Unit Two Ancient and Classical World Civilizations

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2.1 General Survey of Ancient World
I. Africa
A. Ancient Egypt
The civilization of ancient Egypt;
- began at about 3000 BC.
- it flourished in the Nile Valley of north Africa
- majorities of Egyptians were poor farmers.
o Their crops were wheat, barley, onion, flax,
and vegetable produced in the Nile valley.
o Keepers of cattle, goat, and other domestic
o The rulers of Egypt were known as
- Their servants, scribes, and tax collectors used
to supervise peasants labour and production.
- The Responsibility of Egyptian peasants
o undertook irrigation activities,
o engaged on the construction of huge
temples and tombs.
The tombs constructed for pharaoh are known as
pyramids.Ancient Egyptians believed in the life
after death.The process of preservation of the
body is called mummification.
- Egyptian developed the art of writing know as
o was a pictorial form of writing and one of
the oldest of its kind.
o was at first curved on the walls and pillars
of the palace and temples.
o they introduced paper like substance,
known as papyrus.
The early writings were about religion,
such as the “Book of Dead”.
They advanced
- mathematics and medicine.
- architectures, ex. Pyramids and Sphinxes
- art related with their religion
Ancient Egyptian had related religious, cultural,
and commercial relation with Ethiopia.
1.When and where did the ancient Egyptian
civilization flourished?
2.What was the economic basis of ancient
3. What were the rulers of Egypt?
4.The process of preservation of the body is
5.Egyptian developed the art of writing know as
Kushities state
- was a kingdom along the Nile River in what in
now northeastern Sudan?
- It existed as early as 2000BC and lasted until
- the kingdom exported slaves, cattle, gold and
 Egypt conquered Kush in the 1500’s BC and
the Kushities adopted elements of Egyptian
arts, languages, religions.
 The Kushities conquered the Egypt from 8th
century BC up to 670 BC (when Assyrian
from Asia invaded Egypt).
- The Assyrian invaded Napata (capital) of
Kush. Kushities moved to south and founded
another capital Meroe.
- At Meroe their kingdom flourished again,
iron ore, iron tools, weapons, and free from
the influence of Egyptian’s art, architectures,
language and culture.
- In 350AD the king Ezana invaded and
destroyed Meroe.

- was one of the greatest cities of ancient times
stood a peninsula in North Africa near the
present day Tunis.
- was founded by Phoenician seamen as a trade
and shipping outpost at about 814 BC.
- it grew quickly b/c of its location and excellent
- Cartage was probably the first city state to
growth to large empire. Its empire included;
-much of north Africa, -south
Spain, sardine,
-Corsica and -western
half of Sicily.
- the people of Carthage were more interested
in trade than in conquest.
When Roman want to take Sicily, Carthage
fought and lost three wars called the Punic
war, especially from 149-146 BC. Then
Carthage became part of Roman Empire.
- It people have leaved in the region for 1000
of years.
- The Shona people began their about 1000AD.
- They build the city called Zimbabwe or great
Zimbabwe (meaning in Shona language
“house of stone”).
 During the 1400’s a branch of Shona, called
the Karanga, established the Mwenemutapa
empire, (include most of now Zimbabwe).
 Karanga traded ivory, gold and copper
for porcelain from china and cloth &
beads from India and Indonesia.
 The Rozw built a southern Karanga group,
rebelled in the late of 1400’s and founded the
Changamire Empire.
 This empire became stronger than
Mwenemutapa Empire and took over the
city of Zimbabwe. It built the city’s large
 Changamire Empire defeated by Nguni
people and the city was abandoned since
II. Asia
- It included the area that is now eastern Syria,
south eastern turkey and most of Iraq.
- The name of Mesopotamia comes from Greek
word meanings “between rivers.”
- Village had be established the southern
Mesopotamia by about 5000BC
- Before 3500BC new settle arrive in the
region. The settlers were known as
Sumerians and the area is known as
o they build the first cites in the world.
o they invented the world’s first system of
writing called cuneiform.
o they developed mathematics, astronomy,
medicine and metal works.
- Persian was a land that included parts of
what are now Iran and Afghanistan.
o The Persian called the region the “land of
the Aryans” from which the name Iran
o The Persian called their language Aryan.
- The early Persian were nomads who came to
the area about 900BC.
- They create large empire that lasted for over
200 years.
o they made important contribution
-in government, law, and religion
-developed an efficient “pony express”
relay system of postal service.
In the 500’s BC Persian became the center
from North Africa and southeast Europe in the west
of vasttoempire
India in thewhich
east andextended:
from the Gulf of Oman in the south to the Caucasus
Mountain in the north .

