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Integration of Aspects, False Soul & Spiritual Mind,
Essence, Mastery and the Silence in-between

T. C. Aeelah
Beyond Duality

Thank you for choosing to dive into this exploration into the nature of Personality
Aspects, their Integration, the concepts of Light and Dark, of Mind, Spiritual Mind and
False Soul versus authentic Essence and of course the advent of Mastery, Realization
and transcendence. The Silence in-between. The All and the No-thing.

This is a compilation of related texts shared in my blog InPassion Publications, written

between 2016 and 2020, which I have chosen to compile here in this single E-book, in
order to create a coherent flow of insight and understanding towards greater clarity
within this very vast theme that I am so absolutely passionate about.

In any and all cases of Integration beyond illusion, or in other words, beyond duality, the
one underlying flow is that of the Breath - the Compassionate Breath. It is the birth
place and the grave of all that ever was, is and shall be. It is our one Point of Presence,
our Safe Space, our Home, our connection with All that Is.

In this compilation I do not go extensively into the Breath per se, but if you'd like, here is
a post which is very comprehensive around the Compassionate Breath, its benefits,
gifts and all that it actually is: The Breath - All that (it)Is. Without our abiding Presence in
it, Here, Now, none of what I am about to share can come to pass or be fully perceived,
beyond the Mind.

So I invite you to take a few deep, gentle breaths, surrendering to feeling, to staying, to
allowing, before going on with the exploration of these writings.

May your Heart be allowed to translate all of this in the simplest possible way so that its
sense becomes known from the depths of you, for it speaks of what we all already
intrinsically know from within :)

With All my Love,

T. C. Aeelah

Beyond Duality
Page 1
Spiritual Mind or False Soul Versus Essence

Spiritual Mind or False Soul versus Essence

In all of my years working with Integration of Aspects, I have come across an immense
variety of intricately subtle strategies used by the mind/ego/personality to prove its
worth, in other words, to command people’s lives, the way they behave, think and
perceive reality. It is indeed fascinating and unique, there are no ready made recipes.
Since it is a work done Soul to Soul, the only requirement on my part is total and
complete trust in my intuition, letting myself be guided moment to moment, with no
expectations of outcomes and not even on where to start. I only ever know what to do in
the exact moment the Integration begins and as it unfolds. The same goes for the work I
do with Soul and Personality Constellations.

I am very thankful for being able to do this for it is a school of endless Compassion
which requires complete flexibility on my part and brings me constant wisdom on how
to deal with Personality Aspects versus Soul Presence. My specialty is, however,
bringing people’s most hidden Shadow, in other words, people’s darkest Aspects, to
the forefront, so that they can finally be acknowledged, accepted and integrated into the
infinite pool of Isness that resides within all of us, releasing all attachment to illusionary
limitations, releasing the huge amounts of energy that these Aspects keep hostage for
their own survival and leaving only the sheer beauty and wisdom retrieved from all of
the experiences brought into play by these Aspects throughout the times of our

I can safely say that one of the hardest Aspects to acknowledge and integrate, if not the
hardest one, is the Spiritual Mind or what can be called the False Soul.

This False Soul is present only in people who are either very devoted to religious or
spiritual practices and are well aware of the fact that there is more to existence than just
physicality. It develops in a very devious, subtle way, until it becomes so similar to the
Soul/Essence that one cannot, alone, realise it exists, though people and experiences
from the outside will surely come in that person’s way to help discern sooner or later…
better sooner than later. 

Beyond Duality
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Spiritual Mind or False Soul Versus Essence

The reason why I say this is that this very Dark, Powerful Aspect is so full of Ego that it
will manage to destroy the person’s relationship with its own Essence as well as create
separation in intimate relationships and conflicting thoughts and feelings with the world
around, creating a constant dissatisfaction, a need for something else, for more, a need
to “expand”, which is nothing but a way of removing the person from Him/Herself.

This Aspect will create silence inside, but not the same kind of silence created by Soul
Presence. It is a silence that derives from all of one’s fears keeping quiet because they
are afraid of this Aspect. It despises them, considers them weak and useless and
always has some sort of judgment going on about everything and everyone. These
judgments are very subtle, though and seem to be “just the way things are”. They do,
however, create separation in a very deep sense – separation of oneself with one’s
Soul Essence and also with all of the other Aspects that are dying to come back home.
There is a kind of constant pain in the heart, a sort of discomfort that in time becomes
habitual and not even noticed.

The False Soul will tell you that what you know is never enough, leading you to always
seek more and more knowledge, never actually diving deeply into any of it though. It
will tell you that the world is abusing you in all sorts of ways and make you feel
conflicting emotions, anger with money and all material issues, just like is seen in some
great Priests of various creeds and practices, who become strict, harsh, bitter and
immensely judgmental. It will tell you that you are somehow better than all common
mortals and it will convince you that you need it, that it is the only one that can take care
of you.

How to discern between the Essence and the False Soul?

The Essence is very sweet, joyful, non-invasive, totally compassionate, simple and
serene and its silence is one of Presence. It does not push you to strive further and
further for something you do not have or you are not yet. It never, ever judges you, it
simply shows you with so much love that it sometimes cannot even be heard, for the
Spiritual Mind will impose its presence over it, creating another overlay of silence which
stops your communication with your Real Heart and this creates some sort of unease.

If you ever see it in another it is pointless to try and explain what’s going on while it is
doing its magic pass of creating seeming peace. Somehow you will know if or when to
mention this.

Beyond Duality
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Spiritual Mind or False Soul Versus Essence

When you realise you have it yourself, the first thing to do is to decide it is no longer
needed, if what you really want is genuinely to surrender to your Essence, merging with
Isness – the ONE you Truly Are. This won’t be easy because you love it, it makes you
feel good in many ways, you believe in it, so it will require great strength and
determination to break free from it.

Then pay attention, a lot of attention, so that you can start discerning how it acts and
manipulates your feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions. Start disconnecting from it,
observing and being humble enough to accept and acknowledge it. After all it is your
Darkness but it belongs to your Light and it was created by you through fear. Fear of
losing control, which equates with fear of losing freedom (not the real freedom of your
Essence of course, because that cannot be lost – it is a given fact). Also fear of not
being good enough, fear of failure and the need to be accepted – principally with
oneself, but born some time in childhood and even before this lifetime. Also fear of
expressing the voice of the Essence for having been persecuted, tortured and killed in
other lifetimes for it – so it clearly affects your capacity to express yourself, creating
inhibition. There is a mistrust of the feminine and the masculine towards each other
also within this Aspect and a huge anger, hate even. This can be triggered by others, by
outward events but it all derives from this False Soul. And it will be very good at hiding
itself from you so that you cannot discern it easily. Its biggest threat is the Essence
itself, though it also somehow loves it so much that it has recreated a makeshift
Essence – of course, because sooner or later this is where it will return to.

As with all things related to Human Life, Love is surely the answer. Not Mind Love. No.
The Love that only your real Essence can show you. The Love that you truly Are. The
greatest threat to the Spiritual Mind, for in Real Love it dies…

Beyond Duality
Page 4
About the Language of the Essence

About the Language of the Essence

As I have mentioned before, I work with the Integration of (Personality) Aspects back
into the infinite pool of Essence that we all Are, helping people reconnect completely
with their Divine Essence, their God Self, their Soul Presence, their Isness… so many
ways to say something that does not require words.
I do this either in individual Integration Sessions or in group workshops through Soul
and Aspect Constellations (and other awareness experiences). Both are absolutely
precious tools in the path of self discovery, clearly showing the way back Home – or…
how to realise Home is and always has been within each One, Here and Now. Once
again, something that I choose not to envelop in words.

All of this to say that one of the things that I most love about what I do is coming to
realise through hundreds of different people that the Soul Essence always and
invariably speaks the same language. This makes it all ever so simple! 

Beyond Duality
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About the Language of the Essence

No two Essences are different in their Boundless Compassion, Warmth and Loving
Care, Silence and Balance, Peaceful Knowingness, Infinite Wisdom, Grace and
Beauty, Bubbling Joy, Innocent Transparence, Clarity, Unlimited Perspective,
Freedom… Everything that everyone who is on their awakened journey truly knows is
GOD, and therefore each one of us Is GOD also. This is the much acclaimed Unity
(many) Humans strive to come back to. In this language there is no effort to understand,
when heard Essence to Essence, and thus no effort to explain either. It makes
communication completely seamless and opens up all hearts that allow themselves to
recognise and receive Isness. 

This is how all of the games of struggle, war and separation, strife, hardship and pain,
lack, hatred and revenge… become obsolete, yet accepted and understood as part of
living and unraveling 3D reality’s illusionary complexities. It becomes possible to
observe, detach and choose the Unique Wisdom of Presence, which does not impose
a new reality on anyone else. The only thing it does, when we accept it, is create a new
Template, a new “hologram” of possibilities just because by living a different reality we
make it possible. It can always be accessed by the One within all, even though many
times not heard or understood by the multitudes.

No one is ever forced to listen to the language of the Essence, it does not brainwash by
imposition. It does, however, clear the mind when we allow it to. So that then the Mind
can be of service to the Essence rather than the Human being of service to the Mind.
The Essence knows nothing about intolerance and its Patience is unscathed by
whatever “war” might be apparently at play.

