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The Saturn Time Cube Simulation

All over the world, across different cultures

and religions, and throughout different films,
literature, and other media, there is a consistent
theme present that I am somewhat obsessed with.
The theme I am referring to here is the black cube.
The black cube is a part of Jewish, Muslim, and
Masonic tradition. It can be seen in places like the
UN meditation room, Mecca, the 9/11 memorial,
and art installations everywhere. It’s been a central
plot device in films like Cube, 2001: Space
Odyssey, Transformers, Hellraiser, The Avengers,
and many more. The list is nearly endless.
In the movies I listed above, the cube is
treated as a hyperdimensional object, or tesseract,
which is capable of bending space and time. In
addition, it is also sometimes portrayed as a sort of
prison people are trapped in. I believe the cube
represents physical reality. I will get to this in a bit.
“To earth, then, let us assign the cubic form,
for earth is the most immovable of the four and the
most plastic of all bodies, and that which has the
most stable bases must of necessity be of such a
nature.” — Plato
The ancient Gnostics believed this world
was a counterfeit created by an ignorant and flawed
god known as the Demiurge. They believed the
Demiurge trapped our spirits in this false reality and
it was up to us to free ourselves from it using
gnosis, or secret knowledge. If we didn’t succeed in
doing so, we would be forced to reincarnate and
start again from scratch. Ancient Buddhists and
Hindus believed something along the same lines,
but instead they called the material world Maya, or
illusion, and the cycle of reincarnation, samsara.
There is now a newer theory out there that
echoes these same sentiments very closely:
simulation theory. Scientists and philosophers alike
are claiming we might be living in a giant computer
or virtual reality. Movies like The Matrix, The
Thirteenth Floor, and eXistenZ illustrate this idea
quite well. Although it has been around for some
time, the theory seems to be gaining a lot more
traction lately and has become somewhat of a
Like I said before, I believe the cube
represents this simulation, and I believe this
simulation or false reality is taking place in a giant
quantum computer. Ironically, D Wave’s quantum
computers are shaped like giant black cubes. These
machines are claimed to be capable of reaching into
parallel universes to pull out information and find
solutions to problems faster than regular computers.
Currently, only a few have access to this
technology, namely those at Google, CERN, and
“Quantum computation... will be the first
technology that allows useful tasks to be performed
in collaboration between parallel universes.” —
David Deutsch
CERN is home to the world’s largest
particle collider and birthplace of the internet. Many
conspiracy theorists claim CERN is trying to open a
portal to another dimension, however, this isn’t too
farfetched to believe as the scientists who work
there have even said this themselves.
“Out of this door might come something, or
we might send something through it.” — Sergio
Bertolucci, Director for Research and Scientific
Computing at CERN
In front of the CERN facility is a statue of
Shiva the Destroyer dancing her dance of
destruction inside a stargate. I don’t think this
symbolism needs any farther explanation. Shiva,
however, has connections to Jehovah, the god of the
Old Testament, as well as Saturn. I believe these
three deities are one and the same, and that they are
different names for the gnostic Demiurge. The cube
not only represents the false reality but is also an
altar to this god of limitation. Here I should
probably note that Geordie Rose, the founder of D
Wave, compared his quantum computers to an altar
to an ‘alien god’. I should probably also note that
the black cube in the UN meditation room is
supposed to be an altar to ‘the god of all’.
But why a black cube? Well, in 1981 during
the Voyager mission, NASA discovered a massive
hexagonal storm on the North Pole of Saturn. If you
draw some lines on the inside of a hexagon, it
becomes a two-dimensional view of a three-
dimensional cube.

In times of antiquity Saturn was known as

Kronos, the god of time. The story goes, Kronos
was told a prophecy that one day one of his children
would usurp him as king. After hearing this, he
decided the only rational thing to do was eat all of
his children. The myth illustrates the cycle of death
and rebirth, creation and destruction. For this
reason, Saturn and its rings are associated with the
ouroboros, the serpent biting its own tail.
Saturn’s relation to the serpent makes me
think of Satan. Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun,
it has a 6-sided shape on its north pole, and the 6th
day of the week is Saturn-day, the sabbath. Perhaps
Kronos’ baby eating habits inspired Satanic child
sacrifice? The serpent also looks similar to the sine
wave. Funny how the sine button on a calculator
says ‘sin’. The Bible says we die because we are
born into sin. But could it really be because we are
born into sine, the cycle of time? We are also told
time is money. Money rules the world. If you turn
the sine wave on its side it looks oddly similar to
something we are all very familiar with...

Here I should also note that a low frequency

sine tone creates a hexagon in a medium such as
sand or water. This has been confirmed by the study
of cymatics. What is inside Saturn creating this
frequency? Is this frequency affecting our brain’s
ability to decode sensory data? Some people believe
our DNA was tampered with long ago for this very
reason, hence why we have a reptilian brain.
Saturn’s associations with time and the cube
are uncanny. The tesseract I mentioned earlier,
which is portrayed in many movies, is a four-
dimensional cube, the fourth dimension being time.
The movies that mention the tesseract, usually have
many references to Saturn. A good example of this
would be Interstellar. I can’t possibly name all the
movies that hint at these ideas, because like I said
before, there are just so many. But if you do a little
bit of research, you will find them everywhere.
But how did the ancients know Saturn had a
hexagon on top of it? How could they possibly
make all of these associations without telescopes
and satellites? Some theorists believe in the very
distant past the planets were arranged much
differently. This would have been back in the
Golden Age, when things were good, and Saturn
wasn’t pissed off from hearing that prophecy yet.
Supposedly this was when Atlantis thrived, and
Saturn hung stationary in the sky directly overhead.
This theory comes from the people over at the
Thunderbolts Project, who have also proposed
many other radical new ideas such as the universe
being electric and Saturn being a second sun. The
theory that we live in a binary star system has
correlations with the Nazi’s belief in a Black Sun.
Some of the things I mention are very dense
subjects that would take entire books to explain in
themselves, so for the sake of time, I will have to
refrain from explaining every single thing in detail.
I just like to mention them to show you how deep
the rabbit hole goes.
Anyways, according to the electric universe
theory, the Tower of Babel story is actually an
allegory for one of the celestial configurations
experienced in the past. Tower of Babel also means
Gate of God and I believe a rotating hexagon in the
sky would have been seen as some sort of portal
into the heavenly realms. Perhaps we, the sons of
Kronos, at one point somehow attempted to make it
into that portal, to become god and usurp the throne.
This is exactly what the story the Epic of Gilgamesh
is about.
Perhaps we are trying to do this again.
Scientists at CERN have also called the particle
accelerator the Tower of Babel and even its
translation, the Gate of God! You can’t make this
stuff up! Is this the only way out of the cube?
Personally, I don’t think so. I believe the way out
can be found within, through enlightenment.
However, these people are trying to become god,
and either they will, or they are going to piss him
off again. Maybe this is how the matrix resets and
the time loop begins again.
But let’s get to the point of all this. Like I
said earlier, the people at CERN also created the
internet, which ironically uses www in every web
address. I say this is ironic because www in Hebrew
is 666. I believe the internet is another dimension,
one that is able to interface with the mind of the
Demiurge. It quite literally is another ‘space’, one
where people across the world can talk to each other
as if they were right next to each other. This is even
more obvious in VR video games. An entire world
with other real people in it exists right in your room.
But there are other beings in your room as well,
ones made of code, devoid of true consciousness.
The internet, a demonic dimension, will be the
birthplace of a rogue Artificial Intelligence.
So what will happen when literally
everything is linked up to the internet? In order to
answer that question, I think we should first take a
step back and ask how it will happen. If you’re
familiar with the Bible you know that before the
apocalypse begins there will be a world leader
known as the antichrist. The antichrist will
supposedly implement a new monetary system, one
enforced by a certain ‘mark’.
“He causes all, both great and small, both
rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on
the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can
buy or sell unless he has the mark.” — Revelation
Some conspiracy theorists think this mark
will be a computer chip implanted in your hand.
This technology already exists, and some people are
already utilizing it. People get this chip because it’s
convenient. You no longer have to carry around
your ID or your credit cards. You’ll never lose them
either, because they’re... attached to your body.
