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150 Most Important Phrasal Verbs for Bank Exams

English by Vishal sir

1. Close up: Heal a cut or other wound

2. Pick at: Eat unwillingly.
3. Sump up: Summarize
4. Be away: Be elsewhere; on holiday, etc.
5. Add up: To make a mathematical total.
6. Lie down: Assume a reclining position
7. Spell out: Explain in clear and simple terms
8. Account for: Be the primary cause of
9. Be after: Try to find or get.
10. Dig into: Reach inside to get something.
11. Count up: Add to get a total
12. Do for: Doom; to bring about the demise of
13. Pull ahead: Overtake, move in front.
14. Pack out: Fill a venue.
15. Finish off: Finish completely
16. Bear upon: Be relevant to
17. Let off: Not punished.
18. Play around: Be silly.
19. Drink to: Raise one’s glass as a toast
20. Do up: Redecorate
21. Bone up on: Study hard for a goal or reason.
22. Do up: Execute a task or performance
23. Auction off: Sell something in an auction.
24. Lie around: Be in an unknown place
25. Shut in: Lock in
26. Do in: Exhaust, to tire out
27. Make of: Understand or have an opinion.
28. Step on it: Act quickly
29. Chew up: Chew so as to make something pulpy
30. Roll over: Cause a rolling motion or turn
31. Keep around: Keep something near you.
32. Shut out: Hide from sight
33. Hand in: Give something to a responsible person
34. Aim at: To target.
35. Attend to: Diligently work on; to pay attention to
36. Pin on: Attach the blame to someone.
37. Pass by: Go past without stopping.
38. Draw up: Come to a halt

150 Most Important Phrasal Verbs for Bank Exams
English by Vishal sir

39. Play up: Behave badly.

40. Burn down: Burn completely, so that nothing remains
41. Find out: Uncover a weakness (in someone)
42. Clock in: Be measured at
43. Peg out: Put washing outside to dry.
44. Black out: Fall unconscious.
45. Get ahead of: Move in front of.
46. Bear with: Be patient.
47. Rule out: Make something impossible
48. Clear away: Leave, disappear
49. Key to: Plan things to fit or suit people or situations.
50. Knuckle down: Get to work; to focus on a task
51. Believe in: Have confidence in the ability or power of
52. Bear out: Confirm that something is correct.
53. Back into: Enter a parking area in reverse gear.
54. Stick it out: Persist or continue
55. Book in: Check in at a hotel.
56. Shake off: Rid oneself of a malady or its symptoms
57. Jack up: Increase sharply.
58. Shut down: Close, terminate, or end
59. Stay up: Maintain an erection
60. Stick to: Persist; to continue (to use, do, etc.
61. Cross over: Die
62. Head off: Begin moving away
63. Shut down: Turn off or stop
64. Boil up: Cook or prepare by boiling
65. Roll around: Postpone
66. Bear on: Be relevant to
67. Stay up: Remain in a raised or upright position
68. Pack in: Stop doing something.
69. Lie around: Do nothing in particular, to be idle
70. Die out: Become extinct or disappear.
71. Allow for: Take into account when making plans
72. Read off: Dictate from a list
73. Pop off: Talk loudly, complain.
74. Stick with: Follow or adhere to
75. Bail out: a business
76. Boil off: Be removes by boiling

150 Most Important Phrasal Verbs for Bank Exams
English by Vishal sir

77. Bail out: Rescue, especially financially

78. Believe in: Ascribe existence to
79. Log on: Enter a computer system.
80. Bear down on: Move towards.
81. Count off: Count (a series of numbers) aloud
82. Quiet down: Become quieter
83. Stick with: Persist in using or employing
84. Beat down: Strong sunshine.
85. Patch up: Fix or make things better.
86. Stick up: Be prominent; to point upwards
87. Point out: Tell, remind, indicate
88. Stick up for: Defend or protect
89. Keep at: Continue with something difficult.
90. Call for: to demand
91. Carry on: to continue
92. Come off : to be successful
93. Come across: to meet by chance
94. Count on : to depend on, to rely on
95. Cancel out: Neutralize the effect of something
96. Bash about: Mistreat physically.
97. Beat up: Attack violently.
98. Answer for: to be answerable for
99. Bring down: to reduce
100. Bring up: to raise, to rear
101. Ask after: to inquire about
102. Attend on: to serve
103. Back out: to choose not to do something agreed
104. Bear down: to press down heavily
105. Blow over: to pass without harming
106. Bound for: going to a destination
107. Break into: to enter illegally
108. Deal out : to distribute
109. Drop in/by : to visit informally
110. Egg on : to motivate
111. Fall for : fall in love with
112. Feel like : to be excited to do something
113. Fizzle out : to weaken gradually
114. Get away with : to do something illegal without being punished

150 Most Important Phrasal Verbs for Bank Exams
English by Vishal sir

115. Get rid of : to leave, to dispose of, to throw away

116. Give away : to reveal the secret
117. Go about : to move from place to place
118. Go along with : to agree
119. Goes by : to work accordingly
120. Go through : To read, to pass through a time
121. Hit out : to attack verbally
122. Hold back : to control expression
123. Put aside : to save for future or to avoid
124. Hold on : to keep something in a position
125. Jump at : to reach conclusion in a hurry
126. Put up with : to tolerate
127. Put together : to put someone in trouble or to create or construct
128. Keep away : to maintain distance
129. Part from : leave or separate from someone
130. Keep from : to abstain from
131. Put out : to extinguish
132. Make out : to manage to understand
133. Put through : to make someone feel something unpleasant
134. Run into (problem) : to face
135. Keep up: to maintain in good condition/ to continue doing something
136. Pull off : to succeed in doing something difficult
137. Put across : to communicate successfully
138. Knock down : to thrust someone to the ground
139. Lay down : to give up arms
140. Lay off : to dismiss/ to fire
141. Make for : to result in/ to cause
142. Lie behind : to be the real reason
143. Bank upon/count on – To rely on
144. Back up- To support
145. Bear up – To withstand stress or difficulty
146. See off – To take leave of
147. Send for – To call, summon
148. Stand by – To remain loyal/ to be ready
149. Weigh down-To make anxious, to burden
150. Live by : to earn livelihood/ to follow

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