The interesting thing is the language of the Essence is also assertive and strips abuse
bare. But it does so in such a graceful way that it is never harsh and can easily be
acknowledged. When not, there is no intention to force understanding either, because
the Essence does not strive for outward acceptance, its only affiliation is Truth – which
is a very, very vast and once again wordless unified concept that could be connoted
with Unity itself.

But it also makes it very scaly territory, since it often happens that the Mind wins. The
language of the Essence is so non-invasive but on the other hand so scary to the
Aspects who have the Power, that very often it becomes easier to just follow the Mind’s
manipulative and very convincing argumentations as to why things can’t be done the
way the Essence says they can. And thus the very same Aspects that have come forth
for Integration are the ones that gain even more Power than they had before, for lack of
true trust and surrender to the simplcity of the Essence.

Beyond Duality
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About the Language of the Essence

And now another question: so what makes us all different and unique then? Since we
are all “the same” in Essence???

We are not all the same, we derive from the same Unique Isness. As individuated
Souls we have a vast ocean of experiences to our existence and no two Souls can
have had the exact same experiences and the exact same way of perceiving them and
using them to evolve the endless possibilities of matter coupled with anti-matter. This
means that, though we all Are this One Stream of God Being, we are also God Being in
all sorts of different ways and it is the reunion of this uniqueness with our Oneness that
creates the possibility of Divine Humans transcending the limitations of matter and
gratefully celebrating all of their experiences.

We are the One and the Many all together in a Unique bundle of Life expressed. The
purpose of Integration is precisely to end the journey of being only the Many, in
forgetfulness of the One, so that the One can express through the Many in a completely
conscious way, bringing the richness of expanded awareness into Life.

This is precisely why all Ascended Masters express in different ways, each one unique
to Oneself, but the conscious energy behind their words is understood by the Oneness
within us all in a way that overcomes the limitations of words.

Communicating through expanded awareness is the gift of Essence that allows our
hearts to talk to each other without the encumbrance of limited perspectives. This
results many times in people not being able to remember what went on during one of
my workshops or Integration Sessions (especially when they are very mentally active
people) because the Mind cannot instantly translate this language, it takes time to
convert the drops of Wisdom from the Essence into data that the brain can use.
Nevertheless, hours later and in the following days and weeks, there are endless “aha”
moments, when clarity clicks the buttons of understanding and all of a sudden things
become simply clear.

Alas, the language of the Essence is a pure gift of Unity. May we be capable of
accepting this blessing and using it to dance through life’s ballrooms :)

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About the Language of the Essence

Just a footnote about the fear Aspects of Personality have of Unity… such a fear that
they even manage to mimick Unity so as not to dilute in it! In Unity they cease being, to
come back to the no-thing-ness of Essence. No-thing-ness means no Ego, but it does
not mean no experience. So stubborn Aspects may rest assured that their wisdom will
be used and their existence will not have been in vain ;)

Beyond Duality
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Trust is not just a word... from Aspects to Essence

Trust is not just a word... from Aspects to

Aspects of Personality are created to interact with the world, be it the world of others or
our own with ourselves. These are the parts of us that perceive reality and respond to it
accordingly. They can be clear, in which case they are created for a purpose and
diluted as soon as the purpose disappears. We use these clear Aspects for simple
things like making tea or brushing our teeth, getting dressed or cooking a meal.
Depending on our memories of these things, which at some point may have created a
minor trauma, these Aspects come and go or remain fixed in their ways, thus being a bit
less than totally clear. Aspects become stuck to the extent of our sensory memory’s
recollection of emotional trauma and this could relate to a simple thing like getting burnt
while frying an egg, thus generating a self-protective attitude towards this activity or
something more emotionally charged like having a car accident and becoming afraid to
drive in certain circumstances that might seem similar to that prior occasion.

The reason why it serves us well to break habits is the flexible flow of clear Aspects, as
we practice becoming detached from a certain outcome and are able to experience and
let go moment to moment. It shows us how to live an emotionally balanced stream of
experiences, in total self-respect towards our integrity, in harmony with our expanded
awareness, not giving heed to energy “gobblers” like worry or fear…. Yes, “gobblers” –
all these Aspects do is gobble up your energy in order to keep on creating perceptions
of fear and worry, leaving you feeling as depleted as a banquet after the guests have all
gone home J And the largest “gobblers” are not the ones you notice, they are the ones
you don’t even realise are there pulling all the strings and making all of the decisions,
making you feel good sometimes, bad sometimes or somewhere in between, like for
instance the Spiritual Mind or False Essence I have spoken about recently. It also
stems from fear, of course, but keeps that well hidden.

As to these energy “gobbling” Aspects, what we call the stuck ones, these create the
noise inside. The voices that speak to each other in our heads, that sometimes agree
more than others and vice versa. They invariably become stuck as a self-protection
mechanism, shielding us from possible pain through the fear trigger which withholds
many different types of emotions, depending on the issue at hand. In other words, they
are the need to have things under control, even if it ultimately can translate into panic
attacks or whatever other reactions of loss of control may appear. The purpose is
always self-preservation, which is in any case quite different from self-respect and
requires huge amounts of our energy to sustain.

Beyond Duality
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Trust is not just a word... from Aspects to Essence

May it be clear that our purpose with life on Earth is to create (Aspects and all else to
interact with form and the formless), experience and expand or transcend, which means
to integrate into the infinite pool of Isness we ultimately begin and end to BE. Thus
Aspects of Personality are necessary in all shapes and colours and their ultimate
purpose is always to come back to the pool of Expanded Awareness, the God-Self that
Is, adding to it the vast richness of experiences, free from the illusionary trappings of
adversity, drops of pure Consciousness with no emotional affiliation. This is what
happens when any Aspect integrates. Its “story” is dissolved and its Wisdom is added
to the Whole Oneness of Essence, expanding it further – whatever this expansion truly
means cannot fully be explained in words.

All of this to say that no matter how stubborn some of these Aspects of ours become,
when invited to integrate, they will… eventually. And the reason I say eventually is
because for this to happen you have to lead by example, meaning you have to trust that
your Essence is All that Is, the Oneness that is God also, connected to the Whole of
Isness. You have to prove that these Aspects are no longer serving a purpose in your
Life. This is something Aspects hold very dearly - after all their purpose is to serve a
purpose!!!! If you keep on falling prey to their ways of perceiving and acting towards
situations they will still be fulfilling a purpose and cannot, therefore, integrate. So you
see, with the Spiritual Mind that makes us feel like we are listening to Essence, creating
a sense of expansion even, one doesn’t even feel like inviting it to integrate because it
feels so good, necessary and appropriate – how is it ever going to come back home?...
When you acknowledge its existence and decide to really want to feel and listen to the
love of the Essence, becoming more and more aware of the difference between one
and the other.

One of the most subtle traps with stuck Aspects is wanting to force them to integrate.
This stems from judgement and creates a battle inside. A war against yourself. No
matter how much you repeat that “it is enough” and that you no longer want this kind of
behaviour/experience, you need to prove it by not reacting in the same stuck way when
faced with the same types of situations which keep on coming and going – they are a
gift, a blessing, not a misfortune! They are your opportunity to listen to your Essence
and to learn a new way, to trust and let go of what you (your Aspects) knew to be true.

Beyond Duality
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Trust is not just a word... from Aspects to Essence

I have seen it happen so often that a person chooses to integrate a part they finally
recognise as no longer serving a purpose according to what they are now choosing to
experience, only to go ahead and do it all over again (act/think in the exact same way)
without even being aware of it. And, some time after realising this and becoming rather
angry and frustrated at themselves, lost in judgement and wanting to force things to
change. This, in any case, rather than integrating Aspects makes them much stronger
and much harder to discern, more subtle and manipulative.

Patience, Acceptance, Transparence, Humility… Compassion… Compassion…

Compassion, Perseverance, Courage, TRUST, Compassion… Awareness, Letting go,
Silence, Compassion…

Aspects need to feel, words will not convince them of anything. Your trust needs to be
felt and no amount of controlling, manipulating, forcing, or analysing will do the “trick”.
Much on the contrary, it will validate the Aspects because this is how they function and
you cannot beat an Aspect at its game.

So it’s quite simple really! :) Just get out of your own way and let you come back to You.

Just a footnote here to say that I refer to Aspects as “they” because they are parts, not
the One and each one has a purpose, which is in other words “a mind of its own”, so it’s
like a whole tribe with many different purposes, all performing to the best of their
capacity. Quite a colourful party going on inside! hehehe

Beyond Duality
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About the Language of the Essence - Part II

About the Language of the Essence

Part II
A few years ago I had the privilege of participating in Norma Delaney (Aandrah – the
Doctor of Breath) and Garrett Annofsky’s (Ahn) Master Mentoring programme (mentors
of the New Breath Poject) where I learnt much about Compassionate Isness, how to
find my Essence’s name – sound vibration, how to discern between mind chatter and
Soul wisdom and so much more I cannot define. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity
on my path to expanded awareness. As goes a saying in Kwan Yin’s Divination
Poems: “ … such a wise one, to meet him is luck itself! When you meet true richness,
unbelievable wealth comes.”