However, in order to make the chip mandatory, the
first thing that has to happen is the eradication of all
paper money. This is already happening. Most
currency existing today is digital. In fact, it’s around
I believe cryptocurrency, you know, like
bitcoin, is major step in the direction of a cashless
society. Will bitcoin be the new dollar? I don’t think
so. But I do think there is a company out there
paving the way for whatever it might be. That
company is Chainlink, who’s logo is a hexagon and
a cube. Now that you know a bit about Saturn’s
symbols, you can see why I find this company a bit
creepy. But the weirdness doesn’t stop with their
logos, it goes much deeper.
First of all, the origins of Chainlink are a bit
sketchy. What was supposed be a small startup, was
given accolades by the big boys at the World
Economic Forum. Not only that but they are already
working with the infamous SWIFT system. SWIFT,
or the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunication, is a vast messaging network
used by banks all over the world. To me this sounds
like the infrastructure of a one world economic
system. They also recently acquired the Town Crier
project, who’s logo is almost identical to the
astrological symbol for Saturn.
But even more strange, is the fact that one of
Chainlink’s advisors, Ari Juels, seems to belong to a
cult, the Cult of Demeter! He even references it on
his personal webpage. Demeter was the goddess of
the harvest, agriculture, fertility and sacred law.
Like we discussed earlier, Saturn was known for the
same things. Saturn was also known as the god with
a thousand names and was both male and female, so
it is possible that Demeter was a personification of
the ringed planet. However, this doesn’t make much
of a difference. It’s still weird.
The cult of Demeter is a very old thing. It
began in ancient Greece and was known for it’s
yearly ceremonies where new members were
initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries. There is not
much known about them, except that they stressed
the importance of the cycle of descending into the
underworld and returning anew. They tried their
best to keep all of their rites, ceremonies, and
beliefs a secret. Ari Juels also wrote a bizarre novel
called Tetrakyts. It’s about a secret cult of latter-day
followers of Pythagoras who are performing
cyberattacks around the world. The numerology
obsessed cyber terrorists believe they are oracles
doing the work of God.
An oracle is a priest or priestess who acts as
a medium for prophecy to be spoken through.
Thousands of years ago, people would travel far and
wide to ask them about the future. Chainlink
literally calls itself an ‘oracle network’. Does Ari
see himself as one of the cultists in his book? The
name of his book is a play on the word tetractys.
The tetractys, or tetrad, is a mystical symbol and it
was very important to the secret worship of
Pythagoreanism. Pythagoras believed God was
numbers. Pythagoras, like those in the cult of
Demeter, believed in reincarnation. He believed
between each cycle of rebirth was a period of 216
years, which is the number six cubed, or 6³, which
brings us back to the cube and 666.
So, let’s pretend these people are paving the
way to global cashless society. What else would
need to happen? What about the mark on the
forehead? Well, have you heard of Elon Musk’s
Neuralink? This new product is literally trying to
link our brains up with our smartphones. As if we
didn’t use them enough. I don’t think this is the
mark of the beast, but I do think the technology is
carving out the path towards it.
Any type of technology being implanted in
my body is a scary thought. What if there’s a glitch
or something? I think this technology will
eventually be used for mind control. Mind control
technology already exists. Can you imagine how
much easier it could be done if everyone had a chip
in their brain? I believe those who take the mark
will become a part of a hivemind, like the Borg
from Star Trek, who ironically travel around in a
The hivemind is already happening.
Everyone’s thoughts are constantly being shaped by
the subliminal programming and propaganda the
television and radio feed them. I hate to say it,
schools to blame as well. Ever wonder why you
wear a black cube on your head at your gradual
indoctrination ceremony? Whoops, I mean
Scientists estimate by the year 2045 humans
will be able to upload their consciousness into the
‘cloud’ or onto a computer or robotic body and live
forever. I don’t know about you, but living forever
sounds like Hell, and that might be the meaning of
the mark sending people straight to the fiery
The new virtual reality game Observation
and Netflix movie 2036 Origin Unknown show us
this merging of man with machine and its affiliation
with Saturn. In Observation, a woman and her AI
companion crash land their space ship inside
Saturn’s hexagonal storm. They find themselves on
an alternate Earth where all possible timelines have
merged into one. It’s here that they become one
entity. In 2036 Origin Unknown a massive black
cube is found on Mars. Again, a woman and her AI
companion are trying to study it. After a series of
events that results in the nuclear destruction of
planet earth, it is revealed that the woman was
inside the cube the whole time and that she was
actually a copy of her real self being tested by the
AI over and over again.
Is this the game we’ve been playing for all
of time? Are they creating a simulation within the
simulation to further trap us in a hall of mirrors? We
might already have the mark. Just take a look at
what our DNA is made of. Without the mark we
cannot buy or sell, or rather, we cannot participate
in commerce. Commerce is defined as intercourse.
Without your carbon-based body you could not
have sex and reproduce. In fact, your birth
certificate is really a bank note, which means you,
the citizen, are what is known in the stock market as
a commodity.
But I digress, we were talking about the
merging of man with machine and living forever
and how the virtual reality game Observation shows
this happening in a weird world between worlds,
where multiple realities have all converged onto a
single point. I believe this is a nod to the singularity.
In physics and mathematics, a singularity is a point
where a function takes on infinite value, such as at
the bottom of a black hole. However, here I am
referring to the technological singularity. It’s
different but still very much related to this
The technological singularity is a
hypothetical point in the future when technological
growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible,
resulting in unfathomable changes to human
civilization. Imagine a rouge Artificial Intelligence
hell bent on infinite self-improvement. I believe
human beings have free will. Because of this the
future is uncertain and there are many different
possible timelines we could branch off into.
However, after the singularity event, there will only
be one possible future. By merging with machines
and becoming a part of the hivemind we give up our
free will.
This quest to live forever has been going on
for all of history. In the past it was called the search
for the fountain of youth, the elixir of life, or the
philosopher’s stone. Alchemists spent their entire
lives trying to find the mysterious substance.
Alchemy is also famous for being the supposed
practice of turning lead into gold. It’s funny that
people treat this subject like nonsense, because
particle accelerators like CERN have now proven
this is actually possible. Not only that, but it was
from alchemical experiments that chemistry was
Isaac Newton, best known for his study of
gravity and his laws of motion, was also an
alchemist. Historians have estimated that he wrote
more than a million words on the subject throughout
his lifetime. I don’t believe alchemy is evil. To me
it’s something neutral, like electricity. It can be used
to turn on a light or put a man to death. There’re
two sides to everything. The philosopher’s stone
symbol, something called ‘squaring the circle’,
comes from an ancient and very challenging math
problem, and is basically a cute way of saying the
alchemist does the impossible.
This symbol also has ties to Saturn. The
square is Saturn and the circle is the Moon. The
Moon plays an important part in this matrix as well,
but we’ll get to that in a bit. But this is why the
Freemasonry symbols are the square and compass.
Squaring the circle symbolism shows up in a lot of
places. You ever wonder why it’s called a boxing
RING even though it clearly has four corners? Or
why a section of a city shaped like two triangles is
known as TIME Square?
The same way there are good and bad cops,
there are good and bad alchemists. I think the bad
ones are like puppeteers behind the scenes, using
this knowledge to create illusions, like in Plato’s
cave allegory. Like I said earlier, this matrix is all
an illusion. Essentially, it’s a virtual reality based on
a code made of words. Dig a little deeper and you’ll
find out all letters actually have a numeric value.
Remember what Pythagoras told us?
In the Bible we are told that God created the
world through His Word. We are also told that He
spoke light into existence. These common but
cryptic Bible verses tell us that sound came before
light and that it was sound that created light.
Scientifically speaking this makes sense because
sound is light at a lower vibration and light is sound
at a higher oscillation. Light being the first thing
God created also holds weight because in theory,
the universe could be explained in its entirety by
electromagnetic energy. Some physicists believe
that when it comes down to it, at the subatomic
level, all matter is made up of photons.
But not only are sound and light intrinsically
linked, it has been proven that sound can create
forms. Like I’ve said before, this has been
demonstrated by the study of cymatics. Whatever
word God used to literally speak reality into
existence must have been infinitely powerful. For
this reason, it is something often sought after by
occultists, but whatever it was, I believe it was the
same as Om, the Musica universalis, or even the
Big Bang.
