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“Maple Sugaring” Poem: QUIZ

Question #1 BEST: FL-ELA.K12.EE.2.1, FL-ELA.K12.EE.3.1

“Do you know how to make johnnie cakes?” she asks, throwing snow on the fire.
“If you come here tomorrow early
I’ll teach you.” And I feel as big as trees must feel when
they all sing together in the spring.
The following passage (lines 73–79) mainly show that .

A. the speaker is self-satisfied and thinks her “maple sugaring” was so good that her aunt wants to teach her something else.
B. the speaker is delighted and honored that her aunt wants to teach her another recipe.
C. the speaker is annoyed that her aunt has been scolding her all day and then suddenly starts being kind.
D. the speaker is embarrassed that her aunt is giving her attention.

Question # 2 BEST: FL-ELA.K12.EE.2.1, FL-ELA.K12.EE.3.1

The use of repetition mostly contributes to the poem by .

A. showing the speaker has never made this recipe before and is trying to repeat her aunt’s directions to herself so that she can
remember them
B. showing the speaker is very tired of stirring and wants to stop
C. establishing the somber tone of the poem
D. establishing the character of the speaker and creating a sense that “maple sugaring” is a ritual or tradition.

Question # 3 BEST: FL-ELA.K12.EE.2.1.

Which of these is most closely a central idea of “Maple Sugaring”?

A. “Maple sugaring” is a tradition that is passed down within this family and creates a bond between its members.
B. “Maple sugaring” is a tedious process that the speaker must undertake for the sake of the family.
C. The speaker is a good person because she looks after her siblings and helps cook for the family.
D. The speaker’s aunt is overbearing and critical despite the speaker’s best efforts to master “maple sugaring.”

Question # 4 BEST: FL-ELA.K12.EE.1.1, FL-ELA.K12.EE.2.1

Which passage from the text best supports the correct answer to Question 3?
A. “‘If you come here tomorrow early / I’ll teach you.’ / And I feel as big as trees must feel / when they all sing together in the spring.”
B. “Aunt Alberta watches scowling from the kitchen window / comes out to throw a little green wood under the kettle”
C. “collect a tiny amount of sap from each annoyed tree / tip birchbark basket into a bucket / tree to tree to tree”
D. “boil / boil / simmer / boil / stir with a long wooden spoon”

Questions # 5 – 7 BEST: FL-ELA.K12.R.3

Figurative Language: select the answer choice for each example from the poem that shows its figurative language

5. “collect a tiny amount of sap from each annoyed tree”

A. simile
B. alliteration
C. personification

6. “dumping it into the pot/black iron kettle/like a cauldron/hangs above the fire”
A. metaphor
B. alliteration
C. simile

7. “Every once in a while/dribble some sap onto the snow”

A. metaphor
B. alliteration
C. personification

Question # 8 – 12 BEST: FL-ELA.K.12.EE.2.1

VOCABULARY-- match each vocabulary word to its synonym or best meaning.

A. dribble B. solemn C. command D. scowl E. tender

8. To give an order _____

9. look with anger or disapproval ____

10. to fall in drops ____

11. delicate or gentle ____

12. somber or serious ____

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