One of the things Norma taught us to do, and which I now share as often as possible,
was a simple way of realising the difference between personality Aspect’s language
and the Essence’s way of communicating. She invited us to divide a page into two
halves (vertically) and write Mind on one side and Soul or Essence on the other. Then
she asked us a few simple questions like: What’s my name?; Where do I come from?;
Where do I live?; Where is my home?; What am I doing here?; Why did I come?; Who
am I?... (to be asked to ourselves). Some answers seem quite obvious, others not quite
so but the amazing thing is that none of the Mind’s answers match the Soul’s ones
neither in length, neither in content. In general the Soul’s answers are much shorter and
simpler and of course, deeper. In order to answer through the Mind all we had to do was
reply straight away. In order to listen to the Soul’s reply we breathed deeply and softly,
connecting with our Centre, staying in our space of Silence and letting ourselves not
think the answer but perceive/feel it.

At first, when the mind is very active this can be a bit tricky, but as with everything,
consistent practice bears fruit and after a while the difference becomes clearer and
clearer, also because the Mind becomes quieter and quieter since it starts to
understand that we are choosing another Master.

Then we were invited to present our questions - any questions – we had in our daily
lives first to the Mind, letting it answer straight away and writing down the answer and
then to the Essence. 

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About the Language of the Essence - Part II

The treasure behind this is that we are not trying to shut the Mind up, we are giving it its
say. Then, once it has spoken, it becomes easier for it to quieten down for a while, thus
letting us listen to the “voice” that is whispered from the Silence inside. Doing this
several times a day brings such a level of clarity that sooner or later it becomes less
and less necessary, because it becomes easier to discern without writing, though for
the stickiest issues it always helps to write so we can get out of the thinking mode when
listening to Essence and then read what we have written, because it often happens that
we only grasp the Essence’s reply after having written it and reread it! And many times,
rather than answering, the Essence asks us another question… and another… until we
get deep into the feeling and eventually understand.

So I wrote numerous “diaries” with these Mind and Soul conversations and would often
ask my Essence to show me how to do/see things differently, how She (though with no
gender :) ) would do/perceive a situation. It helped me in so many ways I can’t begin to
enhance the value of this in my transformation – in my whole life.

Recently a friend of mine was having some trouble discerning how to integrate a
recurrent issue, an Aspect she has invited home many many times and integrated, only
to create it all over again out of sheer habit and because it’s one of those sticky issues
that are quite cunning and hard to discern. So the exercise in this cases is, when we go
through a given situation that involves these repetitive patterns and we become aware
of it afterwards,  ask the Mind what it thinks about the situation and then ask the
Essence how “She” would have behaved, what would have been Essence’s choice in
that situation?

This helps us become even more aware of the pattern and when a situation related to it
occurs again we already know what the Essence’s choice would be so we can then
choose to act accordingly, if what we want is to change the pattern and finally integrate

Another helpful tip is not to get frustrated and start judging ourselves as “incompetent”,
“incapable” and so on. This not only does not bring any awareness at all, it gives
strength to the already strong Aspect we have “been trying” to integrate. 

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About the Language of the Essence - Part II

Trying is not enough! Trying is part of the defense mechanism that says “I’ll try, but if I
can’t it’s just because I’m not capable…” and other argumentation strategies that are
not, in any case, reflections of the Master’s full responsibility for all creations :) Either
we do it or we don’t. No trying in between. And even if we have to show it to ourselves
50 times, we are doing it, not trying. This is what I meant with my last blog post “Your
trust needs to be felt”. Trying is not Trust ;)

Beyond Duality
Page 14
So what's all the fuss about Aspects?

So what's all the fuss about Aspects?

There’s no fuss ;) That’s the point!!!! 

Awakening is just a step in our journey of Integration. The first step, actually.

The rest comes through trial and error, where error loses its depth and becomes one
more step, one more breath.

Integration – in other words, becoming a clear, transparent pool of endless potentials

with no particular affiliation to fixed Personality traits – it is not a Power measuring
contest. It is a powerless flow as we start enjoying life in new ways, letting our choices
find us rather than chasing them around, letting our Aspects dissolve in this clear,
transparent pool of Isness just because they no longer get any attention. Changing
habits consciously is effortless when accepted fully. This per se, integrates Aspects.

But as Humans we of course THINK that this is too simple – too good to be true – so we
get ourselves tangled up in judgement mode some of the time and in fighting against
ourselves the rest of the time... Except when we allow ourselves to know that these are
just more illusionary strategies to keep us away from our Essence.

In order to integrate, Aspects need our Trust in our own Essence, they need us to stay
Home – Present – and they need us to stop giving them fuel. No judgement, no
argumentation, no rejection and certainly enough not going after their bait, getting
caught up in their enticing hook of purpose. That’s all.

And why integrate now rather than later?

Because there is no later! There just seems to be. Time spirals over itself. Once we are
aware of something it is the time. Otherwise we would have no such awareness.

Just a small reminder here that Human Aspects only integrate in Human Life. It can
happen on our death bed, with our last breath, but it cannot happen afterwards. So
whether or not we intend to come back to this beautiful planet again, the more
integrated we are, the more smoothly joyful the range of experiences we will perceive
and allow.

Beyond Duality
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Death to Aspects and the danger of Change

Death to Aspects and the danger of


Aspects dread death – their own death… but only when we are so attached to them we
fear losing them, in other words, losing identity. This fear is sometimes hard to discern,
because on one hand we can be choosing to let go of the need for these Aspects, yet
on the other hand, deep down, resides a lack of trust in our capability to steer our lives
without their rudder to guide us. It always, always boils down to lack of trust, our own
lack of trust. Therefore, these Aspects we have decided to invite back home do not trust
our choice either. Of course.

Choosing to integrate requires change, and change is dangerous in the eyes of any
Aspect, unless we are accepting change with no resistance whatsoever. Unless we are
committed to change. In fact change is the only constant in Human life. Nothing stays
the same, ever. Only the Essence, being formless, is immutable in its void. Its intrinsic
Silence, Compassion, Joy, Freedom, Simplicity… none of this changes, though it
assumes different dimensions when coupled with the individuated Soul’s experiences,
expanding its expressed potential. This is how Human and Divine – the Divine Human
– bring more to Essence than its everlasting nature.

Acceptance is key to transcending the Mind’s perceived loss of Freedom to control us,
because only Acceptance allows change to do its alchemy of ressuscitation. Aspects
can then safely die, letting go of their Freedom to control all details in order to keep us
“safe” from death, knowing that they will still be serving us through their own death, by
allowing us to be rebirthed.

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Death to Aspects and the danger of Change

The reason why Humans in general fear death is the very same reason why Human
Aspects fear death – loss of identity, loss of control, loss into the unknown.

Once these perceptions of loss disappear gradually through consistent Trust in the
equation of change through the footsteps of Essence, fear of death also disappears, as
does the notion of danger.

Funny thing that we (our Aspects) may fear change and at the same time shy away from
surrendering to Essence – which is the only Safe Space where Presence is Constant!
Duality is a real comedy show :)

Beyond Duality
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Spiritual Mind or False Soul versus Essence

Spiritual Mind or False Soul versus

When some years ago, on my path of awakening, going through what I can now call
“the dark night of the Soul”, my Essence clearly invited me to let go of all of my spiritual
practices and to just breathe and learn to listen to my heart and follow it, I knew it was
something I had to do in order to surrender to the loving arms of my Divine Presence. I
also knew it terrified me to be left without any rituals to hold onto to keep me safe. What
I didn’t know was why it had to be like this for me.

Now I know. I know it was because, having lived spirituality in so many shapes and
forms in countless lifetimes up to now, I had created a very strong Spiritual Mind and I
had of course misused this power – more often than not – in the name of God. It was
therefore essential for me to let go of everything in order to find my true Isness.
Nevertheless, the practices I came across and used in this lifetime all helped me open
up my extrasensorial sensitivity, refining my intuition and clearing my body and mind
enough for me to see it was time to release these practices in order to dive into the New
Energy and discover my multidimensional senses.

Having said this I will now be bold enough to say that Religion, all Religion is one of
the most powerful breeding grounds for the False Soul. I do not intend, with this, to say
that Religion does not have its purpose for mankind and that it has not served many
productive purposes. What I do intend to affirm is that it is within Religion that
humanity’s shadows are shrowded most cunningly, thus hiding the Darkness under a
cloak of makeshift Light that when uncovered is nothing more than a huge Power
game, one of Control and Manipualtion that pretends to be nice and serve, when in fact
coldly requires servitude and commands destruction of all that do not follow suit. The
beautiful message that Religions convey has been so overlayed with the devious need
for Power that when treading the footsteps of any religious practice, one needs to keep
a clear heart in order to discern beyond words and rituals what really and truly speaks
the language of love and remains untainted by control.

Further even, on this shaky ground, I will dare to say that Morality, Activism and being
Good are strong warriors of the Spiritual Mind. 

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Spiritual Mind or False Soul versus Essence

Morality belongs to the realm of judgment, which in turn is the seat of the Mind.
Essence is intrinsically pure. Following its discerning Wisdom never brings harm and
there is no such thing as sin, shame or guilt in the Compassionate Embrace of Isness.
Activism requires Power, Proof, Separation, Fight, an urgency to force people to see, to
awaken, to change. Essence does not and cannot force. It is a flow and in this flow
there is no righteousness.

