraid of it," said Alibhai
(4) "To my surprise a big snow leopard appeared before me,".said Alibhai.
"How horrifying,!" said Arjun.
"Keep quiet," said the mother impatiently and asked,
"What happened then?"
(5) Teacher : Good morning, children.
Vinay : What are we going to do today, madam?
Teacher : Today we are going to discuss about our domestic animals.
Vinay : Let us do something else, please.
(6) Riya : Where did you get it from?
Pia : My uncle bought her in Chile

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Riya : Wow ! That's awesome. How old is she?

Pia : I really don't know.
(7) Miss Shah said, "Welcome, all of you. Are you ready for this session, Partik?"
"Thanks Madam," Said Pratik, "I am eager to have this session."
Miss Shah said, "Let me ask you a few questions about yourself. Would you tell me what you like
to do in your spare time?"
(8) Pratik said, "Will I get admission where I want?"
"Don't be impatient," said Miss Shah, "Let me reveal your result of the I.Q. test."
"What does it say," said Pratik.
(9) "Good morning ! How is your health today?
"It's improving now, Doctor, when will I get discharge?." said Pratap
"Let me check you first," said the doctor.
"Please doctor, let me go home now."
(10) "Alas ! I am ruined. A loss of one crore rupees ! "
" Take it as a will of God," said his wife.
"How shall I pay this huge debt?", said Ashok.
"I can assure you that with courage we shall be able to pay it shortly. Have courage, dear," said his
(11) Jhanvi said, "Sorry sir, I want to ask you a question.
"Yes, you can."
"Why did you punish all of us yesterday?"
"Meet me after this period is over. I shall explain you the reason," said Mr. Raval.
(12) "Can you spare some time for me, Dadaji? I want your guidance", said Kavya.
"Sure dear."
"How can I become a police officer?"
"Work hard as much as you can and ask guidance from your teachers and elders," said Mr.
(13) "What a wonderful movie it was !", said Urmi.
" Are you talking about 'Babby'?" asked Urja.
" Yes," said she
"I too, liked it very much so I watched it thrice."
(14) Traffic police said to Saumya, "Didn't you see the red light on the cross-road'?"
"Yes, I did but my bike didn't," said Saumya.
"How disobedient ! Give me 500 rupees fine."
"Pardon me this time, sir."
(15) "What a pleasant evening ! Shall we go for a walk?" said Dhyan to Dhyani.
"Which side shall we go?"
"To the sea-shore," Said Dhyan.
"That is a good proposal, Let us go there."
(16) "What a funny looking animal this is !", said Arpan, "I wonder why a camel has a big hump."
"This hump is camel's store of food," said the teacher.

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"But can a camel eat its hump?" asked Arpan to his teacher .
(17) Dev : Where are you going?
Devansh : To play. Come with me
Dev : Let's go to the stadium.
Devansh : What a wonderful idea!
(18) "Sit quietly, Chintan. What are you doing?"
" Sir, I did nothing. I am paying attention to you now "
" What a lie ! I saw you teasing Chirag, said Mr. Rana.
"Sorry sir," said Chintan.
(19) "Papa, I want 2000 rupees, Will you please give me?" said Aayushi.
"Why? "
"I want to help my poor friend."
"What a great idea, Take the money."
(20) Hello Sumitra, Are you busy now?"
"No, But why do you ask me so, Pooja"
"I want nothing. Don't waste your time in this way." Shut up and get lost."
(21) "What is your name?, The manager asked the stranger. "Vijay Chauhan."
"Please, sit on this chair and tell me why have you come here?" "To give you this letter from my
(22) The teacher asked, "Who broke this window glass?" "It was I who did it, Sir", said Manoj. "What a
brave boy you are ! You admitted your fault showing real bravery." "Thank you, Sir."
(23) "Will you have tea and Biscuits, Kavya?" Said Mita.
"Yes. I shall love them."
"Please, take it and enjoy."
"Thanks a lot" said Kavya.
(24) "Are you ill?"
"No," said Ronak.
"Then why are you sitting idly like this. Go out at once and help you brother." said Virendra.
"Sure, papa."
(25) "What a cold day it is today ! Let's have some hot tea and Dalvadas." said Vishvas.
"It is really a good idea."
"Oh ! But the tea-stall is closed. What shall we do?" said Vishvas to Alpesh.
(26) "How delicious this Kaju Katri is! Did you like it, Khushi?", said Jhanvi.
"Certainly. Who prepared this for us?", Said Khushi.
"My mother."
"Let me go and thank your mother," said Kushi to Jhanvi.
(27) Mr. Desai : Take this heavy bag to my office .
Coolie : Sir, it will cost more.
Mr. Desai : Don't worry. I will pay 200 rupees to you.
Coolie : Thank you, Sir. What a kind person you are !
(28) Dhruvi : Good morning, Riddhi. How are you?

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Riddhi : Quite well and what about you?

Dhruvi : In a little tension because I have a chemistry test this evening.
Riddhi : Don't worry. It will be very easy
(29) Jethalal said, "Congratulations on your winning a prize in the elocution competition."
Tapu said, "Thank you papa. I spoke well but I was not sure about winning the Prize."
"Now you will take part in the state level competition."
"Yes, I will. I will try my best too."
(30) The visitor : How beautiful the Sun Temple looks !
The Guide : I am proud to be a part of your tour and to guide you."
The visitor : What about your fees?
The guide : Fifty rupees per person.
(31) "Do you think I should read an English newspaper daily to improve my English, sir?"
"Any kind of reading in English will serve purpose Rohan."
"But if I don't follow the words, then?"
"Shake off this fear from your mind or you will never learn English. Keep dictionary with you and
get help from it."
(32) "Is the train late today?" asked the passenger.
"Yes it's half an hour late". replied the clerk.
"Please give me two tickets for Mumbai". said the passenger.
"Do you want to travel by the mail train?"
(33) "Look at this radio. What a beautiful piece ! said the sales- girl.
"How much is it?" asked the young man.
"Only six- hundred and ninety- nine rupees", said the girl.
" That is a big amount. How can I Buy it? I am sorry to have troubled you." replied the young man.
(34) Manish : What are you doing here?
Spand : I am playing with my friends.
Manish : Stop playing and go for reading.
Spand : Let me play for while.
(35) "What is your name?" said Mr Patel.
"Rahul Patel." replied the stranger.
" Please sit on this chair and tell me what you want."
" I want to give you this letter."
(36) Let's visit Matheran during summer vacation" said Prapti to her sister Samapti.
"What an Excellent idea? Have you talked to our papa?"
"He is mood less today"
(37) "Could you, please lend me your pen for a moment?", said the stranger.
"No. I don't like to give my pen to anybody", said I.
"Why, sir? Do the stranger. think you won't get it back?" said the stranger.

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"You are right. Sometimes I forget to take it back and many times the borrower forgets to return",
said I.
(38) "Lily, do you know the nature of an oath?"
"I don't know what you mean, sir," said she.
"There, may it please your honour," said the lawyer to the judge. "Her evidence cannot be taken
"let's see," said the judge.
(39) Ahmed : Good morning, Sir.
Mr Shah : Good morning. What book is there in your hands?
Ahmed : Hamlet, Sir.
Mr Shah : Let me have it for a week, will you?
Ahmed : All right, Sir.
(40) "Show me some new purses, please" said Rina to the salesman.
"Foreign or Indian?" Said the salesman.
"Both" said Rina.
"Wait a minute, Please" Said the salesman.
(41) Keyur : Do you know that man?
Diya : Yes, he is my uncle.
Keyur : Can I talk to him?
Diya : What do you want from him?
(42) "What happened to your brother?" I asked Maya.
"He met with an accident," Maya said.
(43) "Did you call me. Dada?" asked Taruna.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing. what can I do for you, Dada?
"Go and light the kitchen fire." said the postmaster.
(44) "Who are you?" said the swallow.
"I am the Happy Prince."
"Why are you weeping then? asked the swallow.
"My heart is moved when I see misery of my people.
(45) Mona said to Smita, "Where are you going now?
Smita said "I am going to a beauty- shop"
Mona said, "Wait, I shall accompany you."
(46) "Are you Bob?" the man asked doubtfully
"Yes I am. But who are you?"
"Don't you recognize me? I am Jimmy."
"Oh, I am sorry. How forgetful I am?"
(47) "How lovely this book is?"

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"Where did you buy it from?" asked Sunny to Sona "From the book- shop near my house. Do you
want to buy one like this?"
(48) Rucha : Please, help me to complete this project
Rushil : Sorry, I am busy this time.
Rucha : When will you be free?
Rushil : You can tell me after one hour.
(49) Tarun : Where is Mr. Shah? Is he well?
Tinu : He is not very well. He has gone to see the doctor.
Tarun : How sad! Is he worried about something?
Tinu : Yes. His son is the reason of his worry.
(50) Nasruddin : Haven’t you got mangoes from India?
Fruitman : I’ve got nice mangoes from India.
Nasruddin : How much are they?
Fruitman : They are one dinar each, sir. All are good, taste any of
(51) Janak : Sir, can I begin this speech with my introduction?
Sir : What a good idea!
Janak : How many lines shall I write for introduction.
Sir : Write not more than five lines.
(52) Anand : Let’s go for a walk.
Mihir : Where shall we go?
Anand : We will go to a nearby garden.
Mihir : What a great idea!
(53) Doctor : How are you now?
Patient : I feel much better now.
Doctor : Continue the same medicine.
Patient : Thank you, doctor.
(54) Papa : Rahul, how was your first day at school?
Rahul : Ok. Papa. But I haven’t got any friends yet.
Papa : Well, it’s O.k. You will make friends in a day or two.
(55) Shepherd : Your Majesty, you’re worth exactly twenty-five shillings.
King : Twenty - five shillings! This is simply an insult.
Shepherd : Pardon me, your majesty, it’s only simple arithmetic.
King : What do you mean by that? Explain.
(56) Gulliver : Please take away my chains. I want to move about.
King : You must be careful while walking. You mustn’t walk on
my people.
Gulliver : I promise I will be very careful.
King : (to his men) Take away his chains. He is not a dangerous
(57) Policeman : Athwa Police Station. Can I help you?

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Sudhaben : Yes. My daughter, Meena hasn’t returned from school yet.

I’ve waited for a long time. She’s missing.
Policeman : Wait just a minute. Who are you?
Sudhaben : I’m Mrs Sudha Desai from Navdeep Society,
(58) The teacher : Do you like this paper style?
The students : What an easy paper style it is?
The teacher : Be ready to score good marks.
The students : Definitely, we shall follow your advice.
(59) Anil : Let’s go to visit ‘Taj Mahal’ at Agra.
Sunil : How shall we go?
Anil : We will go by train.
Sunil : What a wonderful idea it is!
(60) Mona : What are you doing, Chintu?
Chintu : Don’t disturb me, please! I’m busy.
Mona : Of course, you are. But what are you doing?
Chintu : You shouldn’t disturb me like this. I’m preparing my new time-
(61) Atul : Please give me a ticket for the S.T. bus station.
Conductor : Sorry. I can’t.
Atul : Why so?
Conductor : Because this bus will go to Kalupur only.
(62) Sunita : Mummy, where are you going now?
Leelaben : Daughter, I am going to your uncle’s house now.
Sunita : Let me come with you.
Leelaben : No, Read your lessons, today. Don’t waste your time.
(63) Kiran : Mummy, will you prepare ‘Paubhaji’ for me today?
Mother : No, I can’t. You are not well now.
Kiran : But I have taken my medicines.
Mother : So what? How careless you are about your health!
(64) Anand : Don’t you really want to go out with me?
Mily : I do. But I need some time to get ready myself.
Anand : O. K. But please hurry up.
(65) Mr. Vyas : I want to give you a nice gift.
Mrs Vyas : Are you really thinking so?
Mr. Vyas : Let’s visit the “Suhag Gift Articles” for the gift as your choice.
Mrs Vyas : How kind you are!
(66) Dhyan : Let’s go for a walk.
Khushali : Where shall we go?
Dhyan : We will go towards “Jalaram Mandir”.
Khushali : Do you like the place?
(67) The visitor : How beautiful the Taj looks!

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The Guide : We are proud of this historical monument.

The visitor : Who built this wonders of the world?
The Guide : Shahjahan, the great emperor.
(68) Krupa : What are you going to do tomorrow?
Kush : To visit the sea-shore.
Krupa : What a good idea! With whom will you go?
Kush : With my cousin.
(69) Nirali : Sir, can I begin this speech with my introduction?
Sir : What a good idea!
Nirali : How many lines shall I write for introduction?
Sir : Write not more than 5 lines.
(70) Shopkeeper : Medam, I think this sari will suit you well.
Sarladevi : Yes, I shall buy it. How much is it?
Shopkeeper : Only Rs. 1,500.
Sarladevi : Oh! It is very costly. Will you give me some discount?
(71) Romil : Can I speak to Trupti, Please?
Maltiben : I am sorry. She isn’t in. Who's speaking?
Romil : My name is Romil. Do you know what time she’ll be back?
Maltiben : She won’t be back till ten.
(72) Mahek : What do you say about my result?
Kartik : I can say nothing but excellent.
Mahek : Thank you, dear.
(73) Anand : Good evening, Vinod. I have come to see you about the umbrella
you borrowed from me last week.
Vinod : I'm sorry, but I lent it to a friend of mind. Do you want it now?
Anand : Well, not for myself, but the fellow I borrowed it from says the
owner wants it.
(74) Vipul : “Why are you laughing, Joseph?”
Joseph : Wait a minute. I am reading a funny incident.”
Vipul : “What is it about?”
Joseph : “Please wait till I finish.”
(75) Megha : Friends, let’s play Antakshari today.
Neha : That’s a good idea.
Kathan : Why don’t we play a spelling game instead of Antakshari?
This will enrich our vocabulary.
The class : Yes, that’s very nice. Let’s play a spelling game.
(76) Papa : When will your school declare the result, Sumeet?
Sumeet : On 6th May,
Papa : What do you think about your result?
Sumeet : I hope I will surely get the first rank in the class.
(77) Patient : I have severe pain in my stomach.

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Doctor : Since when have you been suffering from this trouble?
Patient : For the last three days. I can’t eat anything. Please do something.
Doctor : (Gives medicines) Take these capsules twice a day for five
days.You will be all right.
Patient : Thank you, sir.
(78) Neha : What a fine wrist watch you are wearing!
Mithun : Do you like it?
Neha : Yes, where did you buy it from?
Mithun : Actually my Papa has brought it from U.S.A. It’s a gift from
(79) Vipul : Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?
Sohil : Because I had viral infection.
Vipul : Now how do you feel? Have you consulted your physician?
Sohil : Yes, I feel better today. So I have come to school.
(80) King : Where is the Abbot of Canterbury? Is he present here?
Shepherd : Yes, I am here my lord.
King : Can you answer my question now?
Shepherd : My answers are ready. But please pardon me if one or two
of them displease you, sir.
(81) King : What are you doing here? Why haven’t you gone home yet?
Beggar : Sir, I have lost a rupee. I have been searching for it since
King : You are a very greedy man. Return the whole amount to me.
(82) Bunty : I am learning to ride my uncle’s bike, Montu.
Montu : Not possible. Your uncle is not such a stupid person that he will
trust you.
Bunty : Do you want to bet? I will show you on Sunday.
(83) The manager : What is your name?
Chintan : My name is Chintan.
The manager : Do you know English well?
Chintan : I certainly do.
(84) Rekha : “What will you do after the board exam?”
Roshan : “I’m planning to visit Goa.”
Rekha : “With whom will you go?”
Roshan : “I shall go there with my friends.”
(85) The captain : “We have won the match.”
The teacher : “What was your score?”
The captain : “I scored twenty-seven runs.”
The teacher : “It proved to be a captain’s match.”
(86) Mihir : “Can you show me some gifts?”
Trader : “These are the gifts.”

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Mihir : “I’m ready to spend nearly Rs, 200.”

Trader : “You may go to another shop because your budget is limited.”
(87) Vijay : “Mummy, I’m going out.”
Mother : “Where are you going to?”
Vijay : “To the stadium.”
Mother : “Well, I can’t say ‘no’ for that.”
(88) Ila : “How are you?”
Tanvi : “I am not happy today.”
Ila : “What happened to you?”
Tanvi : “I have a severe headache.”
(89) Shopkeeper : Madam, I think this sari will suit you.
Sarladevi : Yes, I shall buy it. How much is it?
Shopkeeper : Madam, I think this sari will suit you.
Sarladevi : Yes, I shall buy it. How much is it?
(90) Ahmad : Good morning, Zara. How are you?
Zara : Not very fine.
Ahmad : What happened? Can I help you?
Zara : I have got Geometry test tomorrow and I cannot understand
this theorem.
(91) Ragini : How are you Nirali, today?
Nirali : Fine. What shall we do now?
Ragini : Let’s go to the library and borrow some books.
Nirali : What fine idea!
(92) Passenger : Take this heavy bag to my office.
Coolie : Sir, it will cost more.
Passenger : Don’t worry, I will pay 100 rupees for it.
Coolie : Thank you, sir. How kind you are!
(93) Nirali : What are you doing now?
Akash : I am doing my exercise.
Nirali : Please help me with my homework.
Akash : Don’t worry. I’ll surely help you this evening.
(94) Ronak : Good morning, sir! How are you?
Teacher : Fine. Thank you.
Ronak : Will you help me to translate these sentences, sir?
Teacher : Show me. What are your sentences?
(95) Doctor : How often do you take tea, uncle?
Patient : Five times a day.
Doctor : It’s not good for your health.
Patient : But, Doctor, I can’t do away without it.
(96) Khushi : Mom, can I do my hair myself?
Mom : No. I’ll do it for you.

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Khushi : Mom, but you always advise me to do my work myself.

Mom : That’s right. But you can’t do your hair yourself properly.
(97) Janki : Let’s go to the section of ‘Magic of Science’.
Vinay : It must be interesting
Joseph : Wow! Look at that paper fish.
Vinay : How swiftly it floats and swims!
(98) Chintan : Good morning, How are you?
Himani : Fine. Thank you.
Chintan : Will you help me to solve this sum?
Himani : Sure. But, let me finish my work.
(99) Shilpa : Let’s go to Ladakh during this summer vacation.
Rupal : How shall we go there?
Shilpa : We will go by train till Jammu and then by Helicopter to Ladakh.
Rupal : What a wonderful idea!
(100)Mother : What are you doing now?
Keta : I am watching serial on the T.V.
Mother : Don’t waste time in watching T.V. serial. You are in the S.S.C.
Keta : Sorry, Mummy, I want to relax.
(101)Vatsal : Where are you going?
Nirav : I am going to play.
Vatsal : Let’s go to the library.
Nirav : What a wonderful idea!
(102)Rakesh : I want to give you a nice gift today.
Meenal : Are you really thinking so?
Rakesh : Let’s visit the ‘Suhag Gift Articles’ for the gift of your choice.
Meenal : How kind you are!
(103)Mr. Desai : How did you solve this sum yesterday?
Vinit : With the help of my elder sister, sir.
Mr. Desai : What a brilliant idea you have!
Vinit : Thank you for your motivation, sir.
(104)"Show me your license," said the police officer to the truck driver.
"I haven't got it with me, sir"
"What an irresponsible man you are ! You have to pay the fine."
"Please forgive me. I shall keep it with me."
(105)"It is time for you to take your lunch," said mother.
"Please, let me finish my experiment first," said Paresh.
"When will you finish it?"
"Oh, Mummy, how impatient you are !"
(106)The unemployed man said, "I want some work here in your factory. Do you have any?"
The manager said. "Sorry, here we don't have any job for you. You may go elsewhere."
"I know some particular skills, Sir." Said the unemployed man.

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"What particular skills do you know?" said the manager very angrily.
(107)Poonam : Good evening, Ketan. Where is your friend Kushal?
Ketan : Good evening. He is at home. He is preparing for the
examination today.
Poonam : Yeasterday I saw him playing cricket.
Ketan : Are you sure? Did you stop him?
(108)"Sir, shall we plant some plants here?" said the monitor.
"Yes, you can. I think you can plant an Ashoka plant." Said the teacher Mr. Joshi.
"I think it will be a problem in future." said Umesh.
"What will be the problem?" asked Minakshi.
"There will be many ants on it and they will enter our rooms." said Sonal
(109)Ram said to Sita, "Why would you not stay at home? Why will you take trouble for me?"
Sita said with seriousness, "O lord ! it is not the trouble that I want to share with you but it is my
joy that I wish to share."
Ram said with surprise, "How can you get the joy in the dark forest and in a hut?"
Sita said with love, "My joy lies in the footsteps of mu husband.""
(110)The principal said to the pupils, "we shall celebrate the Van Mahotsav in our school. Are you all
All said, "Yes sir. We are with you. Please guide is what to do." The principal said. "You will have
to take part in different activities and make this celebration a success."
The pupils in one voice said, "we will surely make it a success.""
(111)The angle touched the model and said, "It's too soft."
"But very touch," said the Lord excited. "You cannot imagine what this mother can do and
"Can it think?"
"Not only think, but can reason and compromise too," said the Lord."
(112)Uncle : Meeta, Good evening.
Meeta : Good evening.
Uncle : Congratulations on winning a prize in the debate competition.
Meeta : Thank you uncle. "
(113)Krupa : What are you going to do tomorrow?
Kush : to visit the sea shore.
Krupa : what a good idea ! With whom will you go?
Kush : With my cousin."
(114)"Do you know my younger brother, Darshan?" said Kiran to Payal.
"I know only the meaning of Darshan," said she with a smile.
"What a fantastic reply it is !" said he.
"It's my nature to give a fantastic reply to a fantastic question." She said coolly."
(115)"How beautiful the Kankariya lake looks !" said miss Bru.
"We are proud of this lake", said Amit, a tourist guide.
"Are there anyother interesting places to visit?" said Miss Bru.

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"Yes, many", replied Amit."

