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Accenture is helping a large retailer transform their online sales and services. The Data Analyst
audits the client’s customer journey and maps out the kind of data they need to collect at each
touch point. How does this help the client achieve their objectives? By increasing their
What does Accenture help businesses implement to ensure their data trustworthy and reliable?
data governance and management policies
How should a company adopt a data-driven culture that will stick? Use change management to
Accenture is involved in the transformation of an organization into a data-driven and intelligent
enterprise. Which ability does Accenture need to ensure the organization has to become a
successful business? To capture....
What role does the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom (DIKW) pyramid play in managing a
data-driven project? It serves as a linear model.....
How should a common data source like social media comments be categorized? dirty data
What does data warehousing allow organizations to achieve? allows for analytics.....
A client approaches Accenture for a solution to collate the large amounts of data it has
collected over the years from various sources. Which solution would help the client pool their
data together? a machine learning solution
What is an advantage of using a fully integrated Cloud-based data analytics platform? It ensure
the accurate and timely....
A department manager is planning a presentation on how data platforms work but needs to
simplify the language for the audience to better understand the main steps. Which three steps
most accurately describe the manager’s approach? gather, organize and share data
Everyone within a company needs to be aware of what data can do to improve business
processes and how to make it happen. Which concept is referred to in the statement above?
data literacy
What is the key objective of data analysis? To find meaning in data...
The Department Manager researches new data platforms for the company and requests a list of
essential features. Which essential features should the list include? strong security....
How does a fully integrated Data and Analytics Platform enable organizations to convert data
into consumable information and insight? by creating analytics....
Which technologies combine to make data a critical organizational asset? Machine learning and


1. The activity spikes during Black Friday sales and the holiday season put significant stress on a
major retailer’s website. What feature of Cloud computing would resolve this problem?
·         elasticity
2. Which statement accurately describes the concept of elasticity in Cloud computing?
·         the degree to which a system can adapt to workload changes by provisioning and de-
provisioning resources automatically
3. A large gambling company needs to be able to accept high volumes of customer wagers
within short timeframes for high-profile sporting events. Additionally, strict laws prohibit any
gambling activities outside of specially-licensed business zones. What is an example of an
effective, elastic Cloud solution that can meet this client’s needs?
·         a mobile app that only accepts wagers based on the user’s location
4. Most companies are using Cloud. However, many companies fail to achieve the anticipated
benefits from their Cloud investments. Of the companies Accenture speaks with, what
percentage realize the full benefits they expected to get from the Cloud?
·         66%
5. A company offers customers access to servers, storage, and networking resources within
their datacenter. What type of service does this represent?
·         Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
6. What is an example of using the Internet of Things (IoT) to deliver innovative Cloud-based
solutions to customers?
·         wearable technology that provides customers with on-the-spot personalized experiences
7. What is a characteristic feature of multitenancy?
·         Multiple users share or rent the same server.
8. A healthcare client approaches Accenture for help in defining their Cloud migration strategy.
During the initial discussions, the client explains that there are very specific regulatory and
other compliance requirements within their industry. Which Cloud deployment model would
give this client complete control over their data and security?
·         private cloud
9. What is the difference between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service
·         IaaS is Cloud computing that provides virtualized computing resources over the internet.
SaaS is a form of Cloud computing that provides hosted applications over the internet.
10. Why is a Service Level Agreement (SLA) important?
·         It documents expectations of availability, uptime, and security.
11. Accenture began its own Cloud journey in 2015, after our internal IT organization
recognized the significant advantages to be gained in leveraging Cloud capabilities at scale.
Today, which percentage of Accenture’s infrastructure and processes are in the Cloud?
·         95%
12. The Accenture team is involved in helping a client in the transformation journey using Cloud
computing. How is myNav beneficial to the team?
·         It helps access, architect, and simulate cloud migration solutions.
13. What is a characteristic of Cloud computing?
·         It allows multiple customers to share applications while retaining data privacy.
14. The Ocean Medallion is a wearable device that connects virtually to various devices on
board a cruise ship. When a guest is wearing the medallion, they can order a drink with their
smartphone or open their cabin door automatically by standing in front of it. Which emerging
technology does Cloud combine with to enable this medallion’s features?
·         Internet of Things (IoT)
15. Sarah's business offers a service where multiple users' applications are hosted on her server
at the same time. Based on this scenario, on which facet of Cloud computing does Sarah's
business rely?
·         multitenancy
TQ - Agile
A global provider of navigation technology for smartphones has updated its Maps application
with new locations and an enhanced user interface. Once launched, the older version of the
application would be deleted from all user devices, and users would see the updated
application immediately.