Ok. We all know change is upon us. But no one can be forced to awaken. This is
something done by Free Will and it works through Conscious Awareness. The more
people who are Consciously Aware, the more accessible this potential becomes, the
more people can see it, the more people can choose it. Fighting, no matter for what
purpose, is a Power game and the only thing it can achieve, in the long run, is the same
vibration, the same kind of consciousness that has lead the Cruzaders to invade
Jerusalem, the Inquisition to burn “witches” on the stake, Muslim extremists to train
suicide bombers, Irish separatism… and so much more…

Last but not least, being Good - which has a very tight bond to Morality and Activism.
Essence does not need to be Good… or Bad… It IS. The Mind, however, the Spiritual
Mind, has many ideas about what Good is and easily bans what is perceived as Bad.
So a strong Spiritual Mind will always perceive itself as Good, which makes it, of
course, hard to discern as not being the Real Soul. How can one’s Darkness seem
Good? Do not be fooled. It is Darkness covered in Sugar and Light and its favourite
dinner is getting us to stand up for a Cause, to morally fight for Truth, to actively wave
the flag of Righteousness and follow a Purpose of Light, irrespective of the

To get rid of it in one go, have the courage to let go of Spiritual Practices – even if
temporarily, just letting them come back to you as they serve your choices moment to
moment. Have the courage to let go of a Purpose, to let go of a Cause, to let go of the
Light, to let go of Morality, to let go of having to be Good in search of acceptance and
recognition, to let go of a Fight for Justice, to let go of a need to Save humanity and the
World, to let go of the Search for Home, to let go of God, to let go of Spiritual Diets and
Rituals, to let go… to let go… to let go… until you feel so empty ( and hopefully not
terrified :) ) that the only thing to do is surrender completely to your Essence – to learn
how to see, feel, BE.

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Spiritual Mind or False Soul versus Essence

Then it all comes back to you. No worries. No fight. No point proving.

By the way: not even Darkness is Evil. Evil is a concept. A Moral concept. Darkenss
holds Light within it and disappears when it is exposed under the radiance of Essence.
It comes back Home. It IS.

Beyond Duality
Page 20
Enlightenment Express

Enlightenment Express
The urgency for Enlightenment. I have seen it. I have lived it. And it can be a very
enticing trap. A distraction from itself, even.

Once I started realising how much I had to integrate before I could ever feel free from
the burden of Human Aspects, on one hand I wanted to do it and do it fast. On the other
hand, it seemed quite impossible to ever get it all done. So there was this duality
between steadfast determination and overwhelm.

I eventually realised that it served me no purpose to keep on looking at the

unfathomable size of the mountain before me. So I held onto determination and set off
on my journey like the traveller with no map, treading the path as it presented itself step
by step.

Though it was hard anyway, at least I only had to deal with each now. Staying in it was
another issue. Some of the stuff I was digging up was gruesome. However, there was
no way to integrate it but to stay in it, to feel it, to allow it, to accept it, to walk through it.
This, and only this, lead Aspects to dissolve, memories upon memories that told tales of
strife, suffering, torture, pain, evil, terror, loss, grief… you name it. I had to grab the bull
by the horns this time. No turning back. No looking the other way. No pretending these
emotions and experiences were not there. Just staying. Observing from the safe,
compassionate berth of Essence, letting myself burn in my own transmuting fire. A fire
that destroys only illusion. A regenerating fire that blends Human and Divine, Feminine
and Masculine into One new speck of Isness.

Nothing could have prepared me for the extent of emotions these memories brought up.
Nothing but Essence could have kept me sane and aware in the midst of this hurricane.
I could not have possibly lived through this upheaval if I had gone in through the Mind,
focussing on the stories rather than on the feelings themselves. I would have gotten
caught up in the curious inspection of details the Mind always thrives on. And I would
have gotten lost in it. The stories did not matter at all. It was the purpose that mattered,
and only that. The purpose was, of course, Integration. Any kind of judgment would not
have allowed it to flow. Not only because of the complexity of the stories, but also
because of the sheer amount of Aspects coming in – millions… billions of Aspects.
Over a thousand lifetimes worth of Aspects. There is no way the Mind could have
grasped but a very small fraction of the process.

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Enlightenment Express

In a process of this nature Aspects come in waves. Many at the same time from many
different lifetimes, all of the same kind, all at once. It is not possible or necessary to
know all of the “whos” and the “whys”. It is the general underlying feeling that matters
and only that. This is what dissolves into the infinite pool of Essence. Thus the
memories are decharged of their emotional weight and we become lighter and lighter,
freer and freer… We don’t forget. We simply become detached from the memories,
since the Personality Aspects that were creating attachment dissolve as we also detach
from the need to be/think/act in a certain way. The memory becomes a sort of non-
personified event, like a part of a film that we no longer own. It is literally a succession
of deaths within this same lifetime, when those memories become so powerless that
they seem part of another lifetime altogether.

Ah, yes, I did sometimes need help. I needed someone to be there, a pillar of Essence,
keeping me connected to my own Essence as I dived into my Darkness. I needed
someone to remind me I was still here, now, bringing back my lost “children” but I was
not them. I needed someone to hold my hand in complete Compassion, reminding me
that I was safe, that none of what I was feeling mattered any longer, that it was time for
“farewell and move on”.

We tend to get so involved with the strongest, most stubborn Aspects that they seem to
be Who we Are. Once we realise it is not so, observing with no attachment can get
tricky because we easily get sucked in by their “logic”. So it helps immensely to have
someone right there, reminding us of Essence, helping us let go of judgment, keeping
our heart open and welcoming it all back Home. Also some of these Aspects are
proficient at playing hide and seek, so when we decide to “go after” them they
disappear and show up again only when we are not paying attention. In a consistent
process of Integration, however, this is not very effective. When the time comes and we
have made the firm decision that enough is enough, it helps to have someone
compassionately reflect our wisdom, so that when we dive inside and the Aspects all
keep quiet, we stay, keep on compassionately inviting and wait for these parts to feel
curious and come out. We stay, quiet, no argumentation, no judgment, no forcing – we
allow. And thus the inner magic of Integration happens.

The moments of Peace became longer and more frequent in between the Tsunamis of
Aspects. Tsunamis became just large waves and then smaller and smaller waves,
allowing me to keep my balance more and more.

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Enlightenment Express

One day, unexpectedly, I totally collapsed into myself. The Mind literally fell in Love with
Essence and kept quiet. Silence. Complete surrender. The Body allowed itself to be
washed over by Essence in such a way that it no longer felt solid. My heart exploded
with Joy. I knew not who I was. I did not need to either. Bliss. Pure and simple.

I had had many expectations and preconceived ideas about Elightenment. I knew this
was it though it didn’t fit into most of my previously possible categories. It didn’t matter
anyway. The Peace in my heart is such that none of my past recipes matter. One thing
is certain: Enlightenment is not an event – it is an ongoing experience. The event of
collapsing into myself, so to speak, is just a very significant turning point. It’s like a point
of no return from where on Enlightenment is no longer an aim but a permanent
experience, a permanent knowingness. 

It takes constant adjusting to different dimensions and vibrations. At first it took me a

while to figure out how to stay on Earth even. I could have chosen to dissolve
completely at that moment. I chose to stay and experience this in the Body with a Mind. 

I am thankful for every single “nothingness” in my life. I know I can stay or leave
whenever I choose to. I know I Am that I Am… not Who I Am.😇 And this gets quite
comical at times 😂😁

I had only one aim. Now I have only one purpose. It was and is - to Be - which is, at its
core, free of purpose. I accept all of its colours and aromas. I know that while in a
Human body, living a Human life, Being is multiflavoured. There is always an AND…
Yet, the underlying Isness is a constant. It holds me as I Am It, dissolving permanently.

And no, I don’t know everything. I now realise it is absolutely unnecessary. I don’t
foresee everything simply because not everything is foreseeable. I can’t walk through
walls, levitate or create precious stones out of thin air. Who knows one day I might… or
not… it doesn’t really matter or prove anything! I sometimes make silly choices, do, say
and think nonsense and occasionally get off balance. 

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Enlightenment Express

The big difference is I have only one thought at a time and total silence very often, my
heart never gets confused and feelings of anger or sadness are very easy to deal with
because on one hand they are mostly not mine and on the other, when they are, all I
need to do is dive into these feelings and walk myself through them, breathing and
staying in my Point of Presence. I am instantly aware of incoherences in my actions or
words which I can readjust that very moment. The illusions of lack and separation are
dead and there is no longer anything remotely similar to the full range of confusing
emotions that used to keep me up and down on a roller coaster ride of drama or euforia.

Dealing with others and the whole experience of life on Earth is a constant challenge
between seeing beyond the veils of illusion and voluntarily playing with them. This is,
in fact, the great difference between before and now. I create Aspects consciously. I
make choices consciously. I live consciously. I know and assume my entire
responsibility for all of my interactions with “reality” and though I know none of it really
matters at all I also know it makes a complete difference to Be or not to Be.

Ah and yes, I do sometimes feel overwhelmed and frustrated with this new experience
of living as a conscious Divine Human in the midst of a “normal” life, and at times would
rather live somewhere remote where the mish mash of everyone’s thoughts and
feelings could not be felt so intensely, where sense, reason and feeling can remain in
constant balanced bliss… but then again… I always end up choosing to go along with
this experience right here in everyday life with its everyday colours, living and creating
my reality in a parallel dimension that, however, interacts with 3D… And so it is that,
like an astronaut on an expedition through unknown universes, I am learning each
moment, discovering, expanding… thankfully BEing.

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Embodied Enlightenment 101

Embodied Elightenment 101

These are some reflections about living as a fully realized Divine Human I recorded
while driving peacefully through Portuguese countryside.