(116)"What do you want of me?" asked the girl.
"Only some work from your hands," said the man.
"What kind of work would you like?"
"Let me make a coloured ribbon for your hair." he answered."
(117)"What a nice child you are !" said the nurse to Ajay.
"Thanks you," said Ajay
"Open your mouth please."
"I will open it if you don't put a tablet in it."
"All right, All right."
(118)"Disha, I saw a drama today. Wow ! What a drama it is !" said Ami.
"What made you so much pleased with it?"
"The only word I can use for it is 'excellent'."
"Go and see it before it is withdrawn.""
(119)Teacher : Rakesh, you came late yesterday and today you are again late. Stand
up on the bench.
Rakesh : I am very sorry, Sir. I forgot to wind my watch and did not know
the time this morning.
Teacher : make a regular habit of winding your watch otherwise I shall have
to complain the principal.
Rakesh : Pardon me, Sir. I shall not come late again."
(120)"How lazy you look !" said the old man. "Which of you is the laziest? I will give him a rupee."
Tom at once jumped up and said, "I am the laziest here. Give the rupee to me."
"No. no." said the man, "You are too active."
"Give it to me, then," said Dick, sitting up. "I am the laziest."
"I don't think you are," said the man."
(121)Mohan : "Can you show me some gifts?"
Trader : "These are the gifts."
Mohan : "I'm ready to spend nearly Rs. 200."
Trader : "You may go to another shop because your budget is limited.""
(122)Saroj : "Let's join Music classes."
Komal : "I don't wish to join."
Saroj : "Please tell me the reason."
Komal : "I haven't any spare time.""
(123)"What a nice piece it is !" said Chetan.
"Do you know its price?" said Pooja.
"Rs. 450." Said Chetan.
"It's really costly." Said Pooja."
(124)"Where did you hide wealth, O father?" asked the eldest son.
"I have hidden the wealth in our field" replied the dying father.
"How difficult it is for us to find it out ! " said the youngest son.

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"Let's all dig it out", suggested the eldest son."

(125)Raja : "How is it that I am often so ill?"
Vizier : "You should not take tea."
Raja : "What a strange statement it is!"
Vizier : "Be careful otherwise you will die."
Raja : "Are you sure of your information?"
(126)"What a beautiful movie it was !" said Uma.
"Are you talking about the Blue Lagoon?" asked Anup.
"Yes" said she.
"I, too, liked very much." he said.
(127)The doctor said, "Do you get sound sleep, grandpa?"
The old man said, "Only sometimes"
The doctor said, "You will get sound sleep with these pills."
The old man said, "Thank you, doctor"
(128)The ticket checker said, "Show me your ticket, please"
The woman passenger said, "Here it is."
The ticket checker said, "Now keep it safely with you, madam"
The woman said, "All right, gentle man"
(129)The farmer said, "What a wonderful cow !"
The shepherd said, "It is from New Zealand"
The farmer said, "How much milk does it give in a day?"
The shepherd said, "Twenty five litres."
(130)The clerk, Miss Sathe, said, "Can you show me your passbook, sir?"
The merchant Mr Shah said, "Here it is, madam"
Miss Sathe said, "I will fill in all details in a moment."
The merchant said, "I will wait in the meantime."
(131)The salesman said, "There is a sale here today, sir"
The visitor said, "What discount do you offer on garments?"
The salesman said, "Between twenty and forty percent, sir"
The visitor said, "What a bargain it will be !"
(132)Mother said, What a high temperature you have !"
Appu said, "Is it too high, mummy?"
Mother said, "Don't worry, Appu."
Appu said, "I didn't have this much fever yesterday, mummy."
(133)The beggar said, "How unhappy I am !"
The girl said, "Why do you say so?"
The beggar said, "Because I have got no money to spend."
The girl said, "Money never made anybody happy at any time."
(134)The passenger said, "When did you buy this rickshaw?"
The rickshawwala said, "Then why has it become so old?"
The rickshawwala said, "Bad roads have reduced it to this sad condition."

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(135)An American tourist said, " What a wonderful painter you are !"
Mr. Hussein said, "I have been painting sine my childhood, sir."
The tourist said, "When did you last arrange an exhibition in the U.S.A?"
Mr. Hussein said, "In 1990."
(136)Uncle : Khushboo, Good evening. Congratulations on your winning a
prize in the debate competition.
Khushboo : Good evening. Thank you, uncle. I spoke well but I was not
sure that I would win the prize.
Uncle : I've heard that you are now going to take part in the
competition at the district level.
Khoshboo : Yes, I'm. I will try my luck.
Uncle : Good luck and good-bye.
(137)"You should be patient, Orpheus," the friends said.
Orpheus said, " I can't live without her, so I will go to Hades."
The friends said, " You will have to face many difficulties."
Orpheus said , " I will face all the difficulties."
(138) "Bela, do you know that my company has given me a new assignment?" said Anita.
"What a good news ! Where?"
"In Banglore at our new branch."
Oh ! What a wonderful city it is ! Don't refuse to go."
(139)"What is the matter, Amisha?" said Sonal.
"I have no mood."
"Let's go to see a movie."
"Which movie shall we see?"
(140)"Hennry, I think house is on fire", she cried.
"You think?" I replied, "you ought to know."
I can smell something burning, can't you?"
"Yes, I can. What is it?" I asked
"Never mind what it is," she said "come and put it out."
(141)Traffic police said to a young man, "Did you see the red light on the cross-roads?"
"Yes, I did but my bicycle didn't."
"What a clever chap ! Next time ask your bicycle to be careful."
"Pardon me this time, please."
(142)Mrs Brams : Was this announcement about the bus to Vadodara, Akram?
Akram :Yes, it said that there was a breakdown and there would be no
direct bus till 12:00.
Mrs Brams : Is there any other alternative?
Akram : Let's go and at the inquiry counter.

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(143)Policeman : How did the man steal away the purse? What did the man
look like?
Raghu : As the salesman handed me my carry bag, I saw a man blue
shirt and trousers running away so I don't know anything about the purse.
Policeman : Do you have anything more to say?
Raghu : Sorry. I have nothing to add.
(144)The unemployed man said, "I want some work here in your factory. Do you have any?"
The manager said. "Sorry, here we don't have any job for you. You may go elsewhere."
"I know some particular skills, Sir." Said the unemployed man.
"What particular skills do you know?" said the manager very angrily.
(145)"Sir, shall we plant some plants here?" said the monitor.
"Yes, you can. I think you can plant an Ashoka plant." Said the teacher Mr. Joshi.
"I think it will be a problem in future." said Umesh.
"What will be the problem?" asked Minakshi.
"There will be many ants on it and they will enter our rooms." said Sonal
(146)Mukesh returned home and said to his sister, "Where did papa go?"
Mitali said, "I don't have any idea. Please don't disturb me now."
Mukesh said, "I am very hungry today. Please cook something for me."
Mitali said, "I can prepare only tea. Will you like to take?"
Mukesh said, "Yes that will be nice. Thank you."
(147)The principal said to the pupils, "we shall celebrate the Van Mahotsav Day in our school. Are you
all ready?"
All said, "Yes sir. We are with you. Please guide us what to do." The principal said. "You will
have to take part in different activities and make this celebration a success."
The pupils in one voice said, "we will surely make it a success."
(148)Teacher : Rakesh, you came late yesterday and today you are again late. Stand
up on the bench.
Rakesh : I am very sorry, Sir. I forgot to wind my watch and did not know
the time this morning.
Teacher : Make a regular habit of winding your watch otherwise I shall have
to complain the principal.
Rakesh : Pardon me, Sir. I shall not come late again."
(149)"How lazy you look !" said the old man. "Which of you is the laziest? I will give him a rupee."
Tom at once jumped up and said, "I am the laziest here. Give the rupee to me."
"No. no." said the man, "You are too active."
"Give it to me, then," said Dick, sitting up. "I am the laziest."
"I don't think you are," said the man."
(150)"Where did you hide wealth, O father?" asked the eldest son.
"I have hidden the wealth in our field" replied the dying father.

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"How difficult it is for us to find it out ! " said the youngest son.
"Let's all dig it out", suggested the eldest son."
(151)"Show me your license," said the police officer to the truck driver.
"I haven't got it with me, sir"
"What an irresponsible man you are ! You have to pay the fine."
"Please forgive me. I shall keep it with me."
(152)"It is time for you to take your lunch," said mother.
"Please, let me finish my experiment first," said Paresh.
"When will you finish it?"
"Oh, Mummy, how impatient you are !"
(153)The unemployed man said, "I want some work here in your factory. Do you have any?"
The manager said. "Sorry, here we don't have any job for you. You may go elsewhere."
"I know some particular skills, Sir." Said the unemployed man.
"What particular skills do you know?" said the manager very angrily.
(154)"Sir, shall we plant some plants here?" said the monitor.
"Yes, you can. I think you can plant an Ashoka plant." Said the teacher Mr. Joshi.
"I think it will be a problem in future." said Umesh.
"What will be the problem?" asked Minakshi.
"There will be many ants on it and they will enter our rooms." said Sonal

Complete the sentences using the functions given in the brackets: 05

(1) Communicative Approach is so _______. (showing result)
(2) The students are _______. (showing result)
(3) Delhi is too _______. (showing result)
(4) This is such _______. (showing result)
(5) Himanshu's body is _______. (showing result)
(6) Dipak is so _______. (showing result)
(7) The milk was so tasty _______. (showing result)
(8) Rohan worked so hard _______. (showing result)
(9) The box is_______. (showing result)
(10) My grandpa is _______. (showing result)
(11) to understand for Bobby_______. (showing result)
(12) The famine was so severe _______. (showing result)
(13) The world is too small _______. (showing result)
(14) Your Flat is so _______. (showing result)
(15) Smita is too short _______. (showing result)
(16) Yatin is so smart _______. (showing result)
(17) _______. people move to other countries during summer.(showing result)
(18) Jahanvi is sincere enough _______. (showing result)
(19) Sanju played so cleverly _______. (showing result)
(20) The necklace was so _______. (showing result)
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(21) Mr. Dave is too lazy _______. (showing result)

(22) The child is clever enough _______. (showing result)
(23) Mr Dave is so lazy _______. (showing result)
(24) Money is such a powerful thing _______. (showing result)
(25) It's too hot _______. (showing result)
(26) Take medicines _______. (Manner of an action)
(27) Have the attitude _______. (Manner of an action)
(28) The students _______. expect.(Manner of an action)
(29) Try to play the piano_______. (Manner of an action)
(30) Mrs Gohil's dishes taste ._______. (Manner of an action)
(31) Urmil made the furniture _______. (Supposition of an action)
(32) Nilesh runs _______. (Supposition of an action)
(33) Moksha dances _______. (Supposition of an action)
(34) Mark Twain was painting the wall _______. (Supposition of an action)
(35) Prakashbhai roams around the village _______. (Supposition of an action)
(36) Jaival speaks _______. (Manner of an action)
(37) Shivam is eating _______. (Supposition of an action)
(38) Ranbir Kapoor acts _______. (Manner of an action)
(39) Her eyes are blazing _______. (Supposition of an action)
(40) After a long time, the two friends met _______. (Manner of an action)
(41) He looked very stubborn _______. (Supposition of action)
(42) Ravi's entry was _______. (Manner of an action)
(43) The bowler rose his finger ._______. (Supposition of an action)
(44) The owl sat still _______. (Supposition of an action)
(45) Bhavna cut her son's hair_______. (Supposition of an action)
(46) The clerk behaves as though _______. (Making supposition)
(47) Shut up _______. (Manner of action)
(48) Meet plays Football _______. (Making supposition)
(49) The students wrote the answers _______. (Manner of action)
(50) Miss Sullivan talks into Helen's palm _______. (Making supposition)
(51) Postcards and envelopes _______. (Describing Process)
(52) After all, they _______. (Describing Process)
(53) The car is being ......(Describing Process)
(54) Other end of the rope_______. (Describing Process)
(55) _______ on the very first ball. (Describing Process)
(56) The pot is covered ._______. (Describing Process)
(57) _______ with mint leaves .(Describing Process)
(58) In emergency, 108 _______. (Doer not important)
(59) The trees and electric poles _______. (Doer not important)
(60) The letters _______. (Doer not important)
(61) The policemen _______. (Doer not important)

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(62) The case of Dr. Mehta _______. (Doer not important)

(63) Several neighbours _______. (Doer not important)
(64) _______ in the class now?(Doer not important)
(65) Finally, the popcorn ._______. (Doer not important)
(66) Buttermilk _______. (Doer not important)
(67) The new model of Swift _______. (Doer not important)
(68) After inserting a debit card in ATM, the password _______. (Doer not important)
(69) The letter _______. (Doer not important)
(70) The boss _______. (Doer not important)
(71) Then, a pinch of salt _______. (Describing Process)
(72) Workers _______. (Describing Process)
(73) The students were _______. (Describing Process)
(74) Many new recepies .._______. (Describing Process)
(75) Nobel Prize for literature was _______. (Describing Process)
(76) I found that _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(77) I turned my head and _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(78) Shiv stood _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(79) Jhanvi told me _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(80) The teacher informed the students _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(81) Yogit asked Kamlesh _______. .(Synthesising Expression)
(82) Raxit wanted to know how _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(83) You should do exercise regularly if _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(84) The Home for the Aged is a place _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(85) No body knows the reason _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(86) From the study of Yoga science, we learn _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(87) After seeing the police, the thief_______. (Synthesising Expression)
(88) The principal declared that _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(89) Mary Kom is a woman boxer _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(90) Palanpur is a city where _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(91) I am glad that _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(92) We came to know that _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(93) Mobile is such an instrument _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(94) Axaykumar has started an institution which _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(95) The doctor advised Mr. Shah _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(96) Do you know when _______?(Synthesising Expression)
(97) Technology _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(98) I know that Mrs Desai is _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(99) Arpan didn't know _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(100)The teacher asked the students if _______. (Synthesising Expression)
(101)The Manager asked the clerk _______. (Reporting)
(102)The doctor advised Mr Jadeja _______. (Reporting)

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(103)The blind man requested me _______. (Reporting)

(104)_______ her dresses were ready.(Reporting)
(105)Kinjal told Darshit _______. (Reporting)
(106)_______ that Om danced really well.(Reporting)
(107)Deep asked the teacher _______. .(Reporting)
(108)Niketa told Hetal that ._______. (Reporting)
(109)The officer _______. (Reporting)
(110)The priest wished the boy _______. (Reporting)
(111)The nephew suggested to_______. (Reporting)
(112)The artist _______. (Reporting)
(113)The principal instructed the teacher not _______. (Reporting)
(114)Krima asked Himalay _______. (Reporting)
(115)Jagrutiben told Prakashbhai _______. (Reporting)
(116)Babubhai told Rahul ._______. (Reporting)
(117)Dipak asked Mahesh where _______. (Reporting)
(118)The English teacher told _______. (Reporting)
(119)Harin told Karma not _______. (Reporting)
(120)Shivani requested her father to _______. (Reporting)
(121)Ram told Leela that _______. (Reporting)
(122)He asked her to send _______. (Reporting)
(123)Mr Dave requested Mrs Joshi _______. (Reporting)
(124)Mohit exclaimed to his father _______. (Reporting)
(125)The students suggested to the teacher that they _______. (Reporting)
(126)Arpita saw _______. .(Connecting information)
(127)Work hard _______. (Connecting information)
(128)Manan walked fast _______. (Connecting information)
(129)If you tease me, _______. (Connecting information)
(130)Unless Kavya calls me _______. (Connecting information)
(131)Kamlesh knows that _______. (Connecting information)
(132)Khushi bought a pen _______. (Connecting information)
(133)Pranav Mistry explained _______. (Connecting information)
(134)Manali is place _______. (Connecting information)
(135)Madhuri Dixit is both _______. .(Connecting information)
(136)Mr. Shah teaches not only _______. (Connecting information)
(137)Your phone has neither _______. (Connecting information)
(138)M.P. is a developing state while _______. (Connecting information)
(139)We sat together so that _______. (Connecting information)
(140)Kohli batted so well _______. (Connecting information)
(141)Havells invented the fan _______. (Connecting information)
(142)Can you tell me the reason _______. (Connecting information)
(143)Do you know the time _______. (Connecting information)

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(144)Dhananjay was taking rest and _______. (Connecting information)

(145)Our guru taught us that _______. (Connecting information)
(146)The employees leave the office _______. (Connecting information)
(147)Do you know that man _______. .(Connecting information)
(148)Study English seriously otherwise _______. (Connecting information)
(149)I will go to Jammu and Kashmir either _______. (Connecting information)
(150)Sachin has always played well both _______. (Connecting information)
(151)_______ we will go out .(Condition in the past)
(152)_______ you can get good marks. (Condition in the past)
(153)_______,they could have won the match.(Condition in the past)
(154)You can go home _______. your assignment. (Condition in the past)
(155)Sheetal will inform us _______. (Condition in the past)
(156)_______ if the doctor had reached in time. (Condition in the past)
(157)Had Urvashi invited Deepak,._______. (Condition in the past)
(158)_______ the accident could have been avoided. (Condition in the past)
(159)If Himalay has time in the evening _______. (Condition in the past)
(160)_______ he would have had no difficulty in grammar. (Condition in the past)
(161)If Harinbhai is absent,_______. (Condition in the past)
(162)_______ ,the Internet would have been repaired. (Condition in the past)
(163)_______ the Annual function would have been a great success.(Condition in the past)
(164)If you had sold your couch on OLX, _______. (Condition in the past)
(165)_______ ,they would have been signed by the principal. (Condition in the past)
(166)Had the wife not disturbed her husband,_______. (Condition in the past)
(167)_______ we can afford it.(Condition in the past)
(168)It will be helpful to Nitin _______. ...(Condition in the past)
(169)_______ I can show you five bungalows. (Condition in the past)
(170)_______ Std-12, we could have got very good result.(Condition in the past)
(171)If the building had been built strong, _______. (Condition in the past)
(172)Had you informed me, I _______. (Condition in the past)
(173)The students would have got good marks, _______ seriously.(Condition in the past)
(174)_______ I will accompany you. (Condition in the past)
(175)Sunidhi Chauhan _______ a great singer, if she had done riyaaz regularly.(Condition in the past)
(176)Although Suketu is rich _______. (Contrasting)
(177)Eventhough he got good result _______. (Contrasting)
(178)_______ we can't get good salary .(Contrasting)
(179)_______ Amit cannot pass B.Sc. (Contrasting)
(180)_______ Savan cannot walk fast.(Contrasting)
(181)Eventhough we tried hard _______. (Contrasting)
(182)_______ Priya continued to work(Contrasting)
(183)_______ Krupa continued to work(Contrasting)
(184)Mr. Patil worked hard, _______. (Contrasting)

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(185)Sanjana works more _______. (Contrasting)

(186)Though Vishwas worked hard _______. (Contrasting)
(187)However old Mr. Bhatt is _______. (Contrasting)
(188)Although Ashish ran fast _______. (Contrasting)
(189)Strong as he is _______. (Contrasting)
(190)However beautiful Aishwarya is _______. (Contrasting)
(191)Though there are holidays _______. (Contrasting)
(192)However smart Nakul works _______. (Contrasting)
(193)In spite of being lazy, _______. (Contrasting)
(194)_______ , RCB won the match. (Contrasting)
(195)_______ but he is happy.(Contrasting)
(196)For winning the competition,_______. (offering Suggestion)
(197)To improve your English,_______. (offering Suggestion)
(198)The doctor advised Jiten that,_______. (offering Suggestion)
(199)Divya is careless,......(offering Suggestion)
(200)Nipun is idle,_______. (offering Suggestion)
(201)Tithi has failed in competition,_______. (offering Suggestion)
(202)The dietician instructed Kavya that, _______. (offering Suggestion)
(203)Khushi does not pay attention to what her parents say, _______. (offering Suggestion)
(204)To improve hand writing Jhanvi, _______. (offering Suggestion)
(205)Karan has worked hard without a break for a montn so......(offering Suggestion)
(206)If you are sick. _______. (offering Suggestion)
(207)If you are sick for a weak,_______. (offering Suggestion)
(208)If you are sick since long, _______. (offering Suggestion)
(209)For playing games well,_______. (offering Suggestion)
(210)If he wants to go UK, _______. (offering Suggestion)
(211)The teacher will teach us _______. (Alternative choice)
(212)_______ will help you.(Alternative choice)
(213)Rahul could neither _______. (Alternative choice)
(214)Sanju and Raju are clever but _______.(Alternative choice)
(215)I will take _______. (Alternative choice)
(216)Ajay met with an accident, while playing a game, _______. (Alternative choice)
(217)Jay is poor at English _______. (Alternative choice)
(218)Shyam has a strong body _______. (Alternative choice)
(219)Anil prefers safety first He would _______. (Alternative choice)
(220)Pritam _______. than outdoor games.(Alternative choice)
(221)Raj is tired, _______. (Alternative choice)
(222)Jainam is disturbed, _______. (Alternative choice)
(223)Dhananjay would rather _______. (Alternative choice)
(224)Manan wants to reach Mehsana soon, _______. (Alternative choice)
(225)He is sick,_______. (Alternative choice)

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(226)Sardar Patel used _______. (Habitual Past Action)

(227)When I had much money _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(228)During monsoon, Manan _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(229)When Gandhiji was in Ahmedabad, _______. (Habitual Past Action
(230)My teacher used _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(231)Ajay _______. very fast.(Habitual Past Action)
(232)When Bajpaiji was the PM of India _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(233)In my childhood _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(234)Before her marriage, Juli _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(235)My Principal _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(236)When Jay was a young boy, _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(237)_______ when he went to school. (Habitual Past Action)
(238)_______ when I was a school teacher.(Habitual Past Action)
(239)In old days,_______. (Habitual Past Action)
(240)Axay Kumar, _______. (Habitual Past Action)
(241)Manan went to Chennai by plane _______. (Showing purpose)
(242)Let us go out so that _______. (Showing purpose)
(243)Khushi watches English news in order _______. (Showing purpose)
(244)We should grow more trees so that _______. (Showing purpose)
(245)Don't drink coffee _______. (Showing purpose)
(246)Mr. Modi travelled all over India with a view to_______. (Showing purpose)
(247)Jainam ran fast in order to _______. (Showing purpose)
(248)Our supervisor calls the parents every week so that _______. (Showing purpose)
(249)Kavya went to school with a view _______. (Showing purpose)
(250)Montu went to Canada in order to _______. (Showing purpose)
(251)My father met the doctor so that _______. (Showing purpose)
(252)Save the money today in order that _______. (Showing purpose)
(253)Jhanvi works hard with a view to _______. (Showing purpose)
(254)Lord Krishna carried the mountain on his finger so that _______. (Showing purpose)
(255)I phoned a man _______. (Describing Person)
(256)Call the person _______. (Describing Person)
(257)Please call Arpan _______. (Describing Person)
(258)A teacher loves a student _______. (Describing Person)
(259)The principal called the boy _______. (Describing Person)
(260)Met Mr. Pancholi _______. (Describing Person)
(261)Reena I met a gentleman _______. (Describing Person)
(262)Do you know the player _______. .?(Describing Person)
(263)Have you met the clerk _______.?(Describing Person)
(264)All the people praised Walt _______. (Describing Person)
(265)This is the person _______. (Describing Person)
(266)Mr. Shah is my principal _______. (Describing Person)

