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SCORE: /50

A Listen to a Skype conversation between two friends, Heather and Frank.

Then circle the correct answers.
1 Frank is on vacation with Heather / his family.
2 Heather is working on social media / playing computer games.
3 Heather knows / doesn’t know where the hotel is.
4 Frank’s children are playing on the beach / in the park.
5 Frank is relaxing / working.
/ 10 (2 points each)

B Match the sentence beginnings in column A with the sentence endings in column B.
EXAMPLE:  I’m washing B A breakfast.
1 I’m cleaning B my hands.
2 My mother is doing C the bathroom.
3 My brother is D the dishes.
4 I’m cooking E my sister with her homework.
5 I’m helping F my hair.
6 I’m brushing G brushing his teeth.
7 Daniel is eating H lunch for my family.
8 She is taking I a shower in the bathroom.
/ 8 (1 point each)

C Cross out the words that do not complete the sentences

EXAMPLE:  I am at   . the bus stop the train station walk
1 I usually take the   to work. bus train carry
2 I am waiting for   . a friend drive a train
3 I am walking to   . a store the mall a bag
4 I am driving a   . bike car bus
5 I am carrying a   . plant bag subway
6 I am taking   . the subway the bus stop the bus
7 I am going to   . the bus stop my parents’ house my bike
/ 7 (1 point each)

Evolve Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Unit 7 Quiz A 1
D Complete the sentences in the present continuous. Use an affirmative or negative
form of the verb in parentheses ( ).
Natalia Hi Jason. Are you busy? Is this a good time to call? I am doing  (do) my French homework, and
I1   (call) to talk to you about the verbs.
Jason Hi Natalia. Well, I’m with Erika and we 2   (shop). I 3   (not do) my homework
right now because we are at the mall. Is your sister with you?
Natalia She is, but right now she 4   (help) mom in the kitchen. They 5   (cook)
Jason OK. And where is your brother?
Natalia He’s in the bathroom. I think he 6   (take) a bath, or he 7   (wash) his hair.
I don’t know. But he doesn’t speak French.
Jason OK. Sorry Natalia, this isn’t a good time to talk. Text me later.
/ 7 (1 point each)

E Complete the questions with the present continuous form of the verbs in the box.

brush clean cook drink eat go help send talk

What are  you eating  ?
1 Where   you   right now?
To the doctor.
2 Who   you   ?
David. I’m helping him with his homework.
3 Who   you   to on your cell phone?
To my friend Laura.
4 Why   you   your hair right now?
Because I’m going out with my friends.
5 What   you   ?
Dinner for my family.
6 Who   Natasha   a text to?
I don’t know.
7 What   they   ?
I think it’s coffee.
8 What   he   ?
He’s cleaning his room.
/ 8 (1 point each)

Evolve Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Unit 7 Quiz A 2
F Read the blog post. Circle the answer to each question.

My life these days

Hi, I am Miranda. Welcome to my blog post. I am a wife, a mother of three children, and a teacher. My life is busy,
busy, busy and sometimes it is difficult to have time to cook healthy food and have a healthy life.
I’m not a chef but I love food, and today I’m cooking party food for children. My children love parties and the
food at parties is very important. Right now, we are all in the kitchen. My daughters are drinking milk, and my
son is washing his hands because he is helping me to cook the food. They’re all very excited because we’re
making cookies, and they love cookies. Cookies are their favorite food. They love them! They’re talking and
singing and making a lot of noise!
I’m doing a lot of other things these days. I am a teacher but I am also writing a new book about cooking for
children. I’m writing the cookbook with my friend Estrella. Estrella and I cook food for breakfast, lunch, and
dinner and then we write the cookbook.
The cookbook has food for children. Food for weekdays, for school, and for the weekends.
The book is for people who like cooking. For mothers, fathers, grandparents, and children.
Oh, wow we are having a busy day!!

1 Who is Miranda?
A a mother
B a mother and a teacher
C a mother, a teacher and a writer
2 What is Miranda cooking today?
A party food for children
B breakfast
C breakfast and cookies
3 What are the children doing?
A Her son is drinking milk and her daughters are washing their hands.
B They are all having lunch in the kitchen.
C Her daughters are drinking milk and her son is washing his hands.
4 What is the cookbook about?
A food for children
B food for mothers and fathers
C food for mothers, fathers and grandparents
5 What days of the week is the food in the cookbook for?
A weekends
B weekdays
C all days
/ 10 (2 points each)

Evolve Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Unit 7 Quiz A 3

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