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Orphanage Non-Profit Funding Sample Proposal

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23 pages long and is written using these Proposal Pack chapters:

Cover Letter, Title Page, Table of Contents, Introduction, Needs Assessment, Staffing,
Housing, Health and Wellness, Community, Nutrition, Special Needs, Uses of Funds,
Funding Request, Budget, Capacity, About Us, Education, Facilities, Donations, Tax
Status, Mission Statement, Back Page

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Read this article for more help - How to Write a Grant Funding Proposal
Stanley Samson
Margot Samson Charitable Foundation
4998 Oak St
Suite 100
Chicago, IL 60176

Mr. Samson,

Thank you for your organization’s generous funding of charitable causes around the
world. We know that the Margot Samson Charitable Foundation supports many causes
that benefit poor children, and it is for this reason that I am writing to you today.

For more than three decades, World of Care Orphanages has been operating twenty
orphanages in India, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Mali, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Haiti, delivering care
and hope to more than a thousand children. Now we wish to open a new, desperately
needed facility to house and educate 300 orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo,
one of the poorest countries on earth.

We currently enjoy the support of many generous organizations, but as we grow to

extend our protection and services to more children in need, we must continually seek
funding from supporters like your foundation.

We urgently need $100,000 in additional funding to remodel, open, and operate a new
orphanage in Kinshasa. With our established track record and stellar charitable rating,
you can rest assured that your donation will be put to the best possible use.

We strongly believe our proposal has been thoroughly outlined and will meet or exceed
all of your expectations and requirements. Together, we can make a difference and bring
hope to many needy children.


Serena Hutchinson
Donations Coordinator
World of Care Orphanages
[email protected]
Funding for Kinshasa Hope Orphanage

Prepared for: Stanley Samson


Prepared by: Serena Hutchinson

Donations Coordinator
Table of Contents
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................2
Needs Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 3
Housing ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Facilities ................................................................................................................................................5
Capacity ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Community ...........................................................................................................................................8
Special Needs ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Health and Wellness......................................................................................................................... 12
Nutrition............................................................................................................................................... 14
Education ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Staffing ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Budget ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Funding Request ............................................................................................................................... 21
Uses of Funds ................................................................................................................................... 22
Donations........................................................................................................................................... 23
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................... 24
About Us ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Tax Status .......................................................................................................................................... 26
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is one of the poorest countries in Africa,
with a long history of civil war, political turmoil, and economic strife. Added to this
dangerous mix has been the spread of HIV/AIDS, as well as various other contagious
deadly diseases such as the Ebola virus, and periodic influxes of refugees from its
troubled neighbor, Rwanda.

The continual onslaught of all these disasters has left an even bigger tragedy in their
wake: thousands of orphans abandoned to survive on their own. These innocent victims
are often preyed upon by adults and forced to work as unpaid slaves and even
prostitutes. Without comfort, shelter, or education, there is little hope for the future of the
orphans of the DRC.

World of Care Orphanages wants to deliver that hope to DRC children. With your help,
we plan to open our first orphanage is the capital city of Kinshasa. This facility will
provide shelter, nutrition, medical care, and education to 300 orphans ranging in age
from infants to eighteen years of age. We—and you—can make the difference between a
life of despair and a future filled with meaningful possibility.

World of Care Orphanages has been operating as a charitable organization since 1979.
We manage 20 orphanages in India, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Mali, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Haiti,
delivering care and hope to more than a thousand children. You can rest assured that
your donation will be put to the best possible use with us.
Needs Assessment
World of Care Orphanages has identified the following needs which are not being met in
the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).


While it is difficult to determine precisely how many orphans exist in the DRC, non-
governmental organizations operating within the country estimate somewhere
between 10,000 and 50,000 children living without parents or guardians.

At least 8,500 children have become orphans due to the violence of civil war.

An estimated 3,000 children have been orphaned by the deaths of parents due to
the periodic outbreaks of Ebola and other deadly viruses.

The DRC is one of the poorest countries in Africa. The government currently lacks
the resources to care for its population, and with continuing political strife, this
situation is unlikely to change for the foreseeable future.


World of Care Orphanages plans to establish and operate an orphanage for 300
children in Kinshasa, DRC. We have a history of success in caring for and educating
orphaned children in Third World countries. In addition, we have services in place to
help reunite lost children with relatives and to place abandoned children in adoptions
in the United States and other countries of the world.

While we acknowledge that 300 children is a tiny percentage of the needy in the
DRC, we must begin somewhere. We hope to expand our reach within this country in


World of Care Orphanages Annual Reports, 1980-20xx.

WHO Summary Report Democratic Republic of Congo, 20xxx.

Future of West Africa, Politique Internationale, 20xx.


Orphanages Around the World: 20xx Analysis.
Safe shelter for growing children is of primary concern in establishing our orphanage in

The national government of the DRC has promised to donate to us the property known
as L’école Internationale, which at one time was an elite private boarding school but was
seized by the government of Zaire (now DRC) two decades ago and has been
abandoned since 1998. This property encompasses three large dormitories, a central
cafeteria/eating facility, eleven classrooms, and various offices, all situated on twenty

The basic brick structure of these buildings is mostly intact. Repairs must be done to the
roofs and all windows must be replaced, and a major remodel of the interior must be
accomplished before children of various ages can be housed and educated here. A new
dormitory to house and care for children below the age of four must be constructed, as
well as living quarters for staff who must be on site at all times.

Find a more detailed description of the buildings and our plans for them under Facilities.
When remodeling is complete, the Kinshasa orphanage will include the following
facilities to house and educate 300 children. This property encompasses three large
dormitories, a central cafeteria/eating facility, eleven classrooms, and various offices, all
situated on twenty acres.