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(267)Prabhas is an actor _______. (Describing Person)

(268)Vedanshi is a girl _______. (Describing Person)
(269)Manan is the boy_______. (Describing Person)
(270)Kavya makes friends _______. (Describing Place)
(271)A noble person will find happiness _______. (Describing Place)
(272)Loard Buddha was in search of a place _______. (Describing Place)
(273)Mumbai is the city from where _______. (Describing Place)
(274)Vapi is a town where _______. (Describing Place)
(275)Students went to the ground _______. (Describing Place)
(276)You will find happiness _______. (Describing Place)
(277)My friends hug eachother _______. (Describing Place)
(278)Sanjan Port is the place _____(Describing Place)
(279)Peace is found _______. (Describing Place)
(280)I like to sit where _______. (Describing Place)
(281)The peon must go _______. (Describing Place)
(282)Kirti Mandir is the place _______. (Describing Place)
(283)Name the place _______. (Describing Place)
(284)Park your car _______. (Describing Place)
(285)Raj will inform me _______. (Describing Time)
(286)When the inspector called me _______. (Describing Time)
(287)_______ the school bell rang _______. (Describing Time)
(288)The school bus came _______. (Describing Time)
(289)As soon as Lata sang a song _______. (Describing Time)
(290)Don't go out _______. (Describing Time)
(291)After Mr. Raval had left the hall, _______. (Describing Time)
(292)_______ the teacher noticed it.(Describing Time)
(293)_______ students continued their work.(Describing Time)
(294)Students had broken the bench before they were sent in out.
(295)As soon as I closed my eyes _______. (Describing Time)
(296)No sooner did the train arrive _______. (Describing Time)
(297)Hardly had I seen the green signal _______. (Describing Time)
(298)The burglar ran away _______. (Describing Time)
(299)Nirnay fell down _______. (Describing Time)
(300)While Mita was cooking,_______. (Describing Time)
(301)As soon as the Chief quest gave away prizes,_______. (Describing Time)
(302)_______ before the peon rang the bell.(Describing Time)
(303)Whenever you come,_______. (Describing Time)
(304)Dhruvi got the first prize _______. (Showing Reason)
(305)Boomrah was selected in the team _______. (Showing Reason)
(306)Khushi was given a National Award _______. (Showing Reason)
(307)Jhanvi will go to Canada _______. (Showing Reason)

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(308)Krupa got IELTS coaching_______. (Showing Reason)

(309)_______ people trust him.(Showing Reason)
(310)_______ the teacher will not give him chance. (Showing Reason)
(311)Vaidehi always gets good result _______. (Showing Reason)
(312)_______ As the price of gold grows,(Showing Reason)
(313)_______ she was admitted in the hospital.(Showing Reason)
(314)You should not take sugar _______. (Showing Reason)
(315)_______ since you are ill.(Showing Reason)
(316)Mohit was silent _______. (Showing Reason)
(317)Since my father is very old _______. (Showing Reason)
(318)There was a heavy flood as _______. (Showing Reason)

* Combine the following sentences and make a meaningful sentence: 03

(1) Lajja Goswami is the Brand Ambassador of Gujarat. The government has declared it. (which, that,
(2) The principal entered the class. The students stood (Nosooner...than, so...that, both...and)
(3) It is the Kirti Mandir. Gandhiji was born here. (why, when, where)
(4) Nobody knows the fact. His father is a smuggler. (who, that, which)
(5) Mr. Modi is the Prime Minister of India. People love him very much. (who, whom, whose)
(6) The police caught a murderer. He had killed a rich merchant. (who, whom, whose)
(7) Prachi is a good girl. Her father is a millionaire. (who, whom, whose)
(8) Ali came to the post office daily. Nobody understood reason. (why, when, whose )
(9) Don must be arrested. He was the master mind of Mumbai Bomb blast. (Because, though, so that)
(10) Ajay spoke the truth. No one believed it. (that, so, because)
(11) Ramukaka is very old. He cannot see clearly. (too, enough, in order to)
(12) Do you know? Mary Kom was born some where. (why, when, where)
(13) I will introduce Mr. Raval. His books are very helpful for students. (Who, whom, whose)
(14) Your sports teacher instructs you. You must listen to him. (that, which, what)
(15) Dhara asks me. I will answer her.(If, though, because)
(16) Vinod is my friend. Pramod is my friend. (Both....and, neither...nor, so...that)
(17) Don't make noise. I will punish you. (either...or, otherwise, if)
(18) Vipul is poor. He can not buy a bike. (in order to, because, according to)
(19) Raj is very irregular. All the teachers know that. (what, that, so)
(20) The guard blew the whistle. The train started. (Hardly...when, so...that, so that)
(21) The teacher punished Rahul. He misbehaved in the class. (therefore, and, but)
(22) I did not visit Kashmir. I did not visit Kerala. (either..or, neither...nor)
(23) Khyati went to Delhi. She wanted to see the Red fort of India. (With a view to, owing to, inspite of
(24) Arijit singh sang a song in "Ek tha villian." please sing that song (,, such....that)
(25) Last year I saw the Taj Mahal. It was built by Shah Jahan. (who, whom, which)
(26) The girl is crying. Her purse has been stolen. (and, but, because)
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(27) The teacher caught the boy. He was copying from other in exam. (who, whom, whose)
(28) Kerala is a coastal state. Goa is also a coastal state. (either...or, neither...nor, not only.. but also)
(29) How does this robot work? All the students want to know it.(that, what, how)
(30) A model walks gracefully. Nitisha walks gracefully like her. (So, asif, that)
(31) A book has many pictures. Show me that type of book. (,
(32) Do you know Jethalal? He lives in Gokuldham Society in Mumbai. (Who, whom, whose)
(33) Arunima was confident. She had a little fear to return back from the Everest. (However, so that,
(34) Repair the chair. Its leg is broken. (Whom, whose, which)
(35) Uttarayan is the festival. People fly kites whole the day. (why, where, when)
(36) Nidhi is intelligent. She can easily answer your question. (too, enough, to)
(37) Bharatbhai earns much. He does not spend much. (Though, so that, because)
(38) Dr. Hathi can work hard. He is very fat. (and, so, but)
(39) You have listened something. It is not the complete truth. (What, why, who)
(40) Our surpanch will host the flag. Our principal will host the flag. (neither....nor, either...or,
both...,and )
(41) Yug went to Canada. He could get higher education. (so that, so.... that)
(42) Nehru was kept in Dehradun Jail. It was on a hill station. (which, whom, where)
(43) Arvind Kejarival lost the election. People had no trust on him.(and, but, because)
(44) Kapil's show comes on a certain Day. Can you tell me the day? (why, when, where)
(45) Katrina is very beautiful. She can attract anyone. (so....that, so that, yet)
(46) Axaykumar met some Army officers. He wanted to perform the role of a Colonel. (And, but,
(47) Life is not a bed of roses. We should be ready to face problems in life.(since, though, yet)
(48) Apurva reads Eight hours a day. He can pass the GPSC exam. (in order that, therefore, as soon as)
(49) Kishan will join music class. He wants to learn playing Banjo. (and, but, because)
(50) A mad man laughs in a strange way. Priyansh laughs like him. (as if, and, when)
(51) The king was ill. The people heard the news. They crowded to the palace. They wished to inquire
about his health.
(52) The king was ill. The people heard the news. They crowded to the palace. They wished to inquire
about his health.
(53) Honest persons don't tell lies. They do not cheat others. People honour them. They love them too.
(54) A person cannot know about the future. He cannot prevent problems from coming. He should do
his daily work well. He should not be discouraged easily.
(55) The shepherd saw the traveller. He was coming to- wards the cave. He rose to welcome him. He
offered him a place in his cave.
(56) Hari wanted to study further. He was a poor coolie's son. His daily income was only 40 Rs. He
decided to help his father to support the family.
(57) Vikram Rathod is my friend. He is a doctor. He is very honest. He treats poor patients free of

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(58) It was their good luck. They found their lost son. He was sitting on the steps of the temple. It was
built outside the village.
(59) Aunt Jane handed a cheque of ten pounds to Jill. She could pay off just one of her bills. She could
say one thing atleast really belongs to her. She sent the cheque to the doctor.
(60) We lost our way. We asked a home guard to help us. He was a stranger to the place. He could not
help us.
(61) Let us all be true Indians. Let us all work for her unity. In that way we can make her great. We can
make it prosperous too.
(62) The Earth goes round the Sun once a year. You donot know the fact. It is very strange. The fact is
known to every educated person.
(63) Both the sisters used a high stool. They both scram- bled up on to the ledge. It was not very wide.
It was high enough from the ground for some degree of security.
(64) I agreed instantly. I spoke to him a little more. Was there any other course he preferred? I wanted
to find out this.
(65) Mr. lyre was not perturbed. He did not get angry with his wife. He served Abdul with his own
hands. He sat down beside him to eat his meal.
(66) India became free in 1947. At that time there were more than five hundred small states. Sardar
Patel united the nation. He was a bold leader.
(67) We lost our way. We asked a home guard to help us. He was a stranger to the place. He could not
help us.
(68) The Taj Mahal is a wonderful monument. It was built by Shah Jahan. It was built in the memory of
his wife, Mumtaj. It is on the banks of the river Yamuna.
(69) Pollution is caused by industrialization. It is also caused by increase in population. Pollution must
be control- led. If not, people will die of it.
(70) The computer is a machine. It is a mechanical brain. It can solve many mathematical problems. It
can not feel like human beings.
(71) opened the cash box on the table. I took out hundred rupees note. It was given to me by the lady.
She had come earlier.
(72) You type in a keyword in the search engine. It will search its database. It will display the websites.
These websites are related to the keyword.
(73) Krunal heard the news of his friend's accident. He soon rushed to the hospital. He went to see his
friend. He had been run over by a truck.
(74) Gandhiji had been kept at Yeravada Central prison, It was in Maharashtra. My father said so.
(75) Ram went to the battlefield. Soon he realized the fact. The young warrior was Kush. Ram felt
fatherly feelings for him.
(76) There are no ghosts in the world. Science says this. People should not afraid of them. They need
not keep themselves in doors at night.
(77) It is very much uneconomic to go on paying rent year after year. We realised it. It is possible you
can buy and enjoy a home of your own.
(78) We can set our biological clock by practice. We can practise the same action at the same time. We
can carry it on for a longer period. This is the good news.

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(79) He was unable to study further. He said this in the interview. He lived in a village. His father
earned only 40 Rs. a day.
(80) Hemant was given a cash prize. He was also given a certificate of merit. He was given this for his
achievement. He had excelled in achieving the unprecedented target in sales.
(81) Television is an invention of science. It is a great invention of science. It gives knowledge to the
people, It gives entertainment to the people.
(82) Shruti left the train. She would forget the brief en counter soon. It would stay with me for the rest
of the journey. It would also stay with him for some time later.
(83) On a tall column, there stood the statue. The column was high above the city. It was the statue of a
Happy Prince. It was gilded all over with leaves of gold.
(84) The train is running in time. The announcement said so. The train will come late. The commuters
are say- ing so.
(85) This speech was delivered. It was delivered by Swami Vivekanand. Swamiji was the representative
of Hindu religion from India. The speech was delivered in Chicago U.S.A.
(86) We were studying in the Sarvoday High School. At that time Kantibhai Suthar was Principal. He
was a scholar of English Literature. He taught us English subject very interestingly.
(87) Martin Luther King was called the Gandhiji of the black people. He fought for the rights of the
black people. He fought non violently. He fought in U.S.A.
(88) Natubhai Patel Sir will retire in next Month. He will be 59 years old. He has served as a teacher for
33 years. It is certain.
(89) Ashishbhai met many rich people of the village. He tried to get some help. No one helped him. He
returned home with a heavy heart.
(90) Navinbhai is a poor man. He is always ready to help us. He is kind at heart. He likes to help
(91) Anokhi looked at the statue. She was greatly surprised. The statue resembled her a lot. The statue
was prepared by an unknown idol maker.
(92) The message was very important. It was sent by e-mail. He could not access the net. The server
was out of order then.
(93) Alan ran off to the sports ground. He flew as fast as his legs would carry him to the sports ground.
He arrived. The game had already started then.
(94) The Maharaja was a poor tennis player. There was someone. He was even worse. The Maharaja
was delighted to discover this.
(95) Honesty is not the mark of any particular class. It is also not related to education. It has nothing to
do with wealth. Experience has taught me this.
(96) The office is closed for lunch break. It keeps closed from 1: 00 p.m. to 2: 30 p.m. You must come
before 1: 00 p.m. you must come after 2: 30 p.m.
(97) Hanumanthappa wanted to study further. He was a poor coolie's son. His daily income was only 40
rupees. He decided to help his father to support the family.
(98) Mahendra Jaggad is my friend. He is a doctor. He is very honest. He treats poor patients free of

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(99) It was their good luck. They found their lost son. He 10 was sitting on the steps of the temple. It
was built outside the village.
(100)Aunt Jane handed a cheque of ten pounds to Jill. She could pay off just one her bills. She could say
one thing at least really belongs to her. She sent the cheque to the doctor.
(101)We lost our way. We asked a home-guard to help us. He was a stranger to the place. He could not
help us.
(102)India became free in 1947. At that time there were more than five hundred states. Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel united the country. He was a bold leader.
(103)Let us all be true Indians. Let us all work for her unity. In that way we can make her great. We can
make it prosperous too.
(104)Honest people do not tell lies. They do not cheat others. People honour them. They love them too
(105)Honest persons do not tell lie. They do not cheat others. People honour them. People love them

* Rewrite the paragraph correcting the errors: 04

(1) It was one of the cold autumn nights. The old banker was remembering how, fifteen years after, he
had given a party in a similar autumn evening. Very few garden parties in that village have been so
gorgeous as that one.
(2) Ashok and his mighty victory army returned home again when Ashok was bake in his place, he
sent from his chief and his warlords, his counsellors and his man of state and standing upon before
them, he said, "I have seen the horrors of victory.
(3) Almost a week had passed for I had got Susie's letter. It was Friday and I had a Geography test this
afternoon. I sat revise my lessons below the gulmohar tree.
(4) Once there was an Arab which owned a very fine horse. The Arab treated him with care and
kindly, One day the Arab attacked by some robbers. He fall of the horse.
(5) This speech was deleverd in Geneva from Abraham Lincoln what was the President of unite States
of America.
(6) The most value thing in live is to helped the helpless and to do good to others. This is the silly
purpose of any human being.
(7) That he suffered from stamering in his childhood , he fought brave against it or became a famous
(8) Everything is impossible of a person with low willpower. His self - confidence helps him to come
all the obstacles and get success.
(9) " His present is always a cause of irritate to she. It is because he have insulted her several times
without any reason.
(10) Never compared yourself. No one is good in something and not as good at some other things.
When you see something good in another person never let yourself down.
(11) Hardly did he seen his enemy than he turned away and his enemy stopped him and says that they
should forget the past and try to be good friends.
(12) Here is a poem which is return by Gitanjali , a forteen year old girl. It narrates the Hindu law of
Karma this man's fat is decided by his deeds.
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(13) The governors at other provinces complain the Shah that the new governor was highly honest.
There was also a complain that he had secretly kept money.
(14) Where the governor approached the Shah , he rebuked him of robbing the poor and behaving
dishonestly for his master. He than asked him what precious treasure he carried in the iron chest.
(15) The following behaviour was noticed by a scientist which was making a study of ants. A number
of ant were down in a pit when they had killed some flies and other insects of food.
(16) Harry was waiting for a bus on the cross - road. He show a accident. A school bus drove very fast
by its driver.
(17) During the civil war , Truth bought gifts for the shoulders with money raised from her lectures and
helping fugitive slaves find work and housing after the war , she continued her tirade for a Lord
and against racial justice.
(18) I am enough strong to fight my battles , I am bought up by my kind parents. They would fill bad if
I became independent.
(19) We visited the Science City who is situated at Ahmedabad next Sunday. We riched there at 2 : 30
(20) Madhuben has been suffering of “ Chicken Gunia ” since last twenty days. She gave treatment by
his family doctor
(21) Many years before in kerala , One's there lived a king whom name was King mahabali.
(22) The son is great source of energy unless we could find a good way of use it. It's energy is stored in
food by plants.
(23) The leopard jumped on the dog slept in a corner. King Krushnadev's older son ran saving the dog.
(24) Neha started to weep. so she thought that the leopard in the house will kill his parents when they
returned ,
(25) Ice hockey is to fast a game to my liking. Field hockey too is a excited game.
(26) Antonio was a merchant whom lived in venies - a prosperously city in Italy.
(27) Very few student in my class is as clever than Parth. This puzzle is too tough for he to be solved.
(28) The better way of avoid stress is to learn what to relax. Don't pay many attention to your worries.
(29) Shital is richer then me. She is enough rich to buy a Audi car but she mostly travels by bus
(30) Raju ' s hobby is to make a modal aircraft. He doesn't make plans for sell. He make them for fun.
(31) The new governor went by his camel from village to village listen to the complains of his people.
He lived a very simple life and made no saw of his high position.
(32) The old woman was afraid of cross the road there fore she fears that she might be dashed down by
the horse's feet. Her feet was weak.
(33) Many years before in Kerala once there lived a king whom name was king mahabali. He loves his
people very much.
(34) A Greek slave named Aesop bought together a collection of stories. Today we know it as Aesop's
Fables. One of the fable deals with a dispute among the sun and the wind.
(35) I want too become a shoulder. I have joint N.C.C. form class VIII only so I have a good physique
and I want to serve my country in future.

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(36) The birth centenary of sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was celebrating here yesterday for great
enthusiastie as a part of celebration, a blood donating camp was jointly organized by the youth club
and the red cross society at the local hospital.
(37) From than on I mate Mr. Franks everyday Wednesday. Wednesday was my day of from the school
(38) It was one of the hot autumn nights. The old banker was remembering how, fifteen years before, he
had given a party on a similar autumn evening. Very few garden parties in that village had been so
gorgeous as that one.
(39) As the methods of autofab advanse, the for of raw materials will be unimportant. Sophisticated
autofab machines would be capable in rearranging molecular structures to generate many objects
from them.
(40) Sardar Patel was one of the great leader of India. He was the most trusted person of Gandhiji.. He
brought 562 small state together. He is well known for the Bardoli satyagraha and unity of India.

Section - E

* Study the following tree diagram and describe it in about 80 words:

(1) Study the following map containing information on 'Importance of sports' and write a paragraph in
about 80 words based on it.

(2) Study the following table and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.
Invention Inventor Year Country
Aeroplane Orville and Wilbur Wright 1903 USA
Bicycle K. Macmillan 1839 UK
Motor - Cycle G. Dailmler 1829 Germany
Sewing machine B. Thimminier 1829 France
Telephone Alexander Bell 1876 UK
(3) Study the following pie-chart
chart of Bhavikkumar's monthly income. write a paragraph in about 80
words based on it.

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(4) Study the following pie-chart showing the percentage of failling students in the preliminary exam.
of the school and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(5) Study the following details and write a paragraph about 80 words based on it.

(6) Study the following table and write paragraph in about 80 words based on it.
No Main Character Source of Story Shows ideal love between
1 Ram - Laxman, Bharat The Ramayana Brothers
2 Heer - Ranjha Folk - tale of Panjab Man and Women
3 Shravan and his Parents The Ramayana Parents - son
4 Romeo - Juliet English Folk tale Man and Women
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5 Suryodhan and Karna The Mahabharat Friends

(7) Study the following column graph and write paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(8) Study the following graph of Dhirenbhai's car value (rupees) and write a paragraph in about 80
words based on it.

(9) Study the following comparative table of three models and write a paragraph in about 80 words
based on it.

(10) Topic wise Performance Analysis of IMO (International Mathematic Olympiad)

Name of the Student : Jayveer Vipul Raval
School Name : Gayatri Vidhyalay, Isanpur, Ahmadabad
Roll No : GJ1483 - 05 - S - 002
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Sr. Section Name Total Obtained(In Percentage Grade Performance

No. Marks Topic) Marks Description
1. Logical 15 4 27 E1 Need Hard
Reasoning Work &
2. Mathematical 20 5 25 E1 Need Hard
Reasoning Work &
3. Everyday 10 2 20 E2 Need Major
Mathematics Improvement
4. Achievers 15 0 0 E2 Need Major
Section Improvement
Total 60 11 18 E2 Need Major
(11) How to Improve Your English by Dr Dipak Patel.
Listening Speaking Reading Writing
- English Movies - Classroom - English Newspapers - Informal Letters
- TV News - With Friends - Novel or Stories - E-mails
- English Show - Colleagues - Magazines - Essays
(12) Study the following data and write about it.

(13) Study the following tree-diagram and write about it.

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(14) Vishwa Bharati High School, Kuvasana, Visnagar.