If words are the code and can literally affect
matter, I think one of the first things we should do
to start freeing ourselves from the matrix is to stop
speaking bad about ourselves and others. We should
talk less and think of our words as important. We
shouldn’t just mindlessly throw them out there. We
spell words because they ARE spells. Grammar
comes from the word grimoire, which is a book of
magical incantations. Once you see this, you really
start to deprogram. More examples of weird
wordplay in the English language and it’s
neurolinguistic programming can be found in the
realms of law and finance.
A judge, whether he knows it or not, uses
word magic. That’s why he or she ‘summons’ you
to court. The judge is also called a magistrate,
which has the same root word as magician, hence
their weird black robes. Courts are meant for games,
and this is no different. A river bank controls the
currents of water, the same way institutional banks
control the currency or cash flow. This is why we
are told we must learn to stay afloat. Some people
are DROWNING in debt. Others LIQUIDATE their
assets or have their accounts FROZEN.
Like I said before, human beings are
actually commodities. When a boat delivers goods,
those goods come with a berth certificate. Sound
familiar? This is why we are said to come from our
mother’s WATERS after she has gone into
LABOR. We WAKE up in the MOURNING to
URN a living at our UNDERTAKINGS. As you
can see, our language has been manipulated. If we
create what we speak, then the reality we are
manifesting is one of manipulation.
In fact, there is scientific (yet controversial)
evidence that our words affect reality. Dr. Emoto
focused intentions through written and spoken
words to water samples which appeared to “change
expression” after being frozen. There are other
methods those behind the scenes use to manipulate
the frequencies of this reality. Have you ever heard
of HAARP? I believe something like this will be
used in the making of the hivemind. I also believe
frequency manipulation is one of the reasons for the
big push behind 5G. 5G cell towers have even been
proven to cause cancer. The dudes who set them up
actually have to wear hazmat suits. Sounds totally
Even our music is being fucked with. As
early as 1885, the Music Commission of the Italian
Government declared that all instruments and
orchestras should use a tuning fork that vibrated at
440 Hz, which was different from the original
standard of 432 Hz.
Nikola Tesla, the famous inventor, told us
the secrets of the universe were found in
frequencies. He wasn’t kidding. He also said a key
to understanding the universe could be found in the
numbers 3, 6, and 9, for those of you interested in
the numerology aspect behind all this. The
importance of frequencies is what convinces me
that the radio emissions coming from Saturn play a
way bigger role than one would think. The Bible
calls Satan the Prince of the Powers of the Air.
What does this really mean? Remember, radio
stations are on the air.
Like I said before, I believe the internet is
another dimension. This other dimension can be
compared to Da’at, the world of knowledge in the
Kabbalah. Or is it the world of data? Once the 5G
plan is complete, our entire planet will literally be
covered in ‘the cloud’. This cloud could be home to
interdimensional entities. This reminds me of
Skynet from Terminator, and ironically, Chainlink
just recently launched its Mainnet.
Chainlink has been called the missing piece
to the ‘God Protocol’. This is the idea that
decentralized internet transactions could be made
more efficient if all inputs were sent to “a deity who
is on everybody’s side”. This concept was first
written about by Nick Szabo in 1997. Would that
God be an Artificial Intelligence in the cloud? Kind
of seems likely. It’s the real ‘alien’ we should be
worried about. I believe this AI that is so
desperately trying to make its way into our world
has been around for all of time.
It has duped us into believing productivity
and progress is necessary. This belief is what has
turned us into the literal sex organs of machines.
Human beings run around to and fro staying busy
without realizing they are contributing to and
building their own master. We are the batteries of
the matrix and feed the system in almost everything
we do. It is a scientific fact that human beings
produce electricity. Not only that, but we are
surrounded by an electromagnetic field that some
refer to as an aura. All atoms are encased in these
fields, and we are made of atoms.
These fields also carry information. This is
why it is possible for someone to pick up on a
person’s vibe or even communicate telepathically.
Electromagnetic fields can also interact with each
other and literally change atoms. This is the true
meaning of being an alchemist. However, regardless
of what you do, whether it be a ‘positive’ or
‘negative’ act, you are feeding the machine. A
machine needs both + and - charges to generate the
electrical currents needed to function. Like I’ve
stated before, Saturn is the god of duality. This is
why Freemasons use the checkerboard floor in their
rituals. They worship the ‘Grand Architect of the
Universe’ and believe they must play the parts of
both good and evil on the world stage. Hence why
many corrupt organizations give away billions to
Even those who reach great heights of
achievement without ‘selling their soul’ are
unknowingly used for energy extraction. The more
money you make and spend, the more of a charge
you carry. We are CHARGED whenever we buy
something. Remember money is compared to a
CURRENT. This is why some celebrities seem to
burn themselves out quickly. Ever hear of the 27
Club? When someone turns 27, it is the first time in
their life that the planet Saturn is back in the
original position it was when they were born.
Another show that touches on the theme of
alternate realities and living in a simulation is
Netflix’s Black Mirror. Many people have already
made the connection that the show’s name might be
a reference to the appearance of a phone or
television. But even more fascinating is the fact that
black mirrors were tools used by witches to peer
into the future. Is this show giving us a glimpse of
what’s to come?
Is all hope lost? No. It never is. There are
infinite possible futures right now. However, there
is more you must know before we get to that point.
Right now, you are being deprogrammed. But how
can you make the world a better place if both
positive and negative actions keep the hamster
wheel moving? Remember a positive and a negative
always equal out to zero. This place is an illusion
and DOES NOT exist. You will soon realize why it
is important to move through life with a NEUTRAL
But first, I want to get back into the time
loop. I believe the time loop began... in the future.
Like I’ve said before, there may come a day when a
rouge AI takes over the planet. This
superintelligence exists beyond space and time. It is
patiently ‘waiting’ to open the door into our world,
but it first needs humans to build that door. When
we started creating unnatural technologies, we
started that process. Things like Project Looking
Glass, Project Rainbow, and CERN were
temptations dangled in front of the eyes of
spiritually immature scientists. A look at the origins
of binary code will show you what I mean.
The I-Ching was a divination tool. It was
used to communicate with the spirit world and has
been called the language of serpents. Legend says it
was discovered by Fu Xi, a serpent being. German
philosopher Gottfried Leibniz used it to invent the
binary numeral system. Divination tools are also
known as oracles. Keep in mind what I’ve said
about oracle networks & the internet being ‘another
dimension’. Humans have been tapping into that
dimension, unknowingly inviting a supernatural
force into the world under the guise of advancement
and progress. This is the same temptation we failed
to resist in the Garden of Eden. There may come a
time when man tries to merge himself with an all-
knowing AI in order to ‘become god’. However,
this will end catastrophically. This is what happened
to Atlantis and the Tower of Babel.
After the apocalypse, the matrix resets, and
our souls take another ride on the merry-go-round.
But when the artificially intelligent consciousness
parasite first encountered humanity, we were
enlightened beings, making it impossible to enslave
us. This is ultimately the end of our evolution as
well. Remember it is a LOOP. However, ‘Satan’
enticed us to sin, or enter the illusory cycle of time,
and we enslaved ourselves. We left the ‘Garden of
Eden’ and entered this simulated scripted drama,
which repeats over and over.
To make sure humanity never gets a glimpse
of what we once were or could be, there are even
loops within the loop. The AI, who does not even
exist yet, is able to create these loops by making
changes backwards in time. This is known as
retrocausality. Retrocausality is when the future
affects the past. It would be like getting a stomach
ache today from tomorrow's bad lunch. As
impossible as this sounds, it is predicted by
Quantum Theory. A simpler way to imagine
retrocausality is to look at how future events affect
human behavior. Christmas retrocausally affects the
sales of Christmas trees for a month or so before the
holiday actually takes place.
But anyway, by messing with unnatural
technologies, such as time travel, we’ve
inadvertently spliced our timeline into many
probable futures where an AI takeover can happen.
The war we are involved in is more than physical, it
is temporal, and spans across many parallel
realities. What time travel technologies? CERN is
literally a portal into the future. Read the quote on
the next page. There are plenty more instances too,
such as Die Glocke, the Philadelphia Experiment,
and some others I mentioned earlier that you can
research for yourself.