- The Persian developed a cuneiform system

of writings.
- Their religion was known as Zoroastrianism
founded by Prophet Zoroaster (or
India civilization
- began about 2500BC in the Indus valley in
what is now Pakistan and west India.
- the ruins of the ancient cities of Harappa and
Mohenjo-Daro tell much about this
- They achieved
o cities’ public baths and well-planed
o system of counting, measuring, weighting
and writing.
o dug ditches and canals for irrigation,
o copper and bronze tool, mirror, pots, pans
and crafted silver and gold ornaments.
- Hindu was developed from the belief of early
Indo-Aryan. Later Buddhism emerged from
Hinduism as reform movement.
 Different explanation are given for decline
and disappearance of Indian civilization;
1. The invasion by Aryans from north
destroyed around 1500BC.
2. The drying up of Hakra River and
change in the course of Indus valley which
disrupted agriculture and economic system.
- The ancient Chinese civilization reaches the
highest stages about 3000BCin valley of
Hwang Ho (present –day china).
- Earliest two states were
1. Shang
o Was ruled from 1700-1122B.C
o Its achievements were bronze vessels,
war chariots, and writing system.
o In 1122 defeated by Chou.
2. Chou
o Ruled the empire until 1122-256 B.C
o It believed its ruling by Mandate of
o This dynast circle continued up to 1912.
o Chou replaced by Qin dynasty- 221BC-
o Qin dynasty replaced by Han dynasty-in
- The greatest philosophy of china was
Confucianism by Confucius (551-479 BC).
- It teaches the important of well-order society
in which
o Parent ruled their children
o Men rule women,
o Educated ruled the common people.
- The Great Wall of China was constructed by
the ancient chines to keep from invaders
from central Asia.
- The Chinese were developed their own
writing system called logographic.
- were native America people who develop a
magnificent in western hemisphere.
- its peak from about 250 to 900AD.
- produced remarkable architectures, painting,
pottery, and sculpture.
- Advanced in astronomy, mathematics, and
developed accurate year calendar.
- Worshipped many god and goddesses
- Today the descendants of Maya lived in
Mexico and centera America.
- Finally in the end of 16th c they conquered by
- They were south America native people
- They ruled the largest and richest empire.
- They began to expanded territories since
1438 A.D and included the present day
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and
- Its capital was Cusco, southern Peru.
- The skilled in engineering and craft, built
network of road, fine cotton and woolen
- Finally conquered by Spanish force after
- natives of America, ruled powerful empire in
Mexico in 15th and 16th centuries including
many cities. The largest city was Tenochtitlan
(present Mexico).
- Their economic base of agriculture and
mainly produced the corns.
- They worshipped on god and goddesses
- They used pictorial writing system.
- They destroyed by the Spanish force in 1521.