G.R No. Name of Student Class Document to carry
5208 Laxman M. Prajapati VII Aadhar Card
9173 Shiv H. Raval XI 2 Passport Photos
4157 Ram A. Katariya VI Birth Certificate
7843 Krishanan P. Iyer XII Ration Crad
(15) Crime Report - Ahmedabad
No. Cases 2015 2016 2017
1 Hit & Run 3 8 12
2 Theft 200 180 170
3 Social Crime 83 68 77
4 Chain Snatching 107 132 150
5 Cyber Crime 50 89 120
6 Robbery 117 92 64
(16) Electricity Consumption in Units for the Year 2018(Torrent Power)
Name Consumer January March May July September November
Himalay 32081 213 365 512 498 281 203
Rakesh 34965 256 325 496 472 343 257
(17) Salary Appraisal of Employees of Zydus Pharma. (Five years)
No Name of Employee 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
1 Mr. R.R. Rajgor 1,08,659 1,80,573 2,43,512 2,96,354 3,39,651
2 Mr. P.P. Pandya 1,30,500 1,50,648 1,67,348 1,80,123
1,80, 1,95,514
3 Mr. J.J. Joshi 1,00,000 1,59,000 2,34,000 2,98,364 3,56,943
(18) Total Number of User of 4 Service Providers in Six cities

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(19) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(20) Read the data and write a paragraph

paragra in about 80 words based on it.

(21) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(22) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

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(23) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(24) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(25) Read the IPL Ticket and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

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(26) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(27) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(28) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

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(29) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(30) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(31) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

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(32) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(33) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(34) Read the data and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

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(35) Read the graph bar and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(36) Read the invitation card and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(37) Study the picturee and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

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(38) Study the picture and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

(39) Study the details of the entry ticket and write a paragraph in about 80 words based on it.

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Write a paragraph in about 150 words using the key words: 08

1. Love : A Powerful Feeling
[Points : Love meaning – love and family – love as a virtue – examples of love]
Our hearts at their birth serve the purpose of passing oxygen to our blood cells—to pump repeatedly and
keep us alive. The most fascinating quality of the heart is love. I believe that love is the most powerful
force in the world. It can build a life to the stars but also be fatal if it's lost.
We are surrounded by it since before our birth. We feel it from our mothers, our fathers, and family
members. Love reminds us that we are not alone. It's the act of finding peace with ourselves and the
world around us. For me, it's like babies sleeping cosily in their mother's lap, a beautiful painting painted
with the colours of imagination and the very first time a bird opens its wings to fly. Love is the light of
hope in the darkest caves of adversity the spark that says 'yes I can.' As love creates indestructible
families, builds long lasting bonds in relationships, develops inner peace and promotes peace and
understanding in the world. Love can be defined by many ways: when a sister tells. Her brother that she
eats the hidden chocolates from his bag everyday and brother thinks that he puts it only for her that is
love. Love is the leading force of life in the old age. When giving becomes more important than gaining
it is love. Love gives hidden strength to accept a person knowing all his vices.
Of all my virtues, love is the most important. Love has become a driving force within me. Love has built
me, destroyed me, crippled me, and then healed me. Love is life in four letters. It's what I have, will
always have, and always seek to find in others. Love simply is the most powerful force in the world.
2.Positive aspects of your personality.
Co-operative and helping nature - performance in education-Confident — leadership -self dependant —
courageous — positive attitude — sharp observation — performance in sports — any extracurricular
activity- obedient-honest-your skills
Certain aspects of my personality are good while there are other negative sides as well. However, the
following are the better aspects of my personality.
I am a Denish Bhatt. I am studying in 12th standard. I have many friends. I have no enemy. I like to help
my friends and they all help me in my work. I am co-operative. I also do my study regularly. My parents
never say me to go to reading room. Because of my regular study my performance in all tests is up to the
mark. I have full confident on me and my work. All my friends follow me. Wherever we go I always
lead them. They do what I tell them because they trust me. Not only in education but also in sports event
my performance is good. I believe in all rounded personality of students. In 21st century the students
like me should be obedient and honest otherwise people do not love us. A part from all these I also learn
painting. It's my hobby I want to give professional touch to my hobby. It will be useful for me in future
to make my career. I love my life. Really I enjoy my life.
1.My Favourite Cartoon Character / My Favourite Cartoon Series
Cartoon character always attract children. There are many cartoon character in the world of television
like Mickey, Doremon, Barbie and the most popular of all is Chhota Bheem. This is characterised after
the famous character of Bheem from the epic Mahabharata but all the other characters are fictional and
not related to the Mahabharata.
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There are many characters in this cartoon series such as Bheem, Chutki, Raju and a monkey named
Jaggu. My favorite cartoon character is Chhota bheem. I also like a character of Chutki in Chhota
Bheem. She is very cute and beautiful. Chhota Bheem first appeared in pogo T.V. in 2008. Bheem lives
in Dholakpur. Dholakpur is ruled is by king Indraverma, who likes Bheem very much. Bheem protects
the city from many evils like Keechak, Kirmada, Mangal Singh etc. Bheem always fights for justice and
destroys evils. I like him because he is very strong and powerful. He likes laddoos, especially made by
Tuntun aunty. Tuntun aunty is Chutki’s mother. She is also round in shape like her laddoos. Bheem’s
best friends are Jaggu and Raju. Kalia always feels jealous of Bheem but Bheem likes him too. There
are Dholu and Bholu the identical twins.
In the series we see Bheem helping everyone in Dholakpur and also the neighbouring kingdom. He
made a tree house for his friend Jaggu. He fights the dacoits alone and gets back the things that they
have looted from the people. All these qualities of Bheem make him my favourite character.
1. Stress Management
(Points : What is stress? — it's effects — signs of stress — how to overcome stress)
Stress has become an inescapable part of today's world. People are facing stress everywhere, whether it
is their homes, offices or even while driving on the road. The world has become a very stressful place.
In many cases it is because there are genuine reasons for stress and in some cases it is because people do
not know how to cope with stress. Stress is nothing but the incapability of the human mind to cope with
the physical and imagined threats that it has to encounter on a daily basis.
Stress can lead to all sorts of mental and physical illnesses. Stress management is the only way by which
stress can be coped with. The main signs of stress could be fear, pain, anger, fatigue, emotional arousal,
humiliation, frustration, loss of concentration, non-occurrence of an expected event, occurrence of an
unexpected event, death/separation of a loved one etc. Clearly, to enjoy life it is nowadays absolutely
vital that all of us develop the following skills that will give us the ability to control our responses to
stress. Here are some important tips for stress management:
• Do only one thing at a time. This is the simplest and best way to start your day. Focus as much as
possible on doing one thing at a time. • A hectic schedule is also one of the major causes of stress so
simplify your schedule by reducing the number of commitments in your life just to the essential ones
and get some room for fun and family. • Do some activities like walk, hike, play a sport, go for a run, hit
the gym etc. This will give you positive energy and physical fitness to fight with stress.
Finance is one of the main drains of your energy and some of stress in your life. Spend less by shopping
less and find ways to have fun that don't involve spending money. Be creative in the field you like most.
Throwing yourself into a creative activity is a great way to reduce stress. Do time management and be
early in works you do in your routine. Things always take much time then expectation so schedule some
buffer time to reduce stress and enjoy the work. Really in this modem world where over 80% people are
having some or other problems and that problems lead them to stress we have to be very careful about
ourselves and be stress free by applying stress management techniques in our life.
My Grandparents
Grandparents are the very elder member of the family. They are the most influential and important
person in the household. In everyone’s life, they are most important. They love us so much and care
for us selflessly and endlessly.
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No one can take place in the heart, which special place they hold in our heart.
They know very well about the life because they suffered the whole life from the childhood to old. It is
the primary reason they know all as compared to us. They never show us the wrong way for the life
and always gives us advice and give guides for every step of life.
My grandparents are so lovable, caring, mature and patient. My grandparents always taught to me for
make an always good behaviour with all especially, with our elders. They taught me how to lead a
respectable and fruitful life.
They share their all experience with me what they had done and what enjoyment they had joy. My
grandparents always help to me for any problem and taught me to do a great thing in life.
I know that all thing they taught to me for my better life. And help me to take a right decision in life. I
am not worrying that time when they showed me for doing anything.
My grandmother age is 65 years old, and grandfather age is 70 years old. But still, they have a young
heart and do not seem to look so old like other people of the same age.
Always I notice that my grandparents are so conscious of his health and good physical being. My
grandparents make all efforts for not seem to so old. Every day they do yoga and meditation for their
good health. They are doing this exercises for moving at this old age. I admire with my grandparents
because they are so healthy and active throughout the day.
They also teach me to yoga so that I can have a healthy skin and body. At this age also so strong desires
towards leading an enjoyable house. They are full of and kindness bonding and family bonding. They
are very modern yet firmly believe in family values. I have a big joint family. We are total 12 members
in my house. We all love and respect each other a lot. My grandparents play a significant role in the
great love and intimacy in the entire family.
They considered as an ideal couple in my relatives. People of all age love them and respects them a lot.
They always have this aim of life for to see my family happy and healthy. At this age also they are very
particular about their dressing and watch what they are wearing and how they look.
They have a good general knowledge as today also they regularly read the newspaper, books, and
economics. I think I am blessed to have such good-hearted, lovable and unique grandparents. I learn
many new things from each day. They are my role models. Nobody can ever replace them in my lives.
I have a sweet, loving grandmother. She is seventy years old. Her hair has turned grey. Yet, she is very
active and always smiles. Her name is Sukanya Chowdhury. Every day she worships Goddess Kali very
sincerely. I get ‘prasad’ from her. She gets up early in the morning. She calls me to wake up. My
grandmother cares for everybody. She tells me stories of ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’. She knows
many fairy tales. I love her very much.
My grandfather is seventy-two years old. His name is Sanjay Chowdhury. He is alert about his
health. He goes out for a walk every morning. He loves to read books. He is very wise. He teaches me
many things. He loves me deeply. I also love and respect my grandfather.
My grandparents are my guide, my teacher and my friends. I learn many new things while enjoying in
their company. I thank God for blessing me with such wonderful grandparents.
3.Hard Work Always Wins
Hard work is the most important key to success. The achievements without hard work are impossible.
An idle person can never gain anything if they sit and wait for the better opportunity to come. The

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person who is working hard is able to gain the success and happiness in life. Nothing is easy to be
achieved in life without doing any hard work.
We have all heard of the old saying, “ Nobody ever drowned in their own sweat ! ” If you want
something done you had better get your chin up and do it. Basically success, fortunes and dreams aren’t
created by themselves. They are created by work.
The Edison was working for 21 hours a day, and he sleeps only for 2 or 3 hours on the Laboratory
tables with his books as his pillow. The Mahatma Gandhi worked ceaselessly day and night and he won
freedom for his country. The hard work is a price that we pay for success in the life. Our great former
president Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has achieved all this success only through sheer hard work. To support
his studies, he started off as a newspaper vender. Then in his engineering studies, he worked very hard
and bagged scholarships. Even our former prime minister Manmohan Singh, who was born in the village
without electricity studied in candlelight and still stood first throughout his academic career. Sunil Mittal
started a small bicycle business in Ludhiyana From then on with his sheer hard work, he moved on and
finally founded Airtel.
There is no easy way to do hard work. You have to find your passion, stay, focused and keep at the
task until the job is done. Success never comes to one who sits idle. It is said,
“ Fortune Favors The Brave. ”
Unfortunately today’s modern youth wants everything very fast. This is a fast food era! People want
to have success in their life without exerting much but “There Is No Short Cut Of Success. ”
Helen Keller
Birth date : June 27, 1880, Birthplace : West Tuscumbia, Alabama -early childhood and illness- formal
education deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree-writings- death: June 1, 1968- posthumous
Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 - June 1, 1968) was an American author, political activist, and a
lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. Her teacher, Anne
Sullivan, taught her language allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate. The story of
how Keller's teacher has become widely known through the dramatic depictions of the play and film The
Miracle Worker. Her birthplace in West Tuscumbia, Alabama, is now a museum and sponsors an annual
"Helen Keller Day". Her birthday on June 27 is commemorated as Helen Keller Day in the U.S. state of
Pennsylvania and was authorized at the federal level by presidential proclamation by president Jimmy
Carter in 1980, the 100th anniversary of her birth.
A prolific author, Keller was well-travelled and outspoken in her convictions. A member of the Socialist
party of America and the Industrial Workers of the World, she campaigned for women's suffrage, labour
rights, socialism, antimilitarism, and other similar causes. Helen proved to the world that deaf people
could all learn to communicate and that they could survive. She also taught that deaf people are capable
of doing things that hearing people can do: She is one of the most famous deaf people in history and she
is an idol to many deaf people in the world.
1 . Woman Education and Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment is empowering the women to take their own decisions. Empowering women
is to make them in all aspects from mind, thought, rights, decisions etc. It is to bring equality in the

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society for both male and female in all area. Women empowerment is very necessary to make the bright
future of family, society and country. Women need fresh and more capable environment so that they can
take their own right decisions.
In order to make the country fully developed, women empowerment is an essential to get the goal of
development. There are many strategies started by the government of India in order to bring women
development. Women empowerment is very important because the population of women is around 50%
of the total population of the world. In our country. The boy-child often gets preference for education
and health diet over the child. The society should be made aware that both boy and girl child are equal
and they both should have equal rights.
All Children should be given equal, free and compulsory education, this is what our constitution has
accepted and recommended. An educated woman can serve not only the family but also the whole
society and nation. I strongly believe that there should be no distinction between a male or female child
of a family. The women education and empowerment has benefitted the country, family and society
also. Let us take a vow to work for it. No woman will be illiterate or dependent. There are special
schemes of the government for the girl education - special scholarships, special provision for admission,
giving study-kits etc. In the 21st century, there is (33%) reservation for women in politics and many
other organizations and NGO's the women have performed well in the industries, manufacturing
,computer technology and even in space research too.

2. My Favourite National Leader (OR) The Great man I Admire

[points : name- qualities- his works — principles] In fact, I love and respect all national leaders. Their
good qualities, work and ambition make them great. My favourite national leader is Mahatma Gandhi.
Mahatma Gandhi is our Father of the Nation. He was born on October 2,1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat.
He loved truth and justice right from his childhood. He completed, his school education in Rajkot. Then
he went to England and became a lawyer. He went to South Africa as a lawyer. There he saw the
injustice done to the Black by the White. He could not bear it so he fought against them non-violently.
When Gandhiji returned to India, he became the leader of our freedom movement. He lived like a poor
man to see the poverty of Indian people. He taught us to fight for our rights against the British
Government. He gave courage and confidence to the common man. He made Indian people fearless and
started non-co-operation movements. He gave us two powerful weapons - truth and non-violence. He
brought unity among the different castes of people. Gandhiji was a very simple man. Moreover, he was
a great political leader, a social and a religious worker, he had great faith in God and believed in truth
and non-violence. He loved everyone so people called him 'Mahatma' . He loved children very much so
they fondly called him `Bapu'. He left us weeping and passed away on January 30,1948.


Points : where do they come from - why do they continue to exist - who are the victims of superstitions ?
why ? - how can people get rid of them ?
Ans : Superstition is nothing but a blind belief. There is no logic or scientific reason behind it. These
beliefs go against the law of nature. Superstitions were many in the past because people had no

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education. Even today they prevail in one form or the other. Today we live in twenty first century - a
century of scientific inventions. So we should not believe in superstitions.
There are superstitions all over the world. They are about birds, animals, natural calamities,
colours, numbers, particular behaviour etc. Even there are superstitions about eclipse in Europe. There
are natural calamities like the earthquake, flood, drought, storm or the fire. Some of us think that they
are caused by anger of some gods or goddesses.
Even in 21st century, superstitions exist in civilized or educated countries. Even the educated
people believe in superstitions. Many people believe do not have a hair cut or a shave on Saturdays.
Some people believe no. 13 as an unlucky number. Some consider the crossing of a widow to be a bad
sign. Famous persons consult astrologers while taking important decisions. A lot of people offer fruits,
food, gold, silver etc. to please God or win favour.
Superstitions are a great hindrance to the progress of our society. Superstitious people are
generally illiterate, ignorant, credulous and gullible. They are exploited by the 'bhuvas', 'tantries' etc.
superstitious people refuse to see reason.
It is necessary to educate people to get rid of superstitions. It is also necessary to teach them
scientific truths. They should be made fearless against the result of such beliefs.
Real Freedom
What is freedom? Is it an absolute right? We are born to become free. Freedom is defined from different
aspects and according to different cultures, freedom varies from culture to another. Some define
freedom as a natural right, the human being is born with. Everyone wants to be free and independent
from others. Freedom is the right to do what one wants, live where he wants, eat what he wants, learns
what he wants, and chooses the religion in which he believes, without ignoring or harming other's rights.
How can we live free? From my point of view, we can live free by respecting others' rights to live free,
too. We cannot ignore the rights of people with whom we live in the society. We cannot simply do what
we want and ignore others. We must take other people rights into consideration. The idea behind
freedom is to be respectful and useful to our society. Freedom is important to everyone. When freedom
is guaranteed, I can think freely, go where I want, say my opinion without fear from people who may
not like my opinion. Where freedom of opinion is not guaranteed by the authority, the creativity of mind
is killed and buried .Society is the largest and biggest loser because of this lack of creativity. But our
practicing of freedom should never lead to threatening our national security.
Among the most humiliating ways to punish a human, is to deprive him of freedom. When one goes to
jail, he is derived from freedom, and so he is suffering, which is the point to punishment. lacking
freedom teaches the human lessons , he will make use of it. Freedom cannot be felt right, unless one
tastes lack of freedom, then only he will really appreciate freedom.
Freedom is not absolute. Freedom must be limited. You cannot just do what you like and say "I am a
free man". You can not kill, smuggle drugs or violate the laws and rules for freedom's sake. There
should be respect to other people and their needs. Once, there were two men setting side by side, and
someone lifted his own hand and touched the others' nose, the latter complained, the former said "I am
free", this was as a dismay to the latter who was ready with an appalling answer ,and said "The freedom.
of your hand ends where the freedom of my nose begins". Yes, the freedom of anyone ends where the
freedom of another one begins.

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Parents must teach their youngsters to be free. They must plant in them the love for freedom. But their
freedom must be watched, it should not be without limits. If so, we can censor their behaviour without
fear from friends of our children. Freedom in the teen years is very important for building a good
character and stable personality. Teens want to hang around with friends, do whatever they like, or do
not like. They want to experience everything. If they are given freedom with no limits, they can go down
to the base and may be lost. So we must watch their behaviour, teach them to do what is right and leave
what is wrong. Such supervision is, generally not considered a limit or constraint on freedom, it is
important for protection of existence.
In summary, freedom is an innate right, humans are born with. Nothing should threaten our freedom,
deprive us from our right. Also our right of freedom must never harm any other human being, directly or
indirectly. We must respect freedom of everyone in the society. This way we can enjoy our freedom
throughout our life.
Today's world has the largest generation of young people in history. There is great hope in their power
to shape our future. Young people are hungry for better future. They are rejecting the status quo and
demanding a better future. Many of them are claiming their right to a decent living, and they are willing
to take risks to do so. We have seen in recent times the high numbers of young people taking risks
around the Mediterranean, trying to reach a better life. But if these youth are allowed to realize their full
potential, developing countries could see huge economic gains. The more young people grow into well
educated adults with fewer dependents and new opportunities to acquire wealth, savings and purchasing
power. Increasing investment in young people is key. This includes promoting quality education that
prepares them for future opportunities. A diversity of training will be needed from quality primary and
secondary schools to technical training. There is also critical need to involve young people in decisions
that will affect them. We cannot talk about sustainable development without the active involvement of
youth. So here is the article on youth empowerment which has many issues, we have to give attention on
Excuses Taken for Granted
Ans. Why do we make excuses? You may have probably more reasons than I can tell you. We have
developed a culture of excuses. The main reason behind excuse is that excuses make life easier,
especially when we know the majority of people will buy into them. It's like a snowball effect. When
one person makes an excuse, another person hears that and realizes that it will work for them too. Then
they share that excuse and so on. When we do something wrong we usually know it's wrong and are
already making up an excuse in our head. In our minds we want to believe that others will always buy
our excuses. In the school we hear many excuses regarding the homework such as: I have completed my
homework but I have forgotten it at home. This is the most common excuse we hear or give regarding
not doing the homework. The other common excuse is I was absent when the homework was given or I
was so ill that I could not complete the homework. Other reasons are also given such as I was
participating in school extracurricular activity and so I did not find any time to do it. Some students have
extra ordinary and hilarious excuses such as when I was coming to school a cow ate my note book. The
problem is, when we make excuses for our situations, we give up control of those same situations. We
decide we would rather make an excuse instead of make a change. Excuses are much easier than change.
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I can make an excuse for not doing my homework, even though I'm free the whole day. What happen if
the person does not buy your excuse? Then I'll say,"I'll fix that and get it done right." instead of "I'm
sorry". Sorry means that you knew you were going to do something wrong to begin with. "I'll fix that"
means that you are admitting to a mistake, but not the intent. "I'm sorry" is making an excuse. How
many times do you say you are sorry in a day? Probably quite a few, if you are the average person. I
challenge you to never use those words ever again! Not even if someone loses a loved one! Say
something positive instead! Say, you can tell they were loved and you'll pray for them. Say you will
keep good thoughts and memories of them. "Sorry" is a word with a negative connotation. Try to only
use words with positive connotations. Maybe you can be the one to start a positive snowball effect in the
people's lives around you! No human on Earth is perfect. We will make mistakes. Just make sure you
own up to those mistakes instead of making excuses for them!
Cause and Effects of Global Warming.

Global warming is the issue we are talking about today. In our universe, there are many galaxies. In our
galaxy, the Milky Way contains our solar system like other more than ten thousands billions stars. We
mankind exists only on one planet, our Mother Earth. Because of greenhouse effect caused by water
wapour, carbon dioxide, methane, and Ozone, our planet has sufficient higher temperatures necessary
for life.Even a little decrease or increase in the temprature can create Ice Age or Fire Age, and threats
life. For last a couple of hundred years, rapid industrialization and modern life style have created global
warming. Global warming is a term used to indicate the increasing temperature of the Earth's climate
system, and its related effects. That the Earth's temperature is rising is now proven fact . Its impact has
influenced different regions differently. Rapid growth of industrialization, excessive use of fossil fuels,
deforestation, and urbanization have caused global warming. Our Earth is becoming an oven. Its effects
we see in rising see levels, retreating glaciers, loss of see ice in the poles, warming global temperature,
changing precipitation, expansion of desert area etc. Rajendra Pachauri, the former chairman of the Inter
Governmental Panel on Climate Change, has warned that this condition rises significant threats such as
food security from decreasing yields, submergence of low lying area like Maldives due to the rising sea.
He pointed out that 14 of the 15 years in the 21st century have been the hottest years on record with
constant accuracy of extreme weather cyclone, draughts and floods. To sum up, I would say to restrict
such threats, mankind must limit the greenhouse effect by controlling global warming at any cost.

