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Class Period:________________ DATE:_________________

Choir Semester Exam 2022

A. Rhythm: Fill in each blank with the correct answer or note.

1. What kind of note? ___________________

How many beats? ___________________

2. What kind of note? ___________________

How many beats? ___________________

3. . What kind of note? ___________________

How many beats? ____________________

4. What kind of note? ___________________

How many beats? ____________________

5. What kind of note? ___________________

How many beats? ____________________

6. What kind of rest? ____________________

How many beats? ____________________

7. What kind of rest? ____________________

How many beats? ____________________

8. What kind of rest? ____________________

How many beats? ____________________

9. What kind of rest? ____________________

How many beats? ____________________
B. Music Math: Add up the beats to get a total.

10. + = ________________ (Total Beats)

11. + = ________________ (Total Beats)

12. + + + = ________________ (Total Beats)

13. + = ________________ (Total Beats)

14. Tell how many beats are in a measure. ____________

15. Tell how many beats are in a measure. ____________

C. Note Anatomy: Identify the music terms for the following parts of a note.

I pledge allegiance…

Like a plant….

2 words…
D. Matching Musical Terms: Place the correct letter in the blank.
Word Bank:

16. _______ Fortissimo, very loud a. mp

17. _______ Forte, loud b. ff

18. _______ Mezzo forte, medium loud c. decrescendo

19. _______ Mezzo piano, medium soft d. p

20. _______ Piano, soft e. mf

21. _______ Pianissimo, very soft f. f

22. _______ Gradually getting louder g. pp

23. _______ Gradually getting softer h. crescendo

E. Identify the Scale: Match up each scale with the name of the scale.

25. ________ D F R S M L F T S D L R T M D 2. Scale in 3rds

26. ________ D Di R Ri M F Fi S Si L Li T D T Te L Le S Se F M Me R Ra D 3. Scale in 4ths

27. ________ D R M F S L T D 4. Chromatic

28. ________ D M R F M S F L S T L D T R D 5. Triad Routine

F. Key Signatures

29. F Major / ______ Sharp/Flat / Do is on _____________________

30. G Major / ______ Sharp/Flat / Do is on _____________________

31. C Major / ______ Sharp/Flat / Do is on ________________OR ________________

G. Essay

Prompt: Write about what music means to you. Why you love it, how it makes you feel,
and how it has changed you.


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