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Vocabulary Test A | 01

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

1 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 Teenagers do too little sport and eat too much fatty food, which is why more and more of them are
becoming o _ _ _ e.
2 ‘What’s Barrie’s m _ _ _ _ _ l s _ _ _ _ s?’ ‘He’s single.’
3 My Uncle Benjamin is 84, so he has a lot of w _ _ _ _ _ _ s on his face.
4 My older sister Clara, who is quite n _ _ _ _ w-m _ _ _ _ d, is not at all open to new ideas.
5 I like to put my t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t on every morning and go jogging.
___ / 5

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 You look really embarrassed / upset / exhausted. Is something wrong?
2 Peter’s very outgoing / patient / reliable – if he promises to do something, he always does it.
3 It was very unimaginative / unselfish / impolite of you to share all your sweets with your little brother.
4 I need to buy a leather handbag / scarf / hoodie to go with my new coat.
5 He works out at the gym daily, which is why he’s got such a handsome / muscular / plain body.
___ / 5

3 Translate the fragments in brackets to complete the sentences.

1 Boris always ______________________________ (tyje) whenever he stops playing tennis.
2 I’m afraid ______________________________ (jestem beznadziejny w) chess. I always lose.
3 She ______________________________ (ma przebite uszy) and wears some beautiful gold earrings.
4 Why don’t you go ______________________________ (wybierzesz ciemniejsze kolory)? You look very good
in black.
5 Why are you ______________________________ (w złym nastroju)?
___ / 5

4 Match the words in the box with the definitions below. There are two extra words.
attitude wisdom pride freedom kindness admiration self-esteem
1 a person’s opinion of their own value: _______________
2 the quality of possessing knowledge and good judgment: _______________
3 the ability to say or do what one chooses: _______________
4 an opinion about something: _______________
5 the quality of being friendly and willing to help: _______________
___ / 5
5 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets. EXTENDED
Police are looking for a middle-aged man whose country of (1) __________ (reside) is either Belgium
or Switzerland. He’s got long hair with a (2) __________ (recede) hairline. His most (3) __________
(distinguish) feature is a large scar on his left cheek. ‘This man has no sense of (4) __________ (moral),’
a police spokesperson warned. She added that investigators are very (5) __________ (frustrate) at their lack
of progress and would appreciate help from the public.
___ / 5

6 Complete the sentences with the correct words. Some letters have been given.
1 ‘What is her ethnic o _ _ _ _ n?’ ‘She’s Caucasian.’
2 Caroline is so s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c – she’s always willing to listen about her friends’ problems.
3 ‘Can I try this shirt on?’ ‘Yes, of course. What c _ _ _ _ r size do you take?’
4 Janet was p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d when she realised she was lost and couldn’t remember the address of her hotel.
5 The programme aims to help teenagers develop a more positive s _ _ _ -i _ _ _ e.
___ / 5

TOTAL: ___ / 20 EXTENDED: ___ / 30

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