Written (the audio file is down below):

"Is it possible to be a fully realized Master and live a regular
life without having to live out of society?
Yes, but with a high class challenge: to interact with 3D while living interdimensionally,
creating our reality with access to all sorts of other realities, without the limitations of 3rd
Dimension and with the regular challenges of leadership – being alone in a place
where many times no one else around us is and nevertheless feeling comfortable, safe.
Mastery is a lonely path.

Can anyone do it?

Yes, when the time comes, when one feels that calling, that’s the time and everyone
has their own time. One does not need to be a fully realized Divine Human to be an
example of Mastery. Mastery can be lived in a very simple way by being coherent,
transparent, honest.

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Embodied Enlightenment 101

Being Fully Realized - Embodied Enlightenment

Being fully realized means that there is nothing to be said that hasn’t been said, nothing
to be done that hasn’t been done, nothing to be accomplished that hasn’t been
accomplished. It is a state of completeness. That’s being a fully realized Divine Human

It is having no issues to resolve, nothing hidden, it is to know exactly where we are

each moment, to be totally Here and Now completely 100% of the time.

It is being fully responsible for our creations, it is creating in the moment and no longer
being trigger driven at all, completely letting go of the fear mode. It’s being in another
state of consciousness where it is not fear that determines our steps and so it’s not a
question of courage, it’s just a question of response-ability - it is creating in the

There’s no question of positivity or negativity or having to take care of our thoughts, or

having to redefine whatever. There is even no notion of harming, of competition or any
of those things that define 3rd Dimension.

It is a state where death no longer defines life, so life is not dependent on the fear of

It is having no attachment to physical reality though being fully present in it, in order to

It’s releasing the Comfort Zone of being able to say “oh you know, I’m just another
human so of course I make mistakes and do things and say things that I shouldn’t have
done or said”, it’s releasing that need to have to have an excuse.

While in physical form there will always be limitations and there will always be
challenges, that’s part of physical reality.

What goes away definitely is the effort, the struggle, the suffering, separation - those are
fundamental illusions that disappear.

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Embodied Enlightenment 101

Being a fully realized Divine Human doesn’t mean that you can instantly cross walls or
snap your fingers and things appear and disappear, instantly materializing anything you
want. These are preconceived ideas we have created about it and those things are
not… or levitate… those things are not necessarily important. What it means is that we
relase all of the constraints of being in Human Form so it’s becoming One basically.
There are no requirements, like you don’t become a magician, though you are.

Becoming fully realized then is a whole new process, it is also an evolutionary process.
The process of evolution never stops and then it opens up a whole new range of extra-
sensorial capacities of feeling capacities, but it does so gradually. It opens up new
possiblities but it doesn’t open everything at once. It’s a process, it’s a learning process
as well. It is a BE coming."

T. C. Aeelah

Embodied Enlightenment  101

Listen to the audio le from my Podomatic Podcast

Beyond Duality
Page 27
The Ultimate Fear

The Ultimate Fear

Fear is the motor of evolution. No Fear, nothing to overcome, no progress, no conquest,
no success. Right?

Well, like in everything in the world of duality: Yes and No.

Repeatedly we have experienced that Fear is overcome when we do whatever it is that

we are afraid of doing, usually requiring some sort of external action - "doingness".
Likewise, most of our Fears are related to outside reality. They are related to others, to
other things, to seemingly outer situations.

However, on the path of evolution, in other words, on the path of consciousness

expansion, the greatest Fears are always within us, always of us towards a part of

When the inner calling comes, the one that says "enough is enough" and all of a
sudden survival mode is not quite as appealing as before, drama, moving on through
effort, fight and pushing forward loses its charm.

At this point, it is like all gravity starts pulling us within, requiring us to Stay, to let go of
all outside distractions from our Essence in order to just Be.

Once we have experienced the Bliss of our Essence, of staying in our Safe Space, the
Comfort of Home Here and Now, inside, the Compassionate Embrace of our Divine, all-
encompassing and all-accepting, where alas the Human can relax, finally, becoming
aware of Peace, of the Pure Solace of Silence, of Love... Once we have experienced
this, there is no turning back. There can be many distractions along the way, but we will
be constantly wanting to come back to this, longing for this. We might still go probing
outside to see if we've got it right, if this is it, only to keep on coming back Home,
trusting more and more that Staying is the only way to Be.

Nevertheless, in a world driven by busyness -which is curiously so similar to business

:) - where we have become accustomed to facing fear by doing, being now suddenly
confronted with fear of staying and realising that the only way to overcome it is, indeed,
by STAYING, is a contradiction to all we have come to believe about Life and evolution.

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The Ultimate Fear

The greatest challenge we all face, sooner or later, within the expansion of
consciousness, is that it is not possible to move on, without moving through fear (this
we already knew!!!), but this time by Staying. There is no way to overcome the Fear of
the Unknown brought about by the choice to merge Human and Divine, by the choice to
Be, no way but to sit with this Fear and let it dissolve. And the only way for it to dissolve
is for us to be fully determined, completely firm, undoubtedly decisive about our choice
to expand further into Who we Truly Are, beyond Illusion - fully determined to STAY

Fear cannot be rejected, thrown away into a corner in hopes that it might disappear! It
cannot be covered up by "sugar-talk" positive affirmations forever. Sooner or later it is
necessary to go beyond just affirming to actually Being - I would say "doing", but this
word might create confusion ;)

One of the Human's greatest illusions is Fear of tomorrow. And the very simple reason
is that it is yet unknown. Yes, we can use tarot cards, and beads and shells and sticks
and tea leaves and even Astrological Charts to somehow try and define it... but actually
these and all other divination practices only point out potentials, possibilities. What will
actually be is yet to be known.

What is to be is a direct consequence of what is now. In other words, what's next is

what you are now. So, instead of looking outside for answers, why not stay within, find
out what is going on inside, face the fears, resistances, emotional turmoils and so forth,
in order to ensure that tomorrow is the harmony everyone dreams of?

A harmonious life will remain nothing but a pipe dream, if one is not capable of facing
oneself here and now, of sitting with one's own Fear(s), of walking through them... by
Staying... by not going anywhere out there... by not seeking anywhere else but within.

Remember that Illusion requires Absence. So whenever you are living out there, in
Illusion, you are Absent from your Presence. However, on the other side of Illusion,
resides Truth, and Truth can only be known from within. It can be said by many, but only
you can Know it and this can only happen in one place: in your Safe Space in your
Center, Home.

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The Ultimate Fear

Expression can stem from the deep Silence within or it can stem from the constant
Noise outside. With Noise outside, I mean the Mind's chatter, be it in our own Mind or
anyone else's, the noise out of our Centre. With deep Silence within, I mean the
Silence in our Center, beyond the Mind.

Ultimately the Mind is an instrument with a very beautiful and essential purpose: to
serve the Essence. Then the Mind knows and understands all it needs to know and
understand moment to moment. But for this to happen, the Human in us needs to
choose to Stay Present, for the Power of Free Will requires us to choose. Once we
choose, we can then start blending further and further with the Divine that we also are...
that we ultimately Are.

Our Ultimate Fear: to Stay and Be.

Our Ultimate Nature: Being... the all in all, the all and the no-thing.

When you finally find yourself facing your Ultimate Fear, Celebrate it! You are about to
move on into more Love, more Peace, more Joy, more Bliss than ever before. Know
that you will come out on the other side like the phoenix from the ashes, unscathed and
magnificent, shaking your feathers to release the dust, glowing your radiance upon all
corners of your existence - of all of existence.

Bless you dear One! Welcome Home :D

Beyond Duality
Page 30
The Magic Inside

The Magic Inside

Picture this:

Now you're Wendy, from the Peter Pan story. You are on Captain Hook's ship and your
hands are tied tightly behind your back. You are being made to walk the plank, feeling
like you're blindfolded. On the other end, down there in the sea, there is the fierce
crocodile, waiting with its mouth wide open to swallow you. However, you look up into
the sky in serach of hope, you cannot see the crocodile, so all you need to do is walk
on confidently in complete trust, knowing that whatever shall be, shall be.

Side story: we all know what's going to happen, because we know Peter Pan's story, so
we know Wendy is safe. Nevertheless, we can also imagine how we would be feeling if
we were in her shoes and we are amazed at her confidence. She seems to be
completely at Peace, though she does not know what is about to happen... or does
she? Can she sense all is well even though it doesn't seem so?

Moving on with Wendy's story: somehow Peter Pan finds out what's going on and at the
very last minute, right when Wendy's foot has stepped off the plank and the next is soon
to follow, hurtling her inevitably into the crocodile's mouth.... Swoosh... Peter Pan
whisks her up into the air and saves her from her demise.

Now let's have a closer look. We knew Peter Pan was coming, because we know the
story. Wendy knew all was well, because her heart is pure and even if she fell into the
crocodile's jaws it would have been what was to be.

This story is a metaphor colouring what happens whenever we are faced with stepping
further into Trust, further into merging with our Essence, beyond a certain Fear or
Emotional prison. Just like Wendy, we know we are better off walking the plank than
staying on the ship, there's nothing on it for us anymore. And certainly enough, we all
know that if we walk off the plank we will be safe. It is a certainty we all carry deep
within us. Every single one of us knows, profoundly, completely, that what's on the other
side of our Ultimate Fear - the Fear of surrender to our Essence - is bliss.

