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Investor Ojah Delivery

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Thanks for texting to request for the delivery of General Austin Scott Miller
consignment box (portfolio) to you. Actually there are some requirement we will be
needing from you to process the clearance of the box and also the shipment of the
box to you madam.These are the requirement we need from you.

Full Name:. ........................................

Home Address....................................


Date of birth.......................................


Phone number.....................................

Nearest Airport to you:.......................

Kindly reply me with these information of yours madam, thank you.

Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello Madam,

How are you doing? I want you to know that i acknowledge the receipt of your email
and it was well noted and i also want you to know that i have registered your name
in the Global Express clearing department.
Madam please to speed up everything, I will like you to send the sum $2,550
before Wednesday next week so that i can be able to clear the consignment box from
the warehouse and start the processing of everything for the Global Express
warehouse to release the consignment box for onward delivery. I have contacted the
General. And he also said that you where the one he asked to contact me and so once
i get the payment information from you i will start working on getting everything
done for the consignment box to leave the warehouse.
Let me know when you are about to make the payment so that i will send you the
details which you will pay the money into okay madam, Thank you.

Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello Madam.

Due to the effect of secretary has difficulties going to the bank and
moreover most of the banks around her closes on time. Madam you need to withdraw
the cash from the bank, package it properly in an envelope from home then head
straight to the post office and have mailed on the priority mail which will be
delivered first thing the next morning.. Madam this is the safest and most trusted
way to send cash since getting into the bank will be a major concern now..Thanks
and best regards..
Diplomat Robert Cox..

Hello madam,
How are you doing today? You will have to get the cash from the bank before heading
to the post office to mail priority mail so it will be delivered overnight to my
secretary madam. As soon as she confirm the mail, I will proceed with the onward
delivery to your door step madam.
Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello Madam,

Yes personal check is possible. You will have to put the check an envelope
well sealed and have it mailed to my secretary using the post office. Please note
that you take a snap copy of the receipt from the post office once it’s done.
Here’s the information:

Name: Betty Dang

Address: 143 Jessica Drive, East Hartford, CT 06118.

Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello Madam,

Your payment of the $2,550 for the clearance and delivery for the portfolio has
been confirmed. I will immediately start the clearance process from the warehouse.
I’m pleased to tell you that all clearance process will be concluded before the end
of Thursday and the portfolio will be released for delivery by Friday. I hope to
see you soon madam.

Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello Madam,

How are you doing. Madam I want to inform you that the portfolio as been cleared
from the warehouse successfully. The portfolio will be delivered to you by Friday
24th of April. Time 3pm. I will call you as soon as I get to the Airport on Friday.
I hope to see you soon madam. Remember to take all precautionary measures to stay
safe from the spread of COVID 19 disease.

Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello Madam

I am sorry I am having some issues about your husband’s portfolio here. On my way
to the airport yesterday Wednesday with your husband’s portfolio I was held by the
Afghanistan custom officers when I was trying to by cut them, because I know that
if they get hold of me and the portfolio they will be asking for custom duty fee
for the portfolio but unfortunately they held me. They had to scan the portfolio
with their scanning machine and they saw what was in the portfolio that it was
diamonds, gold and some valuable documents, then they valued the worth of the
everything in the portfolio and they find out that everything is the portfolio is
worth over $2,000,000.00 ( Two million dollars ) then they told me that before they
will release the portfolio to me for me to deliver it to the owner we will have to
the custom fee of the sum of $20,000.00 (Twenty thousand dollars). I pleaded with
them several times but they refuse to listen to me telling me that I am only
wasting my time and they told me that there is no way they can release the
portfolio to me not until I have paid for the custom duty fee. I have talked with
the head of the custom officer and he told me that it is mandatory for me to pay
the custom duty fee first before they can release the portfolio to me for delivery.
As it is right now I have been able to talk to some other custom officers and he
told me that I just at least get about $5,000 (Five thousand dollars). For me to
give to them that they will accept it and release your husband’s portfolio to me.
Madam I will urge you to talk to your husband the General about this so that you
will send the money to $5,000 then I will pay for the custom duty fee here for them
to release the portfolio to me and as soon as it released to me I am delivering it
to you immediately. We have to act fast because if we don’t pay the money from now
till next week Friday they will lay embargo on the portfolio and that is not good
for us Madam. I am really sorry about this Madam and I am so stressed out here, I
am hoping to hear from you soon Madam.

Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello madam,
I want to let you know that I have been in jail in Belgium for some days now. When
I get to Belgium I was held by the Belgium custom officers and they scanned the
portfolio again and they saw all the valuables inside and they thought I was
smuggling it into their country and before I could explain they locked me up in
jail. After three days they decided to listen to me and I explained everything to
them that I am a delivery agent and I am only delivering the portfolio to the owner
in USA, After much explanation then they said that for them to release me and the
portfolio we will have to pay a custom duty fee of $5,000 ( Five thousand dollars),
I pleaded with them over and over again and I was even crying and pleading with
them and I was telling them that we don’t have that much money but they refuse to
listen to me because they saw that the worth of the portfolio is over three million
dollars, as I was pleading with them they had to throw me out of their office and
told me that if we don’t pay the $5,000 for the custom duty then we should forget
about the portfolio because they will confiscate it. Madam I have been through a
lot and I just want you to please try what you can do to come up with something so
that I will get out of this country and deliver your husband’s Portfolio to you, my
hands are tied here and I am suffering here. I am hoping to hear from you soon

Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello Madam,

How are you doing, I hope you have a great day today. No madam credit card
payment is not possible you will have to put the cash in an envelope well sealed
and have it mailed to my secretary through the post office. I will advise that you
sent it out using the priority overnight delivery service.
I will hope to hear from you soon so I can give you the information
required. Have a blessed day madam.

Diplomat Robert Cox.

Hello Madam,

Yes personal check is possible. You will have to put the check an envelope
well sealed and have it mailed to my secretary using the post office. Please note
that you take a snap copy of the receipt from the post office once it’s done.
Here’s the information:

Name: Betty Dang

Address: 143 Jessica Drive, East Hartford, CT 06118.

Diplomat Robert Cox.


Hello madam, I want you to know that I have been in the US custom custody ever
since I arrived USA, when I get to the State I was held at the airport with the
portfolio and after they scanned the portfolio they saw the worth of the portfolio
and they told me that we will have to pay the sum of $500,000 as the custom duty
fee and for tax. I pleaded with them several times but all to no avail, I kept
pleading and pleading with the custom and I even went on my knees pleading with
them, after much pleading they finally had mercy on me and they said that the only
way they can help us is for us to pay half of the $500,000 and that is $250,000. I
still kept pleading with them but they drove me out of their office and said that
we have to pay the $250,000 else they will confiscate the portfolio, madam I just
don’t know what to do anymore so we just have to try and pay the $250,000 so that
they will release the portfolio to me for me to deliver it to you in peace. I hate
the US custom and I’m so angry with them, they know that the worth of the portfolio
is very high that’s why they are acting like this, so please let’s just try and
settle the US custom once and for all madam. Madam I am hoping to get a positive
reply from you soon.

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