* Application Writing
Post and Required Qualifications:-

No Category Required Qualification Examination Duration of

. Held by the course
1. Clerk H.S.C. Or GSHSEB board Two Years
B.A. / B, Com. / B. Sc. University Three years
2. Typist H.S.C. & GSHSEB board Two Years

Excellent English by Suresh Mangukiya 222

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G.C.C. State One year

3. Accountant B.Com University Three Years
4. Primary H.S.C. & GSHSEB board Two Years
teacher P.T.C. /C.P.Ed/A.T.D State Two year
5. Drawing H.S.C. & GSHSEB board Two Years
teacher A.T.D State Two year
6. Secondary H.S.C. & GSHSEB board Two Years
teacher B.A. / B, Com. / B. Sc. & University Three years
B.Ed. University One Year
7 Higher M.A. / M, Com. / M. University Two years
secondary Sc. & University One Year
teacher B.Ed.
8 Librarian H.S.C.& H.S.C.E.Board Two Years
Diploma in Library State One Year
Science or Examination Three Years
B.A./B.Com/ & Board One Year
B.Lib. University
9 Laboratory H.S.C.(with science)& H.S.C.E. Board Two Years
Assistant/La or B.Pharm. University Three Year
b. (with microbiology)
10 Principal/He B.A./B.Com/B.Ed.(with University Three Years
ad 5 years experience)&
Master/Hea B.Ed University One year
school or
11 Lecturer H.S.C. & GSHSEB board Two Years
B.A. / B, Com. / B. Sc. & University Three years

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M.A/M.Com/ University Two Years

B.Ed. University One year
12 Public B.A./ Or University Three Years
relation M.A/M.COM/M.SC./M. university Two years
officer S.W./M.L.W.
13 Computer H.S.C.& H.S.C.E. board Two years
operator/co G.C.C.& state exam One year
mputer B.A./ Board Three years
programmer D.C.A Or University One year
M.C.A. University Two years
14 Salesman/ H.S.C. & H.S.C.E. Board Two years
Salesgirl. Diploma in State Two years
&marketing examination
salesmanshi Board
15 journalist B.A./ & University Three years
Diploma in journalism State One year
16 Executive or B.B.A. OR University Three years
Director/ or M.B.A. University Two years
17 auditor Or University Three years Or University Two years
C.A. Five years
18 Social B.A.(with sociology or University Three years
welfare social science) &
officer M.A./ M.L.W. University Two years
19 pharmacist H.S.C. (with science)& H.S.C.E. Board Two years
Diploma in pharmacy State exam Three years
(D.pharm) Board Five years
Or B.pharm university
20 translator H.S.C.E. & H.S.C.E. Board Two years
B.A. university Three years
21 Proof reader H.S.C. & H.S.C.E. Board Two years
Diploma in State exam One year
Certificate course board
In proof reading
22 Costume S.S.C. & GSEB Board One year
Design & Diploma in State exam Three years
Dress Costume Design & board
Making Dress Making
23 Doctor M.B.B.S. University Five years

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24 Engineer B.E. University Five years

25 Security H.S.C. GSHSEB board Two Years
Guard B.A. / B, Com. / B. Sc. & University Three years
N.C.C. Training

(1) Rajan S Prajapati from 15, Shivam Society, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, applies for the post of a
Salesman, to a 'Liza Manufacture Company of Plastic, Nadiad, Dist :Kheda. Draft this application
on behalf of him.
Ans : (1)
Rajan S Prajapati
15, Shivam Society,
Maninagar, Ahmedabad
10 March 2019
The Manager
Liza Manufacture Company of Plastic,
Nadiad, Dist :Kheda
Subject : Application for the post of a Salesman
Respected Sir,
With reference to your advertisement published in the Times of India dated 9 March,
2019, I would like to apply for the post of a Salesman in your company. My personal bio-data and
educational qualifications are given below for your kind consideration.

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : Rajan S Prajapati
Residence Address: Shivam Society, Maninagar, Ahmedabad
Date of Birth : March 13, 1988
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages Known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Personality : Extrovert, Pleasing
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualifications :
(1) I passed H.S.C. Examination (Commerce Stream) of G H S E B Gandhinagar in March 2005
securing 75% of Marks.
(2) I passed B.Com. Examination of Gujarat University in April 2008 securing 75% of Marks.
(3) I passed Diploma in Marketing and Salesmanship of Gujarat University in April 2009 securing
Grade I.

Excellent English by Suresh Mangukiya 225

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Experience : I have been working as a Salesman in Arpan Marketing, Maninagar, Ahmedabad

since July 2009

Reference :
(1)Mr. D. J. Patel,
Arpan Marketing, Maninagar, Ahmedabad,
Contact No : 8128106088
(2)Mr M. S. Patel,
Principal, B. M. Patel College of Commerce,
Nadiad, Dist- Khedar
Contact No : 7127106088
I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. If I am selected for this job, I
will render my services with honesty and hard work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Rajan S Prajapati

Encl. True copies of the following certificates

(1) H. S. C. Marksheet
(2) B. Com. Marksheet
(3) Certificate of Diploma
(4) School Leaving Certificate
(5) Experience Certificate

(2) Wanted a Cashier, good at accounts. Apply to : Aniket Medical Store, Teen Darwaja, Ahmedabad.
Amar B. Rathva from 5, Ambe Plaza, Jodhpur Chaar Rasta, Ahmedabad responds to this wanted.
Draft this application on behalf of Amar.
Ans : (2)
Amar B. Rathva
5, Ambe Plaza,
Jodhpur Chaar Rasta,
15 March 2019
The Proprietor,
Aniket Medical Store,
Teen Darwaja,
Subject: Application for the post of a Cashier
Respected Sir,

Excellent English by Suresh Mangukiya 226

Oscar English Grammar

With reference to your advertisement published in the Times of India dated 14 March,
2019, I would like to apply for the post of a Cashier in your Medical Store. My personal bio-data
and educational qualifications are given below for your kind consideration.

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : AMAR B. RATHVA
Residence Address : 5, ambe Plazaa,
Jodhpur Chaar Rasta, Ahmedabad
Date of Birth : March 13, 1988
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Caste Religion : Hindu Rathva
Personality : Extrovert, Pleasing
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualifications :
(1) I passed H.S.C. Examination (Commerce Stream) of G HSE B Gandhinagar in March 2005
securing 75 % of Marks .
(2) I passed B.Com. Examination of Gujarat University in April 2008 securing 75 % of Marks.
(3) I passed Diploma in Accountancy of Gujarat University in April 2009 securing Grade 1.

Experience: I have been working as an accountant in Arpan, Medical Store, Maninagar,

Ahmedabad since July 2009

Reference : (1) Mr. D. J. Patel,

Arpan Marketing, Maninagar,
Contact No: 8128106088
(2) Mr M. S. Patel,
Principal, B. M. Patel College of Commerce,
Nadiad, Dist- Kheda
Contact No: 7127106088

I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. If I am selected for this job, I will
render my services with honesty and hard work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Amar B. Rathya

Excellent English by Suresh Mangukiya 227

Oscar English Grammar

Encl. : True copies of the following certificates

(1) H. S. C. Marksheet
(2) B. Com. Marksheet
(3) Certificate of Diploma
(4) School Leaving Certificate
(5) Experience Certificate

(3) Vaibhav Patel, A-903, Aakash Apartments, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad-380 015 wants to apply
for the post of a Medical Representative to the Carewell Laboratories, Vatva, Ahmedabad- 380
008. Draft this application on behalf of him.
Ans : (3)
Vaibhav Patel,
A-903, Aakash Apartments,
Satellite Road,
Ahmedabad-380 015
15 March 2019
The Personal Manager
Carewell Laboratories,
Ahmedabad - 380 008.
Subject : Application for the post of a Medical Representative
Respected Sir,
In response to your advertisement published in the Times of India dated 14 March, 2019, I
would like to apply for the post of Medical Representative in your company. I am a postgraduate
of well-known University and hold the required skills and abilities for the post of a Medical
Representative. I enclose a resume including my personal bio-data, educational qualifications and
experience for your kind consideration.
I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. If I am selected for the post I
will render my services with honesty and hard work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Vaibhav Patel,

Encl. -
(1) Resume
(2) True copies of mark sheets and certificates

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : VAIBHAV PATEL
Residence Address : A-903, Aakash Apartments,

Excellent English by Suresh Mangukiya 228

Oscar English Grammar

Satellite Road, Ahmedabad - 380 015

Date of Birth : March 13, 1985
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualification :
Degree Subject Board/University Passing Year Result
H.S.C Science Stream G.H.S.E.B, Gandhinagar March 2002 85%
B. Farm G.T.U April 2006 70%
M. Farm G.T.U April 2008 72%

Experience : For the last seven years, I have been working as a Medical Representative in 'Krishuja
Farma', Kalol, Dist: Gandhinagar

Reference : (1) Mr. I. J. Patel,

General Manager, 'Krishuja Farma',
Kalol, Dist : Gandhinagar
Contact No : 8128106088
(2) Mr R.S. Patel,
Principal, Creative Higher Secondary School,
Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist-Anand
Contact No: 7127106088
(4) Pooja S Prajapati from 4, Post Office Block, Mota Bazaar, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist- Anand
applies for the pet of a Chemistry Teacher in Higher Secondary school, Science Stream, Nadiad,
Dist :Kheda. Draft this application on behalf of her.
Ans : (4)
Pooja S. Prajapati
4, Post Office Block
Mota Bazaar,
Vallabh Vidyanagar
Dist- Anand
10 March 2019
The Principal
Higher Secondary School, Science Stream
Nadiad, Dist: Kheda
Subject : Application for the post of a Chemistry Teacher
Respected Sir,

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With reference to your advertisement published in the Times of India dated 9 March, 2019,
I would like to apply for the post of a Chemistry Teacher in your school. My personal bio-data and
educational qualifications are given below for your kind consideration.

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : POOJA S. PRAJAPATI
Residence Address : 4, Post Office Block, Mota Bazaar, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist- Anand
Date of Birth : March 13, 1988
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualification
Degree Subject/Stream Board / University Year of Passing Result
H.S.C Science Stream G.S.S.E.B March 20058 85%
B. SC Chemistry Gujarat University April 2008 70%
M. SC Chemistry Gujarat University April 2010 72%
B. Ed. Chemistry Gujarat University April 2011 80%

Experience :
I have been working as a Chemistry Teacher in C. N. Science school, Anand since July 2011

Reference : (1) Mr. D. J. Patel,

C. N. Science school, Anand
Contact No: 8128106088

(2) Mr M. S. Patel,
Principal, B. M. Patel College of Education Nadiad
Dist- Kheda
Contact No: 7127106088
I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. If I am selected for this job, I will
render my services with honesty and hard work
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Encl.: True copies of the following certificates

(1) H. S. C. Marksheet
(2) B. Sc. Marksheet

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(3) M. Sc. Marksheet

(4) B.Ed. Marksheet
(5) Experience Certificate

(5) Jay Bharat Prajapati from 5, Ram Nivas, Ambaji, Dist: Banaskantha applies for the post of an
accountant to the Roop Pharma Pvt Ltd., Odhav, Ahmedabad. Write this application on behalf of
Ans : (5)
from 5, Ram Nivas,
Ambaji, Dist: Banaskantha
3 March 2019
The General Manager
Roop Pharma Pvt Ltd.
Odhav, Ahmedabad
Subject : Application for the post of an accountant.
Respected Sir

With reference to your advertisement published in the Times of India dated 3 March, 2019,
I would like to apply for the post of an accountant in your company. My personal bio-data and
educational qualifications are given below for your kind consideration.

Personal Bio-data
Residence Address : 5, Ram Nivas, Ambaji, Dist. Banaskantha
Date of Birth : March 13, 1988
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualifications :
(1) I passed HSC Examination in March 2002 securing first class with Accountancy and Statistics.
(2) I passed B.Com. Examination of Gujarat University in March 2005 securing first class with
Accountancy and Auditing as principal subjects.

Training : Computer programming, CIC of IGNOU in the first division.

Experience : For the last seven years, I have been working as a Junior Accountant,M/S.Unit
Chemicals, Race Road Vadodara-390 005

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Reason for changing job : For bright Future

References :
(1)Prof Rakeshbhai M Prajapati
Saurabh College of Commerce

(2)Mr Raman Trivedi

Financial Controller
M/S.Unit Chemicals,
Race Road, Vadodara

I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. If I am selected for the post I will
render my services with honesty and hard work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Jay Bharat Prajapat

Encl.: True copies of the following certificates

(1) H. S. C. Marksheet
(2) B. Com. Marksheet
(3) Training and Experience Certificates

(6) Shivani S Sharma from 5, Shiv Apartment, GIDC, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist- Anand writes an
application for the post of a Computer Operator in D-Mart, Iscon Road, Ahmedabad. Write this
application on behalf of her.
Ans : (6)
5, Shiv Apartment,
GIDC, Vallabh Vidyanagar
Dist- Anand
3 March 2019
The Manager,
D-Mart, Iscon Road,
Subject : Application for the post of a Computer Operator
Respected Sir'

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With reference to your advertisement published in the Times of India dated 2 March, 2019,
I would like to apply for the post of a Computer Operator. My personal bio-data and educational
qualifications are given below for your kind consideration.

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : SHIVANI S SHARMA
Residence Address : 5, Shiv Apartment, GIDC, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Dist Anand Date of Birth :
March 13, 1988
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualifications :
(1) I passed HSC Examination in March 2002 securing first class with Accountancy and Statistics.
(2) passed BCA Examination of Gujarat University in March 2005 securing first class.

Training : Computer programming, CIC of IGNOU in the first division.

Experience : For the last seven years, I have been working as a Computer Operator in "N" Mart,

Reason for changing job : For bright Future

References :
(1)Prof Rameshbhai M Prajapati
Saurabh College of Bachelor of Computer Application
(2)Mr Ashish Patel,
"N" Mart, Nadiad
I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. If I am selected for the post I
will render my services with honesty and hard work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Encl. True copies of the following certificates
(1) H. S. C. Marksheet
(2) BCA Marksheet

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(3) Training and Experience Certificates

(7) The Times of India, Ahmedabad, requires a journalist. Draft an application addressing to the Editor
on behalf of Gaurang Vyas,21, Upmanyu Park, Maninagar, Ahmedabad-380008.
Ans : (7)
21, Upmanyu Park
2 March, 2019
The Editor
The Times of India,
Subject: Application for the post of a Journalist
Respected Sir'
In response to your advertisement published in the Times of India dated 1 March, 2019, I
would like to apply for the post of a Journalist. My personal bio-data and educational qualifications
are given below for your kind consideration.

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : GAURANG VYAS
Residence Address: 21, Upmanyu Park Maninagar, Ahmedabad-380008.
Date of Birth : March 13, 1988
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualifications:
(1)I passed HSC Examination in March 2002 securing first class with Common Stream securing 75
% of marks.
(2)I passed B.A. Examination of Gujarat University in March 2005 securing first class in English
as a special subject
(3)1 passed the Diploma in Journalism from IGNOU with first class in 2006

Training : Computer programming, CIC of IGNOU in the first division.

Experience : I have been working as a Journalist In 'India Today', Ahmedabad Office for the last
six years

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Reason for changing job : For bright Future

References :
(1)Ramcharan Vaishnav,
Editor, 'India Today,
Ahmedabad Office
(2)Mr Ashish Patel,
Arts and Commerce College Idar, Dist: Sabarkantha
I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. If I am selected for the post I
will render my services w honesty and hard work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Gaurang vyas
Encl.: True copies of the following certificates
(1) H. S. C. Marksheet
(2) B. A. Marksheet
(3) Certificate of Diploma in Journalism
(4) Experience Certificate

(8) Dipak S Patel, from 5, Satyam Apartment, Odhav,Ahmedabad applies for the post of an Electrical
Engineer in Elecon Engineering Company, Anand. Draft this application on behalf of him.
Ans : (8)
Dipak S Patel,
5, Satyam Apartment,
Odhav, Ahmedabad
3 march, 2019
The General Manager,
Elecon Engineering Company,
Subject : Application for the post of an Electrical Engineer
Respected Sir
In response to your advertisement published in the Times of India dated 1 March, 2019, I
would like to apply for the post of an Electrical Engineer. My personal bio-data and educational
qualifications are given below for your kind consideration.

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : DIPAK S PATEL
Residence Address : 5, Satyam Apartment, Odhav, Ahmedabad
Date of Birth : March 13, 1988
Sex : Male

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Marital Status : Unmarried

Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualifications:

(1) I passed HSC Examination (Science Stream) in March 2002 securing scoring 85 % of marks.
(2) I passed B.E. Degree Examination of Gujarat Technological University in March 2006 securing
first class in Electrical Engineering.

Training : Computer programming, CIC of IGNOU in the first division

Experience : I have been working as an Electrical Engineer in Vraj Industries, Maninagar,

Ahmedabad for the last six years.

Reason for changing job : For bright Future

References :
(1)Mr Kaushik Patel
Branch Manager, Vraj Industries,
Maninagar, Ahmedabadi
(2)Mr Ashish Patel,
BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand
I can come for an interview at any time convenient to you. If I am selected for the post I
will render my services with honesty and hard work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Dipak S Patel
Encl.: True copies of the following certificates
(1) H. S. C. Marksheet
(2) B.E. Marksheet
(3) Experience Certificate

(9) Prachi Raval writes an application for the post of an English teacher to the Principal, Sheth CN
Vidhyalay, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad. Draft an application on behalf of her.
Ans : (9)
Prachi D. Raval,
11, Vatsalya City, Detroj Road,
Kadi, Dist. Mahesana

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17th September, 2019

The Principal,
Sheth C N Vidhyalay,
Ambawadi, Ahmedabad
Subject : An application for the post of an English teacher.
Respected Sir,
With reference to your advertisement in today's "The Times of India' for the post of an
English teacher, I would like to apply for the said post. My personal and educational details are
given below.

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : Prachi Dhirenkumar Raval
Address: 11, Vatsalya city, Detroj Road, Kadi, Dist. Mahesana Residence
Age : 24 years
Sex : Female
Caste : Hindu, Brahmin
Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Personality : Dynamic
Hobby : Music, Reading
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualification
No Degree Board / University Year of Passing Subject Result
1 H.S.C G.S.H.E.B March - 2011 Arts 85%
2 B.A Gujarat University April - 2014 English 65%
3 M.A Gujarat University May - 2016 English 55%
4 B. Ed. Gujarat University March - 2018 English / Sanskrit 82%
5 CCC IGNOU June - 2015 Computer A+

Other Merits :
(1) NCC 'C' certificate
(2) A cretificate course in creative writing.

Experience : 1 have been working as an English teacher at Shree J. B. Vidhyalay, Gothava,

Amrivadi, Dist. Ahmedabsd since June 2018.

Reason for Leaving the job : For better future

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Reference :
(1)Mr. Sanjaybhai Raval
The Principal,
Gurukul highschool,
(2)Dr. Jagdishbhai Joshi
The Head of the Department. (English)
Sardar Patel University
Vallabh Vighyanagar, Anand.

If I am selected, I shall try my best to satisfy my students and the institute with my hard
and sincere work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Prachi Raval

Encl.: True copies of the following

(1) LC
(2) H.S.C. Marksheet
(3) B.A. Marksheet
(4) M.A. Marksheet
(5) B.Ed. Marksheet
(6) CCC certificate

(10) Dhaumya Thakkar, from 8, Hari Villa Society, Rajkot writes application for the post of an English
Language teacher to the Director, Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalay, Gandhinagar. Draft the application
with the resume.
Ans : (10)
Dhaumya Thakkar
8, Hari Villa Society
16 August, 2019

The Director
Mhatma Gandhi Vidyalay
Subject : An application for the post of an English language Teacher
Respected Sir,

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With reference to your advertisement published in The Times of India dated 14th August
2019, I would like to apply for the post of an English language Teacher in your school, I would
like to apply for the same.
I attach here with a resume stating personal information and Educational Qualifications for your
kind kind. consideration.

Personal Bio-data
Name in full : Dhaumya Thakkar Address : 8, Hari Villa Society, Rajkot Residence
Date of Birth : 15 March 1993
Gender : Female
Languages known : Gujarati, Hindi English
Mother Tongue : Gujarati
Hobby : Reading, Music
Category : General
Personality : Introvert
Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualification
No Degree Board / University Year of Passing Subject Result
1 H.S.C G.S.H.E.B March - 2010 Common Stream 75%
2 B.A Gujarat University April - 2013 English 85%
3 M.A Gujarat University 2015 English 60%
4 B. Ed. Gujarat University 2016 English 80%

Additional Qualification: I passed Teacher's Aptitude Test [TAT] from Gujarat Education Board,
Gandhinagar in 2017 securing 85% of marks.

Experience : I have been serving as an English Language Teacher in T.V. Patel Higher Secondary
School, Anand since July 2017

Total Teaching Experience : Two Years.