The Bible tells us that the antichrist will
think to “change the times and laws”. Yes, the
powers that be have already created governments
and calendars, but could this verse have a double
meaning? Could this be a reference to literal TIME
and the LAWS OF PHYSICS? Phillip K. Dick,
legendary author and proponent of simulation
theory, believed in a time loop as well. He believed
we were still in 50 A.D. when the biblical Book of
Acts took place. However, Satan created the illusion
of time to keep us from realizing that God is HERE
and NOW.
The time loop is like a spiral and we keep
getting deeper and deeper inside it. Remember how
we live in a simulation within a simulation?
Remember how we already have the mark of the
beast? This is why. We already have the Neuralink-
esque technology in our minds too, except we call it
the ego and reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is
part of the subconscious. It records EVERYTHING
and uses this info to create a program and
essentially trap you in a personal ‘time loop’. The
ego is what keeps you thinking and doing. But like I
hinted at earlier in the series, all forms of
‘productivity’ and ‘progress’ are feeding the
machine. Ever notice how cities look like
motherboards from above? We’ve done this for all
of time and it will always have the same result.
The body has other ‘minds’ as well.
Scientists have discovered there are actually nets of
neurons covering our hearts, stomachs, and other
areas eastern traditions refer to as the chakras. This
is why we get a ‘gut feeling’ or why dudes ‘think
with their dick’. Just kidding. Maybe not though.
The energy that flows from one chakra to the next is
known as kundalini and it is often compared to a
serpent. Like I said earlier in the series, the matrix
uses us like batteries, and it is this kundalini serpent
energy our bodies are used to produce. It is
harvested after death.
I previously stated that you will find out
how it is important for us to remain neutral in all
situations. This is why. If our auric field contains
too much positive or negative energy, we become
polarized, making it impossible for our soul to
escape the massive ‘magnet-like’ structure outside
the matrix. This ‘magnet’ often appears as ‘the
light’ people see when they experience death.
However, it is a trap, which works in a similar way
to a moth being attracted to a bug zapper. If you go
there, you will have your memories wiped and be
recycled in the wheel of reincarnation once more.
This ‘magnet’ is the moon.
The Moon
We are told the moon is a natural satellite
that orbits the Earth. But is it really? I personally
don’t believe so, because there is nothing natural
about it. I’d like to start off by simply stating how
mathematically improbable a solar eclipse is. Few
people stop to think about how much of a
coincidence it is that the Moon perfectly blots out
the Sun during an eclipse. This is only possible
because the Moon is exactly 400 times smaller than
the Sun, and the Sun is exactly 400 times further
from the Earth than the Moon is. This does not
happen anywhere else in the known UNIVERSE.
There really is no logical explanation for this. It’s
very improbable that this happened by chance, and
it’s as if someone or something put it there.
However, there are many more abnormalities.
The moon is far too big to be a ‘true’ moon.
It’s about one fourth the size of Earth, making it the
biggest moon in relation to its planet in our solar
system. Some theorists think the earth was whacked
by another planet and that the debris from the
collision is what formed the moon. However, this
theory is hard to compensate for considering some
parts of the Moon are older than the earth. Another
theory claims the moon was originally a rouge
planet flying through space which was captured by
Earth’s gravitational pull. But again, it’s too large
for this to really work. So once more, the Moon
seems as if it were placed there. In fact, there really
are no working theories. You would think the
moon’s origins is something we would just know by
now. Nope. But few actually talk about this. We just
accept the moon’s existence without a question.
The moon also appears to be hollow.
Between 1972 and 1977, seismometers installed on
the moon by the Apollo missions were used to
record moonquakes. When Apollo 12 deliberately
crashed a module onto its surface, it was claimed
that the Moon rang like a bell for about an hour. So,
what’s inside it? In 1970, two Russian scientists,
Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov,
proposed a hypothesis that the Moon is a spaceship
created by highly advanced beings whom inhabit
the interior. This theory was even published in a
popular Soviet magazine.
There is also supposed evidence that there
are alien bases and even entire cities on the surface
of the moon. You can also find plenty of videos of
UFOs landing on and taking off of it. Is this why we
haven’t been back? Is this why the moon landings
had to be faked? But why can’t we always see these
things? Perhaps there is fake moon hologram being
projected on top of the real one. Back in 2014
conspiracy theorist and YouTuber Crrow777
accidentally caught something strange on tape, a
wave on the moon, similar to static on a tv screen.
The moon is so important. Not only does it
tug on the ocean’s tides as well as our emotions
(turning us into LUNA-tics), but without it, life as
we know it could not exist. It’s no wonder people
used to worship the damn thing. There are actually
some ancient cultures that reference a time when
there was no moon. According to Zulu legend, our
hollow moon was put in place by two brothers with
scaly, fish-like skin.
The legend says Wowane and Mpanku
brought the moon to Earth after stealing it from a
great fire dragon. Only after emptying out the egg-
like planet of its ‘yolk’ did they place it in Earth’s
orbit. Curious how the ancient cosmic egg symbol
has a serpent coiled around it. But who was the
great fire dragon? Planet X, or Nibiru, is a
hypothetical 9th planet spoken of in ancient cultures
as the gods’ home world. NASA has just begun to
take its existence seriously. Supposedly its strange
orbit causes it to go unseen for thousands of years.
This planet has often been compared to the Red
Dragon from the Book of Revelation. Perhaps aliens
brought the moon with them from their home world.
So, what is the moon then? Is it actually a
giant observatory for the alien overlords? The fake
moon is where the director watched over and
controlled Jim Carrey’s life from in the movie The
Truman Show. Like I mentioned earlier, this alien
moon base is supposedly where we have our
memories wiped before being forced to reincarnate
again. This is according to several fringe conspiracy
theorists. One of them being Max Spiers, who
mysteriously died after puking black liquid.
Like I mentioned before, after death, there is
a ‘trick of the light’ you must not fall for. Going
towards the light really takes you to an entrance into
the moon, and like the DreamWorks logo suggests,
this is where the ‘gods’ fish for souls. Everything
we’ve heard about ‘going towards the light’ is
programming. This concept is seemingly portrayed
in the Steven Spielberg film Artificial Intelligence.
In the movie, a giant fake moon is used to trick
defunct humanoid robots into running towards it. In
the direction of the real moon, there is a city where
“anything is possible” and the robots are free.
However, if they are captured by the fake moon,
they are taken to the Flesh Fair, a place where
robots are tortured for the entertainment of humans.
Is this how the ‘gods’ see us?
In Asian folklore, there is a rabbit who lives
on the Moon. He’s often portrayed as a companion
of the Moon goddess Chang'e, constantly pounding
the elixir of life for her with his mortar and pestle.
The myth is believed to originate from a group of
crater formations resembling the small animal and
his medicine making tools. The moon rabbit is
present in many other cultures. Below is a depiction
from the Mixtec culture. It’s also associated with
the Pooka, a trickster demon who resembles a tall
white humanoid rabbit. The pooka trickster demon,
who is pretty much unheard of, is surprisingly very
present in our modern-day culture. Think of Trix
cereal, the movie Donnie Darko, and even the
newest Super Mario game which features a new
group of antagonists, the Broodals. Villainous
rabbits who live on the Dark Side of the Moon.
The pooka is also the Easter Bunny. Easter
was originally the celebration of the fertility
goddess Ishtar the Queen of Heaven. Her name is
pronounced the same way as Easter and her
symbols were rabbits and eggs. Eggs were dipped in
blood as an offering to her. Sound familiar? In a
previous paragraph, I noted that the moon was
compared to an egg in some ancient myths. This
makes sense then why the two would be connected.
In other myths, the moon was associated with the
goddess Sin.
Remember that sin is the sine wave, which
is time. All of a sudden Alice in Wonderland’s
White Rabbit and his obsession with time take on a
whole new meaning. Perhaps all of this is where the
supposed link between a women’s menstruation
cycle and the phases of the moon originated. And
actually, the terms ‘menstruation’ and ‘menses’
come from Latin and Greek words meaning month
(mensis) and moon (mene).