Which DevOps process did the navigation provider use to enable the seamless application
update? – continuous development and testing
Which statement about Agile is true? – The result of each sprint is a high-quality*******
What describes the relationship between Agile teams and project requirements? – Agile teams
embrace changing requirements
Which Agile framework breaks workload into smaller increments to improve team focus and
simplify testing? – DevOps
What are key objectives of DevOps at Accenture? – to gather requirements, design, code, test
and deploy
Which Agile approach helps teams improve their project cycle time by considering team
capacity? – Kanban
What should an organization avoid using as the reason to pursue an Agile transformation? - The
desire to begin work on initiatives before all information regarding scope and risk may be
How can a DevOps team take advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? - by using AI to collate
data from multiple sources and assess existing automation to improve efficiency
Which statement describes a benefit of DevOps? - It enables the capability to continuously
release software with high confidence.
What is an Agile perspective on errors and mistakes in project development? - Mistakes can be
caught early by working in short spurts that allow for immediate review, learning, and
Which term accurately describes Agile and DevOps? – a set of automated tools
An Accenture Technologies team located in the US has added a new feature to an existing
online ticketing platform. The team would like to have the new feature reviewed by other
global teams using individual instances of the platform. Which technology, when combined
with Agile and DevOps, will help the team receive real-time feedback? - Artificial Intelligence
What is the optimal number of members for an Agile team? - approximately 10 people
An Accenture consulting team is tasked with developing a new client operating model and
decide to follow the Waterfall approach. The team misses the client deadline because they did
not work together and share information. For the next iteration, the team decides to work in a
series of sprints, with brief daily meetings to ensure all team members collaborate effectively.

Which Agile approach is described in this example? – Scrum

What would be an outcome for Accenture teams successfully adopting Agile ways of working? -
increase in morale and employee engagement among team members
TQ - Security
A Product Manager has been given responsibility for overseeing the development of a new
software application that will be deployed to a group of Accenture clients. What would be the
most time-saving and cost-effective way for the Product Manager to address the new
application’s security considerations? – Utilize a DevSecOps
Accenture has engaged with a new financial client who is looking for a comprehensive,
company-wide security solution, and has operations in Europe. When designing the client’s
solution, what is the order of importance related to Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability
(CIA)? – Integrity to make sure money
Accenture is working with a client to improve their current security infrastructure. The client
wants to redefine the security programs, create long-term plans for effective audits, and
proactively plan against future threats. What might Accenture recommend to this client? –
Create a cybersecurity team of internal
Which term refers to the process of creating and deploying applications that are secure from
the start? – DevOps
For what reason can security risks never be fully eliminated? – The threat landscape
A solar energy company learns of several recent cyber-attacks targeting other companies in
their industry and realizes they could be next. The company initiates an analysis to weigh the
measures needed to counter the potential threat and minimizing the impact to their business in
case those are exploited. Which security principle is illustrated in this example? – Risk
Following a client security incident, Accenture performs an in-depth analysis of every step taken
by the attackers. Accenture can suggest permanent mitigations and then test the
implementation. Which term describes this process? – Incident Response
An international pharmaceutical company is fully compliant with local and international
regulations. However, they suffered a major data breach that exploited a six-month-old
vulnerability. The CIO asked Accenture "How this can be possible?" How should Accenture
respond? – Because compliance to local and international law does not
What are the three main goals of security? – Confidentiality. Integrity, and availability
What is Accenture’s approach when it comes to helping our clients with security? – Embed
Security in all aspects of the client work
The European Union (EU)’s General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) places a broad number of
restrictions on the collection and transfer of individuals’ personal data. A company based in the
US that does business with several clients in the EU realizes that not all of its current security
practices align with GDPR standards. The company drafts an action plan to address these issues
and resolve them accordingly. Which security principle is illustrated in this example? –
Accenture is helping a major retailer migrate to the Cloud. The client has aggressive timelines
and is worried that security will be compromised. How can Accenture help the client? –
Accenture has developed accelerators
Which term refers to a process that is deployed to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of
data while being stored or when it is transmitted? – Encryption
What does “The Principle of Least Privilege” mean as applied to security? – Each user should
have only the absolute minimum permissions
What is an example of an internal threat? – An employee deletes all files associated with an
important project