Civilizations in European
Greece- a country with its boundary
Greek- is an inhabitant or resident of Greece.
- The birth place of western civilization about
2500 yrs ago.
- Its great achievements in government,
science, philosophy, architecture, sculptures
and art.
- They developed the small city-states called
Polis consisted of a city or town and
surrounding villages and farmland.
- Two known city states were Athens and
- Greeks had common language, religion, and
- Ancient Greeks called themselves Hellenes
and their land Hellas
- Developed drama, democracy, psychology,
Olympic, and marathon.
- From many peoples one people were called
- They settled on the hills above the river Tiber
in central Italy around 753BC.
- City and empire originated at the same place.
- Ancient Rome had great influence the
western civilization.
o their ancient language became the basis of
French, Italian Spanish and other
o Their law became basis for modern legal
system of most of countries in Europe and
Latin America.
o Its road, Spanish, bridge, and aqueducts
served as model for engineers.
Ancient Romans
- Built public baths, and amphitheater. Known
was coliseum.
- Borrowed from Greek and developed
sculpture, painting art and by native Italians.
- Law of Rome still prated in the modern
- Literature was greatly influenced by Greek
poetry and drama.
Political ancient Rome
- At the being Rome ruled by series kings.
- The roman republic established in 509 BC.
- In the republic two elected officials
i. Consuls
o headed the government of republic
o its serve for only a year.
ii. The senate
o Most powerful government of republic
o Senators were served for life.
- Roman republic lasted near for 500 years
- Julius Caesar was one of dictator king.
He created a calendar call Julian with 365
days in a year.
- After 20 years civil war with republic roman
empire established
- The empire lasted until Rome fell in 476 AD.
- Reason for decline were
2.2 The rise and spread of Christianity.
- Christianity emerged in Palestine in the 1st
century AD.
- The religion on based on the teaching of
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in Judea part of
Palestine, when under the Roman Empire.
The followers of Jesus are known as
- Christians believed that
o Jesus was the son of God sent to
mankind as savior, or Christ in heaven.
Responses of roman government
- At the beginning it considered as one a
branch of Jewish religion and treat normal.
- But later it recognized Christianity as a threat
o unit and reform
- So it undertook to illuminate Christians. This
was because of Christian became loyalty of
christen to “Jesus as Lord’’. This attack directly
the worship of emperor as “Lord”.
- From 300yrs Christine persecuted by Roman
government. It was severe during the ;
o Emperor Nero(54-68AD)
o Emperor Diocletian (245-313AD)
Christians were denied Roman citizenship,
confiscated their land and properties, many
were killed and other suffered torture.
- However large number of people attracted by
the Christian such as “equality of men before
God” which appealed special poor and
- After long period of time the response of
roman emperor
 In the 4th century AD emperor Constantine
(r.324 -337)
 ordered religious toleration(called
the Edict of Milan).
 b/c of this Christianity got freedom
from persecution.
 Later E. constantan was converted
and Christianity got privilege place in
 In 392AD the emperor Theodosius (r. 79-
 proclaimed the official state religion
 It got wide speared acceptance
through the empire.
- During the European meddle age Christianity
replaced the roman empire as a unified fore
in western Europe.
Beginning of church split
- During early Christian era, Rome and
constantnoble computed for religious
- In 1054 church split into
 Roman catholic and
 Greek Orthodox Church. This was b/c of
 computation for religious powers
 dis agreement on the view of church
language and rituals
 ………..
- Greek orthodox split in to a number of
eastern orthodox churches,
- In 15 17 a movement known as reformation
by pope mart Luther the western Christians
divided in to the
1. Roman catholic church
2. Protestantism
2.3 the Aksumite state
- Aksum was not the first state in Ethiopia b/c
there were pre Aksumite states, punt and
Damat and others.
- well organized communities had occupied
sites like yaha, Coloe, Matara, Hawelti and
- exact time of Aksum emerged as center of
state is not known b/c of the lack of source.