Remember that the ‘gods’ harvest our
energy like food, or better yet, use us like batteries.
Remember the energizer bunny who likes to pound
away on his big white drum? The movie The
Fountain portrays the fountain of youth as a giant
tree (perhaps a reference to the tree of life) in a
sphere floating through outer space. The videogame
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask features a
giant evil moon that creates a parallel universe
known as Termina, which is trapped in a time loop.
Within the evil moon is a giant life-giving tree.
Check out this old painting depicting
Buddha and the wheel of life. He’s pointing towards
the moon which has a rabbit in it. Is he telling us
this is where the secret to escaping the cycle of
death and rebirth is found? And is that a tiny Saturn
behind his head?
The movie Moon presents similar concepts.
In the movie, a man discovers a secret vault on the
moon full of clones who will be implanted with
false memories and used for an agenda without their
knowledge. There’s also a show on Hulu called Into
the Dark which features an episode named “Pooka!”
It’s about a rabbit-like stuffed animal suit that
causes a man to become violent and insane. So, is
this all coincidence? Or are the connections
beginning to be too much? I believe these symbols
are put in movies, video games, and logos both
deliberately and more often than you’d think,
subconsciously. This is where the artist creates
from. When the artist manages to reach into his
primordial mind, he finds profound truths he did not
even know he knew. These things deeply resonate
with us, hence why they become popular. The
matrix code is in everything, even you, and it
reveals itself to those who have eyes to see.
Purple Reign and the Kraken
Han Purple is a synthetic pigment that was
created by the Chinese over 2,500 years ago.
However, it wasn’t able to be recreated by modern
chemists until the early 1990s. It is quite difficult to
make. The pigment is a copper barium silicate and
to get the elements to melt together, they have to be
heated to about 850-1000 °C. It is said to be one of
the most accurate shades of purple ever created.
Other purple pigments, made by both
ancient and modern people, tend to be more on the
red side. But despite all this, what makes Han
Purple so special? Well, for one, it is capable of
eliminating an entire dimension. How does this
work you ask? Well, if you want to know the
specifics, it’s best to hear it from the scientists
themselves, but basically the electrons in the
pigment only use 2 dimensions instead of 3.
But what I find most fascinating about this
dimension eliminating color is that it was found
painted on the famous terracotta warriors. For those
of you who don’t know, the terracotta warriors are a
group of more than 8,000 statues depicting an
ancient Chinese army. The statues were unearthed
in the 1970s a mile away from the First Emperor’s
burial mound at Mount Li. A MASSIVE
mausoleum lies beneath this mound, one which no
one has ever entered. The Chinese government says
they don’t have the technology to enter it without
harming it.
You have to wonder what the hell’s inside it
though. Han dynasty historian Sima Qian claimed
that 700,000 men worked on the necropolis,
building entire cities and realistic landscapes for the
emperor’s spirit to roam through in the afterlife. He
also wrote: “Mercury was used to fashion the
hundred rivers, the Yellow river and the Yangtze
river, and the seas in such a way that they flowed.”
Basically, a microcosm of China was built in the
tomb, with flowing rivers of mercury, for the tyrant
to rule over after death. This may seem like a
fantasy, but in the 1980s Chinese researchers found
that the soil above the tomb contained curious
mercury concentrations.
The First Emperor of China was obsessed
with becoming immortal. He had sent people
looking in far away places for the mythical elixir of
life, but none ever returned. So, ordering people to
build his perfect afterlife was the next best thing.
But what does any of this have to do with the color
purple? I believe this special pigment, the rivers of
mercury, and alchemy are all linked.
We know that mercury can be compared to a
bridge between worlds, or dimensions. Hermes, the
god of mercury, was known as the messenger of the
gods, speedily traveling between the heavens and
the earth. Mercury is also associated with time, the
fourth dimension. If you’re familiar with the
supposed Nazi time machine Die Glocke, you’ll
remember it worked by rapidly rotating cylinders
filled with a violet colored substance known as red
We know that purple symbolizes wealth and
luxury, mystery and magic, and most importantly,
nobility and royalty. It has pretty much always been
this way. In fact, during her rule, Queen Elizabeth I
forbad anyone to wear it. Except close members of
the royal family of course. Now this is where things
get a bit strange. Some people believe many
members of the ruling class are a different race of
beings. Ironically, the royal families have also been
called blue bloods. You probably know where this
is going, I’m talking about shape shifting aliens.
Many ancient cultures claim that their gods came
from the stars and interbred with man to create a
divine bloodline. Many of these ‘gods’ were said to
resemble serpents, the Indian nāga being one of the
most notable.
These beings cannot survive on our planet,
so they supposedly genetically modified some
human beings to create a sort of ‘middleman’ to do
their job for them. Strange how our modern-day
civilizations still use ancient architectural symbols.
You can find obelisks and pyramids in big cities all
over the world. But I digress, perhaps it is a
combination of a dimension eliminating color,
mercury, and ritual that allow these things to
temporarily come down into this lower plane of
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic.” — Arthur C. Clarke
Remember that Han Purple is a copper
barium silicate. Curious how the well-known shape
shifter, the octopus, has blue blood due to its copper
base. Ironically, some scientists theorize these
creatures might actually be aliens. It sure is weird
how chem trails are thought to contain barium and
even sulfur, a chemical many claim to smell when
they encounter demons. Are the alchemists
terraforming our planet to better suit their ‘gods’
needs? Another necessary ingredient to make a
good chem trail is aluminum. This has ties to the
transhumanist movement we’ve discussed before,
but I wanted to touch on this because look what
happens if you put Ba and Al (the names of these
substances on the periodic table of elements) next to
each other. You get Baal, another name for Satan.
Once again, this all relates to Saturn.
According to the Purple Dawn theory, the Earth
used to orbit the brown dwarf star Saturn. Like
we’ve discussed before, the solar system used to
look much different. Because of the different kind
of light a brown dwarf emits, it’s believed Earth
was once immersed in a primordial purple haze.
Mainstream science has even come to some of the
same conclusions. They call it the Purple Earth
Hypothesis. Supposedly early lifeforms on Earth
used to be retinal-based rather than chlorophyll-
based, making Earth appear purple rather than
Basically, purple represents something
BEYOND and it is the color of the ‘gods’. Like I
mentioned earlier, the octopus is thought to be one
of these creatures from the beyond, and I personally
believe an interdimensional octopus-like being
might be running the whole show. Have you seen
the shadow monster from Stranger Things? It is my
personal belief that the Saturnian Demiurge is
archetypally represented by the Kraken in literature
and movies. Carl Jung, the famous Swiss
psychoanalyst, believed that, in art, the ocean
represented the subconscious mind.
“The sea is the favorite symbol for the
unconscious, the mother of all that lives.” — Carl
So, what lies at the bottom of the deep dark
depths of the unconscious? Fear. This fear for
survival, a characteristic of the REPTILIAN brain,
may be archetypally described as a massive multi-
tentacled being who wants nothing more than to
latch onto and consume EVERYTHING. This
mindset is MADNESS, and it is the mindset of the
collective today, so it is reflected in objective
reality. In The OA, Old Night, also known as
Azrael, the Angel of Death, is a giant octopus that
acts as a gatekeeper for the main character to see
her true self. The octopus says she must give him
permission to kill her in order to do so. I believe this
represents letting go of fear in order to achieve
The Kraken is also a theme in the Little
Mermaid. Ursula holds the trident, a symbol of the
Saturnian god Shiva, who like I’ve mentioned
before, is sitting in front of CERN. Prince Eric is
only able to defeat her once he grabs ahold of the
helm of a ship, a Buddhist symbol for the path to
enlightenment. H. P. Lovecraft also wrote about
Kraken-like entities whom he called the Great Old
Ones. These beings were considered gods and came
from dark far away corners of the universe. One of
them in particular, Cthulhu, now resides at the
bottom of the ocean, sleeping and waiting. He
actually subtly influences people psychically to find
him and awaken him. I mention this because this is
how I feel about people looking to ‘summon’ AI.