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The Magic Inside

So how on Earth do we get so caught up in Fear???? How does our survival mode, our
Mind, manage to convince us time and again to step back for fear of destruction?

The answer is pretty simple: part of our personality, part of our Mind driven identity is in
fact going to die. And then we will discover a new blend of who we are. And it will be
ok, because when we are there we will have a whole new perspective so we cannot
even begin to fathom now what it will be like then, because we just cannot see into this
new land of Peaceful Loving Joyful Grace before we are fully in it.

It's the same thing as trying to explain to ourselves what it feels like to bathe in the
ocean without ever having seen the ocean, smelt it or felt it. One can imagine, but one
cannot know until one is in it. Just like any other experience. The only thing is, some
experiences are "take it or leave it", nothing to dwell upon, nothing to lose and not
much to gain either. Then again others are key turning points. However this one: this is
the last Frontier! The Ultimate challenge for any Human - stepping beyond illusion is
letting go of layers and layers and yet more and more layers of beliefs and mental
constructs about who we are, about life, about reality.... about everything and anything...
Only to find out that we know nothing. Only to find out that we discover each moment,
let go and find out and so on, unattached to any social or mental constructs but
choosing or not to comply with them if we want to.

Having to know what's next is nothing but Noise... Control.... Fear.

The Future does not happen randomly. Therefore, it is not unknown. It just is not
entirely visible right now. Though our heart knows which path to follow.

Trying to know the Future will only confuse you. And it might even stop you from living
the magic of miracles only your Essence can manifest.

What if your Essence proposes something that beats the odds? No amount of planning
through the limited lense of your current beliefs can lead you to fruition of the now
seemingly impossible.

Each time you are at a turning point inside, about to let go of a past, no longer
necessary part of you, it will feel like you are at the edge of an abyss, about to be
doomed to no-thing-ness...

Let go, let BE. Fly dear one! Fly... The Magic inside will catch you :)

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The Magic Inside

Beyond Duality
Page 33
Emotional Maturity

Emotional Maturity
The experience of Emotional Maturity happens only within the climate of challenge and
change, for it is only then that it is possible to observe outer turbulence and remain
within that everlasting place of balance and trust, in joy and wonder, without

The dance of Life starts in the exact moment when the separation merges into complete
fusion of Yin and Yang, of above and below, of left and right, of the in-breath and the
out-breath, of Human and Divine.

It is then that the miracle of existence explodes, spreading its light wide and far, no
matter how, where or when, just for the sweet and simple bliss of being.

Then, the ecstasy of creation springs forth and floods experience, as if in a cosmic
orgasm, and it cannot be contained or detained in any way. It is the wellspring of
Eternity manifest.

The awareness of the All within, reflecting the All without, becomes the All in All, in
perfect harmony that knows no right or wrong, as it recognises there are no parts that
are not part of the One that is All each One Is.

Emotional Maturity is the recognition that all of the pain and drama were nothing but our
own creations to keep the act in place. How else could we have experienced these
illusions as real and integrated them as an essential part of our interaction with the
world and with each other?

When there is balance within, it becomes clear that no external result is separate from
our internal reflextion. Hence, there is no choice but to take full responsibility for all that
unfolds in our personal world, no matter where it seems to come from.

It becomes clear that what others say to us are as much a reflexion of their inner state
as of ours. Each one is reflecting their own beliefs and values, their own patterns and
fears and we are receiving it from our own space of lack and fear, our own small idea of
self. That is when pain and drama, resentment, accusation, defensiveness are born.
But we can equally receive it from our space of Oneness, Love and pure Balance.

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Emotional Maturity

True acceptance happens when there is not one ounce of guilt in the process of taking
responsibility for our lives, and this includes all of it: what we do and say, what we
perceive others do or say to us, what we think and what we perceive others think of us
and how we deal with it, what we set in motion and what we feel is happening to us
from outside, all of it, 100% of what happens inside of us, in our bodies, minds and
spirits and outside of us, in our daily lives.

Life is not just something that's happening out there, thrown at us and waiting around
the corner to get us off guard.

Life is happening for us, it is permanently at our evolutionary service, supporting our
Karmic issues and leading us, if we allow, towards our Dharmic purpose: Isness.

Beyond Duality
Page 35
The tools, the purpose... and the final result

The tools, the purpose... and the final

All tools serve a purpose. Be it in whichever context. And once the tool has served its
purpose it becomes unnecessary. It is a means to an end, not the end in itself.  

This is pretty straightforward in most contexts. When it comes to our Spiritual Path,
however, it is not always quite so clear. 

Spiritual tools are Spiritual tools. They all serve a purpose. Nevertheless, confusion is
common when it comes to discerning the difference between the tool, the purpose and
the result. In fact, in this context, there are no static results or deadlines to achieve
them. This makes it  easy to confuse the tool with its purpose, to become attached to
the tool and to lose sight of the ongoing result, thus assuming that without the tool we
are helpless. It is an enticing rut to get stuck in, with the added "bonus" of us mostly
choosing a myriad of tools instead of focusing on just a few and using them

In such a quagmire of dependence on tools, how is one to ever Trust, really fully Trust
and listen to one's own Divine Essence - the very same Essence that enlightens all that

Tools are a fabulous, magic gift to all of us, helping us open up to our Divine Wisdom.
They are not our Divine Wisdom itself and they are certainly not a perenial

Though hard to break for the comfort they bring, why not gradually let go of the habit of
using Spiritual tools as a rule and rather make them the exception?

Breaking habits, any and all habits, always opens space for new perspectives and can
be as simple as changing part of a practice without eliminating it completely. It can be
as simple as taking a deep, conscious, sweet breath :)

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About realization and the silence in-between

About realization and the silence

That which cannot be understood, cannot be studied or learnt. It can only be known
from the depths of oneself, as it is realized - and therefore experienced.

You cannot come to the veritable significance of Divinity, in other words Truth beyond
Illusion, by learning it. It can only be realized by being allowed to come to you. It comes
to you.

However, it is through the learning process that the boundaries of imagination, and
therefore possibility, are stretched, creating the fertile ground for the seed to take root
and blossom.

For the seed to take root and blossom it needs the space in-between. The silence
between learning and BEcoming.

Sooner or later it becomes imperative to let go of the need to learn more, for no amount
of learning will lead to realization per se. The latter resides beyond the Mind.

Realization can only come to you once the need for it is fully released and its possibility
is fully accepted... in the Now. It Is right here, right now. Once allowed and accepted it
happens in its own unique way for each One.

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Who is the Master of your life?

Who is the Master of your life?

Whenever we are faced with a huge transformation, one of those that likens being at
the edge of a precipice but knowing there is no way back, our only certainty is that we
have to jump. Nevertheless, the fear of what might happen after we jump becomes

The oh so feared "unknown".

On the path of awakening, generally called the Dark Night of the Soul, there are many
moments where no other option remains but to jump beyond the known. The
inevitability of having to release what no longer serves us is flagrant - be it habits,
beliefs, compulsions, prejudice... all of them with their own purposes, yet keeping one
in common: the purpose of protecting us from the dangerous world out there. Or so we

They are in fact protecting us from ourselves, from all that we can't manage emotionally
at any given moment. This is what we call the Dark Side or Shadow.

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Who is the Master of your life?

The Shadow is nothing less that all of that which is not acknowledged and / or
accepted within us. Whatever is hidden from our conscious awareness and that thus
has free rein over our lives in a very automatic way, without us even noticing it.

You are the Shadow. It is not the Devil outside. It is you. Hurt, rejected, forgotten and
fearful parts of you... And these are the Masters of our lives up until the moment they are
acknowledged, listened to, accepted, embraced and alchemized. The Shadow is after
all, nothing but illusion. It lives in the past, trapped and mouldy.

After the darkest night of the Soul, our path becomes clearer and the light at the end of
the tunnel becomes closer and closer.

That's when you realise that you are the Master. Mastery is something one is, in
practice. It is revealed in the coherence between what one really feels one's truth is and
what one chooses, thinks, says and does, conscious of one's own full responsibility in
the creation of one's own reality.

Your reality is a reflexion of yourself, always.

Sometimes I come across the argumentation, on the part of clients, that they cannot
become Masters just yet, because then how is it going to be with work and family and
so on... because if they truly assume their Truth they will become different, they will
have to stop accepting certain situations in their lives, they will have to stop being
victims once and for all, they will have to say "it's enough" to all of the abuse in their
lives - the abuse they have come to realise they also practice whilst being victims and
the one they receive from outside because they allow it.

One thing is not being conscious of all of this. Another, is being aware and not moving
beyond it. Once we become aware of what's going on in our lives and we do not move
in accordance to what we feel is essential in order to end the cycles of self-abuse -
reflected in all other forms of abuse in our lives, we can no longer say that the problem
is outside. In this case the pattern persists because we allow it to.

If we have become aware of something, it is because the time has come. If it weren't so,
we would not have reached this clarity in the midst of the clouds within us.

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Who is the Master of your life?

There is no valid reason for you to postpone your Mastery when you understand what it
is. The Master decides and acts accordingly. The Master does not waste energy
because he/she respects it and is grateful for it each moment, thus allowing it to serve
him/her, which is the only thing energy ever wants to do. Energy serves the
consciousness you allow.

The Master decides from his/her Expanded Consciousness, from his/her Pure Truth
and stays firm in this Truth. Reality then adapts to that decision / action.