Reference :
(1) Dr. A. M. Patel
The Principal,
M. B. patel College of Education
(2) Dr. P. M. Patel
The Principal,
T. V. Patel Higher Secondary School

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If I am selected, I will render my services with honesty and hard work.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Dhaumya Thakkar

Encl. : attach her with this application my Resume and true copies of following certificates.
(1) H.S.C. Marksheet
(2) B.A. Marksheet
(3) M. A. Marksheet
(4) B.Ed. Marksheet
(5) TAT Marksheet
(6) School Leaving certificate
(7) Bonafide Certificate

Speech Writing : 06

(1) "Twisha is going to deliver a speech on the topic 'Love is more powerful than hatred or grudge' "
Prepare a speech on behalf of her.
(Points : Love more powerful feeling - more powerful than hatred or grudge - most powerful force
- hatred is nothing but misunderstanding - grudges between family members - giving becomes
more important than gaining.)
Ans : (1) Respected guests on the stage, principal and friends, the topic of today's speech is leading
you towards the thing I strongly believe in what the title "Love is more powerful than hatred or
grudge" suggests. Heart keeps pumping blood to our body continuously in a particular rhythm. But
so far as I think the most fascinating quality is love. The most powerful force in the world is love.
Love can lead a person to the stars but it can be fatal also if the love is lost. Love is beautiful,
gentle, ugly and brutal. Love is the drive force of any person to reach the goal.
Sometimes we come across many people whom we dislike and later on this turned into hatred. We
may have grudges towards some people also. But when we try to think we feel that this dislike or
hatred is nothing but a misunderstanding. And when we resolve this misunderstanding it turned
into love for the person. We cannot go away from love because love is like sleeping in mother's lap
or a beautiful painting painted with colours of imagination. Love is just like a light of hope in the
darkest caves of adversity.
In this era of modern world we are facing the social problem of nucleus families. We find small
grudges between the family members too. But if we help each other to come out of this grudges
then life can be very beautiful. As love creates indestructible families, builds long lasting bonds in
relationships, develops inner happiness and promotes peace and understanding in the family. I
personally believe that "Love" is the greatest virtue; it is by far the greatest gift you can receive or

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Love can be defined by many ways: when a sister tells her brother that she eats the hidden
chocolates from his bag everyday and brother thinks that he puts it only for her that is love. Love is
the leading force of life in the old age. Love is helping a person cry giving your shoulder. When
giving becomes more important than gaining it is love. Love is for getting hidden strength and
accepting a person knowing all his traits
At last I can say of all my virtues, love is the most important. Love has become a driving force
within me. Love has built me, destroyed me, crippled me, and then healed me. Love is life in four
letters. It's all what I have, will always have, and always seek to find in others. Love simply is the
most powerful force in the world. Thank you.

(2) Vishwa is going to deliver a speech in a competition about The Real Freedom'. Prepare a speech in
about 100 words.
(Point : What is freedom - varies from culture to culture - right to live free - important to everyone
- parents should allow freedom - they should keep watch - enjoy freedom through our life.)
Ans : (2) Respected judges, honourable guests, fellow participants and friends. The point on which I
am going to speak is The Real freedom. At first we should think what is freedom? Is it an absolute
right? According to me we are born to become free. Freedom is defined from different aspects and
according to different cultures, freedom varies from culture to another. Some define freedom as a
natural right, the human being is born with it. Everyone wants to be free and independent from
others. Freedom is the right to do what one wants, live where he wants, eat what he wants, learns
what he wants, and chooses the religion in which he believes, without ignoring or harming others
How can we live free? From my point of view, we can live free by respecting others' rights to live
free too. We cannot ignore the rights of people with whom we live in the society. We cannot
simply do what we want and ignore others. We must take other people rights into consideration.
The idea behind freedom is to be respectful and useful to our society. Freedom is important to
everyone. When freedom is guaranteed, I can think freely, go where I want, say my opinion
without fear from people who would not like my opinion. Where freedom of opinion is not
guaranteed by the authority, the creativity of mind is killed and buried But our practicing of
freedom should never lead to threatening our national security
Parents must teach their youngsters to be free. But their freedom must be watched, it should not be
without limits. If so, we can censor their behaviour and give direction to the children. Freedom in
the teen is very important for building a good character and stable personality. Teens want to hang
around with friends, do whatever they like, or do not like to be controlled. If they are given
freedom with no limits, they can go down to the base and may be lost. So we must watch their
behaviour, teach them to do what is right and leave what is wrong.
In summary, freedom is an innate right, humans are born with. We must respect freedom of
everyone in the society. This way we can enjoy our freedom through our life.


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(Point : people living life with stress and pressure - exam stress - more stress, less work- cannot
concentrate - proper planning - exercise - break in work - proper sleep.)
Ans : (3) Respected guests on the stage, principal sir, teachers and my dear friends, we all know that
our exam is quite near and we all feel enormous pressure on ourselves. My name is Shiv Raval and
as a secretary of school it is my duty to share my views on stress management. The exam stress
occurs when we feel an increased sense of panic in exam days, weeks or months before, during or
after an assessment or test of some sort. The board exam stress is most frequently short lived and
as soon as the exam is finished and we realize that we are free from studying, the stress diminish.
According to me when we feel stress our brain is not in its best state to accumulate information
which lead to vicious cycle. The more stress we take the less work we do. According to me when
we feel panic or stress during exam we forget the information we learnt. Sometimes over
preparation also lead to problems. There are several symptoms regarding stress which we should
identify because sometimes we don't know that we are stressed. The main symptoms are feeling of
despair or worry. We may also feel that we cannot concentrate or think clearly. We may have
inability to sleep because our mind is racing or inability to relax because we feel that we should
keep working constantly. Other symptoms are migraine, headache or prolonged tiredness. If there
is a problem there will always be a remedy. First of all it is important to remember for us that
everyone has different way of learning. For example some of us like to study in groups some likes
to work alone. Some like to make notes and some like to practice lot of papers and find it useful.
So first make it clear which method is better for us. It is good to have an overall plan for our study
time. This will allow us to manage our time effectively. However, avoid setting unrealistic goals
which will make you disheartened and more stressed. Make sure we look after ourselves during
our exam period. Eating junk food and relying on stimulus to keep us awake will not help our brain
perform well. Taking a little exercise each day will not only give our body a break from studying
but give us time to digest the information we have crammed in. We will also be more likely to
concentrate better when we return to our books. Make sure to sleep well as this will make our brain
(and body) more alert and perceptive when revising. Bear in mind that the exam period is short and
we will soon be free from the stress and worry of assessment. At the end I should tell you to follow
the tips given to you and if feel stressed then we should consult our teachers and parents.
Thank you.

(4) In social gathering Mrs. Joshi is going to deliver speech on problem of working women. Draft a
speech using the given points in about 100 words.
(Point : smart phone, data, sandwich - is it freedom? - bound by invisible ropes of culture - follow
certain religion - opposite to fear - others also have freedom.)
Ans : (4) Ladies and gentlemen today I want to say something about problems of working women.
In the traditional country like India, role of women is mostly house hold jobs. Now the table turns
because in this time women are not only workers of house hold jobs but they have proved
themselves in many sectors which are called mail domain. You cannot find a single sector without
women. As women become super women, they have to face many problems Vtike mental

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harassment, discrimination of work place, lack of family support, insufficient maternity leaves, job
insecurity and workplace adjustment.
Working women have to face problems just by virtue of their being women. Working women here
are referred to those who are in paid employment. Social attitude to the role of women move slow
much behind the law. Women find employment easily as nurses, doctors, teachers caring and
nurturing sectors, secretaries or in assembling jobs-the routine submissive sectors. But even if well
qualified women engineers or managers or geologists are available, preference will be given to a
male of equal qualification. Women's issues do not occur on the priority list of most of the trade
unions. Women going to work are often subject to sexual harassment. Public transport system is
overcrowded and men take advantage of the circumstances to physically harassed women.
Colleagues offer unwanted attention which can still be shaken off but a woman is placed in a
difficult situation if the higher officer demands sexual favours. If any woman employee refused,
the boss can easily take it out woman in other ways to make life miserable for her. If a woman is
praised for her work or promoted on merit, her colleagues do not hesitate to attribute it to sexual
favors. A gender bias creates an obstacle at the recruitment Sage itself. Most people think that
women are capable of less work than men or less efficient than men. Though women work hard as
men, they have to obey their social responsibilities towards society, children and most obvious
duty, making meal etc. We should think that now if women can help for improvement of economy
level of home, men should help them household jobs. Lastly I conclude my speech by saying one
important point that friends now the time comes, we should change our attitude towards women
and understand feeling of them. Women have changed her role so it's our duty that society ought to
change its attitude and thoughts for women.

(5) In school assembly hall you are going to deliver a speech on problem of dissociative disorder.
Draft a speech using the given points in about 100 words.
(Point : Mental disease - not madness - two or more identities - affect person's behaviour - male
behaves as female - can kill or injure anyone - need special care and treatment.)
Ans : (5) Honourable Chief Guest, respected principal and teachers and my friends. I want to say
something about one mental disease, dissociative disorder. Friends let me clear that every mental
disease is not madness. Now the question arise "what is dissociative mental disorder?" Dissociative
identity disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct or split identities or
personality states that continually have power over the person's behaviour. With dissociative
identity disorder, there's also an inability to recall key personal information that is too far-reaching
to be explained as mere forgetfulness. With dissociative identity disorder, there are also highly
distinct memory variations, which fluctuate with the person's split personality.
The different identities have their own age, gender or race. Yes, sometime a male behaves as a
female also even sometime victim thinks him or herself as any animal. Patient can't understand the
reality of life. Sometime the patient lives with two or more personalities, which is also called
multiple personality. Each personality has his or her own postures, gestures, and distinct way of
talking. As each personality reveals itself and controls the individuals' behaviour and thoughts.
When the patient's personalities change, patient can't remember previous personality. Even patient

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can kill or injure anyone but after that he or she behaves as if he were unknown about this matter. I
should say that the patient needs special care and treatment, it can be cured but this kind of disease
can be cured after long psychological treatment.
Thank you all.

(6) In school assembly hall you are going to deliver speech on benefits of positive attitude. Draft a
speech using the given points in about 100 words.
(Point : Positive attitude is power to live happy life - realize good and expect success - yoga -
physical exercise - meditation - healthy mind live in healthy body - negative thoughts loose our
Ans : (6) Honourable chief guest, respected principal, teachers my dear brothers and sisters. My
subject is benefits of positive attitude. Friends, positive attitude is not only a phrase but it is the
power to live happily and successfully. You may ask what is positivity? Friend, Let me tell you
that positivity makes you realise a good side and expectation of success. No doubt for getting
success, hard work is important but you should have desire to get success or your desired result.
Ok. Positive attitude does all such things but how can one improve positive attitude towards life?
First prepare your mind for thinking only good and positive aspect of any events and incidents. It is
said that as you think, it happens so why should we think negative side of life. If you see good
aspects of life, you will definitely get what you desire. Here I want to say that my friends, your
upcoming incidents depend on your positive thinking. I want to quote one proverb "Healthy mind
lives in healthy body". If you believe this, you should be regular in your daily activities of your
life; you should do yoga, physical exercises and meditation. These will help you to acquire
positivity in life. Friends, we human being do more mental works than any other animal, so I
emphasis on creating strong mental power for your present and future thoughts.
Sometime, we may confuse or worry about results and decisions, yes obviously we sometime think
negative but do you know, negative thoughts make us nervous and we lose our confidence.
Meanwhile negative thoughts create worry and discouragement. As a student when we face
examination, positive attitude helps us to get good result. Now I should conclude my speech with
proverb "Think positively, live happily".
Thank you.

(7) In school assembly hall Kavya Thakar is going to deliver speech on 'My favourite leader'. Draft a
speech using the given points in about 100 words.
(Point : favourite leader - Sardar Patel - hard work and determination - worked for humanity -
Unification of India and Bardoli Satyagrah - integration of princely states - great personality.)
Ans : (7) Honourable principal, respected teachers and students. I want to say about my favourite
leader. My favourite leader is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. He is called iron man of India because of
strong will power and personality. He was born on October 31st, 1875 in Nadiad, Gujarat. His
father, Jhaverbhai Patel, was a farmer. Vallabhbhai's early education was in Karamsad. He
belonged to a modest family; his family had not educated. But because of truthful hard work and
determination, he obtained great heights in his life. There are many stories of his bravery in

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childhood. Vallabhbhai was strong pillar in freedom of India. He led many freedom movements
but most famous were 'Unification of India' and 'Bardoli Satyagrah' The Bardoli Satyagraha of
1928, in the state of Gujarat, India during the period of the British Raj, was a major episode of civil
disobedience and revolt in the Indian Independence Movement. Patel first wrote to the Governor of
Bombay, asking him to reduce the taxes for the year in face of the calamities. But the Governor
ignored the letter, and reciprocated by announcing the date of collection.
Patel then instructed all the farmers of Bardoli taluka to refuse payment of their taxes. Patel
instructed the farmers to remain completely non-violent, and not respond physically to aggressive
actions from officials. In 1928, an agreement was finally broken. The Government agreed to
restore the confiscated lands and properties, as well as cancel revenue payment not only for the
year, but cancel the 30 % raise until after the succeeding year.
Sardar Patel handled effectively the integration of the princely states with his diplomatic skills and
foresightedness. The problem of merging 562 independent states with a democratic self-governing
India was difficult and delicate. But it was essential to save India from balkanization, once the
Paramount of British crown would lapse. He, by his policy, broke the union of separatist princes.
By August 15, 1947 all except Hyderabad, Junagadh and Kashmir agreed to join in India. He
thereafter carried three fold processes of assimilation, centralization and unification of states, The
states were merged with the Union of India.
Then he worked hard and used his special power to merge Junagadh and Kashmir in India.
So lastly I should say Sardar Patel is the great personality who created great India.
Thank you.

(8) Speech on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Campaign)

(Point : Cleanliness drive - best start for growth of country - Mahatma Gandhi - dirty environment
and life is risky - responsibility of everyone - make India clean India.)

Ans : (8) Good morning to all. my name is ........

I want to say something about the swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The great person of India, Mahatma
Gandhi said "Sanitation is more important than Independence." India is still a developing country
because of the poverty, lack of education, lack of cleanliness and other social issues. We need to
eliminate all the bad reasons from the society causing obstruction in the growth and development
of our country.
And I think that cleanliness drive is the best start for the growth of country. Only the success of
cleanliness campaign may bring a huge positive change in the India. Remember that slogan:
"clean, Happy and Healthy Citizens imparts Healthy and Developed Nation." Clean Bharat
Abhiyan or clean India Campaign was started by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi in
2014 on Gandhi Jayanti (145th birthday anniversary) 2nd of october. Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of
making this country a clean country and even he had emphasised a lot by many means among rural
people. After many years of Independence, we are still living in the dirty envivonment and putting
our lives on danger every moment. Swachh Bharat Mission will be our tribute to Mahatma Gandhi
on the 150th birth anniversary to be celebrated in the year 2019. But for this each and every citizen

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must try towards the success of this mission. This mission has been declared by the Indian
government as "beyond politics' and 'inspired by patriatism' to give its credit to all citizens of
India. Cleanliness is not limited to any person or place, it is the responsibility of everyone to clean
themselves as well as their surroundings to really make India a clean India in near future.
Cleanliness would keep everyone happy and healthy in all aspects : physically, mentally, socially
and intellectually by reducing the chance of diseases.
Clean India, Disease Free and Economically strong India. Gandhji believed cleanliness next only
to Godliness. Let's pledge today to convert cleanliness into a national passion. Every road, path,
office, home, hut, stream and particle of air around us can and must be kept clean. India can do it.
people of India can do it. We can do it. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

(9) Speech on Pollution

(Point : Very dangerous for human life -all become degraded -eco system affected - might create
public awareness - deliberate efforts required.)
Ans : (9) Pollution is mixing some impurities or waste into a pure substance. It is the adulteration of
natural resources by deliberate human activities. We can also say the presence of unexpected or
unwanted substances in a location is also pollution.
Due to pollution, the nature, envivonment, Earth, atmosphere, and waters are all becoming
degraded. We all cause pollution indirectly or directly. In this century the degradation has
accelerated a lot. We have to mitigate causes.
There are many kinds of pollution. They are air, water, land, noise and light pollutions. Our
planet's ecosystem and its cycle is affected by pollution. There are international voluntery
organizations that monitor and raise alarms. There is a national level govenmental organization and
a pollution control board in each state to control the pollution.
It is probably impossible to eliminate air pollution. To mitigate the risks, we may use LPG, Bio-
diesel (green diesel), electric, solar vehicles, bicycles or public transport. We must plant more
trees. Water bodies are polluted by chemicals, waste water, plastics, oils paints, and by the
dissolution of gases to which water is exposed to.
Due to rains nutrients from farming lands get washed away. Due to environmental pollution or
radiations, the soil may get deficient of nutrients. Improper use of pesticides and fertilizers also
causes soil pollution. The third world countries are to take more actions with regards to pollution.
More awareness programs and deliberate efforts are required by all of us to reduce pollution and
mitigate the hazards due to pollution. I hope all of you will agree and make an oath in favour of it.
Thanks for listening to me attentively and silently.

(10) Speech on Blood Donation - A Social Service.

(Point : Beneficial concept - different groups - stored and preserved - used in emergency - people
should donate blood - interval of 180 days - noble gesture - service to humanity.)
Ans : (10) My dear friends, today I am going to share my ideas on Blood Donation-A Social service.
Blood donation is one of the beneficial concept connected with the science of surgical medicine.
Human blood is divided into four groups namely; A, B, O and AB. This blood is stored and

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preserved in blood banks for a week or so as it is, and later is preserved in the plasma form. When
another human being is struggling for life as cause of loss of blood, in an accident, war, ordinary
emergency; the blood bank will examine his blood and supply a blood from its storage which
corresponds with the blood group of that person. In this way hundreds of lives have been saved in
our country. Among the blood groups, O-positive group is the universal donor, and can be
transferred in the blood stream of persons of any other group. Donation of blood is a prime need of
the country, and the government itself has taken charge of the department. It requests all hale and
healthy citizens in the country to donate blood. This is done through publicity in the form of
signboards, hoardings, etc., in front of hospitals, or through media advertisements.
Of course, no cash incentive or any other attractive gifts are given to the people who volunteer for
blood, as is done to encourage people who adopt family planning. The government leaves it to the
will and pleasure of the donors to donate their blood voluntarily and with the noble motive of
helping fellow citizens to survive
It is purely obligatory on the part of every citizen who is not suffering from anaemia, or whose
blood is free from any virus infection or any other ill conditions to donate blood. We can come
across people among us who donate blood periodically.
Normally a volunteer should be conscious to have an interval of 180 days between one donation
and another. Blood donation is a noble gesture. It enhances the sense of pride in a person and it
develops an altruistic attitude among the mankind. Thank you for listening my speech.
(11) Speech on Women Empowerment
(Point : Empowering women - gender equality - Indian need to change mentality - cannot perform
daily routine without women - transformational change in society.)
Ans : (11) Good morning to all the Excellencies and my friends, Today I would like to give a speech
on the topic of woman empowerment in India. Empowering women in India is very necessary to
bring gender equality or we can say that gender equality is very necessary to empower women.
India is a male dominated country. Men are walking alone and they force women to do only
household works. They do not know that women are the half power of this country and combining
to male can form full power of the country. The day when full power of the country would start
working, no other country would be more powerful than the India.
Gender equality is the first step to bring women empowerment in India. Men should not
understand that Women are made only to handle household chores or take responsibility of home
and family.
There are so many laws for empowering women however none are effective and followed by
people. Every Indian need to change their mind towards women and strictly follow the rules made
for women empowerment.
Woman empowerment is the key to strengthen their participation in the decision-making which is
the most important key to socio-economic development. women too need to empower themselves
by being strong from heart and think from mind.
As we all know that without women. no grandmother, mother, sister, friend, wife, etc., We cannot
perform our daily routine. Women in the home are only responsible for preparing our food,
washing our clothes, and other activities. It is a big question that why only woman, why not men

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are responsible for the same. It is the matter of laugh that they are promoted for household
responsibilities from childhood however they are demoted to do outside works and leadership like
men, why?
Both gender equality and women empowerment are key strategy to bring transformational change
in order to achieve development and high economic status of the nation.
Thank you.

(12) Speech on Save Water

(Point Water important - continuation of life on earth - unique source of life - conserve water -
huge population depends on water - awareness about need and shortage of water.)
Ans : (12) Good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and my friends, I would like to speak
on a very important topic: save water. Water is important for the continuation of life on the earth. It
is the most basic need of everyone human being, animal, plant and other micro-organisms. Water
is the unique source of life. Without water we cannot imagine life. We should worry for water and
try to conserve it because there is only 1 % of water on the earth which is usable to us. 97 % is
salty sea water and 2 % water is in the form of glaciers and polar ice caps. Only 1% water is here
for us over which a huge population all over the world is depended for the survival. Here are some
tips which really will help us to save water.
People should make their children aware about the need and shortage of water.
Water conservation techniques should be promoted on every news of media such as TV,
newspaper, radio.
School students should be assigned to prepare projects on water conservation.
Thank you all.

(13) Krutarth has been elected as the General Secretary of his school. He has to deliver a speech on his
future plans and how he is going to fulfil them. Draft a speech for him in 150 words.
Ans : (13) Namaste friends,
I feel a great joy to welcome you all in our first meeting. In the beginning I would like to thank you
all for your support and encouragement. Because of your support I was elected as a General
Secretary. At this moment, I take this chance to assure you that I will work with the best of my
abilities to satisfy the needs of our school and the students. I believe that the school election is the
first lesson of democracy. We would work according to the guidance and suggestions of our school
teaching staff. We will arrange various programmes like celebrations of the independence day, the
republic day, the cultural festival, blood donation camp etc. I hope for kind cooperation from you
throughout the next academic year. I hope that all of you should take part in such activities
enthusiastically. Once again I thank you for the trust you put in me.

(14) Prepare a Speech of 5 minutes to be delivered on 'The World Environment Day'

Ans : (14) Respected chief guest, principal, teachers of our school and all my dear friends. It is our
primary duty to care for the environment of our globe and at least try to save it from being polluted
for the safety of all the living beings. Man is the only animal that can think. So we all must try

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together in that direction. Cleanliness is the basis to start. We must follow the principle 'Live and
Let Live' and save the other species of animals and trees. Our life is completely dependent on their
existence. Many species have been totally disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. The cause
of it is the air-pollution caused by the release of poisonous gases from industries and vehicles. The
deforestation is also another one. The atomic waste has also caused a great danger to the
environment. We must stop it by implementing the various programmes or activities. Really it is
high time to make sincere efforts to save it. Let's take pledge to do it right now! Thanks.

