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CIS221- Design of Concrete


Statically Systems of Floor Elements and Load

Distribution on Different Supporting Elements

Dr. Abdallah Mostafa
Revision on lecture 1
• What is reinforced concrete?
• Why do we use steel to reinforce concrete?
• Reinforced concrete element
• Mechanical properties of concrete
o Compressive strength
o Stress
o Strain
o Youngs modulus
o Tensile stress
o Shrinkage
o Creep
• Properties of steel
• RC behavior
• Limit state design method
o Ultimate
o Serviceability
o Stability
Structure elements
• Slab
• Beam
• Column
• Foundation

Load transfer
Type of loads
• Dead load
o Own weight
o Floor cover
• Live load
Depend mainly on the use of structure. Table 1 gives examples
of the values of live load on some structures as mentioned in the
Egyptian Code for Calculation of loads on Structures.
• Lateral loads
o Wind
o Earthquakes
Load combination
For members that are subjected to live loads and where the lateral
loads can be neglected, the ultimate factored loads U are computed
where D are the working dead loads, and L are the working live
loads Alternatively
if the live loads are the less than 75% of the dead load, the
following equation can be used
U =I.5(D+L)
Load combination according to ECP
Types of load on beams

Statical system of RC beams

The effective span
The span used in the analysis of a reinforced concrete beam is referred to
as the effective span, Leff. The value of the effective span may be taken as
1. Simple beam
For simply supported beams, the effective span equals to the
least value of:
• The distance between the center-lines of the supports (L)
• 1.05 times the clear span (Ln between the supports)
• The clear span between the supports plus the depth of the
beam (Ln+d)

2. Continuous beam
For continuous beams monolithically cast with supports, the
effective span may be taken equal to the lesser value of:
• The distance between the center-lines of the supports
• 1.05 times the clear span between the support
3. Simple beam with cantilever
For cantilevers, the effective length equals to the lesser value
• The length of the cantilever measured from the center of
• The clear projection of the cantilever plus its largest depth.

For simplicity, we will take the effective length

Leff = LC.L for simple and continues beams
Leff = LC.L for cantilever.
Empirical dimension for beams

b ≥ 100 mm
b ≥ 0.75 ts
b = width of wall 125 mm or 250mm
t ≥ 3ts
t ≥ 400 mm
Example 1
Calculate the thickness of the beams

t1 = 4/10 = 0.40 m
t2 = 3/10 = 0.3 m < 0.40 m t2 =0.4 m
t3= 6/10 = 0.6 m
t4= 5/12 = 0.416m = 0.45m
Loads on beams
Loads Acting on Beams A reinforced concrete beam carries the
following loads:
• The own weight of the beam.
• The wall loads.
• The loads transmitted to the beam from the slab.
• Any other loads that can be directly transmitted to them.
1. Own weight
The own weight of a beam is usually calculated per unit meter of
its length as shown in Fig. 6.3.
Own weight of the beam
o.w.= γc * b * t
b = beam width
t = beam thickness
γc = density of reinforced concrete
(for normal weight concrete =25 kN/m3)

For slab-beam systems in which the slabs are cast monolithically

with the beams, the own weight of the beam is calculated as
o.w. = γc * b * (t-ts)

ts = slab thickness
2. Wall loads

wall load = γw * bw *hw kN/m

γw = specific weight of wall material ranges between (12-19)
bw = thickness of the wall
3. Slab load
• Dead load ( gs )
o O.W = γc * ts kN/m2
Assume ts = 15 cm
o Flooring (F.C) = from 1.5 to 2.5 kN/m2
gs = γc * ts + F.C kN/m2

• Live load (Ps)

o L.L = 2 kN/m2 for residential building

Type of slabs
• One way L/Ls > 2
• Two way L/Ls ≤ 2
• Cantilever
Load distribution
one-way slab Two-way slab

Cantilever slab
Example 2
Calculate load transfer from slab to beam
o One -way slab
Dead load from slab to beam = gs * Ls/2 kN/m

live load from slab to beam = ps * Ls/2 kN/m

o Cantilever slab
Dead load from slab to beam = gs * Lc kN/m
live load from slab to beam = ps * Lc kN/m

o Two-way slab
Dead load from slab to beam = gs * Ls/2 kN/m
live load from slab to beam = ps * Ls/2 kN/m
Equivalent slab load
In case where the triangular or the trapezoidal load satisfies the following
• The triangular or the trapezoidal load has a symmetrical distribution with
the maximum intensity at the mid-span of the beam.
• The triangular or the trapezoidal load covers the span and vanishes at the
supports. Then, the triangular or the trapezoidal load can be replaced by
uniformly distributed loads along the span of the beam, except for
cantilever beams.
Then, the triangular or the trapezoidal load can be replaced by uniformly
distributed loads along the span of the beam, except for cantilever beams.
In case one of the conditions mentioned before is not met one should not
use the coefficients α and β.
In such a case, the non-uniform load could be approximated to an
equivalent uniform load for calculating both the shear and the bending
moments. The intensity of this load w is given as:

Dead load from slab to beam = gs * (loaded areal / loaded length)

live load from slab to beam = ps * (loaded areal / loaded length)

Example 3
It is required to calculate the loads acting on the simple beam.
Live Load = 2.0 kN/m2,
Flooring =1.5 kN/m2
own weight of brick wall = 14 kN/m3.
Assume the thickness of the slabs = 150 mm.
Step 1: Calculate own weight
o Assume beam dimensions
The width of the wall is 120 mm, accordingly the width of the beam is
taken as 120 mm.
B = 120 mm

For simply supported beams, it is reasonable to assume the thickness of

the beam as (span/10).

tb = 5.5/10 = 0.55 m = 600 mm

cross sectional dimensions of the beam = 120 mm x 600 mm

o.w. = γc * b * (t-ts)

= 25 * 0.12 * (0.60-0.15) = 1.35 kN/m

Step 2: Calculate wall load
wall load = γw * bw *hw kN/m
=14 * 0.12 *2.8 = 4.7 kN/m

Step 3: Calculate slab load

gs = O.W + FC
= γc * ts + FC
= 25*0.15 +1.5 = 5.25 kN/m2
PS = L.L
= 2 kN/m2
step 4: Load distribution

Step 5: Draw the beam

Step 6: Calculate α and β

r = L/2x
= 5.5/ 2*2.25 = 1.2
Step 7: calculate load for bending
Wb dead = owbeam + wall load + gs * x1 + gs * x2 *α
= 1.35 + 4.7 + (5.25 *1.25) +(5.25 *2.25 *0.769)
= 21.7 kN/m
Wb live = ps * x1 + ps * x2 *α
= (2 *1.25) +(2 *2.25 *0.769)
= 5.96 kN/m
Wbu = 1.4 * Wbdead +1.6 * Wblive
= 1.4 *21.7 + 1.6 *5.96
= 39.9 kN/m

Step 8: calculate load for shear

Wsh dead = owbeam + wall load + gs * x1 + gs * x2 *β
= 1.35 + 4.7 + (5.25 *1.25) +(5.25 *2.25 *0.582)
= 19.4 kN/m
Wsh live = ps * x1 + ps * x2 *β
= (2 *1.25) +(2 *2.25 *0.582)
= 5.2 kN/m
Wshu = 1.4 * Wshdead +1.6 * Wshlive
= 1.4 *19.4 + 1.6 *5.2
= 35.5 kN/m
Sheet No 1

Draw B.M.D and S.F.D for all beams

ts = 15 cm
wall width = 25 cm
wall height = 3 m
flooring = 1.5 kN/m2
live load = 3 kN/m2
γ brick = 14 kN/m

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