But using few evidence of Periples of Eritrean
sea scholars assume
o the origin of Aksum in the middle of 2nd
century BC.
Periples of Eritrean Sea
 It was the manual or handbook used by
 was written by unknown author in
 It provided detailed account of Aksum,
the red sea, and the Gulf of Aden coasts.
 It indicates port of Aksum was Adulis.
 It state king of Aksumite was Zoscale
and he could communicate with Greek.
- At the beginning Aksum state dominated by
land owners, based on agriculture.
- But later Aksumite economy became highly
depend on the income from red sea trade of
Port of Adulis;
 render shipping serves
 also it served as market
 very important trade routes stretch on
the interior of Aksum.
- Aksum control both internal and external
trade became prospers.
- King of Aksum further promoted the trade by
issuing coins for an international trade.
- Using this income Aksumite state built
magnificent Stael, palace, and churches which
indicate it civilization.
- In order to protect this lucrative trade and
trade routes Aksum rulers built a strong
military force using income from the red sea
- During the heydays Aksum’s territorial
extended The whole region between
o in the west, The highland region
overlooking the blue Nile (Abay) river.
o in the north , Northern tip of Eritrea
o in south, North showa
o in the east, the red sea coast
 Aksum had controlled territories in the parts
of south Arabian probably in desire for
controlling the red sea trade on both sides. It
was b/n 3rd and 6th century.
R/ship of Aksum
o had close diplomatic and commercial
relationship with
- Eastern Roman Empire, Greek, states of
Middle East, Near East, Egypt, countries of
India ocean coast. As result it exposed to
Greco-Roman world.
Introduction of Christianity to Aksumite
- In the middle of 4th century
- During the reign of king Ezana.
- It introduction was not well planned
missionary activities, rather by accident
because of diplomatic and commercial
relation b/n Ethiopia and Egypt.
- The Aksumite king Ezana (r. 320-350) was
the first to accept Christianity by Fermatas
(later the first Bishop Abba Salama) around
330AD. Since then Christianity
official/state religion in Aksum.
- Christianity confined to the court but later
Nine saints come to Aksum in the end of 5th
century from Syria were preach it to mass
Nine saints
o preached the religion among the
ordinary society
o built churches and monasteries,
o they translate the bible and other
religion books to Geez.
Geez began to serve as the church
Following the introduction of Christianity long
lasting re/ship b/n Ethiopia and Egypt,
specially Ethiopian church depend on the
Egypt church by importing bishop up to 1958.
Decline and fall of Aksum
There were several Causes, but few of them can
classify in to two;
 external factors;
1. the Aksumite government faced a
serious competition from south Arabia
during kaleb(r.500-533). The Aksumite
soldiers and government expelled from
south Arabia b/n 580-590 and Aksum lost
it control of the other side of red sea.
2. The rise of Islam in the 7th century in
Arabs and destroyed the main and decisive
ports of Adulis.
The two reasons resulted in the economic
and military weakness of Aksum
 Internal factors
3. Internal rebellion from Beja and Others,
Aksum couldn’t crushed its.
Finally the Aksumite replaced by new
dynasty known as Zagwe around 1150 AD.
Legacies of Aksumite civilization
Aksum existed as the center of biggest
civilization for many centuries and had many
 Aksumite temple
 Iron tools
 Obelisks
 Ornament
 Pottery
 Bricks
 Coins
 tombs
- shipping building technology was well
known in Adulis.
- Using the writing in Greek, sabean and
geez language indicted the development
of Aksumite literature and craft.
- Ruin of building now center of tourism.
The rise and speared of Islam
- was rise in the 7th century AD in Arabia
and it transformed the religion, political,
social structures and of middle east
Pre Islamic Arabia
 they were dis united,
 b/c of harsh environment the Arabs
were organized under clans
representative by a tittle head
sheikh(chosen from leading families)
 was a mix of polytheism (worshipped
gods and goddesses), Christianity,
Judaism, and Iranian religions.
 Believe in animistic gods/sprite, like
tree, wall, black stone etc.
- They were nomadic in their life
- Following domestication of camel they traded b/n Parisian gulf and
Mediterranean Sea.

