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The Tree of Porphyry: Metaphysical Grades of Being

That refers to the essence of a being and is refers to the existence of a being.
When you think about the essence of a being, it is composed of matter and form; when
you think about its existence you think about its logical or real existence. A being’s
essence is composed of matter and form. The matter of a being’s essence is divided into
two albeit, Prime Matter and Secondary matter. Prime Matter is pure potency and
Secondary Matter is everything we see, objects we see in actuality fall under Secondary
Matter. The form of the essence of a being is divided into two albeit, Substantial Form
and Accidental Form. When you think about substance we explain it using the tree of

The tree of porphyry starts with being. Being is either corporeal or incorporeal; if
it is incorporeal it is a soul, if it is corporeal it possesses a body. When a being is
corporeal and possesses a body, a body is either organic or inorganic; if it is inorganic, it
refers to the stones and minerals of the earth, if it is organic it refers to bodies that can
grow and ingest. Ingestion and growth which is a property of an organic substance can be
referred to two beings albeit, plants and animals; they are either sentient or non sentient.
The faculty of a being of sentience can be referred to animals; animals, which are sentient
beings, are either rational or irrational. Irrational animals are referred to brute animals and
rational animals are referred to man.

The tree of Porphyry explains the metaphysical grades of being. The lowest form
of being is that which occupies space; rocks and minerals. Next to those who occupy
space are those who have the faculty of growth and ingestion; plants. Beings next to
plants are animals that are sentient. Brute animals are sentient but there is a higher being
next to brute animals albeit, man. Man is on the top of the metaphysical grades of being
because man occupies space, has the faculty of growth and ingestion, has the faculty to
feel that indicates sentience and has reason which distinguishes him from other beings
below the metaphysical grades. Nevertheless, a being is not only corporeal, a being is
also incorporeal which means that spirits and souls are also beings that has reason that
transcends human reason which makes the incorporeal on top of the metaphysical grades
of being.

Mita n
s a ls
A n im
P la n ts
R o c k s a n d M in e r a ls
Being is that which is

That which is

That Is
Essece Existence

Logical or Actual
Matter Form

Prime Matter Secondary Matter Substance Accidence

1. Quality
Pure Potency Actual Existing
Corporeal Incorporeal 2. Quantity
(Nothingness) Objects
3. Action
4. Passtion
5. Habit
6. Relation
7. Time
8. Space
Organic (Plants) Inorganic Spirit and Souls 9. Posture

Sentient Non-Sentient
Stones and Minerals
(Animals) (Plants)

Rational Irrational

Man Brute Animals

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