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Directions: There are several components for language usage: vocabulary in context, tenses/forms of
the vert, error identification, dialogue or conversation fragments, idiomatic expressions, paragraph
organization, reading comprehension, and purposive communication.

VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT. Determine the best meaning of the underlined word as it is used in context
Choose and shade the letter that corresponds to the best answer in your Answer Sheet.

01. If you have rich stock of knowledge, you can perceive things better.
[A] observe [B] receive [C] spot [D] understand [E] believe
02. I was invited by my colleagues to a high-class soiree.
[A] society [B] reunion [C] organization [D] party [E] get together
03. Interpersonally intelligent people give innocuous comments.
[A] invasive [B] tough [C] hostile [D] inoffensive [E] harsh
04. The value of the peso fluctuates depending on the monetary exchange rate.
[A] increases [B] decreases [C] changes [D] grow [E] disappears
05. Multiple cropping is a diversified and intensive farming system whereby two or more crops are planted at
the same time on the same land.
[A] unified [B] varied [C] primitive [D] simple [E] easy
06. A teacher must always show aplomb in front of his students amidst countless challenges.
[A] love [B] anger [C] composure [D] fear [E] nervousness
07. Politicians inveigle the people to vote for them by giving promises.
[A] order [B] force [C] demand [D] tell [E] persuade
08. A lot of men today show penchant for women through social media, like liking their photos on FB.
[A] aversion [B] fondness [C] dislike [D] repugnance [E] abhorrence
09. Ayesha was frightened by the amorphous mass which had floated in from the sea.
[A] rock-hard [B] shapeless [C] rotting [D] star like [E] solid
10. Your findings are impertinent to the results of this investigation.
[A] key [B] important [C] irrelevant [D] violent [E] malicious

TENSES/FORMS OF THE VERB: Determine the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences below.
Choose and shade the letter that corresponds to your answer in your Answer Sheet.
Athletes Awarded Rare Olympic Trophy Following Touching Show of Sportsmanship (Adapted)
New Zealander Nikki Hamblin and American Abbey D'Agostino have been rewarded for their
extraordinary sportsmanship in the 2016 Olympics. Here is their story:
11. While other runners ___________ to the finish line, Nikki stopped to assist Abbey, who fell in agony.
[A] were racing [B] are racing [C] race [D] had raced [E] was racing
12. Earlier in their 5,000-meter race, Abbey ___________ Nikki to her feet, too.
[A] were helped [B] helps [C] had helped [D] has helped [E] was helped
13. Nikki stayed beside Abbey until a wheelchair ____________ to take her to the medical facility.
[A] is brought [B] was brought [C] was bringing [D] had brought [E] brought
14. In recognition of the athletes" sportsmanship, the Olympic Committee ____________ to award them with
the prestigious International Fair Play Trophy.
[A] decides [B] was decided [C] is decided [D] has decided [E] will decide
15. This award ___________ out only 17 times in the history of the Olympics.
[A] handed [B] is handing [C] will be handed [D] had handed [E] has been handed

Superstitious Beliefs of Filipinos (Adapted)

Some of our superstitious beliefs are inherited from our ancestors; others are derived from other cultures.
Here are some of those beliefs:
16. Wearing a polka-dot dress or shirt on New Year's Eve ___________ a year-round prosperity.
[A] has attracted [B] is attracted [C] attracted [D] attract [E] attracts
17. If one sleeps while his hair is still wet, he __________ a bad eyesight.
[A] develop [C] is developed [E] will be developing
[B] will develop [D] will have developed
18. Among the Meranaws, the sound of a house lizard __________that one should not travel on that day.
[A] suggests [B] is suggested [C] has suggested [D] will suggest [E] suggested
19. A maiden, who sings in front of a stove, ___________ a widower.
[A] has married [B] married [C] marry [D] will marry [E] will be married
20. While you ___________ something and you accidentally drop your fork, a man will come to visit you.
[A] are being eaten [B] have eaten [C] were eating [D] will be eating [E] are eating