* Email :05
(1) Write an E-mail to express condolence on the demise of a manager's father.
Ans : (1) To : [email protected]
Subject : expressing deep condolence on the death of your father
I, Suresh Mangukiya, the managing director and owner of Peters Incorporation, am writing
this letter to you in order to express my deepest condolence to you on the demise of your father in
a road accident. I got this sad news from one of my staff members and was very sad on hearing it. I
have known your father for the last 5 years and think of him as a man with dignity and pride. It is
very upsetting to know that a man of his caliber and talent is no more in this world.
Mr. Lawson was a man of virtue and always believed in working honestly toward his
personal and professional goals. I wish to express my support to you in these tough times and
really pray for his soul to rest in peace. Life and death go hand in hand and one can't run away
from the grief that a death of a loved one brings along with itself.
I hope you are doing fine and advice you to have faith in the Almighty and not lose strength
and composure. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you. You can contact me on
8128206077. I look forward to see you.
Suresh Mangukiya

(2) Write an E-mail to your friend wishing him a best luck for his/her board examination.
Ans : (2) To : [email protected]
Subject : Wishes for board examination
My dear Sejup,
I wish you best of luck for your board examination of 12th Science. I know you have worked
hard and you definitely deserve the best result.
Take care of your health during examination. You must have revised all the subjects and must be
ready for examination with preparation and confidence.
May god help you do your best and obtain the best result in this examination.
Once again wishing you all the best to pass the examination with flying colours.
yours sincerely

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(3) Isha Joshi writes her friend Alka Patel on [email protected] in about 30 words about the
dedicated ecologist Jitubhai Talavia. Draft an email on her behalf.
Ans : (3) To : [email protected]
Subject : About the dedicated ecologist Mr. Jitubhai Talavia
Dear Alka,
I would like to tell you about the famous ecologist; resident of Amreli district of Gujarat but
accepted and loved by all eco - lovers, Mr. Jitubhai Talavia. He works for 'nature conservation'. He
has dedicated his life in saving trees, birds and animals. Nearly 10 lac copies of his 175 books
about eco awareness have been read. His trust has taken eco - exam of 4.5 lac pupils. In 2001, by
the governor of Gujarat and in 2004, by UNO in New Delhi, he was honoured for his special eco
service and awareness activities. Salute to him.
What about your dance class? Do write to me.
Isha Joshi

(4) Draft an e-mail on behalf of Mital Doshi in about 30 words informing him about the article he has
read about Pandit Shukhlalji to his friend Vipul Maheta on [email protected].
Ans : (4) To : [email protected]
Subject : Informing about Pandit Shuklaji
Dear Vipul,
In the Sunday edition of The Gujarat Samachar, I've read an inspirational article about the
visionary blind legend Pandit Shukhlalji. Despite of his blindness, he keenly studied and taught
theology, philosophy and literature too effectively for many years. He stands tall as a beacon in
'Jain Darshan' too. His books, speeches and articles have greatly influenced the authors, poets and
thinkers of Gujarat and abroad. His 'inner eyes' have provided us the real vision of life. He was
very humble and simple person rightly honoured as a 'pragyachakshu' pandit by us. A real Inspirer
What about your art classes ? Tell me.
Mitul Doshi

(5) Draft an e-mail on behalf of H. Vijayan, a history teacher, in about 30 words about sending the
details about Indian mythological characters to Om Rajan, a film director, on
[email protected].
Ans : (5) To :
Subject : The details about Indian mythological character
Hon'ble Rajan sir,
I herewith send you the authentic names' list with detail about some known characters of
Indian Mythology. This will be helpful to you for the production of your films based on this theme.
Aaruni, Nachiketa, Ahiravan, Karthikeya, Kach Devyani, Abhimanyu, Shakuntala. These are same

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names on which you may make very effective and entertaining films by adding your special skills,
effects and vision and relevant music. You know the 'public choice' too well. I humbly request you
to think over it deeply.
What about your new projects? Do write to me.
H. Vijayan

(6) Tushar Patel writes an Email to his friend Manan advising him not to neglect his health.
Ans : (6) To : [email protected]
Subject : Not to neglect health
Dear Manan,
I have come to know about your ill health. How are you feeling now? You are hardworking
but it doesn't mean that you neglect your health. Sound mind in a sound body is a well known
proverb. Follow it. Spare some time for exercise. Take a walk early in the morning. Good food is
also necessary. You should get at least eight hours of good sleep. Remember, all work and no play
makes jack a dull boy. Write me soon. Take Care.
Yours lovingly
Tushar Patel

(7) Rohini Ramavat writes an Email in about 50 words to her friend Roshni on
[email protected] cogratulating her on wining the first prize in the elocution competition.
Ans : (7) To : [email protected]
Subject : Congratulation for winning
Dear Roshni,
Hearty congratulations on winning the first prize in the elocution competition. We are proud
of you. I know you are an avid reader. Your interest has brought you this reward. You have good
command over language. You posses better general knowledge. You are able to collate every bit of
information into a perfect presentation. You really deserve it. Keep it up. Good wishes for bright
opportunities. Love you
Yours lovingly,
Rohini Ramavat

(8) Your friend Vishwa Patel is weak in English. Write an E-mail advising her an how to improve her
Ans : (8) To : [email protected]
Subject : How to improve English
Dear Vishwa,
I have come to know that you dislike English. Why is it so ? English is an international
language. We must learn it. In this letter I will tell you how to improve your English.
First of all, shake off your fear of English. Remember, Everyone can learn English. It is as
easy as Gujarati. You should read English News papers. Listen English news on TV. Read small

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and interesting story books. Use a dictionary when you find difficult words. Listen lots of English.
I am sure by and by your English will be improved. I hope you will following my advice. Love you
Yours lovingly,

(9) Draft an e-mail in about 30 words on behalf of Ronak Patel to his friend Gaurav Shah, on
[email protected], telling him about the importance of good health, physical fitness and simple
diet. (March-2018)
Ans : (9) To : [email protected]
Subject : Importance of good health.
Dear Sir,
I come to know about your illness from our friend Priyam. How are you feeling now ?
I know you are a hardworking student. But that doesn't mean that you ignore your health.
You must spare some time for exercises or for sports for physical fitness. You should go for
You should sleep at least eight hours. Make a timetable for study and sports and follow it. A
good, simple and regular diet is also important for good health. You should drink enough water.
Have lots of green vegetable in your diet.
Yours lovingly,
Ronak Patel

(10) Jiten Patel writes his friend Naman Shah on [email protected] in about 30 words about the IPL
match he saw at Rajkot.
Ans : (10) To : [email protected]
Subject : About the IPL match at Rajkot
Dear Naman,
I would like to tell you about the IPL match I saw at Rajkot. We bought tickets on line and
went to see the match by car. Luckily, we got the tickets in the front row. It was really exciting to
see the famous cricketers playing vigorously. It was the match of RCB versus GL. Kohli hit a
splendid century and RCB won by 35 runs. We enjoyed the attacking batting with ice cream and
samosas. It was really fun.
Jiten Patel

(11) Write an E-mail to in for not getting your refund of a cancelled ticket of second class
sleeper from Mumbai to Ahmedabad. Mention- PNR No, date of journey, date of cancellation of
ticket and the amount
Ans : (11) To : [email protected]
Subject : Refund of a cancelled ticket
Dear Sir,

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I, Krish Prajapati from Mumbai, have not got the refund of my cancelled ticket of second
class sleeper from Mumbai to Ahmedabad. The details are given below.
• PNR No 3535
• Date of Journey: 15 March
• Date of Cancellation : 9 March
• Amount of the ticket : Rs. 500.00
Please do the needful. Thank you.
Yours faithfully

(12) You are the General Secretary of your School. You want to e-mail a circular about the Parent
teacher meeting scheduled the next weekend. The time of that meeting is 10-30 am. You also want
each of the class Representative to get the same. Draft an e-mail to send the Head clerk of the
Ans : (12) To : [email protected]
Subject : Circular about the parent-teacher meeting
Dear Sir,
Could you send out a circular about the parent-teacher meeting, scheduled this Saturday at
10.30 a.m. ? Please make sure all the class representatives receive the circular by tomorrow
Vidyut Gaud

(13) Write an E-mail apologizing for missing a scheduled meeting about an important project.
Ans : (13) To : [email protected]
Subject : about missing a meeting
Dear Christine,
I am deeply sorry for missing our scheduled meeting on 11th March, 2015 regarding the
discussion of the latest project. I am really embarrassed for the same.
As you might understand, I was unable to come for the meeting because my flight was
delayed by 10 hours due to continuous rain. I tried to inform you the same through a call but the
networks failed to work at that time.
This meeting with you was very important as I was to discuss all the working directions and
the product requirements for our new project.
Would you like to settle another meeting with you for the upcoming week? I would be
available from 20th March to 27th March, anytime before 7.00 pm.
Please let me know whatever time best suits you by 15th March so that I book a ticket for
myself, beforehand. You can contact me on 8128206077. I look forward to see you.
Sincerely yours

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(14) Draft an e-mail in about 30 words to ajantastationars@bsnl. net. in ordering new textbooks for
class X on behalf of proprietor of Bharat Book Stores.
Ans : (14) To : ajanatastationers. @bsnl. net. in
Subject : New textbooks of class X
Dear Sir,
The new textbooks for class X you ordered last week are now available and we are waiting
for you to collect them. A list of the textbooks currently in stocks at our stores is attached here
D. Menon
Proprietor, Bharat Book Stores
Attachment :
A list of new text books

(15) Your friend has got through the JEE advance Examination with flying colours. Write an e-mail in
about 30 words to him Congratulating on his success in the entrance exam.
Ans : (15) To : [email protected]
Subject : Congratulations for success in the entrance exam.
Attachment : No attachment
Dear Jamil,
Heartiest congratulations to you in your brilliant success in the entrance exam of JEE
Advance. It’s a matter of great pride for us that you have topped the list of the toppers. Your hard
and smart work has borne fruits after all. You have made your parents feel proud. Great! Keep it
Your loving friend
Mihir Patel

(16) You are appearing for the Board Exam next week. Draft an e-mail in about 30 words to your father
telling him how you hope to fare in the exam.
Ans : (16) To : [email protected]
Subject : Preparation for the Board Exam
Attachment: No attachment
Dear Papa,
My Board Exams begin from next Monday. I’m fully prepared for the exam. I have revised
every Subject two to three times. I’m confident enough to do (to fare) well in all of the Subjects. I
promise, I will make the most of the time. I am getting. Don’t worry about my exam. I’ve prepared
excellently well in maths too.
with love
Yours affectionately

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(17) Imagine that you are Aalapi Prajapati. Write an e-mail in about 30 words to your father at
[email protected] informing him about your winning the first prize in the state level
elocution competition.
Ans : (17) To : [email protected]
Subject : Winning the first prize
Dear Papa,
I’m extremely delighted to inform you that I have won the first prize and a medal in the
state level elocution competition recently organized by the ministry of Rural Development,
Government of Gujarat. The medal and the first prize of ? 2500 cash were handed over to me by
the C. M. of our state. It was a proud moment for me. If you had been there, my joy would have
doubled. It is all due to your blessings. Keep me blessed.
Yours loving daughter

(18) Draft an e-mail in about 30 words on behalf of Mr. Baldev Prajapati at

[email protected] congratulating her on her winning the first prize in the state level
elocution competition.
Ans : (18) To : [email protected]. in
Subject : Congratulations on winning the prize
Dear Aalapi,
Heartiest congratulations on your winning the first prize and a medal in the recently held
state level elocution competition, from me and your mamma. You have made us feel proud. We are
proud to be your parents. Keep it up, our blessings are always with you dear.
Your Papa
Baldev Prajapati

(19) Draft an e-mail in about 30 words on behalf of Kalpesh Patel to his friend Ankit at
[email protected] inviting him to attend the wedding of his sister.
Ans : (19) To : [email protected]
Subject : An invitation to attend sister’s wedding
Attachment : Invitation card of the wedding
Dear Ankit,
You will be glad to know that the wedding of my sister Priya is to take place on 26th July,
2017 at ‘Rajratna Party Plot’ at 8:30 p. m. You are cordially invited to attend the wedding
ceremony. Do come with your family and bless my sister on these auspicious occasion. Awaiting
for your arrival. Sincerely yours
Kalpesh Patel

(20) You are in a new hostel. Write an e-mail to your father at [email protected]
informing him about your hostel, roommates and the quality of food.
Ans : (20) To : [email protected]

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Subject : about new hostel and roommates

Dear Papa,
I’ve settled very well in my new hostel. My roommates are very kind, loving and co-
operative. They belong to well-educated families. The food served here is of high quality. Nothing
to worry about. I’m quite well and feeling well.
Your loving son

(21) Draft an e-mail in about 30 words on behalf of our Prabodh Desai, a teacher of English to
Jamnadas Publishing House on [email protected] placing an order for some reference
books for std IX and X.
Ans : (21) To : [email protected]
Subject : Order for reference books
It’s my immense pleasure to place an order for the following books published by your
reputed publishing house.
(1) Modern Writing and English Grammar Std IX and X 50 copies for each
(2) Modern English (S. L. ) Std. IX and X 55 copies for each standard
(3) Modem 100 plus Class X 50 copies You are requested to courier the
copies on the address.
Panchshil Madhyamik Shala,
Katosan Road, Dist - Ahmedabad 383215.
Prabodh Desai

(22) Jamnadas Publishing House, Ahmedabad writes an e-mail to Mr. Prabodh Desai, the teacher of
English on [email protected] in about 30 words informing him about the couriered
parcel containing the ordered books at his address.
Ans : (22) To : [email protected]
Subject : Parcel containing ordered books courieredDear Sir,
We are pleased to inform you that we have already couriered the parcel containing all the
books that you have ordered. The parcel has been despatched through Pawan couriers Ltd. ,
Ahmedabad bearing the docket No. R7788009.
Please inform us as soon as you receive the parcel. Thanking you for your trust in us.
Yours sincerely
D Shah
Jamnadas Publishing House

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(23) Shabu Philip, a student of Std 10, a Central School, Valsad is suffering from cold and fever. Draft
an e-mail on his behalf to his class teacher seeking leave for three days. You should write between
30 to 50 words.
Ans : (23) To : [email protected]
Subject : Sick leave.
Respected Madam !
I am writing this e- mail to inform you that I have been suffering from cold and fever since 15th,
March. I went to my home town last week with my
parents. I got infected from there. The doctor has advised for bed rest for at least three days. I am
feeling very weak. In this position, I will not be able to attend
school. I humbly request you to grant me leave up to Wednesday. I will attend the school on
Thanking you,
Obediently yours,
Shabu Philip

(24) Draft an e-mail on behalf of Smita Gajjar, the principal of Akshar High school, Surat, to Mayank
Agrrawal informing about his son’s misbehaviour in the school. You should write between 30 to
50 words.
Ans : (24) To : [email protected]
Subject : Regarding Swapnil’s behaviour.
Season's Greetings!
This is to inform you that your son Swapnil misbehaves in the class especially with girl
students. He has no manner to talk with his classmates and even with other teachers. He slams
books on the bench and disturbs the whole class. I know he is a brilliant student. But he has
stopped doing his home work for a few days and doesn’t attend all the classes. Kindly try to find
out what’s wrong with him. I hope you will take this matter seriously as I am accountable to other
students, too. You can come and meet me on Monday by 12:30pm.
Obediently yours,
Smita Gajjar.
The principal
Akshar High school

(25) You are on holiday in Vadodara. Write an email to your friend Shital telling her how you are
spending your time. Shital’s email address is
[email protected] You should write between 30 to 50 words.
Ans : (25) To : [email protected]
Subject I am on cloud nine.
Dear Shital,

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How are you ? I’m having a wonderful time here and wish that the holiday goes on forever.
Guess where I am at the moment! I’ve been on cloud nine. I’ve been trying to visit all the
interesting places in Vadodara. .
On Monday I visited Gayakwad’s Palace. It was so wonderful seeing all those amazing
statues and carving. I’ve visited the planetarium and enjoyed the view of our galaxy. I also visited
the M S University. There are so many other places to visit. One ofthe other things I’ve enjoyed is
visiting Ajwa Water Park. This is one of the best parks around Vadodara. Many people go there to
bath and relax. However, what’s interesting about this particular park is the dancing fountains. I
hope you’ll have the opportunity to visit Vadodara someday. It’s such an exciting place to be'! I’m
having so much fun! Time’s up ! Say hi to all the others. See you soon.
Lovingly yours

(26) You have been to drama performed by eminent artists but one of your closest friends could not
make it. Draft an e-mail, using between 30 and 50 words, to tell her/him all about it. Your friend’s
e-mail address is [email protected]
Ans : (26) To : [email protected]
Subject : Missed you dear.
Hi Dinesh,
I couldn’t wait to tell you all about yesterday, what a great time we had, I really wish you
could have been there. But I really should ask about you first.
how are you ? Is your coughing better ? I wish you will get well soon. Sneha and I went to
the Town Hall to see a drama performed by eminent artist from Pune. Though it being a comedy
play, it carried an interesting social theme. work which I need for my assessment and I m really
We got belly ache laughing at every scene. I heard someone say they were going to organize
another drama
performance soon - and you’ve got to come next time !
See you on Monday and take care.
Lots of love,

(27) You have just returned from the last day at school and realized that you left your laptop in the
school hall. You cannot go for it the next day because you’re leaving on a camping trip. Write an
email to the Head of School about this. The school’s email address is [email protected] You
should write between 30 and 50 words.
Ans : (27) To : [email protected]
Subject : urgent attention required.
Respected Sir,
I am writing because this afternoon, while I was waiting for the school transport to arrive, I
left my laptop in the Hall, in the library. I only realised this

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when the bus was already some distant away. The driver would not turn back and disrupt the whole
route. Ideally, I should come to the school tomorrow to collect my belongings but I will not be able
to. My family is going away on camping trip. The laptop contains comedy play, it carried an
interesting social theme. work which I need for my assessment and I m really worried in case it
goes missing. Can I please ask you to tell one of the school peons to put my laptop in a safe place ?
I’ll come and collect it as soon as the camping trip is over.
Thank you.
Smit Chauhan
(31) As a student representative of your school, write an email to your batch mates, suggesting a
farewell party for Science teacher Mrs. Rajeshvari Puvar who is retiring next month. Sign the mail
as Vraj.
Ans : (31) To : [email protected]
[email protected]
amisha. [email protected]
Subject : Farewell function.
Hi all,
I would like to inform you that our Science teacher Mrs. Rajeshvari Puvar is going to retire
next month. We all know that Mrs. Rajeshvari Puvar is an exceptional teacher and guided us in
many typical situations during our study time. In addition to that, she mentored and groomed many
of our seniors to grow into successful citizens. For her helpful contribution, we will host a small
party to surprise her. We shall also invite her family. Please inform all the students and together we
will make it successful and it will be memorable for us forever.
Thanks and regards,
Vraj Rathod

(32) Draft an e-mail in about 30 words on behalf of Ronak Patel to his friend Gaurav Shah on
[email protected], telling him about the importance of good health, physical fitness and simple
Ans : (32) From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Subject : importance of good health, physical fitness and simple diet. Dear Gaurav,
Your exams are over now. You seem to be physically very weak. I would like to write you
about the importance of health and hygiene. Simple diet plays an important role in keeping us
healthy and fit. They are easy to digest. You should eat vegetables, fruits and simple but nutritious
food. These foods keep your digestion system in order. You can enjoy good health. You know
‘sound mind is in a sound body’. If you are physically fit, you can enjoy mental health and peace.
Take light exercises and do Yoga and Pranayams. Shake off all kinds of tensions. Feel relaxed.
Avoid fatty, oily junk food Hope you will understand the importance of health. Wish you a.
healthy life.
Ronak Patel

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(33) Write an E-mail to your friend giving him information about your successful participation in the
Science Fair at national level.
Ans : (33) From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Subject : Successful participation in the Science Fair at national level.
Dear Kunsh,
On 5th December, my school participated in the National Science Fair held at Science City. I
was the leader of my team. There were different sections like Energy, Water, Force and Motion,
Science and Technology, Pollution, etc. I presented a project on ‘Magic of Science’ through the
principles of ‘Force and Motion’.
When the chief guest and visitors came, we showed the floating paper fish. Do you want to
know how we showed them the floating paper fish? We did the experiment with the help of a small
bowl, a pair of scissors, water, thick paper, and a bottle. While showing, the experiment of floating
paper fish we cut a piece of thick paper and cut it into a shape of a fish. We made a small hole in
the centre of the fish. We put the fish into the bowl filled with water. We put a drop of the
dishwashing liquid into the hole. It spread at the rear part and disturbed the surface tension there
pushing the fish forward. The surface tension in the front was not disturbed. The paper fish floated
on the scientific principle of force and motion. We also showed them the experiment of the
underwater working on the principle of force and motion.
All the spectators clapped and congratulated us. We got the prize for our project on Magic of
Do write to me about your activities going in your school
Your loving sister,

(34) Write an E-mail to your sister who is ill. Suggest her to pass her time by reading a good book or
watch some T. V. programmes.
Ans : (34) From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Subject : pass her by reading a good book or watch some T. V. programmes.
Dear Ishva,
I read about your illness in mother’s letter. I hope you are feeling better. Are you able to sit in
the garden and enjoy the sunshine ?
I miss you a lot. I am eagerly waiting for your mails which are full of your love and warmth.
Even mother and father would be feeling sad. They also must be missing your senseless talks.
Anyway, the best way to get rid of illness is to take proper rest, take medicines and do things that
keep you pleased. I know the best thing that can keep you happy is a good book. As you are fond
of knowing about different places of the world, I am sending you a book on the history of Greece
with my friend Mahesh. I hope you will enjoy the book. Moreover you can also watch T. V. for
some time. Your favourite programmes on T. V. will keep you hale and hearty.

