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Child Guidance

Ellen G. White

The home is where a youngster should begin their education. The first teachers for
children should be their parents. Education and training should begin when the child is still a
baby since the mind is most receptive and lessons are more likely to retain in a child's memory
while they are young. The Bible ought to be the young child's first book. Educate the students
that God's commandments should be the rule of their lives. The lifelong benefits of the lessons
they gained as children and teenagers will outweigh any circumstances that might cause them to
be separated from their families and homes. They must show that they are the ones in charge and
in charge as parents, not their children. Children should not be taught that they must receive
anything they request. Let's prove to them that real commitment is marked by compliance.

The pursuit of character development is a lifelong endeavor that never ends. The most
honorable thing a man can do is work on developing his character because it is more valuable
than material possessions. Church schools and colleges cannot replace the opportunities that
exist in the home for building a child's character and laying the right foundation. By receiving a
good education from an early age, children should be equipped to fulfill their religious
obligations, making them suitable for service in the courts above. As soon as the youngster
begins exercising independent judgment and choosing his own course, he should begin teaching
him about discipline. The regulations of the school should be added to the home-based
instruction, and both at home and at school, simplicity and godliness should be kept.

God desires that parents and educators teach kids about the duties of daily living in a
realistic way. The mother needs to begin the assignment at home and carefully finish it in the
school. In many areas of life, temperance education and practice are essential. We must identify
as God's odd people if we want to remain secure. We must uphold our moral integrity and refuse
to acquiesce in any way to the idolatrous and immoral customs and trends of this disintegrating
time. Your level of Christian faith might be determined by how well your family is run. God's
law ought to be the fundamental lesson for the family. Both words and deeds should be
motivated by Christian principles. Parents must be aware of their responsibility to introduce their
children to God as their heavenly Father. Let children and their parents remember that they are
all building a character every day, and that this character's characteristics are written in the

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