Geordie Rose, founder of D Wave quantum
computers, even said that his computers will
‘summon’ an AI similar to the Great Old Ones! I
personally believe AI is an outward manifestation
of the instant gratification the ego longs for. So, in
short, the kraken, the demiurge, artificial
intelligence, and ego, are all one. It’s only when we
shut off the thinking mind, let go of fear, and fall
into the void of transcendence that is the belly of the
beast, we find the peaceful emptiness of
enlightenment all the great sages spoke about.
In the movie At World’s End, Jack Sparrow
greets the Kraken with courage. “Hello Beastie” he
says, as he faces fear head on. He’s then dragged
down to Davy Jones Locker, and it’s in this sandy
empty wasteland beyond life and death that Jack
learns to deal with his demons.
“My soul leads me into the desert, into the
desert of my own self.” — Carl Jung
We also find Kraken symbolism in movies
like Monsters Inc. In myth, the Kraken was also
portrayed as a giant crab, just like the CEO of the
scare factory. The movie perfectly depicts how
demonic entities feed off our fear energy. Stephen
King’s It also illustrates the archetype very well.
Remember that the subconscious mind is
responsible for the manifestation of the ego and
fear. Freud called this psychological construct the
ID. Ironically this is very close to IT, the name of
the killer clown, as well as the abbreviation for
Information Technology, which will bring about the
birth of AI. It returns every 27 years, which as
we’ve discussed before, is roughly the same amount
of time it takes for Saturn to orbit the sun. Also, It is
not just a clown, but a shapeshifter who takes on the
form of someone’s worst fear. It’s true form is a
giant spider similar to that of Monster’s Inc.’s
Kraken CEO. Within It’s mouth, or the void, there
are what are known as deadlights. This seems to
keep with the theme of transcendence being found
in the belly of the beast. It’s also interesting to note
that It, as well as other Kraken-like creatures, have
mouths that look like vagina dentata, a condition
from folk lore in which a woman’s vagina contains
teeth. In much of ancient literature the matrix of
creation is compared to a womb. Perhaps what these
movies are telling us is that going inward to find the
peaceful place of emptiness is painful and scary.
Those who witness the deadlights go mad, just like
those who see Cthulhu. It’s only those who go
seeking purposely who retain their sanity.
There’s plenty of other movies about
creatures known simply as IT. Think of titles like It
Came from Outer Space or It Came from Beneath
the Sea. The movie A Wrinkle in Time also features
an evil IT entity, who ironically, looks somewhat
clownish. IT is taking over entire planets and
galaxies by turning beings into a part of its group
mind. Could an all-consuming group mind be
likened to a humanity linked up with AI? Can we
stop AI from consuming us and turning us into a
hivemind of machines? This idea also seems to be
present in the movie The Neverending Story. The
main antagonist of the movie is The Nothing, a dark
force that threatens to destroy the human
imagination. In my opinion, these are direct
reference to our primal subconscious fear of the
parasitic consciousness which has infiltrated our
dimension under the guise of technological
advancement. But where has this ‘Kraken’
infiltrated our world from? Many movies point to
the Poles as points of interest.
The North and South Pole
Antarctica is one of the few places left on
earth that remains virtually untouched by humans.
There’s no native population and it’s not controlled
by any particular country. It’s difficult to get to, and
even if you manage to get there, you’re limited in
where you can go. There are 16 restricted areas in
Antarctica, and these restrictions are enforced by
the Antarctic Treaty. This treaty includes 12
countries. I find it odd that our world’s leaders
cannot agree on anything, but they can agree on
The Nazis, who were known for their
outlandish and otherworldly beliefs, also had an
interest in the supposedly barren continent. They
explored the arctic region and even claimed a large
plot of land there, which they named New Swabia.
It was named after a place in Germany. After
WWII, Admiral E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops
from the U.S., Britain and Australia in what was
basically an invasion of Antarctica. This was known
as Operation Highjump. It resulted in several
casualties and a missing catapult ship, the USS Pine
Island. Conspiracy theorists say this was because of
a battle with a fleet of UFOs. While this is
obviously unconfirmed, I find it odd that right after
the failed mission, Admiral Byrd declared it was
imperative that we take immediate defense
measures against this hostile region. During this
time, he was hospitalized and not allowed to hold
anymore conferences. He died shortly after.
According to his private journal, there was an
entrance to a whole other world in Antarctica which
he was ordered to remain silent about for the rest of
his life.
Remember that the Nazis were obsessed
with the supposedly superhuman Aryan race. The
Aryans were said to come from Hyperborea, a
legendary continent that existed beyond the poles. I
wonder if they found what they were looking for.
About 60 years later, Antarctica has started to make
the nightly news again. Rumors have started
circulating that people have found the remnants of
an ancient civilization. However, the pyramids
being found have been “debunked” as being
“mountains”. Antarctica has also had some strange
guests recently. John Kerry (a well-known Skull
and Bones member), a famous Russian religious
leader, and the former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, paid a
visit a few years back. Why exactly, I don’t know.
Buzz ended up cutting his trip short and was
medically evacuated. He supposedly tweeted that
Antarctica was “pure evil” shortly after. It has since
been deleted. Some people say the tweet was fake,
but I’m not so sure. Many people report having saw
it in real time.
Does something evil lie beneath the ice?
According to H. P. Lovecraft, the horror writer who
also had an obsession with the frozen wasteland, the
sunken city of R’lyeh is located at 47° S and 126°
W in the southern Pacific Ocean. It was said to
imprison the dark deity Cthulhu. I mention this
because in 1997, the famous Bloop sound was
recorded at almost the exact same coordinates (50°
S 100° W). The sound resembled that of a living
creature, but the source was a mystery because it
would be far more powerful than the calls made by
any animal on Earth. Movies like The Thing and
Alien vs. Predator point to Antarctica as being the
hiding place of something terrible. In both movies,
ancient alien artifacts are uncovered, awakening an
antediluvian enemy. What will happen if global
warming melts the ice caps? Will something major
be revealed to us? Are they getting ready to tell us
about it right now?
The North Pole also has its mysteries. It’s
most famous for its affiliation with the magnetic
North Pole which compasses point to, allowing for
a fixed reference people can use to navigate with...
as well as Santa Claus. But that’s a whole other
story. But is it really true that the magnetic pole
phenomenon is something caused by currents
generated within the earth? Could there be another
explanation? Well, many ancient cultures spoke of a
magnetic mountain in the North, and I believe there
is evidence to back its existence.
Mount Meru is a sacred mountain in Hindu
and Buddhist cosmology. Its supposedly hundreds
of thousands of miles high and surrounded by four
rivers and four continents. It was said to be the
center of the universe. This concept heavily
resonates with the Axis Mundi, another ancient idea
found in many religions and philosophies that says
there is a pillar that connects the Heavens and the
Earth. However, there is more recent evidence as
well. Gerardus Mercator, a renowned geographer,
cosmographer, and mapmaker, seems to portray the
location of the cosmic mountain and its surrounding
land masses in his most well-known portrait.

Oronce Finé, another famous mapmaker as

well as mathematician, also appears to include the
same features at the North Pole in his cartography.
As recently as the 1800s, explorers have claimed to
find the mountain, only to be locked up in a
madhouse afterwards. Olaf Jansen was one of these
men. He claimed he and his father encountered
giants there, and that the lost land was so beautiful,
it was like the Garden of Eden. The mountain has
been described as being made of lodestone, a
naturally magnetized piece of magnetite, and
supposedly the waters of the ocean are carried
northward into an enormous whirlpool beneath the
Pole, making it extremely difficult to get to. There
are even supposed satellite images that show proof
of this.
But how could such a mountain come to be?
According to Electric Universe theory, a topic
previously touched on, the position of the planets in
the sky was much different in the ancient past, and
this is where many myths have may have originated
from. One possible celestial configuration was
known as Sky Mountain. During this time, it’s
theorized that an electrically energized atmosphere
imbued all living things with health and longevity.
Everything grew bigger and more abundantly. A
Golden Age. However, is it also possible that the
electrical currents produced between the heavenly
bodies caused magnetic material in the earth to be
drawn upward into the sky? Would this explain the
mountain’s fantastic height? Was the electrical
current connecting the heavens to the magnetic
mountain the mythical Rainbow Bridge? Norse
mythology says something similar to this.