TQ - Blockchain
A software giant is enabling a city with smart parking, using real-time information captured by
sensors on the vehicle and sensors in parking lots. When the vehicle leaves, data can be shared
between the vehicle and parking system which will prompt a payment from the driver’s
payment device stored in their account. How would the use of blockchain to store this data
help reduce potential risks? – By Easily monitoring traffic
How could the adoption of blockchain within a supply chain help the world become more
sustainable and, in some cases, eco-friendly? – Consumers will be able to effectively track
What is the core domain for Accenture’s Multi-party Systems practice? – Digital Indentity
Which statement is true about blockchain? – Blockchain guarantess
Blockchain is often associated with Bitcoin and the financial services industry. However, it is
applicable to almost every industry. The term Multi-party Systems better describes how the
blockchain system is used. What is a benefit of a Multi-party System? – It can help business
Accenture has over 50 innovation centers and labs performing blockchain and Multi-party
Systems work, and has focused on creating new business models for our clients. How many
clients has Accenture engaged globally on blockchain? – More than 270
What does the term “Multi-party Systems” refer? – Accenture’s practice that transforms
In a blockchain, which functionality would prevent a previous block from being modified? –
Cryptographic Hashing
A company wishes to begin the process of implementing a Multi-party System and is looking for
other companies with similar interests to join them. With blockchain, every organization sees
the same data. What does this provide? – Trust
Accenture has put together a coalition of several ecosystem partners to implement the
principles of blockchain and Multi-party Systems using varying technologies. One group of
partners is referred to as MAAG. Which companies are included in the MAAG group? –
Microsoft,Amazon, Alibaba, Google
What is true about hashing? – Hashing is repeatable
Tao is a Technology Architect at Accenture. Tao must present the value and strategy that Multi-
party Systems bring to organizations. Which statement will help Tao articulate the value of the
Multi-party Systems practice? – Multi-party Systems practice advises
What type of transaction cannot be stored in blocks on a blockchain? – A transaction that issues
token for a carton
Accenture's Multi-party Systems practice has three areas of focus. Two of these are Financial
Services and Supply Chain. Which is the third area of focus? – Automotive
What is the difference between encryption and hashing? – Encryption is reversible. While
hashing is not
Which data type is used to teach a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm during structured
learning? - labelled data***
Accenture is helping a financial services client improve their online mortgage application
process using Artificial Intelligence (AI). How can Accenture help the client address the
possibility of potentially biased results? - Ensuring that data gathered
How does Natural Language Understanding (NLU) work? - by identifying a user
Cloud-based services can open doors to leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) without
dramatically increasing risk. Which client is best suited for these kind of opportunities? - a client
that handles
When leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) in today's business landscape, which statement
represents the data leveraged for solutions? -Quality data is often***
An online video streaming service currently relies on pre-defined categories to help customers
navigate through the catalog of available media. After receiving repeated feedback that
customers have difficulty finding new relevant content, the client approaches Accenture to find
ways to help enhance their service. How can Accenture use Artificial Intelligence(AI) to help
improve the customer experience? - by generating
What is an example of Conversational AI? - Google assistant
What is an example of value created through the use of Deep Learning? - reducing multi
What is a key differentiator of Conversational AI? - it uses a keyword based
A healthcare start-up is using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to test the way a person speaks in order
to detect Alzheimer’s disease. The algorithm interprets pauses and differences in
pronunciations as markers of the disease. The developers used a dataset that contains only
speech samples from native English speakers. What type of bias is present in this example? -
dataset-related bias
Which situation is an enabler for the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent years? -
availability of cloud based
What is a benefit of applying Artificial Intelligence to Accenture’s work? - it will allow Accenture
people to perform
A major retailer wants to enhance their customer experience and reduce losses coming from
their supply chain by eliminating ‘left-over’ and ‘out-of-stock' scenarios. Which type of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) solution would be suitable for solving this problem? - predict the demand for a
An Accenture Sales team is in conversations with a potential client who has expressed interest
in AI solutions for their business. What should the Sales team emphasize to differentiate
Accenture’s AI capabilities in the marketplace? - our large amount of
TensorFlow and PyTorch are examples of which type of Machine Learning (ML) platform? -
open source
AGILE & DevOps

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