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Name: _________________________________

Matura Leader Plus - B2

Unit 1 test
1. Write these words in English / Hungarian. (20p)
citizenship – napbarnított –
obese – csecsemő –
dyed hair – lázadó –
absent-minded – csipke –
wellingtons – legközelebbi rokon –
coward – pontos (időben) –
feel blue – szenvedélyes –
birthmark – bő szabású –
hilarious – kiszámítható –
irritable – kegyes hazugság –

2. Write the adjectives into the correct column, with their prefixes. (10p)
patient, mature, honest, responsible, reliable, decisive, polite, sociable, sincere, reasonable,

dis- in- im- ir- un-

e.g. impatient

3. Use the correct form of the words in brackets. (5p)

a) Adolescents use social media on a ________________ (day) basis.
b) Emoticons are regularly used to represent happiness, anger or _____________________
c) I had to make a very hard __________________ (decide) yesterday.
d) We often search profiles of people we share common _______________________
(character) with.
e) We like to share our emotions, likes and dislikes and __________________ (believe).

4. Complete the gaps with ONLY ONE word. (5p)

a) Children are turned into selfie stars by parents posting ______________ photos on social
media sites.
b) What’s the harm in posting ____________ picture of yourself drinking coffee, with the
caption, ’It’s 5am and I _____________ drinking coffee’?
c) It’s just a way to let your friends __________________ what’s going on in your life.
d) Are the parents _____________ harm to their children?

5. Write the correct preposition. (10p)

about, on, at, up, for, from, in, of

a) It’s amazing how they managed to bring ___________ such kind and polite children.
b) I warned you ______________ his Michael’s laziness, but you wouldn’t listen.
c) Why are you staring ____________ me like that?
d) It’s a bad idea to waste money ___________ unnecessary things.
e) Our family consists ___________ 4 members.
f) After two weeks Bob finally recovered __________ a terrible flu.
g) I apologise ___________ not paying enough attention to you.
h) Why don’t you invest ___________ a laptop?
i) Do we have to dress ___________ for the party, or is it something casual?
j) Being blind and deaf didn’t rob Helen __________ the ability to love or be loved.

Total: ______ / 50p

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