Reality is not something chaotic out there. It is something which is defined by your
beliefs and actions each moment of your existence.

It is not you who adapts to reality. You create it with your perception - it adapts to your

Hence, if there is something in your reality that no longer serves you, assume this,
accept it. Transform your perspective from your Essence, speak and act in coherence
with what you feel.

When one talks about acceptance it is not about saying "yes sir" to all of mass
consciousness' whims, accepting abuse and victimness... It is about looking at what
your consciousness is showing you straight in the eye, and accepting this clarity.
Accepting that reality is your creation and so you can make it collapse and build it all
over again.

What about others?

Others are their own Masters and you can only be useful to them by being the living
example of the Masters they are, but which they might not yet be aware of.

On the other hand, other people's behaviour regarding you, in your reality, will
"magically" adapt to the new consciousness you allow and it will do so sometimes with
resistance - which simply reflects your own resistance on your way to the change your
heart was asking for for so very long - sometimes in a fluid, simple and serene way,
once again a mere reflexion of your complete acceptance of your wisdom and of your
coherence towards it.

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Who is the Master of your life?

Your wisdom is precious. Don't waste it with hide and seek games, pretending you
don't see, hear, feel or know. When you know, you know. There is no way not to.

Honour and respect your Mastery and by doing so you will be honouring and
respecting everyone else's Mastery. This is the only way you can be the living example
of the fact that it is possible to live in harmony and coherence with your deepest truth,
with your heart's transparent reflexion - with your Isness.

Our greatest social responsibility is to be the Masters we truly are.

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Your Stories

Your Stories
A few relevant questions towards greater freedom:

1. Stories; which ones do you believe in?

+ About yourself

+ About life

+ About Money

+ About health

+ About Abundance in general

+ About others

2. Likewise, which stories in any and all of these areas do you repeatedly justify?

3. Which stories no longer serve you in the now moment?

4. Which ones are you willing to let go of?

Stories are just stories. You can believe In them for as long as they serve you and let go
of them when they cease their useful lifespan. 

Equally you can create your own story day by day by releasing belief systems and
creating new ones.

Further even, you can allow belief systems to find you as they land in from your intuition
- your insight or you can grab belief systems from anywhere around you, from what is
generally called "Mass Consciousness". 

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Your Stories

One way or another, be aware that your stories are at your service, even when most of
the time it may seem more like you are at their service instead! Since they have such a
strong grip on your choices of word and action.

Stories imposed by Mass Consciousness belief systems are adamant to be complied


Stories created by your own choice from your intuitive knowingness, are flowing,
gracefully simple and can be let go of with as much ease as they were created.

So my invitation, if your aim is to expand your sense of inner freedom, is: 

Take a compassionate look at your stories and allow the Master in you to accept,
release, transform, create, allow. 

You might like to use a notebook to write down your observations, especially with the
first questions above. 

Writing helps intuition to flow so that the Mind does not have to interfere... so much in
your conscious awareness. 

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What is Isness Integration?

What is Isness Integration?

I will start by stating what it is not:

👉It is not Coaching per se

👉It is not Psychotherapy

👉It is not Hypnosis

👉It is not Regression

Now I will explain what it is:

It is a very loving process of reunion of our Personality Aspects back into our Essence,
dissolving beliefs, habits, compulsions and addictions, emotions, behaviour and
thought patterns - all of which are in themselves Aspects created to deal with life.

It is noteworthy that as Human Beings, we create Aspects to interact with the world
around us all the time. It is a fluid, natural and seamless process. 

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What is Isness Integration?

This flow becomes distorted whenever we encounter a perceived challenge to our

“survival”, anything that causes us to feel endangered in some way, challenging our
own capacity to cope with what life is bringing forth at any given moment.

We have it ingrained in our Survival System, to create a memory of anything that is

somehow “stressful” so that whenever something similar happens again, we can
automatically use the same response without having to understand it or define a
conscious reaction.

This leads us to live in a constant loop of past conditioning, never fully surrendering to
the new now and always striving to be in Control.

Our most efficient trauma alarm is the Fear of Lack, which can start off as a perceived
loneliness when an adult does not attend to our cries and needs as a baby or child,
leading us to feel distressed and endangered. This, in turn, will entice us to create ways
to grasp attention, in other words recognition, in order to fulfil that perceived lack. 

Thus we grow with a fear of not having enough, a constant feeling of dissatisfaction and
a consequent restlessness to pursue more outside in order to achieve that which is
lacking inside. This feeling of emptiness, as if something were always missing, leads to
a constant illusion of separation, of feeling lonely and fearing being alone or even
denying being with others for fear of being hurt or fooled, but feeling empty
nonetheless. Coupled with this is the fear of not being acknowledged, appreciated,
recognised, accepted, feeling undeserving, not worthy - a victim.

The victim, however, is also the abuser and will show up as the saviour as well. This
triangle is the landscape of illusion, the reason for all of Human predicaments and the
key to liberation from separation. This “game” between victim/abuser/saviour, all in one
and showing up intermittently as each one, holds in itself the addiction to drama, effort,
suffering, struggle, fight… to justify existence, generating constant stress and therefore

These and many more “defense mechanisms” play out in our lives in numerous
creative ways, some more evident, some more subtle and they mostly live in our
Subconscious and Unconscious Mind which is not necessarily located in our head, as
we tend to believe. The brain, in our head, is an instrument for Personality Aspects, it is
not the Aspects themselves.

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What is Isness Integration?

Personality Aspects are locked in Time & Space everywhere in our physical body and
can be accessed consciously in order to be acknowledged, accepted and dissolved
through Isness Integration.

It is important to be aware that what is happening in our lives now is the result not only
of what we are producing now but of what we thought, said and did in the past, not only
in this lifetime but in our whole existence. This is generally called Karma - the Law of
Cause and Effect. We usually access the whole bundle in stuck Aspects from this
lifetime alone, but sometimes certain patterns are so crystallised and ingrained that we
have to go back further to the root cause of what is occurring or has occurred in this
lifetime. Some patterns go far far back into the multiverse of our existence, occasionally
even beyond life on Earth. 

One way or another, when a memory is finally unlocked and allowed to come forth, all
of the associated memories/aspects, including the emotions and habits associated to it
are unleashed and very often legions of Aspects come back all at once. It is such a
deep and graceful process that the Mind can definitely not grasp how it works, and it
doesn’t need to. It is not its purpose. It can, however, be invited to cooperate instead of

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What is Isness Integration?

The process works in 5 simple steps:

1. ҚAwareness
1. 💗Acceptance
1. ҜEmbracing
1. 💙Letting go
1. 💖Freedom
In order to effectively do this, first and foremost it is essential to allow ourselves to land
and Stay Home, in our own Safe Space in our Centre, where our Essence breathes its
Compassion constantly, lest we be able to allow it. 

This is done through the practice of Conscious Breath, gradually letting go of the Mind’s
chatter and falling deep down into our Essence’s embrace, into our feeling senses. 

Even when we think we don’t know something about ourselves, we can sense it and
through our inner vision, our Essence’s wise eye, we can see/feel what was hidden. 

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What is Isness Integration?

The Mind will initially fight against this process, for it is the theatre where all of the
Aspects’ games gain life. By becoming aware of these games, we have the power to
choose what to do with them and once we decide not to partake in a certain game we
perceive, the Aspect that is playing it will have to “die”, in other words, come back
Home and dissolve into no-thingness - the great pool of Isness in our Centre. It will do
so voluntarily, once we no longer require it to serve us, which means no longer going
after its gimmicks and being firm with our new choice. 

At the end of the day, coming back Home is all the Aspects really long for, just like our
whole Human Self, which means that so long as we no longer need to pretend we are
lacking something, it is a given that disintegrated Aspects will eventually return,
dissolve, integrate and disappear. All energy ultimately seeks resolution. 

Once an Aspect is integrated in this way, all of the emotions associated to it also
dissolve and there is a true sense of inner freedom. Aspects always leave us the gift of
their experience as they dissolve, so the Wisdom remains with us always, it is just the
trauma that disappears. 

Habits, compulsions and so on, sometimes persist beyond the Integration of the Aspect
that created it, especially when it is a very strong Aspect - meaning it has been serving
us a lot and for very long. This leaves some residual energy and the only thing to do is
be aware of our behaviour and thoughts and not go along with the past patterns.
Observe, acknowledge and move on in a new way.

Aspects are to our Human Self as the Human Self is to our Essence. It is always the
Human Self that is required to use Free Will, be it to integrate Aspects, therefore
relieving them of the protective duties they were created for, be it to merge with the
Divine and surrender willingly to our Essence’s guidance.

The Human Self has to want to Stay Home for the Aspects to recognise there is a
Home to return to, to know there is, finally, someone in charge, taking care of things. But
it is not enough for the Human to be in charge. 

The Divine connection is essential to freedom from illusion, for only the eyes of the
Soul can see through it and navigate without a map, fully in the Now, no concept of
control needed.

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What is Isness Integration?

Illusion cannot be controlled or resolved. It is what it is and then again it is what it is

perceived to be. Only by moving beyond it can we see through it. Human perception is
confined to illusion and therefore limited. Human and Divine combined go beyond
illusion and are therefore unlimited. 

This is where this process differs from Psychotherapy: it not only introduces but also
depends on the Divine Element, the surrender to feeling, to intuition, to Isness in order
to discern and evolve. 