The found prophet if Islam, Muhammad was born around the

year 570AD to the Banu Hashim clan of the Quash tribe, one of
Mecca's families.
He married to Khadija, a widow of rich merchant. he was
merchant until he began preaching a new religion, Islam in
610 AD.
In Arabic the word
- Islam means “surrender” or “submission” to the will of God.
- Muslim means “one who submitted to the will of God”, follower of Islam.
- Allah means God

- Jihad= Islamic holy war

- Hejira= flight /immigration
- Successors (caliphs).
- Islam’s central teaching is “there is single God and belongs to
one community Umma.
- Islam teaches all Muslim are equal before God and all Muslim
Mohammed is his messenger or prophet.
- Mohamed began experienced Islam at the age of 40 and
preach to his relatives, then to general public.
- Why Mohamed opposed by his tribe Quraysh?
Teaching of Mohamed attacked idolatry and affect the income
of Meccan Qurayshs.

- In the year 622 AD Mohamed immigrated to

yathrib/Medina=meaning city of prophet. The flight of
Mohamed from mecca to medina is known as Hejira.
- At medina Mohamed got many followers and captured Mecca
in 630 by using his large force.
- At mecca he destroyed idols but retain the black stone, kaaba
which had great respect through Arabia.
- For the first Muslims, Mohamed
Teach and preach
freely(teacher and
Chief judge
Commander of the
Head of state
- Mohamed died in 632, four leaders elected from Quraysh
tribe turn by turn as his successors (caliphs).
1. Abu bakr (632-34)
2. Umar (634-44)
3. Othman(644-56) and
4. Ali 656-61
These caliphs
untied Arabs and speared Islam far.
Created a huge Islamic empire.
- Mohamed had use of the use the Arabic tribal custom of
making raids against one’s enemies (jihad). Mohamed’s
successor used it to expand the movement.
- Using jihad Arabs expanded;
In 636 AD defeated the byzantine army and some years
after took control of Syria.
In 650 AD conquered entire Persia
In 642 AD conquered Egypt and other countries of north
Begging century cross across north Africa
Conquered Berber and converted to Islam, the straight of
Gibraltar and occupied south Spain.
In 732 they were defeated at the battle of tours, south
- With 100 years after the death of Prophet Mohammed a vast
muslin Arab empire was created. It included;
 Arabian  Caucasus in  Parts of china
peninsula Russia  Philippines
 North Africa  Afghanistan
 Turkey  Pakistan
 Iran  East indies
 Iraq  Southeastern
 Turkistan Europe
 Indian
- This large scale was achieved under four successive Muslim
Caliphates Abba sid
Ummayads Ottomans
- The basic features of Muslim Arab civilization is not purely
Arabia in all aspects.
- The expansion resulted
o Large empire and followers
o Spread Islam in the world,
o Arabic became international language spoken in the vast
Muslim empire
o Great wealth and new ethnic groups
o It civilization influenced by the culture of byzantine,
Persian empires.
- In 8th and 9th c many Greek, Syrian, and Persian science and
philosophic works were translated to Arabic.

- Muslim contributed to logic and science of nature such as

mathematics, chemistry, medicine, astronomy, metaphysics,
ethics and politics.
- Their architecture showed their Art and science
- Extensive trade conducted with other world which resulted
Islam in the horn of Africa
- Islam introduced to the horn of Africa in a peaceful way. Jihad
launched is not declared to horn Africa b/c of the favor that the

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Aksumite k/dom had done for the early Muslim refugees. Warm
well come and good attitude of king of Aksumite to the daughter
of Mohamed Rukiya and some followers in 615 up to 628.
- Introduced peacefully means of trade.
- Muslim clergies and merchants were the missioners of Islam.
- Islam introduce through three main gate ways
A. The red sea in the north
- Through the Dahlak island and Dahlak sultanate founded in the
ten century.
- Covert pastoral people in lowland of red sea
- But could not penetrate to interior of north Ethiopia b/c of
Christianity was well organized in the highland region.
B. The gulf of Aden
- Through The port of Zeila
- Large Muslim Arabs merchants were used this route to spread
Islam and this direction was successful to Harar, Wollo, shewa
- Several Muslim sultanates were established through this
C. The Indian ocean
- through the coastal town of Mogadishu, Brava and Mercs.
- Arabs and non-Arabs Muslims were settled in these towns since
10th century.
From all gates, Gulf of Aden through Zeila was the major
Introduction of Islam to horn of Africa followed by Muslim

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Islam and trade led to the emergence of several Muslim
sultanates. You will learn each under unit three.
End of unit Two

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