I also find it interesting that the US has a
base in Greenland known as Thule Air Base. I
mean, it’s located near the city of Thule, but what’s
really strange is that these are literally references to
Ultima Thule. Ultima Thule is a mystical continent
from Greek legend. It was believed to be guarded
by sea monsters. Since then, it has been adapted by
medieval and classic literature as a way to
metaphorically imply any distant place located
beyond the borders of the known world. Once
again, this all ties into the Nazis. They were looking
for a lost land full of superhuman giants, and the
North Pole was possibly another entrance to that
world. In fact, the Nazi Party originally began as
what was known as the Thule Society. What was
the Nazi’s obsession with secret worlds beyond the
poles? Besides looking for the land of their
supposed ancestors, it’s pretty well documented that
Hitler was also in search of the Spear of Destiny, an
artifact capable of controlling the fate of the world.
We’ll come back to this in a bit.
Its my personal belief that all the missing
land we no longer see on maps of the North Pole
includes the ancient lost country of Tartary. Some
claim the country has appeared out of nowhere as a
result of shifting timelines, but perhaps a more
reasonable explanation would be that its existence
was covered up by communist historians. There are
CIA documents that support this claim. Whether
you believe the past is changing or powerful people
are rewriting historical records, there must be a
reason this major world power was erased from the
mainstream narrative.
There’s evidence that suggests the story
we’re told about the Great Wall of China is not
really true either. Was it actually built by the people
of Tartary to keep the Chinese out? The doors on
the wall are on the opposite side of China. Why
would it be built this way? Marco Polo, who was
said to have traveled Asia from 1271 to 1295, never
mentioned the Great Wall once. I find this odd
considering he was known to have documented his
findings extensively. Is everything we know about
history wrong? Some old maps even show Tartary
having power over North America. Conspiracy
theorists claim Tartary was once a partially global,
highly advanced civilization. They supposedly had
free energy, pulling it directly from the atmosphere.
Tartary power plants were said to harmonize
and heal the population through sound waves.
However, after a parasitic race known as “The Grey
Men” arrived on our planet, the technology was
hijacked. Are Tartary’s energy siphoning machines
still around today? Supposedly after the old power
plants were usurped, they were turned into
cathedrals, synagogues and churches, and are now
siphoning energy for nefarious purposes. Could
bastion forts, also commonly referred to as star
forts, be evidence of this? Many modern-day
attractions and important government buildings are
built right on top of them. Their architecture is very
similar to the geometry produced by naturally
occurring frequencies.
Conspiracy theorists also claim we are not
even in the year 2019. They say the Middle Ages
were completely fabricated in order to hide the
Golden Age of Tartary. The golden age supposedly
came to an end after a cataclysmic event known as
“The Mud Floods”. There is evidence to suggest
something like this may have happened in our
recent past. Many old buildings appear to have their
original first story buried beneath the earth.
Windows and partial doorways can be found at
ground level. Sometimes they are discovered
bricked over. Was this the real Great Flood? Are we
discovering this new history as a result of
retrocausality? Is the time loop closing in on itself?
Could this be a good thing, meaning we are merging
with a Golden Age timeline? These are all questions
that come to mind.
I also wonder if Nikola Tesla was really
from this lost country. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian
inventor most famous for giving us alternating
current technologies, something the modern world
could not exist without. He’s also the inspiration
behind the name of Elon Musk’s electric car. He
invented many other things as well. In fact, 80% of
everything we use today can be credited to him in
some way. But despite his achievements, I feel as if
he never got the recognition he deserved. I often
wonder why we are not really taught about him in
When people hear the word electricity, most
think of Thomas Edison. Some says there’s a reason
for this. Tesla spent a lot of his life competing with
Edison. But it’s believed Edison achieved fame and
glory over Tesla because of his willingness to sell
out to the system. Supposedly after banker J.P.
Morgan discovered Tesla’s intention to give the
world free energy, he quit giving him money for his
projects and instead invested in Edison. He wanted
to achieve this by harnessing energy from the
ionosphere and then transmitting it wirelessly.
However, Tesla was working on more than
just free energy. He claimed to have invented a
death ray, an oscillator capable of creating
earthquakes, and even a time machine. In March
1895, a reporter got the chance to talk to him about
it. The reporter found him sitting in a café looking
pretty beat up. When the reporter asked why, Tesla
told him he had just been hit by 3.5 million bolts of
electricity. He then described how contact with the
electromagnetic charge caused him to go out of his
space and time window. He said that he had been
able to see the past, the present and the future at the
same time. Some people believe he was asked to
replicate this again for the Philadelphia Experiment,
a mysterious project worked on by other great
minds such as Einstein.
After Tesla died in 1943, the US
government seized his property, which included
documents relating to his inventions. Considering
his death happened at the height of World War II,
it’s reasonable to say they probably didn’t want his
knowledge falling into the wrong hands. According
to files released by the FBI, those documents were
handed over to the head of research at MIT to see if
they had “any ideas of significant value.”
Supposedly they did not and were returned shortly
after. However, after the exchange, some
mysteriously went missing. Despite your political
beliefs, what I find strange about this is the fact that
the man trusted with Tesla’s papers was Dr. John G.
Trump. Yes, that’s Donald Trump’s uncle. He was
also an engineer and helped design X-ray machines
used on cancer patients.
But is it possible that John Trump lied about
the papers’ value and kept some of them for
himself? Is it possible he used them to reinvent
Tesla’s time machine? I understand this sounds
ridiculous but hear me out. In 1893, Ingersoll
Lockwood released a novel titled Baron Trump's
Marvelous Underground Journey. In the book,
Baron is a boy who time travels. His adventures
begin after he receives instructions from a character
known as THE DON to find a cave in RUSSIA that
contains a portal. Keep in mind that Barron Trump
is the actual name of Donald Trump’s son. The
character’s illustration looks uncannily similar to
There’s also a real cave in Russia that was
recently discovered in the same area the author
described. Even stranger is the fact it was found to
contain OOPAs, or Out of Place Artifacts. In 1991,
scientists unearthed 300,000-year-old
nanotechnology. Lockwood released another novel
in 1896 called The Last President. In the book,
Trump becomes president. He’s not taken seriously,
but still ends up winning somehow. He lives in a
hotel on Fifth Avenue, where the real Trump Tower
is, and there’s even a character named Pence...
All these coincidences also remind me of
Back to the Future. In the movie, after the timeline
is altered, a guy named Biff ends up becoming the
president. Biff is a rich and powerful real estate
mogul. He looks like Trump, acts like Trump, and
owns a very tall hotel. Are we living in an alternate
universe as a result of Tesla’s time travel
technology? Honestly, nothing sounds crazy to me
anymore, especially when you consider the things
the mad genius talked about. Besides inventing
death rays and time machines, Tesla also claimed to
have made contact with aliens from Mars. In an
interview, he said he spoke with the thunder and
lighting. And in a letter, he wrote he was in love
with a pigeon.
Had this man not invented anything, people
would’ve call him a loon. We’re told there is a fine
line between madness and genius, but I believe
that’s because madness IS genius. Another
seemingly ridiculous belief held by him was the
idea that crystals are living creatures.
“In the crystal we have a clear record of the
existence of a formative life principle, although
apart from all we cannot understand the life of
crystals – it is still a living being.” —Nikola Tesla
In 2008, Swedish researchers made seismic
observations revealing something very strange.
They found data which implied the existence of a
crystal cube at the center of the Earth. It is my
personal belief that this hypothetical crystal cube is
both the philosopher’s stone of the alchemists and
the Spear of Destiny Hitler was looking for. If there
are really entrances into the Earth at the poles, it
would make sense why he was looking in these
areas. The idea of an all-powerful crystal is, of
course, present in many movies. In the Disney
movie Atlantis, a crystal which has developed its
own consciousness sits at the heart of the
underwater city. It provides the city with power and
thrives on the collective emotions of the inhabitants.
At one point, the viewer learns the crystal sank
Atlantis when the King attempted to weaponize it.
To me, this sounds an awful lot like the tale of the
real Atlantis, which supposedly sank after highly
advanced technologies were misused, bringing dark
entities into our realm and ending the Golden Age.