The Human is the Divine’s vessel to experience physical reality, but it is not limited or
confined to it. In other words, God doesn’t come to you from somewhere out there. You
surrender to God right here, within you, moment to moment. 

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What is Isness Integration?

During the Integration process, we - your Essence and mine - create and nurture a
Safe, Silent Space of Compassion where all is well. The Human simply allows.

This is why I began by saying my work is not Regression. On one hand, all Aspects
derive from the past, even distorted future Aspects because they were created as a
result of some kind of past experience so we keep on going back to realise what pattern
is locked in Time & Space. On the other hand, we don’t really go back at all! We Stay
fully Present, in our Safe Now Moment, right Here, breathing Compassionately. 

There is no level of judgement occurring and though the person doing the Integration
process can feel how he/she felt at that painful time where the Aspect became
disintegrated, this feeling is not analytic and there is no attempt to justify or condemn
and no need to get caught up in the emotions that come forth. All of this is felt, observed
and acknowledged from a fully conscious viewpoint and therefore not under a hypnotic

Because the whole process is done through feeling, there is no analysis of what
happened, why and so on, just a realisation of the whole issue through our deepest

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What is Isness Integration?

Once realised, the Aspect can then be invited back Home, in full acceptance and
recognition of its purpose so far. No fighting, no arguing and no argumentation either.
Aspects will try and get us caught up in argumentation, trying to get us to convince them
that they are no longer necessary and explaining why. This is a sure way of staying
tangled in the same patterns endlessly, as is getting angry at oneself, rejecting and
denying oneself and of course fighting against oneself. This keeps the
victim/abuser/saviour triangle in place.

If there is a need to fight, there is a need to defend and a need to save.

Through the Integration process we go beyond that, overriding the Mind’s need to
understand and allowing our Wisdom to show us our deepest Truth moment to

This being said, an Aspect only dissolves completely when we walk our talk. This
means that it is not enough to feel the Aspect dissolving into our Essence during the
Integration, to make a new choice and realise which way we are going from then on.
We really have to be coherent with this and pay attention not to fall back into the same
habits all over again. 

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What is Isness Integration?

Please bear with me for a second. Your whole reality, which has been created by you
throughout your whole life, is full of automatic responses, of habits you have put into
place to serve you. Now you have integrated an Aspect that you have realised no
longer serves you, this doesn’t mean that your whole outside reality is instantly
changed. It changes as you gradually live in a new way regarding that pattern the
Aspect was keeping in place. You implement your newfound wisdom shining from
within in real life. That’s how it works :)

So what we do in the Isness Integration is literally invite the Shadow to step out from its
hiding place. We embrace it and take full responsibility for creating it. We use our
creative ability to create a new way, a new perspective, a new reality, listening to our
Essence’s wise guidance.

This is why it is essential to first be able to stay Home, in our Safe Space within, to feel
our Essence, to be the observer, to allow and to trust the process.

At the end of the day it is not you doing the Integration, it is your Essence. You are just
allowing yourself to become aware and using your Free Will to consciously choose
with your Essence, to accept the invitation to listen to your deepest Wisdom and follow

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What is Isness Integration?

What effect does this process have?

It has profoundly healing and transformational effects, though I do not call it a therapy
and I do not call myself a therapist. And why? Well, simply because our Essence is
uncorrupted, whole and pristine and that is who we truly are. My Presence is profoundly
healing, but so is yours. 

What we are doing is falling back into who we truly Are, breath by breath. This will of
course heal the Human’s wounds, simply because it merges with the Divine, releasing
more and more of the Illusions of form.

Who is this process for?

For those who are ready to Trust their intuition fully, to surrender to the reunion of
Human & Divine, to accept their grandest nature, beyond illusion, to embrace Love.

One has to be determined, consistent, honest, transparent and allow. Compassion will
lead the way.

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What is Isness Integration?

This is not an appropriate process for people on any kind of psychotropic medication,
including anti-depressants and sleeping pills. People embarking on such a journey will
have been free from any mind-altering drugs for at least 3 months.

The person entering this journey Back Home, needs to be aware that it is their full
responsibility to commit to the process of Integration, which happens 24/7. Our
sessions are milestones on the way, where more awareness is brought up, where
compassion is nurtured and the Safe Space is reminded, where Essence is felt and
listened to very clearly, where the Mind cannot interfere but is invited to cooperate, in its
own time and at its own pace, until one day it becomes an instrument of the Essence
and not the commander of your life. It becomes thereafter very clear that life does not
happen to you - it happens for you.

Living on this path of Integration is:

1 Choosing
ُ to Cooperate With (Stay), rather than Fight Against (Go Out/Fear)
2 Acceptance
ُ - taking full responsibility
3 Allowing
ُ - using Conscious Choice to serve you
4 Receptivity
ُ - openness to receive is coupled with allowing vulnerability. Armours
cannot be kept in place for they not only stop what is outside but also what is inside
from flowing.
5 ُTrust and Surrender
6 Letting ُ go - releasing the need to Control
7 Compassion ُ - releasing the need to judge
The results are very profound, visible and in many instances bring about a complete
change in all areas of one’s life for they/we are not separate but one whole unit, so
when one part changes, all parts change.

You will definitely see things you don’t like about yourself and that are hard for the Ego
to swallow. You will be challenged to the very core to be coherent and transparent. You
will feel naked and vulnerable. You will perceive losses, only to come to realise they
were burdens.

You will find you don’t know who you are, as you gradually let go of Personality
Aspects, only to find out it doesn’t really matter because who you truly are will be felt,
sensed, discovered as you integrate. You will feel very differently about many things
you believed to be true and you will definitely become a different person altogether.

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What is Isness Integration?

On the other hand, you will feel happier than ever before, you will no longer feel alone
or endangered, you will discover a permanent “Comfort Zone” in the warm loving
embrace of your Essence, you will find Peace you never knew was possible and
discover abundance in the most magical ways. 

You will fall into the Love that you are and never feel you lack anything or anyone
again. You will know the purpose of Life, of your Life and you will create what you truly
want, which might be quite different from what you thought you wanted before. 

You will discover a new ease and grace and living will become the most sensual
experience, as you unlock yourself. 

You will feel a pure, innocent bubbling Joy from within that will make you want to
celebrate each moment. 

You will find Passion in life itself and you will overflow in Gratitude as the Magic takes
over. Your life will become a constant discovery of beauty, synchronicity and balance as
the Harmony between Human & Divine grows and all falls into One. You will know all is
well in all of creation as you discover you are God also and nothing is permanent here
on Earth, though you are eternal. 

You will smile for no reason and you will shine your Wisdom just by being Present. You
will live in the Now, for there will be no other moment to live in and past and future will
no longer be of any substance to you. 

Your health, your body awareness and perception will improve drastically and you will
feel a strength, motivation, aliveness and youth you never felt before. 

You will become patient and calm. You will enjoy stillness and appreciate movement in
a whole new way. 

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What is Isness Integration?

You will finally be gentle and respectful to yourself and of course to others as a direct
reflexion of this and you will no longer need to check your thoughts to dispel negative
ones in favour of positive ones because what comes from your Essence is even
beyond Positive or Negative. You will experience yourself beyond duality and find the
Freedom you knew all along existed, somewhere… 

You will allow energy to serve you, instead of rushing after it. 

You will be thankful for all that you have gone through, releasing shame and guilt for
good. You will realise that if it weren’t for such a degree of painful separation you would
never have longed to reunite with so much determination, you would never really
question yourself if there isn’t another way, you would never realise that the only one
missing was You all along!

And so much more could be added…

What is unique about this process is the gentleness, the sweetness, the loving care and
compassion constantly pouring from within to lighten the burdens that show up, to ease
the way, to soothe the pain that is acknowledged and gradually it becomes easier and
easier to simply Be until this newfound Love becomes your reality 100% of the time…
or pretty much so. 

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What is Isness Integration?

Please be aware that I am not making vain promises here. I am sharing what I live as a
result of this process and what has happened with the people who have embarked on
this journey. 

Each one is responsible for creating the conditions and allowing for all of this to truly
happen. After all, you are the Master of your life and it is your choices that will
determine which way you go and what then results from your thoughts, words and

So if you’d like to start Isness Integration now that you know what it’s about, just reach
out to me and we can begin creating or simply reinforce your Safe Space together for
the complete reunion of Human & Divine.

Other than individual Isness Integration Sessions, I hold two Compassionate Breath
Sessions a week, a bi-monthly workshop (every other month) called Be Beyond Illusion
and 3 types of Retreats: The Pure Silence of Isness (3 to 5 days); Ultimate Freedom (5
days) and InPassion Breath Weekend (3 to 5 days) + the online My Own Silence
Retreat Experience. All are highly personalised experiences and involve awareness
beyond illusion. 

With Love ҞT. C. Aeelah

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Thank you for

Now that you have reached the end of this compilation I will leave
a few gifts here for further exploration.

1. My Free Resources Page on my

2. My Profile, if you'd like know a bit more about

On my website you can find all of my creations: Events,

Workshops, Retreats, Online Courses and Materials, Book,
weekly and individual Compassionate Breath Sessions, individual
Isness Integration Sessions and more...

May your journey toward the realization of your Ultimate Freedom

be lead gently by the hand of your Divine Essence, as it holds
and honours the bold, amazing Human that you also are. 

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