ERROR IDENTIFICATION. Identify the underlined words that contain/s error in grammar, usage, or
diction (word choice). Choose the letter that corresponds to your best answer. Choose letter [E] if the
sentence has no error.
Netiquette: Definition and 10 Basic Rules to Dramatically Improve Our Safety (Adapted)

21. Netiquette (or network etiquette) refer to the rules on how to properly communicate online. No Error
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
22. Us, netizens, should ignore emails from strangers who demand our urgent reply or action. No Error
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
23. Revealing any sensitive information is also discourage to prevent identity theft. No Error
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
24. Moreover, using a different password for every registered website is also something that every one should
[A] [B] [C] [D]
consider. No Error
25. After the program, all of us went off of the gymnasium. No Error
[A] [B] [C][D] [E]
26. Nancy got late in her class because she laid for more than two hours during the break. No Error
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
27. Whether to take the exam or foregoing it was discussed to me. No Error
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
28. All of us can’t never forget the delightful moments with our loved ones. No Error
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
29. The management trainer whose course we took has worked here before. No Error
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
30. Ayesha has been studying French for two years, but she still needs more training before she master it.
[A] [B] [C] [D]
No Error

GRAMMAR. Determine the correct grammar in the sentences below. Choose and shade the letter that
corresponds to your best answer in your Answer Sheet.

31. All the furniture in the old dingy room __________ with dust.
[A] is covered [B] will be covered [C] are covered [D] were covered [E] will cover
32. Salmah usually ___________ up at six to be ready for school.
[A] gotten [B] got [C] getting [D] gets [E] was getting
33. My grandmother ___________ in this old bungalow since she was in Grade 1.
[A] have been living [B] is living [C] has been living [D] was living [E] will be living
34. Raisah is stranded in the rain. We ________ fetch her now.
[A] might [B] would [C] will be [D] may [E] should
35. My youngest sister _________ bag was stolen yesterday is still upset.
[A] who [B] which [C] whom [D] whose [E] which
36. We have to work as a team if we want to win the trophy for __________.
[A] yourself [B] ourselves [C] himself [D] Us [E] yourselves
37. While browsing through the old family album, I come __________ a picture of my great grandparents when
they were in Manila.
[A] forward [B] by [C] with [D] across [E] upon
38. _________ a year-long living in Iligan City, we finally returned home when the Marawi siege was over.
[A] Through [B] Before [C] After [D] During [E] Since
39. _________ we start our journey now, we will be very late.
[A] Although [B] Unless [C] When [D] If [E] Because
40. Abraham and Acmad stayed up until 4am to complete their science project. So _________ we.
[A] doing [B]do [C] does [D] did [E] done

DIALOGUE OR CONVERSATION FRAGMENTS. Complete the dialogues or conversations below with the
most appropriate sentences. Choose and shade the letter that corresponds to your answer in your
Answer Sheet.
Dialogue 1
41. Daud: Do you know Dr. Disamburun, our professor in Math?
Abdul: _________________
Daud: He's tall and he has thinning black hair.
[A] I recognize the name, but I can’t picture him. What does he look like?
[B] Where Is he from?
[C] How old is he?
[D] Yes, he is my best friend.
[E] Is he not a terror teacher?
Dialogue 2
42. Abdul: Do you know our teacher in English, Dr. Wall?
Daud: Mmm. I heard about him, but I can’t picture him. What does he look like?
Abdul: He's not a tall guy but he has chinky eyes.
Daud: _____________________. Does he usually wear long sleeves?
Abdul: Yes, that's him.
[A] Where is he from? [D] He is friend with Prof. Uy
[B] I know who you mean. [E] I haven't seen him before.
[C] Is he a graduate itom UP Diliman?
Dialogue 3
43. Daud: Do you know Yusoph Ditucalan?
Abdul: I can't picture him. __________________.
Daud: He's quite short and he has short straight hair.
[A] What does he like? [C] How old is he? [E] What does he look like?
[B] How is he? [D] Where is he from?
Dialogue 4
44. Daud: Fatimah asks a lot of questions in class. Her teachers are fed up with her questions.
Abdul: _________________________
Daud: Yes, she is very curious.
[A] Does she know English? [C] Is she helpful? [E] Does she like her teachers?
[B] How old Is she? [D] Is she curious?
Dialogue 5
45. Daud: Basher is very ambitious.
Abdul: How do you know?
Daud: _________________________
[A] He wants to join the PBA. [C] He doesn't like studying. [E] He always plays truant.
[B] He always gets bed marks. [D] He plays DOTA all the time.
Dialogue 6
46. Abdul: My parents don't give me enough pocket money.
Daud: _________________________.
Abdul: No, they aren’t. But they don't trust me I think.
[A] Do they have enough money? [D] Are they a bit mean?
[B] Did you tell them that it is not enough? [E] Do your parents work?
[C] Did they know that your pocket money is not enough for you?
Bayong: Focus Study (Adapted)
Four Grade VI students are reporting before their teacher about their trip to Mayaw Kadya Souvenir
Shop and Caraga Product Shop that sell bayongs (woven bags or baskets) and other handicrafts and to the
wet market in Butuan City.
47. Teacher: Tell me about your trip to the shops. You seem to have enjoyed it.
Hani: _________________________________. We even had the chance to see firsthand how the
weavers wove the bayongs.

