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1) A person has fallen overboard and is being picked up with a life boat. If the person appears in danger
of drowning, the life boat should make _____

a. An approach from leeward

b. The most direct approach

c. An approach from windward

d. An approach across the wind

2) Immersion suit can be unpacked and donned within _______

a. 2 minutes

b. 3 minutes

c. 4 minutes

d. 5 minute

3) Under STCW regulation, what must each new crew member do before commencing assigned duties ?
a. Locate his working area and working clothes

b. Read all posted notices/regulations carefully

c. Be familiar with safety procedures

d. Report to the master for signing on the ship’s articles

4) You are standing in the wheel watch when you hear the cry. “man overboard starboard side”. You
should instinctively _____.

a. Give full right rudder

b. Give full left rudder

c. Put the rudder amidships

d. Throw a life ring to mark the spot

5) What is the remedy to save face from spark generated during welding and grinding ? a. Goggles

b. Helmets

c. Face shield

d. Nose mask

6) Which is the life saving signal for, “this is the best place to land” ?

a. Orange smoke signal

b. Red star rocket

c. Horizontal motion of a flag

d. Green star rocket

7) Your vessel is equipped with totally enclosed lifeboats which statement is TRUE when the boat is
enveloped in flames ?

a. A water spray system to cool the outside of the boat is operated

b. An air tank will provide about 10 min of air for the survivors and the engine

c. The ventilators will automatically close by the action of fusible links

d. The motor takes its air supply from outside the life boat to prevent asphyxiation of the crew

8) what is the muster list

a. a list which specifies victualling requirements for the forth coming voyages

b. a list which specifies the environmental protection and emergency duties of the senior officers
onboard ship

c . a list that specifies the detail of the emergency alarm, action to be taken by the crew and specifies
how the order to abandon ship will be given

d. a crew list prepared prior to arrival in port giving full details of all persons on board

9) In heavy seas the helmsman should steer the survival craft________.

a. Into the seas

b. Broadside to the seas

c. In a series of figure-eights

d. In the same direction as the seas

10) What should you do when you hear ship’s emergency signal ?

a. Put on warm clothes and your life jacket

b. Ignore the signals unless you have been told there will be a drill

c. Report to your master station

d. Telephone the bridge for advice

11) Spaces containing batteries require good ventilation because ______.

a. Less electrolyte is required to maintain the batteries charge

b. Ventilation supplies more oxygen for charging the battery

c. Ventilation avoids flammable gas accumulation

d. Ventilation avoids co2 build up

12) You are in survival craft broadcasting a distress message. What information would be essential to
your rescuers ?

a. The nature of the distress

b. The time of day

c. Your radio call sign

d. Your position by latitude and longitude

13) Distress flares need to be renewed every

a. Five years from date of manufacture

b. Seven years from the date of manufacture

c. One year from the manufacture

d. Three years from date of manufacture

14) The revolving drum of a windlass which is used to handle lines is called a _____

a. Warping drum

b. Lines drum

c. Dog clutch

d. Gypsy

15) What bare minimum should be done before working on electrical equipment ?

a. Open the equipment and commence work

b. Switch off the mains and starts working

c. Complete electrical isolation checklist

d. None

16) What is the international signal for man overboard ?

a. Repeated raising and lowering of arms

b. Three short blasts on the whistle

c. Three long blasts followed by three short blasts on the whistle

d. 3 long blasts on the whistle

17) A short and a prolonged blast three times over on the ship’s horn indicates ‘Abandon ship’

a. True

b. False
18) Information on safety and hazard control particles and procedures on a vessel is described in

a. Your employment contract

b. The vessel’s log book

c. The instruction written on lifebuoys

d. The vessel’s safety management manual

19) Safety equipment is checked by the crew

a. Before and during each voyage

b. Only at annual surveys

c. Not the responsibility of the crew

d. If it is damaged

20) When securing the accommodation for sea, empty lockers don’t need to be closed

a. True

b. False

21) Where would you find details of your tasks and duties in case of an emergency?

a. In the muster list

b. On posters at the life boat station

c. In notices posted in mess rooms, recreation rooms, etc

d. In notices posted in the crew’s cabin

22) Which of the following is considered to be the safest protection from static electric discharge, when
connecting or disconnecting cargo hoses and metal arms ?

a. Insulating flange or a length of non conducting hose

b. Switching off ICCP

c. Ship shore bonding cable

d. None of the above

23) Reporting near misses is encouraged under which maritime instrument ?

a. Code of safe working practices

b. ISM code

c. SOLAS Chapter-2

d. All of the above

24) A emergency station list should be displayed on any vessel with more than …

a. 4 crew members

b. 10 crew members

c. 3 crew members

d. 1 crew member

25) What is ship’s contingency plan ?

a. The plan for the next voyage

b. The loading plan for hazardous cargo

c. The plan for safety preparedness.

d. The plan for maintenance and repair of safety equipment

26) Warning signage information for restricted areas and emergency procedures

a. Only apply to passengers

b. Should be known and implemented

c. Can be removed if they are in the way

d. Are found in every compartment of the vessel

27) Body language includes a person’s eye contact, smile, frown etc, that convey ----

a. Messages

b. Information

c. Content

d. None

28) Life jackets are kept

a. In overhead lockers

b. Out of harms way in the wheel house

c. In the plastic bag to prevent mould

d. Where they can be easily seen and accessed

29) If you noticed that a piece of equipment is broken what should you do ?

a. Report it to the officer on watch

b. Get another AB to help you fix it

c. Try to fix it yourself

d. Pretend that you have not noticed that anything is broken

30) What should you do first if you see a man fall overboard ?

a. Alert other crew members and try to keep him or the lifebuoy in sight

b. Inform the officer of the watch

c. Release the nearest lifebuoy on the side he has fallen

d. Dive into the sea after him to attempt a rescue

31) In a distress situation, how many times or for how long should the emergency alarm signal be

a. Three times

b. 3 minutes

c. Until all crew members and passengers have reported to their respective muster stations

d. Until the emergency is over

32) How can information regarding a sick person or injured person be disseminated to the CIRM?

a. By using the appropriate reporting form

b. By contacting the family doctor of the sick persons

c. By passing on medical examination report from the company

d. None of the above

33) Loose gear should be lashed in front of the freezing ports so it will not roll about the decks

a. True

b. False

33) If you saw wisps of smoke coming keeping out under the engine room door you immediately

a. Raise the alarm

b. Activate the fixed firefighting system

c. Shut off the main fuel supply

d. Close the air vents

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