Girls Dormitory

Capacity: 106

Girls aged 6 through 17 will be housed in this dormitory in bunk beds. Age groups will
be separated by moveable partitions. Girls will use an attached group restroom.

Boys Dormitory

Capacity: 110

Boys aged 6 through 17 will be housed in this dormitory in bunk beds. Age groups
will be separated by moveable partitions. Boys will use an attached group restroom.


Capacity: 86

Boys and girls aged 1 through 5 will be housed in this dormitory in cribs and child
beds. Some cribs and beds may be shared by more than one child. Two bunk beds
for adult staff will also be in this room. The attached group restroom will also contain
changing tables.

Staff Dormitory

Capacity: 8

Bunk beds for staff members who must be on site overnight are available in this
room. Staff will use the group restrooms used by the children.

The cafeteria can accommodate approximately 180 people in one sitting. Mealtimes
will be staggered to deal with this limitation.


Capacity: 11 classrooms can accommodate 30 students each

Spaces not needed for resident orphans will be offered to paying residents of


Twenty acres of land offer the opportunity to create a variety of play areas, as well as
a large garden that both children and staff will attend to.


Additional facilities may be constructed in the future.
World of Care Orphanages is an organization that seeks to grow as the demand for our
services grows.

Our staff understands the personnel and budget needs to run an orphanage in a Third
World country such as the Democratic Republic of Congo. We will support this new
project and put your funding to its best usage:

Our organization includes the following staff and capabilities:

Architects, Engineers, and Creative Construction Experts

We have excellent relationships with subcontractors to provide design and

construction services for our orphanages throughout the world.

Experts in Administration and Residential Care

We have a staff of experienced professionals to hire and train staff to administer our
new Kinshasa orphanage and care for the children who will be housed there.

Experienced School Administrators

Our experienced school administrators will hire and train teachers and school
counselors as needed to educate the children in our care.

World of Care Orphanages currently manages 20 orphanages in India, Bulgaria,

Vietnam, Mali, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Haiti, delivering shelter, care, medical treatment,
education, and hope for the future to more than a thousand children.

A temporary staff will be assigned to the Kinshasa project to oversee the remodel and
establishment of the residential facility and school. This may take up to one year. After
that time, administration will be maintained by a local staff, providing jobs for citizens of
the DRC.

World of Care Orphanages has specialized in establishing and running orphanages since
1998. We have been cited by Compassionate Charity Catalog as a leader in our field. Our
permanent staff, headquartered in Atlanta, GA, is comprised of over 85 members who
administer and oversee our operations in all countries. We personally visit each
orphanage at least twice a year to ensure that our standards are continuously upheld.
This project is important to the community of Kinshasa and the government of the
Democratic Republic of Congo, both of which—although currently unable to fund the
effort—desire to move homeless orphans into a caring environment, and desires to have
its children educated so they may become contributing citizens in the country’s future.

We plan to involve the community in the orphanage’s efforts in the following manner.

Community Involvement

Donations from Local Churches

Although most DRC organizations do not have the funds to donate large sums to
charitable efforts, most are willing to contribute small amounts each week and
these do contribute to our coffers. In addition, local citizens will be encouraged to
donate clothing, toys, nonperishable foods and fresh produce to the orphanage.

Talent Shows

We find that the children in our care love to learn to sing, play musical
instruments, and dance. To give our little stars the opportunity to shine, we hold
several talent shows per year and charge the local community a small fee to


Although most citizens of DRC have few material goods, they are often willing to
give time to the poorest, especially children. We plan to recruit as many
volunteers as possible to help care for our children as well as to educate them
and teach them basic skills such as sewing and carpentry.
Community Benefits

Reduction in Poverty and Crime

By caring for 300 orphans, we will remove those homeless children from the
streets, thus reducing the instances of sickness and death, and reducing current
and future crime rates.

Involvement with Future DRC Citizens

Through contributions, open communications, and volunteerism, the adults of the

DRC will become involved with and connected to our orphans, who are the future
citizens of the DRC.

Entertainment and Volunteer Opportunities

There are few options for entertainment among the poorer citizens of Kinshasa.
We find that our talent shows are usually well attended by the community
because they are simply happy to attend a show for a very small fee. In addition,
many teens and young adults treasure the time they spend as volunteers, caring
for infants or teaching skills to the orphans.

Opportunities for Reunification and Adoption

At World of Care Orphanages, we maintain a list of abandoned children and have

assisted in reuniting children with relatives from whom they have been separated
by war or disease. In addition, we are always open to the happy possibility of
adoption by any family who meets our strict standards and desires to add a child
to their household.

Opportunities for Reunification and Adoptions

At World of Care Orphanages, we maintain a list of abandoned children and have

assisted in reuniting children with relatives from whom they have been separated
by war or disease. In addition, we are always open to the happy possibility of
adoption by any family who meets our strict standards and desires to add a child
to their household.
Opportunities for Temporary Help

As the children in our care learn life skills and progress through school, we allow
children above the age of 14 to work for pay in temporary jobs in the community.
This allows our teens to gain valuable work experience and pay, and allows the
community to hire a skilled worker for a short period of time. All such work
situations must be approved, must not interfere with the child’s education, and
must not harm or take advantage of the child in any way. Our orphans have
worked as babysitters, tutors, and assistant sports coaches, just to name a few

Employment Opportunities

Our new Kinshasa orphanage will offer employment for local caretakers, cooks,
teachers, custodians, and maintenance personnel.


We strive to make the orphanage an integral part of the Kinshasa community so that
the children in our care can progress at the age of 18 to a meaningful adult life
outside our walls.

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