[A] That's right. We learned something, too.

[B] Yes, Ma'am. You should have come with us.
[C] Oh, yes, Ma'am! We really loved it.
[D] Absolutely! We have a great time!
[E] We bought you a souvenir, Ma'am.
48. Teacher: That's wonderful! ________________________________?
Jed: According to Mr. Mercado, a handicraft businessman, the steps in making a bayong include preparing
the dried pandan leaves; making a concept of the design; weaving the leaves in a checkered pattern;
and decorating the bayong.
[A] Jed, are there steps in making a bayong?
[B] Jed, are there other ways in weaving a bayong?
[C] Jed, how many steps are there in making a bayong?
[D] By the way, Jed, what are the steps in weaving a bayong?
[E] Who can enumerate the steps in weaving a bayong?
49. Teacher: Alright, Claire, _______________________________ promote the use of bayong?
Claire: The shopkeepers told us that they use bayongs themselves when going to the market or to the
beach. They said that it is a good replacement for plastic bags.
[A] will the shopkeepers [C] how do the shopkeepers [E] which shopkeeper
[B] when do shopkeepers [D] why do the shopkeepers
50. Angel: Ma'am, during our visit to the wet market, we also saw some people bringing their bayongs. They
seem to take pride in using them.
Teacher: ___________________________________.
[A] Do you really think so, Angel?
[B] Of course, they do!
[C] What makes you say that, Angel?
[D] I think they do. In fact, I have one, myself
[E] Indeed. You should be proud of your own products.
PARAGRAPH ORGANIZATION. Determine the best order of the sentences to form a well-organized
paragraph. Choose and shade the letter that corresponds to your answer in your Answer Sheet.
51. A. The average age of this finding was around 2,000-3,000 years old.
B. Its chemical composition makes it extremely difficult for bacterial growth.
C. In fact, in one Egyptian pyramid, archaeologists found jars of honey.
D. Honey is a unique food that can last forever.
E. It was still perfectly edible – the archaeologists even tasted it!
52. A. They may seriously cover the whole hands, face, etc.
B. On the other hand, major burns are deep and may appear brown or black.
C. There are two kinds of burns: minor and major.
D. Burns like these do not require emergency care.
E. Minor burns show redness and blisters and are less than 3 inches in diameter.
53. A. For one, rising sea levels are a direct threat to 1000 municipalities.
B. Another, climate change may increase the severity of natural disasters.
C. As a result, many municipalities may need to relocate.
D. Rainfall will increase in intensity and longer dry seasons are expected.
E. The Philippines is very vulnerable to climate change.
54. A. A tsunami is a series of large, long, and fast-moving waves of water.
B. The best defense against tsunami Is an ocean warning system.
C. Out at sea, these waves can be just a few feet high.
D. If a tsunami happens, make sure you get to higher ground and take shelter.
E. However, when they approach land, they will slow down and grow up to 100 feet high.
55. A. Being an entrepreneur is a high-risk position.
B. Just set your goals, list your strengths, and be determined to succeed.
C. Your dream of being an entrepreneur is achievable.
D. However, with diligence, patience, and good ideas, you can be your own boss.
E. You can achieve it with skills and firmness of purpose.
56. A. For instance, floors are often slippery with oil or water.
B. Lastly, kitchens are packed with hot surfaces and liquids that splash certain areas.
C. Moreover, cutting and chopping equipment can do potential harm to cooks.
D. More often than not, cooks experience sprains, cuts, and burns in there.
E. A restaurant kitchen is a hazard-filled workplace.
57. A. Livelihood is a way of earning subsistence.
B. Without the TLE subject, life can be very frustrating.
C. Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) subject can give students a source of money to earn a
decent living.
D. With this course, graduates can apply as sewer in a factory or can even build their own business if they
E. Take Dressmaking Course as an example.
58. A. The absence of the ability to speak and write, listen and read as well as the ability to think, prevent a
person to communicate effectively.
B. The first is called the encoding skills, which are concerned with speaking and writing.
C. Furthermore, the skill considered the highest form of mental process is reasoning.
D. An effective communication takes place when basic skills are present.
E. The other skills are listening and reading and are called the decoding skills.
59. A. One advantage is that it seems particularly effective at improving markers of blood sugar control.
B. Vegan diet is devoid of all animal products, including meat, eggs, and dairy.
C. Aside from that, it is also linked to an array of health benefits.
D. Thus, it keeps your body healthy.
E. It may also lower the risk of developing 2 types of diabetes.
60. A. Knowing this and what to include in your survival kit can increase your chance of survival.
B. A person can survive in the wilderness for up to 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, and up to 3
hours exposed to cold.
C. Your chance is dependent upon the right supplies that you have.
D. With these, you can cook yourself a meal, fight off hungry predators, and survive the cold.
E. The most important resources that you need are fire starters like matches or lighters.

IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS. Identify the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expressions using context
clues. Choose and shade the letter that corresponds to your answer in your Answer Sheet.
61. Dancers must always be willing to get back to the drawing board.
[A] ask help [C] make new dance steps [E] memorize the steps
[B] start all over [D] take a rest
62. Politicians must not bite off more than they can chew.
[A] promise something very great [D] lead the people to nothingness
[B] take on a task that is way too big [E] change things in an instant
[C] overpower their opponents
63. When you use the media and comment on politics, make sure not to bark up the wrong tree.
[A] accuse the wrong person
[B] persuade people with a wrong Idea
[C] trigger a fight
[D] take a wrong move
[E] make a false statement
64. When the press arrived, Elvis has already left the building.
[A] the show has come to an end
[B] the presentation was canceled
[C] the news broke out
[D] the news was spread out
[E] the people left already
65. In order to fight feeling a bit under the weather, we must exercise.
[A] slightly ill [C] so tired [E] very sick
[B] too hot weather [D] somewhat exhausted
66. Just by hearing on the grapevine, does not mean that the news is true.
[A] listening to radio [C] talking face to face. [E] watching the television
[B] hearing rumors [D] eavesdropping on neighbors
67. To have a long life, one must hit the sack early.
[A] rest from work [C] eat breakfast [E] go to bed
[B] prepare things [D] get ready
68. Despite the poverty felt by a lot, remember that every cloud has a silver lining.
[A] to hold on [C] to act normally [E] to adjust to situations
[B] to accept reality [D] to be optimistic
69. Not at all times that we must give the benefit of the doubt.
[A] think negatively of a person [D] reproach others
[B] try not to reconsider [E] believe someone's statement, without proof.
[C] accuse people of something
70. If we missed the boat, we must try again.
[A] lost the chance [C]. did not do the best [E] forgot the plans
[B] did not catch the boat [D] failed in the task

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