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 1939-1945 1st Estate (political power)

AXIS POWERS 2nd Estate (political power)

 Germany, Italy, Japan 3rd Estate (tiers etat)


 France, Great Britain, United States, USSR 3rd world – areas of the world (mostly former colonies)
that the two worlds wanted to gain
Third World
✔ Post WW II – aid to Europe
Underdeveloped and poor countries characterized by:
✔ 1950s-1960s – assistance to the 3rd world
▪ High unemployment
✔ 1970s- rural development & basic needs
▪ Famine
✔ 1990s – human development
▪ Overpopulation
✔ 2000s – sustainable development
▪ Economic instability
▪ Oppression
BEFORE: With capitalism
PEOPLE HAD RAW MATERIALS: One man became the
owner of vast  The existence of free exchange of goods,
services, culture, and even people, between
and among countries (Levitt, 1983)
EXCESS FOOD ARE EXCHANGED WITH: He bought  The increased interconnectedness and
materials, tools, machines interdependence of peoples and countries, is
generally understood to include two inter-
OTHER PEOPLE'S PRODUCTS: He bought labor related elements: the opening of international
COLONIZED PERSPECTIVE borders to increasingly fast flows of goods,
services, finance, people and ideas; and the
Results: changes in institutions and policies at national
Owners owned the products and international levels that facilitate or
promote such flows (WHO)
Only a few people owned lands  The growing interdependence of the world’s
economies, cultures, and populations, brought
People sold their labor
about by cross-border trade in goods and
Excess products are owned by owners services, technology, and flows of investment,
people, and information (Peterson Institute for
International Economics)
 The closer integration of national economies
through trade and financial flows as well as
cross-border migration of people . As national
economies open up and lower their external
barriers, they become more exposed –and more
vulnerable –to global forces and influences.

(United Nations Conference on Trade and

1. Globalization is about liberalization & global
integration of markets
FOUR FREEDOMS (European Union)
2. Globalization is inevitable & irreversible
1. Free movement of goods or products. –made
possible by liberalization or the abolition of tax on 3. Nobody is in-charge of Globalization
imported goods (tariff)
4. Globalization benefits everyone
2. Free movement of capital or investment. – made
5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy
possible through deregulation/ the lifting of strict
banking and financial regulations. 6. Globalization requires war on terror
3. Free movement of services. Aspects of Globalization
4. Free movement of persons. -achieved through the POSITIVE
loosening or abolition of visa restrictions and barriers to
migration 1. Multiculturalism & multilingualism

2. Free Trade

GLOBALIZATION VS. INTERNATIONALIZATION 3. Cultural & educational exchanges

≡ Internationalization-processes and systems that 4. Migration

pertain to relationships between nation-states (Timor 5. Global cooperation
Leste, Brexit)

≡Globalization-processes and systems related to global

social relations or interactions between and/or NEGATIVE
transnational entities. (ASEAN and EU, UNESCO) 1. Linguistic hegemony of English

2. Cultural homogenization
PERSPECTIVES ON GLOBALIZATION 3. Third World dependence on First World
Anti-globalization: objectives 4. Global income and wealth inequality
 End the highly imbalanced system that favors 5. Tax injustice
the First World over the third world,
 Corporations over citizens & communities 6. racism and anti-immigrant sentiment
 Profit-seeking over environmental sustainability

Alter-globalization: objective

 Change the current system of globalization

Make it:

1. more humane
2. more pro-environment
3. more grassroots-driven (rather than top-down)

Globalization benefits everyone

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