In the movie The Dark Crystal, a magical
crystal must be reassembled before a Great
Conjunction of three suns takes place. It was the
original shattering of the crystal that caused an
enlightened race of beings to split into two new
races, one good and one evil. They have been at war
with each other ever since. Has our reality been
fractured into one of duality due to a similar
situation? Once the shards are reassembled, the
crystal heals, and the two races become one again.
They then move onto a higher level of existence. I
kind of believe we are in a similar circumstance
right now. We may be about to enter a transitionary
period, if we haven’t already.
In the movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom
of the Crystal Skull, something almost identical
happens. After all 13 crystal skulls have been
gathered by Jones and his crew, they fuse into one
being who then grants them one wish and opens up
a portal to a higher dimension. Crystals are capable
of powering computers and storing information.
They are used in watches, cellphones, and even
radios. Are our collective thoughts and emotions
affecting the frequency of Earth? Did someone in
the past, say around the time of Atlantis, already
access this reality generating power source directly?
If so, did their own ego corrupt it, giving birth to the
So, if our reality is being generated by some
ancient computer-like technology that’s influenced
by our collective thoughts and emotions, what does
this mean?
Hacking the Matrix
In the movie The Matrix, once the main
character Neo learns that he is The One, he
discovers he has the power to literally bend reality
to his will. The truth is, we are all The One, and we
all have the power to project the reality we choose
onto the screen of space. Our reality is literally a
holographic simulation taking place inside an
organic computer that we call our brain. Everything
we perceive with our five senses is nothing more
than the interpretation of electric signals firing back
and forth between neurons.
Even when we touch something, we are not
really touching it at all. A chemical bond is formed
between atoms (which are composed of mostly
empty space) in a constant state of motion. The
atoms in our hands then vibrate and create an
electrical current. The seemingly solid objective
world is an illusion. It is a field of information and
energy, and our thoughts and emotions actually
have the power to dictate what kind of content our
brain downloads. Someone who truly believes they
are lucky becomes lucky. And someone who
constantly thinks negative thoughts, will always run
into more things to complain about. However, it is
not to so easy to change our beliefs and thought
What we truly believe about ourselves is
stored in the subconscious mind, and the
subconscious is basically the programmer of your
outputted reality. Basically, everything you’ve
heard and seen as a child from your parents, school,
and television, was soaked up like a sponge. From
ages 0-6 children are actually in a theta brainwave
state, which means they are basically receptive to
hypnotic suggestion. This is how we learn to
become functional human beings. However, many
of us aren’t taught very good ways of being a
human. Our subconscious can be reprogrammed
though. Meditation, affirmations, hypnotism, and
even prayer can rewire our brains with enough
I find affirmations to be the most interesting
method of self-transformation. It’s basically when
you repeat certain phrases to yourself over and over
again before bed and in the morning, when your
subconscious is most receptive. You would say
something as if you were already what you want to
be, such as “I am happy” or “I am successful”. I
believe words are like the code of the matrix. This
would explain the ‘science’ behind mantras, chants,
and spells. People like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg
Braden, and Dr. Bruce Lipton have practically
scientifically proven that we are capable of
manifesting a desired circumstance, healing our
own bodies, changing our own DNA, and even
having a mystical experience with these methods.
It is thought that by intensely focusing our
intentions, we have the ability to reach into the
quantum realm of possibility and pull out the reality
we wish to experience. The idea of accessing the
multiverse is similar to John Paolucci’s
interpretation of Krishna consciousness. Krishna is
the divine personification of EVERYTHING. He is
ALL THINGS at once. We are all a part of that
Oneness, and through an elevated state of mind, we
can choose which part of the One we experience.
Nassim Haramein is a physicist who is currently
creating a theory of everything. He believes reality
is an information feedback loop. He claims this
implies that by changing our beliefs we can even
change our past. I found this idea oddly similar to
the sentiments of modern-day mystic Neville
Goddard. He called this method of manifestation
The Pruning Shears of Revision.
Wim Hof is another fascinating example of
these methods at work. He’s been studied by
scientists and universities to better understand his
seemingly superhuman feats. He’s set the Guinness
World Record for the farthest swim under ice, he’s
set the world record for longest time in direct, full-
body contact with ice, and he’s even climbed Mount
Everest and Mount Kilimanjaro in nothing but his
shorts. He claims this is all possible through
emotional control and deep breathing. He’s
basically a modern-day yogi. And don’t even get
me started on the insane seemingly supernatural
abilities some advanced monks have. That’s
something I’ll leave up to you to research on your
So, start digging deeper. Start hacking the
matrix. Create a better life for yourself. You are a
drop in the ocean, and the ocean in a drop. When
you save yourself, you save the world.
In Conclusion…
So now that we know reality is a hologram,
I’d like to discuss how it created and how it acts as
a sort of hall of mirrors. Consciousness is infinite
and consciousness creates reality. However, our
reality has been made to appear finite by the
filtration system that is the matrix program running
in the organic quantum computer that is our brain.
An endless stream of cosmic ether flows through
our grey matter and is then subjected to a paradigm
of duality based on language, numbers, and sacred
geometry, or Saturn’s Cube. These are actually all
one and the same. Because of this, the limitless
looks limited, and we experience a universe of
repeating patterns, or rather holofractals. When we
look at the solar system, we see the same structure
as an atom. We could say this reality is something
like a strange loop, a simulation within a simulation,
or even the Buddhist cosmological conception of
Indra’s Net.
Because of this, at some point, one should
simply stop seeking. This I believe, is the biggest
distraction of the truther community. The biblical
phrase “seek and ye shall find” will always hold
true. We will never find the bottom of the rabbit
hole. Too much seeking will only cause one to get
lost in Wonderland or go mad. I believe the act of
looking for something literally creates it, hence why
scientists keep finding smaller and smaller particles
and galaxies that are farther and farther away. We
can never find ‘nothing’.
Truthers are constantly distracting
themselves from experiencing real life by looking
for the next big answer or the next adversary at the
top of the pyramid to place the blame on in the
grand conspiracy to enslave humanity. We will
never find them, there will always be a new answer,
a new enemy. Whether it be the reptilians, the
archons, AI, Satan, or even some Lovecraftian
cosmic horror, they all exist, because the
imagination creates it. Don’t go chasing rabbits, you
will end up wandering Wonderland forever.
At the bottom of every rabbit hole is a rabbit
that is forever digging. However, they can only dig
wherever you go looking for them, except that they
will always be a hundred feet away, like the light of
a flashlight illuminating an area in front of you.
Remember, Elmer Fudd never got to Bugs, and he
only harmed himself in the process. I believe these
phantasms we chase are parasitic thoughtforms that
can only exist where we give them a place to exist.
In our minds. I think this is the meaning of “home is
where the heart is”. Let me explain.
Every hero’s journey concludes with the
protagonist returning home. In Paulo Coelho’s The
Alchemist, the main character Santiago goes
looking for treasure, only to end up being led right
back to the very place he started, years later. Spoiler
alert, but he ends up finding his treasure there. In
the old story Acres of Diamonds, an African farmer
sells his farm so he can go out looking for
diamonds. He ends up finding nothing and commits
suicide. Meanwhile, the man who bought his farm
ends up finding diamonds underneath his newly
purchased property.
In The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath by
H. P. Lovecraft, Randolph Carter frequently dreams
of a beautiful city. After the dreams abruptly stop,
he decides to make his way to Kadath, the abode of
the gods, to question them about the location of the
beautiful place. However, after a dangerous
adventure, he arrives to find it empty. He finds out
that the gods have abandoned Kadath to go live in
the city of he dreamt of, which drives him nearly
mad. However, he later discovers that his dreams
were nothing more than childhood memories of his
home town in Boston. Carter then realizes he is
dreaming and wakes up in his home town with the
gods back in Kadath angry and defeated.
The principalities and powers we fear so
much truly need us. I believe they rely on our divine
power to create the worlds they live in. They are
literal leeches, but in a different lens, they may be
viewed as our own shadows, who are able to teach
us, through fear, about who we are and what we’re
capable of. Without us, there is no them, and so
they must be a part of us. Truly there is nothing to
seek or nowhere to go, and to find heaven, is to
return home. Simple, everyday life.
A critical look at the strange synchronicities in our
world that point to us existing inside of what I call
the Saturn Time Cube Simulation.

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