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Write 2 Expressions ( for question 1 & 2 )

1. Asking for Opinion

2. Giving for Opinion
Write your Opinion ( Agree or Disagree ) For question 3 & 4
3. I think English is difficult
4. Anna doesn’t think that fried chicken is delicious food.
Rearrange the following words into good sentences ( Question 5 & 6 )
5. How – this – feel – do – about – you
6. Sure – so – I’m – that – about – not
7. You are going to have small party to celebrate your graduation. You want to invite your
close friends to the party. Please write your invitation letter

Formal invitation ( Question 8-10)

Mr. and Mrs. Johny waltz

Request the honor of your presence
At the wedding of their daughter.

Evelyn Waltz
Mr. James Collins
Sunday October 7th 2022
At 7 p.m
Hall room Gardenia Hotel
8. Who is the sender of the invitation above ?
9. What occasion will be held ?
10. Who gets married according to the text ?

Informal Invitation ( Question 11-13)

Please join us for

the 17th Birthday Celebration

in Honor of
Marina Stanley
Friday, 20th November 2022
At seven o’clock in the evening

Enjoy dinner and live music

Jl. Garuda 40 Nusa ua

11. What kind of event be held based on the text ?

12. Whose party is that ?
13. When will the event be held ?
14. Arrange the parts to make good letters ( Personal letter)
a. Sincerely,
b. Thanks for being the creator of such great meals and for being a good friend all
those years. I realized that we have lost contact for too long and would like to renew
the friendship as soon as we are able. Let’s get together soon.
c. While I was making one of my favorite recipes today, crispy fried chicken, I was
reminded of who the original creator of this marvelous recipe was, you. I don’t
remember if I ever thanked you for giving me this wonderful creation.
d. Dear Susan

Question 15 refer to the following recipe to make instant porridge

- 250 cc hot water
- 50 gram instant porridge
- 1 tablespoon of soya sauce
- 1 tablespoon of chili
- Crackers
- 10 gram meat floss

Suggested preparation :
1. Put instant porridge into a bowl
2. Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well
3. Leve it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened
4. Add soya sauce and chili sauce (as much as you like)
5. Then, spread crackers and meat floss
6. The porridge is ready to be served
15. What is the Goal of this text?
Answer key :
1. A. What do you think of our new English teacher
b. What’s your idea about the movie warkop reborn ?
c. etc.

2. A. Oh, I think she is great, she has good class management

b. In my opinion, it is excellent because if represent different point of view of Indonesian

3. – agree : I agree with your opinion

-. Disagree : I disagree with your opinion because I think English are very fun and easy

4. – Agree : I agree with your opinion

-. Disagree : I disagree because I think fried chicken is delicious food

5. How do you feel about this

6. I’m not so sure about that
7. From : . . . . .
To : . . . . .
Location and time : . . . . .
Please join us for a party to celebrate my graduation.
8. Mr. and Mrs . Johny Waltz
9. Wedding
10. Evelyn Waltz to James Collins
11. The 17th Birthday Celebration
12. Marina Stanley
13. Friday, 20th November 2022
14. D, C, B, A
15. To make instant porridge

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