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I. Tony and his family did many activities last week. Look at the pictures and complete with the correct verb
using the verbs in the box.

 went
 played
 worked out
 slept
 watched
Luis……………at the gym yesterday Tomy………..many hours last week.

Lucia…………TV last Tony……….soccer last Monday Sara……….to the movies last Sunday
I. Tony and his family did many activities last week. Look at the pictures and complete with the correct verb
using the verbs in the box.

 went
 played
 worked out
 slept
 watched
Luis……………at the gym yesterday Tomy………..many hours last week.

Lucia…………TV last Tony……….soccer last Monday Sara……….to the movies last Sunday

I. Tony and his family did many activities last week. Look at the pictures and complete with the correct verb
using the verbs in the box.

 went
 played
 worked out
 slept
 watched
Luis……………at the gym yesterday Tomy………..many hours last week.

Lucia…………TV last Tony……….soccer last Monday Sara……….to the movies last Sunday
I. Look at Tony’s activities and the things he did yesterday. Write questions and answers.

I. Look at Tony’s activities and the things he did yesterday. Write questions and answers.
II. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

A: What did Roger do What did they do last week? A: What did Carlos do A: What did they d
yesterday afternoon? B: ___________________ yesterday morning? Sunday?
B: ____________________ B: __________________ B: _____________

II. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

A: What did Roger do What did they do last week? A: What did Carlos do A: What did they d
yesterday afternoon? B: ___________________ yesterday morning? Sunday?
B: ____________________ B: __________________ B: _____________

II. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

A: What did Roger do What did they do last week? A: What did Carlos do A: What did they d
yesterday afternoon? B: ___________________ yesterday morning? Sunday?
B: ____________________ B: __________________ B: _____________
II. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

A: What did Roger do What did they do last week? A: What did Carlos do A: What did they d
yesterday afternoon? B: ___________________ yesterday morning? Sunday?
B: ____________________ B: __________________ B: _____________

Interview your partner about the activities he did or didn’t do.

A: Did you…………..yesterday?
B: Yes, I ………./ No, I……………

Did you…………
Your partner
go shopping last Sunday?
listen to music yesterday?
play computer games last weekend?
watch TV last night?

1) ________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________
4) ________________________________________________________


Interview your partner about the activities he did or didn’t do.

A: Did you…………..yesterday?
B: Yes, I ………./ No, I……………

Did you…………
Your partner
go shopping last Sunday?
listen to music yesterday?
play computer games last weekend?
watch TV last night?

1) ________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________
4) ________________________________________________________


Interview your partner about the activities he did or didn’t do.

A: Did you…………..yesterday?
B: Yes, I ………./ No, I……………

Did you…………
Your partner
go shopping last Sunday?
listen to music yesterday?
play computer games last weekend?
watch TV last night?

1) ________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________
4) ________________________________________________________

Put in the correct verb forms and the nouns into the gaps. Use Simple Past.

Example: ____________ their friends? (they/to meet)

Answer: Did they meet their friends?

1) after the cat? (the dog/to run)

2) photos when you were on holiday? (you/totake)
3) to music yesterday evening? (Steven/to listen)
4) a cup of tea in the café? (the ladies/tohave)
5) text messages during the lesson? (Nancy/tosend)
6) pullovers last Friday? (Melissa and Ruth/to wear)
7) hello to people in the street? (yourbrother/tosay)
8) the windows in your classroom? (theteacher/to open)
9) chess two weeks ago? (the girls in your class/to play)
10) breakfast last morning? (your mother/to make)

Exerciseon Simple Past

Erxercise on questions
Write questions in simple past.