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Take good care of your health. Give my regards to mother and father. Bye.
Your loving brother,

(35) Your father is on a business tour. Write an E-mail to your father telling him why you could not do
well in the first terminal examination.
Ans : (35) From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Subject : Explanation on having bad result regarding the first terminal examination.
Dear Papa,
I am sorry I failed in the first terminal examination. I know you will be pained knowing the
I will not put forth any excuse for this failure. After getting the result I feel that I am not the
stuff for this education. I tried my best, working day and night, but still I failed.
To be frank, my brain works in other directions, such as scouting, organizing of hands for
social work and other activities which require strength, ability and skill.
I am afraid that you will come to know about my activities from my cousin brother. In truth,
I did try my best but I failed. Please give me some active work, I can do as best as any man can do.
Such work always gives me pleasure. When I doing this type of work, my teachers and friend think
I am a hopeless boy in the field of education.
Now these are the facts. I have not tried to conceal my weakness from you. Believe me, I am
not talking lightly. Now I am serious. I would leave all the activities before the annual examination
and show you better result of my hard work.
Please consider this matter sympathetically and forgive me.
With love,
Yours affectionately,

(36) Write an E-mail to your friend thanking him for the great hospitability that you received at his
birthday party.
Ans : (36) From : [email protected]
To : [email protected]
Subject : Thanking notes.
Dear Vandana,
Thank you for inviting us to your 15th birthday party. We had a fantastic time last Sunday.
We really enjoyed ourselves.
Although I haven’t had the chance to say “thank you” until now, I’ve thanked you a hundred timed
in my heart. Even if every flower in the world had a voice I couldn’t send as many as it would take
to say thanks enough! This isn’t a thank you note it’s a hug with a fold in it. The world’s a better
place Because of people like you, who take the time to do nice things the way that you always do. I

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would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom. More than you
can imagine or even comprehend; I thank God for you, my very special friend!
I just wanted to say thank you again for everything this weekend. We had an amazing time
both nights and your establishment went above and beyond the call of duty in helping us have a
great time. Just wanted to say thank you again for all your hard work to make this so easy.
We all had a fantastic time and the venue was decorated very tastefully. The food was
simply delicious and the service was superb. The meal was scrumptious, especially the chocolate
dessert. You must give me the recipe sometime.
This is a long overdue thank you but I haven’t forgotten the GREAT hospitality and service
you provided us. All of our family and guests had a wonderful day at the farm! I will never forget
the helpful, thoughtful, cheerful hospitality you rendered on your birthday. Thanks for making our
experience special and for being such good hosts. We totally look forward to such more
Thank you again and I appreciate all of your kindness during your birthday celebration!
Yours loving friend,Bhairavi.

(37) Write an E-mail to your friend telling him your plan to take up a temporary vacation job to support
your father after the examination.

Ans : (37) From : [email protected]

To : [email protected]
Subject : For getting temporary vacation job. Dear Father,
You will be glad to know that my examination is at last over. I think I had done pretty well,
and I hope to secure higher second class, if not first. I expect the results will be out in June.
I know you cannot afford to bear the expenditure of my higher study, so I want to get some
work as soon as I can. I should very much like to become a paid apprentice in an office as paid
apprentice. I do not think that it will be difficult, because I have a good knowledge of computer
operating system. I shall have to give the office bearer that I shall serve sincerely up to June. In
that way, slowly and gradually, I shall one day be able to the position of a full-fledge helping hand
to you.
I hope you will agree to my proposal. I have filled up the application form and will send it
to the General Manager to the Swastik Solution after getting a recommendation from my Principal.
I hope you will be hale and hearty. Your loving son,

Report Writing : 05

(1) You watched a rescue operation of a burning house. Prepare a report on it.
Ans : (1) A Rescue operation of Burning House
August 15,2018

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Fire accidents are not very common. But when they take place they cause great alarm and
destruction and sometimes loss of life. After taking our food in the night, we went away into our
room. The beds were ready and we slept. It was 9 o'clock in the night. My father was reading a
newspaper. Suddenly, we saw smoke entering our room. We wondered from where it was coming.
We went out in the courtyard. The smoke was coming out of the nearby house. The house had
caught fire. The neighbour was crying loudly for help. He began to take out costly things. The
people came quickly for help. Some helped him in bringing out the things from the house, while
others ran to a nearby well for water. There were only three buckets in the house. They cried for
more buckets. Some brought four more. Others only kept weeping in pain. The neighbours were
nervous and they lost presence of mind. They did not know what to save and what to leave behind.
There was more noise and less work. People were running over the roof and pouring water with
buckets. Neighbour's young boy Raju was also pouring water to extinguish fire. He worked very
hard to put out fire. He ran with the buckets over the roof of the kitchen. Suddenly the roof fell
down and he fell over the head of burning wood. We saw him in the flames. We acted quickly and
took him out of the burning home. Pappu was lucky because the intensity of fire was rising. In the
meanwhile somebody had the good sense to inform the fire-station. The fire-engines soon arrived
at the site of the fire. The firemen immediately set to the work of fire-fighting. They did their best
to control and extinguish the fire. They pumped fast the water in the flames, with their hoses. It
took almost two and a half hours to control and then finally to extinguish the fire. They struggled
hard and heroically. One of the firemen was seriously injured in the efforts, and a few of them had
received burns and bruises. Most of the fire accidents occur because of our carelessness. Every
year there are many fire accidents, resulting in a great loss of property and life. Many of these can
be easily avoided if we are more careful, and observe certain rules and regulations regarding fire-
protection, etc.

(2) Dr Raman Patel, MD delivered a talk on headache by accepting the invitation of your school. He
talked about the reasons for headache like physical, mental, emotional and environmental. Prepare
a report on the event.
Ans : (2) Last Saturday, we had arranged a special lecture of Dr. Raman Patel, M. D.. He gave a
speech on a very simple topic; 'The Reasons of Headache'. (He said simple truth about the reasons
of headache and simple solution). It happens due to physical, mental, emotional or environmental
disturbance. The reason of headache can be heavy food at night. If one is suffering from any worry
or anxiety, he is likely to have headache. If one does not have enough rest and sleep, it may result
into headache. One can also have it if there is any death or serious illness in the family. If there is a
lot of air pollution and suffocation due to crackers, one can have headache. The person suffering
from headache has side effects, the said disease like Blood Pressure or diabetes. If you want to
such problems, one must do regular physical exercises Pranayam and Yoga. The principal are
thanked him for providing time.

(3) Write a report on how your school celebrated Environment Day. You may use the following

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(points : Place - Date - Advance Preparations - Chief Guest Commencement - Activities - Speech -
Your Resolution)
Ans : (3)
The Environment was celebrated on 5th June, 2016. We planned well in advance. The different
committees were assigned different activities. The chief guest and other prominent people were
sent invitation in advance. The prayer was sung at first. Then the guests were welcomed with
flower bouquet and Kum Kum Tilak. Later the introduction of the chief guest was given by our
principal. The different activities started in different rooms - the quiz, the painting competition, the
education competition, and tree plantation, the cleanliness campaign, in and around the school
campus. I was asked to handle the quiz competition as an anchor. I love it too much. It was very
close and interesting competition. Many students also participated in different activities and the
remaining was in audience. The chief guest also gave a very inspiring speech. We were advised to
save the environment in many ways, for example - avoid using plastic, maintain cleanliness etc.
Really, it was a great celebration as it brought immense awareness about saving the environment!

(4) Saavan P. Joshi writes a report on a seminar organized by his school on the topic - "Importance of
English Language in modern World."
5th May, 2019, Anand
A one day seminar was organised by Saraswati Vidyalaya, Anand on the importance of
English language in modern world on 4 May, 2019. The seminar was held in the Assembly Hall of
the school. Dr. A. P. Shah, the famous Educationalist, Dr. D. P. Mandal, the Director of English
language Teaching Institute, Dr. S. S. Gupta, the Professor in M. D. Patel Arts College were the
chief guests. The seminar started with lamp - lightening. The guests were welcomed with garlands
of flowers. Almost one thousand students and fifty three teachers were present in the seminar. The
principal of Saraswati Vidyalaya, Mr. C. P. Patel, delivered a nice speech stressing on the
importance of English language at school level. After that Dr. A. P. Shah explained that English
has become an inevitable medium for anyone who wants to pursue higher education. Dr. A. P.
Mandal stressed on the importance of English language in researches, modem technology and
internet. At last Dr. S. S. Gupta stated that English is no more called a foreign language but it has
become a link language. All the three orators explained their views very well. At the end a small
session of half an hour was arranged for students to ask their queries regarding English language.
At the end the supervisor of the school, Mr. Trivedi thanked all the guests, students and teachers to
have witnessed the seminar.

(5) Write a report on how the Bus Accident took place.

June 14, 2019, Halol

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Halol is no more a safe city. Various accidents are reported everyday on the roads of the city.
Yesterday a terrible accident took place at about 11.00 p.m. on Halol Baroda highway. The Halol -
Baroda bus collided with a huge truck There were fifty passengers in that bus. Five passengers died
on the spot and some were hurt seriously. They were taken, immediately to the Civil Hospital,
Halol. The driver of the bus died on the spot. The truck-driver ran away leaving the truck.
The truck which had no indicator and lights, was parked on the left side. The truck-driver
must have been careless who drove the truck roughly. He did not see the bus coming in front of so
he lost control and collided with the bus. The passengers who died were sitting on the front left
side rows. The truck crushed all these passengers. There was traffic jam for two hours. The police
reached this place after two hours. The cries of women and children were heart rending
Immediately many people gathered and they served as the volunteers. Gradually, the situation
came under control.

(6) You witnessed a fire in a neighbour's house. Write a short report on it.
July 03, 2019 Bhuj
There were loud screams in my neighbourhood at about 5 p.m. yesterday. I rushed out and
found that a house in my neighbourhood was on fire. Big flames and clouds of smoke were coming
out from the building. Four children and their mother were inside the house. Many people rushed
out from their houses. They continued throwing water to put out the fire but it seemed out of
control. I immediately called the fire brigade. Cries like "Help, Help" were heard from the
building. The fire brigade came soon and started immediate efforts to save the human lives They
took out tall ladders and water hoses. The two men in fire-jackets jumped into the

(7) Write a report how "The Independence Day" was celebrated in your school.
August 16, 2019 Rajpipla.
This year we celebrated the Independence Day with great enthusiasm in our school. On this
occasion, a programme was arranged on the school playground. A big stage was set up and
decorated with tri-colours. All the students and the teachers of our school gathered on the school
playground. The national flag was hoisted by the president of the school at 8.00 a.m. The national
anthem was sung by the school band while we were standing respectfully. Then Priti Pandya from
Class VIII recited a song "Sare Jahanse". Then Mena Patel from Class IX recited a poem "Mera
Hindustan." Then Abhay Shah from Class XI gave his speech on "Why I am proud of India. His
speech was really effective that day. The principal gave a short speech and advised all the students
to love our country and work for it. He also advised to be ready to sacrifice for our country. The
best cadets of scout were given medals for their brave act. Then there was the parade of N.C.C.
cadets. Sweets were distributed among all. At last the function ended with" Jan Gan Man "It was a
thrilling event for the students.

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(8) Write a report on your successful participation in the Science Fair at national level. You may use
the following points :
(Points : held in the science city - different sections - shown with experiments - ‘project on Magic
of Science’ - principle of force and motion - prize)
Ans : (8) On 5th December, my school participated in the National Science Fair held at
Science City. I was the leader of my team. There were different sections like Energy, Water, Force
and Motion, Science and Technology, Pollution, etc. I presented a project on ‘Magic of Science’
through the principles of ‘Force and Motion’.
When the chief guest and visitors came, we showed the floating paper fish. Do you want to
know how we showed them the floating paper fish ? We did the experiment with the help of a
small bowl, a pair of scissors, water, thick paper, and a bottle. While showing, the experiment of
floating paper fish we cut a piece of thick paper and cut it into a shape of a fish. We made a small
hole in the centre of the fish. We put the fish into the bowl filled with water. We put a drop of the
dishwashing liquid into the hole. It spread at the rear part and disturbed the surface tension there
pushing the fish forward. The surface tension in the front was not disturbed. The paper fish floated
on the scientific principle of force and motion. We also showed them the experiment of the
underwater working on the principle of force and motion.
All the spectators clapped and congratulated us. We got the prize for our project on Magic of

(9) The students of your school visited the school for the blind. Prepare short report on your visit. You
may use the following points.
(Points : Blind students of all age groups - workshop, where blind are taught carpentry - learn
music - singing - painting - Braille Script charity shop - income used for the welfare of the blind).
Ans : (9) Yesterday we had a holiday but the social club of our school arranged a visit
to the school for the blind situated at Vastrapur. We went there in the morning and watched the
daily routine of the blind students. There were blind students of all age groups working normally as
us. They were acclimatized with the surroundings of the school premise. There were different
departments in the school. We saw the students learning carpentry, music, singing, painting in the
various department. The expert teachers were teaching them patiently and kindly. The students
were also eager to learn what their teacher destined to teach them. We saw many products prepared
by the blind students. Those products were on sale in the Braille Scrip Charity Shop. They were
made beautifully by the blind students of the school. The income of that sale was used for the
welfare of the blind. When I returned home I felt that they were more self-reliance than we. They
used to face the challenges which were put against them by fortune. But they did not seem piteous.
(10) Prepare a short report In about 80 words on how the Teachers' Day was celebrated in your
school. You may use the following points.
(Points : student teachers - boys in tidy dresses - girls in 'saris' - their performance in the
classrooms - response from students - observations of regular teachers - prizes given to the
best student-teachers at the end of the day.)
Ans : (10)

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September 6, 2006
On September 5, 2006, Teachers Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm in Learners'
High School, Mandvi. The students were well prepared to participate as teachers on the day.
The boys were in tidy dresses and the girls-teachers were dressed in neat, clean 'saris1. They
behaved like real teachers, it also seemed that they had worked very hard on the subjects they
were to teach. They tried their best to justify their roles as teachers. The students in the
classes were also greatly excited to study. The student-principal went round the school to see
how everything was going on. The student- peons also carried out their jobs with great
interest. All these was keenly observed by the real principal and teachers. In the last period,
the students who performed their best were chosen for the prizes. As per the tradition, the
principal gave away the prizes. The day ended with the feeling of great achievement.

(11) You attended a Scout camp at Mount Abu. Prepare a short report on ft in about 80 words :
(Points : Camp incharge - scouts - different schools - activities - nice food - games - rock
climbing - swimming - hard training - camp fire - enjoy.)
Ans : (11)
5 November, 2008
Sharda Vidyataya,
During the Diwali vacation, a week-long scouts camp was held at a village named
Navagam, near Bhavnagar. About 45 students of the school, accompanied by three teachers,
team leaders and guides attended the camp. The scouts first took up the activity of cleaning
up the village. They informed people about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. They
also educated old men and women of the village. In the evening, the scouts presented various
entertainment programmes, showing their skills drama, music, mimicry. It was a successful

(12) Prepare a brief report on Maths - Science exhibition held at your School.
(Points : Venue - time organizers - participants - visitors - set up - working models - charts -
sections - enthusiastic - students - judges - praise.)
Ans : (12)
October 1, 2008
Last week, a maths - science exhibition was organized by our school. It was held in the
class-rooms and the ground of our school. Them were various sections like : projects,
technology, experiments, charts, slides etc. Each section was well arranged. The scientific
points were well explained by the students. Many kinds of plants, stuffed birds, snakes and
insects were shown. The other section showed the models and chrats of space technology.
Experiments on electricity and magnetism were shown. The model of a robot was the main
attraction of all . One other section showed charts explaining various chemical reactions.

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Moreover, the charts regarding sums were also shown. They helped the students to calculate
any sum easily. There were many visitors at the maths- science exhibition. They asked
questions and the students gave answers satisfactorily. The students of our school provided
services. Scientific films were also shown. The exhibition remained open for three days. Most
of the students of city visited this exhibition. This exhibition was organized under the
guidance of the teachers and the principal. The efforts of the students were praised by all. It
was entertainment with education.

(13) Write a short report in about 80 words on 'Your Visit To a Bank.' You may use the following
(Points : reception counter - counters to deposit, to withdraw or to transfer money - loan
section - queues clerks - manager - cashiers - routine bank word - guards)
Ans : (13)
16th November, 2007
Yesterday, I visited Bank of Baroda with my brother. Two guards were standing at the
entrance of the bank. They had guns in their hands. When we entered the bank there was a
reception counter. There were counters to withdraw, deposit or to transfer money. There were
queues at the counters to deposit and withdraw money. Ail the officers, clerks and cashiers
were busy. There was a loan section behind the counters. The manager was sitting in his
cabin. He explained me about the working of the bank. I learnt to fill withdrawal slips, pay-
in-slips and to write cheques. He also taught me how to write a Demand Draft. Some
customers were sitting on the sofa. 1 was really excited to visit the bank. It was really an
important visit for me.

(14) Write a short report in about 80 words on the steps taken by the Municipality to arrest the
spread of cholera in your town. You may use the following points.
(Points : a cholera epidemic - case of the epidemic - steps taken by Municipality - responsible
people for the epidemic - removal of garbage - sprinkling of disinfectants - food cause -
licenses cancelled - awaken the citizen - praiseworthy steps.)
Ans : (14)
16th November, 2006
There was a possibility of breaking out a cholera epidemic in my town. In tie hot
atmosphere, the heaps of garbage collected at different places lay rottine. There were three to
four cases of cholera and the Municipality woke up. Timely and fast steps were taken and it
helped to arrest the spread of the deadly disease. The municipality tackled the problem as a
war-like emergency, it got all the garbage heaps removed, and had the places sprinkled with
disinfectants. The authorities, especially Sanitary Inspectors, saw to it that the vendors
maintained utmost cleanliness, and they did not sell unhealthy eatables. The guilty were
fined; even their licenses were taken away. Municipality also made a great propaganda. It

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made the citizens awake to the danger. Anti-cholera vaccinations were used free and freely.
The Municipality deserves praise for its timely and effective handling of an explosive

(15) Write a short report In about 80 words on 'How you spent your last summer holidays'. You
may use the following points.
(Points : final examination over - summer holidays began - dislike to wander aimlessly -
decided to spend holidays in the best possible manner - weak in mathematics - devoted some
time for studying - importance of good health - visited uncle's house)
Ans : (15)
20th June, 2007
th th
Our final examination was over by 10 April. On 5 May, the result was posted to
me. I was thrilled to learn that I was promoted to Std. X. Overall, I had secured 80% of
marks. Meanwhile, the ^school was closed and summer holidays had begun. I intended to
spend my time in a profitable manner. I decided to brush things. I thought of giving time for
health. I began to go for a long walk everyday. I began to go to my father's office and helped
him in is work. I also used to help our peon m keeping our office neat and tidy. Every
evening I played games with my friends. I had a lot of recreation this way. I then thought of
spending the last week at my uncle's house. At his house, there was neither studies nor any
special work to do. The days were spent joyfully in the company of my cousins. I bade them
goodbye after a week. They were delightful days and so I returned home with a heavy heart.

(16) Prepare a short report in about 80 words on "The Tree Plantation Week" Or "Van Mahotsav"
held in your school. You may use the following points.
Ans : (16)
September 20, 2006
A hmedabad.
Our school recently celebrated the Tree Plantation Week. It was decided to celebrate it
from September 11 to September 1& The Chief Quest was the Mayor of Ahmedabad - Smt.
Anisha Mirza. She inaugurated the Tree Plantation Week at 9.00 a.m. It was decided to plant
hundred and one trees in the school campus and other two hundred and one in nearby areas.
The required pits for the plantation were dug by the students of our school. All the students
and the teachers planted the trees together. The next day a drawing competition was held In
our school. The students drew the pictures of natural scenes, forests, mountains, flowing
fivers etc. On the third day there was a composition competition on The Importance of Trees'.
The elocution and other competitions were held on the following three days. On the last day
of the week, an exhibition was held in our school. Many people of the city, students, their
guardians visited our school. The journalists and the photographers also came to collect the
information. The winners of the various competitions were given away the prize by our

Excellent English by Suresh Mangukiya 269

Oscar English Grammar

(Points : chief guest - hundred and one trees - students and teachers - various competitions -
exhibition - journalists and photographers - prize distribution)
(17) Write a short report in about 80 words on the day of elections when you visited an election
(Points : General elections - excitement - volunteers of parties - long line of voters - press
reporters - voting begins at 8 a.m. sharp - voters - minor incidents - booths closed at 6 p.m)
Ans : (17)
30 April, 2010
Yesterday, on the day of the general elections, I visited an election booth. Hundreds of
policemen were posted outside the booth. Volunteers of various parties were standing outside
the booth. When the polling began at 8 a.m., there were very few voters. However, by
afternoon, there was a long queue outside the booth. Many voters were seen talking about the
electronic voting machines. There were press reporters and TV crew also. The polling went
off smoothly, except for a small quarrel between the volunteers of two parties. The polling
ended at 6 p.m.

18. A visit to an old age – home.

We, the students of Class 12- b of Oscar Education ,Dwarka, went to an old-age home in Bindapur.
Actually, we had great difficulty reaching there and of course we were all irritated. But, as we reached
there, all our misery vanished when we saw people in their 70s and 80s welcoming us cheerfully. We
all went to a room and sat down on a carpet and the elderly people sat on chairs, facing us. First we
sang Christmas carols for them, and then some of our companions danced beautifully for them. After
all this, we again switched on the music and danced with the uncles and aunties sitting there. They all
were dancing so enthusiastically, as if their childhood had returned. As we again took our places,
Kavaljit Kaur challenged us to an antakshari competition. We outnumbered them, but they all were so
good that we had no chance against them. The match ended in a draw as it was their lunchtime. I
helped some of them to walk in the premises of the old age home because they could not walk. Others
could not see properly and some were so weak and old that they could not even speak properly. On
our return journey to our school, I was frightened by the thought of landing there. We have become so
selfish that we know how to accept things. We don’t know how to return favours. How can a person
leave his parents all alone the parents who have raised him, the parents who care for him, the parents
who are willing to do anything for him, the parents who want to be with him. I realised that in this
modern world, we are so busy with our work that we tend to forget for whom we are doing it. We
spend more time in our workplaces than with our families. We want money desperately but we don’t
remember for whom we are earning it.

Excellent English by Suresh Mangukiya 270

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