Did Anna open

1. Anna / thewindow / open

2. she / home / walk

3. you / in the garden / work

4. you / a song / sing

5. she / on a chair / sit

6. you / thecastle / visit

7. Jenny / thedoor / lock

8. she / happy / be

9. Greg / theball / kick

10. the car / at the corner / stop


La Sesión de Aprendizaje es el conjunto de situaciones que cada docente diseña organiza con secuencia lógica
para desarrollar un cojunto de aprendizajes propuestos en la unidad didáctica, la sesión de aprendizaje
desarrolla dostipos de estratégias de acuerdo a los actores educativos: Del Docente: Estratégias de Enseñanza
o Procesos Pedagógicos.
Del Estudiante: Estrategias de aprendizaje o Procesos Cognitivos/afectivos/motores.
MOTIVACIÓN: Es el proceso permanente mediante el cuál el docente crea las condiciones, despierta y
mantiene el interés del estudiante por su aprendizaje.
RECUPERACIÓN DE LOS SABERES PREVIOS: los saberes previos son aquellos conocimientos que el
estudiante ya trae consigo, que se activan al comprender o aplicar un nuevo conocimiento con la finalidad de
organizarlo y darle sentido, algunas veces suelen ser erróneos oparciales, pero es lo que el estudiante utiliza
para interpretar la realizad.
CONFLICTO COGNITIVO: Es el desequilibrio de las estructuras mentales, se produce cuando la persona
se enfrenta con algo que no puede comprender o explicar con sus propios saberes.
PROCESAMIENTO DE LA INFORMACIÓN: Es el proceso central del desarrollo del aprendizaje en el
que se desarrollan los procesos cognitivos u operaciones mentales; estas se ejecutan mediante tres fases:
Entrada - Elaboración - Salida
APLICACIÓN: es la ejecución de la capacidad en situaciones nuevas para el estudiante.
REFLEXIÓN: es el proceso mediante el cual reconoce el estudiante sobre lo que aprendió, los pasos que
realizó y cómo puede mejorar su aprendizaje.
EVALUACIÓN: es el proceso que permite reconocer los aciertos y errores para mejorar el aprendizaje.
Para tener una idea clara sobre cómo se desarrollan los procesos pedagógicos y cognitivos en la sesión de
aprendizaje observa los videos que te muestro a continuación:

Can you advise on a lesson plan on simple past questions?

bysabz » Thu May 22, 2008 9:52 pm

1 Warmer: Ask students questions about their weekend. Revision of last lesson: Go over homework from last lesson. t -
2 Introduction: Show a picture of a character to the students, and elicit information from the students about the
character's name. Then show them places he went and things he did which should elicit the students to make simple past
senctences such as 'he went to a concert' and 'he took his friend with him'. s - t
3 Ask students questions about the character such as 'did he go to the concert?'. See how they answer and then correct
the students. Ask the same questions again and pay attention to how they answer the questions then correct any further
mistakes. t - s S-T
4 Elicit questions by showing students flash cards of what the character did and get one student to ask another. s - t
5 Get students to ask questions to the person sitting next to them about things that are listed on the board about what the
character did. eg. Did he drink coffee at the concert? s-s
6 Drilling chorally and individually. s -t
7 On the board write the verbs tense in the question form, example: did + subject + verb, then get the students to copy
what is written on the board. T- S
8 Have cards of scrambled questions in a box, chose a student to pick out a card and try to put the scrambled question
into a correct question. If the student gets it wrong ask the class to help and correct it with them. The student then
chooses someone from the class to answer the question. The student who answers the question then either gets up to
pick another card with a scrambled question and puts it in order or chooses another student. T - s s-s s-t
9 Check the students memory by sticking the cards with the scrambled questions on the board then get the students to
call out the correct questions and the answers. Write the correct questions and answers on the board for everyone to
copy. s-t
10 Students work in pairs on a handout were they will need to fill in gaps of incomplete sentences of simple past
questions and answers leaving half of the questions for homework. s-s
11 Go over the answers on the handout. The student who answers the question should call on another student to answer
the next question. T- s s-s
12 Put students in new pairs then get the students to ask each other questions about things they did in the past. S - S
13 Homework: 1.The students will need to finish questions on the handout. 2.Students should read a paragraph of what
the character did and make up as much simple past questions as possible. t-s

Simple Past: Yes/No Questions

This exercise is prepared to be done by using a word processor or by printing and photocopying it

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 Complete the blanks with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
 Fill the table at the end with adjectives from the text under two categories, according to their positive or
negative meaning.
 Look for synonyms of the following adjectives and substitute them in the text: kind, poor, splendid, elegant,
beauty, clumsy and ugly.
Ask students to form more questions.

Take/did/pictures/you yesterday?
Did you take pictures yesterday?
music/did/listen to/she?
Did you do your homework?

Anexo 6-aplicación del aprendizaje

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